Morality vs. Instinct and READING

Matthew Hamon photographed the people he met along the waterways of Montana, USA. Here, Jessica stands in the water with her horse.

Eerie, but beautiful. IMO especially in light of biblical type stuff about

“blood rising to the horse’s bridle.” Hard to explain. But I wrote about it in one or more of my posts. 1600 furlongs and the White House (1600 Pennsylvania Ave) and the other measure i figured out meant the Vatican (the area size) but have kind of divorced since because of the barrage of bad stuff and because it’s been a while.

I think having to do with the four horsemen prophecy possibly. These are hidden messages. (I wrote about the measures fuhrer-of-furlongs in an earlier post) I think also having to do with the sins of the RCC and collaborators reaching up to heaven perhaps by that measure.  Sort of a finality as if it’s nearly over. Good Photograph. Montana is pretty. Could be a sign, my dad was born in Montana.

The 2017 Royal Photographic Society competition

While I was recuperating in the hospital I had the pleasure to watch Joel Olsteen’s sermon for Father’s day. Not sure that was the reason for that particular sermon because it could have been pre-filmed or re-shown but it was quite a show. I did not watch the whole sermon but it was deep, I can’t really say what it was ALL about because I didn’t watch it all and because I was tired and sick but it seemed like it was about some fundamental ways to handle situations in a Christian way. That is my impression but he was so much more eloquent using the bibles verbage. He really is a very successful and charismatic preacher. Kind of reminds me of a robot as well. The way he moved was as if he was gliding like a character of mine on a game I play sometimes called WOW – the character is a shadow priest and levitates when I use the spell of levitation. I don’t know his religion but based on wealth as a testament to his success (a motivational type speaker), godliness (but not really but certainly looks like it), and the size of the audience as well (which is huge). As big as Robert Tilton ever was. Robert Tilton was a nut. A big one. Exaggerated to the nth degree, spoke in tongues and yet people came by the thousands to witness his sermons. Below is a you-tube of Robert Tilton eventually speaking in tongues after his introduction which I transcribed part of the conversation below so those that are caught up in his conversation might read it instead which can be eye opening sometimes. It can change the meaning of a conversation you hear when you read it instead and the same thing goes when looking at a bible and adoring it or hearing it (by word of mouth) vs reading it, or looking at a Health Care Mandate such a Obama Care vs reading it. It sure helped me to catch some important information when transcribing the CBS reports via tapes of the hours before and after the assassination as well as photos and film and snapshotting the films in order to see better what had occurred by the film measures/frames per second because our eyes are not as fast to recognize some things or actions that happen quickly as witnesses not having the premonition or knowing ahead of time what is going to occur making the witnesses and victims be at a disadvantage to the person(s) who is aware such as the perpetrator. Let me tell you those moments are full of some IMPORTANT information worth investigating. Like hidden pictures and tells a story. Might not have needed a Warren Commission if some had tried. If I can do it Geeeez you would think others could, too.  If our Congress had read it it would not have gotten to the stage it has and to the extent of causing so much political stress and rancor and insanity which can only be the reason for problems we face today in the USA politically. I have no idea what caused our Congress to have not read what they signed as far as a bill that was so extensive and damaging to our country besides some kind of poison or some kind of mental deficiency possibly caused by some kind of chemical interaction (devils breath in the air system b/c it’s an invisible substance without smell or taste?) and Nancy Pelosi suggesting the Congress just signs it, which everyone knows being said over and over again receptively on film by the press, for getting Obama Care passed and figure it out later in order to find out what was in it which of course is ridiculous but it happened. If OBAMA CARE were a good bill she would have said read it and judge for yourself and she suggested the opposite. Was she involved in some kind of drug without the knowledge of those she may have tricked/laced…their donuts?? It seems probable since she suggested the signing of a bill that was not read as if she was involved in the trickery by those that are supposed to read what they legislate. Talk about a bad influence and a-typical of the RCC who don’t like their parishioners reading the bible for many eons in order to control the parishioners and screw their parishioners thus screwing everyone else by their actions and possibly using the same substance to add to the Eucharist to be able to control the parishioners. Sounds far fetched but was used in South America and found in Columbia and used to control the slaves who dig for diamonds in mines or work in other industries as cheap, cheap, cheap labor for those who don’t like to pay overhead such as the mob and looks like flowers in its original form that hang like or similar to Morning Glories in flowering tree from (hanging gardens type flora) to rob people by low lifes and lasts for about 4 days if blown in the face of the victim and the victim is or becomes a slave of suggestion without memory. A derivative of the drug is the drug that prevents sea sickness so obviously used by those who travel by sea or have business using ships (Onassis) and I think it was also used in the JFK assassination because it is also in the flowers on the table in the flower arrangement in front of Jackie Kennedy which she licks at (believe it or not as if addicted) on film and on the morning of the assassination in Fort Worth. Obviously, Pelosi thought she could get away with it (Jackie Kennedy did or her handlers), but how?

Is Devil’s Breath The World’s Scariest Drug?

The most dangerous drug in the world: ‘Devil’s Breath’ chemical from Colombia can block free will, wipe memory and even kill

The flower of the Datura plant, from which devil’s breath is made.

The robbers that turn their victims into ‘zombies’: Paris gang ‘blow powerful Devil’s Breath drug into their faces to send them into a trance-like state’


Bob Is Going to Pray In Tongues For a MomentNow I’m going to pray in tongues for a minute and maybe you’ve never heard that before. I remember the first time I heard someone praying in tongues I just listened and listened and uh I had never heard anything about that because frankly the church that I grew up in didn’t believe that those things happen today but you know they didn’t believe there was demons and if there is demons there all in Africa, but I had demons in my house opening and shutting doors. You know those folks that say there’s ghosts and stuff, that’s demons and Jesus cast out devils and those devils are demons, same things. They’re not there to help they’re there to hurt. We know there was a demon of blindness and deafness and infirmity. They steal; we know they steal and uh we had those things opening and shutting doors in our house and lights going off well I didn’t know anything about that stuff and no one ever taught me and showed me scripture in the bible Mark 16 and 17 where they cast out devils in Jesuses name so finally, you know, they make all this stuff out of haunted house, that’s demons. You want to go..If you don’t know who you are in Jesus and the authority that you have and the power that is in that blood man that’s stupid to open yourself up to stuff like that: it’s demons, psychic, that’s counterfeit gifts of the holy spir that’s just a counterfeit. You know when you open yourself up to demonic activity and I tell you, you better watch that dimension. You don’t want to be involved in that dimension. You don’t want to read your horoscope you want to read the bible. You want to hear what God says and take it and mix it with faith. I’m getting a little Pastorial right now: So ma ta le tee da la ma cool. Man de ekee sheety ora ba shata man de caloabaho de keeshie ……………..”

A brick shy but made millions of dollars somehow.

LOL, The guy is a fruitcake, obviously.

Robert Tilton: From downfall to windfall: Living on a prayer

People flocked for Jim Jones of Guyana and crossed an ocean to do it and shared poison committing mass murder suicide using cyanide poisoning in their lemonade or koolade and I guess it is possible Mother Teresa of Calcutta got wind of it or vice versa.

Just a few of Jim Joneses friends poisoned to death.

 918 people committed mass suicide using poison laced kool aid and 318 children were murdered in Guyana on November 18th “in the year of our lord” 1978, mostly black (african americans). A few of our Congressmen or Senators were also murdered who were investigating the cult and had flown in which may have prompted the murder suicide of a bunch of members of the People’s Temple after the Congressmen and camera men were murdered at the airport, I think.


The Jonestown Massacre

Houston is a very nouveau riche area in parts that Joel Olsteen preached and preaches to which is perfect in order to affect new successful owners of businesses and rich kids basically and to pull the wool over their eyes. He is extremely talented and poised, good looking and quite adept at bible concepts some of which he has honed to a great depth but he is not totally honest IMO.

Like Cal Thomas who is not truthful or he would also admit that the mustard seed is not the smallest of seed. What or who is Cal Thomas afraid of?

I have yet to hear him or Charles Stanley above (pretty close in stature in the Christian religion) explain the mustard seed the smallest of seed predicament. I would be impressed if they could admit a truth which might help them and everyone else as well. He was involved in the JFK assassination at the very least by association leaving the hospital where JFK was taken after being assassinated. Looks like a monk on the right, but it is him.

This guy was at the luncheon that was jFK’ next stop after being in Dallas at the World Trade Center and blamed the audience of the death of JFK in his cultic style and was the leader (I think) of the biggest and largest Methodist Church/Comgregation in Dallas Texas and was also at the Book Depository investigating something or in charge but was photoed a bunch when JFK was assassinated. Looks like Ted Cruzes dad the one that was in the bear hug with Heidi Cruz when Ted almost knocked her (his wife) out with his elbow during the run for the Presidency of the Untied States.

“Dr. William H. Dickenson Jr long time server of God pastor of Highland Park Methodist Church to say just a word and then to pronounce the benediction.

Dr. Holcomb leaves and Dr. William H. Dickenson Jr. comes to the podium.”

I transcribed the CBS news reports twice to learn about the assassination which tipped me off to a bunch of information and about the RCC and is on my site called Merangue’s Blog if you are interested. This particular segment is one part of the first time I transcribed what occurred that day which I have linked called Part two.

I don’t know what the problem is with admitting the mustard seed isn’t the smallest of seed because it isn’t and perhaps God wants us to come to terms with that TRUTH. I think we should. Could it be some people are really screwed up who are in the business of faith? It does appear to be a factor, doesn’t it? Perhaps the mustard seed debacle is the reason for the kind of deception that kills, murders and hospices people. Not sure how it works but there seems to be a connection

between the mustard seed, faith, deception, and death.

I think Joel Olsteen is much more talented than any other preacher in his deliverance of his sermons and touched on some very beautiful truths but not in this world. IN HEAVEN PERHAPS, if there is one. I tried to go by some of those tenets in my life that he explained when dealing with some things in my life in not quite so pure a way but because it was right and it didn’t work out mostly because of the church and in particular I think because of the RCC and the BGEA (and including the Baptist Church) mostly and perhaps are his hills to climb yet. We all have those sometime in our lives no matter how pure we think we are.

I remember Joel Olsteen’s wife was pulled off a plane she was on during the Obama administration by the Secret Service for some reason which is an unusual thing to occur. WHY? Why would the Secret Service want the wife of a preacher even if he runs a scam?

It happened to someone else, too, earlier that was in the news. Someone famous, during the first Obama administration. I don’t remember who it was and maybe it was Joel Olsteen’s wife and it kind of reemerged in my mind after seeing his sermon the other day and seeing her as his support. I had never seen her before and he seems to have lost some weight since the last time I saw him tele-evangelizing which I do not normally watch. I know the guy from Waco a musician who was kind of famous and outspoken about politics and was a Christian more of a Chrisitian into the right to bear arms kind of Christian a constitutionalist patriotic Christian and I guess he ended up as a guest at the second Presidential State of the Union address by Obama and for some reason was invited when he honored some hero a Navy seal group (6) which seemed to be a retelling of some earlier event (it’s called replacement politics replacing heroes with other heroes those that cater to him) and a woman who spent her life or part of her life dealing with leftover explosive land mines still buried because of wars the kind that are buried in other countries and was rescued from her kidnappers and wore a scarf like or burka kind of scarf. Princess Diana made it an issue before she died as did Angela Jolie in the UN movie she made with Clive Owen (a handsome english actor and a good one as well) when she eventually stood on one and gave up her life for the love of Clive Owen the daddy of her kid in some place like Yugoslavia or something. LOL It was heroic and fictional but made working for the UN attractive to those that want to give up their lives for the UN i.e. The One World Government LOL I liked him better in the movie where he played a warrior round table type warrior fighting some castle establishment. I painted with pastels a picture of him because I liked the movie and him in the movie. How weird. Anyway the outspoken constitutionalist Christian rock musician and hunter from Waco never seemed to be the same after attending. I have no idea what happened I figure since the audience at the award ceremony for Obama (the second Presidential Union address) I thought he might have been a victim of some of those hanging plants of South America. The whole affair was a bunch of BS including the awards and the honors. The whole audience seemed to be zombified and without any will of their own. He was not going to take a chance again on being called a liar as did happen in the beginning of Obamas Presidential career by some congressman named Joe Wilson. It was some sort of an Obama mock like the Presidential union address with the survivors we watched on the Trump show which I felt was another mock of some kind though I wasn’t sure he understood it was (maybe) devised by some part of the federal government. The hidden part of the federal government possibly whatever it might be.

Now every time I see the guy in the picture above on the news or on the internet he doesn’t seem the same as I remember him except physically. He was kinda smart about some things and a good guy IMO. I’m sure we wouldn’t agree on everything (such as women’s rights) but he had wise ideas and was an intellectual in how he expressed himself. When I watched Gutfield show recently a retape of his show they edited out a small part of the show which was the first a hint about hospice was mentioned but without saying hospice. So I kind of have an idea there are a lot controlling/comptrolling going on via the press behind the scenes. Whoever is doing it isn’t gonna let anything we need to know or should be told be consumed by the public.

Rep. Joe Wilson was his name. Remember that! HE WAS RIGHT.

Rep. Joe Wilson Calls Obama A Liar During Address

He might not have had a choice about his future or using his ministry to rob those who have faith because of his wife whom I’m sure he loves being taken off the plane during the Obama Administration by the Secret Service. His father was a preacher as well, I recall, so he was groomed to new one as well. Why would the Secret Service have done this to a preacher and his wife?  What does one have to do with the other. I was never a fan of his brand of Christianity knowing his kind of Christianity for the rich but not really for them, but for him but he was and is very popular. In the sermon I watched he kept bringing up Peter as his center character but not in the usual way and obviously works for Peter maybe not by choice. Peter represents the church of Rome as far as Rome is concerned. They wouldn’t really have a religion otherwise with only a few hail Marys. There are a few Peters in the bible, I think as there are a few Pauls and few Jesuses and Marys which adds to the Great Confusion and part of the Great Deception. Olteens’ wife is very beautiful and probably he is hostage to her or vice versa or they are hostages to the RCC and OBAMA imo:” and definitely hostage to

“The new world order/religion

which isn’t.”

You don’t get pulled off a plane by the Secret Service for no reason. Before it happened I knew he wasn’t on the level on some things because it was obvious and he is also a televangelist but had charisma regarding wealth and religion and used it. He was raised in this manner so it wasn’t his idea to begin with but certainly he did bring it to a level I have never seen before and some of it isn’t bad, but some is. 

When I was at Hobby Lobby a year or so ago he had a book he had published having to do with I AM That I AM after I had done quite a bit of research and publishing on line via my blogs and I thought what is the saying?: Copying is the highest form of flattery but this was after I had done some work in the concept of God and Moses etc. I wasn’t the first either however I’m not talented in delivery, nor successful, and barely noticed because of my station in life, being female and not a preacher by any means, not near as pretty either but I was glad he had noticed somehow, somewhere or from someone because he could possibly be helpful to others and his own congregation and had the money to back it up being able to be shown in a place as trafficked as Hobby Lobby and probably other places as well. At first I was taken back but then I tried to take the high road on the compliment. I did not buy the book nor read it and because we all have ways of looking at the same thing differently such as: When I first got to the hospital after a short ride via ambulance and in a private room for a while in ER was moved to another room in the ER that was not as private but with 5 or so other people/patients with curtains between so you can hear conversations if you listened. It isn’t the purpose of the rooms but I noticed a man across the way from me with a long grayish white beard to his belly and he was looking at me so I hid myself moving my head over to the right using the curtain in front and in between from my line of sight. He was glaring at me. He reminded me of the guy I had met at Parkland a long time ago, though a little nicer looking whose girlfriend attacked me with her huge cane that I had to deal with after surgery at a six week visit years ago. The woman in charge of the patients appointments with doctors at that time was sitting at the desk and she had to call the police to intervene who came and surrounded him not her but him and escorted him out after a few minutes of me hiding out in the hallway to get away from her and her accusations blaming me for her male friends intolerance and loud rude outbursts for having to wait which the rest of us had done for 6 hours because of some hospital problems. Not enough doctors showed up or something. Everyone in the room were very cool about it, most of them very sick with something and with their friends/family who came to help them at the time. Six hours is a long time to wait when you are in pain but sometimes is necessary depending on what is occurring and it wasn’t the ER, but a 6-week follow up visit after surgery. The guy wore clothes like he was a biker and his female friend looked like a druggy though I don’t know what the deal was with them because I didn’t ask and they acted like they lived under a bridge. I was afraid of bodily harm when she blamed me for his outbursts with her huge cane (It was 6 foot tall and about 2-3 inches thick) and shaking it at my body and because I had never met them in my life before. My husband at the time was rubbing my back under my shirt. I had a 14-inch incision 3 inch deep wound to the organs of my torso which caused me a great deal of pain and the pain hurt mostly in my back instead of where it originated from which was in the front from the incision from the bottom of my chest to near my Caesarian scars. I was kind of long waisted then when I was thinner. I was talking to two black men who were sitting in front of me about God. One was an older man who said out loud he didn’t believe and the other was a son of a preacher who was disenchanted. I did not start the conversation I just was interested in what they were talking about being in front of me and facing me and I talked to them. They were together and had some kind of relationship but I didn’t get into their relationship except I could tell the older man was influenced quite a bit by the younger man. I said something about prophecy and we got into a conversation and I think it bugged the biker guy and his female friend across the room and to my left side and I can’t say why for sure but I think it had to do with their race and me talking about God.

I guess it wasn’t allowed. LOL.

There was also a man sitting next to me who had gall bladder problems and was groaning and in pain and he told me a little about how he was handling it. There were about 60 people in the room sitting in foldable chairs some of them. After she blamed me for his outbursts brandishing her weapon “the cane” which she needed to get around I think (probably had been a victim of an accident) I could tell it took some doing to shake it and to threaten me with it because she was shaken. I was the one that got up to talk to the woman in charge of the room of people at the desk in front because my husband at the time seemed to be in shock. I had to defend myself though six weeks healed I still had openings and infection spots/pockets of puss that were still a problem. Natural reaction to preserve oneself when you have huge wound you want to protect from further harm and not so natural if you aren’t hurt though usually husbands do stand up for their wives, this one didn’t. It was the kind of wound that had to self heal without stitches and be dressed with gauze drenched in water a few times a day for a while in order to heal and allow the skin/fat to move without scabbing in order for the incision to close which for me took about 6 weeks or so, maybe less. It was a heavy duty wound. After our confrontation when she blamed me and said it was all my fault I said “I don’t even know you” in front of everyone and because it was embarrassing in front of everyone having a confrontation with some psychos. I went to the woman in charge to tell her to please assist then I went out to the hallway to get away from the couple and the roomful of people while my husband stayed in the room with the people in his seat for some reason. Not the bravest of people. lol but it was disconcerting however I sometimes wonder if he did or didn’t have something to do with the confrontation. He had his reasons in his minds’ eye if he did have anything to do with the confrontation, but not reasonably. It was approximately a few minutes before the police arrived and surrounded him, not her, and escorted him through the room to the hallway where I was and out the door of the hallway of that department in the hospital which was near where President Kennedy was taken. They surrounded him, but let him speak and he said something kind of snide like, “I love watching your back.” I did not respond but was totally turned off by his charm which was disgusting to say the least and I had already been through a bunch of shitty shit with some disgusting people and did not need this kind shit going on but you can’t control what others do or say sometimes especially if they are possessed which I think they were. Finally got to see a doctor soon after and he said the last place where the puss was in my body was near my liver or on my liver which was a hint as to where the problem may have originated or they would not have told me. We never did find out what exploded in me except some thing did explode inside my body and caused septic poisoning throughout my body during the operation and before which made me bloat as if I were 9 months pregnant: Before I went to the ER in the first place I went to pick up my kids from school…walked to the school as usual depending on the weather, a few blocks away and the cross guard who I was familiar with said “I didn’t know you are were expecting”, something like that and I said I wasn’t but that I was ill. It was kind of funny. Later got to the doctor with a pillow I used to protect my stomach to see him and he gave me antibiotics and sent me to Parkland and then the doctor I saw at Parkland misdiagnosed me and took me off the antibiotics and had to go back a day later after I developed a high fever and was vomiting. The bloating was painful as well and the new doctors reaccessed my condition and started over with their diagnosis in Emergency mode.)  So when I came back to the ER they started over again basically and said they would start over again with their diagnosis because they knew the first diagnosis was way off and caused problems for me. I looked like I was 9 months pregnant because of the gas from the poison in side me which grew in leaps and bounds from the septic poisoning or whatever was causing it. So I almost died and was out of it for quite a few days. A few weeks or so. I was told I was the sickest person in the ICU for that time period and I was on heavy duty drugs. My skin, my hair, my brains, my eyes, all my organs and my blood was poisoned via the blood stream when I was opened up during and emergency operation. They had to work quickly to vacuum every organ and replace it to its’ original position including my intestines which is not easy to do and I’m sure it stunk to high heaven. I was poisoned in the brain at the time as well which caused me to act like I was crazy or possessed most of the time though I had moments of lucidity and alertness especially for family visiting for some reason. Most of the time I was in a incoherent state of mind and to some I would have acted possessed because I was poisoned and on drugs, heavy duty drugs and pain medication, and severely injured. I noticed some things when I was lucid from my parents and my family which were important to me while recuperating in the ICU. On one day I was kind of hard on a nurse who was trying to care for me and heard another male nurse say she can’t help what she is saying because she is sick. I guess I hurt her feelings and must have said something bad. I sort of remember that I was kind of acting like she was my sister blaming her in a way but not sure exactly my train of thought but remember it upset her and the other nurse trying to help her do what she needed to do and consoling her because she didn’t want to care for me after I think I insulted her. But she did do her job. I think one of the things I said that I do remember saying was, “You don’t have to be so mean about it.” And I was also given information by my husband at the time in reference to those visits with family and was able to kind of put it together with my memory and impressions. But I heard some stuff on my own, some special words from family members when he wasn’t there that TRULY helped  me!!!

“Get well for your kids.”

from my little sister. She had a run in with the my husband whom I told in the ER before I went under anesthesia to not tell my family I was sick and he did at the request of the doctors who had no idea what I had been through and thought my family should come so my little sister put up a cross with her hands and called him satan and wasn’t gonna be deterred from visiting me because she was y sister. I cried when she said it, not sobbing because I couldn’t, but tears streamed from my eyes down my  cheeks into my hair and into my ears. And my dad said “Fly right and fly straight” and then said, “I don’t know why I said that.” And I knew what those words meant as well though it took me a while to understand I struggled to respond and tried to turn over towards his voice when it was said and I couldn’t respond because I knew he had been lied to and he obviously didn’t know what to say or how to say and didn’t know the scoop and he didn’t know a lot of things that were going on. He was probably mad at me still. But I know he meant “get well” sternly and “get it together” as well kind of in the same vein. Commanding me. I am not sure who was in the room with him (perhaps my sister or my husband) Yea my husband was there because he’s the one that told me later but I remembered it and who you are with always has an affect on what people say depending on who they are and I tried to turn over to talk and I couldn’t because I really wanted to. I struggled but my spirit inside my lifeless body wouldn’t let me though still alive and I knew he loved me regardless of everything such as the many lies but it did kind of hurt still. It was a big gulp for me and I’m sure for him, too. I knew some things were being expressed by my sister and my brother-in-law that were way off the mark for quite a while, for YEARS. I knew of some of it and I could tell there was more and it affected me for YEARS from the moment I was teenager as a matter of fact. She had a way of controlling and coming out on the better side. My little sister and I used to talk about it when she still lived in the Dallas area and later on. We stopped trying to compete with the kids etc for our parents love and attention. Tootie owned it. Her kids owned it. She made people somehow cater to her and her needs and her whims and desires and attention.

She was the first born.

We didn’t want to laden my parents with the same kind of burden using guilt and anything else because there is no way anyone else could without killing them that my sister insisted upon and NEEDED as well. She cornered the market so to speak and if WE had done the same they would not have had a life of their own. It truly was a weakness on my sister’s part that she needed it so much and strength on ours for not burdening them but a BIG PROBLEM for letting her get away with it because it was abusive in many ways so it wasn’t necessarily the best avenue but what could we have done.  IT WAS RIDICULOUS. If we complained I’m sure it would have been ridiculous as well. So we did not expect what my oldest sister expected of my parents and didn’t try to exploit them by making them attend to us and our kids and attend every little accomplishment and/or social event school event our kids were involved in and enjoyed my parents with them when we could and in San Antonio when we could. The Kirchers exploited everyone. A nasty need. An OVERBEARING need. Kind of the family physics problem and family dynamics. Families enlarge and no human can fulfill everyone’s wishes but not in the case of my older sister who insisted upon it. Insist is kind of weak word for what I mean and at the same time she did not even appreciate it so it was really really bad and spiritually underhanded. My older sister came to see me at the hospital as well and had her feelings hurt because I kicked her off my foot she was rubbing while talking to me. I think my mom was in the room at the time. I heard about it and I vaguely remember doing it, I lifted my leg and pushed or flicked my foot as if to say “get your fucking hands off me. ” and I loved her. I did the same to Gary years ago when he molested me while I slept next to his wife who was asleep and her face shown abut a two feet away when his hands went down my legs and I didn’t scream because of my sister’s face in front of me sound asleep. Yet when I woke up I had an Alowishes on my chin I would have appreciated it being plucked, but Noooooo that would have been too nice. One longer than my moms she kept on her arm for some reason. When on drugs/steroids in ER and ICU often make things grow faster and it did. Later my husband called them to ask them to help with the kids while he went to work. My younger sister said she was gonna stay and take care of the kids but she was with the Kirchers in the car which Gary was driving at the time leaving the hospital after their visit. I heard there was a lot of happiness (partying) in the car as they were on their way to go out to eat dinner together which as a family we enjoyed doing together. My sister said she got a phone call from her husband and she needed to come back to Houston to do laundry which had piled up while she was gone. My husband seemed to enjoy telling me it a little too much of what was said etc but I asked for the information and I got it but it was a little over the top and I could tell he enjoyed it way too much which is odd and a bit sadistic and I guess he had his needs and wanted to rub it in. Still I’m glad I got the information because it helped me disregarding his and/or their ulterior motives, to work through some things I needed to work through to have a realistic honest understanding. I’m sure my parents moved to a different city to get away from the family pressure just to have a life of their own and because San Antonio was a much more arty laid back place than Dallas, prettier weather, prettier landscape, better entertainment, interesting history, more colorful place closer to the ocean and people friendlier and they had friends living in San Antonio. Not hung up on themselves competing for a bigger house and keeping up with the Joneses and less snotty which we endured in Dallas everyone dressing the same which is an indicator of something missing in them especially in the Highland Park area. It tried to be the fashion center and lost it’s way because most in Dallas couldn’t think for themselves as the JFK assassination luncheon displayed. My brother did as well. My little sister did but ended up in the Houston area which is similar. I’m still trying and hopefully will be able to eventually get to my destination cause it ain’t here, this I know and since I’m not a baseball or football fan. Dallas is part of the bible belt but Dallasites still don’t discern for themselves. Like a mental bloc of some kind and kind of like many cities are a kind of a bloc.

I like nature and natural however I’m not into hardship either.

An inbetweener is what I am.

We were never able to figure out what happened inside except probably a cyst exploded and caused a great deal of trouble. I think I had been slowly poisoned for quite a while I just didn’t know it till it exploded. When I was at the ER recently a few days ago for an attack health wise which I believe is related to the first injury years ago the man I saw was similar to the person I had seen many years ago but a little more groomed without his woman with the huge cane. He was staring/glaring angrily at me from across the room not just looking. Then I noticed another man in his place after he left and after I hid and he looked like Barack Obama. I thought to myself “what the hell is Barack Obama doing in the ER?” LOL. Salt and pepper hair groomed short to his head slight in body build as far as I could tell and in his face. Dark eyes piercing at me. Neither good nor bad, but piercing. Kind of like someone was in someone else looking through their eyes which I think has something to do with the mustard seed Borg stuff which I think is part of the purpose of the mustard seed teaching and I saw it in Olsteen’s eyes when teaching in his sermon, here and there, as if he has a will, but doesn’t. Like he is aware but is controlled. My ex who was with me talked about the people he saw and what he saw was a man after the bearded man was moved was a guy with tattoos all over his face and body which covered his body and face and was why his skin was darkened. I imagined the illustrated man from the book called by the same name from the amount of tattoos the ex explained of his appearance. There was a person who I overheard a little and he overheard who had driven himself to the hospital with a multi- fractured leg and hip and the people in the ER were trying to set his bones. His foot was supposedly huge from whatever accident he was involved in and had multiple fractures and he wouldn’t let them do what they needed to do yet he drove himself to the hospital for help which is very strange and I guess he was afraid. About four people in the ER were almost begging him to help him and he wouldn’t accept the help but I stopped paying attention it was what the ex told me and then I was wheeled upstairs.  So what my ex saw were three men, I saw two men in the bed across from me but not at the same time however I did not see the move of one to another just one became another. I did not see anyone with tattoos which is what my ex saw. My mind wasn’t set on it though so I might have missed something because I was at the ER for me not him. The guy that looked like Obama had no tattoos at all that I could see. None. Pretty weird to say the least once we put our stories together. The reason I didn’t freak out about Barack Obama or a look alike of him was I was in ER mode for myself and there wasn’t much I could do about it and no one else recognized him so I thought hmmmmm. I just didn’t worry about it. I have seen lot of weird stuff these days so it has become kind of a norm for me and since my first operation but more frequently lately i.e. this last 5 or so months. But it is weird for a guy to come in to the ER and not want to be helped even though he came to the ER on his own. The ex said the tattoos were like those guys who are gang members in prison type tattoos who are very violent. I didn’t see any tattoos. I called him the illustrated man as a form of reference for my ex when talking about it because in the book this guy is basically a body of tattoos that tell stories which I had read a long time ago as a kid and I never finished. I don’t have anything against tattoos I just didn’t see them. what I saw looked just like Obama laying down on a hospital ER bed. The ex said his foot was huge from the fractures he got somehow. I did not notice that either. The first time I ever saw a tattoo was when I was a kid at Carlisle Pennsylvania the man who lived next door to us had one on his arm and expressed something with it a chic on his arm or something like it and it was ugly and back then they were kind of ugly usually navy ink colored with a bit of red accents and some green lines, not really artistic but low class stuff and later in life when tattoos became more acceptable and popular the designs got more artistic, feminine and colorful. My neice liked tattoos a bunch and so did her husband who is a Christian minister and a bass player. I think Madonna started it with her fake tattoos looked like lace on her arms and legs and then everyone started doing the same. My niece was a big fan of Madonna. she had some big ones : one was a big ankh symbol surrounded by red ink on her left arm like an arm band and then a bunch of tattoos regarding verses of the bible and other things. One big verse on her back from the New Testament which I never did read the whole thing because it was kind of wordy and she often wore clothes. The first tattoo she got was after her short college experience in New York and she had a chevron tattoo on her lower back in the crack of her ass right above it. Not sure what she was trying to express. I didn’t ask her. Her husband had tattoos all over his body and piercings mostly on his ears and nose. (9-11 by 19 terrorists Aprox. 14 years after The Monday Stock Market Crash of 10-19th-87 may have been a reason – Don’t forget people committed suicide in Oct 1929 because of the Stock Market crash losing everything. I was thinking the 1987 crash when Gary lost a bunch of money was a Tuesday but I read that it was the 1929 crash. 14 years later was about 1943:

Historical Events in 1943

Check it out: Hitler declares all out war for one thing and bunch of other stuff.

14 Generations involved in the gospel of Matthew’s genealogy. 

Remember what Obama said about planes flying down through Manhattan? and don’t forget his infamous joking at the press dinners? Dark sentences.

I’m sure it has to do with the false covenant, somehow, which may be about to be broken.


My niece  had witnessed the World trade Center attack from Brooklyn on a rooftop when she had moved to New York and had met a guy who beat her up badly I heard and came home and made the decision to move to Padre and met her future husband a bartender/minister in South Padre after living there a short while. They were in love. His name was LEVI. A nice guy a bit different as were his friends and eventually they married and had a slew of kids which I thin heaped my niece in some ways though he was the one that took care of the kids and she worked But even work was good for her. She studied to be a nurse like his mom. She was very smart girl and I don’t think she wanted to live at home any more for good reason. At a certain point most kids do leave for one reason or another if they can but she wanted out as soon as she could via marriage or any avenue, it seemed. At least I thought so. She was moved to Padre via a family trip to Padre combining it. I was there for that trip and helped her move in as part of the trip. That was the trip my sister couldn’t think of anything for my mom’s birthday coming up and because my mom had everything she needed (in her estimation though it was not really true more like my sister had everything my mom needed because that is how my sister thought thinking ahead of her own needs I have no idea who got mom’s diamond ring but it wasn’t that great and it could have been better, not like my mom asked for it. She didn’t. Not like she spent days shopping for a ring!) kind of premise we had to get her a miniature or toy poodle-mix and while getting her a toy poodle-mix got Kristen a dog as well but instead got her a cocker spaniel puppy. Didn’t last long. I have no idea what happened to her puppy but the next time I saw her she didn’t have it. I had heard that my niece had a kind of a mental explosion one day or night while living in Padre with her husband who already had two kids by a previous marriage and with his kids and him drove about 100 per hour on the main road. I have no idea why but I was told about it. It was a concern obviously or I would not have heard about it. I don’t think it was a joy ride. I tried to teach her how to paint on porcelain before I moved to the house I bought when she was a teen in between her many obligations and mine and she painted Jesus on the cross and he looked freaked out on the cross. PETRIFIED. Looking down with his arms stretched eyes bulging from fright. I still have it. She never finished. She never had time for one thing in order to finish it. I painted an oval porcelain box for her of a fox for a gift. One of my better pursuits I must say. I liked it.) I think she did as well.

She started to paint oils on canvas around then. Some interesting things kind of abstract but interesting which she might have been doing before she met Levi in Padre and after. I kind of remember one in particular I thought was quite amazing and said some stuff. I have no idea what happened to it but it was very cool a nighttime landscape.

Later on Gary said that Levi was blackmailing him for money or contributions and I thought it was a weird thing to say.

How could he blackmail him and why?

He was kind of disgusted by it in a way and in a way he didn’t seem to care. I think Gary did not like having to support them sometimes but it was his daughter and she deserved it. I think it was more like compensation. Funny thing, is when the shit hit the fan when Gary wanted to isolate me and before the meeting with my brother my little sister told me on the phone that my dad thought I was blackmailing her. LOL. I highly doubt he said that but that is what she told me and I could never figure out why she just didn’t say

‘No, she isn’t blackmailing me” to my dad.

wouldn’t she know if I was?


So some of the stuff relayed to me by her via the phone calls

just didn’t make much sense?

My dad imo did not think in that way.- the dad that I KNEW!

 I doubt he would ever say it because it is so outlandish and my dad would realize it was outlandish before he would say it, hence he would never have said it.

He was not stupid and neither am I.

Unless he was trying to dig a little.

Around this time when Gary said his kid and her husband were blackmailing him I saw her during a visit in my sister’s driveway and she was really skinny almost anorexic or bolemic. Her bones were sticking out in places they didn’t normally stick out and her clothes hung on her. Their car was a mess as if they lived in their car which they didn’t (I don’t know where they lived) but it was piled high with clothes and trash and baby things they had had a few already. So I guess they were in need at the time and came to visit. When she was a teenager her sister found her in the bathroom and she was supposedly cutting herself. She had already shaved her head. Even here sister’s friend started having eating problems got real skinny and I now somehow she was involved somehow. Had a big affect on lots of people. He flirted with her. About that time was when the rumors were at the school a very very prominent school (probably the most prominent school for girls in Dallas) about a dad and his daughter and even my sister brought it up to me. I didn’t go to the school and had no idea about the rumor but I think a daughter had told on her dad but wanted to remain anonymous which I think was honored. One trip to Padre with my older sister and we usually stopped in in San Antonio in between when my first born was a tot and still in a car seat and my sisters kids were in their teens in my sister’s vehicle stuffed to the gill with suitcases and blankets etc the kids got cramped and were complaining about it. They had a tv to watch but there was no space or leg room and they were leggy and my kids car seat in the middle to make things worse LOL. I sat up front in the passengers seat and my sister drove. We were trying to have a vacation and usually the car ride is supposed to be enjoyable but my sister got mad at them for complaining. So we stopped in some strange town in-between at night and she found a parking lot and made them get out of the car and jog around the parking lot. My sisters mouth was similar to when I met her at the office to talk about Gary in a private room and about what he had done at the office to me in order for her to take it seriously =. It was the snob of snobs kind of mouth being tested I guess though that was not the point for me. I kind of felt bad for the kids however it helped them regardless of the motive involved but it was kind of abusive. My niece reminded me at that time of the woman in the SCIFI movie who had an evil dad and the one obeying him called Guardians of the Universe. It was a strange deal. She was a teen at the time so all teens go through a stage lacking respect for parents however she had a lot to lack respect for. Like abusive begetting abusive kind of stuff. We could have found a better place to stop and made it enjoyable instead of resentful to the max but she was driving the car.

The thing is people often tend to remember the worst because the worst stands out more  than the many times that tend to be forgotten so the less the better? It wasn’t a great way to begin a vacation or build good family memories and I felt right smack dab in the middle because of my tot in a car seat. Obviously it was part of the problem and I’m not sure we could help it. So everyone felt kind of bad, including me, but it wasn’t her fault. I didn’t set it up that way, I didn’t pack the car. The rest of the vacation I’m sure we had fun but it was kind of rotten. weird and ridiculous. I know Kristen read a bunch and kind of stuck to her self more than normal on that trip.

*We were lucky because my little sister’s husband owned a few condos and gave us a deal each year. It was very nice to have had the opportunity to enjoy the ocean and have family outings. Often the husbands were absent and Gary didn’t like the beach except to check out chicks and drink beer for the most part. Very rare to have my little sister with us because she had a different set of friends and went with them usually or for business related vacations. Still it was fun. I didn’t mind when Gary and Tootie and I were on a trip to San Antonio and I think the kids and he got lost on the backroads and had to find place for Tootie so she could shit. No gas stations open and not knowing what was ahead because we were lost (never happened before on our way to San Antonio but there was a time when a lot of highway construction was occurring between the cities) so she could stop on the side of the road and shit on some lot some where. LOL. I didn’t make them jog around a strange lot at night in the middle of nowhere and get all tense about it. I knew she had problems because of her digestive system and had an allergy to corn and probably was eating corn tortilla chips on the way. Luckily she had toilet paper. Obviously my husband wasn’t there. He rarely came on vacations or family trips because of his weekend gigs and I tagged along but not without an invitation.  Anyway shit happens. That trip might have been the night we saw a UFO but actually it was a satellite (possibly russian) burning up on entry into our atmosphere. Quite a show it was, too.

A day or so ago and a little while ago I was and still am having trouble linking you tubes but will getting together soon on that dilemma with my bird in the hand’s help but as I was organizing my desktop because my computer all of a sudden started acting up so I thought maybe I needed to put some pics/snapshots into folders and as I was putting one away in particular the one of Robert Tilton a format type message flashed on my computer and it had the name GARY on it. LOL  I was in the process of writing about his daughter: the Jealous Jacuzzi kid. I can tell people are afraid of me and what I’m doing, but Tough Love. Get over it. It is gonna continue till I’m finished a there is a bunch more to add and edit i.e. try to make understandable. I  know I have helped by acting as a witness and also hurt some but I doubt if I hadn’t written the things I wrote those I helped would not have had a chance in hell and those I hurt eventually will come around and those that are fucking with everyone won’t be around any more

so in the long run bear with me


that is the purpose.

God did not tell me to do what I have been doing for quite a long time, but I know He has helped me and others who have helped me and the miracles to me keep me going such as I had my gall bladder removed a few days ago which I think is gonna be a real coup for me and for my families and my true friends.)

Roberta Flack – First Time Ever I Saw Your Face 1972

Years later after my dad died and after my sister threw away a bunch of photos of my parents and their friends which she confessed to me in a phone call and said she found a letter from my brother to my dad saying/insinuating/inferring she was stupid and then acted like it was my dad who said it. (wrote it) I tried to explain to her if my brother wrote it and sent it to my dad (her dad) does not mean daddy thinks you are stupid since he didn’t write the letter nor send it to himself and for some reason she got lost on that logic. I also tried to tell her someone else may have written it and planted it to make you feel bad or hurt your relationship with dad or to make you feel stupid. The only people who had access to the sites, had keys or a combination lock or knew where the storage sites were that stored my parents belongings that she and my sister went through over a long period of time was my older sister and her husband Gary, herself and her new husband and the sites were near her. That’s it. I have no idea if the letter was handwritten, typed or computer written on a Word program or on an email. Anyway her feelings were hurt by my dad even though he didn’t write the letter. That’s a hard thing to understand. SO you can see why I’m having and had some problems understanding some things that were going on then because it is really stupid. I think she was dealing with some kind of mental block or something and hence so was I via her and others. It can be very frustrating to deal with that kind of thing. I don’t really know how to describe it but to call it

“the thing.”

Gary’s daughter and Levi were married in San Antonio at the church my parents attended and it was kind of casual and a fun wedding as well as funny because of Levi’s good friend and my youngest daughter who was taken aback by his appearance when she and my other daughter were bridesmaids/flower girls but he handled it well and we got a good laugh and it was a funny memory.

My older sister met Gary her husband at SMU and in a barn at a fraternity party when she anointed his head with beer pouring it from above in order for him to remember her and he did. They dated and got married when I was about 14 years of age. I remember meeting him for the first time in Virginia when he came for a weekend to meet us. We met him at the airport before an Army picnic. I recall how he looked me over up and down.. I was still a tom boy at the time. I might have been 13. Then some time later we went to his dad’s home in Connecticut for a visit. He served us my first taste of the cheese Brie from a wheel of Brie. I loved the stuff. I had heard how their daughter had a huge bedroom and a closet the size of a bedroom by my eldest sister. They lived in a mansion on Winding Lane in Greenwich. Kind of a swanky area (old money) reminded me of the movie with Ryan O’neil and a famous model with a unique bite which made her famous partially named Ali McGraw and she also became an actress. Their daughter favored Ali McGraw when she was young: Love Means Never Having to Say You are Sorry. I don’t remember the name of the movie about two college kids in love and one dies. Kind of a silly movie and idea. Gary’s mom had the same name as my mom. His sister was I think about a year older than I. Very pretty and snobby but nice. She went two a college in Ft Worth and was followed by a guy a criminal or a guy with criminal intent because of her dad’s reputation or position and money and because of her looks and personality and they had to hire some body guards for her in order to go to college and whatever else she did.  We never saw her much. She changed her first name from the name Elizabeth to a different name legally. I think I know why. I thought about doing the same after my operation but my dad’s mom is who I was named after so I didn’t. I would not have either if I had been named after my mom.  It’s a way to assert oneself after being severely degraded. Eventually she married a jerk and had some kids and got a divorce. He was I think using her because of her station in life which is a hazard. eventually her parents hung out with her to protect her and her interests. I saw some family videos short ones and she kind of was tempered quite a bit not for the better but for reasons out of her control. I started to see the same thing happen with my sister girls as well, which was too bad, but I certainly understand why, squeezing their spirits out of them and their uniquenesses and the things which made them special and their GOD given talents just to get along or fit in or be acceptable as THE NORM and to survive critical mass when not deserved for being pretty and/or talented and for them because of daddy’s money. One went to work in the insurance business, another a nurse, etc. Not growing up more like sideways in order to get along.

Seems to be a pattern emerging.

(Familial sexual abuse and off to a some stranger abuse.)

They visited us in Georgia as well later at some Gardens. Before my sister and Gary were married Mr. Kircher flew them around the world on his private Conoco Jet with his family. They didn’t go everywhere but some unusual places like Bali and Hong Kong, I think and other places and islands.  The wedding was a biggie at SMU church on campus with all the sisters as bridesmaids and friends I think there were seven of us and of course groomsmen. The night before the guys got drunk and ended up in jail including my brother and had to be bailed out of jail in order to attend the wedding and they were not happy about it (especially my brother) except for one guy who slept it off under a car and luckily no one moved the car that night or morning. During the trip around the world my sister and the Kircher family shopped for pearls and gems in Hong Kong and the place brought out gems and pearls by the drawer full for their pleasure in a private room to shop. My sister told me she stole a pearl while they weren’t looking or were out of the room. She felt she should have one if they were were gonna have one. Kind of a stupid thing to do in another country (especially if you had seen a movie about people transporting contraband over country lines. Not sure she saw the movie I saw which would make you think twice) but she wasn’t caught as far as I know and she was with the President of Conoco Oil and if she had been caught I doubt she would have had to suffer the consequences. I think it was kind of a tempting thing to do to an army brat to leave her in a room alone with a drawer full of pearls. I think there is something to it but I can’t say what it is because I don’t know. A feeling I have because of the course of her life. When I was younger I didn’t suspect anything but only lately in the last few years as far as that temptation. I bet the Kirchers knew.

My dad bought each girl in our family a small pearl from Hong Kong when he was fighting in the Vietnam War and on an R&R.


When you get my age it isn’t a good idea to tattoo and I had enough problems not to add more to the equation of me. Like the less makeup the better especially after my operation when I tried to look nice going home and the ex said don’t bother, lol because I looked so bad. I was only making myself look worse. I tried. I had lost a ton of weight and was like skin and bones the skin hanging off of my bones after the water weight from the fluids given during my hospital stay dried up so nothing would have really helped me at the time. The whole rigamarole aged me quite a bit. I like what tattoos can do for cosmetic reasons for those that need it or to look younger or for some flaws on one’s face. etc. I think it’s cool as long as it’s safe to do. Burn victims get some help from it and others with problems either born with a discoloration or birthmarks or because of an injury etc. Helping one’s appearance is important these days because people judge a person by their looks at least as a first impression and everyone I have ever known wants to be pretty . It is kind of expected and probably is the most lucrative expectation for businesses. I want to get my eyebrows done and my eyelashes dyed because I lost many eyelashes and hair during my operation and because of the Cat Scans and stress of the operation and family fiasco and about three months later my hair was falling out as if I had been nuked. I stopped combing my hair and put it up in kind of a bun so I wouldn’t have to brush it and to prevent clumps of hair coming out when I combed or brushed my hair and hoping it would help me lose less hair. It did help I even bought a wig but it didn’t really suit me and I didn’t want to have to deal with it. My doctor noticed the hair loss which I mentioned to him around three months or so after the operation he could tell and said it was falling out as he spoke and told me to take Vitamen-D which prevents cancer and use horse shampoo for a while (which is weird but gentle and possibly because of some ingredient) and then some other Vitamens as well. He was trying to assist me in draining puss out of the remaining pockets that did not heal because of the puss. I laid down on his office bed and he would squeeze the areas in question while telling me to flex my muscles which had been cut in two right down the middle and was virtually impossible for me to give him the muscle action/tone he needed to drain the puss as he squeezed though I tried there wasn’t anything to be had in that regard except the expression on my face. I had Cat Scans I didn’t need partially because of a particular nurse who took orders but didn’t necessarily abide by the rules of a Cat Scan such as you need to drink the liquid beforehand so the scan will do what it is supposed to do and I would explain “hey I didn’t get the drink” and it didn’t matter BECAUSE OF HER SCHEDULE and her orders  and I was too weak to fight the system at the time so I would end up with another Cat Scan appointment either a few hours later or a day later when the doctors couldn’t read the Cat Scan. It happened a few times plus I was getting one a day and x-rays as well. I lost my eyelashes for the most part I still have some but not nearly what I had so I like some of these tattoo and makeup advances for people like me as well. Partially why I am against the unions in schools as explained in this post I am against insurance for health because it is an abusive system mostly to the best doctors and the best nurses and the patients and for the worst. Like dumbing down our health care as we have our public schools and it could be so great if we let go of controls in our government and let their work and reputation proceed them. If they are good doctors they will get references and more work and if they aren’t they won’t but health insurance prohibits that kind of free market. Prices/cost would go down for everyone and everyone would be pleased with the results if they would let it happen except for the bad doctors and bad nurses but eventually they might find their niche as well and be happy to have cheaper health care in the long run when they are in need of it or their children and their children’s children. Same with hospitals. It’s called supply and demand a basic rule of economics and life in my opinion. Unions are not what they were were meant to be and never will be because of a lack of faith/trust. THE TRUE KIND OF FAITH which can be interpreted in many way which in my opinion kind of makes it useless to say the word faith. Keep the faith:  meaning keep your wits about you? Don’t give up? Don’t give up what? What faith are you? I’m a catholic or I’m a radical islamist. Do you have the faith? I don’t know? He had faith in the institution.-He had trust in the institution. There are lots of meanings to the word faith and is used in a myriad of ways and to compare it’s size to a plant seed is a bit strange because like many feelings or human traits are not measurable because of emotion and changes from one minute to the next. The mustard seed is a derivative as is the devils breath to a mind controlling drug and some good sea sickness drugs the mustard seed is a derivative of poisonous gas and chemical weapons the kind used in WWl, WWll, and saran gas etc and regular old poisons used in the old days to murder unsuspecting victims.

Poison ring

Through the centuries, the Fisherman’s Ring came to be known for its feudal symbolism. Borrowing from the traditions developed by medieval monarchs, followers showed respect to the reigning Pope, who was considered “the emperor of the world”, by kneeling at his feet and kissing the Fisherman’s Ring.

Egyptian Scarab Poison Ring

At one time (actually many times) employers/business owners did not take care of employees safety and overworked them and that is how unions got started in business and some business owners were not acting responsibly and ended up being a curse for everyone when unions got involved instead of fixing the problem to begin with they made more problems and bigger ones because power corrupts and union leaders were  eventually corrupted basically switching from one corruption to another. We had less competition then which was part of the problem. If you fix something in the wrong way it becomes a bigger problem. It’s kind of like the mob and the mob ain’t good and will create problems to fix them in the wrong way to gain control and make more problems. Keeps them afloat. Very likely some of those accidents in businesses were purposeful accidents and were attacks instead like what happened in Bhopal India with Mother Teresa involved which is explained by the exposes of Christopher Hitchens about Mother Teresa and the RCC:

How she got her fame partially but it was evil beyond imagination.

Check it out and  do it more than once. It really is interesting and he has many more exposes on the subject and it affects you, your children and your children’s’ children, etc.  It cannot be allowed to mature or be acceptable and will lead to the ignorance of people, desensitizing of people, and the breakup of the family institution. It will lead to a lower life expectancy year by year and medical malfeasance for various reasons usually involving money or assets and the control of people via religious/political cults, Its a bad direction to go.

“There is a way that seemeth right unto men, but leads to death” 

UNTO I believe is referring to the United Nations. A hint within a verse. UN obviously works with the Vatican. Think about Syria for instance and John Kerry and those that have tried to get us involved in Syria and if you read about Syria in the OT and about the burdensome stone, it isn’t wise. I know the Saudis were involved as well. Germany. Turkey, nuns. false news which truthers debunked and other places and of course Obama, etc. Big conspiracy! It was about the Golan Heights, PERIOD! In the war that gave Israel some space the Golan Heights angels were seen even by the enemy. Our military should not be doing the UN’s bidding. If you want a world don’t tempt God. But sometimes evil likes to push it and if it does it will be the end of a few people written about heading towards the lake of fire. BADABOOM. Like my sister pushing it and she did not have to, she couldn’t resist but she could have resisted a lot of things or tried and still might be able to. Admitted she was wrong would have helped but wanted me to bear the burden from the start. “Gary, get back in here!” and then many years later pulling a mother teresa for the Catholic church. I wonder what she thinks will happen to her son one day going along with it? I certainly tried and tried and tried.

I tried to make it easy and of course i’m not now.

But then Peace unto you which is a myth;)

The reason I think women isn’t mentioned in the bible verse above is because of the Patrimonial religions who support Mother Teresa’s solution-especially the RCC. Yea often people use men as meaning men and women however in reality it isn’t so (such as the US Constitution and Bill of Rights) but even though the religion/church is referred to as a woman in the bible like ships are named, women aren’t in control of the institutions or the ships (are they?) and obviously that means there is a double standard as if women are only bodies to have kids with and pleasure with while stunning in their youth women are just as complicated as a man even more so often which may be the underlying excuse: FEAR OF WOMEN, FEAR OF FEMALE SUCCESS If you think about it QUEEN ELIZABETH was FEARED and the RCC tried to annihilate her and didn’t and couldn’t. Hillary is no Queen Elizabeth, more like a Mary Queen of Scots. Queen Elizabeth was the most controversial person/woman in the history of mankind which led to some major breakthroughs for mankind by her standards and her beliefs: other people were able and allowed to accomplish amazing advances for the world in many fields of science, inventions, and in human progress like a good mother would do for her kids regardless of their sexual orientation or their sex, their color/race, their beauty or lack of beauty, talents or lack of, friends or lack of, etc and so would a good dad. “Rise and shine” kind of mom and dad because of their love. While she was not an astronomer she advanced the truth that the world was not flat which put/kept the RCC into the Dark ages where it belonged which is why there is a struggle between the two: She had vision. Eyes to see spiritually and she gave up some things to achieve for mankind (man and woman kind) due to her experience. In the animal kingdom are some good examples in some species and some are on the precipice as far as extinction because of the proclivity of the male to discard the female after impregnating, because of something prettier, younger, wealthier, etc. Not all males but a lot of them who were raised in ignorance usually are because of cults. A cult is not necessarily small. Cults come in a variety of sizes and shapes. Usually a sign of a cult is the degradation of the female in various ways as if the female is only body or a means and women are as illustrious and intelligent as a man in different ways sometimes but who is to say which is better.

Muscles are not brains nor synaptic impulses, etc. and love isn’t either. Courage is not only a male trait and usually love is the underlying cause of courage, and vice versa. Intuition, experience (good and bad), and common sense help develop both and work together. Without experience i.e. learning you might as well become a eternal pawn or a blade of grass to bemoan to be blow’in into the wind. It takes experience to differentiate between good and evil and to grow up instead of sideways which is the mustard seed’s purpose to prohibit and promote ignorance and beSIDES it isn’t the smallest of seed even in the plant world/flora. That ought to tell you something. The ORCHID seed is smaller. and of course some males act like plants but the sperm is even smaller. Sperm is the male reproductive cell and is derived from the Greek word (σπέρμα) sperma (meaning “seed”).

Hells Angel (Mother Teresa) – Christopher Hitchens

and there are a bunch more of his exposes on

the practice.

By the way the bible also talks about witchcraft and uses wording having to do with

the practice.

Pope Francis trying to act like he is Jesus with an audience or he wouldn’t do it.

This kind of mockery isn’t gonna help mankind. Praying is not limited to lying on a floor on a rug on top of marble and inlaid wood as if it is a physical activity when it is spiritual and can be done standing upright and in private or out in the wild by using your mind. He can’t even read a bible with out two people holding it and one to turn the page. Check out the swiss guard on the left. You don’t need to wear a frock to do it, or need a frock adjuster or a braid adjuster. I think this may have been the position Gary was in near the hide-a-bed by me years ago and how he got into the room from his room was on his elbows without being seen.

Ever hear of memorization?



Not all accidents are accidental.

Some accidents are actually sabotage. Like what happened in a town in Texas during the Obama Administration a small town and an apartment complex were burned up because of some factory via sabotage for the GREATER GOOD of someone’s ideals which happen to be evil. Remember that accident? There have been a few during the Obama Administration that were not accidents whether he was the instigator or not they were not accidental accidents. Sabotage by someone. Fukushima is another example. Possibly Chernobyl. etc one having to do with religious prophecy fulfillment called self fulfilling prophecy and to incriminate in the wrong direction, etc The RCC and it’s cronies do it a lot such as the Jesuits and other secret societies within the church IN ORDER to be needed. I heard on the news about the English attack of a mosque recently and I guess Islamic people don’t abide tattoos. I have no idea if they do or not but I heard they don’t. I know in the OT it’s forbidden in the book of the laws of Moses or something but I have no idea of it’s worth since it’s not really in the Ten Commandments and was more of a social standard they came up with as they went along making a bunch of laws that I don’t think were as important as the Ten Commandments because the Ten Commandments were created by God (imo) and the others by mankind for mankind kind of like our congress which are impossible to live by at a certain point when they become cumbersome to the nth degree outlawing everything known to mankind because of one thing or another that comes along. It got to the point Moses had to get others to deal with the problems of the people that came up as they were traveling about etc after their freedom from slavery and it grew and grew and grew into a part of the bible that was hard to read. It got out of hand and seemed almost like testing by the people and others. Same thing happenned to Soloman and his people in the OT.  A woman who lost her baby in childbirth and trying to steal another woman’s baby and his idea for handling it and then everyone probably used it as an example of how to handle women fighting over babies. Not everything is the same situation or mental state. Some people do it because they are insane and others because they want money or for kidnappng sake or to get back at someone. There are so many variations of the same crap and laws don’t often cover the reasons for the crimes and definitely not the intent.


Susan Maughan – Bobby’s Girl

I used to date a hemophiliac so I know it’s important to be careful about blood products and blood art as well. He died of AIDS soon after his brother died who was also hemophiliac at a pretty young age during the end of the AIDs/HIV epidemic as well. We were pretty close and friends though we married different people. He was best friends with my brother for many years which was how we met at my brother’s wedding and we dated after we met when I was a young “lady”. We were closer then just dating too. He was quite a guy in many ways and we knew each other for many years after we went our own way remaining friends partially because of my brother and because he was a friend of the family, too. It was a shock that he died that way and his brother before him. We got together with  him during a visit of my brother to town from another state and he wanted to see him and so we set up a poker kind of night and played poker with him which we used to do quite a bit and other stuff as well and with his wife this time at my older sister’s home where my brother stayed and it was an interesting visit. His wife hardly said a word ( I don’t remember her saying anything as a matter of fact and I was interested in getting to converse or know her slightly because of our friendship but wanted to be respectful as well.) and my husband wasn’t there but on a gig so I tried to keep it simple and not get cozy or anything talking to him about anything except his investigation about the HIV which he offered and told us some things which he brought up that he had investigated as far as the poisoning of the blood supply at the time when we were sharing something outdoors with a few family members who were into the night sky etc out on the porch for a break from the poker game. He was our friend and at the time he was alive it wasn’t as important until he died did I realize how important it was. He didn’t seem sick when we saw him but we knew he was infected. I remembered quite a bit because it isn’t something you forget too easily and especially what we had been through years before being close and our friendship. I used to go with him on dates and we would end up at the blood bank for him to get what he needed for his physical problems which usually affected his legs and his joints. He didn’t whine about it because he was used to it. It was very much a part of his life to do what he had to do. While we were outside he brought up the woman who was in charge of blood supply at the time, a politicians wife and she also was governor of Florida at some point in their lives and ours, and I think her husband had run for President as well. Bob Dole was his name. Her name was Elizabeth Dole, Bob Dole’s wife. I saw a picture of them with the Connallys the Governor of Texas at the time of the assassination when I was investigating the JFK assassination and transcribing the reports and he had what looked like a black lamp shade on his head in the photo which was taken sometime after the assassination. There was something strange about the photo which is why I kind of remember it but can’t remember what it was that was strange besides the lamp shade but I think I added it to one of the posts in one of the transcriptions or it is in my library of photos. I’ll have to find it sometime so I can recall what made it interesting. It was meant to be weird for some reason.

Life is in the blood? Hemophiliacs have blood. Aids victims have blood. Bats have blood. In the Bolshevic Revolution the son of the leader at the time was a hemophiliac. The whole family was slaughtered. Humans only carry 8 pints of blood or 1 gallon of blood/900 calories per liter

How Much Blood Would Vampires Really Have to Drink?


He was suspicious of Elizabeth Dole’s actions (I think it is her he spoke sbout) and her affiliations because a lot of people died as a result of the carelessness involved of blood products and the attitude about homosexuality as well. What if it wasn’t homosexuals who were the targets of the aids epidemic?  I think he was trying to figure out what the hell happened to him and probably trying to figure out why it happened to him and his brother kind of like I’m doing now in my life. I had a friend who was gay and probably more friends than I realized. I didn’t go around thinking about it or taking sides on the issue. It wasn’t important to me either way at the time. We were just friends and I liked him. Obviously I had hair dressers etc who were gay and noticed and even noticed some in the military in my past in the military families and in the forces themselves. I noticed even at the church the Episcopalian Church I did not frequent but lived nearby and was a small part of for a short stint in my life when getting to learn about Jesus and taking classes as a kid for confirmation and the few times with the family on some Sundays and my brother and I could stay. I explained that experience in another post so I’ll skip it for now except to say the church was hit by lightning and burned down after getting a new piece of furniture which was a new instrument “the organ” around the time that the movie the Exorcist and a little before became a famous movie and near the same area of Virginia in Alexandria, Virginia.  Maybe I will touch on it now. My brother and I when we went to this church used to get sick. He and I both would grow pale and sickly to our stomachs. So we would get to leave early which we liked of course but the rest of the family thought we were jerks. They had a change in Rectors (reverend) while we were in the area and about the same time as we met Gary my sister’s husband and the replacement rector/ reverend was gay for sure. I never talked to the guy. He never talked to him either. I remember the back of his head for the most part and the way he walked but I haven’t any idea his face because I didn’t pay attention. LOL Too busy looking up hymns and sitting, bending, standing etc over and over again. silly repetitive nonsense and I doubt God was impressed. It wasn’t a very friendly church. I did not learn anything by the sermons and barely anything seeing animations etc at confirmation classes. We also used their soda machine to cool off after playing. We noticed he was gay and didn’t talk about it. It was a fact and neither made a difference to us because we suffered those physical ailments of getting sick at church before as well. We used to play around the church yard behind our house football and built forts in the woods, etc. The stables were nearby where we kept our horse down the road. There were homes in the woods which we never went to – very old decrepit homes across the street from the church in the thick woods. I don’t think the people who lived in those homes came to the church but the ones in our neighborhood. It wasn’t built up and lots of new neighborhoods being built in the area so we played there in the construction sites on the planks and brick sometimes with my sister and sometimes with my brother or both. We liked to explore which is one of the thoughts I received from my brother (I think):

Never stop exploring!

Exploring is something we used to do together partially because that was how we lived our lives and it was fun and during our travels together as a family around Europe and the USA camping trips we took that my dad planned meticulously  for us. Four kids is a bunch to handle on camping and car travels with tours on a shoestring of a budget and so it was good he was that way. Sometimes found ourselves in dangerous spots but managed to live through our explorations. It’s kind of hard to remember everything I need to remember because things change so fast and at the time I wasn’t as aware of politics as I am now which I despise in many ways. And religion does affect politics in a big way and vice versa. I wasn’t even interested in politics because I had no idea how much it affected our lives being a kid. I was into doing other stuff and trying to find my talent or interests in college. and looking for love, having friends, having fun and the repercussions of fun and friends as well, etc. I was a D student as in D for dedicated. I got caught skipping for so many days when we lived in Virginia. My mom was pretty mad about it. I was a schlepp of a student.  I think I was a bit slow but I don’t know. I couldn’t pay attention or didn’t pay attention to the teachers and wasn’t interested in what they taught at the time I had been tomboy and was more into other things. I hated school and having to get up except socially but was a big failure socially as well and we moved so much I hadn’t developed socially in some ways. I went to three different high schools in three different states. The second to last high school I was bussed about a half hour away to a black neighborhood in Columbus for our country. I got pregnant and watched my best friend have an affair with the math teacher/coach for most of the year and I and my brother and his friends we were with who set it up were busted on base for marijuana but not charged but purposefully set up by the military police’s son who was effeminate cause his dad was an asshole and berated him and he probably confessed and he was supposed to be there that night and didn’t show but the military police did show with the rangers of the base in their helicopters and rifles on us.  We were all colonels kids and  because of the change in politics about the quota in the military about who was gonna become general and around the time Colin Powell got his chance. We had no idea people would do what they did to us just to get a head, but they did. It made us look bad but they were extremely competitive and sneaky and imo they made a mistake as far as my dad is concerned. He retired soon after sending us off to Texas for a year of separation from my mom. I think he kind of blamed me for the bust but it wasn’t my idea it was my older brother’s idea with his friends and I tagged along. He sure didn’t raise his hand to take the credit WHO WOULD? Like taking credit for rough housing and breaking a vase or something valuable and it wasn’t important who was to blame because we didn’t do anything the rest of them weren’t doing. It was his friends, not mine, and all were colonels kids. He was four years older. One of the friends was a colonel’s kid and his sister who my brother took a liking to became good friends and then they became good friends via the kids with my older sister and her husband when living in Texas years later around the time of the threshold debacle.  I met him and his wife once with my brother when I was going to college when they took me water falling in the Guadalupe River falls when swimming was still allowed and he and she ended up moving to San Antonio near the time of the Great Falling Away when Gary wanted to carry me over the threshold to the car to get my lighter etc and I had the first molestation meeting a few days later with my sister in Dallas after wards. It could be my dad didn’t blame me and was in my head guilt a very normal feeling but that it might have been about me, maybe. Cause a lot of shit came my way for sure over the years. Years later he and his wife went bike riding in the mountains or something steep and she fell off her bike with her bike down the mountain and the spoke speared her kidney when she landed and she died. I’m sure it was a secluded place as well. I can see how it might have occurred with a kick. This was after the winning of the Fedex case by my brother and so he went to the funeral and said his friend acted very strange to him for some reason when my brother went to help his friend in mourning. The problem was IMO he befriended Gary and my sister and something to do with winning a lawsuit against Fedex. I’m sure the General and his daughter were involved as well: Mr. Congo. Me Tarzan – you Jane?

Remember “pathetic”?

talking about your idea of friendship or your idea of a friend. Believe you me it’s pertinent to this conversation I’m having and hopefully it is getting through? Partially for not suing when they wanted to sue about food poisoning at a sushi restaurant as weird as it is.

He acted as if he had murdered his wife. His dad was one of the colonels who didn’t make the rank because of the drug bust. His daughter was also attending the bust as well with us and her dad cried because it screwed up his military career and chances to become general but in actuality it was the quota. The bust was an excuse and nobody was charged to emphasize how lucky we were like the IRISH. My dad didn’t even cry. He had been to war for two years before that – a very tough war and very uncomfortable war in Vietnam and my parents and theirs lost friends in that war and I’m sure their men and women they were in charge of so when my sister wrote or someone wrote in the brochure about my mom for her funeral with information about my dad and his motives for going to war the second time (tour of duty) for his career aims because he got a battalion to command it wasn’t to make general or it wasn’t that important to make general as much as the brochure claimed. Yea it was his career but it was his duty as well at the time and he had perspective. It was a compliment and an achievement he was granted or given because of his abilities but was not based on becoming a general. Lots of colonels are much more talented and much more detrimental in the military and to the military than many generals depending on the job they are asked to do and how they handle it and depending on the person and their bosses.  The military is of course very political sometimes and politics tends to be a source of problems for the military because of the obvious reasons especially when at war often the difference between winning and not winning a war or getting into a war or not and being properly armed for their goals. Remember during the Clinton presidency some in some of out military in some country were abandoned. Politics is delinquent oftentimes to the point of the death of soldiers and others. It wasn’t his drive, imo and I felt like the brochure mocked him in that way. He liked retiring and learning to build homes as well. He still got to play golf. He had to learn to match plaids, but my mom helped him.

He loved his family first and foremost.

So he did not cry. 

(Why would a grown man cry about what Brads dad cried about? Perhaps he knew ahead  of time, as well. My best friends dad was the head of the Rangers on the base. What land were we on? Rangers… Who were in the helicopters? Rangers… Who had the rifles? Rangers … It was not the military police. RANGER DANGER:0

Ranger Danger is not to be confused with Chip and Dale: Rescue Rangers, or the actual Danger Rangers, who teach kids about safety.

Gary wasn’t a stranger or a ranger, was he? Is it irrelative? I don’t think so.

And he wasn’t a monk, was he?

When we went to Branson, Missouri years and years later when I had my first child, we were late picking up my parents and my older sister after a show they attended. Anyway the pearl was pissed because we were late by about an hour or so. Hey I used to wait plenty of times while she was in college at SMU scarfing up the money my mom made and that my mom helped to pay for her tuition wise and clothing working very hard in real-estate and was doing great at it when she had to pick me up from school late. I didn’t like it but I didn’t blame my sister, but now I will. In Branson I wasn’t in charge of the vehicle and I didn’t have a watch and I didn’t bring the marijuana, nor buy it. I was tagging along as usual. For some reason in my sister’s eyes it was me who caused her to have to wait. Maybe it was my reaction to her mood that pissed her off. We were kind of hysterical laughing on the way especially when we realized we were an hour late and scrambled trying to come up with a good believable excuse which was entertaining in itself and because we knew she was gonna be pissed and then on top of it getting lost even though it’s not a huge city and she was pissed, however my parents were pretty cool about it. They didn’t need an excuse. Which I appreciated. Not like they didn’t realize we made mistake and were late and they sure didn’t need a bunch of shit about it. It was only a little more than an hour or so of being late. I really didn’t want to go to Branson and only did it because of family. When we went to breakfast in the hotel my dad ordered some food and I guess he got up to go to the bathroom or something and came back and the plateful of food was at his place and he sat down and asked:

“Did I order this or did I throw this up?”

It was funny and we all laughed. You had to have been there I think to understand how we got a kick out of him and his personality. Something happened on the way to his place at the table between there and the bathroom. May be it was premonition.  KIDS aren’t easy. It was a memorable experience I will never forget going to Branson and we did have fun going through that experience, though I don’t think my oldest sister enjoyed it as much as we did. Watching my brother and my younger sister in the situation we were in was fun and very funny as well.

She started to favor Greta Van Susterne and vice versa.

Lots of politics at the time and at the end of the Vietnam war and because of Watergate and the ramifications of Watergate which have been covered up but it has to do with the cult leaders of the

BGEA and also a shill for the RCC. This is what Watergate was really about.

The Break-in was JUST an EXCUSE

like the bust or we would have been charged, don’t ya think?

On base we had the prisoner of My lai living under house arrest who went nuts killing a bunch of civilians and kids in Viet Nam. Never saw the person I can’t remember his name who was the accused but he wasn’t that far away.


The Vietnam war was coming to an end though I wasn’t aware of it at the time except that my dad was in Vietnam fighting a war I had no idea why except because he was in the military. It was his second year with a year in between with us and at the Pentagon. Before that we were pretty sheltered. Didn’t really have an idea of life outside of being kids and on base and were not around civilians much except in travels and kept to ourselves for the most part. Civilians and posties often fought when we were stationed overseas. I didn’t but the boys did. We used to call them townies…the civilians.


I had not figured it out yet because I had big ideas in some ways and wasn’t very realistic about what was ahead without experience to know. I did know math was out of the question. I was kind of doing a jack of all trades kind of college experience to figure it out which is not a good idea in some ways however it came in handy in other ways later on because through my experience I learned a lot on the surface and led me to some things I might not have had the wherewithal to figure out, but nothing that made sense at the time.



Later I had done some research in regards to what had attacked him and his brother. It’s bad enough to have Hemophilism then to be attacked by the AIDs epidemic was much tougher and seemed unfair to me after he died years later. I was busy having kids and with my family experiences, etc. which in itself is a lot to handle especially with some of the things I was handling as best I could though not in other people’s eyes. For me it was enough, too much. Anyway a strange thing happened that evening when we got together at my sisters house having to do with blood which was kind of scary and odd. I explained it in a post written earlier but basically my brother’s arm started to bleed for no reason. We were sitting around the table and noticed my brother’s arm bleeding. It wasn’t a lot of blood but the timing was weird and at the time we thought maybe a bug bit him or something and I was worried about the possibility of my brother getting infected but we did not say it. My heart was beating fast.  I remember and it scared me for my brother. I know I was not sitting next to my brother at the table but I can’t remember who was sitting next to my brother. Later I remembered my ex boyfriend’s wife was a nurse. I had not experienced nurses much except for my first college roommate was studying to be nurse. She set me up on a blind date that was really quite funny. She did it kind of as a joke but I took it well. He was a nice guy but not my type and she knew it but needed a friend to go out with the guy she liked. She talked me into it and it was my second blind date in my life and the first was pretty weird to begin with which is a whole nuther story walking around the Lincoln Memorial a bunch, my first time to ever have hashish as well and was my first date ever and with a guy graduating from high school and I was but a graduating freshman. I did it for a friend who wanted to go out with his friend. So I did her a favor in my first semester at college when I least expected it which is basically my life story.  It was the last blind date I ever had as well. Eventually through experience you learn some things about people. Things were quite wild and I was caught up in the wildness with a lot of other people my age. This is not an expose on nurses because there are many good ones as well but there are some that aren’t and while it seems I am inferring a relationship of my brothers wound to a nurse who happened to be married to my ex-boyfriend whom I didn’t know at all but it is possible. I know needles can be pretty small and sometimes you don’t feel them. He could have nicked himself without realizing it as he walked out to the porch or scratched himself but the timing was strange and there was a reaction which was big without much discussion but on the faces of everyone there and in my mind as well. Reminded me of the time I was visiting my older sister and my mom was visiting her which is why I came over to see my mom and Gary took his kid a tot to the Jacuzzi for a jealousy lesson which I thought was weird. My sister was very pregnant and the timing seemed weird for a father daughter jealousy talk in a Jacuzzi at night in the dark without some kind of suspicion since I had had experience with his strangeness (waking up to molestation while asleep next to my sister in their apartment) a few times and everyone knew it including my sister and she didn’t bother to check on her tot but I was afraid for her and I saw my mom’s eyes and I could tell she was a bit disturbed as well. Her eyes grew very big. She had big eyes to begin with so when hers got big they got really big. We were not the parents and I waited for my sister to check on her kid but she didn’t that night. She noticed our eyes. I know she did and she resented it but I could not help it and nor could my mom. It was a reaction any normal person would have had.

It was a natural instinct and possibly a natural moral instinct.

I have no idea if anything happened or not but I was naturally concerned. Why have a father daughter jealousy talk the one night your mother-in-law and sister-in-law are together at the house visiting and why make the announcement about it if he did not want to disturb us knowing what he had done in the past. Kind of weird. My sister had been pregnant a long time. It wasn’t a one night deal. He could have had a talk many nights and days before or after and he was or had been drinking beer this particular night and often men are turned off by pregnancy in the wives. It is not unusual. (there is always the possibility my niece as a tot:

A 2 year old tot.

exhibited some sort of jealousy that day and he was responding that night, but I think it was belligerence and maybe a bit of mental illness or craziness and if it wasn’t why didn’t my sister who noticed say something? later when the kids were older she said there was a rumor about a person from the private girls school who was having trouble because of the dad and my sister told me but she didn’t know who but had heard about it somehow. Could be there were more than one. and then Gary did not want his daughter to get psychological counseling and said to leave her alone to work out her problems to my sister at one time which was weird and then she did go to a Christian counselor. Of course what he said to my family about isolating me years later is incriminating. ) Even though teens tend to be messy my niece didn’t even leave an inch of space on her rug in her bedroom which IMO meant she wanted to have some kind of warning which I think Newtown was partially about. Paraphrasing: “When we did our art work and used marks alots we filled the whole page and not one bit of white left on the paper.” Remember that? So yea I was concerned about Newtown. One of the moms talking about her perfect child who was supposedly massacred with her actor husband at Newtown. My niece married a guy with the last name White, My mom wanted to live to 105 to outlive her grandmother White so I know she did not want to be hospiced for the RCC’s hope and prayer to be able to have something to control of mankind since they couldn’t control women’s bodies anymore.

After that experience came the photo of me and my other brother-in-law with family around his pool when he got home from work when he gave everyone a hug and no pictures were taken but of only me and him having a cursory hug (in a normal kind of greeting) he in his suit and me in my bathing suit because he came home from work in his suit and I in my bathing suit because I was swimming in their pool with the family though she presented the photo a few years later but the same house with the nasty look (glaring) she gave me as if I had been caught. I knew it was in retaliation and had grown in her mind into whatever it had grown into in her mind to be. Perhaps we should have talked about it but I had tried in the past to talk about it with her and as calmly as I could only to be treated the way she treated me during our first meeting which was quite weird:

“I’m calling mom and dad and I’m gonna tell them

you’re attracted to Gary.”

A you gotta be kidding me moment, but worse! No matter what I did it was wrong and no matter how I did it it was wrong in her eyes.

He did kind of admit he had a problem

if only you had participated in the meeting

in your home that you set up

and was only a room away from where you were clanging pots and pans in the kitchen instead..

He said he would start going to church….,

Why else would he have said it?

Not that it helped but it might have helped if you had helped. It helps to communicate even though it may be hard and uncomfortable as if it wasn’t for everyone else? And I guess not be so purityranical about it might have been helpful in reality and not in appearance.

Pretty soon you are on pins and needles not knowing how to act in any circumstances. It was not always rough that way but often was. I felt like I should go in slooooo moooootion just to quell any fear of me. Should I use my right hand or my left to open the door. Should I turn the knob? Should I walk, should I skip, should I run. It was nerve wrecking and destructive to me and my personality and destructive to my spirit and to my soul and finally my body and everything else. It was crazy. Hard to carry on relationships in a normal fashion relaxed and like everyone else and probably why Gary continued to drink quite a bit.

I wasn’t the only one.

I saw their daughter’s reaction when Gary over did his playfulness and his affection. I know he loved his girls but I know he went too far with his girls by their reaction. I know they loved him too. At some point in time he took a video of my ass and my thighs as I was carrying my first child on my hip walking to the front door and outside to checkout his daughters new used van she was very proud of and I had to watch the video more than once and I thought why haven’t they erased it. I should not have to ask. It was not a mistake. He took the video for some kind of strange reason either to upset his wife, me  and possibly his kids to anger them or maybe only to get a rise out of his wife. I don’t know why he did it because I wasn’t in his brain. Later when everything went totally berserk he suggested to my little sister and family to isolate me as if I was the problem and that should have been a big clue at least that is what my little sister told me on the phone. Who would suggest such a thing? The reasoning was so I would come back to the fold. Who would think that was a normal thing to do and was a normal reason to do it. I can’t think of anyone who would think it was normal. Obviously, my little sister didn’t think so or she would not have told me on the phone and it was sometime after that that we had our meeting with my brother who came to town to try to straighten things up with me and my parents because I suspect he loved them and he loved me and wanted us to not be at odds with each other OVER IT and for the sake of the family and why I guess Gary was questioning his motives which was obviously a sign he was a brick shy in some ways. It was a stretch to consider what he was considering and hoping the family would condone or go along with. It was insane. Why would he want me back in the fold? To go along with his shit/shenanigans to make him look normal. It was outrageous in so many ways I was amazed not in a good way. Other women liked his attention I noticed, even at the office. I know the Generals daughter enjoyed him and no one suspected her. WHY? Well because she wasn’t a threat for one thing and she did their bidding. But they also lost a few friends along the way and one or two were female and I suspect he pulled some shit on them as well and I suspect my older sister did as well. And there was my little sister who he played footsie with under a table at a restaurant when everyone was out to dinner and she did not tell my sister. She told me. Why? Why did she tell me and not my parents since they were sucked into the whole thing. Might have helped. I already knew he had a problem she knew he had a problem. Obviously there was something to it or it would never have come up in conversation. And then that 35,000 dollars she put in her savings account of my mom’s money she was not planning to use until my mom died. WHY? and then there was the death brochure exclaiming about how great my little sister was taking care of my mom as if we didn’t know? Pretty damned good salary. Give me a break. It was a payoff of some kind to keep her mouth shut about the family, the abuse, and the hospice of my mom via the government and her religion and her husband who was a user she met on-line via a dating service who had been married twice before and one wife had died. Never putting his own money into their newly bought home in the country and newly built pool through rock, but managing the money she received via her divorce and other ways while coping with a few cupcakes along the way. While Gary was a brick shy in regards to females I don’t know that he was a murderer of women. He had a screw loose for sure but why is what I want to know. I know he regretted what he did which I could tell when his wife played the movie Atonement. In fact I know he regretted it sooner than that time way later in life. I saw it and he was scared of me in a way. He was afraid of what I might do. I could tell by the way he acted so I know he had a conscience possibly very underdeveloped but he also had some things going on possibly in a spiritual sense causing some of his problems and confusing him as to how to handle it correctly without being a total dick. He had a lot of resentment and expressed it the wrong way and when under the influence of alcohol did some things he probably wouldn’t have done and the resentment became more extreme kind of bullish. I knew when he called and told me I was a fucking liar he regretted it after I told his wife, my sister. I know he regretted it even before I told on him. I could tell. I could tell the next morning since he was trying to act like it didn’t happen at breakfast. I was in shock and everything seemed like it was in slow motion as if I had been in a car wreck moments before and/or after impact. It hurt but I was telling the truth and he was acting up again. I understood his reaction like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar. I like alcohol to some degree but I have done the same under the influence of alcohol things I wish I hadn’t done. I think alcohol serves a purpose as long as it is limited. Relaxing is good for the soul and alcohol can serve that purpose sometimes in the right atmosphere/circumstances with the right people and with the right attitude and the right amount. It takes some experience to know when to stop. Its a great way to mix with people it helps sometimes so as not to be socially a dweeb or a stiff but you don’t want to drive under the influence because you are more apt to make mistakes. Anyone who drinks knows it and anyone who sees others drinks knows it though rarely admit it sort of like the mustard seed. The sun too much of it can be like getting drunk which I found out by laying around a pool and having to get in the car to go somewhere and lost some good judgment because of the extreme heat of the sun and having to do with starting a car and reversing it or going forward etc. I remember having a small fender bender because of the sun. I had had experience being in the sun but this time it affected me weirdly. Obviously anything in moderation is wise. You would not drink before flying a plane or operating on a person or taking care of kids around a pool though most of us do sometimes take liberties we shouldn’t possibly take. You wouldn’t breast feed on alcohol although supposedly wine is okay to some degree. I did wonder if he had poisoned me because of my illness but on reflection I don’t think he was stupid enough to do something so radical as poison me. He wasn’t a violent man except in his belligerence as far as I knew because I had never seen it. I was probably more violent than he was but then I wondered if he wasn’t involved in some rapes that occurred in the neighborhood but then I thought it is possible something caused those rapes and perhaps was using him as a decoy in a demonic way which is possible. I knew that he skied with his family and there was a rash of ski mask rapes nearby and then they moved. He wasn’t a rash person either. He could control himself like at the office in front of people but he did resent females quite a bit and his wife was kind of hard on him deservedly sometimes and sometimes she would yell at him kind of loudly ordering him around but usually he acted like he didn’t give a shit. Made a joke of it. He had a sense of humor about anything  and I don’t think he realized grabbing on my ass down low and very hard at the office was wrong. ILLEGAL. TABOO. He knew it was wrong because I saw his expression immediately afterwards and I know he wanted to ridicule me, to demoralize me, to belittle me because I had potential and was better at some things than he. The whole premise of the job they offered me was a lie. The plan they told me to get me to work for them. Gary would do the advertising and would teach me and then he would go out and do what my sister was doing and I would take over the advertising and the clerical work and he never stopped training me, He wasn’t about to go out and do what my sister did because he didn’t have her talent which was self-evident over a period of time. It isn’t as if he didn’t help my sister become successful. He had a great part in their success. I never belittled his talents or that he made a BIG difference in their business. I appreciated what he did.  I did not want to destroy their success nor their business either. I wanted to learn as well. Before I was offered the job my sister had lost some weight and was looking good and I complimented her about it when we were out together and she told me about David, the office David, not the two successive husbands of my little sister. She said he had made some comments about her weight and that losing weight would help her and seemed like something was kind of funny about it but it helped her as well because she did lose weight. David sat near her at the office and I guess something occurred between them to have had these kind of conversations which is quite personal since when I worked there he couldn’t even talk. Barely talk. He was so broken or something by the office personnel. He was very attractive in a weird way kind yet odd at the same time. Younger. And tempting as well or trying to tempt. We did not have an affair and he and I never touched each other physically. He slapped my skirt one day, but still wasn’t me. Had some strange interactions at the office with him but he wasn’t able to talk. LOL Got tongue tied or something. I felt feelings for him very confused ones because of the shit I was dealing with and he didn’t know about what was really going on and the past and how he was kind of in the middle of it without any idea what he was up against. When I went to the office manager Sheila Rice and her secretary it was hard because I don’t think they had any idea what they were dealing with but possibly they did. I didn’t know them so I didn’t tell them everything about the past in fact nothing about the past just dealt with what was going on at the present because it wasn’t their business to know however it might have been a mistake not to but I don’t think they wanted to know. I had visited David for a meeting to try to illicit some information from him which was not forth coming and he told the office manager that I had visited him and spilt my drink in his car as proof I was with him in his car (which in itself is weird because she told me at our meeting he ha said it as if they were up to NO GOOD. Why would he talk to the office manager about me??? obviously he was being watched.) which I didn’t spill it but I did have margarita with me because it was a tough meeting for me to go to but I pursued it because I was being followed and harassed and had been sexually harassed by Gary at the office and I told my husband before I went that that was where I was going and he accepted my reasons because he had no choice in the matter because I was gonna try to find out what was going on from a different perspective of someone who kind of put himself in the middle of it all from the start with my sister who might have something important to add. I could tell he was nervous as I was he for his job and me for lots of reasons. Anyway the meeting was tense with Sheila and she added that david had added that I spilt my drink in his car IN FRONT OF MY HUSBAND WHO WAS IN THE MEETING WITH ME and I was able to tell her that I hadn’t spilt the drink in his car and yes I was with David and my husband knew about the meeting beforehand and it kind shocked her and she smirked. They were playing games with me and that one didn’t work out as planned. Her “I got ya” moment flailed. When I went into the office managers office I walked through the computer area where Gary spent most of his time when in the office while Gary was there and it scared him. He stood up and adjusted his belt on his pants cause he had no idea what I was gonna do or say or what was gonna happen, nor did I. There were only two ways to go in to enter her office so I went through. David stood at the end of the hallway as I entered to the computer room taunting in a way. MOCKING spiritually and in WEIRD way like he was something special or had accomplished something. It was not the same David who couldn’t talk or communicate in a normal fashion but something else was in him and it wasn’t nice spiritually. A bit of a mental dwarf who went to tanning salons, and a mere pawn though I did not make him that way, etc. Perhaps my sister did

but he was only 

a little cock

to crow upon.

So I did. 

Some people think higher of themselves than they should.

We had our discussion and it was a short one. I don’t remember everything said or what she said and I excluded the past for the sake of family and left out some things I knew because it might have progressed to a civil suit but I wasn’t necessarily hell bent on it. I was dealing with something very hard and very complicated.

Before the meeting with Sheila Rice (manager for Virginia Cook Realtors) in her office my sister had written me a letter and had demoted me by two dollars an hour and I was to do errands for them instead of clerical work and working in the office at the desk assigned to me a few desks ahead of David (the bachelor.) Pick this up… pick up pictures she had taken photos and anything else she could think of such as delivering some thing to her first daughters new in laws ( a present) of her first marriage or whatever came to her mind to do and around the time I had to pick up her son’s fish a Siamese fighting fish in a bottle at their house and bring it to the office for some reason while they were on a trip up north afterwards because she said their son was worried about his fish. They were gonna be home soon within a day or two so it seemed kind of stupid but I did it. I think the family was visiting the Kirchers (Gary’s parents) up north but could have been hanging out with the Bushes or at the potato farm.. I don’t know because I wasn’t with them. My husband was in the area when I allied him to help me accomplish this task because I couldn’t figure out how to get a fish in a bottle safely to the office. I was under suspicion because of some kind of problem at their home of a break-in or something afterwards even though my husband and I locked it up good (he took care of the alarm system for me as well which we did on the weekend when she called. Which made me feel about an inch tall and was meant to make me feel lousy and I did. The letter asked “what would you have me do?” as far as me and Gary were concerned. Can’t work together etc. As if I had entrapped them it was not my intention. I wanted a job and to make money and an opportunity for me which is how I was looking at it but I didn’t go to them but she and he offered me the job. All of a sudden she was the victim. Reminded me of when in a way but minuscule in comparison when tunnels were found in Israel and arms were stored in some places in Israel and the Israelis warned the occupants of the building or those using the building that was supposed to be vacant ( a UN building I think but was empty) and that was caught bombing other places to vacate the premises because they were going to destroy those places and I guess some priest who was acting as if protecting the inhabitants said “Where would you have them go? As if they had no choice but to remain or leave. When they didn’t have to use it to lob missiles at the jews nearby. It was kind of the same sort of mockery. Same kind of attitude. IF she had just handled it correctly in the first place years and years ago we wouldn’t have been at the point were were at and she and he did come to my house and offered me the job under false premises but I didn’t know it till I knew it when it was apparent Gary was never gonna do what she did as a real estate agent and I was supposed to take over his job. BLAH BLAH BLAH. I was set up plain an simple and it was an avenue for them to shame me and belittle me etc as if they had a license to do so. IT WAS DISGUSTING. It’s a big difference in scope but the same kind of bullshit. I know she was thinking in terms of a court of law down the round possibly. It was a horrible situation. Not for her but for me.  She had a whole lot of help and people behind her and I didn’t have anyone.. . Through it all I wanted my sister to be my sister and she refused to be my sister, meaning a good older sister I was hers but she wasn’t mine. It hurt tremendously. It was deep. When I started out on the job she told me not to call her by the name our family always called her which was Tootie. I had a hard time with it because we were close and I grew up calling her Tootie. It should have been a warning but I didn’t know her plan. Later they had new french doors and other home improvements so I imagine it had something to do with the break-in. I didn’t ask but supposedly the door or doors were ajar and they weren’t when we left the house as far as I know. Guilt by association? In the past we had taken care of things often when they were out of town for them like taking in the mail, plants, pets and when the kids are little the kids,etc..On reflection I think it was some kind of a signal to someone at the office. Later after we kind of settled things in the family temporarily because of the meeting and for my parents and after my dad had died my older sister in a conversation said that David had married (he was a bachelor before for 45 years) a girl who looked like me. I thought now that is weird. I guess I could have said Chuck Larson got back with his wife after they had had an affair. Or Lon Williams married some girl but she didn’t look like you after her affair with him. I could ugh but I didn’t ugh when those things occurred or in reaction to her ridiculous conversation. I could ugh said Gary didn’t really have an affair or try to have an affair with the palm reader Jeanine at their deli late at night but she looked so much like his little sister it was confusing for him when at the deli late at night: He only wanted a late night palm reading without distractions like my sister catching him.  I didn’t ask her about David but she brought it up. I really didn’t want to know about him, it just came up in my sister’s depraved and warped mind to tell me while we were in the car probably about to get the movie at the movie rental store she wanted me to see. Talk about a trouble maker. WHEW. It was some kind of slight and I don’t really know the point but she couldn’t allow me to get past things and then showed me the movie ATONEMENT and her husband declined and went to bed before I knew what it was about and then while visiting my mom together and staying at my little sister’s home she tried to show the movie again after she bought it as a form of family entertainment but she did not buy that Newtown was a false news story when she said on a family gathering at my little sister’s home when I tried to show her the you-tube of the actor laughing before he was at the podium and crying about his massacred daughter at Newtown and before that my brother telling me, “Don’t go there” as he is reading The God Particle on the couch for the weekend she said entering the living room after Gary watched it and smirking about it said “I DON’T BUY IT”  adjusting her clothing yet she didn’t even look while my little sister was looking up a recipe (probably mine) on her computer in the dinette of her country home.

Like dealing with the mentally insane!

Of course, no one wanted to see the movie. LOL It was her idea of fun. It is probably the most boring movie I have ever watched imagining my sister imagining herself to be Keira Knightly in some kind of strange romance in WWll or something like it and very difficult to deal with. That was the weekend my brother and my younger sister and I my younger one drove to a restaurant to drop him off to see his son and his family and to say goodbye while my older sister and her husband and David went to the warehouse where my mom and dad’s things were stored for some reason. We drove down a road called I can’t remember the name but having to do with limbo but much longer and I will remember the name soon and had a good laugh about it after my little sister backed out of her garage in her pretty pearl white van with the trunk of her car open and she had a mishap and that wasn’t the last time that happened but also the next time without my brother when my older sister and I visited her in her country home to see my mom when my sister had to have some new flip flops and it took several hours to find even though money she said was no object. It was called Purgatory Road between my sisters home and the restaurant. Talk about strange lol. Soon after I saw on the internet a picture of his son it looked like being rescued in a flood or because of a cruise ship mishap with an inner tube and a pig. (course I can’t help think what Obama said about Sarah Palin and if that has anything to do with it since it happened on his watch)

The house as well that I invested my brothers loan to me for the ex so he could live in it because it was dream house of his. He found it. I didn’t. My sister sold it and from the start it was a bad deal when the whole deal changed when financed. I was being set up way ahead though I didn’t realize it till it was too late. I knew he was very talented at some things and it should have made him less that way. I could tell he was jealous when a man at the office was acting interested in me too much and me him. I could tell when he put the palm of his hand on my kids foreheads and messing their hair affectionately and then came to me and wasn’t affectionate and pushed my forehead kind of hard when things got kid of dicey like he had a right to belittle me because he had a lot of support, pushing his palm into my forehead as if I was a piece of shit. It was degrading. Asking my husband to bring a lawn mower at that specific time as favor getting my husband to comply with their wishes which I asked him not to comply and he did anyway. I knew I was fucked for sure because he was such a weakling. His nose was out of joint and it helped my husband. His daddy his wife and the lies she told for him, his stature, their friends and what they were capable of, the business he was in and what they were capable of against me and for him because he was my sister’s husband and because of his dad in the oil business and she made good money in real-estate, etc. It was the heightht of belligerence and it was psychologically tough for me and it was rough treatment at best and it should not have been like that at all. I was being watched and I knew it because I was being followed and I knew it and because people were doing some strange things like my teacher at real-estate school and I know I was being photographed as well. I had a whole company of people fucking with me trying to make me look bad every chance they could. Even when I went to real-estate school. I couldn’t believe it that people behaved that way to people they didn’t even know. Like a club. He was afraid I would do well in real-estate. It felt good to have his sexual interest beneath him socially, financially, in business because of demasculinization along the way and probably from his wife my older sister and their religion and maybe her friends like Susan. Kind of a vicious circle.Then when I was getting a divorce my sister saying way to loudly so my husband could over hear hoping we would get back to gether as husband and wife hoping to manipulate my husband my ex eventually and playing him as if she was on his side only if he was on hers. She was very good at manipulation. She did the same with my little sister and her husband when she was divorcing. Calling him when she shouldn’t have IMO. His granddaughter had drowned in their pool and calling me to ask what should she tell him while my sister was at my home after much of this had happened. I told her remind him he saved your son in the same circumstances from drowning in their pool. She didn’t even remember. I had to remind her he had saved her only son from drowning and yet he lost his granddaughter at the same age as her son who a lost drowned years before on her birthday. A beautiful little 3 year old granddaughter. I think Cherie my little sisters nemesis was jealous. She also had a daughter and there was a business to be had. A really successful business. She was the chick THE BLOND at my nieces wedding who said to me I had something in my eye when we greeted each other at the wedding rehearsal the same day as the wedding. I looked pretty good that day and she didn’t like it. She was a pretty girl though if I was guy I would never have been interested in her type because she was bitch complaining to my little sister about her husband not paying attention to her as he watched a sports show “football” while she sucked his dick and told her in laws about his behavior. Talk about low class. My parents would have died if their kids did that. My little sister couldn’t believe she was so sleazy and she worked for the church and received a salary from the church and she caused a lot of shit in their family even for her husband obviously complaining about his lack of attention. WHO DOES THAT? Yea she was pretty and had a pretty voice to sing hymns for the church on the side and popular songs but she was gross. She was sitting with my older sister in the pews when we greeted each other at the rehearsal and didn’t greet very nicely. So what. I have a eye winker in my eye. BIG DEAL. How about Hey, nice to see ya relative. I went to a lot of trouble for a while helping my sister prepare for the wedding that didn’t work out because the guy my niece married was a dick as well. I helped my sister pick out her mother of the bride dress and believe me shopping with my sister wasn’t easy but she was my sister and this was before the shit hit the fan at the office but while I was being set up by my sister. Her new husband  got into killing cats on their land, but he could cook. He reminded me of Detective Fuhrman and reminded me of the man whose daughter was killed on a pier in California when out with his daughter without his wife, her mother. Meeting on a pier and it was blamed on a illegal immigrant in a safe zone who happened upon a gun under his bench and upon some opioids in a trash bin nearby. He was apart time actor and had gotten some small roles in Hollywood. Luckily my niece quickly divorced him. He wasn’t good enough and he wasn’t but his dad was well off, his mom was married to a theologian of the Christian church. Both his dad and his dad’s newest wife committed murder suicide eventually. How weird is that? Anyway a tornado came and missed my house: that beam in my eye Cherie was insinuating I had because she was such a instinctive moral laurel christian without a clue a sucker of the mustard seed. A wolf in an angelic appearance. She also had a young daughter about the same age as the granddaughter who died and I know she was definitely competitive. She competed for my little sister’s husbands attention as well. He was the boss of their successful business. The beam hit the window and it was about 8 foot long  but it didn’t come through and my cat was killed not too long afterwards which I mentioned in regards to the tornado when writing another post I wrote about the tornado that occurred the day after Christmas and people were hurt and people did lose their homes nearby and some even lost their lives. I had seen my sweet kitty looking out the window that day which was not his usual behavior and then I saw him when the tornado hit walking by the bathroom where I was huddled praying  unphased walking down the hallway. He was a miracle cat. Before the tornado by a few years I found him after he disappeared for 7 weeks alive in the bus lane at school. Sweetest cat in the world. Reminded me of my mom if  my mom was an animal she would be that sweet and lovable and pretty. I loved that cat obviously and it hurt how he died and the way the ex acted about it telling me when he was sick Go ahead and take him to the vet if he needs it and I said I think he needs it and then he said I HATE YOUR GUTS. He had little white dots in his left lung I was told and should not have made him suffocate. and my daughters shitty friend had a premonition about white dots when she was drunk on a margarita at a concert and high on some opioids and my daughter tried to care for her. The girl that left her friend my daughter at a mall by herself after hours at night about an hour away without juice in her cell phone because she was in a hurry to get somewhere. The girl who said I was a MILF. The girl from Bosnia who was gonna move to Croatia and was gonna be rich whose dad was a mechanic but couldn’t fix her car. Then she caused a scene in front of our house about some clothing parking their car down the road so as not to be seen and calling my ex in Michigan complaining about my daughter while he was at a funeral of his brother up north and to complain about me and my daughter on a very special day my daughter and I had together while he was out of town and he took her side for a while until we explained she was not in the right. He wanted us to cowtow to her and we refused and being together and she was acting like a hyena with her other friend causing a lot of trouble obviously on drugs and not in her right mind and very immature and obviously under someone’s spell determined to fuck with me and my kid and my cat. My daughter played it smart and just stayed away even though she tried to get her to into a fight. Begging for it for some reason. I know I saw evil in her eyes and knew she had troubles. I wasn’t a total ass to her I wanted her to be okay but there comes a time when you say NO MORE SHIT. I tried to be a nice mother to her until she did what she did and it was apparent she was lying her as off and using my kid and so was the ex. I told him I didn’t want her in the home he did it anyway. I was worried about my daughter and at the time my daughter was till her friend until she dropped her off like a sack of potatoes at a mall. My daughter is beautiful girl with talent and a lot going for her because of her heredity, my parents and me and because she chooses to be who she is. Caring and lovable and huggable. Then he made my kids watch my cat suffocating on his phone. NOT NORMAL. They handled it but I would rather he didn’t do it for their sake but he did it for his sake and against me. Later he had his mom hospiced by starvation and was able to buy his daughter a car and a computer with the money his mom left. It took about five days and he kind of knew how long it would take. He wasn’t there but only in spirit. Said she wanted it which I doubt.

I took my cat home for the girls and it was exciting when I found him. He had liver damage because he had not eaten for a long time. But to see him in the flood drain in between the 12 trees at the time ( a grove of trees) maybe eleven and now ten and he was too weak to barely get out. It was amazing and he lived for quite a while gracing our home with his sweetness and a sense of morality. He was a gift from God and a miracle like my mom and my dad and my kids. It was kind of  strange before he disappeared he put his paw in my hand and gave me a look as if he had to do what he did when he disappeared. I’ll never forget it. He was definitely a miracle.

My ex boyfriend

I hadn’t put it together or it didn’t even come to mind just when I thought back on it what it might have been after all the other things that had occurred that didn’t make sense to me. Sometimes it takes time to accumulate a sense of order of things and the meaning. My ex boyfriend was not a vindictive guy so I knew he wouldn’t have injured my brother for some kind of HIV/AIDs hatefulness as you hear some people do having sex with others to infect them on purpose that we have heard about in the news sometimes like the famous actor raised as a Pentacoste ( I think it was the religion he was raised on or something very similar) who was caught in that kind of madness. I can’t remember his name but had a few brothers and a famous dad in the acting business. I didn’t really understand the disease of hemophilism and wanted kids in my future and his mom had two sons who had hemophilism and I had heard later it is from the female that hemophilism is made thinking I would be that way carrying the gene which is not true. It was still a concern for me though not a big one because having kids was not my desire. The bible states something about a person who doesn’t care about what women want/desire and Mel Gibson (Martin Sheen-Mr. Silver (I love silver) Charlie Sheen was the name of the actor who got people sick with the disease after he was sick with it and I think he did it on purpose or was written that way in the news which I just remembered thinking about the opposite of a gibson is a martini. Anyway he had some tweets that were interesting during the Fukushima nuclear accident and so did Obama and it had to do with Billy Graham or Franklin Graham as I recall and I took notice big time because it also had to do with the Neocathechumenal Way, a new catholic dogma on the horizon which caused an increase in suicides of Japanese catholics and the Japanese people affected by the new enlightenment of the Neo Cats and the warning by Pope Benedict XVl of the New World Order/Religion with Teeth having to do with Al Gore as well and then came the tsunami which caused a nuclear accident and poisoned the waters nearby and of course it is hard to contain ocean water. It was a lot to notice but I did because it seemed relevant and I felt it was my duty to notice and report my way as I did. I know Obama visited Billy Graham at his home like many other presidents did) came out with his interpretation in the movie called What Women Want and he thought women wanted him. Now he did not shy away from a movie about Jesus and he did a good job of it from his point of reference being a catholic and i guess he and his dad started a new faith? The prophecy is kind of important but I can’t remember it right now but it was talking about an individual who is against what women want/desire. Someone important/pertinent in the “EndTimes”. When I was young it was not on my mind to have babies. I did not know what I wanted and was trying to figure it out most of my life like most people. When I was married it seemed like a legitimate desire eventually because I liked kids. My sister’s kids were cute and I loved helping with her kids but it was not a great desire for me until it was probable and possible to do so in the right way. I had not sown my wild oats yet. If I hadn’t had any I would have found a way to be fulfilled by traveling etc and learning: that is how I looked at things for a long time. But I enjoyed the kids in the family. I did not enjoy other people’s kids as much because often they were a nuisance because some people don’t take care of their kids such as when I saw a kid with diareah all over himself that was green and his mom was pissed off and obviously overworked – it was a turn off to want to be a mom and because I was kind of not used to kids poops, LOL. Or when I had to clean the house I was about to live in or rent and the house had a mountain of dirty diapers up to the ceiling which someone tossed into the middle of the living room because of laziness it was turn off to me to want to be a mom or when at Sam’s Club watching a woman (indian nanny) who was not the mother of the child she was taking care of and the kid falling out of the cart without being seat belted and threatening to fall beforehand by standing up a bunch of times in the cart seat and falling on his head on cement and the sound it made and he immediately having  a bump the size of an apple on his forehead and she acting like it wasn’t a big deal- it was a turn off to me to want to be a mom or watching a woman slap the shit out of her kid for being a shit in the grocery line – it was a turn off to me wanting to be a mom or hearing about someone with their kid in 100 degree weather leaving their kid to die in an overheated car -it was a turn off to me to want to be a mom, or of a woman who drowns her kids in a car in a lake so she can have a relationship with a boy – it was a turn off to me wanting to be a mom or a woman who kills her children because of her religious nut husband and his expectations of her – it was a turn off to me to wanting to be a mom and last but not least watching a grown man with the world at his feet pick up his kid by her arm (by a previous marriage) as if the kid was a sack of potatoes – it was a turn off to me wanting to be a mom. There are plenty of examples I could go on and on about it, but I won’t: It is not what women want. Not me anyway. I did not want a kid so much as to see or go through what I witnessed in many forms besides the murders of woman who did get pregnant and husbands who didn’t want the child or the mom but wanted life insurance much more.

 My ex boyfriend, again.

My ex boyfriend had some idiosyncrasies as well but we were good friends through it all, I think. His idiosyncrasies was he was a weirdo. He loved playing jokes on people. When he came to my wedding he wore fake teeth and looked like he was buck toothed. He talked to the people at the reception that way during my reception at my sister’s home. It was funny and kind of his way to act dumb and be funny. That was the kind of guy he was. He made teeth for living and had designed his own for his entertainment and ours. We went to McDonalds or something late at night one night he my brother and I and he would do funny stuff to make people react at the counter and to make us react, not meanly. I can’t remember what he said at that time but it was typical of him. Just the way he was. I think he wanted to be a psychologist, but didn’t know it.  A strange one but funny and fun. Once he got all the kids in our family the four of us and Gary I think as well and we went to a place where there were a bunch strange people who saw auras. I guess they were at a meeting or something. Spiritualists of some kind. It was a form of entertainment for him to get us in this predicament and see how we would react.  He was at my wedding and I went to his through my sister who kind of made me go with her kind of pressure which can be great sometimes being my older sister the older sibling in the family. She was a prodder in many ways, though I wanted to go but wasn’t invited for some reason, though she was which was kind of weird since they were not great friends at all in fact she had him kicked out or made me kick him out of her apartment years before because we were too young to be together and had called my parents and the pressure was on and was a short time before my sister’s husband did what he did to me when they moved back to Dallas. I remember watching both he and my sister’s husband in the bathroom acting weird to each other in a mano y mano kind of way and I didn’t like it. I was defensive for my family and him. I felt funny about it all especially watching their confrontation. Can’t explain it except that I was too young and insensitive at the same time to him. It broke us up because I was too young and he wasn’t invited in the first place. I was there to visit my sister in another town and he found out and came to town at the same time. It was very very weird. He invited himself and I didn’t know how to handle it at the time. Years later I crashed his wedding so to speak but I did it nicely and for the right reasons, imo. It was a pretty wedding with classical guitars playing in an older part of town, very romantic. I met his dad for the first time in the receiving line. His dad and mom were divorced so knew of her more though we didn’t hang out as much as he did in my family because of his friendship with my brother, me and my little sister. But it was my older sister that kind of pushed me to go to the wedding which was really strange in itself. She had hardly anything to do with him and then she did but after the shit with her husband. I was kind of a victim of circumstances I did not understand. She was six years older than me and a big influence at the time but probably was a bad idea. They went to the same college. One day she saw his dog on the tail gate of his truck and talked me into kidnapping his dog for a few hours and we did and gave his dog back of course. Sweet dog.  and his best friend, Bonnie. She was golden retriever. Later Bonnie was poisoned by someone and it wasn’t that distant in time which at the time I didn’t suspect anything at all. A neighbor or something and I think he was suspicous of me. I didn’t do anything but but be insensitive to his loss because I was sick with mononucleosis at the time and I was young and kind of confused. So sick I had a fever one night and thought I was Einstein writing stuff in the air mathematical type equations with my finger and had figured them out no less. I was obviously delirious from fever. His dad was addicted at one time to laughing gas he told me during our time to know each other and all I knew about that kind of thing was from the movie with Peter Sellers in one of the Pink Panther movies when he and his adversary were having a good time on it and it was an hysterical depiction at the time. His nose melted, etc. I think the last time I saw him he was visiting a friend above where I used to take my daughter to dance classes during recital period and I was hugely pregnant and with my husband waiting for one class to end and another class to begin during breaks for my elder daughter. My little sister was there for some reason. I think doing a task for my older sister because neither of her kids took class and both were boys from another town visiting. He had dated her as well after we dated for a short time. She asked if they could and I said yea. We were all very close and they were in between boyfriends and girl friends at the time and I saw no problem with it at the time and I was in college in another town. I wasn’t jealous though it was a bit strange. We had an off and on relationship sometimes. He did not seem to be her type but I guess he showed interest and she had gone through some strange stuff. One of her friends a boy she went to the prom with committed suicide, the man she was taught by at a Batptist church who was the youth leader liked my little sister who was one of those youths divorced his wife and they had a kid,  I  think. She was pretty lady. Nice definitely nicer than him. He ended up being an employee of Gary at his business in the deli business as a manager. I was more trained but it didn’t matter because he was a guy and I wasn’t. And he used him against me soon after the first time he overreached his welcome. I was still in shock and didn’t know how to handle it doing my best and because obviously no one else did either or knew how to handle it ever at least not sufficiently to everyone’s satisfaction, and I didn’t handle it for a few years till after I was married when he wanted to carry me to the car to get my lighter because it was wet outside and I was barefoot at a casual party my parents had and then he followed me anyway after I told him No, thank you while his wife (my sister was watching. She had her friend call The Generals daughter to see why I left and I think she called anyway and advised me to talk to either one of them and so I did when they got back to town and he was at work and then she called my parents with a dumb lie. It was stupid stuff.  I left that morning without word because I had not slept all night because I was paranoid he was gonna sneak up on me in the middle of the night and did not get rest on my vacation at my parents home. I cried the day after on the side of my house where I lived after the first molestation years before. But I tried to overlook it and get over it for my sister. It wasn’t the very first time he acted up when he masturbated while I slept on their couch alone in their living room he was pacing back and forth and I was thinking wow. I was covered and hoping he would forget it or go away, and acting like I was asleep, etc. It was embarrassing and I did not want to embarrass them. My sister said “Gary get back in here” to their bedroom a room away. I was so relieved. It was a weird event and I didn’t bring it up thinking maybe he was sleep walking or confused but she knew he had a problem. I was at an age and still sowing my wild oats and didn’t need more wild oats. Eventually she had to know anyway and definitely by the time I told her after she had had her first child because I thought she should know and he said he would go to church specifically to Scofield Church when I did have a meeting with him about it which was an admission but I have no idea how he handled it with her and it did not help with his hidden anger and belligerence to me and to my sister in a way and towards my family that I grew up with and the family I made eventually in a way and usually when drunk or drinking. He had too many supports too many people backing him. I didn’t have anyone really. No one that understood at that time especially after the initial lie told by my sister to my parents in return. I was telling her for her sake so she could handle it and there are a myriad of ways to do it without a bunch of shit. I did it for myself too because I felt I had the right to be at my parents home visiting without worrying whether he would molest me after I fell asleep. I felt I should have a right to be comfortable in my parent’s home. I had already been hurt by it and I was doing it for our sake as a family. I wasn’t trying to hurt him. I was trying to take it for what it was. Not trying to make a scene or cause them trouble. I didn’t want their money. I didn’t want an affair with him or even the hint of it because he was my brother-in-law, a relative, a family member, and my sister’s husband and he was a dad. I wasn’t trying to shame him until it got nasty and mean and then I had no choice in the matter. Self-Preservation. All in all if I had been married to Gary I would have handled it better especially if I loved him or the kids. I did handle it better with my ex when he started acting up. I got on the computer asked the questions “should a divorced dad sleep with his teen daughter?” and read the answers to him in the next room when my daughter was out with friends and he stopped sleeping with her but I had to pay a price (False arrest and overnight JAIL and he paid the bail. He called the police! He knew he did not want to handle his daughter and act like a dad as she was in my room about to cut my leather purse and fringe in a fit of anger. he could have gotten her to stop instead he dials the police. I was s physically at a disadvantage as well.) but it was worth it in that kind of predicament which I explained in another post. Of course I did gain experience through it all so maybe it helped me for my daughter. Over the years I thought about how I would have handled it working with my sister for them/ One, was I took care of their kids and gave them breaks from the kids but there were other things we could have done and we could have been victorious working together on it. I know it. It didn’t have to be so damned serious, serious to the point of people near death over it or dying over it or losing their livelihood or losing their family. It’s called perspective. Put it in it’s proper perspective and deal with it. We are all guilty of lust and we are all guilty of being stupid sometimes. IPSO FACTO. We make mistakes and it is normal People that never have had lust or feel feelings aren’t people especially when drinking, but moral laurel liars. I remember my brother and I owed my ex boyfriend a debt we couldn’t pay or could but it was outrageous so we played a joke on him and invited him over for a game of poker and my brother and I marked the cards though we could not see the marks when we played but it was fun anyway. It was more of a hindrance than a help. He was a very lucky player and good at it as well. It was a silly inside joke and I’m sure he wondered a bit about it because it was obvious something was going on. We could barely hold our laughter. It wasn’t in a mean-spirit just a funny thing to do. It was funny between friends though he didn’t know. LOL. I’m sure my brother told him eventually. I don’t know I never asked. Other things between us as well. My brother’s wife didn’t like him after something happened between them. I guess he made a pass at her for some reason after they were married before he was married though not sure about that distinction but supposedly it happened. She kind of made their relationship kind of hard after that and I don’t know what it was he did exactly but became a bone of contention at some point and I think a comparison and it wasn’t even near a comparison to what I had been through with my brother-in-law but I think it had to do with it though I didn’t realize it at first. She kind of broke up their long friendship. A very long friendship. They were college buds and after for many years. Friend of the family and I think she was jealous maybe. Not sure. I think she was playing some kind of part in terms of my brother-in-law for him and for my sister against me and my sister showed little respect to her before that so I could not or have not figured out why she would but it was easier to deal with than my older sister who was quite a force to contend with possibly by her affiliations and her hardening of heart because of what she was dealing with herself which can’t have been easy. She could barely stand her and it was weird. I didn’t like how my sister treated her at the time. VERY WEIRD. Very involved stuff. I wasn’t pre-playing it. I was reacting. I was trying to be a good family member as best I could under the circumstances. I forget the politician, a republican that ran for President whose wife was in charge of the blood supply somehow was under suspicion by my ex-boyfriend.  I know later online when studying the JFK assassination I had heard that the RCC or some of it’s representatives thought AIDS/HIV was punishment but the problem was was it killed babies and hemophiliacs and others who had nothing to do with homosexuality but I took note of their stance. A Bishop of the RCC made a statement in that regard. Some kind of recompense as if it was deserved. Kind of like what Franklin Graham kind of stuff where he or his sister come out stating in their brief ways some threats or warnings in the news such as “More Christians are gonna die” or how God has taken away his hand of protection of Christians or the USA, etc as if he nor she is God during the Obama Administration and Trumps as well. How do the Grahams know? Did God Say So? Franklin Graham once stated he believes everything in the bible: What about the mustard seed? How about some discernment?  How about the evil kings written about in the bible. Does he believe them? Its a ridiculous notion and a blanket statement to say you believe everything in the bible it’s like saying you believe the pages. How many versions of the bible exist and believe me there are differences and you can’t believe all of the differences. What if someone wrote a note in your bible do you believe the note even if it is a lie just because it is in the bible?

It’s a schmaltzy thing to say and very dumb.

My sister-in-law didn’t like my other brother-in-law the one married to my little sister because he hunted deer. That was her reasoning as was told to me by my brother. He did hang deer heads on his wall and fish corpses but not like if you entered a hunting lodge. There was another reason but I can’t remember it. Philandering possibly. (Though she did not mind Gary!) ON THE LAST TRIP to the beach with the family I bought myself a cute outfit turquoise two piece beach outfit or summer outfit and I could tell I was frowned upon by my sister-in-law for wearing it. At the time I looked good in it and hadn’t gotten frumpy yet but she looked me over funny. She liked to wear dresses which I thought was pretty. The brother-in-law that my older sister tried to insinuate we were getting it on or something going on between us via a photo she took and there wasn’t anything going on between us at all and she was dreaming of him and told my sister she had a dream about kissing him on a bridge while my little sister was below watching. Weird thing to tell her sister but she did and made my little sister feel odd and met little sister expressed it to me. She thought it was weird. I thought it was odd but it was only a dream, too. But under the circumstances of our family problems it was an odd thing to express. During my recuperation I was having dreams of my brother in law’s dick in my face. But my dream was more of a nightmare possibly drug induced because of the pain medication and because I suffered PTSD because of the things that had happened and the operation  and the way people treated me and things I was told and everyone’s reactions to every little thing I did or didn’t do and mine as well. Things got kind of heightened in a way that is hard to explain over different periods of time and as things progressed in an unreasonable way but reasonable in the sense that it should be understandable that it might get that way because of a lack of understanding. My brother’s wife loved animals to a fault. Sensitive to animals and loved kitties etc but not realizing hunting was a sport and he did eat what he hunted and it was a population control of wild animals which would starve more than likely. Kind of like what we used to do with control fires to prevent bigger fires. Fighting fire with fire to protect lands which is what had to be done in the past when we didn’t have helicopters but we had storms with lightning and people that were a bit loose with fires they set during camping trips and some on purpose to hurt other land owners or to hide crimes. It worked for the most part especially out west where there are places that are hard to reach around the Rocky Mountains, etc. or parts of California and Arizona etc to protect farms, ranches, and housing or small cities that had developed over time. If I could put an animal to a human she would be a kitten kind of person. I painted a picture on porcelain for her for a Christmas present which was one of my favorites a copy but it was good practice of girl sitting on some steps with some wild kittens. Had a lot of cool shadows and stuff that I liked. It was one of my best portraits I had learned to paint. She didn’t hang it for some reason and I saw it one day down stairs in their home in a piece of furniture as if hidden. I don’t know why and I never asked. They were into their kids portraits huge ones. Baseball and I guess she didn’t appreciate my art at the time though I thought I was pretty talented in painting porcelain and was taught by my mom and a guy who was kind of famous for his portraiture as a help my mom thought would be helpful to me. It took weeks to months to paint although I did not count the times I fired it in the kiln. It was a good painting and reminded me of her and it was meant to be a compliment of what she was in my eyes in a way though I don’t think she appreciated it. Not sure why. I guess I could have sent some candles or something less personal instead but we had a family drawing each year to keep the gift giving to minimum so not to go crazy shopping and being ridiculous as our families grew.  I wasn’t made of money just talent and I thought she would like it and I didn’t hear any thing about it that made me think she liked it which was kind of a slap though not noticeable to others, just me. I didn’t do it for her again, didn’t have to. I didn’t get her name again. Lucky for me. Some people don’t like homemade gifts. Of course my mom was in charge of the drawing so maybe she noticed. My mom helped me when my husband complained about Gary  mocking him calling him Fillipone or something like that often. so I told her my husband didn’t like it and my mom I think she talked to them because after I talked to my mom he stopped doing it. They were more successful than I was ever. He was a lawyer, my brother. I think she resented that I lived with his ex wife for a while when going to college, but we were friends still. I kept it and she kept it cool. We didn’t talk about my new future sister-in-law. My ex sister-in-law was very fair about it to me and I to her. I lived with my brother and his girlfriend my new future sister in law for a while as well, while he was going to law school paid by my parents before they were married. Some how I was resented for it. I don’t know. She held resentment quite a bit but unfounded. More paranoia I think and feeling insecure. We accepted her when they married and treated her with respect during the marriage which was successful and while she brought up their kids very well. I thought she was a good mom, in my estimation and a good wife for my brother who loved her and she him and that was good enough for me. She got sick later with some kind of sickness, sleeping sickness, which made her weak for quite a while that a lot of people were made sick from and I think had to do with mononucleosis. I think it hurt her thinking in a way. Probably thinking too much because that is what sickness is like sometimes depending on the sickness. She was good for my brother, as far as I knew and they worked together as well and were successful not just because of him and his talent. She supported him in her talents as far as I could tell. I didn’t go around thinking about it all the time or anything it was just my perception. She had very nice parents both Catholic and interracial marriage Indonesian Dutch. She cooked really good food too. Interesting food and my brother had to watch his weight she cooked so well. I had to around her also because she didn’t really like to play games or hang out as much as cook for everyone. It was her thing and she was nice about it however I wonder now if she didn’t resent it but no one made her cook. It was her way. Her sister and her brothers were very nice as well and their kids. He made his life with them for the most part and less with us because of location and desire to some degree because of the location was nice and pretty. He appreciated the gentleness of her dad a great deal. I think he resented my dad in a way because he was a military man in comparison. Just a hint but he loved him also. He respected my dad, too. Normal father son stuff.  I know he loved him especially the time when we had our little family meeting I saw it in his eyes and tone and his intent. I know what I saw was real and I loved what he was trying to do for me and my parents during the worst of times and for the family to keep us safe in his mind’s eye and for our well being to carry with us. He also moved far away because of my big sister, I know this to be true when he was a kid she cut his eyelashes because he had long ones and she was jealous and spoke for him when he was three years old . They didn’t see eye to eye on many things and he did not like being manipulated by her, but he enjoyed her as well. They were only two years apart. He also enjoyed Gary and of course the kids. She often would try to get everyone to go in on her idea of a gift for my mom for Christmas or birthday or someone and he didn’t like it. Probably because when she was picking out a diamond ring for my mom she was thinking of herself: what she was gonna get when the time came. a maneuverer. situating herself in a way. That is two M’s. of a sociopath. IT IS A CHOICE. Something happened after that meeting. I don’t know what happened but something changed in my brother around the time my dad died towards me. Something weird happened. I do know my brother told me at the meeting we had that my brother-in-law was asking him weird questions which he knew the answers to since he was the perpetrator or the predator as my brother kind of explained to me in his lawyerly way at the first meeting we had with my little sister to try to handle the situation as best we could. He called it self protection /self defense/self preservaton a normal reaction to actions of others that might hinder one’s life or reputation, etc, and I had the same in me as well which was not as understood by him and others, I don’t think. My brother did not tell my brother-in-law the answers to the questions he knew because my brother knew he knew why. He was just trying to make things work for everyone in the family. He wasn’t trying to get too involved just enough to make it work for everyone. Gary knew his problem we knew he knew he had a problem. It had gotten out of hand because I revolted. I had a right to revolt but it didn’t help me nor anyone. It hurt me and everyone which was not my intent but sometimes you have stick up for yourself against all odds. My brother didn’t really have the information he needed to understand my dilemma and what I was having to overcome and deal with which in my estimation was ridiculous on their part. He did not realize my sister was still making her digs so maybe he forgot to tell her the deal. I did not go around trying to set people up or entrap them. I was merely reacting as best I could. I was not a perfect human being either. I did things I wondered why did I react that way or why couldn’t have not done this or that, etc. You kind of start self examining sometimes too much but because of the reaction or actions of others. I didn’t have a camera to catch Gary and it would not have worked on him anyway because he wouldn’t have displayed his idiosyncracies then only when it was unexpected and it is not like I wanted him to display what he did sometimes. It was not worth the trouble to get a camera to to deal with it yet it would have proved me as a witness though I could never anticipate his actions. It was not the point anyway but to stop it and just be family. I just had to live around them part time as family at gatherings and because I was my sisters sister and we were friends. He wasn’t an Ogre or a Monster but sometimes an ogre and/or a monster was inside him depending on what was happening in their marriage or socially or in family stuff and I had some problems as well, we all did in retrospect in a kind of a difficult situation which did not need to be as difficult but since the abuse continued when you least expected it, it was a tough problem for everyone involved, even Gary.  It wasn’t as if he was in charge of his own mind all the time and in charge of his body as well. He was heavily influenced by alcohol for one thing and reactions and the actions of others. His wife influenced his personality as did his kids and friends and family and THE CHURCH weighted in via those people involved and their attitudes. She had to insist I watch at their home a movie called Atonement which is about a woman and a man and her sister accuses him of rape falsely and ruins their marriage for a long time and that is not how the story goes and which was a lie that she thought the way she did but he went to bed because he did not want to watch it and when I realized what she was doing it was too late. I had no idea what the premise of the movie was until I had seen it. then on a trip tried to get us to watch it again with the family after she had bought the movie. It was like she was pouring salt on a slug. It was similar to when I told her the first time and had my first meeting with her she reacted by calling my parents to tell them I was attracted to Gary and told me that was how she going to handle it which was INSANE. I was dealing with a nutty reaction which was hard to take but I loved her because she was my sister and because of her as well. Not just because of our relationship but because of her. I had grown to love her over the years growing up with her. It’s hard to separate those feelings you have when you love someone. I did the same with Gary over time in a way that was reasonable in my life since I had to deal with him and her and my family. They were my family. It had come to a point of insanity and great revenge on his part and hers and I had had enough of the shit spewed my way for their reputations sake. Her friends helped in a way that was very destructive to everyone and to themselves as well. They knew Gary had a problem. I know they knew. I had problems as a result of his problems and my own. They had problems as well of their own and their own limitations in their own lives and experiences in their own lives but ganged up on me because I didn’t meld very well with them. I wasn’t in the 500 club. I wasn’t a debutante. I wasn’t a rich kid. I wasn’t the belle of the ball socially. I didn’t go to the elite schools. I went to state colleges, Jr. college and public school. My sister and he were successful because of his dad in the oil business. She studied journalism and political science and had little knowledge kind of like Nancy Pelosi the strategist. Didn’t do a thing with her studies but write super long christmas letters. I think he studied business. It took precedence for them to blame me and not them or themselves. It was a ridiculous situation but it wasn’t without a great deal of crap and abuse and I returned it sometimes as well in my reactions. at a certain point they received $250,000.00 a year from his dad and she did the spending. It was an inheritance type deal and they were expecting a few million later when his dad and mom died. Pretty soon or in retrospect I think it was a babysitting money, baby sitting me. And then he lost the money on the market a lot of money and my aunts money who was married to my uncle which Gary had romanced in regards to some kind of tactic he used having to do with options trading or something in the field. Something Gary had come up with on his own though I had no idea of it’s worth. He lost everything and they had to move down house wise out of her dream home to a pretty nice 4 bedroom house with a pool and a Jacuzzi in a kind of good part of town. So tough to live in a four bedroom house. a very nice one. But Gary forgot to tell my uncle he lost the money invested as his broker which is against the law but it was between family members and it was kind of shady to begin with because I don’t think my uncle’s wife was in on the deal and it was her land and her money. She had kids who might have appreciated their money. I met her daughter at the store a grocery store and she kind of acted like I was involved and really didn’t know anything except that Gary was freaking out and had lost his and their money. She was resentful of the whole family and most everyone was not involved. My uncle called me one day and asked if Gary had lost their money and I answered truthfully as best I could very briefly because I was uncomfortable. It had been about three months since the loss and Gary was trying to build it back up so as not to get in trouble but he should have told my uncle when he lost it because that is how it is supposed to happen. He was in-between companies at some point and I think one of the companies was at the Towers which was a victim of 9-11. A majority of the company. I think it is related. His daughter watched in Brooklyn on a  rooftop the destruction. My mom watched on a roof top the Japanese planes attack Pearl Harbor or enter the area. My uncle offered me a job and I declined. It wasn’t worth a shit of a job so it wasn’t hard to decline. I did not tell my sister my uncle called which was a mistake. At the time I felt like I had a right to tell but it was not my idea to tell because of the past which I did not realize I had those feelings deep inside until then. In any case as time went on I saw my sister at the house she loved with her friend BABS KINKAIDE married to a banker and they had a conversation about

how “it is harder for someone who has or had money to lose it than someone who doesn’t or didn’ t

…we’ll obviously, but how would Babs know, she never didn’t have it. Real intelligent shit.  That was what Babs said and my sister was seething. If steam could come out of a nose it was coming out hers. At the time we were sitting on her back porch on lawn furniture. So I kept real quiet. I didn’t want to know about it in the first place. I did not benefit by my uncle’s wealth and

as my brother said “if you want to keep a secret

…..don’t tell it.”

Pretty good advice if you ask me.

IT WERN’T MY FAULT. She and Gary should have kept their secret if it was that important to them. If Tootie suffered we all had to suffer. I had no idea how much was at stake. NONE. I didn’t ask and I doubt they would have told me I just knew he was scared shitless when in San Antonio and my sister was livid. She was pissed at him. I asked my mom “what’s the deal?” as we sat in the dinette and my sister and her husband were going through some emotions nearby and my mom all she knew was her brother lost his new found wealth because of Gary. She didn’t say it that way. She was upset for them and for her brother. She didn’t blame them as far as I know but it was Gary’s fault. I don’t remember how she said it but she was scared for everyone involved. I don’t think she had any idea of the numbers involved. She just knew it wasn’t good for the family unity etc. I could see it in her eyes, sadness. Between a rock and a hard place and she didn’t benefit either way from their loss or gain. I think Gary’s dad was gonna help because I think he visited near then, but I don’t know. Wasn’t my business. I know my aunt seemed to enjoy my uncles wealth somehow and showed him respect she never showed toward him before. She always looked down on my uncle because he drank a lot but it didn’t matter when he had money. Same with Gary. My sister and her husband had no respect for my uncle’s kids or his wife’s kids. They weren’t that close anyway. It was all over some fantastic tactic Gary had invented having to do with options which he liked to yack about often and no one knew what the hell he was talking about. I don’t think he did either, because it was BS. He lost it all in one day, one hour and maybe only a few minutes on a famous Tuesday in October for the loss on the stock market. He was not the only one. After that Gary went around mocking with a pair of cardboard material cut in to glasses with a small hole in the middle which he thought would correct vision which was probably an idea he saw but much more prehistoric and primitive. He used to walk around with the card board glasses on his eyes with a pin hole in the middle. I don’t know if he was trying to be funny, but it obviously was kind of funny. I think after that they were like the guy in the bible who started getting kind of mean to others who owed him even though he screwed up. It is my suspicion. All through their marriage when they invited you over to eat there was always a tag line: bring your own meat. When I invited people to eat at my home I didn’t tell them Bring your own meat but I guess Gary was kind of cheap in a way about some things and not others. He did not like to spend money but his wife did quite a bit. She bought a dress an everyday dress but by a designer for a thousand dollars. To me that is stupid. I don’t think she ended up wearing it much either. She did a bunch of redecorating to impress herself and friends. I almost lost my legs because of her redecorating when she asked me to get some samples she forgot in her car in the front seat when we were at some furniture place for her and a car a big white van backed up as I was leaning in and rammed the door of the car into my legs and destroyed the car door and luckily it did not break a bone but I was green with shock. I was sick as a dog. I wanted to throw up. We sued for a small amount of money and she even got some pain and suffering but she did not suffer. I did.  Her car needed work. I guess it cut into her day – kind of suffering. I had bad circulation for a while and had to be careful with my shins and lift my legs up, but it healed. etc. My future husband and I were able to move out of their home we stayed in for about a month to move to a one bedroom apartment with the money. It wasn’t a big deal obviously but at least we had a down payment. He was still up north when the accident occurred but we were preparing for marriage sort of. I had dents in my legs/shins from then on. One of her friends was a teacher. She was a mess and should not have been a teacher in my opinion except for her repetitiveness when she blabbered: I remember once she made a big deal about my parents and how they changed diapers of their grandchildren or something with the kids when they were tots she giving her advice at my sister’s home. she was unbelievably obnoxious with her advice. My parents raised kids when there was no such things as disposable diapers. They had to be rinsed in a toilet and then washed in a machine if you had a washing machine. So to hear Susan ramble on about her own motherly talent it was sickening. She was married twice because her first husband grew tired of her ramblings. She was pretty when younger as I recall very pretty at least the first time I met her but her personality was tough to take for everyone who knew her especially my sister’s family. She was a nuisance kind of college friend. Everyone rolled their eyes when Susan was around not because she was around but because she kind of rattled people with her personality, bugged ya. EVERYONE. When her second husband died she was relieved I heard and displayed it at his funeral because he was hard to take as well. His last name was either Cane or Kaine which is kind of funny coincidentally, He was a nice guy compared to her but Gary basically had to put up with him and let everyone know that is what he did. Why? I don’t know but you don’t always get to pick the spouse of your wife’s college friend kind of relationship. I think he preferred her first husband to some degree. I don’t think Gary liked fishing and her husband liked to talk about it. He was a principal at a high school. I guess because he was married to my sister’s college friend one I bet she wished she didn’t have probably now. You sometimes have to put up with friends who grow sideways and I don’t mean weight. I mean mentally. But we put up with her BS because she was a friend of my sister who leaned on her and used her as well and was around. They used each other. I could go on about her son but I don’t want to. He was affected by her a great deal and I guess she did the best she could. Luckily he had a dad and another mother via his dad. Might have helped to even things out for him growing up with a nut. Even they had their problems as well but were in love which helped. I think it always does help when parents are in love with each other even if not natural parents all the time for the kids if possible however it isn’t often possible. They met working together at the office and he ditched his wife probably for good reason but it did not help Susan become a better person and so he may have been her demise personality wise but they fell out of love. Divorce in that instance was a good thing for them and for their son. Weird as that sounds. His second wife made him happier and hence probably helped Susan’s son whether she would like to admit it or not. She did nut like me as it turned out. I got her message loud and clear and she blamed me for Gary only because she wasn’t wise and because she was dishonest with my sister as most people were because it was easier than the alternative. She had a snippet of perception she thought was real and wasn’t. But just one of my problems dealing with my sister and her husband. She was one of those people who could drive the sanest person over a cliff if allowed to be around for more than was allowed. NEUROTIC to the nth degree and deceived herself. Most people are neurotic but she took advantage of the meaning and inflicted herself IMO. Deluded and kind of dumb as a result even though she was public school teacher of kids with problems. Not a very good position and not good for the kids but maybe they didn’t notice but she was able to get a teachers retirement regardless because they don’t actually have to be accountable or compete because of unions one of the biggest in our country which could be annulled if we were wise as a country so that we could get the best and so people like her would have to grow up instead of sideways.

Obviously, I knew a lot about them because we were close.

One thing that was strange to me after all we had been through my sister often tried to insist I spend the night at their home in order not to drive 45 minutes away to go home and because she liked to stay up and watch movies with me while I rubbed her back and Gary would go to bed at about 9. We were very close and had fun together but she was not the best back rubber. I was. I had good hands like my dad in that I had warm hands and often hot which is good for a certain type of massage. I usually used two hands because I knew the difference it made massaging to use two instead of one. Opposite affect with kind of a rhythm which made it easier in actuality to rub or massage as when you go to the Caverns and walk down the sidewalk into the Carlsbad Caverns it was almost easier to walk with a tot in your arms than without because the weight helped balance you. She didn’t just ask me to spend the night once but quite often and I had to decline and while thinking “are you outta your mind?” Lame brain. But I was polite instead and made excuses. She had a friend who lost her husband at the Grand Canyon. He was walking with his family behind them and disappeared and they found him later way down low. I guess he had a heart attack or something having to do with the distance. I almost fell into the Grand Canyon with my husband and took our dog and  found out I wasn’t supposed to bring my Pomeranian in the area. Anyway I started to slip down  a slope and there was no fence and it was pitch black a few feet away but luckily I was able to get a grip of me and my dog in my arms. Then as we were on a ledge of the canyon a mule caravan came by and the leader of the caravan said “I hope your dog doesn’t bark” and of course he was a yapper. He barked. If you tried to sweep or vacuum he would go nuts barking. Or if someone was at the door and often Skipper had a hard time trying to stop barking once he got started. He had never seen mule. You could tell by the way he looked at the mule in the front of the caravan. Anyway I turned to the wall of the ledge with my dog in my arms and held him close as he struggled to see the mule over my shoulder. He never barked and the caravan was able to get around us even though it was a slender ledge. I just didn’t move until they passed by. When my husband before we were married was on the road and went to the Grand Canyon and he and his friends in the band who were on the road smoked a joint together on a place called Balance Rock in the area. Anyway the ranger came and made them get up in single file to get off the Balance Rock in case it decided to not stay  balanced anymore and tumble into the canyon. I think it has been like that for a long time. I would never have done that, I’ll tell you that much and I wouldn’t have done it with my dog for sure. I wasn’t that dumb. However it depends on the state of mind I might have been in if I came to the site already high. Then who knows I do know a lot of people die at the Grand Canyon and they hide it. They hide the numbers of deaths, that I do know and have heard. The guy who fell was married and had two daughters and I guess he left a letter behind to someone else and after that she was not in mourning. I’m not sure that would hinder me from mourning especially with two kids but I have no idea how their relationship was faring at the time. Seems a bit harsh. They ought to try and protect the people with barriers imo if they are gonna use it as a tourist site. Put up a bunch of signs about pets as well. I didn’t see any but might have just missed one tip about it. A lot of people go across country and stop in on the Grand Canyon on their way to California with their pets. My favorite type of trip is cross country driving although the ship was fun as a kid I have never been needing a cruise. I have never been on one and it’s not like i want someone else to entertain me when traveling. I would rather do my own thing as much as possible however you meet people the other way and if you are old it is nice to be waited on. I just don’t like schedules on vacation but having entertainment in your room is kind of necessary like a tv unless camping of course. I sure wouldn’t vacation naked or on those reality survival shows. I think it’s ridiculous and strange. First of all you have camera crew so it’s not like you are really out in the wild. I hope it dies a quick death entertainment wise for the industry as most reality shows do because it’s crap. No one acts the same in front of a camera as they do when a camera isn’t on them. However I have gotten used to ‘to some degree’ being watched but not my own accord. It’s not my way because I prefer privacy and tend not to be myself as much but it has been that way since my first operation for some reason and a little before. I have no idea before that except what happened when my sister came from Texas to Georgia to help me talk to my parents and a priest was by her side on the plane which hasn’t happened since or before as far as I know. I have no idea what good it did because I never talked to him. I guess he was writing or removing my name from his catholic book or writing his list and checking it twice. My brother didn’t really seem to be the same after the meeting and after my dad died. He stayed in my sister’s home at the time of the meeting which might have been a mistake. I don’t know. He acted funny at the funeral as well towards me watching me more than normal but I saw what I saw during the meeting a time before my dad died and it was good. I know he meant well. I felt like he was judging me kind of then or trying to judge me and my reactions to my dad in a coffin.  And no one can take that time from me of what I saw in my brother’s eyes at the meeting and his voice and words to me about our family and what it meant to him. We had a great family and I think someone was jealous of our love and closeness even with our problems.

Wanted to make hay of it. IMO.

My sister was in charge of the funeral and had her family in the first car with my mom and then either my little sister in the next or my brother and his family in the next. and then the other one in the next and I was supposed to be in the car with my cousin and my aunt at my dad’s funeral. I thought it was a slight by my sister then. I was getting used to it but it still hurt. I felt that the immediate family should be with my mom in the first car and the kids in the next cars/limos. So instead I didn’t ride in a limo. I rode in my car. She and her family were the most important of them all in her mind. It sounds small but my sister was kind of that way towards me in her way after the meeting. The meeting had unintended repercussions which my brother was not privy to or anticipating. It probably should have been either done without their knowledge or included them. If it included them it probably was not gonna happen because of my brother who wasn’t into it to that degree not out of lack of care but to avoid hostility of that nature, I think. It sounds kind of small of me to bitch about it but it’s like that rung in a ladder. It was there.  As a family we had great times together doing things usually at my parent’s home because they were good parents and everyone loved them in our family and they loved us. We played Balderdash and other games and went on trips together mostly driving kinds and had fun together even with our problems. We did lots of things together as a family and we were a good family individually and together, but not always. we also had our weaknesses. It wasn’t their problems that came to us. It came from out of our family to our family and we did the best we could. My mom handled my brother when the time was right out of love for her son and daughter whether all of it was true or not. It never happened again, Gary’s parents obviously didn’t and so we were his parents in a way without realizing it because they did not do what they should have or maybe they handled it wrong with their own son and used jealousy to handle him which is not the way to handle it. Gary’s dad thought of himself as a Christian I know by the gifts he gave but he wasn’t forthright IMO He over drank daily and thought too high of himself. He was not an evil person or a monster he just wasn’t a great dad and I think he failed his son which had an effect on everyone. I think he was a bit of a puppet and probably why he drank so often. Every time I saw him he was high on booze to some degree except once. I didn’t see him often at all. My impressions of Gary’s dad and no wonder Gary drank daily. My mom had a drinking problem but it was not daily by any means and she had a lot to overcome because of others and she did it. She was an amazing woman. We overcame with her in many ways but Gary was a conundrum. He was tough to deal with and we all loved him because of the good things he did possess in his own way. I don’t think it is easy to be esteemed for the wrong reasons and can cause trouble for everyone around it. Demonic kind of influences which are not an easy thing to deal with, but have power because of it. So he had a lot to overcome and so did we to add more fuel to the fire of the hearth than was needed. He had one aspect of him about failure and that was something he learned himself which was to

keep trying.

I noticed his attitude after some big failures and had some bad reactions as well but like when someone dies you go through phases of healing, In a way he was like my uncle who had the same kind of drive to keep himself called self-preservation though he rarely failed as far as i know. He told me once I could be anything I wanted to be which at the time was a nice thing to say and I appreciated his attitude. Very much like my mom and was for me not against me in the sense of being a human or a relative trying to help. Problem came from outside mostly. One of the last times we got together the second to the last with my brother when we took care of my sisters kids kids Gary was more interested in my butt crack and underwear whispering in my ear as we got up from dinner on the river about it. I had saved his grandchild that day or sometime that weekend from falling off a 2-3 story ledge at The ARC. He had wandered off EXPLORING and like boys do wanted to see what it looked like to look down the ledge which was about three stories high into a fountain and a pond in the neighborhood below. He didn’t make it to the end of the walk I was yelling at him to go back because he was young and it was dangerous. That night my little sister was getting high drinking walking with her new hubby and the rest of us with the kids running around and she told me not to watch my sister’s grandkids. Let my sister do it. Easy to say but when there is a river with water the color of deep tinted greenish-blusih black water at night without rails in some areas and definitely a snake and rat infested water I couldn’t do that. So there was some sort of friction going on between my little sister and my eldest sister I wasn’t aware of on that visit. My other sister in law mentioned money I owed my brother via the house down-payment as well to me in a whisper in the lobby and never explained herself. I think everyone was making a deal without my knowledge. It was a contract we signed and upon the sale of the house he would definitely get his money if we didn’t pay it back beforehand but my ex went bankrupt and there was nothing I could do about it and let the house go because he said his dream house no one wanted or would want to buy and I was not well, going through a no fault divorce, without money, or a job or anything. I was fucked. Perfect time for that cuss word. Perfect place to put it. I was and I had been screwed over by everyone except my parents. My brother wasn’t trying to screw me over but I think he had had enough and wasn’t in the loop as much as he thought he was and was not well talked about as far as being called pathetic by my eldest sister because he did not want to sue his acquaintance and owners of the sushi restaurant because of accidental food poisoning but she sure didn’t mind him advising me not to sue her because of our relationship being family and because of work place sexual abuse etc. I could have but he was right about family. It did not take me long to figure it out –  a certified letter kind of did the trick and common sense.  I was still very upset and had been ravaged and still more to go/come. The long term results were important. I am still not done yet either.  It was a bigger deal than if a stranger had been the culprit or if it had nothing to do with family. It would not have cut me to the core as it did. I could have said FUCK YOU and not cared one way or the other to the people at the office and others involved. I could have moved to another state etc started over. But it was a big deal to me and then it got worse when they took it out on my parents, other family members, me, and even themselves. It was one bad deal which we had to endure and in my opinion with everything we had wrong with us were far superior to those who screwed us and especially the BGEA and the RCC and believe me both will never live it down. Both will rue the day they messed with us. I believe it and I think and I hope God sees it somewhat close to how we do or vice versa and I hope we see it close to how God sees it and I think will be a great help to us and we will be reconciled, healed, and  many other good things because we really were and are a good family comparatively and my parents really were special. I know it must be that way because of what has happened so far and the signs I have been given. Not a lot of signs but enough. I know because we are blessed but we were attacked severely from every which way and no human could have done it better than we did.  What we had to contend with was BIG and I don’t know anyone or have never met anyone who would have done it better except maybe God himself. It was as big as if someone placed a nuke in your living room and expected you to be thankful, but you would have to know us to understand what I mean. You would have had to know my parents like we did to understand what I’m talking about. All in all individually and as a whole we were and are still a very special family and we were not moral laurels and full of shit. We were and are real people in a very hard spot and I believe most of us most of the time did the best we could. Probably all of us but I wasn’t privy to everything going on and of course God has a lot to do with it and I know he is not done yet. I think my revelations may have driven some demons my way because of jealousy. I learned things others hadn’t that were a threat to many in the business of faith. That was not my intent but was the result. I think we were attacked for truths sake which is why I have hope still after everything I have been through for my family the one I grew up with and the family I had as well and for me. I have never seen such a resistance as I have seen when it comes to the mustard seed dilemma. It’s quite crazy. I know we were attacked on the basis of the premise of the mustard seed being the smallest of seed when it wasn’t all along. I did not make it up. I imagine it was similar in Europe when astronomers figured out the earth wasn’t flat and caused quite a change in the world. The mustard seed dilemma is a huge dilemma especially in this day and age and it will sink in, not by me necessarily, but it will sink in.

We did not talk about God then but my brother didn’t appreciate my view of God but he never did before either nor my sister’s ideas either about God. He had his own ideas and was learning at his own pace about life and all that it entails and of course it has like I said changed as well sometimes I progress and sometimes I don’t because of the deceptions which are many. I don’t’ think about God all the time obviously but I know God is real and has affected my life and helped me to understand some things. He didn’t appreciate anyone’s viewpoint about God as time showed. It wasn’t like he showed much respect of other peoples view points about much of anything lol except for my little sister for some reason at her home on one of those family visits to see my mom as if she was protection of his as if he needed it and he didn’t, but the opposite. He kind of cowered around me about some issue and it was weird but the issue was weird and told me not to go there when I tried to show my sister and her husband and him in the house at the time about some things I found and had to explore the internet to find. It was about the school shooting in Newtown and what I had found through some truthers on the net who showed some inconsistencies that were huge during the Obama Administration and in regards to the false reports. I recognized one of the women in my past who had the greatest amount of information flooded by a bunch of crap we had to swim through on the news programs and on the internet in regards to the mass/murder suicide/ shooting and to find her investigation which was very thorough and she was a catholic woman.  Gary saw it and he recognized it was a deception which was kind of funny because he was the only one that did recognize it or admitted he recognized it and was amused by it for some reason. My sister, his wife didn’t even try to watch and then said “I don’t buy it” as if she had. My other sister was on the computer looking up recipes probably mine which she took when living with me and was gonna put on a computer isntead of on the recipe cards I had written out over the years of my favorites and never did and they disappeared during her divorce while living with me. She was not interested in much of anything other than herself. She was never into others feelings. In any situation it was usually without understanding of others peoples feelings and just how she was – kind immature in that way. She had virtues as well but that was not one of them. She never was into someone else’s shoes even though she tried to display it for show later because of her new husband and his desires to screw our family and her. She had moments of sweetness and love at times but I think a very confused person and needed to lean more than most on others. She lived with my family for a year or more and it was wild. It was not an easy thing to go through during her divorce and of course she was driven nuts by others who knew how to push her buttons and were taking advantage of her especially the lawyers involved who could have given a shit about anyone but themselves and the money they could get. There was no mercy in them. Hardened creatures using divorce as a means to some end and hopefully their own end. The first ones she tried said they were Christian and they were the worst of all. In my opinion who she was influenced by was the worst of the worst.



My brother became kind of less of a person after the time he stayed with my older sister at the time of the meeting. Both my sisters were BGEA influenced. Heavy influence and I think he got in trouble with some bets he made having to do with baseball previously. He loved baseball and anything to do with baseball. He lost his home and was using his office space to live with his wife above his business space /to keep his office going for awhile yet he had won a big federal case against FEDEX because he was a good lawyer. A very good lawyer at the time. Became kind of wealthy and then lost it somehow and I think he was screwed over and his wife blamed him more than likely. I think he was sought out to be diminished or controlled and squirmed by somehow to some degree because he won a federal case. Feds don’t like people with those kind of talents. IMO. I think he was squeezed and did the best he could under those kind of circumstances and may have blamed me but I had nothing to do with it. I only noticed he changed and then he became a Gore Fiend. (Saw the movie by Gore funded probably by the Catholic Church like Mel Gibsons movies which I think are backed by the RCC.) I guess and was influenced by it and his wife who is Catholic. He wasn’t really religious until then and Gore’s ideas are religious based ideas from the Catholic Church originally so they may cause havoc on the world using weather phenomena and magnetic miccrowave type engineering of some kind at places like HAARP to cause destruction and to control. It also affects the minds of those who use it and who it is used upon. Each person is different so the affects of the weapon are varied on each individual and depending on other factors as well and the affects on the environment are as varied and in my opinion why mental dysfunction is so prevalent these days in the populations. Everyone blaming the warming or climate which neither can affect it but is affected by those kind of weapons. Earth isn’t void of power in that God does have power to fix problems that arise or we would not be here anymore. In Israel there is a monument that kind of displays the prophetic dilemma and clues etched by an awl (a sharp tool) on stone of this kind of intimidation and criminal activity by someone who wanted it to be permanent for whomever has eyes to see and suspicion enough to notice it means something and who is behind the destruction at the time and in future troubles we are facing these days which I wrote about in another post on my blog. It had to do with Rome. This I found out by their clues that the RCC could not or did not erase. You can read more about it if you want to on Merangue’s Blog which links many posts I have written and with links to other articles I found helpful to my needs to explain what I have explored and including about the bible and comparing of the gospels and the Old Testament and about the JFK assassination and my own personal familial type stuff which had a lot to do with my exploration or need of exploration. Gore’s wealth and his religion had something to do with the hanging chads in Florida and a payoff of some kind for losing to the Bush administration which changed the way our elections were taken and counted via computers. Another avenue to take over the USA and

because we won World War ll.

My little sister lied about my brother to me about being in a wheel chair before a family visit to my mom while staying in her home when he wasn’t in a wheel chair and weird shit started happening and pretty soon we were no longer a family. My older sister said he was pathetic for not getting involved in a lawsuit she and my other sister and their husbands desired in regards to food poisoning at a sushi restaurant which put her in the hospital for a week and the last time I heard (from my ex) which he learned from my older sister that he resented anyone who voted for Trump and didn’t want to have anything to do with the family anymore. I didn’t vote for Trump or anyone else because of the deception in the news. I didn’t know whether anything was true or not because most of it was false news as I discovered over time before the election WAY BEFORE during the Obama Administration and even before as we learned more and more about false news. I figure it’s the GREAT DECEPTION that has been prophesied in the bible. This is all I can figure it must be because it is so weird. I wasn’t at the restaurant with them so I have no idea if it’s true or not I just heard about it via my little sister and then my older sister and the ex. Rumors. Which is also a prophetic sign however on a family level and not worldwide, I hope, though it seems kind of a minuscule resemblance to world wide events.

I had no idea we meant that much to everyone. 😉 It sure didn’t seem like it.

I made a joke about Pence on another post I wrote recently being on a ship/carrier and how it was inciting violence because he looked kind of silly to me (not to others but to me) in his flap jacket and may have been well-meaning but seemed kind of silly and then all of a sudden US ships are being attacked. I guess there have been three attacks or accidents lately in the news whether it’s true or not. I don’t know because I wasn’t there. I don’t mean to put him down it seemed showy and like he was asking for it from a nut because there are some in this world and countries that have leaders who are nuts. I heard on Fox there were three accidents involving US ships lately in a blurb by some news anchor about some accidents in the Japan area and if it was mostly the damage beneath the water with the deaths of men sleeping at the time seemed more like an attack at two in the morning than a mere accident. Reminded me of the attack on Pearl Harbor yet our ships are in the area of Japan. I’m not a specialist in damage of ships but eerily sounded of some type of deception as occurred in WWll and from IRAN  twenty or so years ago but in broad daylight. Probably a JESUIT deception because that is the kind of thing Jesuits do or have done in the past to stir things up between peoples all over the world to protect the RCC and it’s valueless reputation. Wouldn’t surprise me but if it was influenced by Obama it would not surprise me either. So much shit has happened nothing is beyond imagination and all over a stupid mustard seed not being the smallest of seed. IMO. How hard can it be to overcome a seed that isn’t as small as claimed. We got over Michail Gorbechov’s birth mark seems to me we could get over this false notion that was testified to by a pope in the recent past as a ploy though he called it the New Enlightenment of faith which is obviously a man-made type of enlightenment. We got over the world isn’t flat. Used to be the RC killed babies with birth marks in the past as a sign of witchcraft so I figure it has to do with the Catholic Church and it’s allies. I guess it’s the Catholic idea of recompense for figuring out the mustard seed is not the smallest of seed which means there will probably be Vatican 111 to reconcile the difference it makes and as far as the Vatican is concerned and it may take them a thousand years to come to terms with their own deceptions. It makes a big difference and people like Cal Thomas need to get a grip on this small truth. If he can’t do that what kind of faith does he possess? Must be really small! Something obviously has affected his mind if he can’t grasp the truth of the matter in regards to the mustard seed. Obviously a problem with women in his own mind and heart. He can’t accept that women have charge of their own bodies or should have charge of their own bodies anyway and the attitude of most men isn’t right with God. The devil hated the female as well. Must have affected a lot of people’s minds and instead of grasping for the truth would rather live a lie which is very sad to say the least and deceptive. No wonder about the tsunami in the Indian Ocean which affected the axis of earth. Altering it is a mammoth achievement I’m not sure man could have achieved however the Japanese tsunami was achievable via man made devices and in response, I think. Which has affected our food supply our oceans and who knows what else. It was a response to the hoped for delay of the Neo Catechumenal Way in Japan by catholics who noticed a rise in suicides as a result of the NeocatechumenalWay being touted and pushed by the RCC in ROME. I do not know if Pope Benedict caused it but he was definitely guilty by association which is a big problem for many people. He may have had nothing to do with it but he did warn about the One World Government WITH TEETH and about the Jews not being responsible for the death of Jesus and about the New Enlightenment called faith and his popery was shorter probably because of his warnings and in his place we got a Jesuit asshole for a pope, but he ain’t mine. He also was an advocate for truth in charity. He had been enlisted in the Nazi military as a kid but he was forced in to it at the time during WWll but after his popery and after retiring from it quite dramatically he was depicted as Stalin on the internet or Stalins son which I thought was kind of odd. Obviously he had made enemies in the Catholic Church probably the Jesuits since the Jesuits replaced him for his admissions an confessions about the lies in the bible. He actually had made some big advances for the religion of catholicism unlike the majority of popes in the past which were not worthy nor righteous. Back to Joel Olsteen and his sermon which touched on animals and whether they possess morality or a sense of morality and I think they might. They have a will so I think they may possess a morality especially when trained or to each other or to others. Not sure how developed it is but I guess it depends on the circumstance and the animal. Jesus at the Sea of Galilee got the fishermen to catch 153 fish and perhaps his will was more than theirs but they got caught in the nets for his miracle. Maybe it was by mutual consent. I don’t know. Not 154 but 153 which has some kind of meaning which I went through on a few posts and so have many others done the same with their ideas of the meaning of it. What would be the point of animal sacrifice if there wasn’t some kind of morality in it? Like in the movie the Last of the Mohicans and they kill a deer and pray over it. A spiritual prayer and appreciation so they could eat. Granted it was a movie but the same goes for the ram caught in the brambles with Abraham and his son and the lamb’s blood in Egypt, etc. I don’t think it meant pets though. I think they have morality in that we teach them to love and be loved and they do teach kids about love and caring, imo. When a  dog warns his master of a thief or a break in that’s kind of a will that has some kind morality behind the action or warning a dog might give by barking or the dog could go to sleep and not warn his master. What kind of dog would not warn his master? A moral less dog. It may be a small thing but not for the master if he wasn’t aware of a prowler, etc. Often times the dog gets killed for the warning so there must be some kind of morals it possesses. I guess it depends on the training and the love. Obviously instinct is involved as well. I think God uses animals sometimes, like he did my kitty who was murdered in my opinion and was the sweetest cat in the world. Little Romeo. A cat that loved everyone and wouldn’t hurt a flea and only by mistake.  I explained it in another post I wrote and about Buck my dog who was shot by our neighbors by accident I think and died and my daughter and I saw him running around and we saved a dog because of seeing him with Buck. There was some morality in this event. A man got his beloved dog back at the verity least and we saw Bucks spirit which is a reminder to us.

What was the point of a dove lighting on Jesus when he was baptized? A sign. Or a dove in the yard at the hospital before my dad died. It was a sign. Or the blackbird and dove on the ship of Noah. A sign or two. People used to send messages via doves and birds. God created the animals and fishes and birds and pets for us to enjoy and learn from and about. When you see a kid kill an animal just to be a jerk that is a sign the kid isn’t very nice and needs some help. When a person puts a pet in a garage door smashing it as a threat or to intimidate or in fun you can pretty much know that person is fucked up. Isn’t that right? When someone tortures an animal it’s a sign of a messed up person who has a problem and can be a problem for others.

There are some people that cannot be taught and/or don’t care.

My brother is not one of them.

My family is not one of them.

There is another prophecy I was intending to write about that was in the Book of Daniel. I’m going by memory and not checking to recheck my memory. It had to do with something standing where it should not and there has a been a lot of that kind of thing going on such as when I saw in pictures about Benghazi with Michelle Obama at Benghazi with a syringe in one hand and a rifle of some kind in another and her hair is short or she isn’t wearing a wig and and looks like her face is swollen by plastic surgery wearing sandals with heels rolled up jeans and in front of a building on fire. I have written about it already and of course my dad seeming to be there with a bork looking face half eaten or something that appeared in photo on the net about Benghazi, etc. Really dangerous stuff and cruel and a concern of course and many other intimidating photos of things unimaginable except by a fucking lunatic in regards to my family. Then recently saw a movie using names I know and seeing people I recognize at the Love Field Airport when JFK was coming to Dallas. Or seeing people I know in other places that are having to do with JFK’s assassination that could not have been there except to be matted in somehow using a photo type program to add their image such as my brother who was only a kid appearing in one photo in particular when he was with me at a dancing party “a twisting party” in England when we got the news that JFK had been assassinated on one of our birthdays and since the date of JFKs assassination was in November it had to be a birthday between my sister and I- my little sister and I and the kids at the party were a little older more like for my brother and older sister and more than likely for my older sister. We had it on family film and it wasn’t just a memory. I think it was a birthday party but could have been just a party a dance party and if that’s the case I don’t really have a reference point birthday wise. The party stopped of course. We stopped twisting. Twisting was a form of dancing at the time because of the Beatles I guess and a few other American stars at the time.

This picture is in the CBS news reports of the aftermath of JFK in the hours afterwards on some corner.

On Fox now they are talking about the guy whose son died via a coma he got I guess from a beating he got in North Korea and was given back recently and it does not sound reasonable. Sorry. Why would North Korea give back a prisoner so the world could see of a prisoner in a coma when they try to hide so many other things. Doesn’t make sense but the guy looks like a nut and a by product of Billy Graham and another person. Weird looking guy. Fox never ceases to amaze me with the news they project. This one is weird. Before this guy was given up another prisoner was given back alive who may have put other prisoners of war in danger or spies in danger that might have been there because of his nonsense and he looked like he was the type to pass out nonsense for who knows why. 15 minutes of fame? Money? He was the one talking about the way people acted while he was there. I guess he either escaped or was given back but at the time I thought he did not sound reasonable in the sense that what he did could be treasonous. It was about a month ago or more. The pictures we saw of this person held by North Korea is of a guy walking around with two North Korean soldiers so that isn’t someone in a coma, is it? Ridiculous news. Someone in a coma can’t walk, okay? Talk about crazy.

‘Here Comes Peter Cottontail’ – By Gene Autry – Happy Easter

The prophecy about something “standing where it should not” is talking about something other than a person. Person, place, or thing…. and it’s a thing.  It’s the prophecy itself which is now in the Book of Matthew and says (whosoever let the reader understand) which was in parenthesis. Something like it anyway. You have to have read it to know it was there and it was always kind of odd so it was noticeable to most people who have read the Book of Daniel in the Old Testament and the reader obviously read it at one time or another and it really doesn’t make sense in the Gospel of Matthew at all where as it made sense in the Book Of Daniel when it was in the Book of Daniel but by showing up in the Gospel of Matthew it makes the Book of Matthew more prevalent or is meant to by a nut. The whole business of the assassination of JFK and the Vatican ll had to do with making the Book of Matthew of the gospels the pre-eminent gospel and since it appeared first in the bible of the 4 main gospels it already had pre-eminence so it was a ridiculous attempt to give the Gospel of Matthew the pre-eminence it already had being placed where it was. The gospel of Matthew is one of the three Synoptic Gospels which includes the business about the mustard seed being the smallest of seed which since we have learned is not the smallest of seeds and includes other prophecies on the Mount most of which are without any details which is like going to see someone with a crystal ball telling you there will be many men in your future (tell me something I don’t know) or things like that when Jesus could have mentioned airplanes, or trains, space travel, many things including abortions (however the Gospel of John: Jesus says Feed my lambs and sheep in reference to abortion and against those who use abortion as an excuse to hospice IMO and as a sign of something bigger than a mustard seed coming towards the way of Peter and if you stack it up with Revelation it isn’t good for the RCC and was a warning to be heeded or else and for us to take notice of the deception and possibly some things we don’t know on the horizon. Deflection ain’t gonna work this time!), or things that might have been much more specific: the Sermon on the Mount: which could be referring to a horse and not a mountain. So many things look a little different these days after finding out the mustard seed isn’t the smallest of seed and it would behoove some people to take it seriously instead of relying on lies and false credentials which will turn around and rend you if you don’t. It’s a choice. No one knows who wrote the synoptic gospels but the credit is given to the “Q source.” which I and many other people before me have written about.  The Gospel of John does not include or did not include the business about the mustard seed being the smallest of seed. I’m not saying the Gospel of John is perfect but it excluded the mustard seed shenanigans which by finding out it was in the Gospel of Matthew kind of demoted the Gospel of Matthew by it’s own petard using two other gospels that basically said the same thing which is not proof but copying in a different style depending on the writer and the personality of the writers involved. It also includes the genealogy of Jesus and is the kind of genealogy that cannot be proven and some things have also occurred in a few other Books of the Bible to help the genealogy but obviously they were tampered with during the dark ages which I and others before me have written about. I THINK  the book of Zechariah or Zephania do some tap dancing in regards to the genealogy to support the Gospel of Matthew which I wrote about and others before have done the same. Obviously I got some help because of those before me and some legitimate evidence of BS.

If you believe a guy being escorted out by the North Korean soldiers is in a coma walking around you have to be out of your mind. People in comas don’t walk around nor do they twist.

I heard he went over with a group of people but why were there photos of him and film of him walking as if he was dizzy with the guards obviously not in a coma yet I know this story may be a lie a false news story usually are because there have been so many. Who took the film? Interesting question, isn’t it? Is it allowed in North Korea?

American student detained by North Korea has died 

Supposedly the American student in North Korea has died in a Cincinnati hospital. What the hell was an American student doing in North Korea? Taking a class in stupidity?

“Standing where it should not”

has to do with the concept of supporting. Giving credence. Credentials etc. False credibility since it should not etc. and being placed in the wrong location to give false credence. It helps to remember. Really does and has to do with the prophecy in the Book of Daniel being placed in the Gospel of Matthew to deceive because I sure as heck don’t remember it in the Gospel of Matthew a while back but I do remember it being an odd statement in the Book of Daniel of the Old Testament and the solution I prescribed or suggest of the prophecy and its meaning makes sense. I could be wrong, but I don’t think so. The reason I say that is because it says something about let the reader understand and since most catholics don’t read the bible they wouldn’t know it was moved and since revelation is explicit about the RCC /Vatican and it’s description and it’s demise and since   the Vatican ll and the events occurring in 1963 have been written about as having to do with the preeminence of the Gospel of Matthew it sure makes sense to me if you disect or put meaning to the words of the prophecy and why it might have been moved and the reasons for the move from the Old testament to the New Testament it makes sense. I’m not a prophet nor hope to be one. I’m just trying to make sense of what I think I know.

Or why move it? That is the question, if my memory is correct.

It could have a double meaning and also be referring to the Shroud of Turin and the 3-D rendoring of the Shroud : The image of the beast placed where it should not and it will eventually talk somehow causing people to worship it. If people flock to Guyanaananana or flock to see Robert Tilton etc it’s not so implausible. In the Old testament wasn’t it Daniel who got in trouble for not worshiping some image or statue at a particular time. I think so. It was someone in the Old Testament anyway.

I think the way Joel Olsteen acts is kind of robotic and especially his gestures.

Perhaps we might get to explore strange new worlds, and seek out new life and new civilizations, and boldly go where no one has gone before in some important ways.

Why not?

I think my family and friends have things to look forward to regardless how bleak things seem at this point in time.  I’m counting on it and hope deep within their hearts they are hoping for the same thing in their way.

There is more coming in regards to George Ball (Nothing propinks like propinquity), my newest brother in law married to my little sister, “How much wood would a woodchuck wood if a woodchuck could chuck wood” DOD Secretary under Obama: Chuck Hagel (Get Ready, America and Chuck Hagel had no reason to question the motives of Obama he said even though it is his job)  and the Queens ring-bearer for their 50th or 60th Diamond Jubilee anniversary a few years back (the year is insignificant of the anniversary) and the Supreme Court Justice who died recently: Antonin Scalia. Just some interesting stuff we need to remember about them and their reason for being. Some inconsistencies about him FOR SURE!~REAL INTERESTING ONES!

A funny thing happened a few hospital visits ago. I had an indian doctor who was kind of short and was wearing khaki pants. I can’t remember if he was wearing a white jacket like doctors do but it was open if he was. He asked me the usual question “what is goin on?” or something like it and I was on the bed explaining to him as best I could and his pants were kind of kinking at his groin like khaki pants often do. I was thinking as I was talking and not looking him in the eyes and I guess he thought I was looking at his male parts and he did the funniest expression. It was cute, not rolling his eyes but looked like it was bugging him and he looked up with his big eyes at the ceiling as if saying “why is this happening?” The bed was at that level and I wasn’t looking at him that way but it was like a comedy. Very funny moment. Most of my problems have been because of my gall bladder which has 6 stones which I believe have caused my near seizures which is very hard to live with. Makes you feel like you are going to turn to stone and is very scary. Plus because of my scar tissue from the first operation and because the gall bladder is near the liver and also the small intestines which my doctor years ago warned me might be a problem for a number of reasons. The doctors reaction cracked me up. He should have raised the bed. A common problem these days is the gall bladder. Not sure why. Could be climate change. I have heard a lot of people having problems. It isn’t that uncommon but I have heard about a lot of them lately.

When Justice Scalia died he had been quail hunting in an area called Cibola Creek Ranch and was at a lodge (Large) I guess when he died of natural causes supposedly. I think he was murdered. He was kind of controversial in that he was a Justice of the Supreme Court and his stance on abortion was very Catholic, in a way and kind of compartmentalized. He kind of died coincidentally when the issue of abortion and planned parenthood has been a bone of contention for the RCC, our politicians, the press and during the Jesuit Pope Francis Roman Catholic style inquisition trying to punish women psychologically and in some countries with jail time who have had legal abortions as if they were guilty of murder and yet the Pope saints Mother Teresa a murderer of the elderly using abortion as an excuse to use hospice to kill the enemies of the Catholic Church incognito and because we won WWll the vets in our country and their wives who  served their country and never mentioning it is actually murder suicide by hospice by Mother Teresa’s and the RCC’s Dogma and instead sanctioning it confusing many people. Glorifying her. People used to Glorify Hitler when they had to. I don’t really understand Scalia’s beef or stance on abortion but the videos no one has seen and only snippets by catholic nuns claiming via partial birth abortions people are supposedly buying baby parts including livers the size of peanuts and without proof of those sales. Partial Birth abortion is illegal isn’t it so how could Planned Parenthood be preforming Partial Birth abortions if it’s illegal.  There is no need unless you are intending to farm woman for abortions for some kind of catholic businessmen, like the mob. I don’t believe it because if there were videos we would have seen them regardless of a judge prohibiting the release of videos with the proof because the Roman Catholic Church has the wherewithal to do it anyway so of course raises suspicion in me as to the verity of those claims and because the women starring in the videos act like Roman Catholic lunatics and are lying their asses off and look like lunatics as well and one was recently photoed shaking the popes hand in Rome and she was wearing a habit and one of those women was an actress I recognized on the Prairie.  So the RCC is playing a hide and seek game hoping the judge will prohibit the release of videos because the videos implicate the RCC. The USA is not the world and the RCC is all over the world unlike the USA and Mother Teresa’s Hospice is in a ton of countries and parishes all over the world and if they had proof they certainly are hiding it. What is occurring is an inquisition against women to control their bodies as if their bodies were the property of the Bishops and the Cardinals and the Popes and Priests all male institution and women are not their property and because the RCC likes to torture women because they don’ t like women as much as the devil doesn’t like women and also because the RCC was caught abusing kids and they don’t want to accept responsibility for the abuse nor the injuries of kids legally and/or financially to make amends to those kids lately and in the past and the RCC have been caught hiding the abusers and hiding their banking problems of laundering money for the mob and using some USA tax dollars funneled in various ways out of our country for the mob and also laundering mob drug money from other countries  and hoping to stall the legalization of marijuana which would if legalized hinder the mob from making more money and corrupting more kids using marijuana as a gateway drug to get them on other more addictive drugs such as heroin and many others via marijuana contacts and dealers of the mob. Marijuana doesn’t have to be a gateway drug if we take it out of their equation and out of their control as we did alcohol via legalization and use it for our defense instead and to fund other things as well such as the national debt which I think ought to be annulled (Why not?) and because the mob and the Vatican use the money of illegal drugs to screw up the world which isn’t exactly holy nor clean, certainly not godly and the Vatican hired Kissinger to help them with their lousy reputation which is deserved. Ever read the proverb in bible about kisses? Go to the bible online and look up kisses and there ye shall find. Funny thing though, when Scalia was asked (It’s on Wikipedia) if he believed the devil was real and he said he did like most Catholics do and said “the devil made pigs jump off a cliff”…. which in the bible is Jesus who sends the pigs over a cliff. He put the evil spirits causing madness in some crazy guys into pigs instead and the pigs ran off a cliff into the SEE. Not sure which gospel but I think one of the synoptic gospels. What he said before that led me to believe the Jesus that did that was Catholic. He asks some people “how do you protect your children if your children were possessed” in another stunt he does which is very Catholic kind of statement and of course in Israel at the time the Romans were occupying Israel like the Nazis occupied some countries. The RCC have Exorcists. I’m paraphrasing quite a bit because I don’t want to look it up but Catholic Dogma is kind of funny about the Devil vs Satan. Most people are. I just assume both are evil whether one and the same. Recently their famous exorcist (Bishop, I think) said the devil had entered the vatican. I haven’t any idea who it was in reference to but I guess he ought to know. No one really knows if Satan and the Devil are one and the same but since the Jesuits are in charge I would suspect the devil and satan are pleased. Like Anne Graham Lotz is an anagram of an anagram,

Satan is an anagram for Santa Claws.

I think Scalia was correct when he said the Constitution is a dead document especially since the constitutionalists aren’t willing to tell the truth about the mustard seed. And if it isn’t dead yet, it will be. It’s a matter of time and will be a moot point because it won’t exist. IMO, but the Ten Commandments will. It sure didn’t represent, protect, include

me nor my family.

It is only as good as the people that uphold it and no one does especially when it comes to females, but love to talk about it, like politics.

In any case Cibola was near where my parents lived.

Obviously, Jesus was not born on Christmas Day as everyone knows. So whose birthday is it the people are celebrating? Christmas is the winter solstice I think but religiologists included Jesus and inserted him in this celebration because it got them more business when the celebrations were already popular and could have been a separate celebration and the RCC could have tried to figure out the real date of birth of Jesus through the many documents they own in their archives and in their treasures they stole and hid and plundered had another celebration but they suffer the deadly sins of gluttony and sloth and would rather abuse women and girls and sexually abuse little boys every chance given. Nobody knows when he was born which is interesting since genealogy is so important in the Gospel of Matthew. I guess the RCC wanted to control the seasons as well as the climate using Jesus. In essence the RCC are control freaks, hate females, love the mob, want to decide who can marry who, who can divorce who, and who can be forgiven via a fee for whatever it is a person is accused of depending on their station in life, their sex, their race, their age, their beauty, and their religion, their business, their political affiliations, their talent, their assets, and how much it will cost and/or profit the RCC. If you give them an inch the RCC will take a mile and because of the deadly sins they like to abuse called envy and lust and because the RCC moral instinct and sinful nature of the deadly sins of pride and greed don’t want to admit the mustard seed is not the smallest of seed have succumbed to the deadly sin of wrath against women and girls in retaliation and against their families around the world who believe and stand by their children for legal abortion to protect them from the rape, pillage and ravage of priests, Bishops, Cardinals, and Jesuit popes and the mob who hide in the population incognito that assist them to plunder anyone if possible in order to do it over and over and over again until every country on earth is a banana Republic and women are pregnant 9 months of every year and use the girls to incubate their sperm which they acquire in various ways in order to keep the RCC the most populous religion in the world hence the most powerful while at the same time diminishing populations of other religions via Mother Teresa’s Sisters of Mercies to sterilize the females and males in other countries who aren’t quite up to snuff as far as their assets and property or desirability and so as not to have to feed anyone if possible via starvation and hospice to disobey the last thing Jesus commanded at the Sea of Galilee to Feed my Sheep because Jesus was not really Roman Catholic:

The Process is called Replacement Theology.

It takes a while but with bad intel and deception it can work if given the chance to move forward by the people of the world’s and their ignorance of the RCC’s long term goals to decimate the other large religious competitors: Islam and others i.e. Self-Preservation because the RCC knows it cannot rule the world if it doesn’t accomplish it’s deceptions and allow via deception the destruction of Islam via other religions and countries eventually. The RCC does plan to be the boss, of course. It doesn’t happen overnight but I guarantee it is in their vision to achieve. Why not? The World Government with Teeth as prophesied by the RCC Pope, himself. There ain’t no way the RCC and ISLAM will be the last two religions for each other. The two will be against each other but not until the other does it’s dirty work because the RCC is slothful and gluttonous. Obviously, both religions will not rule the world. You would have to be an idiot to think otherwise but the RCC is connoting on it and vice-versa. It is an opinion and I think it is plausible, probable and logical by their standards and by their own lusts.

What were the Crusades about?

In the Old Testament the people (The Hebrews) wanted meat and were tired of manna which was a white substance they could gather each day and cook except on the Sabbath when they gathered it the day before and it lasted whereas it did not last if they gathered it the night before on any other day and so God sends them a bunch of quails and I guess the people get very sick. Maybe a reference to goody two shoes such as Dan Quails? At Christmas a a few years back when my dad was alive still I had been shopping at Scrivners a really cool store in the San Antonio area. Good restaurant and a fun place to go shopping and in the window was a painting of a pheasants or quail and the best part of the art work was the frame which looked like carved feathers. It was a very small painting but it was really pretty and I wanted it for Christmas and hinted my ass of for it and and I was disappointed I didn’t get it. It had been a long time since I had acted that way about something I shouldn’t expect but I did after or before I had read about the quails in the Old Testament. Kind of funny. I think my parents didn’t get it on purpose for some reason and finally I accepted it which is silly I shouldn’t have wanted it so much.

Don’t Get Your Panties in a Wad

They kind of were. Sometimes when i sit down to eat they do that when I get up I have to un-wad them, but at the same time I don’t want my brother-in law making it an issue. I want to un-wad them without hearing about it. You know? Every little thing I do kind of harassment. My ex just told me he was at the paint store recently or construction store where paint is sold and the Mexicans illegal ones cut in line and so did a white guy and then he stood up for himself after teaching the people in line AND behind the counter at the store that cutting in line isn’t cool because this is America. The white guy said “Don’t get your panties in a wad” and the ex said he turned around and stared at him and said “my panties are not in a wad” which of course has to do with when we were in San Antonio and the B-I-L (brother-in-law) chided me seductivly in my ear when I got up from dinner to walk the river with my family and with my niece’s kids when my little sister told me not to watch the kids by the river and let my sister watch them since it was her duty to watch them. IT was Gary’s duty as well but he loved letting others do it for them and didn’t care if they fell in the river and they didn’t but if they had I highly doubt he would have jumped in to save them from the rats and snakes and from drowning in the darkness probably so he would not have to give his daughter and her husband money for being relatives one of which he made and managed. They have at least five kids last I knew. Beautiful kids because she is beautiful in her way. I think she represents the ANKH for her husband LEVI.

 I wonder – would her panties have been in a wad

if I let her little boy look over the ledge three stories high

and he fell to his death?

Maybe Gary had taken out a life insurance policy on him because he sure didn’t act like he gave a shit when he let his Very Young Grandson get separated about 3 or so blocks away and never said a word like “Thanks for watching out for my daughter’s son.” even though I treated you like a piece of dingle berry in his own ass in return.

You think I don’t know, do ya? Fuck you and your ridiculous family!  He loved putting people in jeopardy to scare his wife, my family, me as he threw his first born at about one year old about an inch away from a ceiling fan. There are so many examples of some kind of mental disorder. Some kind of twisted entertainment.

I remember at the condo when Kristen was about 8 or 9 years old and we were all sitting around the dinette table of the condo at Padre and I got up to go to the balcony to have a cigarette and my niece didn’t want me to smoke. We had a small tiff about it because I didn’t want her to interfere with my break from family that I needed because I smoke and sometimes I like to get away from small areas and family and look at the ocean for solace and it really upset the people inside especially my sister, her mom. She was pissed at me because I guess I was rude. It wasn’t that big a deal but she made it worse because I had held my ground and went anyway and I guess felt I was too harsh with her daughter which is possible but I was with family and sometime you need a break and is far better than watching my sister talk to a client on the phone about stupid shit for hours on end loud enough not to be able to do anything but hear her talk and we had to be a bit quiet as well so she could hear her client for hours one end while on vacation and waiting for her to get ready to have some fun at the beach with the kids. She loved to waste other people’s time on her and her shit for clients I think she and them owe me some money for my time wasted on their pettiness because usually her clients were petty worrying about nonsense. Didn’t they know she would find a great gift at the store for her clients? As I went to go to the balcony I walked by their room and the shower was on because you could hear it and see steam and the door to the room was wide open as I walked by and glanced and there was Gary standing in front of the end of the bed stark naked stroking his hard dick posing for me. Funny because I just realized my sister was in the dinette area as well or she would not have known Kristen and I had had a small confrontation. I had tried to remember where she was thinking she was in the shower in their room and Gary was on his way to join her but he was using the shower as an excuse to be naked for me. I loved that Kristen cared of course but she was a kid and I wanted to do what I wanted to do. Like her dad wanted to do what he wanted to do and she never made it an issue with him anyway partially because they erased her mind or made her think it was okay to harass other women and female family members sexually. Her mom didn’t make her think it was wrong, either. We were supposed to enjoy it and we didn’t. So what if he has a 2 foot dick when hard? It wasn’t mine and I didn’t want it either. It was my sister’s and she had to get her vagina enlarged during one childbirth to enjoy it. She didn’t know or he didn’t bother to teach her to masturbate if you want to have fun during sex if you need to. Perhaps he never warmed her up like a good man would. A real man. He was getting off on his sexual escapades of dreaming about sneaking up on the unwary when asleep which most people are unwary when asleep and most people don’t want him fucking with them when sleeping or at dinner or at the office or while watching a good movie with the family or going to the balcony so his wife can mistreat them later for his sexual imaginations of degrading females. He ought to just hang out at the morgue for females or in the morgue at a hospital before bodies are taken to be buried to have sex. That is what it is like or similar to. Go ahead and drink some more Calamine lotion and see if I care. I never saw an ad on tv about drinking Calamine lotion. She did it too. She went into my sister’s dark kitchen at night to get something for her tummy and picked up a bottle never looking at the label and took a swig after my little sister witnessed Gary peeking his dick out his pants posing it and positioning it so I could have a birds eye view of his dick sticking out his pants and I wanted my little sister to have one as well because she was sitting next to me. She kind of got interested at that time in a weird way but I don’t think she ever bothered to tell anyone for me as a sister and after that he started hassling her under the table etc. She had seen him years before driving in his white Lincoln Continental around White Rock Lake with a blond woman. Probably the blond model my sister modeled with for the magazine Pennies while in college and was one of her suite mates. I called the poison center that night to find out if she would be okay after she came in with her lips stained in pink to tell me what she had done and she went upstairs and my dad followed. I didn’t know he followed her but Gary came in and told me because my little sister and I made a cruel joke about it. It wasn’t meant to be cruel it was hard not to. It was more of a mimic of her face as she was telling us which was basically crossing her eyes,  act like she was taking a swig and pursing her lips and then the expression of a person known as the richest woman in the world who had had a lot of face surgery. From then on every time she was drunk or drinking and around me my little sister used to prompt the calamine expression and tell stories about me when I dumped some marijuana in a drain outside our house. I was about 14 and came home from somewhere I was that day and the house was dark, the front door was wide open, and no one was home. I was afraid someone was in the house but I went into my bedroom to my desk because the drawer was wide open and I went to see what was going on and there was about a pound of marijuana in a bag and so somehow my little sister arrived and we discussed it and were freaking out as well and then a guy was driving in our neighborhood and on our street not just once a guy who had had a crush on my best friend driving around in his red Camaro who was also the police captains son who looked just like HardBall Chris Matthews. This was in Alexandria Virginia. So yea I threw it away down the drain in front of our house but I never heard the end of it at every opportunity at parties I had to hear about it and yes it was funny but it was only a pound. LOL. She tended to extend and exaggerate the story for 40 years or more. Remember when… and sometimes you didn’t want to remember in front of tons of people at a party or a gathering or whereever and hoping not to make a bad impression.  Who wouldn’t have thrown it away?

She was with me so she helped. She was only 13 months younger.

Things aren’t always what they seem to be and nor are people but truly I believe it has to do with the BGEA:


(Consolation means to forget.)

WHAT MADE IT COMEDIC WAS AFTER I THREW IT AWAY I WONDERED NOT FOR JOY WHETHER IT WASN’T SOMETHING MY FRIENDS AND I HAD PURCHASED TOGETHER. (I NEVER HAD MONEY) AND SO IT FREAKED ME OUT EVEN MORE!. THEN WHEN I MOVED I GOT LETTERS SAYING WE FORGIVE YOU AND I DIDN’T KNOW What THE letters  MEANT AND I DIDN’T ASK EITHER. The letters didn’t say. ONE OF THE GUYS we knew was a BIG DEALER IN THE AREA and he might have given it to me and didn’t tell me. I do not know. He was A GUY ABOUT 26 YEARS OLD with a long beard who drove around in an antique car and hung out at the park with kids my age and some even younger and some older and he


15 or 16 years old

(He would call me looking for her. A 26 year old man but I was a kid and I did not know better and its not like I was gonna tell my parents at that age.)

and he could have left it

but the signs of all the things about the house stunk big time like the police captain’s son. someone as depraved as Chris Matthews who had a thrill up his leg for Barack Obama.

I did not like him and nor did my best friend. It is possible he was the guy who burned her arm and hand with his lit cigarette butt playing some kind of game with her or threatening her or another guy I wrote about. His name was BROCK. Maybe both. When I moved all my friends moved so the letters I received were from civilians we sort of knew. My friends were all military kids from different branches of the military. It was suspicious to the nth degree and I was only a kid! Most military people move around the same time of year between school semesters and usually in the summer.

The drug dealer was a TOWNIE


Ohhhhhh he was also a



His name was TOM FOLEY and he had a younger brother named JIM

as in James Foley

who lost his leg in the war. 

I think with my little sister it was kind of a way to be connected to me which I can understand. Who wouldn’t want to be connected to me. I loved her. She changed quite bit. After my big operation  by a year or so I was trying to find a way to make money and she talked me into selling designer jeans and she as above main the pyramid scheme and finally she had a party and said she invited 300 people and then it got up to 500 people and 2 people showed up. So she lied her ass off. I worked my ass off and then she got mad at me for not being more energetic. Then when she lived with me I was on the phone to someone (no one I knew) and she ran through the living room and was talking looking for something and I didn’t answer her right away and she said “Can’t you multi task?” I couldn’t believe it. I had made her breakfast in bed a few times when she couldn’t get out of bed because she was so depressed and was living in my daughter’s bedroom. Then when she married the asshole and was living in Bridalwood she had a garage neighbor hood sale and told me my mosaic I was selling was a distraction to the customers and to move it. She was hanging with a real nice chic in the neighborhood who acted like a snob and then they moved their chairs close to the road sitting together and I said I think you guys are distracting the customers but I didn’t tell them to move and then when I had my operation she told me she would help me take care of the kids and stay in town and her husband called and she had to go home to do laundry for her grown sons and so she didn’t help and then when she finally got her divorce and remarried after living with me for over a year and when I got divorced would not help me because she had a new husband. So whatever her motives were then and before the infamous meeting and told me things it wasn’t necessarily FOR ME it was FOR HER. I guess to impress my brother.

The last time I heard from my little sister she was calling me the devil and satan in some e-mails and then she she wrote she wanted her sister back (as in Me). so I played some psychology and said “if your sister is satan and the devil why do you want her back?”

and she never responded. 

I thought it was clever, anyway.

Anyway, we could not believe she had picked up someone else’s bottle of medicine and usually calamine is in a plastic squeeze bottle. I have no idea how this calamine was stored. She was lucky she didn’t drink Caladryl. I have no idea how she was able to take a swig because every time I have had to use calamine lotion which  wasn’t often  a few times in your lifetime even when raising kids but basically you had to squeeze it and most of the time if it had ever been used before it dried up on the hole and in the hole and in the bottle and usually you had to take a needle to open the pin hole in order for anything to come out of the bottle so she must have really wanted a drink of calamine. It was not that bad but may be a bit insensitive. It was a strange night. I think we were watching the Last of the Mohicans and took a break from it. I did not know it hurt her feelings and wasn’t meant to. She never said it hurt her feelings and I could have handled it if she let on about it. I would have said Hey we called the poison center and we knew you were gonna be okay and we had a sense of humor about it. It wasn’t that funny but my little sister used to like to go on a bit about the same thing until there wasn’t anything left to laugh about. Over did it, often. I  knew she wasn’t gonna die because she hadn’t drunk enough of it but was gonna have to spit it out by throwing up and she did and my dad cleaned up after her which was pretty sweet. Gary didn’t. He would not have done it for either of his daughter’s either. He didn’t give a shit about my sister. She was his cover. She was his defense.  A Hillary. And so were his kids. He came and told us because he wanted us to feel bad for what we did which wasn’t anything really except have a sense of humor. I could tell by the timing of his information about my dad. And it was also a cover to try to make us feel bad for something we didn’t cause but in his mind we did cause it (a normal rapists conclusion) and possibly in hers as well which is sociopathic and insane. Like putting the cart before the horse kind of insanity and to make my  little sister possibly forget? I wish someone would stick his own dick in his mouth and stuff way down deep for a while so he can gag on it for a while. He used her to get to us in any way he could. She did the same about him in any way she could. The deal is she had tummy troubles because she had some kind of allergy to corn and corn products, she thought, and which are in many products we consume which made her have gas, fart a bunch and diahrea at the worst of times, like as you are walking down the aisle of grocery store or dress store and especially if you were behind her or on a driving trip in the middle of nowhere lost and no bathrooms or gas stations with bathrooms around or when the windows were up and forgetting to say hey roll down your windows, because once I did notice I would try to walk somewhere else like ahead of her, next to her, or a few feet away or roll down the window. I didn’t mind it because she was my sister when she left her smell around. I knew she had some kind of problem. How many times have you walked down an aisle and noticed someone left a stink. And often I just used to plug my nose as if you are going to swim under water. She made it a joke too when she did leave a bit of herself about and we would laugh together about it and try to outrun it without anyone noticing. To her it was kind of humorous because what else you gonna do but laugh about it and try to find a bathroom. She couldn’t help it. I think it became a problem after child birth or more of a problem because that is when it kind of arose as a problem because of child birth or possibly because of his dick hurting her inside, i don’t know. He used to fart and loved talking about flatulation which was a great deal of what he enjoyed talking about as did my other brother-in-law and usually jokes you had heard before and especially after seeing the western movie with cowboys around the campfire fart scene. It became fodder for many years for the average male. At some point she was pregnant in her fallopian tube and had to have an emergency abortion or she would have died which may have been part of her problem as well.

Her favorite perfume for many years was


She had good taste in some things.

I was one of them.

I wonder if someone put calamine lotion in her Pepto Bismal bottle for the trip.

Gary wouldn’t do that, would he?

I just don’t see how the mistake could have been made. They bottle calamine that way making it hard to drink for the sake of kids protection from poisoning themselves. They make it hard so it’s kind of bewildering how my sister was able to swig calamine lotion even in the dark.

It’s a family affair, it’s a family affair.

Sly & The Family Stone – A Family Affair

Why not?

The next morning we woke up to OJ Simpson in a white van running from the cops on some highway in California because he had just beheaded or almost beheaded his ex-wife in her yard and killed her boyfriend leaving their kids in her house with a bunch of lit candles burning without anyone giving a shit because the people that did give a shit had been killed. Could be I’m combining two weekends at my little sister’s home in the Houston area, but I think it was the same weekend. Some kind of demonic connection. It really was …. I’m sure of it.

Gary developed a disease when living in their first home in the Highland Park area on Purdue-(where they bought a small two bedroom fixer-upper) the same disease as Susan Caine. PURPURA and while he had his spleen removed he was infected via the blood supply during the operation at Medical City Hospital with Hepatitus B or the one of the Hepatituses which is the bad one which affects the liver and he was advised not to drink or not to drink as much. I did visit him once while he was recuperating in the hospital with my husband because he was family. I didn’t want to visit him but I felt I should because he was family and because he was my sister’s husband and because it made me uncomfortable being near him without my sister around. It was a short visit. He had an incision from his chest to his tummy, I think. Looked like it anyway. It was not wide and I think he got stitches. Purpura is a blood disorder and I guess you get red spots on your skin as a warning or a symptom. Weird both he and Susan Caine had the same disorder pretty close in time like within a year or so, maybe? She had it first. I never saw the spots on him so he might have had something else because he continued to drink even more. Maybe he had a transplant? I don’t know how Purpura is caught or how a person gets it. HMMMMMM. I wasn’t married when they bought it and my brother had met his future second wife when they lived there or during the time they owned (a couple of years) it so I guess it must have been after that house he developed Purpura because my husband was with me when we visited him in the hospital and I had not met my future husband yet. I wouldn’t have known about Susan and her Purpura other than through my sister and her husband because we did not hang out together ever unless I had to and at my sister’s home with her. She was not a friend of mine but similar to a friend I had. We all have one of those. Everyone has got one. It’s inevitable in this world anyway. Like some cheese gets better with time and some doesn’t depending on the amount of time we are referring to. People change. That house was where my brother almost shot his foot off playing with Gary’s gun he found under the bed while he was on the phone with someone which was an improvement because Gary used to hide his gun under his pillow. He was a brick shy. I think most guys are. when Malachi was on the ledge I’m glad I was there at that time if not for Kristen then for her son and for my parents. My older sister and Gary did not have kids at the time they lived in the fixer upper. One night while babysitting their home my brother and I opened the front door for some reason and some kind of bolt lightning or something came in the door and both of us watched it fly around the living room and the study like a balloon when the knot is undone. It was very strange and it made a noise as well. It had no substance but energy of some kind. It was a hot night. In Texas sometimes there are electric storms without rain. One night I saw a storm of bolts but in the shape of a balls that were bouncing all over the place and very loud and kind of frightening because of the noise. It’s a rare occurrence. I have only seen that kind of a storm once but I assume it has happened before however I have never looked it up to find out. Later when met sister was in the last house I ever saw her in that they owned she had something done about the corn allergy after going to doctors about it. She had an operation. I can’t remember the hospital but in Dallas. either Medical City or  St. Paul, possibly one nearby. There are alot of hospitals in certain areas. The operation was on a Friday and I guess he snipped her ureter between the bladder and the kidney, I think by mistake. He had a German name as I recall and wasn’t like real friendly or anything. Luckily he figured it out JUST IN TIME and fixed it or she would have died. They still sued and made some money on it. Good money. She wore a urine bag for a few months. Around the same time she had plastic surgery on her nose for a deviated septum and more and ended up being a nose similar to my little sister who had a very pretty nose . My little sister had a fall in her closet and broke it and it was never the same. It still was pretty but it wasn’t the same. The nose on my older sister did not really fit her face imo but she obviously had a thing about my little sister’s nose all along or maybe Gary did. She also had her boobs enlarged. My little sister had done the same thing years before and it helped her. Her husband made an issue of it so she did it in shabby place but did it anyway. I didn’t really care for what the results were except in clothing. But the shape wasn’t quite right but it didn’t matter as long as she and he liked it. He took a chance having it done where she had it done. I never saw the place but she told me about it. My older sister’s jealous jacuzzi daughter mentioned my sister’s nose and boobs once that I know of and had seen earlier pictures of my older sister and my older sister (her mother) lied to her about it. Perhaps one day eventually she told the truth, but I doubt it. For years my younger sister told me that my older sister was competing with her on houses, pools, obviously men, noses, and plastic surgeries. She had a chin lift and partial face lift and tried to act like she didn’t. My younger sister resented it because she was really was an open book about her surgeries and wanted to share but I think it has to do with how she got the surgeries she got. I think my older sister used the system –insurance fraud and had a lot of help doing it. What happened at the office and partially why I was ganged up on had to do with illegal stuff I happened upon and didn’t realize till I went to real estate school what my sister and her husband were doing and the company they worked for was illegal big time. It might have been a set up in order for the company to side with my older sister and Gary to protect them. Pretty shitty. It really is. I was in a rough place, between a rock and hard place. So was my mom and dad and probably a lot of people. She probably took lessons from Hillary and wasn’t Hillary in the insurance business before she became what she became? Yep. I went shopping with her to help her find a dress for New Years party or event she was going to with her husband and her were with a partner of his at the time and his wife and she had humongous boobs that hung low. She was a dog in the face comparatively but she wore a dress and the opening was at her waist and my sisters husband was impressed by it. She bought a beautiful black dress kind of short. She had pretty long legs. The back was in a vee to the waste and was sharp looking on her and she wore pretty jewelry. Her husband had her in tears that night because she did not expose her bosoms and he liked the way the other woman hung hers. She had to go to the bathroom to cry and clean up her face afterwards. When she left the bathroom to go back to the table a man came by I guess a good looking guy and told her how beautiful she looked. She looked beautiful in the dress at the store. CLASSY. My sister was in a class of her own compared to the other woman. People used to say she looked like Raquel Welch in the face and she came by it naturally. She had a problem sometimes with weight but even when over weight she was beautiful. Beautiful smile and a fun smile. Older men loved her for her smile, her humor and her pretty face. One of the things my dad loved about her was her humor. He got a kick out of her. Of course she was his daughter so no wonder. She had pretty high cheek bones like my mom.  But she still messed around with some stuff to improve herself in her eyes like lip injections and tattooing liners etc. The lip injections were not helpful but the style of lips that is the fad these days are plump lips. I hated how they did it to her because she was too aware of them like the press guest Laura InGraham: PSSSST: DONT DO IT AGAIN. EVERYONE KNOWS AND IT DOES NOT IMPROVE YOUR LOOKS. You are not talking normal. YOU LOOKED FINE BEFORE. Honestly JUST GET THEM COLORED-tattooed LIKE THE CHARACTER ON THE SOAP OPERA – ERIKA of GENERAL HOSPITAL and buy the snake poison lip plumper. and talked funny because of them but she was aiming to please and to please her second husband as well who did not deserve her. He kind of messed her thinking up. Her first husband even though a jerk in some ways in regards to boobs and her talents was still better than the second one because THEY LOVED EACH OTHER.

Her second husband was a user and a half.


whom she met on line at a dating service after a few other stupid dates she endured. He was from Michigan. DAVID number 2 as in poop and resembled quite a bit





Who never questioned Barack Obama’s Motives


Ready the Secret service agent?

the Ring-bearer for the Queen’s anniversary Diamond Jubilee Celebration!


George Ball of the LARGE (LODGE) “Mr. Nothing Propinks like Propiniquity” you know the guy who messed with JFK and OSWALD who is seen in the pictures at the jail before OSWALD was knocked off for posterity and who probably had a whole bunch to do with the entrance of the US into the Viet Nam war and the assassination of JFK!


LOL Schnicker Snicker

and is self-deluded

There is a network when you get divorced in some places

to catch a pail of water. 

When her first husband’s dad was having health problems in older age she found him one day and he had fallen while naked and he couldn’t get up. She helped him and he made some jokes with her and loved her as a daughter-in-law for some of the same reasons my dad did. She helped to take care of him for nothing as much as she could but I don’t think anyone noticed or appreciated it. He was divorced but he and his wife while they were not  did live close to each other and were civil. The mother-in -law did not appreciate my sister and compared her often to the first wife he had and created trouble for her. The daughter-in -law she had from her step son also created trouble for her (his second wife). The one who sang like an angel with blond hair and chips fell out of her mouth when she talked.  The one who said I had a winker in my eye. The Church lady. Her step son had some troubles because of being a kid from divorce but my sister was good to him as a step mom though he one day had a problem of some kind and put a gun to her head. Some how they got past it. I don’t recall that she had to go to jail or he had to go to jail. I don’t think anyone called the police on him. I had to for nothing. Her step daughter overdosed on aspirin once but made it through. Had her stomach pumped but she lived. She lost her daughter at three years of age at her birthday party. My sister wasn’t there and I bet if she had been it wouldn’t have happened, but you never know and believe me I know she was imperfect but she did not put a gun to your head. I mean that amicably. The woman that helped my older sister when she had her ureter cut had white hair and my older sister thought she was an angel course she thought the priest on the plane was somehow related to God and she resembled Billy Graham’s daughter in the overall appearance. She told my sister that having surgery on a Friday isn’t the best of time to have surgery. She must have had quite a history in surgery knowledge but I guess that was as good an excuse as any. She helped my sister and tried to keep up with health situation details while she was at the hospital so my sister didn’t have to worry about it herself. Someone I guarantee hired her. I have no idea how she met her but probably the lady across the street who got her involved in the BGEA and those women retreats in the Carolinas. It’s my guess anyway. Usually I knew but things change and so do relationships. What my sister did not realize is she had been had. Sneaky people. I guess it was worth it. I guess the word that describes my oldest sister was the word devious. She did not start out that way. I think SMU molded the deviousness in her-Being around a bunch of rich kids. I’m not against someone having money but she developed an attitude when around her friends. IMO They thought their shit didn’t stink and it did just was much as the next guy or girl. It might have started before SMU when she rolled with Dallas. Take it how you think it means. And perhaps the Kirchers honed it in her. Her kids were not the problem. Maybe expectations have something to do with it as well. The expectations of others and it came between us as a family. Jealousy played a role. Something happened and it wasn’t good and I don’t think it was me or because of me. I think it has to do with the pillars of salt written about in the OT. When my dad had his TIA in Dallas after driving to Dallas from San Antonio to see the birth of one of the grand kids, her grandchild was a marker of some kind. We were at the hospital at the time. I could hear echoes in the room and I could feel it and it was loud and hollow. He started talking weird and couldn’t communicate very well, but tried and mom and Tootie went to find help and Gary was in the room sitting on a ledge near the window or wall area and I was across from him. He kind of was amused and raised his eyebrows in a funny way at me about my dad. I told my dad not to try to talk because it wasn’t helping it just got worse. Later on it was amusing after he was okay but it was a very strange thing and I know she pushed him too much for his age. Go here go there etc. Too competitive. Heightened too much. I think it was for the birth of Malachi but I might be wrong.

So get prepared Europe and the middle east and africa

and everywhere else

get prepared for the end of the RCC. 

Why? Because the RCC didn’t heed the warning given at the Sea of Galilee and instead went along with greta evil and Mother Teresa. That’s why.

The chief difference between Christianity and Islam

An article about the difference between mohammad and Jesus but what are the similarities? The mustard seed. Why?

Because some of the gospels and other books after the gospels are islamic! which is why there is the confusion called the GREAT DECEPTION!

Anyway Michael you know very little about Walter…..)

Hark the Harold angel sing Glory to the newborn king

Parts of the gospel of John try to show the deception and if you read it and compare events in the bible and in the gospels there ye shall find the message and since Revelation shows the destruction of the RCC the Vatican I don’t think God is necessarily against war, since God puts it into the heart of some army either in the present or the near future to destroy the Vatican therefore God must want the destruction of the Vatican. I highly doubt God or Jesus the Jewish one was for 6 million jews being slaughtered in Europe and wanted the USA to intervene. So whether one dies by the sword or dies giving a sermon sometimes the sword is necessary. Jesus of the gospel of John beat the other Jesuses to the cross. Cutting off someones ear wasn’t helpful, it was only a thing which is what Peter did in the Garden of Gethsemane to Malchus I think. And then denied Jesus three times. Guess what: There are 3 Synoptic Gospels. (Gospel of Matthew, Mark, and Luke) written by the Q source so the names of the authors are just things. I think Jesus of the Gospel of John wanted the people to see the difference between the gospels. I sure did. He used the the Synoptic gospels to discern the difference thinking ahead of course. Then after because of the abuse by the Vatican using Nazism and fascism Israel became a state of it’s own. Asserting itself with help from God. The Six day war is evidence, is it not? Some of the archeology is evidence as well and prophetic and if Israel hadn’t we would not have evidence.

I can’t tell you how often I have heard that God never gives you more than you can handle from faith teachers and faith sermonizers in all forms of faith….


What about my sister and her husbands dick? What about Gary and his own dick? What about me and my sisters and the family troubles? What about our government and ObamaCare? What about the National Debt? What about the many women who have too many kids? What about the Catholic Churches own parishioners? What about every department in our government? What about the islamic population in England? What about all the civil wars and revolutionary wars in the Middle East and all over the world? What about the press? What about: A Second, Even Bigger Foreclosure Reaches NYC Billionaires’ Row and Infamous De Guine estate finally sells at dramatic discount? What about China? What about pollution? What about Nancy Pelosi? What about the people who commit suicide? What about Arlington National Cemetery? What about the many ferries and boats in the past that couldn’t handle the load? What about D-Day and those that didn’t make it? What about soccer stampedes? What about the people that go nuts and have nervous breakdowns? What about King Henry the 8th? What about the StockMarket? What about illegal aliens? What about the Titanic and the Hindenburg? What about O’reilly? What about the Pharoah of Egypt and the plagues? What about Noah’s Ark? What about Jesus turning over the tables of the money launderers? What about Hitler? What about those that overdose? What about Solomon?

Whoever says that is fucking liar and there are a bunch of them! 

LA loves ‘Obama Boulevard’ proposal but wonders: ‘Why not major street?’

Bull shit they are afraid of him and are paying homage to him.


Later in San Antonio we found out the wind or something broke off his front door (because no one was around besides my parents at the time) to his home, right off the hinges, while they were home at some point and I think was another sign something wasn’t right. A very strange occurrence. He did change and was much more judgmental about me and I could tell he was getting strange thoughts accusatory of me while with my sister her husband and me. I could feel it. Of course lies didn’t help. The first lie especially which grew into as I said once in another post on one of my blogs, into a life of it’s own. I could tell something was bugging him about me and like he was hearing voices while he was quite weak physically having had chemotherapy and other treatments which is typical of evil to attack someone when THEY are weak. I could feel it sort of and of course I was going through some things and a huge set up an entrapment scheme around that time which had not coalesced to it’s entirety with much more to unfold but I had not understood it and I think he was being set up/entrapped as well. The whole family was including my sister in another way, even though she was involved like a pawn. He was trying to protect us as a dad of a very cool family:

His family. Her family. Their family.

 I think the wind had something to do with it as well and a chapter in the Gospel of John which talks about it. The secret follower, which I think has to do with the BGEA. As I have written the secret follower wasn’t really a secret, was it? Since it was in the

Gospel of John.

So either Nicodemus or Joseph of Arimathea. Maybe both.

Standing where it should not?

And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in hisdeath; because he had done no violence, neither was any deceit in his mouth.
What is deceipt?
  1. the action or practice of deceiving someone by concealing or misrepresenting the truth.

I know my dad is okay because he is special and so is my mom and together they are a force to contend with. A good force. Believe me, and they are not done.

 They will not give up because of their love.

You would’ve had to have known my parents to understand.

The wind and Dallas and the VW, the gust of wind in the VW? Scrambled her brains and with? Virginia Cook. During the Kennedy assassination when JFK was thinking about this speech at the World Trade Center about to get on Stemmons Frwy the woman with him said “You can’t say that Dallas doesn’t love you.” and he was shot at that moment, supposedly. It’s in the transcripts. He was gonna say something interesting, I think. Think about the “don’t get a wad in your panties”

and Borg Syndrome. Same kind of communication. If you look real close and study different versions of films that are out there are some interesting people at the sign and at the airport.

When the shit hit the fan I mentioned about my kids making a phone call and somehow my voice was in the background or so my mom said that my sister had either let her hear or related to her that I had prompted them or egged them on. And I had nothing to do with the phone call whatsoever. My ex does voice overs so I know it can be added but to get a phone call like that from my mom it was hard to take. Why didn’t I scream etc. She was confused by their games. EVIL GAMES. AND probably thought I was the reason or to blame.  DIFFICULT TIME FOR our family. I took some scissors and stabbed a framed photograph my parents gave me of them. I was so upset. And about the time I slapped my husband who didn’t believe me when I said I was bring watched, surveilled, harassed at work and school, etc by the company, by people in the real-estate business but not in the company but sure did get involved and my sister and her husband. He said his glasses flew across the room and yea they came off his head but he deserved it as far as I’m concerned and he came at me and knocked me off my feet. He had as a teen taken wrestling so it was some kind of move like that from a standing position with a fist in my face however he didn’t hit me. Soon after I got sick. Real sick. Deathly ill. It was nuts. I’ not saying it is what caused it but a mixture of things. I had been sick for a while change of life and some kind of infection while at the office I couldn’t get rid of and psychological terror. As far as the husband doing voice overs and his defense of my sister and the painting I painted every time she put up an offense he took her side. Like she said swap with her he thought it was a good idea and other things so he was her “boy” Somehow she got under his skin and was manipulating him but that was kind of recent. So I wonder did he make a voice over for her to implicate me to my parents? I wouldn’t put it past him.

One of the last things I saw my mom do was take my sisters chin and she said “Can you beat that?” sort of affectionately but I know she had seen my dad in the casket and his chin tucked into his neck and she saw the arrangements my sister made for the families at his funeral. I’m sure my dad noticed as well. My mom wasn’t dumb very patient but not dumb. She saw things I saw and I saw things she saw. I think she recognized something inside my sister. She loved her daughters but she saw something unkind. Because someone dies doesn’t mean you aren’t seen and the things you do or don’t do. THEY SEE!  Hence the commandments about parents: Honor your parents. I know when I have tried to relate that my mom wanted to live to 105 he concurred and he had already died. He knew. How did I hear. It was spiritual. I hear lots of stuff but I discern as much as I can and sometimes I recognize what I’m hearing to be true. Which also has to do with what happened at The ARC and the e-mails I received about my mom’s eyesight and the commotion about it and the picures sent my way which was sadistic and unkind. It didn’t go unnoticed, I’ll tell you that much. I have no idea what is ahead because of it. I do know what the Gospel of John says that Jesus said at the Sea of Galilee and it might be wise to take it seriously. Might make a world of difference.

A Family Hug

If you ever watched movie with my sister which I did frequently in my life in their home  she would ask “what does that mean?” You had to explain things a normal person would have understood. I guess if she had watched it, it might have helped; she had a tendency to talk during movies. And then forgetting about her son when he slipped into the shallow end of the pool without a sound but he was only about three years old so it didn’t matter what end it was and David my little sister’s husband saved him from drowning but because he had a tantrum the next morning he didn’t get the sleep he needed to work the next day and because John had an earache (water in the ear) in the night which was very immature of David she got her nose out of joint but I think she kind of forgot why he had an earache because she AND GARY weren’t watching her kid. I don’t know what she was doing? Changing the film in her camera? She couldn’t get past the slight to see the whole picture. I didn’t see it but she told me David was lying on the floor pounding his fists on the floor the next morning in their master bedroom. It wasn’t her fault she was out of town and the earache happened in the night and John was in pain. I guess if every one communicated better we could have handled it better and perhaps not. I slept through both the tantrum and the earache but was told the next morning. Obviously some kind of competition going on and something else: resentment. It was weird. He could have taken a day off but I guess it wasn’t the point. I don’t know the point. Kind of an unfortunate set of circumstances and then years later when his  daughter had a daughter she drowned in their pool (a different home) on her third birthday party a week after her birthday. It was very strange. I don’t know how many years later it was? 14?

My youngest sister was going through her divorce I think at the time. Had received some of her money but hadn’t met her second husband. She was able to go to the funeral and and brought back a brochure of Juliet’s funeral and I painted the picture twice. Not in one day it took me a long time. She was able to take it to her step daughter eventually after she was remarried. She paid me 100 dollars eventually and it was worth way more but not to my sister and I liked doing it for her step daughter because I’m sure while it didn’t bring her back but might help her some how and I did not sign it. My little sister didn’t appreciate art or the time it takes She wanted to make amends somehow. Somewhere in there. She was still in love with her first husband even after marrying her second husband. No doubt he was a better man. He remarried as well. His fist wife had had an affair with his best friend early in their marriage and he met my sister soon after via a friend of hers we knew as teens when my parents were separated and after for a while and they had a quick romance and he gave her an ultimatum either marry him now or forget it and we got together my bridesmaid dresses from my wedding for a few of us to wear to get the show on the road sine she wanted to marry him in a big way. Kind of quickie in motel rooms to dress, etc. whole vacationing in California to see my brother I surmise but I can’t remember why. They had a reception at his friends house the one whose wife had had umpteen abortions (about 7 or more, possibly 13. I knew it was an amazing amount but figured she or her husband didn’t want kids and for good reason. Possibly mental illness or something else like bad genes I didn’t ask why. It wasn’t my business and I didn’t know them) from what I heard from my little sister and didn’t have kids. I didn’t know them. The friends lived in California. At one point when she had possession of their RV before the settlement was over in order to get away when she needed a break from my family living with us sometimes it sat in front of the house or so she could travel to see friends or with a friend she took my art some of it and was gonna try to sell it or show it and font where she stored it and unexpanded her RV and scrunched the artwork. Luckily it wasn’t porcelain art which breaks and it took her months to tell me like Gary it took months to tell my Uncle about the money he lost. Finally told me and so I redid a few I liked in particular. I was kind about it. It was kind of funny in a way how she hemmed and hawed in order to not tell me but it was an accident. She was sometimes absent minded about things and it could have happened to anyone especially going through the crap she was going through a nasty divorce mostly because of the lawyers involved.  A lot was on the line for one thing she had while married started an aspect of his business that eventually was taken over by a friend of his he had hired. Not sure why. ANd while he was raising his business at the start of his attempt to go on his own she took care of a bunch of kids everyday to help bring in the money they needed to survive. She also acted as his partner at business parities and to make an impression for those he was dealing with and she also gave parties for the business before they were able to afford other avenues. She helped him become what he wanted to be and then he pulled some stuff on her with other women one of which he married after they divorced. HIs field mouse was his affectionate name for his third wife who started a relationship with him when my sisters first son was just a tot. They drank a lot with friends. Eventually he decided he wanted to stop partying after many years of partying and expected her to stop with him. I don’t know what got in to him to make him want to stop all of a sudden. She didn’t stop all of a sudden. She was much younger than he was. When I saw him at their home during the divorce with my sister who came to pick up some things he was drinking and brought out the wine for us too. So he didn’t really stop it was some kind of a test or something. He had had a nervous breakdown and was in the hospital for a while when the divorce proceedings started so when he pulled out the wine in their driveway things started to get hot between them blaming each other for the action so we left so he wouldn’t end up in a hospital again. Their marriage was kind of hot. He had accused her of having an affair and I don’t really know whether she did or not but I do know there were men who wanted to have an affair with her and were testing her because her husband was abusing her mentally and emotionally. These guys were waiting for the opportunity. Her family and their friends turned on her BIG TIME and a lot was at stake: “their business”: which had become quite successful and was even written about as being a big winner in the Houston area Like a top ten kind of business, so they had been marked for destruction and devastation and I don’t think it was necessarily what the friends wanted or the family more like they were used to this end by someone else’s determination who wanted to profit from the destruction of their marriage and what they had built together. It was a sad situation and we were not aware at the time how things work in this world. I know my brother in law ‘s first son from his first marriage had gotten serious about the business before her kids did because they were much younger. I think is why it happened. She had taken care of his kids for more than half their childhoods and they as kids had some resentments but his first son hated his own mom. So they didn’t have much choice and he loved my sister and his dad when he was a kid. Then as he grew got married a few times the second was Cheri who was the church lady and she had her sights set as well. It was quite a fiasco what my sister was having to contend with so….and for their family as well. VERY CONFUSING. Their business was a temporary labor for hire type business and since then a few other companies have cropped up to compete but he had it all for a while so much so he took his employees on vacations bought condos and entertained them and I guess some people didn’t like it. Wanted it or in on it. The employees enjoyed it, I know that. We enjoyed the condos as well. But success is attractive to thieves. They met some. The thieves found a chink in their armor and whittled away at it and over time were able to succeed in their destruction or TAKE OVER. Sort of a coup. They had lots of chinks because they had lots of friends/employees and lots of family and each of them had their chinks. Everybody has a chink some time or other. It’s not hard to find if it is what you are looking for. One of the chinks and a big one was the kind of preacher preachers emulated/imitated which was Joel Olsteen type faith in the area. And the lawyers especially the first set of lawyers who advertised they were Christian were some of those thieves. ONe of her neighbors tried to jog with her when she went jogging and he tried as well to whittle away at their marriage HE WAS CATHOLIC. Married with children. He was Ready to catch her. A talker too. The guy could talk and talk and talk and she finally was able to ditch him for someone else because he drove her batty and everyone else as well, but it wasn’t necessarily an improvement, but the opposite. Every way she turned she was on a list of some kind to catch a pail of water. GIGILO kind of guy who lived off successful women or divorcees and cold as hell. It was like jumping out of the sauté pan into the fire. No she wasn’t the brightest person but she was a hard worker for quite a while for their business for their families, their employees, pretty, and I think did her best most of the time. The pretty part was a toughie. She worked at it later when it didn’t come easy but he didn’t care as long she had boobs. He ended up with a field mouse and not like he couldn’t hire beauty for an hour or two and imagine a bag over his new wife’s face. I never did see her or see a picture of her just got word about it. Her husband mysteriously died right about the time my sister’s husband was available. She was waiting in the wings. My older sister and I had talked about and I had read the Old Folks Homes Retirement homes/centers were gonna be big business one day because of the baby boomers and I had no idea and never thought or realized the real estate business was gonna be involved. Little did I know, but I learned! At the Arc part of the deal involves the real-estate giving up your home. And who would have thought Mother Teresa would get involved as well. Conglomeration of a Conglomerate. A coup. Well news travels in many directions like time which is not only linear and things change in-between :O and before you know it the landscape has changed beneath you and above you and around you….


I would never have believed it if I hadn’t seen it and I suppose it’s the same for other people as well. WE SAW IT. And there

Comes A Time – Neil Young

….like when I was in the middle of a cow pasture and couldn’t figure out how I got there and the cows were mooing at me and edging in closer. Kind of scary. LOL I was only a kid at the time but I’ll never forget the way those cows behaved. Saw a movie recently and about an English guy who went to the Amazon to find another civilization but the people he had to deal with who were against his travels and explorations started chanting together Pots and Pans, Pots and Pans, Pots and Pans. So some things do get through and like the tide and the waves come back around. I was gonna try to re-enrol in real-estate school and ended up giving that idea up and I think I did the right thing. Not like it was gonna welcome me. I figure I had been black balled for the sake of Gary and my sister.

Wait until I get into the Bugliosi crap (Manson and the Kennedy assassination giant), the Rattans, and the Kennedys! WHAT an odd combination, isn’t it? Not really the Kennedys, but the Onassises. It may take a bit more investigation but it’s a Catholic thing and perhaps I’ll get some help in regards to the Catholic thing when the Catholic children start coming out of their commas for the sake of survival because it gets kind of dicey to stay in. Of course, it will soon. When it is no longer safe to stay because it won’t help you if you do. It should be fun, but I don’t think it will be fun for some. And as I turned the channel I heard:


Tell me something I didn’t know already! People sign these waivers sometimes not knowing it’s an excuse to murder. They should not sign them. It’s part of the coup especially since often times politics and religion can change the meaning and give a wider latitude to those waivers and those who would use it to murder for political and religious reasons which often change like the wind. What would HItler do and how would he use it? How about Mother Teresa and Jesuit Pope Francis: as an excuse to murder and desolating others for their own gain politically and religiously to persecute those not in their favor. I’m not in their favor and nor were my parents. I believe Roman Catholicism is an evil religion/cult. IT IS AN ABERATION and history reflects it and so does POPE Francis and Mother Teresa.


a reason to resuscitate

digging a deeper hole ain’t gonna help either.

Thank God That G0d can resuscitate even though the flesh is weak.

Lazarus was weak and look what happened to him, or read about it anyway.

Can you beat that?

Harve Presnell They call the Wind Maria remastered – YouTube

My ex has told me often there are labor camps all over the place mostly with illegal aliens He drives by them and a few illegals will get picked up to do work. I have not witnessed it myself because I stick close to home but I plan to witness it when I can for one to see for myself what’s going on. It sounds an awful lot like slavery without whips and chains but it could be on the horizon.

 As far as Gary is concerned we were dealing with something bigger than his dick and his brain which was definitely smaller. As far as my sister was concerned we were dealing with something bigger than her un-immaculate reputation and her humongous pride. We were dealing with something big and bad. DEMONIC like Mother Teresa for instance and other things against us and against mankind. I’m sure it has to do with the mustard seed MYTH collapsing with a big thud.

Let The River Run

Cyndi Lauper – She Bop

I think the Commandments about parents and kids is really important to God

and they do proceed the other commandments after.

Cyndi Lauper – Time After Time

I know sometimes I go on a bit but anyone would if they had experienced what I experienced and I doubt I would be writing today or in the past since it was not my forte at all if it weren’t for the junk I had to go through kind of like Murphy’s Law.  And plus it’s my way of communicating to people I love because I know they know about it….MY MOM TOLD ME SO so it’s an opportunity to set record straight from my perspective and give back the lessons learned.

Saw a phenomenal movie recently called

In the Heart of the Sea.

I would recommend it to everyone to watch. Trump is strengthening the relations with India and it should be interesting to see the benefits. I know it’s good for the clothing industry and much more. India is pretty vast so we’ll see and I don’t see how it can hurt. Clothing industry is hugely important and so is fashion and I’m sure there’s a lot more to India so I’m looking forward to the unknown benefits for both countries. Let’s re-start layaways:) That will help lots of people and businesses bringing hope to some and definitely more competition in the industry.  The more competition the better as long as it’s fair. I think it might be advantageous for our farming and their farming industry as well and many others as long it’s not for their organs.

Mark LEVIN: Forget the Russian collusion of the DEMS or the REPs. Putin was only reacting to our politics and I don’t think he was directing it.


Because all we have so far is bunch of lies and books to cover it up.

It is the nexus of why Barack Obama and everyone else kind of went Berserko.

Don’t investigate Benghazi at your own risk.



 Now Obama says Putin did or didn’t interfere in our elections? The voice of reason? HMMMMM. DID OR DIDN’T? IS OR ISN’T A THREAT? Sounds to me like he don’t know one way or the other.

Blondie – One Way Or Another (Official Music Video)

Even the elect will be fooled.

I heard Tucker Carlson call Washington DC “the Ruling class.”

Any I just wondered if the letter my sister found is related to the letter a woman found in her husbands things after he jumped or fell into the Grand Canyon. Seems convenient. She stopped mourning because of the letter. Consolation to Forget. I think they were in the same class and possibly fellow students at the same school I figure since my older sister knew her somehow.  Maybe the gust of wind came.

A sacrificial ram for the cause and the sake of incest which I guess might have been why Abraham made a convenant when he did … .cutting the flaps of the male penis missing the meaning of circumcising.

At some point Abraham changes his name to ABRAM and Islam refers to him as ABRAM and Christianity and many other religions still call him Abraham. Some written about in the gospels calling the father Abraham during the biblical times of Jesus, at least when one of the Jesuses who was written about Jesus said “Before Abraham was I am” and the people who heard him said “You are not yet 50 and you knew Abraham?” Abraham was known to be the father of a few religions (Father of Isaac and Jacob and someone else) in the area and Jesus said “your father is the father of lies.” Jesus said to a priest and told the people to “pray to your father in heaven” meaning excluding priests: the Ten Commandments of course makes it PLAIN and simple. Kind of makes sense. And if you have to: skip a generation to honor the parents and pick the best option. I didn’t have to skip a generation because I have really fantastic parents who had been lied to and I know they know. They represented themselves good enough for me in our time together and I didn’t know my grandparents but even if I had I would still trust my parents. Grandparents are important for some whose own parents sucked. My parents spent time with their grandkids and came to see them born and didn’t have sex with their kids or try to….or molest their kids. Actually I did know one, and her name was GAM a member of the DAR. (Daughters of the American Revolution.) Her husband left her and divorced her after having 7 kids for a rich woman who was without kids while they were still kids. He didn’t help but the kids helped her quite a bit. She had all of her teeth removed so she could take care of her kids. Strange thing to do but she did it. One of her daughters didn’t get to help after her neck was broken hanging laundry so her husband could remarry and take her two children. She was 26 years of age and the autopsy said they found bleach in her body when she was living in San Francisco. My mom’s bet friend at the time and her older sister. I was referring to dads. Still I was lucky. My grandmother was quite a person but I didn’t really get to know her though I knew her daughter very well who informed quite a bit about the way things are over the years but like I said we didn’t know the Kirchers nor what was in store for us or how to deal with or how to handle their store and it was difficult. There aren’t many books or manuals written about this kind of threat to the family and it affects everyone around the family. There ought to be some manuals if there were we would have read them.

Religions aren’t very helpful. They stay so far away from the subject like a ten foot pole such as O’reilly did when Benghazi was at the forefront of the news and his Jesuit friend the Jesuits pope’s side kick Jesuit priest Federiko Lombardi came up with the excuse for the State Department and for Susan Rice as if it had been rigged. A video tape. Probably thought in his mind’s eye let Benghazi work itself out for itself. 

Mother Teresa and the RCC don’t think grandparents are important, but they are which might be the point of Mother Teresa to find a chink for the RCC and dispose of an earthly representative to look upon or remember and to honor so it goes well with you. Priests don’t care! Grandparents do care and some parents even in the after life and they do help!! Even some uncles and some aunts help…lol. A few don’t. Sometimes a brother comes in handy or a sister. Find someone worthy to honor if no one in the family measures up but luckily some did in my family even through the worst of times faltering here and there but we all do under duress and deception. Mine measured up even after death and I think mine got to see a few things they were not able to see before they died. INCEST IS A TOUGH COOKIE.

Finding out the mustard seed isn’t the smallest of seed kind of helped to see the TRUTH but not without a lot of wailing.

And then two cities are zapped called Sodom and Gomorrah. One where Lot resided and tried to offer his daughters to the angels who arrived to save him and then the daughters have sex with their dad (LOT) thinking it’s the end of the world.


 from the standpoint of a date

but possibly somewhat accurate of an amount of time

because time is not only linear moving forward so some say the world is 6000 years old depending on if you go forward but what about backwards while time is still going forward (moonwalking) to time marching forward on one side of the hemisphere and backwards on the the other or slower on one hemisphere and faster on another and then depending on the speed of light which is confounding to the speed of sound and then the speed of perception or intuition etc. What is the speed of sound and light in space or underwater or in black hole and what about the other species what is it to them? I imagine there are other speeds we haven’t seen or noticed or learned about. I guarantee if there is a speed of sound there’s a faster one. And that’s in term of a line but what happens when you fold the line or scrunch it, or scrunch both the line and the speed depending on what you want to accomplish if you have the power to affect any of the scientific notions. Leaping from time to time in less time than what we know as the measure of time and depending on a lot of other factors having to do with physics which is not my thing but the possibilities are endless especially if you are God the creator. What about travel between solar systems? Are the other solar systems relevant? I think so. What about moons walking from other directions and angles or walking from other directions and angles and then the spirit world kind of walking. Astral walking for some. Anyway seems to me some of the things going on in our lives are not linear from what I have noticed in my family. Parallel universe type stuff and I think there is a purpose for it. Anyway I was asked how am I gonna get there in regards to a trip I wanted to make a while back. I don’t know but I plan to get there eventually. There being a relative term:


Not via hospice I’ll tell ya that much.

JEFF BRIDGES: I’m rooting for Trump…

My kids will get there as well when they do hopefully the rest of my family will follow suit which I believe they will and then we can celebrate our good fortune.

Eric Bolling has come out with a new book called The Swamp and was on as a guest of the Neil Cavuto who has his own laughing stock when needed who thinks he is the greatest financial advisor, stock advisor known to mankind and bows to his audience saying “your welcome” etc as if he created the stock market like Gore who created the internet …wait till his turn comes *(whose? your guess is as good as mine), but in any case you have to have some ego to succeed and Neil Cavuto doesn’t like Trump’s tweeting ( I have yet to read one because I don’t tweet) or the tone because Neil Cavuto is a gentleman or so he thinks but its who President Trump is and to communicate outside of the White House and I think is his option to do. It should be interesting and I hope Trump listened to Eric Bolling. (like thunder) Fleishman is against the daily briefings, why? I think because the woman who gave the briefing does a good job and uses Skype which is kind of an interesting new twist though it needs a bit of tweaking like listening to every other syllable which might help create a new underground language but she understood it and the Washington press doesn’t like Skype, I imagine. Just do the crossword puzzles, then. She’s LIKE BUTTER compared to margarine. I bet it’s a good book. Maybe Neil Cavuto is afraid of President Trump who might affect his vision of the stock market. I don’t know but he and his ego are suspicious to me along with his entourage.

  • McCain: Trump’s MSNBC remarks are ‘beneath the dignity’ of the WH McCain and his dignity playing a video game on his phone during the Benghazi hearings while our government interviewed Clinton for 13 hours never ever asking anything concrete and hard to do it 5 minute intervals high on a brain numbing drug you can’t see nor smell and hard to lose an election. 

WWll wasn’t won in a studio acting gentlemanly I’m not sure it was ever won but definitely not in the hearts of those who lost some big battles.

Sort of reprieve of some kind probably so the world would understand why the RCC gets destroyed since catholics don’t read giving them the opportunity to come out.

Terry Gobanga: ‘I was gang-raped on my wedding day’

 Here’s some meat, a mouthful of BULLSHIT but let her have her 15 minutes of fame.

Will it make a difference? I don’t think so.

In other words I have.

Because I read the bible (most of it anyway) and unlocked a door using a key I found and she didn’t~

so skidattle!

What is it about Benghazi that upsets so many people? Perhaps we should ask the Obamas since it was on their watch. I would love to see them questioned in front of the world in a court room of their peers. It would be an interesting experience and I think it would be good for ratings as well. What were you doing…where were you….do you have proof of where you were….why did you go to Las Vegas the next day…..When and where did you have your face lift and by whom?….etc Where were your daughters?….Did they know? Could we have a blood test of your daughters to compare DNA’s? Do you mind?

OH That day will come and we will get to watch, but it won’t be with your peers.

And Fox wants to promote hearing (faith comes by hearing kind of promotion): An Ode to Boy a ballad which was performed in the morning hours. What is this, the Huckabee show? Good performance and the audience was mesmerized but like the ex said I don’t think they know who the artist is he said. But it was funny. Captive audience. Same ingredients of all the country ballads but the words were nice. UNBELIEVABLE, but nice. He had a crooked smile sponsored by Krueger? Kruger? Kueger? a little to the right of

Deliverance – Banjo Duel

If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

Great photo-oportunity for Trump during G20 meeting with Putin:

Putin with his shirt off leading a horse with Trump riding the horse or vice-versa!

Travel ban takes effect as State Department defines ‘close family’

As far as grandparents go and the shorter version of Trumps Travel Ban it is illuminating why it passed the second time, nothing more nothing less IMO. Talk about finding a chink in someone’s armor. Definitely revealing. Not sure what game play played or what it might be called, interesting. hmmmmm…… End run circle? Circle end run? whatever it’s called it was a good one. All he had to do was change what is considered family and it passed? Nieces, nephews and grandparents are not considered close enough family? Strange. Why and by whom? Whoever passed the his travel ban the second time around is redefining the family? OR is this some kind of a message? Interesting!


Travel ban rules create awkward family dynamics

‘But the administration excluded grandparents and grandchildren, uncles and aunts, nieces and nephews, as well as unmarried partners, even when they are engaged.”

You need to tell my sister, LOL as far as the funeral arrangements she made for me when my dad died.

Is it some kind of riddle? 

Riddles: “Brothers and sisters have I none, but that man’s father was my father’s son .” What is his relationship to me? And then Kate’s law based on some kind of entrapment. Why? Where was the wife/Kate’s mom? Father daughter meet for lunch and then go to the pier and happens to be opioids in the trash (planted as a reward) a gun under a bench found by Efraim Zimbalist (he looks like him from the show the FBI but as the illegal mexican) in a safe zone (sanctuary city) finds a gun a shoots the daughter in the arms of her father and she is sold to the highest bidder (a possibility). The father reminded me of Fuhrman and probably was a sexually abusive father. POTS AND PANS POTS AND PANS POTS AND PANS. We’ll see what happens but I don’t think the father will get away with it a little further down the road. In this case two opposite sides working together on the same problem: a daughter who revolted. The truth will come out sooner rather than later.

Gunman kills doctor, wounds six others in Bronx hospital rampage

How come police can’t catch these guys alive who commit mass assault? It might help to get information NEEDED besides being an ex employee as the excuse prompted the attack. I think there is more to it than being fired. Getting rid of the evidence? Obviously not at the expense of another murder but why not attempt to break him not kill him to see if someone else or something else is involved. There ought to be people trained to take a prisoner to get some answers, like you would for a wild animal. Put them to sleep with a dart gun. A fast acting kind of drug. It’s like working against yourself perhaps finding out it was mob/vatican hit by the police and not just someone gone postal using a fired employee excuse as an excuse. Could be a mob/vatican kind of tactic sending a message to someone on the hill. The mob and the vatican does do things like this to affect our government. You would think we could learn from the past in regards to prohibition and the mob did the same kind of stuff and using the portion of police which have been corrupted. Timing is suspicious as is using a doctor and a hospital. Maybe something to do with Susan Rice? to affect her? Losing the marijuana trade and possibly insurance mandate might have been a threat or retaliation in regards to justice i.e. circle/end/run? getting too close for comfort for the Obamas?

In my opinion we ought to battle the plant talked about in this post as a numero uno enemy to mankind. The Babylonian hanging gardens plant called Devil’s Breath and if that means going to war with Columbia, South America so be it, but then RCC and Germany would rather go after Syria under false premises probably to look a different direction as a decoy for the RCC. Let Putin handle Assad and Syria with the attitude of trust but verify. Too many things have happened and I think it has to do with Devil’s Breath in one form or another. By war I mean figure out a Devil’s Breath inplanticide (or find an insect that will kill the plant specifically) or something and use it. I think it would solve a lot of problems. I’m sure we have scientists who could figure out something that would sneak in and sneak out and kill the plants and some kind of a cure for it.

Use birds and train the birds to seek out and destroy so they can be used wherever they are needed. Like we train dolphins? parakeets? cockatiels? A type of bird that can live in South America or travels south, is small (hard to hunt) and is plentiful. I don’t think butterflies are trainable. I think birds are a good choice.



War Correspondent Geraldo Rivera in the USA NOT IN IRAQ…NOT IN SYRIA….NOT IN POLAND….NOT IN AFGHANISTAN….NOT IN YEMEN…. NOT IN SOMALIA…..NOT IN KOREA….NOT IN TURKEY…..NOT IN LIBYA……NOT IN THE SUDAN….NOT IN IRAN….NOT IN HAMBURG was on a show in a FOX STUDIO with Laura InGraham talking about what he thinks Trump should do and shouldn’t do. TYPICAL. ‘Welcome to hell’: G20 protesters start fires after riot police hit them with water cannons and pepper sprays in clashes ahead of Hamburg summit

I think the people are pissed because of GLOBALISM because it isn’t working out very well for the people. WORLD GOVERNMENT IS A FAILURE as predicted in the bible.

Maybe Gorbechov meddled in the elections. Where does Gorby live? I know for a while he was stationed in San Francisco, wasn’t he? I think it was the Presidio where he was stationed after he was deposed.

Presidio San Francisco, CA Byzantine Catholic Churches (4 pages worth of 94 churches)

and thats the Byzantine ones I’m sure there are a ton more!

Must like those street cars and the sounds they make.

Tucker Carlson had probably the best guest he has ever had on his show or on any other news analysts show on any station, a professor. I wish I could remember his name but talk about REASON. Of course I agree with him but he being a professor was succinct and well spoken. Same thing I guess but I can’t stress it enough as far as foreign policy is concerned.

Every one should listen to this man and to the interview. Especially when discussing Putin, Trump, and Assad and the polls taken in the EU were kind of interesting as well and how the elites are kind of out of touch with reality. However he didn’t talk about the Vatican. I would love to hear his thoughts on IT.

Good interview!!!!!!!!

Then the next guest on the same show talked about pollution and the reason for most pollution is an abundance of population which rings true since the most polluted areas of the world are overpopulated.

The Four Horsemen prophecy

 As my mom would say, “Consider the source!” 

The “World Famous” Lipizzaner Stallions.

Austria and Hungary.

Just a thought I had after seeing part of a strange movie and after hearing Iran’s previous president who believed in the Four Horsemen prophecy and I saw him come out of Obama as Obama’s DOJ Eric Holder was bowing to Obama in a you tube, whether it is important or not, I don’t know. I included the you tube in one of my posts on one of my blogs but I can’t remember which one or I would add it to this post on this blog.

‘Half The City Is Burning’: Hamburg Rocked By Violent, Anti-G-20 Protests

The ex and I had a very funny conversation about the man who he plays with on his (gigs). He said he hates the word “gig.” In any case, he told me some stuff I already knew about his gig master and a few things I’m not so sure of: four one thing he said his wife worked at a wig and toupee shop and has for years and I was under the impression she was a school teacher however I only met her and saw her a few times. I was under the impression her job as a school teacher was how they were able to college educate their daughter. The ex said it was actually the other man they used to gig with who was married to a teacher. I think when I needed a wig (after my big operation and was losing hair due to the CAT-scans) he might have told me about his gig masters wife’s business, but he didn’t. I guess he forgot. He told me Don’s wife said to a person at the gig listening to the band “just give him a while and he’ll lie to you”…talking about her husband. The ex said that Don told everyone at one gig that he was 6 foot 4 inches tall and my ex said he is shorter than he is which is probably about 5 foot 11 inches or so used to be 6 foot but as you age you lose some height. He demonstrated how he told everyone he was 6 foot 4 inches tall acting tall and big STRUTTING around because he is big. Kind of funny and how on one of his gig announcements of upcoming gig dates Don used the word “forth” instead of fourth for the fourth of July and used the word “itinerary” and how one of the band friends whispered in my ex’s ear about Don’s use of the word “itinerary” because it obviously wasn’t an “itinerary.” Then a little while later on the same conversation my ex told me his mom had perfect pitch and used to sing Ave Maria to them when they were babies. I never heard her sing but he said he and his brother (2 years older) talked about her beautiful voice at her funeral when she sang. If she sang Ave Maria in perfect pitch beautifully I think I would have heard about it at least once from one of the brothers or wives or kids in the family but never heard one iota about his mom’s perfect pitch when singing Ave Maria and I never heard her sing anything else either …. however I did hear about my ex’s perfect pitch from my my ex (my husband at the time) or while we were dating and how he turned down a job with the Navy to work on a submarine that was offered to him because he had perfect pitch and instead he wanted to be a musician and go on the road and make it big (never happened) but he went on the road. He had a recording studio and if she was able to sing Ave Maria in perfect pitch beautifully, why didn’t he record her? HMMMMMM He records an old old friend from time to time:like Mr. Jeep Bob Phillips his old crooner friend who likes to make recordings of himself and has for many years employed my ex to mix sound at his recording studio. I compared my mom using the word orchestra for the band that Phil played in out of respect for him and her younger brother who was also a musician/ singer. In the last generation they used to call bands (usually with a horn player) orchestras and my ex plays a horn. He said he liked that she called the bands she saw with him playing his sax an orchestra. I thought it was really cute too and funny because of the difference in generations the language used vs the language of the later generations. It kind of stuck out in my mind when she would ask about his orchestra. To me orchestras were big bands. Our first Christmas as a married couple my mom sang Feliz Navidad along with a recording of Jose Feliciano at about 6 o’clock in the morning (it was early) quite a few times on the other side of our door. I think it was Christmas. She had had too much to drink the night before but it was a funny memory and I had to kind of explain my mom to him at the time like she doesn’t do this all the time, etc. LOL. Very rare. A lot of stress at Christmas time and a lot of partying, shopping, wrapping, and other things written about. I didn’t bring it up in this conversation but had a good laugh at my mom’s sense of humor after hearing about his mom and her perfect pitch singing Ave Maria which I don’t believe for a minute. My mom did not have perfect pitch but she had a lot of other perfections, need I say more? One visit to see my mom she told us we should leave ((both my little sister and I) after we sang Happy Talk to her at The ARC (The Army Retirement Center) and miming it as well. She said “I don’t mean to be mean (ave-rage, aver-age?), but a voice inside my head said that you should leave.” We laughed because we were trying to cheer her up. It used to be cute to her when we were little kids. (It was my little sister’s idea, lol.) That was the same day I found a small note on a tiny torn piece of paper on the bed at her feet giving everything to my little sister so I gave it to my little sister and she never said anything about it. I thought it was kind of strange to find it and not to hear about it from my little sister. Then when I was at a hardware store looking for some item with the ex either before or after the divorce I heard him say inside his head, “She’z never gonna leave.” Strange.

His mom preferred latin masses even though she didn’t understand latin. His mom had a bible but would not allow her kids to touch it. It was on display. She also had a picture of Jesus on her dresser or above it. A real pretty one. I don’t think perfect pitch matters. I don’t think it matters to the Sperm whale!

My ex is extremely PROPITIATING!

Telemetry | Definition of Telemetry by Merriam-Webster Define telemetry: the process of using special equipment to take measurements of something (such as pressure, speed, or temperature) and send them by …


Ever since the tsunami in the Indian Ocean things have been kind of strange.


Best of Hitchens on Islam

Listening to this you tube right now because I think Christopher Hitchens has unleashed some really good information for mankind and womenkind and I appreciate it. Talks about the faiths of Christianity and Islam and even intimated the books of the Koran have been changed or altered and so has the bible IMO which he is discussing the books of Moses and his book GOD IS NOT GREAT but Moses wasn’t God. Like I have stated the Ten Commandments aren’t a religion and as far as the commandment of working or not working on the Sabbath I don’t believe that is the reason for the commandment. I think it is possible it was changed as well as the first commandment in regards to jealousy and definitely misunderstood but I do think it points to Jesus at the Sea of Galilee who said “feed my lambs, feed my lambs, feed my sheep,” meaning it isn’t only about the substance of caloric intake… thought is as important as caloric intake otherwise there would not be a place called the USA. I think it is the point of the commandment and I think the work aspect of the sabbath commandment is to identify the people who to some might be considered an enemy to mark them or some other reason and goes along with Christopher Hitchens exposes on Mother Teresa which is quite impressive because she is worse than a wolf in sheeps clothing. I like his courage to be able to discuss things we should discuss because I don’t think SILENCE IS GOLDEN (unless you are watching movie with ten other people or in a theater for my older sister’s sake and you can always whisper) and learn to discern. It depends on many factors whether silence is good or bad or in-between, I don’t think the true God minds us discerning and doesn’t respect submissiveness or why would he have chosen Moses who was raised as an egyptian in a royal family who dealt with the slave master and the Pharoah of Egypt to lead the Hebrews (as my ex is submissive in a Roman Catholic way) which I don’t think the True God appreciates either and the Book of Revelation certainly demonstrates. I don’t think God minds what Christopher Hitchens has accomplished otherwise he wouldn’t have been able to reach some who reach out to other people. How does the human race develop or progress if silence were golden we would all be dumb. Also think about the movie Silence of the Lambs. Political Correctness is a little to the left of the movie Deliverance because it silences people and since it’s inception things have gone EXTREMELY awry in this world. I don’t believe in an eye for an eye either. Watched a really cute show with Tim Allen and I think Nancy Travis (From the movie So I  married An Axe Murderer with Mike Myers) about a desk and a shed. I think the premise was “She Shed, He Shed, We Shed” which was really funny. and possibly a takeoff on the movie in a weird kind of way The Shack…the living room scene was when I decided to find a different movie to watch. It was ridiculous and on a serious subject of child abduction. There was Mrs. Butterworth kneading dough and it was just too much for me to take. No, I’m sorry it was Aunt Jemima.  I have been watching  a lot of movies lately and comedic tv shows and a few dramas because of my illnesses which have been helpful. In the game CIV entertainment is very important to the citizens otherwise they turn around and rend you. In order to be entertained you need a job.

C4 Right to Reply – Christopher Hitchens vs Mother Theresa

Hells Angel (Mother Teresa) – Christopher Hitchens

He is sensitive to murder of the unborn but it ain’t murder if the unborn have not been born and were not meant to be born. So I disagree with him on some things that are pretty big. If abortion is murder of the unborn then so is birth control and so is jacking off and obviously the last two options were not meant to be born as well. And as far as Mother Teresa asking if murder of the unborn in the mother’s womb is murder what stops us from murdering each other, Guess what…. the Catholic Church haas made it their mission to murder no matter what age but still it’s a good you tube to watch. Think about the story of King David. You have to read it it understand it. It’s a Catholic thing! I’m sure the spirit/GHOST of Mother Teresa understands it VERY WELL. I think God is great enough to forgive women of abortion and not to give an aborted baby a soul knowing the future. If you don’t think God knows the future than you can’t believe in God. I think God knows that the smaller seed (smaller than the mustard seed) the semen ejcaculated into the seats of a cab or on a thigh of some human or on the street or in a rubber or wherever wasn’t meant to be born, unless you think each spermatocyte has a soul and since they wiggle they must be living organisms but obviously were not meant to be born. My ex, a catholic Michigander said that when the car unions and businesses up north in Michigan failed and the mass immigration to Texas, a right to work state, it was kind of interesting the saying he said was popular, “I wasn’t born yesterday, but I came as quick as I could.” Being born is useful when it gets you work but not so when it comes to determining a woman’s right to make decisions about her own body. How convenient.

THEY CALL IT LOVE when you respect each other in a marriage so David doesn’t love my sister and is using her and probably she may become a victim of his in the future if not already but hopefully writing about it might help because I know he knows about my posts. IF she is a victim without my knowledge he was the one who took advantage of my sister and my mom. He is from Michigan and he is a gigalow IMO and uses women horribly. I think he has no conscience at all. I saw someone who looked like him on online with a woman I suppose it was his wife and a girl who looked like Andrea Tantaros but much younger.

I remember when we were late getting to a restaurant that my mom’s estate paid for the dinner when we visited her via my older sister at my parent’s favorite restaurant the Olive Garden because my older sister was tending to some details at the end of our visit with mom in the hospital which is her forte details which pissed off my little sister because she was afraid of her husband being mad at her for being late and he was giving her shit about it when sitting at the restaurant with her son having a drink on my mom’s dime. I told my older sister who felt the vibes that David was pushing her buttons which he was but she was frantic and nervous and upset with my older sister. I think this was the car trip when I wanted my older sister to see my invention which I had taken to a company that deals with inventions legally and the Patent lawyer had asked me to show family so I was showing family my invention on paper of my design of  a piece of equipment which he told me was totally patentable every part of it which would had been an extremely lucrative investment because it required replacing parts on a regular basis for the process for jewelers and hobbyists. Like buying pencils for a pencil sharpener or water colors for water color paper but that was not what the invention was,  but only some examples and all of a sudden my older sister took on my mother-in -laws attitude and refused to look. Got all weird towards me possibly jealous and refused to see my design which would have required an investment over ten thousand dollars ( I can’t remember the amount) to get it to the manufacturer. Which is basically only the beginning of the process of inventions because it had to be built as well and liked by the manufacturers to get it going. I found it very strange she refused to look. Her hate came out real quick the moment I had succeeded in something as she did about my painting she hung on her wall without saying anything to me about it that I had given to my mom and there it was on her wall in her entry across from her beautiful furniture and her Lladro figurines. IT is a good painting probably my best on porcelain of a woman in black velvet hat and lace and a red dress and is a famous painting but hell if I know who painted it in the first place but when I tried to get it back she was a shit about it. I had to go through my ex and he was afraid of her and took her side when she said I would have to trade with her something of the same value of my parents to her to replace my painting. I had painted the painting and I was not about to give up something of my parents that was given to me. A vase my mom painted of the seasons. No way JOSE. It’s a reminder of what is said in the bible about the seasons. There is a time to cry and a time to heal etc. I love it. My ex said he understood my sisters side of it and took her side and I railed him and finally got it back via my ex because he was on that side of town and they were still kind of friends via twitter and still communicating with each other after she said it wasn’t worth it. She was a fucking twister like a tornado full of shit. It’s like trading something you own for something you own. It was sick and shifty and ridiculous. He was such a pin head and afraid of her in a way like everyone else because she is so difficult and deceptive when she wants to be because she is possessed IMO. Even her husband was kind of afraid of her and took it out in weird ways abusing others and abusing her in strange ways like being careless about electric wires, outlets, ceiling fans when raising their kids throwing them in the air near obstacles for fun or under doorways to scare everyone. He kind of was a nut. Anyway she sped around in her vehicle and used the car computer for directions and it screwed up and we had to turn around and ended up about half our later than we were supposed to be and because she was really upset and driving like a nut. When we got there he acted like it was not big deal….not a problem whatsoever. It was a problem and he gave her a hard time about it. He once told her son that he was guarding my sister. He was joking but maybe he wasn’t. He had a lot to gain by marrying her at least for a while and possibly for some other reasons. I thought I saw him next door fixing his shed and I said something to him while I was in the garage and he looked around as if he didn’t know who was talking to him by the way he did it was strange so I closed the garage door. I could tell by the way he acted he wanted to be noticed by me but wanted to act like he didn’t notice and I noticed not because i am attracted but because he looked like David number two and a mix in away with my ex because he was thinner. It was absolutely odd. As I said in another post sort of a Oh you didn’t know you were there moment?

When we visited once in San Antonio area we stopped and had a hamburger and a drink when close to our destination. Gary was quite a drinker so could hold quite a bit down more the the rest of us because he did it daily for the most part and I rarely drink but I was following them in my car. He made it as difficult as he could in heavy San Antonio Traffic speeding and changing lanes often to unbalance me and I had my kids in the car. It was fucked up. When someone follows you you kind of watch to make sure they change lanes with you or can change lanes but he loved to mess with ya because when he drank he was abusive and it scared my daughter and made her think I was drunk but I wasn’t drunk I was pissed and nervous because of the traffic and the way Gary was driving and I stopped and got off the highway and we called them to come back and find us and lead us again and I let my sister drive. I had had one drink. I wasn’t top notch but I wasn’t drunk. She had the same amount or one more but of course he let her follow him nicely and because they did not want to have to turn back again so I was glad I did make it hard for them as well. I think it was the right thing to do under the circumstances and the safe thing to do. He loved being an asshole especially when drinking. Still it was disconcerting to be treated that way and caused an argument between me and my astute daughter who was afraid and it was meant to cause trouble. It did. I didn’t want my daughter to be afraid and he tamed himself down with his wife who would have beaten him up each side of the head if he screwed with her like he did with me but didn’t say it but she is his accomplice to make me look bad and she spent most of her marriage doing it for some reason I guess because I had the nerve to expose them and fight back (but mostly him) and did not like my spirit. She aided and abetted his abuse in her way and what she should have done if she loved him is cure him of his disease but decided I was the disease like he did when telling family to isolate me so I would come back to the fucking fold which would make him look good and me look like I was a nut. That is how they work it and they don’t do it just to me they do it with everyone who gets in their way by their own petard. They cause it and if you resist you get the treatment which is evil. Why would she refuse to look at my sketches of my invention if she weren’t jealous? I was not allowed to succeed but eventually I will and I get some help along the way spiritually but sometimes it is difficult to want to keep trying but I do because I know it pleases my mom and my dad and they are helping me in their way spiritually. I have too much evidence of it and memories of it that even my daughters remember some and we remind each other sometimes because it helps to remind each other of the miracles we have been a part of that were for us.

She had a friend early on when she lived in Houston who had a lot of spirit and Gary hated her but she helped my sister with her appearance when my sister was having a hard time with her appearance and coping and then my sister turned on her like stink on shit and I think it was because Gary probably pulled some shit on her and she wasn’t about to take it. But family is different in that you can’t choose them some times and there are a lot of bonds in families and when one causes the shit like Gary did it really is hard to deal with for everyone. Anyway he was raised by the President of Conoco Oil and didn’t know any better than not to molest his family while they slept and friends and he didn’t stop when he was caught he just got belligerent about it and she enabled him with her vindictiveness. Some family think I caused the shit because I stood up for myself when I could, but I didn’t cause the shit I only reacted to it the best way I could and I think the best way is as honest as you can be about it but my sister would not listen and assumed things like the timing which aided her in deceiving herself and if she had listened she would have known the timing but instead she said “I’m gonna call mom and dad and tell them you are attracted to Gary.” I was like HUH? I was extremely upset because I tried not to get into too many details for her sake but it didn’t work. I was trying to make it easy as easy as I could but it did not work. His attempt was to go to church and it did not work. He went but it did not work. In the last generation people didn’t talk about this kind of stuff and the thing is by not talking about it seems to have waxed worse and worse. It’s not like there is anything new under the sun but I think it’s more numerous and even worse.  I remember a tv show with Ted Danson where he was a dad and his daughter was being abused by him and I guess she was about ten years old in the show and it gets solved via help she receives but I can’t remember the conclusion of the TV show. It was pretty good but not everyone acts logically and he was not the son of a guy in the oil business that operates or operated in Saudi Arabia and we weren’t attacked at the time by some Saudis. It wasn’t a real situation but a depiction of child abuse which is different. When talking about peoples reputations its a whole different matter and affects their business or jobs. However my sister was the talent in real-estate and could have survived very well without her husband but she loved him and of course the $250,000 y year didn’t hurt and the whole family cared about him for various reasons so it was a difficult situation because he was entertaining in that he was a very funny person in humor and had some good stuff in him but the other stuff was very bad. When she got blisters on her feet while visiting my mom the last time I went the time when we went to the Olive Garden either earlier that day or the day before we had to go shopping for her shoes and it took her a long time for her to pick out some freakin flip flops. ANd while there she boasted that money was not object. Then why didn’t she want to look at my invention if it wash ‘t an objet and why if she wasn’t interested in looking at it just haul off an invest in it. I knew she had many rich r=friends so if she liked it could get some investors but she wouldn’t even look at it. So she was trying to say something to me like she obviously hated my guts. nMy little sister with her own money invested in a pullsock which measures pulse and oxygen level which was about 30 – 50 bucks or more and my older sister said why do I need one when I suggested we get one so we don’t have to ask a nurse or staff person at the ARC when worried about my mom’s condition. My older sister was in charge of her estate and didn’t even compensate my little sister for the pullsock and wasn’t interested at all in being able to have a hint of my mom’s condition which is import an if you care about your mom and she should have since she was in charge of her estate whether or not she was genuinely a loving daughter. It was like I had to deal with someone with multiple personalities and it was subtle but so is the devil. Earlier by about a couple years when at her home she had me read a card from her jaccuzi daughter for christmas and in the long card with lots of writing said something about the devil had been at their home because of all the stuff that occurred between all of us with a David at the office, Virginia Cook Realtors, the bad first marriage of her older sister whose husband shot cats in his yard and his divorced and remarried dad and wife were involved in a murder suicide and both died etc and his mom was married to a theologian and many of the things that occurred in the family and the way she handed it to me she wanted either to send a message to me or was pulling another jab. Some of her friends were there one of which was a good friend of hers everyone had to put up with a very obnoxious friend with a personality most of us did not enjoy a know-it-all and the woman across the street from her, an english lady, and some others in support of her as far as I could tell. The huddled together quite a bit. Her peers but not the ones she desired which were much richer. And Before the stuff at the office our neighbor on my side of town across the RR tracks lol said the devil had visited his home he felt because of all the shitty things that had occurred to his family. And of course the Vatican complained about the same thing around the same time most of which was during the Obama Administration. Even the secretary at Virginia Cook Realtors resembled someone in his administration the one who was taking ammunition from somewhere I can’t remember. So we were not the only ones dealing with something bad it just got kind of heightened or exxagerrated all of the symptoms of our problems and my dad died as well which hurt our family quite a bit because he was our rock in a way what kind of kept everything together and he thought I was the culprit for a while to some degree anyway because of the initial lie and then his picture at Benghazi is hard to take.  I think I truly think our country will be making a very serious error if we don’t reinvestigate Benghazi because it was the tipping point in our country politically and religiously. Then my older sister went on a religious retreat to North carolina with a bunch of ladies via the english lady and all the other weird shit I have discussed. The thing is abuse does affect personality and judgement and when you are walking on eggshell half the time not knowing when the next attack will come if it comes it is kind of hard to live with but I did my best and I wasn’t always good at it and made a few mistakes along the way like not getting into the details with my sister who was a detail kind of person initially when I reported to her what had happened vaguely but the reason for that was because I did not want to rub it in and I wanted them to get over it too I just didn’t want to be the victim of the abuse anymore or ever for that matter. In a way my sister was a victim as well and I guess she didn’t know how to handle it but in my opinion she attacked the wrong people in retaliation in defense of her marriage and the $250,000 a year which is a big incentive which she got to spend an the eventual million or more she and he would receive as an inheritance. It’s  a lot to give up or put on the line if she confronted him like she should have. Basically she was bribed by his family and she knew something happened between him and his little sister but his little sister was in his family who were kind of rich and our family wasn’t rich except for my brother who earned his wealth but lost it on baseball gambling at least for a while and he was an expert on baseball he had followed the sport all his life and he was very smart and not a dimwit like Gary but he lacked some common sense as well: he was a follower of Al Gore. He won a case which made him very wealthy in my estimation in regards to employment abuse of some kind I think it was racial abuse against a Federal company. He was really talented in his career and I think was possibly tricked or entrapped via his gambling which he really enjoyed because it took a great deal of thought and knowledge of baseball and he loved good games and I think the Feds didn’t like his win. Gary may have been entrapped as well when the stock market did something unusual one day on a Tuesday I think it was in October but took it out on our family. My cousin after his dad died the one who invested with Gary kind of had a short life and supposedly died on his front yard and I have no idea if Gary owed him money. I did not know the particulars of anything to do with the loss of money or the agreement afterwards what terms were made between the parties involved but my cousin did not live long and I’m suspicious of his death. Not saying Gary was involved but someone who favored him for some reason which I think was having to do with the BGEA since my sister got involved with them and all the things I have exposed. I think the deaths in the Clinton years was a BGEA response to things it was in control of in our government since the JFK assassination. THe BGEA shilled for the RCC until the RCC betrayed the BGEA during the Obama Administration when Billy Graham was betrayed about whether or not the Mormons were a cult which he believed were a cult. This occurred during the presidential bid against Obama by Mitt Romney who brought up Benghazi during the election presidential campaign debates. NSA was in UTAH which is Mormon territory. It is not small complex but somehowMitt Romney knew about Benghazi and caught Obama off guard and from what I could tell kind of got Obama off his stool in the debates to defend himself or to quell the accusation and at the time we were just beginning to hear about Benghazi and then Obama went to Las Vegas the day after Benghazi supposedly occurred and the complex where the crime terrorism occurred eerily resembled many places in the Las Vegas area and of course the pics of the person holding a syringe in one hand (medical field omen and Obama did try to tie the hands of the medical field with Obama Care) and an assault weapon in the other (Obama did try to disarm the americans) in sandals and rolled up jeans like a girl with her face swollen without a wig as if she had had a face lift is kind of odd and looked like Michelle Obama. Michelle did have a face lift sometime or other before the next 4 years began or his second term began. Whether or not she was at Benghazi or not her picture is represented as being in Benghazi in front of the building on fire or was it Las Vegas the next day. I don’t know if the pope was involved but the jesuit sidekick of the next pope, Pope Francis, the successor of Pope Benedict XVVl did get involved by giving the excuse for Benghazi to the State Department and to Susan Rice who relayed it quite a bit. My dad’s picture as well at Benghazi a very sadistic kind of picture of him and all the evasive maneuvering afterwards by people in his administration. Clinton talking about someone’s hand in the cookie jar while campaigning for Obama in Boston also Mitt Romney’s territory or up north somewhere in the snow which for some reason makes me think of the coup in Egypt which ensued afterwards for the Muslim Brotherhood and was overturned but supported by Lindsay Graham and Sen. John McCain a good friend of the supposed victim at Benghazi Christopher Stevens who worked for the State Department or was it the Vatican he worked for and then a young Billy Graham with wavy hair sweating his ass off looking like Errol Flynn reporting about the mass shooting a the airport with a famous movie producer looking frantic and a version of my little sister who had her leg shot at 5 times as his victim in California at an airport terrorist attack and then the shooting of an unarmed woman with her baby in the car trying to flee the White House area in front of the White House gates shot by the Secret Service and by the Washington Park police during the government shut down and the government our senators and congressman still hanging out applauding the shooting of an unarmed woman (at least Fox news reported it to be so) who was represented as my little sister in a photo taken of her in high school sitting on a couch at home in Virginia when she was a young teen a photo a memorable photo of her taken on Christmas day I believe and this person’s supposed new family was from Connecticutt where Gary’s family his dad, mom (Dottie) and sister resided in Greenwich, Connecticutt and her new found family didn’t know why she was at the White House? all the while Obama was telling the federal workers to hang in with him like a cult leader would do when things are looking unreconcilable and all those broken bones of the G-8 participants in Aquila the pope, Pope Benedict-his arm, the President of some European country and someone else and one of Obama’s federal leaders with her leg broken and someone else all around the same period of time. Obviously something is not kosher involving my family and our government, Egypt, Rome Italy, Benghazi Libya and Washington DC. and Hollywood, not to mention Las Vegas. I think Benghazi is important and I think if our government doesn’t get it’s act together and investigate REALLY INVESTIGATE what occurred and WHY it occurred I have a feeling Washington DC and Rome and Egypt and Libya might not like what might occur soon if they don’t take it seriously and quit reacting to recent shit because it is shit to distract from Benghazi for Obama and everything that has occurred has occurred for the purpose to distract for Obama and I think it is biblically relevant. As in the beast of revelation and some other confused infamous characters of Revelation at war with each other for power including Obama and I don’t think any of them win with the exception of my family. There are some very bad assholes in the military and some good ones. My dad was good one and very honest comparatively he was a straight shooter. He would never set a girl up like what happened to me to get ahead in his career. That is why God is upset I think with his death and the death of my mom by hospice I believe the fact that his picture is at Benghazi is very good sign. I don’t believe he was there because he had died before Benghazi. But still his picture win the group setting of pictures of Benghazi is upsetting because obviously someone is trying to upset me otherwise why would his picture be there. ANd if someone is trying to upset me I have to wonder why is someone trying to up set me and I have to assume it has something to do with the mustard seed not being the smallest of seed and the sperm which is a smaller seed has overturn the desire of the RCC to give the Gospel of Matthew pre-eminence which is the undergirding of the RCC and trying to keep it relevant when it isn’t relevant anymore based on the mustard seed discrepancy. unmasked first by some people in many articles who I can’t name because Idon’t remember their names but have included articles by them which I think lead to their authorship, Pope Benedict XVl’s admission of the reason for the discrepancy because it was a new enlightenment which wasn’t factually based and in error so it was more like the new UN-enlightenment once it was proven to be false and it’s inclusion in the Islamic Religion and it’s holy book which means either Islam tried to enlighten the world with false information or the RCC did, and then by me who is trying to rub it in to the psyche and minds of those who have been deceived and trying to expose the deceivers at the same time. In fact I think it is an omen for many people if they don’t get their shit together in politics and religion and in the families. I don’t think I would have had the privilege of finding some truths if it wasn’t for my mom and my dad with GOd’s help. I hope you don’t diminish their input or mine or GODS input. I think these are the times when the RCC is going to die once and for all. I think some of what occurred to us had to do with the BGEA before we even know about them. I recall a picture of JFK jrs sister in law and it sure looks like a photo of me when I was about 14 years of age. I could be mistaken but it was a black and white one and I think it was to hunt me down for that purpose because I think there is some deception about the plane crash he was in with his pregnant wife and her sister. I guess there ewas a lawsuit going afterwards for a great deal of money and he and investigated his dad’s assassination visiting Billy Graham and the Jesuit Cuban leader Fidel Castro and then soon died. Kind of like the book published called “Dorothy Must Die.” My mom’s name was Dorothy and died by hospice. My mom did not have to die. I did investigate the assassination quite bit and found some unusual evidence no else even noticed and did a good job of my investigation and wrote about it quite a bit and the religious stuff involved which is on Merangue’s Blog. I imagine since I proved some stuff about Billy Graham he might have been a bit perturbed since he was involved in the assassination of JFK first hand on the scene and put out the picture but I changed quite bit from one year to the next not knowing I was being hunted. Sounds kind of self centered but the mustard seed debacle was kind of a turning point of Christianity and so it makes sense since I think I am involved in something bigger than the earth isn’t flat conundrum. Something that differentiates between some bible truths and bible deception and the Catholic Church ain’t happy about it because it undermined their One World Religion unbeknownst to me and undermined there persecution of women and girls for abortions vs hospice and their fear of the upcoming destruction of the Vatican. Pretty big stuff. Who would have thunk? I guess I’m a multi-talented person though not appreciated by the ROMAN CATHOLIC PAPACY OR THE JESUITS OR MANY OTHERS AS WELL BECAUSE TRUTH IS A STUMBLING BLOCK FOR MANY RELIGIONS and BECAUSE MANY RELIGIONS LIKE TO SCREW WITH FEMALES IN A MULTITUDE OF WAYS OUT OF FEAR OF FEMALES AND THEIR TALENTS. AFRAID OF COMPETITION, AFRAID OF NOT BEING ABLE TO SEXUALLY ABUSE FEMALES FOR THE CHURCH OF ROME AND OTHERS BECAUSE IT IS SO MUCH FUN. IT’S ONLY A JOKE AS ONE POLITICIAN SAID.


I did not cause the troubles our country faces. The RCC and THE BGEA and OBAMA caused those problems with others. I only reacted and tried to help because I was extremely damaged by these people and I knew others were too. So don’t blame me for finding some truths that might set you free from some very bad people and religions. I didn’t start the trouble these I have mentioned did and believe me these people won’t be happy until everyone is dead. If you think you can survive their plans you have to be kidding yourself! Your silence won’t help. We are in the end times. Its a fact you have to face. Now whether the end times is referring to the RCC, The BGEA and OBAMA or the world is up to you to decide. I don’t think the end of the world is what is ahead though there may be some destruction because of them,  but I think the end of these bad characters is what the end times means so I would suggest you do your part against these very bad characters or you might be what my friend painted from her 6th sense and perhaps about catholics. I don’t know because I didn’t ask. I do know she was rebelling and I think she had good reason for it. Her dad was fruitcake.

Obviously some underhanded politics and religion going on at Ft. Benning because it was a set up to hurt my family and most of all my to hurt my dad’s career in the military when the quota began that year for african american military even though we went along with the program by being bussed to a black neighborhood for school and did not complain about it, but that also created more competition between the white military men. Many white men can’t dance my dad loved dancing with my mom and we loved to watch. He knew how to hold her and knew how to lead and she loved him. Even I could dance with my dad because he was that good at dancing. Ball room dancing. My dad fought the year before in Vietnam and few a years before that because he cared about his men not because he needed a vacation from his family. He did not cry because as I said he had perspective but I bet he cried when my mom was hospiced when he was in heaven.

The worst stuff happened during the Obama Administration and that was when David two married my little sister and when I got extremely sick, my little sister divorced and I divorced, she remarried, my dad died, my mom was hospiced and too many coincidences not to be a problem with David TWO. Too too interested in the estate of my mom for what I would call and outsider to some degree and very new to the family. We had problems but not to the level of things that occurred during the Obama administration and the attempt by the church the RCC to raise itself above all things. The crazy shit occurred and the timing to me of the most ABOMINABLE stuff to happen to my family


Maybe the cause somehow but having to do with the religious associations as well which escalated many confusing and bad things so I am justified in my assessment of what is ahead and what is not and I think I’m right in a lot of ways about David number two and too much to be gained or lost. I know he thinks he is smart but he isn’t smarter than God and God is not on his side. I know because of the miracles and I know my parents were part of the miracles for me and their communications. 

The closest thing to a holy person I ever experienced was being on a plane with the man who played Moses in the movies the same guy who played Ben Hur and of course the actor was not holy but he represented someone important biblically speaking in a movie and did a good job of it (which is coincidental if you ask me)- a lot better than any priest or reverend or anyone representing the church did in our day and time. It was a sign for me I just didn’t realize it then. I know God knew I would have an abortion ahead of time before anyone else knew so if you are trying to get to me you don’t (I’m speaking bout Tucker Carlson and Laura InGraham, but you will suffer and so will your friends for being silent about Hospice MURDER SUICIDE and about Mother fucking Teresa and the RCC because Hospice Murder Suicide does get to me and I can’t wait to see you and them suffer for your silence and as far as I’m concerned your participation in a death cult by your silence because I know you read my posts and you know what I’m talking about and still aren’t doing anything about it. I can’t wait to see the pope quartered and hung on the four corners of the Vatican. You are in bed with the RCC and in bed with Mother Teresa. How does it feel? Is she a saint in bed? Is she all that she is cracked up to be or is she merely a hummel figurine in your eyes? You need to watch the you tubes by Christopher Hitchens it is downright evil what she does and even mentions some things having to do with my mom and my older sister who hospiced her and said something like Beautiful as if she got her revenge in the you tube and it was about my mom and my sister. for sure Mother Teresa  ain’t beautiful at all. She is the ugliest woman in the world. Obviously, since I came upon the mustard seed debacle in the bible and upon a lot of other things I investigated there was a reason for it and all the things we went through because God is trying to send a message IMO otherwise why would I have been chosen to teach it? Why would I have stumbled upon the truth? Why not a priest? It’s their job…Why not O’reilly? Why not a politician? HMMMM How about the press, why not them? or their daughters? or their sons? Hmmmm? Because you are deceivers.

Via abortion did I terminate your fetus? Via the practice of Hospice my mom was murdered. Do you see the difference?

Do you get upset when you see people starving in Yemen south of the richest country in the world. Why don’t you say anything about the Saudis who are causing it even to little kids. Do they pay your salary as well?


you are as fakey as Laura’s lips.



By the way Tucker and Laura when someone has an operation body parts smell and I’m sure the doctors didn’t enjoy the smell of pus in my abdomen because of sepsis and had to vacuum my body of the pus every organ in my body. I would not be surprised if they were callouss sometimes without me knowing it but saved my life and God wanted me to live and I had an abortion years ago. I WONDER WHY! You ought to wonder why IT WAS So I could defend female rights to have an abortion to make decisions about whose seed they want to grow and when they are prepared to be a mom. And I lived because

I believe God wanted me to defend the rights of my parents who stood by my side and to destroy your faith

and with their help we will win and both of you will lose!

And what will you stand up for then? Laura’s Lips

You had your chance to stand against MOTHER FUCKING TERESA’S Hospice murder/suicide THE DEAL OF THE DEVIL and the RCC and you had the means and you didn’t. YOU ARE A FLAMING MOTHER FUCKER AND YOU WILL REGRET IT.


and were forewarned by Jesus in the Gospel of John 2000 years ago.

The reason you have no excuse is because I made you aware and I know you know about me because I wrote about me and my family and what happened to them because of your faiths on my posts and I know Laura knows too. GOOD LUCK TO BOTH OF YOUS GUYS BUT NOT REALLY. Have either of you heard about the word PROGRESS? PROGRESS IS THE DEATH OF YOUR FAITH! Not by trickery but by truth. THE FALSE CHURCH.  You ought to buy some property in Virginia in the Falls Church and see if it saves you.  Heck maybe my sister could get you some property there.

Rome’s Responsibility Of The Assassination Of Abraham Lincoln



Leah Remini says ‘Aftermath’ Season 2 will go after ‘abusive practices’ of Scientology

Here is some truth so listen or read and take it to heart

I read a excerpt from either a bishop or a cardinal that priests have all the fun…you know why? Because the priests cause a lot of problems for people as far as sex and affairs, anything to do with women to keep them down in order to further the goals and agenda of the Roman Catholic Church and it’s Ailes and to keep the money in their hands. They have divided the land into parishes we don’t even know about and they interfere in our lives to keep the RCC afloat and to keep the status quo. They get to rape, pillage, and plunder, murder and deceive and pry into our private lives and destroy the spirit of females and good males because there are a few like my dad and these assholes do this

for the RCC

and to line their own pockets without a conscience

but will not be able to keep it.



I am not a fool.

I learned and I listened, but the degradation won’t last and is about to implode/explode as the stock market and all those safety nets for the deceivers, thieves, and murderers, and abusers of women/girls/boys etc because there is gonna be a reckoning! It’s about to break wide open like a woman giving birth and the water breaks. You should not have messed with my families because we were close and did not deserve what came our way preemptively.

Big Mistake like the mustard seed ignoramus lie which is also an islamic precept and is false. 

Your faith will not save you from what is about to come upon you. Get prepared! Buying stock piles and storing them ain’t gonna help ya either. What is coming is way more powerful. Did Greta Carlson’s faith save her? NO. penis picture? Did Eric Bolling’s faith save his job? NO Did O’reilly’s faith save his job? NO Their follies are only symptoms …………………………… The only people to move a mountain with their faith were the actresses and actors in the very funny movie The Englishman Who Went Up a Hill and Came Down  a Mountain and the main character got caught with a prostitute later on.

The sign of the above is the sign Jesus gave when he said Feed My Sheep and the RCC blew it with Hospice, but the sign wasn’t for the RCC and it’s ailes

the sign was for us.

(The word sheep was also a sign! otherwise his warning would have been discarded.)

By the way I survived HWY 1 and the tornado the day after Christmas

and it was no accident! I was meant to be.

Rush Limbaugh: Millennials think “Game of Thrones” is real!

It kind of is real.

So millennials aren’t too far off the mark because I think for some the end will be similar to the end of the last episode. I have no idea what will be the next episode but what was in the last one is what I’m talking about when she gets on the dragon and retaliates like she should and is better than the rest of the assholes as far as I’m concerned. You can’t let people walk all over you forever because you will not survive if you do and the assholes will survive and continue to wax worse and worse.

And by golly it did:

‘Game Of Thrones’ Just Changed Everything You Know About Jon Snow

But the dragon smelled Jon Snow and Jon Snow touched the dragon

and it liked him and he liked it.

All Jon needs is a really big bag and it should be fine.

Phil Collins – In The Air Tonight (Official Music Video)

I believe my dad was murdered too in a hospital when he choked/aspirated on a pill the day he was supposed to go home to be with my mom. I don’t know who gave him the pill but it was what I was told and at the time I wasn’t suspicious because I hadn’t learned about how evil the RCC is and was. I guess the hospital didn’t know about the Heimlich maneuver or about other medical procedures having to do with choking or aspirating. Like the straw. I believe he was victim of their shenanigans in hindsight and because he told me he concurred with my mom about wanting to live longer this he told me after he died. So something evil occurred to my dad as well and I think it is because of the RCC. So I have a legitimate bone to chew with them. With the help of God, and the help of my parents and the help of others who believe in truth and that the Catholic Church is evil we will destroy the RCC with every opportunity we have. I loved my parents and so did God otherwise I wouldn’t be hearing from my parents the way I have. They would not be able to communicate as they have without God’s hand.

“They are they that testify of me,” said Jesus.

I don’t think it was an accident I and others came across the truth about the mustard seed debacle. It’s an omen for the RCC and a VERY good sign for us. The timing coincides with the Hospice situation and the attempt to have a one world religion with the RCC on top which is a miracle in itself.

It’s the RCC Death Knell!

I for one am very happy for it’s demise and Sinead O’Connor should be too. I imagine she has been attacked and is why she is suffering. She has done quite a lot for one person and very outspoken against the RCC. She has a lot to look forward to when it is destroyed.

I guess the RCC should have listened a little better, or read a little deeper, or looked a little harder. Instead of welcoming the truth the RCC attempted to hide it by killing the wrong people and abusing and attacking females.

 A true believer would never believe that Mother Teresa is or was a saint and would object to her sainthood by the Pope knowing what they know now. I will do my best not to watch Fox News anymore because of Tucker Carlson and Laura InGraham and their bile. I really do hope for the worst for them and their families. I think Fox News just turned a corner they should not have turned. Self destructing and I’m sure O’reilly has something to do with it. Penis pictures? LOL. The Little House on the Prairie Oh, Laura, Laura, Laura! People like Laura InGraham and Tucker Carlson ought to get with the program because they are making fools of themselves and righteously so.

A while back the comedian who was married to a catholic woman Bill Cosby who lately ( a few years ago) has been in the news accused of sex with women using drugs of some kind but where were they years ago when it happened. Oh, well. bunch of women came out of the woodwork afar some initial accusation which is usually how it works not necessarily making the accusations real but anyway he donated some money for a building for his wife’s religion and I don’t know if he was coaxed, blackmailed, or entrapped because only he knows and the women involved know and whoever is responsible and I think the building went in his name using his name and fame (but of course later the name will be changed when his name is mud or when he dies) and he said something about some nuns who were involved and mentioned that


If these nuns cared about the women and their character or the damage that comes with rape why didn’t the nuns do something about it when it occurred or around the time it occurred instead of during the RCC persecution by the RCC in the RCC’s attempt to be the One World Religious Leader these days. Just wondering, not for joy. Why did the nuns wait? Or the women involved? Did he blackmail them or re-rape them? Or did his wife become dissatisfied with him for some reason….was he gonna divorce her which is a no-no in the RCC religion and the RCC is very adamant about divorce because the RCC likes to keep the money in the family of the RCC. Why did the RCC wait, I mean the nuns. The accusations are connected with the donation for the building. Did the RCC take advantage once the RCC got their claws into the couple via the donation? And did his statement cause a vindictive reaction possibly out of proportion because he had the nerve to out them when he discussed the nuns meaning business during his trial by the RCC. Was it the statement he made to the world the straw that made the RCC possibly add injury to insult??? Was he strong-armed into donating money for a building and his statement to the world is what encouraged the women? I don’t know the man but it is connected to all of the above whether or not he is guilty. Certainly tipped the jury pool, didn’t it in the RCC’s favor if that is situation, which I do not know but it is kind of funny he mentioned nuns and nuns are the ones defending Mother Teresa and her cult of murder suicide i.e. themselves and getting their head rubbed by Pope Francis for false accusations about the abortion clinic of Planned Parenthood (at least unsubstantiated accusations). I think one of the Ten Commandments covers this style of sin which is called thous shalt not bear false witness but I have no idea if the Catholic ten commandments is the same I know the RCC canned their Ten Commandments to accommodate their religion I just wonder if this isn’t one of those that was changed so that the RCC persecute in good RCC conscience. When I recall what I read about Jones Town and what a cult is capable of doing to people it is scary. From what I read the people that gave up their lives most of them were not forced though they may have been tricked into drinking poison even their kids. AN then some in the religious realm are able to look like other people such as Billy Graham who changes his spots when with people like Johnny Cash when his nose grew real big or with the famous golfer Arnold Palmer and his nose got smaller which is why he was afraid to get on an elevator with a woman even though Pence the VP doesn’t go out to lunch with a female it is a little different. I don’t think I have ever seen his nose grow or get smaller by hanging with someone. I wonder when Billy Graham fit into Greta if he didn’t take on her small boobs to be Mother Teresa because her voice if you listen to it in the you tubes provided by Christopher Hitchens is very very masculine when she mucks everyone as she embezzles money from the rich for the coverup in India of the accident she helped to cause more than likely because who had more to gain that MOther Teresa which is a legitimate motive (but don’t tell Chuck Hagel because he never questions motive not even of Obama, but what about Chucks motive? Did he not have anything to gain by not distrusting Obama’s motives? or at least saying it.) and to blackmail in a very occultist way using it for her career and donations she would get to further her suicide/murder/suicide cult hospicing and says for everyone to “forgive.” Almost sounds demonic if you ask me.

I think we ought to as a country move the Lincoln Memorial

to Illinois where it belongs and build a log cabin around it.

In fact I think we ought to get a memorial for Mandela and put it in Maxine Watters front yard and move the Lincoln Memorial to Africa. Wouldn’t Mandela be so proud!

Axt and you shall receive!

Just kidding of course but on the other hand whose idea was it to move a piece of history  in order to enflame the citizens of Charlottesville, Virginia and then run a car into them? OBAMA? IT seems to be kind of the same footprint of Obama and his mending walls.

Mending Wall” is a poem by the twentieth century American poet Robert Frost (1874–1963). It opens Frost’s second collection of poetry, North of Boston, published in 1914 by David Nutt, and it has become “one of the most anthologized and analyzed poems in modern literature”.

I’m amazed he died in 1963….interesting year! He was at the inauguration for JFK and it snowed and it was so bright…something like it anyway. And said he would have to find a way to get through and I think he did, don’t you? Power of poetry!

Robert Frost1874 – 1963

Something there is that doesn’t love a wall,
That sends the frozen-ground-swell under it,
And spills the upper boulders in the sun;
And makes gaps even two can pass abreast.
The work of hunters is another thing:
I have come after them and made repair
Where they have left not one stone on a stone,
But they would have the rabbit out of hiding,
To please the yelping dogs.  The gaps I mean,
No one has seen them made or heard them made,
But at spring mending-time we find them there.
I let my neighbor know beyond the hill;
And on a day we meet to walk the line
And set the wall between us once again.
We keep the wall between us as we go.
To each the boulders that have fallen to each.
And some are loaves and some so nearly balls
We have to use a spell to make them balance:
‘Stay where you are until our backs are turned!'
We wear our fingers rough with handling them.
Oh, just another kind of outdoor game,
One on a side.  It comes to little more:
There where it is we do not need the wall:
He is all pine and I am apple orchard.
My apple trees will never get across
And eat the cones under his pines, I tell him.
He only says, ‘Good fences make good neighbors.'
Spring is the mischief in me, and I wonder
If I could put a notion in his head:
'Why do they make good neighbors?  Isn’t it
Where there are cows?  But here there are no cows.
Before I built a wall I’d ask to know
What I was walling in or walling out,
And to whom I was like to give offense.
Something there is that doesn’t love a wall,
That wants it down.'  I could say ‘Elves’ to him,
But it’s not elves exactly, and I’d rather
He said it for himself.  I see him there
Bringing a stone grasped firmly by the top
In each hand, like an old-stone savage armed.
He moves in darkness as it seems to me,
Not of woods only and the shade of trees.
He will not go behind his father’s saying,
And he likes having thought of it so well
He says again, ‘Good fences make good neighbors.'
 It’s like he knew because of experience and that good ole common sense.
I think it would be wise to run OBAMA out of town
and back to Chicago or UGANDA!  lol
Get the K I N G o f J OR D A N and OBAMA in a plane and put a parachute on his back and the JORDANIAN King Abdullah and show him the open door policy!

As far as North Korea goes the ex said though I don’t know if he really knows or remembers or tells the truth etc but said that China said that if the USA starts a nuclear war with Korea they probably will respond but if North Korea starts a nuclear war they won’t. Somehow I ain’t so sure about their excuse. First of all I find it odd China is setting perimeters about a nuclear war and it’s beginnings and whether it is wise to even care what China says because as far as I’m concerned if North Korea starts a war and since the ONUS is on China and should be on CHINA since I think China is using North Korea I would think if North Korea starts anything I would suspect we will be at war with CHINA so CHINA ought to settle down. IMO North Korea lobbing things near Japan or Taiwan or anywhere close to Guam even in the ocean is an act of war and is being backed by CHINA and North Korea has already crossed the line by doing it. I sure wouldn’t be sending money the China way because it might be actually going to North Korea somehow. It’s a confusing situation because of South Korea. I sure would love it if the USA was able to leave but there are some good people over there. I think we should first blow up the GREAT wall in China and see if they like it because I bet they would not like it and make it a stipulation in regards to North Korea and what it is doing. If North Korea even gets near any allies and threatening to we ought to TEAR DOWN the GREAT WALL OF CHINA and stipulate that we will ahead of time ASAP if North Korea is allowed to keep threatening everyone but not use nukes to do it. Send some Kutani Cranes with little bombs on their feetsies to drop them on the wall.

I heard on some show recently on TV you only live once but what about babies that die soon after being born? You don’t think God would let them live again? I DO. I don’t think God wastes souls. I don’t think God wastes a soul on an aborted fetus/baby or whatever you want to name it. So your God is not my God if you believe he would waste a soul and if you do not believe he knows ahead of time where to put a soul and where not to put a soul especially in regards to unwanted pregnancies destined to be aborted or miscarried in all the ways miscarriages occur you are very mistaken and err in your belief. But I do believe God is not pleased with Hospice/Murder-Suicide because of the possible circumstances, entrapments and enticements (Obama inspired enticements in other entitlements which have made Hospice a free service if no doctors care is involved which is an evil temptation/seducing some to promote Hospice in other ways and places) that can be employed or used on the unwary by evil entities in favor of the malpractice of Mother Teresa and it’s supporters who are mislead and deceived which needs to be nipped in the Rosebud (the meaning of Mother Teresa’s name coincidentally and the last word spoken by Orson Welles in the movie Citizen Cane a movie about William Randolph Hearst who puffed Billy Graham because news travels in other ways besides journalism. as well as truth – a miracle in essence similar to the sperm whale in Moby DICK!) ASAP because it is wasting a soul and it is evil and very bad for the medical field and against the oath, (the Hippocratic Oath) to have to deal with and very confusing to the medical field and interfering in good health care of a patient and confusing to the giver of health care i.e. the doctor and nurses and should not be allowed in any hospital or old folks homes or retirement centers in the USA or anywhere for that matter. Hospice is a way to kill someone who isn’t politically or religiously pro-catholicism or pro-nazism and is used for this purpose in a multitude of possibilities or to punish those who are against Roman Catholicism by killing their parents using abortion as an excuse (but not miscarriages which are indulged by the Roman Catholic Church even if purposefully miscarried In Name Only kind semantics) which implies two wrongs do make a right and of course it’s not true and IMO the church which promotes this kind of retribution i.e. vengeance i.e. ROMAN CATHOLIC TERRORISM needs to be put down i.e. DESTROYED because of their DECEPTION. I think Hospice, Mother Tersa’s evil practice and her sainthood by the Roman Catholic Church and its pope, Pope Francis, is the last straw and will break the camel’s back. By the way the 12th disciple was chosen using straws  or casting lots after Judas was hung. The church was warned by Jesus at the Sea of Galilee 2000 years or more ago and have had plenty of time to absorb the meaning and didn’t and kept it’s parishioners from learning the truth (or even reading the bible) and thus spreading it’s deception throughout the world like a mad cow disease. The last advice Jesus said was to Feed his sheep and the Catholic Church doesn’t get to determine who are his sheep and who aren’t his sheep and have made a mockery of Jesus at the Sea of Galilee. Being Catholic does not make you his sheep. The meaning had to do with Hospice because Jesus knew it was going to be promoted by the church. Starving a patient of the nutrients (drugs, food, oxygen, treatment, etc) needed to survive an accident or a disease or an illness of any kind, and including truth which is a spiritual food starving it’s parishioners and others of the truth. The Jesuit-Pope Francis has starved his people and others of the truth in every way he can but only taken vengeance against females. He is a pimp and a pimp of pimps. He is a disaster in waiting. Those that hang out with the pope at the Vatican will be a participant of the disaster in waiting.


Have either of you ever admitted or passed the information on to anyone else that the mustard seed is not the smallest of seed even in the plant world? WHY NOT?

Have either of you read the bible? The Synoptic Jesus (Gospels of Matthew Mark and Luke) says the mustard seed is the smallest of seed so was he misinformed, misdirected, or just mis-inspired? Did he not know what was in man?

Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock, Hickory Dickory Dock. The mouse ran up the clock. Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock Hickory Dickory Dock…… But it will be good enough for me to see the Vatican turn to ashes in one hour like the ones catholics put on their foreheads on Ash Wednesday. Maybe it will be on a Wednesday

IT’S COMING. Just round the bend.)

Maybe it will be quick as prophesied: one hour with the beast which might be literally 60 minutes. READ ABOUT IT WHY DON’T YOU? LOL

That would be fine, too. I can skip watching you suffer just to KNOW you are gone forever. EITHER WAY is good with me. I do recognize many don’t believe but whose fault is it? THE CHURCHES FAULT because of their abuse!



So the prophecy in Daniel standing in the Gospel of Matthew is the fulfillment standing where it should NOT and not all the people being put into places they shouldn’t be like my family for my sake someone trying to steer me wrong. That’s deception either via camera work or illustrator, photoshop etc. whether or not they are in those place those are not the fulfillment of the prophecy in Daniel. The prophecy IT self is the fulfillment and THE WHY is in parentheses that says let the reader understand. Meaning reading  it in Daniel and seeing it has been moved to the Gospel of Matthew is the clue of clues. 

As far as Judicial Watch keeping the Benghazi fires going BUZZ OFF. Your work in the last 20 years did nothing except stoke the flames for political donations and political folly for the Republican Party, politics as usual and the Republican Party doesn’t keep their promises because they don’t remember specifics about their promises as the Obama Care Repeal demonstrated.  The information is only as good as what is done with it by the people that find it. It will be investigated even without Judicial Watch and if it isn’t the curtains are gonna close anyway with or without an investigation and many ignoramus people will be sorry SONS OF BITCHES anyway. Lou Dobbs and Fox News was only mocking because a lot of good it did to have all the information about Obama needed to have him ejected out of the USA for good, tarred and feathered, hung on a tree, put in jail, tried for treason, and no one did anything about it. Having a birth certificate was the first exclusionary indulgence of our government and innocent people died over it which is EVIL. Our government, the ones involved in the betrayal will be held responsible for their betrayal of the citizens of the USA. Believe me! Judicial Watch ought to investigate Hospice murder suicide of Mother Teresa and the RCC’s abuse of it to kill the RCC’s perceived enemies and make it their political folly for the sake of those that aren’t aware. OR ELSE! The first place that is gonna notice are the people surrounding the Vatican because those inside won’t even know what happened to themselves and then it will eventually though quickly spread out and everyone will see and by that time it probably will be too late for many people. READ ABOUT IT.  Those that didn’t do what they should have done will be held responsible for what was done NOT in God’s name, and not by me. BY GOD. And some of us will make it and many won’t. Though my family will make it because my family deserves to make it because we were the perceived enemy of the RCC and were persecuted very unkindly and still are being persecuted in various ways with a multitude of deceptions tossed in our direction as if we had anything to do with the prophecy in Daniel being fulfilled or the creation of Mother Teresa’s death cult or the sainting of Mother Teresa by the RCC by it’s pope to exonerate the practice of hospice and glorify it which is EVIL We had nothing to do with the deception of the mustard seed enlightenment but helped to unenlighten the deception of it’s ridiculousness. We didn’t write the Gospels or the Book of Daniel. The Congress’s talent for not asking the right questions in the Benghazi hearings was evident hence McCains inattentiveness. Only a couple of people even tried and I noticed the avoidance. If I noticed a lot of other people did too. I doubt I was the only one. Mitch McConnell isn’t gonna like his destination I’ll tell you that much. He knows the State Department isn’t worth a hill of beans and is working against our country and many other countries as well so obviously he is corrupt. I was amazed by Hillary’s performance being grilled about not much for so long. The fact she stayed awake was in itself quite a feat. Americans aren’t as stupid as Watter’s world Jesse Watter’s thinks they are and loves to portray them as idiots. But who carried Bill Oreilly’s water¿ HMMMMM? Talk about dumb. And if you think we are impressed with the UN ambassador, think again. Is she jesse’s girl? The UN gets what it deserves I guess.

Anyway a neighbor thought the devil came to his home because of the things that occurred to their family and told me about it, my niece via a Christmas card she wrote to her mom said the devil visited their home and she let me read it, my little sister called me the devil and satan erroneously and out of confusion (she thought my dad was guilty of putting her brain power down via a letter and he hadn’t even written the letter but it was written to him), someone substantial (a famous bishop or a cardinal) at the Vatican said the devil entered the Vatican and I have never been to the Vatican so it wasn’t me. I have been to Rome as a child, but not the Vatican and only for about a day. It never occurred to my parents to take their family to the Vatican…I wonder why. Probably because they were not interested. However, all of these examples occurred during the Obama administration. All of them respected Billy Graham via the BGEA, but not me. Not sure to the extent of their respect but none of them were ever suspicious as I was of the BGEA and the Grahams especially after investigating the JFK assassination and writing about it or if they were didn’t let on. However my brother was very suspicious of Christianity. Why? Because Christians are so unchristian like Laura InGraham and Tucker Carlson and act like the club of Rome. Obama did visit the Vatican. Trump did as well recently but like I said there are more than one trumpets written about in Revelation. There are seven. After all of my investigations into these matters that matter I think a little of my brother’s talent and my extended family’s talent rubbed off on me some how. He was a pretty talented District Attorney when he chose to be. I doubt he would have lost the OJ trial over a glove that fit. Some people like to wear tight clothing and assessories. Maxine Watters for instance. Kids are REALLY messed up these days and the reasons for it ARE the lies of the RCC. BY KIDS I MEAN YOUNG ADULTS BUT STILL KIDS BECAUSE THEY WERE NOT GIVEN THE TRUTH. I WILL KEEP TRYING BUT I’M PISSED OFF AND THOSE KIDS I BELIEVE WILL BE EXCUSED BUT NOT THE RCC and it’s AILES/WOES.

My Ex hates the miracles that have happened to me and for and to my kids and will do anything and say anything to subvert the miracles. HE WILL BE TO BLAME FOR THE CONFUSION. CAN’T WAIT TO SEE HIM FALL HARD ON HIS ASS HOLE BRAINS IF THAT. HE IS LIKE THE THREE MAIN CHARACTERS IN THE LAND OF OZ: THE SCARECROW< THE LION AND THE TIN MAN ALL IN ONE>




like Laura InGraham and Tucker Carlson.

Will anti-nazis and anti-white supremacists condemn the PLO for the deaths of jewish men at the Olympics in Germany in the past? Will the anti-nazis and anti-white-supremacists condemn the RCC and Pope Francis (for sainting Mother Teresa) and condemn mother teresa’s practices (about 500 of them or more throughout the world) of hospice killing the elderly and infirmed and enemies of the STATE Of VATICAN (killing our veterans and their spouses) using abortion as an excuse? Will anti-nazis and anti-white-supremacists condemn Tucker Carlson and Laura Graham for their condemnation of female rights for a female to have a SAFE abortion? Will anti-nazis and anti-white-supremacists condemn the countries involved in attacking Israel in the 6 – Day War? Will anti-nazis and anti-white-supremecists condemn Scott Walker for his abortion stance including tubal pregnancies? Will anti-nazis and anti-white-supremacists condemn Fox News for condemning females for having had a legal safe abortion? Will anti-nazis and anti-white -supremecists condemn Father Jonathan of Fox News for his position and his attempts to have a little girl cut off from life saving treatments using the press and many talk shows to pressure the mother even though her daughter’s hand moved in her hands? Will anti nazi’s and anti white supremacists condemn the RCC for colluding with the Nazis in WWll? Will anti-nazis and anti-white supremacists condemn Jeb Bush for having Terry Shiavo murdered in Florida by starvation? WIll anti-nazis and anti-white-supremecists condemn Jeb Bush for allowing 12 Saudi arabians to train to fly planes in the state of Florida which he governed who ultimately flew those planes into the World Trade Centers in New York? Will anti-nazis and anti-white-supremacists condemn my ex (Phil Rodgers) for having his mom starved to death hospice style in Michigan to further the nazi propaganda and their evil ways and nazi practices of Mother Teresa and the RCC’s evil ways so others will be complacent about hospice being wielded as a weapon against non-catholics? Will anti-nazis and anti-white supremacists condemn my sister (Lori Kircher) for having my mom hospiced unbeknownst to me for two weeks until she died and paying off my other sister to shut her mouth about abuse? HOw about those guys that condemned the violence in Charleston Virgina will they condemn the above mentioned crimes against humanity as well or is it just to condemn those in Charleston Virginia because they aren’t CEO’s?

Fox news says there is no room for bigotry in this country…..

what about women and girls who have had abortions?

Is there room for this kind of bigotry? Of course there is room for this kind of bigotry because it fits the RCC’s POLITICAL agenda.

The mother of the victim in Chraleston va is magnifying her daughter and thinks the driver magnified her daughter and I don’t even know her name. She must be in shock because her kid will be forgotten when the next test of faiths begins. It’s a game and Bless your heart for playing. Using the expression “magnifying” her daughter sounds awful familiar because it’s what Mary said when God impregnated her with Jesus from the Synoptic gospels. She magnified him in her heart. Anyway It seems this woman in Charleston Virginia is using this strange occurrence of her daughter getting rammed into by a car to make a case for the Synoptic Jesus, because of her choice of words, IMO. How often do you hear someone say their daughter or son is magnified in their death? use acted triumphant and that’s why I don’t believe her whatsoever. I don’t think I have ever heard anyone say it and the timing is kind of odd. She looks like the woman who told me to wrap myself in sean wrap and meet my soon to be ex at the door naked wrapped in saran. A bit on the nutty side. I don’t believe her, do you, but Fox does and to top it off her daughter was adopted. BUT THE GOOD NEWS IS THE RCC AND THE JESUITS AND ISLAM ARE DOING IT BECAUSE THEY KNOW THEY ARE ABOUT TO BE DESTROYED SLOWLY WITH THE TRUTH being sawed in half LOL AS IT EATS THEIR LIES AND QUICKLY VERY SOON BY THE HAND OF GOD AND THE RCC AND ISLAM KNOW IT.  TOUGH LOVE. SOME ARMY IS GOING TO DESTROY THE VATICAN BUT I DON’T KNOW WHEN BUT GOD PUTS IT INTO THEIR HEART TO DESTROY IT. I DON’T KNOW WHICH ARMY BUT IT IS ON THE HORIZON. I don’t know if Islam is considered part of the Vatican in the eyes of God but they have some similar false precepts such as the mustard seed and one got it from the other. I do recall the President of Iran or someone talking about pushing Israel into the sea but I think meaning in a duplicitous kind of way THE SEE of the Vatican. I have heard it is a hundred million man army (not sure if females are in it) and it could be a real army and the only one to be able to field it would be China PHYSICALLY but I think it is a spiritual army and not a physical one having to do with Armageddon



57 incredibly cheering cat pictures to crack you up

57 incredibly cheering cat pictures to crack you up Viral Kittens






I wonder what would happen if someone blew up the Lincoln Memorial? You think there might be riots and mayhem? I bet so. Remember when Obama stood before the Lincoln Memorial standing where he should not? Still it wasn’t the fulfillment of Daniels prophecy only a shadow of things to come. The fulfillment was the prophecy moved to the Gospel of Matthew which happened during the Obama administration and I don’t think it is a sign you should be hopeful about because I don’t think it bodes well for you down the yellow brick road. Why? Because, because, because, because, because …… of all of the wonderful things he does.



He was married to a Catholic woman named Mary Todd? Do you think it was on purpose? I think so. Abraham was a fair man who came from the land of UR. What did Mary Todd say when Abraham Lincoln was killed in  theater shot in the head: What can I do? What can I do? How about leaving the Catholic Church!

Rome’s Responsibility Of The Assassination Of Abraham Lincoln

Which has to do with the false covenant spoken about in the bible at the last supper in the Synoptic Gospels the same 3 gospels who claimed the mustard seed was the smallest of seeds which in actuality was a faith based new enlightenment which is obviously false as well since it isn’t the smallest of seed. 

Does Sarah Palin care about a false covenant? YOU WILL! SO WILL FRANKLIN GRAHAM care someday eventually if everyone would stop enabling him. He took Sarah under his big wings during the election for Obama so someone could use places like HAARP located where she was Governor in Alaska which uses microwaves to heat the atmosphere or oceans or seas or land and can cause great harm to many such as droughts, floods, earthquakes, tsunamis, tornados, hurricanes and all those horrible after-effects like the poisoned food chain, and probably some birth defects, etc. It was all a sham, the election Obama vs the hero McCain the lover of the Muslim Brotherhood. However I’m glad she sticks up for Down Syndrome kids in Iceland: She should since she has a child with Down Syndrome and I’m sure she loves her kid no matter what because he was


Someday maybe we will find a cure for Down Syndrome in spite of all the lack of cures and lowered life expectancies because of the business of health insurance. People found cures when there wasn’t insurance because they had no reason to prolong illnesses and diseases and birth defects, etc and because our country has lost respect for the elderly via Hospice and the RCC hell bent ways of Mother Teresa to punish those who do not capitulate to their cult or when it serves them. Wasn’t Hillary Clinton in the insurance business before she was a lawyer or was she a lawyer for the insurance business?

I was lucky because my kids turned out okay and I guess it was my reward. IMO my children are beautiful but beauty is in the eye of the beholder, isn’t it?

Her’s is her reward and I know she doesn’t regret it and neither do I.

You have to wonder if prolonging the un-cures is worth interfering in a females rights by accepting and indulging and endorsing and enabling the RCC’s revenge. IS IT? I mean it’s your kid, is it worth it? ONe of the people at the guidance counselor’s office in Georgia  when I was pregnant looked like Sarah Palin similar anyway not exactly like her. But similar and like the lady in charge of the blood supply when aids was spread via the blood supply, a mix of the two, and of course it was all a set up as I explained vying for my allegiance to the RCC, Islam, and Evangelicalism. I didn’t bite. I went and told my parents and the US army said I wasn’t ready for a baby at least the psychiatrist I went to before getting an abortion. I knew I wasn’t prepared to have a baby. I was too young for one thing and it was not the intended time for me to have a kid. We did not have sonograms then but either way I was not prepared to get pregnant or have a baby for a one night stand or for the RCC, Islam, and Evangelicals. I did the right thing at the time and would do it again for my daughters and their daughters and their daughters and I wouldn’t necessarily have watched a sonogram to make them happy because it is my body and I knew what I wanted. My parents did the right thing as well and were attacked by the RCC, Islam, and Evangelicals years later. Jesus said FEED MY SHEEP.  I sure don’t want to be a Roman Catholic, or Islamic or an Evangelical (an EVIL ANGEL or an AVENGING ANGEL) because all three are full of shit. I got to be a mom later and have two lovely and cute and funny kids. Abortion is no worse than family planning or any other birth control and I know all of you have used them. After 14 years of marriage I had my first child. I think it’s kind of an interesting number, don’t you? My parents did the right thing too. This whole set up was about the mustard seed lie and I know it and you know it because it undermines your FALSE faiths and because you guys can’t handle the truth!

Truth is vital in this regard because Jesus new what was in man and by denying it you deny the truth about Jesus: the real one who knew ahead of time by 2000 years what was gonna happen.

Has Iceland Eliminated Down Syndrome Through Abortion?

 The cause of Down Syndrome may be the tests that identifies it.



“Amniocentesis (also referred to as amniotic fluid test or AFT) is a medical procedure used in prenatal diagnosis of chromosomal abnormalities and fetal infections, and also for sex determination, in which a small amount of amniotic fluid, which contains fetal tissues, is sampled from the amniotic sac surrounding a …” “Yes. There is a small risk that an amniocentesis could cause a miscarriage (less than 1%, or approximately 1 in 200 to 1 in 400). Injury to the baby or mother,infection, and preterm labor are other potential complications that can occur, but are extremely rare.Jun 7, 2017″

What if the amniocentesis test is diagnosed wrong like many diagnoses.

What if the numbers or percentages cited above is a lie?

What happened to Andrea Tantaroses brother who I think had Down Syndrome and died. Was he executed or did he died of natural causes. Something untoward happened to her brother during a tumultuous time near the time of the Boston Marathon terrorism that was a false news story based on some stuff in the news. Some weird shit happened to him, didn’t it?

The test is often used for older women who are pregnant and I decided not to risk it even though I was older just in case and hoped for the best and got it. Down Syndrome kids are usually very sweet and adorable….but not all, some end up institutionalized instead because of the severity of the Down Syndrome and the parents aren’t able to cope with the severity and I think it depends on the parents as well how severe it gets. I guarantee the RCC often hides the truth about everything and about the minor details of birth defects using Down Syndrome for their folly as the RCC uses abortion as their folly to kill the elderly and so forth and Other People’s Kids but those shoeboxes makes up for it. Remember lead poisoning? Some of it was deliberate. Global Warming? Core teaching to dumb down the masses and then Hospice. I have witnessed an institute for some Down Syndrome sever cases and I think it was a racket in some ways. They were not happy Down Syndrome kids so I think it is and should be up to the parents and not Sarah Palin and Franklin Graham sonic he made a business of his religion es[ecilly the one called Samaritan’s Purse which he stole from a gay guy he befriended and soon died after being befriended. He likes gays, doesn’t he? They come in handy sometimes. It’s like the DNA tests advertised on Fox stations and people send in their dna to find out what heritage they are and these people pay some bucks for it. Quite a business if you believe the– I wouldn’t.

Guess what: You are gonna have to handle the truth about the mustard seed eventually and pay for your crimes against humanity if you don’t!

I had a friend who had a miscarriage about 6 months marker of her pregnancy and because she was gonna marry someone else and was Orthodox Catholic. She got an annulment via the RCC from her first marriage which was not a good marriage for her and her child the next one had severe learning disabilities so severe she had troubles throughout her raising her kid and the schools were not tolerating her kid nicely at all. NOT EVEN THE MONTESORRI SCHOOLS!~ (She claimed to me her dad abused her sexually as a child. My dad did not sexually abuse his girls, THANK GOD FOR THAT!) She had to jump through hoops because she had a job at TI for a long time and wasn’t about to give up her rights or her hours and days, weeks, months of work she had built up at TI and needed their help at the schools. She had a hard time at home, but she managed. Cute kid as well but she had some big problems and hopefully will be okay because both her parents are kind of old parents.  At least she got the annulment for the RCC right? There is such a thing as a no fault divorce but it looks so much cleaner to have an annulment even though it is unnecessary and is enabling the RCC. The annulment made her first marriage failure squeaky clean so she could marry a catholic.


Here is another example in my life: A friend of the family a family whose dad reached the rank of 3 star or 4 star general in the army. His daughter and my older sister were good buds growing up. Their family resembled Jackie Kennedy-Onnasis in looks though not as pretty. They were stationed overseas in France while we were in England at the same time. He had a son who came down with polio as a child and then became a schizophrenic as an adult. Had visions of himself or thoughts that he was Jesus. Nice kid as well though I didn’t know him very well. When we went to see them at their home it was always kind of dark. Not sure why. He ended up being lost in the Congo in the 70s or late 60’s, an MIA. He was eventually found. He was also quite a male chauvinist. He looked just like Vincent Bugliosi who defended Jackie Kennedy and the Warren Commmision which Jackie when working at Doubleday Publishers edited the Warren Commission about the assassination of JFK because she was hired as an editor at the company. Bugliosi wrote a book about it and many others and also a book about the Manson cult/murders. He supposedly won many cases legally but was an exaggerator of how many by one. I don’t know why he lied about it, but he did. The general was the one that said often something like As I said or as I say and taking credit for other peoples ideas and who knows what else. Like it was his idea. It was kind of a joke at our house and he also was the one that nicknamed my older sister TOOTIE because she was a toot or a real toot. The daughter she befriended was deaf for the most part and looked like the lady on Fox and sounded like her as well who is a Kennedy. The general also sounded voice wise just like Bugliosi. I had been around these people many times and noticed his voice and hers. I noticed she has a voice like some deaf people or near deaf people who have had speech therapy, the lady on Fox. I like her as far as a personality etc. and some of her views. Nancy was the one that gave me the advice to talk to Tootie her best friend when I was dealing with the molestation and harassment at the house later on when he wanted to carry me to the car because I was barefoot and needed to get matches out of the car and he followed me even though I said No thank you. He followed me to the car as I recall and came up behind me somehow while his wife was in the front room with her family though two of the kids were not born yet and I’m sure she noticed.  So I left that night in the middle of the morning because I couldn’t sleep in fear of Gary sneaking up on me because he was in one of those moods and I thought I’m at my parents house and I can’t enjoy a family reunion and rest because I have to worry about him sneaking up on me in my sleep and my sister taking it out on me later. I was worn out. But i took her advice and then my sister came up with the initial lie about my attraction to Gary and said I’m gonna call mom and dad and picked up the phone and tell them you are attracted to Gary. Yes he was a funny guy but I was not attracted to Gary. Everyone thought he was funny because he was funny even his abused daughters thought he was funny. He had a lot of personality but just because someone has a lot of personality does not mean they are attractive or a desire of my heart and body. I don’t know why she called me or how she knew to call me because she didn’t have my phone number we were not buddies so she must have gotten it from my family at my parents house the next morning or day or whenever it was she called but she did not spend the night..she did call and made the suggestion for me to deal with either him or Tootie and I decided my sister was the one because he was not my immediate family, she was. And then of course everything kind of took on a life of it’s own after that lie. Was deafness, schizophrenia and polio worth the trouble and the success of the books written AND THE LIES? You have to ask him, but isn’t Rattan just a species of wood? He liked to hunt dove and took my dad once and my dad did not find it enjoyable because dove hunting is like shooting at sitting ducks. Jackie Onassis said she was a hunter as well. I don’t know why she said it but I don’t think it was meaning as in the sport of hunting animals but humans when needed she said. I was also near deaf as a child and our doctor suggested to my parents not to have an operation which had been prescribed and said the climate in England might help and it did. I don’t know why but I gained a keen ear eventually and could recognize sounds and voices quite well.




I don’t think comparing George Washington to Abraham Lincoln is fair game. He didn’t live at the White house he lived in Mt. Vernon as I remember it in history and he did a lot of good things comparatively. He also lived at a different time than did Abraham Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln used slavery as an excuse but he didn’t save the slaves, the people did but credit was given to Abraham Lincoln and he took it like the general in my life. e was for some things that turned out to be curs3es for the USA because he was an agent …I think of the RCC but as usual they aren’t exactly LOYAL to their own followers and use them for the good of the RCC and not for the good of the people and their followers, their slaves. Slavery in a different form persisted even after Lincoln using unions which lead eventually to insurance which wasn’t true since it did not actually have anything to do with good service, medical advances, good health care, and into the bullshit it is to kill the medical careers of good doctors and advance the corrupt and shameful practices of witch doctors and those not suitable for the career in healing kind of like the feds in our government eating tax dollars and sending them to the Vatican to process using the washing machine i.e. laundering money. Washinton DC by the way is the South.




By the way what does Venezuela have to do with us? Isn’t it a British colony or something?

I ain’t gonna sweat the small stuff.


and are afraid of the truth

which is gonna sink in sooner or later!

UNITY WILL NOT SAVE YOU. UNIONS WILL NOT SAVE YOU. Huffington Post has their own views about Trump USUALLY OFF BALNCE BUTT who is counting? Like I have tried to show is there are more than one trump. THERE IS AN IMITATOR hence the false news and confusion because of the seed that wasn’t the smallest of seeds. THE MUSTARD SEED. CORETTA YOU ARE ON THE WRONG TEAM ad following the wrong news definitely the wrong GOD. Maybe you should get a job at DOUBLE DAY PUBLISHERS as an editor!

 I DO NOT RECALL THE PRESS ASKING OBAMA ANYTHING> THE PRESS WENT ALONG aiding and abetting evil. WHY? BECAUSE HE HAD DARK SKIN. IS IT GOOD REASON? It is what is called reverse prejudice and it is supremely dumb and kissing darker ass?: If you act like you respect Obama because his skin is darker does that make you smart? The questions thrown at Trump by the press were ridiculous such as: Do you put so and so on a same moral plane as so and so?


I saw an interview  few years ago of Eisenhower when JFK was killed by the press and they acted the same way as they did with Donald Trump about the riots. The press were testing him and asking some stupid stuff like they asked Eisenhower who was the general responsible for the bombing of Monte Cassino in Italy that housed nazis during the war in WWll and was a threat at the time since we were at war. I think the roman catholics resented the bombing not because of the nazis killed but because it was a Roman Catholic Abbey and said they would have revenge for it and killed JFK a while later. The interview was mocking Eisenhower as an old man about a serious crime the  assassination of the leader of the USA. IT was unreal…the interview. Like flies. So Coretta you see I haven’t been languishing and I did my homework and have worked very hard, harder than you ever have!

I DO NOT APPRECIATE FOX ADS using my mom’s face to sell their product and at her worst, no less you mother fuckers! Perverted

Well the ex had his accident on a highway a while back trying to enter a lane and got in a tiff with a big fat guy and I asked him did he hit you in the middle back of your car or the corner and at first it was th back but later it was the corner luckily no damage to either car but he stopped and gave the guy his name and information (because it was the corner) and the guy was in a state of road rage wanting to extract money from him right then and there but he stood his ground he explained in his rage. Anyway the insurance people said the guy won’t get his way but the ex came in to tell me if a big fat guy comes to the door threatening  to call the police because he has the information. I feel like he is setting me up again. First to respect him for having a fender bender and holding his ground and then to protect me from some big fat guy who might come to the door SOOOOOOOOOO RCC. Try to scare ya kind of stuff and save ya at the same time so whatever happens he comes out smelling real nice for his stupidity. I said I think you are trying to set me up again like the time he found the garage door opener mount above my head (the L bracket that held up the mount) had been cut above my head with some kind of tool and he found it just in time because he happened to notice so it wouldn’t fall on my head and many other times he has set me up.

It’s a racket, I’ll tell ya. It really is!

Here is another one he said about a fire in the fireplace that went awry that it was a spur of the moment fire he decided to have in the fireplace (he hasn’t had one in 5 years) and yet that day much earlier in the day I tripped over the logs he brought into the garage so it wasn’t a spur of the moment IMPROMPTU fire in the fire place that went awry. It was planned to go awry. PREMEDITATED! It smoked up the house and while he stood outside looking at the chimney I went out and told him to call the fire department and then it was blamed on soot (there is a name for it but I can’t remember what it is called) in the fireplace which sparked a fire in the chimney instead of the fireplace but it was something he was trying to get rid of. I don’t know what it was but there was some white stuff furry stuff like fibers of some kind. I saved it just in case just in case it was something he was trying to get rid of. Someones pet? I don’t know. He just happened to have a ladder nearby but head them because of his job as a painter but it was in a different place than normal and he let the firemen use it like a good boy. He acted suspicious to me about it later as well. He had his mom starved to death hospice like and doesn’t seem to get that it is murder/suicide and it is evil and it was prophesied by Jesus at the Sea of Galilee when he said feed my sheep over 2000 years ago and he doesn’t give a shit. He will because it will come back to haunt him and he will have to answer for it someday soon and so will the RCC, Pope Francis, Mother Teresa and take the hit for it as well seducing people with evil. He wanted to impress his daughter he slept with for a while and I stopped him my way. I asked on line is it wrong for a divorced daddy to sleep with his teenage daughter and I read the answers to him aloud while she was away. He stopped sleeping with his daughter. The answers were very nice and not totally off the wall but to let her have her space an of course there is always the possibility of something occurring which as a mom you have to be aware. I think he did it for his manlihood-lessness and he bought her a car and a computer etc with the money he got from his mom when she died. Trying to put a wedge between me and my daughter at the same time.

It didn’t work.

And now even Michelle Malkin is drinking Roman Catholic Vatican cum on the Hannity Show! By the way what do abortions have to do with what happened in Chalottesville, Virginia or Barcelona, Spain? Just wondering if you know the connection because I sure can’t figure out what it could be. How much you getting paid to hold up a lie for the RCC and Fox news. Are you proud of it? You won’t be, soon enough.

Did she come? That is the question? I don’t think I have ever seem her in a good mood so I doubt it. Hey Michelle, is the mustard seed the smallest of seed? Have you read the Old Testament?

Maybe its a form occult possession holding up a lie and comparing apples to oranges. Abortions and riots about a Robert E. Lee statue. Has to be. Craziness and a lunatic and a half.

It’s like magnetism attracted to lead.

Remember the Government shutdown during the Obama administration and someone shutting down the monument traffic by closing the monument areas in Washington DC and other places that had monuments: This is just more of the same to cause strife. Part of history is the location of the statues and tends to add charm to the city because of it’s history regardless if you were for or against slavery and unions. If you don’t like a statue then don’t look at it but don’t try to relocate it to upset some people. Wasn’t it Obama who closed those monument sites in retaliation. Those that want to change the location of a statue ought to just remove themselves and change their location, perhaps New Orleans is more to your liking?

Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn,

but some people do!

I’m sure Steve Bannon will find something more compatible and hopefully more successful. It’s like dealing with a lot of craziness people going nuts all over the world and in our country as well over a mustard seed. Pretty amazing but like finding out the earth was round must have sparked some riots in the past and a mass exodus from a romanized Europe. Getting in late in the game as Trump surmised is kind of a lame excuse but I didn’t vote for him nor Hillary since I couldn’t believe a damn thing in the press about the candidates nor any subject the press attempts to feed it’s sheep for the sake of the Vatican which is coming down. I WOULD NEVER HAVE VOTED FOR HILLARY because of her affiliation with the BGEA and the Obamas and Benghazi and the many murdered in her care in the past, etc. Too much shit in her shadow. What got Trump elected were people like me who didn’t vote. That is what got him elected. I will take credit for it because I think it’s kind of biblical his name and the trumpets and I want to get on with the show biblically speaking;)

Marvin Gaye – Lets get it on

because the RCC goes into oblivion and that makes me happy and a few others as well. Knowing my mom was hospiced because of revenge was the shot in the dark for me. She deserved much better and so many other things I was able to connect to it’s source.

By Hook or By Crook!

The fact is Trump hasn’t exactly been truthful about repeal vs repeal and replace so I don’t think it matters whether you stood by his side from the beginning…of what? He didn’t stick to his word either. Where is his first wife? How does he know whether Melania will stick with him in the end? I gather she is sticking with the Vatican which is a mistake though she is very pretty.

Not sure Trump has the moral compass nor anyone else in this world to differentiate between the sides that have formed over stupid stuff because both seem to be stupid. Really stupid but noticed an african american ( I think) man ( I think) acting like Nero in Charleston, Virginia (I think) with his guitar while people kicked a statue of Robert E. Lee as if it was Lenin. Looked real intelligent too and gee was Nero an african american? What is this world coming to? I do know who wins and it isn’t the Vatican, if that helps!

Abortion vs Hospice because of a seed which isn’t the smallest of seed.

The shot heard round the world.

You know what’s really gonna piss off a lot of people? When those people have to apologize to me and many other people and pay the dues owed to the people that were maligned. LOL The press is having their field day about Bannon. I guess the press didn’t like him and seem to think he was what stopped them from globalizing. I have no idea about him whatsoever. He just reminded me of my brother in looks (kind of) that’s all folks. My daughters new job having to do with makeup and things like cosmetics that she got hired to do about a month ago because she is talented now a woman from another part of the business but not the particular shop she is located at told her that she is gonna be fired because her makeup looks like a drag queen or something like that and my daughter is excellent at makeup and is beautiful. So I guess it’s retaliation because the mustard seed isn’t the smallest of seed or what I write. I can’t help that the mustard seed isn’t the smallest of seed and I sure didn’t try to con a bunch of people about the mustard seed of faith which obviously is UNBELIEVABLE. I’m so sorry that the RCC/ISLAM lied to you. Take it out on the RCC. Don’t take it out on a girl who had been abused by her high school and called a whore for no reason and ended up in the ER a few days later. I hope the lady who said that loses her child forever that she would treat mine like that after what she has been through and raised herself up from assholes taking out their jealousy on a kid. I really hope the woman who said that to her and about her job loses her business and loses her job and losses her child and loses her mom and dad and loses her friends and family and loses everything defending a lie. I really hope so. I will never love people like this woman and those that bullied my kid at school. She was cheerleader and really pretty, darling would be how would describe her but some other moms didn’t like the competition because their daughters weren’t as cute and my daughter wasn’t even competing. Just being herself. It hurt my kid but she survived and she made something of herself in spite of the abuse. So if you have a problem with me witnessing you better not cry you better not pout because I’m telling you why…… (Turns out she won’t be fired she just won’t get to work with this woman who is in charge of some kind of hair coloring  a new process and is part owner of the business. I heard it through the grapevine or the bird in the hand and then heard it from my daughter and the two didn’t match in details, but who’s counting it is instill ridiculous)

You ought to take it up with God. Ask God why. I can’t tell you why someone would lie about the mustard seed, but someone lied about it. I think God allowed it so you might find out the truth and worship the real God and not a facsimile, a fake, a liar, a thief, a con artist, a murderer and a seller of the souls of men and women. By worship I mean “believe” but not get on your knees or prostheletize on the floor like the pope at the Vatican or bloody your back and knees on the stairs of the Vatican like Martin Luther did or get mock crucified on easter in Spain or Mexico or where ever it is that some people do things like it or starve your parents using Hospice which might cause others to do it whose parents don’t want to be starved hospice style but would rather have medical care and live ten or more years like mine. I resent it severely and I think Jesus does as well because of what he said in the Gospel of John.

God left some clues if you are interested. One was the mustard seed isn’t the smallest of seed. The Sperm Whale. The Old Testament. Islam also uses the mustard seed in it holy book which obviously isn’t very holy or is full of holes. Jesus said “feed my sheep” and I don’t think Jesus is recorded as saying it in the quran (Islamic holy book) which was an indicator of a certain period of time and I believe the time is NOW. (Makes sense doesn’t it that it would be during the time of the National Org. for Women and all the hoopla about abortion in the last ten years which has been astounding/ash-tonishing on the tail of Mother Teresa’s statements about abortion and about hospice using one against the other and her buildup of her hospice business all over the world in at least 500 parishes and over 135 countries as she stated in the Christopher Hitchens you tubes from her own mouth and the competition for world dominance of the many cults who are definitely against women’s rights.  2000 years later which is when biblically things – BIG bibical things happen. Sounds to me like Jesus is not on your side on this subject, doesn’t it?  Moses was 2000 years before Jesus (the Ten Commandments).  2000 years before that was NOAH’s Ark . Abortion is being used as an excuse to starve some people via Hospice. SO YOU HAD BETTER GET ON THE TRUE SIDE OR ELSE you might end up under Noah’s boat and not in it. Michelle did you read the last few pages about Jesus at the Sea of Galilee? You ought to reread it, if you did. There is a way that seemeth right but leads to death. Does that worry you? Could it be the death cult of Mother Teresa and why does Revelation talk about a woman drunk on the blood of saints referring to the Roman Catholic Church and it’s leader the pope sainted Mother Teresa. Do you see the connection? No mention in Revelation about abortion. DID YOU NOTICE? Start noticing and stop harassing females and their families about it because you are doing the work of the devil, satan, and death and it is evil. It is a practice that is being abused for inheritances and other reasons as well via the unholy practice of entrapping people and many other reasons people get desperate and confused in a time of crisis. It is a problem world wide and people like my ex who starved his mom are causing great confusion for others and altering others opinions as if it is okay and normal and it isn’t normal and it isn’t good especially when used to retaliate against those families who have had abortions which is a human right for females to have an option after being impregnated just like it is to have melanoma removed from too much sun or a kidney stone removed or a tooth extracted but we don’t punish them because a cult thinks conception is the beginning of life and it isn’t the beginning of life anymore than a sperm particle on the inside of a taxi cab. Until a fetus is born it does not live life any more that a sperm particle in a man’s penis or outside the penis in a rubber and down the toilet. A fetus does not live life in a womb otherwise why come out at all. What’s the point?

This is a BIG DEAL.

Anyway our government is lying to us about employment, business, and price gauging in medicine by 100 percent on some drugs for asthmatics and those with breathing problems and of course in the Obama administration via HAARP deoxygenated earth to some degree by killing some sea creatures which provide a 1/3 of the worlds oxygen. SHIT IS HAPPENING and in the bible and in Revelation BAD things happen in thirds. There happen to be three synoptic gospels claiming the mustard seed is the smallest of seed. I wonder why. HMMMMMM Don’t forget three men visited Abraham and SODOM and GOMORRAH were destroyed at least that’s the story of ABRAHAM and when the wife of LOT became a pillar of salt and his daughters got it on with him thinking it was the end of the world, but it wasn’t the end of the world. Billy Graham’s daughter’s last name is LOTT? And by NOW you should know how helpful she is. There happen to be three holy sites of Islam. MECCA MEDINA AND THE DOME OF THE ROCK. I have heard bad things happen in threes, but I can’t attest to it only to what is WRITTEN in the bible and dispute what is not true because not all of it is TRUE. REMEMBER what Pontius Pilate said? WHAT IS TRUTH or WHAT IS TRUTH? OBVIOUSLY TRUTH is a problem with some people who can’t accept the mustard seed isn’t the smallest of seed. I did not create it. GOD DID and I think things are heating up not a in GLOBAL warming but as

between cults.

How many Notre Dames are there? i don’t know I only know of two, one in Jerusalem and one in Paris because I don’t keep up with the Notre Dames much but I bet there is another one somewhere, don’t you? Displaying the burial cloth of some dude created in a TURKEY I think Because there were actually two burial cloths one for the head and one for the body not a real long one including both but catholics don’t read the bible so how would those who came up with the Shroud of TURIN know to make it two pieces instead of one. Sorry Michelle Malkin for getting down and dirty like you. It’s hard not to being barraged by your propaganda and Foxes Propaganda and the governments and the Vatican’s propaganda and the cults propaganda which includes the false churches propaganda. It’s tough to deal with the ganging up because all of them can’t handle the truth. Foxes have holes and the birds of the air their nests….Wonder what Jesus meant by holes. In this day and age it means something kind of dirty. Are you a hole? Hate to break it to ya but a lot of conservatives have abortions as do liberals so why not leave it out of the discussion when talking about riots in Charlottesville since I don’t think it was about abortions, but about the moment of Robert E. Lee. It’s like a Fox possession to bring it up in every discussion about anything else and the guests and hosts bring up abortion. KInd of odd. Is it a litmus test for every guest in order to be a guest on Fox? Isn’t that called…. what is it called??? I think it is called PREREQUISITE kissing VATICAN ass. Think about it you are kissing POPE FRANCISES PIMP ASS. Isn’t bringing up abortion every time you are a guest at FOX News some sort of a symptom of the MARK OF THE BEAST: It seems to be kind of by rote? as if memorized as your duty to chirp about it when it has nothing to do with the subject you are invited to talk about. Do you discuss it at dinner parties as well and family gatherings, Thanksgiving, July Fourth at the country club and with waiters and waitresses at restaurants, at the doctors office, with the PTA, at the 7-11, at the spa, with your real estate agent, or when you are buying a car, at the dentists office, with your CPA, your mom and dad on their birthdays, with your kids on the way to school and their friends when they come over? Afraid you wouldn’t get a good deal on the car if you did? or the house if you did? IS IT NORMAL? You are getting paid to do it by someone and I would love to know who it is and I think others would like to know as well. Is it in your contract? Do you even know you are doing it? Yet you never bring up Mother Teresa’s death cult. EVER! Do you want to be responsible for the deaths of those that have been murdered by Hospice all over the world in 105-135 countries and over 500 parishes and in many hospitals and old folks homes, retirement centers, and the deaths of many american veterans and their spouses before God?  Mother Teresa said it was beautiful because it is a vendetta of the RCC and her. Because that is what is gonna happen to you if you continue with your nonsense. In essence, by  your silence about hospice and your harassment of females who have had abortions you are an agent of the POPE who is not a god but a mere pimp and you are his whore searing your own soul by aiding and abetting the Vatican in it’s evil maginations. As far as I’m concerned in a personal way I believe you and others are responsible for the murder of my parents probably because of the lie about the mustard seed being exposed which is a ridiculous reason. In the olden days would you have murdered Galileo over the shape of the planet earth and those that believed his findings? I bet  you would have murdered people of all ages for having a birth mark or swimming which the church (THE RCC and it’s allies) used to say was a sign of witchcraft and condemned people to the gallows and/or set them on fire for being able to swim or for being born (NOT SEEN IN THE WOMB) with a birthmark or a mole. Would you condemn females older ones who have taken the chance on a miscarriage i.e. aborting for the test of amniocentesis and do so on Fox news every time you appear on their station to quip about nothing as if your opinion adds or takes away anything you disgust? They say it’s one percent chance, but is it true? I remember the percentage was larger than one percent. If you had been in the temple your table definitely would have been turned over, I guarantee it. Your opinions are crap. Take some Midol, I think you need it on a regular basis.


The ex said Jerry Lewis died and I was sort of a fan of his at least in regards to a few funny things he did in a few movies which no one else could have done. An original. He did some mighty good things as well with his talents though he wasn’t all good and had a few set backs (I don’t remember what those set backs were) he was pretty good anyway. Amazing what comedy/comedians do for the soul. I’m sure he’ll be missed. The timing is kind of odd.

Maybe NEO is a code word for UN.

By the way whatever happened to Laura Bush. She used to be for women’s rights to an abortion and yet she is silent these days. Is the climate not right for her views?

A rare glimpse at America’s super nukes: ‘hell and fury’

that can reach North Korea in 30 minutes

I wonder how long it would take to reach the Vatican? 10 minutes? Probably a lot less than 30 minutes and solve a lot more problems in the world if it occurred at the same time! Why not? Panetta is worried about Australia. Panetta is up to no good. I can tell you that much. He is up to no good. IN regards to Benghazi he was up to no good. I remember seeing him in photo in front of a speckled horse as in the 4 horsemen with a wicked smile. I think the photo was taken at the White House.

“The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are described in the last book of the New Testament of the Bible, called theBook of Revelation of Jesus Christ to John of Patmos, at 6:1-8. The chapter tells of a book or scroll in God‘s right hand that is sealed with seven seals. The Lamb of God opens the first four of the seven seals, which summons four beings that ride out on white, red, black, and pale horses. Though theologians and popular culture differ on the first Horseman, the four riders are often seen as symbolizing Conquest[1] or Pestilence (and less frequently, the Christ or the Antichrist),War,[2] Famine,[3] and Death.[4] The Christian apocalyptic vision is that the Four Horsemen are to set a divine apocalypse upon the world as harbingers of the Last Judgment.[1][5] One reading ties the Four Horsemen to the history of the Roman Empire subsequent to the era in which the Book of Revelation was written. That is, they are a symbolic prophecy of the subsequent history of the Empire.”….


“The Book of Zechariah twice mentions colored horses; in the first passage there are three colors (red, speckled/brown, and white),[43] and in the second there are four teams of horses (red, black, white, and finally dappled/”grisled and bay”) pulling chariots.[44] The second set of horses are referred to as “the four spirits of heaven, going out from standing in the presence of the Lord of the whole world.”[44] They are described as patrolling the earth, and keeping it peaceful. It may be assumed that when the tribulation begins, the peace is taken away, so their job is to terrify the places in which they patrol”……


“The four living creatures of Revelation 4:6-8 are very similar to the four living creatures in Ezekiel 1:5-12. In Revelation each of the living creatures summons a horseman, where in Ezekiel the living creatures follow wherever the spirit leads, without turning. In Ezekiel 14:21, the Lord enumerates His “four disastrous acts of judgment” (ESV), sword, famine, wild beasts, and pestilence, against the idolatrous elders of Israel. A symbolic interpretation of the Four Horsemen links the riders to these judgments, or the similar judgments in 6:11-12.”….

These blurbs are from Wickipedia but went ahead to include it anyway. I recall that the past president of Iran the one with the really long name believed in the prophecy of the four horsemen and I saw him come out of OBAMA like a spirit in a hurry (it was weird because he wasn’t really there physically) while the DOJ Eric Holder was sort of bow-wowing to Obama during Obama’s administration. He acted like a messenger or something darting out of Obama’s body. 

Watched the solar eclipse from Fox news in Oregon and enjoyed it especially the tin foil hats and Sheppard Smith’s eclipsing his computer monitor with his cell phone poking fun at the eclipse of the sun by the moon. Supposedly a total eclipse like this hasn’t happened since 1918. I looked up 1918 history and I guess there was a huge influence that killed 20-50 million people and infected 1/3 of the population at the time and was the deadliest in modern history. Fox News also had a guest who told about some experiments that occurred during the recent eclipse using the eclipse for some reason and these scientists took some bacteria (don’t have any idea what kind of bacteria) up following the track of the eclipse across the USA in hundreds of locations to see the effect on the bacteria. Hopefully the scientists are good scientists. Thought it might be a clue, then again it might not be.

A Historical Perspective on Total Solar Eclipses in the U.S.

Supposedly eclipses are biblical prophetic signs in the heavens but this one would be more like a self-fulfilling prophecy if indeed things went awry via these experiments. It isn’t like stopping the sun for a 24 hour period for a battle or 3 hours of darkness as when Jesus was crucified or like what happened in Egypt when Moses dealt with the Pharaoh of Egypt obviously which were much longer versions than a 3 minute period of darkness. One christian wrote while I was looking up eclipses as a sign from God because I do believe some are signs from God and he said the moon represents Israel which I don’t think is true. The moon represents Islam or at least Islam thinks so by their signatures flag-wise etc. Obviously the sun represents Roman Catholicism by it’s signature of the monstrance used to feed it’s flocks the eucharist and many other signatures. And Israel represents itself with a blue star I guess but was that their symbol before WWll? I don’t know because I thought Israel represented earth biblically, but the UN took the symbol.

Star of David 

sound like Israel went through a lot of different reasons for the star as their symbol like the Holocaust for one recently being forced upon them as if training the Jews but it is kind of weird how it became their symbol (actually two intertwining triangles and not a star or a celtic star) and I guess the I don’t know what to call it a cult or a faction or a religion of Kabbalah had something to do with it. And before it is the Seal of Solomon. Their history is pretty complex stuff but the seal of Soloman includes a circle or represents earth possibly.

The reason the writer of the article about the moon representing Israel said it is because of their lunar calendar vs. a solar calendar but it doesn’t mean the moon represents Israel, does it? Just because Israel uses a lunar calendar it may be employed for warnings to heed for Israel at the hands of Islam and the RCC vs Israel worshipping a moon god and or a sun god since both are creations of God (not the gods….but the stars, the suns, the planets, and satellites like the moons) which is hopefully whom Israel believes. This is a different article below and I wanted to add the one I wrote about who said the moon represents Israel, although I can’t find it at the moment but thought I would add this article in it’s stead:

Is America’s Great Eclipse a Sign from God?

If the experiments go awry and if it is by the hands of Islam and if it is premeditated it is very perverted and backwards like the language Islam uses! Definitely a response would be an ENTITLEMENT to respond in kind if it goes awry on purpose.


“:Blitz believes that the total solar eclipse is a huge sign from God.

“As the sun is larger than the moon, the sun represents the nations of the world and the moon represents the nations of the world and the moon represents the nation of Israel, as their calendar months are based on the cycle of the moon while the nations of the world follow the sun for their calendar,” Biltz said. “When there is a total solar eclipse, it is a warning to a specific nation or nations depending on its path.”

Why would the sun represent the nations on earth. Doesn’t make any sense whatsoever. So do the stars represent the sea? Makes about as much sense. Here is the article in total:

Is a Solar Eclipse a Sign from God?


A blitzkrieg is
  • an intense military campaign intended to bring about a swift victory.

    As an NPC on the game of WOW says


    Is it necessary to have a Trump pep rally every week?

    This time with Ben Carson of (HUD) who was a famous surgeon and had his surgery garb placed in the African American library or museum recently that Sean Spicer mentioned gleefully as if it were a fluke and a lark and Ben Carson said he believed income tax was equal to the Temple tithe of ten percent in biblical times but there is no temple and with him is Franklin Graham who likes those donations as well, all there to support the NEO Trump in Arizona. Not the same guy who ran for President, is he, who seems to have shifted his belief system quite a bit as if he had a choice. Not with Franklin Graham you don’t. Not a good sign the day after the eclipse which might have something to do with the solar eclipse as well. Ben Carson was with him from the beginning so I guess HUD is a normal place to use his talents because he was a famous surgeon. Makes a lot of sense. Franklin Graham like his dad is a shill for the RCC and a very doltish replica of his dad. Evangelicals are very doltish as a rule. Franklin Graham used his ministry Samaritans Purse (I believe) to poison some people with EBOLA so we shall see what happens next. His actions during the EBOLA outbreak were suspicious at the time during the Obama administration as I recall luckily our country was able to overcome it’s threat. He has used Samaritans Purse for donations for a long time putting kids on a trash heap about to cave in and possibly get tetnus and eating very old tamales and possible food poisoning to get donations as if those two kids really mattered. The kids were haitians or something less fortunate I think but i bet the kids got lucky and received some christian shoe boxes at christmas full of crap his friends sell. It’s a racket, I’ll tell ya. Franklin Graham was under attack along with his dad during the Obama administration because he dared call the Mormons a cult and I think the RCC and the Mormons got together to entrap him into saying the mormons weren’t a cult, but the mormons are a cult and so is the RCC. So Obama enlisted him. I had a few friends who were mormon, females and I also attended classes for a while with a mormon before school. It didn’t last long. ̆But the mormons believed in the signs in the heavens, as many other religions do as well during the end times and at the time I think believed the RCC was the whore of Babylon. I have no idea now what the mormons believe. I don’t think the mormons do either. I guess going along with the age old saying “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” which is not true.

    Anyway my moms birthdate was aug 8th and my mother-in laws birth date was aug 13 and if you add them up BOTH WERE HOSPICED (one voluntarily and the other not voluntarily because one was catholic) you get 21 and the ellipse occurred on the 21st of August. Kind of coincidental especially if you take into consideration the things Mother Teresa said about numbers and beautiful in the you tube by Christopher Hitchens which had to do with the amount of convents and parishes and countries she had her witchcraft in called Sisters of Mercy which hospiced and had to do with my sister and my mom which I explained in an earlier post a while back. I don’t think GOD likes hospice nor the reason for it given by Mother Teresa as an excuse used to murder GOOD people like my mom because he knew what was in man. It might be an omen for the lack of attention it has received by the press and others purposefully silenced and silencing those who are against it by acting like it’s normal or non existent and most people don’t realize it till someone in their family gets old and then you are faced with a dilemma which you should not have to face. It’s kind of like the indians in the old days went out into the wilderness to die. GIVING UP but worse because they didn’t have a possible inheritance which often is a temptation and all the indians had were witch doctors that probably looked like Mother Teresa and acted like her too. If you listen to her she is very wicked, and looks like a hummel figurine which my mother-in-law collected. I can’t stand them. I guess it’s political correctness to silence everyone about the witchcraft, GREG! He wouldn’t know what political correctness is and yet he talks about it all the time and he is so politically correct it’s ridiculous. KNOW WHAT I MEAN? I’m talking about GREG GUTFELD OF FOX NEWS BUT OF COURSE he is only one person of many who are politically correct and because it is so pervasive that even those who complain about it are actually fostering political correctness especially when they ignore the you tubes and the investigation by Christopher Hitchens about hospice and about Mother Teresa and never bring it up, WHY? Protecting the vatican? Isn’t it the job of the Jesuits? My mother-in-law’s first name was VIOLET. No one wrote a series of books about “killing Violet”!

    Clapper wonders when the nightmare of the USA will be over and I think it won’t be over till the truth is accepted wholeheartedly:



    or fell for it, or however you want to look at it! ALSO ACCEPT WHOLEHEARTEDLY MOTHER TERESA IS A DEMON or perhaps the devil himself and those on her/his side are blowing it BIG TIME like O’reilly and until safe and legal abortions are accepted whole heartedly and accept abortion as a BASIC female human right and accept the truth of REVELATION about the RCC who is OBVIOUSLY the whore of BABYLON and OUSTS HOSPICE AND ALL OF HIS?HER WITCHCRAFT called sisters of mercy FROM OUR COUNTRY and illegal FOREVER and denounces the VATICAN< THE POPE, THE RCC PRIESTS, BISHOPS, CARDINALS, and nuns AND THE RCC FOREVER!

    Certainly haven’t heard Fox News and their slaves or the RCC stand up for a baby born who is getting some strange un-treatment at a hospital recently who has been given a death sentence by the doctors and trying to force the family to give up if these two entities (actually one) if they care about babies so much and we would have heard about it from them if they did care so obviously they don’t care about babies that were born they care about persecuting people for not having a baby so their friends and allies could deny care for or a potential help that the family of the baby would like to try which regardless of the outcome would help them cope knowing they did all they could but that’s the point isn’t it of the RCC/Evangelical/Islamic persecution probably because parents are US citizens and because of the success of the USA in WWll avenging a few buildings that were destroyed. They care more for the unborn because it requires nothing on their part but to fulfill condemnation of and the harassment of  and perfection of the families and those who exercised their female rights and opportunities in favor of the RCC sitting in their anchor chairs. SICK!

    Sometimes anchors get tangled and bring down its own ship!

    Unlike the press I don’t think Clapper is a liar. I don’t know why the press interpreted his answer as a lie (the one in question that made him susceptible to their scorn before Congress.) It was an equivocation, I think at least the answer he gave was what got him in quite a bit of attention during the Obama Administration at the time however he may prove me wrong down the road. It wasn’t really a question that could be answered with a yes or a no. The next solar eclipse is in 2025 and will make an x and I guess Kansas will be the center of the x. I have no idea about that kind of stuff since i’m not an astronomer but it is what the guy said about the next BIG solar event in his article and it could be BS, I don’t know, though I tried to learn about astronomy it wasn’t my talent. I took a course for science majors in astronomy and quickly got out of the class after reading one chapter. I don’t want to write any more about Hospice, but in earnest I will continue to do so but it is sickening that our country could sink so low for religious political gain having nothing to do with abortion just using it for religious political gain and to persecute non catholics and even some catholics whose eyes are opened to make them see with their eyes closed so to speak (via PRE-mature death before their time was supposed to be up i.e. via murder/suicide) via hospice or via psychological and spiritual harassment by a cult an enemy to the soul who buy and sell men and women’s souls as in Revelation and using the four horsemen. MY MOM WANTED TO OUTLIVE HER GRANDMOTHER WHITE who lived to the ripe old age of 105 a number Mother Teresa brought up in her disgusting way on the Christopher Hitchens you-tube about another Teresa and laughed about it and then said BEAUTIFUL as if she could even know what beautiful really encompasses she/he is so damned ugly and evil and yet sainted by the pope and adored by the masses and faithfully her nuns go along with her evil calling evil good as was prophesied. My mom told me so while she was alive and after my dad died he told me he concurred he wanted to live

    the way


    “They are they that testify of me.” who also said “feed my sheep!”

    which keeps me from giving up and acquiescing to the Vatican’s warped and bent idea of

    God and Jesus.

    It took an a-theist to expose Mother Teresa’s evil: What does that say about Roman Catholic clergy (including nuns) and the Evangelical clergy (including wives), and the  press drunk on the blood of saints, etc? these people have a lot of influence and tools at their disposal and are guilty for the influence to the families in a time of need. When Father Jonathon on Fox pulled his shit on numerous shows to have a girl put down like an animal ( she happened to be african american, I don’t know if it had anything to do with it) who was in a coma whose hand moved her mother’s hand didn’t care about the girl or the mom and dad. I believe it was to further Mother Teresas witchcraft regardless of race. He was hired by the Roman Catholic Church and taught by them and had a thing for Pope Francis not necessarily as in gayness but in ridiculousness like a little boy telling adults how to handle situations and he is ridiculous applying pressure on the family using the press and talk shows and the hospital involved. Interfering in the personal lives of mankind as the RCC is famous for: he never had a child or was married and possibly even a relationship with a woman or learned the truth but this is how deception is spread like a wild fire. It is why the RCC don’t allow marriage of priests and because of losing their wealth via divorce settlements with priests. This is why the RCC is against divorce, not because of the family but because if the church managed to marry a couple into the religion it doesn’t want to lose them as a resource either in the present or in the future. I know some catholics like Mel Gibson doesn’t mind having a plethora of kids because it saves him money tax wise like if  you have 7 kids you don’t pay taxes, supposedly and I’m pretty positive he got a lot of help from the RCC in his movies and for his movies though some of them are good movies but nevertheless it is for propaganda purposes usually such as the movie WHAT WOMEN WANT. HE IS WRONG. Deceived though he thinks he is really something. Possible the naive want what he has or the deceived want what he offers or the inexperienced but not those who know better or those who learned the truth. IN the bible there is a part about a person who is against what women desire and is some character biblically that isn’t respected by God and does not succeed and possibly something worse. but I don’t want to look it up because it isn’t necessary. I saw him carry his child like a sack of potatoes. I don’t recall my dad ever carrying me like Mel Gibson did his daughter of a woman who divorced him. The RCC have their reasons though not wholesome ones but evil ones to keep the RCC ship afloat as the church robs and steals and MURDERS it’s victims and spread the poison of the RCC. Having a family isn’t easy so you had better be prepared when you decide to have a baby and not use it to catch a man or get federal assistance or to get elected. I think women who decide to have abortions for the many reasons they do are much more respected by God than those who use a baby born (personally, religiously, and politically).

    Obama said it was “a war on women.” It is a war using women propping the RCC interfering in every facet of our life.

    How can one not be angry about the lie about the mustard seed of faith in the first three gospels? But I think there was a reason to allow it to unfold till our time. Safe and legal abortion as a scientific breakthrough for women/girls/females but the RCC isn’t happy about it. So the RCC came up with Hospice to counter it which is not a breakthrough but revenge.

    Also to differentiate between the first three Synoptic gospels and the Gospel of John.

    EVEN THE WORD HOSPICE has it’s own clues HO- SPICE.

    I think the solar event was an omen.

    I think the fact no one will talk about Hospice is scary kind of like not talking about incest and also a sign knowing it is evil and ignoring what Jesus said which may be detrimental to many faiths as in: their time is at hand, or nearly over, or about to be kaput by not heeding the warning offered freely 2000 years ago and meaning IMO the excuse (abortion) does not suffice for the practice of Hospice i.e. VOODOO science partially because it is premeditated murder by a cult influencing a lot of people to make bad decisions and enticing people to make those bad decisions usually in distress and harass females about abortion and hurt their families and to keep females down and out like the Taliban. I think there are a few individuals (named in Revelation) headed for destruction forever soon. The false prophet for one. even Laura InGraham may be in for a surprise. The Roman Catholic Church may defend itself using abortion as it’s excuse and it isn’t a good enough excuse. First of all two wrongs don’t make a RIGHT. Second it isn’t even comparable as stated above to Tucker Carlson. Do you really think God would want females to be the excuse for a cult gone crazy who aren’t even given true respect by the church as equals: the only thing a man can’t do is have a baby as in labor or have an abortion. JEALOUS? But oh the Catholic Church jumped on it because it is the only thing different about females and males because it is the only thing that can’t be used against the Roman Catholic Church clergy who are supposed to be celibate, but obviously aren’t.  There are jokes about their celibacy. God is not stupid, but Roman Catholicism is stupid and those that defend it and ally with it who enable it. The papacy is disgusting as are the priests, the bishops, and the cardinals and the nuns. The seven deadly sins the RCC created the RCC embody it which are the seven mountains spiritually on which the RCC sits written about in REVELation. I can’t wait to see those who persecuted my family and me about abortion get what you deserve. Honestly, I cannot wait!

    I heard the reason why a catholic decided not to be a priest and he was serious about becoming a priest and his reason was he liked women. Talk about a nutshell.

    I think Hillary Clinton is demon possessed by a big one!

    Whose idea was OCCUPY? OBAMAS!

    Never heard about it as a tactic in our country till he walked into our consciousnesses.

     You cant imagine how hard it is to see pictures of my cat or a cat that looks like my cat with the sheriff who looks like the sheriff Trump is going to absolve of something he did (which I have no idea what he is talking about)   but to see the cat in the garage door on top being smashed was tough to see. I thought the sheriff resembled quite a bit the looks of Federiko Lombardi but hair is parted on the other side kind of like Jackie Kennedy pics I  saw after she went to the Taj Mahal where everything was opposite. What did the Sheriff Joe do that needs to be excused by Trump? Is it normal? Is he being excused for animal cruelty? I have been harassed inexcusably by a lot of people on the net about my family and my sweet pet Romeo so I know I have upset people but I thought it was the right thing to do since I found information I thought was important to share. Someday those that have done these things will pay dearly for it! Very perverted shit. In this day and age when things are so hard to believe anything in the news which is where we get our information for the most part you have to wonder why is it so freakin’ weird when it wasn’t anything like this till Obama got in office and all the stuff happened with the religious leaders between them and politicians between them and the NEW WORLD ORDER attempt which seems to be the opposite and is disorder and craziness. A lot of evil and very hurtful stuff and I have never seen so many anti marches in my life so some things ain’t right and probably to deter me from my posts. Why not have a debate about my posts if it is that contentious instead of acting out in strange maniacal ways about stupid stuff. Sort of a very bad spiritual flood to eclipse the truth, seems to me. The weird things Trump has done and others and the things he wants to do don’t seem to match very well like two different worlds or two different Trumps one acting like him causing trouble and of course himself,

    With the exception for the stunts before the Iraq and Afghan incursion which didn’t make sense since we were dealing with Saudi Arabians not Iraqis or Afghanis on 9-11, which is kind of nutty but then so was the assassination of JFK and it’s findings (The Warren Commision) compared to what really happened.

    Nope, NASA didn’t say the world is going dark for 15 days in November

    There was an event but I can’t remember the circumstances involving Houston and the traffic from Houston and the traffic jam that ensued on the hwy over some kind of a weather phenomena or something similar. It happened about 15 years or more ago, maybe 20. I wish I could remember what it was, but I don’t. A few were killed because the traffic wouldn’t move and ran out of gas because of the traffic jam. Could have been fires or floods, not sure.  Could have been because of Hurricane Allison in 2001. Interesting because my sister, my little sister married a man (her second husband) who had two kids and one was named Allison but the weather phenomenon was before her divorce from the first husband and they survived and stayed off the roadways. Allison reminded me of the famous cook homemaker who ended up in prison for some kind of insider trading or her daughter if she has one. Looked like her. I only saw his daughter from a previous marriage once or twice.

    Tropical Storm Allison was a tropical storm that devastated southeast Texas in June of the 2001 Atlantic hurricane season. An arguable example of the “brown ocean effect“, Allison lasted unusually long for a June storm, remaining tropical or subtropical for 15 days, most of them over land dumping torrential rains. The storm developed from a tropical wave in the northern Gulf of Mexico on June 4, 2001, and struck the upper Texas coast shortly thereafter. It drifted northward through the state, turned back to the south, and re-entered the Gulf of Mexico. The storm continued to the east-northeast, made landfall on Louisiana, then moved across the southeast United States and Mid-Atlantic. Allison was the first storm since Tropical Storm Frances in 1998 to strike the northern Texas coastline.[1] The last news I heard about Cuba was some kind of sound attack but nothing about a hurricane:

    Medical records show U.S. diplomats in Cuba suffered brain injuries ..

    ‘Acoustic attack’ on diplomats in Cuba is worse than first thought …

    So I wonder why we didn’t hear about any storms in the area of Cuba before the Hurricane Harvey attacked Texas coast and now Louisiana. We heard about acoustic attacks in Cuba but not storms in the area. WAS IT TO HIDE SOMETHING OCCURRING IN THE GULF OF MEXICO? I DO RECALL THAT HAARP USES SOUNDS by the guy who invented it. Something having to do with the strings of a piano and how they vibrate. In one of my earlier posts I think I included the you tube and his explanations of the power it has and his worries about it being militarized.  I recall the Hurricane in New Jersey during the Obama Administration that some people are still not getting the help they needed via FEMA and other Federal assistance programs and State programs and Local programs and I wonder if it is based on someone’s religious affiliation …..If you are Roman Catholic and it’s followers the Evangelicals and others you get help faster than lets say someone who is a jew. Is it possible that FEMA could have been religiously biased during the Obama Administration so I wonder if Trumps FEMA will do better than Obama’s administration? Perhaps it is a test, a spiritual test? Sure is coincidental Obama and then Trump get tested hurricane-wise during their administration in the beginning of their tenure. Not that hurricanes aren’t a somewhat normal occurrence during certain seasons but the strength seems to have been kind of manipulated, it seems to me. What if Hurricane Harvey was a man-made storm or a H.A.A.R.P . INDUCED storm, from a place like H.A.A.R.P using microwaves heating up the atmosphere and the water hence no drones please. I hear there is a H.A.A.R.P. type place in Florida in the Everglades, is there not? I know it helps Gore’s faith and his ideas undergirding them and hence the RCC/Vatican’s as well who started this shit. I think there are more than one of those kind of installations around the world. In any case, I remember how Texans and especially the Houston area population responded to the people from Louisiana who were displaced during the Bush Administration and the Hurricane that hit Louisiana so I’m glad Hurricane Harvey moved east for the sake of Texas. It was impressive what the PEOPLE did not the government. While a weapon of war using microwaves can affect the strength of a storm I’m not sure it can affect the direction a storm takes halfway through it’s cycle.

    I think it was good that Rex Tillerson said to the press “let Trump speak for himself” as he should. Why is it such a big deal for the press to understand the meaning and instead the press think Trump and him are on the outs because he allows Trump to speak for himself? It doesn’t really make sense unless the Press know something we don’t. Anyway someone in the press said Rex Tillerson just doesn’t get it. 

    There is a monument in Israel about a harp! You can read about it in one of my blogs linked on Merangue’s Blog. It was a prophecy type monument and perhaps at the present type clues as well as to what happened to the people living in the area and had to do with Romans and a little bush/tree (mustard) and some other revealing clues like a crab or a poisonous ring type, a burning building with a triangular roof (I think) explained as a nefesh in the explanation given but could mean something else like the church because of the steeples and some other things and whoever did it used an awl to inscribe it into a stone in a hurry. The whole village I think was poisoned where it was found. On my blog linked above called Merangue’s Blog is a a few about Josephus which are also interesting and ties into it. I wonder if the burning building represents 9-11 since it is prophetic: I don’t know!

    Nikola Tesla: Father of HAARP and Electromagnetic “Climate Change”

    comparing it to nuclear weaponry.

    The unauthorized History of HAARP

    “HAARP transmits primarily on 2 frequencies: 3.39 MHZ and 6.99 MHZ.”

    Breaking News: Angels don’t play this HAARP!

    Strange Clouds Caused By HAARP: Is The U.S. Responsible For Earthquakes In Haiti, Snow Storms In Southern California & More “Freaks” Of Nature??? [Video]

    It also helps to find minerals and oil. So when you see Ted Cruz pining away for those in his area he is partially responsible for the damage, loss of homes and loss of life, IMO.

    TED CRUZ OUGHT TO COME CLEAN IF HE KNOWS WHAT IS GOOD FOR HIM! He may only have a short space. His dad was a preacher man and he sure looked like the guy in JFK’s time who blamed the people at the luncheon for the death of JFK (and was at the book depository investigating or leading the charge at the same time)

    It was subtle, but so is the devil….

    keep the faith so the faithers can keep the faithful (Generalizing that in the Sandy bill the reason Ted Cruz and others were against it was because of the pork it was said on Fox News. Notice we don’t get to know whose pork it was and what the pork was. We just hear there was all kinds of pork. ELABORATE…… EDUCATE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE! I guess the preacher named above Joel Olsteen has closed it’s doors. Joel Olsteen ought to open the doors like the SUPERDOME opened it’s doors to the people in Louisiana during Katrina. What does Michelle Malkin think he should do? He would probably get reimbursed if he did by the Federal government so I can’t imagine why he wouldn’t. Yea it was a disaster as well but the Superdome isn’t his palace dome.

    The Beast

    Anyway testing Trump or is Trump testing others? Lots of price gouging going on and hoarding of gas in other parts of the state, it stinks during a time of testing using the Hurricane Harvey and the devastation of people’s lives and their homes in the Houston area. I hope Trump does something about the price gouging besides visiting Houston much like Obama visited New Jersey and then it was hit again after it was rebuilt in some areas probably to cover up some stuff. GOVERNOR ABBOTT OUGHT TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT THE GOUGING such as threatening law suits to those who gouge the victims and fining them as well thousand times more than the gougers gouge so the gougers won’t gouge. This is his hour hope he gets a good handle on things. 

    Billy Graham and The Synoptic Dilemma: The Beast

    Greta Exclusive: A Conversation With the Rev. Billy Graham

    You might have to hit this link more than once but this is the tape/you tube of where subtly BILLY GRAHAM fitS himself in her and got to know all her parts. IT’S A FOX NEWS YOU TUBE AND IT SEEMS the fox news doesn’t want it shown probably because  I wrote about it otherwise what’s the problem? Laura InGraham my nemesis (didn’t used to be but is now) was on a show on Fox (Hannity or Tucker) talking about ANTIFA because of some kind of violent protestors who had attacked a guy who appeared on the show before her and was saved by a guy in the crowd (a press guy I think) anyway she comes on the show and starts saying how ANTIFA has been attacking for 7 months. How come I never heard her talk about them before the Charlottesville, Virginia attack of Robert E. Lee monuments when a young woman who was killed by a nut in a car supposedly though I sure didn’t see it and the mother was “magnifying” her daughter (as Mary did Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew and believe me it is related to this incident) which as I said was a strange reaction to have for your daughter being run down by a car though people act funny sometimes but her choice of words were kind of interesting. I haven’t heard about ANTIFA at all for 7 months at all only till the protest in Virginia over a monument.  By the way isn’t there a word islamic word similar to antifa? I can’t remember the word but I think it is very similar. Anyway I don’t believe Laura. I believe the guy before her interview, but not her. I think Laura InGraham is also possessed since all she gave a shit about during the election period for office of the President was the Christmas presents she would receive from Trump if he became President of the USA and abortion. Pretty and shallow. And now about shaming and psychological harassment of females who have had abortions for the RCC’s papacy and their excuse for Mother Teresa’s fascism of hospice/murder-suicide and never mentioning hospice….EVER! Anyone ask ANTIFA what they are raging about? It would be helpful to know why. Isn’t it what reporters are supposed to ask? Either we aren’t getting the same news stories…..catered for each if us, or something else. Anyway as I said the woman who supposedly lost her child and her child was magnified by being run over by a car and seemed elated by it looked like a neighbor friend of mine kind of and her daughter was indian and was adopted. I pet running into her at the store and she kept telling me that the kids at a=school and the teachers were crying all the mite because of the new teaching program they were required to do at the pubic schools and I kept reminding her she could leave the pubic school and put her child in another school. This happened twice with a 3 month space between our interactions at the store and when my daughter was pulled from school by me and my ex because she was getting bullied and ended up in the Emergency Room at the hospital. And she complained her daughter was also being bullied. I thought it was kind of funny we had to do it twice. Same conversation as if the first hadn’t occurred, but she was a school teacher and had earned her teaching degree by substituting for quite a while and it meant a lot to her to be able to teach. She was also the one that told me I could wrap myself in saran wrap. I could be wrong but her voice was the same voice (though she appeared a little bit different on tv) I heard when she talked about magnifying her dead daughter. She only had one. She also had a son though I never saw him for the whole time we lived near each other. Johnny on the spot is on his way with 5 trucks and asking for a thousand people a day to volunteer for his cult. Obviously he is asking for donations for those who can’t or don’t want to volunteer on Fox News as well though it was a subtle plea but the news anchor thanked him for his Samaritan’s Purse. I guarantee it means more to him to get those donations than those volunteers. LOL He kind of explained the work involved by phone and I guarantee most people don’t want to strip walls to the studs and probably why he explained the work involved. Franklin Graham took in Sarah Palin Governor of Alaska where three installations of H.A.A.R.P. are located under his EVIL ANGEL WINGS around the time Obama got elected and she was just entertainment since Obama was gonna get elected no matter what. I wonder does he know something we don’t know? He doesn’t lack for some kinds of knowledge where land is concerned. I think Japan still needs help as well as New Jersey for the ones that FEMA ignored. I bet the people would appreciate those donations from Franklin Graham’s Samaritans Purse while the flood from Hurricane Harvey is still in a life saving mode.

    I guarantee there are better weapons than HAARP:) My cat for instance. Animals are God’s creatures too. I don’t know why I saw him walking down the hallway during the tornado the day after Christmas because it was pitch black it was just what I saw and then soon he was dead by the hands of others as far as I’m concerned or they wouldn’t have said the things that were said. calling mea bitch say I hate your guts and and the girl who made me suspicious of her talking about white dots in her eyes when she was drunk and he had white dots in his left lung which the vet said should not have prevented him from breathing to the extent it did  since he had another side of the lung and didn’t know what the dots were and then some other things as well. I talked about him sitting at the window the day of the tornado which was unusual the window that exploded from a beam trying to make it into the house but didn’t. It was pretty day though before the tornado came following my ex’s car from where he worked to the home he rents as if by tracking his cell phone. (side by side) It was weird. I have been trying to tell everyone that Benghazi has something to do with the cell phone. For one thing, at the State Department the terrorists at Benghazi had the passwords to the State Department cell phones. HOW? Second because cell phones are used to track people. When my sister had her accident the one her husband tweeted to her friends “his dear wife had had an accident” (they have a lot of deer in the area) not saying she was unconscious, and I guess she was rear ended by some vehicle into another vehicle. I found out he had a tracker on her that I learned of before the accident. I forget how I found out about it but he also told her son he was guarding her jokingly which she told me about on the last trip i was with her at her home to see my mom. third, because of the picture of the man with the cell phone in his mouth was a sign holding what is supposed to be Christopher Stevens. So our State Department or people ensconced in the State Department can track people and perhaps someone in the Houston area was being tracked. Weather people can track storms ……terrorists can certainly track people using computers and cell phones and then the SONIC attack on the US government officials in Cuba. How many clues do we need? Yea, cell phones come in handy often times like when my daughter was left in a parking lot of a mall at night after hours an hour away by her so called friend (who also caused a scene with her friend in front of the house when my ex was away at a funeral in Michigan calling him as well to confront us about some clothes she had swapped or something stupid acting like maniacs in front of our home while we were out doing some stuff together as mother and daughter and having a good time together to quell our good time together for that day. How do I know she knew it and he knew it: the cell phone. WHY DID SHE CALL THE EX? WHY DID SHE PARK THE CAR ON ANOTHER ROAD DOWN THE STREET?: To hide her car from us so when we got home so she might attack us but we accidentally saw the car parked on another road and decided not to go home and had to deal with her and the ex via cell phones confronting their tactics and they succeeded to ruin our time together. Psychological hassle and a half from a bitch and a half. He agreed with her and her tactics and we stood our ground because it was INSANE. Let me tell you something SHE NEVER CALLED ME and even after the cat died or before I can’t remember the order of it but have it written in another post I told him to keep her away from the house because I didn’t trust her but she was still friends with my daughter who still hadn’t caught on to her games before the attack in front of the house and when I went to the hospital she spent the night. He ignored my warning. I think it may have been when my cat was aspired. She left clues all over the place like her dad was mechanic yet he didn’t fix her car. She was from Bosnia but when she returned to Croatia she was gonna be rich, etc. Her mom tried to kill herself by slicing her own throat. etc which meant she was under some kind of control or something. I doubt her mother slit her own throat but someone might have threatened her and her husband and her daughter and sister in order to do things they would not normally do and last but not least she said I was a milf complimenting me but as time went I realized she was possessed and I saw it in her face and in her eyes between me and my daughter. She was jealous of our relationship when they were in my powder room and I said something about helping her get a 4 track via the ex and that I would talk to the ex about helping her with her talent and she got weird and I knew something wasn’t right in her head. She brought it up and I was attempting to help her with which she obviously wasn’t interested in or was lying about. Maybe something going on with the ex b/c the ex sided with her often against me like someone else I know about a painting I painted with my own hands and talent my mom taught me I found hanging on her wall without a word about it until I made a stink about it and she wanted to swap it for something. How do you deal with a person who wants to swap with you something you accomplished for something else. It was UNREAL. It was unreal to see it on her wall and unreal to go through what I went through to get it back and then she said it wasn’t worth fighting over when she finally relinquished it. NOT A NICE PERSON and I don’t know how she got to this point. I really can’t imagine what made her get the way she got except the BGEA must have influenced her mindset and possessed her and I’m hoping she learns and gets away from it somehow and remembers the family that loved her: her parents and her siblings and remembers for the sake of the kids. Her peers could care less if push comes to shove. Who else would get on a beach in broad daylight and soak their hair with olive oil together. NOT HER PEERS. Not miss sparks nor miss caine/kane. Nope and it was your idea. But then who would buy an I Dream of Jeannie outfit for your trip  to Saudi Arabia so you could wear it or where ever you went when you went around the world with your soon to be husband. Your mom. Your family put up with a lot from you. The ex and I were supposed to be friends amicable divorce (NO FAULT DIVORCE) from a catholic which turned out not to to be amicable but something all together weird and untenable, unstable, sadistic, unkind, and a prison in many ways. I remember over hearing him a voice in his head SHE WILL NEVER LEAVE when i was given the talent and I discarded it for a different talent because I will leave partially because my mom told me I should when I saw her on one of my visits to see her she said a voice inside her head said “you should leave” in response to my sister and I singing HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY TALK etc LOL from South Pacific the musical. Sounds weird but the voice probably was my dad anyway THEY are working it out for me eventually when the time is right and it isn’t right YET. I have been barraged with many setbacks and attacks of all kinds but it won’t succeed in the end. I think there are reasons for the setbacks having to do with others who need the time to learn and access the information they receive so it isn’t for me the setbacks but for you and I have to cope for a while till it is the right time for me. It’s for me as well but I don’t really like it much but I tolerate it. It hasn’t been fun: it has been VERY hard so I know what it is like to lose the things you love but I plan to get them back eventually SELECTIVELY in that it won’t include the sadistic mother fucker who starved his mom to death with the help of his brothers for the church of Rome and doesn’t seem to think it is wrong even when I tell him what Jesus said he still doesn’t get it. The ex even calls me sometimes some kind of a name which isn’t mine or that he ever called me while we were married for many years about 35 years an affectionate name and it’s weird to say the least when he does it especially after his attempts to have me annihilated, lol and his attitude about me towards me at the oddest of times MOST OF THE TIME. He doubles my name but without the ending that my parents called me. kind of weird like he is possessed sometimes like when he mocked me in the powder room and doesn’t remember it, but I DO REMEMBER! He said he would never do that and he did. ONe thing I do know is I’m not the only one that knows he did it which helps me via a sign of some kind. Last weird conversation we had was about the Game of Thrones and the last episode which was quite interesting to say the least and I mentioned the imagery of the dragon with frost fire burning down the I won’t say because some haven’t seen it yet but how it reminded me of MOSES and the Red Sea but he thought I was weird for saying it and I said I was beginning to hate these women in power in the show one of which got rid of a slime ball in the movie and he jumped on it and said “it isn’t real.” DUH I know it’s a movie but I thought the imagery was interesting anyway in comparison to the Old Testament. It was a strange reaction to something I noticed about a movie: It was like WOW how weird are our conversations we can’t even talk about a movie without an argument of some kind and he compared it to the movie of Moses parting the Red Sea and how he parted it in the movie vs how the Frost-fire dragon did his deed in the series The Game of Thrones which hopefully we all will get to see the last part of the series next year I guess and it’s interesting characters and all the very unique plots and it’s amazing cinematography. The last scene was quite interesting though a predictable one, a hopeful one or two. I hope I didn’t give the contents of the show away to anyone who hasn’t been able to watch it. I hate people who give away a movie before it is seen though I still ask when I am the one who hasn’t t seen it. Pretty good show. Sorry for the detour! Then to top it off I find out my brother-in-law on his third divorce lost half his pension to a woman he didn’t even have kids with. The first two marriages he had 2 kids in the first marriage and one in the second and the third he didn’t have any. He just told me and I DON’T BELIEVE IT! especially since he paid for my ex’s trip by plane up north to Michigan and back again for a day or two to play a concert for 50 or so people/friends. Sorry I don’t believe it. It has to be some kind of trick as usual. His third wife was not like the type to do that IMO. I got to know her a tiny bit in NORTH CAROLINA (BGEA territory where Billy Graham raised his family) and there has to be a catch. Probably a payoff of some kind, a bribe. The time he was I’m Michigan my daughter received a message from the possessed girl from Bosnia in Colorado while he was up north again in Michigan and there seems to be a pattern because the last time she called he was up north in Michigan at a funeral he attended of his mom or brother I think his mom, some kind of illusion having to do with Michigan, the ex, the girl from Bosnia, and the cell phone to cover up something or mix it up to be indiscernible. He does it about a lot of things especially miracles. the car door. the birds. the cat. He hates miracles that happen to me and covers up the miracles with BS and stages shit to cover it up. Ain’t no way a third marriage of a couple of years without kids could take half his pension without some kind of debauchery and trickery. His pension from a union  where he worked as a UTILITY MAN at a car manufacturer. Something is definitely up with it. A Utility man does all the jobs when someone doesn’t show up otherwise they get drunk and call people at work as Brian did. ) which is why cars cost more than cars should and she had a tiny bit of juice left at the parking lot to call us but barely so we could pick her up but cell phones can also be used for terrorism. Same thing with installations like H.A.A.R.P. in the wrong hands can be used to terrorize. It was psychological terror for us because she was trying to start a fight with my daughter over a few pieces of cloth: Like the SHROUD OF TURIN a fake because it is one cloth and there were two in the cave where Jesus was buried; one for the head and one for the body but Catholics and the mob don’t read the bible like our Congress don’t read bills that they sign such as Obama Care when their darling Nancy Pelosi says not to read it but sign it causing trouble down the road for everyone even themselves and have VERY little respect for the Gospel of John. FEED MY SHEEP JESUS said at the Sea of Galilee and what does the mob and Catholics do? the RCC saints Mother Teresa for Hospice/Murder/Suicide and lauds her work of evil and calls the Jesuit pope who sainted her his holiness so why is it hard to believe ISIS is RC inspired and funded by the RC Jesuit pope and ISIS is also it’s henchmen? So hence I think she had something to do with my cat and whatever was in his lung possibly using a straw like the one that chose the 13th apostle. I wrote earlier animals are God’s creatures and that he uses them as well such as the 153 fish that were caught at the Sea of Gallilee which are God’s creatures as well and such as the


    not to mention but I will:

    the dung beetle named after Darwin found in Costa Rica

    I think it’s a clue.

    Presidential complex:

    Trumps mother was with him from the beginning: Is Trump gonna pardon her, too?



    Had a conversation in the car with the ex and he said he thought God had forsaken mankind because of what is going on in Texas and Louisiana, not just once but a few times and after talking about the hoarding and price gouging going on in Texas such a medication and gasoline. My medication went up ten dollars in less than a few weeks or so. I guess Governor Greg Abbott has lost control of his state and is failing as a governor of the state of Texas or these things would not be occurring in other parts of the state because of what is occurring in South Texas Houston area. Anyway forsaken” kind of sounds like Jesus on the cross in the Synoptic Gospels. Why hast thou forsaken me?….I said I don’t think God has forsaken me, nor my parents, nor my kids. And he said “Oh, just you?” And I said “did I say just me?” Then I put the blame on Mother Teresa and her suicide/murder cult of the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH and Pope Francis sainting Mother Teresa because of her HOSPICE/MURDER/SUICIDE (no one wants to talk about) and he poo-pooed it denying it’s importance and I said “read revelation and what Jesus said at the Sea of Galilee: Feed my sheep. ” He said he doesn’t think he meant it that way but meant it spiritually. I said he fed his sheep physically and spiritually. I said “Read what happens to the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH in Revelation describing the whore of BABY-lon.” And he kind of denied it and I said “I thought you weren’t Roman Catholic anymore (he gave it up years ago he said at least while we were dating and before we were married and for many years after). I asked “Why are you defending the Roman Catholic Church?”

    I can answer that

    HE LIED.

    Why Callest Thou Me Good?

    Also noticed a guy who I think might have been threatened physically who sells gasoline because he is using crutches and he wasn’t before the gasoline hoarding a day ago obviously there is kind of a UNION mentality/mob tactics in the sale of gasoline at different stations causing strife in other parts of the state of Texas using gasoline as it’s weapon against the population. I hope Greg Abbott gets his act together and handles the situation better since it is ridiculous it is occurring because of some flooding in Houston. I don’t recall this happening when Hurricane Rita occurred in the state of Louisiana which was just as devastating or more: 44 people have died in this hurricane compared to 120 people who died during the Hurricane Rita in Louisiana and 117 died in the Hurricane Sandy and so far we are doing better in that aspect of this disaster but I doubt Governor Abbot is responsible for the life saving part of THIS disaster: I think the military has certainly done a good job as the people involved neighbor helping neighbor etc so why isn’t Governor Abbott doing better? Allocating funds isn’t enough.

    All it takes is for the governor to put a stop to it so why hasn’t he put a stop to it? Is he Roman Catholic, too or is he just very weak knee’d.

    It isn’t ROCKET SCIENCE!

    Price gouging can be halted if Governor Abbott was actually governing. What is a governors job criteria. A wheel chair?  What is a Senator’s criteria? A blind eye and gimp arm? I don’t mean to be insensitive but maybe there is a reason an oak tree fell on him. Talk about a freak accident while he was jogging?

    Maybe Governor Greg Abbott shouldn’t be the Governor of Texas!

    I ran into an oak tree limb once and it hurt….. can I be Governor?

     Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven

    How is it That Ye Do Not Understand?

    (My apologies to Senator Inouye who I think truly was a hero and his death (probably induced) and funeral were used as an excuse for a vacation in Hawaii during the devastation of Hurricane Sandy for the Obamas.) IN the bible it talks about in the end times that there is a character who gets people involved in crafts. Craft will increase in his hand. I have written quite a bit about my mother in law but when her husband who fought in WWll got shrapnel in his knee. At least I was told this. Ended up having multiple heart attacks and eventually died from the damage each attack had on his heart, He was Catholic and why she became catholic. It caused problems between her and her mom who was some other religion and I guess against Roman Catholics. At christians she would buy her daughter’s husband (my ex’s dad) something nominal like a box of cherries and I guess was more lavish with the rest of the family. Not sure but he might have fought on D-day. I’ll find out later. He had a gas station and was mechanic a very good one I hear and was a very nice man and went out of his way to do a good job. When he died every time she had trouble with her car mechanics would take advantage of her being a female and overcharge her and finally her sons got involved in trying to nix it. It was very unfair. Her church ignored her even though while he was alive she brought in two catholic foster daughters of a family who had 24 kids or some UNGODLY amount in which they could not afford to keep them with them and couldn’t take care of them so she took them into her home for the RC church and this went on for a short time. Birth control is a responsibility the RCC wants to control instead of the families and teaches bullshit about it deceiving people to have more kids than the family can handle and then kills them later with hospice as an avenue to hospice whomever they are offended by or feel threatened by. The Ten Commandments teaches the opposite. Teaches us to honor our parents and our children and not the church since it doesn’t EVEN mention the church. Not a good sign for the church. After the husband died the church acted like she was nothing/useless etc. She was a WAC in the army and probably how she met her husband I believe and I think in charge of airline direction, a flight (I can’t remember what you call them but that is what she did for a while air traffic controller for airplanes is what I heard). Her husband said some weird stuff to her like “you aren’t pretty but good for having babies” and she had 5 boys and probably a few miscarriages in between some as most women do not always aware of it but it’s the way it is. My mom I think also had one or two in between her kids.  Another thing he said was she should have been where he was when he was dying but he was dying and people probably do weird things or say weird things when they are dying because of their sadness, pain and suffering, drugs and their minds might be in some kind of limbo. He may not have meant it. When I was out of it for three days in limbo brought on by the dye of a CAT scan test so I was told but I don’t think it is how it happened because of some memories I had but I couldn’t prove it (I think it happened in the emergency vehicle I was in and was given something something I should not have been given by a spiritual enemy and friend of his that he used to play gigs with who may have been trying to berry a castle, LOL anyway it looked like him but I know there are some who can look like others. Does a leopard change it’s spots? Nevertheless that is what i saw and remember and I think  the reason for it is IMO to mix up some events in my life for his sake like the Merella coincidences calls while he is up north. A COVERUP for attempted murder of me some how I survived again, a reoccurring nightmare for him, LOL but I still don’t want to take a chance just in case I’m wrong as far as the CAT Scan dye is concerned. How many guys would house their ex-wife and live with their ex-wife without sex for years and with out benefits without pleasure of any kind which I believe he receives somehow from somewhere else for some reason but eventually the clock is gonna stop. Obviously I am being guarded, as a religious-political prisoner. Honestly he really does hate my guts. Some kind of deal was made, bribery or something, possibly blackmail and I think it has to do with armageddon and Rome wants to win but won’t. Too many attempts to be a coincidence and hoping I will capitulate and  won’t which has to do with my parents and God. They were really that good! every attempt is another nail in his coffin! because he doesn’t believe in God, obviously or that God has eyes to see and ears to hear, and a heart or mind to know)  and I went into respiratory failure and was out of it three days and said some stuff I don’t remember but was told as I was coming to I was talking about ice dripping etc. People aren’t always in their right minds. When I was really sick the first time I was on all kinds of medication and had PTSD and said some really bad stuff to the nurses so much so another nurse had to calm down a nurse who I maligned in my deliriousness blaming her for things that belonged elsewhere. Ever since my divorce from my ex I have been treated very badly by some people and of course before I got divorced I was treated very badly by some people for other reasons. I recall hearing about a catholic actor who was very famous who had an affair with a woman actress and the church wouldn’t let him divorce his wife. Both very famous. That was a long time ago and he was an old man by the time I was a kid but I heard stories about it via Hollywood news. Divorce has increased in our day and many people get a way with it and others don’t. Some get them annulled and give UNDUE patronage to the RCC by doing so. I didn’t because I’m not catholic nor ever will be nor ever will remarry and if I remarried it won’t be a catholic person which is tough because there are so many and they lie about their allegiance to it. Anyway back to craft increasing in his hand…. Hand usually means time biblically i.e. in his time. I always or most of the time thought it meant witchcraft when I read it and it might mean that as well but could have other meanings also. Since Obama got in to office many women have been held back, berated, bullied etc. I know when I got married before Obama was president many years ago I stayed home with the kids because I thought I was supposed to was partially the reason and I didn’t want to give the opportunity to someone else because i wasn’t trusting of others in that regard and because I had not developed skills and wasn’t interested in many I could have attempted. I rarely had my kids baby sat because I did not trust many people and my sister fell through on her promises. I had many jobs but I wasn’t happy in for the most part and I went to college for a few years and still hadn’t found my talent. Sort of  jack of all trades kind of student but I learned a lot regardless and that learning helped me with my writing because I have a basic knowledge of many things except astronomy for science majors and know I know I am not a prolific writer but I have a lot to write about such as personal knowledge which I believe is helpful to some and bible knowledge as well though it is quite controversial. In public schools as a kid I was a wreck. I wanted to play and explore, ride horses, etc and then later I liked boys too much as did my friends. I didn’t learn very much in public schools but we moved around a lot being an army brat so it might have been part of the problem and part of the success as well and I think I might have had a learning disability to some extent. I couldn’t pay attention and after lunch I would fall asleep in class and it got so bad a teacher took his yard stick and slammed it on my desk to wake me up in biology class. I don’t know for sure but he might have broken his yard stick and his face was red as could be ( I was probably snoring loudly) but I woke up. I skipped school a bunch and got into trouble for being a freak and smoking pot, cigarettes, drinking, etc. which was during the time my dad was in Vietnam fighting for our country. I was kind of hard on my mom. As a young kid I was almost deaf and overcame it, but I lacked wanting to learn and until I got to college I wasn’t interested. I found out I wasn’t stupid when I finally got into college and could learn and had choices. I took an anatomy and physiology of the brain course and learned about the human body and got an A so I was convinced I had brains finally but I still messed around too much. As things deteriorated in my life I learned a lot as I was determined to find out why things happened and why the world was in such mess. Kind of started with my family when our family deteriorated for many reasons I have expounded upon. When I was between 18-20 years old or so my older sister took me to a crystal ball lady once (a fortune teller) and she told me I would have many men in my life and was gonna be a writer. I could believe the first part but the second seemed outlandish since I hated writing. I didn’t even like writing letters, or diaries. I didn’t like reading them either. I didn’t much care for reading as a whole. I hadn’t found much I enjoyed literally. I liked poetry to some degree if it was understandable. Some poetry sucks even the famous ones who are too out there I do not find much interest in but every once in a while a poem gets to me like the one above in this post. I did not enjoy trying to discern the writing of ( I can’t remember it but it was ridiculous to me) lots of unds and strange words I was not interested in understanding or interpreting. I will add his name later when I look it up when I have the time to bother with it. Real early stuff. Germanic NORSE writings. Something everyone learns in high school or has to ENDURE in high school. I didn’t learn it but endured it with a few naps. Songs do the same sometimes and some are really great depending on the artist. All along my talent was art and music to some degree. I love playing classical guitar for myself and taught myself for the most part to read music and to play. My mom got me interested early on in art as a kid and later in life and I found out I was prolific (IN MY ESTIMATION) portrait artist of animals and people in a few mediums. My mom and her family were very good at art and portraits and landscapes as well. My mom developed her own style in portraiture and loved learning about art processes especially in porcelain and she taught me what she could when she could. I was more of a realist in my portraiture and developing a style which takes time but my time was cut short having to move and not having access to my kiln’s usage because of having to install the right electricity etc and not knowing how long I would be in a place in order for the investment to be a waste and forgot a lot of stuff over the years without being able to do it because we had to move when divorced and the ex went bankrupt over his DREAM HOME and I got very sick. I plan to get back into it but have been learning a new skill making jewelry and hoping to combine the two someday and teach my mom someday and my girls. Had an excellent sign recently and my GOOD fortune (my own) isn’t too far away. In advertising many people star in often times they do it for the money and because of their fame are used to sell a product without knowing the consequences or the business or the product they sell which is purposeful on the part of the company usually. Same goes with movies often times which often are propaganda. Probably the same for the press for some.  By the way what happened to Eric Bolling? The rest of Fox news doesn’t seem to be affected whatsoever by it. I guess there is always someone to fill the spot like another Johnny on the spot Laura InGraham. I don’t think anyone can fill his shoes as to what he brought to the table such as common sense which probably got him into trouble and maybe whether he knows it or not he might have touched on something to close for comfort LOL politically. Like I think he might have been a threat to political correctness and it’s many weak adherents who are deceived usually to some degree. I find myself equivocating often on some things I finally realize is a false appeasement but I do try to consider as many aspects as I can which is important but in our country and the world it has gotten ridiculous inch by inch. So many on the shows of Fox are either POLITICALLY CORRECT and don’t think it is possible they actually are politically correct to the nth degree but they are or are religious fanatics like Laura InGraham. I felt the same about Andrea Tantaros, too, who was quite a good part of Fox. Both quality and qualified unlike most of the others, but a few! I’m sure dick head (my description) and BLOWHARD as my dad called O’reilly who is a Jesuit I’m sure of it by his own description of the Jesuits and their ideas about discipline, not like the military discipline (mind you which can be very good for most people, and are not the same kind discipline) probably has something to do with both losses to our national wellbeing press-wise. Still no one talks about Hospice which I think nationally it is a BIG MISTAKE! So big it might overtake our country if we don’t uncover it and because of the warning Jesus gave 2000 years ago about feeding his sheep/lambs. THREE TIMES. I know the editing part of the press is probably partially to blame and stupidity is the other. Back to my art I started to get concerned about a certain chemical in a certain metal that is harmful to the health after reading about it online and questioned a company about it and they said in a letter they do not carry such items with those chemical affects and yet the metal I used to buy the most became un-available and un-buyable right after my inquiry about it which I thought was weird. Also when dealing with fine silver I was having immense trouble doing what looked so easy to accomplish on TV and in you tubes and had learned about solder infused silver and realized that is why it looks so easy on you tubes and not so easy in real life. Reminded me of the mechanics after my mother-in-laws husband died. Like lead paint was a problem for a long time and I guarantee the military had it’s UNfair share of the poisoning in their homes with their kids. Often though people doing those you tubes don’t realize they may be being used and it might hurt people psychologically and as far as the metal I was referring to physically putting many people in harms way who are looking for a new profession eventually using their artistic talent delayed often by childrearing and because jobs are scarce for some people especially women who are still paid less than men for the same work or not paid at all as if bearing kids and teaching kids is a duty or like my ex when we were married paid his brothers but didn’t pay me for dangerous work some of the time when he couldn’t do it on a three story roof with very bad angled and bad designed roof accommodating a window for the person living in the house to be able to see their neighbors house 10 feet away and took it for granted because he injured himself falling in an empty septic tank pit out in the country at a spa. He jackknifed his back stepping off the plank he was using and luckily he was given free therapy at the spa the one we finished a whole barn of shops and a huge workout center, bathroom etc in one night. Stayed up the whole night to do it and got a huge splinter under my thumb sanding and prepping that gushed blood. The paint was wet but it was done in one 24 hour period with three people and one petered out but we did it. His name was Matthew. I worked my ass off as I have regarding my posts on my blogs for years trying to teach and tell people what’s going on and I’m sure it isn’t easy for others but someone had to do it. If what happened to my family which was very UNFAIR and UNDESERVED and (much like getting bombed at Pearl Harbor) a surprise attack which was CRUEL and UNUSUAL happened to your family hopefully you would do the same. We were a great family in our way and beset upon with a few problems which could have been handled much better than it was especially during the siege against us but because of the siege against us it made it worse then it had to be but as the attack on Pearl Harbor ended with a huge victory. The twin towers hasn’t had a victory yet. Iraq and Afghanistan were not victories over what occurred in New York and to our country. We are still in a weird war possibly called armageddon which is supposed to be  thousand years long, but as my ex would say and most catholics have been taught “a thousand years is a day as a day is a thousand years.” So no telling how long it is gonna take. Might be a lot shorter. I think it is even more than WWll we are having to go through and we will win, my family including my parents, eventually my siblings and their families and even my pets, BUT NOT MY EX.  if anyone thinks I care….I DON’T CARE. He just called me evil over a pound of beef and says the past is irrelevant. OH IS IT? NO…. the past is not irrelevant. I’m sure he wished it was irrelevant, but it’s not. Said I should look in the mirror and that he looks at himself in the mirror everyday. LIke father like son. He doesn’t think I’m pretty. LOL. He did when I was young, but not now and I was pretty when i was young and not now. I’m older. I gave my beauty to my kids like most moms do to their girls. Guys don’t have to. They don’t change from a size 8 to to a  size 20 in a matter of months. Their bones don’t need to expand in order to allow a 8-13 pounder come out their asses though my brother-in-law tried when he was in Germany after eating a bunch of brackwurst and sauerkraut or whatever it was that he ate and probably was an all you can eat affair which was a lot I heard and I heard how he had to cut it in half in order to dispose of it through the toilet with some tool he found in the hotel room they stayed at. My ex hospiced his mom for a couple of computers and a car to impress his daughter and to soil her in his way using guilt by association and tried to do the same to me and I refused a new computer and took his used one that he promised months before when he got a new one not knowing his intent. She is not soiled by it because she is a child still in many ways and loves her dad for no good reason. He doesn’t deserve her love. also is doing the same by my imprisonment which is why I refused a vacation with him because it was his intent to associate me with being free and desiring his aid when I’m not at this time free because of the NWO and the NWreligion and politically correct crap being forced upon many as if I’m in on it and condone it and I don’t. THAT IS EVIL. Starved his mom to death though he wasn’t there he instructed and did it in absentia getting information off the web knowing how long it would take and from his brothers. I tried to get him to see her before she died and he didn’t want to waste the money but would rather see her dead after the deed was done because it was proper and could fool some of the people some of the time and go to the funeral and probable played his sax for some reason. Said his brothers told him to wait till she was dead. HOW INSANE. I don’t believe him either. Most people would rather see their parent alive before death and not go to a funeral just to tell them you love them. NOT MY EX. He would rather be seen at the funeral. I think you call it fluff: pomp and circumstance crap. HE IS FUCKED because I am not going to help him get through if I could I wouldn’t. He is using me but I have to wait for the right time and it is coming I can tell BIG TIME. THANK GOD. Talks about trailer trash…his mom lived in a trailer. Talks about sluts and he gang banged a girl from his town and talks about abortion as if against them and he counted on the fat slut to have one if she got pregnant. HIS WORDS. A TOTAL ROMAN CATHOLIC mother fucker and a FAKE. Did he look in the mirror when he mocked me in the powder room and lied about it and all the other lies. He has a lot of friends more than I have. I think mine are better. My dad said I’m in good company. I believe him. All the hours I put in to get jobs done when he couldn’t or along side him was never appreciated as I later found out. Whether or not Trump gets our country working again seems to have hit some tests along the way testing him and others in retaliation possibly for winning the election. I have never seen any president take so much guff as I have seen him take and also dish out in return tweeting I guess. I think there is something to be said for the 7 trumpets of Revelation and people ought to consider the possibility they are being tested as well and I think a lot of people are failing the tests. As far as the metal is concerned I can’t say for sure if it is true or not…..GOD KNOWS. But I do know I have been helped regardless and I appreciate the help in their ways. IF it is why the product is no longer sold I wouldn’t know who to blame ….the company, the buyers, who sells them the product, or some individual. Who knows and I surely don’t have the money to find out nor do I want to ruin a company over something that may have been caused by some insiders. I really like the company I just don’t like the mystery about the product. I think it is kind of weird. But I guess I won’t solder that particular metal and will use it for the sound or if I do I will have the precautions I need observed. I don’t appreciate the main advertisement online either about it. I think it is demeaning and meant to be since e females do most of the investing in their art. I have no idea who is in charge of advertising but I think since most people who buy from the company are learning it isn’t nice. Just a friendly tip for the good of the company vs the bad in the company. Can’t say if it is a colossal lark type coincidence either but the timing was weird and some of the comments such as “It came down to the wire” by an uncertain and one of the three faces of Bret. In the bible of the new Testament in Paul’s letters to someone talking about who was with him (Luke) and about a guy named Mark who they took along on their escapades who wouldn’t work because he was lazy was the excuse but I think there was more to it than the excuse. The RCC labels people lazy and yet they have people who actually two people one to hold the bible and one to turn the pages on a bible for the pope to read as if he can’t memorize a line or two which is about all they offer the people they teach when on their missions to different countries which is not feeding lambs or sheep in the spiritual sense….not even milk. Feeding BULLSHIT. They have ANOTHER person who keeps the pope’s braid straight on his back as if it HURSTS, german for HEARST, to see a braid blowing in the wind when honoring some people. It’s worse than the Texas AGGIES and the jokes made about texans.

    The person I’m referring to is Georg Ganswein

    which by the way means pig swine or pig’s wine or both.

    Pastor Warns Hurricanes Will Hit Cities That Don’t Repent ‘Sexual Perversion’

    Did he mention the Vatican? Of course not, because he is afraid the Vatican is God and the Vatican is not God though the Vatican does try hard to act like it. God has a surprise for them though it shouldn’t be a surprise in that

    “it is written.”

    Blowin in The Wind – Bob Dylan

    Had a good sign (actually a few) for me to continue as I have been doing and I know my day will come soon. I can’t wait. Thank you darlin’, my sweetie pie. Gonna go shopping for a yacht hopefully for a while because we enjoyed it with my dad who took us often and we are gonna make some inventions with his skills in engineering as well. It’s gonna be fun and I can’t wait to smell the ocean as well

    while Trump is heaping praise for the governor of Texas ahead of schedule since only a few days have passed since the storm hit Texas. Amazing but hopefully the Governor will live up to the praise he received. Doesn’t he have anything better to do than receive praise ahead of doing anything yet? It’s like pumping up the team before the game begins which is not or shouldn’t be necessary regarding a hurricane disaster since it’s not a game. What did the people in the past do without television coverage when a hurricane reeked havoc but we sure are having a lot of bad ones lately sort of on a regular schedule for each new president of the USA. Weird, huh as if it were a new weapon against property owners. However prayers are important, but I don’t think we need to have a prayer day. Shall we have a laying of hands on each other as well like is done in Ohio for the candidates before an election and it sure didn’t stop a hurricane on the horizon to be testing those who do. Next thing you know someone will ask for a moment of silence and we have certainly had plenty of silence in regards to Hospice, haven’t we? It’s not the fault of many of the people in Texas who don’t know yet because no one will tell them the truth about it because of fear, but not the right kind of fear.

    So much for the church, eh?

    I didn’t need a prayer day to pray my way for the people of Texas and nor should you.

    Now a faith based religion says God allowed us to have a storm to bring us together (Can you repeat that?) and I guess H.A.A.R.P. had nothing to do with it. Already building up some of the structures damaged which is very quick and unbelievable since the flood waters have to recede and is still occurring. First you have to dry it before you can build it. Lots of false news and the ex said there is a gas shortage all over the USA. HMMMM.

    And still no mention about hospice!

    Except on Fox news with an adoration story about Mother Teresa about feeding sheep which is not cool! I won’t link it because it’s BULLSHIT.

    Sure a lot of talk about faith based churches lately as if in a war of contrition? Not talk about churches, but faith-based churches. I wonder why? I don’t really wonder why because I know why. Ten years ago no one called the churches faith based, and now it’s the MO of the church and the press to call themselves faith based. Isn’t it weird how the faith baed church betrays even themselves? It’s like a pandemic reaction to the:


    Fox is asking for it and begging for it but I don’t think Fox will like it especially on a day like today.

    Max Boot sure sounds like Franklin Graham, doesn’t he? Saw him on the Tucker debate show debating about foreign policy. Never heard of Max Boot before but his voice is almost identical. I wonder.

    The ex went at me tonight verbally telling how much he hates me and how much of a bitch I am at dinner time over 25 dollars and we sparred back and forth about his mom and how he hospiced her and his denials of how it went down and I wanted to say more but held back my temper. I wanted to ask him ‘Is this our anniversary or something?’ He proved my earlier point about the RCC practice of religious/political prisoners and why in the world I am here? Know what I mean? I don’t know how long it will last: this kind of situation but hopefully not too much longer! So I played on my computer so he could hear the song by

    John Paul Young: Love is in the The Air

    Anyway, I’m sure my mom and dad are looking down upon the situation shaking their heads. I bet his mom is too after I saw what I saw of her. She can’t be very happy where she is and how she looked almost as if she had had a lobotomy (JFK’s sister had had a lobotomy, but I don’t know why but I think it had to do with their dad possibly to shut her up. I don’t know but it used to be a procedure used against people usually females) and she acted like it too. I don’t know why I was allowed to see it, but I was. It was at Parkland Hospital. On the other hand I saw my mom for a second and she looked great and was excited about something and I think my dad was right behind her. It was only a moment but perhaps to give me hope when things like our dinner together happen. LOL and to let me know I’m on the right side! It helps, those moments. I reflect on those kind of things to keep going on with my mission and theirs. Maybe it was my mother-in-laws reward! An exchange? The first time she was in the hospital for something serious before the time she was starved to death by Hospice I talked to her son John her second oldest son the hospital would not allow him information and he couldn’t figure it out. He worked for ALCOA in Iowa in a pretty nice job. I told him over the phone perhaps the oldest son who was still alive at the time but died soon after was in charge of her estate and her welfare and made those kind of arrangements or something since he was the oldest but I have no idea their arrangements and he kind of thought about it. I wonder why John was allowed to get information and see her the time she did die. Sort of discrepancy but maybe it was a different hospital the second time or perhaps there was some kind of deception going on to test someone like my ex. Anyway my ex said John was the one that said that his mom pulled the feeding tube from her somehow and then the youngest my ex had said when she worked at an old folks homes as a bookkeeper she said she did not want to be treated the way the people were treated to him in the past in some conversation they had probably after his dad and her husband died on their trip so I guess it was decided she would be the poster girl for HOSPICE and MOTHER FUCKING TERESA and the RCC and it’s papacy and because she loved the mystery of the RCC: I don’t think it reaps a good reward. Just a friendly observation. I think the mystery is you get fucked over! What is weird about it is in the CBS News reporting which I transcribed couple of times there SEEMs to be some kind of exchange references and I took note of it. You might want to read about it because sometimes you miss stuff listening or seeing because your mind can’t possibly take it all in and get the meaning. I watched, transcribed and I snapshotted much of the films left behind so my mind could take it in and I caught a lot of stuff no one else did if you want to look on Merangue’s Blog at the transcriptions of the Assassination of JFK by CBS News if you are interested. It’s your soul so do what you think is appropriate. Parkland was where I almost died the first time and was a turning point in my life. I did my homework in a few areas one was the JFK assassination and the gospels and some of the old testament and did some comparing and it helped me and realized it was intertwined with the Vatican 11 ( I think there have been more but it is what the RCC called it LOL in an attempt to keep and hold on to power at the Vatican because the Vatican had lost WWll and some power and when the USA beat the shit out of them , LOL), Opus Dei and Neocatechumenal Way, Ecumenicalism as if the RCC would share power and other things going on at the time of the assassination of JFK and including the attempt to give pre-eminence to the Gospel of Matthew for some reason. If the RCC believed The Gospel of Matthew was truly pre-eminent why worry about it? Well there is a prophecy about a false covenant in the Book of Daniel that’s why. There was a covenant made at the Last Supper in the synoptic Gospels (Matthew Mark and Luke) is another reason why. IF a false covenant was prophesied in the Book of Daniel more than likely the false covenant would be included also in the bible, wouldn’t it or what’s the point of the prophecy on Daniel? And to top it off there is a prophecy in Daniel about a prophecy that was moved to the Book of Matthew (during the Obama Administration) standing where it should not (giving credence) and added let the reader understand obviously it is something that would have to have been read which Catholics don’t read the bible and in fact are taught not to read the bible so they wouldn’t know the difference whether something was altered in the bible hence ignorance is a tool of Catholicism against catholics. Brother against brother. Nice, huh? The events and collusions (Neo stuff) was not too far after the end of WW11 time-wise and it is pertinent to the conversation as to why then. JFK as I said earlier was kind of  Jacob of the Old Testament married to a kind of Rachel and his sheep (blemished ones) grew in abundance. In other words he was a tool and was used by the RCC manipulated and managed even in marriage and meeting his wife Jackie Kennedy. HE WAS SET UP. Abortion was also a bone of contention at the time and soon after Hospice because of guilt GETTING CAUGHT MURDERING 6 million jews in ovens and chemical rooms and torture places, etc. The RCC likes a lot of power and especially the Jesuits as if the RCC were GOD and of course isn’t and never will be but merely THE MOB i.e. the MAFIOSA and complicit with ISLAM each using the other. All this occurred around the time Israel became a nation which was probably the main reason for the many deceptions because it spelled trouble for the future of the RCC in other words the writing was on the wall: THE END WAS NEAR. If the RCC could have hidden the 6 million jews killed believe me the RCC would have hidden it but alas it’s tool Germany was defeated because it was GOD’s will: the defeat of the RCC and it’s many tools but like the devil isn’t gonna give up without a fight and ignorance is it’s best tool along with poverty hence the hurricanes devastating our country in places using places like HAARP to strengthen storms and seed storms and cause earthquakes in various (diverse) places giving the Gospel of Matthew a knee up and to quell our independence on oil (HOUSTON) from other places such as Saudi Arabia who attacked us on 9-11 with the help of the RCC and it’s traitors to our country using brother against brother: JEB BUSH and Billy Graham a shill for the RCC. Jeb Bush allowed the hospice of a woman probably injured by her husband using starvation and allowed the training of Saudis to fly planes in his state he governed to use them as incinerators on many people in New York. Both really nasty stuff. I guarantee he knew and why his mom suggested he should not run for the presidency because I guarantee she knew or had a very big suspicion and maybe realized he was not right in the head nor right in the heart spiritually being influenced by her daughter-in-law as well and the BGEA. She was kind of in a tough spot you might say besides the infiltration of Jesuits and some very bad and deceived people in our government (in high places) throughout who act as if the lot of them have been lobotomized i.e. Catholicized and very confused. Lots of coincidences and from what I could tell about him he wasn’t right in the head a bit of a nutcase and possibly jealous of his brother and not because he once smoked pot.


    My ex and his power trip is a good example of a lobotomized Catholic.

    I saw this and thought I should add it to my post but I haven’t read it:

    Daca Dreamers: Obama slams axing of young migrant scheme

    Obama is achxing for it!

    On fox someone is saying the Americans have broken a promise in regards to DACA that Obama put in place and the fact is it’s not true: I think Trump is breaking a lie that Obama made without proper restrictions and stipulations and got it through illegally like he did many other things like OBAMACARE and HOSPICE VIA MEDICARE/caid FOR FREE, ENTITLEMENTS WHICH WERE ACTUALLY ENTICEMENTS, BRIBERY, TEMPTATIONS VIA ENTRAPMENTS >etc. HYPE to Destroy because it is his only talent! He sure as hell didn’t build it and neither did illegal aliens who are being used by the Vatican most are catholic and used by others like a tug of war. I agree with Jeff Sessions on this point in regards to DACA. I think it should be done on an individual basis as much as possible and not as a political religious block for the vatican and it’s intent to weaken the USA with mob rule. If the spanish catholic countries took better care of their catholic population there wouldn’t be a problem. IF the spanish catholic countries leaders were doing their jobs there would not be a migration to the USA. IT’S DIABOLICAL and people are the victims but nothing wrong with doing it legally and as others have done by WAITING IN LINE however legalization of illegals should not be based on the brightest. It’s our job as a country to enlighten or brighten those that come to our country however at this point because of the mass migration I’m not sure our country is up to it so that is the dilemma. one way which might help is to cut out the spanish language requirements in our country. Sounds weird but I think it might help a bunch. The USA is not Costa Rica, Paraguay, Mexico, South America, Latin America, Spain, Italy, Cuba, etc. Do we accommodate the Vietnamese, Sudanese, Africans, Indonesians, rain forest people, Japanese, Chinese, German, Russian, Hebrew, French immigrants with a language advantage? Too bad the DACA potentials are freaked out and should try to calm themselves down because of a bad promise on Obama’s part and should take out their frustration on Obama for making the false promise to begin with.

    Is ending a sentence with a preposition a taboo?

    A class action lawsuit might be appropriate action to take against past President OBAMA for his BIG FAT lie who propheted by it!

    There is a book in the bible but I can’t remember which one on the shores of Ulie or banks of Ulai river and it might be important these days but since I can’t remember which one I guess its a moot pointer/tip. (I think cypress trees or something like it is where some prophetic stuff is kind of expounded upon about horns charging each other etc. and I think one of the horns is referring to Al Gore) Here it is:

    And I saw in a vision; and it came to pass, when I saw, that I was at Shushan in the palace, which is in the province of Elam; and I saw in a vision, and I was by the river of Ulai.

    And I heard a man’s voice between the banks of Ulai, which called, and said, Gabriel, make this man to understand the vision.

    But imo I think I nailed the things that are relevant in this post and others I have written: my family and its roots and about the insidious and evil agendas warring against each other and where it is heading and who wins and who loses and why:

    Has something to do with TRUTH.

    Hey Dennis Prager Mr. radio talk show host on the Tucker Carlson Debate show who says he isn’t afraid of Nazism why don’t you speak out about Hospice then which is a form of Nazism. PROVE IT! And do it next time you appear on Fox News while you are at it and lets see if it gets on the air waves.

    Anyway these storms and earthquakes


    (using technology like H.A.A.R.P.)

    IN DIVERSE PLACES (NKorea for one recently)

    as prophesied as the time

    when Jesus returns written about in the Gospel of Matthew

    I can see the potential for insurance scam/population management priesthood.

    I wonder which one precedes the other!

    Similar to the housing bubble

    and I know

    there is a better way

    Thank God!

    PS: the son of man ain’t GOD! It helps to know and remember what I was taught.

    When GOD returns it will be LOUD like the BIG BANG

    and noone will be able to stand.

    One idea would be to send aircraft above the storm or in the eye of the storm of a hurricane (like in the movies) and seed the storm with soothing to cool or to alter the atmosphere of the storm to make it un-strengthen the storm the negative and positive whatever you call them: ions? lol but the  ex says its the temperature of the water that makes the storm and the rain is in the clouds but has nothing to do with the ocean water and somehow I think he is amiss on where rain comes from but he says he has studied it! (and I haven’t I confess though barely in high school.) When you boil water in a pan and walk away and there’s much less water in the pan? Where did the water go? Why is the so air so steamy. If steam is water particles where did the particles in the air come from? What was the source of the CONDENSATION? Why do coastal areas tend to be humid? What happens to a material when you steam iron it vs dry iron a material? Do you see why I question his thought processes? If we have technology to strengthen storms which we do we need technology to do the opposite.

    Can a cell phone be used to attract a tornado or vice versa? The day after Christmas tornado followed my ex from his location in another part of the cities nearby to the location he was driving in and almost but not quite to the place we live like a tether. It was weird. Another thing though it may not be a reality but I have wondered sometimes when an earthquake occurs on one side of the world if another will occur on the opposite side of the world as a reaction maybe having to do with parallel lines or longitudinal lines or perhaps fault lines. Like Koreas nuclear earthquake which was about 8.1 or 2 and Mexico’s earthquake recently which was about an 8.1 the strength I wonder if  the two earthquakes aren’t related by more than time by a few days related and by strength. Like the 2004 blizzard in the Ohio River Valley before Christmas and the earthquake tsunami (9.1) in 2004 after Christmas and what ever occurred in the Caribbean Ocean at the time.’Back to the Son of man being betrayed in the Gospel of John Jesus says greater things than these though shalt see angels rise and fall upon the son of man I think inferring or referring to the rise and fall of the Third Reich and maybe the fourth as well. There is a scientific notion about opposite reactions called I forgot the name of the scientist but I’ll addict later, lol. for every action there is a reaction in the physical sense in physics. Isaac Newton.  Anyway Hillary is still touting climate change as the reason for the strong storms these days on a woman’s talk show which includes Whoopee Goldberg because she still thinks you can’t have one without the other. A lot of money is at stake with those who tout climate change as the excuse for the storms when  it is a reaction to weapons like those mentioned similar to places like H.A.A.R.P.  in the wrong hands. The sign found of an archeological artifact about a small tree (mustard) and a harp kind of seem prophetic to me which you can find links to it thru this article following seem to point in a direction and I guess if you follow the laundered money is another way:

    Siege of Yodfat

    Merangue’s Blog

    (Christian Truth, Deception & Prophecy)

    During my last visit to the hospital the man in charge of CAT Scans explained to me that he has been in the business doing Cat scans for 15 to 20 years and they do not use dye and don’t need to use it to do an accurate CAT scan. It was quite a long diatribe about his profession and it was kind of odd he would bother telling me because I did not ask (felt like he was trying to convince me of something false). But I asked him then why every time I did not receive the dye by supposed nurse error did I need a redo of the CAT Scan a day later in order to get an accurate scan, and of course, I should also have asked ‘why use dye at all?’ It’s a big hassle to have to drink it an hour ahead of the test and it does not taste good and t is no small think to have to drink it and some people are allergic. Now it is ingested via a shot. All this happened on the way to get a Cat Scan without dye. i was not in the best frame of mind at the time. Felt like a set up and trying to retrain my thinking. It wasn’t a small conversation and it felt like deception that he even bothered to try to correct me unless he was on some kind of a mission. I did not try to correct him he volunteered the information and  think was trying to dumb me down. 1 + 3 =5 if you alter it a bit. Politics is very much a part of the medical field now (since ObamaCare) between doctors, I noticed as well as if undermining each other for some reason. Don’t tell so and so (a surgeon) I heard from one doctor after talking to another doctor as if he was given the word OR THE ORDER.

    I don’t know what an MRI is but I heard they weigh the cots of an MRI not money wise but damage wise against other procedures at least from what I understood. SO….


    seemed similar to the fiasco watching on Fox News a nun with a chain saw dressed in her habit which she got her fame doing cutting up a tree that was downed by the hurricane and about her prayers and I thought what if the saw got tangled in her habit. Was she in her right mind?

    It was a really fun hospital visit only because of a few otherwise it was tough.

    Makes as much sense as teaching the 3rd generation of the first generations sins. Take out the sins on the grandkids. But it is in the bible worded differently but some people believe it, and I don’t. Called generational sin. I believe it’s another name for intentional political religious vengeance especially since none really knows what the  generation measure is. Anyway the misbegotten word about generational sin/vengeance is like hospice and makes as much sense….none. Heard my niece talk about it once, the Jacuzzi kid, and I did not know what she meant or how she meant it plus she was married to a minister and I didn’t ask her at the time because our family was in turmoil at the time but I had read about it in the bible some where probably the OT but the HOLY books were taken to Rome and the new testament had not been collected/coalesced/some hadn’t even been written yet and altered (transliterated the holy books) in Rome when the temple was destroyed which happened during a 70 year period when Jerusalem was destroyed twice. I heard about generational sin via tv evangelists as well. Is a generation 20 years, 30 years, 50 years, etc. Lousy way to teach! Only a freakin’ lobotomized fruitcake nut would come up with the idea of generational sin payback via many ways including hospice ie

    Kicking  the can

    like Benghazi

    and I think the fruitcake is the Vatican since the Vatican came up with the excuse via the Jesuit priest Federiko Lombardi and sidekick of the Jesuit Pope Francis. a video tape.

    I was advised to have soft meals for a couple of days because of the blockage (scar tissue from previous operation many years ago) and the ex suggested tuna helper which is soft and cheap but he knows how I feel about tuna. Though I love tuna fish as a rule every time I have tuna I feel it later on in my sciatic nerve for many days due to FUKUSHIMA (in my opinion.) so why does he suggest it? Beats me. This hospital visit he was kinder than normal which makes me suspicious of course after having been all the things I have enumerated. I guarantee there is a reason or two, LOL. Outside my door the first night there were a few families with tots VERY LOUD TOTS, but cute and the dad was talking about abortion vs the opposite not in those words but it was clear he was camped out for a reason so I could hear for quite a while. It was nonsense. Then I was threatened with a tube down my throat (to avoid aspiration yet I threw up a gallon of shit AND I HAD JUST WRITTEN ABOUT IT –  tubes) and I said I would not allow it unless anesthetized, been there done that and not threatened only once depending on how my body responded to the treatment. It was weird. Some would say I was paranoid, but just because I am paranoid doesn’t mean it isn’t true that I am being stalked and I have plenty of evidence in my posts about the different ways in order to make me a good new world order type-female for the RCC and it’s political operatives. I am being stalked everywhere I go it seems as if I made up the procedure of abortion and it has been going on since there was a temple in Jerusalem occupied by Rome and others and women (not men) having to lick the dust off the floor of the temple when caught or suspected to be in a relationship not appreciated by the priests of the temple and if her tummy swells….

    (my tummy swelled not because of a relationship that didn’t occur at the office, but because I was molested in the past, followed, bullied and butt grabbed by my brother-in-law at the office and other demeaning things… it was retribution for telling in the past and at the time and the company was afraid I would sue them for sexual harassment so the company came at me with all of their guns even at the real estate school I was attending because I was a threat to my brother-in-law intellectually and because he never planned to do the plans I was privy to because he couldn’t and didn’t have the wherewithal to do the plans but only to exact vengeance upon me which was easy with LOTZ of people helping…and by sticking up for myself against LOTZ of people I got very sick and almost died, and it was very evil what occurred to me very rough, very cruel and unusual, and very hard to fathom but I did. No one understood what was going on because it was so convoluted and evil, not even Gary. I think it began to dawn to my family after Gary suggested that I be isolated in order that I might come back to the fold (my little sister told me over the phone when we were still talking a few years before we weren’t talking.) It took time to piece it together and the implications and reasons for why had occurred. I think what he said peeked some interest and minds over time.  It’s a strange thing to say as well as when he said that his daughter (the Jacuzzi kid) and her husband were blackmailing him wanting money, not that kids don’t do it sometimes but it was not like the usual games kids play on their parents to get money. Out of place. They were coming to town to visit with their kids and needed money which is not unusual. Sounds mundane but it wasn’t mundane.) 

    The difference between NOW and then is the priests. You can read about it in the OT if you dare and the priests chant


    Nothing new under the sun!~

    As the ex would say being a Catholic “a day is a thousand years as a thousand years is a day” so no telling how long this crap will go on. Hopefully it will be shortened, quickened somehow. It gets old!

     watched a show about Winston Chrchhil by Oliver North a documentary which was quite interesting. His fear was the possibility of going back into the Dark Ages

    and I would say the One World Government with Teeth

    is going back to the Dark Ages for fear of the RCC losing it’s grip, but it has already lost it as far as sanity is concerned.

    I have noticed Laura InGraham wears a cross almost all the time. Does it help? I’m sure it helps not in a truthful way, but like the pope who stole a necklace from a dead martyr hoping to gain courage and it didn’t really give him courage not the right kind of courage anyway or he wouldn’t be lying on a floor in front of a bunch of priests the RCC calls fathers which is a NO-NO. Laura InGraham is a real humdinger.

    Tell us about Mother Teresa, Laura, why Don’t you?

    Let’s see your courage at work.

    Here is the actress from Little House on the Prairie who aided and abetted the Vatican in regards to abortion. She was only bit part actress on the show and I never saw her do any other films and so probably needed some work. In the you tube she told about some practices going on in abortion clinics such as selling baby parts etc but her voice was the same as the actress as well as her appearance. Maybe Laurwa InGraham could exfoliate about it for the sake of truth:


    I suppose Americans weren’t targeted in Paris for an acid attack in Paris? Nah, I am just being paranoid, I guess. It’s only an OCCULT-winky-dink (coincidence?) or like the 6 million jews annihilated in WW2? If we went to strictly a consumption tax we wouldn’t be too worried about illegal immigrants if they were not violent ones hell bent on terrorism and undoing of our government because everyone would pay consumption taxes including illegals. MOre money would be amassed by the government as well. SO DACA and all these other excuses are just excuses for the NEW WORLD GOVERNMENT/RELIGION  to control our lives and turn the middle class into a sub class or lower class like almost all of the other spanish speaking countries and very Roman Catholic and DACA is not helping in this regard. Consumption tax gives the buyer power and the powers that be (bankers, and others) don’t want buyers to have power and has something to do with the tea dump in Boston called the Bostom Tea Party:

    The Boston Tea Party – Dec 16, 1773 –

    “In Boston Harbor, a group of Massachusetts colonists disguised as Mohawk Indians board three British tea ships and dump 342 chests of tea into the harbor.”

    Maybe the tea dumpers really were Mohawkish!
    The tea dumpers didn’t have to buy the tea, did they? Was there an individual mandate to buy tea at the time?

    Native Americans and the American Revolution

    Some people don’t like competition. I know the RC religion doesn’t like it and the same goes for ISLAM. Here is an article by Ann Coulter which I think is reasonable:


    Don’t forget about the prophecy on the banks of the ULAI river in the Book of Daniel.

    Perhaps he was actually on the RIO GRANDE?

    Do any spanish speaking countries and Spanish speaking peoples ever speak out against the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH and Mother Teresa’s Hospice murder suicide here in the USA or in Mexico or in South America or Spain, Portugal etc?

    Why not? IS there some kind of Spanish Speaking union holding them back?

    I think army and other military bases on the border would make a pretty good wall in places that are hard to build a REAL wall on our southern borders and it makes sense in order to protect us from terroristic type illegal immigration and couple it with consumption tax and it makes for a great way to subvert subversionists and diehard catholics who think their shit doesn’t stink and believe me it does.

    Heard there was an earthquake at Fukushima in Japan as Mexico is reeling from an earthquake again but I would call it an aftershock since it is nearby the first one which was an 8.1 and near Mexico city and only a 7.1 though after shocks can be even deadlier than the initial earthquake.The New World Order isn’t very orderly and seems to have caused quite a bit of turmoil, sickness and death in various ways.

    Maybe it wasn’t a good idea

    especially in the case of Mother Teresa’s legacy and perhaps her sisters of sin might have to take it up their asses FINALLY.

    As far as the mustard seed teaching which is false since it isn’t the smallest of seed a minute detail of the concept of faith the kind of faith that moves mountains from here to there there are all kinds of teaching methods and perhaps teaching the mustard seed was the smallest of seed when it wasn’t was a antonymic-type teaching and it kept (protected) the teaching in the bible otherwise it might have been lost to editors and the like and because it might have been meant for our times (since the microscope was invented in between the times when the bible was written and NOW) regarding sperm which contains the smallest of seed in regards to abortions which are a females rights of passage and a part of the process of a females growth (not all, but some). I think since the Pope called BenedictXVl said it was a new enlightenment the teaching of faith and I think it was to appease Islam. Remember the picture of Pope John Paul kissing the Koran and Pope Benedict XVl was his underling, wasn’t he? The problem is it was also included in the Gospel of John corrupting it talking about the weather forecasts (hurricanes etc) and a secret follower called Nicodemas –Nick and Arimathea (Son of Matthew). Also says he might leave a blessing in the same conversation….he wasn’t for me in regards to the wind in the Gospel of John. My mom  and dad, and my cat were a blessing to me with the help of God at the time and many others in the past who were negatively affected by the BGEA (Billy Graham Evangelical Association.) In fact it was the opposite. I suppose Puerto Ricans, and those affected by the wind lately and seemingly on a regular basis usually at the start of a new President in an historical devastating way are being blessed by some such as the great defender of faith Franklin Graham who said he believes every word of the bible is truth and it isn’t such as the mustard seed. How can he say what he says knowing the mustard seed isn’t the smallest of seed¿ Maybe the Grahams have a problem understanding what truth is or isn’t or the meaning of truth and the merit of truth which is a big problem. The Jesus who said truth is the way was betrayed by the false teaching. If everyone had faith that 4 plus 1 equals 6 wouldn’t it cause some mathematical and scientific problems not to mention banking ones which might affect everyone in a bad way. I think so like Core teaching has caused some problems and not only that people are or seem to be stuck on faith, a false faith, defending its merit when there isn’t any merit in a false concept and causing many people to lose their minds over it, imo. The teaching may have caused Hitler and his solution, possibly in defense of a false faith and false concepts. The false teaching of faith may have caused the annihilation of 6 million jews as well as many others who died in a couple of wars that might not have come about otherwise. It might have caused the death of many people in the psychological war going on now and in some places real wars. There are many definitions of faith which adds to the confusion. One is religion, probably the RCC religion and the religion of Islam. A partnership in a false concept and some others who bow down to both. How many people have been negatively affected by both religions. A TON and too big to count over many years. So I think it was a bad idea to teach about faith based on a mustard seed which is not at the smallest of seed but the part about the smallest of seed part may have been a clue inserted to clarify it’s falseness by someone involved in the false concept knowing in a matter of time it would be uncovered, unmasked, and unveiled! By the way the chemical compound of the mustard seed is a derivative of gas and atomic weapons, I think and now we are dealing with IRAN and North Korea as a result not to mention those affected by Hospice of Mother Teresa of Calcutta and an RCC saint in 105 countries those that were murdered in Mother Teresas defense of a false concept called faith using abortion as an excuse. VERY TWISTED as she appeared to be appearance wise and in her humor as well. Perhaps it would be  good idea to ditch the teaching for the sake of many people who may be negatively affected by Iran and North Korea and Ho-Spice as in WHORE SPICE, the Whore of Babylon. There are lots of reasons females get abortions and most of those reasons ought to be respected because the female knows she can’t raise a child as a woman who has a child out of wedlock for sometimes the wrong reasons politically to get financial benefits politically speaking because other avenues were not afforded such as employing black men when black men were not respected and sometimes merely to entrap a man or gain financial status via a child out of wedlock, a bastard so to speak! I imagine DACA is kind of a result of POLITICAL-RELIGIOUS maneuvering, but not all and why legal immigration of some illegals on an individual basis is reasonable, but DACA for all illegal immigrants isn’t reasonable.

    Rite of passage

    If one Syrian or Turk becomes a citizen of the USA does it mean 11 million other Syrians or Turks get citizenship as well? Call it SACA or TACA it is ridiculous and Obama is responsible for the confusion as he was in regards to Obama Care and in regards to


    What happens to Americans who enter Mexico illegally? They get chained to a bed in a prison for a long time. Remember during the Obama Administration and did he do anything about it? NO. At least the USA is kinder and more patient than Mexico in regards to illegals and doesn’t chain illegal aliens to a bed in a prison without representation of some kind.

    Instead of having a spanish speaking catholic revolution in the USA spanish speaking catholics ought to have a revolution in spanish speaking catholic countries which deprive them of freedom. I don’t’ mean to be mean but honestly why not fix the problem. I recall the news about some Brazilian kids living on the streets and what happened to them? They were murdered to clean up the streets and the same thing happened in Rome before the G8 meeting so obviously it’s a catholic thingy. Maybe Geraldo Rivera “The War correspondent,” can fix it on his yacht. The USA ought to lead the way in harnessing the power of a lightning bolt to power cities across our country and for powering cheaply electric cars and making electric cars much cheaper for the average citizen which ought to be our goal as well for the environment and to succeed as a country whether we export our invention or not but for the principal of a CHEAP and CLEAN source of power. We should be investing our future in the power of the lightning bolt since it is so powerful and so available but woefully the seed of man isn’t smart enough! If it was smart enough it would stop its hell bent crusade against women who have had or will have abortions and their families using Hospice to exact revenge and actually discuss it for sake of truth and cease the practice of Hospice/murder/suicide and hold accountable the RCC and it’s colluders for it’s bent INSIDIOUS SNEAKY INSANE AND EVIL ways of temptation to use Hospice (and I have learned there are a bunch of ways to tempt) and to hold back PROGRESS for it’s own sake.

    BY THE WAY HOW CAN ONE MEASURE THE SPEED OF A FOUL BASEBALL AT A YANKEE GAME? Like the one that killed a toddler by hitting the toddler in the face, recently? It was reported on Fox News that the baseball was going at 105 mph. As it turns out the 2- year old toddler didn’t die, luckily. Interesting number mentioned by Mother Teresa. Now the Yankees and the others team want netting to protect the people. It should have been there in the first place, shouldn’t it? Mother Teresa mentioned the number in the video by Christopher Hitchens as the number of countries she has her witchcraft of Hospice being employed to off a lot of people.

    While we are at it the speech by Trump at the UN was a good speech but it wasn’t totally truthful as Franklin Graham spouted on Fox News. Maybe Trump doesn’t realize it wasn’t totally truthful but I suspect Franklin Graham knows it wasn’t.

    Hells Angel (Mother Teresa) – Christopher Hitchens

    I think the “drunk of the wine” in Revelation 18:3-5 is climate change/global warming – hurricanes and waxing rich by the lies and propaganda using the WINE PRESS of GOD facetiously, Hollywood and politicians etc but not all

    and I believe hospice are the sins that reach unto heaven!

    It’s my opinion and I think well founded. WHY?

    NO ONE in the public arena WILL TALK ABOUT IT


    kind of like INCEST

    which is a pretty good sign IT’S BAD!

    The Night The Lights Went Out In In Georgia

    Bernie Sanders is now a millionaire and joined the one per-cent who are in the upper class. The Elite and I’m sure with Obama Care will make more. LOTZ MORE,

    but the doctors will degrade over time and so will the nurses and eventually succumb to Hospice care which in part and parcel to Obamacare.

    Universal health care would be nice if it were feasible. AFFORDABLE in REALITY!!!@ but it isn’t. Since Obamacare the human life span has shortened by quite a margin hence Bernie Sanders is WRONG by quite a margin! It isn’t a good sign that life spans have decreased since ObamaCare and the NEw World ORder It ought to be a warning to you but I don’t think you care about it. IF you do then tell the truth about the sign. Tell the truth about Hospice and the shortened life span of man since Obama Care. Someone ought to find out why life spans have shortened since ObamaCare but Global warming would probably be used as an excuse however things are warming up exponentially and globally politically and religiously in a way, isn’t it so? Not only will doctors and nurses succumb so will the population (the middle-class and lower class) will to hospice via Obamacare and political/religious BULLSHIT all of which life spans will decrease. BUT NOT THE ELITE, of course. Not only will their life spans decrease so will it’s numbers until there in no middle class. GO FUCK YOURSELF BERNIE SANDERS. The middle class is the survival of man and freedom without it you will DIE and end up in a very lousy place and perhaps you are there already spreading propaganda. He is extremely evil or extremely dumb like SenatorMcCain (and I hope he gets well for his family’s sake, but not for his  b/c I don’t like him nor respect him). I don’t mean to be mean but common sensible. IF people didn’t have to pay out their kazoos for insurance, money could be spent in other ways giving others opportunities as well. IT’s CALLED SUPPLY AND DEMAND. Perhaps our Senators other than Rand Paul need to take an economy course 101! The better way is to have no insurance at all and prices will go down for everyone in a UNIVERSAL way. Doctors will get better because the worst will have to leave the business because of a bad reputation, bad results, but with Obama Care it isn’t possible and instead the WORST will thrive while the best will not business-wise. McCain is a liar and is not a hero. He sucks Obama’s dick. Get this through your sick fucked up mind Bernie Sanders OBAMA is the DESTROYER! Read the Gospel of Luke and recognize him. Quite a bit is written about him in some of the chapters and you should recognize him quite a bit by what he has said in the past and in our day. It is amazing how similar he is if you bother to read about him and recall what he said at the UN. Perhaps it is spiritual but what he said at the UN was and is


    Make no mistake about it!


    and I think one of our Supreme Court Justices said ObamaCare was a tax. Should we ignore his expertise? It’s worse than a tax! Look what it has done to Washington DC. Look what it has done to the press. It is a swamp.

    We would have a GREAT ECONOMY if everyone and their uncle were doing something other than selling insurance which is raising the cost of everything in the medical field and screwing good doctors and their patients. Insurance agents are like priests/flys selling their lies

    coming between God and man. INTERFERING!


    I have personal knowledge about insurance which wasn’t honest to the people I love and it changes on a political/religious whim and exacerbates disease and sicknesses. It’s a bad deal! If we had no insurance I guarantee cancer and many other diseases would have been overcome and wouldn’t change on a dime/political&religious whims. Its the NEW WORLD ORDER which intends to destroy the best and the brightest and already has in many ways in order to keep the RCC on top of the water sowing UNFREEDOM instead of beneath where it belongs. It will end up there beneath and these tactics are only small delays.

    Anyway why not universal house care (maids/housekeepers), and universal houses (forget apartments), and universal cooks, and universal condos at the beach, universal lawn care (mowers), universal lawyers, universal hair dressers and manicures, universal mechanics for our cars and universal cars for everyone with drivers, universal errand doers, universal painters and home builders, universal rv’s, universal mansions, universal pools and universal spas, universal jacuzzis, universal tv shows, everyone gets a part in the movies, universal producers, universal restaurants, universal oil and gas, universal employees and employers, universal businesses, universal press, universal body sculpting and universal plastic surgery, universal art (including the Vatican’s stolen art without charge), universal vacations and cruises, universal electricity and plumbing, universal flyer miles (if you get flyer miles because you travel a lot and I can’t travel a lot because I can’t afford it shouldn’t I get your flyer miles as well so I can travel?) and universal tickets to the sports arenas, universal sports (everyone gets to play pro sports on the NFL, etc), universal jobs, universal investments, most of these things are helpful to the happiness and health of individuals and to some even

    universal hydrogen bombs,

    universal salaries

    and universal everything in every field?

    The whole is greater than it’s parts, right?

    Recently Canonized Martyr Added To Vatican’s Animatronic Hall Of Saint

    MARK MY WORDS! and read Revelation and try to understand there is more than one person speaking in it which might help you to understand it better. Even so the priests said AMEN. On Fox News the talk show hosts and their guests ay amen quite often and not as an ending in prayer. So what are these people saying when they chant amen? Kind of weird! Are they saying they are in agreement 100 percent? 50 percent? 10 percent?

    “Danny’s Song” Loggins and Messina

    This is only a song which I like but some of the words are not compatible IMO but you would have to understand my personal life in every way. I also love these songs:

    Elton John – Daniel – YouTube


    Danny Boy Ireland

    I included these songs with the name of Daniel because of the prophecy in Daniel standing where it should not in the Gospel of Matthew I wrote about earlier in this post and I don’t think it was Daniel who put it there. It has happened since the Obama Administration! Don’t forget about his UN speech while you are thinking about the alteration of the bible. Alterations were made during the ecumenical times after the JFK assassination in the 70’s I think to bolster the RCC and it’s confusion and during the Vatican 11 which probably means eleven and not Vatican two. An eleventh hour attempt to hold on to power it should not have nor ever have had since truth is an anomaly to them. During the time Jesus of the Gospel of John walked around he was the light of the world. Obviously there was sunlight but it is not what the Gospel of John means though I am sure the RCC interpreted it this way hence the monstrance used by the popes during cracker eating time (Eucharist) when the Gospel of John reads “While I am in the world I am the light of the world.” The RCC has been very busy for a long time and even during the Dark Ages and during the Spanish Inquisition etc and all the while demanding it’s parishioners not to read the bible. Ignorance is the RCC’s weapon.

    I also love this song:

    Come to Me, Bend to Me

    – Brigadoon Original Studio Cast Recording


    Camelot 04: Follow Me – YouTube

    John 21:21-23

    21 Peter seeing him saith to Jesus, Lord, and what shall this man do?

    22 Jesus saith unto him, If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee?

    follow thou me.

    23 Then went this saying abroad among the brethren, that that disciple should not die: yet Jesus said not unto him, He shall not die; but, If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee?

    Obviously, the brethren aren’t always correct.

    I guarantee the brethren are wrong about abortion but that is my opinion having had one and knowing the circumstances of many other abortions of other females which IMO were legitimate and a BASIC human right if it is what the female desires! Same goes for divorce;) In Revelation John the Revelator tells his children to leave the RCC i.e. get a divorce from the RCC and of course the RCC is against divorce. LOL Divorce is a good thing sometimes it is needed. Anyone who has had one would agree.

    Oklahoma ! Oh What a Beautiful Morning and More (HD 720p)

    I think things are unraveling and people ought to take the advice in Revelation!

    My next post (I think and if I get the opportunity to write it) will be about artificial intelligence and many other artificial things I have noticed especially lately. But for starters here is but a pimple of what I’m talking’ about:

    Geraldo Rivera currency is in Puerto Rico and has reunited with his family and is reporting for Fox news about the aftermath of the hurricane, I guess. I only perused the news as I walked by and noted handlebars and either it’s him or the UN guy (can’t remember his name because he never had a show about a tunnel with stolen treasure a series some people endured and was supposedly stored by the mafia that wasn’t there) I’m sure it must look like a war zone. I wonder where he stores his yacht. I doubt he stores it in Puerto Rico but what about his family? If I made a film about nothing could I be a war correspondent for Fox News and get a yacht?

    Mel Gibson ought to invest in a film or produce a film (and he could even act in it) about Hospice and Mother Teresa and see what happens! IT might be illuminating! I think it would do a world of good if he is honest about it, truthful as possible meaning having the information at hand and there is quite a bit of information from sabotage (at a chemical plant in India) to murder/suicide/coverup and mocking telling the victims families to forgive and the sainting by the pope of Mother Teresa but I don’t think the RCC will fund it this time. The film probably would be controversial but he has never been shy about controversy, has he and he could flip the coin about what women want because I don’t think he knows even if he reads minds. Females multitask even in their minds. He has the means but does he have the will.

    Doing the film or films might be good for his soul. Chuck; chuckle.

    On WND there are some people saying Trump is a tool of God in visions or dreams. I think there are more than one Trump hence the GREAT and TERRIBLE confusion about what he says and what he does. There are 7 Trumpets in Revelation. Somehow I think there is some validity to this coincidence like the name Barack Obama. Barack supposedly means lightning but there are lots of barracks and lots of people with the name Barack or similar who are famous Baraks, etc. Hosni Mubarak of Egypt, there is Ehud Barak of Israel, and Barack Obama. There are a ton of Obamas which if you do a letter switcherooni you can see the word ABOMI-nation.  Funny how Ehud Barak’s name and Barack who was involved in HUD. Some coincidences that I don’t think are totally coincidences. My ex’s name is Phillip which means lover of horses and about the time I gave up my horse for his own good so he could live on a ranch in Texas instead of in a small stable in Virginia without running room my ex ran into a horse in the middle of the road who had been chased out to the road by some assholes in trucks chasing the horse around and my ex way before we were married killed the horse as he was driving up the hill in Michigan, and of course I don’t think he even rode a horse in his life. I hope it wasn’t my horse. The family we shared the horse with alternating days asked for Little Joe a beautiful Arabian Thoroughbred gelding and the family had a few kids that were young and he was a gentle horse and were moving to Texas to live on a ranch in Texas so I said yes. The family was catholic. So I’m not a catholic hater. One of the kids was my best friend for a long time. In retrospect I wish I had kept him. I would have been better off if I had. I loved riding horses I loved jumping and riding bareback and jumping. I was a good rider. I rode English most of the time but there was nowhere to ride at the last stable and I think it was kind of a entrapment to get me to give him up but I didn’t know it then. I do now. It was not my decision to move him where he was moved. Next time I talked to her and asked her about my horse when she called me for some reason she told me he was dead quite a few years later. We didn’t have much to say. Horses don’t live forever so it’s not like it was anyone’s fault. We hadn’t spoken to each other in those years.  I don’t know what my name means. Pope Benedict made a big deal about names at the beginning of his term as pope. So the future is kind of interesting but I don’t think it belongs to those who suck up to the prophet of Islam because he was a false prophet married to a RC nun who came up with some great distortions though I have not read the Koran nor intend to I do know if you can’t handle being insulted you should find another planet. Listened to the blurb by an eloquent speaker Don Lemon on CNN talk about the ACT of “taking a knee”as he called it during the National Anthem at a football game and it concerns racial injustice (which there are plenty of examples on both sides and even by those of the same race such as the sellers and killers of Africans in Africa in our day and time like IDI AMIN and others, many others (and recent past before Lincoln became President of the USA) besides the cutting of clits of females in African and Muslim countries, and killers in each race towards each other Africans on Africans, African-Americans on African-Americans, Anglos on Anglos, Caucasians on Caucasians, Russians on Russians, Hispanics on Hispanics and Chinese on Chinese, Japanese on Japanese, Koreans on Koreans, Middle Easterners on Middle Easterners, Syrians on Syrians, Egyptians on Egyptians, Turks on Turks, etc, etc, etc) but in my opinion it’s about over shadowing the silence in regards to Hospice of the elderly or those who are not Catholicized, Islamicized, Evangelicalized, or Christianized using abortion as an excuse by the RCC and those who are in collusion with the RCC some of which are named and those who won’t accept a valuable truth about faith that the mustard seed is not the smallest of seed which is and/or was in both the books called the Bible and the Koran which in my opinion is about a false prophet and it is called ridiculous. I’m not an eloquent speaker or eloquent writer but I can ACCEPT the truth and since the mustard seed isn’t the smallest of seed I can accept THAT we have a problem called faith CAUGHT in a lie about faith.

    Yemen war: What happened to Saleem?

    UK is ‘complicit’ in starvation of children in Yemen


    We should as a country in the interest of the kids in Yemen and the adults who are starving next to Saudi Arabia who is at war with Yemen I think we should be involved in an oil embargo/blockade of oil from Saudi Arabia via the straits to places like Iran. We should do it for our interests as well. The country of Yemen sits next to one of the straits and I’m sure this is why they are starving because someone else wants control of the strait and the country of Yemen which sits next to it. TEST THEIR METAL -Like they have tested TRUMP and instead of a lecture on political correctness in the military why not use the military for it’s purpose or is it too much to ask of the military?

    Who is running the military? IRAN? Saudi Arabia? Michelle Obama?

    Jerry Brown?

    My dad was called a SOB by a member of his troop and my dad was his boss at the time (his superior officer) but it was a compliment in a way. The guy was getting his uniform cleaned and pressed at the dry cleaners and wanted to impress my dad for discipline sake. LOL My dad heard about it and laughed. He was not punished for it. When Barack Obama had his arm around Samantha Power do you really think it is because he respects her or likes her IN ANY WAY? NO. He has his arms around her to use her, manage her, manipulate her and the same thing is true in regards to Susan Rice. He could give a flying fuck about them. Same goes for Governor of New Jersey Chris Christy. No the Obamas went on vacation to Hawaii spent millions and millions of dollars entertaining and used the death of Sen. Inouye as an excuse and attended the wake for him (a few hours out of his vacation to pander) during a devastating hurricane aftermath in New Jersey and I guarantee the death of Sen. Inouye was a convenient death produced for the sake of the vacation of the OBAMAS. An EVERLASTING AND ETERNAL Hell is waiting for them! I’m pretty sure the Obamas don’t believe it but when they go there they will believe it. It is what the future holds for them and lies ahead AND AND AND possibly just around the Coroner

    and nobody will CAREOBAMA!

    Head Of Air Force Academy Tells Cadets: ‘You Should Be Outraged’ By Racial Slurs

    So much for faith. Bitch about females who have had abortions and ignore the living who are starving. Why has Fox ignored this? OIL? Tucker Carlson at this moment in a debate with a woman who say you don’t say SOBs out of respect for people as I guess Trump did about the take a knee people over a national anthem. Let me telly a miss prissy join the army and go to war and you will say worse words than that more than likely


    I LOVED DR. SEUSS BOOKS because they are fun to read as a kid and funny characters as well. The books are imagination opening in many ways for kids. CREATIVE. Poetic, lol. How can anyone bitch about the books donated for kids? I think it is politically correct people who are stunting the world. I know DAMNED well miss PRISS has said worse than SOB probably when getting bad service somehow, somewhere to someone in her lifetime and over probably something small.

    Jesus said Feed my sheep meaning do not starve them to death using Hospice and do not starve them of truth or food and water or the sustenance for their needs when sick or for the elderly using Hospice. MIRACLES DO HAPPEN! And besides the fact that the shortening of life spans has increased or to put it another way life spans have decreased (see what I mean about elephants) since ObamaCare using some slick tricks in our Medicare/and Medicare offering free Hospice care. Jesus did not mention hospice but he mentioned the word feed which are the basic needs of life. I fed my babies. However I have been hindered from teaching my kids by people of faith and the pressure the faithers use such is all of the shit going on these days. It’s a crime to try to interfere with my children in the way which has occurred but faithers are kind of upset and in a frenzy about the faith-lie and seems like will do anything to hide it like A BUNCH OF BABIES. I imagine the same thing happened in regards to whether the earth was flat or round.  My parents fed me as much as they knew. The truth is the mustard seed is not the smallest of seed. They did not know that the mustard seed wasn’t the smallest of seed and were not taught it or even were concerned about it but


    I was not taught when the people of faith had an opportunity to teach it but I learned it by reading the bible including the Old Testament (but not all of it’)

    Jesus never mentioned abortion!


    I think in the Gospel of John when the writer says Jesus did not commit to man because he knew WHAT was in man is a testament to the faith-lie!

     Laura InGraham needs to get over it as do her peers. She might start by being truthful about Hospice and Mother Teresa. Silence is not golden in this case.

    IT’S EVIL.

    Remember what Pontius Pilate said to Jesus? WHAT IS TRUTH

    “But, whether by birth or adoption, it can be reasonably assumed that Pontius Pilate was a member of the known Roman Pontius family, of which one tribune *Lucius Pontius Aquila famously vexed Julius Caesar into verbal outbursts, and then, even more famously, helped assassinate him.”

    The name Pontius probably has to do with the PONTIFF i.e. the Pope!

    *Aquila was where the G8 meeting took place during the Obama Administration due to an earthquake.


    There is a lot of different kinds of pressure being used to get people to hospice and our country should stand against it in every way. Our vets have been abused as well as their families who fought for our freedom putting faith in our government and our government succumbed to evil especially during the Obama Administration for Islam hence the RCC, using enticements, trickery, dishonesty, and some very hard things to understand  (impersonations) to get people to try it as guinea pigs in a way, but we should stand against it anyway. IN this age there are plenty of ways to get people to do things they would not normally do via drugs (not marijuana but other kinds mentioned in my posts) such as Dragons/devils breath (grown in South America) making slaves of people for long periods of time and making them forget etc. and I think using the Eucharist. We should not allow Hospice to occur in our country ANYMORE if we want to be blessed in the future which means no more silence for starters! All the stunts and acts ain’t gonna stop the future from coming because it is here. Heed the advice in Revelation! IT’s talking about the RCC! The wall should be built, but whether it happens I don’t know because I’m not a prophet….just trying to warn ya for the sake of our families on earth and in heaven. What my sister did was horrible but I don’t know if she knew what she was doing. I don’t know. She had some memory lapses and some strange changes occurred in her after she got involved with the BGEA women and she had some hard stuff to overcome and I think the BGEA screwed her thinking somehow. What my ex did IMO was horrible but he doesn’t seem to get it that it is not recommended by Jesus at the Sea of Galilee after he had risen which is a sign, of course. Foreknowledge is power and my family is trying to give it via their experience and through me as a witness, in a horrible way but how else can I reveal it and I hope you try to learn from our experience. I think it is why it happened to us…. for you and π®obably because I found out about the mustard seed debacle and put it together with other information from other people. Nobody warned my parents or my family in total. Maybe the same for you but if not you are getting information now and all the stunts and bullshit aren’t gonna stop the truth. I’m still planning on a family reunion in the next day for a thousand years. You should read what happens to the RCC in revelation. NOT GOOD, not good at all. Every pleasure is not found in it ever again including music and other things and you should divorce it in spirit and in the flesh regardless if the flesh is weak and it is because no flesh could understand how evil evil is. we didn’t. When i say I’m a political /religious prisoner besides my  brother-in-law and I presume my older sister Lori Kircher married to him told my parents to isolate me so I would come back to the fold during the family turmoil because of molestation by him in the past waking me up in the middle of the night with his hands on my groin and boobs while she was next to me as if asleep and many other infractions and grabbing my butt and accosting me at the office which is a sue-able event since it is considered sexual abuse on the job and is worth ALOT OF MONEY and he and she were my boss  and possibly molesting his own girls which I witnessed one uncomfortable moment in his daughter’s eyes (and his son when he grabbed my thigh in the car in front of his son who was the driver learning to drive with his dad up front with him on the passenger side and I was in the back seat so it was a bit of a stretch to grab my thigh and NOTICEABLE with his other hand holding a beer and it was hard for his son to see so I jumped out of the car and made a stupid ass of myself for his son – it was all I could think to do on short notice while Gary’s wife my sister and his mother was in the house talking to clients doing her job. I did not want my nephew to be embarrassed or hurt by the fact that his dad was an asshole especially when drinking and his dad was disrespectful of females mostly of his wife, her sisters, their daughters and mine, our family, his son and my parents and others. I have enumerated some events in my posts about his harassment: You don’t expose your penis at a family gathering if you have respect for the family that is gathering but it was intended for me and I showed my little sister as well by nudging her and then all hell broke loose and my older sister drank some poison Calodryl in the dark and I think the next day OJ was in his van running from the law after nearly beheading his BEAUTIFUL WHITE BLOND ex-wife in her yard while her kids slept with candles lit. IT was ridiculous and it didn’t just happen once Gary exposing himself but you never knew when it would happen and I was not going to give up my family reunions because he was a stupid dick reminding me of the past molestations in essence he was harassing me and had for years and used Christianity and his family stature/reputation in the oil business and money as his veil/cover for many years abusing me sexually and in other ways a well as if he was possessed. It was not easy to deal with but I still tried to handle it nicely for everyone’s sake until I could not tolerate it anymore and the lies that went with it. SORRY. “We’re so sorry Uncle Albert if we caused you any pain.”  Paul McCartney was at the airport in New York at La Gardia I think on the tarmac at the time when 9-11 occurred. COINCIDENCE? When his wife died of cancer or some disease I don’t think he was very respectful in song. Not sure why probably something demonic. IT’s my opinion but it is prevalent in society towards women. I guess he was a worm as well. People do odd things grieving so I don’t want to judge his disrespect but I think the reason him and John Lennon split were probably pretty good reasons having to do with religion and the great deception. Both good song writers but John was my favorite most of the time and soon gunned down in New York. Death does a number on us. The spirit of death. Degrades men and women terribly. Later Paul McCartney married a one-legged woman and she did a number on him. I think he deserved it. All John said was something about being more popular than Jesus and the whole world overreacted like the world has reacted about the mustard seed not being the smallest of seed. INSANITY EXPOSED! I noticed Billy Graham’s voice was involved somehow (sometimes with an english accent) as he was involved in the death of JFK. You can read about it on my site called Merangue’s Blog.

    We are all subject to influences that aren’t good not realizing it even in song.

    Most flies got’s three legs but I got one?

    From Paul McCartneys album about dogs, flies, and rams.

     I heard actually overheard Gary once talking to his son about women and it wasn’t nice. I can’t remember what he said but it was during the time his son was golfing and Gary went with him and I suspect filled his head with nonsense and tried to take credit for his talent as well. I can’t be specific in anyway about what he said but I knew his motive. I was dealing with someone who was demonic or demon possessed some of the time. We were friends as well so it was hard. I didn’t call him to chat on the phone with him or anything unlike my older sister his wife did to my sister’s husband whom she dreamed about kissing: He was well off. I did not have dreams of kissing Gary. I had nightmares. It was an untenable situation some of the time but I loved my family. It was a difficult problem to handle and then abuse because I didn’t handle it well enough, abuse by my sister and him in various ways and times and their friends as well and coworkers and bosses. I was fucked. so if I seem crass I have a right to be. I almost died because of it a few times. To them it was my fault. I was affected by it physically, mentally, psychologically, sexually, spiritually deep within when he went too far and the other things I have elaborated on in the past on my posts it was like the admitting nurse at the hospital asking if anyone had ever abused me in front of the ex sitting with me in the admitting room at the hospital when the hospital has records of my confession about the abuse I have received via the ex to the people who investigate these kind of things their social workers and she knew it and I saw it in her eyes and in her expression as if it was a fun thing to ask that she knew she was asking something she shouldn’t at a time she shouldn’t ask which I think is also a suable situation WORTH ALOT OF MONEY.  I hope God returns the favor in her life very soon. I responded “NOT RIGHT NOW.” She should at the very least be fired and at the most: I don’t know. I don’t know her name and I wasn’t thinking well because I was sick at the time or I would at the very least include it her name in my post at this very moment. Her expression was like my sister at times as if her spirit had entered this female nurse. IT WAS SaDISTIC and without a conscience what she did during her job as if she were enjoying my plight and both my ex and my older sister hospiced their mothers and when my sister told me what she had done to my mom she said I LOVE YOU, …  IT was without conscience. Not sure of the term but she was either a sociopath or a psychopath admitting nurse giggling about something very serious. UNBELIEVEABLE kind of abuse. I was taken aback by her boldness and didn’t know what to say but what I said at the time. If I had known she would ask it in front of the ex i would have come up with something more appropriate to say. It was the best I could do at the time. As far as my sister is concerned it was like she was displaced/possessed. Her Christmas letters usually about 10 pages long single spaced became triple spaced and only one page or two with snap shots. It was like someone took her place so I’m hoping it wasn’t her because she loved my parents, I thought. Maybe demon possessed  but I know my parents loved her and I think they are important to GOd and will succeed in getting and taking their loved ones through the emerald door. somehow. She did give me a sign but won’t say what it was at the time she was surrounded by her friends who IMO weren’t really friends. SO I know these are the end times and not long for this world so you had better prepare for it. Some of you with a great deal of money won’t get to take it with you and some of us will. That includes your kids, your parents, and your families and friends and even your pets and your possessions: Everything you love.

    The Bare Necessities [Jungle Book]And for those who are deaf:

    The Bare Necessities
    Look for the bare necessities The simple bare necessities Forget about your worries and your strife I mean the bare necessities Old Mother Nature’s recipes That brings the bare necessities of life
    Wherever I wander, wherever I roam I couldn’t be fonder of my big home The bees are buzzin’ in the tree To make some honey just for me When you look under the rocks and plants And take a glance at the fancy ants Then maybe try a few
    The bare necessities of life will come to you They’ll come to you!
    Look for the bare necessities The simple bare necessities Forget about your worries and your strife I mean the bare necessities That’s why a bear can rest at ease With just the bare necessities of life
    Now when you pick a pawpaw Or a prickly pear And you prick a raw paw QELL Next time beware Don’t pick the prickly pear by the pawWhen you pick a pearTry to use the clawBut you don’t need to use the clawWhen you pick a pear of the big pawpawHave I given you a clue?
    The bare necessities of life will come to you They’ll come to you!
    So just try and relax, yeah cool it Fall apart in my backyard ‘Cause let me tell you something little britches If you act like that bee acts, uh uh You’re working too hard
    And don’t spend your time lookin’ around For something you want that can’t be found When you find out you can live without it And go along not thinkin’ about it I’ll tell you something true
    The bare necessities of life will come to you
    Look for the bare necessities The simple bare necessities Forget about your worries and your strife I mean the bare necessities That’s why a bear can rest at ease With just the bare necessities of life
    The bare necessities of life will come to you
    Songwriters: Terry Gilkyson
    The Bare Necessities lyrics © Walt Disney Music Company
    I plan on more than the bare necessities of life when this world is done,
    but for NOW it is worth it.
    And when the people were gathered thick together, he began to say, This is an evil generation: they seek a sign; and there shall no sign be given it, but the sign of Jonas the prophet.
    I just got a sign as I went to the corner market and it said HEAVEN SENT as I got out of my car to enter the little store. I get lots of signs because I ask for signs from God to help me keep going forward or whichever direction I go because those signs help me
    and because I have to tolerate bad people with bad intentions frequently
    and what I’m going through is necessary,
    but eventually I will shake the dust off my feet and enjoy
    the good life
    with those I love and with the things I love and where I love to be.

    After a huge argument with the ex this morning about my NASTY habit (I smoke cigarettes) and his NASTY deed (he killed his mom in abstentia, but pursued her starvation) he said I told him what I write is very important and to take heed and he said he doesn’t bélieve in any of that. HE SHOULD. I have been through a lot of bad things and suffer PTSD and abuse and the ex though he would never admit has tried to kill me and to his chagrin God keeps spitting me back LOL. SO I have a good excuse for my habit and he has no excuse for what he did to me, and others except the excuse that he doesn’t believe in God and he was raised as a catholic so no wonder. The Catholic religion (THE VATICAN) has really fucked up and it is why it gets a special place in it’s future and the same place Obama gets. As far as Trump trying to make America Great he promised to Repeal not replace (I REMEMBER) but at least he is trying to cut middle class taxes which is good. He is a man ….only a man who is trying to do a good job as a President in a very bad state of affairs having had to follow the presidency of Obama and has made mistakes along the way such as overreacting to the disrespect of the national Anthem. He has met more UNDESERVED resistance in his first 6 months as President and even before he picked up a pen or got into the White House than any other President who has served our country for 4 to 8 years. He has been tested more than Obama ever was while Obama wreaked havoc upon our nation and divided us and lots of african americans met their demise so he is no friend to african americans. Trump has a right to be impulsive and paranoid and the more he is tested the more it will get worse. No one even asked anything of Obama because of his perceived color and he deserved to be GRILLED, TARRED, AND FEATHERED for what he did to our country. He ought to be in Prison but he will find out about prison via God the Father who has a special place for him and he knows it and it is coming soon. The Vatican knows their demise as well and it is coming soon. Same place.

    This is where my dad went for two separate years for freedom’s sake and because of the guy who were made to go to war and later in life because of the Vatican and it’s mother fuckers his wife was treated terribly by Hospice and me too because I didn’t get to see her or wasn’t notified until after she died. I loved her and and I loved him. They were so far above the maddening crowd in every way.

    Rare Vietnam Flashback Photos Finally Resurfaced

    You can’t imagine how much I hate the RCC and it’s influence and I cannot wait for it to get it’s reward.

    I recall my dad coming home from Viet Nam and not receiving respect for his service for his country twice in a three year period for the sake of his men beneath him not because of his career. The guys that made general didn’t often times go to battle. So it was not a career decision. You don’t go to a jungle to fight a war for your career. You go to save some american lives involved in a war in a jungle. You don’t go to war eating rations, sweating your ass off, live in a tent, put yourself in harm’s way in a foreign country for a political raise or a career move in the military. Two years of my teen hood I was without my dad and war affected him and all of us as a result. It was an unpopular war. Nixon reacted by getting us out of the Vietnam war and involved with China but I don’t think he had anything to do with unfair trade practices but no telling what he did do in China and maybe China shouldn’t be so OVERCONFIDENT. Overconfidence can be a downfall. My dad had great respect for Nixon. Nixon was one of the very few who exposed Billy Graham as a shill and a hater of Jews. Maybe he exposed China as well in some capacity unbeknownst to many people. He had courage though he seemed paranoid. I would not put it past him. He gave up his career and position as President to expose Billy Graham and was humiliated for it but it was worthwhile. I think he loved his family enough. My dad also fought in the Korean war and just missed being bayoneted to death so I heard but not from him. He never talked about his war experience with his kids. EVER. I tried but he wouldn’t talk about it. My dad was a Colonel and didn’t make general but probably should have but he had perspective who he cared about and his wife later on was hospiced without my permission, my mom. I would not have permitted it because it is evil and because I loved my mom. I would have been with her to love her and stop it but I didn’t know. What got her into trouble was something she said taped by my little sister who said she would send the tape to me about knowing about my art. She already knew about my painting because she taught me but she meant something else. My blogs is what she meant. How she knew I don’t know but I was there when she said it. My sister didn’t send the tape but instead her second husband got involved and lots of weird stuff ensued in between then and the time of my moms death and he was there when my mom died at the hospital. I think he may have hurried her death somehow. IT’s heresy and hearsay from my older sister. I was disowned and other things. Crazy. TOTAL LUNACY and I know it has to do with the BGEA because both were involved in a sick cult who can’t handle the truth and were caught unaware and the cult was exposed as a cult and of purse has to do with Gary as well lots of money exchanged hands but not to me and a lot of pressure to bear as well. My mom did some other things as well during another visit trying to tell me something and kept touching her nose towards me about my brother in law, my sisters, and my brother. She was trying to tell me something without saying it. She smelled like formaldehyde which I thought was weird and her legs looked bad as if tortured and her blood was doing stuff I forget what you call it. Elderly abuse was what was happening. I tried to write letters to lawyers and congress and got nothing. No one would help. Only one response: “It’s not my wheel.” SO I feel a lot of bad feelings towards our government, lawyers who don’t represent citizens ESPECIALLY FEMALES and do it for money only even though we have a US Constitution and BIll of Rights which is dead because it is only as good as the people who represent it and most who don’t aren’t worth a hill of beans.

    I will NEVER FORGET nor relent until I see and witness the end of the RCC and the false religions kissing it’s ass who I believe are involved in HOSPICE: the BGEA, MOTHER TERESA, the MOB etc fucking with our country and other countries and it’s people mostly by CATHOLICs or ISLAMICs FUNDAMENTALISTS and EVANGELICALS.



    I think I will be privileged to see the end of these vultures;) Maybe not but I hope so.

    Including my ex who has collaborated with them because he’s a worm!

    I am tolerating it for now but not for long not because of me but because of them. TRY TO GRASP MY MEANING.

    TIME IS SHORT FOR THEM UNLESS THINGS DRAMATICALLY IMPROVE in a multitude of ways for me, my family, my friends and I believe I’m being helped and spiritually strengthened. I will have my dreams come true and if you assholes don’t accept a morsel of truth you don’t deserve life and nor will your dreams come true no matter what religion, nationality, culture, class, sex or color

    even in football.

    It is time to accept the truth which is obvious.

    There are too many coincidences and signs to ignore at your own risk and a great upheaval everywhere like birth pangs. DON’T BE STUPID unless you have a right to be stupid being born with a great handicap. The above “no matters whats” are not sufficient as an excuse.

    We were entrapped as kids because of some things. However my dad in his travels a lone told us about going to Greece and said to the cab driver take me to theParthenon and the driver said something like you just saw it or something similar. He read quite a bit about history so it was a funny story. My habit is not a good one, but it is not evil. Hospicing is evil. I think the hospice of my mom was done in revenge for revenges sake because of a man who molested me and abused me and I protested which is a lousy excuse. The national anthem was a distraction as there have been many of them since Obama took office because of Benghazi and because of  trying to cover up some man made disasters in Japan and other places (using HAARP and the global warming lies of the Vatican and then Gore to cover it up and to make lots of money on the destruction of our planet, hospice and Obama Care) and because of the mustard seed debacle and hospice was retaliation for the truth about the mustard seed coming out. I have perspective as well. I know what is important and what isn’t. Our country has greatness and has done great things in the past but it has ungreatness and one thing is we should not be under the will and direction of the UN or NATO and need to get our ducks in a row and I think Trump is trying to straighten things out in a very divided country and I think he is trying to be fair minded about it. The reason the press and others are saying Russia had a hand in our election is because Obama tricked Putin in regards to Syria because Obama had some bad things up his sleeve in regards to the sarin gas that was sent to Syria. Obama intended to use it against Israel, if he could he would have. Putin tried to stop it. He is russian but he isn’t stupid and it was his backyard, not ours. Our best chance is with Trump to some degree politically not spiritually and our best chance is without Obama in every degree including any form of Obama Care. He wasn’t an African American in black sheep’s clothing meaning he used it for our detriment as a country and he had evil intent. He was groomed by Kissinger and Kissinger was hired by the Vatican. Okay…. that should prove his false black sheep’s clothing.  It’s a lot to handle as a President of the USA what was put in Trump’s lap and hopefully he will be allowed to try to improve our nation. And the holdouts as far as Obama Care repeal and replace are also doing the same. I don’t know John McCain’s reasons but I think it has to do with elections. I think the others on principles. I hope so. I think by what they have said on camera it appears to be based on principles. I think John McCain’s reasons are not based on principles but lack of principles and to soak up some of their goodness and honesty for his own benefit and rub his bullshit on principled senators. He is an Obama follower and he was playing games on his cell phone during the Benghazi hearings while Hillary Clinton was testifying. Not a good representative of his state of Arizona or our country. He is not fit for any office in the USA. He probably will get reelected because of the CHINESE influence/interference in our elections. The Chinese need him because of North Korea. The Chinese aren’t stupid either. LOL and how they got some control of the Panama Canal and Iran is definitely involved.  But yes his name is Trump and there are 7 trumpets in the bible so take heed and read about those trumpets in revelation. It might affect you and how you behave and where you end up. It isn’t his fault his name is Trump but I don’t think it is a coincidence. It might mean we have only 7 years to go before the next age or stage of life biblically speaking. That’s a possibility to consider and it could be God keeps spitting him back as well for good reasons such as: to reveal (possibly about the powers that be) I certainly can’t do it from my vantage point because of false news, but Trump can to some degree. So when people make fun of assassinating him (actors acting like their characters) I don’t think it matters because God will keep spitting him back because some things are out of our control such as Revelation perhaps the parts of Revelation that are true and not the false parts.

    There is a saying about truth on a game I play sometimes “if you speak the truth you had better have one foot in a stirrup.” I used to live on Stirrup Lane and I am speaking the truth as best I can. Coincidence? And in another post I wrote about 1600 furlongs (1600 is the address of the White House or was) connected to the Vatican and blood rising to the horses bridal between the two. COINCIDENCE? What it means is anyone’s guess, because I DON’T KNOW WHT IT MEANS but furlongs (fuhrer) is some sort of measure and I think people are being weighed in the balance on both sides. GOOD AND BAD. So when I see Rand Paul hold out and the others I think their principles are good since they explain themselves and their reasons for holding out and whyI think there are two or more Trumps since there are 7 TRUMPETS (horns vs a nose of a bird) in the bible perhaps there are 7 Trumps. In any case people in government and in the press and in the world are being tested regardless of what you think of TRUMP. It is hard to know what to think since we don’t get truthful news most of the time and contradicting facts about the tax plans in the news and in regards to other events. I have heard so many contradicting stories of what bending the knee at the game was about. I don’t think the benders even know. Some say it was about injustice in regards to race not even mentioning injustice for females. Some say it was about the flag, patriotism etc. So I figure it is mere distraction from something else like most things we hear and read about in the news and I believe it is distraction in regards to the mustard seed not being the smallest of seed and Faithers freaking out.

    Eurythmics – Would I Lie to You?

    I wonder if the Great Debater Tucker Carlson can do the same. Did he live on Stirrup Lane too? LOL Have a show on the HOSPICE SITUATION, WHY DON’T YOU? I think he is afraid to talk about it. I don’t think you want to get in a fight with me, but do try. You might save your soul and live in a better day if you make it your mission to expose Hospice. IN fact have a bunch of shows about the RCC, Mother Teresa, and the travesties of both. DO SOME RESEARCH INSTEAD OF RESTING ON YOUR MORAL LAURELS BECAUSE yours aren’t good enough. Nah, on second thought don’t do it, I would rather see you cook because I know you and Fox News are acutely aware of the practice of Hospice and are silent about it and deserve death and not life! IT’s called warning others who have not been warned if you even care which obviously you don’t care to warn others. I’m not the only one many others feel the same, I guarantee it. You won’t be able to enter through the emerald door to escape these things because you won’t see the emerald door or any other door to escape.

    God did not ask me to write but I think the things I write are important and I believe He/She gives me signs and I’m trying to use my experience and show how evil works especially against the truth. DIABOLICAL and INSIDIOUS. I was given some truths through my sadness and offer it freely. I hope you take advantage because many people in my family suffered for it besides me

    and YOU WILL PAY FOR IT DEARLY everything you love

    and even with your decrepit souls. so you had better try to muster up some courage and talk about and investigate Hospice and the RCC and it’s evils and destroy it.

    As I recall she didn’t believe so why is she mocking prayer?

    Here is a snap shot from the Christopher Hitchens expose youtube on Mother Teresa and Hospice called Hell’s Angel linked in this post above and who do you see? It looks like BYE BYE a political pundit sitting next to a religious cult leader of the BGEA wearing Mother Teresa’s garb of misfortune and malfeasance. And here is also a snap shot of the hummel figurine Mother Teresa in prayer on display for the Catholic Churches benefit. She really would be a good hummel figurine since I hate Hummel figurines. Both posers in prayer. Where I disagree with Christopher Hitchens is about abortion and perhaps  his demise was because he blew it in some form of trickery against females or maybe someone impersonated him like I think someone does Trump sometimes and others with some kind of technology in order to make or further the inquisition/crusade/degradation/holy war/evangelism/jihad against females and their families who have had abortions using lies for political reasons not moral ones for if the reasons were moral they would be against Hospice murder suicide of the elderly or families of those who have had abortions in retaliation. Also would allow the public to see the videos made famous by nuns of the RCC because the RCC is holding them back hence the videos are bullshit. It’s a ruse. Propaganda is much more useful. MYSTERY of the RCC. Men can’t have abortions so it was UNFAIR and because it was the excuse for Hospice which he exposed. I appreciate his exposes and think he deserves a bunch of credit for his work. I hope he gets his opportunity in heaven because it is possible: anything is possible with God, OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN. He suffered from cancer before he died but his excuse for his atheism is the Roman Catholic Church and their teachings and lies which is a VERY big excuse. I don’t know what he really believed because I wasn’t in his head nor heart but I believe he will be rewarded for his can-door i.e. his truthfulness on a very scary and evil practice and about the CULT of the RCC!  Truth is the way and he was definitely involved with truth and so putting a space between the a and the t of an atheist to a theist:) A believer in the God of truth. In my opinion he is a patriot and an honorable man for what he accomplished for the world. IT TOOK A LOT OF COURAGE. Taking a knee or praying in front of crowds is an eh. Nothing in comparison to truth. Faith is not comparable to truth especially if it is a false faith based on a lie about the mustard seed and men and women who rely on faith will probably be disappointed. How can you trust a lie which is proven to be a lie. It is nothing more than dishonesty and stupidity to trust in faith. We are supposed to pray in private and not mock it in public. Winning a game is not as important as truth TEEBOW and trying to cause a distraction from the truth is scandalous and frivolous. BIG F…… Deal.! A mere distraction and totally mis-useless. Some people like attention even if it is bad attention and have reasons for public displays is merely getting attention to gain notoriety one didn’t have before and in fact wasn’t respected for his lack of talent in comparison to others who had more talent than him and this was Teebow’s sin

     even in the game of football!

    If Teebow had led the “take a knee” debacle during the national anthem I doubt anyone would have followed and the press wouldn’t be talking about it incessantly.  Who sings at these games? Beyonce and other great singers sometimes sing at the beginning of football games the song The Star Spangled Banner. Would these football players have taken a knee then or would they have applauded? The people that have died in war from the USA didn’t die for the flag of the USA. It is only a symbol representing the 50 states. Some died for the freedom of Europe, some died for the freedom of Jews in Europe and for the resulting State of Israel, and some died for the freedom of South Koreans, some died for the freedom of the Vietnamese and others in the area, some died to hold back evil practices and hold back communism and fascism in our country, etc and quite a few were african-americans and catholics and even american-indians and some japanese americans as well in those wars. I’m sure we had some spies as well via the Jesuits. Not sure any of the people were ISLAMIC who fought on our side for freedom. I think it is disrespectful to take a knee at a football game when others died for the freedoms they have enjoyed and the opportunities they received making appalling salaries tossing a ball in the air vs defending those opportunities which are unfair but definitely have helped to raise the status of african americans for their talents and abilities some of which are God given which may be it’s purpose, but definitely should not be fired for expressing their displeasure and discontent maybe for others. It’s like movies if you don’t like it, don’t watch it or pay for it and/or don’t attend. Freedom of expression is a good symptom.

    Bannon’s ‘War’ With GOP Has Only Just Begun

    The fact is all of us have been deceived in many different ways so it is a confusing time for all of us. As a country we need to accede to the facts there is injustice and unfairness to go around and try to do better wherever we find ourselves and in whatever position we are in including the Presidency even though I think it is probably a tough place to be because of the Secret Service, State Department, IRS, Justice Department, CIA, FBI, NSA, some Congress, Federal workers and the unions that protect and threaten them from disclosure and scrutiny and other infected places in our government who can’t see the forest for the trees and work for another allegiance to another government and religion to overthrow and undercut and cause mischief some very serious mischief for their own gain against the people of the USA and it’s elected leaders. We definitely need a more independent press not reliant on the elections for revenue and salaries and political/religious christmas presents like Laura InGraham pursued during the election period.

    SHE SHOULD BE FIRED for her suggestion!!!

    Pope Benedict XVI and His Power of Suggestion

    Perhaps everyone in the game of football should make the same amount of money and have salaries comparable to those who defend our country. Would that make these football players happier and a lot less prideful if there was no free market in football, a communist style football league. How about an ISLAMIC Arabian style football league? No booze, no parties, no endorsements, no tattoos, etc. You preform or you don’t get paid, if you lose you get punished physically and in other ways such as we will cut your wife’s clit if you lose, or you will be sent to a prison camp in Siberia, or you will be mown down in Tiananman Square, or the threat of starvation, no retirement pay, etc. Would it be a better to be playing for Saudi Arabia, the Bathe Party in Iraq, or the Iranians? How about an all white football league? Maybe it would be better if the Feds paid the salaries of football players and allocated the salaries based on the amount each state paid the feds in federal tax revenues. It isn’t the flags fault some people abuse power and isn’t the flags fault that some people make enormous salaries playing a game while others who defended our country don’t. I remember many people clapping when OJ Simpson got off of a murder charge of his wife and her boyfriend because of the blunders of the police and justice system and because of a glove that fit who made a mockery of justice. OJ made a ton of money playing football. Not a good example but I hope he enjoys his new found freedom and stays out of trouble for the sake of his kids and I hope others don’t take advantage of his release from prison for political and religious reasons.

    OJ Simpson released on parole from Nevada jail

    This teaser was on the BBC News site of the article which I will link in a minute and I watched part of his parole hearing of the armed robbery and he was trying to get his stuff back but used the wrong method and the wrong people which was probably a set up of some kind to make him serve time for the earlier crimes. The parole agents who were questioned by the press I noticed and kind of recognized however changing sex and other things they looked a bit different. Hopefully these parole agents aren’t gonna use him for other crimes. It’s plausible!

    I recall reading about people who clapped when JFK was assassinated. So when you complain about justice it makes a difference if you clapped for ISLAMIC style injustice against a LEGALLY divorced woman and her jewish boyfriend and a catholic president who promised to be fair as far as his catholic upbringing as the President of the USA. DOESN’T IT?

    Simon & Garfunkel – The Sounds of Silence (Audio)

    and the people bowed and prayed

    to the Neon god they made…….

    I really don’t care about the server e-mail crap on either side of the political aisle in Washington DC because it’s crap. A false lead. The Vatican’s crap and in particular the Jesuits attempt to control those in our government making the rule in the first place. Even if there were evidence about Hillary passing on classified information it wouldn’t be used against her. John Kerry has a lot to do with what occurred and to the Benghazi witnesses who disappeared and he replaced her and he and his wife Mrs Ketchup/Heinz his money tree met with President Bashar Assad and his wife Asthma for dinner before the false story about sarin gas in Syria with painter’s masks so he should be the center of any investigation about Benghazi along with Leon Panetta a mother fucker FROM HELL who should be tarred and feathered as well and put in prison with a gun and a string tethered to the trigger of the gun and the wall or door of the cell and in his mouth if he moves and the same for Obama. These are evil people. Why the lie detector tests weekly of the State Department personnel after Benghazi? To control information. It’s as much crap as Bill O’reilly, his book titled Killing England I heard the ex say was the title of his newest book a canoe book rafting down the Cahulawassee River of the Appalachian mountains of the movie Deliverance back to Fox News and his discussion with Sean on the Hannity Show tonight. I did not watch the whole show because it was gross. You don’t dish out 17 million $ for nothing said my ex! I agree. However, I didn’t get anything as far as money for my troubles so quiet money isn’t the only testament to the validity of an accusation. O’reilly lost his job because of a multitude of accusations I think which caught up with him. He is a blow hard as my dad told me and a kiss ass as well, in particular Obama’s ass and though he protested about Hillary he was on her side as well you can tell by his shows in the past and I don’t think he ever had a show about Benghazi which is telling since the Jesuits came up with the excuse for Susan Rice… a video tape. He is a liar through and through and if you like his version of history rewriting history buy them but it won’t do you much good if you do. He said God told him to write the book called Killing Jesus and soon after he lost his job. LOL on Fox. So I guess it might not have been God who he heard. LOL. He sees through a dark lens and doesn’t grasp truth. He incites as well based on lies. Never delving deeper for causes of discontent but uses the statistics without the reasons. NUMBERS DO LIE when it concerns human suffering: to err is human but we should not monopolize on it. He monopolized on it and he profited a great deal using numbers. I think he is a Jesuit by the things he has said about them but he certainly has respect for the Jesuit way (I heard him say) which is evil and has caused a great deal of harm worldwide. The Jesuits work for the devil and make a vow to the devil. So why does he respect the Jesuits? He said because they teach discipline. How would he know? Anyway not the right kind of discipline.The military also teaches discipline and does a much better job and gets things done. The Jesuits did not win WWll. The military did.  I wrote about a documentary hosted by Oliver North about World War 2 in the area of Manilla and a Jesuit was in the documentary taking credit when he should not have been. It was so obvious and when it was apparent the RCC had lost their edge when before the Jesuits were involved in the torture (behind the scenes of course) of the population at the time in Manilla. Squeal, squeal, squeal is what you did tonight, Hannity. I guess he isn’t much of a friend to females or he would not have had O’reilly on his show and would have had the courage to decline his appearance or question him about the accusations against him. He didn’t. They glad handed each other. Winston Churchill said men are worms and Hannity joined the club. I hope he can wiggle his way out some day by having courage and wielding it for females and their plights and against the Roman Catholic Church, Mother Teresa, Hospice etc. Sean Hannity needs to grow up and not sideways. Stop drinking O’reilly’s BS, quit kissing ass, and slow down on those cases of beer. The only mountains FAITHERS can move or change is their own BULLSHIT and each others Bullshit and it ain’t enough against the God of truth. It was like watching O’reilly interview O’reilly. A bunch of glad handing as well which is gross. It really is gross to watch. Hannity contradicted himself in one LITERAL hour with the beast on his show tonight. OINK OINK OINKing the night before is what you did with Laura InGraham. It is obvious you are enamored with Laura InGraham and it is sickening to watch. She craps just like everyone else. Does she bleach her anus? I thought you might recall. Laura InGrahams morality is only show. She has no way of knowing it because she has no depth. Someone should teach her but it appears she is the new teacher on Fox taking O’reilly’s place which seems appropriate. Like switching one poop for another and for the worship of BAAL. Dung beetles do the same thing. Roll around balls of poop. Anyway your kissing her ass was like watching Pelosi and the Mayor of Chicago or her protege in Congress Chuck Shumer. False news story says the ratings for the Hannity show increased albeit with a great deal of manipulation like the government does in terms of unemployment/employment numbers, and all the other measures manipulated for the elections, support, salaries, and TON of other reasons as well. 

    Both shows were deceitful and worthless but what can you expect from a worm.
    I don’t believe all mankind are worms and I’m proving it in this post. When you are given knowledge for free and don’t make GOOD use of it you are a worm. You should warn people about Hospice and you should do research about it and about the RCC’s history and involvement in hospice and too many horrible things in the past to mankind only to perpetuate a false religion to force it upon others, and you should warn others! The RCC is no better than Jim Jones of Guyana in fact even worse.

    Saudi Arabia just announced through Fox news Sheppard Smith it is going to allow women to drive next year. Why not now? Saudi Arabia ought to feed the people in Yemen as well NOW. One of the richest countries in the world next to one of the poorest. IT is their duty to feed the people of Yemen and to allow women to drive and much more. Take off the burkas and disallow them as we should in our country. I don’t believe it about Saudi Arabia because if it was their desire to let women drive it would be a done deal. It was the Saudis who attacked New York on 9-11. Oh yea we need their oil even though we have tons of it to last a long long time. Not a good enough excuse to use it against us and to behead people for being gay or different or female. I never trusted or had faith in what Sheppard Smith says because I saw him trying to stir up our country to go to war with Russia over the UKRAINE which I believe was RUSSIA at one time. What the hell do I have to do with the Ukraine. Who cares. We do not have to police the world. Who said we did? the UN? It’s impossible and we aren’t God. But the RCC is everywhere in every country stirring things up and should cease and desist. I believe he also lied about the sarin gas knowingly in Syria which was a false news story to incite americans for OBAMA and his evil intent. He is a tool of evil and he better step up to the plate and start talking about Hospice, the RCC, Mother Teresa and back off about the things he says and does for a great celery. He is a liar through and through. Quit with the false news and little carrots of faith but do it at your own risk if you do. It’s your soul the only one you got.

    Mecca and Medina deserve an appropriate response to 9-11. I think it is coming soon.

    Watch Walter Veith on video

    Total Onslaught Video Series by Walter Veith and Amazing Discoveries!

    Officials Investigating Hugh Hefner’s Death Suspect Foreplay

    While i was looking at the HUGE picture on one of the news sites that are most prominent of the Playboy owner who died at the age of 91 Hugh Hefner (I didn’t read it or buy it but saw it a few times) and thought he was kind of handsome in a way in the picture and reminded me of Pope John Paul when younger in looks anyway when I had the thought a picture of Trump appeared with the expression I have seen before as if judging my thoughts. In the New Testament Paul says God judges us by our thoughts. The devil does, though. Hugh Hefner kind of was a modern day SOLOMON with a preference for blondes. Paul wasn’t God so how would he know and said some crazy ass shit about Jesus even such as he didn’t understand the language the people he was talking to at the time sermonizing and yet claiming he was son of God and then promoting every other god known to man saying we could have it all and that if we didn’t worship Jesus we would be anathema. (a curse) He was related to a woman who reminded of perhaps a form of Mother teresa in that her name was similar when he introduces his family saluting each other. You can read about it in the parts of the New Testament involving Paul.

    I don’t believe it nor the words of Paul. He was affected three times by lightning in the same moment. Blinded by the light on his way to Damascus. Supposedly Prince Charles had a similar experience and he’s a FLAMING flake.

     As far as my thought about the handsomeness of of Playboy magazine business man Hugh Hefner (he’s not my type) and the flash of Trumps fare with a weird expression I have many thoughts all at once sometimes. An explosion of thoughts sometimes. It was an AH HA kind of expression on Trumps face yet I don’t think Trump flashed his face. Someone used his face. It’s a psycholological war going on right now using the internet and I’m fine psychologically in that I know I’m not nuts like the press is. Don’t plan to go nuts either even though I have been plagued with a lot of psychological nonsense from something VERY evil. I don’t produce shit on the internet nor try to damage people psychologically with false news about my life. I’m documenting the events in my family and in my life and trying to use it for good.  Evil hates truth. I have seen a story on the press sites about a man in North Korea and his parents are in some interview I want to see whose son was tortured by the North Koreans and deprived of oxygen to the brain via a coma? A form of starvation. The reason for my interest is  because the whole affair reminds me of the James Foley story. He was a prisoner in Syria but was interviewed first by Bill O’reilly


    so it must be a Jesuit ploy/tactic. JEALOUS?

    Why the hell would any sane person send their kid to Syria (James Foley) during a war or send their kid to North Korea (Otto Warmbier) as a student of University of Virginia for a five day tour of North Korea. It takes money to do it for one thing.  It isn’t normal.The University of Virginia ought to be sued for not watching the students and keeping them out of trouble and for even creating this ridiculous scenario and controversy. The parents must not have loved their son very much. While intent is important it helps first to have committed a crime to be judged about intent. I haven’t and don’t plan to commit a crime such as sometimes I write about in my passion. I’m being abused but not to the extent of James Foley supposedly who was beheaded and after that a bunch of people were beheaded in front of a green screen hence it was fake news nor this guy who was supposedly a prisoner of the North Koreans being paraded around at least I don’t think it’s true. Not saying the North Koreans are good especially the leader who even killed his uncle to set an example which is crazy similar to Iraqs president torturing people even putting some person in a bath of acid to see what happens to a person in acid torturing his own people. He was a member of the Bathe party. But what about the Saudis? What about 9-11. Does oil production (petrol) cleanse a nation of it’s crimes against humanity?




    WHY NOT TRY TRUTH for a change and save yourselves and others.

    I think it’s a trick about this man. I want to judge to see if the parents are on the up and up because I don’t think James Foley’s parents were on the up and up from what I witnessed of their grief. It seemed like an act of some kind but why …I don’t know. Ambassador Chris Steven’s mom the victim supposedly at Benghazi who wasn’t the victim at Benghazi also didn’t display grief. This is Catholic related nonsense but I still haven’t seen the interview about their son so plan to see it. I think it is a false news story but want to judge it for myself. I know grief pretty well because I feel it everyday  because of hospice and my mom and seeing my dad’s face at Benghazi half eaten by worms with some weird shit on his eye which is torture of me because I loved my parents. Or a facsimile of my mom in an ad on Fox News. You owe her the proceeds of the ad and a whole lot more and you will pay DEARLY. It’s evil to do that to people as if I hadn’t already experienced a bunch. I have my dad and mom’s DNA and their influence in my life – a great deal of love, fun, and happiness and they still give me strength to push on and helped protect me during the tornado as did my cat Romeo but some assholes laid their hands on him and killed him but I will get him back as I will my parents and others I love because I believe in the God of truth.  THEY ARE THEY THAT TESTIFY OF ME. Chris Stevens mom had no grief in her interview. It was crazy shit talk I saw her display and her husband supposedly said some strange stuff which was ridiculous about not making his son’s death political. His son was an ambassador of Libya so if he died it was political BUT HE DIDN’T DIE AT BENGHAZI. Then the parents and family planted a tree in his honor. Give me a break. So his son was a tree? Did this occur in Brooklyn? It was TOTAL nonsense. Perhaps Catholics are affected in ways causing insanity of some kind. If they would take the advice in Revelation maybe they wouldn’t go nuts. Catholics by their adoration of the RCC are a huge part of the problem and are causing by their adoration of Mary and the Pope patronizing calling him His Holiness etc and advocating by their attendance the evil the RCC has inflicted upon mankind so maybe catholics deserve to go nuts. I’m not God and I know they are victims in a way as well. LEMMINGS i.e. similar to dodo birds and will go extinct if they don’t wake up no matter how many.


    got to see a video of the parents on Alex Jones site and it is ridiculous Give me a break!. Do we really need Otto Warmbier’s death to tell us North Korea is not a victim? Fox wants us to think so. His parents want us to think so. Who ever thought any one thought  North Korea was a victim besides the people stuck inside North Korea such as the uncle of the leader of North Korea who was killed. They are victims, obviously. What good would it have done to have gotten a propaganda poster from North Korea. We see them all the time on the news filmed in North Korea. Anyway the dad is wearing his sons jacket in honor of his sons attempt to steal a poster in North Korea. So I guess it was his parents who wanted their son to get a propaganda poster for attention for themselves and to appear on Fox News for themselves. Did they get the poster as a momento?  His mom looks an awful lot like James Foley’s mom in structure and spirit. This is so much BS I can’t tell ya. Why the hell do you think there is a wall between North Korea and South Korea and armed guards, because it’s pretty? We had a war years ago in Korea between the north and the south and we were involved in the war…..REMEMBER? His dad said “We just want you home Tiger boy.” Remember JFK’s warning? Getting eaten by the tiger? His mom said you can call it a coma but you wouldn’t call it a coma….”

    yea it’s called demon possessed and his parents are nuts.

    “Remember that in the past those who foolishly sought power by riding the back of the tiger ended up inside.”

    JFK- Ride the tiger’s back, end up in his belly

    I haven’t watched the whole you tube on Alex Jones but I will when I can stomach it. I think I need a third stomach to do it, though. How many stomachs do cows have? Two?

    “Do cows have two stomachs?
    The cow has four stomachs and undergoes a special digestive process to break down the tough and coarse food it eats. When the cow first eats, it chews the food just enough to swallow it. The unchewed food travels to the first two stomachs, the rumen and the reticulum, where it is stored until later.”

    Who in their right mind would send their son on a college trip to North Korea but an asshole and his asshole wife and Fox news and the University of Virginia and whoever else is involved in this


     The Coroner says he died from lack of oxygen and his lower teeth were rearranged: Maybe he needed a Root canal. Perhaps it isn’t their son. Often the way to identify a corpse is via the teeth and dental records.

    North Korea Says the U.S. Is Lying About Otto Warmbier’s Death.

    Here’s What We Know

    It is still crap we are witnessing in regards to Otto Warmbier in every way.

    In any case his dad is a wimp fueling a war he never intends to fight.

    Anyway a coup occurred in Egypt in regards to Chris Stevens, the RCC,  and John McCain and some others in our government involved (two coups) during the Obama Administration, an attempted coup in Syria and then we have North Korea. NOT TO MENTION IRAN. Our country does not need this shit. Anyway we really do need to drain the swamp most of which is ensconced in our government using federal workers who can’t be fired. How ridiculous. Everyone else can be fired why not them? Draining the USA of common sense. UNIONS sucking the life out of our country and of companies and even in the Public schools. It was Reuters but could also have been the Huffington Post. Probably the same person who wanted the press to puff Billy Graham years ago is involved in the Great Deception – the Hearsts of Germany spelled another way. Your time is over or nearly over you little prick and you can still straighten braids for a living. The abuse is getting out of control and legal action will follow so you had better Cease & Desist : “Letter is often times the first step to asking an individual, or a business, to stop an illegal activity. The purpose of the letter is to threaten further legal action if the behavior does not stop.” I’m not talking about lawyers either, I’m talking about God’s legal action as a response to the abuse. I have prayed for it in my way. For we know him that hath said, Vengeance belongeth unto me, I will recompense, saith the Lord. And again, The Lord shall judge his people. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. Hebrews 10:30-31

    Revelation 18: (KJV)

    18 And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory.

    And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies. And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities. Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double. How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow. Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her. And the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with her, shall bewail her, and lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning, 10 Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come. 11 And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buyeth their merchandise any more: 12 The merchandise of gold, and silver, and precious stones, and of pearls, and fine linen, and purple, and silk, and scarlet, and all thyine wood, and all manner vessels of ivory, and all manner vessels of most precious wood, and of brass, and iron, and marble, 13 And cinnamon, and odours, and ointments, and frankincense, and wine, and oil, and fine flour, and wheat, and beasts, and sheep, and horses, and chariots, and slaves, and souls of men. 14 And the fruits that thy soul lusted after are departed from thee, and all things which were dainty and goodly are departed from thee, and thou shalt find them no more at all. 15 The merchants of these things, which were made rich by her, shall stand afar off for the fear of her torment, weeping and wailing,16 And saying, Alas, alas that great city, that was clothed in fine linen, and purple, and scarlet, and decked with gold, and precious stones, and pearls!

    (The Roman Catholic Church, Bishops purple, Cardinals scarlet …..)

    17 For in one hour so great riches is come to nought. And every shipmaster, and all the company in ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off, 18 And cried when they saw the smoke of her burning, saying, What city is like unto this great city! 19 And they cast dust on their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing, saying, Alas, alas that great city, wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness! for in one hour is she made desolate. 20 Rejoice over her, thou heaven, and ye holy apostles and prophets; for God hath avenged you on her. 21 And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, Thus with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all.22 And the voice of harpers, and musicians, and of pipers, and trumpeters, shall be heard no more at all in thee; and no craftsman, of whatsoever craft he be, shall be found any more in thee; and the sound of a millstone shall be heard no more at all in thee;23 And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived. 24 And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth.

    Need I say more?

    I think I do.

    The asshole ex said he didn’t hospice his mom tonight after I asked him “do you realize what you did by hospicing your mom?”  Said he didn’t mock me in the poswder room and that his daughter knows he didn’t because she was there at the time. He wouldn’t have mocked me in the Powder room if his daughter had been there at the time so he is using his daughter. She wasn’t there when he mocked. He said he doesn’t remember what he said in regards to my cat Romeo in regards to accepting his offer of taking him to the vet and that he said he hated my guts but what ever it was it wasn’t nice. He said he did not have me arrested when he called the police on me in regards to my daughter attempting to cut my purse the fringe and I was trying to get it from her and he wouldn’t help me stop her and she was in my bedroom at the time acting like a maniac. Yet he paid the bail bondsman quite a bit of money though I had to spend a night in jail sick and thank God some emergency people helped me through it with medication. I did not call them either but they came to me. That’s a miracle. I do have friends in high places one higher than all others. And two friends I love dearly my mom and my dad. He said he didn’t hospice his mom yet it was his idea and he knew how long it would take, he discussed it with me in the car, he was in touch with his brother about it. He didn’t visit her during the time she was hospiced but went to the funeral because it was proper. He didn’t go to cover his ass from responsibility of hospicing his mom. He did it for a car for his daughter and some computers to cozy up to my daughter against me. He told me his mom said she didn’t want to live in an old folks home years ago when working in one as a bookkeeper looking the other way as she received her paycheck for three years or more and used it against her later on and starved his mom to death via hospice.  She couldn’t talk at the time of the hospicing and refused a feeding tube but she wasn’t in her right mind as far as what she needed. I know you can have a feeding tube put in after anesthesia to prevent aspiration and for use during recuperation because I had it done that way when I refused a tube in an emergency situation because it was too painful being crammed up my nose. He was there when I went through it so he knew. He told me after a few arguments about what happened and why he said he hated my guts when I accepted his offer after many times denying it the reason was I divorced him. Denied it again. admitted it again. and denied it again to night. I asked him Do you think God doesn’t know about your lies? He doesn’t give a crap. He is a mental case a mother fucker from hell a collaborator of Mother Teresa and the RCC. A traitor and a woman hater. He slept with his teen daughter for a while and I curtailed it nicely when she wasn’t around by using the internet and asking if a divorced dad should sleep with his teen daughter and read the responses. He stopped doing it but abused me later by entrapping me over a cell phone MISUNDERSTANDING and called the police and I did not have him arrested after talking to the police but had photos taken of my arm being twisted. I HOPE HE DIES A VERY PAINFUL DEATH AND GOES TO HELL with MOTHER TERESA and is forever bonded to her in hell as husband and wife responsible for many many  murders and suicides for the RCC. What is written above in Revelation is for him and his new wife Mother Teresa.

    I know what my dad will have to say to my ex:  “Get lost.”

    and my mom will say “you need to leave.”

    and THEY will have the opportunity.

    My brother will put his hand up to his forehead and it will spell out a letter “L”meaning my ex is a loser and he will have the opportunity as well.

    When my daughters realize he only used them, sabotaged them, lied to them, screwed them over, sold them down the river for his own sake

    they will turn their backs on him!

    The reason I asked “do you realize what you did when you had your mother hospiced” is because he set precedence in this world to hospice by starvation of others who don’t want to be hospiced. He denies he did it again and he sure as hell did. It WAS ALL PAYBACK FOR DIVORCING HIS LITTLE PRICK AND MAKING HIM CEASE FROM SLEEPING WITH HIS DAUGHTER and God knows it. PHIL ROY RODGERS knows it and doesn’t care.

    HE WILL and it will be too late.

    TAKE HEED of REVELATION. IT’S happening and will proceed regardless of taking a knee for whatever reason.


     I told the ex “your lies are gonna catch up with you.”

    The lies he has told are not just lies or white lies the lies he tells are EVIL lies meant for the sake of EVIL.

    He doesn’t deserve his daughters and he will lose them when all is said and done and he will lose everything he doesn’t care about and does care about. He is gonna be one sorry mother fucker when he has to answer to God.

    Notice the colors worn by Mother Teresa in her garb and McGlauflin look-alike and Billy Graham look-alike and others in the Roman Catholic crusade of murder-suicide Hospice. Blue and white like the star of David flag of Israel in the pictures above snap-shotted from the Christopher Hitchens expose about the witchcraft of Mother Teresa Hell’s Angel. Is it mocking Israel? Of course it is. Mocking England as well the royalty who say they are related to the King of  David. I wonder why, don’t you?

     It is intentional!

    He added tonight that his mom told all of the brothers her sons not to extend her life and he said she had a severe stroke. I saw her at a hospital and she did not look good at the hospital not the hospital in Michigan where she died but at Parkland and she was lying as well. It was wild. She looked apish and very stupid as if she had devolved evolutionary wise. Not sure why I was given the experience and it was not a vision. But I was for some reason. She was as if she had had a lobotomy and scratching her head as she lied to a nurse who was rolling her eyes because she knew she was an idiot, taking credit for something she didn’t do i.e. warning someone about not opening a door with an alarm which when I witnessed it she didn’t warn the nurse but warned afterwards like an idiot saying I told you so kind of warning and she hadn’t (very Catholic), and talking about a marriage of 35 years which is about how long we were married.

    The nurse who did open the door with the alarm didn’t intend to go through it. She was warning me or wanting me to notice or wanting others to notice. She opened the door to set off the alarm on purpose. I did notice the lie that followed by the nurse guarding me.

    When I had a vision of my mom she was happy, pretty, excited and as I remember her.


    She looked as real as could be and vibrant like she was often before something exciting like we might be seeing each other soon or before a celebration of some kind.

    At a different time my mom put her hand on my shoulder and said B – OB in a period of three months period sometime in between the time of her death by hospice and before (and I saw it on the walls of the Bail Bonds business a reflection through the window a B and below it OB)  and she said it before I had been falsely arrested via my ex. When I saw it I was taken aback. WOW. She did not look like she had had a lobotomy in my vision in the hallway of my home at the time. My dad was right her behind I felt it when she was in the hallway. As if she had won. So if I were you I would not follow PHIL or the Roman Catholic SOLUTION or you might end up like his mom: a walking vegetable, an ape, and pretty damed ugly as well. I was trying to get some medicine Xanax for my depression and anxiety and had to jump through hoops to get it and when I was asked if I had ever thought of suicide I said yes I had thought about it but would never do it. I write about it as well. I was being honest. The reason I wouldn’t do it is because of my daughters and to not set a precedence that might affect their future. I don’t think it is a good precedence however I know people who had no choice who have done it or specifically one lady I heard about because of great pain and misdiagnosis during the Obama Administration because of insurance limitations and lies about her condition lousy doctors which is a problem that insurance protects lousy doctors and treated badly because she was female and was told it was in her head even though she lost weight and was down to 90 pounds and in a lot of pain and ended up killing herself by shooting herself in the head and she was quite young about 45 years old so it was a tragedy what happened to her and via the autopsy/coroner she committed suicide because of a condition undiagnosed that my uncle lived with for many years called diverticulitis) and because of those who were so depressed and hurt for reasons by this world usually via a cult and other reasons and those kind of suicides are not the same as the RCC solution. She was a Christian and deserved better treatment but she didn’t get it via insurance. There are no guarantees you can count on via insurance of any kind if you get lousy doctors which insurance elevates. It’s inevitable as unions protects lousy workers, as the federal government protects federal workers etc. dumbing down the work force and even in our schools and colleges. IT ISN’T FREEDOM but the opposite and it doesn’t work well and will be our downfall as a nation. It is our weakness as a country and it is being wielded against us.


    (The nazis in World War 2 took the jewish doctors in the beginning of their insanity.)

    Trump’s Tax Plan Is An Act Of Political Domination By The Rich

    is a title of an article I perused. I have no idea because I can’t get the straight scoop what his plan includes because there is so much contradictory reports. As far as the tax bill proposed with no straight reporting on it since most reports about it are contradictory is not a once in a life time tax cut. A consumption tax is a once in a life time tax cut but the one proposed is not simple and is a disappointment and I’m sure will be hacked to death by both sides and compromised by pork as usual. It’s a false hope. A few good ideas but definitely not anything to boast about since it isn’t revolutionary nor a done deal. I’m nót impressed and the middle class deserves much better than what is reported as part of the bill. The USA will not rise to the occasion it deserves, IMO. Democracy isn’t working very well and the congress ought to resign for it’s negligence, cronyism, duplicity, it’s many lies and should pay back the citizens of the USA for it’s (congresses and the many other arms of government) grandiose lifestyles and pay raises and the profits made off their dirty deals behind the scenes at the expense of our countries well being. God knows and you will have to answer to God for those grandiose lies soon. I think I would like to hear from Rand Paul as to what he knows and doesn’t know about the new proposed Tax bill because he has been forthright ie


    in my estimation about REPEAL of Obamacare as well as the lady Senator Susan Collins who was also a hold out


    REPEAL AN REPLACE which was not mentioned during the election period. Repeal was mentioned and sold to the American people.

    I realize Trump has to contend with a mess and the special interests of others who have way too much influence but facts are facts so I like to try to give him a benefit of doubt for his attempts to get a consensus somehow but

    the Tax bill Definitely is not a postcard type tax proposal where as:

    If I were Trump who is not a career politician and doesn’t receive a salary for his input he could propose a straight up Repeal of ObamaCare in total and Abolish the tax code and ABOLISH the IRS in total and propose a consumption tax and collect enough federal income tax to fulfill the promises made to the military and it’s needs for the future and build the wall. Put it before the American people to digest. It’s kind of a unique opportunity possible never to be repeated so why not try for the sake of the survival of the American way otherwise I think we are screwed as a nation. The original purpose of federal income tax was for and intended to protect the citizens of the USA i.e. pay for the military. The rest will take care of itself allocating the proceeds of consumption tax for infrastructure. You might lose the next election but you don’t need the Presidency: Forgive the debts of other nations and forgive ourselves our national debt and protect our forgiveness. This concept if born will help our economy in a fantastic way and the countries involved. At the same time take back control of the Panama Canal in order to protect our forgiveness. Short range missiles are far more dangerous than long range missiles. There is a saying about long range missiles: I can’t remember at the moment but saw a clip about the saying by Bill Clinton having to do with mutual detterance or in other words mutual assured destruction and a bunch of others who understand the difference unless of course you are dealing with a suicidal nut. The Saudis use other countries such as Afghanistan to train and even our country was used to train the terrorists in Florida to fly without landing and wreaked havoc and death by not using intercontinental missiles and they wreaked quite a bit of damage in New York. So the Saudis using Iran isn’t out of the realm of imagination as well as Korea being used by China possibly or by the Saudis as well. I KNOW we DO NOT owe China money because of the position China has put the USA into using Korea and THEIR mad man in North Korea. I believe China owes us money and South Korea money for our troubles and theirs so as far as the National debt we should RENIG ON IT (Forgive my unpolitical correctness) but I learned about NIGER in the bible and a friend of Pauls or a relative and via another source and he wasn’t African American or African for that matter yet we have a country called Nigeria in Africa so take the euphemism however you choose but what I mean is we should not be required in our minds and hearts to even care about the National debt nor what China thinks we owe them and others as well.


    if they try to fuck with us.


    Forgive ourselves our national debt and as far as living within our means as a country we ought to try the consumption tax and I think we might be surprised that it will actually raise our funds in the long term and the value of the dollar. These bill boards with the national debt interest rates etc if we got rid of the IRS what would happen? TEAR DOWN THOSE BILLBOARDS. It’s psychological abuse of our country to even allow them in our country and because

    it’s BULLSHIT

    and an excuse for congress and their mishandling of money and worse

    but we don’t!

    Our country doesn’t owe anyone anything.

    Those who collect taxes should pay them. This is simple and revolutionary. Our economy will sky rocket above the rest of the nations and we will make a lot of new friends and have only a few enemies as a result! The rich will still get rich or richer but so will the middle class and the lower class. If we help another country we do it without charge in natural disasters and without tax deductions for our gifts. TRUTH IN CHARITY. No inheritance taxes etc. or double taxation for the rich which will eliminate a lot of crap. No deductions at all. The people of the USA will have power of the purse and consume using their power or not consume using the power they deserve oh yea and get Paul Ryan to tell Congress not to read the bill, just sign it to know what’s in it. and include in the bill No more do not resuscitate forms at hospitals. Outlaw Mother Teresa’s witchcraft from the USA and sue the state of the Vatican and the RCC for it’s trickery.

    Austria moves to ban the burqa

    Trump if he has testicles should follow suit on this one and include nuns habits and RCC collars and a travel ban to include the Vatican and exclude Yemen from the travel ban but very carefully.

     When a country declares war by an army of terrorists such as the Saudis on 9-11 you do not accommodate their uniforms such as hajibs/ burkas/nun’s habits, etc. When the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor the Japanese Americans were put into internment camps for the safety of the citizens of the USA so disallowing the uniforms of a religion at war with the rest of society isn’t too much to demand. Disallow their religious garb worn as an inciter of religious terrorism and a form of attraction/propaganda by those who are mentally unstable in comparison to internment camps, is it? Which is better internment camps or ban on burkas/hijabs/nun’s habits???? no matter how pretty or dull to help them become better citizens of the USA or Austria or whomever has the common sense to demand some form of compliance to the country they live in. Besides Hijabs and Burkas can hide a multiple of sins such as hidden arms like assault rifles, machine guns, all kinds of dangerous weapons including grenades, mines and even mini nukes to inflict terrorist type damage upon society. “Pull back the veil and you will find only death.” Remember the lady in Afghanistan I think it was who sent a kid with a bunch of grenades in his jacket and she was wearing a hijab/burka and luckily was assassinated by a sharp shooter to save a bunch of military men and women. Im sure it was tough but he had no choice and he was assassinated later in our country so obviously we need to be careful. I think it is a small thing to demand but perhaps internment camps is safer for those who wear hijabs and the like since we were attacked and Austria wasn’t. Not only will it help us it will help the women of a religion at war. It will protect them from having to be used as a conduit for terrorists and terrorism and their weapons by men of the religion that obviously have no respect for women who have no respect for their children because of it.

    U.S. to Pull More Diplomats Out of Cuba After Attacks

    IMO, The Sonar attack of the americans in Cuba was right before the hurricanes which enveloped Texas and Florida including Puerto Rico and were caused by an installation similar to HAARP which is located in Alaska but there are others which uses sound (like the strings on a piano to vibrate) somehow and with microwaves to heat up the atmosphere and ocean to strengthen storms. An installation is probably located in Cuba full of jungles and great hiding places used to cover up the use of this kind of technology probably emanated from CUBA via OBAMA and used to attack our people in Cuba so not to notice the attack on our country and I think computers were involved to attack them in order to create mega storms for devastating areas of interest and commerce, trade and tourism and other assets these cities provide economically and other ways which imo is


    and creating wealth in various ways using global warming as an excuse and to increase donations for religious organizations and help Gore and his religious cultish fiends with their political agenda and religious entities involved (the RCC and Evangelicals the BGEA Franklin Graham (getting tax deductions for their service) who are in collusion and to gain a lot of sick attention and a boon for the businesses involved who sell the water and other essentials who come to aid the victims who are not well respected and to test Trump. To deplete our federal government of emergency funds, stretch out our military to weaken it and to line the pockets of some politicians who allocate the money, etc. who are involved which is evil and to promote the circle of life which is not life but a vicious circle full of vultures and simply put 

    It’s a scam.

    Cuba is first and foremost Jesuit and Oreilly said massacres are the price of freedom. If so, so is the destruction of the


    Mecca and Medina. 

    What should you do about it?

    You bomb the shit out of CUBA so they don’t do it again.

    First and Foremost

    Cuba is a Jesuit nation

    so what do you expect?

     Give ample warning for evacuation from Cuba to Mexico (a few days)

    disallow any immigration from Mexico for a while,

    drop leaflets for the people of Cuba to head for the mountains of God

    and to prevent excessive loss of life and then

    Bomb their tourist sites, resorts, airports and ports

     luxury places and luxury homes

    so no one will want to visit it

    for a long, long time.

    U.S. To Evacuate Diplomatic Staff From Cuba Following Mystery Ailments

    Phil’s mom loved the RCC because of it’s Latin masses because it was sooooo mysterious. This is dumb. She didn’t understand Latin. She thought the RCC adored women. THE RCC loves females TO DEATH as well! she didn’t even read the bible but had it out on display a big one and told her sons not to read it OR TOUCH IT. The RCC loves Nazism and Fascism as well so I guess she did too. She was taught not to read the bible and this also the RCC solution. IGNORANCE. UNBELIEVABLE.


    It was a surreal experience at Parkland when I jumped through those hoops being interviewed by not one, not two, not three but four people at the same time (could have been three but it was inane) in a little cubicle room taking notes. I bet they were catholic. LOL they were not normal acting. Everyone had computers and the computers were telling them what to do. The doctors and nurses were working in the hallways. I thought it was kind of funny. Computers can be hacked. So beware. I had to do it on the sly because I knew the ex would interfere in a bad way as he had many other times in emergency situations and the false arrest. Such as when my pulse rate was at 145 in a resting mode and I was upset by it and having anxiety my ex said to me “mind over matter” and went to bed. Now that is love, isn’t it? Which is why I say I’m a prisoner religious/political prisoner and he is using me. He could have cared less. Might have been something I ate which he provides often not because he loves to provide but I think I have been poisoned a few times by him. I have reason to believe it, quite a few. And another such as after the tornado while across the bridge looking for supplies we got cut off from our home for 6 hours or more because one set of police disallowed travel over the bridge. We wanted to get back to the house. Were willing to walk the 5 mile bridge I think it is perhaps 2 1’/2 miles but were not allowed to. The ex wanted to but it was raining cold rain almost sleet. I’m sure the ex had some plans in mind for me if we did. After a tornado you do go into shock from the experience. It’s not like some forms of shock but it is a harrowing experience to walk out your door and see the damage a tornado can cause and take it all in besides the experience itself which is scary. One minute it is kind of balmy out but a nice day and the next you are hearing alarms the lights go out and wind picks up and the glass shatters and you hear noises and then a strange silence.  I saw my beautiful kitty in my mind walking down the hallway calmly during the tornado. After the tornado one of our dogs actually my daughters owned each one but one when you walked her it was like walking a Komodo Dragon I think the dog was suffering from DOG PTSD . It was tough and I couldn’t do it it was so hard to walk her. SHe has long legs and her chest was near the ground and her head kept looking up and around suspiciously. HEr claws were struggling and clawing the concrete as if walking up a mountain. It was tough. I couldn’t do it and had to stop walking her but she was right next to the window that shattered during the storm. You suffer some stress and so do animals. Some one was able to get to my cat somehow and kill him because of what I write in my posts. Retaliation. Insane retaliation and abuse to hurt me.

    I told the note takers about the abuse I was enduring and was put into a psycho ward with some others for few hours and served a lousy meal which I didn’t eat. I saw a woman who was catatonic (from India I think. I can’t remember for sure but I think she was in some kind of contraption she didn’t move and her mouth was open and her eyes were wide. In a stupor.) and some odd men as well, mostly Mexican I think. I was sent home high as a kite and it helped while I was at the hospital to overcome the craziness occurring at the hospital and it wasn’t XANAX. The hospital called me later and asked if I made it home safely and I did because I was very careful through heavy traffic for about an hour or more in the worst time of day for driving in the area I was in because I know how. I was familiar with the area and I know how to concentrate when I need to. Talk about weird sending me home high as a kite. LOL  I saw a famous actress as well with her cell phone who was going through a divorce from a catholic actor. She was lying on a gurney in the hallway. Parkland was going through some construction at the time. She was a nervous wreck and way overweight and I wanted to tell her get rid of the cell phone. It isn’t helping you but I didn’t. I didn’t know how to approach her and was dealing with the guard in the hallway: his mom.

    Last night he told me he has three new bids and credits it to his prayer to God. A day or so before saying Where is God etc….and that God doesn’t care about his very abusive lies. Doesn’t think God sees or hears them. I told him as I said earlier in this post or later He does and the lies will catch up with you. Now he is saying God gave him these new opportunities for bids because he prayed about it. He is kind of mixed up and hates my opinions. We all have times of discontent and doubts but his are more against me because of ignorance and no respect of females especially me because  i dared to divorced him. He isn’t very smart in some ways. Neandertholish and a small mans complex. I have tried to urge him to do some things he has the capabilities to do  in the past and he refused then and still does in a weird kind of way thinking he is superior. It’s some kind of mental illness I think. He exaggerates to the nth degree and devalues me to the nth degree. He doesn’t like my spirit. Says I’m not fun anymore, etc but it is because my eyes are wide open now about him.  How you treat your ex is important. I tried to go at it as friends and would not have done the shit he did to me so he has a lot to answer for. Heard about a very good singer/song writer having heart troubles and I hope he clings to life physically and spiritually. Tom Petty was one of the best concerts I ever went to in my life though I really didn’t go to many concerts: my first concert was AQUALUNG LOL and before Aqualung most of what i saw were musicals which I love. He put on a good show, wrote good songs some of my favorites and performed with energy and and gave his audience their money’s worth!˜ A TRUE AMERICAN ARTIST on a par with some of the greatest in the music industry. He might actually be british but I never overindulged myself in their personal lives. lol. I’m sure his family is going through some hard times as those who were caught up in a political/religious massacre for the NEW WORLD ORDER agendas in Las Vegas. Said he was taken off life support, but gotten so many contradictory press releases it’s hard to know.

    72 minute response by law enforcement is a VERY LONG TIME!

    Anyway Laura InGraham is kissing country music ass now with Hannity because of the song God Bless America …then why the massacre? It wasn’t a blessing from God what occurred: it was evil AND AND AND it is supposedly the worst massacre of this kind so how is that a blessing from God to America  I like the song but it is not a sign of patriotism to like the song. (AND AND AND IS REFERENCE TO AKBAR OBAMA WHO SAID OFTEN IN HIS DIATRIBES AND AND AND.  A LIAR’S CONJUNCTIVITIS) I happen to be American so of course I like the song but we turned the wrong corner via hospice.  IS PATRIOTISM MORE IMPORTANT THAN TRUTH? ASK LAURA! OH SHE WOULDN’T KNOW BECAUSE SHE NEVER DARES TO TRY IT for if she did she would talk about Hospice, Mother Teresa, the RCC /Vatican and child porn. SHE DOESN’T! She obviously is in Mother Teresa’s mindset. It’s not like she is ignorant but prideful and stubborn about her morality which is nothing more than shit and she will get to eat it someday. The two ought to co-write a book called Patriotism in Truth and sell it with Oreilly’s book called Killing Jesus and all the others he has written as he belittles a painting of Beatrice Arthurs boobs (HE’S A PUTZ and a loon)  and some of the women at Fox News who sued him and settled out of court for 17 million dollars. A blessing from God to O’reilly. Why would God ask him to write a book called Killing Jesus? He didn’t, it was only O’reilly’s ignoble imagination. Laura InGraham is a fake. She is a political pundit and nothing more and doesn’t know what she is talking about and refusing to talk about the things I know she knows she should. SHE IS A NEW WORLD ORDER adherent. She is as shallow as a tide pool hoping to hold on to a piece of Barnabas for as long as she can and slowly boiling like crab/lobster in a pot of water on a stove top. Probably feels real good right now, doesn’t it? Nice and warm. The problem with saying don’t revive is murderous intents for inheritance and other reasons that are religious and political such as the New World Order. A lot of people have been tricked because there are ways to manage and manipulate people via entrapment to do things they would never do otherwise and to make a patient look in worse condition then they really are. Also one persons idea of hopelessness is different than another person’s perception of hopelessness not to mention there are a few in the business of medicine and in the business of the elderly who enjoy killing because of mental illness or have an agenda of some kind both of which I think Mother Teresa suffered yet lauded and sainted by the Jesuit Pope. I received a message via my dad that he didn’t want to die and that he concurred with my mom that she didn’t either. My parents were murdered insidiously and diabolically. The mob is very adept at murder/suicide using hostages, money, and entrapment and many other ways. The RCC is the mob. One of a few but a very big one. WE ARE AT WAR and my side is gonna win;)


    People often say “pray for the peace of Israel” but it is getting to the point in America that I feel like praying for the end of all things everywhere so we can get on with a new stage of life on Earth. I want this day in biblical proportions to end to begin a better one because it is disgusting what I have witnessed of other people going through or have endured and what I had to endure because of the NEW WORLD ORDER. The deception is the worst part. I hope those involved burn in hell which includes in a big way the OBAMAS, THE VATICAN, and many others. IT will overtake them when they least expect it. The Obamas, the Vatican and the ones who sowed evil and a multitude of tricks will not be able to escape. I would not want to be them when they get their just desserts.

    It’s pretty inane when the world can’t accept the mustard seed isn’t the smallest of seed. It’s like living with a bunch of amoebas

    By the way what ever happened to Oprah Winfrey’s boyfriend? Did she eat him? There is something I want to also add. LOL. When Jesus was crucified and before it is mentioned by the writer of the Gospel of John that not one bone was broken. During the Obama Administration there sure were a lot of broken bones. I don’t know if it has to do with breaking bread in some form or fashion but there is a contradiction about breaking bread in the Gospels between the gospels, as I recall. I’m not an expert on the bible but I noticed a difference. I think there is something significant about the distinction in regards to broken bones. I truly do. Someday I guess and I hope we will find out. Seems to me it might be similar to the difference between the Jesuit style of discipline and the military type discipline, though I know there have been anomalies in the military from time to time especially in war time such as people who went nuts like at My lai, Vietnam but not on a regular basis. The US military has rules in regards to prisoners and most abide the rules. Whereas the Vatican Jesuits don’t and are considered an army or the military part of the RCC/Vatican who take a vow to the devil. Most of the time they are in plain clothes to accomplish their evilish deeds. King James Bible And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh. I think this is referring to the Vatican Jesuits as the armies and it’s cohorts. Why doesn’t it mention the Jesuits? GOOD QUESTION! If they are in plain clothes how would Jerusalem know? Kind of a mock in a way, I think, prophetically speaking which may have to do with a false prophet who also said the mustard seed was the smallest of seed which we have found out isn’t true but is in both the bible (the Synoptic Gospels and the Book of Islam (The Koran) though now I have read somewhere it has fudged a bit on the assertion by saying was instead of is, LOL which to a small minute (MINEWT as in M, LONG I, N, Double O, T) measure is a form of progress however the mustard seed never was the smallest of seed. Maybe the prophecy is actually historical view (kind of like O’reilly’s historical view) when Jesus was crucified meaning the Jesuits were the culprits which kind of makes sense and then blamed it on the Jews especially if Pontius Pilate was a pope in plain clothes and if he were a Jesuit it makes even more sense.

    Marine Corps veteran: I’m thankful I wasn’t offered assisted suicide

    when I was told I was dying three years ago

    If the mayor of Puerto Rico knew that her home was attacked by Cuba a Jesuit Nation on the heels of the attack on Houston I wonder if she would be a bit more patient with Trump’s response since Cuba was Obama’s pet project and testing Trump as President as he has a bunch of times with a bunch of maneuvers since Trump took office creating a great deal of trouble for everyone since he took office before him and after the Dems losing their President and blaming Russia for their loss after swindling the USA with a great deal of deception. The Mayor of Puerto Rico has gotten a good deal of attention and even some dynamic photo opportunities so me thinks the mayor is using the destruction for her own political and possible financial gain. If it were as bad as the Mayor of Puerto Rico said how is she able to be photoed and put on the internet? Certainly not as bad as the condition of people in Yemen. Read she was a Hillary supporter and she was disrupting the aid and supplies she was pictured with with supposedly and also with the help of the teamsters union or being wielded against her, I have no idea of the validity of the accusations.  It would not surprise me since reading Hillary and the Dems are pushing for gun control using Democrat guilt tactics AS USUAL (SO ROMAN CATHOLIC IT ISN’T BELIEVABLE ANYMORE) which is laughable on the heels of the massacre in Las Vegas without any facts or time for investigation, taking advantage of the massacre for their own gain politically.


    It is hard for me to believe the Mandalay Bay didn’t have weapon alarms at the entrances and exits of the Mandalay Bay to protect their business. Maybe the weapons came via the rooftop which would mean he didn’t act alone. Sounds like he had an armada in his room and he sure couldn’t have used all of them so why did he store them in the Mandalay Bay? For political reasons? IT isn’t very expensive to have installed weapon detectors so something is definitely FISHY! I doubt he acted alone with so many arms at his disposal on the 34th floor or was it the 35th floor.  32nd floor. You only need one if it’s automatic. I think he is an scape goat. He had a lot of money and it is why he was chosen. ALOT OF MONEY! I wonder if there are shots going off at the same time might might be a clue if the shots or type of ammo used are different and popping at the same time. What happened to the ammunition collected by the woman who had a broken something or other bone in the Obama Administration?

    And a woman gave notice at the concert so it was planned by a group of people. IF he acted alone I doubt he would have told anyone. So this was a political gambit, obviously. The weapons could have been checked into a secure place if the hotel had weapons detectors at the entrances and exits and like in the wild west a sheriff would have taken the weapons so it could not be used in high places on the public which is a good measure for gun control. I don’t know why both sides of this issue are so one sided like amoebas. It’s common sense. Obviously Chicago is a failure having gun free zones that don’t prevent guns from being used by criminals in those zones but at least secure the high places for the sake of the public and I don’t think there was a deer hunting lodge in the hotel. If he had been on the street he would have had less chance of so many dying and wounded and more chance of being ambushed, overtaken, and racked with bullets in return even without the aid of the police.

    So the answer is mine.

    Bannon: It’d Be The ‘End Of Everything’ If Trump Turned Left

    On Gun Control

    Years ago I knew a girl who had a gun in her suitcase by mistake (however it might have been put there to test because she was kind of amazed) and wasn’t caught going via commercial airplane however years later when on a singing tour with a famous country singer Reba McIntyre she died in a small plane wreck I guess the plane rammed into the side of a mountain or maybe it was something else that felled the plane. I never got the details. Half of Reba McIntyres group were killed, I think. I did not know her very well but she was a friend of my ex and they toured together years before and before she went on tour with Reba MacIntyre as a backup singer. Her death kind of had a big affect on me because of her age, her talent and because she was an acquaintance so I painted a picture of her on porcelain with Reba McIntyre though I never finished it in total. Had a hard time painting Reba Macintyre for some reason. It seemed very unfair what happened to her. Now we have contraptions at airports to protect the public and I know they have contraptions for hotels and other high places probably much cheaper than what is at the airports. Anyway it ought to be considered as a good measure for gun control. In the olden days in order to drink in the saloon the sheriff made the drinkers give up their guns to him in order to drink to protect the public.

    And ISIS OF COURSE IS TAKING CREDIT (I wonder if the shooter had help from the russians. Not really. I was not wondering about the russians.) IF ISIS is responsible no one in their right mind would call for the gun control of legal gun ownership of the citizens of the USA. What we need to do is exile ISLAMIC influence in our country which would be a much better idea, don’t ya think? It was reported that the shooter was influenced by ISLAM and his friend was overseas at the time. When the establishment in Washington give up their protection (SECRET SERVICE, CIA, PARK POLICE, POLICE, GUARDS, PENTAGON AND ALL THE OTHER PROTECTIONS OUR CONGRESS AND HILLARY RELY ON andwhen the mayor of Chicago Rahm Emanuel can stop crime in the city he is responsible for as the mayor it might be possible to get a gun control conversation and legislation used for the UN-PROTECTION of US CITIZENS but until then it’s a psychopathic-sociopathic suggestion. IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN to the extent the DEMS would propose. IT’s political ridiculousness and really very childish hoping to gain followers who are mentally unstable or plain ole stupid and kind of cold-hearted YESSA MASSA and hopefully will be evident in the next elections with or without the help of the russians.

    Pastors and others are hoping hope will spread because of  or based on a massacre. Quite the opposite. I haven’t heard anyone suggest what I have suggested such as weapon detectors at the doors of any high rise building and all I can understand from the absence of common sense is some kind of pleasure of hope by shooting people from above like a sport. Get to hear all the heroic attempts is I guess part of the package of hope by creating a sick scenario for those heroic gestures and preventable if we could rise above politics and demand some common sense gun control with weapon detectors at the entrances of these big businesses who tower above the maddening crowds. First it was the airplanes and airports, then the high rise buildings……….

    Fox is helping to get donations….anything it says even 5 dollars etc on GOFUNDME. I’m not gong to donate to this crap, I’ll tell you that much because it is what it is, CRAP. I used to enjoy a really good art program called Poser with which you made human characters called bots and you made or photoed skins for the bots and could use other programs to attain the skins probably including photoshop and others which look real called textures. It’s definitely a scam for raising money and possibly for killing real people. I know what can be done in a sound studio especially using voice samples. On television or computer the bots do not need to be real robots so you can animate very real looking bots for a number of applications such as bullshit, propaganda, and donations. and I don’t want to feed the monster which tests us. I would rather kill the monster. 

    Anyway, THE BGEA is on it’s way with it’s pastors –

    To steal some of the limelight and

    to pray before you

    -so hold on to your purses and wallets and stay clear of them if you can however the BGEA doesn’t wear uniforms very much like the Jesuit army. The BGEA are vultures hoping to enslave more people and make use of the victims! Victims and their loved ones are a human resource to them to be used for profit.

    Trump is in Puerto Rico and in Nevada

    Can a person be in two places at once?

    Does a leopard change it’s spots

    and all the while Rex Tillerson is answering questions about whether he said Trump was a moron and nothing about Las Vegas or Puerto Rico, Florida or Houston is mentioned or asked. Kind of strange and kind or eerie at the same time.

    This Trump is in Nevada with his wife to give solace to the victims and families as the President of the USA and as first lady speaking being shown on Fox News and before him was a politician of  Nevada who said “We must keep the faith” even if it is based on a lie, an untruth, a prevarication, an exaggeration, and based on the false covenant? What do the the people get in exchange for this deal.  I know what you get, but what do they get?


    INTENTIONAL Negligence? PURPOSEFUL Stupidity on the part of the government? MOCKERY?

    Ironically, the sheriff’s name resembles the name of Jesuit Fedriko Lombardi however his name is Lombardo. Kind of a mockery which evil loves. EXCUSES, EXCUSE, EXCUSES about Benghazi, BUT WHEN that DAY comes what you gonna do then? You won’t get a chance! Check out the picture at the top of the page because God does work in mysterious ways regardless of:

    “The best laid schemes o’ mice an’ men / Gang aft agley”.

    So the police have a film in their defense from a body cam which isn’t exactly full of information, of course. Most aren’t in the know anyway. Pawns. Some very good ones.

    Revelation is here

    so do what you must. Judas did what he must.

    The shooter has problems more than likely because our government has shirked its responsibilities for years and lived like princes and princesses while the people suffer a slow economical meltdown because of mistakes and purposeful malfeasance such as ObamaCare and hospice not even reading the legislation and signing it so must have been under the influence of something powerful to have done it something invisible and odorless via air ducts which is not outlandish in that it was done in Russia by Islamic terrorists and I believe was how the assassination of JFK was accomplished and both of these events happened quite a few years ago (and i happened to see a guy who looked like Obama at the sign at the time when JFK his arms and elbow and hands to his neck) was incapacitated with some kind of contraption remote control device via the car he was in when he grabbed his throat and the guy sitting next to the sign who sauntered away in the other direction afterwards away from the grassy knoll across the field in his funny looking pants and funny looking shoes calmly and unaffected by the shots fired afterwards. MOB STYLE. He also predicted he would be president when he was a kid or so he says. I also noticed a person who looked like a blind sheik at the airport beforehand at Love Field.) and if it can happen then why not now and have no memory as result of the component used such as Dragons/Devil’s breath which look like hanging flowers as in Hanging gardens of Babylon grown in South America and probably elsewhere and is a component used in or a derivative of sea sickness medicine and is also tasteless.

    Now it is reported the onslaught in Las Vegas happened for 10 minutes and not 7 minutes and another door not the door to the shooter’s apartment caused an alarm to go off so someone obviously got away via the door/entrance or exit who had an escape plan and the person found is the scapegoat, I think.

    Nancy Pelosi should be fired and sued! Just sign it don’t read it, Nancy Pelosi. It is a control drug to control government by a very nasty COUP of assholes. I would not it past Obama to have employed it for his prophet. I know he has used it or something like it because of the reactions of the people against him politically and the press when he arrives late to prepare them to be his yes men so he could be treated like their kitten during many political events because he is EVIL. He was groomed by Kissinger who was hired by the Vatican to be the president. TAKE IT SERIOUSLY.

    And this: Peggy Noonan is a putz as well. A dumb putz.

    The shooter in Las Vegas young picture is not the same person as the picture of the shooter as an older person and he doesn’t have eyebrows in the older picture of him so something is definitely up with the lack of eyebrows. I think it’s a clue, a weird clue but there are cults who do things like it for some reason. It ought to be considered as a possibility. Sounds weird but some cults wear pony tails and and beg for money at airports. Some might shave their eyebrows. etc I’m amazed by the resilience of the man that lost his wife of 32 years who was shot in the head in Las Vegas and two days later appearing on the Hannity Show. Did they skip the funeral and the coroner. Maybe he was the guy shooting on the ground. OR maybe in shock but definitely pro NRA by his testimony on Hannity. I guess the whole Las Vegas fiasco had nothing to do with politics! He said his wife was behind him but I bet he’s lying. Seemed like he was enjoying the attention on the show WAY TOO MUCH and very little sadness. There are killers who get off on attention, getting on a tv show, mocking. Sorry Sean Hannity stooped so low and has a memory of a sieve. I would love to know how he attained this guy for an appearance on the show. I remember when Sean Hannity interviewed the guy who shot Trayvon Martin and he was definitely guilty and Sean Hannity couldn’t see how evil the guy was because of politics. His best interview and his worst judgement. Yea, definitely we are experiencing Revelation and Armageddon all at once. Hannity admitted once he was a Fundamentalist. A Fundamentalist What. THIS MAY SOUND REALLY MEAN BUT IT MIGHT HAVE BEEN BETTER HAD YOU NEVER BEEN BORN! PROBABLY WHY YOU WERE HIRED AT FOX. HONESTLY, YOU REALLY BLEW IT AND YOU OUGHT TO RETIRE AND THINK ABOUT THE HARM YOU CAUSED. REFLECT A LITTLE AND QUIT THE JOB FOR YOUR SOUL’S SAKE AND FOR OUR COUNTRY! WHILE YOU ARE AT IT REVIEW YOUR WORK AT PIVOTAL POINTS (TRAYVON MARTIN because he was a freak and ESPECIALLY, YOUR INSENSITIVITY ABOUT WOMEN) AND TRY TO CORRECT IT IN A DIFFERENT MEDIUM. ATONE. YOU ARE SURROUNDED BY EVIL AND IT HAS AFFECTED YOUR MIND AND POSSIBLY THE PACE OF IT MORE THAN LIKELY HAS BEEN DESTRUCTIVE TO YOU BUT YOU BETTER TRY IF YOU CARE ABOUT YOUR SOUL AND YOUR FAMILY BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE. BECAUSE YOU ARE BEING USED. CORRUPTED. EVIL IS TRICKY VERY TRICKY AND YOU HAVE BEEN TRICKED AND THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH QUITTING AN EVIL COMPANY. ITS SICK. IF it weren’t sick wouldn’t the company talk about hospice, Mother Teresa, the sins of the RCC for 2000 years in order to educate the public about the NWO and what it means to the public if it cared about the public it serves, but not really. It serves itself. Hannity with Newt Gingrich the problem is called intellectual dishonesty on both sides of the aisle. Kiss policeman’s ass for the good ones, but what about the bad ones. ON EVERY ISSUE the same. One way to solve the political intellectual dishonesty is a third and fourth party system. I guess from what I heard Hannity says he doesn’t like Vegas I guess because it is supposed to be decadent but no more than drinking excessive beer on a regular basis and kissing ass. I love the game of poker and all the other ones. I don’t enjoy topless shows but I’m a heterosexual female (in other words I’m not Bill O’reilly- massacres are not the price of freedom as Bill O’reilly says however massacres are encouraged by political correctness and the likes of Bill O’reilly (Jesuits), the RCC (Vatican), Evangelicalism (BGEA), Islam and fascism which loves to test freedom. Remember what Franklin Graham said MORE CHRISTIANS ARE GONNA DIE. Said it more than once. HOW DOES HE KNOW what truly is in a person’s heart and mind and what isn’t and especially from 32 stories/floors away and if the person really accepted Christ or something or someone else the way he evangelizes – “Just ask Jesus into your heart”. Do you realize how many people name their kids Jesus? LOTS and LOTS! HOWEVER IN SPANISH IT IS PRONOUNCED HEY ZEUS.) and they’re only boobs and think we can do better however the big hats and costumes are interesting and Las Vegas is a fun place if you don’t over gamble, see some good shows, and enjoy the buffets. I never went to see the boobs. Cheap flights. Beautiful mountains nearby and some good restaurants in those mountains. Beautiful skies above especially at night. Some of the nicest Christians go there. Tahoe as well and some other places in Arizona and then there is Hoover Dam which is quite amazing. There are even Jack rabbits the size of kangaroos in the desert that like to jump in front of your car especially at night. I don’t know why he has all off a sudden gotten to be so obnoxious about his morals: I guess it rubbed off on his nose with Laura InGraham. We will never know the truth about the shooter because how often has the press been truthful? Not much. The sheriff isn’t being honest. Hiding something, something big. I can tell by his eyes darting around not wanting to look anyone in the eye for very long. He’s involved somehow. His expressions behind Trump when Trump was speaking were interesting as well. 3 times. HOPE… DANGER And something else. I think it’s a false flag of some kind by the way he was acting and at the same time just as deceitful and dangerous. The picture of the shooter with his eyes closed which I’m not sure how he was photoed this way, is kind of like the blind sheik, isn’t it?

    What if this man was under the influence of Devil’s breath? Sending hundreds of thousands of dollars abroad. Kind of unusual. The effects last about a week with one blow in the face.


    The girl in the video says she heard more than one shooter and types of gunfire at the same time and also said someone was on the ground shooting or at ground level shooting people. IF so, having weapon alarm devices at entrances and exits of high-rises is still a good idea. I doubt a shooter on the ground would be so bold without someone above covering him with gunfire.  It’s a military tactic, obviously. The money aspect is kind of interesting sending money for her and her family to buy a home and live in a muslim nation. I think the nation of the Phillipines is and the surrounding area near Indonesia and the other 9 nations of the ASEAN union is very islamic not that all of the people want to be but are forced to be Islamic, I think. The same area where the airline disappeared at a high altitude. Same area where the brother of Kim Jung Un was assassinated. I think prophetically in bible terms/imagery are the ten toes i.e. the ten toes of ASEAN.  TEN TOES OF ISLAM/SAUDI ARABIA I think this was an islamic attack on the USA using a white man. Big deal, it’s not as if islam hasn’t used white people before. Islam uses white people all the time because of oil because Islam thinks they can and because we allow it. Eventually we won’t allow it, from the sounds of it biblically speaking but it will take President with the determination to not be a pawn of Islam and a military to back him up. The odd thing the girl on the tape talking to Michael Savage was he asked her did she tell anyone else the authorities involved and she said no, and he asked why and she said they didn’t ask. Which when a crime occurs you usually can’t hold back the information unless stifled somehow and she was referring to CBS. So it was kind of a funny interview and he told her to slip away into the night because CBS ins’t trustworthy and because her life might be in jeopardy.

    Vegas Killer Stephen Paddock Bought 33 Guns in One Year – $600 Rifle He Purchased on Way to Vegas Is Missing



    His brother, more than likely helped. He acted kind of crazy! Brother against brother.

    In any case the plane that disappeared with a bunch of people on board, the two girls who used nerve agent on Kim Jung Un’s brother at an airport in the same area, unwittingly, and this murder suicide in Las Vegas are probably interconnected since he sent money to the Phillipines and maybe some sort of reaction in defiance or in collusion with some stuff happening in the area of ASEAN a ten member nation coalition of some other country and it happens to be below and a bit to the right of Saudi Arabia which is a muslim nation and so are the ten nations of the ten toes. Remember the attack on the train station in Japan might have clues as well because they used nerve agent I think. Obama visited a woman who was a national leader in the area and I think he probably is involved as well. Stirring up trouble and little slaves to do his misfortune. Also near Vietnam, Cambodia all the countries we were at war with in the past because of communism. I think the fact that the ten nation conglomerate is muslim/islamic is a clue. A BIG ONE. Before or at the beginning of the Obama Administration the Catholic Church/Vatican wanted to Romanize the catholics of China is another clue. Both Roman Catholicism and Islam religions want to rule the world and indirectly and directly are causing problems throughout the world and the guns in the room of the shooter since he couldn’t possibly use all of the weaponry is propaganda (PURE AND SIMPLE) and he said in earlier in testimony on a lawsuit earlier in his life that he doesn’t do sun meaning I think indirectly he is muslim. A struggle with and against each other. Islam and Roman Catholicism. And I believe since Obama wanted to disarm US citizenry and I think is causing some of the problems here and abroad so the future will belong to those who don’t insult him and of course, he’s nuts. He’s pulling the strings.

    Neither Islam nor Roman Catholicism wants to do the dishes.

    I had an aunt who was kind of funny in some ways. Collected a bunch of magazines etc and wasn’t into cleaning house. Used to fall asleep at the light of intersections when she was older. When coming to my sister’s home for a family gathering attempted to park her car in the circular driveway and ended up ruining a neighbors lawn sprinkler system by running over the heads. Because she didn’t always like to clean up she I heard threw away dishes instead. She was kind of sweet in some ways but kind weird in others. I heard she said on her death bed or near the time of her death she said “Beam me up, Scotty. ” Pissed off my sister who had a reputation she wanted to keep which was difficult because of Gary her husband. I remember spilling something on her couch (it was leather or faux leather) so it wasn’t a big deal and could be wiped up easily but she had a hissy fit about it. It was degrading as if she never spilt anything. Miss perfect. She wasn’t always this way but towards me she often was because of Gary even though I took care of her kids often, taught one to swim when she couldn’t being pregnant, helped them out in many ways to help boost their marriage, saved her grandson from falling off a cliff so to speak, and many other things, etc. Like when her husband lost beaucoups of money of his and his main client on the stock market and they decided to keep it under wraps when you are supposed to relate the loss to the client but he was family etc. Blamed me and I think she blamed my mom because it was her brother because he called me about it and I didn’t tell her that he had called and that he asked a point blank question and I told him. My sister had to move down the totem pole into a 4 bedroom, 3 bath home with a pool and a jacuzzi. It was tough. Then she hospices my mom without telling me for two weeks until she died. I can’t tell you how many times things get spilt or have been spilt in my dwellings and on my furniture besides what pets do to furniture. She overreacted to many things. Little things. The neighbors were nice about my aunt and understood. I don’t know who paid for the sprinkler heads but it was a minor thing and understandable for her age. In fact, I think the neighbors laughed about it once they realized what happened. My grandmother when at the theater someone gave her a hard piece of candy and she sucked on it throughout part of the movie and then complained it was tasteless, and then realized she hadn’t removed the wrapping. At another time she was waiting for my aunt to pick her up at some place and got into the car and looked over to the driver’s side and was aghast when she realized it wasn’t my aunt. It was a stranger because she got into the wrong car. LOL funny stuff. Both lived together: my grandmother did the cooking and dishes and my aunt worked for my uncle’s company doing what she was capable of doing and it all worked out. My sister needs to remember the good things more than the bad but the bad sticks out more like a sore thumb. We had great times together when she and her friends were not on a hell bent crusade to screw me over because of Gary. Her friends truly were not her friends. She should have handled him better. I hope she remembers her family who loved her. The BGEA have ways to try to make a person forget, because it’s the BGEA game to make slaves. Peer pressure is one of those ways. False reputation is another being shills of Roman Catholicism. Entrapment is another and many stinky bullshit type stuff. And of course hospice the ultimate weapon of fascism. As far as wars are concerned if fascism grows and more attacks on our country occur because of stupidity and terrorism more than like likely our military will need to grow and that might include a draft which might include young black men, young white men, young spanish men, including young illegals as well, etc. depending on the size and nature of it and not sure if this time there will be exclusions if it grows large enough.

    Kellyanne Conway’s Rambling Nonsense May Have Broken Chris Cuomo



    White House defends Obama’s ‘bump in the road’ comment | TheHill

    Obama Says Attacks In Libya And Egypt Are Just “Bumps In The Road …

    Obama on Recent Middle East Violence: ‘Bumps in the Road’ 



    Lack of bump stocks would not have prevented the crime in Las Vegas because of illegal arms etc but might have made it harder. Entryway and exits of high-rises with equipment to detect arms with radar or whatever is accurate for the job would have prevented it from above but nevertheless great clue and jogging my memory of the dark sentences from Obama. THANK YOU! One guest on Fox referred to the Las Vegas massacre as occurring four months ago. Probably a slip of the tongue. Who knows? I ‘m surprised by how fast Fox is able to get the pictures of the victims so quickly of their victim montages. Within a few days. Greg Gutfeld mentioned today high tech type protection might be the best response however I don’t think drones or breaching the privacy of americans need be used. Drones didn’t help at Benghazi and I think we might regret it later whereas like airports type security is the best avenue. IT WASN’T A LONE GUNMAN. Nearby is an air base which could have been used to deal with the window area in matter of minutes this could have been thwarted with the right weaponry. TEAR GAS….etc. could have been used if we had the means such as aircraft to respond quickly which we do: Nellis Air Force Base. I wonder why it wasn’t handled in such a manner. Isn’t it why we have an Air Force? I’m not buying some of the reports because it doesn’t sound feasible the air force wasn’t involved. I think this was a political/religious strong-arming event for gun control vs NRA at the expense of the citizens. A FALSE FLAG sort of gerrymandering for unity when there is none. Someone didn’t do their homework, IMO. I know our government watches those who buy guns they just ignored it or weren’t doing their jobs. Even Putin could have done better and would have done better. He warned about the Boston Marathon; he warned the FBI. One of Trumps appointees knew about the family and wrote a book about the family involved as if studying them yet didn’t help or warn anyone. She was a political/foreign affairs advisor to Fox News. She isn’t very good. What’s her name? She has kind of a funny name, and I think she is Turkish perhaps, probably of the religion of Orthodox catholic, oh yea it’s KT McFarland;) THE BUSINESS OF FAITH. How many minutes did it take for an airliner to be shot down which was meant to either hit the stock market or the white house? Not very many. It helps to have pre-knowledge, doesn’t it? The ex thinks the air force is incapable of finding a broken window on the Mandalay Bay at night and is incapable of handling a terrorist situation, if so, we can kiss our asses goodbye. I think the Air Force is capable (The Air Force ought to be) but perhaps there was a intelligence interference of some kind or something of this nature. Or infighting between government entities for the sake of a massacre. It ought to be investigated though. I guess the ex doesn’t know about night vision. We had our famous arguing because

    WHAT IS a moron?

    He told me the other day about some person he read about eclipses and as signs of biblical things so i asked “did the eclipse make you hospice your mom?” It kind of curtailed the argument after a few insults.

    Rex Tillerson doesn’t deal with that kind of nonsense I think in regards to the insult moron but how does anyone know he said it is what I would like to know but I don’t think we will find out and possibly the moron comment could have only been bait;) War games! This is war – a very important part of war.

    I think Joe Biden would call it “cleaning the stables.”


     I recall Pope Benedict XVl said he would not donate or give permission to have his organs donated. However the church of Rome went into defense mode and said it was because he is the direct descendent of Peter because of his title POPE being elected with signals sent out by smoke rings/signals when one is elected (american indian kind of communication) somehow by virtue of Jesus being born of a virgin and is also an Islamic belief, like the mustard seed and I guess Peter’s descendants are varied German, Argentinian, Polish, etc. Doesn’t really make any sense but sense is not important to either religion.

    See I have been at this a long time because he said it a long time ago.

    Here is an example of the american indian contribution against Fascism in ww11″

    One Of The Last Living Navajo Code Talkers From WWII Has Died

    I don’t have to read the article to know what the article is referring to and it was very cool and shows americans do have some advantages in some ways because of diversity in our ranks using languages at least in the past.I think I’ll read it when I feel like reading something important because it was a big deal in WWll.

    It would be fantastic if there was something invented to make firearms unusable/inoperable in public places but it would take a very creative inventor to achieve those kind of results. Maybe a laser type invention.


    Reminds me of the Boston Marathon idiosyncrasies and lies, Sandy Hook Elementary idiosyncrasies and lies, and many others during the Obama Administration. Her voice sounded familiar too. like the woman whose daughter was mowed down recently in CharlOTESVILLE Virginia when she said something about her daughter being magnified. I doubt Michael Savage would manipulate her voice using a sound studio, would he? The turning point in WWll and against suicidal maniacs at the time was the attack on Japan their holy sites and we won the war. And those were short range. It’s horrible but there comes a time when you have to stand up against evil (and at the time Japan was on the wrong side taking advice and being a MOTHER OF ALL martyrs for the Jesuits. Why? I don’t know.) if you want to win the war against terrorism. ISLAM IS AT WAR WITH US since 9-11 and ISIS is an excuse a distraction used by the Vatican and ISLAM. Was Osama Bin Laden ISIS? HE WAS SAUDI ARABIAN and so were his little men. DID the Saudis apologize or pay restitution or build ISLAMIC shit nearby. Terrorism is psychological terror used by a religion as well as physical terror. Dealing a heavy blow to a religion at war is needed for starters. OBVIOUSLY and if you like to win. I like winning. I also resent having to give up my privacy to accommodate a religion at war with the world and it’s whore Roman Catholicsm/Vatican or vice versa. I would like to see my country back to normal with a few improvements but ISLAM is not one of them.

    Media find Vegas shooter’s motive: He’s white!

    Once when I was in Las Vegas with the husband a man who was upset I guess driving the opposite direction threw a beer bottle through our window as we were driving which cut open my husbands arm pretty badly and he had a gig to play having to use his arm to play it. He was white, I think. It happened so quickly it was hard to know but i assumed he was white because Las Vegas tends to be white except for the exceptional singer/artist Tina Turner who played in Las Vegas for quite a while. I’m sure the reason for the attack had something to do with whiteness of Las Vegas, not that african americans don’t like to play poker or gamble. Other famous african american artists also made a killing in Las Vegas after their careers kind of went south and some it helped boost their careers again. Safety net for has beens who still have a lot to contribute. TRUTH BE TOLD! So much for beer bottles. Cut his arm wide open. I had to hold his arm as he drove to the hospital because his muscle was showing underneath cut and bleeding profusely. It was a working vacation. Why don’t both Hannity and InGraham ever bring up hospice and Mother Teresa’s solution? Kind of interesting as the lack of interest about Benghazi by Bill O’reilly. Are they complicit? Do either believe Jesus of the Gospel of John when he said FEED MY SHEEP? HMMM? It’s related to Hospice and a warning even unto you. A 2000 year old warning. Why not some Fox News shows about the Vatican’s child abuse and the Vatican’s child porn? Not interested? Complicit? Or are those subjects OFF LIMITS which means you are agents of the RCC, right, who pays your salary? You wield your religiosity kind of un-fairly.

    The press is not doing their jobs and all of them should be fired. 

    Instead of talking about gun control how about let’s talk about

    BEER and white nosing up Laura InGraham’s ass!’

    This kind of shit didn’t happen when I was 15 an 16 years of age when I had an abortion. This happened in the generation that used hospice on my mom.

    Evil is as evil does.

    This kind of shit escalated during the Obama Administration. The only way to stop this kind of shit is to deal a heavy blow to ISLAM and the VATICAN. A heavy blow both evil cults will never forget. Both do not understand anything but strength. We should know it by now. I do. The flesh is weak etc. It’s time to show both evil occults our strength, flex our muscles,

    and know God will Bless America if we do:

    Merangue’s Blog

    Did you see Gabrielle Giffords on Fox news with her astronaut husband? using her of course and she knows down deep inside and he said “….gun control working towards a/the solution” and she smiled as he said “solution” as in NAZiSM, Mother Teresa, Hospice, etc. is what these people are working towards.

    Murder suicide. 

    The news says Trump is going to criminalize abortion after 20 weeks on Fox News site. IT’S A BIT LATE, ISN’T IT,

    AND Truly

    It won’t save America if he does.


    Leave it to Fox News and Laura In-Graham’s influence to try to drum it in on their Roman Catholic crusade towards death.

    I have heard for years that hair is dead. WHY DOES IT GROW?

    Talk about AN inane response to gun control and a massacre in Nevada. Anyway it may take a military overthrow to set things back in order if Trump can’t come to terms with what he is facing. A moment of silence is rather silly and doesn’t mean anything


    perhaps but he may not have the luxury then as most reporters won’t either. It’s blaming women again. Jesus did not commit to man because he knew WHAT was in man.  A BUNCH OF BULLS-SHIT. and sperm full of little tadpoles that wiggle hence are alive by some standards. Do sperm feel pain? I never asked.

    Human sperm on 1000x 1600x under a microscope

    Stallion semen microscopy






    Since most people think the false prophet is gonna help (the one in the Synoptic Gospels who said the mustard seed was the smallest of seed when it wasn’t the smallest of seed) are afraid of ISLAM and THE RCC who are not GOD. Appeasing  false gods before them because of a lack of discernment and a lack of a back bone. Hence worms. There is a verse in the bible about all different kinds of worms and by doing so are giving the go ahead for Hospice and are making a big mistake and it will destroy our freedom in total not only for women but for men who aren’t really men,  but revelation will continue as well which includes AKBAR OBAMA and others mentioned and the business of faith a vicious circle of death. From what I read it has two parts which add up to about 7 years about the amount of time of two terms of a two-term president. So it is doubly hard time ahead for everyone because of their stupidity and making women scapegoats for worms. Go ahead and make fools of yourselves because this day will grow shorter sooner;) which is good for me and bad for you. Besides I don’t think anything is gonna stop Revelation because the cat is out of the bag so to speak and it seems like the ones taking the punishment most of all at this time are the ones following a false god even though the people could have more information at hand being stifled for political religious reasons and financial gain (profit for the false prophet) and those that try to contain/detain/thwart the truth will be heading the wrong directions and will have to answer to GOD for their nonsense and spend time with AKBAR OBAMA for eternity and couple of others mentioned. Black lives won’t matter, nor white lives, nor brown, nor yellow. Those who follow a false god won’t get to take their talents, their assets, loved ones with them however those that don’t follow a false god will when Revelation is finished and a new day begins. The 7th day. At this moment we are in the tail end of the 6th day. Remember the 6 day war? WHO WON? So if you get some truth regardless of the charades, false flags and events, false politics and false religion hold on to the truth which will set you free. Every bit counts. God knows how hard those bits are to grasp and keep because of deception but they will multiply and the opposite for the those who don’t. Life will accelerate for those who don’t and the opposite for those who do even after death.

    The first one.

    It’s my interpretation and my observance and the dead do speak in their way and I receive signs because I have devoted myself to the truth which lead me to believe my conclusions. Sort of a parallel universe going on. I ‘m going for my dreams because they are tangible and I get to keep them develop my talents in the mean while and have something to look forward to where I want to be and with whom doing what I want to do IN THE FUTURE WITHOUT ISLAM (and the RCC it’s whore or vice-versa, who cares? A 69 IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN – BOTH ARE EVIL)

     IT’S FALSE PROPHET, AND IT’S FOLLOWERS AND INCLUDING THE NEW WORLD ORDER. It has to conclude sometime, doesn’t it?

    YES it does regardless of worms.

    “Worms is a city in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany, situated on the Upper Rhine about 60 kilometres south-southwest of Frankfurt-am-Main. It had approximately 85,000 inhabitants as of 2016.”

    I will continue to write to help those God chooses. God knows our desires and our needs to be happy and content in the new day approaching



    HE DIDN’T SAY OUR FETUSES knew what was best for us.



    I’M NOT AFFLICTED THOUGH OTHERS TRY TO AFFLICT ME AND I HAVEN’T BEEN AFFLICTED, NOR EVER WILL BE AFFLICTED BECAUSE I KNOW THE TRUTH AND I WIELD IT VERY WELL. I DID MY HOMEWORK and when I had my abortion I knew it was the right thing to do and so did the ARMY psychiatrist and so did my parents and my sister because I did not want to have a baby. God forgave me and them then when the decision was finalized. He knew ahead of time. WAY AHEAD Of TIME. I Guess you might say my parents with the help of God groomed me even after their death for such a time as this, because I loved them and they loved me:

    Fantastic parents.

    AS STATED EARLIER: My God is not UR God. Mine is better.

    When the ITALIAN restaurant nearby can add more than two pieces of meat to a meal they charge outrageous prices for is when I predict gun legislation in order for her to protect herself from her maddening customers. She should be fired however she owns the restaurant. I hope it goes under. IT’s CRAP leaning on the PISA.

    On Judge Jeanine she had a few guests and one told about the good things Trump did for Puerto Rico before and after the hurricane and I believe her, but Puerto Rico was hit hard, twice in a two week period however not sure the damage is worse than or better than what Houston had to endure. Perhaps the Mayor of San Juan was freaking out but nevertheless check out the you tube about Yemen. I know in africa often times supplies sent for victims and those being abused by warring tribes were stolen so it could have happened in Puerto Rico as well. There are a bunch you tubes about Yemen and the starvation when you go to the you tube to watch and it is horrible.

    I guess SNL doesn’t know Houston very well. Lots of african americans live there especially after Hurricane Katrina but even before. I know because I lived there for a while before Katrina. Houstonites quite a few helped them immensely. They sure didn’t have to and many of them didn’t even deduct it from their taxes. Did it from the kindness of their hearts unlike I suspect Franklin Graham who I guarantee uses tax dedutions for his enterprise called Samaritan’s Purse and uses those who are kind of heart for his own reputation and probably had a great deal to do with the ENORMOUS TAX CODE.

    At least ALEC Baldwin is funny! It helps and President’s expect parody. The other guy in the show wasn’t funny. He should be fired! Oh yea he’s african american, he can’t be expected to think for himself. His act was gratuitous political Bull shit.

    He must be SNL’s Uncle Tom, because he isn’t funny.

    I know whose ass he is kissing. “The future must not belong to those who insult the prophet of islam” is who he is kissing but I guarantee he will wish he didn’t when THAT day comes because he is gonna have to jump through some hefty super tough hoops to get where he is gonna want to be and hopefully will be able to play basketball. Yessir Massa!


    Uncle Tom is the title character of Harriet Beecher Stowe’s 1852 novel, Uncle Tom’s Cabin. The term “Uncle Tom” is also used as a derogatory epithet for an excessively subservient person!!!!!

    I just learned from an Imam/Iman in Australia that Muslims aren’t only a race but a religion of Islam. I have always been confused by the distinction and there isn’t a distinction.  In order to be Muslim you have to adhere to Islam even though most can’t read nor understand the Koran and those that can read can’t únderstand the Koran without 4 other books to explain the meaning and the guy I heard though I got totally turned off by his demeanor because it’s fake and couldn’t finish the you tube said the 4 books are full of craziness. Sounds like Catholicism, doesn’t it? Similar anyway. Like the aggie jokes about how many aggies does it take to screw in a light bulb I guess the same goes for the religion of Islam for muslims. I remember AKBAR OBAMA saying “the future must not belong to those who insult the prophet of Islam” at the UN and saying something about teaching a lesson they will never forget, etc. Something about something in space and letting it out of the box to stretch it’s legs, etc and perhaps is assisting in the weather anomalies to strengthen storms using HAARP technology. I do remember the bald twins who were astronauts one parading around a Jewish Senator (his wife Gabrielle Giffords) FOR OBAMA in order to try to disarm the citizens of the USA. His wife, Gabrielle Giffords was shot in the head as well as some others including a district attorney and I think he was killed but I recall he was investigating Fast and Furious and possibly the Justice Department and possibly investigating it’s head Eric Holder (in regards to illegal arms) and the district attorney was also at the same Safeway. A teenager was also killed. Does that bother the unfunny SNL skitterer? Did the unfunny skittered ever make mention of it on SNL against the presidency of Barack Obama (AKBAR OBAMA)? OR mention the Hawaiian vacation during the aftermath of the devastating hurricane Sandy? OR THE UNUSUALLY CONVENIENT DEATH OF SEN. INOUYE to accommodate the vacation in Hawaii? You eat his crumbs and for what. Do you think he cares about you? Do you really want to end up where he is heading eating crumbs. The crumbs you are gonna eat won’t taste good and will be burnt to a crisp. I would think of a different strategy for survival if I were you. Maybe the bald astronaut twin is up there assisting. We shall see eventually. Perhaps there is a place in CUBA causing the strengthening of storms in the gulf and on the east coast. Definitely was used I think at FUKUSHIMA if you read his tweets at the time, speaking in dark sentences then and many other times and never ever examined or questioned as to the meaning of those dark sentences by the press somehow. Noone ever dissented or discerned him nor tried to but me. Many many kissed his ass because he was supposedly african american but not FOR african Americans or so many would not have perished during his administration. He isn’t african american. His wife may be but he isn’t. He is using her substance while doing other things. Like Jesus of the Synoptic Gospels who used women and their substance which the bible says i.e. the False prophet and said the mustard seed was the smallest of seed and lied: LOVE IS BLIND as the sheik at the airport demonstrated. BUT NOT ALL!  Why was her portrait at Benghazi holding an automatic weapon in sandals with heals and rolled up jeans not wearing a wig and swollen from facial surgery and it could have been Las Vegas as well and not his portrait? (One, because she is african-american. Two, because she is a female but she is aging and his daughters aren’t or she wouldn’t have had to have plastic surgery before the election. Her daughters are his achillee’s heel.) You have to wonder, don’t ya? LOL. Everyone has an agenda involved in this war, don’t we? Because we are at war, a weird war but just as deadly as any other, but it will get worse. And I think my sides gonna win for a number of reasons.


    Not necessarily about our personal lives but about GOD.


    Obviously, God didn’t mean for us to give away our military secrets in order to beat the enemy.  I doubt it.


    Vatican Recalls Priest From U.S. Amid Child Porn Investigation

    “The Vatican declined to identify the priest, but said he was currently in Vatican City and that Vatican prosecutors had launched their own probe.”

    The military does it’s own probes as well in regards to an individual who breaks military protocol and it’s rules usually when serving in a war under duress and usually  under immense stress so there is a difference unlike the Vatican. Obviously the Vatican priests are the Vatican’s military. The nuns are it’s WACs. The military in the USA isn’t a religion but the Vatican is a religion and child porn isn’t usually a military probe. The Vatican has continuously practiced child porn and hide it and often send the guilty to a new parish to continue to hurt kids, OPKs. (other peoples kids) and should never be trusted to run the businesses of adoptions and orphanages. The Jesuits made a vow for revenge when a building was destroyed harboring nazis during WWll so whose side was the RCC on? It wasn’t ours. I included the message by Ian Paisley about it in a number of posts linked on

    Merangue’s Blog

    because of the obvious collusion of the Vatican with ISLAM and Fascism. The Vatican has had a chance to change and it hasn’t and waxed worse and worse. The victory could have been the Vatican victory as well but the Vatican chose not to have victory and chose instead to undermine and desolate with their cohorts for their own asses. It was a great time to change and the Vatican chose not to. 

    Vatican-Vetted Magazine Accuses Steve Bannon of ‘Apocalyptic Geopolitics’

    Why does the Vatican in particular the Jesuits care if we build a wall?

    Is the Vatican really surrounded by walls?

    She might have been recuperating and she might have been in a state of some form of anesthesia not sure. Perhaps she was drugged. Who knows. It isn’t the kind of clothing people wear during a terrorist attack. In her other hand she has a syringe. Did she have plastic surgery in Law Vegas? AKBAR OBAMA was groomed by Kissinger who was hired by the Vatican and to top it off the Vatican or someone who was there said the devil had entered the Vatican about the same time frame as the many broken bones of leaders and his staff and including Pope Benedict XVl (his occurred while taking a bath) who said maybe it wasn’t the Jews who crucified Jesus and also said Faith was the new enlightenment and wrote some stuff about Truth in Charity which I did not read which is not what occurs during these afflictions on the coasts of countries caused by storms since I think these are man made atrocities using weapons of war against us and Japan (poisoning the fish of the ocean especially TUNA, star fish, crabs and some oxygen creating organisms which supply 1/3 of the oxygen to the world called plankton) and the world as we know it using these atrocities to extract money regardless of the loss of human life, animals and property of many people because these assholes have made a business of religion in other words This is the business of FAITH. Lots of tests, and a ton of twists and turns, hostages (political and religious) in our world and some clues in the New Testament as in the Old Testament even some repeating of history though kind of in a disoriented kind of way ever since the earth’s axis was altered by a fraction (but it’s enough to cause serious damage with serious implications) during the tsunami and earthquake which occurred in the Indian Ocean. SERIOUS STUFF!

    I have learned my ex has selective memory or selective memory loss. He remembers my ex sister-in-law he may have met once at the most and doesn’t remember what my parents looked like. I find it interesting and so I know he is part of the deception, in on it. A sick mother fucker.  Which is why

    when the ex meets his maker I won’t care, not one iota. Sad, but true. He earned it. It’s a given, obviously. LOL. Who in their right mind would care?

    The Modern Little Red Hen

    What was meant to afflict me tested him and he failed. He purposefully tried not to look, GUILTY beyond a reasonable doubt. What is the saying about petard?

    “hoist with his own petard,”

    Isn’t Paul Ryan Valiant? I wonder why he married who he married.


    Matthew 6:24 

    No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
    I have no idea if the Gospel of Matthew was referring to the Master’s Tournament. But perhaps he was referring to the Master’s Tournament
    but the meaning of
    mam·mon is
    (150 billion dollars=150,000 million dollars given to Iran in the Obama Iran deal or whatever it’s called)
    1. “wealth regarded as an evil influence or false object of worship and devotion. It was taken by medieval writers as the name of the devil of covetousness, and revived in this sense by Milton.”
      Course it is the Synoptic Jesus saying it in the Gospel of Matthew who also said the mustard seed is/was the smallest of seed and was woefully wrong because in part it isn’t.
      Some more gratuitous bullshit in regards to Las Vegas…. Hannity shows a clip of gunfire sounds from the infamous Las Vegas massacre and says policeman do this everyday. Policeman do not do this everyday and I doubt could handle war everyday in the jungles in Vietnam. Policemen get paid handsomely and rarely have a day as was purported in Las Vegas. EXAGGERATION to the Nth degree. This kind of stuff happens to each policeman maybe never and maybe once in a life time obvious since this event is purported to be the 2nd to the worst mass suicide of this type int he USA I guess is the difference. However, it is a dangerous job in comparison to working at McDonalds, but it can be dangerous as well as going to a concert in Las Vegas. Hannity is becoming, slowly but surely, a putz.


      Videos appear to support multiple gunmen theory

      It only takes one sharp shooter to kill even more people in 1/4 the time it took this guy. The ex said it took him 7 minutes? I don’t know but I guarantee someone was on the ground like the guy whose wife was killed, probably, the one on the Hannity show who brought up his support for the NRA gratuitously. Kind of suspicious of him because of how he behaved. Since writing the above about sharp shooters on Fox it is reported a letter was found with numbers and distances calculating in order to maximize the amount of deaths. I think those involved are definitely afflicted. I THINK THIS EVIDENCE IS BULLSHIT AGAIN BY FOX NEWS AND THOSE INVOLVED IN THE FALSE FLAG EVENT in LAS VEGAS: PLANTING EVIDENCE IN RESPONSE TO MY POST and yet he couldn’t hit nor ignite a standing target of fuel. The ex said he was some kind of genius and was figuring out the trajectories for maximum damage is what he read on Fox: Problem with this kind calculation is: what if no one came to the concert. LOL or less people came. What good would calculations of this kind make and a genius would know that. Makes no sense. Next are couple of tweets/comments from the article above I thought were interesting:

      “Mandalay owned by MGM (disney)……follow the yellow brick road….find the man behind the curtain. don’t u guys ever learn anything?… many examples, ww1, ww2, viet, korea, iraq….on an on…..u r slow.”
      “Mandalay as most casinos owned by Iran and Egypt….check sources. CEO of Mandalay ordered staff to donate to CAIR. Ties back to MUSLIM extremists. I heard shooter a gun runner working with FBI.”
      I have no idea of their claims but it is possible and perhaps because I included the comments in my post someone might investigate;)
      Captain Kangaroo appeared on Fox and he said to the effect “applying logic to something so illogical is ……” he was mocking in regards to the Las Vegas meltdown, I think, and gives VP Pence a chance to shine for faith. I think he hopes he will be President and I think others would like it because he is a schmuck schmoozing amoeba, but not Captain Kangaroo. If only Pence had been in Las Vegas at the concert with his mustard seed sized faith he coulda, he woulda, stopped the massacre. A PRAYER WALK: what is a prayer walk?
      Reminds me of the ROMAN CATHOLIC
      stations of the cross
      kind of stuff.
      WHO THE HELL THOUGHT OF IT but to profit.
      Not to mention but I should a bunch of males in white burkas walking around a small tented building in Mecca in one direction. HOW SPIRITUAL. LOL

      Number Of Police Officers Killed By Firearms Rose In 2016, Study Finds

       Vietnam War Deaths and Casualties By Month

      CASUALTY STATISTICS ON SOUTHEAST AISA, by Month Source: Comptroller, Secy of Defense 1966

      Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
      US KIA 196 208 231 245 255 268 277 297 313 342 356 385
      3NF KIA 22 23 23 28 29 30 31 35 47 52 52 53


      Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
      DHA 282 435 507 316 464 507 435 396 419 340 475 432
      DOC 83 55 51 67 90 69 100 74 85 137 149 85
      HOS WRD 721 1444 1626 1320 1589 1527 1291 1370 1473 1206 1639 1320
      NHOS WRD 597 1180 1334 1150 1293 1252 1036 1100 1179 983 1359 1104


      Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
      DHA 903 1359 1145 945 961 1185 1006 914 803 844 907 981
      WND 1557 2095 1961 1522 1454 1800 1639 1491 1554 2118 1933 1851
      MIS 450 477 466 121 196 183 242 209 185 216 200 338


      Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
      DHA 74 58 59 30 19 41 32 44 30 63 87 29
      WND 238 138 165 100 68 67 60 138 106 214 201 96
      MIS 9 2 4


      Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
      DHA 2648 4727 5685 2818 4239 4815 5297 5860 4459 5665 5447 3864


      Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
      ASN 163 98 153 181 210 134 80 122 135 189 123 144
      ABD 249 519 422 180 187 334 42 303 219 489 503 363


      Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
      US KIA 403 414 421 436 443 449 458 466 460 467 470 486
      3NF KIA 53 55 54 54 54 54 56 57 59 59 59 59


      Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
      DHA 520 662 944 710 1233 830 781 535 775 733 881 774
      DOC 112 88 142 116 147 99 249 122 119 168 137 181
      WRD 3456 3853 6314 4964 8380 4946 5471 4604 6909 4122 4165 4841
      HOS 1822 2021 3312 2602 4352 2591 2834 2397 3085 2277 2450 2628
      NHOS 1634 1832 3002 2362 4028 2355 2637 2207 3824 1845 1715 2213


      Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
      DHA 914 885 1297 1057 1184 981 676 1068 1090 1066 1299 1199
      WND 2035 1125 2786 2490 2930 2118 1945 2281 2416 2344 2982 3095
      MIS 167 154 468 134 148 139 123 131 103 136 281 356


      Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
      DHA 77 95 54 56 112 74 102 90 149 96 98 102
      WND 149 209 192 188 201 163 179 171 329 191 177 169
      MIS 1 1 1 3


      Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
      DHA 6064 7341 9351 6227 9808 7354 7923 5810 6354 6272 7662 7938


      Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
      ASN 128 171 181 226 263 439 224 447 444 229 389 565
      ABD 326 334 210 218 344 429 232 467 967 250 587 1005


      Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
      US KIA 498 506 515 520 536 536 537 537 538 534 538 537
      3NF KIA 61 60 61 61 63 65 66 66 66 66 66 66


      Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
      DHA 1202 2124 1543 1410 2169 1146 813 1080 1053 600 703 749
      DOC 118 169 178 133 147 164 196 134 177 205 141 157
      HOS 7483 9464 11614 9409 11947 9943 6107 6079 6802 4391 5157 4424
      HOS 4004 4955 5591 4645 6687 5046 3312 3374 3339 1816 2107 1923
      NHOS 3479 4509 6023 4764 5260 4897 2795 2705 3463 2575 3050 2501


      Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
      DHA 2905 5025 2570 1922 3467 1974 1409 2393 2164 1169 1408 1509
      WND 6819 11451 6060 4530 8569 5244 3441 6495 5918 3631 3929 4609
      MIS 336 1138 158 105 127 97 60 128 170 29 48 64


      Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
      DHA 111 147 88 85 85 92 65 73 58 70 38 67
      WND 252 270 151 157 263 169 123 165 130 125 51 141
      MIS 1 1 1


      Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
      DHA 15217 17371 24086 6653 12543 8168 9632 9600 39867 12215 10319 15478


      Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
      ASN 618 543 287 479 568 363 376 917 443 440 355 5389
      ABD 861 1133 828 871 588 529 429 952 430 430 708 8759


      1969 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
      US KIA 542 541 538 543 540 539 537 510 510 495 480 474
      3NF KIA 68 72 72 72 72 72 70 70 70 70 70 69


      Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
      DHA 795 1073 1316 847 1209 1100 638 795 477 377 446 341
      DOC 160 190 177 174 202 154 159 172 180 212 175 158
      HOS 2292 2457 3589 4401 4029 3851 2945 2712 2463 1397 1469 1335
      NHOS 3277 3509 4315 5325 3606 3780 3054 2579 2993 1525 1762 1551


      Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
      DHA 1664 2072 2186 1710 2251 1867 1455 1626 1543 1597 2105 1758
      WND 5154 6167 6781 5425 6501 5937 3904 4832 4919 4500 5738 5398
      MIS 56 78 109 64 130 96 56 36 92 46 93 67


      Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
      DHA 76 85 90 52 92 75 64 74 60 80 62 56 866
      WND 152 168 193 163 241 276 238 221 168 166 108 124 2218


      Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
      DHA 10955 19805 17443 10237 10369 8747 9936 14086 14539 16825 12373 11639


      Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
      ASN 389 659 884 598 539 675 410 541 435 284 428 360 6202
      ABD 1387 615 1217 628 323 546 227 429 288 193 282 154 6289


      Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
      US KIA 473 467 442 428 428 415 404 400 390 374 355 335
      3NF KIA 70 70 70 70 69 69 69 69 69 69 68 68


      Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
      DHA 343 386 449 526 754 418 332 319 219 170 167 138 4221
      DOC 141 171 208 135 166 129 171 129 146 155 133 160 1844
      HOS 1552 1210 1581 1967 2100 1489 1196 1226 86 90 522 585 15511
      NHOS 1597 1138 1731 1865 2191 1483 1489 1279 736 1040 424 459 15432


      Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
      DHA 1768 1417 1674 2642 2851 2873 1711 1720 1734 1491 1619 1846
      WND 5599 4423 5495 7886 8080 10020 4766 5321 5252 5090 4480 5190
      MIS 42 40 61 105 160 149 93 76 73 38 47 66


      Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
      DHA 69 36 75 79 58 63 71 63 46 57 48 39 704
      WND 126 180 229 179 234 139 159 158 165 105 92 64 1830


      Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
      DHA 9187 8828 13063 7861 7183 6446 6138 5549 5607 6185 10335 17256


      Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
      ASN 411 304 452 785 861 805 492 435 368 381 275 378
      ABD 294 693 800 1131 1069 740 534 384 337 322 330 297


      Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
      US KIA 336 325 302 230 250 239 225 216 213 196 178 157
      3NF KIA 68 67 67 67 67 66 64 61 60 59 59 54


      Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
      DHA 140 221 272 226 138 108 65 67 78 29 19 17
      DOC 103 135 104 100 63 73 61 48 53 91 102 35
      HOS 572 644 843 922 464 524 262 198 186 154 60 87
      NHOS 400 448 760 766 476 453 235 182 153 184 60 63


      Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
      DHA 1616 2435 3676 2198 2091 1846 1389 1488 1607 1574 1161 988
      WND 4792 7170 9882 6345 5467 4863 3400 3565 3999 4418 2602 3320
      MIS 63 294 948 318 198 106 58 72 81 83 32 53


      Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
      DHA 30 48 104 86 50 44 44 32 27 20 14 26
      WND 118 156 214 130 123 91 102 56 73 22 26 37
      MIS 1 1 2


      Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
      DHA 6155 19858 9094 7648 6297 6165 6300 5744 4283 4439 11704 10457


      Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
      ASN 326 373 735 397 403 305 241 216 203 192 146 3391
      ABD 454 318 930 683 874 356 338 344 206 285 218 4788

      Those who served in the Vietnam War didn’t get to go home every night and see their kids (but once a year for about a week if they lived) and romance their wives, no home cooked meals, watch tv, ate rations, no donuts, got eaten by mosquitos and slept in tents often and the hospital wasn’t down the street or in the same city and the only way to get to a hospital made of tents were by helicopters who were fired upon by the enemy with automatic gunfire, bombs, mines, and many other powerful type weapons en route and there were not enough helicopters to go around and no FEMALE cab drivers to assist and only the tip of the iceberg of the difference between the police and those who served our country in the military.

      Which is why most politicians and rich kids joined the National Guard instead.

      Get my drift? Comprendez?

      My dad’s first wife married him for his paycheck. Then I heard she wrote a dear John letter while he was training or something but was far away. Not sure of the timing because I wasn’t yet born and it wasn’t something we discussed it was made mention. He never talked about his war experience with me. I never asked him about his first wife, didn’t seem appropriate but I wonder why she married him for  small paychecks for such a short while. I wonder was there some other reason. Probably.
      A lot of young girls were attacked physically early in the Obama Administration for some reason it skyrocketed and Obama said something about carrot seeds having to do with the Vatican. A gift to the Vatican. I don’t know what those seeds were, but I can imagine. EASILY especially since priests (which popes usually begin their career as choir boys then priests) can’t marry and some wouldn’t under any circumstances because of their predisposition and preference, but the lineage comes from someone because in our day there is not such a thing as immaculate conception, however there are other scientific ways to reproduce. Even now Fox station advertises via DNA the service for a fee (I have no idea of the price) to find ones heritage. Of course, it’s a scam for the cause of political correctness but still you have to wonder what he meant about those carrot seeds but some people are easy targets/soft targets for scammers and the Vatican has had a lot of practice scamming.
      Had some car trouble…I think it’s the battery and the ex charged it and we are waiting to see if it works after sitting for a while and with the charger figured out the alternator is working fine but while I was watching him charge it with a battery charger I asked some questions and it really irritated the ex my curiosity about how things work. I told him he would be a terrible teacher because he was so irritated and didn’t want to answer my questions and even said I didn’t need to know. Need to know basis kind of ex. I told him even Gary taught his daughters how to check the oil and water of a car. My ex was offered a job teaching in the past and then didn’t get the job. I can see why. LOL He doesn’t want me to know how to do things for some reason which I think is so I will be dependent for some reason to delay something for some reason, I think. So we went out to check the battery and I asked again about the water and we topped it off and the oil and we checked it and it was super low and the windshield wiper water deal because I haven’t been able to clean my windshield for quite a while so I went to get some water and came out with a pint of water and he laughed at me and said “you’re gonna need way more than that” (I had no idea how deep the container was for the windshield wiper water because it doesn’t say how deep it is and the opening is only about an inch diameter) and he said to get the blue pitcher and fill it with water and he mixed some windex into the pint I had poured. So while I was pouring the gallon of water he asked if I needed help and I said “I can handle it.” He got real nice about it as I was writing this paragraph though he doesn’t read my posts, but says I’m prolific, LOL. So later gonna get a battery and some oil which is kind of convenient to get both at the same time. Know what I mean? He has a screw loose, just not sure how many? Partially a small man’s complex is definitely involved. His dad was a mechanic and owned or rented a gas station and died kind of early in life leaving his mom and the mechanics she went to took advantage of her quite a bit and it made her son my ex very mad and yet……as I have explained quite a bit in this and other posts: SO it’s tough figuring him out. Showed me where the transmission fluid area is and something else which I didn’t ask to know and will need to be reminded because it was too much information so will bother him again about it when we change some new wires for the electrical stuff though it isn’t a dire situation yet. He got really generous about the information, but I still have to pay for the battery however he paid for the quart of oil even though he has said for me to keep my money. “Keep your money,” he said…..blah blah blah. I don’t make much and am hindered from it for a number of reasons as I have intimated. religious/political reasons and something else. Really weird.  Obviously he has made some kind of deal with someone, I just don’t know what or with whom it is.  Funny thing is Gary when he built things for his kids for Christmas, birthdays etc such as swing sets and when he built an old fashioned car via a kit he left the screws loose which the ex used to get very upset about it. VERY ODD. He sold the car to my cousin the son of the man (my uncle) who Gary lost most of his money in the stock market, a lot of money which caused a great deal of harm to our family as if we lost it or were responsible. The other adopted son died kind of at a young age. ODD. Gary also used to be very loose about electrical stuff, wiring, etc. He was like an accident waiting to happen to someone else. He also liked to throw his baby or tot into the air near ceiling fans or doorways to excite the women in the house and the other things I have written about and often. Hated the beach though he went a few times which I wrote about one instance and the shower. The ex came in and said he found a piece of my clothing which I don’t dry because of shrinkage and said he didn’t realize he had dried my clothing and acted like it was a mistake, however he had to have put it in the dryer to dry. DUH. I think I need to teach him a lesson. Find something red and new (yet small) and wash his underwear and dress shirts for him and say oops I didn’t realize there was something red in the washer. LOL

      Glenne Headly in Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (1988)

       FUN MOVIE! However, my situation is extremely far worse of a situation, but I also have a sense of humor to an end and a purpose or vice versa. However, you want to look at it.

      (Problem is he doesn’t learn from me so I won’t waste my time, in other words he is a know it all and he isn’t worth it, however someone else could do it, just not me. Of course he hates my guts is part of the problem because I have courage. Strange situation. A tests of wills. I’m gonna win because I’m right but not without a lot of shit which I think is nearly over from the signs I receive gladly.)
      It’s like the RCC trying to drag out the end hoping the multitude of faith will overcome its adversaries and of course it won’t. Respect for the flag and disrespect for the wife of a colonel who served his country 3 times at war. A man, my dad a very wonderful man and his wife who was hospiced. That is not respect, definitely not honor: it’s evil, but you will get the chance to figure it out soon enough.
      The second commandment is well I think I will let you figure it out but it is the second most important commandment of the Ten Commandments. Nothing was mentioned in the Ten Commandments about a flag. Not even in the US Constitution or Bill of Rights, either. The flag is only as good as the men and women who represent it. The Ten Commandments is as good as the God it represents. So we’ll see!
      Which is more important? The Ten Commandments, The US flag, The US Constitution, or The Bill of Rights?
      A woman on Fox is selling her show called “a question of faith” and wants everyone to see it. DUH OF COURSE SHE DOES. I’M NOT GONNA SEE IT BECAUSE I DON’T WANT TO WASTE MY TIME. Started HER CAREER as a BROADCAST something or other. Need I say more? CAN SHE MOVE A MOUNTAIN FROM HERE TO THERE? HAS ANYONE SHE KNOWS MOVED A MOUNTAIN FROM HERE TO THERE? NO
      I’m not gonna tag the name of her book/movie, either.
      But it does make you wonder why Jesus was crucified, doesn’t it?
      Me thinks you messed with the wrong family, though imperfect. Big Mistake!
      Talked to theex about teaching his daughter about the stuff I learned and he said he did but she cops an attitude, which she does and which is partially his fault. He did it once and thinks it’s enough. I told him to do again and again till she learns and I told him Gary did it a bunch with his girls. Then the ex lied and said he did and he didn’t but I think he might. 5 minutes here and 5 minutes there is all it takes until she learns some common sense about a vehicle. Females as a rule aren’t mechanical but they can be mechanical to some degree given they are taught. His dad was a mechanic and he should pass on knowledge to his kids. She had a great voice and he didn’t do anything with it and he should have helped to develop her natural talent but instead fought me about calling me a cunt and other things what ever was good for him and isn’t a sign of a good dad. i tried to get her to write a note to say she wouldn’t etc and he stopped it and took her side etc. A FUCKED UP DAD and a mother fucker as well. It’s like squeezing the juice out of a frog. Have you ever squeezed the juice out of a frog? She eventually wrote a note, lol. She said it again though, but apologized and said it again in regards to someone else and said she’ll try not to say it in regards to females, but females make it kind of hard sometimes which I think is competition plain and simple.
      Once while living on a base a man went AWOL and he stole our Volkswagon. I don’t what happened to him but I think my dad asked him why he stole his Volkswagon (because it was a piece of shit really worn out and old but back then Volkswagons were like ever ready batteries;) but as it turns out the reason he was caught was the Volkswagon itself was nearly undrivable. Volkswagons were easy to steal hot-wire and maybe the young man didn’t know how to shift gears. I don’t think he was charged with theft because I think I would have heard about it, but he might have been charged for going AWOL though I never found out and I didn’t ask. I’m sure the young man had to deal with going AWOL but I never heard the end of the story. I don’t think my dad would have charged him with theft because it was found, no harm no foul. That is how my dad was, he was very cool. He never asked for the name of the young man who impregnated me, nor harassed me about it later, ever. I appreciated it but took a life time to find out so it was nice.
      I guarantee he is pissed off about what happened to him, to my mom, to me, to my daughters, my cat, my dog, to our family and to their family and it won’t pass.

    Nothing I say, write, and do is gonna change what has occurred or what might occur. I didn’t do it. I think it is how we respond which may make a difference. I only examined what I witnessed and read and tried to discern the meaning, the causes and the effects, and wrote about these things. I tried to remember which is important because people close to me had been immensely hurt and so had I by their hurt and mine. I can’t know how others feel in their predicaments but can imagine some but some of the tales are fiction, I think to ridicule, deceive, mock, cause havoc, and pass the blame elsewhere which is a trick the Vatican has perfected to distract and the assault on our people in Cuba sonar attack or something similar seems to me to be a clue occurring right before the hurricanes in Houston and Florida and Puerto Rico and other places in-between. The way we gave up the Panama Canal is also a set of clues and involved hostages in Iran, President Reagan and President Carter (the changing of the guard so to speak), long gas lines and probably some other things not noticed but might be a good idea to try to notice and investigate and of course 9-11 and HOSPICE started by the RCC in India by Mother Teresa and grown worldwide which uses starvation and other means to kill off a multitude of people sadistically and without conscience with very little resistance most elderly or sick or injured and SAINTED by the RCC as a good solution which is SUPREMELY EVIL. The straits two of them on both sides of Saudi Arabia are an achilles heel of the enemy if one wants to take advantage of the enemies achilles heel as the enemy does take advantage of us. Yemen is on the tip by a very important strait and being starved to death by the enemy because of it. At some point our country has to respond in kind otherwise kiss your ass goodbye in fact you might say the end is nigh for everyone and including Russia and China. IMO

    But I have a baptism to be baptized with; and how am I straitened till it be accomplished!
    Not straightened, but straitened. Mocking about the straits and in particular the Strait of HORMUZ.
    Strait – ened / Strait – need / I think it’s important
    What kind of baptism? Till what is accomplished? Kind of vague, isn’t it?
    (Just in case you don’t notice the opposition to I AM is AM I written quite a bit in the New Testament. Pope says it quite often because he is an amoeba. Lots of interesting duplicitous stuff you need to start understanding, which might help those who try to see a spiritual battle going on.)
    Maybe St. Lucia of the Carribean Sea has HAARP type Weaponry? Worth checking it out. The reason for the possible clue is Alva Romanus Baptiste is a Saint Lucian politician who represents the constituency of Laborie[1] for the Saint Lucia Labour Party.[2] Baptiste won the seat at the general election held on 11 December 2006. He also won convincingly in the 2011 general elections.
    Then again Haiti might be a consideration as well. where the videos of kids on a trash heap eating old tortillas are made for whats his ‘name? Franklin Graham.
    PS: I don’t like to exclude possible clues and or threats regardless of implications because you never know especially from a biblical point of view! It’s how I work!
    The first commandment of the Ten Commandments says:
    Thou shalt have no other gods before me.”
    1. commit to memory; learn by heart.
      It is the first commandment because it is the most important commandment.
      (Not mammory, but to memory.)
      I think all the crap we are having see on the news whether false flag or real is a reaction, some deception and some real is a reaction and distraction and I don’t think it will work this time because of what was said at the Sea of Galilee, in effect to warn us and a warning to those causing it and should take heed to the warning!

      Some of the first lady stuff going on is kind of wild.
      Ivana saying she is the first lady. She is the first wife, but not the First lady. She isn’t. Melania is. I can’t figure out why Trump would ask her for tweeting advise. I imagine they talk about their kids, but tweeting?
      Asthma is/was the first lady in Syria married to Bashar Assad and Obama is blaming Trump for the rise in the illness known as asthma having to do with rollbacks Trump has done on some of Obama’s pollution antics when I think it REALLY has to do with Fukushima nuclear un-accident killing plankton which provide oxygen to the earth (a third of the oxygen.) Trump is married to a fair woman and her name is Melania which ironically could in a weird way be referring to melanoma. Asthma was also fair. I think it’s kind of weird however we’ll see but as the terrorist shooter in Las vegas said
      “I don’t do sun. “
      I don’t think melanoma is exclusively caused by too much sun. My mom rarely went out in the sun (When she was younger she was outdoors quite a bit. I think it is a color blind disease however Sickle Cell Anemia isn’t color blind, is it? Could be a fallacy that it only attacks africans but I heard in the past it was a pretty exclusive disease. I don’t know the true answer to the disease because these days you can’t believe much of what we read especially in the news because it is so politicized but what i did read is oxygen is very important to those who have Sickle Cell Anemia compared to many people) and she got melanoma.
      But what’s in a name?
      Remember the book called “Dorothy must die?
      My mom’s name was Dorothy. I love her name and wish I could change my daughter’s middle name or or my other daughter’s first name now that I have witnessed some things I have witnessed. 
      I read part of the book and I didn’t really enjoy it very much because I kind of IN A BIG WAY resent the title since my mom was hospiced because of a cult’s (BGEA/ROMAN CATHOLICISM) influence in the world.
      My mom was a fair woman as well. My brother said her skin was translucent. I recall Prince Charles with his new wife and his entourage watching someone plucking strings and the song was Somewhere Over the Rainbow and the audience seemed to get a huge kick out of it. I wonder why the you tube was made of Prince Charles (the messiah of the forests of south america) but i think it was a clue of some kind and a mock as well of another kind.
      I think Dorothy is a beautiful name. I didn’t used to think about it for any particular reason till I lost her thru the evils/veils of the business of faith though I know I will have her back again it’s still very hard to take sometimes. I love the way my dad used to say her name. “Dorothy and I”, etc. I called her mom. We all did. I heard my dad spiritually say she was “one of her kind.”

      Jesus of the Synoptic gospels said “life is in the blood” but I don’t believe it because I had a friend who was a hemophiliac. I think it was added to the gospels at a time when people witnessed people bleeding to death quite often in all of the crusades. At one time doctors used leeches as some kind of cure which I don’t think worked. I think it was one of many of “the dark ages” assumptions/presumptions. Maybe he meant life is in the blood for leeches, mosquitos, vampire bats, vampire squid and vampire finch, assassin bugs, lampreys and bedbugs which suck blood of other creatures.  He didn’t explain what he meant so i think it was some kind of nonsense. The ramblings of a  lunatic. I think Steve Bannon is wrong on Drudge report about a 30 per-cent chance of survival from the 24th or 25th Amendment. It’s probably hype anyway. I must have hit a nerve because of the attack ad on Fox: A woman on Fox running for some office in government of some state was bragging she stopped baby parts from being sold. I wonder how? I wish she would exfoliate and elaborate about what it was she did. Who was selling the baby parts specifically and who was buying the baby parts specifically so the US citizens and those of the state she plans to represent might know what the heck she is talking about? OR is she just bragging about nothin’ like so many politicians do. She was blond, sort of pretty in a kind of bitchy way as if she had a hamster up her ass, kind of gangly and very


      God hates a haughty spirit and so do I! You can read about it in Proverbs,


      Watch where you step!

      ALL I COULD THINK OF WHEN I SAW HER AD ABOUT HER DEEDS WAS SHE’S A WITCH FROM HELL: I would love for her to testify in a court of law about her assertions because it sounds like Roman Catholic evangelical (evil angel) harassment based on erroneous BULLSHIT! I like specifics so she should expand upon her, as far as I can tell, bullshit. How many baby parts did she save and for who. What companies were involved and give us some names. THERE IS SUCH A THING AS BOYCOTS BY CITIZENS.  WE MIGHT BE ABLE TO HELP IF WE WERE GIVEN TRUE FACTS. WHAT WERE THE PARTS SOLD FOR, HOW MUCH, WAS PERMISSION GIVEN BY THE FEMALE AND HER FAMILY WHO HAD THE ABORTION, AND FOR WHAT PURPOSE WERE THE PARTS BOUGHT FOR. THESE PARTICULARS ARE KIND OF IMPORTANT TO THE AVERAGE MIDDLE CLASS PERSON Because THEY ARE A BIG CLASS. If she is not willing to extrapolate then she is only tooting her own horn about fiction. One person might boycott a company for a particular reason and another person might boycott a different company for another reason having to do with those particulars (which she obviously isn’t willing to expose because it would expose the RCC) but why not let the people decide and not you since the basis of the USA it’s right to be a free country are the people, but I don’t think she has the nerve, nor the courage, neither the truth in her statements which will backfire on her. Truth makes HUGE difference. The middle class is the most diverse of all the classes and if you stack up the education of the middle class against the lower and/or upper classes, it’s the most educated and the most experienced as well which is why MOST companies and their products, movies and tv usually are targeting the middle class to buy their products. The middle class is even bigger and much more important than Neil Cavuto’s stock market. He likes to romanticize about the stock market as if it is the pulse of the USA but it’s not, as if because things are going swimmingly in the stock market despite the Las Vegas Massacre is a sign the USA is resilient. He is a putz. Has his own laugh entourage, but when he loses everything they won’t be laughing with him. The middle class make more difference to the USA than the stock market though it has some leverage, but when it blows IT WILL REALLY BLOW and believe me it will happen. The stock market reaction to Las Vegas is more of a sign those with too much money don’t give a crap, but when the market crashes it will be as if the shelf on the west coast of Africa fell into the ocean. Ripple effect. Big Ripples and Neil Cavuto will be begging for a ride.

      100 percent Pro-life?

      Twitter blocks Marsha Blackburn’s pro-life Senate campaign ad

      Did she put her name on some kind of DON’T SELL BABY PARTS legislation and considers herself as having saved baby parts or is she harassing women and families (the middle class) and putting her stamp with Mother Teresa (BGEA) and the Roman Catholic Church (despising the middle class and its potential power and female power)

      because I hope she realizes it’s a bad place to put it?

      Just a friendly piece of advice.

      Oh, Marsha, Marsha, Marsha

      Is she for or against Mother Teresa and the RCC fascist solution of  Hospice?

      “Come on out of her my children so you may not partake of her sins.”

      Probably a double meaning the RCC and Mother Teresa.

      Did you ever wonder why the Jesuit/Roman Catholic soldiers

      put a crown of thorns on Jesus  mocking him and then blamed the Jews.

      Ever wonder about the spelling of Gethsemane? Semen seems to be hidden in the word. A garden as in the garden of eden……

      The USA was not born with a birth defect, Condeleeza Rice. but it’s a cute story. Perhaps you could write a children’s book, however, I doubt you could illustrate it. I suppose the Swahilis were born without a birth defect.
    At some point God will shut the door and all hell will break loose. Great devastation worldwide will proceed like we have never witnessed before worse than anything even imagined. Islam and the RCC and its Vatican will not exist but neither the holy places of Islam because both are full of shit: I think it is the baptism by fire. That’s how.
    Is it evil to impersonate others for evil’s sake? I’m not talking about SNL.
    I’m so impressed with Trump’s Press Secretary. I guess intelligence does skip a generation. Just kidding. Watched her as the press went after Trump and Rex Tillerson, mostly Rex Tillerson and she handled them. I think the White House press want to own the State Department? Seems to me, anyway and she owned them as far as I could tell.
    In the bible somewhere it says God puts it into the heart of an army to destroy the Vatican, I just hope it is our army and it definitely won’t be this army:

    The Jesuit ORDER and the NEW WORLD ORDER; how many cults use the word ORDER? NOT MANY!


    However, that was yesterday and today the press conference after Sarah Sanders part goes on with some military guy (a general and don’t know his new name, now I do John Kelly) who reminded me of an old family friend-not, at least I think so. He was kind of a rat and took credit for things he shouldn’t have. “As I said” his idiom, his Hallmark – (mine is “you know what I mean”)……..Me Tarzan, you Jane kind of guy, was stationed in France. and was lost in the jungles of the congo (got a tan) for a while i.e. was MIA and came out as a Bug and a lawyer and wrote books supporting the findings of The Warren Commission which were false findings (liosis) but he was in love with JFK’s wife (Jackie Onassis) and love is blind. Got some DNA out of the deal he made to help his tree and nicknamed my older sister as well. Won a lot of cases as a lawyer, but he exaggerated by one. He wrote books, a plethora of books but one in particular was about the slayings of the crazy Manson cult which made him famous in order to support the Warren Commission with is book about the JFK assassination. He has an agenda as most people do. I know I do. His is her agenda, which I’m not sure is for America (the USA) but for I THINK the Jesuits. His son was diagnosed with schizophrenia and thought he was Jesus. So the DNA wasn’t exactly prefect. He was a dove hunter and didn’t respect women as I recall and especially my mom because she was kind of smart, kind of arty, kind of trying to help his wife become more independent and he didn’t like it. She was only trying to help. She was a better friend than he was a husband and my dad was better man than he was a general.
    The Jesuits are around ya you know what I mean?
    Not a good time for a US embassy in Jerusalem, if you ask me.
    A perception perhaps though I trust my eyes to a certain degree and try to discern which might be wrong but I would watch out if I were you, President Trump. Said on the conference with the press some things about some hostages being freed from Pakistan ( a nuclear armed country, isn’t it?), but what about the hostage called Dr. Shakil Afridi and his family? He helped our government find Osama Bin Laden and was double-crossed by our government because Obama used the ordeal for other reasons having to do with Benghazi in a backward kind of way. Why is he and his family not on the list of freed hostages, or is he? Why did Obama blow him off? Playing poetics with Islam? Kissing ass? Trump has mentioned the Iran Deal as a “we didn’t get anything” kind of deal in regards to Obama’s deal with Iran ….DUH what would you expect from Akbar Obama? The deal made with Pakistan isn’t a very good deal since I don’t think he and his family were included in the hostage swap. Not very arty if you ask me and definitely not very trustful, honest untruthful deal was made and he ought to be #1 in your list to establish “faith” i.e. TRUST BUT VERIFY kind of faith between the two countries of Pakistan and the USA!

    Trump Signs Order To Undermine Obamacare Insurance Rules

    It could create a parallel insurance system for healthy people.

    Didn’t see that coming kind of moment!˜

    Anyway on Fox news tonight, John Kelly said something to the effect of “this spring” (as in the season) on some news clip and he should have said “next spring” shouldn’t he have in regards to something to do with health care, Trump, and the future unless he is going backwards, of course. Kind of an odd slip because it’s kind of a natural speech/language thing to know the difference unless he is not thinking with a normal Judeao-christian order of the seasons (Winter, spring, summer and fall, winter etc) in the english language or he doesn’t care about silly things like that. VERY VERY ODD. He might have said “this coming spring” which would be a correct way to say it since it’s the next year but to say “this spring”? nope, wrong….Perhaps he suffers from kind of something or other (I’m sure there are diseases or mental illnesses that might have trouble knowing the difference)  …. Fox acted like it was recent but you know Fox News aren’t always clear about many things as the other news stations as well. So either his year is different than my year or his year starts and ends at a different time depending upon his faith. HMMMM I don’t know but it was odd nevertheless and I think it was a big slip of the tongue because I think he was in the USA when he said it and it was assumed or supposed to be assumed it was the present time and at this time it is the first part of autumn/fall soooooooooo I guess it depends on the show. There is a story in the OT about twins i.e. born nearly at the same time and one grabbed the toe of the other to follow him out of the womb. The first son hated the second son because of the color of his hair which was red and it sort of seems like a similar story going on here in a weird way. You can learn a lot from the Old Testament.

    Ben Affleck, Roman Polanski, Weinstein, URANIUM

     The thing is Hannity as far as “The Hollywood Morass” (WEINSTEIN and others such as Roman Polanski I have no idea of his guilt or innocence) and the left’s penchant for sexual stupidity, permissiveness, debauchery, and sleeze, etc which isn’t much different than the rights penchant for sexual stupidity, permissiveness, debauchery and sleaze, besides the obvious fact that Roman Polanski resembles Mark Fuhrman in the physical sense to a T;  however 150 million dollar ($150,000,000.00) or so kickback over the Uranium deal is a big deal. It seems like a O’reilly got in trouble and we were not told HOW O”REILLY HARRASSED WOMEN ON THE JOB because it was silenced and he paid for the silence from these women and we were not told HOW OTHER FOX EMPLOYEES/EMPLOYERS HANDLED IT nor video tapes or films to watch in regards to his penchant for sexual stupidity, permissiveness, debauchery, and sleaze towards the women he mishandled, maneuvered, managed, mysogenized, manipulated and don’t even know if the women who accused him got the proceeds (the money) from the lawyers involved but we know they lost their jobs or no longer are on the air and I didn’t see them get invited to come on the air as Bill O’reilly was able to do on the Hannity show to save your job WHICH SENDS THE WRONG MESSAGE AND PROVES SOMETHING ISNT RIGHT at FOX NEWS and Hollywood is now being attacked kind of mischief because most of what I saw on Hannity I didn’t know about until it was aired on Hannity so it must be related to his rubbing O’reilly’s back and vice versa after he was tossed from Fox News for a multitude of sexual harassment accusations and lawsuits and Hannity feared losing his job and also if people laugh at something sexually explicit such as a skit or a joke which is scripted but seemingly reality type TV which is a bit bizarre hence we are guilty of wanting to be molested in our sleep or raped or accosted at the office etc kind of mentality or shot at a concert in La Vegas. I think Greg Gutfeld also has a demon or two by the things he says and needs some work. Demons and demonic forces speak through other people’s substances. Remember Greg mocking someone and saying something about “You who have no teeth” and compare to the New World Order with Teeth warning from Pope Benedict? I have a feeling Greg Gutfeld might have no teeth when all is said and done if he dent watch it. One of the things many people give up is dental health because of the economy. Sometimes out of depression and many other reasons like lack of money and lack of job or mistrustful of the future because of our government and other reasons. My older sister used to grind her teeth at night. My grandmother gave up her teeth to raise her kids when her husband divorced her with 7 kids. My mom didn’t have great teeth (nor do I) but she had a great heart and soul. She had TB as a young mom and she lived through the Great Depression. Her older sister died hanging laundry at 26 years old. She witnessed the Pearl Harbor attack. Was Greg Gutfeld a witness? Just because you sit in a chair on some show in New York or wherever it is filmed doesn’t make you better.  What have you done? You definitely have some problems as we all do.  One: You work for Fox. Would you say to the woman called Lindsey Hubley in the article above about the flesh eating disease she received in a hospital – “You who have no limbs?” Was she insured. I have no idea but I don’t think insurance would have prevented her infection. And I’ll let you figure out the rest! Because guess what, you will eventually!  What about Tom Jones and Elvis Presley. Women used to throw their underwear at him but I doubt they wanted to be raped. Not that he raped anyone but the same kind of idiocracy. Is MGM The Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas somehow related to Harvey Weinstein of MGM and the Hurricane Harvey in Houston? How about the wildfires in Napa Valley; are the fires related to Billy Kimmel and his fraternity style wine joke?


    I do know life imitates art and art imitates life and I appreciate some of what Hollywood has contributed

    I just wish the press would try harder to do a better job because in the last 50 years the press has really screwed up, and in the last ten years even waxed worse,

    except for a few.

    Then Jay Leno appears in Las Vegas in Hannity’s body for a show about I’m not sure but it was a flop in my eyes anyway. I can tell people are scared and I do understand the feeling but still it would better if we got to the truth of the ordeal instead of reassuring ourselves with a lack luster concert. I think Hannity ought to attend a culinary school. Now Sean Hannity has a movie out morphing into Mel Gibson, “Would you consider a new source?” GEEZ. LOL Didn’t O’reilly have some movies made about his versions of history

    Collaborating, huh? 

    “Let not your heart be troubled” which is written about in one of the Gospels said by Jesus as Hannity opines and reports on his show along with other Fox shows and their news anchors-a-way reveal a bunch of conspiracies (never catholic) which all lead to the same place if you read my blog are never resolved correctly or fairly. My heart is troubled everyday, most everyday watching the world go nuts. The etymology of opine is perfectly respectable, too. The term derives from the Middle French opiner (“to express one’s opinion”) and the Latin opinari, meaning “to have an opinion or “to think.”

    Suggestive, isn’t it?

    Dire Straits – Telegraph Road [COMPLETE STUDIO VERSION]

    The power of suggestion. Whether he is aware or not someone is talking in him and inveritably to his audience whether good or bad; judge for yourself. Sometimes each persons thoughts expressed aren’t our own. Here is a post I wrote quite a while ago, but I think it is well-grounded and relevant:

    Pope Benedict XVI

    and His Power of Suggestion

    (And apparently want our beaches as well!)

    Another example of confusion of faces. Morphing. Working day and night to deceive in order to set brother against brother, sister against sister, it’s part of revelation and the Great Deception, in order to fulfill the prophecy of the strife between families and family members because the priesthood needs to be kneaded. etc.  In the past, I had a computer art program in the art of Poser wrapping textures etc. You don’t fool me. Some of the News (including and especially Fox) sponsors are complicit in deception. It will come back to HAUNT you. It’s when you do it off camera without computer technology that really makes THE difference.

    NAPA VALLEY and other California fires

    By the way, I hate to be a jerk during a crisis like in Napa Valley wild fires because it must be scary and horrible but I think the governor needs to figure out a way to manage the land better than he has. This isn’t the first fire that was as devastating and I think some policies need to be re-addressed as far as burning the underbrush or figuring out some kind of chemical that might help to stop fires from spreading or hopping. It makes sense to get smart about land management just in case terrorism was responsible in part or may be responsible down the road. I recall an owl or some animal stopped the common sense land management fighting fires with fires and other types of protections, either that or don’t build homes in these areas. I think Governor Brown is responsible for his own stupidity. I think tall highway nets on the side of the road that automatically lift up during windy seasons might help or nets around neighborhoods, nets that are soaked in fire retardants made of stuff used in ceramics or glass applications which protect against a flame during fire seasons. Fires require oxygen so something that limits the flame to use oxygen. Someone ought to invent it and sell it to Californians. Don’t tell the governor. He might outlaw it for the sake of an endangered squirrel who might actually move it’s residence and probably had to because of wild fires. He should be held accountable! Another idea might be to invent a humidifier for the dry areas of California to prevent dryness in dry windy seasons. You have the ocean nearby so it should be easy to get the water as the source for the humidifier and the winds in the dry seasons to help disperse the humidity. So a good inventor might be able to figure out a good invention to prevent wild fires. Perhaps the lay of the land is part of the problem so build some kind of wall to help keep the humidity in certain areas. In the Dust bowl time part of the problem was lack of tree lines to keep the soil from being blown away by the wind. Another reason was the sabbath concept by allowing the farm land to rest every 7 years for a year. Here is an idea: have fire fighters ever tried flour to put out the fires. Supposedly works for oil fires. Sounds adolescent but it might work. A really good idea would be to have underground shelters to protect against wild fires like the tornado alley people built. Who sold the real estate? Gov. Jerry Brown ought to get his shit together and protect his citizens from bad real-estate deals (high prone areas for wild fires) even though it is beautiful real-estate. Insurance didn’t save lives, did it?  In the OT God says to subdue the earth and I think that instruction is for Californians as well. Land management did a lousy job. There are plenty of options that could have been used and instead some Californians got a bad deal. The first wild fire before it spread should have been met with extraordinary firemen power so it wouldn’t spread. Someone didn’t do a very good job. I’m not blaming the fire fighters who risk their lives often and are a very important infrastructure for many places and times. Underpaid. Don’t hassle people for nothing. Undermanagement put their lives at risk even more than it ought to be. I think it is the Governor of California who failed and should not be re-elected! He has always been putz. He reminds me of a priest.

    What Matters

    This is the real me.

    Gretchen Carlson, Contributor
    Journalist; Author, ‘Be Fierce’
    Gosh, I had no idea how pretty she is.
    I got mad at her early on in my posts because she said: What you gonna do about it? I can’t remember in reference to what subject was being discussed because it was quite a while ago and before the accusations she leveled against Fox. I didn’t trust her possibly because of the job she was in. The news also has edit rooms so it might not be her fault. It has been a tough for me because of what I have been through and what I have witnessed sometimes from a blind spot because I don’t work for Fox but it does bother me when a woman is accosted and is subject to not working if she complains and does what she should do as I think the women who were accosted at Fox did and then to see Bill O’reilly on the air again on the Hannity show is kind of confusing. Doesn’t seem right to me.
    When Fox says live, doesn’t mean I believe it EVER AGAIN!
    I like makeup, and have nothing against false eyelashes, many things women use to enhance themselves, boob jobs, hairdos, fake eyebrows, wigs, or even their skin, Photoshop, and fame,   etc. Not all of us are so blessed as Gretchen Carlson, (however I love my roots a bunch) but I misjudged her possibly because of those things because  she probably is a very fine lady.
    “By me” has a meaning in the bible though it is hard to understand with all the accoutrements to the bible.
    1. additional items of dress or equipment, or other items carried or worn by a person or used for a particular activity.
      (which includes burkas and habits worn by nuns.)
      Hopefully I passed some of my roots to my kids because I think they are fine as well. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I have been prevented in some ways from passing IMPORTANT knowledge I acquired because of the New World Order interfering in my life and because the NEW WORLD ORDER doesn’t want the kind of knowledge I acquired and learned because some of it is good.
      The New World Order loves the bad, but not the good and loves to keep females down even using race inequality to silence female inequality even though it is self evident and whatever it takes to demote, defile, demean, belittle, debase, discredit, impair, diminish, weaken, cheapen, dishonor, humble, injure females because the REAL Jesus knew what was in man and it is/was smaller than the mustard seed: the Real Jesus who taught about truth. Hospice is/was also used to silence/scare/and to kill off the truth hence the author of it was sainted by the JESUIT Pope Francis as if those kind of measures could stop the truth and of course those kind of measures can’t stop the truth but only dug a deeper pit for itself by jamming inequality worse so you might as well relax and enjoy it.
      That was cynical of me. Sorry, been through the worst of things in the last ten years. What I mean is you might learn something which might help “your roots.” I think by some Christian standards Chernobyl (nuclear accident, possibly) was a big deal in bible prophecy, but so was Fukushima. Maybe bigger. However the legacy left behind by Mother Teresa maybe even bigger – (THROUGH TRICKERY and WITCHCRAFT.) – hard to know since no one talks about it in the news, etc. Hardly anyone. A few have. THE BIG COVERUP! And OBAMACARE helped not only with Mother Teresa’s legacy but in also regards to Fukushima to cover up the health issues. However, it won’t stop revelation! The majority or a greater part of the book of revelation seems to be devoted to the Roman Catholic Church, the Vatican and it’s end. It’s pretty explicit even to the colors of the garb worn by the bishops and cardinals. However catholics aren’t allowed to read the bible or don’t because of the past teachings as recently as my ex’s mom which is/was ingrained into their victims via  their religion.
      Another interesting comparison is the two nuclear bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. I think MEcca and MEdina are the real intended cities which receive their end as well kind of misplaced in the OT and called Sodom and Gomorrah. I could be wrong but it makes sense to me since I think these two cities are protectorates of the RCC partially because of the Jesuits involvement in WWll and over Japan. WHO were the Morrow brothers who were involved in the press. I don’t know if it’s a clue or not. Maybe hoping for a disguise. I don’t know because I’m not a sociopathic psychopathic religion but I do know the holy books were taken to Rome when a Jesus was crucified and a temple was destroyed in Jerusalem. The person who took the holy books was Joseph of Ari-mathea (tax collector), adopted son of the Flaviuses to propagandize the books (cook the books) but didn’t do a super-duper job and maybe purposefully. He may not have had a choice. I think he was Jewish. There is a time of 130 years I think could be 60-70 years between the destruction of the temple and a revisitation of similar events but I don’t think a temple was destroyed because the 2nd Temple had been destroyed (the veil was torn from twain to twain and not yet built again the second time when an incursion occurred again in Jerusalem who were involved in rebuilding the city of Jerusalem and something about a wall. Some interesting stuff even about OTTO. I don’t now if it’s referring to OTTOMAN EMPIRE /(OTTO  – North Korea) but there was a time of the OTTO rulers in Rome I think (a family rulers but Rome the center of Roman Catholicism also was in a few other places besides Rome – Constantinople etc and in the USA it might be in UTAH!/NSA!/Mitt Romeny?), but you can read about some of these things in the Writings of Josephus, History of the Jews. It kind of intertwines with biblical stuff from a different perspective. A history book, kind of. An interesting perspective and I did not read all of it, but a lot of it because it gets kind of crazy (and boring as well in some parts) in parts but then so does Paul in some of his writings in the bible obviously affected by something (conversion) on the road to Damascus. His family saluting each other in the New Testament not because they were military but something else. Jesuit? The only other person I have heard about in reference to a transformation/conversion is Prince Charles on the way to Damascus because supposedly he had a conversion and then he bio- chipped his kids. Damascus in the bible (OT) is the burdensome stone. Also heard in the past about some angels guarding the border between Syria and Israel and specifically the Golan Heights by the enemy who saw the angels during some war which stopped them. Possibly the Six Day War. Kind of interesting because it is an important border to Israel. Detrimental border. Whose idea was it to have a NEW WORLD ORDER?????? because I think the blame for lots of bad things lies there. I think it was a Jesuit idea because Pope Benedict XVl warned of it and he probably overheard about it somewhere and also George Bush who talked about a thousand points of light and the New World Order. “A thousand years is a day, as a day is a thousand years.” favorite catholic saying said by Peter but my ex uses it whenever we have discussions (not many, in fact, very few because I’m not fun anymore) about the bible because we don’t see eye to eye. I don’t like hospice and I don’t like abuse, etc, oh yea and I don’t enjoy poison, etc. so no wonder I’m not fun anymore. This is serious stuff and while I make some jokes sometimes because humor helps sometimes, but it isn’t fun. I would rather be sitting on a beach with my family and the people I love sipping on a Pina colada watching the sunset.
      I read in the past The AntiChrist and a Cup of Tea by Tim Cohen and it said Prince Charles was (it’s been a long time since I read it) involved in a secret society. a big secret society and also high in rank of course in the society. These societies are infiltrated by evil and by the top dog of evil, of course. Why not? If you were the Devil and Satan, what would you do? Insert yourself in the bible and either create or infiltrate societies to run the world and to confuse the world as well. It’s not rocket science what evil does and it so happens evil hates women. Something to do with the Garden of Eden. God turns the devil into a serpent
      And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life:
      Hence, the business in the temple of women eating dust if they were caught or suspected of indiscretion or anything the temple people which was infiltrated by the RCC and ISLAM wanted to accuse women of…. such as abortion.
      (It’s kind of odd because my brother-in-law came at me in my sleep in this manner so my sister wouldn’t see who was asleep on the other side of me. I think he was possessed, in a way, quite a few times and he is/was a christian and usually under the influence of too much alcohol. He collected roman artifacts and nazi stuff as well, his dad was a christian and President of Conoco oil for a while and he drank quite a bit as well. Mixed up dude, but he wasn’t all bad either or noone would have tolerated him. Often he was also a good person in some ways. I’m trying to think about when … ..he had a great sense of humor, strove to be better, when he failed at things he was the type person to try again, etc. Mixed up)
      and of course:
      It doesn’t help when parts of the gospels are lies, does it?
      It had a profound effect/affect on my life and my families life that I grew up with and the family I had later and on his life and his families life, etc our relationships, and on our livelihoods
      IN TRUTH
      I don’t think we deserved it. 
      Funny thing, is supposedly the tribe of Dan is the lost tribe of Israel but I think in reality it’s the others that are lost. You should read the Book of Daniel and tell me who was lost. It wasn’t Daniel.
      Remember I told you about a verse in the book of Daniel which was added later to the Gospel of Matthew during or since the Obama Administration, standing where it should not, let the reader understand? I understand! the prophecy is about a verse about a prophecy, not a person, but representing a person falsely i.e. Daniel.
      Anyway a bunch of things about Dan if you look it up in search of the bible being an adder, etc ….
      Dan shall be a serpent by the way, an adder in the path, that biteth the horse heels, so that his rider shall fall backward.
      ruling from behind
      He is not Dan. Obama is the adder. The serpent.
      I also read the Book of Daniel a long time ago and I was very curious about the meaning of the prophecy because it was so weird and it stuck in my mind above all the others. I finally found out the meaning.
       Obama used Lincoln standing in front of the Lincoln Memorial and he used his feet on the desk when talking to Netanyahu by phone, he used Susan Rice, he used Hillary. He uses everyone. Their substance. He even used his wife though I don’t think she understands he used her because of her skin color and possibly her sexual preference. He uses good people and uses bad people. He is the Destroyer. Read about him in the Gospel of Luke and he certainly is recognizable if you can remember. It’s all purposeful to demean everyone he used and he certainly did but he is always making new friends to cover his ass using tax dollars and then kissing Islam’s ass by saying “the future must not belong to those who insult the prophet of Islam.” BLAH BLAH BLAH. He could care less about Islam. Destruction is his game of everyone including Islam. Islam and the RCC are quite a bit alike.
      Islam will figure it out eventually, but it might be too late.
      It definitely will be too late for the Vatican.

      Revelation 18:15-17

      15 The merchants of these things, which were made rich by her, shall stand afar off for the fear of her torment, weeping and wailing,

      and him

      16 And saying, Alas, alas that great city, that was clothed in fine linen, and purple, and scarlet, and decked with gold, and precious stones, and pearls!

      17 For in one hour so great riches is come to nought.

      I apologize : I did quite a bit of work on JFK’s assassination via CBS News and transcribed the reports of the assassination and snap shotted some pics to help people and catholics understand their dilemma which was on Merangue’s Blog. Anyway someone has sabotaged some of the transcriptions replacing them with the same part a few times obviously something important I noticed someone doesn’t want to be noticed and I’m not doing it again since I did it twice. It doesn’t matter because 17 For in one hour so great riches is come to nought. and there ain’t nothing anyone can do about it.

    Reese Witherspoon Says A Director Assaulted Her When She Was 16

    “I wish I could tell you that was an isolated incident in my career.”

    These are the success stories,

    but what about the ones that didn’t succeed who probably won’t come out or can’t for a number of reasons and are suffering.

    Obviously, females deserve the right to an abortion when needed despite the RCC/Evangelicalism (BGEA)/New World Order/Jesuit Order over zealousness full of shit lies and using Hospice/murder/suicide of their parents (the elderly) and lowering the future generations life spans in retaliation as revenge because of the confusion the faith religions themselves sowed who were deceived or of the right and the left and all the possibilities sandwiched in-between because they can’t handle the FACT that the mustard seed isn’t the smallest of seed and ERRONEOUSLY based their faith on a HUGE faith lie. Propaganda comes in many forms like the video on Fox internet site of the little girl getting a Teddy bear with her dads voice (her dad is deployed) which is very cute but at the same time is schmaltzy since she is being video taped and knows it and is preforming. Kids know how to preform. Not her fault and I can tell she loves her daddy and mommy but I think it should have been kept for themselves instead of used for propaganda. She is a darling kid, though but I won’t add the cute video. We should have been out of Iraq a long time ago and should have built a wall of some kind on our border at the same time we are being used by Saudi Arabia and the RCC Vatican. Our military is being squeezed and spread out and thinned in order to keep us vulnerable. I don’t know what OIL companies are there and who has stocks invested in the companies but now Iran is our formidable foe and I think it is connected in a duplicitous and insidious kind of way. Maybe her dad will be lucky and won’t need to appear on wounded warriors or need a hurricane offered on Fox News for donations usually around O’reillys hour of Vatican Jesuit bullshit. Instead perhaps we ought to make Iraq the 52nd state of the USA since so much has been invested in the country of Iraq. I think it would be reasonable. But read Puerto Rico is a territory of ours and not a state. Perhaps Iraq is a territory of ours and not a state which means no representation territory wide but I remember when I asked for help for my mom representation wise and the lack of representation I received for her. So …… Mark Levin has detailed explanation about the controversy of Puerto Rico and it’s un-statehood if you are interested which I linked but what worries me is what about Betsy Ross? Just kidding. I’m sorry to say but I’m gonna be frank about it – I’m worried about the the Roman Catholic/Evangelical aspect of the statehood of Puerto Rico and it’s influence which is evil. I know there are some nice spanish people I have met in my life, hard working, some of them but I don’t like the voting block aspect of Roman Catholicism because of it’s evil influence throughout it’s history. I don’t sit around worrying about Puerto Rico but I worry about fascism: roman catholicism and islam and then communism. I like freedom but we have to protect it. The rcc and islam do not protect freedom with the help of many of it’s allies evangelicals and many of it’s daughters. WWll is a great example of why the RCC and Islam cannot be trusted no matter the faith. Think about it, why would the RCC be offended by China’s catholics and demand the Chinese catholics to be Romanized. That’s what you call suspicious, auspicious and over-bearing, sociopathic and psychotic, a pathological nuisance. Can you imagine? China is the size of a continent and the RCC is strong arming them to be Romanized? Why would the RCC demand Japanese roman catholics to adhere to the Neo-Catechumenal way? THE RCC IS INSANE! The reason the Japanese resisted and tried to delay the NeoCatechumenal Way was because of an increase in suicides because of the trial run of the NeoCatechumenal Way and wanted to wait 5 years which is a good reason to resist and delay. Then the earthquake and tsunami and the resulting nuclear accident at FUKUSHIMA immediately after their rejection which poisoned the starfish, tuna and crabs and plankton etc the poisoning of the food chain offered by the Pacific ocean. Possibly 1/3 of the waters are affected which is kind of biblical revelation kind of stuff. I think the RCC is involved in the misuse of technology like HAARP in other places along with it’s closest ally in fascism ISLAM. Probably a Jesuit misuse of Catholicism to protect the Vatican. It’s really stinky and should not be tolerated. IF you think Jesuits will protect us from communism when they don’t protect against fascism, it’s a no brainer. And if you think they give a shit about females, think again. It is how the RCC works in order to attain wealth and power using females in lots of different ways.

    Nothing propinks like propinquity!

    “He often used the aphorism (perhaps originally coined by Ian Fleming in Diamonds are Forever) “Nothing propinks like propinquity,” later dubbed the Ball Rule of Power. It means that the more direct access you have to the president, the greater your power, no matter what your title actually is.”

    Phrase popularized 1960s by U.S. diplomat George Ball who was in the hallway during the JFK assassination aftermath with OSWALD before “the oswald” he was assassinated. Funny thing about it is he is trying to act like a bystander in the film/snapshot I snap-shotted from the films provided by CBS which I included in my blog regarding the assassination of JFK CBS News transcripts which I transcribed and learned a bunch which you can find on my site Merangue’s Blog and my conclusions were Jackie Kennedy shot his head under some kind of mind control, I think, and others were there that should not have been there including Obama who was at the point when JFK’s elbows go up before he is shot in the head when something stabbed him in the back: a contraption via the vehicle he was in and I think it was remote controlled in order to subdue him (which it did) and I explained how it worked because it was the same wound as the supposed bullet that nicked his tie but in actuality it was something sharp that entered his back and went out the same way it entered and nicked the tie, Billy Graham was there in disguise as well, and others and at the airport as well, in the streets, matted in (photo enhanced but ‘an exchange’ has something to do with the matting), I think from what I gathered from my investigation of the JFK assassination and the things said by JFK it had something to do with “the LODGE”

    perhaps inferring masonic lodge/large

    (which possibly has something to do with the assassination of some leaders in Vietnam) and is on one of the White House tapes basically or possibly a confession about it from JFK or a sound-a-like soon before he was assassinated. He pronounced it Large.

    But don’t forget the thing standing where it shouldn’t is not a person……. it is the thing itself: the prophecy standing in the Gospel of Matthew and it used to be in the Book of Daniel and this occurred DURING the Obama Administration somewhere between the pope-ships of Pope Benedict XVl and Pope Francis, a Jesuit. the one who sainted Mother Teresa for murder/suicide called Hospice, but you have had to have read it and I did when it was in the Book of Daniel one of the prophecies a VERY BIG ONE that intrigued me when I read it because it also said “let the reader understand” as part of it’s prophecy, a clue a VERY BIG ONE plus the prophecy doesn’t say he or she but says it. SOoooooooooooooo

    but the way JFK or his sound-a-like said it sounded like “the Large” which I think is connected to a group of people involved with the BGEA and secret religious organizations such a the Freemasons, Skull and Bones, Jesuits, Bildeburgers, and others but all infiltrated but were formed because of the Roman Catholic abuse, the mob, Club of Rome and I think the best way to handle these societies is not to have tax deductions for religious donations etc and to go strictly with consumption tax and let the people decide and then the state and local governments and the state who collects the taxes allocates to the Feds for the military but can also allocate to the military in their state. Each state is different and has different needs security wise, population wise, and location wise and many other social, fiscal, and physical differences as well.

    As far as the sect religious political societies is we are dealing with the devil who can infiltrate people in various ways because the flesh is weak and infiltrated these organizations, of course. The death of the Supreme Court Justice might have been result of one of these groups via the RCC and the devil. Going to consumption tax without donations will keep the devil under some financial control and improve life for everyone. Spread him out as thinly as possible. Same goes for Satan. IF people control the money exchange via buying power we win. Probably less wars and less rapes and murders. less droughts, less mega storms. less wild fires, less mega hurricanes, less earthquakes. less nuclear accidents in response to political or social decisions, etc. Comes down to this if females aren’t allowed to have an abortion when females need one then any man accused of rape, molestation, accosting females at work, or any sexual deviancy or using drugs or alcohol to get laid or telling a sexual joke should have a hot coal on a metal prod shoved into their penis while sticking a broom up their asses. In the past women were scrutinized for any accusation and most males got a free pass which is why females deserve the rights they attained when abortion became legal for their protection against male fraternal dominated religious entities who use females as if they were their slaves as much as Hannity and friends have the right to use the pill or any birth control devices to avoid and avert pregnancy or to plan their own lives and families. The females who had abortions had children later with their husbands because the abortion they received was safe!

    Anyway, you deserve ISLAM and its maniacal evils

    terrorism, mass shootings, hurricanes, tsunamis, droughts, fires, earthquakes, national debt, and a civil war, revolutions, floods,

    even a nuclear war, etc

    if you can’t accept abortion.

    I think the Japanese deserved nuclear war less in WWll than those harassing the families and females about abortions and both are/were influenced by the Jesuit Order. I believe if the Jesuit Order hadn’t existed there would not have been WWl or WWll, nor our involvement in the Vietnam War, harassment of women and their families, and Mother Teresa’s hospice, etc. Sounds mean to say if you can’t accept abortions as an option for females who have an unwanted pregnancy you deserve to be nuked and obviously I think abortions are a necessary part of life! Sexuality is an unusual trait in both male and female and hard to understand sometimes and affects each of us differently depending on our experience, who we live near, our friends, our peers, our up bringing and our parents, siblings, religion, political leanings, whether in time of war or peace and on top of it to be sabotaged for political and religious reasons makes it worse and very confusing to the individuals and especially females who bear the burden as most of us were brought up as little princesses who later find out they are not even close. Ibelieve birth control is necessary and a good option as well and abortion is just one form of the same thing. If females can’t be trusted to have all options on the table I don’t think males deserve females or children. I was raised in a tumultuous time during the Vietnam War and part of the Korean war before it, hippies, freaks and drug experimentation, and during the african american social upheaval and rehabilitation in various ways, etc. Who wouldn’t be a bit confused? I took in the experiences and learned. It’s a part of the human experience to experience and learn. Sometimes we fail and sometimes we don’t. Certainly can’t expect the RCC to teach about the human experience since for most of it’s 2000 year life it prohibited reading the bible and many other stupid antics if you don’t attend you have to babble hail Mary’s with a bead chain of some kind like ISLAM  etc, if you go to another church you are damned and now the RCC wants to unite? PSYCHOTIC is what you call the RCC. Love their morphing crap which is quite deceptive, and yet the RCC continues as if there won’t be recompense. Talk about over confident which is good. Makes them weaker. The anguish and torment caused by the harassment about abortions is unmeasurable by mankind has been immense and deserves a big response. I hope it comes. The lies put forth about abortions via some video tapes no ones gets to see deserves a big response. I hope it comes. The sadness caused by Mother Teresa Hospice and the RCC is immeasurable and deserves a bigger response and I hope it comes as soon as it is understood clearly. I think Revelation will serve this purpose! I’m sorry it has to be this way but it does because of all of the above. TOO BAD. TSK TSK. Not saying the sexual accusations against some hollywood mogul if true aren’t a big deal and are important to the females involved and I’m glad they have raised their voices (from the clips on Fox about Weinstein he sounds really messed up and not in control of himself at all and definitely needs some help and possibly needs an exorcist and maybe an operation to cut off the blood supply to the scrotum/balls to help him out) which might save other females and should be important to the men involved because of their character and their children, future girlfriends and wives, moms and dads, future jobs and/or opportunities, etc, but I don’t think Clinton should have to return Weinstein’s donation however the Clinton Foundation should have to answer for giving away Uranium and have to answer about the kickback but I don’t think they’ll be held accountable even though it might eventually be the uranium that destroys Hollywood or New York or Washington DC.  I saw the clips provided of Ben Affleck and others, and I’m sure he wished he hadn’t nor am I sure of the circumstances, but he was probably drunk. Not a great excuse but people do the oddest of things when drunk or on a dare. I don’t know if the woman involved was offended, surprised, or embarrassed or if it was a mutual joke. Might ought ask him and her. BUT, the press should HOUND THE SHIT OUT OF THE CLINTONS ABOUT THE URANIUM DEAL and get some answers (instead of hounding females and families for defending themselves and their bodies by having abortions which is a human right: a female has a right to determine when she is fit to have a baby or to determine when she wants to have a baby and raise a family) which might save their ever lovin’ asses and possibly millions of other people. ISN’T FOX NEWS THE PRESS? I’m not the press. I’m merely a concerned citizen. MAYBE YOU SHOULD WORK ON IT! Make it your cause and your mission:


    ……As little as 15 lb (7 kg) of uranium-235 can be used to make an atomic bomb.[15] ” The first nuclear bomb used in war, Little Boy, relied on uranium fission, but the very first nuclear explosive (the Gadget used at Trinity) and the bomb that destroyed Nagasaki (Fat Man) were both plutonium bombs.”….. …..”Depleted Uramium…… Due to its high density, this material is found in inertial guidance systems and in gyroscopiccompasses.[“……. “…..The X-10 Graphite Reactor at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, formerly known as the Clinton Pile and X-10 Pile, was the world’s second artificial nuclear reactor (after Enrico Fermi’s Chicago Pile) and was the first reactor designed and built for continuous operation……..”


    Mutated pig

    Chernobyl disaster

    Abortion requests due to “mutant” fears

    What does MARSHA, MARSHA, MARSHA BLACKBURN of Tennessee think and what would she have done?


    Following the accident, journalists mistrusted many medical professionals (such as the spokesman from the UK National Radiological Protection Board), and in turn encouraged the public to mistrust them.[179] Throughout the European continent, due to this media-driven framing of the slight contamination and in nations where abortion is legal, many requests for induced abortions, of otherwise normal pregnancies, were obtained out of fears of radiation from Chernobyl, including an excess number of abortions in Denmark in the months following the accident.[180] In Greece, following the accident many obstetricians were unable to resist requests from worried pregnant mothers over fears of radiation. The investigation of the Uranium deal and the investigation of the hundred millions of dollars or more kickback to the Clinton Foundation is a worthwhile mission as is investigating the RCC about Hospice and maybe the two are connected.

    Isn’t it odd: plutonium and uranium

    and then you have small planets called Pluto and Uranus. Maybe has to do with discovery time.  I noticed one of the two is resistant to electrical currents quite a bit. Maybe why it’s attractive to some. Fear of unprotected electrical grid or something to do with the new threat to countries.

    From Hummus to lentils!

     I have my own talents I’m trying to use in a positive way for me, my family, for the present and for the future and for others as well. As far as sources go there aren ‘t many alternatives and none are trustworthy so I have very little faith in our government especially in the recent past 10 years and VERY little faith in the press and a little faith about a lot of things. I believe in God and I believe nothing is impossible with God which leaves me with many options most of which are not attainable at this exact moment, but will be: not every second or minute of the day is my belief an unwavering source of strength because I’m only human! I fluctuate. I think it’s time for US citizens to try to maintain some decency and common sense because things have definitely gone awry as a result of the VERY EVIL intentions and deeds of the New World Order with Teeth (religious and political). Supposedly we are The Great Satan and there are those that would like to see us destroyed, quite a few of those. I have tried to learn as much as possible and offer my knowledge and my experience (some of which is not good) for free but there are those days I have a hard time maintaining especially when I read and watch the news (the press) or have to deal with those who are in denial while at the same time trying to protect my interests.

    The little red pill being pushed on the elderly

    CNN investigation exposes inappropriate use of drug in nursing homes

    The above article about Nuedexta is emblematic of laziness and mismanagement, kind like the drug given to kids to control them usually suggested by teachers because of overactive behavior while using Medicare. Kids and the elderly aren’t usually productive monetarily and I think it is the reason for the treason against both kids and the elderly. Our government has shirked it’s responsibility and promises partially because of the national debt used as a humongous weapon against our country and should be forgotten and forgiven for the sake of the kids and the elderly but our government is in denial and acting subject to other powers it shouldn’t be subject to such as the RCC and other entities it beguiles who are at war with the USA.


    This eye witness said the shots were following her and her group and I believe the only way that could occur would be via cell phone identification and some kind of code. I believe the same thing happened during the tornado the day after Christmas the storm followed my ex from one part of town to another town a few towns away almost exactly behind him and i think it was via his cell phone identification via satellite in space (kind of a tether type following) and I would imagine possibly using or having access to social security numbers, drivers licenses, computers, embedded chips to keep tabs on some individuals of interest. Twitter and face book are also ways to get people under your WING. “Hashtag me and tell us what you think” crap, as if they care. Which Greta made famous? I don’t know which one but one of them….Probably the one Billy Graham possessed which I wrote about in an earlier post when it occurred. DO hashtaggers ever get responses except from other hashtaggers so this is merely information gathering used in a multitude of ways to control and manage people. Same goes with communicating with your government via e-mail which are limited often to 500-words limit to message your congressman. I have never received anything other than a form letter back in response because our congressmen don’t”réá’d”the e-mails, someone else does, hence this someone else controls our congressmen. I think the BGEA and its affiliates probably are involved. I will never forget when JFK jr was investigating his dad’s death and went to see Billy Graham and Fidel Castro for information and soon after he died in a suspicious plane wreck and at the same time was vying for the Senate seat but Hillary Clinton won because he died in the plane wreck. I’m sure the Insurance business is involved as well since it has béé’ná”bó’né’ó’f’çó’n’té’n’tíó’n”sí’nçé!

    Insurance is the antithesis of Jesus in one of the gospels who said not to worry about the future. There are enough troubles in a day. I think it’s  good advice and makes sense. 

    I’m looking forward to the future and getting prepared for it in some ways because the present sucks in many ways but I’m gonna try not to worry about it because I think the future is gonna be amazing. A dream come true kind of future. God knows what I want etc. I don’t think God will let me down, so in the mean time I will learn what I can learn, etc.

    I wrote a post comparing the gospels about a particular event one where Jesus was in charge and knew what was going on etc and he was leading his disciples/apostles and the other three gospels where his disciples/apostles were leading him, telling him what to do and they were in charge and knew what was going on basically walking him through something that obviously occurred and was being mocked, acting. Priests calling the shots, or trying to anyway because the priesthood is a scam. It’s an interesting comparison which you might enjoy called

    A Desert Place (a Different view)

    kind of like what occurred to Jesus Campos the hallway insecurity guard of

    Mandalay Bay:

    Find out how DeGeneres landed one of her biggest interviews ever/Mark Dice

    Notice his last name? DICE.

    One thing for sure if Mark Fuhrman gets involved in any crime investigation, trial, or comments on or is inserted into the story….there’s a coverup such as what occurred with the man shot in the hallway and was set to go on Hannity and some other shows disappears for a few days ends up on Ellen DeGeneris show who found him, I guess. Maybe Oprah found him. There is a critique of Ellen DeGeneris’es show by Mark Dice with JeZEUS the security guard for the Mandalay Bay and he’s lying. It’s not her fault. I can tell he’s lying and the guy next to him is making him lie, but I doubt Hannity would have done any better of an interview than Ellen DeGeneris. She did get some information, some testimony which can be compared to other testimony and maybe down the road the truth will emerge. Lightning does sometimes strike the same target twice so it can happen again in La Vegas but even worse, it might be Hoover Dam. Terrorism is always looking for chinks in the armor and whittles away at it. Most terrorists aren’t savvy and don’t know a lot about the USA being uneducated and every attack opens up some holes in the armor from lackluster sheriffs and so forth. And if this was a false flag incident mixed with a real incident it still opens up those chinks in the armor. Five days issuing is disconcerting and Jesus was obviously debriefed like the Benghazi witnesses.

    The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead their dough, to make cakes to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto other gods, that they may provoke me to anger.

    Oprah is definitely involved! I have had too many clues as to her involvement with the Obamas. Why wasn’t Oprah’s picture at Benghazi, instead of Michelle? She was in Hawaii with Michelle on vacation after the Hurricane Sandy. She lusted after Akbar Obama for sure. Like The Jocasta complex is named for Jocasta, the fictional Greek queen who had a sexual relationship with her son, Oedipus. I think she may have had a lot to do with the New Hollywood in Alabama or on the East Coast area. I think I noticed her influence on the wife of a shooter in Las Vegas in the side view. She influenced many people in her shows and one of those was an acquaintance of mine who said she had never seen Obama lose early in his career as President at a press conference. I noticed her another movie which was an attempt to say she was god with a friend of mine in the past. I’m sure she had a lot to do with the financing at the least of the movie. I won’t name it, I noticed it. I have friends in weird places. Something about pancakes instead of bread. I noticed her influence a lot. Queen of heaven . I sit as queen, etc. which was in the bible. O-HARP- HAARP – a harpy. Maple syrup etc, LOL. I like pancakes but her dough isn’t good dough. But it doesn’t mean you must refrain from eating pancakes because it’s a spiritual meaning, not physical. I have noticed her kind of spirituality influencing women without any knowledge. The average housewife and I think she tricked them! It’s my post and it’s my take but I definitely think her influence on the everyday housewife has been a disaster – mindless shit.

    1. a rapacious monster described as having a woman’s head and body and a bird’s wings and claws or depicted as a bird of prey with a woman’s face.
      • a grasping, unpleasant woman.
        No Offense Oprah, lol  YOU. OUGHT. TO. START.RUNNING., but I have to write it as I see it. It’s my duty. I used to like to jog. I liked a lot of things and still do. Loved a lot of people as well that were hurt dreadfully because of OBAMA and the New World Order/Jesuit Order and he will have to pay for it someday because it was not good and so might you. Besides nothing wrong with learning from others like me, my friends, my family, and God even if we aren’t African Americans. It might help you as well. OT’s free.
        Don’t forget about the shelf on the west coast of Africa and remember we all have our chinks, some good and some bad. LOL No offense. Whether or not some is propaganda I can’t say but some of it is experience as well and those friends and family in weird places THAT are helping me as well with God’s direction, I think, and THEY help me. I hope but I have had too many experiences that are definitely of God. SIGNS.
        Hopefully they have as well.
        By the way is there anything stupider than Maxine Waters? Probably. Which is a shame. A big chink! LOL
        I was warned the battle ahead would be fierce: Is that the best you can do Tucker? Compare Weinstein devotion to Hillary and his donation to Planned Parenthood? LOL He probably owed them a lot. Can you imagine having a bunco of little Weinstein’s running around? We’d never hear the end of it and yet O’reilly was invited back on Hannity to save his job on Fox!
        Why don’t you do a show comparing the injustice. HMMMM?
        NEOCat got your tongue?
        The other night I saw you give the eye and the nod to Glenn Greenwald, your mate? It was ridiculous. As if both of you were on the front lines of truth or something, and far from it. I have read some things on his site some good, some not. He is kind of mixed up as well, but you definitely are worse.
        Can you answer that small little question, and if not, why?
        I also have been assured I am in good company
        against a bunch of crazy ass mixed up nuts.
        Just heard about a young 17 year old illegal alien I think from Mexico crossing the border looking for an abortion in the USA and I think specifically Texas and was caught at 9 weeks pregnant and delayed by 6 weeks from having an abortion and obviously was desperate. A woman on Fox said the baby has already developed ears to hear and that is not true, not in a aware kind of way. Sponges react a well if you push one, dry it or wet it. Do you remember hearing your parents in your mom’s belly at the age of 15 weeks? I sure don’t. I don’t know anyone that does remember or even has an inkling what it was like in the womb of a woman. If insurance weren’t involved she could have paid on a payment plan and through paying via consumption tax, but now these people who delayed her will bear the burden – the moral burden they have inflicted upon her whatever she decides to do or is given the right to do. If that baby turns into a kid at age 8 and ends up murdering your grandchild, would that make a difference because of the trauma, etc or maybe too young to be a mom, etc. It’s a tough dilemma because she is illegal. I know damned well on the border there are places that provide abortions because of the towns on both sides of the border a few for prostitution where young all american boys go to get their manhood. I remember seeing a really young kid out very early in the morning when it was dark or late late night in-between the two selling cigarettes out on the street unaccompanied unless his mom was the one in the alley making it with a man. I think you are messing with fire. I don’t know if she’s a prostitute because I don’t know her and have never heard of this case till now on a Fox News SHOW nevertheless if the fence had been built it might have prevented this situation and Mexico should have to pay for the abortion since she is/was a citizen of Mexico and Mexico should possibly pay double or triple what a citizen of the USA would have had to pay because she snuck in, though I don’t blame her for her desperation. I blame Mexico and the Roman Catholic Church and Islam because:

        The Roman Catholic Church

        is only a front

        for Islam.

        Which is why the RCC and Islam were allies in WWll and other smaller wars yet very important wars.

        I guess one way to check on the status of the two religions would be to check out the voting records of Roman Catholic countries and Islamic countries at the UN and see if there is a some sort of pattern. I bet there is a pattern

        especially in regards to Israel.

        I remember when I got very sick the first time and almost died I shared a room with a woman from Central America or South America getting her gall bladder removed and had a newborn a baby at the same time. It was an emergency operation I think though I don’t know for sure but she was in the same area as me but I know she couldn’t speak a bit of english and i think she got a free deal then because it was at Parkland hospital. I guess if the women on Fox who don’t want her to have an abortion are willing to pay for this fetuses livelihood when born until he or she is 21 and all his or her needs, college as well then go ahead and delay her or prohibit her from having an abortion and if they are willing to take responsibility for what this kid/teenager/young male or female does from then on after he or she is born then go ahead and delay her or prohibit her. It’s her body, not yours until you interfered. I don’t want to take responsibility because I have had experience and I was lucky my kid wasn’t strangled to death because the family of this kid lived next door though the kid tried to strangle my daughter and he was only about 8 years old but he didn’t succeed when we went to eat dinner at their home. It’s your daughter at stake.
        And then this kid had the gaul to break a window on our house and sent his 3 year old brother through the broken window in order to steal some things and the kids hid them in our tree out in our front yard. I think they were cuban and seemed very nice at first. That was one of the major reasons I moved from the neighborhood and the others because of people firing their guns into the air on New Years eve and July 4th. What comes up must come down eventually. I had a pan nearby as if it would help protect us from some crazy nuts in our neighborhood. We had some doozies. One who picked up his germans shepherds poop with his bare hands and another who had a metal plate in his head and got into trouble directing traffic because he was nuts. Walked through the neighborhood often throwing a bat in the air and catching it. He used to bring me groceries which had been stored in moth balls by the smell of it to my front door hoping I would invite him in and I never did but I accepted the food and then threw it away. Another neighbor lived between us and he was a peeping tom and I caught him peeping on me when I was in my kitchen. A young italian stallion about to get married to the chick he was living with and they moved out and then gypsies moved in and their kids would enter my home unannounced. So my husband and I looked to buy in another safer neighborhood in another town and they had guns too and shot my dog and killed him over a dispute about a girl between two boys in the driveway of the house arguing because one boy was abusing her next door. Shots rang out and the neighbors nearby shot back after their windows were shot into. One of the boys was hit in the arm, but lived. No investigation either. Never heard about it again but I was home that night with my daughter and we heard the shots and we were lucky we weren’t shot. Checked on our dogs because we heard a yelp and didn’t know one of them had been shot because he hid his pain. He seemed fine because he ran up to us when we called him so we thought he was fine. He died later of infection because it was an elbow shot and didn’t bleed a lot but it was hard to tell on the cement  porch because blood turns brown plus he used to like to lay by the tree. We finally realized that he had been shot because he was so weak one day. We had him cremated. Saw him later after he died and he was with another dog when my daughter and I were on our way to the store in front of the hospital with the other dog which was a ways a way a few neighborhoods away but nearby not too long after he had been cremated and stopped and turned around to check out the pair of dogs because of our dog and my dog disappeared into the night but we took the other dog in and a few days later were able to return him to his owner. My daughter recognized Buck as well so it wasn’t my imagination. I remind her of the miracle and she hasn’t forgotten. We wouldn’t have stopped if it wasn’t for Buck. Sweet lovable dog. Part Black lab, part sheepdog. The reason he was an outdoor dog was I couldn’t train him not to urinate in the house and because of his size and when he urinated it was like a river when he lifted his leg even though he was fixed.  He had a huge neck and little round bear ears, twinkly eyes and soft fur like a shepherd . Couldn’t walk him with a normal collar which would slip off his head because his neck was so big. 60 or more lbs of a dog. Didn’t start out huge. Found him on the street in the middle of the road as a puppy in the old neighborhood. His mate Lady was a german shepherd and used to hide treats from him. We would give both dogs a treat and later found him without his treat or chew-bone because she had buried his treats for herself.  It’s a german shepherd trait. He respected her though. She was the boss. Good watchdog too. She didn’t like one of our neighbors who was married to the woman who said I ought to wrap myself in saran wrap and meet my husband at the door which I pledged in my heart never to do. I’m sure he would have loved it for his ego sake but I wouldn’t have loved myself for doing it. We were headed for a divorce at the time and I knew I did the right thing when he said “I thought I would bury you and you would bury me.” His idea about marriage. He had a vericoseal and wasn’t very sexual at all for years and years and smoked a bunch of pot daily until around the divorce. He says I’m not fun anymore? I put up with a lot of shit and spent many many nights alone while he gigged for free often at least 4 nights a week and no weekend dates and I stayed home with the kids and before I had kids I learned to play classical guitar (had lessons for about a year) and learned to paint art mostly portraits on porcelain with the help of my mom. I didn’t get paid when I worked for him before I had children, but he paid his brothers who were mooching off us when living with us between their divorces. Catholc men both divorced twice and I worked circles around them but they were union guys manufacturing cars up north in Michigan, and I wasn’t. I knew how to work. As far as the sex went between us my husband didn’t really enjoy it unless it was in someone else’s pool or in an empty house he was painting. He liked to sneak it. He didn’t enjoy it for the act itself. I think it has something to do with being catholic. I really do. When we were mooched by one of his brothers my husband hocked his wedding ring, I had lost mine on a trip because my hands were swollen from working VERY hard before a trip up north to see his family and I took it off and lost it. It was a hand-me-down as was my engagement ring from my side of the family. He hocked the silver place settings my parents gave us as a wedding gift to a friend who fulfilled it even more and then bought it back a few years later as a christmas present to me even though it was half mine which them made it mine, all mine. Our van was repossessed during his brothers mooch time and he was a very confused man at the time because of the divorce though he was a terrible husband and a terrible dad. Said he served in Viet nam when he was stationed in Guam or island somewhere where there was not combat at all somewhere like that but romanticized and lied that he actually served in Vietnam and was in combat even though he knew we knew he hadn’t and we had to hear his ridiculous stories. His family never corrected him either. Eventually I had my husband kick him out after he tried to take advantage of my little sister sexually when both went out as buddies/friends but had too much to drink. Found out he was stealing from us that night when my husband opened his suitcase and he was stealing small tools. Before that or the next time we tried to help him our paint rig was stolen and it was blamed on someone else but my uncle helped my husband have it replaced. Our truck was also stolen. He had in between the mooch time lived on the river in the Austin area in the hill country and met some real nice people and I’m sure they were involved but the crime was blamed on a former boss of my husband who had a problem with the addiction of heroin though I don’t think he stole the stuff because he was fairly successful and so successful he hired people other than family. Trained my husband. But he was as good a scapegoat as any. He was mexican american and a really good song writer singer guitar player I think but was off the wagon for a while. He had a daughter and was married to anise lady. His mom was a nurse and he got addicted to stuff in their medicine cabinet is what I heard when he was younger.  I know it was family who had stolen the truck ad rig because he eded up with a new paint rig up north when he moved home very soon after so it was obvious. He actually bragged he had beaten me up to his family (his mom and brother) when he had never had beaten me up but held a grudge I guess. He beat up a friend’s daughter and tried to rape her the one that bought the silver whose daughter was quite young about 18 years old or there abouts and he was in his thirties. He was the oldest of the five boys raised by my mother-in-law for the most part who put the bible out for display but they weren’t allowed to touch it…it’s what catholics don’t teach. I remember sitting and I was reading a book by a pretty good author of christian  books Charles Swindoll which i enjoyed quite a bit a over a period of time collected a group of them one called Esther and one I think called The Jesus You Never knew and about 5 others. I had one of the books or two of them up north on a trip to see his family and his sister-in-law looked at one of the books kind of wistfully as if she was interested, but wasn’t. Curious, but afraid. She was a public school teacher. It was strange the way she looked it over. Charles Swindoll wrote a few books about the Old Testament which were helpful to me. I recommend his books. Started me on my journey because before that I was seeing crap on tv masquerading as christianity while living in the bible belt. I learned quite a bit regardless even by them because I was interested in the gold dust crap and their hysteria or talking in tongues phenomena, etc and then started listening to some radio shows about prophecy one show called “politics and religion” on my way to pick up my daughter at a nondenominational church school but eventually the schools prices went up astronomically and a lot of good people left. I’m glad we left because they weren’t that good since money was their object. Their bottom line. The school really thought their shit didn’t stink. It does as much as everyone else’s. And I started to research on line and even read thing written by catholics against catholicism and the New World Order right around Y2K time when the Catholic church under the leadership of Pope John Paul was threatening to turn Sunday into the day of worship and make it into a law while kissing the Koran
        (QURAN which I think is the “Q” Source and author of much of the Synoptic Gospels and the false covenant which he reneges upon, worms out of, weasels out of, washes his hands of, goes back on his word, and renounces because it was a false covenant to whomever he made the covenant with, I think) and holding a bent cross as his crozier.
        When bad things were said like false rumors or nasty stuff happened my mom would tell us

        “Consider the source.”

        Jesus of the Synoptic Gospels said:

        For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it?
        IF he knew how to count and these days with Core teaching 1 plus 3 might equal 5 then it might not depending on who is doing the accounting.
        In regards to finishing what one has started, but many times most people aren’t aware of the snags and the traps which lay ahead so all the planning in the world might be useless because things change, like the wind. There would never have been cures for anything with this kind of BS. The Synoptic Jesus talks about mocking as well in the next verse or so. Overcoming the mocking is the hardest part to continue with an idea to completion. These synoptic verses are mocking in a way mankind/humans. Like the Benghazi investigation which was swept under a rug with some pretty hefty lies and made up stories is an example of how things can go awry. If someone keeps adding and adding more and more controversies in every part of the globe like the new controversy in Niger which started in 2008 during the Obama Administration with people from all over the globe and 4000 French (Hey Maxine Waters pronounced it correctly I think unless it used to be pronounced with a soft g and a short i [no offense] and now on Fox is pronounced Knee-jair, it’s ridiculous. I think Niger is kind of a french colony/territory? Isn’t it?) it is hard to overcome however I have stated some ways to overcome it but it would take someone with some guts and fortitude who knows why these things are occurring to master the hardships and deceptions and curtail it and overcome the crap. I know why these things are occurring. Obviously since it was an ambush in Niger there was  obviously some kind of leak of intelligence of some kind. I wonder who?
        What the Synoptic Jesus was saying is dealing with the impossible knowing or not knowing what lies ahead, but because Jesus of the Synoptic Gospels was finite and shortsighted, false, and didn’t even know the mustard seed wasn’t the smallest of seed (or did he?) and had fallen for his own trap of crap I wouldn’t heed his advice and keep plugging away at your dream believing in God, watch the signs and miracles which help one’s course, sometimes. Stay the course! No one can count the cost of something unknowable from one day to the next, or one hour to the next. Prices fluctuate and things change like the weather. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander and vice versa. So in a way the Synoptic Jesus was very rigid and deceived and inspired a fear of failing. The old saying “if you fail try try again….and learn from it. If we heeded his advice nothing would be built or built upon. Think about building a home and it always is a bigger investment than planned. Or like a party, sometimes. At least from what I have experienced or witnessed. If we knew what we faced in WW11 would anyone have dared to land at Normandy though against a lot of resistance. Or cross the ocean to assist the war fighting against fascism and nazism? Yet we won the war, temporarily. He said these things before anyone knew the earth was round and we overcame the fallacy of the RCC which thought the earth was flat. When people become believers in God they don’t know the trials ahead and if they did they might not forge ahead, or ford a stream, or climb a mountain ahead but stand at a standstill dumbfounded. It does help to know why!  I can’t know what the RCC/UN/ has planned besides a one world government/religion and it has failed, so far,

        hashn’t  it? 

        I also investigated the JFK assassination and came up with I think a lot of truth, but is ignored in favor of the one bullet theory of the Warren Commission very similar to how Benghazi was handled. LIKE SHIT. I read other stuff in-between like the book called AntiChrist and a Cup of Tea by Tim Cohen which was interesting and goes into some of the secret societies and I researched it enough to get the general idea about them and read some stuff by Ian Paisley on this site about Catholicism and The Errors of Rome and it’s MIGHTY HISTORY and then I started comparing the gospels in regards to the question of the Sabbath because none of the things I had read or heard made any sense. Sounded like excuses to me. At this time the Ten Commandments were being disheveled and replaced for the New World Order Religion so we might all get along and it seems to have had the opposite affect. Comparing the gospels and each event if similar was the best route and showed me quite a bit and reading some of the writings by Josephus, son of Matthias adopted son of the Flaviuses. I listened to Walter Veith and he taught me quite a bit being a former Catholic and was pretty honest about his personal experience and the things he investigated and put forth for his fellow man and woman mostly about the relationship of Roman Catholicism to Islam. Great series of DVD’s and you can listen if you don’t like to read in your car on your way to work or home again. Very enjoyable and truthful. Eye opening an might help you if you think you need it and if you think you don’t YOU ARE CRAZY as a loon like former S-o-State John Kerry or D-o-Defense Chuck Hagel – How much wood would a woodchuck wood if a woodchuck could chuck wood,  what’s his name, who never ever questioned Obama’s motive’s which is Rather dumb. I wouldn’t hire him for the NFL as a defensive coach unless you add an oil well or two to the equation. There were giants in those days…So you can see I have had an extensive background when it comes to these things and didn’t take it lightly. While I was also going through some family stuff and tried to deal with it in a christian way and it didn’t work because it’s kind of a toughy. Family stuff usually is, but I think someday when all is said and done we are gonna be okay because even though we had problems big ones and got waylaid and were interfered with where and when angels should havefeared to tread I think we will be doing a lot better than them! In fact, I have been reassured we will many times “through signs and miracles” that my ex likes to denigrate, deny, belittle, cover up hoping I’ll forget or disbelieve, or my kids will forget. Sometimes because of his ways which are psycho I sometimes forget, etc because it’s is mind blowing, political correct, posey nonsense and is hard to overcome partially because it is so pervasive like a group brainwashing and the group is huge and often meaningless like a group hug. He murders his mom via hospice and gets upset if I don’t measures the coffee with a spoon, because he buys it. LOL It is still tough because of those who interfered and made it harder than it had to be and still try but will fail. And it will be harder for them for having done that and not having a whit of sense about who God is and who God isn’t. I found out the reason for the commandment about the Sabbath and it’s a good reason because it leads us to truth about Jesus. Full circle kind of reason which leads us to the Ten Commandments and back again and to the fact that the mustard seed isn’t the smallest of seed and is in actuality a faith lie or at best a mistake of faith. AN ERROR as in and error of Rome and the bigger error is Hospice (I had no idea he harbored ill will towards his mom and females in general. I thought he loved her. LOL He used her. He uses everybody. Of course when he puts down females or calls them trailer trash and his own mom lived in a trailer in Michigan for a long time a kind of nice trailer! so he’s very mixed up person and in this case it’s his own fault! a pimp. a psycho pimp. A loser. A very stupid person and underhanded and unscrupulous. A real mama’s boy!) which the Roman Catholic Church propped with help from it’s previous ERRORS and will pay a heavy price written about in Revelation and warned about in the gospel of John at the Sea of Gallilee! Honor your mother and your father is the second commandment the 2nd most important commandment and if he believed in God he would have honored his parents, his mom etc. He showed up to her funeral and didn’t go visit her before she died to find out how she really felt and instead I think he got to play the sax for his beloved friends. HE IS FUCKED! He thinks he can fool people which he does quite a bit, but you can’t fool God, however he thinks you/he can. Boy is he in for a surprise. The reason I know Revelations is in the works at this time is it was the last thing Jesus said to Peter as a tipping point, an apex, and a CLIMAX. Meaning the end of this age is nigh, close, nearby and impending. I cannot wait till it ends. I look forward to it.

        I have pondered and pondered about my ex and I think because of the New World Order with Teeth and the RCC wanting to unite religions and their politics to rule the world basically the reason I’m in this predicament that I’m in is because I divorced a catholic and are using me to demonstrate what happens to a female when you divorce a catholic and because of the statements made by the husband at the time of the divorce about burials, lol, pride and prejudice, control freaks. And then I came along with my ideas daring to read the bible and discerning as much as I could by comparing the gospels I was attacked as well as was my family preemptively which is partly why I did the comparisons, a dichotomy of sorts and the study of a dick head, a dip shit, and a dunce head.  Now our government because of President Trump is going to release JFK assassination information which should have been done a long time ago to the place in Dallas which in part is responsible for the coverup as was the Warren Commission for the assassination of JFK fifty or so years later which makes no sense. I researched it and I found out the reasons for it but I doubt anyone will care. IT was about the RCC, The Second Vatican (of many), Ecumenicalism, The Neo-Catechumenal Way, Opus Di, Sunday worship, false worship, wanting to control every aspect of human life to control the world, to remain the biggest cult in the world besides it’s partner ISLAM. Do you take me for a jacobite?


        I’m not.

        Cruzes dad was seen at the the book depository and at the luncheon at the Dallas Trade Mart obliquely blaming the guests for the assassination of JFK. Kind of a strange deal and having to do with the Methodist church in Dallas on NW HWY :The biggest congregation of methodists in the world at the time. His dad was definitely involved in the assassination of JFK in some capacity as crazy as it sounds. I did not realize the same man at those two places in Dallas during the aftermath o the assassination was his dad till kind of recently when I saw him with Cruz and Heidi a Ted Cruz elbowed his wife’s face when he lost the election/nomination. Ask not what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do for your country. I did my part and I have given quite a bit of information which should be useful to our country if it had a brain. The other day the ex gave Trey Goudy quite a compliment because he has a lot of confidence in Trey Goudy’s prowess as an attorney. Then why did he refrain from asking the right questions when he had the chance? My ex isn’t very smart, UNDERHANDED, but not smart. I don’t think grandstanding is a sign of a good attorney. Getting answers are a sign of a good attorney. TRUTHFUL ANSWERS. I liked Trey Goudy at first but he slowly but surely wafted into the woodwork of Washington DC as a no-brainer. Believe it or not the smartest of the Republicans left his position a while back as the leader of the Republicans of the House. LOL He at least had some form of intelligence to admit some things about the Republicans he was dealing with.

        Kate Steinle case that led to debate over US sanctuary cities, Trump’s call for wall is under way in court

        The case of the daughter on the pier getting shot in her dad’s embrace by a mexican illegal who

        finds a gun IN A SHIRT (fingerprints wiped clean for planting)

        under a bench at the location of the murder 

        and and and



        and some pills in a trash can nearby.

        It’s called a set up. Entrapment. DUH

        “Investigators have said that the bullet first hit the pavement 12 feet from Garcia Zarate, then ricocheted 78 feet into Steinle. No one saw the gun go off, the prosecutor said, but many people heard it.”

        Does this sound plausible? It’s sounds like the one bullet theory of the JFK assassination, doesn’t it?

        “….a .40 caliber Sig Sauer P226, is known for its hair trigger.”

        Parents are suing and I guess the dad wants to make money off his daughter’s death and to divert and distract from the obvious set up.

        Trump blames her death on an immigrant. But why did her killer have a gun in the first place?

        The gun was taken somehow from a ranger who wasn’t very careful.

        “A BLM review absolved Woychowski of violating its policies, according to KQED. Five months after Steinle died, he was promoted to a supervisory position.”
        Helping the dad cover up his deed.
        Someone should investigate her dad.


        considering those wild fires in California
        and and and
        definitely Obama inspired
        Like a minnie WWll involving the invasion of Poland the first invasion, etc
        by Hitler.

        I think the illegal alien was set up and I think the dad is involved too much with his daughter and she was gonna tell or something and he decided his reputation was more important than her and had her shot in the back and it could have been someone else that shot her but it was blamed on the illegal. I wonder how many guns the ranger has and why wasn’t his gun in a safe place so it couldn’t be stolen! I think it’s a case of incest and a demonstration to those females who have been harassed by their own dads not to tell. Sort of a OJ Simpson deal: a lesson for marrying an African american and dating a jew after divorcing him and I bet Mark Fuhrman gets involved as well in some capacity. In this case: incest and the repercussions of telling on your incestuous dad. Then the KNEE Jair incident was formed during the Obama Administration (2008) and blamed on Trump for his lack of condolence and with witnesses who didn’t tape it but overheard it together on speaker phone. I guess those were the witnesses. I still haven’t heard the whole story but it sounds FISHY! I’m sure the story will change like the Las Vegas shooting, the Boston Marathon bombs, the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting, and and and Benghazi. Just watched a few women discussing name calling as if one loses an argument upon name calling because they think they’re perfect. One of them looked like James Foley’s girl and friend (On NBC) the one who was supposedly a sex slave of an ISIS person in Syria and King Abdullah of Jordan bombed the site she was staying in, I think. LOL. because Obama told him to. Weird shit. Not really do I agree with the statement which follows only with the comparison:

        Yes I agree name calling is terrible compared to hospice.

        Remember Rep. Joe Wilson and what he said about Obama to Obama. He said “you lie.” Something like that. He was right.

        I like nuts but not in everything. My dad’s regular diet for breakfast was the cereal called GRAPENUTS except when he made the best Sunday breakfast of scrambled eggs perfectly a little wet, the best you could ever have. IMO He had strong TEETH and still does and he’s gonna eat ya one day and before you know it you’ll be flushed down the toilet into a sewer somewhere and hopefully headed for some kind of cleansing unless he decides to poop you on one of the 7 hills of ROME and if that’s the case we won’t be seeing you someday.
        The Seven Deadly sins are listed today as follows:
        • Lust (Latin, luxuria) Lust (fornication, perversion) — …
        • Gluttony (Latin, gula) Gluttony (waste, overindulgence) — …
        • Avarice (Latin, avaritia) Greed (treachery, avarice) — …
        • Sloth (Latin, acedia) …
        • Wrath (Latin, ira) …
        • Envy (Latin, invidia) …
        • Pride (Latin, superbia)
         There will nothing you will be able to say about it then because you have had plenty of opportunity with your big mouth, and didn’t.

        K-LOVE – Crowder “Go Tell It On The Mountain” LIVE

        One new show I like on Fox to be fair is a young british man who seems to be a bit more FAIR than the rest. Though I think a few people are pretty good some of the time. Usually women. Judge Jeanine who sometimes is on the right track and sometimes isn’t but she tries and a few REAL reporters that appear sometimes and I think try to be truthful. The one that reported about the green screens when James Foley (O’reillys guest before he was ISISED) and others were beheading and being beheaded by isis.

        Sanders: Kelly is ‘disgusted’ by politicization of his son’s death

        Ambassador Chris Stevens dad said the same thing about his son’s death and yet his son was the ambassador and was in politics! WEIRD HUH.

        TIME LOOP de LOOP

        Here is another Loop de Loop It’s the world’s fastest exodus since the Rwandan genocide.

        Chilling Photos of the Hundreds of Thousands of Rohingya Fleeing Burma

         The pervasive use of rape as a weapon of war caused a spike in HIV infection, including babies born of rape to newly infected mothers; many households were headed by orphaned children or widows. April 7 to mid-July 1994 – Rwanda genocide near the Congo

        I bet James Foley’s parents said the same thing as the father of Ambassador Chris Stevens. So let’s plant a tree

        and sing

        “We are the world, we are the children”!

        at least they had good intentions.

        Until Obama became President and screwed the world up!

        Obama’s pet project in Myanmar with a woman under house arrest (using her substance) and of course he had nothing to do with the devestation what so ever and it was not love. SO WHAT YOU GONNA DO ABOUT IT, TUCKER, HANNITY, LAURA INGRAHAM? to steal a phrase from the lady in the picture above?


        ‘Are You Trying to Exploit a Tragedy?’ Hannity

        TU DAI Bret Baier is now pronouncing Niger KNEE-JAIR. LOL 

        Kind of funny because of the original pronunciation and the NFL players taking a knee and then a foo dais ago one of the Donald Trumps pronounced Beliefs BAAL-Leaves or bah-leafs. somewhere in there. Hum bugs.


        I think Russia might be a code word for someone and somewhere else. Why would they need our uranium when it is plentiful and Russia is a big country. Don’t they have enough of their own uranium? I think it may be IRAN or North Korea that needs the uranium.

        I could be wrong

    John Kelly did not command the press room at the White House, he appeased them and the press love it. Main message I got in regards to whether he had been fired or not is John Kelly doesn’t really know and was fishing and then he said for the press to get better sources: DITTO!

    As I said, John Kelly is a liar if he is who I think he is. Women were not sacred and never were to him unless barefoot and pregnant is sacred? Truth was never sacred to him. IF he is who I think he is he’s a traitor and a politician in his field, bought and sold. As I said…. in an earlier post possibly this post because I have kind of extended it – a woman in the 70s who lost her husband in the Viet Nam war was gang raped at the Pentagon by officers after her husband was killed in a helicopter crash doing his duty and I bet he knows about it. It was at the time (late 60’s early 70’s) the Pentagon was experimenting on their own officers and wives without their knowledge using powerful drugs. SPIKING THEM. If we knew about it, I’m sure he knew about it since she was a mutual friend at the time in the same vicinity –


    Don’t BS about your sacred heart. He was probably mobbed and was turned him into a slime ball. PERIOD.

    At this moment I have no idea if I have a job or not, if it helps. I think we are on the edge of something known as the future. I asked my boss and he didn’t know.

    Tillerson: Diplomacy With North Korea Will Continue ‘Until The First Bomb Drops’

    I think it depends on which Trump we are talking about and I think Tillerson is on the right track by not listening to rumors such as tweets and the like which can be intercepted. He has a job to do, if he can.

    I on the other hand don’t have a job to do and am waiting for word. My boss told the ex I would know if I were fired because he would tell me and he hasn’t yet said I was fired. Not sure who to believe, but eventually I’ll figure it out. Both could be lying. I certainly don’t trust the ex because he hasn’t been truthful quite a bit in the past and I have no idea about my boss. In the mean time, I will do what I do, whatever it is at a given moment and continue to believe in God.

    It’s kind of a strange situation as I have intimated. But It Wont Last. Kind of like what happened to my invention. Cynical and other things, but it won’t last.

    A woman at Fox News just said

    nuclear war could break out at any moment!

    The NSA, MORMONS, Mitt Romeny, Charlottesville riot, Schmoozing the President, Rejection, …………THIS Is POLITICS

    UTAH (NSA) Mormon Mitt Romeny wanted President Trump to apologize for the Charlottesville riot so he can run for President in 2018 against him because he didn’t get the job as Secretary of State (a very important job especially if you are Vatican inclined and after getting the leader of the BGEA, a cult, to concede to Mormonism (a cult) as not being a cult for the Vatican (a cult) and Rex Tillerson was hired instead after an attempted schmooze job by Mitt Romeny with President Trump which failed and then came the MORON controversy. SOUNDS SUSPICIOUS as was the knowledge of the event about Benghazi during the Presidential run for President against Obama before we even knew what had occurred for the most part at Benghazi during the debates between the two (Mitt Romney and Obama) during or near the time of the plastic surgery of Michelle Obama and her appearance at Benghazi. Got Obama off his stool it was so unexpected.

    I DO KNOW You shouldn’t have hospiced my mom!

    I know Hospice via the RCC/Mother Teresa is a bad omen and a ZEUS-tern that needs to be addressed by the public, the press, and our government besides the fact she deserved FAR better treatment. I believe she was very special to God, special to her husband (my dad), and special to her children and for some reason it is being veiled which makes HOSPICE  even more dangerous and insidious. I believe the BGEA is responsible since those who were beguiled/entrapped seemed to have been involved in the BGEA to some degree before it occurred which is not a coincidence, but a symptom. The BGEA is/was a shill as was Dr. Billy Graham for the RCC and the RCC’s agenda which is UNBELIEVABLY EVIL.
    Insidious definition, intended to entrap or beguile: an insidious plan:
    I can tell no one is taking it seriously. It’s a mistake to underestimate the warnings/signs and the timing, but there is a saying about overconfidence:
    However, the ex did the dishes, lol, something about “cleanliness is next to godliness” a kind of a strange reaction and a catholic dogma to compartmentalize one’s own actions and words. 
     But don’t worry, be happy
    because I tend to get down and dirty sometimes! I don’t believe cleanliness is next to godliness except in a hospital and at restaurants.
    (I cannot verify the above article I found on Fox internet site but thought I would add the story just in case it is true.)

    Hobby Lobby

    Steve Green – Museum of the Bible

    Hobby Lobby President Steve Green on Judge Jeanine’s show on Fox said this:
    “IF life begins at conception as our family believes…….”
    Doesn’t sound like he believes it! OR at the very least it sounds as if he’s not sure.
    Has a museum all about the bible in Washington DC which looks kind of cool from one mans’ perspective. HIS. He talked about his blessings and being able to have this museum built, etc having to do with his success…..
    Does Steve Green believe you cannot serve two masters?
    Does Steve Green believe hospice in exchange for abortion authored and engineered by Mother Teresa and sainted by the pope of the Roman Catholic Church (Pope Francis) expresses life or kills life (murders those who were born)? Is he willing to express the controversy in his bible museum? Does Steve Green celebrate his kid’s birthdays or their conception days?
    Does being born have any meaning at all?
    If not,
    what about being born again?
    Did the definition of the word “conceive” change? I think it has changed. I think it used to mean “born.”
    Word tricks!
    In the past, when a woman had a baby I think they used to say So and so conceived a baby boy or girl. Back then no one knew the sex unless the baby was born nor whether the baby would be born because of all the possibilities.
    What does the genealogy so and so begat so and so mean?
    Where did the word bastard originate from? Term of endearment???
    A sacred term of endearment?
    His museum called The Museum of The Bible in Washington D.C. is like as is the museum in Dallas called The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza to see the JFK assassination paraphernalia, etc as is the Tower of London is to see the Crown Jewels and Sleeping Beauty sleeping as is going to Notre Dame to see Jesus as a hologram to whichever city Notre Dame sends its hologram contraption (based upon the picture on the shroud of Turin) with a Shroud of Turin (one of many) as is going to Manhattan to it’s museum. However, Dallas also has the Holocaust Museum.
    In the past, women couldn’t make a decent living, so what were women supposed to do? When Jesus went to Samaria he met a woman at the well who was married five times….I highly doubt she got divorced 4 times and survived. Did Samaria have divorce courts at the time and lawyers who passed the bar exam at colleges that didn’t exist? She was living with a fellow, …..OBVIOUSLY! 

    I believe the truth is next to godliness and I do not have access to more of it than anyone else but I’m trying. Truth might get us out of the pit we find ourselves in. I don’t think health insurance or the tax deal are the right solution given by Trump but possibly the best he can muster having to deal with a do nothing congress spinning their wheels and Obama Care with it’s legacy who can’t seem “to think beyond the status quo” or to put it in other terms “to think out of the box.” Deducting state and local taxes is nothing new and IMO if Trump were serious he would have raised the AMT to the amount of one’s salary because we should not be taxed on what we earn, but only taxed on what we spend and spending would increase dramatically because people would have more money to spend or to invest and the tax receivers should and would then pay the Federal government tax without any deductions except for what is allocated for their state and would demonstrate
    some FAITH
    in the final frontier unless you have none.
    Talk about simple and yet genius.
    Trump says the Insurance Business has MADE A KILLING on the Stock Market which was Hillary Clinton’s career as a lawyer before she became first lady many, many, many years ago.
    As Rand Paul said about the Trump tax plan and insurance plan you might not see the results for a year or so AND the same applies to my suggestions about taxes and insurance which I think are very doable and very simple answers to the mess the USA is mired in and has become enslaved by which have been constantly changing because of the political and religious whims of some maniacs and very much like alms to every election. What happens on the next election? or the one after it?
    New Executive orders?

    Hope Rand Paul recovers fast. Rib injuries are tough and painful AND THE REASON FOR THE ATACK MAY BE:


    I don’t think Trump is trying to hurt anyone and I think he is trying to take the bricks off your backs little by little as best he can that Obama put on your backs as well as others before him. We have to have a military for the protection of the US citizenry and there needs to be a structure to our way of life and laws but it has become unbearable for many people, mostly the middle class which is the epitome of what makes America great in so many ways. He is dealing with a complex situation and people who for the most part don’t even know how to think out of the box. I do, but I’m not the President. I do not think (and hopefully I’m right) that he has a vendetta which Obama did have for some reason having to do with ISLAM and it’s prophet/profit. He stated it clearly at the UN (“The future must not belong to those who insult the prophet of Islam”) and it was a dark sentence not because his skin is african-americanish but because he is evil. A lot of people have been hurt by his sentence all over the world and many were african americans. IPSO FACTO! Not all, but many. I still believe these are the end times. End of what as I have explained above. Many americans have been through hell and back and hopefully they will have understanding and get through the crises some manufactured right here in the USA by those who pretended to be friends. Meanwhile, Laura InGraham is going to remain pragmatic after her stay of execution as a Fox regular and those who watch will probably hear the word abortion or hear the words pro life at least once every Laura InGraham show. Count on it! It’s her job and it pays well. Hey it’s HER ACHIEVEMENT to have overcome one indiscretion in her life and she plans to use it like a one edged sword. She has a right to her opinion but every time she expresses her opinion I think less of her so I wonder what God thinks. I looked up pragmatism and it is a philosophy that I don’t agree with especially in regards to truth and especially when she never ever opines about murder-suicide by Hospice of the RCC and Mother Teresa and all the other evils of the RCC in the past and never producing proof in regards to abortion organ trades/donors/buyers of those organs taken from aborted fetuses in any depth other than rumors taped. Never ever providing any truth that I have observed so far. So I’m not sure pragmatism is helpful except to her for the time being anyway. I wish she had more perspective but she is deceived and I think she needs an exorcist. Maybe she’s in favor of Rosemary’s baby. She reminds me of a geometry teacher I once had with sort of a mix of a fourth grade math teacher I had which is not a compliment.  LOL and reminds me of a friend of my older sister who wasn’t favored by anyone in the family who influenced her imo dreadfully.  What Xmas present did Laura get and who did she get it from? Git outta here!


    When my daughter went on a vacation spring break to a rave concert she and her friends were offered by persons in the next room at the place they stayed a date rape drug. I don’t know the name of it but she did. Of course, the kids declined.

    I think Laura InGraham thinks in her small Christian brain that abortion and those who had an abortion, those who provided an abortion, and those who helped females in dire straits are the reason the world is a mess because she didn’t have an abortion like every man who can’t have an abortion or has knowledge of any female that she knows who had an abortion, BUT it’s not the reason, however typical and pragmatic of the kind of Christian she is. Scapegoating. IS PRAGMATISM HER IDEA OF THE MEANING OF FAITH? Does she think she can serve two masters? Does she still think the mustard seed is the smallest of seed? Does she think the earth is flat as well? Can she move a mountain with the faith the size of the mustard seed even if it isn’t the smallest of seed? We Shall See, shan’t we? She has a new book kissing political ass and was groomed for this occasion in her life which makes this life easy, don’t it? A working class girl who doesn’t much care for other girls even though she’s represented as a populist. Not really sure what populist means so I’m going to look it up:

    “Populists can fall anywhere on the traditional left–right political spectrum of politics, and often portray both bourgeois capitalists and socialist organizers as unfairly dominating the political sphere. Political parties and politicians often use the terms populist and populism as pejoratives against their opponents.”

    Ah, it doesn’t mean anything.

    I can tell she doesn’t much care for other women. It’s in her eyes, sort of spiritually. Thinks she knows more than she does (and maybe she does) and think she is better than the average working girl yet never ever discussing “on air”  the things she should.

    What’s holding her back

    Is it Mark Fuhrman? She had him as a guest on her show with another dumb ass to disscus mental stability and gun ownership and I guess in response to my post about her and him;) What you gonna do about it? IF the AIR FORCE shirked it’s duties what can you do about tit, Laura?What is the smallest of seed?That you can do something about. You can answer that and publicly denounce the mustard seed of faith teaching found in your bible. This is your moment, your chance to stand up for truth. You too Mark Fuhrman. Will she take it? Will he? Also noticed on FOX News film of Trumps entourage trying to drive in the NFZ (No Fly Zone) between North and South Korea and were not able to because of bad weather however there was no snow on the ground, nor flooding, nor sleet, nor rain so I guess it was an imaginary threat but on the heels of my post about the atom bomb. Fox News follows me like dark angels.

    Sting – Why Should I Cry For You? – YouTube

    I WON’T!,LOL

    Besides I have it on a spiritual word/level to not be kind to you! I think it was my mom but might have been my dad but I trusted the spiritual level because I am discerning. I can see an intellectually dishonest scum bag and you are one. I hope others follow in that vein and on those lines. You deserve unkindness and more than likely it will be shortcoming or shortly coming. Snicker, snicker….. Get outta here. As the world turns the weather phenomena in the No Fly Zone in One of the Koreas was fog: The fog of war. They do it in England.

    If our country was at war which in a way we are at war besides in the places our military are involved in around the world at it’s bidding I wouldn’t want to be in a fox hole with her;)

    Saw Miss InGraham had a guest and it happened to be the general (White House Chief of Staff is his status) I said reminded me quite a bit of a family so-called friend general. 4 star. How he got to 4 stars is beyond me but I suspect since his coming out lately it has to do with the POSSIBLE set time for the release of information regarding the JFK assassination and I suspect his rank has to do with being a Secret Service kind of guy, informant, and a traitor (perhaps under duress, but still a liar). No wonder he was on the Laura InGraham show. I didn’t watch the show though except for the part when she asked what he prayed for and of course he said he paraded for world peace. (Hard to believe.)

    PEACE, PEACE and there is no peace.

    Me Tarzan, you Jane.

    which might be the reason for the treason.

    but he brought up the civil war, slavery and Robert E. Lee in order to distract on some show not sure which show and it did by golly spark interest which makes you wonder who is responsible for the initial distraction in Virginia, eh? History is important even if it isn’t the history you want and everyone knows the civil war wasn’t about slaves but a by product of the war was freedom and it wasn’t pretty was it? I mean the freedom wasn’t easy. For a brief shining period of time it seemed like it was becoming cool the relations between african americans and anglos and others and then came OBAMA and ISLAM. There are reasons for it and it isn’t good having to do with a new world order and african americans the majority of african americans will not like it when the charades are over, like the 14 old african american girl in Chicago who went to a concert at the White House (was noticed) and then was murdered in Chicago soon after at a park. Coincidence? As one astute african american girl said “this isn’t about race”, but it is a great diversion. Remember Father Jonathon of Fox news (who never had a child of his own) who went on many other shows to advocate for the death of a young girl in a coma (she happened to be african american) but her mother felt her hand move in her hand and didn’t want to give up on her daughter. The Roman Catholic church was pushing the family around in various ways putting the pressure on for her to give up on her daughter using the tv stations and talk shows and then Pope Francis sainted Mother Teresa for her work. That’s what it’s about…..murder suicide, and hospice and using women’s rights over their bodies during pregnancy as an excuse. They want to own your body and your family planning in every way. What would you have done during Chernobyl? Or after Hiroshima or if impregnated by someone you don’t want to be impregnated by? Politics and Religion are very talented at shrouding the truth along with their many followers. Go ahead and put your head in the sand about race relations and see where it gets ya. These things happened during the Obama Administration. Controlling every aspect of everyone else’s life as far as family planning, etc, divorce, abortion, taxes, and many other temptations of the RCC and using race relations and abortion to murder all because they can’t figure out when life begins (but actually don’t care) and never have which is overstepping their bounds and that is why the RCC is going down soon. It’s a conundrum and is the stone that will grind them (the RCC and it’s power source and followers) into powder. Which is why Revelation says to come out of her (the church is a woman and in this case speaking about the whore of Babylon) meaning the RCC and it’s source. It’s about money and votes: power.

    IF you have ever had premarital sex you are GUILTY as anyone who had an abortion. IF you ever had a miscarriage you are GUILTY as anyone who had an abortion. IF you use birth control you are GUILTY as anyone who had an abortion. IF you ever squirted sperm into the mouth of a person you are GUILTY as anyone who a had an abortion. If you ever spilled sperm on the ground, taxicab, thighs, back seat of a car, in your sheets, in the tub or shower, on a kitchen table in a rubber you are as GUILTY as anyone who had an abortion….Just because you didn’t get caught doesn’t mean you will escape these things the RCC has planned for you and even if all you did was have an affair which I have observed occurs more than it should but there is a great deal of temptation out in the world and times that are hard for people and often entrapments purposeful folly at the expense of others to mess with you and which intercede often etc or perhaps you lusted for someone else besides your spouse, had sex using a magazine, watched porn, or attracted to someone at work or lusted for your children or someone else’s children

    and even if you didn’t do any of the above, etc


    do you want the RCC

    to choose

    your time of death?

    IS THE RCC IMMUNDE? What is lust Is it flirting, eye wink, a conversation, too long of a look, a look in the eye, a blink, your clothing, pictures, art, the way one walks and talks, makeup, attractiveness, unattractiveness, competitiveness, full lips, lip liner, a tattoo, a piercing, hoop earrings, nose ring, over endowed in the hips or boobs and on a man the size or shape of his butt and his hands LOL, an off-handed joke even Supreme Court judges have made, an unaware moment, a giggle or a gaggle, or a gesture made or comment made during a time of drunkenness or tipsiness or high or during an argument with an asshole, how you dance, how you voted, or if you said this or if you said that once in a conversation as if people are objects that don’t change that don’t grow that don’t learn or at their worst which we all have those times and every action a human does can be construed as lust depending on who is doing the judging and when and you sure don’t want it to be a religion or politics making those decisions depending on which way the religious or political wind is blowing. Do you want someone like Father Jonathon (Pope Francises boy) judging you and deciding your fate or the fate of your loved ones, and certainly not your children or the elderly or the infirmed or the unsightly??? Sometimes I get graffic but sex is graphic and sex is how humans get pregnant (but males don’t) so I tend to get graffic and I don’t want to offend but remain objective about it because it is part of the deal. Some people squirm at anything related to sex. Opportunities and jobs help more than hurt the situation. There is truth in the words: “idle hands are the devil’s workshop.” I think we ought to try to pull ourselves out of the gutter as much as possible but not at the expense of a female’s right to choose the time of her motherhood. Females are not ovens. During the Obama administration the statistics of life spans was shortened and that’s an indication his ways and means weren’t good. We used to have the best medical field in the world and then came Obama to destroy it. Life spans don’t shorten unless something is awfully wrong. My mom said she wanted to live to 105 to OUTLIVE HER Grandmother. Instead she was hospiced without my consent during the Obama Administration so I naturally blame to some degree the policies involved and the religions. I also recall a few years back in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil there was a cleanup of kids on the street who ended up dead and in Rome as well before a big event which I think was the G-8 meeting which Obama Attended. The RCC loves OPM so money isn’t gonna save you unless you can produce much more. The latest mass shooting in Texas in Sutherland Springs, Texas (Donald Sutherland?) 26 killed and 20 or so more injured. Fox news said this is the 377 mass shooting this year though I don’t know if he stipulated where…. the World? the USA? But  I sure haven’t heard about 377 mass shootings this year but seems similar to the Egyptian Coptic Christian Churches being attacked in Egypt. I guess there was some one’s mother-in-law receiving threatening texts but from whom? What interests me a little more is the 14 year old daughter of the preacher (Pastor) happened to be out of town. Was it part of the conspiracy? The mother was at church that day but luckily survived. I think it is kind of an odd set of circumstances like the circumstances of the man on a pier in California finding a gun under his seat wrapped in a shirt (fingerprint planting) and a daughter having lunch with her dad without mommie and getting shot in the back. I recall when Obama was installed as President he brought a religious mantle to the Roman Catholic pope (Pope Benedict XVl) as a gift at the time. I think it was a Calvinism Mantle, but not sure. WHY? What does a President of the USA have to do with bringing a religious mantle to the Roman Catholic Pope? What was the meaning and what was the intent? I think it is in one of my earlier posts. I forget what religion but it was not the Baptists (Calvinism is a guess of memory). Did it have to do with the New World Order under the tutelage of the RCC? Also a Russian pope was murdered a little before this offering. Alexis something or other. Was the RCC trying to murder it’s competition because it wa also during the time the RCC was pressuring China about the Chinese catholics and wanting to make them roman. Texas gunman threatened mother-in-law who frequented church where 26 were killed One lady on Fox who is definitely for extreme gun control and uses shame to shame (made me feel bad as if I had been involved) and probably under the right stimulus would ban guns all together hence no one is safe from a bad out of control government of the people which can happen even in the USA because of coups but I did agree with her about bump stocks. (Used to be a big push regarding drunken driving which caused many untimely deaths after one of Reagan’s secret service men was brain damaged. It was called MADD, Mother’s Against Drunk Driving whose wife paraded her husband around to promote her cause. Looks like the bald twin astronaut used the same tactics used about guns when his wife Gabrielle Giffords was shot in the head at a grocery store chain called Safeway in Arizona during the Fast and Furious mystery during the Obama Administration.) Two coups occurred in Egypt as well (Benghazi time) and some of their Christian Churches of the Coptics have been attacked even this year and a few years back as well with civilian massacres of people sitting in their churches. Remember when Obama said there would be many bumps in the road ahead? Makes ya wonder not for joy, don’t it? Obviously it would make it harder for regular citizens to up their ante in shootings if bump stocks were regulated better or outlawed but it won’t control the illegal non citizens from doing the same getting their bump stocks illegally. Was Fast and Furious about Bump stocks?And as far as mental illness I disagree with everyone because I see a lot of nuts in our government: OBAMA was one of them. Mentally deranged as far as I am concerned. People under some drugs can display certain kinds of mental illness that are prescribed legally especially if you mix a few other nasty ingredients to the mix besides alcohol and disgruntleness. Mental illness is not an exact science and modulates in each person due to many, many factors. Chemistry and what has been thrown in your direction when a lot of shit comes your way, either testing you or are trying to destroy you which is usually the case. Definitely want to keep you down. I wonder why the Roman Catholic Churches have been immune, don’t you? Not from mental illness but from attacks on it’s premises. I wonder what the lady on Fox who is very good at shaming would say about Hospice? Is she willing to speak up about it or is mums the word on the Roman Catholic murder suicide flaunted by the current Pope (Francis) by sainting Mother Teresa for her sacrifices using Hopice and the RC’s sacrifices of many people i.e. the blood of saints rising up to the horses bridles. To sign legislation about Obama Care with advice from a Roman Catholic government official Nancy Pelosi to sign but not read it is kind of crazy isn’t it and does seem to be connected to the coup stuff mentioned. In Nazi Germany, the nazis came after the Jewish doctors first and I don’t think the RCC cared (not that we know of anyway). The RCC didn’t complain about it that we know of anyway and may have actually helped. Who or what influenced Nancy Pelosi to say “you have to sign it to know what’s in it” in regards to Obama Care. I have a post called

    The Grace of Anathema Maranatha


    Merangue’s Blog

    and it also talks about a false god people end their prayers with often especially Christians and Roman Catholics and others or use the adage to be in agreement with others on minor things. I did too until I realized it was wrong. It was kind of a habit. Everyone else did it and I didn’t understand what I was saying. I used to do it a bunch in the Episcopal church and chant songs and sayings in the bible of some PSALM book together without thought, nor discernment, and definitely without knowledge depending on the clergy and trusting/faith the clergy who made a business of it.I think beards usually are a clue of osmoses state of mind. Especially scraggly ones that look like the Taliban. A tale tell sign of mental instability especially in this day and age unless you are a mennonite, quaker, or the like but they tend to wear hats and ride horses, walk and/or ride in carriages and usually are not involved in politics or in the world for that matter but sometimes get sifted into world affairs via assholes and the like.. Fuhrer….. Mark Fuhrman came on Fox to give his two cents and it was about worth as much. He was asked by the Fox anchor woman about her concerns about communication between government agencies in regards to the laws on the books about guns which might have prevented this massacre in Texas. Of course, he skirted the issue and got into the mental state of this person who obviously was messed up in the head, but so is Mark Fuhrman. Some people need to be kneaded and Mark Fuhrman is one of those. We didn’t need his expertise on mental stability. Did Fox need his expertise on mental illness? Is he a psychiatrist as well? I thought he was an EX-cop-detective who blew the OJ Simpson case wide open and started a downward spiral of race relations especially with the police departments in the USA. Remember Big Bear Lake?  What happened to Bo Dietl? I trust his expertise above and beyond Mark Fuhrman by a mile.

    Church gunman wore black skull mask during attack; was creepy loner, 

    atheist booted from Air Force

    What does the skull represent? Skull and Bones Society? Is this what the killer was trying to communicate or just a mask left over from Halloween? I think he was trying to communicate something besides hate and was used. Strange reaction by the Pastor of the church and I wouldn’t comply. He wants to destroy the building which might have some clues not yet found. Perhaps he is in shock but it’s kind of early to burn the bitch down, isn’t it. I would like proof a massacre occurred and so far I’m not convinced. Burning the evidence doesn’t seem quite right, logical, nor prudent. though it was done a Big Bear Lake in California and I think Fuhrman might have been involved. A normal reaction would be to make a museum of it in honor of his daughter. ANd in order to understand the event about his daughter he might want to walk it a while and see if there is anything spiritual he could find out via the location to help to understand it and perhaps physical evidence like notes or something left by a victim to relate information. Odd reaction..Anyway one of the people in the photographs put on Fox as to the victims looked like Maureen Dowd in a defiant kind of way. In the eyes and expression: the one who covered her four children and saved two of them as if communicating deception in regards to this event which might be why the pastor wants to burn it down. The expression was like someone caught up in something she didn’t want to be involved in. Wasn’t she the one that was being monitored via computer or something similar. It only looked like her in her eyes. The Air Force admitted to negligence in regards to the person (Kelly) involved in the massacre in Sutherland Springs, Texas. He had been court-marshalled so it is hard to believe the Air Force was remiss in regards to his reputation, but someone in the Air Force was obviously using him and his name and reputation fell through the cracks. an unusual oversight and worthy of an investigation by someone who can get to the bottom of this conspiracy. I say conspiracy because 27 people were killed and 20 people were injured sitting in a church. A pretty harmful conspiracy. I can’t remember in regards to the Aurora Theater massacre if the killer who used a costume as well (The Joker of Batman) was getting psychiatric help which he was but whether it was an Air Force base, or an Army base, or a Marine base but I know it was a secretive military base near the theater and it was determined he was using some kind of drug prescribed to him by the psychiatric doctor on the base. I wonder if this person involved in the massacre in Texas was on psychiatric drugs? PROZAC? But there is a possible nexus, isn’t there? There has been lots of problems with the drug Prozac but also coverups and the same goes for the drug prescribed (usually at the bequest of teachers) to kids who are overactive or uncontrollable, usually boys. Ritalin. Usually men who commit massacres so it makes sense, doesn’t it in order to control them. Use prescription drugs prescribed by psychiatrists so I distrust Mark Fuhrman and his influence, his reputation, his intent and his road to infamy in regards to mental illness. I think he is a verifiable nutcase and a bad influence in today’s news about massacres and the reasons behind the massacres. Massacre…costume, and also the military….3 important factors in the Texas shooting similar to the Aurora massacre at the theater in Colorado a few years ago. (a secret one military or a secret department of the military, possibly Air Force) and wasn’t the Air Force involved in the 9-11 shoot down of the plane headed to the White House or to the Dow. We don’t know, but I do remember a very strange you tube of an emotional Donald Rumsfeld LIVE and the reaction of the Secret Service standing behind him to his revelation about who was responsible for 9-11 and the shoot down and he was viciously attacked politically afterwards by a great deal of people. The reaction of the Secret Service was telling and one of those people (a woman) I also saw in Syria during the Obama Administration incognito as if she was a Syrian. She was in a photo wearing a burka but with her face showing sitting  around the time of the sarin gas debacle in Syria.

    He (Kelly) looks like the guy (Samwise Gamgee, Frodo’s buddy) who played in the movie called The Lord of the Rings, doesn’t he?

    Without a beard he doesn’t.

    Beards are like a mask as are burkas and habits worn by nuns.

    Now it is being reported he escaped from a mental fathility in 2012 by a concerned Neil Cavuto about the amount of mental facilities in the USA. (You could tell by the expression on his face!) How many should we have? A million? When did he join the Air Force? Before or after the escape from the mental institution? How old is person of interest? Did he work for the Post Office as well? Neil you are a nut. It might just work though if you put 300 people in each fathility we might have a dance to overcome the mustard seed deception. Keep your fingers crossed! Maybe Trump will build the 1 million mental facilities under the guise of infrastructure.

    Regardless if you did the above gestures mentioned in this post before the Texas mass shooting (worst in history however ignoring the mass shootings in the beginning of the USA) or not you are gonna get this recompense whether you like it or not so you had better defend women’s rights and fight agains’t the RCC and it’s power source. You should come out of her if you have a thinking cap on your head because we are in the time of Revelation whether you like it or not.

    The RCC chose it’s time with the New World Order.

    Fatima is a very famous Roman Catholic tourist attraction because of three little girls who saw or heard some weird stuff and even floated. Levitated. (I saw the film) One of the girls became a nun. There is some secret involved because of prophecy….probably false prophecy, but the name FATIMA is I AM FAT if you unscramble the syllables a different way and then later the Buddas of Afghanistan were destroyed by the Taliban so I guess the Taliban thought the Buddas were I AM FAT or the author of the Ten Commandments (I AM THAT I AM) which the RCC defamed by subtracting one commandment and making two commandments of another commandment to make up the difference? The RCC is kind of weird. WHY BOTHER changing the commandments if there was not some sort of importance in the change regarding the Ten Commandments? Obviously the RCC plays an important role in the end times and of Revelations and the RCC knows it. Obviously, some of the EVIL things that have been occurring world wide are RCC inspired. Spiritual manifestations of some kind and seem to indicate some mental/spiritual aberrations of those who are Catholic inspired. I think Islam is Catholics inspired and vice versa which has to do with the mustard seed lie about faith in the Bible and also found in the Koran though the Koran says Was and the Bible says Is the smallest of seed and wasn’t and isn’t the smallest of seed. Maybe the hidden prophecy of Fatima is about Afghanistan and also about the heroin trade. The trade of heroin is kind of important to some people (THE MOB). If it weren’t important then why all the movies about the trade of heroin one with the actor named Gene Hackman called The French Connection. Was it inspired by Notre Dame? Were the French involved in Afghanistan? Was Notre Dame involved in the Heroin Trade? Was Notre Dame involved in the Fatima secret? Did Notre Dame film the film? Is Notre Dame a Jesuit organization? The Club of Rome. I know it’s involved in the straits on either side of Saudi Arabia because of oil. Remember the slaughter in France (terrorist attack) and then the Eiffel Tower went dark and the only thing lit in Paris was Notre Dame. Remember? It was symbolic to the French anyway and meant to be symbolic to everyone else, I think. It happened during the Obama Administration. Was Notre Dame (MEANING YOUR LADY as in FATIMA) involved in the decision to go to war in Viet Nam because it was a colony of the French previously, wasn’t it?, and harassed by some bad characters who slaughtered their own people like in Africa and Iraq. I guess it’s like a vacuum if you don’t hold something together well enough (like a country) it goes to hell especially after an invasion.


    I asked the ex if he had heard anything about this particular crime and he said they were going to burn it down and instead are gonna make it a memorial with hours like the museum of JFK in Dallas. He said they already have filled in the bullet holes and repainted it. (because it is BULLSHIT.) It happened last Sunday and one week later it has been covered up: a scene of crime which has many questions yet to be answered? It seems Roman Catholic inspired IMO. Typical. IF you don’t join Roman Catholicism this is what will happen to ya kind of reminder. I wonder if the people involved are gonna have stations (like stations of the cross) and a souvenir shop as well. Restaurant and what will it serve: swine in honor of Ganswein the pope’s secretary of state of the Vatican or plain hamburgers? Every bit is adding up to a certain point and then…. Do they have photos of the scene of the crime like Bonnie and Clyde photos?

    I sincerely doubt it is gonna be the worst massacre very soon. Then what?

    Why is Ted Cruz scared of THE libertarian media? Ted Cruz ignored a reporter after praying in Texas at the scene of the crime. He prayed like those of the 500 club pray in IOWA at the caucus before presidential elections with the candidates. Laying of hands. (Remember: you will deny me 3 times before the cock crows) You can read about it in the Gospel of Luke – the ACT OF LAYING OF HANDS IN ORDER TO PRAY. ITS SHOWY, THAT’S FOR SURE. DOESN’T MEAN IT HAS A SCINTILLA OF MEANING OR POWER BUT VERY POSEY. HE DIDN’T MIND BEING FILMED DOING IT but HE MINDED ANSWERING QUESTIONS. HE SHOULD HAVE ANSWERED THE INQUIRING REPORTER of info wars AT LEAST ONE QUESTION SHOULD HAVE BEEN ATTEMPTED IN GOOD FAITH but he doesn’t have any, obviously.

    Laying of hands also means capturing.

    (I wonder if Info Wars knows something we don’t about Ted Cruz.) I wish Ted Cruz had answered my email about my mom, the elderly and in terms of hospice and abuse of the elderly. My little sister was acting weird at the time under the influence of her second husband trying to prove something and was going to hospice my mom and I think she was going to do it for the right reasons and her siblings disallowed it because either Medicare or Medicaid that offered hospice free with the condition of disallowing doctors care which is a big condition and VERY insidious (which was my reason to deny her and because she was whispering that it was free and that it did not allow doctors care during the Obama Administration and during the phone call.) only to have my older sister do it anyway months later without my knowledge. I doubt he even got the e-mail but I imagine someone did. A federal employee. I think my sisters second husband married her for her money : the divorce settlement from the first marriage and hospiced my mom for $35,000 which was deposited before my mom was hospiced into a savings account. A pay off of some kind. And we went through a bunch of shit via e-mails about it and about some strange behavior exhibited in the e-mails. something weird was going on and I was trying to get to the bottom of it. My mom wanted to live to 105 like her grandmother. She told me so. I remember it because it was important to her as was her family, her husband and her kids, her brothers and her sisters and her mom etc. The whispering was a tell tale sign to me. My mom’s brochure for her funeral which I received via my daughter pumped my sister up as if she earned it and she didn’t though she was trying under I think some unusual circumstances mostly and especially caused by her second husband. A mother fucker. Another sign was he joked about guarding my sister to her son and he was at the hospital when my mom died. Earlier during a visit wit my older sister to see my mom staying at my little sister’s home he was mad at my little sister for being late for dinner which was funded by my mom via my older sister who was in charge of her estate because my older sister was doing her detail thingy at the hospital during our visit with our mom and after leaving the hospital my younger sister raced in her vehicle upset because of her second husband’s attitude and when we got there to the restaurant one of my parents favorite restaurants the Olive Garden he acted like it was no problem what so ever. Cool as a cucumber. We were visiting my mom at the hospital and it shouldn’t have been a problem but he liked to upend my little sister…a control thing. Keep her unbalanced pleasing him. David Sherman is his name originally from Michigan whom she met him online via a dating service but he was ahead of her. He knew who she was and he wanted the money. I think there is a circuit of some kind (information gained) a matrix in regards to widows and divorcees of successful people with settlements which usually are paid out yearly and eventually end. Her first husband had been written about as one of the top ten businesses in the Houston area business wise in some capacity. Also the guy who kind of started trouble in the first marriage was catholic. They had had troubles before caused by the first husband and he eventually married the chic he met when my sister was with child or soon after he called “his little mouse” a few years after the divorce. David Sherman was too interested in the estate of my mom (the amount) for a second husband to have been. He hardly knew my mom. Put more energy into finding out the particulars than anyone in the immediate family which is unusual and had been married two times before and divorced two times before and one wife already deceased kind of young. Anyway a husband that gets upset for 15 minutes of waiting for people visiting their mom at a hospital isn’t to be trusted and getting a free meal at that and imbibing in a drink or two with her son who was also waiting at the restaurant: Oh, how terrible. (It might have been thirty minutes, but big deal) He knew how to push her buttons and he pushed them. A manipulator. I think its a catholic trait. AN INBRED kind of catholic trait. I think the $35,000 might have been in regards to supporting the ideals of Hospice, but not sure because I wasn’t privileged to have the information as to what it was for. Ever hear about the thirty pieces of silver in the Gospel of John? The BIG CLUE about David is he didn’t use one thin dime of his own money on the home they purchased. Her money from the settlement was what bought her their home. I don’t think his money was used on the pool which was built in ROCK and/or the renovation of the garage to add a guest bedroom by their vehicles. I don’t know if they ever purchased the sports water Kayaks they were planning to get for the lake they lived near but Fox had a report about a woman and her husband who kayaked one of the Great Lakes Lake Erie and the woman pulled the plug on the husband’s kayak and he drowned. Sort of a tell-tale sign of some kind Fox likes to err on their news programs. Just saw a snippet about elephants in India and the people burning the baby elephant with fire etc. I thought India was Hindu and liked animals. JACKIE Bouvier KENNEDY Onassis when she visited India rode an elephant without her husband (with her sister) and visited the Taj Mahal and said she received something she wished her husband could have received as if he were already dead. I think hinduism has been taken over by Islam and probably by the likes of the Taliban. Some clues about India (hinduism) with Pope Benedict XVl at the G-8 meeting in Aquila, Italy during the Obama Administration. India is probably taken over by Islam when Mother Teresa started her Hospice business because she did make quite bit of money doing it by hook or by crook. A crosier (also known as a crozierpaterissapastoral staff, or bishop’s staff)[1] is a stylized staff carried by high-ranking Roman Catholic,Eastern CatholicEastern OrthodoxOriental OrthodoxAnglican, and some LutheranUnited Methodist and Pentecostalprelates. The latest attack in New York the police in charge said he was not going to tell what hospital the assailant was in and a couple of the people who were injured by his vehicle which is good because it would be nice to find out motive. The assailant was there with a few others that were injured via the assailant at the same hospital but Fox news aired the name of the particular hospital as if “a secret message” like at Fatima could have been sent this way and perhaps this wasn’t really a fluke terrorist attack but using cell phone location or locator device of a person of interest who might have been attacked like a hit by the mob. He seemed adamant about keeping the hospital name secret. I’m referring to the attack on New York and the mowing down of some people on their bikes on a bike trail with a truck rented from a hardware store. Cuomo did a nice job to be calm, however we are in abnormal times so it would behoove New Yorkers to become aware of the possibilities of the times we are in and take it seriously and not forget about 9-11 and 12 Saudis who flew planes into NY city killing a bunch of people mostly civilians. Before I saw the reports but heard about the incident in New York of a person in a car mowing people down who were riding bikes on a bike trail I said with my daughter while asking the ex “did the reports say what race the attacker was or did the attacker yell “all a hu akbar.” He didn’t know but I went in immediately after the conversation with my daughter below in italics and on the tv supposedly it is what the attacker said. I asked my daughter what does akbar spell backwards and then I told her Barak. (actually inside out) She didn’t want to talk about it because it is kind of spooky.   I noticed a pause and some obvious confusion when Sheppard Smith named the hospital ON AIR or the area of the hospital right at the moment he said it because it was supposed to be a secret from what I gathered of one of the men who spoke about it after Cuomo gave his advice moments before. (SSmith was on the phone, I think.) Not the mayor (DeBlasio) but the other person who I think was a bigwig in the police department possibly the head of it who was kind of adamant about not telling which hospital when it was asked by the press. I think the press did a bad job by their intentional blurt? I mean Sheppard Smith did a bad job. I may be wrong about the intent but I might not be wrong and on to something. It wasn’t necessary to tell the name of the hospital, was it? Isn’t that how the mob works by small little mistakes- messages possibly? I am very suspicious of the blunder. Now Sheppard Smith is over-compensating b/c he got caught with too much information. LOL specifics and now is on the scene kind of giving many specifics like the War Correspondent Geraldo Rivera. LOL It seems pretentious and that is in my opinion suspicious acting. The guy that is pictured on Fox as the assailant was the brother that was run over after the Boston Marathon attack (Tsarnaev the older brother) similar very similar and also looks like the guy who attacked a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado in a batman outfit and killed a girl who worked for Fox news as a sports announcer. He came in through the exit door with the help of someone. The same girl who was killed had talked to her boyfriend while it occurred using her phone and was with another guy. It was the second attempt on her life the first was when she was at a mall in Canada and some guy started shooting people in the mall and she narrowly escaped and within 3 months she was killed in a theater in Colorado. The theater was located near a secretive military base. REMEMBER??? Same guy different hairdo. He was seeing a psychiatrist on the military base at the time. Taking a prescription as well. Someone is using his face or something. Hmmmm.

    The New Enlightenment

    I found a lie in history *a rewriting of history* probably had something to do with O’reilly and the Jesuits. I forget where I found it but it had to do with the decision to use the atom bomb and the decision of where to use the bombs in WWll. It was said the reason one of the places was chosen and which was hit had to do with the weather and it is not true. The decision of where to drop the bombs was ideologically based and not because of the weather. (Sort of a replacement for Sodom and Gomorrah sites which still have not been found and may not have even occurred yet. I believe referring to Mecca and Medina because they are located in the Wilderness of sin where Abraham of the OT of the bible camped between two cities in the Wilderness of sin.) It was the ideology (religion) we were at war with namely murder-suicide with the Japanese who were engaged in the act and even sending their kids to commit to it when it was clear the Japanese were losing the war and had run out of men: Those fighters were called Kamikaze pilots. The decision to use the bomb saved many lives of american military and helped to end WWll sooner. It affectively knocked out one front of the war and there were three at the time. I don’t think it was an easy decision, but a necessary decision at the time and probably because of the rumors about the German’s weapon ( forget what it was dubbed but it had a name I think). I don’t know how the lie about the decision of where to drop the atom bomb was able to be introduced (except the same thing happened in regards to the prophecy in Daniel standing where it should not was introduced into the gospel of Matthew during the Obama Administration) but I know why. Has to do with the chapter in the Gospel of John, the chapter about the secret follower, the chapter about the wind, and the chapter about faith and the new enlightenment revealed by Pope Benedict XVl. And to top it off Trump is visiting the leader of China named ABE. LOL I don’t know if his name is Abe but has been called Abe. The Fox newsman said the Chinese love him because a bunch of kids are jumping up and down which does not mean the kids love him but are merely preforming for their leader enthusiastically otherwise the kids grow up and might end up on a labor farm somewhere (or their parents) competing with the USA economically sending notes in a bottle about their plight or demonstrating in Tianamen Square getting mowed down by tanks as in the past. It’s called patriotism chinese style. I think his name is Xi Jinping. Perhaps he is different than in the past. Who can tell? Nope the Japanese prime minister is called Abe Shinzo not the chinese. Abe not sure which name is first nevertheless interesting name, isn’t it? Both look very similar as if related. UNCANNILY related. IF it is true that another city was set to be bombed with an atom bomb in Japan in WWll it is interesting that the weather might have made the decision. In the OT the sun was stopped for a day for a battle to be won by the Hebrews and it was an act of God, OBVIOUSLY. WHO ELSE CAN STOP THE SUN. The fact, is the religious areas of Japan were hit which had temples and might have been the reason for the fascism in their country at the time siding with fascists i.e. the nazis who put jews into ovens and gas chambers (perhaps Jesuit inspired) though I don’t know if the Japanese had any idea it was occurring as most people didn’t till later and after the war. So it might have been a prophetic sign from God. I do think God was involved in WWll and even the Six Day War. I think God wanted Israel to exist and to return to Israel which I believe was bought and paid for expanded in recent years for a number of reasons such as the Six Day War and because it carried his banner: the Ten Commandments. Israel is in prophecy of the OT. We used to carry the banner of God as well until the 70’s when atheism tried to get the Ten Commandments torn down from every institution or site that The Ten Commandments stood. Without the Ten Commandments you have nothing as far as rules: God’s rules. We still have some places that still carry The Ten Commandments. In the Old Testament wars occurred and were necessary, but it’s not murder. The 70’s was also the time when the RCC was trying to ecumenicalism and was a tool (one of quite a few tools) to unite the differing religions and unite the religions of christianity under one banner: the RCC banner of who and of which changed the Ten Commandments. One of the commandments is thou shalt not kill I think it is supposed to read murder and not kill. I don’t know if it changed over time or when it changed but it is possible it did change since the prophecy in Daniel changed and was added to the Gospel of Matthew somehow. Possibly the Ten Commandments may have been misinterpreted/transcribed or transliterated/trans-substantiated to read kill instead of murder. There is a difference between the two. Putting people in ovens is murder. Putting people in gas chambers is murder. Both unarmed and were prisoners of war. I think God sees and understands the difference between murder and killing in the war arena and is showing us. Murder suicide is murder as well. Some people (Islam) have been taught about getting a bunch of virgins for their evil deeds of mass murder which is a lie of course. trickery. a false incentive, etc. I have no idea what inspired men and kids in WWll to commit Kamikazi murder suicide but obviously it was a false and was not rewarded since Japan and the Nazis lost the war. I do not even know what religion was practiced in Japan during the time but to side with fascism is wrong however fascism didn’t really make itself known to our generations until the world wars that I know of anyway but possibly in small steps but one is/was trying to get rid of The Ten Commandments or to change The Ten Commandments. I’m not trying to change it but to unravel what has been done if it be the case via the RCC and others intent on ruling the world when it’s not their world. DID THE RCC CREATE THE WORLD? DID ISLAM CREATE THE WORLD? A degree of difference can be a BIG difference. Like the change in the axis of the earth caused by the earthquake and tsunami in the Indian Ocean awhile back and boy did things change quite a bit and not for the better although it is possible some of the changes are good axis-wise and the results might be good but we aren’t at that point yet. I think the RCC (the Vatican) needs to decry their evil pretty soon OR ELSE. It would help if Catholics decried the RCC (the Vatican) to inspire them to decry. Very few have and the same goes for those involved in the religion of MUSLIM/ISLAM. Very few have. So I guess revelation will continue Onward. I think people make a big difference in an interactive kind of way as well and as to the timing: the delays and/or the andelays. I think it was intended the way it was and politically correctly covered up. They only had so much gas. REMEMBER? It was a big undertaking and I’m sure they waited for the right weather conditions so it could be accomplished and because they weren’t on a suicide mission. Let’s get real! Like the documentary of Douglas McArthur in Manilla narrated and explained by Oliver North and the Jesuit Priest inserting himself in the documentary the only one with a religious mantle to make excuses for their torture of the people of Manilla by covering it up and acting like a savior. Whatever you do, do not follow the war correspondent. Happy Veteran’s Day and Happy Birthday to my little sister. I must have hit nerve again because the ex started hoping out loud to me about a couple of jobs and so I gave my two cents and he didn’t like it and said for me not to lecture him. He kind of acted like a crazy person. What he wants is for me to hope but not interfere in anyway. Because while he is hoping he is threatening me if you don’t do it his way we will be evicted etc. I was nice about it so I don’t now what’s up his ass but something is. I was consoling, It was weird.  KIND OF SICK as well. He wants to discuss something with me without my input. Killer nurse suspected death toll rises above 100…

    Murdering involves killing but does killing involve murdering? I do know that most people who serve in the military take killing seriously when at war and when their own lives are at risk or the lives of their troops or their countries safety or existence (which harbor their families) is at stake. A murderer’s life is usually not at risk when a person commits murder and usually the murderer is two steps ahead of the game. The Kennedy assassination is evidence of murder in many ways by many people involved. I think there are differences which God understands however humans have a hard time understanding the difference. I do think we are going to have a better understanding of the differences when all is said and done. So I think it is gonna be kind of a hard lesson for some but I know in my heart abortion is not murder and I know hospice is murder usually with a bribe or a monetary incentive. The fact that it is hallowed by the RCC (The Jesuit Pope), through trickery, proves it!

    Take me for a Jaocobite, do ya?

    As far as getting dossiers on individuals from another country I thought it was legal from a U.N. STANDPOINT and/or LAW. You can’t spy on your own people but other countries can spy on you. Isn’t it the United Nations law? of course it’s Bullshit anyway because obviously the NSA and others got caught spying on their own people as we found out via a few patriots (people that care about their country and it’s people and about privacy). An RCC protection against lawsuits because the RCC are pros at protecting the Vatican (especially in regards to it’s own wealth which it takes like a thief ) and it’s allies. If China thinks it’s okay to be a thief well then it’s okay to forgive ourselves our debt. It’s not tit for tat because it is directly linked to the other and obviously using North Korea and North Koreans ought to get wise because it will be them who are first to be you know. So if I were North Korea I would talk to Trump and work out a deal. What’s the point of having talks with China? Useless. As far as unfair trade goes, I got an idea, let’s not trade but amongst ourselves. Forget the countries that are unfair and not trade with them. That is how simple it is and the DOW ought to have quite a reaction if we do which might be in our favor. HOW are you going to know the affect it  will have to stop trading with countries that trade unfairly, if you don’t try it. Let’s do a study. We could couch it with these words “THIS IS ONLY A TEST” and stop trading with China for about 3 months and see the results and what affect it has on the world stage, their economy, and ours.  We might have more leverage than we realize because of their closed societies which aren’t exactly truthful. Every time Kim Jung Un sets off a firecracker we stop trade with China for a year.

    ‘Trump before Trump’: Laura Ingraham brings populist fire to Fox News lineup

    Last couple of shows though I didn’t watch the whole show of each show because of her lips-Laura’s Lips (she does weird stuff with her lips in an affected way…to aware of her own lips) where she interviewed Trump and another show and I don’t think she mentioned abortion. It’s not the only reason (the lips) but a big one. She is really a deep thinker or she thinks so anyway though kind of hard to watch her intensity because she is so aware of her own thinking, lol and I think she thinks she knows what the heck is going on in the world and I don’t think she does though she seems intelligent and hopeful politically wise. It’s kind of like watching a sensitivity session interview as she gets into whomever’s head she is interviewing like she’s really interested in them but if it wasn’t them it would be someone else. I wonder what she or how she would do with an interview of Hillary. Would she ask the right questions or avoid them like the plague like what occurred at the hearing of Hillary Clinton in regards to Benghazi for 13 hours or so or 11 hours of skirting the issues. Didn’t see one picture which is weird at the hearing by Congresswhich is part of the scam part of the deception in order not to be pinned down to a specific piece of evidence. Same goes with the abortion controversy. NO PICTURES: ITs POLITICAL FOLLY to be used for whatever gets you a PRESS job or a seat in the Senate or a seat in the House of Representatives or in the chair of the Presidency. She didn’t mention abortion on those two shows that I know of but I bet she was thinking it and I bet it was eating her up inside not to mention it. LOL Perhaps it was how she got the job and now she doesn’t need to use abortion to REV UP her career. How weird, kind of like elections. She got elected to the show mentioning abortion every time she could and now she has the job she doesn’t need to brink it up and USING A CROSS. WHOSE CROSS? Well that’s the million dollar question, isn’t it? Food for thought, LAURA IN GRAHAM as in Billy: perhaps Jesus of the Gospel of John when at the Sea of Galilee after he had risen on the shore when he told the people on the boat who were fishing to put their nets on the other side of the boat and there ye shall find after fishing all night and not finding and fish and they netted 153 fish which makes a pyramid using the number 17 has to do with abortion. 17 weeks. It is possible it was the meaning behind the 153 fish caught when he told Peter to feed his sheep. DON’T HOSPICE using abortion as an excuse as Mother Teresa did in India and was her basis for her contribution of the order to murder suicide. A very bad excuse and it won’t fly! Here are a couple of posts I wrote a long time ago questioning the meaning of 153 fish and others and their opinions are included but I think it has to do with the Hippocratic oath. The links included are kind of interesting because it seems the number interested a lot of other people as well trying to ascertain the meaning including me. Pope Benedict XVI and 153 Great Fish153 Hail Mary’s and 153 Hilda (I do think some temples are probably involved as well which were dug up and reassembled.) The last guy Laura InGraham interviewed was some financial wizard (I probably should know who he is but I didn’t invite him and don’t hang out with any financial wizards) who sounded JUST like Bill Clinton and proposing basically Reaganomics, I think. How about some new ideas proposed on this post. Some of what he said made sense but some of it was old ideas which aren’t bad because they are old ideas, but bad because the ideas and the results didn’t last and definitely not simple. I think when someone mentions pay raise for working class people I get turned off because it’s sooooooo trickle down and he mentioned it. I kind of like to think bigger such as working class people starting businesses kind of thinking with the talents they are endowed with and eventually creating opportunities and motion in economics and not a pyramid. DON’T FORGET ABOUT LAYAWAY FOR WORKING CLASS CITIZENS TO HEP THEM RISE ABOVE THEIR STATION IN LIFE A LITTLE EASIER AND ALSO IT HELPS BUSINESSES ESPECIALLY SMALLER ONES SMALLER THAN WALMART, TARGET, ETC. (And helps with equipment sales as well.) People save to get their merchandise and it should be a credit stimulus to compete with banks and their credit ratings reports and be as weighty to help build a person’s financial reputation credit wise since it usually increases sales amounts and an incentive to spend but also to save. Layaway also helps to look nice when you apply for a job or try to get a loan. (It’s like the stock market (Dow Jones) on the day of the Las Vegas Massacre as Neil Cavuto explained about the undying spirit of the American money launderers and also his use of canned laughing, a paid entourage on a regular basis. Not all of us get the bells and whistles to help in a presentation of his stupid excuses and his proclivities. His interview of the mayor of Puerto Rico was a good example. Not offering any ideas, but excuses. It was kind of heart breaking to watch it to see reality hit the face of devastation (the mayor) however it helps to understand his perspective: He could give a shit and kind of like you deserve it but there are building materials that are superior to others and designers/engineers etc. to possibly withstand hurricanes. Politically supporting a religion and it’s shills that uses those means it would be wise to come out of her. A BIG INVITATION! Those attacks on the computers and government officials in Costa Rica or Cuba or where ever it was around the same time period or before is disconcerting and I think suspicious as like a coverup and a veil otherwise why did it happen? I think you have to have aircraft to accomplish some weather manipulation to seed the sky (with some kind of stimulus) and then use HAARP to heat the sky and the water wityh microwaves to create super storms.Reality is what you make OF it, around it, over it, above it, under it, and IN SPITE OF IT etc to some degree and as my mom used to say CONSIDER THE SOURCE and make it in-between.

    Camelot 04: Follow Me – YouTube

    Consider the source especially in regards to technology of H.A.A.R.P. in diverse places affecting weather, rain, mega storms, hurricanes, droughts, fires, and earthquakes, tsunamis with devastating affects! Reving it up.) Monopoly and Back to shopping: Layaway helps local businesses and helps YOUR TOWN. THE ABOLITION OF LAYAWAY CONTRIBUTED TO THE ATTEMPTED TAKEOVER OF SMALLER RETAIL BUSINESS COMPANIES by the retail giants of the working class or workingless-class. It started with the kids. MaryKate and Ashley and the last time I saw them in a picture/photo they were wearing quaker outfits and probably the competition between Walmart and Target contributed as well. I think layaways would increase sales for small retail businesses but somehow either the businesses were  bought out or taken over by some new rule against it and against themselves. I think retail is a tough business as the restaurant business and home building businesses, etc and harder for the lower and middle class to survive and succeed in the businesses and that needs to CHANGE. Without small businesses we are nothing more than COMMUNISM in a way because communism will find a way to possess them and the more businesses the better which means small businesses need some good TAX breaks, incentives, a better percentage of chances to succeed which creates more jobs in those ways as well. Basically Walmart and Target are monopolies. I thought there were laws about monopolies in order to prevent monopolies. Maybe not. I think Trump needs to work on the aspect of monopolies. There are laws to prevent market crashes as well. If you can’t trust the laws against monopolies how can you trust the laws that protect the stock market from crashing. Why were the self employed punished for being self employed? Obviously, there is a motive behind the punishment and has to do with big business and super bad politics because often they go on to create businesses that employ people at least temporarily and to buy products from bigger companies. When there is a bad economy everyone loses not just the working class crime rate goes up, hopelessness increases, people go nutzoid, chaos increases, yet death is color blind. Black lives don’t matter to death. ETC I think the small businesses went to the internet because they couldn’t afford the overhead real-estate prices caused by a bubble in realty which also chased a lot of people out of house and home besides the coastal calamities caused by the things I have stated before having to do with the New World Order and the New World Religion WITH TEETH, etc. The results would be instead of a limited amount of cash flow for the country and for the sharks to feed on and spit out somewhere else the cash flow would be abundant and creating more opportunities for the kids born into this world and for their futures. Instead of using abortion to get a Press job you could get a job on the future of those born without a leg up. Get a job on the success of eventually the curing of diseases that haunt children born into the world and instead of making a killing on those born with debilitating diseases and an everlasting pursuit of contributions and yet no cure only an improved prostheseses (which is important but not the end all) you could actually inspire the pursuit of cures for those children to be born in the future. It would be nice to know what progress has been made to cure the disease besides the improvements in the construction of prostheseses as part of the ad. We used to get cures from those who were inclined scientifically before the scam of insurance which only prolonged the disease because of the contributions. The Shriners ad is cute though I wish The Shriners would use a different kid for their ad once in a while or is he the only one that can preform or the only one with the disease? It would be nice to know what caused the deformities as well (Amniocentisis test? a drunk doctor? An operation on a Friday before a vacation, a drug, a negligent pregnant woman or an abusive dad, contaminated food, Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, bad DNA, inbreeding, religion, politics, Uranium???) which might inspire some to get into the field of science and medicine (I have heard there is a shortage of nurses) and help to educate the public to have better information to avoid whatever caused the disease or deformity in the first place to lesson the burden. To me when I see the Shriner’s ad I think HOW LONG and I don’t want to contribute to the art of stalling a cure using kids. I know the equipment should be cheaper than it is and it would be nice to know how much a prosthesis for a kid actually costs and why and from what company so when you make a contribution to a kid it actually goes to a kid for their prosthesis and not funneled/laundered using a cute kid for the advertisement and for contributions and to float a news agency giving quite a bit of false news and propaganda which of course makes one think perhaps The Shriners ads are propaganda as well since both work hand in hand. (I only see the ad on the Fox station.) like the WOUNDED WARRIORS ads. The Shriners wear a hat with dangly tassles like those hats which used to be worn in Turkey, Armenia, Libya, Morocco Algeria, and other northern Africa states or countries that surround the Mediteranean Sea (See of Peter) and including obviously Pakistan and India and others. Seems to me Fox station uses kids a lot like Laura In Graham as in Billy with a cross used abortion to get a Press job on Fox News. She has the personality of a bully from what I have seen and witnessed using others usually men. Laura is very adept at manipulation of men (and the other M’s which are known as signs of a sociopath and possibly a psychopath) and using others so they don’t even realize it using her charm which is the charm of a snake though Mark Fuhrman knows because he is a psychopath/sociopath and they usually hang out with each other (flock together) but I wonder where she learned her skills? Her religion of grace? Not a skill used for good or will even have good results because her skills will aid and abet evil because she is what she is: a snake. Men don’t recognize female snakes as easily as females do. She had a bit of a hard time hiding her snake hood when interviewing Trump but for a flash it showed and I saw it. Git outta here! LOL Is it getting warmer Laura? A MINORITY VIEW

    Individual ignorance vs. government stupidity

    Laura In Graham as in Billy with a cross apologized for her poor performance on the interviews at the White House by telling her audience she was between 4 or 5 different press conferences and was amid the chaos and excitement. It kind of sounded like an airport. No problem, it was just a teaser. As far as Bernie Sanders election debacle it could be a ploy from the start, a diversion for later leading nowhere because the Dems don’t care and I don’t the think the Reps do either except proving the Dems don’t play fair. We already knew it. However Donna Brazile helped to color it to see the techniques used and I don’t think it was a distraction but a lesson. Knowing government is corrupt isn’t enough. I’m not sure that the conclusions drawn by many people are RIGHT ON because I see things from my viewpoint which is probably quite different than Donna Braziles perspective: Hands on experience. Reminds me of the movie Cable Guy with Matthew Broderick who is dealing with a nutty cable guy Jim Carey at the end of the hallway and it takes forever to reach the doorway. Slow motion terror. Blockades to the truth of something important that our government and the RCC are hiding/avoiding and more. Every little bit of truth helps and sometimes are bigger steps than we realize. Helps to become more knowledgeable. I didn’t read her book but heard ALOT about her experience and in truth I hate politics partially because it’s everywhere.

    Trump got into office about 9 months ago so we’ll see what he is able to accomplish and what the first lady is able to accomplish. So far she has been treated like shit as far as the books she donated, her clothing and her looks have nothing to do with it LOL but behind every good and decent man is a great woman. So I’m gonna wait and see what they are able to do as a team in our government against a ferocious, vicious, voracious, felonious group of people in high places and on both sides of the aisle and ensconsed in our government
    but in the mean time
    I’m offering
    my ideas which are like taking a load of bricks off your back.
    If you try to believe, in truth, you will see results,
    good ones, astounding results. Instead of striving and thriving
    people would be
    living and wouldn’t need opioids.


    One great idea I have for some smart entrepreneurs (rich ones) is to buy the rights to earlier versions of software and make the outdated software able to work on newer versions or all versions of computers. Most of the earlier versions of software were better than the later versions of software and some of the art program software are sufficient and should be able to be used on later versions of computer systems. Its like the movies part one was usually the most interesting as in Star wars, The Hobbit moues and most movie series, etc so we get so we get to see earlier versions of movies on later versions of television yet we can’t play earlier versions of software or programs? Are newer computer operating systems too dumb to rise to the occasion or are new operating systems ripping off the consumer? Should we be able to get our money back a refund for the rip off from the companies involved. I think there ought to be a Class Action Lawsuit in regards to this dilemma if software companies and computer companies can’t remedy the problem eventually and start appreciating their consumers. I wonder who would win?

    Not one news story I could find on the main news sites within a few days of the worst mass murder in a church in Texas because of the Roy Moore sex scandals in Alabama except Fox News not even Drudge. “It is not my customary behavior””said Judge Roy Moore in an interview with Hannity in another location as far as his sexual misconduct towards a 14 year old GIRL and some other GIRL teens who have come forward and Hannity didn’t ask him “is it your uncustomary behavior say when you have had too much to drink? Protecting his favorite vice? “It is not my customary behavior” is kind of a yes answer as was “I will start going to church” which was what my brother-in-law said to me when I confronted him and we had a meeting at their house at my sister’s home and at her request after my first attempt meeting and the shit hit the fan and I received  some unkind words from Gary over the phone later the same day such you fucking liar in response to my meeting with my sister etc though she didn’t attend the second meeting but clanked pots, pans, and dishes around in the kitchen instead as if a clean kitchen was more important than the behavior of her husband towards me. What is kind of strange is my older sister started taking on the characteristics physically of Greta Van Susterne who was invaded by Billy Graham and his son the older she got and the more she resented me and kind of like my mother-in-law as well especially when I tried to show her my invention which was up for a patent by a patent lawyer but never was able to get it going because of a lack of money and interest on the part of my sisters. every part of it was patentable which is quite amazing since it was gonna require quite a few parts which had to be replaced and would have been a money maker but because of the accusations by me about her husband in the past and present and because he lost a bunch of money on the Stock Market and blamed me and my mom it was not gonna to succeed if she had anything to do with it. She lost a lot of herself as time went by and because of peer pressure and other reasons blew it. Hopefully she will reassemble somehow and realize she was involved in a cult a very devious occult which tricks even her and her husband. EVIL IS EVIL. I didn’t control the stock market and nor did my mom so it might have been God punishing him and they took it out on us and so I think its gonna take some time for them to get it together or it was an act of evil to cause more evil to our families using money which isn’t unheard of. She cared more about the loss of money than she did about his bad behavior and it’s affects on everyone else including her kids (mostly her daughters and females – in general) which are deep but it also affected her in a deep way as well. I wish she hadn’t gone to SMU and poured beer on is head so he would remember her in the barn party she and he partied in for a frat party anointing him (his dad was in the oil business- CONOCO and his mom’s name was the same as my mom’s name) but then we wouldn’t have their kids in this world so I guess it was meant to be and eventually it will work itself out (like a bad seed stuck in her intestines) with the help of God.
     By the way, what happened to Andrea Tantaros? I considered her to be the smartest of the Fox News contributors who was on daily (The Five and then moved down to position on the show called Outnumbered, kind of a menage-females, a silly show mocking females, which is what happened to me when I complained about my treatment on the job years later when the uncustomary behavior cropped up again and again and the final straw was the low down and dirty butt grab which I consider to be sexual assault at the office. I was moved down, degraded and debased and even my hourly wage was reduced and obviously the church isn’t help, thug the church could have, but didn’t.). I have read she made beau coups of money on a lawsuit but just because I read it doesn’t mean it’s true. Why doesn’t Andrea Tantaros have her own show like Hannity and Laura In Graham as in Billy? SHe got in trouble during the election period of the many Republican candidates when Fox was making abortion the coup détat of the election, the key to the possibility of the Presidency, and trying to make the candidates react to some unusual probing and stigmas to get a reaction not in order to educate the public but to elicit bad behavior for ratings (sponges react) and she had good reason to let on about it IMO (because of her brother and sexual abuse on the job to degrade her.)  I would believe Fox News is/was a fair news station if I saw Andrea Tantaros and Gretchen Carlson and others using the bully pulpit (the press) fairly and intelligently if I could see it. Is it because Laura In Graham as in Billy couldn’t manipulate Andrea Tantaros but could manipulate Hannity rewarding ignorance and debauchery: “Git outta here.”  Using the Southern Belle approach, eh?
    I say the same when I communicate with my cats if they’re throwing up hairballs, their food, or trying to urinate in my powder room but not the same tone; It’s people like Laura InGraham as in Billy with a cross on who indulge sexual predators (an RCC double-standard) because it makes her sick not the indulgence but the truth. She can’t even handle hearing about one of the incidents she’s so squeamish which more than likely is an act, git outta here. How was she able to give birth to a kid…. via an inner tube, osmosis, a virgin birth, intravenously? How the hell did she get a show about the news, mostly political news but with some of her religion? Will Laura In Graham as in Billy with a cross on interview Former Judge Roy Moore running for the Senate and ask the right questions or is she not smart enough. It’s not like they’re related, or is she? I don’t think she has an iota of courage so I doubt she will ask the right questions even if given the chance. I guess we shall see, won’t we. I’m sure he would attend.
    Fox News Sunday is blaming Steve Bannon saying something like “that’s what happens when you let Steve Bannon…incumbent….etc” I didn’t stay to listen but I thought how did Steve Bannon get in this debate? Maybe he did entice the Judge to run for the Senate? I don’t know. Did Steve Bannon know about the young ladies 32 years ago? OR Did Fox News know about the young ladies. How did Fox News know and when? The press is trying to take out Steve Bannon (because people like him….something about his hair) for some reason and using Judge Roy Moore to upset something or other in Trumps administration and their relationship.  How weird can it get?
    According to Carly Fiorina who says “everyone knows” would mean that Steve Bannon knew about Judge Roy Moore 32 years ago. Most people uninvolved in the event don’t know unless are told and depending on the information have to determine what is reasonable and what isn’t reasonable depending on their boundaries. I doubt most of the potential voters knew beyond reasonable doubt. I think she is wrong but she is vehement in her disdain for sexual harassment and probably a victim of it to some extent because most woman face it (especially in the Obama dynasty) and probably feels she was screwed out of winning the nomination. Being against abortion to the extent she was against it is what made her lose, IMO. Using videos no one has seen of proof of the allegations about body parts being sold and livers the size of a grain of sand being bought and other things she rumored with many others is why she lost the nomination but she can blame Trump if she wants to as Hillary blames Putin and the communists for losing the election. Obama made Hillary lose the election with the help of John Kerry and the event in Libya called Benghazi and her responses. “What difference does it make?” ONe thing I think it is good to have the conversation in the public arena but what can be done to change it and she didn’t have a clue.
    WHO reported the story about Judge Roy Moore’s and these young ladies trysts first ONE MONTH BEFORE AN ELECTION? Steve Bannon? Trump? Putin? Judge Roy Moore? or Fox news?

    Called LOGIC! and not to mention but I will

    Hoisted by One’s Own Petard’

    NOW Judge Roy Moore is gonna sue the Washington Post. Did the Washington Post call Shepard Smith of Fox News in regards to the massacre in New York City when he blurted out the name of the hospital (which was supposed to be off limits to air on the news) that was caring for some wounded and caring for the assailant (still alive) who mowed down some bicyclists on a bicycle path with a Home Depot truck?? Who was on the phone with Shepard Smith when he made his blunder? The Washington Post? Wasn’t it the Washington Post who were made famous by two reporters in regards to DEEP THROAT in the past during the Nixon Administration in order to exact revenge against Nixon (who got us out of the Vietnam jungles)

      in order to have him impeached for taping Rev. Billy Graham saying in regards to the jews “They don’t know how I really feel about them.”Is Fox News affiliated with the Washington Post? Is the Washington Post affiliated with the Vatican? WHO IS MEDDLING WITH THE AMERICAN ELECTIONS? WERE THESE YOUNG LADIES MANIPULATED TO COME OUT AT THIS TIME TO AFFECT AN ELECTION AND WHY? Who was it that steered the press to PUFF BILLY GRAHAM in the first place? Why? To shill for the Roman Catholic Church. I think it was William Randolph HEARST a publishing mogul at the time and is he related to the Secretary of State of the Vatican?  Secretary to the Popes. Ganswein. There was a movie about William Randolph Hearst called Citizen Kane starring Orson Wells which had a kind of a funny ending regarding the name Rosebud which is the translation of the original name of Mother Teresa, mother of a death cult called Hospice which murdered my mom and boy was that a mistake!!!!. Not to mention the car rental of Hertz for funerals. There is a saying about things you can be sure of in life but it’s not life…it’s death as is the Vatican. He looks an awful lot like a relative of Secretary of State (Vatican) GEORG Ganswein. I think the name Hearst is the same name but in Germany it is spelled Hurst with two dots above the “ü”. There is a castle in California called the Hearst Castle which I have seen from afar near Los Angelos. I wonder if it’s related? A propaganda hub? or a museum?

    William Randolph Hearst III on ‘Citizen Kane’ and the Meaning of “ROSEBUD”

    Not only did “ü” fuck with the wrong family I think “ü” fucked with the wrong country and more than likely “ü” fucked with the wrong countries. Would it bother the lady on Fox if Jesus were a bastard, or if Jesus didn’t have a belly button? Which would be worse? Would it bother the lady on Fox if Jesus lied about the mustard seed being the smallest of seed? which is worse: he lied about the mustard seed, he didn’t have a belly button, or he was a bastard. The lady on Fox reminds me of a friend who had a brother who thought he was jesus because he was a schitzophrenic, and she was quite deaf, not attractive at the time, and she never married and a GOOD friend of my older sister who hospiced my mom without telling me till it was done whose dad was a major general in the army who was an MIA in the Congo for a while who came out of the Congo as Bugilosi who supported the Warren Commissions findings about the JFK assassination and was in love with the President’s wife at the time (Jackie) and would do anything for her and such as support of the one bullet theory which is outrageous as is whether or not Jesus was born a certain way as if it makes any difference. What difference does it make whether Jesus was born a virgin? He was born a virgin, but of a virgin. I think she was a virgin and I guess that makes her special because no one wanted to marry her as the daughter of the general until……she became a fox correspondent, I suppose, the one with the dark hair with a slight speech impediment which comes out sometimes ( I recognize it) due to being quite deaf for quite a while and used hearing aids and who liked GARY my sister’s husband too much who called me the day I left my parents home super early without a word because he was harassing me the night before to tell me to talk to my sister or brother-in-law in order to confront them which I did when they came home from their visit. And she lied to my parents and the lie took on a life of it’s own. Her name was Nancy and her maiden name is RAT as in TAN. I saw her brother or his image in Syria for some reason a while back. The other older brother. I was nearly deaf but I didn’t need hearing aids and was cured on the advice of a good doctor who deterred us from having some kind of operation and my parents took the advice and we moved not to FRANCE where the RATS moved over but to England. Take this however you should JOHN 3:16FOR GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD………

    So Long Farewell from The Sound of Music – YouTube

    Anyway she was dribbling on air about the bastardization of Jesus which offended her having to do with Judge Roy Moore…I have no idea how it got to this point but it has or what one had to do with the other. Normally I like her input but she is too politically correct and then I recognized her impediment one day while watching her on one of the appearances and I guess it slipped out and then I recognized her. IS it because she was a virgin for so long which must make her feel kind of special like her brother a schizophrenic who thought he was Jesus. I wonder if some of it was in her too. THE VIRGIN DNA of schitzoidphrenia. Some schizoids actually do see things we don’t see like the one in Africa at Nelson Mandela’s funeral/wake who saw angels as he was signing for the deaf. She could have been a nun except she masturbated at least she told me so. Did her brother or Gary convince her she was MARY in carnage? By the way what did you do for Andrea Tantaros. Did you stand by her in court? Or did you replace her? Have you ever mentioned Mother Teresa’s Hospice via the RCC as being evil on Fox? Which is a bigger miracle ADAM or JESUS? EVE or JESUS? The Roman Catholic Church or the World we call Earth? Did John 3:16 say, “For God so loved the Roman Catholic Church………or For God so loved the world that whoever had faith in him……or For God so loved the world that he gave his only son that whoever sacrificed in him….or For God so loved the world that he gave his only son that whoever believed in the virgin birth……or For God so loved the world that he gave his only son that whoever believed that conception is the beginning of life…….AND WHO IS HIM? God and/orJesus. Is it necessary to be born of a virgin? A lot of people are born of a virgin, but does it make them god-like?: Islam, hinduism, buddhists, etc. What about his brothers? Were they older or younger? There seems to be quite a few hims in the gospels whose personalities aren’t the same. It isn’t hard to tell when you compare the gospels and especially the accounts given on the same event. Some sound like lunatics and some don’t. I believe the one that isn’t a lunatic and think he was trying to talk sense to people about blind faith. Doesn’t mean God does’t care for you too because He knows there are a plethora/multitude of liars enough lies to build many third world/countries. And since we have learned the mustard seed isn’t the smallest of seed (PHYSICAL EVIDENCE since the microscope was invented which it wasn’t at the time) and Jesus of the Gospel of John would not commit to man because he knew what was in man (sperMATocyte smaller than a mustard seed) we ought to try to put the dilemma into perspective and “Consider the source,” as my mom would say. And was the meaning actually born of a VIRGO? OR born in August or September the virgo time between August 23rd through September 22 or was his mom a virgo? Later when I was with my family including Gary etc and was with my sister’s best friend in my parents town at a party in some club I noticed she kind of flirted with Gary and I thought ‘How weird’ because she knew about him when she called me that morning. Thinking about it today I think she just liked him as everyone did because he was likable and humorous. His kids liked him, their friends (the kids friends) liked him, our family liked him, etc. and not because of his family heirloom. I liked him but I didn’t want to have a sexual relationship because he was my brother-in-law and because it wouldn’t sit well with his wife (my sister) and I sure wouldn’t feel right about it but I wasn’t gonna punish myself for being her sister and I guess the same for her friend. My sister was her best friend growing up. His manifestation was spiritual as well and usually got out of control when drinking, but not always. It wasn’t his customary behavior. It was a tough situation sometimes between the two and especially when it became apparent she and he were entrapping me for their reputation’s sake. I didn’t handle some situations very well as I wish I had but I didn’t have a handbook telling me what to do in certain situations and what not to do in certain situations and not knowing what he had in his mind or when he would pull something. We were all very close knit. When their friends got involved to help my sister it made it even harder in order to blame me when THEY KNEW he had a problem and so did everyone else as well. My family did the best it could under the circumstances. My brother came from California to visit to try to mend the family and his way was to keep it in our generation which was NOBLE for our parents sake and for the kids and my relationship with my parents because Gary wasn’t about to admit it and was even fishing when my brother stayed at their home in regards to the meeting knowing what the meeting was about but acting like he didn’t which my brother told me about at the meeting. He was a lawyer and he ought to know and he did. So we tried his way. My sister wouldn’t adhere to his way or he didn’t tell her his way because she made a big effort to have me watch the movie about a girl who lies about her sister’s husband having raped her and ruining their marriage for many years in the movie called Atonement. I didn’t know what it was about when it was suggested and she rented it for us to watch but she did because she had seen it and Gary went to bed instead of watching it because I think he knew what it was about. He often went to bed early anyway. I watched it and I didn’t know what to say in return. It was like GEEZZ. She eventually bought the movie and tried to force it upon the family for a family reunion when visiting my mom and every one luckily turned her request down for something else which was like GEEZZ. It’s a kind of movie you only need to see once but she imagined herself as the character Keira Knightly played in the movie and then at another time or may have been the same night said something about the guy at the office who married someone who looked like me while we were in the car probably on the way  getting the movie to watch. I didn’t even ask nor did I want to know. I was hoping to get past it: the mess at the office and in our lives and she wasn’t ready to get past it, I guess. ONE of the visits she sat in the only chair in the living room and then there were two couches. Everyone sitting on the couches and one seat left was next to Gary when I walked into the living room. So I purposefully turned my back his way and it was also convenient due to the physical locations of family on couches to chit chat and after a long time she finally had him come over and sit beneath her sitting in the chair so she could rub his neck or back. So I had the whole couch to myself, lol and I felt much more comfortable. She could have offered me the chair so she could sit with her husband on the couch, but didn’t. She should have learned how to handle the deal as she expected us to handle the deal which would have helped everyone involved a great deal. She was punishing me and him in a weird way. She had told me in the past about something that happened with him and his sister but I never really got the scoop about it (she told me early in their marriage) but I knew changing one’s first name is kind of odd. Lots of things in between happened but very hard to regurgitate for this post over and over again. He had a hard time with boundaries especially when drinking as most people do but we had a past situation when he molested me in my sleep next to her. He was into risky behavior as well such as rubbing his feet on my LITTLE sisters feet under the table at dinner out with the families or showing his fireman’s cap above his shorts on the floor where he laid while watching a movie together as family on a family reunion with kids from most of the families and grandparents seated and some on the floor as well. I think it was to harass but the same night my sister drank the calamine lotion. Risky behavior besets risky behavior such as one of their daughters driving 100 mph down a road in South Padre with her boyfriend and his two children from a previous marriage as a reaction to something that triggered her to react which she would not normally do which is why it is important to handle sexual abuse correctly. I don’t think most people have figured it out and if we keep quiet about it the person who comes out looking like shit is the abused reacting to something unwanted. IF we don’t discuss hospice (Mother Teresa) we are collaborating, IMO like many did during the nazi generation in many countries across Europe. NO it does not make one more tolerant of bad behavior to discuss it. IT empowers victims and helps them overcome and belittles the assailant which it should and makes them less likely to do it again and to seek help to change their behavior and helps other people in similar situations. Secrecy and lies do the opposite. Silence of the lambs hurts the lambs and helps the wolves. Silence puts the wolf at an advantage and the lamb at a disadvantage for later abuse in various ways to sully their reputations with entrapments, enticements, bribes, putting them in situations they would not understand or know how to handle with premeditation by the wolf and the victim (lamb) is re-victimized making them even more afraid to speak out and puts their families in jeopardy. Psychopaths and sociopaths are made in this fashion. It is a learned behavior. It can be unlearned as well. The catholic adage “silence is golden” is not a good adage unless you are planning a surprise party. My daughter planned one for herself when she was a kid without telling her parents and even made invitations and gave them out and I found out either the day of or the day before and had to (even though it was cute and precocious) upset her plans and disinvite her guests to teach her otherwise I would have created a monster eventually if she persisted and if I had complied. Gary’s mom from what I heard would serve her sons steak for breakfast. She spoiled her sons, IMO. and not to mention the thing about his younger sister and I’m sure there is more I don’t know about in regards to how he was raised but therein lies the sea of troubles in our family, IMO was how he was raised by his family who were in the oil business. Our family reacted not always in the correct way but we didn’t cause the trouble nor did we understand the plea for help from victims and even the abuser and the abused wife but we tried a few avenues which weren’t sufficient because the devil fools with the best laid plans even my brother’s plan which was a good plan and meant for good to keep it in our generation however his intent wasn’t the problem (because he wasn’t a sociopath or a psychopath) and because our family exposed the lie about the mustard seed with other people who have done the same but ours was instrumental in regards to the exposure of the smallest of seed and the meaning of life: “a work of art in progress as my niece informed me. I have read that hell is paved with good intentions but I don’t believe it just because I read it somewhere: Hell is paved with bad intentions. How did anyone get there before cement? So it’s only an adage and meaningless. However lies such as gaining 70 or so virgins by martyring oneself in order to kill a bunch of people using murder suicide tactics is a road to hell. It’s a pretty bad lie. Sarah Palin says sexual harassment doesn’t happen to her because she is packing I think she means she owns a gun or has a gun (Franklin Graham) and has a carry license but she doesn’t realize she was taken in by Franklin Graham and now our food chain has been poisoned to the nth degree but luckily tuna helps detox even mercury in the ocean. My brother got sick with some debilitating physical condition and I think it was because he loved tuna to the point as a teenager eating a loaf of tuna sandwiches for lunch which he prepared a specific way which was unusual. KETCHUP, WORCHESTSHIRE sauce, AND A-ONE Sauce. Every time I eat tuna and I love tuna my sciatic nerve acts up – a coincidence I have learned from. I don’t know how long it will take for the oceans to clear up but I think it will. I don’t think red crabs and starfish are lining the california beaches lately so it’s a good sign and I think radioactivity measurements have lessened since the tsunami in Japan and the nuclear accidents at the nuclear sites in Japan as a result when the starfish were noticed (starfish have one nerve and it includes its mouth and a bunch of starfish starved) and the red crabs were photoed moving up the western coastline dead on the beaches looking for food because of the lack of a critter called plankton which provides oxygen to them and to whales and other mammals in the ocean (and also provides 1/3 oxygen to the earth) but we should have warning in regards to when Japan decides to vent it’s nuclear waste (because it has to vent the nuclear waste from time to time) so people (especially vulnerable people, the elderly or those who have asthma or certain conditions) can avoid the beaches affected for a season or two and avoid eating tuna and sushi for a short time to avoid health problems and sciatic nerve problems which can be very painful and debilitating and possible DNA alterations that could have a lasting affect on future generations which in this case truth is VERY important affecting our health situation. The wave crests and the tides eventually clean things up with abrasive salt-PH balance and sand to help the wounds hopefully and because of tuna and ocean life like it. Here is a question for Sarah Palin: Will your son be packing when you are gone? If the NWO persists which the BGEA is for because power loves power and the BGEA obviously was involved somehow with the NEOCATECHUMANaL WAY because it is a Roman Catholic cult within a cult and being a shill for the RCC hence the New World Order. In Nazi Germany people like your son didn’t pack and I don’t think he took you under his wing for your son however useful in the mean time but because of HAARP technology located in ALASKA, your state or was until the election at the time. A good infrastructure because of nuclear power would be to provide radioactive type measurements taken daily in a bunch of vulnerable locations and recorded and chronicled available to citizens via internet, tv, and cell phone in order to make decisions about what they eat and where they travel for a period of time. Instead of fish chinese or japanese style people might eat chicken meals (japanese or chinese style). I know the additive that oriental foods usually include in their meals to enhance flavor or to keep fresh fruit and veggies from browning called MSG affects people with asthma detrimentally sometimes unto death and I imagine affects people with conditions such as COPD and other breathing type ailments especially due to the shortage of plankton in some areas which eventually will increase and due to things like listeria and other type food contaminations that happen from time to time and other limitations. Maybe a graph type with numbers information which might save a bunch of money in various ways (health) but would affect business for short periods of time. I think it is necessary because of the benefit health wise and to the mortality rate of our country to compete and hopefully be the best in the world and prove our respect for nuclear power as we should respect our oceans and the reason for it’s abundance. CLEAN ENERGY? Someday we might figure out a good way to dispose of nuclear waste which doesn’t affect anything on earth. Somewhere uninhabitable like the sun. It sends solar flares we ought to reciprocate in kind. I think it is powerful enough to destroy it. Scientists are following a moth’s eyeball because it absorbs light at night and doesn’t reflect keeping them safer from predators by not reflecting the light from their eyes unlike deer and cats and using it as an example for solar energy (getting the most out of solar energy which must be flailing or they wouldn’t need to change the design of the solar panels and where as flat solar panels reflect 40 percent of the light (energy?) instead of absorbing the light and are not conserving energy by 40 percent which is a big percent, but I have to ask why don’t you see moths out in the day? Maybe moth eyeballs could absorb nuclear waste? Just kidding. Does a solar panel no matter what design or how large have the capability and/or the possibility of providing all of the energy needs to a big city full of citizens and illegals for months as does one lightning bolt? Noticed a technology about disintegrating trash, waste and even coal (the bad stuff left over) called gasification and thought a lightning bolt could do the trick if you can attract it to the point or place needed for gasification. “The ocean covers more than 70 percent of the surface of our planet. It’s hard to imagine, but about 97 percent of the Earth’s water can be found in our oceans. Of the tiny percentage that’s not in the ocean, about two percent is frozen up in glaciers and ice caps.”

    I don’t mean to be mean, but think about it with the information provided here and elsewhere and reflect about the possibilities and why sometimes things happen to good people.

    I knew it was a spiritual manifestation because when I was at the hospital for my 6 week checkup and still had holes in me from surgery the surgery I had when I nearly died the first time and very sore a man in the waiting room (a man I didn’t know) harassed me about my back while I was in the hallway attempting to protect myself from his companion and him after his companion nearly attacked me with her HUGE cane and blamed me for his outbursts in the waiting room (everyone had waited about 6 hours to see a doctor during a doctor shortage at the hospital and were getting along quite well even so) and I didn’t know her either. Next time I saw her after seeing the doctor she didn’t even recognize me. It was before the incident at my sisters home in regards to the couch but it wasn’t the first time I gave him my back for my own comfort zone. I do remember sitting next to him at a mexican restaurant with family earlier and he acted like it was a big deal and excited him for some reason. It wasn’t. I was trying to act normal and no matter what I did it wasn’t normal. No one could have handled it better than our family handled it and it still went awry because it was a spiritual manifestation and not just risky behavior but something else was afoot. It was something she and he had to work out but never did as far as I know and the situation got worse when she got involved with the BGEA going to a women’s retreat in North Carolina. GOT NASTY and CRUEL and ridiculous as well. I was expected to handle it while he wasn’t expected to handle it and she wasn’t expected to handle it, etc. It was a weird deal. I kind of knew something wasn’t right when I first met him. I think I was about 12 or 13 years of age and at the airport to pick him up to go to a yearly army picnic and he looked me over too much but I was too young to understand. I even remember the shorts and the color pattern of the shorts I wore that day and they were long shorts the style at the time that’s how much it stuck with me. I don’t remember what he was wearing. During the picnic I was into eating hotdogs and hamburgers for free and volleyball and being a kid. I have no idea what they did during the picnic. As far as four females coming out a month before an election 32 years later in regards to Judge Roy Moore it could be it was delayed for political purposes but perhaps they thought they were doing the right thing civically by coming out at the time they did before the election however I don’t know the intent of others involved. Probably a mix of things. Politics, religion, and other factors. Michelle Malkin has lots to say about false accusers on the Hannity Show and obviously she is right that each accusation needs to be investigated and judged on a case to case basis but in sexual crimes which seem to be rampant usually the criminal has it’s personality which leaves clues  especially when there are more than one victim and probably psychologically deep inside want to be caught in order to stop spiritual manifestations controlling the action, entertainment, or activity. However a signing of a yearbook though I don’t know what was written ties him to a victim but doesn’t necessarily prove anything. I think their stories are more important and should be valued by whomever is evaluating it in regards to his run and their lawsuits. Fox showed his lawyers just now who are going to deal with the possibility of  forgery in regards to the yearbook and making it public. One Fox news woman thinks it shouldn’t be for public consumption but it already is in the public so the lawyers have a right to pursue for their client the truth about the yearbook and do it in public. WHO made it public to begin with incessantly? I sure didn’t know about it till I heard about it on Fox News. She ought to hold Fox news to task, not the lawyers. I think there is a Fox News and press hatred of southern accents a BIAS against Southerners as if all Southerners are slave holders or all Southerners are backwards, etc. and Steve Bannon also has an accent. I think this may have come out because of the press dislike of Steve Bannon AND TRUMP using someone else who may or may not have a problem, or two, or three, or four AND USE as a distraction as well politically against TRUMP via Bannon via the judge and now the lawyers. Fox didn’t have to air the news conference but it’s their folly on the heels of the firing of Bill O’REILLY and near firing of Hannity and the Kuerig nonsense and Judge Roy Moore and ESPECIALLY Sheppard Smith’s blunder CAUGHT on air in regards to a mass murder in New York City of some bicyclists and pedestrians with a Home Depot vehicle and while attempting to dis-seat Jeff Sessions as a communist (RIDICULOUS) and appease him with a Senate Seat somehow? Kind of like the GORE trade blaming the wrong things and making a lot of money doing it and global warming to climate change was originally a Vatican idea as are most calamities which are Vatican inspired. PRE-KNOWLEDGE of the self fulfilling type. SOMETHING BIG IS GOIN ON’! WHY? If it is forgery and one person is lying does it mean the other three are lying? It’s a possibility the evidence was produced to discredit the real victims. I noticed on the Hannity show all about Clinton and his detractors (the daughter of the Senator of Arizona referred to them as bimbos) someone that looked like the lady who was bowing to the pope (Pope Francis) in regards to abortion videos making accusations of selling baby parts without any evidence as of yet in the public who looks an awful lot like Juanita but not the same person who was raped by Clinton and I noticed the one that was supposed to be trailer trash who said “I’m not that kind of girl” after he dropped his pants and he doesn’t rape her as he did Juanita. Obviously the circumstances were different but didn’t sound like he was too serious about getting it on with Paula White, I mean Jones, whereas he bit the lip of Juanita after raping her and was totally belligerent with her which rapists generally are belligerent which made her fear for her life as MANY of their friends did after some unusual deaths in their circle of friends. (Vince Foster, Ron Brown, Ed Willey and many more

    The List of Clinton Associates Who’ve Died Mysteriously. Check It Out …

    Not saying it was the Clintons who killed them, but someone murdered lots of people who did not deserve to be murdered and made them out to be suicides and or accidents which is usually a mob type activity. (MAFIOSA) which is italian for mob. (CABAL, GANG, FRATERNITY, FACTION, LOBBY, SYNDICATE, COSA NOSTRA, GANGSTERS, RACKETEERS) Doesn’t sound like the same person dealing with Paul White, I mean, Jones and Juanita. The one that raped Juanita I think is the same one who messed with Kathleen Willey who both knew him to some degree beforehand whereas Paula White, I mean Jones, didn’t know him. I think the suicide/murder of Willey’s husband is also important and good reason to be afraid of the Clintons or whomever is/was controlling the Clintons which I believe is part of the mystery which is imperative to figure out. Monica Lewinsky was in love with him so it was totally different. By afraid I mean because obviously a lunatic is involved in some of these political liaisons, deaths, suicides, entrapments, discrediting of victims, etc. I don’t think Ron Brown or Vince Foster or Ed Willey and the others who were murdered were bimbos. Was Mary Mahoney a bimbo? Was Mary Jo Kopechne considered to be a bimbo? Senator Kennedy was given the cold shoulder by Pope Benedict XVl during his last days. I wonder why. And then pictures erupted on the internet of Pope Benedict XVl portrayed as the son of Stalin in his youth and replaced by a Jesuit pope when he retired.  Hmmmm The Clintons publicly prayed with Rev. Billy Graham and he was remembered for saying ‘he wished he hadn’t gotten into politics’ as his son has also done but isn’t necessarily the Presidential advisor (press advisor-Greta, Laura In Graham as in Billy wearing a cross, and others) as I think Billy Graham was to quite a few presidents politically and religiously ….but not Truman who said he knew Billy Graham was a charlatan., but Billy Graham was also a shill for the Roman Catholic Church and the Vatican puffed him in the news at the direction of and by the powerful press mogul William Randolph Hearst. “The devil entered the Vatican” said one bishop or cardinal, someone high up in the hierarchy of the Vatican. I saw Kerry’s previous employee on Fox at my Patent lawyers office playing secretary very similar anyway. She’s not the only secretary I recognize! Do you recall Chandra Levy? She and Gary Condit (House of Representatives) were kind of involved somehow (sexually) and she ended up strangled in a park. She was an intern for the Federal Bureau of Prisons in Washington DC. (I think found her bones in the park)!˜) There is a swamp in Washington DC full of all kinds of critters which is why we should go to Consumption tax which would prevent a lot of troubles. A Sea of troubles and we still haven’t heard neither seen hyde nor hair of the witnesses at Benghazi. 30 or more witnesses taken to Germany via Senator John Kerry who took over the State Department replacing Hillary Clinton and desperately tried to get us involved in a war in Syria for Obama and the witnesses were silenced at the State Department. Only thing we heard is one was at Bethesda hospital afraid as we heard from Lindsay Graham during the time of the two coups in Egypt during the Obama Administration. By allowing vulnerability in our federal government because of income taxation and unfair trade and a multitude of lobbyists affecting our government and sexual temptations because of character weaknesses or bad marriages has caused the deaths of many people using money that isn’t there  … CREDIT. I believe consumption tax would alleviate a lot of the troubles plaguing Washington DC and our country which stands for freedom yet often doesn’t but if we went to consumption tax there would be no reason to lobby or less reasons to lobby and less reasons for temptations and/or entrapments. Percentages could be used for the taxes to the places the collected consumption taxes needs to go and if the representatives stayed in their state where their constituents are located they might actually have more success in their states and less partying in Washington DC with a bunch of lobbyists and those who want to control or destroy the USA and the representatives. SIMPLIFY and DECENTRALIZE! Fox News is reporting via some reporter that Rand Paul is gonna vote for the tax bill and wants other fellow Republicans to do the same however like the Secretary of State Rex W. Tillerson said in regards to Trump:

    Let him speak for himself!

    Especially since he was attacked recently by a neighbor and now has broken ribs. I think it would be wise to listen to RAND PAUL SPEAK to make sure he isn’t being mischaracterized by Fox. If he is being mischaracterized we got a BIG PROBLEM with Fox. I was impressed by Al Franken’s press conference and I bet he feels better as well. Hopefully he can mend some relationships he kind of messed up or misunderstood.  He obviously feels he can or he wouldn’t have made himself available to be questioned. I bet the people on the shit list and the shit list maker and the treasury person who paid the women off aren’t feeling the same, hopefully. It also might embolden more women and shame more men which might help the situation at hand. He showed leadership in his attempt to come clean. I think his press conference was in earnest (though I don’t know him) and he set an example for others in the same boat because the list (I have a felling) is gonna unfold

    (Sort of like complaining about a business to the BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU which affects reputations of businesses and the public has access to the information as we should in government and we should call it the Better Government Bureau which will inform people and government of the people, by the people, and for the people who in government is vulnerable to blackmail and bribery and publish the information and send it to voters during the main elections (every two years) using the Voter Registration Administration Office to send in the mail and leave it up to the voter to read or to ignore and/or to discern the complaints some of which might be frivolous and some might be serious (as the complaints against Al Franken grew in a matter of days. I hadn’t heard about the butt grabbing till I wrote this but it could be rumors as well but let me say Fox does tend to report something and it grows so when you write responding to their news the next day it looks like you responded to newer news when you hadn’t even seen or heard the newer news….kind of a trick and I think it is purposeful if you ask me so people will respond and then they add on more like sometimes happens in sex scandals of piling on to make liars of everyone or to make people capitulate whatever it is Fox is trying to accomplish in order to steal the chickens like foxes do. I have seen it a lot by the press including FOX in regards to other subjects as well which is suspicious! It’s kind of persuasive in it’s intent since I know it is purposeful.) I do know some of the press is influenced by evil in some of the things said or done like watching the lady with cats living in a tent as if threatening others INTENTIONALLY as if the press controls the future of those who criticize the press and guess what – the PRESS isn’t in control though the press thinks so! I think the press will soon find out they aren’t. IN the bible in REVELATION it mocks the press GOD’s WINE PRESS because the press is DRUNK on the blood of saints and who makes saints? Who made Mother Teresa a saint? A volcano blew its top in Bali about the same time as the show about a female camper Bali is located in a cluster of small countries (islands) that make up the CONGLOMERATION called ASEAN. IT is a conglomeration made up of ten countries and I think it represents biblically and prophetically speaking the Ten Toes, however Bali is on the edge and is not one of the countries included in the ten country conglomeration. Recently Trump visited Indonesia and before that so did Obama BURMA/MYANMAR.

    “The Maya civilization occupied a wide territory that included southeastern Mexico and northern Central America. This area included the entire Yucatán Peninsula and all of the territory now incorporated into the modern countries of Guatemala and Belize, as well as the western portions of Honduras and El Salvador.”
    “Blood was viewed as a potent source of nourishment for the Mayadeities, and the sacrifice of a living creature was a powerful blood offering. By extension, the sacrifice of a human life was the ultimate offering of blood to the gods, and the most important Maya rituals culminated in human sacrifice.”

    I think the TEN TOES has been Islamicised as was attempted during WWll by the Jesuits who also took credit for the freedom the USA offered during WWll. Noticed on a documentary their tricks of the trade via Oliver North’s documentary about Douglas McArthur in the Philippines during WWll and the Jesuits inserted themselves to take some credit and coverup their misdeeds:torture and it was OBVIOUS where the problems in the Phillippines emanated from (Roman Catholicism, SPACIFICALLY The Jesuits because its their Modus Operandus and always has been to assassinate leaders both political and religious and cause havoc worldwide.). ASEAN is a very important area and near Vietnam as well. A plane disappeared in the oceans nearby pinging during the Obama Administration suspiciously disappeared of course and I think it is gonna play an important role in Revelation. I don’t think the TEN TOES plays a good role, but perhaps BALI will. See how close the straits are and how important those straits are to many countries. Is India Islamic? Is China Islamic? Is Australia Islamic? IS Saudi Arabia hindu or islamic?  The ten toes of ASEAN are predominantly ISLAMIC and eventually will be only ISLAMIC. Who prays using rosary beads? It’s a LUKE-RATIVE business, you know. Roman Catholicism and ISLAM as far as I know. Walter Veith a former Catholic raised as a Catholic has a wealth of information about the covenant (I think it’s the false covenant or one of the false covenants) between Roman Catholicism and ISLAM worth watching his videos on the subject matter at hand and also his other videos and sermons, but mostly imparting knowledge. He isn’t really a preacher or a priest but an educator. He is a very real teacher, unlike O’REILLY who thought the Jesuits were good disciplinarians if you like sadists, make a vow to the devil, and are into torture and burning people alive in ovens or burning them on a stake or in churches or at the World Trade Center in New York on 9-11!

    216 – The Islamic Connection / Total Onslaught – Walter Veith – YouTube

    The Islamic and Roman Catholic Connection By Walter Veith – YouTube Volcanos can do a lot of damage and I don’t think we can control volcanos. The Sundai (Sunda) Straits is nearby and played an important sign about 100 years or so ago with an eruption and it was felt all the way to Portugal. I wrote about it in one of my posts. The Volcanos I was writing about was called Krakatoa (Krakatau) and the son of Krakatoa (ANKrakatoa or ANAKRAKATOA)) which grew and erupted.  How far is Indonesia from Portugal? Quite a ways. It’s amazing what a volcano can do. Anyway it caused a great deal of damage in Portugal at the time. DUNG THEIR BELL(BAEL). Portugal at one time (more than one) was involved in torture of non-catholics and catholics as well, but mostly non-catholics, probably then. Also I presume the ten toes are of some kind of creature and since the islands have succumbed to Islam the creature could be Saudi Arabia and because of the straits and oil distribution. Toes are usually on feet, aren’t they? also heard a while back water was gonna be a bone of contention and I think that is evident by the hurricanes and dead crabs and dead starfish, dead plankton, etc so including beaches which are tourist attractions.  I think it has to do with the Sabbath dispute: Sunday vs Saturday which I have also written about the reason for the dispute I think had to do with the Ten Commandments: and the Jesus who represented the author of the Ten Commandments vs the Jesus who said the mustard seed was the smallest of seed (and used it as an example of faith and turned out to be a new innovation, inspiration, tool and as Pope Benedicts XVl said faith was the the New Enlightenment (probably a Roman Catholic ploy to gain followers) and turned out to be false since it isn’t the smallest of seed. It’s small and smaller than an acorn but it isn’t the smallest of seed even in the plant world. A woman of Fox on the news the other day BRAGGED she was a woman of faith ( I happen to like her but nevertheless she said it and it was kind of perplexing: WHICH ONE? ISLAM? ROMAN CATHOLIC? HINDU? BUDDHIST? ASHTORETH? Molech? The Volcano God (threw virgins into the volcano to appease the gods) THERE ARE A TON OF FAITHS SO WHEN SOMEONE says what she said you have to wonder not for joy what the hell she means or is she appeasing the gods of Fox News, THE WINEPRESS OF GOD, and not the only one? It has become a cliche and kind of limiting and demeaning, I think. KEEP THE FAITH BRO, crap.  In the Gospel of Luke Jesus says something about being straitened: not straightened.

    But I have a baptism to be baptized with; and how am I straitened till it be accomplished!
    I don’t think the author of the Gospel of Luke or the author of the passage in the Gospel of Luke is talking about water baptism. I think he is talking about baptism by fire.
    Doesn’t say I AM but says AM I antithesis of I AM that I AM.

    I have written about the Strait of Hormuz and the other strait on the other side of Saudi Arabia which has a lot to do with oil distribution, trade, and shipping, (I think) as does the Panama Canal. It’s related. How far is North Korea from Indonesia?

    YOU can check out my posts about I AM THAT I AM vs FAITH on

    Merangue’s Blog

    Both Hillary Clinton and George Bush made videos wishing Happy Birthday (their 100th anniversary) to the religion of the 7th Day Adventists who had some prophecies that did not come true given by some woman who I think may have started the religion? Or she misdiagnosed prophecy which isn’t hard to do. I’m not a 7th Day Adventist but anyway it was kind of unusual that both made videos obviously mocking the religion (both intensely influenced by Billy Graham (a shill for Roman Catholicism) and the founder of the religion. Kind of like Obama bringing a religious mantel to the Pope at the time. During the Bill Clinton years a bunch of people were killed in Waco because they were accused of arms collection and child abuse and were involved in a possible cult called the Branch Davidians and many were burned to death including a bunch kids and young people because of the enthusiasm of the government to resolve the assembly (FREEDOM) quickly with tanks: What about Roman Catholics abuse? It happened in Australia as well. A bunch of people were burned to death and even in California. But then came an earthquake which destroyed the Church of Christ sect and its assembly places. And then lately in Egypt and about ten years ago in Egypt as well to Coptic Christians. So you see politics is about religion, isn’t it? What religious country is in almost every country in the world? Calls itself a state and I believe SPONSORS state sponsored terrorism: ROME i.e. The Vatican and in particular: THE JESUITS using federal taxes funneled in a myriad of ways and means.

    and it should be accountable using tax dollars to pay off women who have been assaulted or sexually abused and/or harassed in the workplace and an obvious device for blackmailing our representatives in Congress as well which we need to straighten up. This is the USA, not Afghanistan! IF you believe women deserve respect you will want the list to unfold for the sake of the representatives involved and our government and for the women involved and those women in the future who will have to contend with the consequences of sexual harassment, sexual abuse, sexual assault and all the other nuances in-between to make a better society as a whole if we contend with it NOW and RISE ABOVE IT but Geraldo Rivera THE WAR CORRESPONDENT doesn’t want us to go down this road which is why we should! Maybe he is originally from the country of Columbia where Devil’s Breath is harvested but his main claim to fame is finding a tunnel which supposedly had treasure stored by a mobster and made a big show about it and it was empty – I guess it was warlike to have accomplished the scam in his mind’s eye. I imagine he might have something to hide or knows of some of the  hindrances to women in government and probably uses it because he is a kind of person who would. No one is trying to decapitate our representatives but trying to improve our government by un-encumbering them to the enemy of freedom and to learn to respect females because it is our responsibility to try and he doesn’t want us to try which is kind of what you call a COWARD and a little man WITHOUT COURAGE and definitely should not consider himself a WAR CORRESPONDENT more like a WAR DESPONDENT, DESPERADO, DEFUNCT OF COMMON SENSE. AN IDIOT and probably the worm in the picture below with a hood.   Lynch stood for the national anthem of Mexico while dissing the USA anthem yet I heard from a friend that once a year someone is beheaded in Padre which is on the border of Mexico and I guarantee it isn’t a United States of America tradition but Islamic. A bunch of students died in Mexico recently during the Obama Administration so the border is important and so is the wall. I still think army bases dotted on the border of Mexico with the USA would be very helpful to help curb illegal immigration and help with the economy on the border and help protect Americans and help ICE agents, help the Border Patrol Agents, etc and those serving on the border as agents of some kind. The Islamic lie about 70 something virgins gained if you terrorize (murder suicide) is a pretty bad lie. I was kind of harsh about Hannity having a show about the Clintons because it seemed flashy and because of the show before it not asking the judge “is it your uncustomary behavior…” but I’m kind of glad he did so I could see some things I had forgotten or not noticed (especially after seeing the you tubes making accusations about abortion sales of livers, organs and baby parts without any evidence to back it up) and since I have learned a few things about politics/religion and a lot about evil especially during the Obama Administration and having to do with the Vatican and Islam and some troubling things in the present administration. I think it was Billy Graham. He prayed with the Clintons PUBLICALLY and I think he is the bad seed and was a shill for the Vatican. The pictures of him and his son praying as if alone yet photoed is kind of damning, IMO. DEEP THOUGHTS kind of pictures which are on my other posts somewhere and are ridiculous because both knew they were being photoed and acting like they were being spiritual and acting as if they were praying alone. Now Al Franken is confessing and I never thought he was good material for the Senate. He didn’t have any good material even on Saturday Night Live but he made a joke about sexual molestation of someone asleep. FUCK YOU! HE IS A LOW LIFE AND UNTIL HE TRIES TO RISE ABOVE HIS NATURAL BULL SHIT SELF HE IS HEADED FOR HELL AND HE WONT LIKE IT AND I’M SURE HE WILL EVENTUALLY WISH TO CHANGE AND TURN AROUND.

    Neil Young – Comes A Time (Live at Farm Aid 1995) – YouTube

    My mom used to say “RISE ABOVE IT” when bad things are said about you or rumors abound or someone tries to destroy you. She also used to say “Rise and Shine” in the morning to wake us up and she also used to say “Consider the source.” Good roots IMO and a good teacher though she never was paid to teach and a GREAT MOM. But I bet he was drinking when he made advances to the woman he made advances to and she is quite beautiful (looks like a person from SNL) but it usually goes hand in hand making stupid advances to a woman under the influence because it gives him the added boldness he wouldn’t have otherwise. I have been slobbered on as well in the past and drinking was involved lots of it except for the first kiss I had when a boy slobbered on me on a bus in the church parking lot, the one that burned down. My first kiss. I don’t even remember being interested in the kid who did it and I don’t even remember his name or what he looked like. I don’t even know how I got to the bus in the first place but I remember wanting to throw up. The bus should have been locked. I remember when on school outing a christian school outing (Scofield Christian Non-denominational School) the kids found a needle on the bus and passing it around, inspecting it. I was one of quite a few moms who were chaperoning the kids for the outing. I got the needle from the kids worrying it might be a heroin addict’s needle and possibly infected with aids. I gave it to the person in charge and never heard about it again. (It wasn’t a school bus per se it was borrowed/rented however the school should have been more careful about it and inspected the bus first before the kids got on the bus but kids tend to find things adults don’t notice. The needle was in the seat but might have been in the crevice between the seat and the walls of the bus. The kids were sort of amazed and handing it around to each other when I noticed what they had and the kids were seated in front of me. Could have been a diabetics needle but it didn’t have a note with it. Buses should be locked up no matter what kind at night when not in use.  I do think school buses should have seat belts to avoid the things that occurred during the Obama administration on a bus when kids beat up some other kids and the bus driver was charged with negligence. It would have helped to avoid the problem and to protect kids lives if there is an accident. I think it should be the law that all school buses kids need to be seat belted. Because one witness is bad or two which is possible for the sake of piling on and/or for the sake of disbelief of the others which are true perhaps and to deter other women from coming out because of the public discourse and the mockery of the women preceding them and politics/religion which is in my opinion what happened in the gospels. Piling on and adding things that aren’t true to the gospels such as the mustard seed error of Rome to taint the other evidence which is true in the gospels and in Old Testament. Pope Benedict XVl said faith was “the new enlightenment” which had to do with the mustard seed obviously tied together via the Synoptic Gospel accounts of the mustard seed and faith to unite Catholicism with Islam and Christianity and probably the reason for the new enlightenment (but it didn’t work, did it? because it’s a lie) and because Jesus did not demonstrate moving a mountain (because there is no miracle of mountain moving in the gospels) so it must have been added later…piling on like the movie The Englishman Who Went Up a Hill and Came Down a Mountain. (GOOD MOVIE) THE BIG QUESTION I HAVE IS HOW DID THE WASHINGTON POST FIND OUT ABOUT 4 SEPARATE CASES OF SEXUAL MISCONDUCT BY JUDGE ROY MOORE? WHO TOLD THE WASHINGTON POST? THE FOUR FEMALES? THE LAWYER INVOLVED GLORIA ALLRED? HOW DID THE WASHINGTON POST FIND OUT ABOUT THE LIST OF REPRESENTATIVES WHO WERE SEXUAL HARASSERS AND THE AMOUNT OF MONEY PAID OUT? IS THE WASHINGTON POST RESPONSIBLE FOR THE LIST AND THE PAYMENTS MADE USING THE TREASURY AND USING TAX DOLLARS TO OFFER THE WOMEN WHO PURSUED LITIGATION AGAINST SEXUAL ABUSER REPRESENTATIVES IN WASHINGTON DC? IS THE WASHINGTON POST RUNNING OUR GOVERNMENT? OR THE VATICAN? THE SECRET SERVICE? THE FBI? THE CIA? THE STATE DEPARTMENT? Nancy Pelosi? I saw her interview about John Conyers and was not impressed with her excuses which made me think perhaps she is involved in the list and/or the pay offs. Would not surprise me: If you want to know what is in it you have to sign it, crap. How in the world did the representatives who signed it without reading it get elected? They had to have been drugged on something invisible, odorless and tasteless and as dangerous as Devils breath. (the hanging gardens) It’s the only excuse I can imagine possible and also in regards to those who were in the Senate and House of Representatives applauding the death of an unarmed woman shot to death (5 times in the leg?) with a baby in her car shot by the Secret Service and the Washington Park Police at the gates of the White House during the Obama Administration and during the Government shutdown reported and filmed by Fox news. How did Fox News know to be there at the time to film it and who in particular filmed it or how did Fox News acquire the film and the information about the applause? DEEP THROAT OF THE WASHINGTON POST? It was kind of random event wasn’t it and yet it was filmed the get-away/escape of the woman in the little car and reported and yet no one was charged with murder as far as we know. A HOLE in the Fox News reporting. “Foxes have holes, the birds of the air (heir/air as in tv transmissions) their nests, but the son of man hath nowhere to lay his head.” No more information except she was from Connecticut (Greenwich, Connecticut:WINDING LANE PERHAPS?) and her family didn’t know why she was at the White House or how she got there 0r what happened to her baby, nothing. I think those were the federal employees who can’t be fired who were told to stick with him by Obama like a cult leader similar to JIM JONES of GUYANA who poisoned his followers by the hundreds, about 900 people (mostly african american) tricked into drinking kool-aid full of poison. The questions posed are good questions and the answers might lend a hand into understanding why Trump is draining the swamp in Washington D.C. Nancy has since apologized to a victim of the icon: I had no idea he was an icon. I have a picture of her in one of my posts provided by Fox News which looks like a photo taken of my sister in her teen years and I will try to find it to compare and to prove my point. I didn’t throw away my pictures of family. But I wasn’t the only one in my family with this photo. My mom had one and both my sisters had one and my brother had one (I think) and hopefully I have one and I guess the second husband (David Sherman) had one via my sister or via the warehouse full of my parents belongings near my sister’s home in the country. I think the new man on the totem pole may be responsible for GET READY AMERICA! Mr. How much wood would a woodchuck wood if a woodchuck could chuck wood. Chuckie baby, Department of Defense of the Obama Administration, ring bearer for the Queen of England at the Queens’ Jubilee celebration and anniversary celebration, Andrea’s new incestuous dad and his new shame queen of the Las Vegas massacre and Fox guest contributor for disarming Americans or in regards to bump stocks on normal weapons which are  usually acquired illegally. I will try to prove my point in this regard but I’m not going to frantically search for the proof, because I have enough proof that YOU GUYS ARE FUCKING GRAPE NUTS and my dad will eat you for breakfast with the help of God. He has really strong teeth and he will do it for my mom and for me and our families so you had better be looking over your shoulders…..  and asking how high or how low, how far and how near, etc. It many not be considered sexual harassment but it is evil harassment AND JUST AS damaging to your own souls. I read a title to a news article about shaming men as if it was impossible. I don’t think so. I think if you believe in Judeo-Christian values or have been brought up with Judeo-Christian values you can be shamed which isn’t a bad thing, but you can over do it like Jimmy Swaggart or Tammy Fae Bakker. By Judeo-Christian values I mean including the TEN COMMANDMENTS which many faiths of Christianity ignore as if the Ten Commandments don’t exíst or the Old Testament is not longer valid because of the New Testament. Make new friends, but keep the old; One is silver and the other’s gold. I think the Old is Gold meaning more valuable or without God there is no son/sun.   I don’t think you can have the New Testament without the Old Testament however I think you can have the Old Testament without the New Testament. That’s how important the Old Testament is/was and ever will be because of the Ten Commandments. Like trying to grow a tree without roots. This photo was taken from the Drudge Report and is supposed to be Matt Lauer with the title/header of his site: I don’t know Matt Lauer so I couldn’t say it is him or not because on the video he doesn’t have a 10:00 o’clock shadow and I don’t know him personally at all nor know the photo message’s meaning. Cut throat with electric tape, or a Roman Catholic priest, or a Playboy bunny? I couldn’t say but he looks kind of defiant. I would link it  but can’t for some reason. I don’t think my message is a popular one, but important nevertheless. Geraldo on Drudge says News is a flirty business  FLIRTING WITH WHAT? DEATH? Every business is flirty if there are people involved in the business. Saw a snippet of the Matt Lauer video and he sounded like a total dork. GO away Geraldo nobody likes you, FRIEND. Geraldo is likened to an old rubber on the street that didn’t work. In any case I think the way to solve this crap is to have a female DOMINATED work force. Put boys in the military for training for about 4 years or more after high school. Mandatory military service for boys. I think that would work out some problems in our country and if at war the boys go to war.  No exclusions. Might help to weed out the dorks or whip them into shape. I don’t know the date he said what he said to Katy Couric or whether it was before or after her husband was decapitated by terrorists on film (actually I think his throat was cut on film about 20 years ago) but perhaps he said it because her husband was a Jew and she was Roman Catholic???????? A spiritual manifestation of some kind. He also supposedly said it to Meredith Vierra as well. ( I don’t recall who she is) Reminds me of my brother-in-law the one who nearly or may have raped a girl (her dad was an older friend of my husband at the time) and telling his family up north he beat me up ( I found out from his younger brother), when he hadn’t beat me up but probably dreamed about it LOL because I kicked him out a few times: he was mooching off us and stealing from us and trying to make it with my sister, etc. (His younger brother also said years later that my sister was old enough to take care of herself…yea but she didn’t know some things about him which I did and she was drunk at the time. (IPSO FACTO not the time to take advantage)! The same brother who when slow dancing with him at a gig my husband played at for a short time who wanted me to dance closer to him and complained to me about it. I had had some bad experiences in the past so I was only trying to keep my distance not because of him but because I was trying to protect myself having had some experience with my other brother-in-law. Damned if you do and damed if you don’t and no wonder I experienced some panic tracks from time to time. Of course he had had too much to drink. Eventually I stopped going to the gigs and stopped enjoying them and became “not fun” as my ex says of me and started to teach myself classical guitar until I had kids of my own while he gigged. Every band he got involved with was a problem in some way or another. It got old. The scene. He never or hardly ever went on vacations with me and my family because he was gigging on the weekends and other days and rarely was willing to give it up for a weekend for a vacation plus he had a vericoseal, LOL so we grew apart not because I was not fun but because of the circumstances. He was like a frigid woman most of our marriage. It was a tough situation. We bought a tent and never used it except in the backyard for the kids to play in once or twice. It was a total downer. The only time he was interested in me is if another man was interested in me other than a brother in law and it became ridiculous. A game I did not want to play. OR if we were at someones home who was out of town and they had a pool. He needed extra incentive to sneak around. I think its a Catholic trait or something. I wasn’t raised Catholic. I didn’t need incentive. My other brother-in law knew I had this problem as well because my sister knew which emboldened him. SICK. LOL. The husband was not a romantic type and rarely did we go out so my kids were my thing. I don’t know if all marriages are like this FRAGMENTED but I would never do it again however I love my kids. I was raised differently than him and had higher expectations because of how I was brought up. I should have divorced him immediately after my second child was born but I didn’t know the future if I had it would have happened. My kids did not get what i got as a kid and suffered when I suffered. Our marriage and our divorce later in life was hard on them. The family situation was hard on them as well as it was on me. The best times for them and for me was with my mom and dad at their home or at the beach and my oldest daughter loved playing in the sand and never got burned. She loved the ocean like I do. My aunt who had perfect skin all her life I remember said something to me about my kids in the sun but I had a beach tent and was diligent about sun screen etc. I don’t know why she made mention of it but I don’t know why she called me the day she did when she never did before when our family was at its worst going through some very hard stuff. Maybe because my older sister made a big deal about some china I didn’t need or the elephant I didn’t have to have even though my dad bought it in Hong Kong during his tours of duty. There was some kind of friction between them and I think it had to do with the money Gary lost on the Stock market which caused a lot of strife for everyone. I don’t know why she said “Beauty is as beauty does” when someone noticed a picture my uncle had on the shelf of me in her home. It was a weird thing to say and she was my GODMOTHER? Obviously heard some rumors or something probably having to do with my abortion years before. I sure didn’t tell her and I know my parents didn’t tell her. She wasn’t nice to my mom either and yet my mom introduced her to her cash cow my uncle who was successful and loved her. She dropped her engagement a week before marriage to someone else to be with my uncle and had two kids and a good marriage, I think. She was a tea totaler. Proud of it yet her son a bible scholar in some respects didn’t understand what was going on when the RCC started their NEW WORLD ORDER SHIT. Became kind of like he was brain-washed acting. My uncle who inherited via his wife the money Gary lost who was an alcohol whom she demeaned sometimes behind his back and so did Gary for that matter became her best friend when he inherited the money Gary eventually lost. Money talks, doesn’t it, even to tea totalers? Anyway, I left the beach tent with my brother in law because the ex wanted me to leave it with him because we didn’t have space in the car even though it was collapsable at his beach home on the east coast which he lost soon after and I never got it back. Really pissed me off.  It was like a dirty trick every time I turned around. I can’t explain it but it took going through it to notice something ain’t right and it isn’t me! LOL. The older brother in law often bragged he was in Viet Nam and he was in Okinawa or the other place nearby (where Kim of North Korea has threatened in the middle of the SPacific, I think it was Guam) and not in combat and he had degrees and he didn’t, etc. A total liar. Military didn’t help him learn not to lie his ass off either but I think he truly had a desire to be in combat and was jealous of those who actually were so he lied to act like he was tough stuff even though we knew he hadn’t gone to Viet Nam….this was during or after his 2nd divorce and the divorce was all his fault. Perhaps the military can try to teach their boys not to lie unless in enemy hands and to know the difference since his family wasn’t able to teach him. Recently heard North Korea shot a ballistic missile in space does not mean Kim Jung Un can hit any place in the USA which was reported on Fox News. Remember Sheppard Smith reporting on the Ukraine. Tried to get the war drums beating at the time…..WHY? I think because he doesn’t have skin in the game for one thing and because he isn’t a good citizen. KAPOW, BOINK, WHAM, SPLAT, etc. or a nice person and full of himself and I think he is Vatican/Jesuit inspired. My ex and I were talking about North Korea in reference to what can be done about North Korea (threatening everyone because he isn’t right in the head and he thinks he’s a god which means he could be a schitzophrenic) and I thought of a few options: one is dropping a bunch of dead frogs (millions) over his palace and the places he likes to go like in the Old Testament when Moses and God were dealing with the Pharaoh. It sure would stink, wouldn’t it? I know Israel has the IRON DOME which takes out missiles coming down after launching into space on the way down to it’s destination but I think we ought to expand on the idea and hit missiles going up over the place where the missile was launched which would be much more effective. SO WHY HAVEN’T WE? Seems Fox wants or is prophesying that Rex Tillerson is going to be replaced by a CIA director Mike Pompeo and the some dude named cotton (Peter Cottontail?) will replace Mike Pompeo at the CIA but seems like pomp and circumstance type propaganda. What happened in 79 AD? Discussion was on OUTNUMBERED as if they know because of SOURCES. How does Fox know this stuff- SOURCES-. I guess they aren’t happy with Rex Tillerson? He is dealing with a nut as far as North Korea is concerned and a very untenable situation and North Korea has been an untenable situation for many years. Why? Probably because Rex Tillerson said “Let Trump speak for himself.” He didn’t want to characterize something or be Trump’s mouth which can be infuriating to people who are fishing for information or trying to start a fight which the first is the job of the press however the second isn’t. Like playing musical chairs in government which I think is to get a tax bill through.  For the first time I heard one lady on Fox ask why to one of her guests (Harris Faulkner) and was impressed she asked why to a response her guest gave to one of her questions. I don’t know if she got the answer but it’s a good question. I think it has to do with “the source. “The Q source” is the author supposedly of the first three gospels. I wrote a post about the Q source and what I had found out about it through other sources at the time I wrote it. LOL. which is linked and is on Merangue’s Blog. All of this is due to the ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT/RELIGION attempt called THE NEW WORLD ORDER (A HUGE FAILURE) and the RCC having to be accountable but are not allowing accountability on their part for child abuse, hospice (Mother Teresa), etc. and making everyone else pay for their abuse and getting help via evil manifesting itself in others, I think anyway. CONSIDER THE SOURCE as my mom would say. Probably the Jesuits are their source and Rise Above It and RISE AND SHINE! In 79 AD there was an eruption. POMPEII (Pompeii) Maybe Fox shouldn’t hope for a replacement or may be Fox should but I don’t think Fox will be happy if Fox gets it’s way. I doubt Fox is going the right way. WOULD Fox have had O’reilly as their main sex offender for years and knew it if they were going the right way? I have noticed some extreme haughtiness on some of the women of Fox  including Harris Faulkner as if pissed off by something especially in the last couple of days, yesterday in particular: Well, I’ll let you figure it out. It’s obvious. Like their foundation beneath them is dissipating as if art imitates them and Haley nor the UN can save you. I don’t know why she was chosen to work with the UN but then I can’t understand why we care about the UN. Saw Brit Hume talk about Foxes power the other day and of course saw him a while back tell how Fox began: Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky.

    Proverbs 16:18 [Full Chapter]

    Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.
    Ring around the roses….


    Neil Young – Alabama – YouTube

    The way I look at it which may be wrong but we had a very bad president for two terms (THE DESTROYER written about in the bible) and many people died and if Russia helped us find new dna for a president, I’m glad. Pretty familiar sounding if you read it in the gospel of Luke. I believe Obama tricked Putin in regards to Syria (destruction of sarin gas) because of the Golan Heights and used Senator/SOS John Kerry. I think there is a trove of information to be had in regards to John Kerry about a lot of bad things that occurred during the Obama Administration in order to weaken and destroy America, distract Americans and strengthen the Vatican not in our interest but in the EU’s interest which is good for the Vatican and not good for the EU.  I don’t think Russia affected the election illegally but with information such as was provided to the FBI ahead of time warning about Tsarnaev family before the bombs planted at the B0ston Marathon and affected the election much less than the Vatican affected our elections ILLEGALLY and with tons of disinformation. The Vatican has attempted to destroy us because we won WWll and defeated FASCISM at the time with the help of RUSSIA. It’s complicated, but true. The axis was altered because of the tsunami earthquake in the INDIAN OCEAN PHYSICALLY THE AXIS OF THE PLACE WE CALL EARTH and I think politically as well because it was quite a shake up. The place hit the hardest was a hub of child prostitution that was hit the worst and during the attempt by the Vatican under investigation for child abuse/prostitution of other peoples kids and Islam to rule the world. However there were no nuclear site accidents, luckily. AXIS of Earth: angle between an object’s axis of rotation and its orbital axis, perpendicular to the orbital plane. Earth’s axial tilt is about 23.5 degrees. axis. Noun. an invisible line around which an object spins.Dec 5, 2012 When it occurred I had almost died in August cut in half and poisoned (Septic) and on my way up north for Christmas with my now ex’s family and had to drive through a blizzard in Kentucky and over one lane icy bridges over cold water rushing as if a flood without barriers on the road two times and my sister and her family were in the Caribbean on a cruise and I think it rocked their boat as well. That is quite a strong earthquake/tsunami to have affected our country (all the way from the Indian Ocean) and it’s weather and affected the Caribbean as well and of course altered the Earth’s axises physically and politically. I wanted to change my name as well in August and September (My first name but remembered my roots and my Roots were not to blame. I was named after my dad’s mom and my mom’s family tree wasn’t responsible either.) Sure made me reflect as did the attack on our country in New York City by twelve Saudis and my mom being hospiced without permission from me because of something she said (I think is the reason and some other sad things she had nothing to do with) that she knew about my art and of course my physical art she trained me but she was talking about something else: my posts and someone wanted to shut her up and BELIEVE ME she was important to our family and to my dad (and vice versa) who had died earlier in a strange way at the hospital on the day he was coming home because he was well and someone gave him a pill which he was given at the hospital which he couldn’t swallow is what I was told. He aspirated on it and they didn’t know what to do, I guess, even though it was a hospital and were able on the show Mash to give an emergency tracheotomy. I think he was murdered. The dove outside his window which was dying was a tip when my little sister and I arrived before he died. I moved the dove to the shade. And then a bunch of other shit later at the funeral which I noticed was to debase me and my dad, and afterwards as well. We were attacked without warning. PREEMPTIVELY attacked in many ways. Not to mention but I will a picture of my dad at Benghazi on the internet his face half eaten up etc but it’s him and pictures of family in places they shouldn’t be and have no idea who is doing it but I am suspicious of a few places/groups of people who might benefit. Anyway the FBI paid an informant 7 million dollars which is a lot of money to pay an informant about Benghazi who might not be truthful. I heard it wasn’t believable. The person doesn’t even look like the person in the picture but Michelle Obama does whether she was under a spell of some kind it looks like Michelle. WHY? I don’t know. I bet he makes a good fall guy for Michelle and for whoever is behind it which would be OBAMA who boasted of “leading from behind.” The picture holding the syringe in one hand and a rifle of some kind in the other in high heel sandals and rolled up jeans? Femalish male and it looked like it was during a time when she had facial plastic surgery without a wig sometime before the election. I don’t know it’s her but if you look at the features it’s her other than the swollenness which we know she had. Jesus in the Synoptic Gospels used women and their stature and reputation and I forget the word used but is written about in the bible. Kind of like Susan Rice was used to put out false information.  SUBSTANCE was the word used in the bible. Someone used my dad and someone may have used her or she was there. I don’t know what Michelle’s substance was: perhaps her race, she could dance? Susan Rice: her husband’s business in the oil business? ETC You should never have to pay for information if you want truthful information and doubtful anyone in the area of Libya or EGYPT wants to help the USA get truthful information. THE two coups in Egypt are evidence of stupid politics/religion and inspired by the Vatican using US tax dollars. I don’t think it was appreciated when Lindsay Graham threatened the Muslim Brotherhood of pulling out money given to them (TAX DOLLARS) if they overstepped which the muslim brotherhood did of course which was the first coup from the original President Mubarak as if the Muslim Brotherhood cared what Lindsay Graham said. And then there was another coup after it. LIKE I SAID YOU SHOULDN’T HAVE FUCKED WITH US BECAUSE YOU SHALL SEE. Hannity with the help of some of his friends are equivocating about his interview with Judge Roy Moore saying it (the catastrophe interview) was due to “presumption of innocence.” and now the entry of a yearbook has presumed Judge Roy Moore’s un-innocence which can be forged so I guess the possibility of forgery is considered un-presumption of innocence. Hannity didn’t ask Judge Roy Moore if it was his uncustomary behavior to screw with young females and he should have but IMO was protecting the behavior of people (republicans) under the influence of alcohol because Hannity likes to drink mass quantities of beer nightly but so do democrats as well. It was political folly because he was a republican and screw the young teens (females) who complain about it, right? That kind of stuff has a lasting affect and is why it sometimes takes time to come out. I can tell you it affects behavior especially when you are targeted for religious and political folly for a number of reasons USUALLY CULTIC REASONS. I KNOW THE SUBJECT MATTER MAKES PEOPLE UNCOMFORTABLE BUT IT’S IMPORTANT! I was uncomfortable many times. ONE incident when in the woods with a friend to swing on a rope swing over a creek seeing a guy behind the tree hiding obviously masturbating.  We left the area and he followed us in his car. I think I was 13.  I was uncomfortable when my brother ran out of gas on the freeway and cops picked him up to get a gallon and left us in the car (my friend and me) and a guy stopped his car behind our car and got out to talk to us so we got out thinking it would be safer if people saw us who were driving down the freeway and he walked with us and talked about cherries. I didn’t understand the conversation but knew it was dirty, scary because he was a stranger and lots older, and it was dark, spiritually dark. It was like the day turned into dusk/night and the cops came back with my brother who was only a teen and the weirdo left the scene in his car and so did the cops without asking, “did the guy in the car say anything to you?” I was about 13. Later in life it did seem like a set up of some kind. I knew it was an odd event at the time. My friend was 12 though fully developed but he was talking to me. I had recently been inducted into the Episcopal church using animated films of Jesus where the animation didn’t move I didn’t learn much however I did learn quite a bit from a few movies I enjoyed The Greatest Story Every Told and few others which interested me in the subject of Moses and Jesus, etc., I sure didn’t learn it on Fox News or Watter’s World:

    Institution of a Minister, Letter of | Episcopal Church

    “During feudal times in England, a Letter of Institution from the bishop was part of the legal process of induction of a priest to a parish.”

    Obviously an offshoot of the Roman Catholic Church or an infiltration technique. 
    The church was struck by lightning a year or so later after I was inducted but not really and burned down after changing rectors and buying a new organ.  I guess it was a bad decision.
    Both my brother and I used to get physically ill at church when we went as a family. The people at the church were kind of snobby and we didn’t get to know them nor did we did we try. Basically used a hymn book and rattled off in unison some stupid stuff and never heard a sermon worth hearing. Never learned a damned thing.
    My friend during the occasion by the Potomac was the one that said to me that my dad looked like a bull dog. My dad was a handsome man but she saw him painting our house in-between his tour of duties in Viet Nam. I said this in another post but I never met her dad in all the time I knew her. Her mom was no spring chicken though at the time I didn’t say it and looked an awful lot like a famous press woman in the 70’s, but worse. ( I can’t remember her name but was I think on 60 minutes or some other famous news panel programs at the time and has had a bunch of plastic surgery since to look prettier) At the time she was haggard and scraggly (like a witch), but her children were very pretty. I think she must have been divorced but I didn’t really ever ask. Her daughter (a cheerleader) and son (the older ones) I remember hearing the group called The Temptations often in their home. You give up a lot when you have kids which is part of the bargain. My parents gave up a lot of as well especially when we were young but took us camping often to see the world and visit family in different parts of the USA and my dad planned these excursions to the penny and to the mile and using maps. Woke us up in the wee hours of the morning to get prepared to travel. Mom made swiss cheese sandwiches in the car as we drove, etc. They didn’t have a lot of money, no inheritances etc but were adventurous and wanted to teach us and show us the world. Good parents. We sang songs together as well: “Let us sing together, let us sing together, one and all a joyous song. Let us sing together let us sing together one and all a joyous song. Let us sing again and again. Let us sing again and again, let us us sing again and again, one and all a joyous song” and we harmonized, played traveling games and read magazines. These trips were a bigger share of my memories and were good memories, for the most part. It brought our family together. The older siblings had to build the tent (which I don’t think they appreciated but it was their duty as the older siblings) and we did a lot of exploring.  In England, when on a family camping trip while my older sister and brother were erecting the tent I ran into a swan with very sharp teeth that stood up and was HUGE flapping its wings I guess warning me about it’s nest with cygnets nearby which I didn’t know was nearby. Freaked me out. We had great adventures. One in a boat and dad with the oars vigorously trying to keep us from the nearby waterfall he didn’t know about till it was nearby. Or driving down the highway the wrong way and one time when my little sister played a joke on my dad and put her hands over his eyes from the back seat while he was driving (no seat belt laws at the time). The first time I saw the ocean (or remember seeing the ocean) and had to board a ship to cross the ocean because I had ear problems and couldn’t fly, an eight day trip because my dad wanted us to experience something different, I think, on our way to England. Got to see the movie Bambi on the ship and cried a bunch when the mother deer died and was killed by hunters.
    These were SIGNS as well but we didn’t know it at the time we were experiencing our lives. Maybe my dad did, I don’t know. Maybe my mom did, I don’t know. But I know now these were signs and i think they do too because of the things that have occurred since they died and have communicated to me of life after death. They are they that testify of me.
    I was uncomfortable in many situations such as a bunch of boys in a car with a lasso trying to lasso me as they drove by. I was uncomfortable when seeing gangs of boys and I was alone looking me over because boys do that when they’re together to demean girls however aren’t often that way when on their own. PEER PRESSURE. I was uncomfortable being gang raped in college by three arabs (with no car to get me home) and I had been drugged via a beer. I think I was anyway I don’t remember it except being dismounted and in front of a window a window with a bench as if I was on display and my friend sitting on a bench asleep totally out of it and I woke her up to get the hell out of where we were. The arab boys (I think) were uncomfortable as well for some reason as if not in their right minds and realizing it. I could tell. Perhaps victims as well. The shuttle school buses weren’t running anymore shutting down at about 11 at night. We found a ride eventually from a friend but had to walk quite a ways super high to the point we didn’t know what to say but he helped us. So handle it. I was uncomfortable on a family trip but my dad was somewhere else (in another country-Greece) and the other family we were with their dad put his hands down my pants on my bare ass and I was between 7 and 9 years old. He had young daughters but I know he knew I wasn’t his daughter. He took advantage of me knowing my dad wasn’t there at the time, I think, and possibly to insult my parents in a sick way. The Gummersons. I didn’t say, “I’m not that kind of girl”. It isn’t/wasn’t the point. As far as the Clinton unwanted sexual allegations are concerned did any of the victims besides his longterm girlfriend receive any monetary benefits? If not, it’s suspicious.  When I was about 14 or 15 the church behind our home was struck by lightning after investing in a new organ and burned down to the ground in the same area as all these things except for the college experience occurred in the Virginia area near DC. Many, many more things happened here and there and some of it is unavoidable but having an abortion was something I could do in order not to have a kid out of wedlock and when I was too young to have a kid. I deserved it. I was an adventurous person and liked to explore brought up in such a fashion and I’m glad because it made me more of a lot things that help me to be strong in my position and to weather the storms which came my way I just wish I had directed it better things might have been a lot easier for me and my family. You can learn a lot in the Gospels but don’t be afraid to compare the Gospels to each other and to the Old Testament where you can learn even more and some of it is prophetic some is self fulfilling prophecy and some real prophecy and some false history and some real history and lots of spiritual stuff as well. LOL Some of the history I think might be prophecy so don’t discount the possibility and probably vice-versa and sometimes things happen over and over again like a bad lesson or a lesson not learned and then some of it is plain old false in regards to the mustard seed. Either Jesus of the Synoptic Gospels was unaware of the size or he lied or was in a strange way wring us about the new enlightenment by using the suffixes (a lesson in suffixes) and/or there is more than one Jesus written about in the Gospels and one who didn’t even mention a mustard seed to compare faiths. Whatever you do don’t destroy your kuerigs. BFD How about discussing the evils of Mother Teresa’s Hospice on air, Hannity! What a waste. Talk about a ridiculous reaction that affects none. I hope someone collects the parts of the broken Kuerigs and dumps them via a plane on top of your house as you are on your way out the door going to work, “but let not your heart be Laura In Graham” as in Billy with a cross on. Probably would be a total of two Kuerigs in your yard if any at all. Now regurgitating the Clinton affairs though important it seems kind of weird right now. I thought we did it already.
    France is blaming Russia and Kazakhstan for nuclear splitting atom material usually found in nuclear reactors clouding their country and in between them and Russia and Kazakistan are about six to 10 countries away. Only affects their mushrooms and other food items. What about those expensive mushrooms….truffles? Will it affect them as well? There goes the french cuisine. (I’m a french food lover though I have never tasted a truffle. I love the sauces and flavors most of all in French cooking and I think the language is a very pretty sounding language compared to many others.) France has 58 nuclear power plants in operation and one under construction but the French never make mistakes, right? Terrorism isn’t a problem in France, is it? I read a little about the two worst disasters in nuclear energy. Chernobyl and Fukushima and one of the things that struck me is the threat of terrorism. I think Chernobyl was not an accident (sabotage like the sabotage in India made famous by Mother Teresa) and I think Fukushima was an accident due to a man made disaster called a tsunami/earthquake which happened to coincide with the desire of the Roman Catholic Church to force the NEO-Catechumenal Way upon the Japanese Catholics who resisted because of the trial run which produced many more suicides amongst the young and who tried to delay it by 5 years and some zealot of the Roman Catholic religion used the power of HAARP (microwaves) to push it through and it caused a a few Big problems with the nuclear sites in the country and caused nuclear poisoning. One of the prelates of the church said they were “already the MOTHER OF ALL MARTYRS!” (not sure in what respect? WWll? which also implies the tsunami/earthquake wasn’t an acçident, IMO. and Obama tweeted another was on it’s way and who was heading towards Japan? Franklin and Billy Graham’s organization and I don’t know if there were any other tremors or quakes but more than one nuclear site was affected and the ramifications to the food chain was affected (tuna, starfish, red crabs, plankton which provides 1/3 of the oxygen to the earth and it’s life (livelihood) causing sicknesses having to do with oxygen which affect the things people expect from a piece of food (vitamins and nutrients).
    Japan is divided into 43 prefectures and 2 urban prefectures.
    “A prefecture (from the Latin Praefectura) is an administrative jurisdiction or subdivision in any of various countries and within some international church structures, and in antiquity a Roman district governed by an appointed prefect.”
    Dividing of the land (worldwide) is part of revelation but I think found in the OLD TESTAMENT as a sign for us to warn us.
    Who wants a Catholic Prelate overseeing where you live LORDING OVER THE PEOPLE especially if you aren’t catholic but even if you are and/or in a time of war such as what occurred in Japan. It’s common sense to resist their influence and LORDSHIP!
    You can read about the sicknesses, risks, and advantages if you read the pros and cons of Nuclear energy. I do know many people got leukemia (mostly children) because of living near electrical power lines usually more than one which is why eventually some were put underground.  I think the zealot/shill for the RCC was Billy Graham/Franklin Graham who took Sarah Palin under his wings during an election for the Presidency and after who happened to be the Governor of Alaska at the time where HAARP is located is related. Obama Care was to cover it up i.e. the health ramifications and affects and using hospice as well invented and implemented by the RCC and Mother Teresa and Nancy Pelosi who should be ousted and put out of her office (besides the fact she has been talking out one side of her mouth and has lost some synapses activity in her brains.) Also a big altercation between the cults of Roman Catholicism, Mormonism, Evangelicals, and Islam and some faiths in-between in order for a one world government with teeth or the NEW WORLD ORDER with a thousand points of light. Why else would President Obama present Pope Benedict XVl with the mantle of a Christian religion if it weren’t to possess it and give as a gift at the G-8 meeting in Aquila, Italy? A BRIBE? Lots of broken bones during the time as well (including Pope Benedict XVl) and recently such as Rand Paul. I was also a victim though no bones were broken (however I had a chipped wrist as a kid because of bicycle accident in the past and problems with my foot raising the two door garage door manually after jumping on a nut an unripe acorn when jumping out of my truck at the time barefoot) and it is a very real threat (physically) by the prophet of Islam brought on spiritually in those infected by it. Everything kind of went berserk when OBAMA became the President of the USA because he is the deceiver and the destroyer written about in the Gospel of Luke and you can tell it’s his personality in parts if you read it and then of course you have the prophecy in Daniel moved to the Gospel of Matthew standing where it should not ( A HUGE BIBLE PROPHECY CLUE AS TO THE TIMES WE ARE IN) occurring during the Obama administration which I explained earlier in this post. What person said at the UN: “THE FUTURE MUST NOT BELONG TO THOSE WHO INSULT THE PROPHET OF ISLAM”?
    That is damning evidence! It’s also a ridiculous claim. Here is an insult to the prophet of Islam:Fuck you!˜
    Obama was groomed by Kissinger to be the President and Kissinger was hired by the Vatican because of child abuse claims a multitude of abuse claims in the past and present. THERE IS NO HONOR AMONG THIEVES. In my opinion, as I have stated before in regards to the Wilderness of sin where Mecca and Medina are located needs to learn a lesson in civics. A lesson it will never forget! It will have a GREAT affect if done properly without hesitation for many, many years to come! THE EXISTENCE OF MECCA AND MEDINA (the two holiest sites) eggs the terrorism on as if it is the END ALL especially after destroying other holy sites of other religions such as the Buddahs in Afghanistan and terrorizing the females who attempt to educate themselves. I’m not a buddhist but it was a sign of some importance and then flying planes into NEW York CIty buildings and the Pentagon. Why not the Secret Service Monstrosity in Maryland? Monstrance?


     said Jesus.

     ON Huffington Post article about who knows what titled “IF There is a Crash, Where will It Start?”  
    ” ….after a very curious Veterans Day….Bonn, the old West German capital, where the UN Climate Summit is underway, where the unofficial American delegation headed by California Governor Jerry Brown has essentially supplanted the Trump-appointed crew of climate change deniers officially representing what is now the only national government on the plane to renounce the 2015 Paris Climate Accords.”…..
    Oh Gee is it related to the cloud over France?  Probably Europe
    Let’s also have courage and go strictly to a consumption tax. When people don’t buy in order to save money they are usually saving to buy something else, something not so inexpensive or something more permanent or a better deal on the product they desire. The way it is now we are in essence a fast food economy and we need to change it so small businesses and talents can be allowed to be nurtured in order to have a better economy down the road and for the benefit of a better product (made in the USA or elsewhere) and for a better result. Everyone pays and no deductions. We, the people, get to make the decision during the exchange or trade, yes or no. Those who collect taxes pay the taxes straight up what tax is collected. That’s SIMPLE. MIght avoid unnecessary laws about favors because usually those favors have to do with deductions tax wise.  Why doesn’t someone do a calculation via a computer to see the difference it makes but I don’t think a computer could calculate nor fathom the difference consumption tax makes, that’s why. I think this is the reason for the fear of governments (especially free societies) because a computer can’t calculate it.
    The deal is if we went to consumption tax more taxes would be collected but the powers that be wouldn’t get to determine who is successful or which businesses will succeed (THEIRS and their friends) and the accountability factor with tons of ridiculous deductions and rules no one really knows what is going on which why Paul Ryan selling the idea by this kind of selling point: “you get to keep more of your money” reminds me of Obama saying “you get to keep your doctors.”
    If there wasn’t federal income tax you would get to keep all of your money if  you want to.
    Products and services labeling as far as local, state, and federal taxes could be helpful to the buyer and seller (for competitive pricing) as far as food goes prepared foods should taxed such as tv dinners, etc. Plain products would be free of tax such as flour, rice, sugar, some canned foods, meats, cheeses and dairy, fresh fruit and veggies and school supplies should be tax free and of course medicines and health supplies including exercise products or anything related to improving one’s health (not the clothes unless sold online without the luxury of trying it on having to return it for a different size and the hassles that can occur.) Cake misses would be taxable but eggs would be free of taxes. Food stamps for those out of a job or making less than what is considered livable and not used for prepared foods or foods that are taxed and not for marijuana, alcohol, beer and wine. Sort of back to basics kind of economy and usually people that need food stamps need to be getting back to the basics until they’re able to make a better living and/or are able to invest in their talents for their future or the children’s future and I bet more americans would be more willing to do lots more kinds of work for a wage or salary as well unless they’re not able to work because of joblessness in the area and or physical ailments, disabilities, and age. Each state and local area should be publishing their needs and shortages of talents such as nurses, firemen, police, teachers, etc and their pay-scales on FOX NEWS or some tv station (tv menu) and internet and offering training for less for the talents localities and states are in need of. Experience required isn’t helpful for many who aren’t experienced in every field and should be prohibited as part of selling a job. Most people with experience end up being retrained to a new company anyway and often have to forget former training and often inexperienced is better unless it has to do with safety (hospitals and nuclear sites) at least for the citizens of your locality (town, city) and or state. As far as immigration instead of asking for skilled people to immigrate we might attune our own citizens first to keep things balanced and giving citizens first chance and more credit labor wise showing PROPER respect for the citizens of the United States until we are again the best country in the world to raise a family safely, to start a business, to maintain a business, and the best standard of living (in all the ways possible) and the best mortality rate (longer life spans) because of excellent health care which can only be done if we don’t protect the bad doctors and nurses, health care workers using insurance as a double standard so the best can succeed and not the worst but not to the excess of living castles but by making their workload less to be more competitive and to enjoy their labor, their talents, and not having to worry about competing with the worst with a hedge and uplifting our standards worldwide for our reputation is at stake. Those who come to our country to be trained should go back to their countries and train their countrymen unless they are unable to go back because of war, fascism, or finances or the many extreme reasons mainly because of the New World Order.
    Of course if the prohibition on marijuana was exorcised (same rules as alcohol, wine and beer) it would help bring in more taxes especially in the interim as far as adjusting to the new form of taxation and having bigger paychecks which is like a pay raise for both employee and employer. Financial privacy would be enhanced. Just collect the federal consumption taxes more frequently (monthly) to make up for not having access to income taxes 4 times a year.
    Internet should remain free of taxation because of the postage, delivery which in itself is kind of taxation of it’s own, but more private and because of the competition to remain competitive and because it takes a great deal of work to maintain a site and interest and to maintain customers while protecting their information thanks to computer hacks (CHINA, lol), etc.
    If I think of anything else I will add it like a good citizen who would like to see the United States of America actually be the land of the Free and the BRAVE!
    Here is another idea used products could be free of taxation as well, including homes and cars, big ticket items etc if the taxes for the home, car and big ticket items have been paid off FIRST.
    No inheritance taxation because the government should not have unprivileged information at it’s fingertips to sell off the unwary (to those interested in taking advantage of american citizens from afar or near) which getting rid of income taxation would also assist in the privacy of the finances of individuals and their families. It’s a safety factor and a privacy issue because IMO It’s a chink in your armor detector and puts people at risk even some who don’t have a lot of money (sort of a chink) or are debt ridden (sort of another chink), unhealthy (a chink), abused (a chink), old or feeble (a chink), unhappy (a chink), I could go on and on but also at certain times in peoples lives  (like the 7 year itch/change of life, pregnancy, party times, when achieving success (NEW MONEY and without experience and naive to the basest of people with a lower ethical or spiritual bar than imaginable such as using abortion as an excuse to hospice/murder/suicide as Mother Teresa explained when in reality it was a religious/political vendetta/vengeance for the monstrosity of the ROMAN CATHOLIC AGENDAS which usually are not good and usually have bad results like Nazism and Fascism and crimes against humanity worldwide) and by leisure which by the way is part of revelation as a way to ruin someone depending on the type of leisure and the amount of leisure and with who and with what etc),  but are only a peripheral chink but that is how evil works and finds your chink/s and whittles away at it until the chink/s becomes a big hole and an avenue to second chink closer in, etc., (Excuse the cliche but it has more than one meaning) via friends, neighbors, and then family, and then the business or the inheritance making it not double taxation but triple or quadruple taxation via the penalties and the probability of charlatans (mobsters and the like) tampering in various ways (entrapping usually) often ruining a marriage or relationships in a family for the money and/or business and creating havoc and often those affected the most weren’t the target but a tool.
    Foreign investors should have to pay more than citizens of the USA for everything sold in the USA. (What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.) however it can be done legally etc. Non-citizens should have to pay more than citizens by some kind of margin and in taxes (local, state and federal). PERIOD. IT will help to alleviate the over burden of non citizens on the economy which at this time is kind of fragile and the backlash it causes in various ways usually hurting the citizen in various ways and putting them at a disadvantage when they should have the advantage OBVIOUSLY.
    Depending on performance in local state and federal governments and agencies and public schools a person/employee should be fireable no matter what their status if legitimate complaints are filed and determined to be legitimate or true for a better running country and a moratorium of pay raises for congress and government agencies until the standard of living of the citizens (the middle class) is competitive with their salaries and including their benefits (free this free that – meals, products, gifts, travel, hairdos , cosmetic surgery, hotel stays, clothing, computers, etc and have access to information not available to citizens until it’s too late and every last benefit given to government workers and government employers should be deducted from their salaries and every transaction should be public information on a monthly basis and accounting for expeditures accounted for as well in simple terms not written in lawyerly language and written in ENGLISH to be understandable to the citizens who are interested in keeping up with what their congressman and women are doing and who they met each day while on the job whatever is government hours because they too have a private life but the congressmen do work for the citizenswhile on the job or while doing their job so we don’t have to count on the press who are for the most part busy unveiling love affairs or propagandizing. A government channel of it’s own and an internet channel by date and time-clock with the information one can find and to compare to the news we receive via the press on daily basis and chronicled and archived understandably and also how much time is devoted to the press by the congressman and their appearances if they talk about their job in any capacity as well on tv news and how much they are paid for their appearances and by whom and for what purpose/categorized. Each congressman should have equal access and time to the press in the halls of congress.  Every bill sent from the House of Representatives to the Senate to the President should be chronicled as it is occurring like cameras for policeman and sent back chronicled. As far as cameras catching people in a crime need to improve so you can identify the person involved. I know we can do better. This photo is not better as if taken from a North Korean satellite tumbling into earth’s atmosphere. (It could be a worm dressed in a hooded jacket as far as I can tell):
    It’s pretty bad when a Senator doesn’t know what is in a bill he or she has to vote on the day of the vote or even a week before and its not smart since one or the other might be able to assist with knowledge if they knew, etc. so that the debacle of Obama Care doesn’t happen again. There ought to be cameras in the Senate and House so the public can see why they do the things they do such as applaud when an unarmed woman with her baby in her car is killed by the Secret Service and Washington Park Police outside the White House grounds at the gates trying to flee from something possibly illegal going on in Washington DC during the Obama Administration. REMEMBER? Sort of a cult hit, if you ask me and a cultic reaction as well. I would like to know who applauded. By the way coincidentally she happened to look like my sister the photo used to depict the woman was a photo I remember almost in every way except for the color of her skin. This happened during the Obama Administration who had a thing about coloring and using it and abusing it. So it is not unimportant to me or frivolous of me to be concerned about it and the many terrible things that occurred during the Obama Administration far worse than any other and definitely delusional and deranged kind of propaganda going on and obviously has ALOT do with THE GREAT DECEPTION which eventually ends. I think it will end good for me and my family and its roots because I don’t think God will allow otherwise.
    Hearings on important subjects like Benghazi should not be limited in time to 5 minutes per congressman as if performing a show WHAT’S MY LINE? and no show boating should be going on either complimenting and/or kissing ass should be eliminated and straight to questioning and the public should be involved and be able to ask questions as well of the witnesses after the congress has their turn because sometimes the INTERESTED public has more insight (KNOWLEDGE) than congress or the press and so we know our government isn’t white washing because of an upcoming election, or playing politics and preying using religion, or just passing the time etc. and chronicled and archived as well for the record without redaction of both the questions and answers by the public at large and the witnesses and reactions to the answers as well for the public for perusing later if desired using some form of communication device via the tv, internet, and cellphone. Questions by the public and Answers by the witnesses could be answered before the hearing for a week and afterwards for a week and reactions included since we know many government hearing witnesses are lawyers and they know how not to answer a question which needs to be answered and because many congressman (questioneers) know how to skirt an issue by not asking the right questions and some play games on their cellphone instead…like the Senator from Arizona John McCain during the Benghazi/ Hillary Clinton hearing. I would have liked to ask some questions not only to her but to Leon Panetta and Senator Kerry her replacement and even a few underlings at the State Department like the guy who said he “was ashamed.” It would help build a healthy public relation (TRUST) between the people and the Federal government without the veil of the press and it’s sponsors.
    Just watched a bit of the Tucker Carlson Show with someone taking his place as the host ( I think he’s from England the one who said curiouser and curiouser reflecting on the mass murder recently) talking about the Las Vegas Massacre and later in the show to a woman (similar in looks to Margot Hemmingway or one of her sisters) who I guess represents the Girl Scouts teaching the girl scouts not to force girls to hug and/or kiss family members on Thanksgiving to stem the incest and victimization of females putting the onus back on the female, even the girl scouts as if it will prevent molestation, incest or sexual abuse. She rattled off some statistics which were NOT believable NOR reliable in any way. I didn’t watch the show closely but seemed to me he might have just stepped off the bus. He acted like it. It won’t make a bit of difference because incest and victimization isn’t caused by kissing family members or hugging them on the holiday called Thanksgiving. The very attractive woman probably has a book to sell on the subject and I doubt will help one soul but probably how she got on Fox had a lot to do with her attractiveness and nothing more. Both would probably make a good pear until one or the other gets wise. Ted Danson starred in a tv show I thought was well done on the subject of father daughter incest but I don’t remember the name of the show (made for tv) since I saw it quite a while back as well as did the child actress singer guitar player now an adult actress who recently defended Weinstein who also starred in an insightful program about the subject. Each case is different. Can’t remember her name and will add it when I do but thought it was well done. Lindsay Lohan is her name. Hollywood ought to do more movies about it and less vampire and less mission impossible type movies because I think it helps to get real sometimes. She reminds me of Elizabeth Taylor because of her eyes which reminded me of a movie in the past starring Elizabeth Taylor which was interesting as well in which an irritating young woman played by Shelly Winters (reason enough for her demise, imo, JUST KIDDING. An excellent actress and a beauty in her youth) gets pregnant and later is murdered (dumped in a lake while pregnant) because of the attraction of her boyfriend (Montgomery Clift who made a mistake with the first woman by impregnating her) to a beautiful woman he meets (Elizabeth Taylor) who had more to offer the young man. I think the movie is called A Place in the Sun. Even comedies could be produced if done right in the subjects even though the subjects are serious. It would take a good writer to not blow it but for awareness sake (maybe using Maureen O’Hara’s daughter (at least I thought she was her daughter?), Catherine O’Hara (the movie Orange County star) as a wife of a sex addict or the beleaguered victim years later, or family member involved, etc and many of the SNL females could also do the same) and perhaps help those who do impregnate avoid murdering a woman and ending up in a prison cell or to show other options like abortion, divorce, etc., unless you have succumbed to the errors of Rome (a zillion of them and believe Dire Straits – The Man’s Too Strongsince life does not begin until a person is born otherwise we would be producing movies and going to movies, hiring and firing employees or searching for a job, dating and marrying, taking vacations, going to school and college, celebrating birthdays and Thanksgiving, creating and manufacturing products to sell to the public or making trade pacts with other countries, shopping, playing, running elections and having presidential debates, and insuring seeds (spermatocytes 100000000 million of them in a teaspoon), embryos, and fetuses in the womb against malpractice, pursuing cases of female and male negligence resulting in miscarriages and social/religious and governments negligence in regards to the development of seeds, embryos, and fetuses in the wombs of females resulting in miscarriages, deformities, debilitating physical ailments of all kinds in a court of law and making a killing in the field of law by doing so. 
    Hey, Bret Baier: Wasn’t Nixon somehow related to Eisenhower? Didn’t Nixon expose Billy Graham’s dis-love for the jews?
    Dip shit with a few daughters on Fox on the Saturday show about Hits and Misses said Taylor Swift knows her business (songwriter and performer and has a lot on her plate) because she had no opinion on politics or something to the effect of staying out of the fray in the last election period. I have no idea if she voted. She isn’t yet 30 years old as far as I know, I think unmarried and I think has no children I doubt her parents were hospiced yet and lacks experience in many ways though very pretty and very talented. Not to mention propaganda and many lies that occurred during the election period. More than likely, that’s why, you asshole. What a put down to women. She probably has plenty to say in her songs but I bet he doesn’t listen to her songs and I bet he definitely doesn’t listen to his daughters. I didn’t vote because I couldn’t trust the press and it’s news. Kind of a third party non-voter because my non vote with many others made a difference and might affect you soon. You would be surprised of the affect the entertainment industry has on GenerationS and how it will effect you and it might hurt you one day and/or help you one day but definitely the entertainment industry (movies, made for tv shows and songs) has more pull than you and your friends on Fox and for a longer period of time. Who is gonna watch the show on Saturday 10 years from now? NO ONE. She said something once and I appreciated her inspiration at the right time when I needed it and I will never forget it.

    Kate Steinle and Garcia Zarate

    The alleged killer of Kate Steinle was I guess you call it acquitted of murder. I think the jury did a good job because I think he was set up because of his 6 or 7 illegal entries into the USA and the other reasons I have written about. Why didn’t the Federal officer of Land Management press charges of gun theft? Because whoever stole the gun is probably the killer of Kate Steinle or an accomplice to the real killer and the Federal agent could be charged with negligence at the very least. Probably, because it was a set up. My brother picked up my brother-in-law’s gun he kept under the bed when at their home and it went off and he almost shot his foot off while talking on the phone in their first home when they were out of town. Some triggers are hair triggers. Before that my brother-in-law kept it under his pillow with my sister sleeping next to him. Heard there was a lot of political pressure going on at the time about safe zones (sanctuary cities) and obviously there aren’t any safe zones or this wouldn’t have happened. I think it was a set up father against daughter for the reasons I have mentioned in another post before this one and possibly somewhere above in this post as it has kind of lengthened. We ought to build the wall as was promised. It reminds me of the one bullet theory of the JFK assassination. SUPER DUPER FAR-FETCHED. Anyway some weird things involved like pills in a trash bin nearby, etc. I think she was killed purposefully by someone else and used Garcia Zarate as their fall guy. I worry about his life with Ice agents but hopefully he will be in custody of a good ICE agents since some or one was killed recently in the line of duty in some strange situation in the area of South Texas at a place my brother camped a long time ago called Southbend. (I think it is called)  Land management of California ought to do a better job and use common sense so fires don’t get out of control in California ever again. I highly doubt she said what was purported to have been said if a bullet had just ripped through her aorta/heart. Did JFK say anything after he was shot or when he was stabbed in the back as I have alleged? NO! What was supposedly said by Kate Steinle to her dad was to garnish EXTRA sympathy to the daddy (because he has lots to hide) as if he loved her and I don’t think he did or as if she loved him which she probably did. I don’t agree with Jeff Sessions either even if he went to the anniversary of her death to meet the dad. WHY did he meet with the dad? Does he know him? Seems contrived. Did he meet the dad because of S_I_M_I_L_A_R POLITICS? IS the dad using politics to cover something up? I think so. The ex said he saw the video of Zarate at the scene of the crime but I never have so I don’t know what he is talking about. Did the video also show Kate Steinle say “Help me daddy?” or was the camera only aimed at the fall guy? HOW CONVENIENT! Maybe Jeff Sessions should recuse himself from this event. I know what it is like to go into shock or near shock because of a leg injury being crushed between two cars and on a less severe example of a childhood accident falling off a bike and having the wind knocked out of me and I couldn’t talk. I don’t think she could talk. I could grunt. I just don’t believe she could have said it after being shot in the heart. Is there any corroborating witnesses who say she said what she supposedly said? What caliber of gun was it? a 22? B-B gun? Even people wearing bullet proof vests can’t talk immediately after being shot in the area of the chest though protected. IF it was a revolver from a Federal Agent I imagine it was a pretty strong caliber revolver and it would have knocked the wind out of her as it ripped up her heart. Has anyone else in the history of humanity (other than Caesar when he said “Et tu, Brutus?” after being stabbed a bunch) said anything after being shot in the heart? Please enlighten me. I think it is a physical impossibility. Did Jesus say anything after he was pronounced dead until after a few days? Maybe she said it spiritually, but not physically. I have never heard of it in my lifetime, HAVE YOU? The fact that her dad said she said it makes me SUPER DUPER SUSPICIOUS of the dad involved and politicizing it a year later??????.I think the reason for the lack of charges against theft of the revolver may have to do with where Zarate may have been at the time of the theft of the revolver from the vehicle of the Federal Land Management Agent. Perhaps he was in jail or on the other side of the border and the possibility of negligence on the part of the Federal Land Management Agent for allowing his revolver to be assessable to anyone while having a meal out. That’s Negligence. Did he know the dad? I think an investigation into the theft of the revolver used and the meal out of the Federal Agent ought to be investigated thoroughly for it was the weapon used to kill Kate Steinle. Perhaps the person he had the meal with had someone steal his weapon while occupying him at a meal? HE SHOULD HAVE KNOWN BETTER. Sounds to me like corruption of some kind on a federal level and/or stupidity. Turns out this is a biggie, bigger than I thought initially. I think before the feds get high and mighty they ought to clean their own stables. How was the gun allowed to be stolen? I think it’s the feds using the state and the state using the feds to manipulate and maneuver the people however they want undermining decency and freedom for people mostly (FEMALES) who might have known something or learned something as Kate Steinly did, possibly? Possibly using her death to mire the DOJ from Benghazi information: USING KATE STEINLE’s SUBSTANCE. Makes sense to me since it happened during the OBAMA Administration as well.
    Watters World’s Jesse Watters (more like squatterS) and Laura In Graham (as in Billy Graham with a cross on) are fuming because they are deceived. Jesse Watters Harassing Democrats….not Republicans such as Bill O’reilly a Jesuit obeisant who said he was INDEPENDENT (who fucking paid him his salary?) the kind of people who make a vow to the devil for the Vatican because of the bar which is high in regards to sexual harassment on the job and O’reilly paid out 17 million dollars to hide his multiple infractions against females on the job (and I think it has since been multiplied) and JESSE WAS SILENT while using his popularity because no one realized how decrepit he is (except those who took his crumbs like Jesse Watters and others who looked the other way because of their salaries. Turn your collar back down Jesse and reveal who you really are and get this through your thick skull: IT ISN’T YOUR WORLD! I don’t know why he selected a few of the people he chose to harass but he did on the show on Saturday night, Maybe he knows something I don’t know? HOW? I don’t know. Anyway he brought up Kate’s law and is trying to force it upon America Watter’s Way which is the wrong way and he better watch his Ps and Qs because he might end up on the wrong side of the law harassing and have to pay out beaucoups of money as did Bill O’reilly who was on the wrong side of the law in regards to sexual harassment. DO YOU REMEMBER RACHEL’S LAW? Correct me if I’m wrong but she stood in front of a bulldozer and was killed because she didn’t move and the driver didn’t see her during her ROMAN CATHOLIC DISPUTE WITH ISRAEL brainwashed into thinking it’s not their land and about building on their land. DO YOU REMEMBER? This is clearly using the substance of females wrongly and as using Kate Steinle’s substance. All you have is the testimony which I believe is probably false in regards to her dad about what she said and why she and her dad met on the pier when they met on the pier with out her mom and his wife and there is definitely way more to the story than meets the CATHOLIC EYE i.e. the Catholic SEE which if you read in Revelation DOES NOT SUCCEED. Roman Catholics want it both ways. The evangelical  way (which is catholic) and the catholic way and it is not God’s way. Yea Zarate should not have been in the USA to begin with and crossed the border multiple times because of the Roman Catholic Way in Mexico or wherever he is from south of the border. You have your own religions to blame in all aspects of this tragedy. Why doesn’t Laura In Graham with a cross on and Jesse Watter’s (O’reilly’s son in waiting) harass the Federal Agent whose gun was stolen and used in this tragedy and ask why he didn’t press charges? Because he has something to hide, that’s why! Possibly not his fault but it was negligence on his part in how he stored his revolver which brought on this tragedy to it’s current status. Some Roman Catholics think they are the chosen ones and they have been brainwashed into thinking such foolishness. God chose the Hebrews to free from such foolishness and to make famous the TEN COMMANDMENTS and what did the Roman Catholics FAITH try to do to the Ten Commandments? ALTERED THE TEN COMMANDMENTS to fit their lifestyle (living like monks) and their deceptions which are ENORMOUS: THE ERRORS OF ROME and growing by LEAPS AND BOUNDS. COME OUT OF HER MY CHILDREN BECAUSE HER SINS HAVE REACHED UNTO HEAVEN AND DO NOT PARTAKE OF HER SINS which both Laura In Graham as in Billy Graham Graham with a cross on and Jesse Watters as in Bill O’reilly’s Jesuit mentored boy are doing and share in the punishment of the Roman WHORE of BABYLON and the many errors it has PROPPED UP such as HOSPICE: MURDER SUICIDE of many innocent people using the personal decisions of young girls, ladies and women who decided to have an abortion as a reason FOR TREASON OF THE ROMAN CATHOLIC DOGMA against innocent people. Do either ever mention Hospice or Mother Teresa but both mention often their distaste for abortion. Why don’t either mention and/or investigate hospice and the incentives used for Hospice and the possible misuse of Hospice?
    IT sounds like a set up of Zarate and a set up of Kate Steinle since her dad and some other guy visited her. I do not believe the dad of Kate Steinle because his testimony about what she said because she could not have said it but it made him look innocent by her saying it which she didn’t or couldn’t have, IMO. I was not in the courtroom to hear the testimony but I know something stinks and I think it’s her dad protecting his own reputation. Everyone feels for the dad because his daughter is very pretty and looks like a very sweet girl like many girls/females and she didn’t deserve what happened to her but not all dads are good dads. In some faiths the dads kill their own daughters  for the sake of their honor called HONOR KILLINGS usually for falling in love with someone ELSE or having sex before marriage with SOMEONE ELSE etc. In this case I think it’s because of incest because I think the dad is lying. Saw the video of his explanation to the public and it was definitely NOT CONVINCING. SPOKE IN a very funny way: broken english and wore sunglasses to hide his unemotional-ness in other words HE WAS LYING and I’m not impressed with his UNVINDICTIVENESS because of his FAITH. (Seems eerily familiar like the kids who lost their older sister at Sandy Hook Elementary and were talking about her and the brother looked ashamed because it was BULLSHIT.) Also watched his emotion in the courtroom talking about his daughter and it still was unconvincing. IF he didn’t know why she fell yet he heard the gun go off???GIVE ME A YOU KNOW WHAT which starts with F and ends with BREAK. No way she could have spoken after being shot in the heart. At war have you ever heard of anyone shot in the heart who spoke to anyone or was able to speak? We have had plenty of wars and I have never ever heard of a case where someone who was shot in the heart was able to speak and I think we would have heard if there was one case of someone talking after being shot in the heart for the sake of  PATRIOTISM during wartime.
    Whose body is the female’s body? My body is my body: It’s not Rome’s body and it TRULY is not Jesse Watter’s world though he may boast it”s Watter’s World but then Bill O’reilly boasted he was watching out for you and turned out he was watching out for himself at the expense of a few women and their character and their jobs and eventually he lost his own as he should have. You would have thought the women who filed suit against against O’reilly should have kept their jobs but instead he kept his for quite a while afterwards and the women lost their jobs instead. THAT IS UNFAIR and proves something is wrong with those who prop their faiths or hide behind a cross (like Laura In Graham as in Billy Graham with a cross on) and doesn’t stand up for their fellow female or co-worker and instead slinks in to replace a Fox employee to badger and berate females for having had abortions even though they use birth control as if it makes them more honorable and it doesn’t. Laura InGraham is a bully and very disgusting and if she knew what God thought of her she would step off her bully pulpit and apologize to the many women and their families for her part in the Roman Catholic Inquisition going on in our country and for the Roman Catholic killing fields of HOSPICE/MURDER/SUICIDE which when she dies she will have to answer for her part in the Roman Catholic Inquisition to GOD HIMSELF I guarantee it and probably for the death of Kate Steinle as well. Laura InGraham as in Billy Graham with a cross on thinks her shit doesn’t stink because she wears a cross on her chest but her shit does stink and she mocks the cross. She should not be wearing it and doing what she does on air. Merry Christmas Laura…..I hope the lip injections were worth it.
    My mom was hospiced without my permission for two weeks before she died and I was not told until she died and I loved her dearly. She was a wonderful woman, a great mom, a fantastic wife, and a very talented person and you could never measure up to who she was and is and I hold your FALSE faith personally responsible. IMO you are a bitch from hell!
    And Jesse Watters is a fucking fascist for trying to push Kate’s law which is an abomination to her and to any decent person. You don’t put someone in jail for 5 years for crossing the border illegally. Would you put a North Korean in jail for 5 years for trying to escape from North Korea into South Korea? Remember the american who was put in jail and chained to a cot in Mexico? Jesse Watters ought to instead be insisting that a wall be built as was promised. When in South Padre our family crossed the border into Mexico to eat at a restaurant late at night. Do we deserve five years in jail? It’s a dumb law and Jesse Watters should lose his job at Fox for being an ignoramus but I think it’s a prerequisite in order to get a job at Fox. *Just kidding but you do have a few rotten apples which can spoil the whole bunch and Laura InGraham as in Billy Graham wearing a cross and Bill O’réílly are rotten apples rotting the others. I think making Mexico and countries south of the USA border ought to pay for the expense of the wall or pay for the expenses of the people that have crossed illegally or both and the troubles that have occurred because of the crimes and the freebies they get in the USA. By the way it is ROMAN CATHOLIC DOGMA that wants borderless countries so it is this kind of inspiration that prompts illegal entry into the USA so the Vatican ought to have to pay also for the expenses incurred by illegals since it is the Vatican’s fault.
    Build the wall and make those south of the border cross the border legally. It is our responsibility to make it hard to cross illegally and because it is our border.
    If you have a home without a fence and someone walks across your yard would you have them imprisoned for 5 years for “J” walking? We have solicitation laws/rules at peoples doors and yet bible thumpers do it and they don’t go to jail for five years. Fines might help as well in regards to illegally crossing the border which would deter many from trying. MONEY TALKS.
    Noticed that Zarate was very skinny compared to earlier and I think is being abused in the circus of justice going on by both sides.

    You Don’t Own Me – Bette Midler, Goldie Hawn & Diane … – YouTube

    It’s probably confusing to those transitioning from the Democratic party to the Republican party or whoever is in charge majority wise and who is President as to what is right and what is wrong. I don’t think Flynn should have lied to the FBI but before Trump was in office Obama relied on everyone lying to every branch of government and to every part of government.


    Bill O’reilly gets knocked down and it sort of domino-ed, didn’t it? I think the dominos are still doing their thing knocking out a lot of people in the domino chain and I think Jesse Watters may get domino-ed as well somewhere down the domino road A REPEAT OF HISTORY, by the way. I wonder if there is a connection to the downfall of BILL O’reilly and the others on….THE LIST probably for kicking the can down the road in regards to Benghazi a subject Bill O’reilly stayed clear of for some STRANGE reason. I guess it didn’t help.
    Is the list Jesuit inspired and using american tax dollars?

    Mending Wall by Robert Frost | Poetry Foundation

    (The Most Dangerous Countries in the World To Be a Journalist)

    Bret Baier asked McMasters if Americans would be safe in Seoul Korea for the Winter Olympics? McMasters seems to thinks so. I think probably as safe as the Jewish wrestling team was in Germany during the Olympics and as safe as the concert attendees in Las Vegas, and as safe as Garcia Zarate and Kate Steinle were in a sanctuary City in California, and as safe as the people living on the coastlines, and as safe as the community in California in the wine country (LAND MANAGEMENT DEBACLE) and as safe as the people going to work on 9-11 in New York, in other words, there are no guarantees because we are at war and have many enemies of Freedom.
    I SURE WOULDN’T ATTEND even though usually the Olympics provide  good protection but in Seoul Amerians are definitely more noticeable but I don’t think terrorists care about who terrorists kill.
    Maybe Bret Baier ought to ask the UN Ambassador Haley what she thinks. LOL
    Talk about mixed messages.
    Heard Russia has been expelled from Seoul for the Winter Olympics and heard a reason but did not understand the reason. Started with a “D”
    has been made sometime or other and the ingredients in the possible order are: virgins, incest, abortions, hospice, terrorism, and some other things using OTHER PEOPLES KIDS AND THEIR FAMILIES TO TAKE THE FALL FOR THE ABOVE IN PLACE OF THEM AND THEIR DAUGHTERS CALLED REPLACEMENT THEOLOGY – I will add more when I get a REVELATION at least I think it is a revelation….. It might have to do with relationship of Roman Catholicism and Islam: a covenant between them. Or perhaps between the Jesuits and the Neo Cats, Opus Dei, and other secret parts of Roman Catholicism not the lay people obviously who are the victims as well often like African Americans were predominantly the victims of the FALSE AFRICAN AMERICAN PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA and I think Barack OBAMA actually represents the leader of those secret parts of Roman Catholicism handing over a mantel of a religious organization to the pope as a gift or was it? There is a saying: Beware of strangers bearing gifts. I can’t remember which religion, but I think it was Calvinism. I thought it was strange when it happened. A mantel of a dead guy a leader of Calvinism (or whatever religion it was) but it represented the whole shebang, not just the leader.
    The False Covenant maker breaks the covenant because it was false to begin with and it coincides with the prophecy in Daniel standing where it should not….moved to the Gospel of Matthew A BIG CLUE about at least as old as the Book of Daniel (A little later than possibly 605 BC) and only the reader would know it because it was a very strange prophecy which it’s relocation occurred during the Obama Administration and probably the burdensome stone (Syria) because of the Golan Heights and Israel, the NEW WORLD ORDER which includes the same key players in
    as in WORLD WAR TWO and the THIRD REICH
    and others like KOREA, ASEAN and 
    and coincides with
    the false teaching of the mustard seed being the smallest of seed whenever it was implemented, published, and taught in regards to
    faith (a mistake based on a lie), fate (Que sera…, WHAT ever will be),
    fatah (conquering)
    and a plethora of lies.
    and last but not least
    I hope things turn around.
    Jesus did not commit to man because he knew what was in man.
    (I believe my dad and mom when they said “You’re in good company” after they died and were able to communicate spiritually!
    THEY OUGHT TO KNOW and I think referring to females and their families caught up in this dilemma which comprises many elements. Some very good elements which Might be even smaller than the mustard seed’
    like perhaps
    The God Factor.
    and the JESUS who said I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE
    which takes time and patience!
    Think about it HOW LONG AGO was it when mankind discovered that the earth was roundish and not flat and I think quite a few people are given the distinction of the discovery BUT NOT THE VATICAN until the Vatican had to relinquish it’s authority on the matter. You ought to read the next link because its kind of funny:

    When did the church accept that the Earth moves around the sun?

    I think it was Galileo who kind of in a big way settled the matter with irrefutable evidence prompted by other scientific geniuses who preceded him who investigated probably spiritually introduced things induced by deception and STUPIDITY that led up to the discovery in search for the truth.

    Mitt Romeny and Steve Bannon.

    Mormonism is a cult but was delegated by the Roman Catholic Church as being on equal terms (but not really) as the RCC/Vatican which is a cult. The RCC certainly avails itself of the information gained by the mormon religion because its useful in its present INQUISITION and at its location and the utilities available nearby.  I had a friend who was mormon and she told some things that occurred to some females (bully tactics) very cultic before those utilities were available as we have heard about of other cults involving control freaks. Most religions are cultic as far as females are concerned however not to the extent of Jim Jones of Guyana. I have no problem with the Mormons enjoying complex marriages if necessary as was its beginnings. I don’t consider it to be a cult because of complex marriages as long as females are treated fairly and are in on the bigamy and not victims of it. BIG OF ME, ISN’T IT? Solomon had a bunch of wives (over 100 wives and also coined the phrase ALL IS VANITY).

    Ecclesiastes 1:14 KJV

    14 I have seen all the works that are done under the sun; and, behold, all is vanity and vexation of spirit. I guess it wasn’t the life of Riley! Probably similar to being the fastest gun in the west. A curse.

    I’ll be your huckleberry/huckle bearer?

    Love the expressions of Doc Holiday in Tombstone.  and the tweet by Laceymediclady28 “Val Kilmer can play a Doc Holiday that makes a man with tuberculosis (“consumption”) look badass!!” and Roger Dee on the same page. Funny. A good movie, but berry berry violent etc.  The expression the temple veil being rent from twain to twain is also an interesting timeline and having to do with Israel vs Palestine. IMO Bigomy helps to grow a religion quickly. Some people are not satisfied with one spouse. I think the hierarchy is the problem with Mormonism. I did not study it’s tenets but I heard some believable rumors about some bad treatment of females. There was quite a to-do about Mormonism between Romney, Billy Graham/Franklin Graham (BGEA), and the RCC/Vatican during the Obama Administration and I think involves Benghazi as well and then a bunch of shit started occurring which created a lot of deception in our country and while it is hard to overcome it helped me to realize how deep the deception runs. Obviously, the Vatican is using the Mormon religion because of their rumor mill which can be attained when privacy is tossed to the wind for security sake so I know these entities walk hand in hand. It’s the times we are in when Trump acknowledges/recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel as if he needed to but apparently does upsetting a ton of people but how can one who is educated not recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Obviously Rome is the capital of Italy with a state within a state – the Vatican. Before we try to force a two state solution on Israel we ought to do it to Italy as well but the Vatican will try to use their two state solution (a state within a state) as an excuse for the two-state solution it want’s to force upon Israelites. There are peaceful Palestinians living within Israel and there were peaceful Palestinians living in Egypt until the coups occurred and the Palestinians were quite happy in Egypt before the two coups which involve as well what occurred in Benghazi, Libya. I know there is a prophecy of someone moving their tabernacles between Jerusalem and the glorious sea (Mediterranean Sea or the Sea of Galilee) but not sure of its meaning. Is it talking about the Mormon Tabernacle, Notre Dame or the move of the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem one of which is already there: Notre Dame and some controversial items contained in Notre Dame at least for a while such as the Shroud of Turin and its propensity to cause false worship (using technology of the vision kind like a hologram of the Shroud of Turin which is a death cloak) since it’s false, a fake. It’s false because in the Gospel of John Jesus was wrapped in two cloths not one (one for the head and one for the body. might be referring to the Jesuits as one cloth in a spiritual sense for a sign which makes sense since Jesuits make a vow to the Devil for the sake of the Vatican to retain power deposing people in power using a myriad of tactics as well as using the mob and secret societies as has been going on for a few thousand years) Supposedly and prophetically the vision (hologram) will also speak. Could be talking about the possibility of a new temple the third one or the fourth one but first the DOME OF THE ROCK would have to be removed which was visited for the first time by a pope of the vatican when Pope Benedict XVl visited it on a Vatican tour of the Holy lands (2005 I think) and transported something very large to the area via a BIG MAC TRUCK. I think it was The Alter of PACIS but still not sure of the contents in the truck. Many people think that the thing that stands where it should not prophecy of Daniel is the Dome of the Rock (the third holiest location of ISLAM: how many do you have to have before you are satisfied/satiated?) which might be true but I think it was the prophecy in Daniel being moved to the Gospel of Matthew during the Obama Administration which was the fulfillment because it said also “let the reader understand” so you had to have read it meaning it was something written but could also be a dual fulfillment or quadruple fulfillment of prophecy with the self fulfilling type of prophecies which tend to occur as well but definitely should peak our interest because it’s kind of prophetic of something BIG having to do with false worship which is basically the subject in the Book of Daniel and forced false worship beset upon the people. The tabernacles are supposed to be placed between a mountain and a glorious sea. Recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel is a no brainer however the reaction is quite remarkable and proves how important Israel and Jerusalem is to the world but more importantly to God: The apple of his eye, the belly button of God. (I THINK because of the Hebrews and because of the Ten Commandments.)  Some say a way to a man’s heart is through his stomach and the way to God’s heart is as well and Jesus of the Gospel of John said FEED MY SHEEP. I guess fasting isn’t as important as some think unless you need to lose weight for obvious reasons and Hospice isn’t a good idea, nor smart. Eating was also important at the Last supper and was not the Last Fast. Fasting can cause hallucinations as happened I think to Peter who lived with a tanner in the Book of Acts which might be an invitation to spiritual manifestations that are not good. Food helps the mind think reasonably. There are other places as well in Jerusalem and in Israel that fit the description of some tabernacle but I don’t know the name of one in particular I’m thinking of which I had read about and seen pictures of but it included the NEOCATS of the Neocatechumenal Way in some form or fashion. I don’t know when it was built but it was there before the visit by the pope to the Dome of the Rock. INTERESTING TIMES. Anyway to some extent I agree with Steve Bannon about the comments and interference of Mitt Romney and it’s intent. He obviously would like to see Trump ousted out of the office of the Presidency and would like to be the President or he wouldn’t have run for the office when he did but one good thing he did during his run for the office against Obama was clue americans in on the Benghazi situation as being unusual which hadn’t been noticed sufficiently during the debate between him and Obama and Obama got off his stool immediately because it caught him off guard, but HOW DID HE KNOW? I think it had to do with the state within a state in UTAH. I think most of Mitt Romney’s interjections some good and bad as is usually the case is definitely POLITICAL FOLLY and Religious as well. Of course, I don’t know everything involved in his opinion of Mitt Romney but since Trump got into office he has been met with an amazing amount of disdain the likes of which I have never ever seen, unwarranted and I think UNPROVOKED except in a thought kind of way and perhaps because he has challenged the powers that be and hopefully constructively. The Jesuit Pope Francis is using the UN as his excuse (THE MODUS OPPERANDI of the Jesuits EXCUSES AND SHIFTING BLAME such as Abortion is the excuse for Hospice blaming females and their families) because he is not happy about Trump’s bid hoping to wield UN pressure on Trump as Obama did in regards to the UN when he said “the future must not belong to those who insult the prophet of Islam.” –  stirring up trouble and is doing it concurrently. Funny how the Vatican protects itself and yet doesn’t want countries to protect themselves on their borders because it keeps the Vatican FAT and the people poor and most importantly IGNORANT: barefoot and pregnant because it’s their bread and butter. One lady on Fox asked if we move our embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem will it prompt other nations moving their embassies to Jerusalem? If it does there won’t be any room left in Jerusalem. Is it necessary? I don’t think so, but I do think recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel is necessary because it’s true that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. DUH. The reaction to the old news that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel reiterated by Trump really has gotten VINDICTIVE by those of some very INSANE faiths.   Have you not seen, nor heard, neither entered into your hearts that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel and yet Trump recognized it?


    Rome is the capital of Italy and Paris is the capital of France. I still have trouble remembering the capitals of the 50 states of the USA but I somehow learned these other facts. Anyway I think I will check out the atlas and see if it is true and that I haven’t been brainwashed into believing something which isn’t true.  Yep, Trump is right: the red star in the map is indicating that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel and above it and to the right a little bit is a little orange star indicating that Amman must be the capital of Jordan. This is called a map and maps are often used in the science of geography. Maps are often times used in history books. Cartographers use maps to illustrate where places are located such as Jerusalem and Ammon, Israel and Jordan. The little red dots indicate other cities. Some maps also include topography so you can know if there are mountains, hills and lakes, rivers, seas, oceans which are blue in this case, etc Mountainous area are displayed kind of green grey. There is a little white box on the left bottom corner of the picture called a map which topographers call either an insert or inset to indicate a correlation between the topography and the color displayed on the map as in the above picture called a map. Sometimes there is an insert or inset usually a small box somewhere on a map to indicate distance in miles so if you have a vehicle you might know about the distance from one place to another and see how many hours it might take to travel from one place to another depending on how fast one drives and other variables. Map makers are called cartographers and sometimes in order to draw maps cartographers hire surveyors to measure the land to divide it in to parcels of land in order to build or sell and buy real estate. Some maps have road and highways included so you can have directions on how to get from point a to point b so you don’t have to wing it or just in case you can’t wing it. I have never been to Israel and used to want to see it but I don’t believe God is only available at the inn or in a temple or in Jerusalem or Rome or in Bethlehem. I would rather go to the ocean or the mountains and not worry about it. I believe God was and is in my parents, my family, and my children in their experiences and our experiences the good parts so I don’t have a stake in whether or not we put our temple there or not. I don’t think we should unless it helps Israel and I don’t think it will. Recognizing the capital is the capital of Israel is important and recognizing the state of Israel as Israeli seems a no-brainer to me. Problem for the Palestinians is they allegedly don’t have a state of their own. So give them part of Saudi Arabia and let them build and make the dessert bloom, if Palestinians can, and prove themselves worthy. I have no idea if the article below is true or not but the article is about a FEMALE journalist who was murdered trying to expose the truth about the mob. Malta is an island in the Mediterranean where Paul with the help of Luke got people on the island to believe he was a god somehow recounted in some books after the 4 main gospels. I think Paul who was previously Saul was a pope because he had a ton of money to travel as he did at first hunting christians and then infiltrating the churches after a run in with a bolt of lightning… and/or a flash of light…..on the road to Damascus. There might have been two of them posing as the other. Same as Peter and same as Jesus and who knows who else. The island looks like a bee. Malta also was where a shipwreck occurred carrying jews, I think. It was a strategic location MILITARILY and important for trade in biblical times (human trade as well) and probably still is for some.


    Malta arrests 10 over journalist’s killing that shocked world… would imagine a lot of money is laundered there. Kids are hard to teach because they don’t know how the world works (I’m still trying to figure it out) especially these days which are complex as our government is amazingly complex and have to rely on their experience, rely on GOD, rely on THEIR PARENTS  and learn not to trust peer pressure which takes an enormous amount of time to learn in various ways sometimes even up to old age. I think a good infrastructure improvement would be to erect the Ten Commandments in places in each city, town or local or in government buildings or public buildings or town squares and let the Ten Commandments speak for itself as a reminder so when a kid or an adult is curious might see the Ten Commandments and ponder the importance of the Ten Commandments, it’s historical relevance and spiritual relevance, and the meaning of the rules of the Ten Commandments depending upon their circumstances and or situation the kid or adult might be in. I think The Ten Commandments located even in abortion clinics would be good without disallowing abortions depending on how a person views God and how a person views an unwanted pregnancy, mistakes, their religion, their personal feelings about all of the above, etc because it is a personal decision as is our relation ship with God and our parents. I know that when many fought against the Ten Commandments in the 60’s and 70’s  prompted by the dilemma of the separation of church and state we made a mistake and went too far and it is affecting the situation in our country and it’s dealings with the world at this time in a bad way. I think we need the Ten Commandments even if we don’t understand the Ten Commandments fully or agree with the Ten Commandments in every aspect because of religious differences and because of non religious differences. Learning about God is a long process if a person desires to learn about God or even notices God depending on how a person is raised. Myself I don’t think God is against abortion anymore than against normal birth control however some religions are against abortion. I think abortion is a human right and since government and religious entities kill all day long and everyday all over the world and if judging females and their families for abortion ought to look at their own sins in regards to the politics and religions of killing and murder and the difference between the two and the causes of WARS, rape, incest, promiscuity usually brought on by sexcal harassment and lack of respect of females, rape and incest and religious competitions of many sanctimonious assholes who use women and GIRLS as status symbols, sex symbols, often or as objects instead of as equals. The US constitution and the lawyers who defend the constitution and at the same time disregarding the Ten Commandments especially the first and the second commandments are huge examples of US Constitutionalists disregarding females and parental rights over government and religious rights which is also a BIG mistake and I think will come back and bite you very severely: Did God mention governments, religions/faiths, priests, popes, or the US  Constitution in the Ten Commandments but he mentioned parents and their children as most important to God, but not embryos or fetuses and I’m sure God knew of the difference however Peter and Paul in the Book of Acts and in the other epistles afterwards didn’t. Peter and Paul never mentioned it.

    Tracy Chapman – Subcity (1989) – YouTube

    I think Reagan was President when she wrote or made famous this song and the trickle down economics which didn’t actually trickle very far down the pyramid or we wouldn’t be in the situation in this country as we are in at this time ecumenically and economically and hopefully Trump can see that government is ridiculously cumbersome and intrusive and abusive and for the most part evil and full of of some very bad people and most of them live in the Washington DC area because of the power it wields often against it’s own citizens instead of the enemy whom I think I have exposed.
    “Tear down this wall” wasn’t interference in the politics between Russia and Germany by the USA?
    The acceptance of Hospice may be the last straw as far as Jesus is concerned and as far as God is concerned. Take heed.
    Is Russia or Germany promoting Hospice in our country in reaction to WWll – the results of WWll. We know the Vatican is promoting Hospice/Murder-Suicide since it sainted the author of Hospice/Murder-Suicide using a sabotage of a chemical plant located in a neighborhood of India in India isn’t suspicious? What occurred in Syria the sarin gas attack vs poisoned rice shipment to a neighborhood in Syria (shipment of rice via China through India) and a military official of the Syrian military being overheard by Germany’s intelligence and taped as dropping a sarin gas device on a neighborhood in Syria isn’t suspicious (fakey) especially with women wearing painters masks instead of proper protection and walking kids through the area of contamination without any protection in a alleged sarin gas contaminated location with people suffering from poison of some kind in the same room and  it isn’t suspicious and Sen. John Kerry (Roman Catholic Secretary of State) transporting 30 or so witnesses of the attack at Benghazi taken to Germany never to be heard from again isn’t suspicious? Maybe the wall between the two Germanys erected because of Fascism/Nazism vs Communism and Russia should have remained as the wall between South Koreans and North Koreans so things mentioned above wouldn’t be occurring. As far as walls are concerned, I guess it depends on if a wall is a good wall or a bad wall and how it is enforced which is kind of iffy because of politics and religion which tends to change like the direction the wind is blowing at any given moment. What is the objective of a good wall? To gain votes? To keep families apart? To weaken our borders? To allow illegal arms trade? To allow entry of terrorist factions? To allow human trade? To allow sex trade? To grow agricultural businesses? To undermine the middle class? To get freebies to undermine citizens and veteran privileges/RIGHTS? To Romanize/Catholicize/Islamicize our country? To rape, plunder and pillage? To destroy our country for the sake of the Vatican?
    I wrote a bunch more stuff I thought was good but lost it trying to save it to this post because of some technical problems but perhaps it is just as well: I think I have said enough and given enough warning in this post and others for the present time at least.
    But apparently not:

    “SLOW DOWN, YOU MOVE TO FAST you’ve  GOTTA MAKE THE MOURNING LAST Just, kicking down the cobblestones   ……. looking for fun and feeling groovy”;)

    Simon & Garfunkel, Feeling groovy, stereo – YouTube

    Fox (Neil Cavuto) is promoting a kinder and gentler work place environment not affected by the backlash of females because of the numerous sexual harassment claims one week after it all started. Under-exaggeration (two weeks), but remember Chandra Levy, Mary Jo Kopechne, Kathleen Wiley, etc.,  It’s been hostile environment against women for a long time even by other women and those who would appease for beneficial treatment for themselves and for the reputation of the station who started it messing with females and their families with extra-deceptive PROPAGANDA in regards to abortion and using it as an excuse to murder/suicide (to punish those of a different belief) using Hospice. History ought to be a teacher: don’t forget Ann Boleyn, etc. It sounds really cool to say “Don’t go there.” (Eric Holder- DOJ), or “let’s not go down this road.” (Humble Geraldo) Wouldn’t it be nice if it were that easy to forgive and forget, etc., usually the victim doing all of the work. PRETTY SLY! Take for instance the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH and it’s abuse of a lot of people and it’s reaction and using abortion as a litmus test for 12 candidates VYING for the Presidency on FOX and NOT condemning Hospice, NOT condemning Mother Teresa, NOT Condemning Jesuit Pope Francis, NOT CONDEMNING The Roman Catholic Church who hired Kissinger to Groom Obama as President and the attack on our embassy in Benghazi, Libya and NOT CONDEMNING his UN speech about the prophet of Islam and the future and Jesuit loving O’reilly never talking about Benghazi (allowing others to do it for him) and NOT CONDEMNING his sexual abusesat FOX called ENVIRONMENTAL HOSTILITY FOR OTHERS especially women (ex:Beatrice Arthur) and getting exposed (17 million buckaroonies) and then everyone else on the DOMINO Road, but not the Dominican Sisters of Mary (virgin guests of Lora In-Graham as in Billy with a cross on). LOL
    As my mom would say: “Consider the source and I think she was very wise!



    Randy L. McClave-The Brown Noser

    General Jack Sprat of Fox admitted a day or two ago when he said “we took out Ghadaffi.” That’s mighty interesting. Who is we?

    a clue. Last I heard Ghadaffi’s palace was bombed (killing one of his kids) by one of the George Bushes in reaction to findings (evidence) about the Lockerbee Scotland airplane crash caused by a bomb then later younger George Bush said he wasn’t gonna hit a camel in the ass in reaction to 9-11 and then Ghadaffi went to Rome for a visit with a bunch of European heads of states around the time of the G-8 meeting in Aquilla, Italy and was awarded Chrysler or some part of Chrysler by OBAMA and then saw pictures of him being dragged around nearly beaten to death by a gang of Libyans (looked like it anyway) on the internet during the Obama Administration so I have no idea what the general is talking about unless he misspoke or is misleading about the army because believe it or not the US army has rules about POWs but the Vatican does not have rules or maybe he isn’t the normal kind of army general and got mixed up or some kind of senility took place and he confessed for having killed Ghadaffi by the Vatican as their general because he does often seem to have the Vatican’s interests over the USA’s interests in his DNA or and I hate to kick a man while he is down but I have never understood how he made it to be a general and perhaps I haven’t seen nor witnessed whatever it is.

    Wouldn’t it be ironic if the Fox News O’reilly settlements paid to the accusers was paid via the list of sexual predators in Congress somehow? I did not expect Al Franken to resign. I didn’t expect a divorce between my  brother-in-law and my sister over my accusations, I expected a change of heart. Neither occurred mostly because no one knew what would work and all the variables of all the people involved or how to handle it to the satisfaction of everyone involved or on the peripherals of the deeds. I loved them as a couple and I loved their family:
    I think the list should be published and an investigation into how the list came about and why it came about and it’s objectives and whose idea it was to begin with. A congressional hearing about it would be wise. People have died for less: Chandra Levy,  et al and even men have died. Maybe Al Franken should be thankful, however I was hoping he would rise above it and be thankful.  BE A LEADER but there are stages of regret as in many other hard things in life we stumble upon. I had no idea about his strange sense of humor *except at SNL  and the things that have been rumored via the press and never would have if it wasn’t for the press. In my family it festered and created more problems down the road because of the lie done in haste and took on a life of it’s own IMO: It ain’t over till the fat lady sings!

    Luke 20:17-19KJV

    17 And he beheld them, and said, What is this then that is written, The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner?

    18 Whosoever shall fall upon that stone shall be broken; but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder.

    19 And the chief priests and the scribes the same hour sought to lay hands on him; and they feared the people: for they perceived that he had spoken this parable against them.

    Governor Brown has Californians back and was quoted as saying on Fox obviously  referring to the wild fire situation and the smokey dense air in California is “the new normal” to put it another way the NEO Normal because he supports the idea of Global warming (originally a Vatican idea, neocatechumenal way and recently changed to Climate Change because of the other areas which didn’t react similarly and actually got colder) and can’t figure out how to change it but there is name for a better normal called BETTER LAND MANAGEMENT. You have an ocean nearby and you would think it might be able to help you if you could only access it and make it moisten the land in dry weather and desalinated it for drinking water as well. The Jews did it in Israel. I read one of the signs of the return of Christ or Jesus was the deserts would blossom or bloom. That is why Mark Twain’s observation about the land of Israel when he visited it and wrote about it is so interesting. Israel was driven from their land and it was later called the Land of Palestine and he observed it was a wasteland and the Jews returned to their land and made it blossom (His writing about it is more illustrious since he is a writer). The words used about Jesus when he was crucified in one of the gospels I think it was the gospel of John said the veil of the temple was torn (rent) from twain to twain and I think Mark Twain represents one of those twains in a prophetic sense, as a witness. Supposedly the veil was very thick (dense) and would have taken a miracle to have pulled it apart. Not sure which one but probably the last one however California isn’t Israel. I know Jerry Brown isn’t doing right by his state and has become WORLDLY pleasing the VATICAN. A change of attitude might help towards Israel and towards BETTER LAND MANAGEMENT standards as was done in the past but chucked for GORES way using excuses and using those who would take advantage profiting from it plundering and pillaging the land and robbing the people living on the land. Al Gore is a war profiteer and a liar using Vatican propaganda. Do you remember Gore as a veep. He wasn’t that good and he was embarrassing to watch posing behind the president always trying to be in the spotlight and his speech the way he talks is very obnoxious as well. I have a feeling he stands in front of a mirror daily or even minute-by-minute over pronunciating/pronounciating/enunciating with over-affective gestures especially with his mouth like Mr. Ed. (a vexation of some kind but I’m not sure what kind of vexation to qualify it or to name it but possibly related to the vatican but I guarantee his wife got sick of it. How long does it take for someone like him to express his feelings. I bet she said to him : you killed the moment, turned over and said goodnight eventually moved to a different room.) Which ought to be a clue about his penchant for over reacting to weather anomalies and weather patterns. I bet he has a bunch of mirrors in his homes. You can’t look good every minute of the day though he may try. He isn’t smart enough to have come up with the ideas he came up with and I hear it’s bad science being used which is typical of the Vatican in the past so why not NOW? Gore is in the bible in prophecy though I think in one of the two books that starts with a Z. Only a blip. His followers, believe it or not, are in a religion, a cult of the RCC and basically are only pawns taking advantage like those who take advantage in wartime- war profiteers.  The Popery is basically a striking a pose and rarely does anything good. Burning people at the stake isn’t good just in case you didn’t know and basically is what is occurring in California, isn’t it? Is Jerry Brown catholic? Is Jerry Brown a Jesuit Catholic like O’reilly the Independent, LOL.,cic? I wonder not for joy. He reminds me of a priest. I don’t know why he just does. I guess saying what he is quoted as saying reminds me of a priest. Going to Paris won’t help California. By the way Paris is your competition in fashion, movies, and the arts so why would Paris help California. If he is a Jesuit I hope he disavows his vows because the vows are evil. Maybe Israel can help California with the problems of fires and better land management. When the worst hurricane to hit Louisiana occurred and George Bush was President we were attempting to divide Israel or Jerusalem. I think it’s important to remember. Maybe it’s not a good idea. I forget the name of the process but having to do with pacifying a bunch of nuts who still to this day don’t know how to read a map and cowering to peer pressure in regards to the capital of Israel. Unless you like regressing into the dark ages or to the time of the missing link you have to forge ahead and not cave to the pressure by the lowest common denominator because the lowest common denominator doesn’t want to learn, because it’s catholic and specifically jesuit (spiritually). The truth is the Jesuits know Jerusalem is the capital but the Jesuits don’t want you to know so the Jesuits can control you and control every aspect of your life and keep you down because your ignorance is like a veil and covers the sins of the Jesuits distancing themselves from their maniacal and methodical madness. CONTROL FREAKS,  SOCIOPATHS, AND PSYCHOPATHS. Honestly do you want to have to wake up every day and every morning and through the day and night and have to listen to the virgin Dominican sisters of Mary and see their bright smiles smiling down at you telling you to put on your burka or your alter boy flock and mop the floor for them so the floor will be clean enough for the pope to grovel to whatever he grovels to? It would be like having to listen to Obama’s favorite music and having to bow to a HUGE SET OF LIES. I think the pope grovels to the peer pressure to grovel because of the people watching him grovel are cardinals, bishops and priests and a photographer of course to make sure he grovels. He also CONFESSED he took a necklace from a dead man I wonder if it was the leader of the Calvinist religion. He did it to gain the courage of the person who died and of course you don’t get courage by stealing a mans necklace or dog tags. Probably had something to do with Benghazi because it was around the time of Benghazi and the change of popes from Pope Benedict to a Jesuit pope. Back to pillaging and robbing the people: It’s like having to pay a doctor or a vetinarian for an office visit when you know what’s wrong and only need the medicine and not an extra fee far more expensive than the medicine itself basically a surcharge for medicine that should be available to the general public not allowing the public to think for itself or for the pets the person owns. IS IT FREEDOM? NOPE It’s a racket!!! It’s not like a person can’t think back on experience and use it and double check if need be to go back to the doctor to confirm their conclusion, etc. It’s like walking in to a Target store and having to pay Target 100 bucks to walk in their doors to buy something for school you know you need. It’s unfair and it’s robbery. In mechanics when a person knows how to keep a car running because of experience but is forced to go to the dealership and pay for a 500 dollar key to have access to the area that needs oil or some kind of treatment. Hence delaying medical help to only get worse and far more expensive because of the delay and then saying if you had had insurance……..which is also a racket protecting bad medical advice. How about allowing people access to medicine at the drug store and veterinarian drug store. Do we need a priest at every point in life? or can we converse with God and our own minds and experience to figure things out and do as doctors often do: GUESS. Instead of having a ton of tests one doesn’t need for often the same conclusion. In this case experience is a plus but not if you kill (using Hospice) those with experience who have learned from their experience. Often people from the USA went to Mexico and vice versa to attain drugs for their ailment because our government didn’t give it the okay for one reason or the other (for the Republicans or for the Democrats). I wonder how many people have died not having access to a drug because of our government. I bet a lot of people have died this way and still our government doesn’t listen and plays their RCC election games. Don’t talk to me about abortion any more. I believe Trump in regards to the sexual allegations he denies one in particular the sexual assault on the plane doesn’t seem reliable AT ALL but I think these women might have had an experience with someone that might appear to have been Trump. One of them looked like she was under duress, ashamed and as if forced to lie.  I had a friend who thought her dad did something to her but only did she say so after I told her about my experience with my brother-in-law so I wasn’t sure if I could believe her story because for one thing she had a miscarriage late in pregnancy (after 6 months) I think before her second marriage or at the beginning of it and had her first marriage annulled and the story seemed contrived and she never argued with her second husband she told me. He was a person who resembled Steven Colbert and was the most obnoxious person I knew at the time. She wasn’t very nice to her mom. UNAPPRECIATIVE. It all seem so unbelievable and implausible. I think sometimes people dream up things in their head maybe while asleep the enemy sowing bad seeds in defense of bad experiences some of us actually have. Implanted memories or dreams. Also there are drugs that make a person without any defenses called Devil’s Breath and other drugs like date rape drugs. Psychological manifestations which even though aren’t real seem very real. However mine were real. I got a no-fault divorce (even though it was a dual fault in reality divorce but there isn’t such a thing in legal terms except no fault) and I had an abortion. Oh yea I forgot to mention she was Orthodox Catholic – an inconvenient truth. I still remember her in other ways fondly when she was freer. If a person is a sinner should a sinner be allowed to vote?  The case of Judge Roy Moore and the alleged accusations one of which was not good since she dated evidence (Tampaxed with evidence) making the other accusations less damaging and most of all hurting Gloria Allred’s reputation which I think was the target because she champions women’s rights in the workplace. I don’t think it will affect the election in Alabama and I don’t think whether or not he is elected will affect Trump’s agenda one twit. The first husband of my friend who had her marriage annulled he was part indian and his last name was Allred. Saw Don Lemon for a beef moment and his guest said Judge Roy Moore had something to do with the Ten Commandments. I have no idea what he is talking about because I don’t follow Alabama’s political history (but I assume he stood up for the Ten Commandments?) I don’t have time to allocate to every election in our 50 states. I don’t know how I would vote if I were a resident of the state of Alabama. I didn’t vote in the last election because of all the turmoil and all the lies however I think my no-vote and others non votes made a difference sort of like a third party. Hopefully a good difference but these are not normal times.

    We are in the Great Deception times


    The Great and Terrible Day of the Lord.

    I like to leave it to the voters and their perception as to his history with Alabama and their population and to make assessments as to his character however I don’t think it is sinful for a 30 year old man to date an 18 year old female if it’s on the up and up. Lots of men are very immature until the age of 45 or so and are more engaged with younger women so they can mold them instead of females molding the men they date or plan to marry and sometimes it’s plain ole chemistry. Lots of older men marry younger women and it isn’t evidence of a crime to have dated a younger woman. Changing evidence is not smart and probably why she got in trouble in the first place, possibly. I know when I was young I was pretty stupid and did stupid stuff not realizing the problems I created for myself though it isn’t a license to rape or to molest in one’s sleep or to grab my ass at work since I didn’t grab his penis at work. Still I think Gloria Allred was the victim in this episode of political/religious history. PRETTY SICK. I don’t believe Gloria Allred would alter evidence though she might exaggerate sometimes as all of us do to protect her clients (or poker face it, bluff as lawyers tend to do) but if a client lies to her lawyer it causes problems. (One thing I didn’t do is lie about it or change the evidence. I didn’t exaggerate about my experiences.  I didn’t try to take pictures of him in the act of doing something stupid because I never knew when he would do something stupid and I wasn’t into photography and it wasn’t my goal and I didn’t file suit but would have loved to have filed against the company that harassed me as well an boy did it play some dirty tricks on everyone: I loved my family and he was part of it.) Family is different than peers. A lot is forgiven in families and as my brother told me you don’t sue family and he is right but doesn’t mean I will roll over for family and let myself be demeaned, degraded, lied about, molested, abused and all the other things that happened to me which nearly killed me nor be silent about the treatment of my parents.(I didn’t throw a bottle in the air and stand beneath it which my brother did or run into the one tether ball pole in the middle of a HUGE field and crack his head wide open. Talk about ruining a great sport/game. I loved tether ball and was good at it and probably would beat him to this day if we had a chance to play or almost any other game other than Chess and Trivial Pursuit. The things boys do – you gotta wonder.) I did not set out to make life miserable for my sister and her husband. I tried to do the opposite. She and I were best friends, very close and she changed quite bit as if in some kind of cult especially around the time she went to some religious female retreats or a retreat in North Carolina and became my nemesis to be more accurate my

    (MENE-SIS or I hers  But,

    Neil Young – Comes A Time

    and he and she chose the time, not me. I did my best under the circumstances. My sister and her husband sought my talent to work for them, not the opposite. Both came to my house and told me their deal and I accepted the deal but the deal was not the deal they told me about. Working for family or with family has it’s own set of problems which could have been overcome if some stupid people hadn’t gotten involved but “fools rush in where angels fear to tread.” in this case I think it was actually evangelical fools, but did more harm than good. LIKE HOSPICING MY MOM without my consent and possibly murdering my dad and I believe it did not go unnoticed by GOD HIMSELF. SO WATCH OUT what you do and what you say because it might have immense repercussions! I hope it does. I have deep feeling about what occurred, the confusion that ensued and some very strange things occurred. It was like a war on my family and a whole bunch of deception.  You can’t imagine the love our families shared but because of it it might be the end of some very bad things such as the RCC and it’s bullshit. I certainly plan to help it along however


    And it seems to be working. LOL

    I found some having to do with the mustard seed

    and I don’t think it should be ignored.

    I found other truths as well.

    I’m for strong borders with humane and sensible stipulations or contingencies depending on the persons circumstances which probably will entail quite a bit of resources on the border which is why I think the military could BEST handle it with the expertise of ICE and other personnel and possibly could be a helping hands to both as far as security and happiness is concerned and good for the border area on both sides of the border business-wise and good neighborly-wise and I think would do a better job because of it’s experience with families and ordinary people better than the FBI keeping up with the illegal/legal border crossers and their location and the other details that are involved and the FBI can keep up with crime as is it’s job. Having the army and other military on the border is wise especially on the southern border since the military is in charge of securing our country and has a keen eye for terrorists and terrorism. The southern border in some areas is quite formidable and kind of wild but could be the New Frontier for business and for people in the surrounding areas and also for areas surrounding the surrounding areas and could clean it up in some ways. Could be a good thing for both the USA and Mexico making good use of past unusable and unsustainable areas and used and abused people or people on the precipice looking for a better life. It was the military who succeeded in changing the status quo of african americans successfully in a multitude of ways besides quotas (Colin Powell) which weren’t successful but for better or worse at least the military attempted the change when other businesses and parts of government resisted though it was not easy for the best and the brightest but we all bleed the same. Just saw the last of the pre-election media madness at I guess it was Judge Roy Moore’s Ranch and a few horses the press were spooking and some rally with his wife and the people had signs referencing Bret Baier with signs saying “Whose your daddy, Bret Baier. …”I have no idea of the meaning, only suspicions which I won’t reveal but he is a loser especially in regards to the attack at Benghazi and the book he helped to cover up the attack which was BULLSHIT and the allegations by some women in Syria who smothered themselves which is highly unlikely and almost impossible in order to remain virgins in the area of Syria near the Turkish border and he believed them. I think he liked the attention. I guess the voting is over and the results will be in but this reminds me of when Kennedy was assassinated and the leader of the largest methodist congregation in the world subtly blamed the people that showed up for the luncheon JFK was supposed to attend but instead was assassinated. Religious blackmail of some kind. The whole ordeal reminds of the shenanigans as to the Alabama race seemed like some kind of test of the people of Alabama as if they were to blame for the shenanigans. Politics stinks. IT is too bad it has come to this but it has. I also believe abortion is humane unless it is done farming for organ transplants or upon delivery sucking brains for some ingredient to help someone who fell off a horse (Christopher Reeves-starred as Superman and another movie a love story about a ghost filmed in Michigan on an island/Upper peninsula of Michigan) for some kind of brain liquid which has to be gotten using partial birth and with a syringe, because it is a slippery slope. I’m sure there is a better way and I thought it was already illegal to do so a long time ago. I don’t believe the reports on Fox about abortions.  Show proof. I’ve asked and asked for proof and yet none except a bunch of nuns/lousy out of work actresses and spurious allegations to float the Vatican a little longer as if it has moral high ground and the bible Revelation in particular tells another story and basically states it’s the whore of Babylon which makes sense. If the Vatican and Fox News is sure of the proof then show it. Has Fox News seen the proof? We got to see the beheading of people by ISIS/former catholics abducted and turned into Islamic nuts in prisons. I’m not a full fledged Trump supporter in all of his agendas but he has some good qualities we need as a country especially after the Obama Administration and the others as well. NOBODY IS PERFECT. The RCC is trying to exonerate themselves by blaming everyone else. Specifically, The Jesuits who have caused great harm world wide for centuries. There are such things as work permits and timed visits to see family, for medical treatment, for an abortion, and other legit reasons to allow entry temporarily and to give someone time to file for a legal entry without having to marry someone temporarily and I think the Army could do it and keep up with absentees and get Ice involved or the FBI when illegal alien visitors go AWOL or absenteeism occurs. I think the Army would be less threatening to the visitors, etc. Consumption Tax would make us the most powerful, the most successful, and the most sought after country in the world if only we had brains.

    Did I mention happiness?

     It’s time to let our country rest. We have been through too much and more than we can handle and it’s time to let go of the strings and let the people prosper otherwise there are going to be a lot of dead congressmen and women, and all other Vatican owned government entities etc etc etc because eventually our country is going to implode from the stress!
    Representatives need to play Civ-1 and figure out about happiness which isn’t a warm gun but detrimental to the success of a state or a country otherwise there are revolutions that occur oftentimes such as what occurred in France and the top 10 percent were beheaded or the revolutions that have occurred in Russia or in China or in every country when the upper echelon are punished.  It is getting pretty bad for people all over the world but we should not be like them, we should be free and we are not free. And if our country doesn’t have the ability to then faith is and has proven itself to be faithless and a pile of dog shit.
    In God We Trust has lost all meaning.
    If you trust God let go of the purse strings and let the people prosper without a zillion roadblocks in their way because you may regret it soon. You create terrorism by your stupidity. Fuck the national debt forgive it and move on. IT’S THAT EASY!  GO TO consumption tax ONLY because you know what? You in government and the press are not the temple: You are worse than the rest of us in the population and do not deserve the blood, sweat, and the tears on earnings only the tax on the consumption (if at all) and the decisions of the people making a purchase. You definitely don’t deserve the salaries you TAKE wasting it on another RUSSIAN paranoia trip (Hoover?McCarthyism?) as was done in the past before WWll using blacklists and stupid hearings asking stupid questions you don’t want answers to in the first place. It’s like a time loop except I don’t recall California burning (but looked it up and it had some problems) but we had bad land management issues The Grapes of Wrath kind of land management problems called the Dust Bowl in the Southern Plains (lack of trees making the soil dry and loose because of the wind) and the Great Depression. Might also have something  to do with the oh I’m afraid I might offend but having to do with the Sabbath or the meaning of the Sabbath and who it points to and who points back to the Ten Commandments in the gospels. Allowing the land rest for a year or 7 years or something like it. SIMPLIFY and GO HOME otherwise every damned one of you is gonna wish they had not accepted a position in government or run for office! 3 percent growth isn’t enough. I’M NOT IMPRESSED.
    and might save your own necks.
    Otherwise, a day could be only a year of a day for each of you and we might be on the verge of something like WWll, but worse.
    But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.
    I did take Russian history in college, so I realize the possibilities.
    (One thing I have noticed about these time loops is the loops seem to only represent an earlier time characteristics but not in all ways and usually limited in time plus we have some factors (safeguards) to not allow a depression to occur as it did then however we have other factors we didn’t have then which might counter those safeguards. SO I think it

    Simon & Garfunkel – A Hazy Shade Of Winter

    Why haven’t evangelicals or catholics spoken up about the FACT that the mustard seed isn’t the smallest of seed? Why haven’t Evangelical and catholics spoken up about the Fact that HOSPICE IS EVIL? Why haven’t evangelicals and catholics spoken up against the pope and Mother Teresa (rosebud)? Because evangelicals and catholics don’t care about the truth however both love grace, grace, grace for themselves and there is no grace or why the persecution against families and females who have had abortions? Why the litmus test for presidential candidates in regards to something most of them don’t have anything to do with such as the personal decisions females sometimes have to make. abortion this and abortion that:  WHY NOT ASK each candidate DO YOU THINK IT IS RIGHT TO STARVE SOMEONE TO DEATH USING HOSPICE WITH PERMISSION OF FAMILY MEMBERS AND DO YOU THINK IT IS RIGHT TO HOSPICE SOMEONE WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM FAMILY  MEMBERS? I NEVER HEARD THE QUESTIONS ASKED, DID YOU? ONE REASON IS BECAUSE OF GEORGE BUSHES BROTHER (JEB BUSH) WHO WAS GOVERNOR OF FLORIDA SENTENCED ONE WOMAN TO BE STARVED TO DEATH IN HIS STATE WHILE HE WAS GOVERNOR OF FLORIDA AGAINST HER FAMILIES WISHES AND WHO WAS RUNNING FOR THE JOB OF THE PRESIDENT. HOW ABOUT THIS QUESTION: DO YOU THINK IT IS RIGHT TO ALLOW 12 SAUDIS TO TRAIN AS PILOTS IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA WITHOUT LEARNING TO LAND A PLANE? THOSE WERE THE PILOTS WHO TERRORIZED NEW YORK ON 9-11 KILLING OVER 2000 AMERICAN CIVILIANS. WHY DIDN’T THE PRESS ASK THESE QUESTIONS AND IN PARTICULAR FOX NEWS? Maybe the 12 Saudis were told Jeb Bush would land the planes or someone on the planes said use those tall buildings and the Pentagon to slow these planes down like is done on aircraft carriers. and you will have 77 virgins if you do. Perhaps the planes were under some kind of assimilation control.

    “During the 1990s, Mossad discovered a Hezbollah agent operating within the United States in order to procure materials needed to manufacture IEDs and other weapons. In a joint operation with U.S. intelligence, the agent was kept under surveillance in hopes that he would betray more Hezbollah operatives, but was eventually arrested.[11] Mossad informed the FBI and CIA in August 2001 that based on its intelligence as many as 200 terrorists were slipping into the United States and planning “a major assault on the United States.” The Israeli intelligence agency cautioned the FBI that it had picked up indications of a “large-scale target” in the United States and that Americans would be “very vulnerable.”[12]However, “It is not known whether U.S. authorities thought the warning to be credible, or whether it contained enough details to allow counter-terrorism teams to come up with a response.” A month later, terrorists struck at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon in the largest terrorist attack in history.[12]”

    Believe me I’m not the only one who has noticed the persecution and no proof yet we have proof about the mustard seed and still SILENCE. I bet it feels like your world is falling apart and it should because of your silence in regards to truth. You ain’t fooling anyone, but yourselves. What about the children abused by the Catholic Church? GRACE GRACE What about the money laundered by the Roman Catholic Church? GRACE

    You killed Grace by Hospice.

    You will notice!


    Is it because the size of the mustard seed is offensive or the size of faith to move a mountain offensive or because of the MALE sperm’s responsibility when it comes to

    unwanted pregnancies? INNIEs vs OUTIEs

    WINSTON CHURCHILL was right when he said WHAT he said about mankind.

    I would estimate 99 percent of males are worms and cowards. Luckily, my dad was a man, a good one which is why my mom married him and both were by my side at a very scary time for me. THE US ARMY DID, TOO.

    Perhaps we are also in ARMAGEDDON.

    Look it up. There are different ideas as to it’s meaning but you shouldn’t ignore their views and might gain some morsels of truth in the one’s you look up but it’s up to you whether you want to have a clue what might be on the horizon. You might learn something. I did.


    BEATING AROUND THE BUSH and wasting time and money.


    AT HOME MAYBE and in an alleyway for few pesos or lira with kids watching. LOL

    *It’s like a time loop of the times of the Great Depression, McCarthisim, The Dust Bowl (land management problems), etc …California wild fires etc and we have some safeguards against another depression however there are other factors we didn’t have then we have now which might counter the safeguards against a depression. We have had other time loops as well in the last 10 years to 15 years (probably more but I wasn’t watching) however the loops aren’t identical yet similar and shorter. I guess to reveal a pattern. Revelations type reveal. Patterns are often found by criminologists in order to find criminals (serial killers) and all of the above led to some very big wars so big they were called WORLD WARS. I think the Jesuits fit the description of a serial killer. Revelation isn’t necessarily all bad because we learn the truth which I think is the reason for Revelation. This is just a footnote for evaluation but I think it’s a pretty damned good one. The other guy won the Alabama election probably because people didn’t vote because of the shit going on and because of the lies for entertainment’s sake, for hypocrisy sake, etc. Fox or Cnn reported that Trump didn’t think the Judge would win and yet we heard otherwise, didn’t we. Fox reported that Trump said Trump’s agenda depended upon the Judge winning, which it doesn’t. It was only a test. A sick one. Not sure Trump had anything to do with it because it’s sort of a Caligula kind of entertainment which reminds me of OBAMA and his sick mind. There is more than one administration and a lot of lies probably to affirm Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew who said even the elect will be fooled and even so it can have a lot of meanings  including those already in office and those in HIGH PLACES. Two woman will be grinding at the mill (RU-MOR), one will be taken and one will be left. Politics and the religions of Roman Catholicism vs Islam and all the others sandwiched in-between which are mene. Let’s get it strait everyone is a hypocrite in some form or fashion but Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. It wasn’t the capital of Israel during their travels but it is now and it was before their travails. Handle it.

    The name Jerusalem in the Bible

    Also try to comprehend that the Vatican will not survive the onslaught and a few other places as well (I have a few ideas but I can’t be sure until it happens but I think my ideas are probably not too far off the mark). So travel, spread the wealth and learn to read a map while you can. Women are religions/politics in bible prophecy but also women. Jesus in the Gospel of John did not commit to man because he knew WHAT was in man. LIES, BULLSHIT and sperm and because Pontius Pilate said WHAT IS TRUTH which it isn’t. The left won’t allow Trump to be President and can’t seem to give up the reins and the same with the right. I am against you OG AND MAGOG. (in-og-ur-ation). Me too. I’m sick of it. Don’t eat tuna for a while BUT IF YOU DO Try it with a-one sauce, ketchup and Worestershire sauce which might cut through SOME of the poison.

    The Washington Post is an American daily newspaper. Published in Washington, D.C., it was founded on December 6, 1877. … In 2013, its longtime controlling family, the Graham family, sold the newspaper to billionaire entrepreneur and founder Jeff Bezos for $250 million in cash.
    Steve Green, President of Hobby Lobby, here is a question for you:
    Is the mustard seed the smallest of seed?
    What does circumcise mean? How many heads are there?
    I don’t mean to be mean and ironic 
     I’m glad Senator Rubio held out and hopefully he will do it some more. I think 3000 per kid and after 4 kids the price goes back down to 1000 per kid. That way it isn’t a catholic deduction but a reasonable deduction based on a normal size family otherwise promoting in town gas guzzling vehicles, global warming, over population, negligence and ignorance (the kind that leave a baby or kid or dog in 100 degree weather inside a car with the windows rolled up and plenty of other examples) or perhaps a graduated kid deduction the more children you have the less you can deduct at some sort of a tipping point and I think by figuring out the average size family (the mean size family) in the USA would be fair to base the kid deduction amount upon.
    There is some science that says the sperm of a male and the egg of a female have an age degradation as to what one produces later in life if they over do it but with an exception of someone who has twins, triplets, quadruplets, quintuplets etc.
    or we could go to consumer tax and not worry about it . 
    I like Sarah Sanders Huckabee because I think she shoots straight: I do not like Laura InGraham because I think she doesn’t. I saw Laura InGraham get sandwiched a few days back by a few lawyers very nicely done though and it could have been worse because she deserves it. I think it may have helped her a small bit to get off her high horse and I think it surprised her. I hope she gets more surprises and not just for Christmas. Everyone needs it once in a while however I think Laura needs it about once a week.
    Saw a snippet of Chicago’s Rahm Emanuel offering some new scam for illegals and the timing is kind of coincidental. Jesus in the gospels said ” be wise and do no harm” which might be kind of a warning. Unscramble RAHM and you get HARM. SO BEWARE. And now I have learned he wants Chicago to be  trump Free zone and wants to bring in the UN to settle things in Chicago. He wants a veil.
    I could be reading into things about the HARM and RAHM, but on the other hand the times we are in it’s possible it’s a word anagram and definitely against TRUMP, IMO. By the way Jesus uses the word lambs and says I send you forth as lambs meaning as in born because he sure can’t send forth lambs as in the unborn. But also said be as sly as foxes in the past and now it says be wise as serpents in the gospel of Matthew.
    A possibility is Armageddon may actually be spelled with an H. Harmageddon….. a silent H.
    Heard there is a ban or some kind of word language directive not to call a fetus a fetus by Trump. WHY? Because of Mueller? Or because of Cardinal Comey? changing the severity of words used as far as Hillary Clinton is concerned? The book of Acts? (The feet of them?) reigning terror on the people and using a WOMAN as an example while the guy faked it. ANANANANAIAS Tricked his wife IMO to make her lie for her husband like a constitutional right we have these days not to testify against a husband yet he screwed her over as her husband BUT USED HER SUBSTANCE (like SUSAN RICE and others and their substance.) Below is a picture of Obama at Petra where a commune occurred to escape the invasion in Jerusalem, I think and didn’t escape. He was probably born in Petra a short version of petrified. Peter petrifies. with the type of weaponry available these days Petra would not suffice against the enemy. It would not have kept the Nazis away as illustrated below. )
     James Woods pegs Barack Obama: ‘He’s a Muslim’ IMO he’s evil. The Destroyer. Anyone who supports Hezbollah is evil. What good has Hezbollah accomplished? Destroyers and  nothing more.
    which is OKAY for Peter as an example IMO for a commune in order to rob and to steal and to scare the crap out of everyone to make telling the truth unattractive but being entrapped is okay and it isn’t. The couple had a right to hold back a little information just in case it was a cult and OBVIOUSLY it was. Lying to the holy spirit as if Peter or whoever it was acting like Peter probably in PETRA as if he was the Holy Spirit more like a ghost a DEADLY GHOST. A DEMON messing with people and whoever was assaulting Jerusalem and crucifying Jesus which obviously Pontius Pilate and others were involved in the crucifixion. SICK STUFF.  Pope Benedict said MAYBE IT WASN’T THE JEWS WHO WERE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DEATH OF JESUS and I think is the reason he was replaced by a JESUIT POPE. Petra was said by many people in the religious business to be a place of escape for Christians in the future but I think it was the past or why the statues? What about Jesus plying women with wine? Was it supposed to keep her virginity or to loosen her up to dance? There’s lots of controversy in the gospels probably hoping to spark interest and to show controversy and to make people think. The gospels do not harmonize.
    in the bible talks about 1600 furlongs which I have written about n some posts might be referring to the address of the White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave when Obama was in office  but uses the words “a  space of ” which Obama used as well a few times. Remember when Obama wanted to teach a lesson they will never forget and something about let it out of the box to stretch it’s legs and the king of Jordan bombing Syria? etc. The distance from Megiddo to Petra is about 209 Kilometers. Some people referred to 1600 furlongs as a space of 200 miles. I wonder if this is the connection? and instead of writing kilometers wrote miles. I think there is a connection. Here is an article about Armageddon with some interesting propositions, whoever wrote it can’t spell, but just because one can’t spell doesn’t make them stupid. Einstein failed math…  he just needed a little more time and to get bigger and gain some weight to make him stronger and to exercise his brain and he came up with the equation: E = mc2
    What if he was wrong? What if he didn’t fail math and everyone else was wrong and he was right?
    Obviously there were some frauds acting like Jesus at the time or later or on the road to Damascus and Petra or in the writings for propaganda’s sake as there are now.
    But the RCC didn’t allow people to think by not allowing the bible to be read by Roman Catholics for a long time about 2000 years and look what it has caused.
    Maybe in the past Petra was Megido?
    Correct me if I’m wrong but Megido was a place where I think the jews committed suicide because they were trapped/entrapped(romanced) by the Romans and some kind of evil rather than be tortured to death. For example binding a group of prisoners – jews with their hands behind their back and tossing them in the Dead sea to see if they would float. Salt was a commodity at the time a preservative for meats, fruits and veggies, perishables. In WW11 some prisoners were only given bread to eat obviously to see if they could survive on bread alone written about in a book called Night by Elie Wiesel. Some kind of loop there if you ask me testing God or Jesus who said I am the bread of life. The captors lost the war. Little men are gonna lose the war against females. IF you compress and compare some of the things written about in The History of the Jews and some of the other writings by Josephus son of Matthew adopted son of the ruler at the time Flavius, Josephus was also hired to write propaganda as well for the Romans when the temple was destroyed and the holy books were taken from Jerusalem which I think occurred after the veil was rent from one of the the twains of the twain to twain which I think has something to do with the times when they tried to rebuild Jerusalem 70 years later. It’s pretty explicit and as it progresses in some of the writings it seems to get to some kind of madness/craziness and compare to the times of the bible or compare to events in the bible it gives a more realistic hedonistic perspective of how horrible it was in those times for the jews by the romans which is why they were dispersed. I think it might be happening to the romans the ones that are perishable not like the romans that count such as (suckass)Neil Cavuto. NOT YET ANYWAY. I think his time comes when the Vatican is destroyed and all of it’s powers are eliminated. The bigger they are the harder they fall but don’t be jealous of him because he is unaffected. HE WILL BE. As a friend of my sister a lowly banker’s wife said to her one day sitting outside on their patio as she was seething that her husband lost a bunch of their money and their clients money on the stock market trading options on some kind of scheme he had cooked up and lost in one day in October and quite a while later the clients found out because he withheld the information from his client/s she said “it is harder for those who had money to lose it than those who never had it” and soon after had liposuction on her thighs and butt) and years later under the influence of the BGEA a cult she called me and said my mom had died and that she had hospiced her for two weeks before she died and that she knew my mom would not want to live that way and then said she loved me (kind of in a weird way like Greta talks when talking about some gory story about a missing person or murdered person and said I Love you Bea.) without telling me at the beginning of the two week period obviously without my consent proving her former sweet mate and friend to be full of babel. Indirectly the stock market killed my mom by hospice in retaliation for a large loss in options trading. I have no idea if it was a legitimate loss or if the stock market cheated him. I don’t know the particulars and my mom didn’t trade on the stock market. The company he worked for was connected to the same company at the World Trade Center and the whole set of people in the company at the location were killed that worked for the company at the World Trade Center in NYCity. My sister and her husband were also friends of the Bushes. Not close or anything but knew of each other and even went to where ever it is up north they vacation as guests because of his dad in the oil company who was President of the oil company for quite awhile. They went to the same golf tournament once a year which only a few people are allowed to go by invitation only and even took my dad one year as their guest to the famous golf tournament held once a year where Tiger Woods made this reputation. The Bushes knew quite well the leader of the BGEA Billy Graham as did many other Presidents except Truman who thought he was a charleton/a fake. I also read somewhere 95 percent of people trading options lose. It’s like going to Las Vegas and playing on the slot machines. I’m sure Billy Graham doesn’t appreciate finding out the mustard seed isn’t the smallest of seed. LOL Billy Graham was a shill for the RCC/Vatican. IF only 5 percent of people come out ahead in trading then it’s a ROYAL rip off and its FIXED to take money from clients and from traders. Those are bad odds. I believe it. You would do better playing 21 in vegas than trading options. However the show about poker on TV I watched a guy cheat his ass off, an alien looking asian guy. He was cheating big time. He waited every time for results announced of other peoples hands and then made his bet or folded etc. IT was obvious he had a listening device somehow he was using and I think the people that film i.e. the Producers of the show knew it. HE made sure one chick lost her ass and that was the point. ANTI FEMALE. Teaching her a lesson or something and SADISTIC. LITTLE MEN trying to put down women. Only little men do it. Only little men would try to devastate women and I hope Trump tries not to sink to the level of little men. I hope he has more courage than the tax bill exhibits but I do know the EXCUSE is the other little men in Congress and I hope he doesn’t use women like Obama did because if he does well I don’t know how long Armageddon will last and neither does JESUS only God knows but he may not survive it himself or come out the way he would like. He may be being tested as well. Leave the name fetus, okay because it is a fetus until it is born. DO NO HARM to women or you will regret it. You can’t change the rules mid game. rules as in measurements.
    IT was so obvious…the cheating in the Poker show (POKE HER SHOW) and this was during t(he Obama Administration. She wore a reddish brown short leather jacket. It was sickening to watch and I thought this must be the new entertainment fucking over women. (Sorry for the cussing but it was over a hundred thousand dollars she lost and it was mean spirited.) I have a pretty good eye. It may not be pretty but I see things and I’m not any more delusional than the episode of the large van when Trump entered before he was elected and said some weird stuff yet didn’t?. Other people lost money as well but she was the target. Insiders. By the way, We don’t like you Chris Stirewalt. No one in their right mind would feel assured by your nonsense. Go home.
    I thought this was kind of interesting, however I’m not sure of the meaning but perhaps it has to do with faith, the mustard seed and HYPOCRISY and I wonder why Hypocrisy’s last two syllables are CHRIS-Y:


    (and a thousand Peanut Butter Sandwiches)

    Saw the Pre-Christmas Eve Special about Scott Peterson and his deceased 7-1/2 month pregnant wife Lacey Peterson who was allegedly murdered by Scott Peterson and tossed into the San Francisco Bay: basically it was a synopsis directed/narrated by Kimberly Guillfoyle of Fox News of the end of both their lives: Scott and Lacey and their fetus she had already named which is kind of odd for a first born because most people aren’t sure about naming the first go around till usually around the 9th month or later but according to the report he was an 8 month old fetus, Scott said 7-1/2 months named Conner, however it could be a family name but when does life begin?) and thought how weird that Life Insurance wasn’t given the credit it deserves for the cause and effect/affect of the murder of Lacey Peterson. The SPECIAL was called “Interview With A Monster.” I think it was a 250 thousand dollar life insurance policy he had taken out on his wife, but not his son. Isn’t it odd we got to hear about people who are less social and introverted as the cause of the murder by someone who is a full of shit made for TV entertainment psychologist as the cause and effect/affect because Scott was out and about having an affair so he wasn’t that introverted WRONG ANALYSIS and the effect/affect of being in debt up to his ears in the fertilizer business and enticed and tempted by an opportunity of making 250 thousand dollars and lured by the possibility of a better life with his new beautiful girlfriend debt-free. Boats don’t kill and neither do suitcases. I wonder if Life Insurance kills or is it a policy that merely tempts?
    There ought to be rules about Life Insurance. DID LACEY KNOW? Did Lacey’s parents know? 
    Making a bet on someones life or death.
    If you can’t take out Life Insurance on a fetus should you be able to take out Life Insurance out on the mother of the fetus? Should you be able to take out Life Insurance at all? Lots of plane tickets include some sort of life insurance for it’s passengers spur of the moment though not all plane tickets are bought spur of the moment and makes you wonder if some airplanes are doomed. Lockerby, Scotland airliner, John Kennedy Jr. (JFK’s son and pregnant wife), 9-11 planes and victims, covering up murder with a catastrophe involving others and make money at the same time like the mob, terrorists and others. Rev. Wilkerson was instructed or had some kind of message to make 1000 peanut butter sandwiches for firefighters the night or so before 9-11. So someone knew it was gonna occur before it happened and religion is involved besides ISLAM. Wilkerson’s last message on his blog was telling and left some signs as to who might be responsible and soon after he made the post on his blog he was killed in an auto accident involving a truck with lumber in some kind of purposeful accident in Texas. The sign he left on his blog was the motto of the BGEA. I can’t remember the exact motto at the moment but something like WHATEVER IT TAKES which I wrote about on my posts about JFKs assassination because Billy Graham was involved in the assassination though he wrote in his book JUST AS I AM (thinking delusion he is God) his alibi and was on the radio at the time of the death with some other people but conversations can be pre-recorded and then wrote about the visit from JFK jr in regards to his dad and soon after JFK jr and his pregnant wife died in a plane crash in the ocean. JFK jr also went to see Fidel Castro before he died and also was vying for the same seat as Hillary Clinton was vying for in the Senate and she won –  COINCIDENCE?
    Weird power outage : The Atlanta Georgia airport was closed and traffic diverted because of a power shortage-outage of some kind and causing all sorts of havoc in the airline industry. Were the tickets insured?

    Atlanta’s Hartsfield-Jackson airport restores power after crippling

    and a train derailment on the west coast because of something on the track and speeding an inside job and an outside job to make sure it derailed as Trump was giving his speech or right before he gave his speech about infrastructure investment We have some spies in our government working with others outside our government causing harm and I don’t think the spies are communists, I think the spies are nazis. Reflect: what and who were the two earlier world wars about? How about the 6 day war? The spirit and the body are two different things:The flesh and the spirit which is why we see things differently especially thru – the media and evil uses the body but the body exists in other times as well. Remember the secret follower and his friend? The one who begged for his body in the gospel of John ? to copy and to deceive I hit a nerve. Often when I hit a nerve the media attacks me and my family in very odd ways (usually on Fox) but at least I know it. The TV media often is the delusion as well as the deluded. If it were correct in it’s copycat stuff like using Poser and or CHATBOT or even mind control drugs it would be correct in all ways and isn’t…I can tell the difference. Just enough off the mark to be a fake. It isn’t just the tone of voice or the facial similarities there are other contributing factors such as mannerisms, style, spirit etc which help to delineate the true from the fake. Not to mention but I will: intent and timing. Before or after the assassination JFK’s wife went to India to the Taj Mahal and to the reflection pool. Mentioned she wished her husband could have been there and that she received something she wished her husband could have received. I have no idea what she received but she was the one who shot him in the head (mind controlled possibly) after he was stabbed in the back by some contraption of the limo he was in to keep him in his place in order to make the head wound and because it was or has been suggested the head wound had to do with something to do with the healing of the head wound in Lateran Concordant of 1929 and 1798 and the year 538. (I think the assassination of JFK was an attempt to make a different conclusion and turn it around on the USA and it’s presidents and not the Vatican but of course the USA hasn’t been around for nearly as long as the Vatican in fact I think the USA kind of came about fleeing Vatican Persecution because the Vatican has lots bad habits and a litany of persecutions and the latest is Hospice one of the persecutions inspired and lauded by the Jesuit Pope because of the pact (false covenant) with the devil to protect the Vatican. Neither the Vatican nor the devil like freedom/liberty/experience to learn because ignorance is their bread and butter and does not like the USA or Russia because of WW11. I had a very good friend who worked in the French Underground and lost her dad because he was taken away one day by the Nazis. She never saw him again but I guarantee she is with him now.) The thing that stabbed him in the back was remote controlled and nicked his tie when his elbows were raised and retracted out of his body as soon as the deed was done. There was a person at the scene of the crime by the sign of Stemmons Freeway who might have had something to do with the remote control.

    Tell No Man

    I wasn’t going to mention OJ (trying to be fair) but OJ also had nicks/cuts on his hands probably from getting into his golf bag looking for his hair pick. LOL Tee’s are hard to get out of the soil sometimes and you need a knife to dig them out or he cut himself on the zipper of his golf bag putting away something or other. Apparently the Vatican never learns. Maybe Laura In Graham as in Billy with a cross on doesn’t either. She brought up abortion again in regards to females in Mexico coming to the USA for abortions and now is trying to use abortion as the excuse and the reason for illegal immigration. Abortion, abortion , abortion. Does she have any other crusades besides her crusade against other females? I guess she wants to be # 1. Is she an only child or the first born of many children? She has got a problem and it’s me. Would Laura Graham rather females bleed to death in an dark alley and never have children like her? Would it thrill her to watch females suffer? Does she get off on it? Maybe it would have been better if she had never been born. She must be following my blog. Cot ya. GRACE GRACE AND SHE HAD NO GRACE not for other women and their families only for herself a woman of an immaculate reputation. You should not wear a cross! I knew she couldn’t resist. Do you think you are better than my mom and dad and my family and their family? Let me assure you that you are far worse and a shill as well for the RCC, the Vatican and the Jesuit Pope a devil’s advocate and a follower of the devil and it’s persecution of a company of good people a VERY LARGE COMPANY of good people who will eventually put you down and out of your misery for others. Are you feeling warmer Laura? Laura needs another sandwich. A knuckle sandwich please a little harder than the last soft doughy one LIVE on air. Your new nickname will be Laura IN-Graham the immaculate.

    Can’t Take My Eyes off You – Frankie Valli and The 4 Seasons

    Why is the pope wearing a tit on his head?
    Don’t you wonder what he is really thinking while he is being photographed!
    GREAT SPEECH by Trump as if he speaks softly but carries a big stick. My parents would be proud, in fact, I think all of us would be proud – all of our family even the democrats. Sounded sane to me.
    IF FOX NEWS IS HEAVEN I’m sorely disappointed.
    I think we ought to find a FEDERAL RESERVE CHAIRMAN who is FOR AMERICA and who is against GLOBALNESS and who is against the NEW WORLD ORDER
    which has proved to be ANTI AMERICAN AND ANTI ISRAEL.


    Is there such a thing without destroying other peoples economies who actually truly puts America first so we can have a faster track to a successful country. 

    U.S. GDP by Year Since 1929 Compared to Major Events

    In regards to the UN vote about Jerusalem: Peer Pressure is an amazing THiNG not THINK. So Erdogan thinks he’s smart? No wonder his name starts with an er…where’s the other r? I guess it’s silent.

    Peer pressure makes mice of men.

    I BELIEVE GOD is taking names, too.

    I don’t think the UN is relevant anymore.

    (billions of wasted dollars.)

    It’s the first place I would cut off funds because it’s a waste of time and cents because the UN has no sense. It’s ILLOGICAL and FUNDAMENTALLY FLAWED.


    It doesn’t really matter what it thinks.

    You ought to put some ice on it.

    Before we got to meet Bret Baier’s family for Christmas. I guess it’s what he does on Christmas is shows off his family and his stunningly beautiful wife, his mascot. He’s selling a new book he wrote …like O’reilly used to do but this book is about Eisenhower. So quaint. Using his family to sell himself. I was walking by the tv and I have no idea what channel the tv was set at but noticed about 5 tall beautiful women dancing seductively, very seductively and I noticed the one on the very right a blond and it was Laura Ingraham the immaculate smiling seditiously and sadistically. I said out loud, “Hey, there’s Laura.”  The Immaculate who angles because she’s an angelic being. I also saw Trump’s face but I can’t say exactly explain how but with a look on his face …it’s hard to explain but it was not a nice look however I have no idea in reference to what but only for a split second as a suggestive kind of moment. There used to be a tactic used using the technology of film to suggest without the watcher realizing it in between the frames of a film putting in a suggestion, but I saw it. I was meant to see it. Probably how Fox employees like O’reilly were able to sell their products like his books that he said God told him to write his killing series he was inspired to write by God, of course he also had the luxury of selling his books every night he aired his show so no wonder his book was number 1 on the best sellers designation. After Bret Baier did his business in regards to Benghazi I’m sure he is now receiving his reward. I hope it’s worth it kind of on the same road as O’reilly except for the Benghazi propaganda and Bret helped with the pr which came in handy. I came back soon after doing something in the house and turned to Fox News to see some propaganda but the debater was on (Tucker Carlson) with a quizzical look (which is not unusual) on his face. Very weird. Of course, some would say I’m delusional but I didn’t air it …. the tv did, I just noticed the games being played. The war games. I had written about are we dancing already in my post when I saw Laura InGraham the Immaculate angling on the tail end of her dance. Not sure why the split second expression and suggestion of Trump but like I have said either in the post I’m writing or the one before it the idea of Trump’s name is kind of interesting since in Revelation there are 7 trumpets. Perhaps there are 7 Trumps or years. Also his son’s name is kind of suggestive as well. Barron or something like it. I wrote a post called Blessed are the Barren quite a long time ago so when I noticed his son’s name I thought it was kind of interesting in lieu of my post written a few years before:

     The Fig Tree – Blessed are the Barren *


    In Russian history there was a famous person named IVAN THE TERRIBLE however I think we are dealing with Nazis in our government, politics, and religion just like in the past… a time loop. I think Russia was at war with fascism as well even though Russia/Soviet Union was and I guess still is a communist form of government. Either Germany was in the middle but was Hitler in the middle? The RCC definitely was involved even though Hitler wasn’t Catholic he made a deal with the RCC as did many others. I think as in Global warming which was not Gore’s idea it was Vatican inspired probably specifically Jesuit inspired so was World WAR ONE and TWO and the Third Reich so obviously it really was a third world war then and we are in the fourth installment NOW. The Germans used a gas called mustard gas as in the mustard seed of faith written about in the bible mostly the first three gospels called the synoptic gospels written by the Q source which I also wrote about in some posts on Merangue’s Blog.:  The mustard seed isn’t the smallest of seed of course even in the plant world. As far as barren is concerned I think it was meant in the bible as those who never bore a child probably having to do with Hospice of the parents which is Vatican inspired as well using the excuse of Abortion for their tirade and persecution and the Vatican via Pope Francis put his stamp on it and on Mother Teresa (Tertius I think, ROSEBUD) a member of  Paul’s family introduced in one of the books later on after the four gospels as part of his family and PETER was warned 2000 years ago at the Sea of Gailee. So lots of stuff to consider confusing as it is I wouldn’t ignore it if you get to read my posts. Please when you go to Merangue’s Blog if you have the privilege most of the posts are written in the order I wrote the posts so I was evolving and sometimes devolving as well (learning amongst the deceptions going on at the time during Obama’s administration) but there is a TON of good information in the posts regardless and also some very good links in the posts written by other people with inquiring minds, even catholics who obviously were unsatisfied with the information they had been receiving and had been not taught. Learning as well. ‘A modern Jewish settlement’: How the Nazis tried to fool the world by turning a concentration camp into a fake town to convince Red Cross visitors the Holocaust was not happening In regards to the mandate of Obamacare being trumped by the President, the Old Testament refers to mandrakes and is kind of interesting having to do with Rachel I think and using a drug to attract. I think it might actually be prophetic and disguised as well to stand the test of time. Also I have wondered about the sign put on Jesus at his crucifixion: Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews. What if Nazareth means Nazi arrest of Jesus, King of the Jews. Something to think about. Don’t you wonder why Sen Kerry/SOS Kerry transported a bunch of witnesses (20-30 witnesses) from Benghazi to Germany never to be heard from again? Did Robert Mueller have anything to do with it? Is it because he brought no bread?

    The Main Line elitist who is investigating Trump: How upper crust Robert Mueller, the son of a DuPont executive, went to a Waspy New England prep school where he was John Kerry’s lacrosse captain

    How is it That Ye Do Not Understand?

    Check out Merangue’s Blog for some interesting comparisons and some funny posts as well like the one above. I think it has to do with denial.

    China, China, China As far as unfair trade with China and possibility of China helping North Korea we cannot allow ourself as a sovereign nation to be blackmailed into bow wowing to China or North Korea but on the other hand we cannot assume the evidence is true caught on camera of ships trading supplies with North Korea. Too bad there aren’t any people on the ships which might help to identify who they are. Think about the phantom ships before the Viet Nam war. I think we should do what is good for our country trade wise and not allow China’s desire to be number one at all costs (slave labor etc) deter us from being fair to ourselves and/or deter us from raising tariffs on Chinese products if needed or some other possibilities trade wise (disincentives) in order to put America’s interests first IN OUR COUNTRY which is the duty of our President to accomplish if possible… and it is possible. The world, nor did China, neither Russia elected Trump. Trump is not the President of China and Xi is not the President of the USA. Perhaps it will be good for our economy and be good for the Chinese economy as a result in their adjustments if he protects the rights of citizens and small businesses, medium businesses, large businesses, and corporations and all the rest of the business entities on our soil and in-between our borders and entices businesses to come home. Investigate the photography and the intel about the ships and countries doing business with North Korea. Could be another time loop we are dealing with. Let China do what it feels is right to do in response to the trade imbalance for their country. I, for one, do not want to be bullied or ham-stringed by a bunch of ne’er-do-wells and we should never allow it under any circumstances. Let the chips fall where they may. Does it mean a trade war. No, it means fairness. Does it mean all out war? Depends on China, doesn’t it? Or does it depend on the Vatican who wanted to Roman Catholicize the Chinese Catholics about 10 or more years ago??? I think China ought to investigate ROME and the Vatican ties to the troubles China faces and so should we and anyone with common sense and instinct who cares about the future for their children and their children, generations to come, and cares about their parents. Consumption tax would alleviate a lot of sorrows for many people and in the end relieve us of the greatest sorrow of them all and the fomentations of its dubious and deranged allies in our government and in other governments around the globe controlled and steered by

    the abomination of desolation’s


    known as the THE VATICAN

    using the UN and vice versa and other entities in our government that the founding fathers never intended to develop but warned us of the probabilities one in particular the IRS.


    Fox News just reported a day or so ago about the UN’s concern regarding Yemen and the starvation going on A BIT LATE and hard to fathom





    Lusty Month of May – YouTube

    I think it helps to see a map once in a while to see what might be influencing Chinese policy and policies of IRAN, Pakistan, India etc. I know a bunch of Islamic influence/pressure in the ASEAN countries as well and both Pakistan and India. Remember the Iran Hostage Crisis with American prisoners during the Carter/Reagan years? I think the Islamization of the area is causing problems where it shouldn’t. Like turning the bumble bees and honey bees into killer bees and the importance of the bumble bees/honey bees role in agriculture which is gonna be the subject of my next post;) I think. Remember 9-11. NOT A SMALL INCIDENT! I think it’s related. Oh yea and don’t forget about the relationship of the religions of Islam and the RCC/Vatican (Jesuits) presented by Walter Veith. Is the Vatican using Islam or vice versa and on the heels of the decision by Trump to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel which is LOGICAL and SOUND because it is the capital of Israel. Seems like China is getting swallowed up by Islam and Roman Catholicism from the looks of the map. In bible prophecy imagery according to Politics and Religion Irvin Baxter the tiger is Germany in reference to the four headed beast with four different animal heads. I used to listen to his show his radio show years ago on the way to pick up my daughter from school. Sorry he was talking about the leopard but the tiger was replaced by the leopard in Germany supposedly (their tanks): Something to do with the Holy Roman Empire. Probably fascism which has been big problem for a long time. I wonder if it is a Jesuit symbol? Daniel 7? Does a leopard change it’s spots? Does a woman ride the beast? Women are religions in the bible as well symbolically.…..Two women will be grinding at the mill one will be taken and one will be left. Can you catch a tiger by it’s tail or it’s toes? In any case Chancellor Merkel was pretty chummy with Obama. So were a lot of people for money. Bible imagery is very hard to understand. I don’t spend a lot of time doing it but I do remember SOME history especially in the last century. I still don’t know with any certainty what the Bulls of Bashan means. Is it talking about the stock market? The Bulls and the Bears. Bashan I think was in Iraq and then there are the bulls used in Spain for show for the conquistador sport using a red cape usually to piss off the offering to make the bull see red: Obviously not color blind..

    Psalm 22

    “Bashan is a biblical place first mentioned in Numbers 21:33, where Og the king of Bashan came out against the Israelites at the time of their entrance into the Promised Land, but was utterly routed.” WIKIPEDIA After WWll and the whole fascism thing, the Jews returned to Israel. I tend to trust the last one being the most recent and the immensity of WWll  and I think is to be trusted as an example of the bulls of Bashan. 6 million jews, etc,. and the reaction to the obvious recent announcement by Trump about jerusalem and recognizing it is the capital of Israel. Fox news has definitely… well some in Fox News have tried to get us to go to war with Syria, Russia, Ukraine and some to go to war with China. Mostly Robin of Batman and Robin: Sheppard Smith: The RED SCARE kind of stuff as occurred before WW11. It seems like a loop of some kind. Distractions and a overly abundance of deceptions. False news etc. (He reminds me of Agent Ready who was looking at the school book depository as a decoy and a diversion during the assassination of JFK and the Ukraine cirisis with Russia. Same exact position. and if it was so freakin’ scary why didn’t the Russian tanks just annihilate him but they didn’t. Believe me Russia is aware of who Sheppard Smith is and who Fox News is.) They would have if it were actually a war. Using a lot of propaganda and hurting families the most which is a mistake. Entrapping and lots of other tricks. Hospice is a big tip and the words of Jesus at the Sea of Galilee which I believe will bring down the RCC and it’s insanity and innate hatred towards women oh yea and the lie about the mustard seed being the smallest of seed has had it’s affect/effect and has a lot more coming to shut it down F O R E V E R. Sainting Mother Teresa? HOW SICK and DEPRAVED! A grown man kissing a baby doll? GEEEEEZ. If your mom had been hospiced without your consent or knowledge you would be pissed off too …THAT IS if you honored her i.e. loved her. I will be positive when I see the destruction of the Vatican in total. Until then I will be doing what needs to be done: Exposing the whore of Babylon to it’s end. Revelation predicts it’s end so It’ not like I have to wait too long to see it. Big stuff happens about every 2000 years or so and it is due. It’s end is just and around the corner and then I will be positively …………. and lots of good things will come my way. I have seen some VERY good signs in regards to it’s dwindling power all over the world poetically, politically, and personally as well. A few bad ones which I don’t deny but are only temporary glitches in the scheme of things. I know I’m on the high road on the pursuit I have chosen at least most of the time because I try to be on the high road. I KNOW the BGEA (Billy Graham Evangelical Association) is involved as well shilling for the RCC which is a huge mistake and screwed up a few people I love and hopefully they will eventually see the truth.

    Hells Angel (Mother Teresa) – Christopher Hitchens

    I don’t believe being on the cutting edge of technology is the most important thing and kind of destructive in it’s pace. I don’t even use a cellphone especially since Benghazi and seeing the photo of a man with a cell phone in his mouth and obviously using passwords from the State Department.

    The Trumpet and the Crumpets

    I have seen so much false news and even the advertising for the shows on Fox (not surprising of course. I didn’t order Omaha steaks because of the size of the steaks LOL I would have to eat 4 of the steaks to be satisfied or at least two of them in the same meal when I could go to Chilies to get a good steak dinner or any steak house and not have to cook it myself however went in on a pillow for the ex because he has trouble sleeping; he should but thought it might help him. (I had an acquaintance who was catholic and grew up without a pillow all her life until she grew up. She was married to a friend and they had 5 kids and got divorced. Both his parents died of brain cancer a year apart. Strange deal. He had a sound studio and sold it to the ex eventually and tried to get us to live in a huge building in New York state on a river to open a sound studio for recording that used to be a Masonic lodge in a Catholic town. Even had it’s own temple. Very eerie. Looked like the building from the movie The Shining without the maze garden. We went to check it out not knowing the details about it and boy it was kind of strange but we didn’t succumb to his desires. Met some strange people at a bed and breakfast paid for by the friend of my ex who donned a picture of himself playing a trumpet in their stairway/well of the doctor who was also a trumpet player. The picture was about 8 feet tall. He was a terrible husband to his wife and she forgot one morning to cook breakfast which was okay – I think we overheard them arguing the night before but I didn’t really enjoy her breakfasts anyway. Crumpets were kind of very hard and she was so unhappy though she had a cute children’s bookstore in their back yard that she loved and was proud of. He was very egotistical. The house lacked air conditioning. An old house. In fact the whole trip we just wanted a good hamburger and couldn’t find one. We searched. Even went to a gathering of our friends at their farm while they were still married and their hamburgers were tasteless. The sugar was tasteless fluff. I spent most of the trip feeling like WHAT IS THIS SH.T? Food is important. The morning of the trip the ex had an accident in the fog with a man from India who ran a red light and ran into my husband who spun out of control and ran almost into a gas tank at a gas station and totaled the car/van. The man from India blamed the ex but he obviously ran the red light and was going too fast in the dense fog. It was kind of like two trips in one as the one we took to Michigan. Crazy stuff. However the country side was pretty which made the trip worth going. It was free or we would not have gone. We did not pay for it. We finally got a burger we could tolerate from McDonalds however I’m not a fan of McDonalds burgers unless I’m starving or on a road trip but I used to love their burgers when I was a teenager because of the price and could eat a cheese burger, sometimes two, a fish fillet, a big mac all in one meal because of the size and price of the burgers with fries. LOL something like it anyway and I weighed only about 108 pounds or less until I had kids later in life. Obviously Masons and Catholics are of the same religion. It was kind of an educational trip for the reason stated previously and I think the reason for the trip without my knowledge at the time so I might connect the two later in life. The empty building towered over the catholic town. Kind of like ghosts, almost a ghost town, and a ghost building. The ex got his sound studio after his friend went nuts. Above the building he worked in was a microwave tower which I think was the reason. Something about those waves and which is part of the technology of H.A.A.R.P., I think. In the building a lot of people that worked in the building in the studios thought they saw ghosts usually at night. I didn’t see any ghosts however when working on the outside of the building after a friend/acquaintance of ours drowned in a lake under unusual circumstances I felt a gust of wind come up the long drive way and went right through me swirling around me the leaves and it was not October or during the fall but I knew it was unusual since it was only one wind. It was a sad day. He had polio as a kid and had a physical impairment as an adult because of it and was on a boat with his wife and other/s and was teaching some kid how to swim in the lake and the boat went it’s way without him. His wife didn’t know how to handle the boat. It was what we were told. The kid kind of made him drown by freaking out. The kid survived and he didn’t. The kid was not a kid but a young man. I thought the story was kind of odd. He was a carpenter. It was a lake which had a reputation for drownings: Obviously you don’t teach someone to swim in a lake. I think the group had been drinking and I think something was going on with the kid and the wife, but I don’t know for sure because I didn’t know either of them. I guess the boat lacked life jackets? The whole deal didn’t make any sense unless you were drunk, I suppose. I kind of remember there might have been one life jacket and the man who died gave it to the young man who was kicking him but not sure of that aspect of the story however the whole story sounded very odd to begin with. We got it in bits and pieces. Fragments. Reminds me of the stuff going on these days such as the Las vegas massacre, and many other massacres which don’t make sense and the investigations make even less sense as if no one has any common sense and sounds more like a multitude of coverups like the one bullet theory that was proposed for the assassination/murder of JFK. )   but I guess the sponsors of terrorism  – psychological terrorism of Fox News and the other stations as well so relax and enjoy what is coming your way. Of course I don’t know why the sponsors of terrorism do what they’ve done but I think some on Fox News know and I think are propped up by the Vatican and others (BGEA) and feel it is their right to do so, but it isn’t. NOT GREAT BUT GRETA type shit and I don’t believe it for a minute and you will REGRETA it. Very sick shit and I wouldn’t do it ANYMORE if I were you but I’m pretty positive you will continue as you have in the past and will wreak your own demise. Happy New Year! I’m not your enemy yet I have been attacked in MYSTERIOUS ways as were my parents attacked which are not my ways and not their ways either.

    Everyone touts peace, but at what cost? I dare say I bet more people have died during peace with evil than have died at war with evil.

    And upon her forehead was a name written, Mystery, Babylon The Great, The Mother Of Harlots And Abominations Of The Earth.

    Ash Wednesday

    What a dumb idea and whose ashes are on the foreheads?

    Those the RCC burned?

    papal conclave is a meeting of the College of Cardinals convened to elect a Bishop of Rome, also known as the Pope. The pope is considered by Roman Catholics to be the apostolic successor of Saint Peter and earthly head of the Roman Catholic Church. … A two-thirds supermajority vote is required to elect the new pope.

    What color is the smoke when a pope is elected?
    White Smoke, Pope; Black Smoke, Nope: How Conclave Smoke Gets Its Color. The world waited with bated breath for the election of a new pope, with all eyes fixed on the tiny chimney perched on the roof of the Sistine Chapel for a sign of either black smoke or white smoke.Mar 13, 2013

    How the Vatican investigates miracles

    A heap of lies because the vatican is insane and it has to go. Fox talking about a contrarian idea in regards to Iran and it’s people which Obama gave 150 million dollars and probably a ton more which didn’t get to the people for the Iranian deal which didn’t do anything good in retrospect?: Don’t give them money….GIVE THEM FOOD. DUH but don’t send it through INDIA if you can avoid it. We watched it in Africa and the hoarders took the food from the needy. Watched it in Syria and the people in a small neighborhood were poisoned by a rice shipment from China THRU INDIA and blamed on Assad via German INTEL which happened to be at the right place and at the right time to record it and to film it of a small neighborhood in Syria as if they knew it was gonna happen at the moment it happened as if they had prior notice and good equipment and obviously GPS: nuns wearing painter’s masks and blame it on saran gas. By the way just in case you are watching I know my ex is messed up. I try to figure him out but he is so cagey it’s ridiculous. There have been so many incidents and strange things I have encountered I don’t know where to begin except I know it is a spiritual problem to begin with and God only knows the rest of the story.

     Why would anyone follow a nun from Albania? Do you remember their rulers (their ruling family) and what happened to them? A bunch of murderers. I ask why would anyone follow a nun from Albania, OR ROMANIA, or WHEREVER THE HELL SHE CAME FROM but I mean anyone in their right mind. Why would anyone in their right mind follow a nun from Albania or Romania?
    As far as North Korean ships getting supplies from Chinese ships we heard about one ship and then it became 30 ships yet we didn’t hear about the first 29 ships till we heard about the one ship.
    Was doing some online reading in regards to the Vatican and it’s wealth and no one seems to have any inkling about it and I guess is a mystery and read lots of totally contradictory opinions. I came upon a verse said by Jesus which was a quote from Deuteronoy 15:11 about the poor. Had been reading how the poor you will have with you always for some reason and honestly I forgot why i got on to the subject of the poor. Perhaps the news about Irans inner crisis and the money that was sent by Obama for a deal on the nuclear arsenal I think Iran is building and the money he gave to Iran which is probably only a hint of the truth and how the people aren’t getting food. Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew, Gospel of Mark and surprisingly also the Gospel of John said “For ye have the poor always with you, but me you have not always.” and then have two different versions of where Jesus was and who he was with and what was done to him by some woman.

    Ignorant Christians need to STFU about ‘the poor you will always have with you’ until they can be bothered to understand what Jesus actually said

    I read a few things about it and the guy who wrote this article or post above in regards to the verses in the gospels said by Jesus or quoted as having been said by Jesus while watching in between some very funny snippets of skits from the Dick Van Dyke Show and Andy of Mayberry and other shows of the sixties which were very amusing. Forgot how funny they were and simple as well. Simply funny. Anyway I read Deuteronomy 15:11 in context and different versions of it in regards to this article/blog post about the poor. Quite an interesting statement in other ways as well but most people think he meant there will always be poor people, hence don’t worry about it or this guy’s version – don’t be a miser, hand it over you greedy bastard, etc.


    Since Jesus didn’t recite all of deuteronomy and just said the verse  and since most people have not read deuteronomy, I think he would have added all the rest of it from Deuteronomy if it was what he meant. I don’t think it was what he meant. I don’t think he was poor. I have a feeling he was middle class, hence the war on the middle class. Makes sense to me. Additionally if he did mean to direct people to Deuteronomy 15:11: Since most people have not read deuteronomy I think he may have been talking to catholics when he said this verse because for centuries catholics have not been allowed to read the bible to discern for themselves until recently. Deuteronomy 15:11 in context does refer to the sabbath as well and financial forgiveness on the seventh year in the ways written in Deuteronomy to neighbors and family and then adds others depending on the version you read which may be what he was referring to as well but I think definitely referring to what was said to Peter at the Sea of Galilee when he said three times Feed my sheep….FOLLOW ME. (depending on the version you read said feed my lambs twice and feed my sheep once etc.) No telling since even prophecy of Daniel was moved to the Gospel of Matthew during the Obama Administration and during Jesuit Pope Francis’s popery at the Vatican who puts on a show of humility yet steals a dead man’s necklace (a martyr) and is proud of it to gain courage he doesn’t possess and brags about it as if it’s cute and lives in a fortress full of stolen masterpieces and many other things such as fingernails, etc. I bet there’s money there and we ought to insist upon the investigation of their illegal banking practices and the many other illegal activities that seem to point to them.

    Anyway a parable is an allegory,

     I think the verse about the poor is an allegory/parable . 

    Every country the Vatican invades usually end up poor after it pillages, plunders, and rapes everyone and as in Israel in biblical times of the crucifixion the Vatican/ROME and more than likely Islam came back again after the first invasion when the jews tried to rebuild the city 70 years later and destroyed it again. I can’t help but think of what was said by the comedian Bill Cosby a few years back during the Obama Administration and during the papacy of Jesuit Pope Francis and the nuns he encountered via his catholic wife said “and they mean business” in regards to the nuns and to his donation for a building, etc. Obviously, he was being black mailed. Kind of a warning and a plea. This was before a few women complained about his sexual advances using drugs which is kind of interesting, I think. How did the nuns know? It’s a mystery to me. However, I think my first inclination is on the money and the verse about the poor since Jesus did not recite the rest of Deuteronomy. At the very least he meant he was not poor, IMO. I think Capitalism depends on the middle class and without middle class business/es (i.e. a healthy economy based on fair trade) the nations will deteriorate into communism, fascism, or worse:


    Deuteronomy and Numbers I have read is some kind of parting of the ways in the Old Testament like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs or Paul McCartney and John Lennon. I think the countries of the world are grappling with what works best for their societies and all of them still haven’t figured it out. Like a bunch of Social experiments going on all at once and I don’t think a World Government/religion with or without teeth is capable of handling even their own country especially since each one is competing with everyone else no matter what form of government/religion is in charge. I think ours is the most promising if we understand mobility of social classes needs to be protected and that without the middle class you have no mobility and usually end up in anarchy and the destruction of people and property. We have been experiencing Great Distress in our country edging closer to anarchy and had better try to protect our country FIRST AND FOREMOST while protecting TRUTH in History as well because it is a great teacher. I haven’t witnessed so far any Congressional Hearings which have ever produced anything truthful. If we were able to use truth detectors in the hearings it might help (they are used in the State Department to keep people in line) but some people are phenomenal liars i.e. SOCIOPATHS and especially in the Press establishments. It was pathetic to watch Trump having to pat Jesse Watter’s of Watter’s World on the back at his last interview with Trump. I felt like poor Jesse did you really have to ask the last question? It was embarrassing. The guy is driven by limousine and makes a great salary (I have no idea how much or how much he depends on it) and he still needs a daddy figure to tell him he’s doing a good job. He should know if he is doing a good job or not and if he had been raised by a good father figure he would realize it but he must be suffering from some kind of bad conscience about what he does for a living asking dumb questions on the street and not making an iota of difference in the world and ignoring some intimidation going on at his workplace towards women and non catholics and never ever discussing murder-suicide (of Mother Teresa and the RCC sainted by the Pope) of probably millions of people, innocent people some who fought wars defending his freedom to be a dumb dick so he could go to the beach and ask dumb questions. IMO.) I think someone ought to break an egg on his head and cook it and I hope Jonathan Livingston Seagull spots him from above and dives down for shot at him.

    What do you think of this? It’s an anagram.

    HE NEEDS the PRESIDENT to PROP him up. What did you expect him to reply? What about the women who lost their jobs at Fox for sexual harassment. Shouldn’t they get their jobs back? Could you not have asked his opinion about the women in your workplace. We know why: You wouldn’t have a job not because of Trump but because of Fox News and most if not all of the news organizations.

    I think Jesse Watter’s deserves a medal of honor for bravery and courage. NOT REALLY! Obviously IT’S NOT YOUR WORLD! Anyone could ask the questions you ask on the street not knowing the answers but looking them up beforehand and make others look stupid. Who Taught You THIS NONSENSE, O’REILLY? I don’t think I would be proud of you if I were you. I think you can do better. You might have to downsize a bit and make some changes but you shouldn’t let it stop you. Perhaps start your own news agency with some others who are dissatisfied with the status quo. I bet most of the people at Fox are dissatisfied and in other news agencies as well. Can you imagine what would happen if you did it all at once. Great advertising as well.

    A pres coup.

    Civility is impotent but you should still be able to ask important questions that are relevant if you were of a Free Press and were living in a Free Country but you are not suffering, other people are suffering. I think you ought to push yourself a lot harder and surprise a few people and it might actually do some good for you and for others and you might have gotten a cool answer as well if you had tried a little harder instead you got what you got. BS.

    Is Legalized Assisted Suicide (Oregon) and increased volcanic activity off it’s coast interrelated?

    I would think it is.

    Every month we have civil defense alarms either on the first Tuesday of every month or the first Wednesday of every month which sound off because it’s only a test and also used if there is a tornado nearby. Kim Jung Un says he has a nuclear button on his desk and Trump says his is nuclear button is bigger and he doesn’t need Congresses approval. I have two buttons which are not on my desk and I don’t need Congressses approval either.) What do you want to bet if there is a nuclear attack it will be on a Wednesday because Wednesdays’ child is full of grace but since it has been changed to Tuesday as the child of grace who knows.  I think we ought to start a market with stocks and bonds based on the odds of either. If it happens my bet would be on a Wednesday, Ash Wednesday. On Fox News Steve Bannon allegedly says in his new book though written by  called “Fire and Fury:Inside the Trump White House” that the Mueller investigation is about money laundering, Josesph Biden says its not a game, and my ex says Steve Bannon is an alcoholic, and Sarah Huckabee Sanders describes it as trashy tabloid fiction and it hasn’t been even released. Makes you wonder who wrote it. In any case back to my argument about whether or not Jesus meant the poor will always be with you and whether or not he meant it in regards to himself being poor as well and in reference to Deuteronomy 15:11 the bible hadn’t even been published until 1611 which was done in England and the gospels were not written when he said the verse in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and John regarding the poor and regarding himself. The Torah hadn’t been published (except to a very few people via carving in stones or on papyruses) in the 6th century BCE and women were not allowed to study the Torah till the movie with Barbara Streisand called YENTL. The Holy Books had been stolen from the temple when he was crucified and taken to Rome to be vandalized and used as propaganda. Supposedly there was a version in Alexandria (not Virginia)

    Dating the Bible

    which also talks about the fragments which were preserved somehow or another probably passed out to individuals when Jesus fed some people his bread. As far as the excerpt in the new book about Trump in regards to John Boehner saying, “Who’s that?” does not bother me one bit and explains why his daughter came to help him at the White House for nothing but to help her dad preform what he does best. Trump inherited a BIG MESS as the President and obviously has done a great job so far. So he had a short term memory loss: Big deal. Even young people have moments usually when overworked/overwhelmed or their mind elsewhere. He doesn’t get a lot of sleep and should not have to campaign so much. Doesn’t mean he is not able to be a good President. Anyone remember how Reagan acted? TEAR DOWN THIS WALL he said and now look at the troubles we’re having and we need and want a wall. What if  Reagan had said the same thing to the South and North Koreans. I bet we wouldn’t need nor want a wall if Reagan hadn’t erred on the wrong side of history. Carter gave away the Panama Canal and it was a huge mistake historically, IMO. I doubt we would need a wall if we had kept the Panama Canal under our control. My mom was born in Panama.

    I don’t know if Reagan made his mistake (IMO it was a mistake) before or after he was shot but it may be why he was shot either as a response to the mistake or in order to make the mistake……. and the same goes for JFK.


    What both had in common was Billy Graham as did all the Presidents after WWll.

    The signing of the Reichskonkordat on July 20, 1933 in Rome

    I think the book might serve us well and Trump as well and sometimes being in the center of the activity at the White House isn’t the greatest of places to make a BIG difference and his observations aren’t necessarily a bad thing (he noticed something important while he was in the center of activity) and to have noticed means he was paying close attention and to have written about it isn’t wrong, IMO. I watched  CNN report about the books allegations and some of the allegations were true though the guest who was interviewed didn’t like the allegations regardless and I think whoever is investigating the allegation is checking it twice to see who has been naughty or nice. Might actually help in the long run. Everything isn’t perfect all the time and nor are people. I don’t think it was disparaging to have written what I have heard was in the book so far which is basically the statement about John Boehner which Sarah Huckabee Sanders said is the most ridiculous statement and doesn’t want to itemize all the others. I don’t think it’s ridiculous in fact I think  it’s normal for someone who might be busy or thinking about something else or not great of hearing. I remember while being on the phone talking to someone ( I don’t remember who but it was not someone I knew) and my sister walked through during my phone conversation while she lived with me during her divorce and said “Can’t you multi-task?” because I didn’t respond immediately to her request nor hear what she said as she was traipsing through the living room. FLIP FLOP FLIP FLOP in her flip flops. I think she wanted to know where the laundry detergent was or something mundane and silly, but it was kind of a bit of a reach because I do often multitask. As a mom…. it’s imperative. She was in a bad mood, in a hurry, and I don’t think she enjoyed her predicament (living with us and going through her nasty divorce because of the lawyers involved screwing her over and did horrendously and called themselves Christians and advertised themselves as Christians. She ended up with different lawyers after the Christian lawyers created a mess and took advantage of her and her ex. Took them to the cleaners because it was all they cared about was the money – OPM!) and something ticked her off I guess beforehand but I was taken aback by her question while I was on the phone and I wanted to say something in response which naturally was on the tip of my finger, instinctively. However, I controlled myself this time. When on the phone I don’t listen very well to two conversations at once especially when on the phone with someone I don’t know. It was silly but I’ll never forget it because it was rude. She was living in my house in dire straits and showed her lack of respect for me in other ways as well calling me darlin’ as if I was some pip squeak. It is what southern women do to other women they don’t respect and want to manipulate and belittle, or think they can diminish. She was my little sister. I was not hers. I never treated her in such a manner (except when we were kids and shared a bed and I drew a line on the bed and stuff like that but not as an adult.) There are other instances as well which were hard to take but I took it and they were unnecessary, frivolous, small minded, rude, and bizarre at best. I didn’t drive through an ATM lane and nearly demolish an ATM machine in my RV. She did with me as a passenger. I didn’t TWICE back out of my garage on two different occasions with my trunk wide open to scrape on a garage door. Later, a few years later I was referred to as Satan and the Devil and I’m not either of those things. She said in an e-mail I want my sister back. The last time we talked I sent an e-mail saying if you think your sister is Satan or the Devil why do you want her back? Something similar because she was acting weird via e-mails and we never talked again or wrote to each other again (except when I had heard she was in a car wreck with a truck and her husband had announced it to her friends on Facebook and my ex told me about it calling her his “dear wife.” never mentioning she was actually knocked unconscious from the accident which she REITERATED. He minimized her and the severity of the accident. Unconscious is pretty severe. I was using psychology in regards to the Satan/Devil stuff.) She lived with us for a year and a half maybe close to two years part of it off and on in-between living in her RV and taking over my daughter’s bedroom. When I went through my divorce she blew me off because she was newly married to a dick head who was using her and her divorce settlement and was at the hospital when my mom died by hospice, I was told. She met this dick head online via a dating service. Probably the ELITE dating service. Just kidding but she copped an attitude about herself.

    Anyway now Sheppard Smith is talking about the President repeating the same stories. How many times have you read the bible? And somehow you get something out of a particular verse or two differently each time or notice something different you hadn’t noticed before because of different circumstances evolving or have new facts to make the same story more interesting or intriguing. Like an open edition.

    “Open edition prints are fine art painting reproductions that do not have a limited print run.”;)

    Same goes for story telling more than once or twice. Would it make a difference if the stories were occurring in Czechoslovakia vs Indiana? In the summer of 65 vs in the winter of 2025? At night vs in the morning. Two people in the room vs three?

    When you take a walk on a familiar road does it always look, feel, sound the same?

    Why have books at all if you can’t read them again. Shall we burn them once read? TV sitcoms? Good movies?


    (The cartoon above is pretty funny as are kids cartoons repeatably depending on your mood.) Every time I see the cartoon above a get a good laugh! Hannity had a repeat show about whether Trump would be President and all the naysayers including Obama and then Ann Coulter who was laughed at harshly because she thought he would be the President and was proved to be correct and Hannity was competing as a news program (obviously an old portion of the show) but on CNN one lady and her sources did double fact check the Wolff book on a few people who substantiated that some of the stuff is true while the guest was denying the fact checking.

    “Not a creature was stirring not even a mouse” story gets repeated on a regular basis every Christmas eve.

    Why do some women/men marry or date the same kind of assholes? Because they haven’t learned a lesson well enough. There were times in our family when my dad took off to see a movie by himself because he knew it was the best thing to do because his buttons were being pushed sometimes for good reasons and sometimes not, but he removed himself and went to some matinees to watch the old guard movies all by himself and it helped him, my mom, and us.

    I think Steve Bannon  removed himself as did John Boehner as I recall however it’s hard to know because of the news False news. Doesn’t mean they aren’t still married. LOL

    I don’t think a cease and desist order is the right thing to do. I don’t know what else was written or said by Bannon because I have not read the book by some ghost writer named Wolff. It sure isn’t freedom of the press if it is prohibited from being published. I think some people don’t want to hear about another book “Hacks” by Donna Brazile, head of the DNC? I think we need to hear more about it!

    Donna Brazile’s book accidentally reveals what the Democratic Party really thinks about women

    I think she is a force to be reckoned with from the interviews I have seen, very few. People talk about Elizabeth Warren as a female threat to the presidency and I think those people are nuts, Sorry Liz, but I think Donna Brazil might actually be the next candidate. A good one if she has the backing at least 7 years from now though I don’t know anything about her beliefs.

    I think the lawyers are the trouble with Steve Bannon and the President. But I guarantee the book is gonna sell because of the brouhaha about it. But I’m not gonna buy it. Like the JFK books after he was assassinated. A way to make money on BS. Using cadavers for advertising is pretty rotten, isn’t it? Cadavers that were not paid. Fox does it.

      I’m not a fan of Hillary Clinton or Bill Clinton but I think the reason for the private server was obviously to hide information from our government which isn’t ours anymore. I think it had to do with Billy Graham and Franklin Graham (BGEA) and the RCC (VATICAN). and probably OBAMA (he was mentored by Kissinger and Kissinger was hired by the RCC (VATICAN) because of money laundering and child abuse and the BGEA are shills for the RCC (VATICAN) so obviously the RCC (VATICAN) is GUILTY of a lot of this-shit going on in our country and other countries as well. I don’t know what they were hiding but probably has to do with Benghazi the only hearing she has ever had to testify about which is how important it is/was what occurred and what did not occur and somehow Mitt Romney (NSA-Mormons-UTAH) was aware of it. So many lies it’s ridiculous so obviously something there when 30 witnesses are transferred to Germany via Sen. Kerry Heinz never to be heard from again and he replaces her as Secretary of State and in the interim she has some kind of head injury to stop her (or delay her) from testifying about Benghazi while other Senators (John McCain, Lindsay Graham threatening the muslim brotherhood leader in Egypt about US tax dollars if they didn’t behave themselves and probably others) are funding the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt (a rift between Mubarak – because he spent US tax money on tourism or a castle and tried to stop a Muslim Brotherhood coup in his country – and someone else?) and elsewhere during the Obama Administration. And then came the tunnels from Egypt to The West Bank or to some where in Israel to attack Israelis. And a rift between Billy Graham and the BGEA, the Mormons and the NSA, and the Vatican and the Jesuits, the Masons, the Neo-Catechumenal Way, Opus Dei and the New World Order in regards to whether or not the mormons are an occult. UN buildings used as staging points for the missiles launched against Israelis in Israel. Global warming/climate change/cooling is the warming – Al Gore fanatics who are actually trying to keep afloat a Vatican premise to make money selling us lies. What about places like HAARP (seeding storms and heating the atmosphere and heating the oceans and  heating the lands with microwave technology. Very quick cooking. And you wonder why there are people like Rachel Maddow and Joe Scarborough in the world. Their brains were cooked probably in some storm or something caused by microwaves or HAARP. WHY DOES THE CHICK NEXT TO SCARBOROUGH LAUGH AT EVERY INANE THING HE SAYS? IT’S TOTALLY ANNOYING. HE ISN’T FUNNY! HE SHOULD BE ON THE STREET AND OUT OF A JOB. HE IS EXTREMELY UNTALENTED and he looks like he has a carrot for a nose, lol!) causing the MEGA storms, hurricanes and tsunamis and earthquakes, wild fires, massacres, and nuclear accidents to help float the premises of the Vatican to keep it afloat. And the Muslim Brotherhood has been such a good influence knocking up a bunch of young girls, EBOLA and then ISIS and a lost nuke on the coast of  the Carolinas during the Obama Administration who was mentored and promoted and given a thumbs up and his stamp of approval during Obama’s run for the presidency by Kissinger who was hired by the Vatican. Religious persecution of women and their families via the news (mostly Fox) who have had abortions in the past used as an excuse to hospice (also a Vatican premise), illegal immigration to thwart attempts to build a wall because of the Vatican premise – “a world without borders” not to mention 9/11. A time loop: the Japanese attacking Pearl Harbor and the Saudis attacking New York. Was Kissinger who was hired by the Vatican meddling in the US election then? Which would mean the Vatican was meddling in the US election, wouldn’t it, and all we got was SHIT during the Obama presidency. Was the Vatican pulling his strings? And still a few slurs from the Immaculate Laura InGraham with a cross on in regards to abortion any chance she can get. You ought to read what often happens foster kids. Can the Immaculate Laura InGraham fix it? Can she re-foster all of the foster kids in the past who fell through the cracks? THOUSANDS of kids. WHERE THE HELL DID FATHER JONATHAN of the Vatican of Fox News disappear to who wanted to pull the plug on a kid in a coma and made many appearances on LIBERAL talk shows and on Fox News shows at the time to bully the mom to give up on her daughter (not son). We never heard the end of the story. Did he go where O’reilly went? Is it because Fox cares? Is it because the Immaculate Laura InGraham cares? Did the Vatican pull the plug? Was the Vatican successful in it’s pursuit? Why haven’t we heard anymore about the girl? Talk about meddling by the Vatican, why don’t you! The Vatican seems to be the reoccurring ingredient and it’s premises in most of the troubles we face as a sovereign nation. It’s sobering isn’t it? The revolutionary guard of Iran’s flags sure look similar to Italy’s flags. IMO And now POTUS (I realize its meaning) is involved in the WOLFF/BANNON publishing thing. WHO THE HELL IS POTUS? IS IT THE SECRET SERVICE IN MARYLAND WHO HAS DAILY BRIEFINGS with the President and MAKES SUGGESTIONS ON TALKING POINTS EACH DAY FOR THE PRESIDENT (at least for Obama). You wonder why the President chirps on a daily basis? Probably to tell us how he really feels at a given moment depending on who or what is squirreling/swirling around him which more than likely is POTUS, the Secret Service.

    The President has an ego and you ought be glad he does otherwise he would give Iran 150 millions  more dollars.

    There is a saying about taxes and death attributed to Benjamin Franklin:

    Was it a prophecy?

    I looked up the costs of death i.e. the business of death and found if you donate a dead body to science and then cremate it’s much cheaper. I’m gonna suggest it to my children for their daddy when he dies. Then I thought I might find four canning jars and send them to his brothers and suggest a few polluted rivers to dump them in Michigan. Forgot he only has three now. 3 jars. WHATEVER. and then take a vacation on the savings.

    Consumption vs Income Tax: Which has a Larger Impact?

    I have heard you can’t take it with you when you die but I’m planning on taking what I have earned in a blink of an eye or in a twinkle in the sky.

    I think a healthy combination might be

    the Border wall with Army bases, Consumption Tax, DACA, and the Panama Canal. 

    The Building of the Panama Canal

    Why did we give up the Panama Canal?

    “Clymer explains that Carter’s reversal came after Henry Kissinger and Sol Linowitz, Carter’s point man on Latin America, advised him that further delays in the treaty would cause irreparable harm to U.S.-Latin American relations, with Mexico even willing to dispatch troops to Panama’s aid in the event of conflict.”



    God’s Ambassador Advises World Leaders

    Newly released White House tape reveals one of Billy Graham’s

    toughest talks with Richard Nixon

    If you read the articles above God’s Ambassador wasn’t truthful, was he?

    How did Rev Wilkerson know to make 1000 peanut butter sandwiches for the 9/11 fire fighters the night before 9/11 occurred? He was an Evangelical as was Billy Graham and under his spell. President Carter was an Evangelical and a born again Southern Baptist as well. Gore was also a Southern Baptist. Obviously Rev Wilkerson had a conscience to give us a clue and I think he was killed because of it. He left a message on his blog his last post before he was killed in an accident in Texas about the BGEA and the “Whatever it takes…” motto at the time. Billy Graham (Billy Graham head of the  Evangelical Association) was a shill for the Roman Catholic Church and probably had him killed.


    Let me just make a connection besides the obvious connections above. We handed over the Panama canal in President Carter Years and I have no idea if it had to do with the Iran Hostage Crisis.Then we had the Oliver North Iran Contra problem in Central America, the collapse of the Soviet Union in the Reagan years, and then we had the Clinton years changing the farming practices in Central America and now we have an excessive problem with illegal immigration from Central America and all these Presidents were spiritually advised by Billy Graham, a shill for the Roman Catholic Church.


    Life is rough for Meryl Streep wow – how courageous. I love her acting and I love art as well but she enjoys what she does for a living based on the courage of others in real life and death situations: funny how people change, not always for the better. POMPOUS IN HER SPLENDOR

    Are you sure it wasn’t Alec Baldwin or someone-else you thought you saw?


    I didn’t watch the awards show but read a little bit about it and the man in black from the movie Men in Black, Tomuy Lee Jones and the Meryl Streep conversation that she recounted reminded me of the conversation Nancy Pelosi had with her grandson a few years back. If you read the excerpt about the movie Men in Black it talks about some agents and a secret plot to assassinate 2 ambassadors from opposing galaxies in New York City. Fox news is filmed in New York City, isn’t it?

    Let me tell you a story: When at the apex of our family conflict:my sister called my mom and my mom called me about a phone call message she received  by my girls to my sister and her husband about telling the truth and my sister said I was in the background coaxing my kids in their defense of me. I had no idea they had done it but my mom somehow was convinced I was in the background because of what my sister said and possibly she might have played a trick on my mom. It was extremely upsetting to me. I thought it was cute of my kids. It was an unbelievable time for our family, for my parents, because my sister lied her ass off and so did her husband. This is the kind of stuff my family was dealing with and it was horrible. Another time my sister snapped a picture of me and my other brother in law while I was in a bathing suit at a family gathering around his pool and he was in a suit coming home and hugged me as a greeting and she produced this photo to me and my husband as if I and my little sisters husband  had done something wrong and had an evil glare in her eye as if she had produced some sort of proof. There were about 10 other people around some in bathing suits in fact I think all of us were but my little sister’s husband….it was family. Nothing happened. It was merely a hug and yet she told my little sister she had a dream about kissing her husband (the man in the picture) and some other stuff. It was unbelievable the trouble she was causing and made no sense as well over a long period of time YEARS so it was hard to know when something was gonna happen. I think it was an attempt to black mail me. Where as her husband would show his penis at the oddest of times. I told my little sister about the picture and she told me about the dream she was told about. My big sis was in denial but I didn’t realize how bad she was though I had a mountain of clues until she hospiced my mom for two weeks without telling me. That’s bad. VERY BAD! Not to mention but I will she hung a picture I painted on porcelain  in her entry way without asking that I had given my mom. Didn’t say a word when I saw it before a trip we took together to see my mom. I was like wow. I had already given her a picture a beautiful one on porcelain but I guess she liked my mom’s better. I must admit I had improved my talent but both were still good. A painting I gave my sister-in-law was hidden downstairs in some room. I had spent months painting it of a little girl on some steps outside with some kittens because my sister in law loved cats. It reminded me of her. I don’t think she liked it for some reason. Never did hear whether she did or not. I guess she didn’t like art or my talent maybe because my mom taught me how? However she was a good mom and made my brother happy. Usually when someone paints something really nice you usually hear something about it. I think she was my older sister’s slave. My older sister had no respect for her (if she only knew) and I did. She talked down to her. I tried to show her respect because she was my brother’s wife. I realized later in life just about everything my older sister did was for show. She would cry at church. That’s showy. She used people, even my parents. Every gathering we had we had to look through a multitude of pictures of her family, hundreds. It got old. I imagine her photo bill was outrageous. I bet she kept the photo shop/business in business. She bought a designer dress a day dress for over a thousand dollars and I think I saw wear it once if that. She was compensating for her lousy marriage I think is the reason. Every designing decision she made in regards to covering furniture, wall paper, etc we had put up with her samples and give her our opinions ALOT, etc. At one point in her life she was bolemic. Obviously, she was showing signs of something or other. Around the time my little sister saw Gary at White Rock Lake with another woman in his Lincoln Continental. She also had a picture painted (oil) of her and her oldest daughter as a tot about 8 feet tall in her entry way and then in her dining room. IT WAS RIDICULOUS. She looked good sitting in her Queen’s WICKER chair but her daughter looked like a toy out of perspective/proportion but it did not bother her. What mattered was how she looked. Anyone in their right mind would think ISN’T THE PAINTING A BIT MUCH? Her christmas letters were sometimes many pages and I knew what was happening in her life so I didn’t read them because it was a chore. But she changed and suddenly we were getting christmas letters one or two pages long double or triple spaced and it wasn’t my sister anymore around the time she showed me a letter (christmas) from her daughter about the devil visiting them. We had a long struggle to get my painting back and then she wanted to trade me over it. Give her something the same worth and the only thing as nice was a vase my mom painted of the seasons etched in gold as well and I wasn’t gonna give it up.  I had painted the painting she had for my mom and my sister did not deserve it. Finally got it back and she then said it wasn’t worth fighting over. She was mean spirited and even called my brother pathetic because he didn’t want to sue someone. She was stirring up trouble. I didn’t agree with him because it was food poisoning and my little sister almost died (she told me but I wasn’t there to see it because it occurred in California) but she meant it because he considered the people involved his friends. He didn’t want me to sue her or the company and she didn’t call him pathetic then. His reason was sound and I complied for the sake of the family THOUGH THE COMPANY DESERVED IT. She was a user. But she sued to get a boob job and new stuff, french doors etc and I think a chin lift, etc. She had a nose job earlier under the guise of a deviated septum problem but had the nose designed like my little sister’s nose. My little sister told me my older sister was competing with her and I believe her now. She even lied to her kids about her alterations as if they couldn’t see the difference in earlier pictures to the present ones at the time. She played people like a good BGEA-er. IT WAS PATHETIC. It is a cult and it is devastating to people and family. I love her and I want her back as she was without going through what she was going through silently and maliciously.  When she had my mom hospiced and finally told me on the phone she said I love you and never called back again. I love her but it is extremely hard to forgive her for the last thing she did.  Not until I see my mom and dad again the way I remember my parents will I forgive her because then I know they will have straitened her out.

    Instead of Oprah Winfrey I think Phil Donahue should run for the Democrat ticket and give away North America while we are at it.

    Or did Oprah eat him, too?

    Just wondering: Does Oprah sing?

    Watched the President in a cabinet meeting about DACA, Illegal Immigration, Border Wall and Security, Chain Migration, Drug Trafficing, etc. Kind of interesting. A few people not very willing such as Diane Feinstein to connect the two (possibly not  realistic kind of person): DACA and Border Wall and Security. One of the men said that most illegal drugs are mostly coming through ports of entry. ships and airlines HOW DOES HE KNOW? Probably an assumption, a good one in terms of illegal drugs and illegal human trafficking etc. This is what I think: I think Illegal drugs come in any way the illegal drugs can come in which is why we need control of the Panama Canal. I couldn’t even bring on a plane with me some creams in a bottle once while traveling in the same state. A few small gifts down the tube and I don’t think there were drugs in the bottles of cream. I didn’t have time to argue about it having to get on a plane. If you read the article about the Panama Canal you will see by boats and ship how drugs might be distributed in a wholesale fashion from California to the east coast and vice versa via the Panama Canal. Someone mentioned a 20 yard line approach vs a 1 yard line approach: The Border wall and still not sure what he meant. For the marijuana industry in North America it is extremely important to have Border Security and control of the Panama Canal which I believe is part of the problem because Illegal drug makers who don’t want legalization in our country because the illegal drug market loses money and human trafficking and prostitution and access to children and child abuse/prostitution, exploitation, and pornography using their drugs including marijuana to entice young kids. I do think another problem area is the postal service and other postal areas which will make it harder for legal marijuana to travel to other states where it is still illegal but also where illegal drugs get through. A double problem in a way for those who would like their states to be legal (and should be legal not necessarily production wise but distribution wise depending on the states representation of legal merchandise otherwise we might start making avocados from California illegal in New Hampshire) and those who want to keep Illegal drugs competing with legal drugs making them less profitable to put them out of business. The illegal drug business is the problem for DACA: NOT PRESIDENT TRUMP. We should not have to worry about the legal drug market of marijuana going to and fro from one state to another state in our country by vehicles of those who travel to Colorado etc. We need to worry about the ports of entry and I don’t think the airlines are doing a bad job. TRAINS MIGHT BE A PROBLEM and TRUCKING as well LEGAL Merchandise (AND WITH ILLEGAL MERCHANDISE)  from one country to another or from one state to another. THE SUPER HIGHWAY FROM MEXICO TO TEXAS, AND SHIPS/BOATS using the Panama canal to gain access to the other side of the country. If we really care we ought to be realistic. Another possibility but might offend some is through the churches and their merchandise if related to the RCC, BGEA, ISLAM (Not all of the people involved i.e. the innocents) but I think regardless if marijuana is legalized for legal marijuana from the states growing it in our country will help a lot with the problems we have and we need to find a way to distinguish between the two. legal and illegal. LIKE WINE or BEER and ALCOHOL. I think she has lost her mind, LOL now though I’m not sure she has one or ever did. I’m not a fan of hers but putting that aside I heard what she said in the meeting and she was not flexible. I think she is over-reacting now. BLACKMAILING.

    Dianne Feinstein Releases Transcript Of Fusion GPS Co-Founder’s Testimony On Russia

    I didn’t read it but the timing was interesting. Maybe later. I have things to do and I am so tired of the RUSSIA – MCCARTHYISM however some parts may be true and some not but I saw how Obama dealt with Putin and I was not impressed by OBAMA and I think he did a great deal of harm at the UN and spoke in dark sentences as in the BOOK of Daniel taught about the man of  LAWLESSNESS, etc THE DESTROYER and if you read the GOSPEL OF LUKE parts of it IT DESCRIBES OBAMA’s personality in regards to talents and sowing where he did not sow (THIEVERY) not because he is African American because he isn’t.

    I don’t think Trump should SIGN anything that comes to his desk in regards to DACA/Border Wall and Ann Coulter is right but perhaps if it’s a dumb compromise he might change his mind. I think he has the right to do so as the President. But the group still ought to try to come up with something good instead of sitting on their asses. LOL They’re getting paid to work on it. But didn’t it kind of sound like a VERY BAD neighborhood association? LOL A few good people but lots of whiners especially FEINSTEIN. I think she needs to retire, don’t you? She reminds me of Sally Rogers /Ann Marie (with a bunch of the Bush family tucked in her somehow) of The Dick Van Dyke show and wears barrettes the same way. It’s kind of disconcerting.


    With the cameras rolling sometime someone ought to ask her a yes or no question in the Russian language and see how she responds when she is in or on a tare. OH yea Ted Cruz already tested her, didn’t he.

    ANNOUNCED ON FOX NEWS BY SHEPPARD SMITH about JOE ARPAEIO running for the SENATE:  STATE SENATE :  Joe Arpaieo should not be allowed to do anything. He’s a sadistic ASSHOLE. ANOTHER BLACKMAIL by another TRUMP, I THINK, or blackmail by SHEPPARD SMITH! I saw an article with him and a cat stuck in a garage door at the top to intimidate others (me in particular) my beloved cat had recently died and it was the same coloring, SIKC persons. IS HE A BGEA person in disguise? I don’t know what else he was accused of in order to be pardoned by Trump but he reminds me IN A BIG WAY of the Pope’s (POPE FRANCIS) side kick Jesuit priest the one who provided the excuse ( A VIDEO TAPE) in the OBAMA ADMINISTRATION in regards to Benghazi the Jesuit priest called Federico Lombardi. IS SHEPPARD SMITH A JESUIT? I THINK HE IS DEFINITELY SADISTIC. KABOOM, PROBABLY A SOCIOPATH: he acts like one.

    50 Of Robin’s “Holy” Sayings From “Batman”

    I didn’t vote in the last Big Election and I doubt I ever will again for a NUMBER of reasons. False News, Intimidation, Psychological terror, Propaganda, Psychos, The insanity of others mostly in the Press, REVELATION, ARMAGEDDON, and many more….BUT you better bet your bottom dollar I will add my true common sence and affect things if I can.

    I will say this: one of my uncles and his 3rd wife were drunks not all the time but quite a bit and marijuana got them off the drunkenness. He was definitely a hazard on the road. I remember being in the car with him when he was drunk and him looking back at the backseat for too long talking. VERY, VERY SCARY. I think it might have been after a gig. He was a bass player and great singer. As far as namedropping he even sang with Frank Sinatra, that’s how great a singer he was. He and his wife lost a ton of money on the stock market because of my brother-in-law. It was a cagey deal, both ways and it was a trap and lot of people suffered who had nothing to do with the StockMarket, the money both sides had, or the loss on the stock market. ALOT of people suffered. When he lived with my mom and the family when my parents separated for about a year some pretty bad looking guys came to the house and he wasn’t home at the time. They looked like mobsters or the type of guys you see at the door of a strip joint. Bouncers. Older men together which is kind of odd. I think he might have owed them money or something. I didn’t ask.

    Nancy Sinatra – These Boots Are Made for Walkin’ – YouTube

    Here’s a dare, if you dare:

    A good idea might be to invite President Putin to a LIVE press conference and have the press ask Putin questions in regards to Trump, FBI Mueller, and other left overs such as Senator John Kerry and in regards to the UN, NATO, ISRAEL, WTO, NSA, CIA, Secret Service, The State Department, the IRS, RUSSIA, JAPAN, CHINA, KOREA, IRAN, SAUDI ARABIA, UKRAINE, SYRIA, Turkey and Jordan, SARiN GAS, The CDC, WORLD WAR 2, HOLLYWOOD, Bill O’reilly and his body, Sharon Stone, GORBACHEV, THE BGEA, THE RCC, STOCK MARKET, THE PRESSES and news outlets online, the Obamas, the Bushes, the Clintons, the Reagans, etc. THE SPACE PROGRAM and about God and TRUTH, Faith and Love and see what the press asks….Let’s judge the presses to see if they are in their right minds by the questions they ask and how they report it later. Limit it to an hour or two. Or two hours with a break for about an hour for the press to quell the thrills up their legs and regain composure.  Or perhaps a 5 day visit one hour conferences with each News organization each day and one with Hollywood. MIGHT ALLAY SOME UNFOUNDED FEARS and might help with relations. Probably be quite interesting and we might actually learn something new!

    I remember an interview with Putin and George Bush at his ranch and Putin got one over on Bush. It was kind of funny but I think they were still friends. It caught George Bush off guard. I will try to find the you tube to add the interview in this post. To be fair Putin had been President  a lot longer than Bush or any other President. ANOTHER GOOD IDEA FOR CONVICTED SEXUAL HARASSERS OR OFFENDERS RAPISTS ETC. THERE ARE VEINS IN THE BALLS OF MEN AND BOYS AND YOU CAN TIE THEM OFF LIKE WOMEN DO hysterectomy wise later in life often to not get pregnant later in life: VOILA THOSE MALES WON’T WANT SEX IF YOU CUT OFF THE BLOOD SUPPLY TO THE BALLS! IT’s VERY EASY TO RECTIFY A SIMPLE PROBLEM and it doesn’t have to be permanent. The RCC should have insisted it for the priests and cardinals and bishops who had a problem. Supposedly take vows of celibacy so why not prove it if caught abusing kids sexually. Instead sent them to different parishes to abuse other kids. Not like the RCC didn’t know about the scrotum.

    It was a tough situation dealing with my older sister and her husband and no matter how hard we tried it got worse. We tried a lot of things as a family and individually and nothing worked. UNTENABLE situation. He got kind of belligerent when drinking, Grabbing my thigh in front of his son, taking video of my thighs going to the his daughters new car to see it. Needless stupid crap and degrading as well. It wasn’t nice and I had to watch it and wondered why she or he didn’t erase it. Many other things as well. We tried to bury it under the rug and she wasn’t even willing to do it and it was to her benefit and did not benefit me but I went along for the sake of the family and for the kids and my parents. So it escalated again playing her fucked up games. Let’s watch “Atonement” was her little digs, a fraction of them. Not just once, but s few times. She bought the stupid movie. Her husband was in the national guard in order to avoid the Vietnam war. He slept with a gun under his pillow while sleeping with her EARLY in their marriage. I think I was the one who told my mom about it because I thought it was dangerous and he started hiding his gun under his bed when my brother almost shot his foot off playing with it while he was talking on the phone to his girlfriend or someone. He was multi-tasking. This was before I had met my husband and before I tried to tell her what had happened was advised to tell her what happened years before when he snuck up on me in my sleep next to her and molested me. Not similar whatsoever to the movie Atonement. Other very bad things happened but I don’t remember them well enough to repeat and I don’t want to because I can’t be sure about them but I suspect which is not enough. When he had a retail business and weighted his merchandise he leaned on the scales to make it more expensive for his customers. WHen the health department came to call and made him put a drain in his business he made a hole but it didn’t drain. It was a fake hole with a drain top to look like it drained. Some how it passed. He talked shit about women to his son luckily his son had enough good sense to discard his nonsense. I saw him tickle his oldest daughter and she got up quickly and was kind of upset. I saw it in her eyes. She was fully developed. His other daughter had some troubles. BIg ones. Cutting herself, shaving her head, tattooed a bunch of her body with scripture, a Mohawk at another time. But both loved their dad. Rumors at their school about a dad and his daughter, etc. A very prominent elite school for girls. SO my sister had her hands full and so did we. SO many things he did that were mentally psychologically off the wall. I have written about most of the stuff in other posts and it’s hard to get over because of what happened to my mom. She was a sweet lovely woman 99 percent of the time.

    IMO there are more than one Trump. May sound funny but from the news I have watched and reactions it isn’t not plausible. There are 7 TRUMPETS. I don’t know why but THERE ARE. I wouldn’t get too comfy if I were you.

    Why don’t you bring up the subject of Hospice,

    Mother Teresa, and the RCC, etc?

    It’s also a big sign. A VERY BIG SIGN!

    I can write about it in so many ways but I don’t think anyone comprehends it. WWlll

    What if there is a war and nobody Comey.

    It’s a religious war. A thought war as well. A VATICAN PREMISE WAR.

    Right after …the day after I wrote about my doctor experience with the family doctor my ex complained about him. We haven’t talked about him in a long long time (YEARS POSSIBLY) because we moved and in the interim got a divorce and moved again and go to a different doctor in a different area so it was kind of weird and right after listening to a little bit of corporation evils with Tucker Carlson about alleged Google blacklisting on Fox and Laura InGraham came on soon after and I asked the ex to turn the channel I didn’t want to watch her because I can’t stand her BS and sick of her man game (Hannity and whoever leads her into her program), we watched a bit about the singer songwriter David Bowie who died kind of recently who allegedly didn’t care about attention (fame) yet did and the ex told me that when this particular artist wrote his memoirs he asked permission of his wife Iman what he should or should not write about or include in his memoirs which had not aired on the program as of yet so he must have seen it before. (The couple were still married and he still respected her and her him at least by the looks of it, I guess). I kind of lost interest in the show after the comment about Iman. I don’t think my ex would approve of what I have included in my posts but they aren’t really memoirs and I doubt Iman would approve of my posts either but I didn’t ask her. I’m not sure anyone approves of the posts but it’s my blog posts and my outlet. I know no one approves of the mustard seed business but I didn’t make it up. Someone else did. As far as Googles alleged blacklisting or gender/race/religion problems the same can be said about our government local level, state level, and the feds depending on who is in charge an doing the hiring and firing or not allowed to fire which is an abomination as far as the federal government is concerned which is why small and medium businesses are important. Without small and medium businesses I’m not sure we will have a country or a world anymore. Who you gonna sell to: the people on welfare or other corporations and for what? WHY NOT JUST BARTER. If the war against the middle-class keeps on that is what we will do. THERE IS A LIMIT! I know David Bowie didn’t ask me what he should or shouldn’t include in his memoirs.  These are my memories and I’m speaking to myself working it out and to my parents because I know they know what I’m writing and to God and whoever wants to read what I write. You don’t have to, that’s for sure. I’m not forcing anyone to partake of my thoughts and prayers. They are they who testify of me. I want my parents to see the possibilities of what went wrong and why to help them in their pursuits for our families because I KNOW they care and they make a difference to me and for me. I think Fox News is insane. Showing clips of a woman being manhandled/arrested and treated roughly by the cops for asking a superintendent about a raise of 30,000 dollars. It’s a big raise. She had a right to ask about it, didn’t she??? ARE QUESTIONS NOT ALLOWED ANYMORE? but Fox doesn’t say yea or nay but entertained by it on the morning show. Who the hell is the superintendent. Fox news didn’t say. We are in ARMAGEDDON and hopefully she will be okay and the cop will get what he deserves and the superintendent will get what he deserves soon AND FOX  NEWS WILL GET WHAT IT DESERVES. We all watched the TRUMP cabinet meeting and each of us have a different perspective on it – different perception because it was edited for some and it wasn’t live at the time it aired. The tricks of Fox News and television.  GOD KNOWS and so do I. Let me warn ya what is coming your way — isn’t good – NOT BECAUSE OF ME.


    I think Fox News ought to hire the sheriff running for the senate in Arizona. PROBABLY ALREADY HAVE, EH?

    DEMONIC and POSSESSED I’m not a fan of Peter Doocy either and I hope he has to swallow a few dicks at once with a couple of USED tampaxes up each nostril and chokes to death: HE’s ANANANAN EVIL FUCKER I find him extremely irritating, frivolous, stupid and UNTALENTED as his son as well.



     it would be like me loving you

    That’s how much I think of Peter Doocy and his FAMILY TREE and my ex as well.

    EXTINGUISHED FOREVER because you are so distinguished.


    Trump is very nice about Oprah but I don’t like her, her relationship with the Obama’s and thought her show was dribble and a waste of time (I would rather play wow instead any old day) but she is a good actress. I don’t like the movies I have seen her in but that doesn’t take away from her talent because she starred in some real DOOCY’s, DOES IT?. LOL A hawaiian vacation that cost millions and millions of TAX dollars using the death of Sen. Inouye as an excuse is inexcusable, DISGUSTiNG, and convenient and only a few miles away people in New Jersey were suffering because of Hurricane Sandy, however Michelle OBAMA sent her heart and it wasn’t enuf and will forever sear her heart. No i’m not a fan of hers! IT WAS DISGRACEFUL! I think she ought to get back on the bottle of maple syrup where she belongs. I think she’s a muck! Jeremiah 7:18 The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead their dough, to make cakes to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto other gods, that they may provoke me to anger.

    When I was a kid and camping and staying in some hotels here and there the thing about Europe I enjoyed was the differences between the countries when you crossed the borders. The place I least enjoyed was ITALY (except for the art) it was uninteresting at the time, dirty and polluted and full of pidgeons and pidgeon shit. Rome was where I got lost for a while (and coconut fountains for some reason? a memory of some kind). Then France because it was unfriendly towards americans at the time, distrustful but colorful. I enjoyed Spain because of the beaches and the landscape but not the bathrooms, which were holes in the ground but we were camping. I got to see some cool dancing (FLAMENCO with castanets.) My older sister almost drowned in Spain. England was the most civilized and pretty as well with lots of imagination. Magical. We saw the queen on her birthday etc and her sister in a crowd etc but it wasn’t the queen as much as the place. The english like parades. I don’t remember much about Germany but I think it was where the flower was that my mom picked to make a point to me, a lesson which I wrote about in an earlier post on a blog. I think it was a fascist lesson though I’m not sure of the flower but it was a moment of devotion between us. I think the unification of Europe will destroy Europe eventually and take away the desire to travel to Europe if it continues and will destroy it’s tourism business which I think is important. It will destroy it’s charm without the borders.

    Freedom of religion in Italy

    Instead of growing up the RCC went sideways. Lateran Treaty like a mandrake.

    Judge Jeanine, Uranium and Molly 99

    Just heard something about MOLLY 99 via Judge Jeanine. I had never heard of it before. (The illegal Uranium deal with the Clintons) I guess she has cancer but I was wondering if Russia is suffering from a cancer epidemic which might have something to do with the disaster of Chernobyl’s long term affects which occurred in April of 1986)? My doctor, a doctor I thought at the time who was really great because he sometimes helped with medication free samples and was a family doctor (who took care of the family not just the one patient for a doctor’s visit price and IMO he was a genius in his profession- PRO FAMILY and a christian as well and had red hair sometimes. A great alternative to social medicine!) when I lost a bunch of hair due to too many cat scans at a hospital (some unnecessary and neglectfully done without the proper medication because of a nurse who didn’t care except about her schedule – get it done regardless even without the disgusting drink even after being told. The hospital was a great hospital which saved my life, especially the ER doctors, but not everyone in great hospitals are great. The day before I was diagnosed incorrectly and taken off the anti biotics my doctor had me on and all hell broke loose in my body because of the mis-diagnosis and I could tell the guy who misdiagnosed me a t the hospital didn’t care and I could tell the 2nd set of doctors did care maybe because of the first diagnosis but I think it was more than that.) My doctor suggested Vitamin D because of the multitude of cat scans, and of course BIOTIN and using Horse shampoo. I think Vitamin D helps fight cancer and/or exposure to radiation type stuff. I don’t know why but it helped quite a bit but is still a slow process. He noticed my hair falling out as we were talking and as he was trying to squeeze out the pus from my belly still infected at the time telling me to tense up even though  I had a 14 inch incision and very deep to the organs so it was difficult to tense up my muscles which were cut in half no matter how hard I tried to tense up. I had septic poisoning via the operation which spread to all of my organs even my skin etc along with a peritoneal abscess and I had some infected holes still causing problems. Could have been two different visits.) I’m sorry she has cancer. Chernobyl is located in the Northern Ukraine near Belarus. It supposedly spread it’s poison through Europe as well on the crops, soil, livestock, waterways and people etc via acid rain and was supposed to have long term affects? Did the Clintons have anything to do with Chernobyl? He wasn’t president at the time but I think Chernobyl was like the chemical disaster in India (Bhopal) which wasn’t an accident (IMO) and where Mother Teresa and her sick revenge and hatred for truth got her fame and following and eventually quite a bit of money. I think both incidents might have been terrorism (sabotage) and I think the nuclear site (Chernobyl) is still a problem.

    Now I have other health problems and vitamin c with calcium helps with phosphates for bones like teeth which I think because of the other problems caused problems such as medication overload over a long period of time and heredity sort of like when you take antibiotics can cause problems with digestion or can cause Thrush. Or if molested in ones sleep by a relative makes one act out sometimes in ways that are not healthy or good. Everything has an affect/effect called cause and affect/effect. or like economics supply and demand vs demand and supply. We had a problem with tuna for a while because of the Fukushima poisoning the oceans and Japan’s need to let off some of it’s nuclear junk from time to time because of it. And so I rarely eat tuna anymore because it caused problems with my nerves the sciatica nerve causing pain. It seemed to coincide every time I ate tuna (and I love tuna) which cleans up the ocean of mercury and why pregnant women are only supposed to eat it twice a week before we had the Fukushima disaster so I would do it less if I were pregnant. Fukushima killed a bunch of starfish on the west coast because they only have one nerve and it includes their mouth so they couldn’t eat and killed bunch of red crabs on the west coast who were migrating north searching for plankton which is very important providing oxygen (1/3 of the worlds oxygen)- something to do with phosphates. And for some reason Obama didn’t like clean dishes. I don’t know if it’s the reason for the change in dishwasher soaps, but could be. Something to do with phosphates. Not sure if either are related. but Vinegar helps once in a while for the dishwasher) So Vitamin C with Calcium helps along with a daily vitamin to help with oxygenating your body. I sure wish we were alerted when Japan does let off the nuclear junk but I’m sure Japan is resentful because the nuclear disaster caused by a tsunami coincided with the RCC wanting to enforce the Neocatechumenal way upon them even though they declined it because of a rise in suicides during it’s trial period. I know they have a big market in fish and I’m sure it affected their livelihood. In WWll Japan attacked the USA at Pearl Harbor and I still can’t fathom why and we reacted and we won the war. I think Japan was influenced by the Jesuits. I smoke. I’m addicted and have many reasons to continue because of the attempts on my life and living with a person who isn’t right in the head IMO but I have no choice for the time being. I have written about it in my posts enough already but let me add he had me arrested falsely and I spent the night in jail however luckily and kind of a miracle some people came to my rescue and sedated me. It helped because I was panicked and panic leads to problems. He paid the bail bondsman because he was guilty as sin of being a lousy dad. It’s a catholic thing. He hospiced his mom by starvation  for a computer and a car and did not visit her until she was dead. So I really need it and as a rule smokers need more vitamin C and it has helped but I still have the effects of too many x-rays  and I can’t have cat scans anymore because I almost died having one but we don’t know why but I still can eat shrimp. I went into respiratory arrest for three days and it was because of the cat scan or the injection for the cat scan  or something given to me before the injection which is possible because of the dream I had. I think I was poisoned but I can’t prove it. My posts upset a lot of people because of the mustard seed affect. A spiritual war. Just because I’m paranoid doesn’t mean I don’t have a reason to be paranoid. I have many reasons. Our world is kind of FOCKED up. A lot of other miracles have occurred as well and I’m thankful however I do not enjoy my predicament nor the things which happened to my family (BGEA and the RCC) such as my mom being hospiced for 2 weeks without telling me which is TERRIBLE, and supremely EVIL, IMO. I cry about it almost every day. It was revenge of some kind BUT I KNOW

    THE VATICAN (and the BGEA) WILL PAY DEARLY for their

    FALSE premises.

    I know I sound full of myself giving advice etc but it is stuff I have learned via experience. Obviously, I wish I could get over smoking. I do know everyonce in a while marijuana helps if it isn’t too strong with my attitude. I would love to exercise but every time I try like walking a dog I get harassed. I was walking a few miles a day usually at night which helped me. By the way the person who harassed me lost his home in a tornado. Or if I have access to a pool it is taken from me or workout center it makes new rules or closes to keep me out. etc I feel persecuted in many ways and I don’t appreciate it. I don’t make much money. I know it’s purposeful. There are so many other examples but maybe in my next post as well as some miracles to offset the persecution and the subject I alluded to about the bees and other good stuff. There is a lot of evil in the world because of silence for one thing and false precepts.

    The mustard seed is not and was not the smallest of seed and I don’t hear anyone defending the size of the mustard seed as being the smallest of seed anymore

    but there is something out there that is TO THE NAKED EYE and it’s gonna

    destroy the Vatican.

    Perhaps the God Particle?

    I have not read the book, but it’s inevitable……

    (my brother was supposed to send it to me but never did. He kind of dared me to read it. He hadn’t finished reading it and perhaps it wasn’t such a good book after all. He was also at the time a follower of Al Gore. I bet he isn’t follower of Gores global warming/climate change/cooling is warming, now. )

    Dog enjoys the snowy weather

    Dog goes sledding.

    Amazing. Truly amazing.

    Just heard on Fox on the show called Fox and Friends since writing this whole post a few days back which has taken eons to write and is kind of long because of the amount of propaganda all over the place that there is another book being sold called by the same name as the one written by the the guy named Wolfe (and referencing a bunch of stuff allegedly said by Steve Bannon) which has nothing to do with what is going on now in the WHITE HOUSE or TRUMP but is about World War 2 called Fire and Fury (and I guess the assault on Germany by America?) being sold somewhere (probably Amazon). Love to hear more about it to know if it is a good book. Also heard after raking PETER DOOCY of Fox and Friends over the coals earlier in this post that some illegal immigrants were caught being transported via a Catholic Charity truck and the guy named Brian Kelmeade said “You can’t make this kind of stuff up” on Fox and Friends. I guess you could if you wanted to, but why? Senator Feinstein has a bad cold or the flu and is why she might have released some FUSION GPS SOMETHING OR OTHER HAVING TO DO WITH Russian Dossier shit right after a cabinet meeting having to do with DACA and THE BORDER WALL meeting televised a day or so ago with TRUMP (after I suggested a press interview/conference with Putin might help however not sure that is the reason but timing is kind of coincidental. Either the Trump cabinet meeting about DACA and the Border wall or suggesting Putin be interviewed. IT’s one or the other and perhaps she had some stuff weighing on her conscience or it was a way to release it. Biut Ieven though she has a cold I bet if feels good to have it out in the open) I don’t know BUT maybe  A PUTIN PRESS CONFERENCE might cause problems FOR EVERYONE? In any case, the former Pope  before the Jesuit Pope FRANCIS named Pope Benedict XVl wrote a book called TRUTH IN CHARITY about 10 years ago (I have not read it) and perhaps it was a prophecy or perhaps he had knowledge of some kind of JESUIT ROMAN CATHOLIC CHARITY DECEPTION

    on the


    having to do with transporting  illegal aliens/illegal immigration (possible illegal drugs, possible illegal human trafficking, possible illegal sex-trafficking, possible illegal pornography, possible illegal undermining our country and it’s sovereignty, possible illegal trade of other merchandize to undermine our products made in North America, possible illegal traitors of our country, and possible money laundering as well) and having to do with the THREAT of a NEW WORLD ORDER WITH TEETH and have just been CAUGHT RED-HANDED and shown on FOX AND FRIENDS this morning a film showing illegals getting off of a Roman Catholic Charity truck (I think it was white truck) to force the Vatican’s perception of the future and the world upon us ILLEGALLY:

    a world without borders.

    He did warn us about a World Government with Teeth.

    Teeth as in the BGEA.

    Then later reported with film on Fox News someone killing a truck driver in a white truck purported to be a pentagon film (I have no idea) and our own military. Could be then again maybe it isn’t, but seemed mobbish. A hit. The man shot at didn’t seem to swerve so maybe the gunmen missed. Interesting news and press conference at the White House with Mnuchin and after with Sarah Sander Huckabee. He is kind of a strange one, but very smart. I would love to see who made him.

    Reminded me of the Otto incident who allegedly was in a coma and Fox never showed the part of him on a stretcher till recently. All we saw was Otto walking around looking confused and his head down with a couple of alleged North Korean officers the little guys on either side of Otto and why I asked, “Does it look like he’s in a coma if he’s walking around?” And about two days ago showing someone on  stretcher. This happen quite a while ago. Might have been him but might not have been him on the stretcher. Why would North Korea send him home at all? It’s unbelievable and so is the Disneyland excuse about why Kim Jung Un’s brother was killed. Embarrassed because he was caught trying to enter Disneyland – another unbelievable tenet of Asian thinking – COLOSSAL CRAP like many GODZILLA movies out of sync and it took this incident to get him killed even though Kim Jung Un had been planning it for a many years and then kills him at an airport? Why not at Disneyland to make it more believable. I guess it was the agent vx (a deadly nerve agent that killed the brother but it was a Japanese cult that tried to kill a bunch of people with same deadly stuff at a train/subway rail station fifteen or 20 years ago. So obviously Japan is producing this stuff somewhere in Japan and breaking some big international laws.)


    The video you tube of the woman teacher arrested has me upset a bit as others in our country and I watched The Five talk about it on Fox and regardless if she was released after being booked it probably was still a horrible experience and embarrassing and no one helped her. Not that I know of anyway. Reminds me of the young blond actress who was arrested and later we heard she was schizophrenic and cops rolling their eyes at her as if she was crazy (adding fuel to the fire and they should not be able to act so disrespectful without some kind of demotion) and other false arrests during the Obama administration. The thing that is super bad about this incident is it will make other women even more afraid to speak up. Other teachers. Public Schools are run by unions, are they not?. Teacher’s Union. How does a superintendent get a $30,000.00 dollar raise? Who gave him the raise? the UNION? Unions are known to use mob tactics and sometimes are actually THE MOB. I think she did a good thing to raise her voice about his raise because it is outrageous. The cop who arrested her and manhandled her should be arrested, doubly man handled and fired. (There’s a Police Union which why we keep losing good cops to bad cops and he’s a bad cop! Possibly stupid.)

    WHAT DOES A SUPER INTENDANT OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS DO? He didn’t do anything and should have stopped the PIG from arresting her.

    During the Prohibition there were lots of problems due to the unions, cops and the mob. I think Trump ought to insist on the cop losing his job and his salary. Give him a job at a strip joint as a bouncer. I think Trump ought to insist that the Super-Intendant lose his job as well and get himself a night job guarding a car lot with a sign that says Beware of dogs. I think there ought to be a HUGE investigation and a background check on the super-intendant. It doesn’t look good for the Republicans to allow this to fester. NIP IT IN THE BUD! Teachers are important and don’t make nearly the amount of money they should. She should get a huge check from our government such as the raise the Super Intendant got instead of him getting it on a yearly basis for what she went through she should get it on a yearly basis for acting like a GOOD american citizen. She didn’t do anything wrong and she wasn’t violent, but i saw the audience and they looked rather dumb-founded. I think Trump ought to award her a medal of honor and at the same time demote the cop and the Super intendant publicly for all to see and to prove to americans that THINGS ARE GOING TO CHANGE FOR THE BETTER. THIS PARTICULAR INCIDENT WOULD BE A GOOD CASE IN POINT. It’s one thing for businesses to be getting a better deal but teachers are really important and more important than illegal aliens because she is an AMERICAN citizen teaching kids – a good teacher, and especially good teachers should be rewarded for their dedication to kids and the higher calling and super intendants are worthless at least this one was. He should have stopped the arrest. He didn’t teach anyone anything nice, did he, except to be afraid to ask questions, legitimate questions, disrespect for teachers, disrespect for a fellow american citizen in the same field, and taught the kids she may have to teach in the future to disrespect her, disrespect teachers, and females in general. There should be an apology sent from our Federal Government to her signed by Trump to add some value to it. Weren’t the proceeds from the LOTTO supposed to fund our public school systems and make them better and it sure doesn’t seem like it is accomplishing it’s goal. I had in an earlier post I published met a friend who was a school teacher and had a child in the school system and twice I met her at the store 3 months apart and both times she said the same thing about how everyone was crying all the time (teachers and students) about the school system during the Obama Administration. Bullying and the core teaching, etc. Her daughter was adopted and part indian I was told. SARAN WRAP? NO THANKS. TRY IT YOURSELF. AND SHE DID I WAS TOLD. People like to take credit when people shouldn’t but do it anyway and I don’t think it will pass the test in the end. There is more to the story about her but I don’t wan’t to go intuit and is connected to a bunch of stuff BAD STUFF and some skullduggery: MAJOR SKULLDUGGERY. I’m not unaware. I took my daughter out but I wasn’t a teacher depending on the salary of the public school system. My daughter was being bullied and the principal said it would take 6 weeks to investigate. RIDICULOUS. A lot can happen in 6 weeks. It should take a day to figure it out perhaps even a few hours. It was a strange loop because it was almost exactly the same place in the same store and the same complaint. What happened to the LOTTO funds? I still see people buying lotto (I do too sometimes and never win. I MEAN NEVER!) and yet teachers don’t get paid well enough and super intendants get a $30,000 raise? That’s a LOTTA money. So who is stealing the money from Lotto? Maybe we should ditch the LOTTO idea. Is the lotto money used for super intendants only? I don’t think it’s going to the right places. What happened to text books? Did Hillary’s and Bill’s Charity sell the text books to Russia? I also think it should have a caution on each ticket about the odds for each lotto sale as it is being bought the odds at the time of the purchase and inform the buyer where the money is actually being used. Since computers can be hacked all the way from CHINA or RUSSIA obviously so can lotto machines in each 7-11 store or convenience store that sells the lotto tickets. As of yet Trump hasn’t said anything about this incident of the teacher being arrested. I think the teacher incident was at a time in the Obama Administration reloaded in Trumps administration to show similar tactics of local governments and local unions and federal unions locally and to confuse.

    I AM GONNA TO STOP WATCHING THE MORNING SHOW WTH PETER DOOCY ON FOX AND HANNITY. MY NEXT GOAL. I HAVE SUCCEEDED in NOT WATCHING LAURA INGRAHAM. I HOPE AMERICA AND IT’S CITIZENS TRY TO DO THE SAME AND IT WILL HAVE A BIG AFFECT/EFFECT ON THE PRESS OF FOX NEWS. As long as you let them into your head by watching them shows it can really screw you up, hence them is out of my life and my head one by one from this day forward.

    One of my favorite movies and song is from the movie about a teacher with Sidney Poitier. The song is really beautiful.

    To Sir With Love

    Peter Doocy and everyone at Fox, it is Armageddon! ARMAGEDDDON IS A WAR and includes propaganda as do all wars in every way the enemy can invade our country. I can tell Peter DOOCY has no light in him and he probably will get worse.


    I really do because I think he’s sadistic, and a tricky bastard. He’s enjoying himself too much at the expense of others.

    Fox is like the game Labyrinth.

    “The foxes have holes, the birds of the air their nests……”

    Very much like Laban of the Old Testament. UNTRUSTWORTHY and UNTRUTHFUL ENTRAPPERS, LIARS, and THIEVES! Tricksters and possessed. 


    Where as Hannity i think wants to inform but is getting bogged down by diversion/ intentional diversion because of all the twists and turns making one’s head spin (which the RCC has perfected) which is a consequence of the feds being invaded by the enemy; THE RCC and it’s employees who insert themselves into our government at the expense of the citizens to control and undermine citizens and cannot be fired which ought to be changed by TRUMP if he really cares about the USA and prove it by firing federal employees. A SLEW OF FEDERAL EMPLOYEES OUGHT TO BE FIRED.WHAT LAW SAYS YOU CAN’T FIRE A FEDERAL EMPLOYEE and how can it be reversed in order to do what republicans have opined endlessly about making government smaller. If you can’t fire federal employees how can you make government smaller? Please elaborate!

    21,995,000 to 12,329,000: Government Employees Outnumber …Manufacturing 

    “Sep 8, 2015 – There were 21,995,000 employed by federal, state and local government in the United States in August, according to BLS. By contrast, there were only 12,329,000 employed in the manufacturing sector.”
    Those numbers above should be the opposite of the numbers cited at thievery least.
    There are 323.1 million people in the USA and if you divide the number of federal employees to the citizenry you get for every 14 people in the USA there is 1 federal employee. ISN’T THAT A BIT MUCH? 14:1 ratio How many federal employees does it take to screw in a light bulb in the USA? The answer is 14. I think Trump ought to try to improve the ratio in any way he can except for the military.
    74 million people in the population of the 323 million people living in the USA are kids under the age of 21.
    So 289 million is actually the population minus the kids so the ratio is even worse:
    13 adults to every federal employee meaning for every 13 people out and about there is a federal employee lurking about. Probably not doing anything but lurching. so the ratio is 13:1.
    These numbers do not include illegal aliens and no telling how many there are since we don’t know so the number of federal employees since most of the illegal aliens are Roman catholic might actually be approximately 11 million more federal workers. Add 11 million people to the 21,995,000 people and you get the number 32,995,000 federal workers in the USA which makes the ratio 8:1 : for every 8 people there is a one federal employee.
    However there may actually be 50 million illegal aliens (dreamers) and it gets worse which equals 71,995,000 or to round it off 72 million federal workers (including  illegal aliens and dreamers) which makes the ratio about double 4:1 for every 4 people there is a federal worker lurking about, and maybe more and pretty soon 2:1 and then 1:1 and then none.
    WE NEED A WALL or grow some balls and take over
    “In military strategy, a choke point (or chokepoint) is a geographical feature on land such as a valley, defile or a bridge or at sea such as a strait, which an armed force is forced to pass, sometimes on a substantially narrower front and therefore greatly decreasing its combat power, to reach its objective.”
    I learned about choke points in a battleground on WOW (The Game)
    One of my favorite BG’s. But it didn’t have a canal and it wasn’t real. However it is obvious to the naked eye what needs to be done. If we can’t even do the obvious as revealed by the naked eye we are not great as a nation. LOL.
    In fact, I would add we are
    “dumb as shit.”
    as a nation
    and should not expect it to end well. The way to get people to be really patriotic….make them fight a war on our side of the world or in their own backyard. We’ll see what happens.  I feel we should let Europe fight it’s own battles until we get support from Europe that Europe received from us. Let’s take care of our side of the world for a while. Let Willem Dafoe defend Europe. Sorry, I mean Gary Oldman. Let Gary Oldman defend Europe for a while.
    In religious war well it is written about in revelation. Might have to do both to contain and maintain a civilization. Perhaps take down the Statue of Liberty while we are at it. LOL and send it back to France and set it up in the Mediterranean Sea.
    Man·i·fest Des·ti·ny
    1. the 19th-century doctrine or belief that the expansion of the US throughout the American continents was both justified and inevitable.
      Changing the laws about language will also help.
      Consumption tax would help a bunch as well vs income tax.
      Revelation might have to happen first….I don’t know.
      THAT IS self explanatory/self evident. IT WOULD Help with the MORALE, I would think, both ways. 
      There might be a huge sucking sound from American businesses across the globe to move back to the USA as Rush Limbaugh might say if he could or had his mental fathilities still intact which I don’t know because I don’t listen to his radio show (often he is common sensible but takes an awful long time to get to the point so I would rather read his stuff then listen. It’s his style but not my cup of tea.) and I can’t go to his website anymore..
      Remember what Israel did against all odds.
      Remember what happened in WWll against all odds.
      God even stopped the sun for a particular battle in the Old Testament for the Israelites and it actually might be a loop for the USA. A GOOD ONE.
      You have to believe you are doing the right thing.
      I KNOW I AM.
      My vote would be take over of Mexico and Latin America via the Panama Canal and figure out the rest later (SOUTH AMERICA). Try to make it a fair country fairer MUCH FAIRER  than Mexico and Latin America in the sense of economics, business and families in order to avoid becoming a BANANA republic vs a REPUBLIC. Decision time is NOW. I think Trump might hopefully have the balls and belief in God to accomplish it. I am hoping he does with the help of others like my mom and my dad in a spiritual sense. Certainly had the balls and brains to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. That’s a good step forward. A necessary step forward.
      I heard one spanish man in government on Fox. I think he is in our government but kind of a handsome older guy and will add his name when I figure it out (-IT IS DEFINITELY NOT GERALDO) he had an accent who mentioned the terrible things going on in Mexico but didn’t say what those things were and did not elaborate but I do recall a bunch of students disappearing into a mass grave, etc. not too long ago during the Obama Administration and obviously a mob type disappearance. I’m sure there is more we don’t hear about. Propaganda is trash and most of the time it is easy to spot but the problem we have is the amount of trash. I’m not equating illegals as trash but disenfranchised and disenchanted peoples – pawns in a power play. If it was so great in Latin America and Mexico why do people from Latin America and Mexico come to North America. Obviously, things are not good down south so I think there might be a silent but powerful AND LARGE help down south of the border if we take some course of action which might help.
       Hannity should make a POWER POINT presentation about his allegations about the Clintons and put it on his website so people can investigate the allegations in their own leisure and time if they have an overwhelming desire to do so. I don’t. I think it’s obvious some shit happened that is illegal and lot of mob shit going on.
      My ideas are better in how to handle the mob as I have elaborated on quite succinctly, IMO. In fact, I think my ideas are GENIUS comparatively, a conglomeration of ideas from others but I think I put it together rather well and made the connections and came up with a very good plan. I get a lot of information in many ways but I also discern as best I can and try to simplify clearly. 
      If I listen to Hannity every night about the Clintons my head will turn to mush and I will not allow it to happen.

    But as for the wooden game with steel balls it’s a fun one to have on your table or fireplace for kids to learn coordination skills. I enjoyed playing it at my aunts house where it was introduced to us when I was a kid. BAAAAAAAA

    I like Brian Kilmeade. I hope he leaves the show. Peter Doocy is very much like Laura InGraham. FUCKED. I reload my hopes and wishes for him twice as much. I want to see FOX NEWS annihilated and off the air by it’s own petard.

     How is it you do not understand?

    I guess Hawaii had a big scare and the emergency sirens went off for 38 minutes supposedly and was a false alarm. This morning I woke up to the TV on with the Fox morning show on. I turned it off and asked the ex if he turned on the tv and he denied it. Said he wasn’t up. He was up before me and feeding the cats. Weird. He doesn’t normally turn on the tv in the morning but said the tv was on when he woke up at 2:30 this morning and normally he would turn off the tv. Last I saw was a late replay I think of Judge Jeanine and someone I didn’t particularly like (not Jason Chaffetz who was on her show earlier who thinks the Hawaiii incident should be investigated and Jason Chaffetz doesn’t believe it. I like him because generally speaking I think he’s kind of truthful IMO. Definitely politically driven but most people are especially in this day and age when news is on 24 hours a day competing to be number 1 : day and night.) so I turned it off. Small details but someone wants to make a liar of me. LOL. BUT WHY? Perhaps it turned itself on. The masturbation of the morning show of Fox news with Peter Doocy. Anyway I turned it off and am going to watch a NETFLIX show/documentary I have been watching called ROTTEN. I watched part of it yesterday and found it kind of interesting since part of it is the subject of my next post if I ever write it. Bees. Honey bees and other subjects and parts: one about farming nuts and another about garlic farming and another part about chicken farming so far. Pretty interesting. A documentary sort of show. I asked the ex to set up NETFLIX for me today (so I could continue to watch the documentary sometime today). Anyway the ex upgraded the tv because the TV told him to upgrade and I asked how did it ask you to upgrade if it wasn’t on? And he mumbled something. He is missing a wire in order to make NETFLIX available to me where I can just turn it on via the remote. Doesn’t want to buy the wire either of course because he’s a penny pincher. Not your average penny pincher. He likes me to request his help. He’s a little trickster like Peter Doocy. I plan to take notes on the documentary later on because of it’s information and because i plan to write about honey bees but I want to watch it and get an overall idea of the message which is pretty diabolical. Reminds me of what happened to people during the building of the railway tracks two hundred or so years ago but even worse. Interesting dates as well I want to investigate a little more. The year 2006 to be specific. I remember who it was on Judge Jeanine when I turned it off: It was the Sheriff. The cat abuser. Weird thing is I didn’t know Peter Doocy’s morning show aired on Sunday morning! I don’t think it does. I mentioned this to the ex and he said he did not have anything to do with it. (Hawaii was where JFK went before he was assassinated in Dallas, Texas and got a tan said one of the reporters reporting about it on the CBS reports about the JFK assassination when he got off the plane at Love Field in Dallas.) Anyway what is interesting to me about the chicken farming debacle in the movie documentary called  ROTTEN is how convenient it was for the oriental/asian guy to show us how he loved his job and how he took care of the chickens on his farm before the sabotage of his farm LOL and the sabotage of the other farms or we might not have known how much fun chicken farming was and what is involved in the business of farming chickens to a lot of people which means there were probably two people involved in the sabotage or more. One with the cell phone who was caught and one without a cell phone and who knows who else..As if he and the filmmakers had foreknowledge of the sabotage or was it a reenactment? ….. I like seeing the natural chicken farming way better as well and think it is superior to the other kind of farming and I think if it was popular to some (NOT ME) to get into the business of chicken farming there might be a true competitive market for the chickens raised somewhat naturally where the cost isn’t 3 times as much to buy but might have thinner chickens without the feet a popular snack for some people. (NOT ME). VOODOO-ERS use chicken feet in voodoo as well. I think the natural way is better for the farmer and not just better for the chickens. What I would like to know is if this sabotage of chicken farms occurred before or after the Fukushima disaster or before or after the Clintons told the Central Americans what to farm changing their traditional farming quite a bit of the people in some frail, fragile and vulnerable places probably under the spiritual instructions and guidance of Billy Graham and the RCC. He likes to take advantage of vulnerabilities of others for the RCC and for himself. Remember what happened to some marines left to die in Yemen many years ago. I think it was Yemen. Clinton sent them there on a mission and didn’t back them up and blew them off. I can’t remember if it was Chechnya or Yemen but occurred while he was President and then of course what happened to the people in Waco. BURNED ALIVE.

    The Waco Siege

    Now there is a new movie coming out about the Waco siege to save face more than likely for stupidity and some kind of fear. Patience is a virtue. Whoever was in charge lacked patience. Janet RENO of the Clinton administration was involved. Like everyone walking around the box at mecca in the same direction and fasting losing their minds. Lemmings can be dangerous if you are following a lemming. I guess the chicken farmers (Pilgrim’s Pride) who were sabotaged didn’t lock the doors to the chicken habitats making it easy to sabotage. and it’s why sometimes people confuse Armageddon to the Apocalypse. and I don’t think they are the same thing. One takes a thousand years and one takes an hour (with the beast which can be 10 years biblically speaking or an hour depending on some factors and particulars), I think. One reveals and one hides. Sort of a learning vs tricking and thievery. 

    Why Michelangelo Didn’t Paint the Last Supper

    I think the word Apocalypse came from the saying “a pox on both your houses” and ‘the apostles’. Sort of a mix. There had to be 12 to go with the number of tribes of Israel but I don’t think each one of the 12 apostles represented those tribes. Cleese calls them the disciples but I haven’t heard about DISacalypse or DISarmegeddon. Though the RCC would love to see the USA disarm themselves in order to mass slaughter anyone that disagrees with them. Anyway it’s replacement theology, I think. And Obama was for disarming and arming the enemy to the USA and everyone else. Twelve times 12 is 144 equals a bushel. Supposedly there will be 144 thousand saved. Sort of prescriptive numerology of some kind. I think the Neocatechumenal Way are supposedly part of the 144 thousand in their estimation. I recall reading an article a long time ago about some catholics in Israel at some catholic place in Israel thinking they were part of the 144 thousand around the time the neocats started their crusade before the Japanese debacle at Fukushima. I don’t think God works this way. If you don’t make the grade (144 thousand) you are screwed. (Sorry you are number 144,001.) I don’t believe it. I think there is a German god called OD a Hitler god and obviously an RCC god but I don’t think it’s God. I think sometimes war is necessary and sometimes not. Obviously WWll was not necessary had Hitler not tried to overcome the world with his solution. It was necessary to fight WWll  because he was a madman. Tyrant. OUT OF HIS MIND and murder suicide was a HUGE problem the USA had to overcome as we do now. Hitler married some chick and then they committed murder suicide. It’s crazy. Of course he was losing the war and would have been tried and hung if he had been caught but he took some with him to hell. If he thought he was doing the right thing would he have committed suicide regardless of getting caught? Yea I made some calculations above but I don’t have the REAL numbers because I don’t know the REAL numbers of the population and the amount of the influx of illegal immigrants but most of the illegal immigrants are being used against our country by no fault of their own AND USED AGAINST THE MIDDLE CLASS. Black mail not as in race. It’s a mob (mafia) thing. An RCC thing (a Vatican/Jesuit thing). A BGEA thing. A VERY BAD THING FOR EVERYONE

    The government of Mexico and other governments are corrupt and under the influence of the RCC which acts as a front for the mob/mafia. It’s a deep problem, IMO. I think we need a wall to control our borders. Just like so and so needs a fence to separate him from an asshole neighbor sometimes or a lock on one’s door to keep out people you don’t want in your home. I think territorial fence would be better about 50 mile wide called the Panama Canal and we built it. I think our government even sometimes as stalemated between the parties as it is is far better than those south of the border for the people. Even if we have a border built on our border as it is now we still need the Panama canal to keep us safe. And even if we get the Panama canal back in our possession I still think we need a border wall as well. Double wall. Double the protection for the citizens of the USA.

    I think Nancy Pelosi is a peanut and doesn’t have a grasp of the situation. She doesn’t want people to read like the RCC an she should be outed. She is catholic, no wonder.  Not all catholics are stupid, mostly uninformed obviously but Nancy Pelosi is bad for the USA and she is bad for the middle class.

    I think the Panama canal since President Carter (the peanut farmer) gave it away has been used against us and we can’t ABIDE THE DISUSE AGAINST OUR COUNTRY UNLESS WE WANT TO SEE THE END OF THE WORLD sooner rather than later. We have been misled for many years but if we don’t try to fix our mistakes WE LOSE.

    During the Carter administration there were long gas lines.

    The Panama Canal is God’s architecture. IMO

    Like my mom was for my dad.

    My ex’s favorite saying of the bible which he doesn’t read is “a thousand years is a day as a day is a thousand years.” Something like it and it makes him feel better but he might be wrong. The Apocalypse might occur during Revelation sometime or other. I have no idea but a lot of people are unhappy and have a right to be unhappy. Watched another part about dairy farming. I think their problems would be easy to remedy and then I watched the part about fishing and seems to me it is fairly complicated but I would put a cap (LIMIT) on the big guy on what size of fish he can catch which ought to be big and the weight limit and amount and let the medium businesses and smaller businesses catch the medium fish and small fish because it is a way of life for them. I’m sure there’s a ratio that would work depending on the small fisherman and median fisherman to limit the big fisherman. I bet Mnuchin could figure it out if he wanted to.  I figured out a part of him could be GORE because of his mannerisms with his mouth and I bet he knows how many fish are in the sea. If I knew how many fish were in the sea I would put a daily limit and whoever gets there first is the winner. Give them a bonus for winning the daily fishing competition in each category (large, medium, and small) and have a second place winner and a third place winner awarded to those who make it back to their port first and the fish weighed in by the fishing boss. Make it fun. The bonus could be free beer for a week, football tickets, baseball tickets, free dinner and movie tickets, or perhaps a few cents (tax free) more profit by the pound of fish caught for the next week, free equipment/appliances for boats or homes, hobby lobby gift cards, dress shop gift cards, bicycles, toys, free groceries, free dental implants (dental checkup,whitening etc), free computer, or software, a free vacation for a family, different attractive items from the surrounding area of the ports, or a combination of prizes for those on the winning boats. INCENTIVES. Also could gain reputations for workers and boat owners. Bingo night at the weeks end for the families and townspeople while the judges determine the winners. Then I don’t think the fishermen would mind the limits too much having a fair chance to win each day if judges with integrity were judging the competition each day and week: a different judge name pulled out of a jar of potential judges or voted on by the participant shipping boat owners. Or pull three names out of a jar and then voted on by the participants (boat owners) in the race. Once the judge has had a week of judging he can’t be a judge for a year. (Kind of like jury duty but more fun.) Only one vote per person (boat owner) and no gambling on the side. Make it illegal. And last but not least a free vehicle or an RV or a Camper at the end of the year for the boat that has the most wins for the year and if there is a tie then 2 vehicles awarded at the end of the year one to each winner. Every three to 5 years award a yacht for the winner of the three to five year period. Could have a bazaar once a month and weekly visit by area farmers with fresh veggies and fruits.


    Capitalism is competitiveness and people like to compete we just have to figure out ways to make it less corruptible. Earlier I had included we could make bets on the side who the winners would be and realized this is where it gets corruptible to the nth degree on other peoples backs. Then some mobster would come in and get someone to cheat either to win or lose in order to win a bet. And the food business isn’t the place for mobsters. IMO

    You ought to care about the little business guy and the medium business guy because if what happened in Hawaii had been real or caused a nuclear exchange you might need that little business guy and that medium business guy for your next meal and whether you are rich or not won’t mean a thing.

    The mob has been in the fishing business a long time. Remember the movie with the actor Marlon Brando in the movie called On the Waterfront who said

    “I coulda been a contender”

    The kid in the movie who suffered because of unpasteurized milk was faking it to some degree. Don’t know why, but he was. His PTSD was a bit put on later in life. When you are really really sick as in unconscious, it’s the people around you that are suffering. His mom suffered. I think the higher the risk of the milk the less it should be protected business wise. The pasteurized milk business ought to be subsidized when things in the market go awry – WITHOUT INTEREST. I think they work very hard and it was very impressive to watch their business and how it works and seems quite natural too…. a way of life. I suspect the guy who had a natural milk business got screwed and I think obviously there is a market for natural milk but he is in competition with EUROPEAN natural milk so there ought to be some kind of recompense/reimbursement because he seemed like a straight shooter and did his homework and pin pointed the problem. I wonder what happens in Europe when the natural milk europeans sell causes sickness in kids? (Oh yea it’s Russian nuclear emissions and never their own nuclear emissions.) Europeans have a superiority complex. I don’t know why but many of them do. Can’t imagine their natural milk is of much value anymore because of the nuclear emissions. I don’t think plastic is a good cover against nuclear emissions. Course we used to hide under our desks as school during drills in our country. Heard what the blond chick on MSNBC said; the french are embarrassed by Trump. Eh, FUCK EM or, in other words,  my mom would say “Consider the source” which is a classy way of saying what I wrote just now. Perhaps natural milk ought to be frozen instead of heated like fish are stored to kill some bad stuff in the natural milk. I put my fresh spinach in the freezer and bananas (because bananas are so perishable before the bananas turn to mush) for smoothies and put it under water to peel off the peel for the smoothie and add the spinach to good recipes like Chicken with Artichoke hearts or soups to give it some gusto (IRON) like Popeye eating a can for strength when dealing with his nemesis. I wonder why no one cans bananas? I have a bunch of frozen bananas in my freezer.

    The Effects of Temperature on E. Coli | Healthfully

    “Freezing foods infected with E. coli stops the growth of the bacterial population for as long as the food remains frozen. At temperatures of 0°C (32°F) E. coli bacteria are unable to divide, keeping the population stable. At temperatures of – 18°C (0°F) E. coli begins to die.”
    I have no idea if this is true but worth investigating
    by natural milk producers/farmers,
    Then there is the case of stagnation in lakes (fresh water) causing illnesses at a certain temperature sometimes (warm or hot but not boiling), illnesses like MD. Shaking the natural milk might be the key. I know in the cheese business for good ripening cheeses you have to turn the cheese over daily to care for the cheese to ripen correctly.

    Waterborne diseases

    People used to drink straight from the cow on the same day so natural milk might have to be treated because it doesn’t exactly get drunk on the same day as the milking. so imports of natural milk might not be a good idea or over producing natural milk might be a bad idea. Heredity also might be a problem. The peanut problem is a very strange deal. Some people can’t even get in the vicinity of peanuts without a severe reaction including death, probably because the peanuts are too liberal like Jimmy Carter who gave away the Panama Canal (DUMB) because of political shenanigans of the Iranians or to UNDERMINE the USA and later helped to build housing for the poor to make up for his blunder/plunder. Like George Bush bike rides and his blunders for the veterans who were injured. A metaphysical reaction to their politics like 9/11 and a thousand peanut butter sandwiches made the night before 9/11 for the firefighters. His policies might be the underlying reasons for 9/11.

    Did President Carter fix the peanut problem?

    No, Carter built houses for the poor expecting more, I’m sure.

    Perhaps peanuts need to be Cuaterized.

    “”Cauterize definition: to burn with a hot iron, electric current, fire, or a caustic, especially for curative purposes; treat with a cautery?”

    Perhaps cauterized two times, once in the shell and once out of the shell. (peanuts are a very soft shell compared to other nuts.)

    There is another part left to watch but I screwed up the connection somehow pushing some button on the remote (there are a bunch) so I have to wait and then will re-watch the part about bees and take notes this time only as a reference for what I think is going on besides a great amount of thievery and deception.

    Anyway I think the documentary part about fishing is starring the actress (a bit part) from the movie Berlin Syndrome Teresa Palmer which is kind of interesting. I was trying to figure out who she was while I was thinking aloud and realized I recognized her which is why I was thinking about it. So I called it to myself out loud a docufuckumentary or fuckudocumentary I can’t remember which but she looked and looks familiar. So I guess it’s some kind of game, but she doesn’t play games on Fox advertising for a date. “Come find me.” Not really sure what is going on with this triage. Who could?

    She’s the rage. ANKH

    The jacuzzi kid I wrote about when she grew up had an ankh tattooed on her

    ….. on her…..on her arm. I know she loved my dad in a good way and he loved her.

    The fishing problems can be worked out but gotta change some laws for the sake of the fishermen and their plight. Perhaps we ought to not accept imports or/import/ exports at all and go it alone. We are a big economy on our own. We have a vast amount of consumers in the free world and shouldn’t necessarily vie for the other parts of the world which want to do us in. Take care of our own and build it up. The world would love to sell us their stuff because we are mostly consumers and need to get back to producing our goods for ourselves and get out of these regulations that hurt our economy and other economies by following

    the Vatican’s

    deplorable and depraved ideals.

    What is good for one is not good for all. IT’s a ridiculous premise on it’s lack of merit. Base less. What is good for our country isn’t good for another country so why would world government be good for everyone: OBVIOUSLY, IT ISN’T GOOD!  

    Why do Muslim Louis Farrakhans wannabes complain about the language used by Trump? Ridiculous how these guys imitate him as if it makes them muslim even the rhythmic cadence of how they talk. There is no other word to describe it but RIDICULOUS. Kind of like the Rhodes scholar talking points thumb.

    AFFECTED and possibly infected.

    I think my dad is the king of fierce countenance who understands dark sentences and  stands up against evil written about in the book of DANIEL. I saw him warning about Obama care, at Benghazi, and in Pope Benedict XVl and in other people and other places, etc. He does have a fierce countenance and was part of the 101st Airborne Division for quite a few years. He loved his family and he fiercely loved my mom. He believed in God and in truth and in the USA as well. And they stood up for me!

    The ants go marching one by one song – YouTube


    My dad!


    As far as the mustard seed of faith, the seed that is not the smallest of seed, nor was  the smallest of seed, neither ever will be the smallest of seed: Have you ever played the game called CLUE? We used to love playing it as a family growing up with my parents. Its about a murder mystery and you have to figure out who did it, what tool was used, where the murder took place using cards and DEDUCTION techniques. There are 6 characters, 9 rooms, and 6 weapons.


    These were the original components of the game called CLUE.



    My mom’s Great grandmother was WHITE and a member in our family married a White as it grew.

    My mom wanted to live to 105 because of her grandmother who lived to 105 but she was hospiced instead without my permission.

    My dad’s birthday was October the 5th and he concurred with my mom (10:4) about a lot of things and we still communicate and we are in ARMAGEDDON whether you like it or not. I think he may have meant he wanted to live, too. I remember that day and the circumstances. He was supposed to go home that day because he was well and someone gave him a pill he choked on (aspirated) is what I was told. He lived through the Korean war and the Vietnam war two times and the hospital couldn’t save him from a pill he couldn’t swallow WHICH the hospital gave him? I know there are ways if one wants to find one to help with choking. So our hopes were dashed for him coming him that same day and I had to go back to my parents town to see him. While my mom was out of the room my siblings discussed what was best and I said “I want him to have every chance he can have” but apparently my siblings didn’t, two because the two were easily swayed (BGEA indoctrinated), but I think he was already in septic shock. the other because of being a Gore enthusiast and something happened to him from the time of the meeting with my brother and sister at a hotel while he stayed at their home. He changed towards me and at the time staying with them maybe something happened but he thought what was best was to keep it in our generation for the sake of the family. (the problem of sexual harassment and the problems that ensued because of it). I know he meant well and I tried his way but my buttons were pushed in a multitude of ways by my sisters who were under the influence of the BGEA and peer pressure, noses were out of joint having to do with their reputations and probably aspects of their own lives were at stake to some degree and both in denial. He couldn’t have understood what I was dealing with and what was to come. I couldn’t either. I know he wanted my relationship with my parents to be mended. I saw it in his eyes, words, and emotions but something happened from that time onward to him. Like he didn’t trust me anymore. Not sure what but something deeply disturbing happened (not just one thing but some things.) Someday I’ll find out. I know he loved my parents and our family. Like the Uma Thurman article below where a lot more was involved more than one incident and other people as well as I have explained. I prayed with my dad to remember MOSES and crossing the Red Sea quietly. I think he heard me. There was a dove outside his window dying in the hospital yard. I think he was murdered. It was a sign. In either Acts or some other book thereabouts Paul gave a sermon and I guess one of his followers fell out of a window. Strange story. Paul was Saul and had a conversion on the way to Damascus a few times because each incident had minor differences so must have been more than one conversion. When he was Saul he hunted Christians. Then after the conversion he infiltrated Christians. REMEMBER? It was an opportunity knocking. Not the same kind of opportunity as playing in the Super Bowl but more rewarding. Somewhere in the bible it says not to give undue or excessive respect for athletes. The Winter Olympics are on the horizon. At least because of people like my dad and my mom football is still allowed and enjoyed in the USA, but for how long? I guess we will see.



    For this season.

    And because I still hear from my parents in their way I believe

    “they are they that testify of me.”

    At the funeral of my dad my sister played some of her cards and slighted me as if I was baggage and as if her family was so much more important to my mom but mostly to her, of course. My mom was not aware at the time of some things and was grieving severely so she didn’t see. Weird shit but my older sister couldn’t help herself from making her digs when she could even at a funeral of our dad. Later trying to get me and then me and the family to watch Atonement. It was a supreme dig since her husband had a problem. A big problem. Even he didn’t want to watch it. LOL A deal doesn’t work work one way. If you make a deal about moving on or getting over it for the sake of the family the other side has to do it too and she was not ready to move on or get over it. I was more than ready but I still felt feelings, fears, paranoia, and I had a right to have those feelings by the things she did. Just because you are paranoid doesn’t mean you don’t have a right to be paranoid if someone is trying to upend you and screw you over and over and over again. The last thing she did was hospice my mom without telling me (for two weeks) until my mom had died and then called me to tell me about it. I had a right to be paranoid, OBVIOUSLY. A lot of things happened between my mom’s death and my dad’s but I don’t think you can get any dirtier or crueler than what she did to me and my mom and my dad. I don’t think he appreciated it for a number of reasons. She started her uppityness when going to college at SMU and I guess after meeting her future husband and flying in their private jet on a trip around the world with the Kirchers before both got married in a huge wedding and reception at a very expensive place, probably one of the most expensive places to have a reception in the area at the time with lots of bridesmaids and groomsmen. He was President of Conoco Oil at the time. At her daughter’s wedding years later she displayed her talent: HAUGHTINESS.

    Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.
    Anyway I’m sure God can handle her and I’m sure my parents will be involved in correcting her because I believe THEY CAN. She developed a lot of hangups, but it wasn’t our fault. When you’re having family meetings about someone even flying from another state quite a bit a ways away on how to cope with it, you know you have problems and we tried. I tried earlier and often in many ways and it was not attainable to our family to resolve it. It is the kind of problem that takes more than just family to handle it but we did not invent it the problem. The church failed miserably and was only a veil for her and her husband and their family and the Kirchers. Not saying I don’t have hangups or my brother didn’t have hangups or my other sister didn’t have hangups or my parents didn’t have hangups but this was a BIG HANGUP and caused a lot of hangups amongst us. I think it will work out in the end. The thing is we loved each other…I think. I did. I know my parents did, too. We had wonderful times together even so.
    It started in their family with their daughter and Gary sometime before Gary went to college when their daughter was only 14 years or less so I would imagine Mr. Kircher and his wife by the same name as my mom has work to do besides entertaining with the Saudis.
    I get why the trip around the world happened,
    very succinctly and why my sister was tempted to steal a pearl in Hong Kong on the trip around the world and told me about it. And I understand why my sister received $250,000 or more per year to spend for nothing as the stakes got higher. And I understand why to some extent why Gary and his family got lost in the Ozarks but at the time I didn’t understand. Who would have thunk it?
    I guess everyone is gonna have to bear with us as we sort it out.

    Anyway I looked up the word Parable in regards to the parable earlier in the post by a few feet and read  “Psalm 78:2 I will open my mouth in a parable, I will utter dark sayings of old.” So in the parable about the poor you will have with you always, and me you will not have with you always” is a dark saying. Obviously, evil as well. MATTHEW 13:13: WHOEVER HAS WILL BE GIVEN MORE AND HE WILL HAVE AN ABUNDANCE. WHOEVER DOES NOT HAVE EVEN WHAT HE HAS WILL BE TAKEN AWAY FROM HIM (a warning possibly and/or has been misinterpreted in the past? to coincide with the vaticans desire to rule the world as if it is theirs and Islam’s desire to rule the world.) SO THAT A PROPHECY CAN BE FULFILLED BECAUSE IT’S IMPORTANT TO FULFILL A PROPHECY IN ISAIAH THOUGH SEEING THEY DO NOT SEE AND THE REST OF PAUL’S NONSENSE.  IN ANY CASE THE PROPHECY IN DANIEL WAS MOVED TO THE GOSPEL OF MATTHEW STANDING WHERE IT SHOULD NOT LET THE READER UNDERSTAND. I DO. THE FALSE PROPHET TO PROMOTE FALSE WORSHIP! I UNDERSTAND VERY CLEARLY THE NAZI SOLUTION TO A WORLD GONE MAD. Perhaps they have Mad Cow Disease: Creutzfeldt-Jacob (German felt- Jacob) disease:

    Bovine spongiform encephalopathy

    (What we feed our food (chain) makes a difference.)

    MY DAD I THINK UNDERSTANDS AS WELL. WE ARE ON THE BRINK OF NUCLEAR WAR AND THE WORLD PROBABLY WONT SURVIVE. WE ARE IN ARMAGEDDON. WE’LL SEE WHO WINS THIS DARK BATTLE BUT I DON’T THINK DARKNESS WINS IN THE END. IMO as I recall the false prophet ends up burning forever in an unquenched fire as Chernobyl (Chernobyl means noble love and i’m not inferring russia as the scapegoat it is only an example and a name of a nuclear site which I believe was sabotaged and at the time fighting terrorism as we are but could have been human error but since the chemical site in BHOPAL India Pronounced BO Paul was more than likely sabotage to further the career of Mother Teresa for the RCC (who practiced murder suicide) forever and ever because of always. Saul’s way, Paul’s way ….etc. the one that utters dark sayings of old. I guess he was rich and not poor, nor middle class, neither good. I think Paul falls. The Fall of Saul Paul as in WWlll The Rise and fall of the third reich. Mother Teresa was part of his family and I think her name was Tertius or something like it introduced in I think the Book of Romans or one of his books who said you can have it all: a bunch of gods disregarding the first commandment of the Ten Commandments.

    Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

    Teresa = TER REE SAW TARE eee saw ESAU = EEE SAW Israel blesses Jacob because Jacob puts on a fur and acts like Esau a hunter who had a hairy chest. (IS THAT YOU ESAU?) DOES IT MAKE ANY SENSE AT ALL? It’s a ridiculous story. An old wives tale, so to speak. (like Bret Baier believing some chicks in Syria of some tribe saying some of the isis captive women smothered themselves under their blanket in order not to be raped by ISIS because they were virgins. As if they are more virtuous than other women. Bret Baier believed them when more than likely they were smothered by the women telling the story to save themselves like what happened in death camps in the past etc because sometimes people in a horrible place or a horrible situation don’t always handle it well and get mentally unstable. Not everyone is a hero. HE IS AN IDIOT but because he went along with all the propaganda about Benghazi he gets to sell history books like his predecessor Bill O’reilly.)  Jacob’s wife was the one that told Jacob to put on an animal skin to fake out Israel who was blind. TIS CRAP. Who in their right mind would believe this story? HITLER maybe. Bret Baier maybe. It involves murder/suicide, doesn’t it? The story about Jacob is similar to the story about Hansel and Gretel and the witch. Read the story and compare to the story about Jacob and Esau when Jacob receives a blessing from Israel. An allegory is a story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one. More than likely the story about Jacob is some sort of allegory but is it TRUE? There are a few allegories when it comes to the stories about Jacob and Esau and I think one is kind of at war with another and it was then. The truth makes the difference. Sometimes parents don’t see their kids very well and sometimes children don’t see their parents very well or have understanding of their parents or their children because of things that happen out of their visions but eventually the truth catches up. Still it doesn’t mean its over till the PHAT lady sings when it comes to your children or your parents because nothing is impossible with God. But I wouldn’t necessarily accept the interpretation or hidden meaning of someone like say Franklin Graham of the BGEA or some other cult. I think I found the hidden meaning about Mother Teresa selling her birthright by accident, of course. Anyway Franklin Graham says he believes everything in the bible. Not everything in the bible is believable. When people are hungry they don’t act right sometimes due to their bodies affecting their minds. Lots of different reasons depending upon the individual and why Jesus said feed my sheep. Fasting can cause hallucinations. Starvation can cause hallucinations. High blood pressure, Diabetes etc. These days we have tv and movies and some are good and some aren’t. Reality tv is another new invention which can cause harm sometimes depending on the subject and the producers and if trying to serve you propaganda. Makes it difficult for some people sometimes to judge between what is real and what isn’t real. Fake news is the same thing. It can be very harmful and why Jesus said in the Gospel of John: I AM the way the truth and the life. Talking about the Ten Commandments, IMO.

    Hansel and Gretel

    a fairy tale about two kids in the woods who get lost 

    the witch fattens up Gretel so she can eat her and Gretel tricks the witch.

    Mother Teresa is crap. Her solution is crap. It’s happening but it’s crap. Like following a lemming.


    GORE IS ALL, PAUL, SAUL and obviously related in spiritual sense to Mother Teresa via the Vatican. Both made quite a bit of money and both are causing a lot of problems with false precepts. THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL IS MONEY.

    Parabolic is a measure in stocks and currency fluctuations to make decisions regarding value to invest in or divest in etc parabolically and DIABOLICALLY which is why the USA is not doing well especially since manipulation of the values is occurring to fulfill the prophecy of Isaiah: self fulfilling prophecy.. I think we will stand though if we use some common sense and take care of things gone INSANE such as world economics, world government, world religion because in the end it does not stand. I think as a nation we will stand. I hope. we stood against nazism years ago I hope we do it again because I think we will win again. Recognizing Jerusalem is a good start. I noticed also the 1967 war in Israel also known as the 6 day war which Israel won against all odds is also the same year that the EDF (FED) began which has caused many troubles and tied our hands and no one else’s hands. Environmental Defense Fund. AN overreaction to the Six Day War’s results and also caused a great deal of HIGHWAY ROBBERY of the way of life for many people (fishermen, farmers, ranchers, middle class and the lower class chances for mobility and their small businesses and median businesses in favor of BIG BUSINESS AND BIG GOVERNMENT, people making a living off the backs of other people) using quotas, sabotage, hospice, taxes, etc.  Matthew was a tax man. TWO DIFFERENT IDEOLOGIES working against the people. Not everything it does is bad or it couldn’t hide behind the good to do it’s evils using the substance of good people and/or decent people but a lot of it is over-managing, over-manipulation, the three M’s of a sociopath and possibly a tool and symptom of a far worse result: a psychopath. Billy Graham was a tool of the Vatican. AUL Gore definitely was a tool of the Vatican. Hospice was a tool of the Vatican. …… which is why it gets destroyed in Revelation in one hour. We are in a war. A very strange war, but it is war. The other M is over-maneuvering and I bet there are more OM’s those are the ones I learned when I first got sick years ago about a sociopath when I looked it up. Probably some other M’s having to do with the slip slide into a psychopathic behavior. Language:

    São Paulo is a place in Brazil and uses a circumflex accent over the vowel

    The accent circonflexe ˆ (circumflex) can be on an AEIO, or U. The circumflex usually indicates that an S used to follow that vowel, e.g., forêt (forest). It also serves to distinguish between homographs; e.g., du (contraction of de + le) vs  (past participle of devoir).


    Foray is a sudden attack. Moray is an eel. Homograph is a word IMO like SAUL AND PAUL AND AUL AND FALL… LOL

    Just a little information to contemplate because language is important and hides many things. In french I was told while studying when I asked why about language oddities of the french language and the response I got was because it is so. Meaning don’t ask why –  it is what it is…I think it is wrong. I have a right to think it is not true and isn’t right because of what I have seen and experienced. Why not put the s where it belongs instead of hiding it? I think like contractions we use to save space. The French also use double negatives Non, nes (not necessarily?)

    Negative Number Rules – Math Forum – Ask Dr. Math

    I will continue to ask why and I hope others do as well otherwise we might be considered to be fascists, IMO, depending on the circumstances. I think our country was attacked besides and including 9/11. My family was attacked as well and we need to get our ducks in a row and fight back to a better situation and a better place otherwise we will fall. The end of all things will come sooner if we don’t.

    In the English language in America the last letter of the Alphabet is Z (sounds like Zee) in England the last letter of the alphabet is Zed. These things have meaning at least to me. I think the next post will be fun and interesting but will take a while to gather the information partially because of deceptions amongst the treasures of truth which will set us free. Anyway ROTTEN is a good show to watch and learn from. Doesn’t mean everything in it is true but there is a lot of substance and realities we need to address as a country and a people of many colors. Starting to watch another documentary called Food,Inc and the same rules apply. Not all of it is true, but some of it is. So far a pretty good show but caught some derelictions as well in the show/documentary.

    I think the SIMPLE answer might be INDUSTRY is great for making cars – things

    but not for making food.

    A car doesn’t have to be fresh to taste good or to be healthy.

    The second documentary called Food Inc is a bit of a mock of the first documentary called Rotten, but some good information still. LOL

    Truth has a way.

    My dad told me chicken had a lot of fat and he was right. I don’t usually eat the skin and defat it as much as I can and do not like dark meat of a chicken because I had it once microwaved and it sucked and made an impression upon me (like rubber), however chickens get fat because of how they are grown so it makes little difference so is probably still fattening. Some people could not handle chicken farming obviously: I’m one of those people but better for the farmer and chicken if it is done naturally for the people who panhandle it. Room for both HOWEVER Big Business has been getting the breaks where as small and medium businesses haven’t.

    A possible remedy for the Chicken farmers might be:

    The Big Chicken Farmers should be limited to the franchise restaurants and fast food businesses where other people cook the food and the small and medium chicken farmers get to sell to the grocery chains and local food markets where the people cook their own meals and to the individual restaurant businesses who come buy the product or deliver to the business depending on the business involved.

    A possible remedy for the Fisherman. 

    The same thing for the fishermen: The big fishermen could sell to the franchise restaurants and fast food businesses where someone cooks the fish for the people only and the medium to small fisherman could sell to the grocery store chains and local fish markets where people buy the fish to cook their own meals and to the individual restaurant businesses. Let the franchise businesses and the fast food people regulate the Big Fisherman. (with Federal government help) etc State and local government help to regulate the medium to small business men and women and the medium, and small fisherman.

    Make sense! COMMON SENSE.

    Watched a small business guy get investigated on his small/medium boat in the first documentary by the Coast Guard (I think) and I guarantee the big boats are off limits to the laws others have to abide by because of the power (money) and the fear by the law people to get involved with dealing with the mobster’s boat. It was disgusting. Might as well not have laws if the big guy doesn’t have to abide the laws and only pick on the small and medium guys which is why there is a problem with the people who represent the law overcome by lawlessness because of the big guy hence it would be better to only have small and medium businesses vs Big business. Let the franchise businesses and the fast food businesses regulate the Big chicken farmers. (with Federal Government help) etc.  State and local government help to regulate the medium to small business men and women and the medium to small chicken farmers. Do the same for the egg businesses and egg farmers and the BEEF businesses and BEEF Farmers! I think it could actually be a good model for all food businesses and food farmers and would create jobs all over our country and better organized and fairer competition. The mock partially is against subsidizing small dairy farmers I think in the first documentary nevertheless still some bad information about Big Business vs good small businesses. I would rather see cows in the grass, pastures etc etc etc. I have no idea why the cows chew their cud but I’m sure there is a reason. Not sure why the cows have two stomachs or four compartments. (I bet the misuse of the cows is UNSUSTAINABLE over the long haul. When nature turns against industry, why not make mechanical cows.)


    Think about the pasteurization process helped to protect the population from germs and cows were in the pasture. Stalling cows constantly as if they are not animals of the pasture and you get Stalinization i.e. Stalin.-  a bad solution “Pasteurization or pasteurisation is a process that kills microbes (mainly bacteria) in food and drink, such as milk, juice, canned food, and others. It was invented by French scientist Louis Pasteur during the nineteenth century.” A good solution I use to love seeing farmlands driving by and the the smell etc like I used to love seeing horses in the pasture when I owned one and the smells of a horse stable (leather, hay, and manure, horse sweat, etc) or ranch except when trying to halter my horse which was a hassle but worth the hassle in order to ride. I cleaned my horses stable for quite a while as a kid and it didn’t hurt me. It was part of the deal in order to ride and own a horse at least at the stable I did it at other stables stable hands did it. Depended on where you kept your horse. It was the French who made a meal of the horse, wasn’t it? One of the most beautiful animals in the world and so important as well in history. Like reading The Book of Acts after reading the Gospel of John.



    Blaming immigration on food marketing and food production however some of it is true but HOW about blaming MEXICO and the RCC : WHO made their people think it is wrong to use birth control, or have an abortion, or tie a man’s worms for a while to circumcise them in order not to get girls pregnant or an unmarried women pregnant.  WHY? so we have to feed more people when most people don’t want the most people (even the ones that have the kids and leave them in a car to roast or put them in car and dump them in a river for a better life with someone else, or drop them on their heads at Sam’s on a cement floor taking care of someone else’s kid, or leave to abandon them or leave green snot all over their faces parading them around and no mother would do it to their own kid. [I know my mom would use her own spit or clothing to clean my face] ) especially Mexico dumping their people and their immigrants on us like little chickens. supply and demand inversions, conversions and MOST OF ALL diversions from the false precepts of the RCC and ISLAM GONE MAD wanting to rule the world and to judge it as well. It isn’t God who hospiced my mom. (It was my sister who had had two abortions tubular pregnancy in her marriage and one before she was married) and did it because of money her husbands loss on the stock market and blamed us for being truthful and to get back at me because her husband had a sexual problem which is not a good reason. It’s ridiculous. It’s insane but something drove her towards it and I believe it was the BGEA (shills for the RCC), pride, reputation, occultic shit. My little sister somehow ends up with 35 thousand dollars. and her new husband trying to find out what was left in my mom ‘s estate etc and living off of her divorce settlement. I think he may have written the funeral brochure by the sounds of it. It was incorrect for one thing and patting my little sister on the back as if she earned the money and mocking my mom in weird way and my dad. GARY lost the money on the stock market, not us. I think in the millions but I don’t know but I know it was a lot of money. Spending oodles of money on a wedding for their daughter whose marriage lasted about a year because she married a nut who enjoyed killing cats and sort of in-between a Mark Fuhrman and a Gary. HIs mom was divorced and married to a bible scholar of some kind and his dad and mother-in-law committed murder suicide a few years after they were married. But somehow they got some land out of the deal. Then she remarries in Colorado and goes to Rome? Strange stuff. In=between marriages has a run in with a bear in the Ozark mountains with the family (her mom and dad and siblings ) and they get lost in the Ozarks, and changed quite a bit. Yea, the devil visited them, for sure and it wasn’t me who caused it. It was the BGEA. What a weird story. Who the hell goes to the Ozarks and gets lost separates to find a way out and runs into a bear? My little sister and I as kids went with my dad camping and backpacking up the Appalachian Trail and we didn’t get lost because my dad wasn’t a fool.

    Still I think we can handle the problems as stated above. 

    You should watch Auschwitz on Netflix. It’s hellish what happened and I think elevation is the problem with some people: like Hospice became numb to it and you cannot compare hospice to abortion since being born is the difference nor use it as an excuse. We eat eggs but we don’t eat chicks if that helps. In Auschwitz was another story and Nazis ate chicks: those that were born.

    “Totalitarianism is a political system where the state recognizes no limits to its authority and strives to regulate every aspect of public and private life wherever feasible. … Totalitarian regimes are different from authoritarian ones.” Basically what happened to the Nazis was sociopathy turned into a psychopath. Murder/Suicide seems to be the nexus. HOSPICE is another form of AUSCHwitz.

    What is an authoritarian system of government?
    Authoritarianism, principle of blind submission to authority, as opposed to individual freedom of thought and action. In governmentauthoritarianism denotes any political system that concentrates power in the hands of a leader or a small elite that is not constitutionally responsible to the body of the people.
    “Although totalitarian regimes have existed in other nations including China, North Korea, and Iraq, they began in Europe and were characterized by leaders with strong personalities, such as Hitler in Nazi Germany and Stalin in the Soviet Union” and OBAMA in America who was suckled by Kissinger who was hired by the Vatican to save face ….who was suckered by the devil himself? which is why we have an immigration problem in part. But until we do something about the RCC and ISLAM the problems will escalate. You have to be determined to avoid the Nazi solutions which are very nasty. It helps to believe in truth. My ex doesn’t.

    Revelation 12:9 The great dragon was hurled down–that ancient …

    But woe to the earth and the sea; with great fury the devil has come down to you, knowing he has only a short time.” Treasury of Scripture. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceives the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him .

    Which is why there is so much false news and propaganda and Why ObamaCare happened and all the things that are not believable and confusing as well. Saw the movie/documentary about the gold treasure found in the ocean somewhere (The Indian Ocean) and tons of it in the form of false gods from an alleged shipwreck being displayed in Milan, Italy Venice, but it’s BULLSHIT with some shells stuck to it. LOL IT’s futuristic characters mixed with crap, renderings….kind of like the golden calf. The ship was called UNBELIEVABLE.
     But somehow I guess tourists come to look at the stuff, like people go to see the House of Wax.

    I think I figured out why JFK was allegedly assassinated through a window at the Text Book Depository in Dallas which is debatable since his wife (under some kind of mind control IMO) killed him with the help of a one bullet theory and why the world trade center was bombed in New York City while George Bush was in Florida at a school reading a book to kids when it occurred and why most schools public schools don’t use textbooks anymore or the kids take them home for 9 months but use work books instead is to change history whenever it is expedient. Like changing the bible. I wonder who is behind changing history text books would probably be the same entity who changed the bible. More than likely to change public opinion and further propaganda. It would have to be the Vatican and the Secret Service. IMO – POTUS

    To smote us.

    I was and still am trying to figure out why Japan attacked the United State on December 11, 1941 at Pearl Harbor. Saw a few books on the subject but have not bought nor read them. They must have been building up for a while because ships, submarines and airplanes take a while to build. Doesn’t happen overnight. Since Germany declared war 4 days later obviously Japan and Hitler were allies and so was the Vatican considering what happened in regards to Japan recently relatively recently when trying to delay the NeoCatechumenal Way imposed upon them *(the Japanese catholics) by the Roman Catholic Church because of a rise in suicides the Japanese tried to resist it by 5 years and then the earthquake/tsunami and nuclear disaster occurred as a result. Pretty wild but a relationship exits of some nature beneath the surface. I think it’s Italy since IT/ITALY declared war on the USA the same day as Germany (HiTler). Italy is where the State of the Vatican (what sponsors terrorism) resides and where the Jesuits reside as well. Some reside in many other places but they’re hard to identify like undercover cops and make a vow to the devil. Oliver North’s documentary about General Douglas MacArthur included a Jesuit (SAVING FACE) in regards to the Philippines and the torture endured at the time of the people in the Philipines (by the JESUITS who have a reputation that proceeds/precedes them because of the Jesuit past in world history) during WWll.


    You want to know something really weird my mom had a checkup at some point later in life and the doctors were amazed because she was missing some kind of artery somewhere in her body near her heart. It wasn’t the aorta OBVIOUSLY, but some kind of artery or a part of the aorta a branch. She had tuberculosis as a young woman which may have caused damage to her blood traffic around the time when my dad was in Korea fighting. I think she was in her 60’s at the time may have been in her 70’s when she had the gall bladder removed when it was discovered. It’s been a while and I wasn’t paying attention. It was the 70’s when Carter gave up the Panama Canal. I didn’t know what I know now then.  She was born in Panama and my dad was born in Montana. In the mean while: Also could mean those with peanut allergy perhaps should have their gall badder removed which might help. It helped me. I don’t have a peanut allergy but had other digestive problems: Please contact your doctor before doing it to make sure it’s a good idea.

    Zechariah 14:4-6

    And his feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east, and the mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the east and toward the west, and there shall be a very great valley; and half of the mountain shall remove toward the north, and half of it toward the south. And ye shall flee to the valley of the mountains; for the valley of the mountains shall reach unto Azal: yea, ye shall flee, like as ye fled from before the earthquake in the days of Uzziah king of Judah: and the Lord my God shall come, and all the saints with thee. And it shall come to pass in that day, that the light shall not be clear, nor dark:

    I think the mountains are referring to the Ten Commandments in Truth spiritually.

    We should try.

    (clear might mean transparent and dark as in dark sentences.. I don’t know)

    But I think I figured out what the missing link is: It’s the URL

    Beautiful People – Melanie

    Saw a show on Netflix (a documentary) recently, only the beginning of the show because it was stupid giving credence to the Taliban for defending Afghanistan’s heroin crop because it only used only one fifth the water to grow heroin as would take to grow normal crops (food). I guess the documentary was trying to RE-define the Taliban as good even though the Taliban were not good. Being molested and manipulated doesn’t define anyone. I have no idea why the judge (Rosemarie Aquilina) of the Dr. Nassar’s alleged US Olympic gymnasts victims gave such stupid advice to the victims except to validate and RE- define that digital (as in the finger) penetration is molestation whereas there are other kinds of molestation as well. Nassar was President of Egypt before Anwar Sadat (a peaceful man) and Nassar elementals may have been responsible for his demise. Anyway it was televised on a few news stations, the sentencing of Nassar by the Judge, and I thought she was astoundingly inferior and boring but everyone on Fox thinks she was G_R_E_A_T. I’m not so sure about the sentence or the accusations and didn’t hear about it other than what I saw for a few minutes of Reality tv sensation and have only read snippets about it on the internet. He reminds me of Colbert of comedy. Defining someone by an affliction (abused by someone else is silly but politically correct kind of language).

    Gymnast = digitally penetrated or molested

    I had a bird who was a gymnast and liked to contort himself. I called him Bantam I called him Bantam before I knew he was a gymnast. He did somersaults on his bar. Really cute parakeet, green. I thought Bantam meant wild bird because it did mean wild bird, once. I dropped the cage, actually the bottom fell off the top of the cage on the porch of our apartment by mistake, and he flew away like a wild bird. I tried to find him but couldn’t: like trying to find a needle in a haystack.

    Don’t let molestation, manipulation (DIGITAL PENETRATION)

    define you


    now that you have THIS feather in your cap

    Yankee Doodle Went to Town

    I guess silence wasn’t golden?

    It was a display of warped ideals but read on and get a sense of how warped it was! (political correct Roman Catholic bullshit)

    I can do anything better than you

    definitely!  (and I was bottle fed and raised on the go. Must be the DNA!)

    This is why Uma Thurman is Angry

    In Munich Germany (West Germany) during the 1972 Summer Olympics eleven Israeli wrestlers were taken hostage by the PLO (Black September) and stabbed to death.

    Munich massacre

    “Shortly after the crisis began, they demanded 234 prisoners jailed in Israel and the German-held founders of the Red Army Faction (Andreas Baader and Ulrike Meinhof) be released.[7][8] Black September called the operation “Iqrit and Biram“,[9]after two Palestinian Christian villages whose inhabitants were expelled by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) during the 1948 Arab–Israeli “ “The attack was motivated by secular nationalism, with the commander of the terrorist group, Luttif Afif, having been born to Jewish and Christian parents.[10] German neo-Nazis gave the attackers logistical assistance.”

    Luke 23:27-31 King James Version (KJV)

    27 And there followed him a great company of people, and of women, which also bewailed and lamented him.

    28 But Jesus turning unto them said, Daughters of Jerusalem, weep not for me, but weep for yourselves, and for your children.

    29 For, behold, the days are coming, in the which they shall say, Blessed are the barren, and the wombs that never bare, and the paps which never gave suck.

    30 Then shall they begin to say to the mountains, Fall on us; and to the hills, Cover us.

    31 For if they do these things in a green tree, what shall be done in the dry?

    Who was occupying Jerusalem at the time? THAT IS THE QUESTION!

    I recall someone using the word O-C-C-U-PY quite often,

    Was it a dark sentence with a dark meaning?

    Who was he talking to?

    The Mnuchin age?

    What is the smallest of seed? Don’t let it define you!

    You know what I think scares Nancy Pelosi and others about the State of the Unionn Speech President Trump gave is what President Trump said at the beginning of his speech about federal employees. Why? Because it’s their ace in the hole.

    It is also the ties that bind them so instead of being afraid might welcome the potential freedom: INDEPENDENCE

    The woman who was a mom of one of the 126 or so gymnasts penetrated and interviewed on Fox a few days back her voice was very VERY familiar and reminded me of possibly someone who had something to do with the Sandy Hook Elementary massacre. Not sure but when I figure it out I’ll let you know. Very distinctive original quality in her voice in her sorrow so me thinks something strange about it and the fact that I recognize her voice/signature – Copenhagen Syndrome. But I remember her voice from something nasty which occurred during the Obama Administration. A lot of bad things happened in those times to my families and friends (the one I grew up with and the one I made and to other people I know) so I know he has something to do with it. His remarks at the press dinners are kind of  revealing as was his UN dark sentences.


    The way Nancy Pelosi acted during the speech as if caught redhanded (who wasn’t going to show up for the speech, I heard earlier, but did anyway) at something. The train wreck with a substantial group of Republicans the next morning was kind of weird as well. Did she know about it beforehand? How would she know? How could she know? The pictures of the train wreck near a delapidated baseball park seemed kind of coincidental as well since the ambush at a baseball practice for the Republicans practicing a while back kind of near her home when a Congressman was shot by a nut (a lone gunman). She acted unusually upset and extremely nervous at the speech in which she wasn’t going to attend and I don’t think it’s a coincidence. On a normal basis she is kind of neurotic acting but not to this extent. So why did she attend? Was she forced to attend? Not saying she caused either incident but I think she had knowledge or perhaps pre-knowledge because she sure acted freaked out by something.


    (Ann Beautiful Coulter)

    The weird thing is and I wasn’t gonna write it but a few nights before the JUDGE Aquilina rendered her verdict on Fox and other news networks about the 126 or so gymnasts who had been penetrated by a coach/doctor (was he their gynecologist??? I wondered not for joy) I had a wet dream and I enjoyed it with no one in my mind and was sleeping. Later on in a prayer sort of in passing I thanked God for it (the dream because I think I needed it) not that God had anything to do with it but perhaps it was a sign of some kind. I don’t know. Maybe to prove to me ahead of time I’m not a dry tree but I did spend most of my life married to one. I was a trooper, you might say. But

    Tell No Man

    And he charged them that they should tell no man: but the more he charged them, so much the more a great deal they published it;

    If Kennedy is a Kennedy of the past his great granddad (Joe) might have had him lobotomized. I saw the beginning of his attempt to degrade the speech by Trump as I think he is accustomed to doing and I turned my attention elsewhere to more important things going on because what he was saying at the start of his response to the speech sounded very dumb. I think he was spiritually manifested by OBAMA and has some issues he ought to work on or needs to work on desperately and found him to be a bit discombobulated.

    The Untold Story of JFK’s Sister, Rosemary Kennedy, and the Disastrous Lobotomy Ordered by Her Father

    Another thing what bothers me is how many congressman like the one with the wide eyes (SCHIFF- usually see the white of his eyes on top of his iris always kind of alarmed looking as if he is being poked with a cattle prod) tend to always have a small number about 5 or more people standing with them during interviews by the press, people who don’t say anything but are around them. Like a block of some kind. Why are these people there? Probably lawyers. Seems like the lawyer might as well speak for himself instead of using the congressman as his spokesman. I kind of feel as if I was watching a Ventriloquist using Adam Schiff. Maybe the lawyers can’t talk. I remember when thinking it while watching Adam Schiff in an interview the guy to the right of him started swallowing a bunch as if very nervous when he wasn’t even doing the talking so I thought to myself maybe he is a ventriloquist for Adam Schiff. Since then on Fox has have covered the person up i’m talking about with some kind of whitish layer photoshopped over the film. Partially why I think we are in Armeggedon/Apocolypse and Revelation is occurring before our eyes. Doesn’t mean I don’t have hope for a better time for our country. I don’t discount the 7 Trumpets of Revelation and the fact we have a president named Trump and the president before him was Obama whom I think is/was the destroyer (man of lawlessness) and represented in the Gospel of Luke (in part of the gospel) because of the things he himself said kind of gave it away though I don’t think he thought anyone was watching/noticing. I was and so was my dad and I think God is watching as well. I think a few things that are gonna stun some people will occur. Big things, but I think God cares that we have understanding of why and knows our frailties as humans to comprehend because of the many delusions and deceptions going on. There are reasons for the deceptions and delusions but mostly not our fault as a country. Many people compartmentalize in order to overcome fear and confusion in order to keep going. Sort of a ‘move along’ kind of thing. But it doesn’t really help except to extend the inevitable. Shocking and Awing. 9/11 was no small event and we need to get a grip on the facts involved and ‘figure out’ who was behind it besides the obvious and contend with it but we haven’t done it so far however I think we will

    if The Book of Revelation is true.

    “I don’t care whose kids they are….”


    As far as the FISA dossier could Bill Jesuit O’reilly be involved?

    Could he be Deep Throat?

    What is the basis of my hypothesis? OR what are the premises of my hypotheses? SUSPICION, TIMING, HISTORY, PAST PREFORMANCE, REVENGE, INTIMIDATION, A Plethora of Lies, TO ROB AND TO STEAL

    and many other deplorable and devious things similar to the mafia:






    which has an innate hatred for women, fe-males, and girls and


    and will use them.

    So I think it’s a pretty good guess.

    (Before James Foley was imprisoned in Syria, then became a follower of Islam i.e. indoctrinated, then was beheaded and then began beheading people himself,

    he was on the O’reilly Show.)


    He probably knew something disgraceful going on.

    Then the multitude of female employees and lawsuits. GEEEEEEEEEEZ.

    I don’t think George SOROS had anything to do with it though my roman catholic ex would not agree.

    But I bet LEON Panetta had something to do with it as he did in regards to Benghazi. HE IS AN EVIL PERSON TO THE NTH DEGREE and NOT TO BE TRUSTED BY ANY MEANS NOR BY ANY COMMITTEES NEITHER HIS TESTIMONEYs

    and I am not being sarcastic, but he is. Sarcophagusly sarcastic.

    There was a picture of my ex with band members during a tumultuous time a very bad time and he had an expression of Leon Panetta’s smile on his face and it was gross.  I threw it away because I recognized the smile a very despicable smile during the Benghazi hearings and around the time I saw the picture of LEON Panetta in front of a painting of a WHITE ish horse possibly a dappled horse I think taken at the White House. I might have ripped up the photo in little pieces. My ex was doing some bad stuff and I think possessed at the time and still is sometimes and in GREAT DENIAL most of the time. Can’t remember except I was pissed off and upset and had every reason to be upset and to destroy it. At the time I wanted to destroy his computers and put holes in his tires but I held my temper and got so bad I even wished a broom stick or a mop would enter his anus and many other horrible things. He did terrible things to me and his kids. Sold them down the river as far as I’m concerned to save himself by selling them down the river I mean as far as the rights of women and girls on the job against sexual harassment or sexual assault on the job and in their wombs anywhere and anytime until they are ready to produce and raise a child in their own body, mind, spirit, and heart (otherwise producing bad fruit) and via being a proponent of HOSPICE which is selling everyone down the river. Like disarming the public and their right to bear arms or not allowing Trump as the President of the USA to build a wall to protect his country or disallowing agents on our border from expelling a criminal MS 13 gang member and expelling an UNWANTED illegal immigrant intent on causing harm which is sometimes hard to detect in short order as are unwanted pregnancies sometimes hard to detect or comprehend or preventing the incarceration and proper interrogation of a terrorist.

    To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
    Anyway abortion isn’t mentioned in the Ten Commandments and if you believe in God  you must know God would have included it if he was against abortion. Not like God couldn’t tell the future, nor have a grasp of language, neither understand the heart of man in general. Jesus said feed my sheep not starve them using hospice as the device and abortion as the excuse, nor starve them of the truth.

    My ex has another thing coming but not from me but when he faces his maker whenever that may be. He won’t even capitulate that the things he did were unnecessary and terrible. I don’t apologize for destroying the picture of him. I think at the time he was sleeping with his daughter which I explained about somewhere in this post or another one. It was unnecessary, weak spirited, and STUPID. Trying to manage, manipulate, control like a boss who never walks away. A control freak and not a good one. Small-minded. He also mocked me in the powder room but said he would never do that and he did. He lied his ass off over and over again. I handled it nicely and I won the good fight in that regard though I had to go to jail over night soon after but he paid the bail because he knew he caused it but being a big man in his own depraved mind thought he was paying to control me and there is a commandment for what he did and failed miserably but I received a sign from my mom spiritually that God allowed for my sake and for her sake. A reflection on the wall at the Bail Bondsman place of business which reflected on the wall from the light outside into the store and it was B   OB (the B on top of the OB) and this sign was given to me BEFORE I had been arrested. Falsely arrested. The sign helped me. I also was given care at the police station and taken to a hospital and sedated for the occasion which I appreciated and did not seek but needed. It was given to me. Later a man ( a very kind man out of the blue) at the hospital on another occasion told me he would go to jail for his kid to teach his kid right from wrong. We had the conversation in front of the ex and I think he might have noticed however it didn’t seem to sink in very deep. Compartmentalized. As I recall even Jesus threw over the tables of the money changers/launderers. He wasn’t compartmentalizing. Of course the Vatican has been righteously accused of money laundering and child abuse and abuse of their moral authority since the RCC has none and I think began without it. Sometimes anger is warranted. The expression in the picture was kind of as if he thought he had my handle or had me handled. NOT TRUE! I’m still fighting the GOOD fight and I hope each of you who have a chance to read my posts or are experiencing some bad stuff do as well. I’m not gonna look for it or search my blogs to prove anything except

    I know Leon Panetta is severely evil, sarcastic, sardonic and


    Puts on a good act.

    He should not be allowed in our country, IMO.


    Definitely needs to be probed harshly and possibly hung for his part. I’m sure you know what I’m implying.

    Here is an explanation of the prophecy which I think he was mocking about in the picture with the horse OIL painting however I cannot validate it’s content since most people don’t really have any idea about anything in regards to prophecy or biblical precepts and I don’t feel like reading it right now.

    What I do know is the whole FISA debacle is like a train wreck and a diversion from the truth about Benghazi and no one even got close to the truth so what makes anyone think we will now in regards to the FISA rigamarole. Notice how everyone ignores the Vatican yet every country leader goes to the Vatican and you can’t say that about any other state giving them moral authority and the RCC has none.

    I don’t wonder why…. I know why.

    The picture of Leon Panetta had to do with the following:

    Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

    I put it in one of my posts on one of my many blogs. Even the past president of Iran believed the prophecy and I saw him exit the DOJ (Eric Holder) under Obama in a hurry as he was bowing to Obama at some big event. Kind of like a layer inside the DOJ (Eric Holder) spiritually. I think my eyes saw what I needed to see like the signs that have been given to me. So if I were the President I would look into the DOJ a little closer. Sure don’t want Iran in charge of justice in the United States of America at any level. HINT HINT. Might still be some Hold-overs causing trouble, if you know what I mean.

Suppressed Details of Criminial Insider Trading Lead

Directly into the CIAs Highest Ranks

Evidence for Informed Trading on the Attacks of September 11

Same goes for swapping cash (trading currency) on the Forex Trade Market. As Michelle Obama intimated “when they go up, we go down.” using tax dollars squandered and stolen by them to intimidate and to manipulate to hurt her enemies. It’s what she was talking about. The Forex markets. I’m sure she and her husband and friends have invested in the Forex Market directly or indirectly but I would imagine it might be a GREAT place to investigate the OBAMAs and their friends. I’m sure of it.

The Apocalypse which coincides with Armaggedon.

She may have pretty arms but so do those who take drugs for muscle enhancement.

Her arms will not stand. (The Black Madonna.)

Pretty arms don’t win wars.

“We have to do it for our children” she said with President Xi Jinping at an outdoor political rally in the USA.

DO WHAT? Hospice?

Pope Francis Likely to Sign Deal on Chinese Bishops

Apocalypse probably has to do with the attack on the Senate and the House of Representatives during the Obama Administration using ObamaCare which set the USA back quite a bit by it (besides 9/11) but I think we are catching up.

A pox on both your houses preemptive attack


of the Vatican, by the Vatican, for the Vatican.

We have a Malachi in our family as well.

I think but I don’t know however I have good reason to believe there is gonna be a confrontation between the two: The Apocalypse and Armageddon. A BIG ONE.

A response.

ONE that actually WORKS.

The first Noel

Maybe there is a second noel?

My main blog with many links that will take you on a guided tour of my other blogs if you read the articles/posts or if you are interested.

Merangue’s Blog

A few vatican related posts written quite a while ago and includes China. 10 years or so ago when the Vatican was trying to force Chinese catholics to be romanized. What difference does it make?? I don’t know, but it does to them! ESPECIALLY NOW:

The Bohemian Grove, the Vatican and the NWO-Revised

The Vatican-The Family Business-The Vatican City

The Fruits of the Vatican

(LOTS OF BAD FRUIT and only the tip of the iceberg)

I know what I would do: I would de-romanize the Vatican and send it on it’s way into oblivion.

Who is LIVI? I read some stuff he wrote and you might find it interesting as well.

Look it up. (LIVY)

Deduct B OB from Barack Obama, then unscramble. What do you get? KARMA

Who in HELL would send their son to North Korea for a school outing. Bill O’reilly? Supposed OTTO died from botulism which is caused by a bacterium called Clostridium botulinum and is supposedly the most potent neurotoxins known to mankind.

A picture of Otto Warmbier when he is at a desk sitting and turned to the camera looks eerily similar to Rev. Wilkerson in the eyes (when he was possessed during a time right before the assassination of JFK which is in my posts about the JFK assassination on Merangues’ Blog linked below. He was a BGEA person as well and resisted before his death outing Billy Graham and the BGEA before his death in his last post) looks possessed almost dracula-like or DRACONIAN as if he wasn’t in control of himself at all. ON METH? ON DEVIL’S BREATH? Hungry for blood kind of look. I saw the look before at a restaurant of all places of someone I didn’t know who was with his family –in laws and wife — who kept staring at me and I had to tell my daughter so she would see and be a witness, She turned around to check it out and it freaked her out. Scared her. It was scary. It wasn’t just me or my fantasy. Some of the time he was okay and then he would turn his head looking towards me and give me the DARK stare of someone possessed as if someone was inside him, HUNTING. It’s like the eyes of a previous Mayor of Rome, which I have written about a well like the priest in the exorcist movie. SIMILAR. Mayor Gianni Alemanno. (Not sure of spelling) who has something to do with the deadly wound that was healed prophetically in regards to the Vatican and was the mayor of Rome during this time of the G-8 I think. Wears a celtic type cross. Watched him talking to the union (cab drivers) and talked about I can’t remember the word he used but basically it was dark having to do with power from the grave and using it. I remember now the word used was invoked which is talked about in some posts below. It also is in one of my posts about him and others, a you tube. He is a fascist, too and I think a protectorate of the Vatican and the religion of Roman Catholicism. Lucifer kind of weirdness. Paul talks about him when at the island between Libya and Italy the island that looks like a bee. Strategic place, at least in the past. The name is Giovanni Allmanno. Something occurred with a cardinal or bishop and I can’t remember his name and with the Mayor Giovanni Allemanno and a celebration or anniversary in regards to the prophecy about the deadly wound that was healed having to do with Napoleon and later Mussolini near the time of the G8 meeting below. It was a prophecy about the Roman Catholic church.  Maybe he was trying to prove something? I don’t know but I think the problems with the religion are very deep problems. The pope was given a few signs  during this time. Later his son ran for some position in government in France. Before the G-8 meeting a young female was raped and killed a gypsy girl and I guess he may have had something to do with cleaning up the mess probably for his son’s sake and to look like a good city to live in or trust unless you are a young female gypsy girl, but then came the earthquake and Aquilla was chosen as a site to conduct the G8 meeting to help it reconstruct because of the damage. Lots of this is illustrated in a few blog posts I wrote near the time it occurred.

I remember his name now BERTONE, CARDINAL BERTONE. Here is the article about it hidden away in some posts.

The Seventh and the Eighth Pope of Revelation- Benedict XVI

but a lot has happened since then so BEWARE!

“ALE means: Type the WOVEN FABRIC you wish to transfer of the body of a saint the Lower World. ale MANNO means: ratio, modus NO means: to swim, float, fly, sail” Josephus adopted son of the Flaviuses in the books he wrote included someone by the family name of OTTO but when I read parts of it I kind of got bored because it was maniacal in it’s writing and was interested in other parts I had read before the OTTOs having to do with similarities to the gospels. I just remember the name was included in his writings. I have a feeling it is more than a first name, but like our last names. The Ottos were rulers of some kind. Not sure about the coincidence of the Ottoman Empire but the Ottos were leaders/rulers in a succession of different kings and things. The Ottoman Empire is “The Ottoman Empire was an empire founded at the end of the 13th century in northwestern Anatolia in the town of Söğüt by the Oghuz Turkish tribal leader Osman.” Perhaps having to do with the Old Testament writings the two books called kings1 and 2 and I think the kings are evil in the eyes of God.

Below is a map of Anatolia.

Compare the map to this one below. Constantinople is Istanbul.

so why not change last names to first to confuse which I read is what the HOLY roman empire does. I think the HOLY roman empire has it’s own divisions/demarcations.

The vatican sucks.

Pope Benedict XVI and Gianni Alemanno

Courtyard of the Gentiles

Affliction and the Time of Testing

Was Pope Benedict XVl trying to communicate something?

The ex went to the store (Walmart) for a few things and one was cereal. He came home upset because the choices were so limited for a regular box of cereal. Most of the boxes are now family size boxes for twice the money and twice the box. Sam’s closed out I heard and thought maybe Sam’s was converting their goods to Walmarts since one is owned by the other but I could be wrong. I was in a rare mood and said he was being ridiculous for being so upset about it and should have bought the family size box. Pissed him off so I said why don’t you go in on it with a neighbor. LOL. Later I thought of the word surreal for the lack of choices in regular sized cereals. Did some deducing and came up with the word Surce (Cersei Lannister) from the movie Game of Thrones and then the word curse.  Looking forward to the Game of Thrones sometime this year. Have really enjoyed it for it’s originality, animation and cinematography. Seems like some of what most of us have had to deal with especially in the last 10 years is karma and the films twists and turns seem to illustrate it. I don’t think you can ever get even because of the other perspectives and because it’s sort of the escalating feature of karma. Similar to the mafia. During the popeship of Pope Benedict XVl he is pictured with a woman from India, I think, and a bunch of other women (wives of the leaders at the G-8 meeting in Aquilla Italy) and she is the only one wearing a color, green. I don’t believe in third generations having to suffer for the sins of the grandparents or vice versa because it is senseless and no one ever learns but probably the purpose of karma is to confuse and to cover . a veil. To continue doing it because it helps the RCC. Obviously the Roman Catholic Church has taken the wrong course but it’s not unusual for the RCC to go astray because it keeps them afloat. MAYHEM I  heard the devil had entered the Vatican by some article written by a cardinal or bishop one who I think was the official exorcist. As you can see from the articles above linked about the Vatican there is nothing new under the sun. It’s their MO. The Devil was always at the Vatican from it’s conception, inception, and deception or why would the RCC need an exorcist. Lately in the news the Democrats have been under fire for FISA or is it Trump but the intelligent news lady kind of put it into perspective of a circle eating itself. An the incept has been repeated by others in the press. The curse in the garden of eden is similar. Her name was Catherine Herridge who coined the concept first as I recall. 

Like oral sex and then kissing


Amazing how the ex can’t seem to compartmentalize a box of cereal and yet hospice he can. Whether or not his mom wanted to be hospiced as he claims, my mom didn’t. She would have wanted to have seen me so I know it was murder. I blame those involved to some degree but I think they were tricked and how it was used as revenge, but I know who is behind it and how it progressed and have explained to some degree and I know why:

because of the mustard seed lie.

Every 2,000 years something BIG happens biblically speaking. It’s due.

The church can’t handle the truth and such a small one.

I know it is EVIL


Tell No Man

I AM AGAINST THE VATICAN for this reason and many other reasons and because the VATICAN is UNREASONABLE. Like the T-REX. IT HAD TO BE DESTROYED.



and The Book of Revelation’s opinion as well.

(This is for South Carolina, Trey Goudy……”a foreign power interfering with our democracy”…../republic, but the Vatican is a foreign power and a state sponsor of terrorism, is it not?)  Instead of kissing Paul Ryan’s ass as you are exiting prematurely why not 

Sixpence None The Richer – Kiss Me (She’s All That official music video)

sometimes it’s better to be on the outside than the inside.

Anyway, the demolition of the Vatican will happen probably quite soon from the signs I have seen, by hook or by crook, which is the crux of the matter.

By the way the ad on Fox is disgusting. NEVER MORE READY TO FALL IN LOVE AGAIN though catchy it’s still disgusting. DOES she have her settlement?

To Mitch McConnell – sequestration is not the worst damage dealer to our armed forces. Hospice was the worst damage done to our armed forces and not honoring the deal made to our service people who joined the armed forces (obviously for the politicians inspired by the Vatican to hide the truth and manipulate politicians and our leaders.)

Hospice was the ultimate betrayal of our armed forces and veterans.


Sequestration will hurt you and not our armed forces.

Our armed forces are pretty strong and wants the best for the USA.

Many of the people in our armed forces have fought in wars and they can handle it even though federal income tax was created SOLELY to equip and strengthen our military to protect our country and it’s people and not for a bunch of federal workers wasting those dollars on pet projects in order to siphon off and suck off (LIKE TICKS laundering those dollars in a multitude of ways) of the american tax payers and patriots (veterans and our armed forces)

for the VATICAN (its people and its workers whom it betrays) instead of the USA

and betraying the USA.

General Mattis doesn’t doesn’t agree, didn’t think… he wood. He doesn’t understand mutual deterrence and thinks Russia is the greatest enemy on earth and is short sighted  about his own lusts. Obviously doesn’t think we have a strong military though it could always improve IN THE RIGHT WAYS and thinks terrorism isn’t as much of a threat to the USA as Russia. I don’t think our military is paralyzed because of politicians like MATTIS, but I could be wrong.


If Russia is responsible then tell us about it?

I think Gen. Mattises first allegiance is probably to the Vatican and/or the Saudis or trying to curry favor. The Vatican doesn’t like Russia either OBVIOUSLY. Constantly trying to get us to confront PUTIN. What happened to the days Putin was hanging out on the ranch in Texas with the Bushes? Trump isn’t even allowed to talk to Putin by the standards of McCarthyism these days and the things that occurred before, during, and after WWll of the war against fascism, Nazism, Hitler, and those who betrayed their own people and everyone else and even each other. It’s Vatican related type shenanigans.

Brother against brother etc to fulfill prophecy and


the Vatican boat.

Not just idealistically, but financially. The Vatican needs those tax dollars and salaries paid by those tax dollars and probably from countries all over the world.

President Trump some GOOD advice:



it won’t go well for you.


He is a troublemaker and causing trouble. He works for the Vatican and Notre Dame and doesn’t give a shit about anyone nor about women its a game and only cares about himself.

Everyone in your administration is gonna suffer because of Gen. Kelly.

He is a sneaky bastard.

I would not be surprised if he wasn’t one of the men involved in the rape of the woman at the Pentagon whose husband had just died in Vietnam. He liked to take credit for the work of others or for their information  etc which is I think how he became such a high ranking general. What I knew of him which wasn’t much but my impression from my experience growing up with his family in some of the places we were stationed his family was a bunch of duds LOL sorry but true. I didn’t hang out with them except a few times but my sister was friends with their kid as tots.

The guy I knew who I think he is used to walk in on us going to the bathroom when we were on the toilet. It was a joke in our house because he had habit of it. He did it to me and I could tell it wasn’t an accident but we should have locked our doors in our home when he was there for parties etc. More like he caught us going to the bathroom. He is a fucking nut. Under the calm exterior is something else and it isn’t good. I saw his son in Syria. Why he was there I have no idea but I recognized him. His son came to visit me in college once to check on me which I thought was weird and we walked to the grocery store together because i had no car and had to walk quite a ways to get there and back and we conversed platonically as pseudo friends and we really weren’t friends at all as far as I knew. the only thing we had in common were our sisters and our age. How he got to my  house was weird as well. I have no idea but somehow he appeared to check on me. Why? I have no idea. His daughter was friends with my older sister and his parents friends of my parents being in the same branch of the military and because of my older sister. My sister went to visit them in France while we were stationed in another country. He nicknamed my sister as well and we called her it for most of our life. WHY? I DON’T KNOW. I haven’t ever figured out why she didn’t have a middle name. She is the only one in our family without a middle name. If I could name her a middle name it would be Sapphira  from the Book of Acts. She loved sapphires and because of the things that occurred. Then at the office she wouldn’t let me call her it (her nickname) for some reason, after many many years and then his daughter on Fox news….wow how weird. I could tell she had a speech impediment is how recognized her. She had been deaf for the  most of her life and talked the way this woman who made an error in her monologue fell back into for a brief moment and then I realized who she was. It was Nancy. He proceeded to tell me I looked like Moe of the three stooges sometime during our walk. I had bangs. He was a real winner himself. NOT!!!! I was kind of surprised by his visit. I was going to night school in order to get into day school and the place I was raped by a gang (three guys). Drug induced rape. I went for a beer with my friend after work who stopped by and since we didn’t have a car walked to a nearby place on the strip and I woke up in a room with a big window my friend slouched on a bench in the room fully dressed but out of it and I got her up and got out of the place. FUNNY COINCIDENCE.  She had a short cut at the time like Moe but she was beautiful naturally a dancer and mine had grown out but I don’t think I looked like Moe. I was asked to be in an advertisement, nothing phenomenal but I bit and did it for nothing. I was picked out for my stunning beauty. NOt really but they didn’t pick me out for my lack of it. I was approached. It was only an experience for a couple of hours of silliness. I wasn’t interested in getting in the business of modeling having tried it once and failed not because I wanted to but because my mom took us when I was a ki to an agency and we weren’t tall enough or pretty enough or whatever it was the agency wanted but Washington DC isn’t known for beauty or wasn’t till plastic surgery made it’s mark. Very few come by it naturally and even less deserve it.

I would have defended Sapphira of the Book of Acts and her husband in the Book of Acts because they were dealing with a cult and testing the cult and had a right to test it!

I wrote in another post either on this blog or another I think her husband fucked her over in the Book of Acts in order to put the fear of God in the people in Jerusalem at the time and that is not right. Jerusalem was occupied meaning at the time of the death of Jesus in the Book of John Jerusalem was occupied by those who were fascists and occupying the city and people do horrible things when fascism is in control in order to survive or save their kids or to get by. Not given all the proceeds from land the couple sold is not a sin especially if it’s a gift. Obviously the people involved in the scam of Sapphira and possibly against Ananias if he was on the level which I think he used Sapphira and the cult was taking things to the nth degree as far as truth goes for monetary gain. How did the person who accused them of lying about the value of the land sold know they had lied? It was a trap or entrapment and instead the cult stole the land and killed Ananias and Sapphira. The Book of Acts occurred after the Gospel of John and is in this order in the bible because whoever killed Jesus was lording over the people afterwards threatening them and had already killed Judas who had no choice because of who was occupying Jerusalem and causing havoc and is why Jesus came to help some people who were in the crosshairs of the church of Rome and the religion of Islam. Jesus the one who said truth is the way would not have killed the couple, but the church of Peter (the RCC) would especially if the occupiers were Jesuit who take a vow to the devil. Benedict XVl I think wrote a book about Truth in Charity but I doubt he would kill over it. I think he was replaced by Pope Frances who is a Jesuit because Pope Benedict XVl let out a few truths such as faith being a new concept or he called it the new enlightenment employed to inspire which happened to be islamic and probably because of Islam hoping for a partner and because of fear and Pope Benedict also said that maybe the jews were not responsible for the death of Jesus and tried to turn the RC Church around for the sake of the people. He also warned about the World Government with Teeth. After, he was replaced by Pope Frances and he was mocked as well and on the internet and mocked as being the son of Stalin during the Obama Administration because in the Jesuits mixed up version of Jesus he was considered a traitor to the church of Rome hence the name Benedict as in Arnold though he may have chosen the name for a different reason, but could be a sign. I think the Book of Acts was an attempt to mock Jesus who spoke about truth after he was mocked and killed. Thousands can be wrong and the whole is not more important than the sum of it’s parts as Obama tried to infer who mixed up a lot of people and I heard the artist who painted the picture of Obama also painted pictures of people decapitated. Why would he choose an artist who makes money painting pictures of decapitation as if it is good? were the decapitated heads not important? It’s a part of a whole. He must be islamic inspired. If I were to paint an animal i wouldn’t paint one eating it’s prey. Nature is sometimes harsh.  As far as Michelle’s painting all I can say is the dress is a bit much but so was she and the depiction of Michelle is not flattering but many an artist don’t like to flatter females especially in the past. In the past male artists were allowed to paint anything and females in the past were not and males did not flatter females for some reason but did flatter men. I think Michelle was prettier after her surgery so maybe the painting was painted before it. Maybe it’s a sign. She wasn’t an eye sore before her surgery but a big difference occurred in her looks after her surgery between terms and around the time of Benghazi. He flattered her a bit much too and it is a bit yucky. She’s so HAWT. He is so SWORMY/SWARMY. As for the paintings I agree with the commentator on Fox about the paintings (the Obamas) and the paintings of them will be a joke someday and I bet will be urinated on as well in the end possibly shit on too as it should be and then burned. I saw a picture in National Geographic of a female queen of Egypt supposedly the last female to rule and she has this thing on her chin but I think she had her head on an object and was beheaded on the object on her chin. She probably was lying down and then a cult emerged with weird objects on their chins. Either the cult meant female as slaves from then on or in remembrance. But we don’t know as of yet, do we. I think Obama used his wife like the false Jesus used women and their asset what ever it is: I forget the word used in the bible but he used them just like Obama used everyone especially women. It is written about in the first three gospels. Obama used Michelle because of her race. PERIOD

I hope she figures it out someday

unless being called HOT

is all it takes

for her to be



The devil hates women. WHY? because they have a sense gifted to them by God. Instinct but have to learn it via experience which takes a lot of time and experiences to learn and because the daughters of the RCC (offshoot religions) broke off from the RCC having learned some things about the RCC. 

The real Jesus meant that the Ten Commandments is the way the truth and the life and the God who inspired the Ten Commandments who called himself I AM and told Moses to tell the Hebrews I am that I am and they followed Moses.


I’m not a fan of Gen. Mattis or the other General often invoked lately. He reminds me of someone who got lost in the Congo. MIA and I think he and his betrayed my family for Rosemary’s baby. He wasn’t into women’s rights or the rights of females and liked to take credit for things “AS I SAID or As I say” earlier in a post before this one I think. He liked to keep females subservient and in the dark. I saw his son in Syria and the other son thought he was Jesus (Schitzophrenic). IT MUST BE IN THE DNA. He hasl had polio as a child so could have a nexus.  Not all the time just when he was in a bad state of mind. I guess. The general goes by a different name now. Once it was BUGLIOSI who made lots of money defending a one bullet theory for the assassination of JFK. What did he get but sold lots of books and won many cases EXCEPT ONE. One of his daughters works for Fox News and is against hitting. I wonder what she thinks about incest..father daughter sex and I wonder what she thinks about hospice with permission or even why she thinks at all. Maybe she likes it. Funny because her dad was for it as in the hit of JFK. Appears he got his reward and so did she for the time being but for how long is the question. She was for molestation as well, it appears, and for sexual harassment. She was used by her dad and others. IN THE DARK so to speak and making excuses as we write. He is the one that nicknamed my older sister who was best friends with his younger daughter for quite a while, the one who called me that fateful day and gave me her advice. General Kelly. His new name. General Kelly should have learned  a lesson from my dad what to do when someone is angry and in an altered state (too much alcohol in a frustrated state of mind) and pushing your buttons to go out remove yourself from the arena and situation and go to a movie or two. He learned this by going to meetings of how to deal with an alcoholic he loved. My mom had some issues such as her sister dying at age 26 hanging laundry (the one whose husband tried to manipulate her body to induce a miscarriage by driving her down a bumpy dirt road earlier and after her death while hanging laundry to dry and breaking her neck from the fall off the roof of the building with bleach in her body found via an autopsy and he took the kids to Georgia and remarried. Her sister was her best friend.) and before this event her own dad leaving the marriage to her mom and family of 7 kids for a rich woman who had no kids when she was only 14 years old, being accused of racial prejudice as a real estate agent even though she hated the word nigger often used by people and during 60’s and 70’s in places lie Georgia, Alabama and Texas.. She had prejudices as everyone does but she tried to be fair and wasn’t a bigot. She was exonerated. Many people have biases but in business they try to be fair. My uncle was like that. There is nothing wrong with having a bias unless you drag someone down dirt road or hang them for their color. I have not met one person without a bias and usually biases. Judging a person based on biases is dangerous but it happens all the time which is why we have laws to protect against racial and gender bias but as you can see those laws don’t always work because of those biases. But some people like to take it to the extreme. For instance: When working for a company a transvestite wanted a job at the company I worked for. She/he approached my boss and myself while on the street and not very nicely and then approached me for a job. Two separate incidents. I sent she/he to the boss. She/he had really hairy legs and wasn’t right in the head at the time or she/he wouldn’t have approached us the way she/he did on the street. I think she/he was in transition at the time and mentally unstable. She was not hired and I knew she/he wouldn’t be hired. I had a good laugh about it sending her to the boss but not outwardly though because of she/hes feelings and because it put my boss on the spot, but I wasn’t in charge of hiring she/he. I didn’t really know what she/he was but the business was the kind of business where the clients were attracted to the place by the product and the presentation of the product. I don’t know the population of she/hes who are in transition but probably a lot less than one percent. She/he was kind of an angry person by the way she/he approached us on the street. It wasn’t our fault. Threatening. I don’t remember what she/he said but we felt threatened. Kind of like a Looking For Mr Goodbar kind of threat. That ain’t no way to get a job. She/he could have been a cross-dresser….not sure. I wouldn’t expect to get a job from a transvestite or a cross dresser. I wouldn’t even try but I sure wouldn’t hang he/she from a tree or drag her/him down a dirt road. I didn’t raise she/he and nor did my boss. I wouldn’t prevent her/him from getting a marriage license or from having an operation she/he needed and I would have baked her/him a wedding cake. There are limits. As far as having a separate bathroom I would expect the locality of the person and the school to handle the situation nicely. Doesn’t mean you have to build a separate bathroom but you can devote a separate bathroom or allot a time to a bathroom. Usually schools have more than one set of bathrooms. I think expecting extreme condolences/conditions one must also expect extreme reactions but some people like undue attention for the wrong reasons. Political/religious folly. Funny because as far as the rights of african americans in regards to bathrooms or water fountains or taking a bus in the past was kind of the opposite range. I was attacked by an african american female in a bathroom but other african american females supported me when I attended a school in an african american neighborhood when the infamous bussing experiment occurred. She stood in front of the mirror when I was brushing my hair threatening me. I stood my ground and asked her nicely to move and she pushed the brush towards my mouth. She was a bully and I was the only white girl in the bathroom at the time. I didn’t start the confrontation. I survived and didn’t go to the principal because it was a small thing and I had much harder things to overcome. It didn’t even occur to me to go to the principal because my life was not threatened. There was harm, mostly emotionally because I was a little shook up by it, but not overly harmed. I remember it but it ended well.  Sort of a quick exchange. It hit my face. She was a twin and a big girl but she did it because I was white and in her neck of the woods. She never bugged me again, but other people did. The other girls made the difference, I think. Their reaction which was not huge, but nice and sort of peer pressure kind of way in the right way. I think their reaction made her feel guilty or something but I had previously befriended a few of the girls sharing cigarettes when we smoked in the bathroom and was  also taboo. I was also molested in the hallway but it was a very crowded hallway and I didn’t know who did it and I was wearing hot pants and was able to get away from the hands. I was offered heroin and asked out on a date by an african american guy who offered me the heroin and I declined nicely. I was pregnant at the time and freaking out about my plight and I didn’t want to overdo it with my parents who didn’t know at the time and wouldn’t have dated a heroin addict and at the time an african american. I was a kid. We didn’t really date. I wasn’t an adult. My best friend at the time was sleeping with the Math teacher and my Art teacher was kind of testing me because he knew. I could tell he knew either about my friend or me or both. He was friends with the Math teacher. Both of them were white. I would as an adult depending on the person date an african american or any race but I’m too old now.  I was being tested by those other people. I went along with the program of bussing. I didn’t have a choice. I understood the point of it. We didn’t discuss bussing a bunch at our house but my parents brought us up to think fairly. I don’t think we discussed it at all. It was expected. The worst part of the busing program was the half hour drive to and from school on a bus seemed more like an hour and might have been an hour which cut into free time which I spent up to no good with my peers other than ballet class once a week. I had given up my horse the year before for the sake of the horse and because we couldn’t cut him in half between families whom we shared the horse with because of the expenses and because they had a ranch and moved to Texas with my horse and also had a couple of twins who were very young who would enjoy a gentle horse and also because the last stable we stabled him was not sufficient for my horse or me for riding. It was next to a public park and lots of traffic though a pretty area. When I rode in the park people wanted to ride him and it was kind of dangerous for him and for them. He wasn’t always predictable. The first stable we had him he liked to run away with me on him over golf courses the fairways and over golf greens nearby when spooked so we had to move him to a ranch about five -10 or so miles away for the sake of the golf course. Other than that he was gentle. The only problem with the ranch was the distance for my mom and the prairie dog holes and it was kind of lonely. The people were different. Sort of like ranching on a ranch owned by Chuck Connors. VERY VERY ranchy. It was a nice ranch and nice family who were cordial but stuck to themselves as I did but I learned to jump my horse at their ranch near their rose ring and in their horse ring. He was an arabian thoroughbred and had one blue eye and one brown eye. The ranch was near a bunch of corn fields. Fetching him from the pasture was a bit of a game an a chore because he liked to play games with you when you tried to halter him. He was with the other horses and didn’t want to be ridden.  You would get within five feet or so and he would run off and eat grass with his eye on you ready to run. He was an intelligent animal and had a sense of humor at my expense.

While in real-estate it was a time when people were being tested and my mom never would purposefully exclude an african american from their rights. Her friend was gang raped at the Pentagon soon after her husband died fighting in Viet Nam whom she took under her wing. If you ask me I think it was horrendous what happened to her. A betrayal. My dad didn’t make general though he deserved the rank but he took a back seat for a while for african americans in the military and quotas even though he fought the war twice and for young girls and for women/females who aborted an unwanted pregnancy. Sending money to her mother every month as did her siblings to help her survive. My mom was what you call a periodic alcoholic and did not have problems most of the time just every once in awhile had to let it out. Her frustrations. We had few brawls but we overcame them. She was worth it and as a family we were worth it. She had a right to be frustrated but our reactions were not always measured. I remember her with a bottle in her hand walking behind me in an altered state and it scared me but she didn’t use it. (She was not her gentle self when on alcohol.) She was afflicted spiritually sometimes because of the above but we handled it. We were afflicted too but not because of her and him. Because of the shit going on in our country. Backstabbing shit. Political shenanigans even in the military. Male skullduggery. A lot of her friends and especially the woman married to the MIA was a mouse and she tried to help her be a woman because her husband was an asshole. A know it all! Loved to take credit of others. A prick and probably why his son was so afflicted.: her sister didn’t die falling off a roof or her mom and her siblings weren’t abandoned for a rich barren woman, etc. Eventually my mom gained control of herself when frustrated because she had a rock, my dad who loved her and she loved him. Very passionately. Entertainment comes in handy sometimes and actually prevented some bad interactions and he learned some wisdom and so did I by his example and by her example. I am thankful they were and still are my parents. It’s not easy raising kids in this world and takes a lot of patience and experience. They took us camping a bunch of times to show us the world the beautiful aspects of the world and it made us stronger in some ways and closer. We didn’t know how to handle a problem beset upon us via marriage to my older sister though we tried different things but I think my parents are working on it as I write and with God’s help I think they will succeed and our family will be better off for it in the end as we know it because of their priorities THAT were in the right place. Some people don’t cooperate for one reason or another. So it takes longer. Alcohol usually was Gary’s problem and sneaking up on females when they were asleep. Not sure what it is called as far as the verb. It’s not necromancy. It made his advances successful to some degree until the person wakes up and realizes it’s not a dream. I have no idea if on other occasions he wore a ski mask but there was a rapist in the area that did use a ski mask to hide his identity around the time I had my first meeting about the molestation as if spiritually whatever was afflicting him was pissed off.  If it wasn’t him it was something else (or someone else) going on in the same area but they moved soon after. We don’t have ski slopes in Texas but the Kirchers enjoyed a ski vacation about once a year for a while around the same time frame. About 5 women were raped near the church they attended. Within 2-5 miles of their home and the church. The rapist was never caught. I think it was a white male and middle income women in the area in the $150,000 to $200,000 homes. I think the rapist probably snuck up on them as is usually the case. Sneaking up on your victim while they are sleeping next to his wife (my sister) to molest me is very brazen and unusual to say the least. I didn’t know how to handle the situation. I was pretty young when it happened and they were still in their apartment pretty newly married by a few years when the first molestation occurred. It was during the time my sister started studying real estate and going for her license when the rapes occurred and the meeting I had with her because I didn’t like how he was acting at my parents house when we stayed with my parents for a family reunion at a party they had suggesting he wanted to carry me to my car etc , I declined the offer (but he liked to make my sister jealous I guess and me uncomfortable) I got to my car and he had followed in front of my sister and family (REALLY DUMB) but he had been drinking so I left early in the morning without notice because I was upset and I didn’t want to explain at the time. I wanted to sleep and soon after I met with her after my sister and her husband returned home to inform her of the problem and it went into warp city after this meeting and told me she wanted to tell my parents I was attracted to Gary (as the excuse as to why I left) so I left her home upset at the result of my meeting with her and then a phone call the same day from Gary calling me a fucking liar after he got home from work kind of upset and ranting and I hung up. IT WAS VERY HARD! It took a lot of courage for me that day to attempt to talk to her about Gary and it wasn’t like I wanted to (I didn’t put the rapes together with Gary or associate the rapes with Gary going on at the time but I did later on. I didn’t know the women and the police and the press don’t give out much information in regards to crimes as the crimes occur especially in regards to rape to protect the victims, but I don’t think it protected the victims but instead protected the assailant plus I was young and wasn’t watching the news but I was aware of the rapes in the area with very little detail ) and before she joined a company quite a few years later. They house hopped quite a bit even in the same neighborhood but they were receiving quite bit of money at the time from his dad all of a sudden supposedly because of a change in the law about inheritance money and not being taxed at a certain level if given to the beneficiaries but the timing was weird  and my sister got to spend it. He didn’t really spend money, but she did. At the meeting with them that my sister arranged to calm down the family (my sister stayed in the kitchen) he said he would start going to church. An admission, kind of. I accepted his admission, kind of. I tried to be nice about it. I wasn’t after blood and I wasn’t after money, nor a divorce between them, but I was concerned for her children. I had no idea the shit my sister and her husband would pull later on, which I could not have predicted.  I was hoping for the better because I loved her. It was not too much to ask under the circumstances. I thought she loved me. For a long time I thought we had fixed the problem. I made myself clear by ratting on him to her. What else could I do? Have him arrested? Later she would still invite me to spend the night which I thought was kind of weird. I may have tried to do it once but had one eye open so never did again. Before the molestation when I was on the couch sleeping in their apartment he snuck in and was masturbating and pacing the floor around me and she yelled at him from their bedroom and said, “Gary get back in here.” I was super relieved and I was concerned but thought he might have been sleep walking and the next day didn’t bring it up. It was embarrassing to me and I knew it was to her and then later the molestation happened. We went on vacations together with family. Most the time my husband didn’t come on family reunions because he was gigging, but he did pick me up early that morning before my first meeting which was a 5 hour drive. He was at the meeting. But he wasn’t very forceful, pretty silent as well and my sister was clanging pots and pans in the kitchen at the same time a few rooms a way avoiding the meeting she insisted on having. I had already had the meeting with her. He probably felt inhibited and intimidated by my family. Gary started calling him Philly-pone kind of regularly (Pone was kind of silent at the end) and I told my mom that I didn’t like it and it made my husband feel uncomfortable for a few years and he stopped.  I’m sure my mom had something to do with it. She had a way and it was good but I think it put her in peril as well. Resentment type peril by my brother in law and my older sister. It was when I still cared about him and was still married. I defended his honor at the time and his name. He was kind of weak in some ways and didn’t want to rock the boat, but he probably should have however it was family. Tough situation. Gary trying to emasculate him to me and him plus via my sister I’m sure Gary knew of my husband’s problem. ASEXUAL for the most part While my little sister bragged having sex 3 and 4 times a week. I was having it about every 6 months. He had a vericocele and a saxophone. My little sister and her husband ended up divorced anyway so the sex 3 and 4 times a week wasn’t the problem nor the thing that makes a marriage long lasting and besides they also were attacked preemptively as well. They lost their granddaughter who drowned in the pool in the backyard on her third birthday celebration and don’t think anyone was at fault that they knew however there is one person who might have been the reason why because she had a daughter the same age (inheritance because of the success of her in-laws) but I think it was spiritual manifestation attacking for her. She sang like an angel and kind of very pretty blond and worked at the church and complained when her husband ignored her as she sucked his dick during a foot ball game he was watching and she complained to her in-laws about it a few rooms away which flabbergasted my little sister that she was so weird. Licentious and brazen as well. Who in the world would do it but it is what my sister told me she did. She caused mega trouble in the marriage of my sister and her husband. My little sister thought she was a bit much to deal with and imo she broke their marriage up. She had a lot to do with it. She had her eye on the money of the business they owned which my sister helped to some degree to grow. In fact started a new aspect of the business and was her idea which brought in a whole new set of clients. She also took care of kids while her kids were young to bring in extra money which helped her husband in his new business. The daughter in law was the one at my nieces first wedding who said I had something in my eye when I greeted her. Kind of jealous acting and was sitting with my older sister when she said it.  She didn’t say hi that I remember she just wanted me to know something was in my eye. I think she meant I had a beam in my eye, lol. I looked pretty that day for me anyway and had been going through a bunch of shitty shit at the office but was trying to maintain my composure and had shopped with my older sister for bridesmaid dresses for the kids who were in the wedding and for my older sister’s dress which took a long time to find because she was particular to the nth degree but I helped her as much as I could and she didn’t help me when i needed her help. I went shopping the night before the wedding for myself. I think it was the night before and found something on sale which happened to be pretty and didn’t have time to hem it but wore it anyway. I sued to baby sit her kids so her husband and her could have time together away from the kids have a break and go to hotels etc dates etc and sometimes vacations. she told me when I had kids she would do the same and didn’t except once or twice. One for a short date on my anniversary for a couple of hours but her kids did the work. When the wedding pictures were taken of the families involved and bride and groom it was kind of gross. HAUGHTY. The marriage lasted a short while so it was all for show anyway. My niece divorced and before the divorce or maybe after her divorce her in laws committed murder suicide, some land was involved as a wedding gift or a gift from the in-laws before they committed murder suicide. He started killing cats in their yard with a gun or rifle and so my niece divorced him and remarried another guy from St. Marks named HEB in Colorado and I couldn’t afford to go to the wedding at the time ….then they had their honeymoon in Rome. It wasn’t about the wedding anyway it was about the honeymoon.

I think everything kind of messed her up a bit.

I don’t blame her for being messed up a bit just like she didn’t blame me for not going to my mom’s funeral even though I wasn’t invited and her mom who was in charge of the funeral had my mom hospiced without my knowledge or consent. I have no idea if my sister’s kids knew about it when I didn’t. I have no idea. I do know the last time I saw my mom when she was sick at the hospital but better my older sister used her laptop or computer book to visit with my niece so my mom could see her on the laptop and I felt at the time it was a burden for my niece by the way she acted kind of put upon and was doing it for her mom being her mom’s puppet. Performing her duty. Compliant. Kind of like when kids are expected to do a skit for the family at reunions kind of thing. But she had a kid of her own so she wasn’t a kid anymore. I have no idea who in my family and their families knew my mom was being hospiced for two weeks which is quite a long time and didn’t bother to tell me even though I had a right to know since she was my mom, not my grandma, she was my mom. 

 At the very least my niece should have told her mom to tell me,

if she knew.

But then at the funeral of my dad a few years before it was their family in the limo with my mom, not me. Kids and all which is not how it is supposed to be.

Normally the immediate family is with their grieving mom in the limo. My niece wasn’t with my dad when he died. The immediate family was with him. My niece wasn’t with my mom when she was in the hospital except via video cam which doesn’t count. I was with my mom with my sisters and sometimes my brother though he lived very far away so he couldn’t be there as often.

I was placed by my older sister in the third or fourth limo with my aunt and cousin – the aunt who did not like my mom so I chose not to ride in the limo at all at the funeral of my dad.

This was the problem with my family.


Not like the kids were not adults at the time and should have known better and should have said something or offered their seat to me,

but didn’t.

I was raised differently or learned better than my older sister. My sister was OVERBEARING, MANIPULATIVE, AND A SOCIOPATH and everyone was afraid of her even her friends because she was a bitch and there was nothing she wouldn’t do to be number one. She already was born first, isn’t that enough? She got to go to a high dollar university, isn’t that enough which my mom financed via her talents for the most part She had a huge wedding which cost a bunch of money and her reception was at one of the highest costing and most elite place in the city to have a reception. She took a trip around the world with the Kirchers on their private CONOCO plane?

My parents didn’t teach her to be this way.



and he played his manipulation games even on his son and turned him into what he became using jealousy. I saw it and heard about it as well. Because Gary wasn’t a doctor like MARK his older brother and Mark’s wife:UNITARIANS.

Mr. Kircher wasn’t a doctor. He was a SAUDI ass kisser.

The country that attacked New York City and killed thousand of americans

and we ought to teach Saudi Arabia a lesson

not because of the Kirchers

but because Mecca and Medina is

 Sodom and Gomorrah

which is why we have not found the infamous places written about in the bible, because it hasn’t happened yet and we should do something about it because Saudi Arabia is who was behind the attack on New York City and behind most of the problems we have and until we do so worse things will happen to the USA and to Europe and cut it’s control of the Vatican who does it’s bidding and vice-versa. The Vatican is a front for ISLAM.

My little sister and i had a talk about it years before but near the time I had the first meeting. We didn’t want to burden our parents because of my big sister who demanded most of the attention. She took photos thousands of photos hundreds on a weekly basis which takes money to develop.  A lot of money. At reunions she insisted on showing us her photos of her kids and her or videos of an event we attended hours before until it was sickening. Even the ballet teacher knew because my niece sent her pictures and videos of herself (I think it was of the first wedding and honeymoon and expected the ballet teacher to sit down and watch the video of her even though she attended the wedding and she didn’t watch the video. My niece called her about it and I guess didn’t understand why she hadn’t taken the time to watch her videos. She wasn’t her mom and my niece wasn’t her kid. It was ridiculous but she was taught that everyone should watch her videos and flip though her pictures. Other family members complained about this problem of having to watch videos and look at photos. Usually when family comes in town you want to visit them. Make memories and not watch memories of something everyone saw a few hours before. My niece was a great dancer and wanted to see her self (critique herself etc) which is normal but not more than once the same night. etc. At her wedding showed videos of me in the worst light which is not normal either. It was purposeful and I think she did it for her mom. I took it. I accepted it and tried to forgive her for it but I didn’t forget. Her dad took a video of my thighs with my baby on my hip walking to see his daughter’s first car which she was excited about. I saw the video later and hoped it would be erased. and I saw it again and it was still there. He acted like it was mistake but it wasn’t. It was to rub my sister the wrong way and their kids the wrong way towards me. It was sick shit. But they edited their videos of them but not me same goes for pictures. I’m not dumb. Her marriage lasted less than a year or so and she didn’t get to marry the man she really loved who loved her. I wonder why. He suffered depression but I think he would have married her if there weren’t these kind of family problems in their household and I’m sure his family knew some of the rumors. Blame it on rio. They also had a reputation at stake. Maybe someday if we get our shit together. I was married too and did not expect anyone to be interested in my wedding pictures but myself or my children and didn’t force it on others or even my children. My older sister liked to consume my parents and was ridiculous and they tried to be good to my sister hanging material on her walls for free because they knew how and many other things at they home etc when we came to visit, but it had to do with Gary and his family what he did to my sister, to me, to his kids, to the rest of the family and even to his own sister who changed her first name because of what occurred (before the age of 14 or at the age of 14) from Elizabeth to Jessica. She went through some of the same things the Jacuzzi kid went through to the point the Kirchers had to hire bodyguards to protect her when she went to college in Texas. We thought before we knew the connection (which I can’t say we do know the connection for sure but more than likely) it was because of the Kircher money. It wasn’t. It was because she had been violated by family and was being harassed by criminals. I think it was to control her under the guise of protecting her. My sister told me something happened between Gary and her and that Mr. Kircher did something he was caught at by the company he worked for CONOCO Oil for something he was very ashamed of doing. I didn’t ask what it was and if I did ask I wasn’t told. My older sister told me. Jacuzzi kid went through the same kind of thing when she went to New York and lived in Brooklyn and beaten up by a guy after she left home and watched 9/11 from a rooftop the same semester. Her first semester away from home. Weird stuff. It was a reaction I had I wanted to change my name after my operation but it was a family name and wouldn’t have changed a thing, except my name. She got out of hand and everything she did was like a person who had DEEP SEATED problems. She was the one who need a psychiatrist if anyone did.

It was a Kircher manifestation beset upon the family I grew up with.

Obviously, a pattern emerged before I came into the picture. We just didn’t realize it because it was kind of emerging as we were living through it. Something to do with CONOCO OIL, the SAUDIS and

Something About Gary.

Before the second wedding to HEB the family went on a backpacking hike camping trip in the Ozarks and got lost met a bear and the kids separated from the parents to find their way and told us about it when they came home. Very weird story. Very weird family by this time. I think it was Christmas when my sister had me read a letter written in a card for christmas by her other daughter about the devil visiting them during this time around the time my sister was going to North Carolina for women’s retreats with some BGEA people. I think her daughter meant the troubles we had had but could have been saying something else as well. The last thing my sister did was hospice my mom but so much in-between which was really raunchy stuff which I have in my posts and will continue to write about it till I’m satisfied with the results. Needless stuff she did for her reputation. Mean spirited and evil as far as I’m concerned and as far as my mom was concerned blaming us for her husband losing money on the stock market. SHE ASKED FOR IT!

The PeripheralFriends of the kids

The peripheral is sometimes very important but unnoticed because it is on the peripheral. Friends of the kids. Mine and theirs. The girl who gave me the information about where my cat was when he had been lost for 7 weeks and she saw him in the grove of trees and in the bus lane gutter. She was an adopted indian girl to a family that lived near us whose mother said I should wrap myself in saran wrap like she did for her husband thinking I wanted to encourage my husband and the one whose mom I met at the store two times saying the same thing 3 months apart about the school and how everyone was crying about the curriculum and the new rules (teachers and students) and was a teacher at the school having progressed from being a substitute teacher to a real teacher. It was at the same place in the store even where we ran into each other 3 months apart. A TIME LOOP. I thought it was absolutely weird having a conversation about the same thing in the same place twice with the same person but I tried to tell her to leave the school. This happened during the Obama Administration. A lot of bad stuff happened to my daughter at the school and I tried twice to talk her (the teacher) into leaving the school she was complaining about for her daughter who was supposedly being harassed. She didn’t though. She needed the money which I understand. She had never earned much money as far as I know but I didn’t know her very well. She supposedly had an older brother I never saw. Her adopted mother’s voice is the voice I heard when the adult female was hit by a car by a mad person in the Carolinas or in Virginia wherever it happened recently who said something about “magnifying her daughter” because of the death of her daughter that was in the news recently which is a unique reaction and especially since it is what Mary of the bible in the first three synoptic gopels supposedly did about Jesus was to magnify him in her heart. So I think the killing was about the gospels since she referred in a weird way to magnifying her daughter in her death being run over by a car in a crowd. It was her voice I heard (the mothers voice) and then an Iranian filmmaker friend of the kids in my sisters household who we met and seemed nice but was on the peripheral.  She was learning to be a film maker. Very similar. I think there is something to it. And for some reason I think of Sarah Huckabee. I like her as a presidential spokeswoman. Maybe it’s a resemblance suggestive kind of thing – coloring etc. I don’t know. Maybe and maybe not. The reason I brought it up is the peripheral things going on around Gary when I had my first meeting. The ski mask rapes and the peripheral things going on around Gary’s family the daughters of the man who fell into the Grand Canyon at another time. The family appeared out of nowhere in a way. A veil. And yet it sort of sticks out to me. The swirling. One of my nieces friends had some problems. Wanted to be like my niece and Gary made some i don’t know if it was advances but he was a bit funny around her and she him. Nothing you could put your finger on but it was in the air. Which would coincide with what Jesus said about daughters of Jerusalem don’t cry for me, cry for your children, if they do this in a green tree, what will be done in a dry? I was with my kid at the time so it wasn’t just me experiencing it. Anyway Gary was nicknamed the GOLDEN BOY by my cousin who was married to a guy named Crusz who was in the oil business and said he was responsible for finding some oil in the business he worked for by some kind of technology which I think he was lying because he also said we dated and we didn’t. He never asked me out on a date: I had my engagement pictures taken by him because he was a photographer and pretty good at it and my mom asked if he would take them and paid him not a lot because he didn’t ask for a lot. It was good deal. He wasn’t a professional photographer but he was good. I also had had another set of pictures taken by him of me before I had met my future husband which my Aunt said “Beauty is a beauty does” when the picture had been commented on at my uncles house by a family member where I guess he had it on his counter between rooms: Not sure of the comment by her but she didn’t like my mom and I guess she wasn’t a fan of mine yet she was a stunning beauty in her time. Blond hair, angelic almost looking. Earlier my mom wanted me to go out out with him but I declined. She was kind of a match maker but not a professional matchmaker. She matched my uncle and my aunt who blew off her engagement a week before she was to be married when she met my uncle via my mom.  LOL She knew he would be successful and only trying to be a good mom. He was very good friends with my younger sister. Very close and they were Billy Graham sort of followers via the Baptist church she was indoctrinated at and was baptized. The leader of the youth group in the church fell in love my little sister for a while and got a divorce during the time he was their youth group leader of the church and his kids as well. My cousins husband Crusz dad really liked my younger sister as did many older men because she made them laugh, could tell a good joke, good sense of humor, and had a pretty smile and caused some problems of jealousy between my cousin and her husband Crusz though not sure she meant to she was just possessive of their friendship. My sister even got  jealous for some reason. She didn’t want to date him but she was friends with him previously via the youth group and they went to the same school together and had some other friends between them one who was quite a big liar. Stretched the truth for no reason or maybe she had her reasons but kind of silly ones. My older sister warned me about their lies and my younger sister warned me about my older sister’s jealousy. Their relationship before the marriage came between them. At my fortieth birthday surprise party she was comparing my body to hers to her husband and I overheard it because they were sitting next to me. Bizarre. I couldn’t believe I was dealing with jealousy and we never dated. I told her we didn’t date not then but on a few occasions because she said we dated via what her husband had told her and probably during the times she used to call me when she was upset about her problems and I tried to help her often hours sometimes and build her mom-hood up as much as i could because she was a good mom and her kids were fine but the school and the church were trying to convince her they were not fine. They were different, but they were fine. Individuals. Good kids as far as I know. SMART KIDS. Her mother-in- law was hard on her too and was also an atheist. I liked her when I was around her (twice) but I didn’t like what she was doing to my cousin and I think it was to make her feel inadequate and not worthy of her son. Later, her husband liked to get her drunk on wine. He got into wine tasting and boy did they taste a good deal of wine which is why I called them winos in another post. By the third bottle her lips and teeth were purple etc I went out with them and definitely could not keep up and I don’t enjoy being drunk that much. I enjoy tipsy sometimes. Bottle after bottle. He was keeping her drunk I think for some reason. I don’t know if it is because she had attempted suicide but it might have been for this reason which she told me a little about. I never have committed or attempted to commit suicide however as most people who go through a bunch of shit often do. I thought about it but my kids and my parents even though they aren’t here help to stop me from overdoing it in my mind. It’s not an unusual thought when things are shitty, but it’s stupid and does not honor parents or kids. I’m not Juliet of Romeo and Juliet and have heard a lot of stories about suicide. Recently (a few years ago) a girl who shot herself in the stomach and regretted it yet died because of a boyfriend who broke up with her and it was sad and people said basically the same thing “You are in our hearts and in our prayers” as they do when someone is killed too often. Doesn’t it get old? It’s what is said on Fox news all the time and other news stations as well and I wonder how long are these victims in your hearts and prayers. It has become a cliche. If it was truly meant I don’t think Hospice would be so prevalent. I know suicide is contagious with kids and it is a corner our country should stay clear of as much as possible and clear of Hospice as well which is murder suicide. It teaches the wrong thing. It is a constitutional right to bear arms but you have to be careful even with knives. I keep sharp objects in a drawer with other sharp objects though I don’t lock it. My sisters boyfriend whom she dated for quite a long time had a younger sister who had kids and her son died on the firing range by accident and both were kids of a religious christian man and leader of the Presbyterian Church. 3rd generational sin? I don’t believe in it but faithers do. Guns are serious business. I don’t think I have ever held a gun but I believe in the right to bear arms but if you do own a gun you better know how and better be careful and get trained, not just practice and better be sober when you do hold one. It’s a big responsibility.

I think faithers need to teach

the Ten Commandments

as much as possible.

though it’s not easy these days.

I believe war is sometimes necessary, I believe in the right to bear arms

and I think The Ten commandments will help

as an added barrier/border

like the border wall.

The Ten Commandments are the basics. Like learning the ABC’s.

Maybe because she found out we did not date or to keep her drunk I think they may have had some problems under circumstances of their marriage I can see why and I’m glad I didn’t date him even though he was talented. He was younger than me and not my type. There was no chemistry.

Gary hired the youth group leader as a manager.

Anyway my cousins husband Crusz was a geologist by diploma, told me earthquakes are impossible in Texas even though I experienced a small quake in Texas and it is part of the crust of earth so it isn’t impossible. He also prevented his wife from helping me when the tornado hit but I was okay anyway. People lost homes in the neighborhood and nearby lost their lives. The 8 foot 4 inch beam hit my window but it didn’t go through my window. Another small stick barely missed my car and stuck right in to the ground like a little tree.  It was a helluva tornado. The beam kind of exploded the window hitting it but it was a big window with a bunch of panes. So we taped up the window for the time being. The dogs were deeply affected and one started walking like Kimoda dragon afterwards.  Said if she got a flat tire he wouldn’t help her even though she offered the offer to my ex either on Facebook or twitter so everyone could see. Obviously she didn’t mean it. My parents and her parents would have come to check on me since we had no electricity the next night during the freeze. My mom would have come without my dad if he acted like her husband but my dad would have been with her and he would have driven and so would have her dad and her mom. I toughed it out and worked on my hobby using a lantern and kept a fire burning while my ex was on a gig. Kept myself busy. He called the police and they came – a man and a woman and he asked if my ex lied to them. I told them I have no idea if he lied but I’m okay. It was their job to check on people after the tornado. Part of the job, isn’t it? The lady cop was laughing, snickering behind the brick entry of my front door so I knew they were up to something fishy and seemed a bit overdone but tornados have that affect on people who go into shock a bit and lose their minds. It was surreal after it hit to go outside and see the damage done. I think taking the lie (but it was more of a plea) “business” to nth degree was a bit much and cultish acting and all he wanted to do was go to his gig, LOL.

I was kind of a burden. Certainly made me feel like I was a burden

and I didn’t ask him to do it or them. I was being burdenized.

Honestly, I told him I would be fine and he made a big deal about it and it resulted in a bunch of shit. Like I said earlier in a post written a while ago it was like the tornado followed him like a tether from his job to home. I’m pretty positive it was following his phone. ET PHONE HOME. Like he was gonna save me no matter what to make him a hero. Like the L bracket on the garage door device he noticed above my head had been cut. He was able to fix it to save me. Like the impromptu fire (quite a while before) which caused a fire in the chute of the fireplace yet I had seen the firewood hours before because I tripped on the fire wood and knew it wasn’t  impromptu. It was planned.

This is cultish behavior.

My sister had showed my cousin a picture of Gary dancing on a table naked at a frat party obviously drunk she told me about when she did come to my home after my first operation. I have no idea why my sister showed her a picture of her husband in college I guess to see if it was okay? She had a hard time making decisions about people and many other things and probably amassing her allies against me. I don’t know. I would watch a movie and my older sister would ask me what something meant and it was kind of odd because it was obvious and not due to not hearing but probably due to not watching and paying attention. “What does it mean?” kind of questions. I would try to explain ruining it for others round us. Like she had turned the corner or something or was in the process of turning a corner. Some films are hard but not the ones I’m talking about. Gary’s favorite movie was Back to the Future and he watched it a lot. I wonder why he was so infatuated with it. It is the kind of movie once is enough possibly twice ten years later or so or to show someone else. It was on a lot at their home.

 Back to the ….

saran wrap teacher

Maybe more to what occurred than meets the eye as far as this neighbor is concerned. I can not say. Probably has to do with the BGEA, more than likely.

The Saran wrap suggestion was laughable at the time and was not my intention nor ever will be my intention, though I didn’t laugh. I don’t think I did anyway. I thought she was weird but she had a sense of humor not that I understood it and if I had done it which I wouldn’t it would not have accomplished much except make an idiot of me. We weren’t very close obviously and our conversation was unhelpful at the time but it occurred. I was on the verge of divorce. My dog did not like her husband for some reason. He almost got bit by my dog when he came to our house for some reason but she was an old dog. I didn’t know him at all, but her voice was recognizable to me. We had talked often about the problems of the HOA in our neighborhood which was a curse and nothing more. Insurance vs kids having fun in the summertime which the neighborhood didn’t mind for their kids when their kids were growing up but not for ours and no one had ever drowned in the neighborhood pool. ASSHOLES. Because of my operation and septic poisoning it affected every organ in my body and took me a long time to recuperate, lost a lot of hair, weakened me, and the poisoning affected my brain as well. my skin. It takes a while to overcome. I also suffered PTSD. Not just because of the operation but because of the things that were happening. Shock and Awe kind of stuff while still going through it because it continued. So I’m still remembering things, small things but making sense of my life and family and the turn over in our country and the world. I think I have gotten quite far in the puzzle of life probably farther than most. Writing helps. There is much more but it’s not my place nor my desire to share it. I have tried to connect what I think is important to my understanding. I can’t write it all because it would take eons for me to do and some things are better left unsaid because I know what is behind it and I won’t take the responsibility for it. I don’t  have to.


I saw things others didn’t and sometimes when I thought I was alone I wasn’t. I saw shadows and others around some trying to hinder me and some to help me. I kind of know who and why to make me look bad, etc. but I saw them. I learned a lot about what is behind it. Learned about my enemy and how far the enemy will go since the enemy has no rules to live by. It’s a mind bender to understand it. However the rules still apply whether the enemy knows it or not. The enemy doesn’t want us to know that. We have a ton of rules in our country but I’m talking about in a spiritual sense and in God’s eyes and makes a difference for me and my family tree, my parents, my kids, and the family I grew up with etc. Eventually it will work out if we stay the course. I have had some very strange experiences but each day I have a better sense of it and a better understanding even though the deceptions are alarmingly huge and complex. I just have to keep my eye on the ball and maintain my composure as much as I can. It is so easy to give up and so hard not to but I remember the good we had as well. remembering helps and will help my parents and my kids. I have to get over the bad first and it takes a lot of work. I’m sure they do too. My older sister and I hung out together often and had fun together for many years. We went on vacations with the kids without the husbands and had a great time either to my parents home or to my little sister’s condo at the beach which she rented out cheaper for us because I think they had to charge something because it was part of their business. I helped with the kids etc. And later weird shit happened. Little bites/cuts from him and then her. I think she was trying to keep it together and so was I but then the girls grew up into teenagers. He started acting out and exposing himself usually when drinking. I have no idea what was going on at their home front when I wasn’t there. Not sure of the purpose of the acts of exposing himself but I wasn’t doing it, he was. I guess it was to harass me. But so many clues for my sister to realize it wasn’t me that had a problem. It was him and she needed to handle it. He didn’t want his daughter to go a psychiatrist but to leave her alone to work it out. It should have been a clue to her and she was the one who told me and expected me to react and she told me about a father daughter situation at the school the girls attended incest was the main theme but only told me briefly about it because it was hush hush though I had the luxury of learning about it however I don’t trust psychiatrists either. It was a rumor she got wind of. I guess the daughter had asked for help and silence at the same time from the school and the school complied with her wishes. These people were rich people WITH BIG REPUTATIONS going to a very high dollar private school. I can’t say whether my sister was fishing for a reaction. I already did my part as far as I was concerned though I wanted to protect her kids it wasn’t my job. I wasn’t there in the wee hours of the night and morning to know what was going on. I knew one of the girls was troubled having cut herself a bunch with a razor, shaving her head, and other signs, wearing  a ton of make up, angry and introverted, the jacuzzi incident, speeding with the kids in the car about 100 mph in Padre, showing signs of anger, wearing a mohawk which we were warned about to not act surprised, and i wasn’t, an enormous amount of tattoos one a scripture on her back of Ephesians I think but it was a long one and covered her back, an ankh (red) on her arm a big one which she babied at her wedding because I guess it burned and she was blowing on it (I have never had a tattoo so I can’t say for sure except eye liner one time on the lower lid and it was unpleasant and never went back which you are supposed to do to make your eyes pop was what I heard and I was thinking about learning it for cosmetic reasons, a gift from my little sister, however I changed my mind but not against it reasons more like a lot of shit was happening at the time), etc.Weird stuff was happening to them as well around them and around the family. Swirling around them. One was of a family with two daughters who went to the same school. Their dad died in the Grand Canyon walking behind them. He just disappeared and later found dead down below. Then sometime later the wife found a letter or something that exposed his affair with another woman so it made her less grief-stricken by his death. I really think we were dealing with something huge attacking everyone. Probably has to do with the mustard seed and my persistence later on but preemptively attacking him, her, my family and me in a spiritual sense because a lot is riding on the lie about the mustard seed church wise. religion wise. priest wise. Pope Benedict XVl said faith was the new enlightenment(HOW NEW? which makes a difference) and seems to me faith is riding on a mustard seed lie. SOOOOOOO I think it must be a big problem for the church. We didn’t make it up, someone else did but we got caught up in some nasty tactics using us and confronting our spirits, causing havoc because a lot of money has been made on FALSE faith. We were victims of the lie as many people all over the world are by the RCC and it’s nerve center the Vatican where we get an awful lot of false INTEL, deadly intel. A race against humanity and common sense. A race against the truth but I don’t think its will win no matter how fast lies are created.



and people lost their lives over it. Later:

After 350 Years, Vatican Says Galileo Was Right: It Moves

Witch hunts in Europe:Timeline

I think we should have an FBI parade!

I wonder how the members of NATO regarding the countries of SYRIA, RUSSIA, CHINA, North Korea, and IRAN if the USA quit NATO. Probably a lot different. Like BREXIT I think we should USEXIT.


Anyway Former Pope Benedict says he is preparing for home.

What I have learned while being attacked is it is not easy to do good or to be fair in this world!

I think truth helps, but it’s not easy and believing in God helps and why it is so hard because a lot of people don’t want to believe in God and some who would do anything for God thinking God told them to accomplish something like Bill O’reilly rewriting history the Jesuit way as an independent press person and former history teacher and he thought God had told him to write a book called Killing Jesus in his herptology or nonology of killing books. I didn’t hear what he heard, but I doubt it was God however he had the right to write the books. :

What do you call 9 films in a series? 

Jun 16, 2008 – A Nonology is 9 in a series: • 2 in a series = Sequel or Duology • 3 in a series = Trilogy • 4 in a series = Tetralogy • 5 in a series = Pentalogy • 6 in a series = Hexology • 7 in a series = Heptalogy • 8 in a series = Octology • 9 in a series = NONOLOGY • 10 in a series = Decology • 11 in a series = Undecologies”
to undermine the masses and do the work for the Cult of the Jesuits. I’m sorry the ORDER OF THE JESUITS.

They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God a service.

Used to say a service. IT does now though. LOL It didn’t awhile ago. back and forth kind of thing like a ziggurat. I should have quit smoking a long time ago. I picked a bad day to quit smoking.

I think the Ten Commandments are helpful, but not to the letter of the law since our knowledge is so fractured by a lot of road blocks and set backs and time and lots of interference by those that either fear it or hate it, and even by those that don’t.

It doesn’t help to have verses in the bible like

Mark 8:35: “Whoever wants to save his life will lose it but whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel will save it.”

SINCE the gospels had not been written yet!

This is a lunatic. Like saying whoever wants to earn money won’t and whoever wants to steal money will. It’s insane. Anyway the Ten Commandments is much more common sense than Jesus of the Gospel of Mark. Whoever wants a christmas present isn’t gonna get one but those that don’t want a christmas present will get a christmas present. I could go on and on but I won’t OR WILL I? (I was reading a little about Aquila and Priscilla followers of Paul and this verse came up as his kind of insanity. The reason for looking up Aquila is because of those 160 something digital penetrations of girls who only wanted to learn how to be gymnasts. Aquila was a native of Pontus and was married to Priscilla. Pontus was a greek orthodox area located by the Black Sea in Turkey. Aquila and Priscilla taught Apollos “the way of God more accurately.” Apollo was a god in greek and roman mythology. Apollos is short for Apollonius. )

If you have a roomful of 100 people and 99 of them think this way, it can be problematic. Or if you are on a boat with 500 people and 499 of them believe in this nonsense chances are you won’t make it to the shore.

I have heard you have to read things in context which is reasonable but you also need to take things out of context to isolate the BS and compare to other similar settings by comparing the gospels and similar situations or versions of the same account and there is quite a bit of  differences. Gary proposed to my family to isolate me so I would return to the fold. Our family now was my older sister and Gary’s fold. My little sister told me over the phone his idea in secret. She was keeping me abreast of the situation to some degree and suspicion was growing in my family. Then I heard that my my dad thought I was blackmailing Gary which is what Gary thought the Jacuzzi kid and her husband were doing to him which sounded REAL fishy when I heard it and when I heard that my dad thought I was blackmailing Gary. He might have been trying to bring forth more information as well and playing him or didn’t know what to say at the time dealing with a few lunatics. It is/was hearsay. He never told me he thought I was blackmailing the Kirchers. This was before the meeting with my brother and sister about Gary which is how bad it got. Crazy stuff.  I think that may have tipped a few people off however it was probably too late.  We did have the meeting and before the meeting Gary was fishing then. Obviously the BGEA was part of the problem. Billy Graham proposed to other preachers and religious leaders to refrain from criticisms of each other. Same kind of shenanigans. Recently a congressman said basically the same thing about other politicians and reminded me of Billy Graham. I think it was an uncomfortable situation for the family to cope with him and my sister and I can imagine the undertones when this was said at my parents home when the family was together while I wasn’t there. How to deal with it was really tough as well as other things going on at the same time. Anyway my family and I for a while did reunite with my parents but I think their lives were shortened because of this cultish nonsense we were dealing with. Mine was definitely damaged and it affected my health and relationships and my overall disposition. It affected theirs as well. But after Gary proposed to isolate me my brother and my little sister and I met for a meeting to try to contain the problem for the sake of my parents and my relationship to my parents and for the kids. I’m glad we did but it didn’t stop the trouble we faced. Lots of twists and turns. Unmanageable. Strange occurrences which really screwed us up. Sort of otherworldly. My older sister and her husband were not complying to contain the problem and may not have actually agreed to the standard my brother hoped the family would try to abide by. I know Gary had hinted about the meeting to my brother because he told me he was trying to find out what the meeting was about before the meeting occurred. Obviously he knew what it was about but was acting as if he didn’t know. My brother was a lawyer a good one and he knew Gary was fishing and he told me how Gary was acting before we actually met at the meeting so it concerned him to some degree. He was staying in their home at the time. He changed after that meeting so something happened to him and I still don’t know what occurred but something did. Something bad. After my dad died I started studying and comparing, learning about the bible, the gospels, some of the old testament to understand what I was dealing with so it did not overcome us in total and I gained some knowledge for their sake and for mine and started posting my views and my findings and I think it is affecting everyone now and it needs to in order to get a positive affect because we are at war. A very unusual war but we are at war and it’s called ARMAGEDDON, THE APOSTACY and REVELATION. My family is gonna win. We didn’t ask for it, and it wasn’t our idea, but we will win the day but being isolated I falter as well like today and on a  daily basis. My mom was extracted from me by Hospice without my consent or knowledge and it was and is hard to imagine or understand the kind of person who would do it because of someones sexual propensity or as revenge and try to make me atone for it. She wasn’t raised to be a shit but shit she was. She wanted all the respect and love and got it for a long time and it didn’t help because she hung out with a bunch of shits who thought their shit didn’t stink. It wafted on everyone else. She eventually personality wise scared people to cross her. I did anyway and I crossed him too. Still am crossing them by writing about it but it’s my kind of therapy.

Whatever we were dealing with did not win and will not win the day.

Ain’t plant life good? Flora Obama presented his portrait by a very good artist for their LIBARY. I think it would have been more appropriate to have portraitized him with a de-scepter (he brought it up WHICH IS WEIRD) because of his overwhelming propensity to deceive (IMO) but the portrait was good as far as art is concerned which isn’t always truthful. I didn’t watch while Michelle’s portrait was showcased on TV on Fox News so will check it out some other time and comment. I suppose she is gonna be Fauna Michelle or Merryweather Michelle? When I get a chance to see the portrait I’ll add my two cents. I added it above and it may seem harsh but so were the Obamas to our country and very good to our enemies. It’s kind of funny because I’m sketching my dad at this time trying to improve the portrait I had done years ago and doing more portraiture which I stopped for a long time because I got into some other things such as writing, my therapy, and the things I found out about via reflecting on the past events. Sometimes it seems like I’m repeating myself even in this post but trying to put it together again coherently. Sometimes one memory brings another forgotten piece of the puzzle and pertains to the subject I’m working on and is necessary for me, not necessarily for anyone reading my perception of what is occurring these days and in the recent past but hoping my parents see the things they didn’t see while alive from my perspective even though they have died because I know they see things I don’t see and are able to communicate to me. Not as in a ouiji board but spiritually. Been watching a show about climate change and about the national park which was visited by Obama while in office of the President, Yellowstone Park documentary on NETFLIX which is really interesting and shows how climate warming in the area has helped the herds grow vs the wolves which at certain times are shot because they get too big in number and harass the ranchers herds, etc.  So not all change is bad. I think it’s supposed to change, kind of like the seasons. I went to Yellowstone as a kid with my family and we camped it and had a lot of fun. Had a run in with a bear when picnicking who came to our site so we had to run for the car and we fed it cookies out our windows. You are not supposed to do it but at the time we didn’t know. I don’t think it was a grizzly but dangerous. Saw a mother bear and her cubs on the side of the road as we entered the park which stopped traffic and for photography by the other tourists and we filmed it as well. I think the bears were black bears which can be very dangerous as brown bears and other kinds as well. We fed wild chipmunks raisins which was a really good memory as a kid and was a fun activity. These are my memories. Also met my cousin there who was my mom’s old sister’s (the one that broke her neck) daughter as a young adult. Played soft ball with her near the Grand Tetons. Kind of strange she was there. It’s not like Yellowstone was nearby her (she lived in Georgia) that I know of but it must have been planned to meet her by my parents. We nicknamed the Tetons TEE- TWAN-TEE-TONE because the area stunk. I don’t think the mountains stunk but for part of the trip it seemed like it, beautiful though, because of the gurgling emissions probably from the geyser OLD FAITHFUL or the pools nearby wafting into the mountain campsite we were at. Smelled like sulfur. Spoiled eggs. It was a great trip and worth doing. Smelling campfires and hearing people near bedtime camping and the smells other than the sulfur, the sounds, the views and the skies. A lot to take in. Absolutely beautiful place to vacation and a ton of things to see and do. I last saw her (with my daughter as a tot at the time) with my mom for lunch and then heard later she left on a Christian missionary trip to Russia which at the time was the Soviet Union. Not sure where in the Soviet Union she went somewhere in the south, I think, but she died in car wreck on the trip. She was also named after my mom by her sister. We didn’t see them very much in our lives but my mom corresponded with her and kept in touch as much as she could which was her talent, one of many, and for a short while we lived near her in Georgia. Her last name was HURD. My husband and i bought a 6 person camping tent and what did we use it for? Well we never went camping with the kids. We used it in the backyard for a weekend. He gigged so we never did much as a family and my kids missed out on a lot of things. We did go to the beach and my first daughter loves the beach as I do and she never got burned because I was a good mom and bought a tent, a beach tent, which my husband left at the last vacation we took before the divorce and he owes me one. About ten years ago was my a last vacation. It was foldable tent but he left it anyway at his brothers temporary home in North Carolina and he didn’t bother to send it back. He got a divorce, his third but it’s okay because he’s catholic and the divorces were not his fault but the fault of all the women he married. Alcoholism had nothing to do with it and nor did double standards, lol. I’m glad I divorced him though we live together out of necessity it isn’t easy. He promised I would get it back and lied his ass off again. A natural behavior for him.

I want to bury you and you to bury me kind of guy. I wish I had known that to start with but I love my daughters and they are worth it. However if I had had foresight I would have left him the moment my second daughter was born and divorced his ass. I don’t want to bury him or him to bury me. I’d like to skip it, thanks. GEEEEEEEZ.

Please help me God.

The crux of the matter is Hospice is why we have had the problems in our country for following a gigantic asshole church and it will get worse if it is ignored but lemmings are hard to convince. Oregon is the first state to have legalized assisted suicide WHICH Salem is Oregon’s capital and I don’t think it is merely a coincidence.  DO YOU?

Symbolic, yes, but it’s not a coincidence.

To be honest I had forgotten the capitals of the USA some of them anyway but remembered about Oregon just now. I don’t often think about the capitals unless I have to because there are so many other things to think about and I certainly have done my share and shared it.

In any case Jerusalem isn’t in Oregon.

Thought it was odd when the Senator BILL NELSON from Florida commented on Fox about the massacre at the school in Florida that he had been hunting with his son the same day. What is really weird is Senator Nelson resembles Billy Graham as if he shears his DNA.

Talk about reprehensible and CALLOUS to mention hunting on the same day. Where was he hunting? In Broward County? I think so. Does he sleep with his eyes open?

A valentines gift? It is also Ash Wednesday.

Senator Nelson makes a lot of money at what he does and whatever happened to the saying


It’s estimated he could be worth as much as $323 million. How about donating his worth to the families he failed for ASH WEDNESDAY to show his love of God. THE RCC and THE MORMON CHURCH DUMPED HIM and OBAMA PICKED HIM UP and oh boy talk about being between a rock and hard place.

Said he was for the constitutional right to bear arms but not in this case. Duh. Said the kid was of age hence he could get the death penalty and  Kind of jumping the gun and serving justice before he had real facts. Obviously politicizing the massacre to make inroads on gun legislation. I thought it was a bit early but he must needs votes. I don’t appreciate it because it makes me think perhaps massacres are caused by politics and those who would use kids for a political movement even at the expense of their lives. It happened in Broward county, same county as the hanging chads. The Senator sounded a little slow as if he suffered from some kind mental disorder. Perhaps he needs some help. TOO OLD FOR THE JOB because his age is showing. Not everyone shows it the same way but he certainly displayed it. I think he’s Obamas man. My bet is he’s an evangelical and part of the BGEA. If I were a Floridian I’d vote him out of office and shut his piehole. It’s unnatural that it is located on his face. Must be a genetic disorder and must needs to be RECTIFIED.

(Isn’t it funny how senators of states for some reason don’t bear responsibility for what happens in the state the senator represents, as if he had nothing to do with it? I think he ought to take some responsibility for this crime! )

Rushes idea about illegal aliens and not having voting rights for 25 years is a great idea (saw him on Fox for a brief shining moment) or perhaps never having the right to vote but have the right to live in America and strive. Women went without the right to vote for a long long time and perhaps illegal aliens need to earn it even more so to know who their allegiance is beholden to. Is their allegiance to the USA or to Mexico and to the RCC and to learn how to be American. Is their allegiance to what purpose and is it because of ignorance as Pope Francis said he was prone to and as most popes, cardinals, bishops, and priests are prone to as well to float their own boat at our expense and everyone else’s expense using hospice because the RCC is lacking and found


Define wanton: merciless, inhumane; having no just foundation or provocation : malicious 

Looks like dumpling’s but isn’t, it’s dough wrapped around some pork in a broth.

Ritalin Side Effects

Later heard that the kid might have been on some kind of —-trophic drug (didn’t hear the beginning of the drug name type) which might be the problem as well. Perhaps he was on Ritalin which has been pushed on families of overactive boys mostly to control them  but also has major side effects which could actually cause massacres or weird murderous behavior caused by bullying or being a bully. Put the link above for you to read about it. I don’t think schools and churches should be in the mental health business but the schools and churches did play a part in some of the problems kids face today because there are teachers who aren’t very good teachers and would prescribe ritalin to the parents of an overactive boy for a natural tendency in some boys in order to not have to teach boys but of course their hands have been tied by the public school system because of a few as is jumping the gun. Sounded as if the school knew the kid was a problem ahead of time and didn’t do their homework such as the superintendent, the principal, and others. 6 weeks is a long time for an investigation into bullying which could be done in a day, even a few hours but this is how my kid was handled and we didn’t want to take a chance for 6 weeks of laziness by the principal. If every parent had to take 6 weeks to settle problems in the home we wouldn’t have families but perhaps this is the intent of those 6 week delays. I think the school should take the blame for this incident since they had warning and obviously let their guard down and someone took advantage of the laxity and very bad communication between the teachers, students, and those that might have made a difference, but didn’t. I’m surprised he had a job if he was so unstable. Also isn’t it weird but rarely do females cause these kind of tragedies. I wonder why. Does the pope or Laura InGraham ever bring up this fact? OR are massacres of school children or adults a result of abortions as well. I guarantee some of the girls at school had one and I bet some of the people in 9/11 terrorist attack in the twin towers had an abortion. However abortion is used as an excuse by Mother Teresa for the NEO practice of Hospice/murder-suicide/assisted suicide but not always by choice which is the problem with hospice. Inheritance is a great motive for some and for others REVENGE (like mother teresa) and so is more funding for public school and the unions a motive for massacres at schools.

THERE is SOMETHING Amiss with Public Education

IF this is like Sandy Hook Elementary which I think was a false flag and so did a lot of other people then this massacre also could be a false flag as well. Possibility of using code to communicate using names of assailants etc. Cruz /Texas, Las Cruces/New Mexico, or Cruise Ship/Lollypop. The reason I say this is because we never see the blood or anyone getting shot just hear it and hear about it. Also the rumors about the kid responsible that students said he would be the one who would commit a crime like this etc and we hear about it on the news by the press that teachers and students felt this way yet didn’t do anything about it and we never hear the students say it nor the teachers say it. Just the press. Second and Third hand information. Take that into consideration. Since everyone is commenting on it including Hollywood and politicians perhaps it’s an audition to see who can act the most terrified.

why false flag events? I heard on one news report people are going to the fund me pages. I watched the graphic video and I am still not convinced especially since it shows police in the area at the time of the video when the video could have been taken before the police arrived of the area I watched on video in the classroom. The video is quick as the kids are being led out by the room through the hallway but there was time to take video before the police arrived in the classroom and for some reason who ever took the video didn’t take video until police arrived. Only a few feet away. So I think its fake news not that in itself it isn’t a serious situation if people are being forced to take part in fake news. And if not forced volunteering to take part in fake news it is still a serious situation but par for the course. Here is the video I saw and I have seen plenty of hollywood movies to know better. The pictures of mob hits in the past on Valentines day were far better and clearer over 70 years ago or more. The video is blocked out and fragmented so we can’t tell on purpose. Laura InGraham  said the security cameras were on a ten minute delay at the school and the ex told me that one of the police man wouldn’t enter the school more than likely didn’t want to partake of the farce. These are big clues. It was a set up and I really doubt the boy had anything to do with the security cameras. Also when I was about 16,  I went with my cousins wife who worked for kids with mental disabilities and he looks like he has a mental disability which is often evidenced by their eyes. So I think this incident is something else other than a massacre. I recall the woman fox news who had a brother who was taken away and died.


The police telling the kids to put their phones up is a sure sign of a coverup. More evidence is better evidence for the police if they wanted better evidence.

The kids are gathering via black and white buses in Tallahassee and I guess deception is supposed to be a way to empower kids? How fakey can you get, using kids.  HOW SICK! Watched kids laughing in their lie-down protest this is how serious it is. LAUGHING– The kids get off and out of school for a day. It’s like a snow day with your chums…a field day marching, chanting, for 17 minutes symbolic gesture allegedly for lives that were taken and carrying signs NEVERMORE ridiculous: older adults presumably chaperones and teachers taking pictures of themselves on their cell phones and smiling. Sheppard Smith says Tallahasse ‘voted against the bump stock legislation’ on the very same day a few days after the alleged crime which is NOT verified. Fake news. I don’t blame the kids…Public School sucks and is only a baby sitting institution for federal workers working and sucking off the citizens of the USA. Spying on their fellow man and woman. Only a few teachers actually know how to teach and make a difference. THANK GOD FOR THOSE FEW. The curriculum stinks and there aren’t any choices. They have a ten minute after the bell rule about going to the bathroom for girls but not for boys. Girls aren’t allowed to stay home during menstrual cycles enduring pain oftentimes and menstrual accidents. They could learn ten times as much self taught but instead have to learn bullshit and false history and propaganda for the teacher’s unions who could earn money teaching their way by kids without the unions and the families who think highly of their talent if they are talented could hire them to tutor their kids or a group of like minded kids. Kids could learn instead about their CHOICE of talents and INTERESTS at home or at their choice of school. One kid gets the other kids sick because they have an attendance rule which is based on money not on the health of the kids or teachers. Save lots of money on health and have fewer outbreaks of any kind and in this age of terrorism it would be WISE. They could learn at their own pace. They wouldn’t have to endure a 6 week bullying experience when they make a legitimate complaint about bullying because the principal or those in charge don’t want to deal with it in a timely fashion. (One hour or two) Their parents wouldn’t be nickeled and dimed throughout the year for supplies tax dollars should actually cover not to mention the LOTTO money. They could use supplies of their choice to learn what they deem is appropriate for them when they want to learn it and not for the whole student class.  They could wake up at ten in the morning and spend 4 hours or less a day learning at their own pace what it takes teachers in public schools to teach in half a week or more. Kids could even wait till night time to learn their courses because some people are night people. Not all people learn the same way. Wouldn’t have to worry about terrorism targeting kids in a gun free zone which schools are, aren’t they which makes them even more vulnerable to terrorism? All kinds of terrorism Biological, physiological, psychological and combat terrorism. It’s getting to the point we need to train them as potential combat ready in order to go to school. Parents would have to learn to engage their kids or find their talents with the kids and not leave it up to the state to engage them and not waste so much time and money and parents would have to learn to discipline their kids and do so while earning their livings together as a family. Save money in the long run in all kinds of ways. Could save umpteen probably a zillion dollars on electricity bills used on lighting, air conditioning and heating the schools by staying home and save the environment as well and not have to

eat shit for lunch.

Besides aren’t the schools actually built for voting sites anyway?

Hope they are enjoying themselves today. LOL


How much diesel do those buses use and emit into the atmosphere? at least those buses have seat belts unlike school buses because our country cares about kids.

One boy at the White House said he was in the room next to the shooting and

“it all seemed so fake.”

because it was fake but nevertheless we are in some dangerous times.

If it was fakery it’s still sick and if it isn’t fakery it’s sick. Why put kids at risk?


I STILL THINK MY ADVICE, my tip is better than yours given below which is LEAVE THE SCHOOL. 

Marjory is a name of my ex’s family. I think the sister of his mother though I never met her. You all take care of your kids if you can’t listen to good advice to heck with ya. Why not try some lie detector tests on the witnesses starting with cops, the teachers and then the kids? If the witnesses are willing of course. Ask them questions only about the school shooting. It was done to keep the State Department employees in line under the Clinton leadership during the and after Benghazi why not in this school shooting? If the kids and teachers were duped or not duped you still might find some information worth finding otherwise a great amount of people won’t believe them. Have them write about their experience without pressure and send it to Trump because I think the kids are under some kind of pressure politically and religiously and possibly parentally maybe someone they love is a hostage. All kinds of nefarious possibilities in this world.

Was it an all white school?

I think it was Sandy Hook Elementary where a majority of the people were federal government employees of some kind. CIA or of one of the departments. Very Catholic. NEWTOWN but it was during the Obama Administration. Broward County is where we had the hanging chads which changed voting requirements having to do with paper trail of voter ids vs computer voting. This is definitely politically motivated putting pressure on the NRA and probably religious type pressure on this area. 39 previous visits by policemen to the house where he lived is suspicious and a scheduled practice drill is also suspicious which seem to be a precursor to an alleged real event and for the alleged killer to have killed a bunch of kids YOUNGER than him a year later is also suspicious. The family he lived with seemed to think it was not his personality to have done it. and the cop waiting out side. Now its five as the press releases a little here and a title there like the press does. The vote about arms a few days later. Definitely a conspiracy. Don’t guns cost quite a bit of money? Working at a dollar store is not the type of job to have made enough money to have bought expensive hardware. Ar rifles cost over 2000 dollars. Who taught him how to shoot or handle an AR rifle. Not like bb gun, you know. Did his foster parents know he had guns? Did his friends know? I think the whole thing is BULLSHIT not to mention but I will Trumps notes as if he can’t remember. The President gives one hour and two hour speeches without notes why would he need notes now? Not that his speeches weren’t a bit redundant but he was playing to his audience.  Obama needed help with his speeches. Used POTUS screens and towed the POTUS information provided by the Secret Service and when the light shone in his eyes via a flash from a camera in his eyes while running for the presidency the first time as he couldn’t talk without sounding like he was on a basketball team (no offense) and he doesn’t play basketball too good as he demonstrated one weird day in his presidency. A lesson in redundancy of lunatics? Now black women are coagulating into a voting block or threatening to as one mindset but didn’t that happen when Obama became president and all it took was a cell phone bribe a cheap one not that the choices were top notch choices. THE RACE CARD IS GETTING VERY OLD and I think it’s gonna lose it’s shirt. Now the kids and families of the school shooting at Marjorie Stoneman School in Broward Florida not known for it’s honesty (hanging chads, bribery of Al Gore by the Vatican) are all pissed at Trumps reaction:  the young man sitting next to a mom who wasn’t crying but he was crying talking about her loss and looked to be sitting in a pew was the worst acting I have ever witnessed. Was he a FOSTER CHILD? These kind of events started during the Obama presidency and seems to be Obama inspired. He wanted to disarm the USA and it isn’t gonna happen and is very immature of him to think it will. Still haven’t seen any REAL TEARS. Crocodile tears, but not real tears. Why we have to deal with this kind of shit is beneath my imagination or anyone else’s imagination. It’s like reality tv gone to the local diner next to a truck stop. I think it might be helpful to find out the occupations of those involved and other helpful information such as church affiliation, sort of a sociology kind of inspection and investigation to get all the variables to do some real thinking and see if there are some common threads. The kids interviews by the press don’t seem to be the same kids at the White House and some good points  by the guy on Alex Jones in the next link. No offense to any of the kids as far as my reality diner truck stop slur but it seems teachers were the targets. My conclusion is the press is messing with us and this incident is actually two incidents mixed together and an attempt to make the military look bad.  How the army got involved is odd. The bodies they threw in a pile under a mat and in a truck probably were fake bodies for the drill. So hopefully Alex Jones will check out what army bases are nearby the school and who the drill participants were scheduled to be involved and the timelines of the autistic kid and the timelines of the drill. I certainly don’t have the assets to investigate but since he did such a good job of interviewing  David Gergen of the press and the other participants for the Bohemian Grove picnics he investigated in the past. Don’t forget how the military was treated when fighting in the Vietnam war by the press and many civilians and yet the military didn’t start the war: POLITICS and RELIGION started the war. LBJ and whoever was upset about the French colony being overtaken in Vietnam and the phantom ship stuff that occurred in before the war or in other words apparitions the catholic kind

Gulf of Tonkin incident

like the sightings of mary which are called apparitions because only a few people actually see it where as others don’t. Possession type stuff/manifestations. Maybe some type of technology like people that aren’t really there 3-d stuff technology used to make the shroud of turin (one cloth) life like or 3 dimensional looking even though there were two cloths in the tomb one for the head and one for the body.

List of shrines

Here is a list of shrines in the world I think ought to make one ponder not for joy. The press did the same in regards to the attack on the the World Trade Center 9/11 attacked by  a bunch of Saudi Arabians with box cutters which should have been overcome easily so me thinks they had guns and yet we attacked other places instead because of some press attack. False INTEL and a bunch of false witnesses such as the Solicitor General Ted Olson and his wife (Barbara Olson) who worked for the press who died on the plane seen later in Poland. 


Share the videos YouTube doesn’t want you to see!

So we have a collision in a way of witnesses and apparitions some real and some not. Mary statues weeping tears of blood isn’t real yet have been given credence by the roman catholic church but its tough to deal with delusions of grandeur -type religions. I have also witnessed some things that other people saw as well having nothing to do with religion which I have written about in other posts. I have seen things in the sky move faster than we know about in our technology so far. I also was visited by something before I got pregnant the first time after 14 years of marriage. My husband at the time was there and it was like a helicopter shining lights without the noise into our room and between our house and the neighbors house. Nothing happened. Hard to explain. A bunch of condors or some kind of huge birds flying over our neighborhood with shadows on the roof tops HUGE and hundreds of them and only in our neighborhood of a hundred homes searching for something hunting and came out of a cloud I guess (I didn’t see the cloud) and a few hours later the birds disappeared when my cat was missing and I found him soon after. People stopped on the road in their cars because it was fascinating and my ex said it happens often. He stopped as well when we went to search for my cat where we saw the birds roost in the creek by our neighborhood before the birds disappeared because I was worried my cat would be found by the birds. and obviously to him it was not a normal event or he wouldn’t have stopped. I never have ever seen it happen before or since but because he read it happens a bunch therefore it is which it isn’t sorry I don’t buy it.  I have traveled far and wide and never saw anything like it in my  life. But I wouldn’t say it was a religious sighting.  It was something else and had no religious markings. I woman I ran into walking in the neighborhood told me about a dead cat and seemed like she wanted me to give up. She wasn’t too sensitive. (Not what you want to hear but she seemed kind shitty anyway and I kept on and didn’t give up. And yes there was a dead cat at the pound and I checked out the dead one and it wasn’t my cat luckily. ) No one told me the fatima secret or anything but I did get my cat back for some time for a few years and was able to get him home and show him to my kids who loved him too. It was a miracle. I don’t know if one had to do with the other – the birds and the tip from a girl in the neighborhood -the one whose mom I met at the store twice and had the same conversation with about the school who said the kids and teachers were crying all the time (3 months apart in the same spot in the same grocery store…UNCANNY) because of the curriculum and the rules or whatever was going on…bullying mostly. A lot of kids were reported being bullied in schools during the Obama Administration reported on the internet a bunch. I had been as well and it was spiritual harassment as well and manifested in physical ways against me. Trying to control me and it didn’t. It hurt a few times. My kids were attacked as well.

My advice to her was to leave the school. Two times, I told her. But she was able to teach at the same school her kid was attending so was able to have an advantage other kids and parents don’t have when they send their kids to school.

The tip I got was my cat had either come out of or gone into the gutter flood drain in the bus lane at school under a grove of trees so I went a few times to find him earlier in the day and then later and there he was the second time in the gutter drain because cats come out usually around dusk and he was very weak and could barely come out. He bit me in the nose he was so happy. A cat love bite. It was worth it. I bled a small bit. Then my car wouldn’t start so I had to walk him home covering his eyes and holding his paws because of traffic. He was very sick and had been starving and had liver damage but he healed and we had him for quite a while after wards. About 5 or more years. When he drank water out of the faucet he would bite the water like he was gonna eat it. Really cute. In the mornings when the kids were getting ready for school he left hair rubber bands down the hallway for the girls for their hair. He was like a kid. A very sweet kid.

A Tisket a Tasket

a green and yellow basket.

I don’t think she was on the up and up and since she magnified her daughter in her death being run over in a crowd by a vehicle is you have to admit pretty psycho. Her husband delivered newspapers and for some reason my dog did not like him, though he seemed nice. I think they were in the cleaning cement business…sidewalks and driveways etc. The whole neighborhood was kind of screwed up …the oldest neighborhood in the neighborhood. Sort of like watching the Trump meeting recently about school shootings and their ideas, our neighborhood was kind of similar and full of shit. The neighborhood was mostly using septic tanks for plumbing and changed over to real modern plumbing. When my other cat died because of the noise. freaked out, because of one BIG BANG which shook everything and I think hid in my car transmission and I thought I saw him on the road burned up while driving home taking someone else’s kid to gymnastics. His name was Oliver. How we got into this scam was my husband at the time had a great desire to live in the neighborhood his dream home via gig somehow someone told him about the house at the gig and I helped him and then he went bankrupt because it meant so much to him. I divorced him beforehand.

It was a culling kind of neighborhood,


I will never forget it, nor her ridiculous advice – I don’t think motherhood was her culling. I think the tables are turning. Seems to be as far as I can tell. In time, I bet everyone will be spilling the beans and should. Writing is a good way because you can add to it as you remember fill in the blanks because when something happens that shocks you it takes a while to understand the significance of something you see or hear and might be important. I’m sure those kids now suffer PTSD of some kind if it really even happened. Kind of like Hillary Clinton witnessing Benghazi though she ended up with a bump on her head to stall her testimony and she happens to be a lawyer. I don’t think it was accidental.  Just like the death of Sen Inouye wasn’t accidental. Nor was the death of the POW friend of Sen. McCain. It was to reward evil and to scare everyone else to DEATH and to keep their mouths shut.

IT DID for the most part but isn’t going away. I’m not going away and nor are my parents and if you care about YOUR kids you ought to start talkin’ and find an alternative to public school for their sake because what I heard in the meeting ain’t gonna fix it.

The genius Trey Goudy (my ex’s description but how would he know) who was in charge of the Benghazi hearing isn’t a genius. He’s a lackey. A coward. SORRY. He has as much skin in the game as the flap on his dick taken when he was a few months old. If he has kids he ought to worry about their future. I think he has kids but I don’t know him ( he could be barren) but what I saw and heard during the hearings he was involved in he seemed to beat around the bush quite a bit with gusto. I think he’s a dunce. I didn’t used to think so because I put my hope in him as he started his charade.

I don’t think you can outrun this time.

 Just as is –  ISSA ought to be put in charge ….

I beta he would a – should a – could a handled it.  JUST KIDDING about ISSA.


I think everyone in Washington DC ought to lose their access to bathrooms so you can piss and shit on each other,

including the press,

Including and foremost

the Vatican

instead of pissing and shitting on us.

You deserve it.

It was her voice (the mother at school that I met at the grocery store twice by accident and had the same conversation ) I heard whose daughter was killed in a wreck a person ran his car into the crowd in the Carolinas and she magnified her daughter in her death recently. Weird. But her daughter did not look similar at all and did not live in the Carolinas. One was indian adopted and the other was not. She lived in Texas.

I dare say the public school system is dangerous to the mental health and physical health and well being of the children and makes them sitting ducks to madmen in office and out of office whomever organization madmen belong to such as the Jesuits and the Masons Opus Dei, Neocats and all the other secret societies in and undermining politics and religion. Pretty soon there will be a four to one ratio of students per federal employee if we don’t get our shit together.  We are very close to it now. It should be the other way around 1 to 500 ratio but how many idiots does it take to screw in a light bulb. If a kid is good at tennis they practice every day during school hours or if a kid is good at ice skating the same. If a kid is good at farming or chemistry or inventing or art or acting or manufacturing or managing or tailoring or printing or all the other talents businesses use they could devote themselves to their gifts from God and even create new ones and small and medium businesses would flourish and kids could use their natural DNA and their gifts from their parents who care about their kids. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN wasn’t public schooled neither were all the GREAT INVENTORS and SCIENTISTS, DOCTORS and TEACHERS and PARENTS who made a difference for each of us in the USA and made the USA a competitive nation. THEY HAD CHOICES.

We could be on the verge of



with a multitude of happy kids who learn to love learning and growing up



Sister Sledge – We Are Family

Trump is talking about the school incident as if it happened after listening to beaucoups of people and wants teachers armed and combat ready. But what about the kids? When a teacher takes advantage of kids as teachers sometimes do shouldn’t kids be armed as well? So one thing is for sure we can’t do nothing. We either go his way or my way or both but we can’t do the same thing we have been doing. Maybe we do need to be combat ready. I believe we cannot give up our rights to bear arms or we will be sitting ducks to many examples in the past when people did this and were slaughtered but our federal government and the one world government needs to back off of the family units and the family unit choices or the politicians and the religious clergy will need to be trained and combat ready because there are more families than politicians and clergy.

DO THE MATH not the meth.

IF God has anything to say about it and He does – families will win.

I know Mine will WIN!

Pope Benedict XVI and Gianni Alemanno

Many of the linked articles in this post (which I wrote quite a while ago) are gone now because the church (RCC) works day and night to erase evidence (when the RCC gets caught on a lie which is often) on the internet which is prophesied to occur and using kids, the naive and the ignorANT like the GRAHAM CRACKERS.


DO YOU HAVE A CHAPERONE? I’m sure you do. 

Yingin’ and Yanging  and the priests say amen.

The Stones of Amen

Maybe the 2nd amendment is responsible for hospice, the massacre, and abortions.

Maybe the mustard seed lie is responsible

for mixing everyone up

about the


What if it is the underlying problem? What if the lie about the mustard seed being the smallest of seed is causing the troubles we face today. Wouldn’t it be loverly to find out it had the opposite effect on mankind/womankind? Whoever lied about it might be responsible for a lot of death and destruction. It was taught by Jesus in the Synoptic Gospels. The mustard seed of faith being the smallest of seed was also taught in the book of Islam, the Koran. Could there be a connection? Could he actually be the FALSE PROPHET prophesied about in the bible?

The next time I saw the clip of Rush Limbaugh on Hannity because they played it a few times and the next day he replayed the clip and left out the part I agreed with Rush about in regards to illegal aliens not being able to vote for 25 years. Isn’t it interesting it was edited out. It is to me. I guess I should say “Our hearts and prayers go out to you” but I’m only human. I do sometimes pray, I pray often but my prayers are kind of private. I’m glad to have witnessed the editing game and know even more so that I’m on the right track.

Notice no response to the idea proposed by Rush Limbaugh in fact I would call it a defining moment ADAIR because it isn’t about citizenship,


Armed guards at schools is a great idea and so are metal detectors for arms (knives and guns) and alarms.

Perhaps backpacks are a bad idea.



I just heard that he wasn’t allowed to carry a backpack but the other kids were for some reason but NONE OF THE KIDS SHOULD CARRY BACKPACKS BECAUSE ONE KID COULD BE AN ACCESSORY. SAME GOES FOR TEACHERS. Same goes for senators. Kids should carry their books like we did when we were young especially in the age of terrorism until terrorism is overcome because some assholes like to use kids, like Billy Graham who didn’t know the truth, nor wanted to, but was only a shill for the RCC. NOTHING MORE. A pawn. This was a terrorist attack, obviously. It would be a good job opportunity for those who have experience with arms such as military vets or retired vets and retired police officers and could be trained for dealing with kids and problem kids to guard the schools. I think the parents and teachers should insist upon it at a local level but not the kind of police officer who would  arrest a teacher for bringing up the $30,000 salary increase of a superintendent as happened at a school union meeting recently. I bet the two incidents are related somehow. Don’t you? Some kind of CHARLETANISM going on. Whoever it is should not belong to a union because he or she might have some angsts union wise and favoritism.


Galileo Galilei

I think some prophecy is helpful too if its truthful but it often has many meanings because of all the above. It does help me hang on and notice. Like nature. The order of the Ten Commandments I think are detrimental to our understanding of God. IMO. I think the commandment about rest and the sabbath lead us to Jesus in the Gospel of John and back again to the Ten Commandments but there has definitely been some footwork and some shenanigans (purposeful deception) in regards to the bible by some who don’t subscribe to that order, however most people love their families because it’s nature. To honor is a tall order but love with truth has a lot to do with it. The other gospels do not lead to the Ten Commandments as far as I can tell but are helpful in comparison to weigh. Because something is false doesn’t mean it isn’t interesting in the scheme of things but as my mom would say “Rise above it” or “Consider the source.” Sometimes both. I must admit I thought it was a cop out some of the time but it rings true now. I wasn’t prolific then. Just kidding.  My dad would say “Fly right and fly straight.” (not necessarily politically but in our own lives do our best and keep trying if you fail and everyone fails.) i.e.. try to get your shit together because life is not perfect and at the time he wanted me to live because I was very close to death at the time and at the time he didn’t understand I had been lied about a bunch. He expected the truth, I’m sure. He didn’t know I had been treated terribly and he didn’t know it was purposefully done and I was also being entrapped but I think he figured it out before the meeting. Some sick stuff.

I like their parameters.

My brother would add remember the concept of self-preservation

having shirked the blame a few times

and allowing me

to shoulder the blame which I wrote about.

My little sister would add “Pray for Zachary,” referring to a boy who is or was sick and possibly to the book of Zechariah without realizing it and my older sister would say, “It’s not worth fighting over,” referring to my artwork after throwing roadblocks in my way to get a painting I gave to my mom which I painted back so obviously it was. She had us go in on a diamond ring for my mom which I helped to pick out and I bet she is wearing it.

Siblings are tough cookies.

The next morning my mom would wake us up with a glass of orange juice and say


The next post will be my last….I Hope.

I think I will include in my post about bees what I have learned about Global Warming to Climate Change and the use of Aqueducts and underground water pipelines from Florida and other flood prone places to California and other drought prone places as a solution. Seems like a no brainer to me. Infrastructure type improvements with the wall and perhaps use the salt extracted from the oceans waters (desalinate) to preserve meats instead of using freezers because of air quality hydro…..carbons or whatever it was said to have made holes in our upper atmosphere (Ozone). Salt can also preserve some vegetables and fruits instead of freezers. Might help to stabilize parts of our country or counter some greenhouse effects that need it such as Florida, Louisiana and California and figure out other ideas for other areas in the meanwhile as we solve terrorism, terrorists who are using technology, drugs, pharmaceuticals, devils breath the wrong way with the help of their friends and allies to as Mahmoud Ahmadinejad past President of Iran who by the way believed in the Four Horseman Prophecy said about Israel and driving the nation of Israel

into the Sea

or SEE,


“The Holy See, also referred to as the See of Rome is the ecclesiastical jurisdiction of the Catholic Church in Rome, the episcopal see of the Pope, and an independent sovereign entity.”

as in “C”

as in Catholic

or as in

“the Church”


and the CATHOLIC or THE CHURCH, or “C”, or SEE or SEA isn’t holy.

HOLIER THAN THOU but not holy.


(People in the middle east and in western parts of Europe and many other places didn’t recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel so it certainly is possible we are the nation.)

Boy did I hit a nerve. WHOOOOOOOO

but I proved my point, didn’t I.

Had an argument with my daughter who thinks I’m a nut because of the alleged massacre in Florida at a school because I think it is quite possible it is like Sandy Hook Elementary and the Boston Marathon fake news stories. Has the same ear marks such as a practice drill, a backpack, etc. she thinks is real. Pressure cookers are missing but it might be a clue. A real one. All of them had cell phones…. microwaves. I don’t use a cell phone.

Somehow we talked about the Ten Commandments and she kind of flipped out about it and I asked her what is the first commandment which she knows. She doesn’t know all the commandments but she knows that one. Probably menstruating or premenstrual and got mad at me for suggesting it. She came over kind of haggard looking compared to how she normally appears. So I said I wanted my purse back she borrowed as if it is hers.  It’s possible it is now, but I can’t remember how many times we have squabbled about the purse. It was a 40 dollar purse and real cool but I don’t use it. Possible I gave it to her in a weak moment and she knows the first commandment but having trouble believing in God at the moment. We all do. We all have those moments. She found a Salisbury Steak TV dinner in the freezer and cooked it, ate it, and left. LOL but in the meanwhile I went into the other room and asked the ex do you know the first commandment? He waffled. (He is part Belgian) He didn’t know it but says he knows the Ten Commandments.

I said, “No, you don’t.”


I watched Before the Flood starring DiCaprio and Jesuit Pope Francis and the secretary Ganswein to get a picture not of the hypocrisy because there is plenty to go around but their reasoning however the last two characters I didn’t know would be starring in the film till nearly the end of the film. Read who it was funded by but I dare say it’s probably via taxation and money laundering. Obviously this is a RCC dogma a-typical of the RCC. What I found interesting was the woman from India blaming the USA for it’s electrical power for the pollution in their country (and worldwide?) and for the floods and at the same meeting with DICAPRIO wanting us to provide electricity to India countrywide. (I’m glad I watched it just for the part said by the woman from India. SPOKE VOLUMES.)

The Painting over DiCaprios head as a baby (as if he remembers being a baby?)I don’t. Do you remember being a baby? I remember ONLY because of home movies. I remember riding a horse in a costume competition I won first place as a princess. The costume was made by my mom. (Fr. Leavenworth) and walking through a field after I followed my brother to school one day as a tot and sat in his class and the teacher called my mom and when my dad broke his back somehow and a pole in the middle of the room but could be because of home movies and later as a young child a picture/portrait of a boy named Peter (I think it was a picture of Peter wolf) and it scared me because his eyes followed me around the time I thought I could fly like Peter Pan but I don’t think it was Peter Pan. I could move an object (which I still have, a small bronze statue) with my mind which scared me, however flying didn’t scare me and also around the time I saw a hobo in the woods with a dog and a knapsack behind our house and so did my little sister which scared us: she saw him and she flew with me. I vaguely remember being a baby in the hospital because I had kidney troubles but I don’t know how old I was and we didn’t have movies of it but my parents told me about it. I don’t remember being born or drinking milk from a bottle and I don’t think DiCaprio does either.  I think he’s lying;) but he is a talented actor, I’ll give him that much. I think he might have been acting when he went to the UN and when he went to the Vatican for the global warming/climate change speech and the meeting with Pope Francis and his gift and presentation of the book with the picture and his role in the film. He was probably a tot when he remembered seeing the picture over his crib. He probably has his reasons for

his part:

“If I wash thee not you will have no part with me.” Jesus said to Peter. LOL

My interpretation is Dicaprio was chosen by the Vatican

to promote their nonsense.

Sort of like

Rosemary’s baby kind of symbolism

His name stands for Capricious.

given to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood or behavior. impulsive, unpredictable. characterized by or liable


Perhaps drunk on their own petard?

And of course MOTHER TERESA and hospice has nothing to do with GOD’s JUDGEMENT against THEM. REMEMBER THE TSUNAMI IN THE INDIAN OCEAN the one that dung the bell of the world altering the axis of the earth PHYSICALLY (and Politically). IT WAS A WARNING, a very big warning about hospice, the RCC, and global warming/climate change shenanigans and ill thought ideals. I do not think the USA caused the TSUNAMI in the Indian Ocean nor caused global warming (perhaps some strengthening of storms, seeding them and screwing with the oceans, tornados, droughts) via microwaves using HAARP technology in ALASKA though we are not the only ones with this technology) neither caused climate change. I don’t believe the tsunami in the Indian Ocean was our doing but the tsunami in Japan was a reaction to it which I do think was done purposefully to accept the Roman Catholic Neo-Catechumenal Way to Catholicize everyone JESUIT STYLE and to defy the God of the Ten Commandments during Obamas administration. His tweets were kind of interesting during the aftermath and one of the Grahams was on his way and OBAMA said “Another is on it’s way.”

(Jesus at the Sea of Galilee said “Another will gird thee, follow me.” after telling Peter to feed his sheep three times. My ex hospiced his mom by starvation. My mom was hospiced without my permission for two weeks!)

And boy did it change, didn’t it?

The tsunami in the Indian Ocean occurred about 3-4 months after my operation so I suspect incest has something to do with it as well.


I had heard that the area which was hit hard was a haven for child prostitution but I have never been there. Watched the part about the ocean ecosystem dying in the area as well. It’s not an accident. 1/3 of the oceans are affected in Revelation because of the spiritual morass so India needs to get it’s shit together and hope for something better. Hinduism is not better, nor is Roman Catholicism, neither is Islam. I remember a story about a boy and his mom. Her boyfriend or husband threw acid in her face and she was permanently scarred and blind and her son was really sweet to her and led her around. I think it was India. I don’t think every part of the world is meant to have electricity. I think plumbing would be nice and is more important or rather a good starting point. I saw a show about Africa and how during a flood some big crocadiles got loose from a crocodile farm and were killing the people in some areas of Africa when they went to get water to drink, or went to the river to clean, or to wash their clothes. All these informational shows were on documentaries which really are helpful but not all the information is true but some is true. What I mean – the conclusions aren’t necessarily WELL thought. The JFK assassination documentaries are definitely far from the truth but there are snippets of truth. Billy Graham was involved and didn’t warn JFK because he had a cold. He definitely was involved. He wrote some books giving his alibis for some very bad accidents. JFK’s sons death. I hope you read my posts about him linked in this post and there are others on Merangue’s Blog. Billy Graham was dirty old man BUT HE GOT GEORGE BUSH OFF ALCOHOL. Some information I received from other films I found intriguing. I think the film industry has done quite a bit of good things and the movie industry requires electricity. I think it is up to the country such as INDIA to provide it for themselves and I don’t think the technology is a secret. Plumbing really is something people need and should have access to water, hopefully clean water and sometimes can’t do it without help. Some films (series) are fantasies or science fiction and other types but still pose good hypotheticals in their performance such as a few I have really enjoyed The 100 and the movie Game of Thrones however a few places in the last film overdo it and leave nothing to the imagination which is important because imagination is important when it comes to love and sex even though they are fiction ESPECIALLY LOVE in movies and would help to promote privacy, IMO. However I have been quite open about some things because these things have caused problems for me but still can be overcome, IMO. Fuzzy area of what is appropriate and what isn’t. But there is an adage if you don’t like it don’t watch it. Close your eyes which we all do with our kids when something comes up in films we don’t want our kids to see but we want to watch the films with our kids. A really funny series by Tracey Ullman. VERY FUNNY  and some of it I don’t understand  as funny as Faulty Towers AND HELPFUL TO ME FOR PERSONAL REASONS AND I WON’T FORGET IT EVER.! Love the Angula Merkel skits. I’m not a a good actress nor a good speaker. I would rather take a zero grade than get in front of people to give a speech or a report as I did when I was in high school. I used to put my arm over my eyes when I was embarrassed. Naturally shy, kind of. I would pee on myself if I had to sing or speak in front of people. Much of what I have written couldn’t have been effective without a lot of talent I don’t have. When the shit hit the fan and I was being tested a lot mostly by the ex so I drew an eye on a ping pong ball and when someone would test me I would use it to help me and use the eye on the ping pong ball to represent  “I” until I learned to tell the truth effectively and with strength. Example: Did you break the vase? and I would use the ping pong ball and say “Eye didn’t: even if I did break the vase. LOL which I didn’t. The ping pong ball took responsibility for the false statement. Kind of like crossing your fingers or a white lie. It takes practice to be truthful but sometimes people are forced to lie, like the kids at the White House the other day in regards to the school mass shooting. Without truth we will never overcome the problems we face as a country and as individuals and the lies will slow us down from being an independent nation. 2 plus 1 does not equal 4 which is basically Core teaching and is intellectual dishonesty. The world challenges us and me. You can’t conduct a war nor win the war while telling the enemy your plan which is a form of truth. So obviously there are sometimes reasons VERY GOOD reasons to lie but sometimes there are bad reasons as well and often lack of courage is another reason and all of us experience it.


I believe Billy Graham was a very bad person

and I have proof in my life of

his evil and in other places and in people I have witnessed

and I think his intent was evil as well.


You can read some posts I have written about him on

Merangue’s Blog

 which demonstrate how evil he is but evil doesn’t advertise it in order to do evil.

Teen Vogue’s Lauren Duca rips ‘evil’ Rev. Billy Graham:

‘Have fun in hell’

Supposedly her tweet said bitch afterwards and I don’t know her intent or what she meant because I don’t know her. It doesn’t matter to me because I’m using her fame for my blog post to help me get my message a cross. The world is such a better place for Billy Graham having been in it, isn’t it………or is it? I don’t think it is – I think it’s worse because of him and yet he reached so many people with his message. So how could it be the world is a mess? Ask his son or his daughter or many other sons and daughters he fathered/sired. Ask William Randolph Hearst or Ganswein. Ask the the RCC or the pope. Why is it wurst?

Ask the Secret Service. Ask the Presidents. Ask the State Department. Ask the military leaders. Ask world leaders. Ask the clergy of all the religions who honor him. I have seen so many videos of him saying God Loves You (but which one?) especially the day of his supposed departure on the internet and on tv and the condolences etc  and reminds me of a doll I had as a child which I think ended up in the trash or the street after it stopped working. It was my Chatty Cathy doll when I  pulled the string on her neck or back and there were a lot of Chatty Cathies produced for kids.

Billy Graham’s body is on IT’s way to Washington DC from Charlottesville, North Carolina. I WONDER WHAT IS GONNA HAPPEN NEXT. He certainly left his calling card on the presidents of the USA and many others IN A BAD WAY except for George Bush. EH? Why not leave him in Charlottesville? WHY IS HE BEING TRANSPORTED TO WASHINGTON DC?


He didn’t leave his calling card on TRUMAN. Truman knew Billy Graham was a charlatan. My ex used to call people he knew with last name of Root pronounced it RUT.

Maybe it’s in ALAbama.

Other news is saying his body is at the Rotunda in Washington DC on its way to Charlottesville. Others saying it is in North Carolina somewhere. Doesn’t seem to be a consensus of where it is.

(It isn’t here, it isn’t there, it isn’t anywhere. LOL) 

I also watched duh movie about Volksswagon duh new version with duh NOX emissions. Shows how small deceptions can have big consequences.

“Dirty Money” Hard Nox (TV Episode 2018) – IMDb

Some countries aren’t meant to have the power of electricity.  I think we are. ELECTRICITY was invented in AMERICA, not INDIA. 

You can understand why, can’t you? MOTHER TERESA, the RCC and HOSPICE. IT’s one thing to donate your own kidney for money, but its another to take it from someone else without their permission.

I think we should worry about our own country and let the rest of the world worry about their own countries problems because group think isn’t working and we are the scapegoat even after freeing Europe from Nazism and FASCISM for some decades with some help from our friends. LUST IS THE REASON for the trickery because we happen to be quite a formidable country and have had some shining moments in our history worth fighting for.

The last good thing we did was recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel,

but only a fool wouldn’t.  OOOOOOM didn’t. and what was weird about the flood from the tsunami in the Indian Ocean was the way the women with long hair were caught in the branches and drowned as in Hari Krishna (not sure of the spelling) but I’m not against stretching yoga style or long hair but it represents the hindu goddess I think I am against hinduism and hinduism is only a step away from Islam. Falling for Mother Teresa and his antics was a big mistake.

Benny Hinn – Billy Graham’s Little Ant – YouTube

Billy Graham and The Synoptic Dilemma: The Beast

The World Government and World Religion with teeth is bad and probably why a lot of bad things happen.

Thou Shalt Not Tempt the Lord Thy God

Page 2 of Thou Shalt Not Tempt The Lord Thy God

Billy the Graham cracker died. The world still has to contend with his son and his daughter both of which. Fox News says he never got political but was the charlatan who gave advice to quite a few Presidents and said he wished he hadn’t gotten political was one of his regrets as a protestant evangelical baptist reverend leader of the BGEA (evangelicals) and shill for the roman catholic church.  I thought he died a while ago … about 5 years ago. Check out the posts about him and get a better viewpoint than the non political viewpoint of Fox news. Self serving ass hole.

Foot of the Statue of Peter worn down from kissing and petting the foot.

My ex learned the first commandment but he doesn’t like it and he doesn’t like me.


A few days later he remembered to buy an onion for chile which he has forgotten to do for a long long time. Is it because he learned the First Commandment? I don’t know.

He said he likes me to be quiet. I’m a quiet person as a rule, but not about the stuff I have witnessed. He wants me to respect him and I don’t. He isn’t into truth and I asked him why am I here?

Says I’m a burden.  I told him he made a deal with the devil and is getting caught up in it I won’t be your burden for long

(and I think he sold his kids down the river IMO and a lot of other people mostly females as well! twisting the meaning on purpose.) Just told me he gives his daughter 10 dollars a day and turns out he means today. Big difference. One is 300 dollars and the other is 10 dollars.

It’s like pulling teeth:

The day Billy Graham allegedly kicked the bucket

my ex learned

the first commandment.

One down and I don’t know how many more teeth to go.

I dont know about you but I have never enjoyed it when dentists drilled my teeth.

Billy Graham wrote a book called Just As I AM so probably trying to take credit for the Ten Commandments or my ex learning the first of the Ten Commandments. He’s the type. LOL

Anyway he is in a video honoring Mother Teresa with McGlauphlin of

The McGlaughlin GROUP.


I wonder if they were at the place of the skull known as GOLGOTHA or headed there.

In the video about Mother Teresa it says they were at the Island of knock or something called Knock but there is a place called Knock Shrine in Ireland which is a roman catholic pilgrimage site and supposedly a place where “observers saw an apparition of the blessed virgin Mary, saint Joseph, St. John the Evangelist, angels, and Jesus Christ (the lamb of God) in 1879.” However I don’t think the observers wrote about it and I’m sure the observers had ink or fountain pens and paper. It must not have been believable or I think the observers would have written about it and didn’t. Probably false witnesses but what matters to the RCC is the RCC. “A similar apparition reported by another teenage girl at Lourdes, France, in 1858 had been well publicised across Ireland by 1879. In 1854, Pope Pius IX promulgated a bull proclaiming the feast of the Immaculate Conception for the Universal Church and brought a renewal in Marian devotion.

Knock Shrine

Weird name, but probably where the saying he knocked her up or she got knocked up etc. came from.

Probably has something to do with the three woes of Revelation. More than likely in a hurry to fulfill Revelation because he thought he was god and Hospice was a tool for his cause trying to get a head start.

Now an evangelical preacher on Fox is saying “we are all sinners” because of an allegation against Trump by a prostitute in defense of Trump (but which one?). I think Robert Jeffries is his name. Where was he when females were being maligned on a daily basis on Fox news for abortion – (BIRTH CONTROL)? Where was he when a boy Catholic priest named Father Jonathan was trying to put down (MURDER) a young girl in a coma even though her mother felt her hand move? Where was he when a woman was put down (MURDERED) in Florida and starved to death against her families wishes? Where was he when my mom was hospiced (MURDERED) against my wishes and without my knowledge?


GO FUCK YOURSELF… I mean it in the kindest way.

“Jesus did not commit to man because he knew WHAT was in man.”

I’m sure he knows this verse. Was O’reilly there too?

My ex says I’m CONDESCENDING. Also said he knew it the first time when I asked and wouldn’t and couldn’t say it so either he is lying or he isn’t but chances are he’s lying. If I were to bet on this one I think I would say he is lying and I think I would win. He has lied so much.

I did a lot of work and looked things up and I think I coalesced some interesting perspectives and I think I solved some mysteries worth reading to have a better understanding of the problems all of us face and why. A lot of the younger generation have not been taught well enough purposefully.  I’m hoping what I have uncovered will help me to have what I want someday. My reward. I think you have to go through it to see, to hear, to smell, to notice and other innate verbs but some help goes a long way especially if done in a truthful way and believe it or not our parents are helping even though they are in a different dimension for us to find out things we didn’t know and they didn’t know… a second chance and I don’t know how many we get but the Ten Commandments offers the chance to Honor your parents and your children. The second Commandment like the second amendment helps to protect us as well. The enemy would love us to be without protection to defeat us. Defeat our families. Some of us see or hear the other dimensional type visions, apparitions, voices, noises, signs and some of us fake it. I don’t fake it. Not that I haven’t in the past but not what I have written about. Such as I cheated on a test in high school and stole a candle once with a friend. Real dumb stuff. Rifled change for cigarettes as a teenager. I could go on, but I won’t…maybe on the last blog post, maybe not. Peer pressure is quite powerful a gang mentality kind of powerful. I saw my sisters act pretty badly when with peers and so did I with my peers at times while growing up. You do things you wouldn’t normally do to impress or to go along. I think the church was part of the problem. Fakery.  Dishonest. A front, a veil. Never very deep. On the surface. I think it bears a great deal of responsibility for what happened to my oldest and younger sister. Really screwed them up and a lots other people I know. The church is loveless. Meaningless tripe oftentimes. Climate people are a church as well. Started at the Vatican. The church was Gary’s veil. Analyze this:

Georg Ganswein probably has his tennis outfit on underneath.

This is who Georg Ganswein really is. COLD AND CALCULATING.

I don’t think his religion helped him overcome himself or his purpose. I think he’s very lethal. I also am and have been suspicious he is the son of William Randolph Hearst. “His life story was the main inspiration for Charles Foster Kane, the lead character in Orson Welles‘s film Citizen Kane.[3] His famous mansion, Hearst Castle, on a hill overlooking the Pacific Ocean near San Simeon, is now a State Historical Monument and a National Historic Landmark.”

William Randolph Hearst was responsible for the puffing of Billy Graham and his son is probably responsible for the puffing of Mother Teresa (ROSEBUD) and I think he runs the Vatican and controls the popes and responsible for an immense amount of false intel which should not be trusted NOT EVEN ONE LITTLE IOTA, jot or tittle:

the business of death and taxes which invariably hurts


(HURTZ with two dots above the U)

quite a bit

President JFK was assassinated in Dealey Plaza and went to Parkland Hospital.

Wrote a blog post about the limo JFK rode in (he was pinned down by a remote controlled contraption installed in the limo and his elbows went up at the time he grabbed his chest neck area near his tie which was nicked by the apparatus in the limo around the STEMMONS FREEWAY SIGN (aka HWY 35 where two men were sitting on the curb nice and close to the limo and one of them walked, sauntered away, in the opposite direction of the grassy knoll and he was the one who had the remote control) the sign to the highway the limo was about to take him to the World Trade Center in Dallas when Jackie Kennedy under the influence of some kind of drug or mind control shot him in the head and then climbed to the back of the limo to get the spent cartridge to the bullet rolling around on the trunk of the limo. the gun was hidden in the roses Jackie received at the airport with the lamb chops puppet and something was in or on her hat a hat pin or something and later opened a museum in Manhattan because she thought she was ISIS the goddess or Nefertiti. The whole incident was nefarious as some remarked at the time. The artifacts were given to her by Egypt as a thank you to her. Her apartment overlooked the museum which held some big artifacts having to do with temple entrance obtained from Egypt having to do with the dams built in Egypt the Suez canal which uncovered the artifacts. There were others as well given to a few countries. Spain was one of the countries. A formula of some kind having to do with the number 153, 135, 351, etc.  SOME SORT OF ORDER. The number 153 has something to do with a pyramid – pyramid scheme?/Reagonomics? etc (and other things as well which are interesting which might really be EVEN more significant which I included as well in the post on Merangue’s Blog abut the number 153 obviously and the amount of fish caught at the Sea of Galilee which I wrote about on some blog posts the significance of the number which others have written about a well because of the weird significance of it.  Anyway one of the places was rebuilt in the wrong order. A trick or something. I think these are the waters beneath. The only other things I can figure about waters other than water itself if there are springs beneath the earth but other liquids would be lava and oil which might cause the oceans to rise. Perhaps. I read about this stuff and the comments made during the assassination and watched some of the things that occurred soon before and after and very very cultish stuff. NOT NICE either and a result of winning WWll, a retaliation. A coup to recoup power. Honestly to think she was trying to get a piece of his brain on the back of the limo is a bit much and very stupid to swallow since it rolled like a tube of lipstick on a moving vehicle –  it moved sideways. Brains don’t do that. So if you think some of what I have written is hard to imagine, think again about physics a little and I think my conclusion is far more reasonable at least about the cartridge. Billy Graham was a mother fucker and I’m glad he is dead and he is not in heaven. I’m not sure how much time his family has but I don’t think it’s long. Just a wild presumption in my part.  “Isis was one of the oldest gods or goddesses of ancient Egypt but her origins are unclear. She is sometimes thought to have originated in the Sinai but is is also likely that she was first worshipped as a fetish in the Delta area of Lower Egypt around Busiris, the location of the oldest known cult center to Osiris.”

LBJ supposedly was a builder of dams and later named or awarded Billy Graham

the Big Brother award.

I liked mine better!

The Nile had a great deal of significance depending on which way the water flowed and access to water (flooding droughts etc) which has to do with some kind of power or power source and affects the Mediterranean Sea (Sea of Peter) and access to oil. There is more to it but I’m not a scientist. Salinity and acidity etc the PH balance and I think affects the oceans as well at least the oceans nearby. Affects the height of ocean water, I think. Pretty wild stuff to take in but I read about it and thought maybe its some sort of access to some kind of artificial intelligence  portal type stuff as weird as it sounds. Pharaoh type stuff. But I have seen weirder things. but is mentioned in the bible something about the waters beneath.

When you add ice cubes to a cup of water and it melts

the amount or volume is the same.


“Assume there is an ice cube in a glass of water. When the ice cube melts, will the water level have risen, fallen, or remained the same? Why?” “In the first state, we have an ice cube of mass m floating in the water. If it is floating (in equilibrium), it will have to displace enough water to support its weight. How much is that? It is just Volume = m/d , where m is the mass of the ice cube, and d is the density of water. “… “In the second state, where the ice has melted, it turns into water of volume…. Volume = m/d! exactly the same volume as it displaced before. So the added volume is the same, so the level of the water will not change.”… equilibrium is a state in which opposing forces or influence are balanced, a state of physical balance, or a calm state of mind. However I don’t know if it is the case now because of the earthquake in the Indian ocean which caused the axis of the earth to be off a bit perhaps a shift of some kind and perhaps why there have been some pretty hefty earthquakes in recent years to even things out. Supposedly the earthquake in Sumatra sped up the rotation of the earth….and supposedly the earthquake in Japan shortened days by a fraction but in the bible it says if the days had not been shortened there would be no man left. I think some scientists are taking sides politically and religiously and attributing some results to the wrong quake but what else is new. A fraction is mentioned in the bible: one third. 1/3 but I cannot say what it means I/3 of  a day and a third of the night as far as the sun and the moon and the location of where it affect/effects. Obviously affects India.

So climate change or global warming does not make the oceans rise but the waters beneath might. I linked the above if you want to check it out.

Back to the assassination if JFK: The re-designers of the limo, the company involved which was used to control quite a few world leaders is in on it. The limo was called the beast and I suppose represents the beast. Jackie Kennedy married a greek tycoon in the business of shipping and a mobster as in mafia (ONASSIS) who I’m sure discovered the properties of Devils Breath a drug used to control people a week at a time which is also used as a drug to control sea sickness in a smaller dose for those in the shipping business and for those ships to gain access to countries via canals to keep the Vatican afoot and afloat. Her looks change such as her calves after her trip to the Taj Mahal, I don’t know why but they get bigger and for some reason she wears white gloves a lot. I hope you read the post (I think it’s called Jackie Kennedy and Then Came Lot and a few others about Nellie Connally, the Secret Service, Rev. David Wilkerson, and others as well linked on Merangue’s Blog ) sometime because it’s kind of interesting all those books written to cover up the assassination and who was behind it. You can find the blog posts on Merangue’s Blog. I suspect the drug is used in a wafer as well in small doses to control the masses, their bread and butter: The Eucharist often made by RCC nuns – a mock of Jesus who said he was the bread of life but I think he actually might have said or meant the breadth/breath of life. In any case the drug is derived from a flower grown in Columbia pictured above in this post (the Kennedy’s visited Columbia and the BLOOD diamonds and the mines and the workers used and paid about a dollar a day for quite a long time to make those diamond rings for marriage mined in many places besides South America and in Africa as well) and represent the hanging gardens of Babylon as in the hanging chads. Connections and I have connected it for you to discern how the congress got into the mess we are in today with illegal immigration to Obama care medicare/medicaid to promote Hospice murder suicide at a cheap rate for the Vatican to control information, the leaders and the people. And then other people follow along not realizing the person they are following is a lemming for the Vatican. Its insidious and evil and it is happening in our country and among other drugs causing massacres and stupid legislation HEARTZING a lot of people and day and night we get to hear about the mess everyone is denying as in DE-NILE and blaming weapons when the real weapon is stated in this very long and ted-ious paragraph. Problem is the people are gonna forget because of the drug called Devils breath. The 13th disciple after Judas was hung  was called the Son of Consolation, meaning to forget (Barnabas): TWISTED. We were twisting when we got the NOOSE about JFK’s assassination dancing and enjoying a twisting party for kids held at our home in England.  I remember.

My older sister was at a frat party held in a barn when she attended SMU and poured beer on Gary’s head anointing him with beer in order for him to remember her and he did.

I rarely drink beer though not  tea totaler

but I suppose something is in beer causing people

to forget. 

The Main Ingredients of Beer – dummies 

Specifically, beer is made from these four primary ingredients: Grain (mostly malted barley but also other grains) Hops (grown in many different varieties) Yeast (responsible for fermentation; based on style-specific strains) Water (accounts for up to 95 percent of beer’s content)
I think we’re headed for a major change world wide, don’t you?
I don’t think the universal church is gonna succeed!
Don’t tell anyone.

Anyway my ex was watching the show The 100 and saw the part where the evil son was killing his dad and acted surprised by it which was utterly weird since he hospiced his mom a thousand miles away but was in on it and said she wanted it by something she told him many years before about not wanting to be treated like the patients she had witnessed in her job as a bookkeeper for an old folks home. He wanted me to be in on it too by telling me about it in the car but I didn’t make the decision and I had nothing to do with the decision, then acts like he is against abortion yet screwed a girl in a tub with a gang of guys in high school and when I asked what if she got pregnant would you marry her and he said no she would have gotten an abortion because in his eyes she was the slut….not him. DOUBLE STANDARD. To demonstrate how much of a slut she was he said he fell out of her because he wasn’t obviously the first one. A girl he knew in high school. Posturing like so many do politically for business reasons. The airlines etc. He didn’t go to see her while she was alive and waited till after she had died to to go to the funeral because it looked proper, IMO It’s not easy teaching kids in my family because of the political and religious  fallacies, but I am counting on God and my parents to help me and the rest of the family as well in these horrible times. How can kids even understand what is right and wrong with a double standard like his. Nearly impossible however it’s isn’t impossible with God. Roman Catholicism SUCKS which is the reality we face. IF the RCC can’t control who is born but instead want to control who dies and happen to be preferential against women. having never raised families of their own without a lot of laundered money to aid and abet child abuse and prostitution of everyone. The devil is in the details and there are a lot of details so have honed trickery and lots of other evils. Its a business and morality isn’t even involved. The RCC has had a few thousand years or more to perfect their trickery and is why the RCC will be destroyed. COUNT ON IT.

I worked my ass off on my blogs and on my posts as far as being condescending that is my answer. I worked my ass off though it’s still there. If I could tell everything I have been prevented from doing or having and how it was accomplished I could fill many books. I look forward to being with my parents and my kids and my cat and other pets and for the  people I love etc. but hang on for the ones still here. I have my reasons and the reasons are good, good enough unlike others I see in politics and religion who have NO EXCUSE. I think they are gonna need some excuses before I finish with my work and my last post after this one whether you read it or not. The press is the wurst. Anyway what happened to the lost nuke? Did anyone find it? We never got word about it. A news story which faded into the sunset.

Someday he will regret what he did to me. Hopefully soon.

As far as Trump getting rid of bump stocks is a great idea except anyone can saw off an assault weapon. It’s not like anyone legally sells them this way is it? SO its fake news. OBAMA said there would be many bumps in the road, didn’t he? DARK SENTENCE, one of many WRITTEN ABOUT and is A PROPHECY. DO YOU THINK HE MEANT BUMP STOCKS OR RAPE PREGNANCIES IN AFRICA? Helps to have a memory. It helps me anyway and it will help my family too and secretary Ganswein can kiss my ass when his final day comes and it will come like a thief  in the night. CAN’T WAIT because it’s a prophecy too in regards to a pigs wine.



Maybe we should follow Israel’s lead as far as bump stocks and/or AR15 rifles are concerned. Put an age requirement because a lot happens between the ages of 18 and 27 and might help young people to learn to be careful, cautious, and responsible or more responsible and handle situations and give the FBI and other departments in our government some room to do their jobs.  Israel is in a tough neighborhood and seems to be handling it quite well compared to us. Separate the men from the boys. Not sure the significance of the age of 27 but as far as assault weapons like the AR15 it might help to prevent mass murder in seconds in high schools and require training and psychological assessments before allowing anyone to purchase AR15s. How they handled those years as far as their records are concerned with the stipulation of whether mass murders in high schools and public places continues and weather anomalies continue. If mass murders continue then change the age back again. Or if weather anomalies continue then change it back again. Sort of a test of the other side who want to totally disarm the public. IT’s getting to be kind of a sport against kids on both sides. Caligula kind of sport. Do it in three month intervals to test the resolve of those in favor of the disarmament of citizens in the age range cited for AR15s and see if it can be handled or if it is out of their hands and whether they are just pawns for terrorism because of fear, blackmail or hostage type situation or if it is political/religious folly. Get a reading on it. Maybe monthly. Weekly, if need be. A presidential power depending on the political/religious climate results. Sort of ADAIR like the Rush Limbaugh’s illegal immigration voting rights ADAIR. See how much it means to them in REALITY or if it is a PELOSI RC TRICK – like the nonsense about OBAMACARE a few years back but this time have a

TRUMPstipulation clause.  

Rush Limbaugh’s idea was rejected by those who control the press. Let’s see if the TRUMP stipulation clause in regards to AR15’s will be rejected as well

or even introduced.

Put it on the table to the citizens

to let the citizens of the USA see and understand the times we are in.

IF it works GREAT. But IF it doesn’t TERRIBLE.

The Great and Terrible Day of the Lord kind of test.

At least you will have attempted to be truthful if it is introduced if you care about your own souls and their souls. Otherwise it doesn’t look like you do. Suggest as well the kids get their education elsewhere as a possible alternative.

I don’t think you do care but you will.

In Revelation it says to come out of her my children, do not partake of her sins meaning the Catholic church, Mother Teresa (hospice) and I think it is time to come out of the public school system as well. The public schools makes money on attendance but where does it go and all the rules and regulations are centered on the attendance because of the money it gets from the federal government. Our federal government has been breeched quite a bit by the woman spoken about in Revelation and so have the churches small churches turned to mega churches in hopes of creating the universal church (with teeth – grahams and the hearsts) representing: THE RCC.

why? her sins of murder suicide disguised as hospice

If you haven’t done it yet …DO IT NOW!

The Billy Graham Crusades began the journey towards the goals of the RCC. after WWll because the RCC lost WWll in 1945.

“The first Billy Graham evangelistic campaign, held September 13–21, 1947, in the Civic Auditorium in Grand Rapids, Michigan.”

Looks like a mega church to me.

So be thankful he is gone and pray for his soul in KNOCK.

1957 crusade

Sure are a ton of people: reminds me of the Beatles or the Pope.  I wonder if the people who attended were mostly Catholic. Probably, and brought their friends and acquaintances with tons of media coverage to assist.

Well, I was a radio.

Noticed on Fox the boy called Father Jonathan was a guest on the day of the funeral of Billy Graham and talking about Billy Graham as a great christian pastor spreading the gospel obviously he was a shill for the RCC and a shill for hospice.

Turkey’s president sparks outrage after telling crying girl she will be honoured if she is ‘martyred’ after spotting her in a military uniform

Ergodan is a sick mother fucker and I hope he dies today but before he dies someone cuts his dick and his tiny balls off and stuffs it in his mouth. He is a asking for a nuke right up his ass. It happened to Japan when Japan used kids in warfare from the top down. Hopefully she will disappear into some loving arms that washes her face from his slobber.

The above link is an example of persecution of females. WHERE DID IT BEGIN? Probably a religious persecution of females because of their plumbing

but none wants to admit it.

It is hard to understand but I don’t think it will pass this time. Its real hard to understand because it is so evil. This is the country the EU needed for its union. CRAZY. We are dealing with evil like the abomination of desolation.

don’t think  faith is gonna help because it is misplaced and based on a lie. The mustard seed lie. What kind of parent would let their kid go back to school when you can not count on anyone in the schools outside of the schools around the schools. LOCAL or Federal agents. You can’t believe the press because they edit the truth out, you can’t believe the government because of the false intel and none knows who to believe. Was the cop told to stand down did the chief tell him to stand down or did someone else tell him to stand down. Were there two shooters or one? etc etc etc

It appears NOONE DID THEIR JOB for a long time – kicked the can down the road.

Why would anyone place faith in our government institutions on any level when they can’t even solve the JFK assassination and tried to float the one bullet theory which is FUCKING IMPOSSIBLE? If it’s faith you can keep it to yourself and ignore the truth at your own peril. It’s not like the first time we have had a school shooting and you didn’t listen to the truthers who asked legitimate questions and were ignored and ridiculed for asking legitimate questions and obviously you didn’t solve it either because it happened again allegedly not because of access to arms but because of

stupidity –

Politics and Religion –

Universal Politics and Religion-

with two faces like a coin

because you don’t know


to do.

I believe the answers are on this post. Governors meeting with some senators and others including Trump about mass shootings at school in particular the one in Broward County I think ratings are great for pre-viewing movies and tv shows for parents to prevent desensitization type stuff to kid’s minds but did it or will it prevent terrorism?  Watched the sensitivity session at the White House and it seems very stupid: Would a rating system have stopped Hitler, Mao tse tung, Stalin? Did a rating system stop 9/11? We had a rating system. (Mature Content type of warnings Did it prevent the President of Turkey from humiliating a little girl?  GET A GRIP! Did it prevent prostitution, child prostitution, and child abuse, incest, etc?  The mental problems this kid had (if he was one of the shooters) in Broward County which may have caused a mass murder (if it actually happened) the ratings system didn’t stem the child abuse by the Vatican, did it? Stupid is as stupid does: the meeting is stupid attended by stupid people. Teaching people to martyr themselves might be the problem. Anyway we already have a rating system so why was the woman in the meeting making a stupid redundant suggestion? (Wasn’t she the governor where the nuclear material URANIUM was sold to Russia? I think it was the state she governs.) To get votes by stupid people so she can rob them blind. We had a rating system (basically only had family shows on tv) and it didn’t stop the assassination of JFK, did it? Didn’t stop WWl or WWll. Didn’t stop the slaughter of jews, russians and europeans. Naivety isn’t a defense, it’s an invitation. Did it prevent slavery? Should we discontinue teaching sex education? In some countries sex education is evil. Why is she in office? Why are any of them in office? It’s a front. Bullshit angelic acting crap with a southern accent. She is a gold digger and an angel of death: she is an Obama person and was an Obama follower and did his bidding while he was in office. Guarantee she is at the forefront of Hospice/murder-suicide/martyrdom? Will the RCC and Fox News and other news stations reprimand the President of Turkey? Demand he is ousted out of office? WHY NOT? What is holding them back? The European Union? There is nothing new under the sun. Watched Jeffries on an advertisement for the Baptist church on Fox News using the hand gesture used umpteen times by Bill Clinton to make a point. Why anyone would listen to Jeffries is beyond my imagination. I think it is taught as a talking point kind of gesture a Rhodes scholar kind of stuff or some kind of public speaking  type education both received somewhere. ANYWAY I think it was edited out since my observation with a new ad which is similar but addended/augmented.  I suggest dancing as the South Africans do to really get a crowd pleaser reaction. It seems to exhilarate the masses in an interactive kind of way. Obviously some perceived injustice has occurred. The video shown on Fox news about Donald Trump sitting next to Feinstein and at the end of the table was a female governor from the state where the Uranium (given to Russia) was heisted is gone now because its BULLSHIT.  The governors meeting was nonsense and shows our government is FUCKED UP as is the PRESS. SO LET UM. Drink up while you can. Might as well. As I say….Supposedly the General ….General John Kelly (Gen RATTAN) MIA in the CONGO  because he’s a dumb ass is gonna do something cause he doesn’t have the answers and things is falling apart around him. He deserves it.

How Long Can John Kelly Hang On?

“Last year, Democrats and Republicans alike agreed that if anyone could bring order to the Trump administration, it was the retired four-star Marine general. Were they wrong?”

Just moments ago on Fox News one of the President Trumps is announcing the military is either going to the border or is at the border to stop the caravan of Hondurans. Guess what happened next … I went to the car and there was my twenty dollar bill in the car next to my seat as I opened the door.

I did pray a short prayer while standing and looked at a picture of my dad and said “They’re testing me.” before the announcement by President Trump and before I found the twenty dollar bill. He smiled back and he said….Not really, he didn’t say anything but I noticed the twinkle in his eye. This little part I just wrote should be under the part below but it fit so well right beneath  the stumps with no reason because of what I had witnessed about the military resignation story below and what the show on Fox called Outnumbered Overtime were saying Congress should do in regards to the Hondurans. I think there are more than one Trump like there are more than one galaxies. Like there were more than one Jesus and more than one Saul…Paul, etc. I think we are living in different spaces and times and some possible multitasking as well and some fast moves to quell some peoples. A news conference is about to begin with one of the Trumps acting as president with a bunch of diplomats and leaders some from Latvia and from the Baltic states and others etc. in a reaction of some kind about to be aired on Fox News. Jesuit Gen. Kelly is gonna be there too, is it any wonder? I don’t know if Roseanne Barr is gonna attend or not. It was not mentioned but she has been mentioned quite a bit on Fox News lately… a phenomenon of sorts. If you read the accounts of the bible of the resurrection after Jesus was put on the cross there were some MAJOR GENERAL differences in each gospel as most of the events that occurred and were written about enough it should make you stand up and question the validity of some accounts. In this news conference this Trump said he would like to have a good relationship with Putin and that the press would know before he knew if he did have a good relationship with Putin. Does it sound normal? Wouldn’t Trump know first whether or not he has a good relationship with Putin before the press knew? Usually that’s the case so why would he say what he said? Hmmmmmmmmmmm Sounds like a press puppet to me or Gen. Kelly’s puppet bending his tongue like his bows for lies as stated in the verse above cited from the book of Jeremiah 9:3 and a reaction by the order of the military to the border stated minutes before by President Trump. Some call it diplomacy. LOL All it takes is one shot fired to start a war so beware.

Shot heard round the world

By the rude bridge that arched the flood, Their flag to April’s breeze unfurled, Here once the embattled farmers stood, And fired the shot heard round the world.

− Emerson, “Concord Hymn” John Bussey on Fox is laughing about the caravan of Hondurans. Was John Bussey laughing when Oliver North was in Honduras or did he have something to do with why Oliver North was involved in Honduras during the Iran Contra affair? It was a civil war in  Central America in a jungle. Was it funny then? Was he laughing then as well? This is RCC fucking with us time and the RCC is gonna get fucked instead and so will FOX News and John Bussey will be fucking each other, I hope in a jungle and will he be laughing when he gets it up his kazoo? I WILL LAUGH. I don’t like the Ying Yanging by those in the press and on Fox. And you wonder why people take drugs? Because of evil mother fuckers like John Bussey who didn’t say anything about hospice killing our vets by deceiving them. I will have the last laugh on you. COUNT ON IT. Take this morsel of advice and eat it and savor it: There will be no more Jesuits in Jerusalem or anywhere else when I’m through.

Roman Catholicism wants borderless countries and the trek by the Hondurans is Roman Catholic inspired. It was their idea to start with. Not the left nor the right. It’s called making everyone Catholic and this is how it is done so the RCC can continue it’s persecution of the USA and it’s citizens it considers to be it’s enemy in WWll. We are. and the other reason is to make us heel to their whims sociologically speaking and to make us their banana republic. PERISHABLE on a Popes whims or the mobs whims and we can’t let them.

Homeland Security Kirstjen (CURSEDJEN)  Neilson is on tv hacking seriously and reminds me of Nicki Haley. Very, very similar. Anyway the Trump she represents wants to send the National Guard to our borders. The National Guard is not the military by any means and have little if any experience. Most people that join the National Guard in the past did it to avoid the draft into the military and Gary avoided the draft. A weekend job. He slept with a gun under his pillow next to his wife and was a nazi and a roman at heart. He collected nazi artifacts because he liked nazism. Made fun of african americans imitated them (though it was funny) and harassed women (it wasn’t funny though sometimes you had to laugh when he stood naked stroking his dick by his bed at the condo for me to see while walking past their room to go to the balcony to have a cigarette so as not to contaminate the condo while the shower was on so his wife would think he was in the shower but at the same time it wasn’t funny it was tedious and malicious and really stupid and I guess I don’t really know what to say about it other than  it got to be very old and you wonder why someone would go to such lengths with his kids in the next room with my parents and his wife). Sort of similar to sending the national guard or for any matter bothering to join the national guard other than to avoid doing anything substantial in regards to illegal immigration or protecting our country. Why not just get a bunch of ladders and  give the ladders to the hondurans. Which reminds me about Joe Rodgers my other brother-in law (Phil Rodgers oldest brother) who worked for us and stole a ladder from our client out of his garage and told us and so we had to make him return it. Our client was jewish. He liked to fake working but got paid for it and I wasn’t paid. Then he stole from us and tried to rape a friends daughter about 18 years old and stole our rig and our truck. Said he fought in Vietnam and he didn’t. Beat the shit out of his son right in the face because of an expression on his face. Not because of anything he did, just his expression. He is dead now honored by the military for nothing. Married twice and divorced. Tried to sleep with my sister as well because she was drunk and I intervened and he didn’t get to. Like I intervened for my daughter to stop my ex from sleeping with her. He told everyone up north (his family) he had beaten me up and he hadn’t but i’m sure he beat someone up but it wasn’t me. I don’t think in truth he liked me very much telling such a tall tale and it was ridiculous and a joke. I heard about it from his other brother who told me I should have allowed him to sleep with my sister because she was old enough which she was but she was drunk and incapacitated and wouldn’t have otherwise in a clear mind but it’s what it was like being married to a catholic having to deal with his family from time to time. Nubby is a loving good nickname for his mom. Not pretty but I tried to tell her she was even though now i think she is ugly especially what I saw at Parkland when she looked like a missing link scratching her head lying to a nurse about how she warned another nurse about a door alarm because i watched it happen and she warned the nurse after it happened but instead of saying don’t open the door the alarm is gonna go off if you do she said I told you so when she hadn’t warned anyone. It was what she got paid to do guard a patient who came voluntarily. Like the national guard. The nurse rolled her eyes having to listen to this woman guarding me from myself coming to the hospital for help. Like much of the people who work in our government doing nothing but getting paid which is what the National Guard does on a daily basis until called for duty which is rare. It should be interesting. It’s a joke and a response to the taunting and tease by the man about the hondurans not being anything to worry about. A jesuit joke and so is she. Anyway it will be unsuccessful as is the Homeland Security and a ridiculous response. If Homeland Security were worth a shit many of the things that have happened wouldn’t have happened because it’s bullshit and a waste of money


it was a just

Joseph of Arimathea (A JUST)

(an inside joke biblically speaking)

make no mistake about tit

on Fox News.

Read the article above if you have learned to read regarding Joseph of Arimathea.

So Long Farewell from The Sound of Music – YouTube


Chances are there will be shots fired if the National Guard is involved

probably by accident.

My newest post:

Mother Teresa, Hospice and some BELIEVABLE Witnesses

Geraldo Rivera another mother fucker

Geraldo is full of shit and he is one person I will enjoy when he dies an undignified death. He is not a war correspondent except for the Vatican. He has no talent as far as I’m concerned. Everyone knows people are being used even Hondurans but Geraldo will you pay for the people who lose their jobs and their retirements they won’t receive because an illegal alien received it instead? Will you pay the price for the death of my mom because of the church you support and it’s INSANE ideals. I am gonna make sure you do. Will you replace the lives lost on the border because of illegal immigration and for those trying for a better life being used as sex slaves even kids. Will you pay for it? I think you will. You should. Why don’t you improve the RCC and make it change. You can’t because you are so embroiled into it and make your living helping to destroy lives of the citizens of the USA. Geraldo Rivera, you are nothing more than scalawag and a carpet bagger. Why don’t you go and improve Mexico and Central America and fix the evils in the governments that fuck over their people who move north to the USA for a better life with some terrorists in their ranks!  WHY? Because you are a coward and unscrupulous and you can’t do it because you don’t have the wherewithal to change spanish speaking assholes in their pompous  places,,,,but I think it is possible Trump could. It’s possible. Brazil was caught killing little kids (about 7 year old and up to the teens) in the streets to clean it up because of the crime and to get rid of them because they were a nuisance and because of ROMAN CATHOLICs INSANE ideals for overpopulation, birth control, abortions, etc and parents not caring.  This is what Roman Catholicism does. I’m glad your family had some problems on the island struck by a severe hurricane.  You shouldn’t be here in the USA. You should go to South America and do something about it since you are a Roman Catholic fuck down deep inside your ugly face. Don’t change us, change them then everyone will have a chance to be content. You don’t give a shit but only about yourself. You are a fake and a fraud. You will be remembered for your correspondence about the tunnel of a mobster looking for an empty vault and insulting a great actress and your pathetic apology. Everyone is Geraldos’ friend….WRONG. How many asses do you kiss each day? Probably many. I know your kind of personality and you use it like a schmuck. Every time you get on a panel on Fox you use it and it is sleazy. This is how history will memorialize you. A STUPID PRICK who doesn’t care about his own soul and less for everyone else’s. GET THE FUCK OUT of the USA. DO US A FAVOR. I don’t think you have seen, nor heard, nor has it entered into your heart what God has in store for you and it isn’t good. When the shit really hits the fan and it will maybe not this time but sometime and probably soon  I bet you will be found in a tunnel hiding. I think you are the enemy of our country. You sure act like one with your self deprecating bull shit. I don’t believe one word out of your mouth nor should anyone else.

There is a lot more horrendous crimes because of illegal immigration more than there should be and it is because of your religion and because of schmucks like you. The crime rate has increased exponentially since I was a kid. Why don’t you take charge and fight the RCC’s money laundering, Hospice, child prostitution, persecution of christians, persecution of everything uncatholic and persecution of women like you should. You are gonna end up in the terrible day of the Lord, I guarantee it and you will get to kiss Mother Teresa’s ass and her ugly face kind of similar to yours on a daily basis and live in her world in hell.

How do you defeat an ideology

a man pondered

on Fox News?



HENCE Revelation.

And the Lord hearkened to the voice of Israel, and delivered up the Canaanites; and they utterly destroyed them and their cities: and he called the name of the place Hormah.

Care for an Hors d’oeuvre?

Kind of eerie, huh.

General Kelly and Vincent Buglliosi (General RATTAN)

I might have to dig up some pix of the general if I can find one. He wasn’t a favorite of ours but I might still have one or from a video my parents made or in the vast amount of pictures I still have which I did’t throw away to hide evidence

VINCENT BUGLIOSI who wrote HELTER SKELTER about the manson murders and about the one bullet theory of the assassination of JFK and supported it

General Kelly of the Trump administration who came to Jesuitize it.








Brought order to the white house meaning the Jesuits.

He has had some cosmetic surgery obviously and some eyebrow work done as well

but the same stooge. Remember how Michelle Obama looked as a lawyer and the work she had done cosmetically and how she looked later and also back in time.

The future doesn’t belong to them. tSK tSK

I will try to find the picture of Gen Rattan. I may still have one in the vast collection  of pictures but I never took one of him because he wasn’t my friend he was my older sisters oldest best friends daddy of ill repute. a stupid dick.

However the connection I found is quite amazing. I found something pretty big after having a huge depression and a fight spiritually within myself. It’s about mass murder but saving it for my next blog post though it’s VERY UGLY. I was transcribing some stuff about mother terse and kept wondering do all albanians have little bodies like Mother Teresa. She has a very weird body but then so did Charles Manson and I found the connection between the two.

The McKinley statue


We could always decorate the aqueducts and the wall

with art work by american artists

and a thousand points of light or more for that matter?

Vegetables such as runner beans and cabbage are also often preserved in this manner. Salting is used because most bacteria, fungi and other potentially pathogenic organisms cannot survive in a highly salty environment, due to the hypertonic nature of salt.

Why Does Salt Work as a Preservative?

I don’t mean to be obNOXious but work is good for the soul!

Music is also helpful. And my favorite is the following song. INSPIRES ME. She reminds me of my daughter. I have been playing it over and over again because it is such a great song.

Melanie – Lay Down (Candles in the Rain (1970)

melanie full album

Posted in Andy Howard, Ben Howard, Chris Krusz, David Howard, Diane Howard, Diane Sherman, Eaton Kircher, Gary John Kircher, HEB, John Walter Kircher, Kay Krusz, Kim KIrcher, Kimberly Eaton, Kristen White, Lori Kircher, Lori Sparks, Susan Johnson, Uncategorized, Virginia Cook | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Night The Lights Went Out In Georgia


It’s hard to remember the season or the exact night the lights went out in Georgia but they did and later the same thing happened in San Antonio.

My older sister was home from college for a short visit and staying in my little sister’s bedroom down the hallway from my bedroom and next to my parent’s bedroom upstairs. The stairway started down next to my bedroom.

 Not sure why my older sister stayed with my little sister but I think it was because there were two single beds in her room and mine was a double bed.

We all heard the sound and scrambled. When electricity goes out usually it makes a sound somehow because appliances shut down, etc. It was so dark you could not see your hand in front of you so we had to feel our way to our parent’s room and it was a task that seemed like a long nightmare kind of like in the movie with James Carrey, the comedian in a long hallway in the movie The Cable Guy and the hall kept getting longer and longer  As it turned out my older sister was not familiar with her surroundings and jumped out of bed and into a wall. THUD.  I felt my way around the banister and got to the doorway of my parent’s room about the same time my two sisters arrived in the same space attempting to enter my parent’s room and it was a struggle between us partially because we could not see and we wanted to get in there as quick as possible but we could not all fit in the doorway at the same time so had to feel our way into the doorway and single file ourselves without knowing who was first, second, or third. We were excited, upset, and giggling because of our struggle getting in through the doorway.  Finally got into their room and to their bed and rested our heads on their bed with our knees and feet underneath. We felt kind of safe however it was disconcerting not being able to see a thing. The whole neighborhood was in the dark. It was pitch black. Finally the phone rang and the operator said something to one of my parents alerting them the lights and electricity would be back on soon. Don’t know how the operator called OR WHY DID SHE CALL US but the phones were not connected to the electricity or to the tv etc. That was who we were told it was until my mom said “What if it wasn’t the operator,” scaring us half to death. So we remained in their room for quite a while until the lights came back on.

Vicki Lawrence The night the lights went out in Georgia 1973

I have no idea if something occurred in Georgia that might have had to do with the Ten Commandments such as a statute disallowing the commandments in court houses because at the time I was a kid and not paying attention to much of anything other than my friends and family.  Ten years or so before JFK was assassinated and the Vatican 11 was occurring in 1963 having to do with Opus-dei and other Roman Catholic groups attempting to unite all the religions under their management.

Not sure of the year but I think the Ten Commandments were under siege. People had been rioting the few years before about the Viet Nam War and other angsts on college campuses and in Washington DC. I remember a Senator who was trying to save the Ten Commandments but people thought God had died and often referred to GOD IS DEAD in their rants during their protests. Now what would make people say that God was dead if there weren’t some attacks on either the bible, religion, or the Ten Commandments?Atheists were vocal and didn’t want the Ten Commandments in public places because the commandments offended their senses but there were not that many atheists but one in particular a woman named Madelyn Murray O’Hair:

“Madalyn Murray O’Hair (née Mays; April 13, 1919 – September 29, 1995), who also used multiple pseudonyms (her most preferred being M. Bible), was an American atheist activist, founder of American Atheists, and the organization’s president from 1963 to 1986. She created the first issues of American Atheist Magazine.”

…………Roe vs wade was also occurring sometime in that time span.

Abortion was legalized in two states. California and New York, I think.

“In two landmark decisions – Engel v. Vitale on June 25, 1962, and Abington School District v. Schempp on June 17, 1963 – the Supreme Court declared school-sponsored prayer and Bible readings unconstitutional.”

It was confusing because so much was going on all at the same time kind of like the marches and protests these days. Black lives matter…Trump protests,  Government shutdown protests, and memorial closing protests etc and all the other strange things we have all experienced and watched on the news here in the USA and elsewhere in the world in the past 8 years showing a huge amount of confusion which I think is


The 25 Biggest College Campus Riots of All Time

 like rebels without a clue so they made up causes.

Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers – Into The Great Wide Open

I don’t think anyone hardly noticed the Senator who was attempting to save the Ten Commandments. He was kind of a short guy who I don’t think was respected on the left and was minimized on the right because he was so right and I think he was the Senator from Georgia. I can’t remember his name but will add it when I find it but I remember what he looked like. I was just a teenager at the time and kind of out of it for the most part being a teenager which is enough for a teenager. I didn’t go to the rallies or protests because my dad was serving in the war putting his life in danger but I still had no idea how big a deal it was but watched the rallies and protests on TV along with the death tolls on the news of the americans killed in Viet Nam and the surrounding area and footage of some battles. My parents lost a few friends in the war. The big deal contention was the draft… and a lot of people trying to avoid the draft or worrying: were they next? Not sure how the war started but I think it started because of a French colony. LBJ was the President who got us involved in the war. He left his mark as well some good some bad but one good was he named who was BIG BROTHER  by giving him an award The Big Brother Award: Billy Graham. Who said the USA needs an Evangelical Roman Catholic Shill to be our BIG BROTHER? I have a big brother and I like him just fine the one God gave me and because I know him and I don’t need a STATE SPONSORED BIG BROTHER the one the devil wants us to follow because I don’t know him nor do I want to know him. He wouldn’t even get on an elevator with a female. Why would I trust him. He doesn’t even trust himself. Who needs that kind of big brother? LOL My real brother didn’t mind getting on an elevator with me. At the time I had not done my homework (AT ALL even in school in the subjects I took) about what was occurring regarding phantom ships and other weird stuff that occurred and was hushed in Washington DC. Nixon got us out of the war and underwent the Watergate break in (of the Democratic offices) ……..affair/scandal which was tame in comparison to the things that went on during the Obama Administration. He resigned but left his mark, some good ones and some bad. The good one was he exposed Billy Graham’s hatred for Jews. He said, “They don’t know how I really feel about them” caught on tape and referring to jews. Our representatives and the press basically gave a wink and a nod to Obama in regards to things he might have been found guilty of such as murder and terrorism if anyone dared ask the right questions (some tried but I don’t think they understood the times we are in having to do with revelation or they would have been better questions and Obama let others take the blame like a good ole boy) and pursued the truth and might have been considered a traitor and hung for his crimes and his family expelled from our country with most of his staff but we have progressively had gotten used to it by the mere force of overloading our senses which is a ploy to distance everyone from the truth. Overload them with nonsense.

The LBJ years and the NIxon years were full of turmoil. Lots of changes with the hippie generation and the freak generation after it, etc. Bussing was implemented and quotas were implemented to even things out racially in different fields and in the military who set the example and because of some crimes involving race such as the assassination of  Martin Luther King and some African American kids hung in the south, and other racially inspired crimes such as a jewish boy killed in New York by a gang of eight and them the gang was mentored by Billy Grahams underling Rev. Wilkerson who left his mark as well implicating Billy Graham in his last post written which I wrote about in some posts found on Merangue’s Blog before he was killed in East Texas in a car wreck involving a truck with lumber, etc. but what about President John F. Kennedy. He didn’t matter? Killed by his wife, Jackie Kennedy in another frame of mind (obviously mind controlled). What about Senator Bobbie Kennedy who fought corruption in organized labor (i.e. fighting organized crime-the mob-terrorism) and a previous Attorney General while running for president killed by Sirhan Sirhan (a Palestinian) on the anniversary of the SIx Day War obviously a thorn to Roman Catholicism and the Vatican State and Islam. Did he not matter? What about JFK jr and his wife and HER fetus and her sister during his personal investigation of his father’s assassination after visiting Jesuit Cuban Fidel Castro and the Great Evangelical Billy Graham while running for the Senate. Did they not matter? Hillary Clinton wanted his seat more than he did in the Senate? Or did Billy Graham (a shill for the Vatican) want her in the Senate more than he wanted JFK jr? Obama was in a hurry to get through the door?








the State is the Vatican State!





and their families




and probably the main reason: wanting to catholicize the world







 I think it would be a good idea if the press and our government and our country encouraged Obama to leave the DC area for the sake of the new administration and encourage Obama to be a gentleman and leave for the sake of our country. Go back to his hometown in Chicago or whatever. His kid in school is a lousy excuse to stay on in Washington DC. I went to three different high schools when I was a kid in three different states and they were not private schools. I was bussed to a black neighborhood in one of my years for my country and it was not easy but it could have been worse and I was happy to do it for the right reasons though I left some good friends which was hard to do but they too were in the military so they were going other paces as well. If his kid can’t handle it then she isn’t very flexible and is but a glass flower and surely won’t survive in the real world without a to of help. …Is she made of crepe paper? THE WORST PRESIDENT IN AMERICAN HISTORY which WILL BE HIS LEGACY. WHAT A Disservice to the african american race and he will be remembered for it. Henry Kissinger hired by the Vatican to help with it’s lousy reputation (sexual child abuse, money laundering, murders, mob ties, pornography) endorsed Obama which paved his way to the White House. I wonder why? I wonder what Kissinger’s relationship was with Billy Graham. I have no idea. I don’t think Obama would have been President without Kissinger’s endorsement however the other choice sucked not Sarah Palin, but John McCain. But Sarah Palin was the governor of Alaska where H.A.A.R.P. is located so she needed to be restrained. And then came the tsunami/earthquake in Japan causing a nuclear disaster after the RCC tried to force Japanese Catholics to accept the RCC’s Neo-Catechumenal Way and they tried to refuse and stall FOR A MERE 5 YEARS because of a rise in suicides and it did not sit well with the Vatican or Billy Graham and before that the earthquake tsunami in the Indian Ocean which altered the axis of the earth physically and politically a hub famous for child abuse, child pornography, and child prostitution. (PROBABLY CATHOLIC.)

That’s phenomenal.

An Holy Kiss

This post was one of my first posts but I just now considered maybe one version of the arrest of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane was prophetic and one wasn’t.

Henry Kissinger was also a confidant of NIxon.

 Obama and his ideals set the African-American race back quite a bit psychologically and mentally within their own ranks, neighborhoods, and to others and to me though luckily there are remnants of citizens of the African American race that keep Martin Luther Kings dream alive because they actually are extremely talented and careful and dignify his legacy by their example which is detrimental.

OPRAH IS NOT ONE OF THEM THOUGH SHE IS SUCCESSFUL SHE IS AN OBAMA LUSTER and promoted politically correct nonsense to her unwitting fans

for the sake of the Vatican and for ISLAM

so no wonder she is successful because she sold her own soul for temporary pleasure and other peoples souls as well, many others,


and also went with Michelle OBAMA to Hawaii during an American CRISIS using SENATOR INOUYE’s death to have a good time on the AMERICAN dime. YEA she can act but that is all she is is an act LIKE IN THE BOOK OF ACTS. A fake and a fraud.

Slavery started in Africa by Africans of Africans.

A Lousy Excuse OBAMA Using His Kid for his own selfish reasons because he is a ………

Saudis pair up with McCain, Graham to fight 9/11 families

I hope the travel ban includes places like the Baltic States: Herzogovenia, Croatia , Bosnia, and the other one. AS WELL AS SAUDI ARABIA who should definitely not be allowed to partake of any political sway in our country or be given any political immunities as well as all the other powerful arab states who sponsor terrorism. I have firsthand knowledge they don’t love America and plan to move back to their countries after doing whatever it is they are doing in the USA to believers and being promised wealth for whatever their task is/was in America.

So far I am very happy with the Press Secretary for Trump (Sean Spicer) who is very candid, explicit and very informative and definitely SHARP talking with the press and the press is very actively questioning him on many issues unlike what occurred during the Obama administration. I think we ought to compare IQ’s of him vs the press secretaries in the recent past. Talk about a major paradigm shift. Everyone seems to be on intelligence drugs. Before they were like milk duds on heroin. Obama couldn’t even throw a hoop and how many times did he try? It was embarrassing. Definitely taking cues in his ear from someone and and and

How much coffee does the President drink in the morning?
or What perfume does Michelle wear? Do their daughters enjoy their school? Does Michelle like the color red?

kind of noodles

from the very start of his reign of terror. Like getting to know an African American for the first time kind of shit who wasn’t. Like watching a soap opera such as All My Children or General Hospital and Obama was playing in the leading roll as Allan Quartermaine in Port Charles. It was that interesting and informative! However, if Herman Cain had been President I’m sure there would have been some intelligent questions proffered by the press and intelligent answers as well, so it wasn’t about race all together, was it? Or how about this press declaration:

“I have never seen you lose before”

which was during briefing by the President himself in the beginning of his administration. She happened to favor a friend of the ex (his ex wife) who watched soap operas all day while raising her kids making a huge mess (I heard about) and was liberal and I think very politically correct which means there are no words for anything potentially important. LOL

Oprah Winfrey fit right in!

My brother believed Al Gore’s crap and was an agnostic. However he believed in the Judeo-Christian values as well. I hope he isn’t an agnostic now but I understand why he might be because of the things the church does and because of things that happened to him during his life, and happened to his friends and his family. To me those values are worth fighting for and I think to him as well and to everyone in my family whether we are together or not at this time. Those values are the crux of the matter.

What are those Judeo-Christian values based upon?

The concept of “JudeoChristian values” in an ethical (rather than theological or liturgical) sense was used by George Orwell in 1939, and has become part of “American civil religion” since the 1940s. The term “Abrahamic religions” is used to include Islam as well as Judaism and Christianity.

“More Christians are gonna die!” claimed Franklin Graham a few times. Not sure why he said this a few times because it was on the internet.

Jesus said a few times or once anyway “your father is the father of lies” and Obama lied a bunch. Obama also said “The future must not belong to those that insult the prophet (profit) of Islam” referring to Mohammad at the UN and I know he was wrong but it showed his allegiance. Did the press ask him what he meant? Why he said it? NO.

The vatican representatives (and popes) are tricky when dealing with the holocaust using christians as their apology for the holocaust because the RCC aren’t and obviously were responsible. It’s in one of my posts what was said by one of the popes and I don’t want to look it up because my posts are vast and the search engine isn’t helpful for looking up or partial quotes on WordPress blogs but it was interesting to say the least the wording used to shift the blame. Christians were not making truces with Hitler but the RCC was at the time and the prophecy of the healing of the deadly wound of the vatican was occurring as well.

I think Jesus was referring to Abraham because in that time period they considered Abraham their father and it is in the New Testament and so I believe it has something to do with ISLAM and Roman Catholicism because that was who was occupying the country of Israel and in Jerusalem .

I’m using deduction.

There was a false covenant or two and obviously there was an Abrahamic covenant. What does a dick/penis have to do with God? Did God make a covenant with women cutting their clits? NO. Instead making girls females have their clits cut at an age they can intensely feel the pain. The covenant was about foreskin? What about hemophiliacs?  Did God not consider them worthy of exemption since they bleed a bunch? Back in those days it must have been a death sentence like Aids was to many hemophiliacs in our day. Anyway if you read about it and what God supposedly said that “it never crossed his mind” it doesn’t sound believable (because he obviously knew what Abraham was thinking so it had to cross his mind) when talking about binding Jacob and slicing his throat for a sacrifice even though God told Abraham to take him up to the location and sent an angel to stop Abraham from doing what he was about to do because it crossed his mind OBVIOUSLY etc. I think there was also another false covenant at the last supper because of the differing accounts of the last supper between the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark and Luke) and the Gospel of John.

In a part of the bible God says there will be no Canaanite in the city of Jerusalem in the future yet the Abrahamic covenant seems to imply something else. Did God say canaanite males or females or did he mean both. I don’t think God makes covenants with only males. The church however does. Do the Ten Commandments differentiate between male and female?

Are women exempt? I don’t think so. However the Ten Commandments are inclusive as far as honoring your parents (mother and father) and honoring your children (boys and girls.)

Some time or other Abraham camped between two cities Sodom and Gomorrah which get destroyed and eventually his name is changed to ABRAM but Islam says it the other way around. Islam says a lot of things backwards, if you notice.

The Ten Commandments were given to Moses and not to Abraham. That’s a big deal since it is the foundation of the Judeo-Christian values IMO. The RCC changed the Ten Commandments and it’s a big deal that they dared to challenge Judeo-Christian values subtly though it was noticed even by catholics who wrote about it and helped me to notice and i think it was done to mislead their own and others and basically deny Jesus in the Gospel of John and because the commandment about the 7th day leads to Jesus of the Gospel of John. I don’t know any other legitimate reason for it. Leads to the Jesus that said I Am the way, the truth, and the life. that leads us back to the Ten Commandments the first commandment that says I Am the Lord thy God and to Moses who asked God’s name to give to the Hebrew slaves and God said I Am that I Am.  The RCC came up with a multitude of values some involving obesity which sometimes is unavoidable depending on many factors such as diabetes and other factors and many other ridiculous evils they themselves fulfill and values they don’t fulfill. You need to read Revelation because it describes the RCC to a tee. No one else fits the mold but the RCC and it’s ally ISLAM a CO- CONSPIRATOR and both want to rule the world and yet the world is not their world. Did either religion create the world? No, but they sure corrupted the world with their nonsense making it impossible to live by their nonsense even to themselves so they invented indulgences for their own.

You can look up the dispute between the Commandments of the Roman Catholic Church vs versions in a multitude of articles about it written by catholics and christians, agnostics and atheists. There is plenty of evidence and almost a decoy or a deliberate attempt to strategically mislead with a mountain of minutia to the commandment about the 7th day dispute and I have read so many reasons to disregard it but none of them rang true to me however the matching to Jesus in the Gospel of John seemed to fit the reason for this commandment and many took it way to far not allowing people to cook on the Sabbath or, pick corn, shuck corn, roast corn, or eat corn, or walk through a corn field (a very sugary starch, carb, and a vegetable you should not eat if you are gonna diet [however the American Indians really liked it and shared it with the Pilgrims and many pilgrims starved to death….just kidding]) chew gum, spit on a sidewalk, or go to a game or drive to visit someone or work on a job that requires you to work on the Sabbath Day, etc which is another diversion in my estimation. I think words and petty ideas may have been added as to what you can or cannot do on the Sabbath.

I think the sole reason for the sabbath commandment was to be honored, remembered, and noticed for the reason given above. IPSO FACTO

Because of time changes and leap years and many other things relating to calendars no one really knows nor can trust what day or which day is the sabbath except for the evidence given which leads to the Ten Commandments, Moses, and Jesus of the Gospel of John. It could be on a Wednesday as far as we can know.

He did not say he was the blood of life.

I believe Abraham was a reaction to Moses and because of the army that the Pharaoh lost during his conflicts with God though I don’t think God has given up on those in these two religions but is demonstrating these days the breach between God and mankind/womenkind because of deception which is immense. Some common sense would help which God gives to each of us but the RCC ‘s reaction is to make people not read the bible only buy them. Definitely computers help to compare because the bible is wordy which is linked.

Anyway the bible´warns about a false covenant and yet no one I have read or heard about knows which one is false and if it is prophesied in the bible I’m sure the bible contains it otherwise it seems to be a moot point.

Crimes and Punishment

Terrorism isn’t always a crowd crime. So as far as proof of someones actions resting on a boom such as a bomb or firecracker is a ridiculous test of proof of a persons intent or terrorist action. Some and probably most terrorism is individual against individual terrorism like the mob and such as hospice. I think what happened to my aunt was terrorism which I wrote about in the following post. I think what happened to my mom (hospice) was terrorism sponsored by the RCC and indulged by the RCC and Obama using LBJ’s legacy. BADA BOOM!

IT s the type of terrorism that goes unnoticed (one on one crime) and is probably the most prevalent of terroristic type crimes either sponsored by the state or church sponsored terrorism because it’s a cult, obviously. The RCC is famous for terrorism throughout it’s history but it has gotten even more brazen because of hospice using it to prey on the weak. Easy pickens and to punish families and it isn’t like God doesn’t know it,  comprendez?

The RCC/Vatican isn’t just a religion

it’s a state.

I hope to see in my lifetime the total destruction of the RCC forever. And truly I think I will see it in my lifetime because of what Jesus said at the Sea of Galilee and because my mom was special unlike those that discount what Jesus said and why he said it.

She may be why he said it.


And I know why she said that the way she said it.

Sometimes one person makes all the difference and I think she is one of those. And to her my dad made all the difference. SO watch out RCC because your days are numbered.

Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven

Picking Fruit and Veggies 

A guy on Fox News was saying we need illegal immigrants to do these tasks because it is so hard to do and the pay is less and US citizens aren’t willing to work hard and get paid less. Americans would pick fruit if the cost of living wasn’t so ridiculous in the USA. But when Americans pay 20 times the cost of another country for oil such as what Venezualans pay for oil or Iraquis pay for oil then it’s hard to reconcile getting paid 20 times less per hour. We are paying for everything via taxes stolen and laundered via the Vatican throughout the world and dispersed without any true accounting and not getting much back for it but lots of headaches because of illegal immigration and other RCC VICES. An excuse of illegal immigration and it’s not a good one based on half of the economic system in place and not the other half not in place. Kids would love jobs like that to get a start and young adults as well if they didn’t have to pay the stuff illegals don’t pay for when staying in the USA and send back to their countries.That is why consumption tax is the way to go so that illegals do pay as much as USA citizens pay while in the country and believe me there would be half as many illegals in the USA if we did because the incentive wouldn’t be there. There would be a lot less crime from illegals and citizens of the USA caused by resentment. Price Gouging the USA is part of the problem and unaccountability of our government not investigating the holes in the system used by the federalis to keep the Vatican in business throughout the world making life difficult for everyone including illegals who wouldn’t have to trudge through Mexico to find work because good ideas like consumption tax create jobs in the long run. 

Do illegals pay for anything most americans are forced to pay? They are getting a free ride  and some are getting taken advantage of (especially young boy and girls) and the rich get richer. It’s bullshit. The USA has two sides of a brain and one isn’t working. Consumption tax would also inspire saving, good decision making skills and investment instead of junk spending which in the long run would help those in the lower class and middle class to be inspired and creating small business and growing the middle class which is the goal I hope or we all fail in the long run. Without a fluid middle-class you end up with


but many prefer shoe boxes with junk in it for the parentless children to ease their consciences but it won’t last. It is unsustainable.

IT helps to use both sides of the brain at the same time. IF we didn’t have a power struggle between democrats and republicans every two years it would help and instead voted people into office to do a good job without labels or parties based on their knowledge and their skills and performance and keeping their false promises. The only people getting rich off this kind of government 2 party system is the government and it’s lackeys including the press growing the federal government who i surmise waste a lot of time and money screwing each other and most of all screwing the citizens and spend most of their time getting elected again.

Pretty soon at the rate we are going and if Obama had had a third term employers would have had to buy homes for their employees no matter what the race, gender, religion, creed or color and of course they in turn will prefer machines.

I have already discussed many times insurance and it’s evils since it is an incentive to cheat and to reward bad performance over good, keeping the state quo and costing a lot of money and deaths which is less taxes collected under any tax system. Why should an employer pay for birth control when we have Planned Parenthood unless employers are having sex with their employees which probably occurs with many illegal aliens and doubtful they will complain. A conundrum but VERY CATHOLIC.

A false Jesus said that life is in the blood but life is also in an ant hill. Should we insure ants (evangelicals)? However in the book of Revelation it says the woman is drunk on the blood of saints so it doesn’t sound like life at least not for the saints but for the woman sucking off their blood i.e. the RCC. And God puts it into the heart of some army to destroy the RCC. Hopefully ours because it would be good and deserved. I know it won’t be ISIS unless it’s a decoy ISIS and because they would have done it already being in the vicinity.

That same year at Christmas my dad got a video camera and played with it. He always read the instructions of appliances or anything that needed instructions. He had all of us pose in front of the video camera as a family with our pets and one by one made each of us disappear and reappear. It was kind of silly but one of the tricks of the camera. I don’t think he did much with the video camera after that. They were cumbersome at that time and he retired and started a business afterwards.

I looked up Senators of Georgia and the guy I spoke about is missing. Perhaps another state but I don’t think so. I think it’s deception. Like books that O’reilly writes to rewrite history from a Catholic’s perspective and purpose.

Leaks Suggest Trump’s Own Team Is Alarmed By His Conduct

White House leaks are common, but leakers suggesting the president might be unfit for office are not.

It’s kind of like we have two different planets going on at the same time yet in different times. Saw a Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters article on the net and Pelosi referring to Bush etc. I don’t think mankind can do that and God can and he must have his reasons.

To reveal.

He stopped the sun for a battle in the Old Testament

and that miracle probably has more than one fulfillment and meaning.

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I think the federal government is overrun by Catholics and Trump is having to  deal with it and I think if he is genuine HE WILL because I do think Trump believes in God and takes him seriously. So all these strange stories by the press and by people who are upset at his determination will do anything to hurt his reputation. One is to make him mentally unstable which is a good one. He seems mentally stable and so does his press secretary. I think the press is losing it and so are many staunch catholics. So it may be kind of interesting the different perspectives we are gonna be hearing about having to do with the the new administration and it’s part of the game of the RCC but God can play even better because he sees the hands each one are holding but many people don’t believe he can. But his instability mentally unstable stories also can be false leaks to confuse the enemy. I think they are confusing the enemy. It seems fear has gripped many in Washington and I think many are melting.I don’t remember everyone freaking out over Obama and he was definitely mentally a basket case and over compensated with is calm demeanor as if he was superior mentally of others and he definitely wasn’t and and and a sure sign he was being fed info in his ear. I watched him lose it as the cameras flashed in his eyes when he was running for president the first time and became unfit to make a speech for a few seconds or about a minute and it was obvious he was merely a puppet.

Trump does not act like a puppet.

Anyway there are 7 of them in Revelation. Can you beat that?

Kissinger did not endorse Trump and he was elected because the people recognized a person who cares so I think he is mentally fine. I think the left and some on the right of the left better change or they may find themselves gnashing their teeth with Obama, Kissinger, the Papacy etc etc etc. when that day comes and it is coming.

I saw a little bit of Oreilly’s interview and the questions asked and I thought Trump handled him as best he could dealing with a nut. The RCC wants us to go to war with Putin and has been baiting us during the Obama Administration with false news such as the sarin gas poisoning in Syria and truthers online demonstrated its lies and it was easy to see who was telling the truth and who wasn’t. Not wearing masks or wearing painters masks as if that would help. Dead people changing clothes and positions. I think there was a poisoning but it was the rice shipment not sarin gas and germany overheard someone in the syrian military lying his as off. It was ridicule and Putin helped to secure Syria at the time because of the threats by Obama and the left and the RCC do not like Putin. I wonder how O’reilly knows of murders by Putin. Can he name one? Be specific. We all know he worked for the KGB when Russia was the USSR. Does Oreilly question the Secret Service of the USA? What about President Kennedy? What about the pope in Russia (Alexia I think was his name) killed (poisoned) by the Vatican? Did O’reilly accuse the Vatican of murder? No, he ignored it. Did O’reilly do any shows about Benghazi? No, he ignored it like the plague. TOO CLOSE FOR COMFORT???. I think because he is a Jesuit and will do anything (even impale babies) to protect the Vatican because it is his bread and butter. Remember Beatrice Arthur? I do. I remember very clearly and it was pretty gross how O’reilly behaved. A sad sad sad example. I know what kind of person O’reilly really is.


What makes you think Trump isn’t baiting you? How else do you catch some fish.

Why didn’t O’reilly bring up Saudi Arabia to Trump

and their plans to fuck-over americans.

Aren’t the leaders responsible for what their citizens do in other countries?

 DOES THE BUCK STOP when their citizens enter other countries?

The Sound of Silence

(Original Version from 1964)


Our leaders should not be allowed to enter their countries unless there

to take over their country via a huge ISLAMIC SHOWDOWN


(I believe are Mecca and Medina because of the name of Abraham to ABRAM and vice versa in Islam was a good indiction it might not have happened as of yet and no archeological evidence it had happened and because both places are located in the area called the wilderness of sin. Meaning i didn’t come up with this hypothesis out of thin air.) I think that strange vice versa is a sign and not only a sign but kind of a point of some kind possibly a spark to a huge end/purpose and I think it will reconcile truth from fiction

We never have found evidence of Sodom and Gomorrah

so it might be a future prophetic event about to unfold

like so many biblical things to be fulfilled

we thought were history and weren’t.

I know my dad was taught by the methodist church (I think that was where he was taught this notion as a beginner in bible knowledge going to methodist bible study classes to learn later in life) that revelation had already occurred unless he learned it from his youth about biblical things. Some of what is revealed in Revelation has occurred or was partially fulfilled but obviously some of it isn’t finished. Since I have had to experience Obama’s administration for 8 years or more when so many terrible things happened to my family it is apparent the teaching he learned and told me was not true BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT. So the church lied to him and he passed it on. This is how deception works. At the time I knew he was wrong but hadn’t done my homework and was in the beginning stage of doing it. IF I had known what I now now I doubt what happened to my family would have happened but we were not in the know at the time and were attacked viciously in many ways and I will never forget and doubtful I will forgive (I’m not the only one who feels this way:LOTS AND LOTS OF PEOPLE DO) till I see the end of the Vatican for their part in the demise of my parents using Hospice and others involved with the BGEA since it was this organization my family endured their NONSENSE but it was very destructive NONSENSE. It was beyond cruel and it was evil. I can’t forgive it. I won’t. I forgive my family when I know God teaches them the truth and helps them stand up against evil and cruelty. The RCC and the BGEA deserve a great deal of punishment for their DECEPTIVE influence and intervention and from the sounds of it and looks of it the destruction and end is coming soon to these religions including ISLAM and nothing anyone does will stop it. Might as well leave it. The Methodist Church played a HUGE role in the assassination of JFK as well that was not good as I found out during my JFK transcribing TWICE the CBS coverage of the assassination of JFK which you can find on Merangue’s Blog. I found out a lot of things of which I had no idea and learned quite a bit since then and because I didn’t foolishly and wantonly accept the one bullet theory which was insane UNLIKE so many in our government on both sides of the aisle wantonly did accept. WHY?

And why is my dad pictured on the pictures of Benghazi?




include this picture of my dad. Because he warned me about ObamaCare after he died?

It ought to scare you! Which came first Obama Care or Benghazi? We don’t know for sure because it did not write itself overnight.

I had a reaction about this photo last night and ended up at the hospital for few hours because it does get to me on top of my regular health problems. I have had this photo I found regarding Benghazi for a few years and it hurts to see it and discuss it but I have to and no one understands. No one. One of the few wonderful parts of my life MUCKRAKED by a depraved source. I’ll guarantee it’s gonna hurt whoever did this more than it hurts me, my mom, or my dad. A lot more.

While at the hospital I had to wait a few hours it was very busy with other sick people ahead of me. The lady before me who enjoyed a piece of shit programing on one of the two TV’s in the waiting room was asked if she needed a wheel chair by the guy who works there. Don’t know his name ….don’t want to but he looked eerily like my ex’s nephew and she said mono I can walk. Didn’t look very sick or act it and had lousy taste in programs TOTALLY OBNOXIOUS AND VILE. I did say to the wheel chair man can you turn this program off? and she wouldn’t have it but it was junk and few people i recognized were in the program for split second. One was Billy Graham and the other was George Bush.  I don’t know what you call it but some kind of subliminal flashes and I saw them. Then when the wheelchair asshole came to me he didn’t ask if I needed a wheel chair but I saw one and he didn’t want me in the wheel chair and by the time I made it to the room and bed he assigned me to I was in bad shape and worse than I was before. Anyway I hope he loses his job and has an accident where he is the kind of shape I’m in often because of this kind of stuff i have had to go through to tell what needs to be told for my sake, my families sake, and others because it is really important Not only that i hope he loses the things and people he loves, the pets he loves, the children he loves everything, HIS MONEY , HIS JOB, HIS SENSE OF HUMOR WHICH HE LACKED ANYWAY, and everything dear to him etc I hope the worst for him. It was so rude and calculating. I hope God saw it, noticed, and will see to it to teach him a good lesson he will NEVER forget like Obama did for many people but better. IT sounds rather harsh but I have been through quite a bit and didn’t deserve it. IMO.

One by one the ex’s family he grew up with is gone eat some dust.

The doctor wasn’t very good either. I tried to explain to him what had occurred 24 hours before which was an attack a very painful one and he wasn’t interested at all. He was only interested in what brought me to the hospital in the last 2 hours which is INANE as if one isn’t connected to the other like a horse with blinders only seeing ahead and not the sides or behind. Maybe he was a horse? A talking horse. Mr. Ed. Anyway I lost it and said some things about my dad and Benghazi and I knew he didn’t understand and he said “Don’t get mad at me.” which you have to admit is a kind of funny thing for a doctor to say as if he wasn’t really a doctor but an excuse for one and not a good one which is what Obama Care did to our hospitals and our medical field and then he told me he wasn’t allowed to give me pain medication which I think was a lie. He is working in the ER and if he is not allowed to prescribe pain medication he shouldn’t be working in an ER or in any hospital anywhere. I think it was some kind of ruse and purposefully but subtly not treating me as well as the others because of politics and religion and it will bite his ass and his dick, I hope. Most doctors are above that kind of reaction, good ones are anyway. Don’t get mad at me? wow IN the end times many will be overly sensitive but he hasn’t seen anything yet and I’m sure will harden his thin skin like a Komodo dragon and soon he will be a stone to be walked upon and I will clean my muddy boots off on his cold stone body.

The nurse however was kind and did her job and the others did as well.

I will find out both names and report it;)


I have 6 gaul stones and thought maybe the painful experience I had 24 or so hours before was that I passed a gall stone. I have never experienced it before so don’t know how it should feel but the doctor said “you don’t pass gall stones.” Yet the woman in bed in the same room with curtains between us was having gall bladder problems and one of the stones ended up in a duct of the gall badder. Maybe that is what happened to me, I don’t know. IN any case she was getting her gall bladder taken care of and they ignored my problems because he didn’t want to know.





“Usually, the stones pass from the gallbladder into the bile ducts. They may remain there without blocking the flow of bile or causing symptoms, or they may pass on into the small intestine without being noticed. However, if the gallstones cause a blockage in a bile duct, a person will have pain.”























Wouldn’t it Be Loverly – Julie Andrews (My Fair Lady )


Subliminal messaging is weird especially when you see it as it enters your brain unlike what it is intended to do to suggest without seeing. I’m glad I saw it coming.

There are way too many rules in the medical field protecting who: the insurance companies? That is who those rules protect not the patient nor the GOOD doctors.

IT has got to change. I remember hearing a lot of promises that have not been kept and maybe it is time to change those who made false promises in congress. CRUZ i one of them that lied his ass off I think he did unless he didn’t but didn’t he promise to do more? Didn’t he say he would get rid of Obama Care or was that only IF he became President. LOL

I guess free lancers and truthers are our best source of information but not always such as the green screen Isis beheaders in Cuba trying to act like they were in Libya (it seemed anyway to be threatening the vatican and it seemed like the be headers weren’t in Libya) which I found out on Fox by a very good reporter that I do trust quite a bit as far as the green screen, LOL. Really strange stuff. I figured and deduced it to be a Jesuit ploy.

Is Nordstrom a german company?

Maybe Trump supporters should boycott Nordstroms;) LOL

Especially next Christmas season!

Does Nordstom have some illegal immigration sweat shops in America or Mexico?

Explains why many illegal immigrants are so well dressed coming over the border compared to the people I saw in the waiting room and on a daily basis in america who are citizens.

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My what a big fish caught today.

 The same groups the US beat in WWll seem to be the same groups causing trouble for the USA today. Is it any wonder?

All this controversy about Jesus and bread and I wonder if he actually said breadth and all the references to bread are a distraction added possibly later in jest such as the 40 day fast experience he had being tempted about stones turning in to bread. Referring to people as bread throughout and there are lots references having to do with bread.

LIke when the apostles think he is mad at them and they are on a boat and the apostles say say “is it because we brought no bread?” etc and because Jesus dips his bread at the last supper in the Gospel of John in some kind of mixture called SOP at the table as a sign of who betrays him and Satan enters that person and he goes and reports to the temple which was under occupation by the Romans which I think he had no choice and Jesus knew it and they give him money and he throws it down which was obviously intended because he wanted to beat someone to the punch but later in the books after Paul is shipwrecked with some prisoners on board on their way who escape in the Sea of Peter (SOP). The Mediterranean Sea or the Sea of the Philistine (SOP) before the name change to the Mediteranean Sea. Lots of twists and turns like a pretzel. People being referred to as bread and stones and heels is a bit odd. Raising his heel referring to Italy because of the shape of the country. A boot. In the recent past a heel was shitty person: he is a real heel. Usually an insulting person. People who talk down to others would be considered a heel. Many other examples. But also think what the nazis did: they clicked their heels as an allegiance to Hitler as they saluted their commanding officer. They were shitty people for the most part. I’m sure there were a few that weren’t but nevertheless it’s hard to tell on the battlefield who is naughty or nice.

Battle of Monte Cassino

As when Monte Cassino (a BENEDICTINE abbey)  was bombed by the allies and some people were totally pissed off and made a vow of revenge even though they were hiding nazis which is a no-no when at war and on the losing side. The allies noticed nazis there and attacked which is a normal reaction to an enemy when at war. You can read about it on the site called

European Institute of Protestant Studies by Dr. Ian Paisely

 Think about crickets which rub their heels and make a lot of noise. In Iran I think they raise their heels real high when parading their armies like Obama when he doesn’t get a golf ball in the hole on his 7th try. VERY SIMILAR! LOL Anyway whoever raises their heel does it against Jesus in the Gospel of John.”He shall raise his heel against me” is what was said I think at the last supper by Jesus in the Gospel of John. He may have been referring to Obama, IRAN, and the nazis. There are others that raise them too.

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I have never seen anyone do that on a golf course no matter how bad they played

unless they were in the process of a fall.

NOt lonely that holding his golf club like a hammer. Kind of gross isn’t he?

Jesus in the Gospel of John talks about the Rise and fall of the son of man with Nathan after he tells him he saw him under the fig tree and then of course there is the

The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich

Yet there were only 2 world wars. I have always wondered why it was called the third reich but I have wondered lately why West Point is on the eastern side of our country. Some things are hard to explain.

LIke this for example even though it occurred on the heels of Trumps attempt to protect Americans from terrorism:


I think there were 7 stores who dropped her brand of clothing because her dad did what he did in regards to immigration. One of those stores was Nordstrom and another Belk and others, etc.


I’m not sure it is a good time to sell her clothing line in foreign companies but perhaps she should try an american company or two and I bet her sales will skyrocket. It’s easy to make bad on something good if you try hard by not trying to sell it. THE TIMING WAS TELLING. Too bad politics is even in the stores that sell to americans but I guess it is and used as a strong arm to strong arm the president of the USA and to strong arm his daughter. Personally i have not seen her clothing but think about those people that refused to design clothing for President Trump’s wife the First Lady. THAT IS RIDICULOUS and mean-spirited. There are always others who will design for her and probably do a better job in the long run and instead of masculating her might actually do the opposite because there is nothing wrong with being feminine. Usually a sign of jealousy to refuse to design clothing

because you don’t like someone’s views

but if it comes to that kind of showdown

everyone can play.

I bet Nordstrom backtracks soon or at least next year after Christmas when sales drop like a lead balloon.

It’s like people who paint portraits of women and in the past have maculated them quite a bit and usually they are men doing the painting. Women artists tend to be kinder! I think women were not allowed to paint portraits in some places in the past because SOME women CAN do it better. I have noticed art of male painters in regards to painting males and they are very kind in the past to males which is kind of funny if you ask me.

I met an artist via my job when in college and he was married but wanted to paint me for practice and he was kind and the picture was huge. I liked what he did but probably has been painted over for practice. I looked good then so it wasn’t too hard. When people age their character shows in their face often with some lines and things. Life wasn’t too easy on them etc especially if you have kids, but some people don’t understand how hard it is on a person’s body and skin etc and instead degrade a person for those character lines instead of respecting them for giving up some things along the way while raising kids and the things their kids put them through as well.

I know in Hollywood they love young ladies even if they can’t act which is why so many get plastic surgery as they age and some ruin their looks but I bet it has to do with who does the surgery whether male or female and probably politics and religion play a part as well like what happened to the female comedian (Joan Rivers) a few years ago who died needlessly. I think politics and religion played a huge role in her death (and her plastic surgery sorry to say but there are plenty examples and if people were honest about it we might get to the bottom of why it happens to some and not to others and be able to oust a few plastic surgeons for their malpractice (but INSURANCE COVERS THEIR ASSES BECAUSE OF LACK OF HONESTY and screws some and raises others CHEERLEADER MOM MENTALITY) because she was kind of outspoken which as a comedian is normal. They make fun of everything so it is too bad it happened to her but it was during the Obama Administration which is par for the course. There are many who have had plastic surgery and come out worse. WE ALL KNOW IT. YOU CAN TELL who has had plastic surgery a mile away like how they purse their mouths etc (though many males are so often cheap they don’t care especially if they take a few drinks and put a bag over someone’s head while they perform. IT’S TRUE IT’S TRUE) and most decent people overlook the surgery as they did the flaws. Besides there is always someone prettier and younger and more talented. I think in the case of Joan Rivers her sin was honesty and Michelle didn’t like it but if Michelle had been honest he/she might help others who are similar and instead did the opposite or someone did. What a waste. I hope they get to the bottom of her untimely death.

It’s a compliment oftentimes to be made fun of by a comedian because it is what they do. Every president is maligned by comedians for fun.

SOOOOOOO, it wasn’t about race, was it? Just an excuse. Race in the sense of getting through the door ahead of everyone else but not race in reference to one’s heritage.

But what if it’s the wrong door.


LIke IRAN. In a race that may be INSURING it’s own destruction and a few others nearby

like Saudi Arabia even if they are on friendly terms at the moment. Things change.

Lady Gaga did great at half-time and her body was fun to watch as she sang and performed. Very feminine and I prefer watching her over Madonna any day who I think is too muscular and sorry to say reminded me of a frog LOL as if she took muscle drugs. When madonna started her career i really liked what she did but progressively got worse as time went on and needn’t have if she stuck to her own niche and instead copied lots of famous actresses and it got old but probably was acting through overly competiveness. She can do it again of course and try to be herself. Probably has something to do with the producers steering her talent TOO MUCH instead of herself steering her own talent. As far as being a communist, I don’t agree. “This land is your land “is not a communist song. I don’t necessarily think Bob Dylan was a communist as much as a poet (though he might have thought he was  communist but not really a communist but didn’t know it) which is attractive to both communists and to capitalists. All of us have a little of both in us. If he had been a true communist he would not have accepted awards and shit like that and given all his proceeds to everyone else and he didn’t that I know of. I love the song because it’s a good song. PERIOD. Some common good is good as long as it is GOOD common good and doesn’t stifle free thought, the arts, and free enterprise. It’s not like we have walls between each state. HOSPICE IS NOT GOOD but it’s hush hush which means it is BAD!


Have you seen the huge doors that Putin walks through? I don’t know but they look golden but could be brass doors. If that is communism it has taken on a new form and shape. Talk about capitalistic. Three or 4 goliaths could walk through those doors.

Anyway if you watch the movie “The Russians Are Coming” you kind of get a different feel for russian communists but so little gets out of their country as far as information so it is hard to know what it is like in Russia. Good movie and fun to watch. Silly. When Russia was the USSR it was much different and less attractive. LENINY. Everyone wearing scarves and labor clothes is what i recall especially after seeing the movie Dr. Zhivago. They have had quite a history. I did take a class in Russian history and it was quite interesting but it was a long time ago.

What we experienced with Obama during his reign of terror was not common good.

It was fascism. Delusionary and without vision.

 BOB BECK says Nordstrom wasn’t selling any of Ivanka Trumps clothes so that is why they droopped her and yet used her to attract other clothes lines. Then they owe her and must have been pretty good stuff to have attracted others and if they had tried to sell her clothes they could have. Must be losing their mojo. Anyway they dropped her because of Trumps immigration policy PLAIN AND SIMPLE. Timing is evident.

The store is not any better than Lord and Taylor or Dillards, etc. There are many others department stores that can replace Nordstroms. I have been there a few times and I was not overly impressed. It’s a department store, big deal. They overcharge for what you get. Scrivners/Scribners was really superior yet smaller.  There are plenty of more original department stores than Nordstrom out there. Target and Walmart could compete if they had better dressing rooms and if they reorganized but they prefer a certain clientele. Many other smaller stores that beat Nordstorms by a mile as far as styles, beauty, and prices all over this country. When you think about it clothes only last so long because styles change every season so just because something is made well  (double stitched)  doesn’t mean you will wear it more than the clothes you might buy at Target or Walmart unless you work for Fox News. In fact you wear it probably one tenth of the amount of time you wear regular clothes.

Trumps attempt to protect us is good because he is trying to gain control of an uncontrollable situation left to him by Obama and the Pope on purpose in order to protect himself and what was done at Benghazi and to make our country unstable and in harm’s way of Iran and other terrorist nations. The RCC and Obama and terrorist nations know they are in trouble. I think Trump should add more countries to the list and he isn’t the only person to suggest it even the libertarians felt we needed to separate ourselves for a while. Get it together since so much desecration has occurred and to correct it.

I don’t think Trump is trying to hurt immigrants because if this country gets terrorized because he didn’t do his job those immigrants will perish as well wherever they reside.


If we get into a good trade deals with Russia I think it will be a PLUS for the world and for both countries and we should pursue it. I don’t think other nations would like it if we did which means we should. I think Putin has showed quite a lot of restraint and good judgement and i think would be a great trading partner and a very good partner in keeping fascism contained which at this time it needs a great deal of containing besides having a sense of humor talking about his countries other side which I thought was funny promoting his countries …………. as the best which shows he is not a moral laurel. He has an open mind and intelligence etc. Much better intelligence than the RCC, Germany’s intelligence, and even the FBI. He has shown his knowledge and INTEL and I think much more reliable than those named. He has been on that side of the world which I think our country does not understand to the extent that he does because he has had to deal with them at a closer range. I am glad Trump thinks he can get along with him and I think he can because both are willing to work with each other on equal footing unlike Obama who wanted to rule the world like some kind of Pharaoh he imagines himself while snorting some cocaine or shooting up some heroin or some other drug to keep that kind of unrealistic dream. Obamas interest in syria was not worthy but cynical and intended to be used against the USA, Russia, Europe, and Israel and eventually everyone. If he had been a good president he would not have vacationed in Hawaii during a huge crisis on the east coast nor let Michelle and instead delayed it spending eons of money on those that were affected instead of Oprah’s and Michelle’s BS. It was gross and showed his lust for self- aggrandizement and lack of breeding early on and theirs. He wants to destroy ISRAEL. PERIOD.

And still does.

How much did they spend.

I think they should pay it back.

Will Oprah help?

I think it was way over any of Oprah’s assets but if she loves them as she acts like she does than she ought to offer her help to pay back the debt they owe and the Obama’s should be held accountable. Maybe Paul Ryan could work on their excessive spending debt and hold the Obama’s accountable like a good Senator would if he were good, that is.

If not maybe God will hold their feet to the fire instead somehow.

We should get out of NATO as well though Trump is for it. In my opinion NATO is our problem and US needs to step back from it.

Break old ties and start new ones that work for us now not ones that worked in the distant past.



Groups want Trump to close loophole allowing illegal immigrants to abuse tax credits

Most illegals don’t have any idea about loopholes or taxes because they don’t pay them  but someone does and it should be investigated. I think it is related to obama and the vatican. How would they know unless someone taught them in Mexico or somewhere else and Mexico is PREDOMINANTLY Roman Catholic.

NOW THE EX REMEMBERS. A half hour has passed and he remembers, now after he read an article about it on his own which says gall bladders pass gall stones but it is uncommon and I asked. “what does that mean, uncommon.” and he could not specify. I said “one out of a hundred?  what?” He could not say but obviously he knows he got caught in his lie or he would not have looked it up so he must have some pretty nasty characters heeling him and he will be sorry and so will they be

super sorry

FUCKING assholes.


You can’t imagine what I hope for but I do. IT IS SUPER BAD.

It is worse than that. I want him to die. That is how I feel about his lies. HOwever I will not be the one to accomplish it but someday it will happen and I will say in my head


Anyway the reasons Gall bladders hurt severely when they do is because the stones are passing into areas that are sensitive and usually people have the gall bladder removed because of the pain. The ex loves my pain. And I will love his pain for eternity. I remember when my pulse was up to 145 and he said “mind over matter” and went to bed. I will never forget his deep abiding love and friendship. He wants me to die and has for a long time but hasn’t been able to legitimately accomplish it without incriminating himself and somehow I pass through. He never tries to learn nor cares a twit about the truth and someday he will regret what he has done and he will ask for a drop of water but I won’t hear nor see him, hopefully and that includes the family he grew up with everyone of them. Trying to get me to be grateful for being falsely arrested and he was the one that called the police. He deserves my send off because he is a little prick from hell.

Anyway in response he got his daughter to act really shitty to me like he got the doctor and the nurse to do the same. I left a message on her phone after her little act and told her “You know what’s really gross is your dad got your pretty car by starving his mom to death,” after we had some nasty words between us.

Can’t get any grosser than starving your mom to death, can you?

Divine love of the Rodgers clan and deluded but not sure they realize it.

I pray he dies soon with his friends and family with the exception of my two daughters.

Before the end of this I guarantee I am going get both my kids to change their last name and my youngest her middle name and my last name as well. The Rodgers name is trash as far as I’m concerned for all the things I have had to go through but he is acting very nice today but that doesn’t mean he will tomorrow and I like constancy.

My daughter did not act like herself when we had our spat and was degrading to me and yet she is young and doesn’t really know how to be tactful but it was more than I could take from her disrespect for me and she was not acting right IMO or for the right reasons but was acting on her dad’s part for the wrong reasons and it was gross though she tried to make me feel gross for some reason. IT hurt me and I hurt her back witht he truth and I think she needs to have it drummed into her what he did and I think did for the wrong reasons wether or not his mom wanted it or not but he wasn’t there to know but had heard something many years before about old folks homes and how she did not want to be treated the way they treat old folks. Doesn’t mean you starve your mom to death. and besides she probably did not want a feeding tube put down her nose because it hurts like the dickens and until I was put under anesthesia they could not do it to me in a desperate moment when I was in severe pain elsewhere. She may have refused the feeding tube for that reason alone and was misunderstood and besides she could not talk. Sn people change their minds sometimes. However what she had her sons do or what they did to her will have far reaching affects on many others that my not want to be put down like a DOG and with less kindness as well. I twill have far caching affects on hospitalization and Emergency Rooms. ITs a bad deal because it can be abused for peoples assets and for money like the Catholic church has done in the past not allowing divorce to protect their asses and assets and causing great unhappiness for those that truly should be divorced and not allowing priests to marry to learn the hardship of it sometimes. and to actually be of use to the world YOu cannot direct others if you cannot experience what others experience nor should you be able to. Like having a child raise their parents. It doesn’t work that way.

One of his nephews is coming to town for a cheerleading convention down town. The one who is the youngest son of the eldest son of the Rodgers clan who lied all the time. My first experience with him (Joe Rodgers) was in Michigan when I first met him when his oldest son who was maybe ten years old or less and he whacked him across the face for nothing and it was a very hard whack because he had funny look on his face. HIs wife divorced him soon after and moved back to Utah and remarried. She was a Mormon. He avoided paying child support for a long time and then came into some money and bought some stuff for his kids and I guarantee he stole it because he was also a thief. He was the one that said he served in Viet Nam when he was on some island Guam or something like that. He lied incessantly without shame and his mother didn’t teach him. None of them tried to teach him not to lie. It was not my job however I kicked him out of our home twice after some hard lessons and one was he tried to seduce my sister when she was drunk and stole some things and used us for a free ride and the other I can’t remember why and he told his family he beat me up which he didn’t. However he tried to rape and I think he did beat up a friend of ours at the TMZ daughter. She was a nice young lady. This is what I have had to deal with and I guess the youngest son my ex was just as bad however I didn’t know it till I knew. He put op a good front Mr. Proper fuck.

Talk about fucked up. She never let them read the bible like Nancy Pelosi who suggested the congress not read Obama Care. It’s a catholic problem and it needs fixing however I really don’t want to help them anymore because in my opinion catholics need to help themselves and so does congress.

Start reading the shit you dish out or 

prepare to get fucked for eternity.

It is very strange but the person i saw in the hallway going to the bedroom of my ex in my ex after my daughter left the house and this was after he remembered reminded me of Gary when I first met him at the airport when I was 13 years of age or so. So it was punishment for him remembering g all of a sudden to use my daughter which gary was that tip and so is my ex to attack. Using their kids especially females. He looked me over real good up and down when I was 13 as if he had plans. We went that day to an army picnic. Also reminded me of Gary when my dad had a TIA at the hospital when Gary’s daughter Kristen had one of her babies. Like some kind of demon. My dad had driven 5 or so hours and I don’t think got a nap at an old age but my sister didn’t care for others Just herself and pushing everyone to their limit on her account or her families without thinking of others. My daughter seemed like my older sister as if whatever demon that possessed my sister to hospice for two weeks my mom without telling me before she died was in my daughter, So I am fighting something big and  NASTY. Because if you don’t  or haven’t read my other posts Gary my brother in law molested me while I slept next to his new wife. They were only married a few years and she was 6 years older than me which is NASTY to do to me and his wife and my family and hers because if affected us all for many years but like I said it wasn’t my job to teach him, it was her job or his parents job and I guess they failed to do right by him and for him and for themselves and others. I could use some genuine prayers from genuine believers which are few for my daughters and me. LIke I said I would love to see my ex depart and never see his kids again or me because he is such a liar it’s scary and only remembers when he doesn’t have a choice or is caught. He got her the car on his moms starvation diet to get in good with my daughter to outdo me because of the divorce and because his religion hates my beliefs which I believe are closer to the truth than theirs. It is so gross to have to deal with liars on a consistent basis.. What he did to his mom is gonna have far reaching and super bad affects on the next generation if there is one, which I doubt especially since Jesus said what he said on the shores of Galilee to Peter as a warning to Peter.

I’m not Peter. I’m a female for one thing and my name is not Peter. Peter represents the RCC as it’s mascot for Paul whose name was Saul probably a spelling homonym of SOL as in SUN which is a star in the center of our solar system and there are many solar systems (500 so far that have been found) that were created and are not the creator. Paul sounds like POL and probably represents or is the homonym for politics and when you take off the first syllable you get I-tics as in blood suckers. Blood suckers have to have a host to live off of but those can be taken out of the way as is predicted or prophesied PERIOD. It could be ghost or it could be the holy one is taken out of the way, etc, not sure but since so much of the bible has been found to have been edited a bunch recently we have a big problem which happened a bunch in the 70’s and 80’s and the 90’s by the RCC (and definitely in the dark ages by the RCC) and other religions like Rick Warren’s religion etc of tossing out some good old folks out of their own small churches for the new way Mega Churches which isn’t working very well anymore,

is it?


He murdered a slave whacker and was chosen to lead the Hebrew slaves to freedom

Those old folks must have mattered.




We  aren’t that important if there are found so far 500 other solar systems. So I think our country better get it’s shit together and do right or we won’t get to do it anymore.

Doesn’t the swiss guard – guard the Vatican posthumously in those funny costumes?LOL


Swiss could represent the moon as in Islam or cheese as in swiss cheese. Could mean the Sabbath and keeping it holy. Strange but still lots to think about

what is meant by holy one

or holy

HO-ly or holy ghost.

Tonight on Fox news with O’reilly was a woman with the Robert Kennedy foundation of something or other type club or organization and today I asked the ex if he had heard anything lately about Robert Kennedy and he hadn’t heard anything about him in many years and neither have I. Didn’t hear her just saw her and she looked like a Kennedy through and through. So the big guns are out and I don’t think I’m being ignored because I just wrote about Robert Kennedy which I thought was not coincidental.

I had to go to the hospital again today and had a totally different experience a day or so after the circus I had to experience called an ER fun/run like a circus with the exception of a few. IT was like night and day. I got the treatment I should have gotten the second time around. Had a few testy moments with the new doctor but he was older and more professional and his staff took him seriously. Every person was professional and kind. He wasn’t exactly kind as he was good and talented but still wanted not to worry about my gall bladder experience even though it is connected to what is going on with my COPD. He did kind of lie I could tell when he looked down when I asked him because he had said in an earlier conversation that “Emphysema is COPD” and I retorted “I’ve been around. I know COPD is a catchall.” Especially since Fukushima and those that like to spread plagues like Ebola as a scare tactic and political and religious groups to get them to carry OBAMA Care, so on his next visit I planned to ask him “If COPD is emphysema, why do we call it COPD? Is it because it is politically correct to call it COPD?” Funny thing is I kind of think he knew I would ask him that question. He responded: ” I don’t know I’ve been doing it for three days” In between all that I had sent the ex home for a while because I wanted good treatment from the hospital and got it and even a very good nurse said I did the right thing by returning to get the right help though she didn’t say the last part. Anyway they did what should have been done the first time which I appreciate, and did it happily, too. When I went today at the beginning i thought maybe the reason I was having to go again was to find out the name of the asshole no wheelchair asshole because he didn’t do it just once but twice in a matter of seconds which was disgusting and callous and PREMEDITATED. So I guess I did the right thing because I must have needed it but he wasn’t there this time. I’ll catch him later I’m sure.

It’s a family affair ere. It’s a family affair ere.

Sly & The Family Stone – A Family Affair

Guess what….I’ve been doing it a lot longer than three days. Nearly ten years I think but after so many years it’s hard to count when there are at least 365 days in a year because I don’t do it every day or keep track of every second of the day and I’m still learning as well.

I didn’t get his joke at first but the ex when there tipped me to it’s meaning and it was a good one and it was telling though he may not realize it. He is kind of dry with a dry sense of humor and a bit crusty like old people sometimes are a little that way because they have been around.

I recall when Jesus was with a prostitute when some people wanted her to be stoned and he drew a line in the dirt or sand and the older ones left.

The fact is there are lots of spies with their little eyes, but they don’t know it.

In between a few conversations with the good doctor I spewed lots of facts i have discovered to the ex in some kind of order but not nearly all the facts and suppositions as well as the things I have found and I didn’t realize it but the doctor was with another patient nearby and I saw him  move like the wind (which reminded me of the past president of Iran and the DOJ for Obama EricHolder that I explained either in this post or the last one called The Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven, but could have been for legit reasons because it is an ER or both.) for some reason and I thought oops I may have given away some information or spilled some beans but it’s okay if I did because we need to know and we are all in this together (even Iran) in some ways and besides God knows more than we know and can handle everything on his end. I think IRan needs to know they are embarking upon a field they do not know how to handle well because they lack experience and will more than likely have to learn it the hard way because of lack of experience and a lack of belief IMO of the true God who gave us the Ten Commandments so they are at a disadvantage and could regret their desires and lust for power. I understand their desire because of the past but there are other ways to win power and less dangerous and the club the Iranians want to join is rough and tougher than they are. When we attained the power in our country was not by our own volition but forced upon us to fight fascism. It is not necessarily a blessing but a curse to some countries such as Korea to us it’s a blessing because we won WORLD WAR ll because of it but also a curse in some ways. It was a curse to Japan because they were on the wrong side AT THE TIME and on the side of Fascism/racism and on the Jesuits side which is the wrong side but they do like to play games with the lives of their supposed friends. The masons as well who started out on a good foot and ended up being infiltrated as all the other sects and religions and faiths by assholes and because of deception. It has become a curse to the USA because of the food chain poisoned in the oceans by MAN_MADE accidents such a s FUKUSHIMA instigated by stupid politics of religion of the RCC and those in it that have very little common sense but lust for power. Not only the food chain poisoned but the balance of oxygen since the plankton that were poisoned in the oceans which provide 1/3 of the oxygen on earth so it affects EVERYONE especially those like me who were attacked and in one day received COPD as an excuse for the poisoning via walnuts vs almonds because of a lysteria outbreak and it was purposeful because of my beliefs and maintained in various ways via deceived and forgetful ex’s and his friends and their friends to have an easy time of it during a very deceptive, false religious and political Détente which will bear out eventually to their demise unless they change their ways and do good and start remembering what they remember. Start being truthful for the sake of others. Sounds wild but true and I had to find out the hard way and with lots of investigation and got some answers from some true friends and they know who they are but rare friends some in high places and some in low places and some family members involved somewhere in between who have helped me and are in the hands of God. Some on the other side of what we call living and some on the inside whom I hope to sit on a beach together drinking a Pina Colada or beer or drink of choice in our chairs with funny hats on together one day above it all enjoying the sounds, sights, and smells and tastes and all the other senses we are blessed with as over comers and past the bull shit. Like the girl I met who wants to invent the perfect anti biotic and get rich from it. A great desire if you ask me. It doesn’t happen overnight and it is a tall order but doable if you believe in God, the real one.

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8King James Version (KJV)

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;

A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;

A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;

A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;

A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;

A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;

A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.


Vintage Chatty Cathy toy doll TV Commercial 1960’s

I don’t remember what my little sister received the same Christmas and I am suspicious she got a Chatty Cathy doll too. She knows a lot of things, you know. We were only about a year apart so it makes sense she received what I received or we shared it but I definitely made mincemeat of the doll. I kind of remember dropping it in the road when it stopped working or because the string broke when we lived on a cul-de-sac.

Like the flip flops she gave me the same weekend my older sister spent two hours searching for some flip flops while visiting my mom and she said “Money is no object.” They looked exactly the same but the used ones were definitely used and I wore them for a few days and they broke, but mine were free.

We used to fly together in our bedroom like Tinker Bell and she remembers doing it as well the last time we reminisced about it and she remembered the HOBO with the knapsack and his german shepherd in the woods behind us beyond the fence line and the monkeys from the castle we dared each other and other friends to approach closer to in our playtime and the apple orchard being chased by a man with a shotgun. She wasn’t there when I was offered some candy from a lady in a car in order to get into the car with her. I refused of course. We shared lots of experiences together and apart. Eating ice-cream and potato chips on Saturday mornings at 5 in the morning to watch Shirley Temple and cartoons. It was kind of a ritual.

The experience we reminisced about in San Antonio was the blackout in Georgia. My older sister was there and so was my younger sister sitting around the dinette table laughing about it because it was funny. I think it was Easter weekend late the night before Easter and as we were finishing up the baskets and dispersing of candy and coins inside plastic eggs and we were kind of giddy being so late at night or early morning. We had already painted the eggs with the kids and they were in bed. My parents were in their bedroom asleep downstairs. Not sure if I had kids at the time but partook of the whole she-bang with their kids often but I might have had one kid but that isn’t as important to this few weird minutes. Anyway I think I was ready to go to bed upstairs or go to the bathroom upstairs but the lights went out as I was walking up the stairway which was steep and kind of narrow with a bannister. It was strange. On the wall to the right was a picture my aunt had painted of a painting my parents really liked: A big ship on the ocean. I bet my aunt did a better job because she was quite an oil paint artist as was her son who also was very talented at his art. Since it was so dark I grabbed the wall which happened to be where the painting was hung because it was a big painting and almost knocked it off the wall and had to adjust it so it wouldn’t fall off it’s hangers. It wasn’t the first time we had reminisced about that night in Georgia but probably the first time we did it all three of us together. The end. LOL

Yea probably boring or anti-climatic to many but you have to admit it couldn’t have been a mere coincidence since it never happened since or in-between. I think when the the lights went out in Georgia it might have been during Christmas vacation.

None of us know everything occurring at certain times. And so something may have occurred to me that was different to you but even something else may have been happening either OPUS knew.

I know at some point recently the Catholic Church in Rome wanted to force Sunday worship which is wrong of course. Enforcing Saturday worship is also wrong as well.

Enforcing any kind of worship is wrong

and foolish

and evil.

Islam wants to enforce worship as well beheading or stoning people without representation and usually based on false accusations and even if not false

it’s wrong such a homosexuality or having sex with an infidel. LOL

Enforcing atheism is also wrong and evil which in my opinion is

enforcing the foundation of most religions off our lands or off any land

but especially our land.

This land is my land, this land is your land

Woody Guthrie- This Land Is Your Land

The foundation of many and most religions is The Ten Commandments and ignore these commandments at your own peril but it is not up to me or you

to enforce the Ten Commandments.

It is up to God who designed them using Moses.

Moses stuttered or had a speech impediment and asked for his brother’s help with God’s permission or it was suggested by God (don’t remember for sure on that point) when he came down the mountain with the Ten Commandments dropped them and broke the two stone tablets because he saw the people dancing around a golden calf they had melted from their golden earrings (in that time an eating was a sign of ownership and must have been quite a few) to make the golden calf and Aaron who was in charge while Moses was on the mountain for quite a long time was weak in other ways and fell for peer pressure to allow them to lose it from hysteria similar to the democrats and what they are doing these three weeks since Trump was sworn in as the President of the USA. Anyway a group of people killed the false worshippers even though they were weak and afraid and had just been freed so very naive as well and probably could have been dealt with fairly if Aaron hadn’t been kind of stupid and if that group hadn’t been zealots to impress God and Moses by killing them. I guarantee there were spies involved on both sides to cause havoc. Moses might have had cleft palate which affected his speech by no fault of his own. Sometimes two people are better than one but in this case I don’t think so but someone had to help while he was away.

My godmother was once in a group of people in line to meet some people and thought the person she was talking to was joking the way he spoke and mimicked him a hairlip and turned out he was truly a hairlip or had a cleft palate. Can’t remember how you spell it but it was kind of funny because she often put her foot in her mouth which sometimes was funny as well though other times not and I don’t think he was too offended (probably used to it) but she was embarrassed and I don’t think she meant to be offensive. A family story we enjoyed and perhaps we shouldn’t have enjoyed it but we couldn’t help it. Luckily for guys they can grow mustaches and beards unlike women who do the same but lots less and can’t cover it up without surgery or makeup. Anyway she told the family story so it is to her credit she did giving us a heads up about herself. I just wished she understood my mom better and loved her for the way she was even with some faults of her own.

Each state has their own rules they design because of the makeup of their state and in our country we have 50 states with a couple extra sort of states. I think we overdo it in many places because of the many scams and infractions but since we are the people I guess we get to get involved and try to change those rules using the voting booths and freedom of speech and the right to have some social unrest within limits such as what occurs on campuses usually because of false information and political stupidity but not always.

Breaking property and windows and burning peoples cars is dangerous and destructive and better be a good excuse for it and three weeks of Donald Trump is not a good excuse. Dirty politics. He may have accomplished a lot but we have not seen good or bad results yet so its really childish and like a bunch of nut-cases having a tantrum all at once because they lost the game of politics at least for 4 years. If you can’t handle it get off the pot. Should have protested during the Obama administration and against Obama Care and against hospice and against the broken promises to out veterans to be taken seriously now. You lost your moral ground to be allowed to act like a bunch of babies in diapers who don’t know their shit from some one else’s shit to eat. LOL

My parents loved to lavish us when they could and my sisters did the same for their kids and I did to mine usually at Christmas time and Easter and their birthdays because of tradition.

Jesus said Your Father in heaven knows your needs, meaning God,


but so does your father and mother here on earth and in heaven.

My parents knew my needs when I had my abortion.

So far we don’t really have the answers about when life begins because it is sort of an interpretation at this point what life is especially in the beginning stages.

Some think it’s at the time of conception, some think it’s at birth and some think it’s somewhere in-between those two points and some even think it is in the sperm or semen because of the Old Testament interpretation of the seed of man.

Men and boys spill it very often on the ground, on a wall, on themselves, on a sheet or blanket, on the thighs of a female, in other people’s mouths, in a rubber, in whores, sluts prostates, and prostitutes, some times children, etc. and probably  in cabs, in the woods, on a tree, etc. Luckily sheets can’t reproduce and many of the things named can’t reproduce or don’t reproduce

and we,


have a right not to reproduce

if we don’t want to

with or without our parent’s permission

because often times

parents can be brainwashed

by cults, lies, and peer pressure.

We have a right to stop it at any point until it is not part of the human female such as at birth, when it breaths it’s own air after they spank the baby and cut the umbilical cord or when he or she or he/she is breathing on their own or with the help of machines such as for premies (premature births) and give it all the chances good medical care can afford to assist with or give not based on the money aspect to assist in that endeavor or attempt in my opinion and in many other people’s opinions and in most religions of the world because even though a person is raised catholic doesn’t mean they are completely catholic as in Rome’s version of catholicism or even the other countries catholics versions of catholicism who reside and are raised as catholics, protestants and all the others. There is such thing as individualism amongst catholics and protestants, and islamic muslims, muslims, and all other religions:Et al.

which I have come to learn.

Et al.” is a scholarly abbreviation of the Latin phrase et alia, which means “and others.” It is commonly used when you don’t want to name all the people or things in a list, and works in roughly the same way as “etc.”

In wars often females get pregnant by the enemy and during a coup, or during times of false peace times and true peace times depending on the parties involved.

Remember what was said in the movie called Brave Heart by the evil English king who wanted to breed them out talking about the scottish people and the scottish females and irish females and welsh females, etc and i’m sure that kind stuff goes one in many countries by sadistic, over-bearing assholes like those residing at the vatican and all over the world in their sanctuaries, churches, parishes, convents and charities, adoption centers, orphanages, and anywhere there are females of any ages because it is a tactic in war and peace and between social classes and for self-serving reasons such as keeping a business afloat as well either to degrade someone’s daughter or wife or to snare someone’s son, boyfriend or husband, or to degrade a female by another female or male one is competing with for one reason or another. There are lots of those excuses and other reasons usually involving money or lack of money. LOTS. Sometimes to degrade the family of the victim whether under duress or vice because of an upcoming election or as in the military the promotion of one over the other wherever there is competition and even in business or for political and/or religions purposes to change the scenery or chances of others against others. It is endless the reasons because of sociopaths who were not raised correctly or developed their sociopathetic or sociopathic tendencies out of greed to inflict damage on others.

The buck should stop with the female before or after conception sometime before birth which I believe BIRTH is the beginning of life in reality but not always depending on politics and religion and their pressures to overbear on the public which can kill often times does when they are supposed to serve with tons of minutia to get rich or be on top somehow of keep power like the democrats are doing now and should try to be reasonable and thoughtful and give Trump the same opportunity to try to do good (hopefully) as they did for Obama to try to do bad and early on showed signs of deceptiveness and murderous intent of our citizens and pushing our buttons to cause dissent between races.

It is the right of the female because it is her birthright being a female and it is up to her self determination to decide when, where, and by whom or what she wants to reproduce and between her and her God to decide and come to terms with the option of abortion a form of birth control as well as the practice of using the rubber, the pill, the day after pill the month after pill and all the other options available and it is those countries that have many options I consider to be ADVANCED civilizations. However the Sudan probably thinks they are superior where many women have their clits cut for the males and females to inflict their sadism upon a female hoping by HER LACK OF Sexual PLEASURE will control the population and is proven to be a false notion because often and most of the time males are at fault because the smallest of seed isn’t the mustard seed but the man’s seed and their VERY small minds that usually occupy as much space as the semen spermocyte in their dick. Sorry to be so mean, LOL, but it’s true especially when under some forms of pressure, deceit and self deception

with a hat on or a hard on

or a hard hat on.


Not trying to be offensive but even though I was hard on this pope he did a few things that were surprising and was a proponent of truth in some things which I think may have caused his early retirement but it was quite an elegant one as well. I think he got some good help from spiritual people on the other side of living who helped to give him some balance and bravery and I think he listened. It’s not easy sorting through some heavy stuff spiritually and physically but at least in some ways he tried in a very hard place to raise his children to a higher plane but I don’t think the Jesuits liked it. Interesting character if you read up on him and notice some interesting facts about him but I think he warned a clarion call of things to come and I listened though I did not trust without verification etc but I appreciated that call and his warning and coincided with my father’s death and life afterwards.I think my dad helped him on the bravery thing giving him courage he needed which is how we get it sometimes if we believe in God.

One of those truths he promoted was TRUTH IN CHARITY which is a big problem these days. The other non-truth was a coming world government with teeth that he warned about or vice-versa depending on how you look at it.

Both connected and both verified.

 In other words he tipped us off and gave us a heads up.

There were a few others as well such as Faith was the New Enlightenment

and warned about the Court of the Gentiles at Notre Dame in France

and affecting Israel and the USA, Europe, Russia, the Middle east, Africa and Asia and the world at large

and he said maybe the jews weren’t responsible for the death of Jesus.

I’m sure there were others I did not get wind because of the wind

 but my dad also warned me about Obama Care and the Hospice dis-service after he died

and so did my mom

believe me those truths and non truths are connected at the hip.

5. I Thirst (John 19:28)

Not everything in their post is right but some is and worth reading for others though I have read many like this article but it might help to educate those that have not and lead to other good posts about Jesus and biblical stuff. The bible is the same you know. Not everything is true in the true sense of the meaning of truth but yet in some ways true. And if you read between the lines there is more to know because in the old days people were not as FRANK with each other and now trying to make us less FRANK and politically correct to suppress the truth and in some way Frankness can be bad because it’s often coarse but sometimes it is good depending on the subject matter and when talking about sex well we all have some kinks in us or sensitivities because it is one of the most confusing subjects on earth and in the world which is why it needs to be discussed.

You  can’t understand it unless you experience it and it’s not always good depending on who you experience it with and when and how and many other things. Obviously virgins don’t know diddley squat about it so they aren’t much help except to parade around on false notions that having sex up to a point makes you innocent or women who walk around pregnant with fetus without a husband makes them on some moral high ground etc. But the females do take the punch and they should not have to and should also have the same rights as men Self determination because it is their body until it isn’t.

Other Nasty Politics

  1. Texas governor legalizing medical marijuana for some and not for others. Any good reasoning behind that particularism or separatism? I don’t think so I think its either being a fraidy cat or peer pressure. Same difference. No wonder he resides in a wheel chair…he deserves it. I think wheel chairs should be disallowed for governors who are assholes that think with the brain the size of a spermocyte in a little prick.

2) Oklahoma charging no tax on ALL food items  INCLUDING PREPARED ONES and over charging tax on other products and trying to dismiss consumption tax on a very unfair and premeditated failure of the consumption tax.

Probably has something to do with the governor of this state Mary what’s her facelift and lip injections, boob job BULLSHIT Obama follower PUSHING THOSE BOOBS IN WHOSE EVER FACE TO GET THEM TO REASON WITH THEIR DICKS INSTEAD OF THEIR BRAINS if you look up the history of her politics involving Obama and what she did for him probably more than you realize behind the scenes to get those attributes which did not help.

You do not have to overcharge on tax on anything to have good results in the consumption tax because more people will pay in the tax revenue via consumption because it is obvious they will spend more being able to buy more for the buck over the long haul including those that are illegal and more people will flock to a fair state if treated fairly that are legal and invest in a fair state because it is fair. It’s called good economics and good politics but some people are unwilling and unyielding just to prove a point like you cannot live by bread alone. And quit stealing other peoples ideas and calling it your own. You don’t have me fooled, nor God even though you think you are one coy bitch. It will come to haunt you one day and you will wish you had tried to do right.

I think these people need to go to college and learn about economic micro and macro beginning stage and get an A in the courses taught by an expert of economics before being allowed to be governor or a senator or a congressman of a state and show some respect for the people they serve in more ways than one. I’m so pretty when you ain’t that pretty to some. Females need to get a hold of themselves like Pelosi and quite rubbing their boobs in Shumer’s face before she loses those boobies because of a car accident and they explode in his face! They kind of did already, didn’t they?

 A woman died in your state that shouldn’t have of suicide because she didn’t get the right medical care and was ignored and lied to and limited by insurance shit and misdiagnosed purposefully because she was a christian woman loved by a lot of people and in great pain and was driven to it, affecting her family and others in a detrimental way and it will rest on your shoulders and weigh you down town the kind of down town you don’t want to be for a long time when you die. Anyway she should not have died the way it happened and in desperation. She had a common disease curable 20 years ago by diet and drugs and the people she was allowed to see because of insurance said it was all in her head and she blew her brains out eventually because of the sad state of affairs in the state of Oklahoma.

She was young too and much prettier than you.

Politics is not the place to use boob jobs and liposuction to get your way and you do a disservice to other smarter and more reliable women in politics but I guess that may be the point and purpose you were given to shut out the more valuable ones to women and men and the citizens of the USA. What kind of power would do this kind of chicanery.

I will tell you: NOT A GOOD ONE.

Grease u better shape up

Olivia didn’t need big boobs to be pretty she just used what she had and made the best of it and made a big splash. Eventually she may have but for the right reasons and she wasn’t in politics she was entertaining and still a cut above many.

I don’t resent these things that improve a body or some ones face to make them prettier or sexier but use it right. Don’t abuse it and don’t steal it. At some point you kind of have to give it up. LOL especially when sick or old and hope everyone forgives you for your lost beauty and sees other things beside your flaws which are many in all of us but some hide it better than others.

I was thinking about my older sister and how she used to be and she was once a very fine person and had qualities she lost along the way because of the abuse she was dealing with from her husbands folly and the abuse she dished out unfairly I think in retaliation and peer pressure which is very tough and false often self serving BULL SHIT and I think she was dealing with a demon as I have been dealing with who is very hard to overcome. Not her husband but who he was dealing with inside himself and yet failing miserably because of false things we are all kind of fighting. It is hard when you can’t see it coming and how tricky it can be. Hopefully my mom and dad and God will do their magic on her one day and change her back to herself because I think those are the people that love her the most besides her kids.

GIOVANNI MARRADI -Try to remember

It was mostly when she was with her haughty friends she got her haughty attitude and it was hateful to the max and premeditating shit was the worst of all. Hiring me to screw with me is really shitty. And I know that her friends don’t care near as much about her as she thinks. IN fact probably not at all. They used her as well. Of course hospicing my mom with out telling me for two weeks when she died was unforgivable IMO. The only thing I can do is think about her as young person when she wasn’t like the person who would do something so hateful. Stunningly bad. It was a bad spirit in her who would do such a thing. LIke dealing with a person with multiple personalities. She used to do that breathing thing out her nose like O’reilly does when he is insulted or something and I have seen the ex do or heard him do it even from the next room and he didn;t know why  usually when I wrote something about the RCC and so it had to be a spiritual manifestation in him a bad one.IT is what ever that spirit is, is who it is. like getting even with someone when you have no right to just to get back at them. vengefulness.

for instance when caught in a lie to avenge because you got caught in the lie you made yourself when you could have been truthful to begin with like when my ex said he didn’t remember when he did then admitted when he knew he was caught and then retaliates to make me look bad by using his kid against me who happens to be my kid as well but it is gross whatever it is. Severely evil, baseless and distorted. and is using me for some reason because in reality he wishes I was dead but needs me to live his useless life and to have a hold over me. It’s totally fucked.


 I want you to bury me and me to bury you kind of shit.

Mentally deranged but it is kind of humorous if I weren’t the one having to deal with it daily and as Robert Frost said on inauguration day of JFK

On Art and Government: The Poem Robert Frost Didn’t Read at JFK’s Inauguration

but what I remember seeing is what he said when he got frustrated and is in one of my posts about JFK on Meringue’s Blog he said something like

Somehow he would get through it or somehow he would find a way through it

I think he said and I am hoping I will get through it and out of it and over it and past it. Meaning I will find a way out of this totally fucked up and mentally deranged set up and ahead of it to a place I belong with people i love and the pets i love and the places that I love and remember and not have to deal with this crap which is what I married totally unbeknownst to me at the time. Like I was hoodwinked and I was. I think we all were but mine’s the worst, I’m telling you as if it was some kind of arrangement for everyone else’s sake. LOL

Know what I mean?

Anyway it was snowy day and the sun was bright and he couldn’t read because of the brightness thinking it had probably to do with Kennedy who was a courageous guy  in lots of ways but not perfect. I have compared him to Jacob and MOses because of his desire to be free and I think that  is kind of who he was. Jacob I  think was the one that took the blemished sheep and profited his herds grew etc through some kind of trickery and he was blessed by some kind of god but I don’t think it was the right one. SOrry to say. Perhaps it was the right GOd in an uncertain world full of evil helping him and going to reveal through his travails later anyway He married Rachel I believe is the case and she used herbs to attract others which I think has to do with Dragons’s breath or Devils breath things like that to attract someone to someone else and determine peoples and couples etc. she was beautiful and he was tricked by Laban her dad and his mother’s brother (his uncle or the brother of Sarah I think) to do servitude for her and he ended up with her sister Leah who he wasn’t attracted to and had to work another 7 years of slavery to attain Rachel. I think is the story. It’s a Catholic story with a bit if islamic stuff because of Laban which is a part of the female body the labia which is kind of what is depicted on the metal lips of the  islamic thing a bunch of white clad muslims walk around in one direction which is a labia (arabia?) in Mecca so he got tricked by Islam and Mohammad and when at the airport in Dallas there was blind sheik I noticed at the airport as he went off to the place he was gonna get his head blown off  by his wife Jackie Kennedy in Dallas who I think represents Rachel though she was in an altered state of mind which I noticed her acting weird. She wasn’t herself and probably because she was a woman who had been abused by her dad a drunk and was holding on to whatever could keep her up. She was quite the beauty and wasn’t perfect by any means in an imperfect world of evil. I think their marriage was a set up but I think at times they loved each other. It wasn’t their fault they were born.

He was sort of sifted like Simon by Satan (the BGEA) to be wheat instead of the real thing. Simon, Simon Satan hath desired to have you that he may sift you as wheat which is in the gospel of Luke and is very french sounding. Jesuit stuff.

Do not ask what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country

kind of stuff and then he discovered or promoted the Peace Corps

Nice but not necessarily true and didn’t solve a lot but did some good things too

Better than nothing.

Genesis 29

Jacob Marries Leah and Rachel

Anyway very similar to the story of Sarah and Abraham who I think was Jacob’s mom and dad. I’m not sure about it but like a loop de loop kind of thing. Abraham married his cousin etc.Anyway Laban should not have tricked Jacob but he did and so I have surmise that Abraham is the father of lies as was Laban….OBVIOUSLY using Jacob for 14 years of labor for his daughters hands in marriage. Obviously his daughters were nothing more than slaves as well ad meant nothing to either Abraham or Laban. KInd of like ISLAM and Roman Catholicism. Many of us who have been raised the were raised were lied to and used like my mom and dad who served out country and then levied to about what they would receive when retired and gave up their home to receive it the they earned serving our country and were fucked by politics and religion.  I lost my only  home I ever had that my older sister lied to me about when we bought it setting me up becauses her husband is german and an asshole and had me isolated because I spoke out about my treatment. I wasn’t perfect but I reacted like many girls do when I was young and then my life turned around badly and none understood. I didn’t either because I didn’t know the consequences of speaking out then and later and now. But you have to for the next generation to understand that no matter how pretty you are it doesn’t last and you will be hospiecd for not lasting unless you have lots of money and can hold it off for some time but you can’t hold it off as long as you think and now that the truth is getting out it might not matter at all. Because guess what it is being revealed and Revelation is occurring and the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH WILL DIE along with it’s daughters and all the other religions and so will Islam and then there will be Judgement and some will rise again and some won’t. I know I have seen my parents signature and testimony by the things I have seen not on the tv only or the internet only which can be manufactured by the press and many in the religions but what they saw in the future and guess what

it was connected and verified


And so I probably won’t last long too much longer but I got the word out my way.

My ex is acting much better and I know he knows and is trying to help me more but he know I have less time anyway which will be good for him for a short while until it isn’t.

I’m using him because I have no choice. He is using me because he has a choice and isn’t doing right by me in that sense and will be sorry in the long run which isn’t as long as he thinks.

I have learned quite a bit and did my part unbeknownst to me that I am also in the same position my mom was in and sort of gave up my home unknowingly kind of in the same way within the same ten year period or more to be hospiced a bit differently but I’m being hospiced and some people are trying to be kind and some aren’t.

And the spirits ghosts that have played havoc on my body in retaliation like throwing me into the ballet bar that was in my living room at the time by the front door when my daughter and I argued and it wasn’t her causing my first rib injury which was super painful is evil but still I got the god news regardless via my parent who loved me via God who loved them and my daughters as well. I saw the look on her face when it happened and she was shocked because she didn’t do it. SHe as too far away at the time and on the other side it is physically impossible. Something else did it because it wants to abuse her for her youth and me for the truth..

I saw Phil’s mom and she was not too good looking or in a good place a place turned into a circus and I know my parents aren’t there. I did not see them there. Hopefully there is away out for my  motherinlaw later via hearing because truth is like that and can get through just takes a while because deception is like crazy shit which makes it hard but God can do miracles even after death.

I’m kind of in-between a good place ahead and a circus by what I have endured and on my way soon probably partially be causes of life style decision that were not good burt a result of some things I had no control over against me and my family. Those of you  who think you have it good. Wait and see. Take note. You may not be in such a great place as me someday because you didn’t care to reveal the truth as best you should. I think my dreams will occur and maybe I will be caught up or whatever it is in-between before I die but I think as with being born you have to die as well to get there. I don;t know because I haven’t done it before. there is always a first time LOL. It is scary.

What is terrible is what my sister did to me and my family and I don’t think unless she and her kind change they are gonna enjoy life after death for a long while. But I don’t know because I haven’t been there yet. But I do know is avenging angels those that aren’t happy don’t want it out and want to end those headed in a good place and help those that aren’t because misery loves company. and the RCC is also a company of many types mostly mob types. But if they tried instead to do the opposite it might help them as well. But may instead be the last to enter what they denied others of.

I hope Trump can do good if he is on the level but I think only time will tell.

I had come up with a time span of Obama in office and think I was right it was more than 8 years more like ten with GREAT DECEPTION involved by a GREAT MANY PEOPLE.

And he may still be in charge and making it hard for TRUMP to do right by others and then again maybe they are on the same side because of deception but one thing I do know is we are not an independent nation. We are not free and we are not better or worse than other nations because we deceive ourselves which isn’t necessarily our fault because we were deceived by GREAT DECEPTION (or because of where and under which religion we were born which is not our fault) for many years BUT it’s coming to an end because most people don’t know it and are acting dumb and hospicing their families via deception and not revealing it because of shame and because they don’t care about their daughters which has a two fold meaning if you can figure it out.  IT is scary and it is evil and it will end maybe not for me but eventually and then who knows. I do know the RCC will burn in hell forever and so will Islam for their fathers LABAN and ABRAHAM who I think are the fathers spoken of by Jesus  as the Father of lies and they did a bunch to each other to get on top of each other and fuck each other over which they do quite often in absentia using others.

One thing that might help is if they did not worship oil and place it above truth and destroy Mecca and Medina and the RCC for starters. Not the people but the institutions that corrupt the people. It does happen one way or another either by God’s hand or ours or both because there is not as many good and righteous people as Abraham tried to swindle down to save them. And it was only few. In fact I don’t think anyone was righteous at all but deceived and it hasn’t happened yet but will. He allowed his wife to be takin in by a ruler in some area and had her lie and say they were brother an sister and they were cousins but he would have been killed if he hadn’t and didn’t have much to back him up at the time. God did help him eventually but he ended up with a slave girl from the palace  who fucked him and Sarah over and then Abraham and Sarah screwed her over because the slave girl mocked her a bunch and then she got help from someone an angel. So a lot of that going on. Back and  forth screwing each other over. Somehow I don’t think it is the True God way up higher than the gods below because truth matters.

I don’t know for sure because I wasn’t there and can only go by what I notice and read and hear.

The RCC is prophesied to get destroyed and so is Islam DESERVEDLY SO for judging and telling us not to be judgmental to see the difference between evils. Almost everything is evil that we do as far as ROMAN Catholicism and Islam is concerned that they made up to make those evils. Most of all placing oil and access to oil above the truth. Not caring about their daughters in predicaments is also another sign. My parents cared and did the right thing for me at the time and my sisters did the same thing except one who thought she was a virgin when she wasn’t and became a tool for the BGEA early on but didn’t know it. She was a kid. She was innocent enough but thrown away like trash in the wind. She was and has sweet things about her but her and her husband poisoned me at my other sister’s house when my MALE cousin said WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU SAW YOUR MOTHER? As if he cared but a small smidgeon. He was a spy in his eye. I had seem my mom with my sisters and family when they did and yet he asked me and I was not his close cousin or friend, my older sister was so it was suspicious how he asked what he asked. He had layed down for the ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT AND RELIGION OF TEETH and he was a bible scholar at least while growing up but a member of theMethodist church as well. maybe the poisoning was  without her knowledge but she did admit finally it was walnuts so she has a chance to try to overcome for at least admitting it AND MAYBE FOR A SHORT TIME. I think like the vice president of obama who blurted out GET A SHOT GUN someone was speaking through him and thorough my sister and I think it was my dad to help us. Her husbands used her for her looks and reamed her as well the second one was worse than the first by a mile. DAVID SHERMAN.


LOL what a fucker.

Who is to say how gods work and how GOD works. I can’t say because meself is neither.

I’m a witness and sometimes a good one and sometimes not

because of the deception

and a mountain of BULLSHIT.

Those that do it purposefully will be sorry like the Japanese in WORLD WAR ll but they were deceived by the Jesuits of Romans and that is who they should blame for deceiving them, if they want to take it out or get their pound of flesh. GO THERE where it started. and they were deceived again by agents of the same though they are very talented at deferring their guilt, but it won’t last too long because too much water under the bridge the Jesuit pope mocks about. DIRTY WATER and CONTAMINATED BY MAN-MADE DISASTERS that could have been avoided and weren’t for the sake of the two major religions of the world who want to rule it but can’t because it isn’t theirs to rule that caused it who work together and against each other to be on top.


Neither will win. Now the traditions we cherish above truth is understandable because it was a fun tradition placing Santa above truth because we didn’t know the truth. We don’t need Santa to have a tradition to give our kids gifts and to rejoice about a new year coming because in essence SANTA is SATAN. Jesus was not born on CHRISTMAS DAY and even those in those religions knows it and admit it but for the sake of BIG BUSINESS and Taxation practices and for the hate towards the middle class and lower classes it persisted and that hate will burn down the upper class because it can’t maintain itself without the middle class and lower class.



and those children are in mall of our countries on earth.



THE RCC and ISLAM represent both.

OUR real fathers and mothers our dads and moms gave us the gifts which were good because they loved us being their kids. KIds are a blessing but not when it’s not guaranteed by marriage and with the love of parents. Not an orphanage or a convent or fostered out because you have no common sense to use birth control.

I asked some questions of the ex while he was trying to help me last night this morning and it’s about time he did because he owes me a great deal but doesn’t realize it yet but I see a glimmer of hope in his actions a form of SYMPATHY even if it is pathetic LOL but we talked and his mom took in some foster females that the RCC in Michigan proferred to many families because a family of 21 children could not continue or maintain or sustain  itself. She took in two girls for a short period of time (6 moths to a year) who needed other families in their crisis which did not fix it but to live off of because they don’t believe in or didn’t believe in BIRTH CONTROL. AN RCC STUPIDITY OF MEGA PROPORTIONS. The boys of Phil’s family tried to take advantage of the foster sisters while in their home and tried to get them to do the chores they were supposed to do and his mother I found out had it out with them for it.LOL

KInd of a funny story and a sad one as well. But shows she wasn’t the monster I thought she was …just deceived. She wasn’t a monster before that to me but I resented her for some things besides raising her son to be an idiot. LOL and because mother-in-laws and daughter-in-laws don’t always see eye to eye LOL most of the time and i did not marry her religion because he said he wasn’t a catholic anymore when I did and he lied to himself and me. We were married in the Methodist church.I was against Catholicism even then. I knew enough then to be against it and to guard against it. However at one time for a gift I bought her a book written by Pope John Paul.

Now the first time I stayed at her home was when I got her son to quit a band because he was being abused by the band he was on the road with who supported a star a mimic of Elvis Presley called Johnny Harrah which was how we met at a dinner theater when they performed at the theater I waited tables at. I started to wait tables when it was dinner theater for plays and musicals which I enjoyed a bunch but it turned into a circus afterwards . I went on the road with him at some point and it was kind of a drag. We were not married but had traveled from Tahoe to Las vegas to Dallas to pack some things at my home with my parents and then to a place in michigan where they got a gig. Pretty much within a 48 hour period. HE had found out his boss was cheating him via the union who thought Phil was the boss of the band and his boss was cheating him and each member of the band was being cheated by quite a bit each paycheck. I suggested they quit of course and instigated their move away from this band leader. They did it without his knowledge and screwed him good. Left him in a lurch. When in between michigan gigs I stayed at his mom’s home for a while with him. I did not go around making messes either.Not more than a month (I don’t think)  while there she left a note to her son and I asking us to do the chores and listed what she wanted done. She was working at the time. In fact she was a working woman most of her life after her kids were old enough. Funny comparison compared to the Foster sisters who were catholic and obviously a tool to make her look good to her church. I was insulted. We were not married but I thought it was insulting because i was a guest in her home. I didn’t do the chores. I let him do it if he wanted to. And that soured my feeling about her from the start. I wouldn’t do that to a guest in my home but she was used to living alone and probably didn’t want us there anymore and it was a signal of that feeling. When her sons (two of them) used us during times they war having troubles either on their jobs or with women or their wives they were divorcing. The first son was the worst example the one that lied all the time. He stayed for the first time about 6 months or more and the second time about the same. i never asked him to do the chores and I did the cooking and he worked for us . We were trying to help him because of his divorce. He did offer to cook once and burned the meal. Anyway he got paid and I didn’t yet I could work around his slug ass and do ten times the work he accomplished. He played at it and we would catch him faking it and found him stealing putty knives and things which was weird. Our rig was stolen twice and I think it was him but it was blamed on a mexicn who was at one time phil’s employer who had a company and rigs and trucks of his own so he had no need for ours though he did have a problem with addiction because his mom was nurse who had some medication in her medicine cabinet he got hooked on which was similar to heroin which became the drug he got hooked on afterwards. He had a successful business in between his problems and a very nice family. Phil actually learned from him how to do certain things and was paid well doing it. But anyway the eldest took advantage of us in every way even tried to seduce my sister when she was drunk and I did not let him. Later his other brother chastised me that is a bit strong word for what he did but thought I was ridiculous for interfering in that attempt to protect my little sister who had a drinking problem she learned at college. Drinking vast amounts of beer at clubs. I had suggested that both go out together as friends to meet people because both were single at the time. I did not want her and him to be an item and he knew that but was showing disrespect for me and her. He had a drinking problem as well and so did the other brother that stayed with us who had three wives and three divorces over a period of time and kids by two of them. He however loved the worn he married and the children. I  had to kick her out for us to deal with him beause we found somethings in his stuff that was ours. He was stealing from us. I didn’t do it Phil did but he was pilfering our tools. Her feeling were hurt and she was hysterical and I don’t think I handled it as well as I could have but I was dealing with a jerk. The two brothers worked for the union in the car industry. One was a utility guy and stuck with it which is someone that learns all th jobs and goes to the workplace to hang out and replace those that are sick or not able to work and got a good pension and the other was a total loser, the eldest a liar and a thief and a potential rapist and an abuser of kids and women. He told the story how he beat me up which he didn’t to his family up north when he returned to michigan. They knew he didn’t but did not confront him about his stupid lie which might have helped him not want to lie again or so easily. Instead he beat up a young single girl and tried to rape her a daughter of a friend ours which did not remain that way afterwards. During our trysts with the eldest son our van was repossessed. So then because of the burden of the eldest son on us phil wanted to sell the silver my parents gave as gift for our wedding to us to a  person who would hold it and resell it back. It wasn’t a company but the person whose daughter was almost raped. I allowed it but I didn’t like it. Cant remember which came first the attempted rape or the silver. He filled out the collection quite a bit while holding it. I received it back years later for a christmas gift and he got all kinds of kudos for it. It was a favor I did for his stupidity and mine as well but i wasn’t a part of their family to know their kinks. It was ridiculous how much kudos he got for getting it back which was the agreement to begin with so it wasn’t something to get rewarded for and now it’s mine.

By the way I do this all the time for some reason I get Isaac and Jacob mixed up. Nevertheless I think they are related and I’m not sure it matters too much but because most people don’t care anyway. SO it might not have been Sarah’s father who was Laban and Isaac was the one that bound to have his throat sliced by Abraham. SORRY. Love means never having to say you are sorry but I’m sorry for that mistake. I have done it before in another post or two. There is so much to learn in the bible. I still haven’t read it all either. I can’t even get it straight between Jacob and Isaac. I think Jacob was the one who tricked his dad Isaac who felt his chest of hair at his mom’ request to be the master of his estate basically. It had something to do with lentil soup and the meat that his brother hunted and wanted cooked for him and really silly stuff. Isaac was rather old to have been so blind and stupid to have done what he did, I think. Sounds like the stories of Jesus when the people laugh him to scorn over a child who wasn’t dead. It’s like making a movie of a kid in the line of fire getting shot by Israelis that the Palestinians put there to get shot for attention. Sort of a BENNY HINN kind of thing who is a Palestinian christian but not really. People get slayed and hysterical but that’s religion for ya. I’m not hysterical except when I think about some things going on like hospice. I can’t compartmentalize the death of my parents in such a fashion. My mom was victimized wrongfully and with malice of forethought she she deserved the opposite. She was really quite a lady.

My mom extended her hand in friendship to his mom and she didn’t deserve that grace. IMO

Indirectly I blame her for what happened to my mom because time does not always go forward it can go backwards as well. IT IS TRUE.  What she had her sons do may have affected hospicing of my mom and while my mom was not catholic may have been used against her and because she was my mom and she was wonderful and sweet with a few problems. sometimes like a child and when you needed her like a warrior almost all of the time but deception got in the way a few times by a really bad demon we were having to cope with which should have been handled by his parents not mine when he was growing up. 

TIme is not only linear which is how angels rise and fall or go up and down the stairs of J Jacobs ladder. String/yarn is linear when pulled in opposite directions but not linear when crossed over or folded or looped etc.

If a string can be manipulated

Time can be manipulated.

Astronomers say that when you see a star in the sky it might not really be there anymore because of the time it takes for light to travel. You may be looking at the past. That is why when my cousin asked me when was the last time you saw your mother I thought was weird. She was till alive as far as I know at the time. He reminded me of a press person that is famous and a guest in the past on fox and others like he wasn’t really him. Trying to get information about my mom and me. that was the night I was poisoned the first time well actually may be second time if you consider my first operation when I got sepsis and almost died and was at odds with a big company who were bullies and even was messed with at the real estate school because word gets around and people get favors to harass women who might be trouble in the field of real-estate protecting their assets of course over truth. They knew Gary accosted me at the office. They had cameras. I know they knew.

DNA can also be manipulated.

I won’t name him yet.

Between or after one of the times we kicked Joe Rodgers out of our living quarters he moved to the river near austin and camped out and met some outcasts and got in a gang of people who I think stole our rig and truck which was a piece of shit truck. The reason I suspect is when he went to michigan he had a rig which he didn’t have before. NO one confronted him how he got it and he might have traded one for another but I know he was a thief. He wasn’t all bad but something happened to him who he hung out with and many lies. Those lies can add put to a real problem. There are ways to confront a liar without calling them a liar but it should be done however it can be done whenever it can be done for everyone’s sake because they will do it less and less the more they are caught. I have been working on the ex and he is finding it harder to get away with but still tries. It gets old. HIs are dangerous lies to me and his daughters and others. But he doesn’t look like a liar or act like one which makes it hard to distinguish but it’s a tough situation. People like him more than they like me because those lies usually are to make me look bad and to make him look good. It’s sick.

But mostly because she was a ROMAN CATHOLIC we didn’t get along and she supported them even though they didn’t her after her husband died. They were horrible then to her as if she didn’t matter. She told me about it yet she wanted to support their invention


It is sick and what I would call masochist reaction but she was raised to be a masochist even though her mother wasn’t catholic. VIOLET CHOSE to be CATHOLIC and because her husband was catholic. She loved the church BECAUSE OF THE MYSTERY and mysteries as you know aren’t always good. SHe loved Latin sermons but didn’t understand it and preferred it to knowing what was said in the sermon or what ever it is called.

sometimes mysteries are nightmares.

Her husband said she wasn’t pretty but good for having babies. That is sick for someone to say to a woman or a wife and she told me about it. She wasn’t not pretty. Prettiness is in the eye of the beholder. He was an abusive man obviously and Phil told me about it a little more last night: abusive to her and her children especially the first two kids until she stood in his way and he was still abusive but flailed at it in order that she would not leave him which was her threat to him if he continued to use his fist on their kids. The first son became a big liar because of it. The second became kind of effeminate but was also a very handsome guy but still effeminate and when his mom was in the hospital asked me why he wasn’t allowed to get information the first time she was in the hospital the first time before she died and was starved to death but i found out in the conversation that the eldest was able to get information and I said because he obviously is in charge of the estate and he should have known that. WOW. He is older and not a dumb guy guy by any means and makes much more money than me also married to a teacher and has two kids a girl and a boy but now older. His daughter had some problems his son came out okay because it is easier to be a guy in this world and not having unexpected pregnancies and abusive boyfriends etc. I think they invested more in him than her in funny ways. I know she must have acted out some things they did not understand. I tried to talk to her his wife and she was stoic and didn’t want to hear or help me at the time I was hurting emotionally though she was nice lady other than that. I remember it hurt me the way she acted like she wasn’t allowed to help me. I needed a friend at the time, someone. She just did the dishes and didn’t say anything to me. People are uncomfortable talking about sexual abuse especially catholics and I wasn’t handling it well often.  But not handling it well at all is worse. IMO Catholics are I think taught to be silent (and golden like those that worshipped a golden calf.)

I’m not a masochist

but have tendency’s to not quit smoking which is hard to do when under duress and isolation and friendless and other things like seeing my dad’s picture at Benghazi or my families pictures holding my tot as if a pow in IRan by my sister even though my daughter isn’t with her. Strange manifestations of evil playing with my head. I did not take those pictures some one else did and while not a perfect representation such as different colored eyes are close enough to cause harm. It is Stressful to the max. OR seeing my little sister lying about being shot 5 times in the leg in california at a massacre at an airport and BIlly Graham present or as a baby in a cage outside a window on a floor above the ground level. Someone evil is fucking with me using my family and the family I grew up with I guarantee it is Billy Graham who has fucked with us all over the world. He is a shill for the Vatican and anything false he can find. He is a fucker a mother fucker like Mother Teresa. I found out a lot of information via the assassination of JFK and through others about BIlly Graham and later.

Billy Graham is and was EVIL EVIL EVIL EVIL EVIL, etc

I haven’t had a vacation in quite a few years trying to get this out because I love my families and thought I should get this out to the public to understand what we are dealing with a mother fucker from hell and we better talk about hospice honestly and openly in order to win the war on terrorism. It is a sign and one spoken of by Jesus at the Sea of Galilee as a sign of the end if we don’t deal with it and follow me he said. to PETER and RCC’s better get real.

I smoked in the present because of the stuff I found out and the things that were thrown my way and that I saw and heard about in very nasty ways.

I know my mom was punished not for the abortion she stood up for me for but because my sister’s husband lost money on the stock market in a matter of minutes and lost her brothers’ wifes money and had to deal with it because they called and asked if he lost it and I told the truth yes he did and they took it out on my mom and also because my dad owed them money because his business did not succeed after he retired from the army after serving in Viet Nam twice and serving in Korea. They did not have to invest in his business and most business fail as did every business they built or invited in and attempted to do which is not abnormal most new businesses fail but we should keep trying. Usually takes a few years but it is still MY sister and her husband have a lot to atone for but wanted me to atone for them.  LOL even though he had molested me in my sleep many years before but I can’t be responsible for my sins and theirs. ITS NOT FAIR though attractive to them I’m sure to place it on my shoulders which are not big enough to bear. SO I smoke when I shouldn’t because it’s not good for me and am addicted to terrible poison and addicted to telling the truth which hurst me and them and hurt my parents too but it needed to be told as well. We are at the apex of something big.

Her children knew and didn’t stand up against their dad because they loved him and let me shoulder it as well.because I wasn’t perfect and she proved it and i proved it my way too. We were fighting the same demons in a way but I tried and he didn’t. and to them it’s easier not to and be her slave and make her look good and make me look bad etc. IT’s easier but it won’t help in the end. I understand their dilemma but it won’t help in the end their dad or their mom or them or their country, etc.

That’s the difference and she didn’t because she had too much pride in the neighborhood.

Maybe by telling the truth he might change his mind and try to do the same but I think he is a coward like the nazis were especially en-masse but they did lose the war and will lose again even though they never really did stick to their treaties and never intended to give  up and lied their asses off. Not all of them of course a few had a conscience.

You have to teach and learn to have conscience. Babies are cute but they need to be taught and the older ones teach better than the youngish ones because they have been around.

I believe in forgiveness but you have to want it to get it. One of the stupeist films in history was the one that included the words love means never having to say you’re  sorry and she died. LOL

I hope our country brings the Ten commandments back and respects them for the foundation of good values and in a way if you learn about the Ten Commandments

they are genius and inclusive.

Not the RCC ones but the real ones. But the roman catholic ones are better than nothing but still are lacking and deceptive and won’t get you through.

The real ones speak for themselves when you allow them too and might make the difference between night and day and a good dream and a nightmare.

Males obviously like to take advantage of females and they shouldn’t like those foster sisters. She tried to teach the boys to be better within her range of knowledge probably in part to gain acceptance by a church who deceived her in the middle and the end of her life.

We  shouldn’t let them do that because they aren’t all that,

you know.

 The health problems we are facing were caused by the RCC and Billy Graham using Japan nuclear accident using HAARP and others places to make an earthquake to make a tsunami to force their hand and make them capitulate to a world government gone mad as a mad hatter. Poisoning the food chain and affecting everyone eventually.

In North Korea because of starvation the next generations are affected being shorter and smaller.

HAARP has good tendencies but was warned about as having bad ones too if in the wrong hands by it’s inventor as is the case with every invention invented.

There are others around the globe.

Same thing with people who are created and have good tendencies but have bad ones too in the wrong hands.

Jesus said angels shall rise upon the son of man and I think Jacob is that person. Because of Jacob’s ladder his dream and the angels going up and down a ladder. He has a fight or something with an angel someone and ends up with a weird hip caused by the altercation. When President Kennedy got off the plane from Hawaii to Dallas he limped as if his hip was injured going down the stairs of the plane he was on and then the blind sheik in the crowd at the airport and all the other things that occurred and those are only a few of the reasons I think he represents Jacob to some degree anyway besides some of the things he said and did and of course the coverup which was huge.

Great skit by Melissa McCarthy of Sean Spicer on SNL and I bet he can handle it too. Saw it on Watter’s World and helps to laugh out loud. Kind of reminds me of my posts with the pictures or a highlights magazine we used to entertain ourselves with at a doctor’s office as a kid. I have to watch it again.

A little while ago we had it out and he tried to threaten with not the arrest. what a wimp.

I told him I saw his mom at Parkland when I was there. It was before she had died and was starved to death. She was guarding the hallway and me while i was there and lying her ass off . I explained it in another post. He doesn’t believe me of course. What I saw was she was a black woman and really stupid. I did not put her there but she was there and it was weird. I saw another woman I recognized who was married to a Roman Catholic actor and going through a divorce on a gurney  in the hallway crying a bunch. I don’t know why his mom was black and stupid. She was talking about a marriage of about 35 years which is close to what ours was to a nurse which the ex said was actually 33 years. He says that’s not close. I said 35 is close to 33 years but I thought it was closer to 35 years of marriage we had. There is that 2 year difference I keep running into. I don’t understand what I witnessed but I do want to be truthful about what I saw. The actress who was there crying was very famous and overweight. Did n0t look like what you would think. It’s not easy witnessing because it is strange but if I lie about it I do myself and others a disservice. Anyway she lied about an alarm and warning someone about the alarm on the door and that she told her not to open it and that is not what I witnessed and it was kind of a surreal experience to hear her shit which was backwards. She was sort of an exaggeration of herself somehow or a parody.  The place was like a circus at the time and disney land with  buses etc. Going through a big renovation. Maybe I was being tested to see if I would lie about it or not.

WHY WOULD I LIE ABOUT IT? What would be the point?

Anyway he twists everything he lies about. LOL It’ is hard to keep up. I hate his guts. Every time he proves himself unworthy and he is.

Third time’s the charm

Had to go to the hospital again an oh what an experience that was. No one was in the lobby so thought wow cool no wait in the ER but alas everyone had already been taken to their respective ER rooms and we had to wait a few hours. Waited with a very nice couple older and a bit wiser as well. The lady was so cute reminded me of a way older little character from the book Madeleine. Sitting in a wheel chair with her doting husband. He didn’t really dote as much as he was sweet to her and they made a cute pear. She had a lot of physical problems. Anyway conservatives through and through, but very sweet. As we talked a short little squat woman with dyke haircut came through from the back out the ER door and complimented the ladies in the admitting office for their smiles and how much she appreciated their smiles and under my breath I thought in my head said something under my breath as well but in essence saying schmiles schmiles what matters is doing a good job. She left the area and went outside and marched right back in as if it was her duty to come back and plopped herself in our area to read a book. Most people who want to read a book don’t sit and read while a conversation is going on and usually go to another area but she wanted to hear what we were talking about FOR SURE. And we kept on talking because it’s our right to talk about whatever we want to talk about. Discussed lots of stuff as she sped read. No one could have read those pages so fast as he was smacking her gum hard and with spite look on her face. Every once in a while I’d catch her face reddening because she didn’t like what we were saying. I stared at her and she didn’t look up. I wasn’t trying to piss her off I just don’t like spies whether she knew she was or not. It was wild. This went on for quite a while and every once in a while the couple would fall asleep from the wait. Something was driving her to sit there and listen and act like she was reading. WEIRD. WEIRD WEIRD. We didn’t get excited just calmly talked but it pissed her off for some reason. The couple did not notice because she was on their side of the room and they couldn’t see her but I saw her and she knew it. She almost finished the whole book about 1″1/2′ thick book as we sat. I bet she doesn’t even remember a thing she read.

I did say out loud though not loudly to the ex I think someone in that admitting room should have come out and said sorry about the wait. When they called my name the woman who admitted me did apologize as we went to the room I needed (not that it was her fault) but it is considerate to do. We had waited almost three hours. I overheard them cajoling in the admitting room so it wasn’t as if they didn’t have the time to do it but didn’t until the walk down the hall to the room. All in all it was a great experience and the hospital did a great job IMO. I was pleasantly surprised and the doctors were fantastic doctors as well as the whole staff. He knew what he was doing which makes for a great business and the people that worked for him knew it which makes a big difference.

While we were there there was a Code Blue and someone died I heard. It lasted for about 15 minutes. Maybe it was those vibes, who knows because the woman reading was back and forth to the back and front quite a bit. Probably not her fault but she was really really mad acting or whatever was in her which is the core of the matter because sometimes people don’t know what or why they do the things they do or why they feel upset: Barometric Pressure? Cell phones?

Don’t know why conservatives are such a big threat to dykes? We aren’t. We weren’t talking about anything too controversial. We even talked about the skit about Sean Spicer that was so funny though they hadn’t seen it. Freedom of speech is the enemy to this particular woman for some reason. I think it was spiritual. I’m surprised she still has teeth the way she chewed her gum and I would have had to change my gum a few times. Maybe that was what she was doing when she left the room a few times to go in the back to the ER rooms. Besides we were there first in that area so she was invading our space. At least about 30 seats in the whole area maybe more and she sat two spaces from the couple and about 8 feet across from me. I know when I read I usually like to read in quiet without interruption to get the full gist of the book I’m reading especially books without pictures otherwise I have to read it again. She was not very good at faking it. And I know she did not like our company or she would have said something. Not one word. She didn’t even look up because I was watching her. I knew she was up to no good. Where would she be with out freedom of speech? Hiding.

If the bottom of a tennis shoe could talk hers was talking at me. LOL

Almost like a snake.

Sure couldn’t get away with it in Saudi Arabia, Clinton’s supporters (DOn’t ask DOn’t tell) really helpful. Got paid to say it a bunch too which is kind of deceptive.

Remember this?

Obama Talking to Israeli President Netanyahu in his Lincoln Continental?Screen Shot 2017-02-14 at 9.52.59 PM.png

I don’t know who took the picture but it does seem PURPOSEFUL. DID OBAMA KNOW?

DID THE PRESS EVER ASK HIM? I doubt it but the caption was that it was considered an insult to Netanyahu. Did anyone ask Netanyahu?

Reminded me of a time when I was in a hospital waiting room for 6 hours and one person shut everyone up with his loud outbursts and his woman blamed me for it. Said it was my fault he was all uptight and I had never even said a word to him but was talking to a couple of men across from me and next to me all of us in our perspective illnesses and talking about our conditions and talking about God. Everyone in the room was doing the same which was about 60 people. We did it for about 5.55 hours until he freaked out on us and you could hear a pin drop kind of like the Dems and the majority of the Press and some Reps are about Trump. I had to leave the room afterwards and went to complain to the lady behind the desk who had some cops come and escort him out. And then on his way out of the hallway that I went to to get away while the husband at the time was aghast never moving or helping and then as he left the hall the loudmouth said something snide to me about my back. UNREAL. Then saw his woman later on after my doctors visit wandering around as if nothing happened. Like she had no idea she tried to attack me with her cane.

Roger Hodgson – Give a Little Bit (Live)

A friendly face is nice and usually they are at the hospital and it can’t always be easy;) especially dealing with the sick and infirmed and sometimes not always a good ending. I’ll never forget the jerk off who wasn’t friendly and wouldn’t offer me a wheel chair twice. That was downright shitty. Only one out of 100’s of helpful people that work there.

Billions and billions of times better than what I watched happened to a blue bench that Kim Jong-Un  of North Korea sat on and was enclosed in glass at a hospital. Like the pope. RIDICULOUS.

I keep hearing people consoling themselves and lying to themselves
especially on Fox News OUTNUMBERED
It’s amazing and hard to fathom in fact UNBELIEVABLY DOLTISH
like Killing O’reilly books.
I guess Putin and Russia are doing a psychological profile on Trump. I think it has been previously done by Russia and everyone else. It’s an NBC story reported by Sheppard Smith of Fox News. Wonder what the criteria is, don’t you?

Ella Fitzgerald – Cry me a river

Crimeans Vote on Secession From Ukraine 2014

93 percent of voters favoring secession and I suppose the Jesuits were against it and O’reilly was jealous of Putin’s popularity. Let’s see O’reilly walk a horse without a shirt on. Everyone would secede from Fox News. I think a few did secede because of his problems and he was able to settle out of court. The reasons for illegal immigration needs to be focused upon. What is making people leave Mexico and Central America besides enticements to use up our resources which is a real and present danger intended to weaken the USA. I think it is religious persecution to pressure the USA, and for votes, for the Roman Catholic dogma (the Vatican) and their pursuits to control everything and everyone and especially us.

The question for today is

Why are Catholic countries so fucked up?

For one thing the Pope Francis a Jesuit bragged about stealing a necklace from a dead person to gain his courage.

Now Jesse Watters on Outnumbered is saying the reason for illegal immigration from Mexico is It’s the economy stupid of Mexico which we know is not true. It’s religious pursuit of the Vatican to mess with the USA. Says Trump should talk to Mexico to improve their economy so we are responsible now for fixing Mexico’s economy. Ridiculous. I can tell Jesee Watters is a bit possessed. Reminds me of the Priest Father Jonathon. They met in Colorado together during a marijuana festival as if they didn’t know both were there a while back like two sides of a mirror looking at themselves.

Who pays Jesse Watters to lie?

O’reilly? The Vatican?

I think Democrats are bleeders draining our government of the protections for US CITIZENS so US CITIZENS can’t participate in those protections that were made for US CITIZENS. And some Rep’s as well. (quite a few)

Anyway I’m thinking about becoming a Mexican American citizen by changing my heritage. Not like I don’t like their food, you know? Why not…for the time being anyway. If all the citizens of the USA’s citizens did change their heritage for a while it might make a huge difference.

I am a Panamanian Montanan and Mexico is in-between so why not include it in my heritage.

Right to know vs Privacy

Steve Weissman was on Carlson show of Fox and had some pretty good ideas about pricing of insurance and the right to know. MIght be helpful Compared it (lack of knowledge) to going to a grocery store and finding out you are paying ten or 20 times more than the next guy for the same thing. Better to know than not.

The girl before him ranting and raving made a case for free midol for woman ranting and raving about a President in office about a month. Boy did she exaggerate and lied as well.

She must be anti-women for the example she displayed.

Would she be willing to give up Christmas to end fascism? 

Maxine Waters Brings Culture and Civility Back to Our Public Discourse

Maxine Waters is showing her lack of diplomacy skills but my hope for a woman President someday is Joni Ernst from Iowa. I think she is tailor made for the possibility. Her campaign was impressive and unusual. LOL

Not that I go around wishing for a woman President. Just a good one.

And would love to see the end of the Iowa Caucus! I think they’re CERTIFIABLY nuts very much like the 700 club. Laying of hands is ridiculous and I think inspired by evil. If you read the bible you will understand what I mean and if you understand it as well it helps a lot. I have heard of a particular death from the laying of hands I think it is a result of whomever that kind of religion represents. Pentacostal BS. And to watch someone pray as you see on the 700 club it’s total disingenuous nonsense. In my opinion the leader of that group should be tarred and feathered and run out of town where ever he resides. I’m pretty sure it was ruled a suicide, when it wasn’t. It was pretty sad but the people that knew him sent their regards at the funeral is what I heard was said what many people say at funerals and kind of meaningless and trite platitudes, and unconcerned with truth, kind of like when someone says



like many are about the evils of hospice and it won’t stand. I guarantee it!

By the way everyone can be considered terminally ill

because something or other

is gonna get ya there.

I wrote about it a few times in some posts.

Back to illegal immigration

Is it okay to enter someones house without permission and taking their possessions.

That is what illegal immigration is. Breaking and entering. So it in essence is a criminal offense.

It happened to me when I was younger and the kid next door about 6 or 8 years old and I have no idea if they were illegal or legal put his little brother through a broken window they broke and stole some items TOYS and put them in our trees in our front lawn. We did not press charges but it was breaking an entering and their parents did not teach them the difference. I have no idea if they were reprimanded or not. Never heard if they did. Mocking or something.

Before that ridiculous activity they had us over for dinner because we were neighbors and had lots of their family in the house and most of them did not speak english (It was a good dinner tortilla soup) and I tried to be nice, friendly, and accepting and that same kid tried to strangle my daughter that night who was about the same age as the boy. Then on the other side was an italian stallion peeping tom wearing gold jewelry.  So when we left the neighborhood it was important for me to find a safer place to live and then I got screwed out of my home and the ex went bankrupt and would not even try to sell the house because I divorced him after some really tumultuous stuff some premeditated and some not.

Are Mexicans against American citizens entering their country legally and being held for months to a year chained to a cot in a prison?

Still trying to figure out the relationship between Pence and Trump.

As if Pence is on a totally different page.

I am anxious to one day visit and see those scrubs under glass at the African-American history museum. Actually a picture would suffice!



SHADOW PRESIDENT: McCain Secret Trip to Syria…


Another time near the divorce time Obama was in office at the time I went to play tennis with the husband at the time. He doesn’t really like it but went anyway. I think it was around the time of the lady with the red dress in Italy during the G-8 meeting after their earthquake. (Aquilla) I recall he said something about Lady sit down and also helped her down the stairs in what seemed like a gentlemanly act or display. I went to pick up my daughter at school who was a cheerleader and loved it before she started to get bullied at school and called a whore after kissing a boy at a church function at one of those humongous churches (By the way at the time I had dog name Lady, a german shepherd) a man in the lane directing school traffic from the school said very loudly Lady Go Home as I came up to the area of pickup. It was near the time I got divorced or was in the process or something. At the tennis courts I fell on the ground once and another moment the husband almost ran into me with his body but just missed body slamming me, not sure why and a man in the next court between the tennis fence started whistling a weird tune as we were near each other at the fence picking up balls. It was eerie as if a guardian of the husband for the husband against me. It was like he was a warning me but not nicely. Like straight from the movie with Denzel Washington where spirits move from person to person to do evil. Very similar. He seemed demonic is the best explanation for his whistling. I divorced anyway.  I don’t like threats or intimidation and it only made me more determined as I am now to see an end to a very bad religion and a bad marriage which I ended though we live together out of need. I HAVE TRIED TO BE A FRIEND EVEN SO having to put up with many lies from him and he has done some stupid things as well. I think in some ways have made some headway with him but he won’t admit it but I see some thought processes churning in him especially in regards to Hospice though he won’t admit it. He still calls me names when I confront him the way I do but it ain’t no big deal to me. Calls me paranoid and other mentally deranged kind of things and I know the difference between truth and fiction for the most part. It took me months to get the truth about why he said I hate your guts when dealing with our cat. He said he didn’t say what he said then later he said he didn’t remember (countless times) and then finally admitted it was because I divorced him and then later lied about that. That is deranged you have to admit. (Also lied countless times about the circumstances and details about hospicing his mom to deflect and confuse.) Can’t be wrong if you change the details when it is convenient. It’s a game for him but not for me. His tricks. I call it serious shit. I have done my part to confront his lies as well and caught him (badgered the hell out of him as well as only an ex wife can do who isn’t stupid and submissive) and so he is a little less likely to do it hopefully. My mom was not submissive and my dad did not expect her to be either. He loved her successes. Why? Because it was helpful. Others like to keep people down and one of those is my ex and a few others in my life.

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Remember all those broken bones? The pope in the tub…a few leaders and I think Obama might have been responsible. Even Hillary Clinton when she was supposed to come before Congress the first time. Intimidation.

Physical spiritual manifestations or vice versa because of deception. Those kind of things are real especially to the person it happens to. Think about Jacob who ended up with a bad hip.

France’s Marine Le Pen refused to wear a headscarf

to meet with Lebanese religious leaders

Very impressive!

I sure wouldn’t trust a list Obama made as the only people to be disallowed access (immigration) to the USA without extreme vetting. The Baltics should be included.

Why Did Argentina Accept Nazi War Criminals After World War Two?

After World War Two, thousands of Nazis and wartime collaborators from France, Croatia, Belgium and other parts of Europe were looking for a new home: preferably as far away from the Nuremberg Trials as possible. Argentina welcomed hundreds if not thousands of them: the Juan Domingo Perón regime went to great lengths to get them there, sending agents to Europe to ease their passage, providing travel documents and in many cases covering expenses. Even those accused of the most heinous crimes, such as Ante Pavelic (whose Croatian regime murdered hundreds of thousands of Serbs, Jews and Gypsies), Dr. Josef Mengele (whose cruel experiments are the stuff of nightmares) and Adolf Eichmann (Adolf Hitler’s architect of the Holocaust) were welcomed with open arms. It begs the question: Why on Earth would Argentina want these men? The answers may surprise you.

Important Argentines Were Sympathetic

During World War Two, Argentina clearly favored the Axis because of close cultural ties with Germany, Spain and Italy……….”

Pope Francis is from Argentina ….  .A Jesuit and the other Jesuit Federiko Lombardi the pope’s buddy and sidekick was the one who came up with the excuse for Benghazi:

a video tape

and Susan Rice spread the rumor and she was married to?

It isn’t a myth. Jesuits are evil and make a vow to the devil to protect the Vatican. Is making a vow to the devil evil? OF COURSE IT IS. (Obviously something very wrong with the Vatican if it is protected by the devil.)

After WWll the Mossad dealt with some people in Argentina because the people they had to deal with were extremely evil.



In 1960, Mossad discovered that the Nazi leader Adolf Eichmann was in Argentina. A team of five Mossad agents led by Shimon Ben Aharon slipped into Argentina and through surveillance, confirmed that he had been living there under the name of Ricardo Klement. He was abducted on May 11, 1960 and taken to a hideout. He was subsequently smuggled to Israel, where he was tried and executed. Argentina protested what it considered as the violation of its sovereignty, and the United Nations Security Council noted that “repetition of acts such as [this] would involve a breach of the principles upon which international order is founded, creating an atmosphere of insecurity and distrust incompatible with the preservation of peace” while also acknowledging that “Eichmann should be brought to appropriate justice for the crimes of which he is accused” and that “this resolution should in no way be interpreted as condoning the odious crimes of which Eichmann is accused.”[4][5]Mossad abandoned a second operation, intended to capture Josef Mengele.[6]

United States

During the 1990s, Mossad discovered a Hezbollah agent operating within the United States in order to procure materials needed to manufacture IEDs and other weapons. In a joint operation with U.S. intelligence, the agent was kept under surveillance in hopes that he would betray more Hezbollah operatives, but was eventually arrested.[7]

Mossad informed the FBI and CIA in August 2001 that based on its intelligence as many as 200 terrorists were slipping into the United States and planning “a major assault on the United States.” The Israeli intelligence agency cautioned the FBI that it had picked up indications of a “large-scale target” in the United States and that Americans would be “very vulnerable.”[8] However, “It is not known whether U.S. authorities thought the warning to be credible, or whether it contained enough details to allow counter-terrorism teams to come up with a response.” A month later, terrorists struck at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon in the largest terrorist attack in history.[8]

We lost about 2000 people in that attack.

6,000,000 Jews were snuffed out in WWll in various ways.


I think my experience in the old neighborhood having to do with the husband now ex and his religion. My daughter was attacked later quite vigorously at the school and ended up in the ER but she survived. My other daughter was also attacked and she survived. My dad was preemptively attacked and my mom but they are helping me from their vantage point. My pets were attacked as well. But like I said I have had some visions given me via my parents and messages after death. My mom saw something way ahead of me and she was dead at the time when she put her hand on my shoulder or her spirit traveled that night to me. It was before she was hospiced by my sister so but I think it was a mixup in time.The message she gave me was a message on a wall via a reflection through a window when I was at the bail bondsman place because I had been falsely arrested. One of the things the ex said I should have been grateful for that he called the police on me for nothing an they complied with him. I hadn’t done anything wrong. My daughter was out of control and trying to damage my property in my bedroom and I was trying to get my property back. But he did not want to handle it because he a fucker. He had to pay the bill for the bail bondsman so maybe he thought I should be thankful for that but I spent a night in jail and I was not in good health and was within my rights. However I received help then after being taken to jail for the night to help me get through it. The overzealous cop (my ex’s ally) handcuffed me behind my back and I should not have had to go through it. Females should not have to be handcuffed behind their back unless they are extremely manly. I couldn’t breath. iT was scary.  Playing games and lied to my daughter about an affair i did not have at the office and so she held some things inside and she suffers from PMS as well. He used my daughter against me any chance he could get. He slept with her for a while and I curtailed it when she was a younger teenager. It was to control her. I wrote about it. It was revenge on his part. He didn’t like that I curtailed it and I did it nicely. Pretty amazing stuff to let me know they are on my side and have helped me to survive. Lots of things my parents have done for me since they died and for my girls. I survived the tornado by an inch and the guy that harassed me in the neighborhood when I walked my dog, he lost his house. Gone in a matter of seconds along with quite a few others. The whole experience was quite weird but many things occurred and I got some good help during and after though not from who I would have hoped had some backbone but turned out she didn’t. Her husband was in the oil business and I guess she harbored some jealousy towards me and my family. Lot of people did and I think there is a reason for it but it doesn’t help them. I believe my cat was killed on purpose to punish me by some FUCKERS FROM HELL. Mean spirited crap.

 ‘Someone has convinced you that attacking me

is going to help you’

As Denzel Washington said you should stand up for the truth in regards to news

and other things.

Denzel Washington the truth

Divorce from a catholic is a right and VERY GOOD ONE. LOL Around the time he knew I was divorcing him he told me I thought you would bury me and I would bury you and I knew I did the right thing and he’s been trying ever since and failed so far. He has screwed me quite a bit in many ways and so have his allies and even though he thinks I should grateful  which is outrageous but it will be his ass and his allies that gets the shaft in the end and it will hurt them in countless ways more than it hurts me and I will succeed with my allies.

Count on it.

(Those on the sidelines will probably get hurt but having no backbone isn’t anything to be proud of like those who tolerated Obama and allied with him to continue his nonsense when he should have been impounded, et al.)

I agree with what Bannon said about uniting behind Trump

 so lets get those dishes clean. LOL

I truly believe everything Obama did was intended to hurt people even his followers because he did not care.

As far as Kim Jong-un’s half brother I would certainly be looking at this group for it’s involvement because of what they have done in the past:

Aum Shinrikyo

The timing is peculiar near when I thought the USA was gonna meet up with Kim Jong Un’s representatives for some talks and I don’t think someone wants those talks. Geraldo Rivera who was said to be bigger than life by a lady on Fox News (could not believe she said it) and assumes it’s the obvious and I don’t think it is this time. In my opinion he is a dolt. The biggest Geraldo contribution was an empty tunnel with no treasure in it. HE calls himself a war correspondent. He made it clear the other day.

I think it is a suggestion to impair leaders and others to feel free to be free kind of a threat probably to Trump. The area around there are the ten toes as far as prophecy goes and very Islamic as well. ASEAN. Perhaps something to do with the clothing industry labor thingy and Obama.

Near where that plane went missing a while back and probably related as well.

Obama in landmark Malaysia visit

He tried unsuccessfully because of PUTIN to get the sarin gas he needed.

He is letting you know. IMO

Just looked up Andrea Tantaros on the internet and I guess that’s what she was up against because she has a brain:

Andrea Tantaros Lawsuit Targets Five Executives at Fox News for Retaliation

I think I know what got her in big trouble and it was good. I think I saw that moment during the preparation for the Presidential debates and I think I know why as well.

Two cloths.

I hope she wins!!!!!!!!

Dems are trying to stir up the Dems. UNIONs UNIONS etc

Funny when the car companies failed where did those union workers flock to?

A right to work state.

Some of them came to rob and to steal like illegal immigrants, but legal.

When an area of a county is dry and doesn’t sell alcohol are those that live in the dry area allowed to buy alcohol in a wet area and bring it back to a dry area?

Got a lot of silly rules in our country between the states and it needs to be curtailed. And you wonder why we have a substance abuse problem including and mostly alcohol abuse in our country.


“William Penn brought the Quakers to Pennsylvania during the 1680s and the climate of religious liberty soon attracted other dissident groups, including German Mennonites, Dunkars, Moravians, and Schwenkfelders; French Huguenots; Scots-Irish Presbyterians; and English Baptists.”

Carlson was on with a transvestite /transgender who I guess wants bathrooms for transgenders. Why not let it be handled locally and those that want to plumb a bathroom for transgenders, invest in it (personal donations by transgenders or supporters of transponders) DO SO. If you build it they will come. How hard can it be? If you have a transgender in your town build a bathroom in their honor. You don’t need federal funds for it either. THEN TUCKER CARLSON CAN MOVE ON TO ANOTHER SUBJECT TO DEBATE ABOUT AND OH HOW HAPPY WE WILL BE. ITS HARD TO SEE THE CORRELATION BETWEEN BATHROOMS AND ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION BUT SOMEHOW HE FOUND ONE BUT I CERTAINLY DON’T REMEMBER THE CORRELATION. I THINK IT HAD TO DO WITH ME SAYING I’M THINKING I MIGHT WANT TO ADD THE HERITAGE OF MEXICO TO MY HERITAGE BUT I CAN’T FOR SURE SAY IT BUT IT SEEMS TO BE A REACTION TO IT.


As far as what Trump said about Sweden it is possible he saw something ahead of time. God gives some people that intuition, vision, ears to hear, eyes to see and things like that like I received from my mom about the reflection on a wall. Some people are gifted especially if they believe in God and if they care. My mom cares and so do I and I bothered to notice.

(I did not read what it was he said about Sweden or what happened in Sweden and I do not know what he meant.)

It’s possible some are upset because he preceded with information about something they knew about because of pre-knowledge of something planned and it scared them or it was not reported in a timely fashion and his intelligence knew about it or perhaps he has access to a wormhole others don’t or something else like a sense of smell.

Why do the police need to be unionized? Are military men unionized? Are the FBI unionized? I think the police deserve respect if they are good police, but not if they are bad police. Look at our history and history repeats itself often. There were cops that abused their power and were bought by the mob in the past. Bad cops got good ones killed and sometimes blamed someone else. I think JUDGE Jeanine isn’t being fair about her blanket trust in all authority. The case about Katy and the drugs found in the trash nearby (opioids?) and the gun found under the bench is suspicious as well as the dad involved meeting the daughter alone without the wife on a pier. Doesn’t motive matter? An illegal alien from a sanctuary city sits down at a bench with a gun beneath the bench on a pier in broad daylight to kill a girl on a pier with her dad. I guess he didn’t want to live in a sanctuary city anymore? It doesn’t make sense AT ALL. Did he try to rob her? Something more there than meets the eye. Where was the wife and mother of the girl? Doesn’t like beaches, piers, and lunches out? They were not in a divorce or divorced. We all know weird stuff happened during the Obama administration like the young girl from Chicago at the White House function (singing in a choir) or something gets shot in a park in Chicago not too long afterwards. Pandering to any and every cop is not helpful. It hurts the good ones when bad ones are pandered because of their badge. There are good ones and there are bad ones and the same goes with judges. You are a FOX pundit now and I watched you drunk on air as well. In the bible it talks about a woman drunk on the blood of saints and you might be included in that description, but I’m not your judge, GOD is. NOTICE IT DOESN’T SAY STONED ON THE BLOOD OF SAINTS IT SAYS DRUNK ON THE BLOOD OF SAINTS. 

Only the ROMAN Catholic Church saints people which should be a clue and the RCC  JESUIT POPE sainted Mother Teresa the suicide/murder/death queen after stealing a necklace off a dead man

to gain his courage.

In my judgement pandering to all policemen is shameful and REALLY STUPID. If then you pander to all cops then why shouldn’t all americans pander to all judges even liberal ones that you don’t appreciate. And mayors of all cities like Chicago? And how about Obama Care doctors vs the ones tossed to the wind. When are you gonna bring up hospice and Mother Teresa and watch the video about her legacy by Christopher Hitchens and do something about it? She is a catholic saint therefore you shan’t? God shall be your judge and the judge of your religion.


(assuming it is Roman Catholic)

And it does end.

Faking it won’t work when that day comes.

Why don’t you quit Fox for the sake of the women betrayed by Fox?

Is the salary more important? OR did they deserve it?

FOX won’t be able to save you, then.

I’m more impressed with Bo Dietl and what he said about the Saudis while he was in Saudi Arabia a few times on the Hannity show than you and your blustering about nonsense.

It’s get’s a bit old, those opening statements ACTING tough.

How about Jesse Waters will he stand up for Andrea Tantaros?

No, probably not because he’s O’reilly’s little prick boy. Or did Jesse Watters help to intimidate Andrea Tantaros? Will he be a character witness for her and against those named in her lawsuit? Did Jesse Watters support the priest known as Father Jonathon in his attempt to put down a young girl catholic style on the shows he was able to be a guest to pressure the parents even though the mother felt her daughter’s hand move? Did he ever say don’t do it to the priest?  Did he ever resist or get on “his world” and tell the world what the priest was doing was wrong? He has had plenty of opportunities. Let’s see if he does this week or next.

Watched an Oliver North’s documentary about WWll and near the end of it in Manilla or Malaysia right about the time the war was coming to a conclusion in the area the Jesuit named as a Jesuit comes just in time because he saw the forest for the tree meaning the Jesuits lost. Not one other person named in the documentary was tagged with their religious sect but this guy.

It’s their boondoggle.

Take credit for winning in order to continue Lording Over the masses.

Insert themselves to get credit.


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Sorry to hear about Bill Paxton and Alan Colmes, et al. And also the illusionist who committed suicide putting a bag over his head? Like smothering oneself with a blanket in order not to be raped by ISIS in Syria: A Bret Baier delusion, like so many.


Did the mustard seed help?



(It’s my right)

the die is cast

IT’s not that I care about them in particular since I don’t know them what I care about is I don’t like them being fucked with and I understand they don’t know who to blame and I’m trying to explain it in my posts so they can fight the fight for them selves. I could at this point care less if the world is destroyed because I don’t want a world to exist where one sister calls her younger sister and says she hospiced her mom for two weeks without telling her and that her mom is dead and then says she loves me. I want it destroyed a world that accepts that kind shit and uses medicaid and/or medicare to do it for free.

Her name is Lori Kircher married to Gary Kircher, son of John and Dottie Kircher, past president of CONOCO OIL lived in Houston then Greenwich Connecticutt. Real-estate agents from hell.  Lived in Dallas and worked for Virginia Cook Realtors (their children went to school at St. Marks and Hockaday. What has happened to private schools?) and then changed companies for her reputations sake and probably may have moved to Colorado or New York maybe still in the area because her husband molested me in my sleep when I was young and she couldn’t handle it and he lost money on the stock market and blamed us. As if we caused the Tuesday in October when he must have been fucking Keira Knightly.

Gary started his own journey as a Baptist after he molested me and befriended a married man who taught kids as a youth director at a Baptist Church who had a crush on my little sister, one of his youths and then divorced his wife. Then Gary moved on to a non-denominational church called Scofield all of which are Billy Graham (BGEA) followers. The Scofield bible tells you what things mean in the bible on the side. He used this BAPTIST man to get to me;) I was unaware of his intent. I was trying to get past it for many years, but Gary needed a partner and hired him as a manager over me who deserved it. Course Gary was the type to cut out a hole in cement and put a cover on it to trick the health department and it worked. Not the drain but the trick around the time he got caught with Jeanine a palm reader late at night at work. I have no idea what they were doing but my sister caught them and I was with my sister at the time. Talk about embarrassing but I kept my mouth shut. SO then she had an affair or two after that. Actually two that I know of. Eventually I couldn’t keep my mouth shut especially after the time when he wanted to carry me to the car in front of his wife because it was moist outside and I was barefoot in my parents home as if I deserved it. He was drinking.

Why did Jesus say “Suffer it to be so”

when he was Baptized by John the Baptist?

How do you handle someone so so so weird. You don’t, you hope the wife does. But wait not if you are getting $250,000 a year for nothing: It wasn’t for nothing it was to handle me.

But it wasn’t just the booze. He was an exhibitionist and an extrovert. My brother got him stoned on brownies and we (the kids) went to the Village CC poolside and he walked around as we watched him. The rest of us sat under a tree in the shade (it wasn’t a fig tree either) watching Gary make a fool of himself getting to know everyone. A brick shy. I remember sitting next to him at some family affair and he got excited. He had an overactive imagination sometimes. I was trying to be cool about him and it was weird at different times depending if he was drinking or not. The harmful stuff was the reaction from my sister depending on what had occurred and the lie in the first place to my parents but I guess she thought I was lying and I wasn’t. LIke I said in another post the lie took on a life of it’s own. His paranoia probably happened soon after the molestation and soon when he was baptized so he tried to set me up kind of crap which became harmful. It happened before with his little sister and baptism not any church helped him overcome because they don’t talk about it. Sweep it hide it cover it up.

So what good is the church? To keep the lies going?

Must have something to do with the false covenants.


Abomination of Desolation Pt 2

When my little sister went to a church with her first husband after hearing a sermon he said to her You need to work on it, whatever it was the preacher sermonized about. He never thought he might need help himself because of pride. He had an affair early in their marriage when she had her first child (got caught late at night with a  women he eventually married after his divorce) and the moment something didn’t work out it was her fault. WIth the kids if they didn’t preform in basketball it was her fault. IF they got bad grades it was her fault. Not the school nor the kid but the wife. I think he did that to keep her down because he FUCKED UP.

CHURCHES NEED TO WORK ON THE MALES and now is a good opportunity since we now know that the mustard seed isn’t the smallest of seed and of course males don’t like that revelation since it puts the onus on them and the onus on their wives who are a brick shy as well who need some work too which I think comprises the church in a wholistic sense.

If self-righteousness is a sin

the church owns it.

(I think Congress is partly to blame and 1600 Pennsylvania Ave)

Berean Study Bible
And the winepress was trodden outside the city, and the blood that flowed from it rose as high as the bridles of the horses, for a distance of one thousand six hundred stadia.

Stadia – Wikipedia

The stadion (Greek: στάδιον; Latin: stadium), formerly also anglicized as stade, was an ancient Greek unit of length, based on the length of a typical sports …

Tongue and cheek kind of shit i hope it melts in your mouths. UR tongues.
I’m looking forward to it! And you know who I’m talking about.
Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall. 

When an atheist is more truthful

than a person of faith

then faith is shit.

Please watch Christopher Hitchens exposes about Mother Teresa and the RCC (HOSPICE/MURDER./SUICIDE FOR MONEY AND ASSETS and REVENGE WHICH WAS HONED BY THE RCC) and if you don’t and aren’t willing to watch it and talk about it PUBLICALLY then


It takes truth to move a mountain not faith.

The worst offenders of women, GIRLS AND BOYS are the church males and their wives in my experience and as a witness to the things I have witnessed.

DNC’s new leader Shimon Perez and Bill Clinton combined. Sounds just like Bill Clinton and same plans. Wasn’t Shimon Perez latin as well? A reoccurring nightmare.


A clone nightmare.

This is why the Vatican has to be eliminated. Otherwise ….

Ain’t my problem but someone is gonna have to determine what is best to do unless you want to deal with hundreds of Hillary’s and Bills. Maybe millions. Obama’s carrot seeds? NO doubt about it HIllary is evil at least what I just saw and she needs to be sent into space and to the final frontier on a good ship headed for the sun

Rape the women and girls and reproduce shitheads!
Definitely unsustainable
to coin a phrase.

It’s Trump’s call.

Don’t know why Darrell Issa wants to investigate the Russian involvement when he he was trying to silence the Dems during the Benghazi hearings not because he cared about the Benghazi hearing but so they wouldn’t make a blunder especially Elijah Cummings. He probably had a meeting he had to attend with the Russians or a russian. I wonder why he was doing it but I certainly noticed. Either the Clinton 13 hour marathon or the one with Senator Kerry now Secretary of State, or Panetta, and so Spicer now wants the cell phones to find some leakers of leakers. It was those State Department cell phone passwords at Benghazi that tipped off the Benghazi terrorists and gave them their directives, wasn’t it? The fact is Russia cares about our elections as we care about other elections around the world. DUH. What the hell does it matter if Putin talked to someone in our government or not or tried to influence our elections. DID IT MAKE ANY DIFFERENCE TO THE RESULTS OF THE ELECTION? The Dems think it did because they lost however if they had won it wouldn’t make a difference. It always makes a difference to Shepherd Smith when it comes to Russia. I guess it’s his tone of voice and his eyes get real big when discussing anything he discusts.

Can we move on and not waste tax payers money on stupid stuff cause I guarantee it won’t make a difference if there is an investigation per the Senate and House of Reps one way or the other but a fill in for CSPAN.

Have any of their Q and A’s made a difference since WaterGate?

Isn’t this what really matters to the Dems?:

Did the Russians Hack the Oscars?

I think there should be an investigation of why did Darrell Issa

tried to silence Elijah Cummings.

IS it because he thinks Elijah Cummings is an idiot? OR is it because he wanted to get back to work. WAS it because he had already used up his 5 minutes? What was the reason?

Philadelphia Jewish Cemetery Vandalized In Wave of Anti-Semitic Acts

What does election of Tom Perez mean for 2018 midterms? A BIG FUCKING HEADACHE is what it means and the unions are at war with America.

I think it means:

Hillary Clinton’s Black lists? Extreme paranoia by the left even a week after Trump was elected.

Unusual deaths which have been going on since the CLINTONS GOT IN OFFICE years ago.

I think it means McCarthyism.

Why were the Clintons allowed to meet with Putin, George Bush was allowed to meet with Putin, Obama was allowed to meet with Putin, and Trump isn’t allowed to meet with Putin.

Why did George Bush not hold Saudi Arabia responsible for 9-11? THE PRESS?

Because he was an artist? Hitler was an artist, but a very mixed up one.

Did he hold Florida responsible for training the terrorists to fly and send in troops to shock and awe them?

It was business decision, his business and a religious decision.

Granted Iraq’s leader was a nut and an evil one (and of the Bathe party (ACID) hence the bath picture by Bush) from the things I saw much like North Koreas leader and was a bully (but they all are over there they behead people like gays and artists, stone women to death for honors sake) but neither flew planes into NYC.

THE RICH SAUDIS DID and it was their citizens however he (Osama Bin Laden) was an operative of our government at some point in time probably for the Saudis!



Both were mocking the Seventh Day Adventists missing their prophecy date of some kind.

Has the RCC been correct about anything?

Both George Bush and Hillary Clinton are not for religious freedom. A lot of people died because of both of them.


and the Bushes were followers of Billy Graham, a shill for the RCC.

And as it turned out George Bush did hit a camel in the ass.

Obviously The shill was the problem and the church he shills for which is EVIL and the press that uphold it. THE WINEPRESS OF GOD who are drunk. It’s hard to understand why but some of the bible is sarcasm. This particular heading about the winepress is sarcasm.
DONALD Rumsfeld pours out word from his mouth by mistake.

Check out the woman in the back a secret service agent I assume or possibly works for the State Department but I have seen her around and I think I saw her dressed differently without the tie the size of Texas in Syria but she kind of freaks out at what he blurts out without them being warned. I was impressed by what he did which took courage.

In this clip he is upset and gives us some real news.

And plenty of people who write books about bull shit like occurred when JFK was assassinated will wish they had an ounce of courage.

I’m not a Seventh Day Adventist. I don’t know what they believe. I’m not religious per se, but I know the importance of the commandant that has to do with the Sabbath and the purpose of the commandment as I have tried to teach. I do know Walter Veith a former Roman Catholic and I guess an SDA has a lot of wisdom for those in the RCC about Islam and about the RCC. You ought to listen.

It ain’t gonna get better but worse because of their uneasy alliance which won’t last.

Then whatcha gonna do? Attack Syria?


Alex Jones asks David Gergen about Bohemian Grove Rituals

Why in the world was Gergen so upset?

actual Alex Jones footage of Bohemian Grove

Hacked Colin Powell Emails Reveal Bohemian Grove Info

The Bohemian Grove, the Vatican and the NWO-Revised

 I do not believe God is a jealous God. I think it was added to the commandments, Catholic editing, though it is in the bible but so is the mustard seed lie. George Bush is a nut. His brother is a nut. George Bush was a skull and bones member. IT’s a masonic group. THESE are grown men. It’s one thing to do it in college it’s another to do when you are grown up and in the Federal government under the influence of Billy Graham. Obama was a Senator at the time, wasn’t he, when 9-11 occurred? Kissinger groomed Obama and was why people took Obama somewhat seriously and Kissinger was hired by the Vatican to uplift it’s pedophilism reputation. (now the Vatican and the Jesuit Pope FranIS-IS  giving pedophile priests a leg up like Mr. Hardball Chris Matthews had a thrill up his leg for Obama)

So Kissinger was a lover of children, I take it?

Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.

Pope quietly trims sanctions for pedophile priests

What is the difference between the Branch Davidians and the Vatican?

Want to defeat ISIS?

Destroy the Vatican for starters.

Then hit Mecca and Medina for seconders.

Blow em to kingdom come.

If you like to win wars, that is.

Otherwise you will lose probably for-forever.

The place I went to on a business trip was in New York to check out a building which was huge and ugly on a river which had been in the past a masonic lodge (empty and for sale) was in a catholic town in NY state. We toured it. I knew nothing about masons (only that it was secretive males club) except that my ex (then husband) had a friend who joined the masons and he looked eerily similar to the crooner my ex recorded often who owned a bunch of billboards. At the time my husband or near the time was doing sound effects for a book on tape about Colin Powell and the guy who paid for the trip (his former boss democrat and a drummer) and  who sold him the business which was heading south because of home studios) was going nuts, obviously because he thought it would be a great place for a studio. There was a Microwave tower above his business and both his parents died of brain cancer yet were never at the business. The studio had ghosts in it though I never saw them just heard about them cause I didn’t work there at night. The other place in New York was kind of scary and the people living in the area were kind of weird. Existing. It was a tasteless place. I was asked if I wanted to live there and put a studio in it and we declined. IT was like something from the movie The Shining. Made me not ever want to go to a bed and breakfast again. UNHAPPY PLACE. She was an alcoholic and owned a book store for kids in their back yard and he was a doctor who loved himself so much he had a painting of himself hung in the stairway with a trumpet in his hands or in his mouth (not sure) which was about ten foot tall oil painting. My sister had a painting painted of herself sitting in a peacock chair bamboo or wicker (wicker queens chair if you live in Hawaii) in San Antonio with her first child about the same size as the painting of the trumpet player she was in perspective and her first child wasn’t that she hung in her dining area and then in her entryway. One morning she didn’t make breakfast even though it was a bed and breakfast. Heard them arguing the night before though we did not listen. We didn’t pay for it so it wasn’t a big deal and I knew she was extremely unhappy having to live with her husband the doctor ego maniac with the trumpet. When we did get breakfast she served crumpets almost rock hard. I felt sorry for her. Best part of the trip was the great outdoors.

Here’s Johnny

Happy Birthday, George and Happy Birthday Hillary. They’re cousins.

And when they were come unto a place called Golgotha, that is to say,place of a skull,

And they bring him unto the place Golgotha, which is, being interpreted, The place of a skull.

If the protestors want to make a difference because some of them have real grievances but are shut out by a bunch of shits


Don’t buy Christmas presents or Easter. Stop feeding the monster!

I think it would make a huge difference. Buy from the little guy/gal/legal american and self employed as much as possible or used products, or second hand.

Forget the big companies or name companies and buy cheap as possible. Sit it out for a while like for a few years. Don’t go to movies unless it’s a matinee with a discount.etc don’t buy videos or music, etc. Don’t buy into college unless you have a direction and take those cheap jobs just to stay busy, pick fruit or whatever. Buy used or second hand stuff. Save for your talent and invest in yourselves without going to the bank for a loan. Apply for those agriculture jobs. See what happens. You don’t need a degree to get rich. Make your own wedding cakes go cheap cheap cheap. Don’t need limos for funerals. Under cut the under cutters because that is what the under cutters are doing to you. Barter as much as possible.


Politics are using politics so they don’t have to answer for their politics. It’s a two-headed game, two sides of the same coin until proven otherwise.

A month of Trump isn’t proof.

The people that deserve to be yelled at are the Congress, the governors, the mayors, and the press, otherwise ISSA and other republicans wouldn’t be trying to get a ridiculous investigation against Trump. They are trying to control Trump and halt his agenda for americans because they like the status quo and have a lot to hide.


If Mitch McConnell is against less funds to the State Department he deserves to lose his seat in the next election after what we have witnessed and their duplicity. As far as I can tell the State Department is defunct of any logic and against the interests of the USA.

King of the swamp.


 Jeremiah was a bullfrog

When my daughter was overdosed with pain medication at the hospital the nurse who did it looked like a female Mitch McConnell. I tried to get her to get a doctor and the nurse just stood there like a bump on a log. Luckily everything turned out okay. Since then he has lost weight and had some surgery on his neck. Liposuction.


I hope it’s true about the widow of the US Navy Seal who died in Yemen and that his death wasn’t pointless.

How many seals are in Revelation? There are seven. Whether the US NAVY SEAL who died in Yemen is one of them remains to be seen but I sure wouldn’t push it if I were John McCain, Obama, Clinton, or anyone else unless you want to and then 


if you think you can stand!

A lot of controversy about the seal team 6

as there was and is about the Six Day War

 as there is about Kellyanne Conway sitting on a couch.

A salem witch hunt going on in Washington DC.

RNC misquotes Abraham Lincoln, sparking Twitter frenzy

“Still a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest”

Who said it, O’REILLY? The quote doesn’t make sense anyway since we are kind of at war. Psychological war (which is also terrorism), physical war in all kinds of ways here such as hospice (a SNEAKY form of terrorism no one wants to admit or talk about and a GREAT SIN) and abroad, and a MENTAL WAR of ideals (propaganda) and INVENTIONS (lies) and so far no one is winning.

Speaking of sneaky some really good posts IMO

Prophecies of the Betrayal of the Son of Man

A Desert Place (a Different View)

Mary’s Spikenard and Luke’s Parable – Revised

And many more posts you might enjoy linked on Merangue’s Blog such as

The Fig Tree – Blessed are the Barren

How is it That Ye Do Not Understand?

 As far as Trump forging new friendships and alliances a guy on Fox said he wants to know his strategy but if he told him the strategy it wouldn’t be strategically sound to do so. Meaning he isn’t gonna tell you.

Now its the Shintu Buddhists that started World War ll was it?

And the NWO with teeth had nothing to do with it?


Hitler had nothing to do with it.


Christianity without the Ten Commandments of course of course


So the Taliban did us a favor when they were in Afghanistan pulling down the Buddas and shooting a girl in the head for going to school and accommodating Al Qaeda?

The Jesuits got caught in their boondoggle with Oliver North World War 11 documentary and the Jesuit was

“shagged with his own petard,”

and for some reason a day or three later Fox is trying to tell us the Jesuits had nothing to do with it. CHECK IT OUT:

The Jesuit Oath Exposed

and they are very LOYOLA!

Nancy Pelosi Made Rare Visit to Tibet, China Says

As far as the cousinry of Hillary Clinton and George Bush who said they were cousins  has to do with oaths of the Skull and Bones and the Jesuits and their relationship which is very OD all influenced by Billy Graham a shill for the RCC.

Billy Graham did not help us in WWll and we won. I don’t think Franklin Graham will be helpful either since I think he and his family are the teeth. She is married to a dentist I think and I think really screwed up my older sister. North Carolina women’s bible retreats etc etc etc. MEAN SPIRITED AND AGAINST TRUTH. LOVEs SUBJUGATION OF OTHER WOMEN and I think responsible in some ways for the Hospice solution. Mother Teresa sure took on some of Billy Graham’s mannerisms if you watch closely.



Masons have oaths as well but I bet they still don’t accept the mustard seed isn’t the smallest of seed.

Some point my older sister insisted I read a card from her daughter ( the Jacuzzi kid) which referenced a visitation but not the word she used of the devil in their home and definitely around the time my sister was hanging out with the english lady across the street (in fact I think she was there when i read the card) and her bible retreats or retreats for women’s in North Carolina. I thought she was trying to say I was the devil because of the hoopla about Gary and stuff at the office. A dig of some kind which was not that unusual though not from their daughter. Then later my younger sister called me Satan and the Devil in e-mails regarding my mom and when I decided to send some zingers (as my sister put it) to family because of the threat I felt was occurring to my mom via my younger sister and her strange e-mails about my mom and threats to me about my mom. (If you aren’t nice to me I won’t send pictures etc. kind of shit and sounded kind of insane when she had sent a picture of my mom saying her eyes were open now and her eyes were closed in the picture etc. Maniacal kind of inferences. My little sister at some point in order to be thin took her son’s ritalin from time to time and drank booze mostly beer and wine often and excessively since her college days (but years earlier on the ritalin) I don’t know if she was doing ritalin then or not or whether she was being harassed by her second husband and my older sister and her husband or over burdened by  the demands she put on herself and losing it to prove something or whether she was being pressured by her second husband (but he (her second husband) was I was told by my eldest sister at the hospital when my mom died and said my little sister was beside herself during the phone call about the death of my mom.) to hospice my mom when I heard from her in whispers on the phone. My brother, my eldest sister, and I said no to her hope of hospicing (she said it was free) at her home. She never sent the tape she promised to send when my mom said some interesting things during a visit with the daughters and it was at my little sister’s suggestion. THe things she said hinted that she knew and others did too what I was doing yet she was in a retirement center. Both my sisters were involved with the BGEA my younger sister early on as a teenager not like going to retreats but it was how she was christianized and my older later in her life. At first it sounded like a great idea for my little sister to have my mom live with her until I found out it would not include doctors care and it was like pulling teeth to find out what she was suggesting.  I tried to tell her you can hire doctors freelance to visit and she wasn’t interested. And then about 3-6months or so my older sister did it without consent from me. The fact she had to whisper about it made me suspicious and her reference to the $35,000 in her savings account as if that made it legal or right or moral. Where it came from is a mystery to me.

NWO’s never win but only serve to remind us the RCC IS SCREWED because it believes in FASCISM a VERY SUPERSTITIOUS offshoot of the Vatican’s beliefs and where did Hitler end up in an underground bunker committing suicide with his new wife.

He didn’t want to face the music.

We won WWll because of the Ten Commandments

We haven’t won a war since.


I used comparisons to the gospels of the same events in many of my posts about the gospels and it helped a lot but could not have done it without the computer. I could have but it would have been extremely difficult.

It keeps changing.

screen-shot-2017-03-01-at-5-57-20-pmSee the guy on the right? I rented a house from him in Mesquite Texas and took a job at his hardware store and he accused me of stealing some stupid decoration which I didn’t. HE had us over for dinner one night with his wife with jet black hair and we drank and ate at about 3 am a steak as thick as Texas. NOw whether this picture is a compilation or not is possible but it shows Billy Graham is a terrorist. PSYCHO kind of terrorist. A very JEALOUS asshole.

Check out these pic’s and the nose knows:

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I guess he grew some ver small boobs when he became Mother Teresa a very evil influence in our society in the RCC. He was involved in the assassination of JFK and his son and family.

HE IS EVIL.Screen Shot 2017-03-01 at 4.29.16 PM.png

Rudolph Buttman on the right seems to be related.

Why did Jesus ride into Jerusalem

on a colt of a male ass?


all of his shapeshifitng seems to have affected his looks drastically.

Dorian Gray syndrome

and has turned into a Hummel figurine of Mother Teresa.

Christopher Hitchens – Mother Teresa: Hell’s Angel

Mommie Dearest

The pope beatifies Mother Teresa, a fanatic, a fundamentalist, and a fraud.

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My last post which includes some interesting stuff about the things Mother Teresa said and much more. Her legacy is terrorism in the disguise of a nurse making the nursing field a joke and nurses should be upset about it.

Remember When Nancy Pelosi expounded (babbled) on the Word?

Nancy Pelosi’s Favorite Word

Of course, I have no idea how she got into this conversation to begin with but it is dated on the video as May 6th 2010 but not necessarily the true date of her word conversation.

The Tsunami in the Indian Ocean is reported as occurring on Dec 26th but as I recall it was before the 25th since the blizzard up north occurred before Christmas at the same time as the tsunami. My sister was in the Caribbean at the time probably depositing some money (out of town) and i was on my way up north before Christmas to celebrate Christmas but the tornado was on the 26th of December in Texas in the year 2015. It is confusing to say the lead looking back but it was the same year I almost died the first time with a peritoneal access caused by somethings and septic poisoning for 14 days (I recall) the sickest person in ICU at Parkland (I was told). The internet reports that the tsunami in japan was in 2011. So there is some weather coverup but that makes sense since some of the weather anomalies are man-made disasters caused by HAARP and some are not. Remember those dead red crabs all over the beaches on the California coast immigrating from Mexico and the high radiation readings taken after the Japanese tsunami which caused a nuclear meltdown at Fukushima. Something to do with plankton (something like it anyway) which I have read provide the world with a third of the oxygen we breathe so the red crabs were killed via deoxygenation and the crabs searched north for oxygenated plankton and Fukushima is still not done. Then all those starfish that died on the coast because of nerve damage. They only have one nerve that operates their mouths and the starfish could not eat which happened after Fukushima. Which might account for the rise in breathing related illnesses like asthma, copd etc. Bashar Assad’s wife is called Asthma. Isn’t she? Anyway all having to do with the Healthcare business debacle we are dealing with in our country since Obama came up with Obama Care as a coverup for a lot of bad stuff our government has hidden from the people in a multitude of ways and means. Some have caused the third of the water beneath in the earth to be poisoned and causing food chain poisoning but the ocean is quite adept at cleaning itself. It is amazing to see what a piece of glass looks like after a few days of being tossed about in the ocean. We should not eat tuna everyday in fact not more than twice a week especially if you are pregnant because it likes to eat/soak up mercury and i would imagine it’s a good idea to steer clear of tuna and eat less than the recommended amount for a while and until Fukushima is cleaned up. I wonder if Zika virus has anything to do with the food chain debacle. They say it’s an insect that causes the virus but might be the fish. Remember when a bunch of fish washed up on some of the coasts of South America at different times? (Then something occurred having to do with the amount of phosphates being legislated by our government which made our dishes dirty. Like a domino effect.) However, I think the tsetse fly is the reason for ebola but no one wants to admit it. Watching the cleanup of dead people that died of ebola with people – Natives not wearing hazmat suits dealing with the bodies didn’t help while being instructed by those who were wearing hazmat suits. Remember the woman in the pictures. I do. Looked eerily like a woman who met the pope at the G8 meeting in Aquilla Italy and a few others I have seen on tv lately. The world is in a mess and I think the Roman Cathollc Church is the reason for the mess since it is dealt with severely in Revelations.

My brother used to eat tuna by the loaf full when on his construction job when he was younger. A loaf of tuna sandwiches which if there are 24 slices is abut 12 sandwiches which he made with Worcestershire sauce, ketchup and I think A-one sauce. Pretty good tasting sandwiches which he invented. LOL.

The important thing I have learned from the press recently is Angela Merkel is now pronounced Angula Merkel or like angle with an ah sound at the end.

I don’t

know why but it is important at least to them

every chance they get to say her name. It is a bit revolting and tedious but the best they can do is teach how to pronounce the German Chancellors name in a different way. I suppose angina doesn’t have a j sound where the g is located in the word angina henceforth because of the Chancellor of Germany? Had she changed or something since we used to call her Angela. Next she might be referred to as Anglais Merquelle pronounced angle long a plural z sound etc.

Ungard or is it En Garde?

Well the format of the program Word changed around the time (2011? or thenabouts) when she had her conniption fit about “the Word” often referring to the bible but since earlier biblical times and in our generation the Word is a program for computers and the earlier version is quite different than the later version of Word and the earlier format doesn’t work with the new format especially in regards to contractions putting space between the possessive aspect of the word contracted. I wonder if it’s a sign (unbeknownst to her of course) of some important date or timing and maybe having to do with Mother Teresa who was sainted by Nancy Pelosi’s alma mater the RCC and even having to do with Revelations and it’s timing. Ponder that possibility! I do know the Word has been problem for the RCC since most who follow the RCC don’t read the Word i.e. the Bible. I also heard today that the format problem between the two formats of the Word (computer program) is a common problem and not only with possessive contractions but the negative contractions. The programs differences shows up as extra space between the two words that are negated by the negative contraction. Makes me think of the linear aspect of time and the non-linear possibility of time using space. When people travel in space there is a difference between time from where they came from and where they go as we have seen on some SCI-FI shows. I always thought this was an interesting concept when you look upon a star it might not actually be there and you are looking instead at the light of star in the past having to do with the speed of light, distance, time, and space. Since the tsunami in the Indian Ocean a while back that altered the Earth’s axis (which is mind boggling to comprehend and I believe not only physically but politically and possibly religiously as well) but may have been around the same time as the DRAMATIC format change of the Word. IN WWll (World War Two) there were political alliances that developed called the Axis Powers.

(Word versions aren’t compatible to each other and you would think great minds could overcome the compatibility problems when they design these programs to make a smooth transition from one version to a newer version (MICROSOFT) and for those who refer to older documents in newer versions of Word but I guess those minds aren’t so great as some would like us to believe. Perhaps the same thing happened to the biblical word.)

Kind of really interesting to imagine and not that outrageous to accept/except/expect/aspect the BIG difference between the two meanings or outcomes.

Not to mention but I always do…usually do…what Jesus said at the Saw of Gallilee to Peter and i compare it to a believer in God and a scientist named Galileo who was quite famous for his contributions to science and mankind and I think probably was given help by God as well to have done the things he did in his lifetime unlike our system of government which isn’t for the people, it seems and I have to question their platitudes towards God though had the opportunity except for the parts of government restraining them from doing good.

Abortion was a lousy excuse for Mother Teresa’s and the RCC’s remedies and others colluding and I don’t think it flies with God not ever will (in his face as a matter of fact) and may be the reason for what is gonna occur to the RCC written about in Revelation. Cause and effect/affect.

My dad and mom never threw my abortion in my face but I believe he did say

I’m in good company. That is why I love them so much and trust them as well and I believe the reason for the commandment that says to honor your mom and dad because they desire it and deserve it. The RCC doesn’t care about it’s people. Why should they care when they don’t even wed or have kids etc. Obviously my ex didn’t care about his own mom and his brothers went along with the catholic solution because either they were brain washed or lost some of their marbles along the way.

There is a better was and history proves the RCC doesn’t know 

the way, the truth, and the life.

Anyway Nancy refers to “the word becoming flesh and dwelt amongst us” etc and sounded really quite like a preacher of some kind (not sure but I think it’s a catholic kind) but which came first – the word i.e. the gospels or Jesus? Serious question, don’t you think?  Jesus in the gospel of John said everyone that come before him is a liar and a thief. I think he was talking about the gospels before the gospel of John. One of the gospels says he said he was gonna fulfill the law (every jot and tittle) not the gospels. However the bible keeps changing especially on the internet these days so I think it’s probably is a good idea not to change it the wrong way. Might backfire, but might not really have any value in the ultimate outcome. I wonder which one is his preference. Rick Warren’s bible?

Another good question in regards to which came first:

Jesus washing the feet of his disciples at the Last Supper or Mary, sister of Martha

(and sister of Lazarus whom he raised after 4 days

(and I don’t think he meant 4000 years as Peter and many Catholics like to refer to a crystal bullish prophecy: a thousand years is a day as a day is a 1000 years to alleviate the worry Roman clergy should incorporate into their religious determinations.)

washing his feet?

Since writing this stuff above and under mother Teresa’s ugly face my ex attacked me via his daughter and told me not to get mad at her after she promised something to me for Mother’s day, blew it off a bunch with some lousy excuses, and I actually spent money on her for Mother’s day but I have the right if I want to but she made promises and is not coming through very nicely and cussed me out in front of her friend and I kicked her out of my art room by telling her to get lost all because I have been haranguing her though not harshly about it because I want her to care. She complained to her dad who said I shouldn’t be mad at her. That was maddening to say the least. He would have an employee fired for giving a Chocolate Sunday instead of a Fudge Sunday at Mcdonalds and yet I’m supposed to not get mad at my daughter whom he taught to call me a cunt in the past.  I did correct her a few times. He said he actually did get someone fired at McDonalds but I don’t know what he is talking about nor do I really care what he is talking about because he is inane. Anyway I told him I can get mad if I want to get mad. My daughter is young and been through a bunch including being called a whore at school and ending up in the ER because of the harassment when she had only kissed a boy at church. Obviously it is the church that bullied her at school. Divorce also affected her as well especially since he would not correct her when she called me a cunt. It is the church that is harassing me via my Catholic ex who thinks it’s okay to starve his mom to death the Catholic way…HOSPICE and then he has the nerve to call me evil. Jesus said “Feed my sheep.” He meant it, but I think possibly she wasn’t a sheep but a wolf in sheep’s clothing at least in her son’s eyes and obviously he is a mean mother fucking wolf for having starved his mom to death and then lie about it Like I hear Sen. McCain is the same from an article i read and I believe it:

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Woe to the idol shepherd that leaveth the flock! the sword shall be upon his arm, and upon his right eye: his arm shall be clean dried up, and his right eye shall be utterly darkened.
And the rest probably the same. Looks like it. This guy funded the Muslim Brotherhood which has caused a great deal of harm in many countries. Not only that while at the Benghazi hearings he was on his cell phone playing a video game. Tax dollars paying for his nonsense. He should be fired and he should have to pay back the citizens of the USA his salaries from the past and present, loose all his assets, his home, his family, his friends, and should have to be investigated for fraud.

My ex asked me once “why do I care?” Truthfully, I was not a fan of my mother-in-law but I did show her respect in her lifetime when I was in her home or she in mine, etc, even bought her a book written by Pope John Paul for a gift because it was her religion and because at the time I wasn’t quite up to snuff about the Catholic church and their agenda, but what she did if she was in on it affects other people and generations to come. However I am not convinced she wanted to be starved but am convinced she did not want to experience the pain of a tube stuck up her nose and down her esophagus to feed her. I know what it feels like and I was not willing to go through it and had to be anesthetized in order for a tube to be rammed up in my nose and down my esophagus in order to have a life saving operation. The nurse sprayed it on the inside to deaden it but it didn’t work. I have a big nose. LOL and some obstruction more than likely since I’m not perfect. She was not exactly a gentle nurse either but was in a hurry to get her job done which was to get the tube up my nose and down the esophagus in order to have the operation. Probably just in case I vomited so I would not aspirate as well and time was a factor unlike the case of my mother-in-law who it took 5 to 7 days to kill by Hospice and starvation. She could not talk at the time. But the excuse was made that she had said in the past she did not want to rot away in an old folks home like the one she worked for, was paid by as a bookkeeper, and obviously didn’t make waves about the treatment of the elderly and the infirmed. It was probably a catholic business. I don’t know. Perhaps funded by the Church of Rome (via US taxes funneled to support her and mistreat their patients after all she was to become a proponent of Mother Teresa’s Hospice solution.) I saw her about ten years or so later at the same hospital I had my life saving operation after she had died and she didn’t look so good. In fact what I saw was the link before the missing link. That is what she looked like and acted like as well. I don’t know why I was allowed to witness it, but I was. She was guarding me in the hallway because I answered truthfully to someone at the hospital that I had thought about suicide in my lifetime. I write about it obviously I think about it. Who hasn’t thought about it? You would too if you had to exist with the ex I learned about after he showed his true character which was null and void of anything righteousness and I knew I was on the right path when he told me he thought our marriage was about burying each other with is not the same as marrying each other at least not to me. Not even his anger is righteous. It’s ridiculous. I knew who she was even though she had changed and by what she said and she tried to take credit about warning someone before an alarm went off on a doorway when a woman opened the door which she did AFTER it went off to the person she related her story to and not the person who set off the alarm. SOoooo Catholic. Sort of I told you crap. She was trying to take credit for what my mom did which was spiritually gave some signs, big ones. My mother-in-law did not give me a sign spiritually, she was the sign. A very bad representation of righteousness. Attempting to reap where she did not sow which is sooooo Catholic just like Jesus of the Gospel of Luke an austere ass-hole who is not Jesus but a fraud obviously because reaping where one does not sow is stealing. She talked about a marriage of 30 something years etc and was talking about me who divorced her son righteously but she didn’t realize it. The nurse she related her story to rolled her eyes. LOL. She knew she was a fake and was lying. She knew what type personality say I told you so crap to get attention and it was as inane as her son is. I got the treatment I came to get without my ex’s knowledge because I was wary I wouldn’t get it if he knew, ie I did it on the sly. I had to be interviewed by 4 people in a room which could have been done with one and they were taking notes about my problems but it was their thing in order to be served what I desired at the time. Reminded me of a Texas aggie joke. How many aggies does it take to screw in a light bulb? When I got home the hospital called to see if I made it home after doping me up on a heavy duty opioid in order to receive the medication I needed. I lived about an hour away mileage wise and I managed to get home after a long drive through heavy traffic because I was aware and careful.  I noticed while I was detained a woman in shock. Looked like she was from India. Catatonic is what she was. Pretty sad. I noticed other well-known people as well and I think they are aware as well, hopefully.

 The ex knows it was painful to have a tube rammed up my nose because he was there at the time and witnessed it so probably knew someone who could not talk might not like having a tube rammed up their nose enough to motion a no signal.

I do know that her first born was the executor of her estate and he died before she died and during the Obama Administration. I got a phone call from the second son who couldn’t figure out why he wasn’t able to get information about his mom at the hospital the first time she was in the hospital and I said probably because he wasn’t the executor of her estate. There was about a short time of a few months between then and when her first born died and then she died. Both were honored by the military as if that made it okay. He served in Guam. LOL. She was a WAC and how she met her husband and then quit. Sort of zigzag of death. The life span in the USA has diminished and it will diminish more with the Catholic agenda that is being promulgated by her and her sonS regardless of who was the executor after her first son died. She was catholic and so her being catholic didn’t save her, did it?, from her own son and he bought a car for his daughter with the money he received from her fortune and was able to buy 2 new computers as well which he offered one to me (I guess he was gonna get a third) and I declined because it was blood money as far as I was concerned but took his used one that he offered way before he pulled his shenanigans on his mom and my daughter and me. I have no idea what the other brothers obtained from her estate but in my opinion it is a temptation that should not be allowed to be used for the Nazi solution of Hospice care to entice and I heard from my sister either Medicare or Medicaid offered the Hospice service free. I wonder if anyone is collecting her social security despite her death. It would not be something I would discount especially since Medicare/Medicaid and Social Security seems to have increased via Congress instead of diminished because of the death toll and because of what I have seen our Federal government do in the last ten years. Maybe the State of Michigan took over as her executor and Mike Rogers was the Representative up there who had clout.

“Rogers was born in Livingston County, Michigan, the son of Joyce A. and John C. Rogers.[1] He graduated from Adrian CollegeAdrian, Michigan in 1985, from which he earned a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice and Sociology, and served in the United States Army from 1985 to 1989. He worked as a Special Agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation in its Chicago office, specializing in organized crime and public corruption, 1989–1994. He is a member of the Society of Former Special Agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. In 2017, Mike Rogers was interviewed be the new director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, after James Comey was dismissed.[2] “

He was one of the first people I noticed who acted possessed
when I started writing my blogs. I could see it in his eyes.

 My ex was trying to gain favor with my daughter bribe her love and allegiance as he lied about me to her about some important things to make her call me a cunt in the first place. He twisted a bunch his version of things to cause trouble between me and her and believe me it is hard enough to raise a teen without that kind of crap. Stuff he should not have told her since it was mutual consent whiner the molestation of me awakening me in my sleep (sleeping next to his wife while he was supposed to be in another room) and the harassment was not. His mom didn’t have daughters and I can see why. She had foster daughters for a short while (6 months?) but couldn’t handle it because her sons tried to take advantage of them by getting them to do their chores and she intervened but I heard they were not around very long but came from a family of 16 or more kids. Like the priests that abuse children in the church the RCC just passes them around to another parish to do it again to other children and the same for catholic foster kids.  She wasn’t fit to raise a daughter unlike my mom. His mom was obviously partial to males. Everything was the fault of the wife when a divorce occurred in their family which occurred 4-5 times between two of the sons. It’s easy to raise sons and have them turn into assholes. Anyone can raise an ass such as the RCC asses. It’s their talent and that is why the RCC has to end and will soon and I will hee-haw when it does end along with her son. Hopefully I will do it gracefully when it occurs and with satisfaction at the same time.

When WWll ended our country cheered about it,

but it wasn’t without it’s immense sadness, too.

Mass murder being the impetus for WWll and war always brings death.

I will not relent in my pursuit of happiness and search for truth biblically nor will I relent in my pursuit of the end of the RCC and it’s madness and I WILL RAISE MY DAUGHTERS to be as much like my parents as possible who raised me and may include some cussing sometimes because while I wish I was more like my mom in the way she didn’t cuss but once that I know of when she said “shit” but I tend to be more like my dad and I am proud of him and so was she even though he cussed when things got seriously maddening. DID the Ten Commandments say “Thous Shalt Not Cuss”? NO but the Ten Commandments said Honor thy mother and father. I think starving one’s mom to death doesn’t quite measure up.  I wonder what Nancy Pelosi would think?  Do you think it measures up? Believe me if you find yourself in a fox hole on the front line of any battle of a war you will learn to cuss if the battle matters and if you treasure your life and the lives of those you love. IN fact you might even invent new cuss words. Her fifth son is a pussy.

It’s true, it’s true. >>>>>Richard Burton sings Camelot 1978

Today, the ex told me that Islam actually teaches 78 virgins

(and he also mention 73 as well but how would he know? Yet he doesn’t know the ten commandments nor believes them to be of any consequence nor does he even read his bible. He doesn’t even believe Jesus who said Feed My Sheep. It’s like one of the most recognizable discourses in the whole bible. Amazing!)

are rewarded vs what I had heard was 100 virgins for committing murder suicide for Islam (and for the RCC).

He happens to be a virgo. LOL

I graduated in 73 and i was married in 78 and Richard Burton sang the song above in 78 and he also starred in the movie The Red Robe as I recall. Weird. I think it was a red robe but the movie was called “The Robe” and he looks like my dad sometimes. 

They said therefore among themselves, Let us not rend it, but cast lots for it, whose it shall be: that the scripture might be fulfilled, which saith, They parted my raiment among them, and for my vesture they did cast lots. These things therefore the soldiers did.

I have learned to cuss and I am not ashamed. I would rather cuss than oblige the RCC any old day. I don’t hate my catholic friends in the past who were raised as such in fact I loved a few of them very much but the ones who don’t give a shit about what their religious clergy including the pope does to families (parents and their kids) and to the church often using the mob and some false INTEL, assassinating leaders and religious clergy all over the world, to the jews and to the christians, to the elderly, and populations as a whole, and to the world and it would be wise to start caring what the RCC has done unless you like ashes to ashes dust to dust on your own head. It is not far off!

Example: The lengths Jesse Watters of (Watters World) will go to oblige the RCC is amazing and this is the problem with the RCC and it’s fellowship. “It’s not a war of Islam and Christianity …. blah blah blah” Jesse said after showing his contribution to mankind: himself interviewing women on the beach about history they were not taught.

Paul said in

1 Corinthians 3:5-7

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 1Who then is Paul, and who is Apollos, but ministers by whom ye believed, even as the Lord gave to every man? I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.7 So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase. 

Take heed of Zechariah 11:17

In other words you are considered IN THE FUTURE TO BE nothing. Perhaps you don’t get TO BE raised for your contribution which if you were honest is not rocket science. You ain’t no Galileo!

Apollo | Isis | Mithras | Aryan Baptistry | Sun God

Dark Ages

Apollonius is written about as anti-christian. I don’t know the value of the assessment but when Saul who changed his name to Paul says in one of his diatribes you can have it all etc it is disconcerting because it’s not true in the end and then gets off on finding people with gaul (not gaul stones.) or guile? Gaul is a place in France. isn’t it? DeGaulle etc.  You have to wonder what happened to Saul/Paul during his conversion on his way to Damascus (The Burdensome Stone of the Old Testament) when he saw a flash of light which could have been something else like a stroke or getting hit over the head, or eating a drug he didn’t know was a drug or drinking too much etc as he hunted christians to quell and to kill them and described his conversion in many different ways that don’t harmonize however he was trying to trick Chrisitans which has been written about by many other people and then he changed his name to Paul and tried to convert people to what? Appolonius..Isis…Roman Catholicism…. Islam? He had quite a bit of money to travel to do his business and I don’t think it was on the up and up. He was funded like the Muslim Brotherhood was funded. I think he infiltrated the church to dissuade them from the truth and was paid a lot like Jesse Watters. He didn’t have a limo but he got around. I would beware if I were you and instead of showing the innocent ignorance of those who were not taught about history..I was one of them too hanging on the beach and could not have answered many of your questions when I was young because the schools failed the kids. Why ? Because the schools are unionized and teachers are not accountable except for a stupid test they spend a semester or two preparing the kids for to keep themselves employed.

Eventually kids grow up and realty hits them in the face and then interest abounds however a good teacher can do it ahead of reality but it would be nice if we didn’t get off on the ignorance of others. Instead try to teach them…feed them if you can and ask some legitimate questions like: “Do you think the Pope of the RCC should have sainted Mother Teresa and ask them to elaborate and ask them why and then steer them to Christopher Hitchens site to learn a bit about it so they might have a chance to save a family member or a loved one even a catholic like my mother-in-law. You could do a great service to those kids and their families if you tried using your fame and your influence to warn them ahead of time and not after it’s too late like my mother-in-law. Don’t you think? Grand parents and great grandparents are very meaningful and valuable to the young and have a plethora of experience and probably a better idea of history personally having had to live it than O’reilly who I believe if he really wanted to teach should have instead of becoming what he became: a Fox wolf.

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While I believe experience is a great teacher it would be good to warn your fellow catholic and perhaps they might disavow the RCC and it might be a great opportunity to have an affect/effect on the future of the world that makes a difference. It’s up to you. I know some catholics have done some retrospect of their religion and been helpful to me from their insight having been raised in the RCC and criticized it for it’s lies and theft, murder and mayhem but you ought to try as well. Isn’t it your duty as a parent to try since I know you know about my sites and others and seem to stay clear of any criticism of your religion. Ridiculing americans isn’t helpful but I guess it depends on who pays you. I guarantee if you don’t try you will be disappointed and immensely hurt for your children when you eventually learn to love them and lose them. Why don’t you ridicule the pope? He might appreciate it LOL. I think you are like my ex : a pussy. I don’t mean to demean females using the word pussy but I use it in the pejorative sense of a man shirking his duty. I don’t like Jesse Watters who demeans the young ladies on the beach and undervalues them and so imo he fits “the Pelosi version of the word.” Don’t read it just sign it into law blah blah blah. Now look what we are up against. A bunch of idiots who don’t know how to repeal it and keep a promise they proffered to get elected lying to their constituents and causing probably their own demise in the end for a vote. Like the cell phone bribe Obama used to get votes. Now look at his golfing buddy, Tiger Woods. I’m sure Obama had a lot to do with his dysfunctions. Remember Time magazine the picture of Obama and Tiger Woods golfing together? The guy was a master at his talent because of his dad…not because of Obama. What makes you think you won’t be next? I remember JFK said something about being eaten by the tiger. But to be honest it doesn’t look exactly ike Tiger Woods. His nose has more of a definite bulb on the end his mustache is different his crease between the bulb of his nose to the side of his month is more curved to the outside (I forgot what you call it) to the end of his eye where as the guy on the right the crease of his mandible is straighter. Course he is older and may have gained some weight and looks angry on the right and more saner on the left not sure what the expression is but looks like a bit of disdain on the left and possibly daydreaming. a bit.

During his arrest, Tiger Woods was asked to do the ‘Romberg Alphabet’ — a test that has a lot of public misconception



I don’t know how but Obama is trying to eat the tiger.

Perhaps it’s a sign of some kind of area biblically speaking and Tiger Woods is a tool to show it. In any case, he isn’t dead yet and should honor his parents and keep trying because they loved him and vice versa. We all make mistakes which is part of the experience we can learn from if we want to honor our parents as is commanded by God in the Ten Commandments. I know my parents have helped me even after they died.

Tigris–Euphrates river system

I had heard a long time ago water was gonna play a part in the future like when the Euphrates dried up to make a way for the Kings of the East. Part of the Euphrates dried up in certain areas in Africa around the pope-ship period of Benedict XVl. Water has been used against people in the past biblical history. Cutting off someones water supply can be devastating. I think it happened in Alexandria, Egypt either for the Alexandrians against some country or against Alexandria by some country. I bet it had to do with Israel. The above article shows the importance of the water system. But what does it mean?..I don’t know. I read about it in one of the works by Josephus…Flavius Josephus who was born Joseph ben (son of) Matityahu (Matthew) and became a Roman Jewish Scholar historian and biographer to a father of priestly descent born in Jerusalem who defected to the Roman side and granted Roman Citizenship and was adopted by the Flaviuses and became a writer and propagandist for Rome and also hired by the Flaviuses who was a leader at the time during some period of the years of 37-100 around the time of Jesus. If you compare some of his prose to the bible it gets kind of interesting how the two intertwine and eventually he kind of gets weird and weirder almost as if he goes crazy or gets possessed: I have written some stuff from his writings and come to some comparison points of interest. Others have written about him as well comparing some things to the bible. Matthew, of course, was a tax collector wasn’t he, and is the first gospel in the bible? There are plenty of sites with his view of history or current events.


Did Jesse Watters offer his testimony for Andrea Tantaros? or for her brother? Or was it mete to put O’reilly in a faux retirement for the church of Rome so as not to give credence to the accusations? What will become of your daughters when

THAT time comes? 

(I have a feeling Jesse, you took a bad vow with the devil for your former boss who was a Jesuit. You can disavow the vow you made but probably will take it’s toll, might have to lose your job but maybe not, but in the end it will be worth it, if you don’t ….it won’t be. It is possible you might gain many friends and family and not lose your own soul if you do and possibly gain a ton of fans for Fox news if you disavow the RCC and the Jesuits. You could if you had guts start your own company and news programming with the truth instead of BS as much a possible anyway. Do your daughters matter or not? Or are you already devoid of reason to not know the difference, nor care. then count yourself as good as a Nazi which isn’t good or even on a par with the al Quada, the Taliban, and basically a radical Islamic fascist who kills the spirit and the soul of his followers and starving them of the truth for his own NECK and COLLAR!~)

What will you retort when God says “I never knew you.”

Guess what… THIS IS A WAR.


We can live without the RCC’s moral compass, and Jesse’s!

The world will benefit when the RCC does end.

I love Hannity though he is a bit deceived quite a bit actually (we all are deceived. It’s hard not to be deceived since we are in the times called the Great Deception) and he was recently aired saying he has done numerous interviews of Assange (on radio and on tv) but I only saw a part of one for a few minutes. Said he was not a conspiratorialist (spelling may be a problem here) in other words a loony toons like some like to pin on people like Alex Jones who has done some good work. Not everything is sterling but he has uncovered some shit in our government and about the press and the Bohemian Grove and I appreciate what he uncovered and he also confronted David Gergen who seemed quite taken back and in fear of being outed for having been entertained at the Bohemian Grove. Now if Fox would do what Alex Jones does we might have a chance in our country of getting to some truth about what our representatives are up to behind the scenes and I bet David Gergen probably thinks of Alex Jones as a traitor as many do eric Snowden and Julius Assange (I think that’s his first name LOL nope it’s Julian Assange) who was accused of some sex crime but that might have been in response to his duty (a preemptive attack on his character to discount his witness and success to expose some important things) however I don’t and haven’t really investigated his information and have done my best to organize or show what it is I see and witness and my family was also preemptively attached and deserved a response which is likely what Julian Assange has done and I don’t have time to check out both Eric Snowden and Julian Assange and their information but both have had to go into hiding in a way and not living the way they would like (nor am I) to perform their duty and you have to respect their attempt to help mankind and they have helped to clue in some americans to the crap behind the scenes that americans need to be aware of one they are being watched,,, and two unfairly judged and attacked… three, Obama protected the mosques from the same as if tying americans hands behind their backs for the religion of Islam and hence for Roman Catholicism and their political correctness. They are working together and against each other


what is the deal with George Soros?

He seems to be the blame for everything gone wrong in the Catholic/Evangelical world. I have not read much about him nor heard much about him and I especially didn’t believe he funded a riot when the people who were rioting were asked by the press quite loudly if George Soros hired them (why in the world would the press ask if George Soros hired them? Who or what cued them to ask? They didn’t ask when it came to the Black Lives Matter riots if George Soros hired them do it seemed as if it was a ploy and a ruse.) Kind of like watching Sheppard Smith in Ukraine in regards to the Russian invasion or Jack Ready looking at the book depository during the JFK assassination. Very similar. A bit over the top hoping to stir things up and point in the other direction type deception and it was kind of strange that he was able to get so close to those evil and dangerous Russian tanks without any obstruction or intimidation of Sheppard Smith that you would think would have occurred if it were an invasion by the Russians.) and they said yes on camera when asked if George Soros hired them and I thought I doubt this BS since if they were hired by George Soros I’m sure they would not admit it if they took the job and I doubt they would get paid if they were hired by him. My ex has read about him a bunch and seems to blame George Soros for everything but my ex starved his mom to death so why should I put much stock into what he says about George Soros and if Hannity is blaming stuff on George Soros why doesn’t he interview Goerge Soros and get to the nitty-gritty like he was able to do with Julian Assange. I’m sure George Soros wouldn’t mind;) By the way yes you are a conspiratorialist when it comes to George Soros (and I know there are other examples as well) but I think it has more to do with your religion and his religion and his wealth than it has to do with his politics. I think it would do you and him a great deal of good if you communicated via a filmed interview if he is willing. Somehow I do recognize him. I can’t place it but seems to me I have seen him in my personal life somewhere at some point in time way earlier but I could be wrong and later whenI was hospitalized and had to walk out. He looks familiar to me.

 I do think Hannity tries to be honest and deserves respect for his work and is doing a relatively good job compared to many others and I don’t know what hinders him and others from speaking about hospice. Obviously something is holding him and others back and it is disconcerting but other than that I appreciate his contribution because there are a lot of people totally clueless who need his information. His best interview I have ever seen was of the gunman that killed the young man named Trayvon Martin who went to get skittles at the store which occurred during the Obama Administration and the interview showed the character and state of mind of the gunman who I think was a sociopath but I don’t think Hannity had eyes to see, nor ears to hear, neither a heart to evaluate what he uncovered during the interview nor the sense to be suspicious of the answers because he had already made his determination but what I noticed is like what I noticed when Greta Van Susterne interviewed Billy Graham for the first time and what he was doing to her which I noticed and wrote about and illustrated with the film and explained. It was subtle but it was real scary. I have read about the subtlety of the devil.

Revelation 12:9

And the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world—he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.

2 Corinthians 11:14

And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.

Paul mentions the light he met a few times and I wonder if it wasn’t the devil he met.

Satan Subtle

Then I saw on the same day a blurb about some guy who took a picture of the show Greg Gutfield hosts and with a guy who lost his legs at war I think and the person who took the picture said something having to do with a freak show and Greg Gutfield was incensed with indignity of the whole affair but what about the time when Greg Gutfield said “you who have no teeth” in regards to some indigent or person who didn’t have teeth though it was not pictured. What if the person lost their teeth fighting a war. LOL.  There are lots of different kinds of war besides the kind with bombs. Peridontal war? Lack of money kind of war. Or heredity kind of war. Drug war, addiction war, demonic war, etc. You certainly didn’t mind insulting that person. What’s the difference? Don’t forget about George Washington. He had wooden teeth. Would he have said that about George Washington or to George Washington? I’m sure Greg Gutfeld has some physical ailment or would if he would fight in a war. He doesn’t but instead he engages in talking on a talk show and seems to be on cloud nine often. I like his show sometimes but he is politically correct and doesn’t even know it which is okay to some degree (being a snob and an elite with no idea of the real world most of us have to live in) unless you need a description of a person who has committed a mass murder and by the way Hospice to the degree it has been practiced is Mass Murder and yet Fox never talks about it. Instead Guilfoyle (sorry forgot your first name) calls the Pope his holiness which is WAY OVER THE TOP. He isn’t holy if he advocates for Mother Teresa and her Nazi solution by sainting her. He is a pimp and has actually been accused and I think truthfully of being a real pimp by a courageous catholic who I think knew of his crimes from what I read it sounded feasible and quite probable especially after hearing a quote by him saying he stole a necklace from a dead martyr to gain his courage as if it was cute to have stolen the martyrs necklace and tell about it and supposedly even wore it. A holy person doesn’t steal from a martyr. Obviously he is a thief to be un-politically correct and doesn’t know any better. He ain’t holy! It is unbelievable and inconceivable that Guilfoyle (of the Five) or anyone else would call him his holiness. It was disgusting. He probably is much worse than a thief. Definitely a liar. Possibly a pimp and more than likely involved in quite a few murders and abuse of kids. He is a jesuit.

I do have to question Fox network’s motive for not broaching the subject of Hospice i.e.

Murder suicide.

Something tells me there is an attempt to coverup since it isn’t discussed ever by Fox news and then I have to think perhaps its a kind of war Fox is waging with the RCC against innocents, the infirmed, and the elderly who aren’t good enough i.e.

Catholic enough

which takes an Extreme amount of pride to ignore

in your estimations because money is the root of Aul evil as in Saul and Paul etc.

Talk about everything else under the sun but not anything against the catholic religion. which is political correctness: when right is wrong and wrong is right.

You have to Wonder Not For Joy

why there is the mounting rise in terrorism/murder-suicide attacks by different groups all over the world. Is it a reaction to an action such as hospice which is murder suicide?

Luke 24:41

And while they yet believed not for joy, and wondered, he said unto them, Have ye here any meat?

Laura InGraham in Billy Graham.

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Saw in reaction to my blog posting update on Hannity- Laura In graham (miss new lips) who is in GRAHAM as in Billy bring up her reaction to the comedian Kathy Griffin with the decapitated Trump head which was weird to say the least and Laura could not help herself but bring up abortion as she does every chance she gets about the question of  when does life begin. Let me ask Laura why she never talks about Hospice/murder suicide? I know she knows about Hospice so is she indulging herself or others in regards to Hospice murder suicide because they pay her her salary and pay for her appearances? I recall her talking about Trump offering Christmas Presents to the press i.e. bribes to get good press while Trump was in the process of running for president. Not that Trump was offering Christmas Presents but that Laura wanted him to offer the press christmas presents. Do you recall that statement Laura? It’s what Evangelicals and Catholics are famous for and shoe boxes full of shit for christmas for Fatherless children.. I hope you get to swallow a big turd in fact I hope it is Billie’s turd you get to swallow and he yours when that day comes as well for indulging yourself. I am willing to talk about my abortion and write about it yet you can’t defend the elderly who were innocent. The way I look at it was the person who got me pregnant was not my family and we were not married hence a stranger (it was a one night stand) my first intercourse at a young age. I barely remember it. IN FACT it was a bait and switch rape. The person I had sex with was not the same person I met in the woods earlier by chance on a ranger outing of the army base where they were doing some training and the daughter of the head of the Rangers  was who I was with and we did a few outings like camping and Rappelling with some other kids via her dad. At least that is the memory I have. He called me for another date after and I refused and was upset he called that is how I felt though with little memory of the act itself except pain. I don’t even remember going home or how I got home. I was not in my right mind and don’t know how and it is possible  I may have deserved to be messed with but not intercourse at the age I was. I think I was maneuvered by the daughter of the head of the Rangers. She was having an affair with her math teacher and I was with her often when she met him at his apartment. His friend a Tully boy knew of it the older one and gave me the once over quite a bit when I went to the golf club on base after the date rape. I don’t know if he was involved? He was not of my blood and I was not married to him and I did not owe him a child nor did I owe my parents a child in this particular instance. It took a long time to figure out i was pregnant because I was young and afraid and in disbelief of my condition and then I was desperate to be rid of it.

Getting pregnant by a stranger is kind of like illegal immigration. Do we allow people from South America residence in our homes? I think Laura InGraham should have to have a family of 73 9r 78 illegal immigrants from Central America live in her residence with her for 18 to 21 years and with 39 ex husbands like mine raised as a catholic fucker with no backbone and support them and educate them and train them for those years in between her appearances. I think she should have to breast feed the children and potty train them as well. I think she should have to feed them little jars of baby food and take them to dance class and school. I think she should have to comb their hair and when they get lice at school comb their thick curly hair with medicine and do it again the next day to make sure the lice is gone. I think she should have to read to them at night and cook for them and help them with their homework and reports the night before they are due. I think she should have to take them to the doctor and dentist if she can afford one these days and dress them and shop for clothes with them. I think she should have to use a suction to suck out the snot blocking their nasal passages when they can’t blow their nose. Give them medicine when they are sick and clean up their messes throw up and when they have diarrhea. And worry about them when they get sick and have a temperature or sick with something out of the ordinary and protect them against a black widow in their sand box toy they had been playing with and bring it indoors and then you take it out and notice it is in the crevices of the toy your two or three year old was playing with a minute ago and then be invited to a Cubans home next door your new neighbors and go have tortilla soup with a bunch of people who don’t speak english and have their son try to strangle your daughter then days later break in to your rent home via a broken window they break and stole some toys using their other younger son to climb through the broken window and hide the toys in the trees out front and another kid who wants to climb the fence to play in your yard and the mother who wants to get you to baby sit their kid because she is tired and wants a break and you don’t want to take care of her kid who can climb a wire fence and try to teach your child not to blow snot out her nose like a farmer and like her friend next door. I think she should wash their clothes and clean up after them a bunch. I think she should go on vacation with the 73-78 illegal immigrant kids with out getting help from the husband who usually does’t come because of hits saxophone gigs.  I think you should have sex twice a year if lucky during most of the marriage because of his injury or because his balls are constricted due to a condition that affects sexual desire and masculinity and his good senses always taking everyone else’s side if it involves me, doesn’t pay for my work well done for his business even taking great risks some of the time but pays his brothers for lousy work not done well and how it affected his mind and listen to your little sister brag she has sex 3-4 times a week. I think should rarely go out and rarely have a baby sitter even though big sis promised two babysit your children because you baby sat her kids and even taught one of them how to swim while your sister was immensely pregnant. Babysat so her and her husband could work on their marriage overnight in a hotel room for a night or two and to help their marriage each time and when she had pneumonia and other times as well. I think you should help her get ready for christmas and easter for her kids. You should paint the eggs with her kids and she rarely did. I think you should have to go to their school outings and get nickeled and dimed to death at the school for all the different teachers and occasions and kids. I think you should have to do school shopping for them each year with a list the size of a grocery list for two weeks and about the same cost to keep up with the joneses in regards to the lunch box, beverage holder and back pack, pencil kit, and a ton of kleenex boxes and get them to transport it to the school on the day it is required. I think you should have to get them pets to enjoy and end up taking care of their pets yourself. I think you should have sleep overs and go to the fair with them once a year and take them to see their illegal immigrant grandparents often in another town hours a way and stay up all night before Easter and Christmas preparing their gifts and coloring eggs with them. I think you should have to shop for their friends when they have birthdays and for Christmas. I think you should take them to see the fireworks once a year. I think you should have to get the 73-78 illegal immigrants to make valentines for valentines day and cakes or cookies when it is their turn at school to bring snacks. I think you should have to walk them to school a few long blocks away and pick them up at school and take them home a few long blocks away making sure no one runs them down. I think you should have to take them to dance class an hour away and a few days a week and go through a week or two of grueling dance recital preparations and sew the costumes to pay for the classes while they are at school and at their classes for about 4 or so months before the recital. I think you should teach them how to cook and clean and give them baths and make sure they are ready for school on time and take care of their friends as well when they come over to play. Then take them to soccer and bring snacks for the team when it’s your turn and buy thoughtful gifts for the kids on their birthdays and for holidays and try to get gifts that fit their personality, their talents, and their preferences and for their age group. I think you should have to deal with them during tantrums at the store when they want something they can’t have or at home for what ever they don’t want to do. I think you should take them to swimming classes so they don’t drown. I think you should have to buy them makeup when they are older and hair color. You should have to teach them to talk and to ride a bike without killing themselves. I think you should endure some horrifying times with the illegal immigrant kids such as finding out your illegal immigrant daughters have stolen a used piece of gum she found under the table at a restaurant and is in her mouth. Or telling you her nose is pucked up and you get her to repeat her statement and she says “my nose is pucked up” and you think her neighbor the rambunctious kid has taught her to say fucked up and turns out after freaking out she said plugged up. I think you should have to deal with a precocious kid who invites a bunch of friends having made invitations and sent them to a birthday party at the neighborhood pool without telling you. I think you should have to prepare the neighborhood pool by cleaning all the chairs of the years dirt and dust with a sprayer and getting the neighborhood pool ready and its’ surroundings ready cleaning the cement and the stones making sure they are secure and mowing the land around it clearing it of debris and trying to deal with an HOA who don’t want the younger generations to enjoy a pool because of the cost of insurance when no one had ever drowned in the pool for the fifty years it had been open and used by their children  and deal with their nonsense and collect their dues with a lot of criticism and moaning and groaning in regards to a relatively cheap deal 25- 100 bucks a year depending on if you will use the pool and prepare parties that include them at the pool and find a life guard to watch the kids since many parents don’t and hand out newsletters to the HOA full of lousy stuck up neighbors every once in a while because no one else will so your kids can enjoy a neighborhood pool with other kids. And then some neighbors shoot and kill your beloved dog over a brawl about a young girl and actually wounding the kids and neighbors shooting in the direction of your home because of the gunfire the kids in the driveway next door shot off during their brawl and another neighbor next door puts glass between the fences hoping to cut your dogs paws because it is communicating with their dog. I think you should teach your illegal immigrant children to drive and get their license. I think Laura you ought to have to deal with your female illegal immigrant kids periods once a month and the drama with their friends over small things at school such as the teacher not allowing your kid to go to the bathroom and allows the boy who raised his hand a second or two afterwards go to the bathroom and then come to find out it has to do with a ten minute rule she made up as an excuse to not allow your illegal immigrant daughters go to the bathroom and then deal with bullying of your illegal immigrant daughters by other students egged on by a few incompetent unionized teachers who call her a whore because your illegal immigrate daughters are darling cheerleaders and the teachers  are jealous of her good looks. I think you should end up in the ER in dire straits because of the abuse in the place of your illegal immigrant daughters and then end up having to educated you illegal immigrate daughters else where an hour away. I think you should try to home school you illegal immigrate daughters after the school doesn’t work out and because you illegal immigrant daughters have been traumatized and then have you many ex’s undermine your teaching-home schooling because you divorced your many ex’s during this time and your many ex’s wants to control you illegal immigrant daughters and starts sleeping with you illegal immigrant teenaged daughters and you have to curtail the practice without your illegal immigrant daughters knowing it because it isn’t wise for a divorced man to sleep with his and your illegal immigrant daughters and you shame him nicely and then he retaliates later because you picked up his cell phone off the table and accuses you to the police of trying to steal it (and there is way more to the story but you wouldn’t understand) and then later your daughters are mixed up and starts sneaking out the window or threatening to commit suicide partially because their dad is not a very good dad and uses his and your kids against you and you try to remain friends and he wants to gain favor by lying about you to your illegal immigrate daughters and twisting the truth and demeans you when he can and get you arrested because he doesn’t want to deal with a tantrum of your 73-78 mixed up illegal immigrant daughters who are destroying some of your property with scissors your favorite purse that you had let your illegal immigrant daughters borrow and even though you are weak and disabled he calls the police and you spend a night in jail with your condition of PTSD a 14 inch scar on your belly from an operation earlier caused by family issues stated above, and COPD and then he pays the bail bonds people quite a bit of money because he knows he is guilty and a mother fucker and tells you you ought to be grateful. And because neither of you have any money you have to live together to raise your 73-78 illegal immigrant children and after they are gone you have no options but to take the abuse whenever it is dished out and deal with a dumb ass who murdered his mom by starvation/hospice and doesn’t know any better BUT HE REALLY DOES and deal with his lies and tricks and his attempts to kill you. And then send your 73-78 illegal immigrant kids off to college. Then your children want to go on vacations and you can’t because you do not want to travel with an asshole who overstepped his authority and overstepped his bounds who mocks you in the powder room pointing at you like thumper watching bambi slipping on the ice then he denies he did it and then tells you if you want to take your beloved kitty to the vet who is very sick go ahead and when you say I think he needs to go to the vet a minute or so later the ex tells you he hates your guts. But to everyone else in the world they think he is the nicest of people because he puts on a show. Then months later after some major confrontations admits he said what he said to you during the time the cat was nearly dead and said it was because you divorced him years earlier and then after that lies about it again and many other things you should be grateful for. Lies about anything he does which is wrong and makes you feel like you are crazy because it is a tactic males often use against females who divorced them because RC exes have way too much pride for their own good and because he is catholic and raised like shit and takes credit for things he shouldn’t and also in a strange mind set when he says your name like he thinks you are still his wife and married and in love and you aren’t. Lies about all the details involved about the death of his mom that he told you and then the day he gets in your car he has a wreck and has to replace the door on the passenger side of your car and denies that the birds the size of CONDORS hundreds of them flying only in your neighborhood of a hundred homes so low you can see their huge shadows on the rooftops flying around for a few hours without roosting and then disappear and people stopping in their cars to watch the amazing site and discussing it even with the ex (and your ex compares it to fifteen birds in a town nearby that came out of a storm and reported on the news) and these people are as amazed as you are while your beautiful cat was missing for 7 weeks and found alive soon after and lived even with liver damage having not eaten much and as weak as can be he can hardly get out of the school bus lane flood gutter under a grove of 12 trees and now only ten. Anything good having to do with you isn’t good to him. Anything nice that happens to you is a fluke and anything good that happens to him is deserved. Anything bad that happens to you is treated unkindly by him and anything bad heath wise that happens to him he acts like a BIG FUCKING Catholic BABY. He doesn’t remember things he used to do when he was younger only some and you have a better memory of things about him than he does. Lying is like that. The lies are hard to remember. He is insidious and really messed up. He doesn’t read the bible nor believe the bible in any way except for the verse by Peter: a thousand years is a day as a day is a thousand years. Thinks you have changed for the worse which you agree in some ways you have but you have been ABUSED and mistreated because you dared to divorce a catholic dumbass because as a couple you  were not good together anymore and because the Catholic desire to rule the world and to punish females and because of your brother in law’s penchant to sexually act up at family reunions exposing the glans or the head of his penis above his pants or shorts or beneath his shorts so he could display it to you at these family gatherings with kids around or other times if drinking beer. Grabbed your thighs in front of his son who is only a young teen learning to drive and who is nervous about his dad’s behavior and you try to cover it up making an ass of yourself to save his son from the embarrassment and discomfort of what his dad was doing to you while his wife your older sister was doing real estate business in the clients house we parked in front of. Your little sister even witnessed his strange behavior and saw him exposing himself and never tells your parents the truth. Even your  little  sister told you he played footsie with her under the table at a restaurant sitting next to his own wife and your sister doesn’t ever relate this to your parents who are confused by the many lies your older sister fed them about you and the silence your other sister offered and to come out looking like she was better than you and earning 35 thousand dollars hospicing your mom with out your knowledge putting on some kind of show taking care of her then mocking her to you before that. The correspondence between you and her via e-mail gets really weird from her as if she was going nuts and it worries you for your mom’s sake and you try to get help and are mocked by the older sister as well in many ways because you decided maybe to reveal some details she called zingers but truthful ones to her kids because she didn’t keep to the agreement agreed upon by you and your brother and younger sister to keep silent about it for the kids sake and for your parents sake and the cohesion of the family and was doing some weird stuff as well and your older sister and her husband try to shame you in various ways many times to get back at you and it all started with the lie your older sister told your parents on the phone when you alerted her in private about the first molestation after her husband was acting weird a few years later trying to mess with you and mess with her by messing with you while he drank his beers desiring to carry you to your car etc embarrassing shit and really weird shit you did not know how to handle his insanity sneaking up behind you real close and in front of your parent’s home with your sister in the front room probably pissed off. You are afraid he would sneak up on you again when you fell asleep because of his nature and his behavior and so you can’t sleep in your parent’s home you are visiting that weekend and you went home early  in the morning without telling anyone (because you were a nervous wreck) and she had her friend the major general’s daughter call you who was there that night to ask you why you had left and told you that you should talk to your sister about it and so when she returns home from your parent’s home you decided to be brave and spill the beans and she calls your parents and tells you she is calling your parents with the phone to her ear and tell them you are attracted to her husband. LOL upsetting you and she is in denial and then he calls you later that day yelling over the phone that you are fucking liar (big surprise) and it balloons into a big weird family problem. They call to have a meeting to clear it up and you show up at their home for the meeting hoping for a good ending and your older sister by six years stays in her kitchen doing the dishes and clanging pots and pans ignoring the seriousness of the issue at hand while he talks to you and your chicken shit husband and promisedyourhe would go to church and it didn’t help him whatsoever. Then many things occurred over the years by him and her to get back at me in lots of little ways and big ones and eventually added up to a bunch of crap and I ended up nearly dead in the ER but I tried to do the right thing a few times and it wasn’t respected only added fuel to their fire against me but in a weird kind of way. It was the money he invested for my uncle that really ticked them off using some kind of inventive formula he had invented or made up about the stock market and he romanced the money out of my uncle who did it without his wife’s knowledge though she gave him carte blanche access to her money to waste it and my brother in law lost all of it in one day on the stock market. Then kind of soon after my  uncle died and soon after so did his son the inheritor of the money that was to be paid back somehow and I have no idea how or when or how much and to whom. But his son’s death was kind of a suspicious death to me later when I was putting things together in my head about what the hell happened to my family. 

If life begins at conception insurance companies would have to offer insurance for wombs, fertilized eggs, and fetuses. If life begins at conception we would be having conception parties based on the date of conception instead of birthday parties but most of the time we don’t know the date of conception and sometimes don’t know the father of the fertilized eggs, and those that had miscarriages (single or married) could be charged with 3rd degree murder or involuntary manslaughter. Why don’t any countries give conception certificates? When does marriage begin? When a couple is engaged, during the dating period, meeting on a blind date? When someone marries they get a marriage certificate, but do they get an engagement certificate? Why? Because they may not actually get married, that’s why. When does a business become a business? During the planning stages? During the building of the storefront? When does a law become a law? While it is being tossed between the representatives, the senate, and the presidency? or when it is enacted? When does a movie become a movie? When it is being filmed or when it is in the editing stages? When does a journal become a book? When does an e-mail become an e-mail? When does a cinder block become a wall? When do pieces of wood become a fence while the wood is being bought, cut, measured, drilled, nailed. What happens when you don’t nail it together? Is it a fence? When does material become a dress? When does a seed become a plant? When you sow it? What happens if it doesn’t rain or the sun doesn’t shine upon it? OR what happens if it rains too much or the sun shines too hard upon it? OR when the wind blows it to kingdom come? What if the seed is planted in bad soil? What if it’s a bad seed planted in good soil. What happens if you plant a tulip bulb upside down or sideways? When does a piece metal become a piece of jewelry? When does slip become porcelain or ceramic? When does dough become bread? 

When does a patty become a burger?

When does a batter become a cake? at a baseball game?

Richard Harris – MacArthur Park

When does an egg become a chicken? When does a tadpole become a frog? How many examples does one need from nature to gain understanding?

When did your lips become plump? While they were injected or during surgery or after?

 You will regret your silence in a BIG WAY. I suggest you worry about feeding the kids in Yemen if you care about life and not worry about someone else’s pregnancy unless the mother asks for help! My mother offered to live somewhere else and let me have a baby

yet she was hospiced?

She was woman who had been born.

We celebrated her birthdays. Not her conception days.

Nor the days of her menstruations. LOL

How many females menstruate heavily who are sexually active? Perhaps a miscarriage? Gonna talk about them and the reasons for their miscarriage? Slipping due to ice on the sidewalk? Falling off a swing? Falling off a horse or trotting on a horse western style/and or bareback. Exercising too hard. Weight lifting. Does a spa bear responsibility for the miscarriage, heavy menstruation because sometimes it is hard to tell the difference. How about tampax and kotex? Do their products bear the responsibility if their product MAY have caused a miscarriage? Drugs she might have taken (prescription or street drugs)? Alcohol she might have drunk? Food she might have eaten? Poverty? Treatment she received from the people around her at school or church? Working in a sweat shop? Working too hard? Car accident? Falling off a roof? Having her chair removed as she sits down? Driving down a bumpy road? Stress because she is overworked, over taxed, and under-appreciated and underpaid? Environmental reasons? Harassment? Perhaps the slant of her uterus? Perhaps having sex again? Eating tuna after Fukushima? Eating a crab after Fukushima because of contamination? Being neurotic? Vaccination in the past? Flu shot? Drinking contaminated water? Dish-soap or a product she used? Living in a dump? how about un-land management? we used to have controlled fires to  control fires not the fire fumes blow across many states and is out of control such as the fires in Arizona. How about the reduction in phosphates? Some miscarriages occur

Because her body rejected it?

What if her mind rejects it?

What if her heart rejects it?

Doesn’t the mind supersede the body and the heart spiritually speaking supersede the mind? I think all three should have to agree to have a baby: The heart, the mind, and the body. I don’t think a person who can’t move or is in mental institute because of insanity or other malady because she gets pregnant should be required to have a baby just because her warden had sex with her whether she was willing or not. Do you? What about a prostitute? Does the pimp bear responsibility akin with the married man, the  young boy experimenting have to bear the responsibility for 18 to 21 years for a baby, or for the miscarriage and/or abortion because they were complicit in the action that caused the reaction? Do the parents of the prostitute and the boy or man, the pimp and his parents bear it as well for their lack of breeding and the companies they own or work for hiring them? What about the hotel and the motel? Do they bear the cost and the responsibility of any of the reactions? What about the schools that failed the kids involved? Do they bear responsibility even if they tried did they try hard enough, was it successful, was it the right way? When you take your first steps or say your first words does the mind control the action? When a baby sucks on a breast or a bottle the baby is using it’s mind to suck. What if the female doesn’t say yes to the penus entering the vagina? What about ignorance by the female of the probability of pregnancy causing pregnancy or the failure of the rubber or birth control devices and prescriptions fails and the companies that produce them: who is to blame and by how much? What percentage should each one bear in the event of an unwanted pregnancy for 18-21 years or blame and financial responsibility for a miscarriage for 18 to 21 years for the probability of life in a life span if a miscarriage didn’t occur? What about in wartime? Depression? Miscarriage caused by an outbreak of any disease or virus that isn’t handled properly by the government or the medical field and those in charge? False news stories or propaganda causing death and/or miscarriages, mental illness, and crimes. How much should the press have to bear the expense and responsibility for their lack of reliable sources intentional or unintentional, for their false witnesses intentional or unintentional, for their false testimony, for their intentional or unintentional propaganda, and for their stupidity? What about the church that taught them? Do they have to bear the costs and the blame for the results? What percentage? What about their peers? Do the peers of the people involved have to share the blame such as the girls and boys I knew who had sex before marriage or had affairs with their teachers? Do they share the blame and the costs of the results be it a miscarriage, abortion or a child and what about the peers parents for allowing their children to be bad examples or bad influences? What about their religion that allowed them to be a bad influence or bad parent or overly sexed or a floozy. (LOL) Should they share the blame and the cost of the result? What about the leader of the religion? Should they bear the blame and cost for misleading and/or not being good enough to influence all of the above? Shouldn’t they bear the cost and the blame? How about the land owners that allowed sexual misconduct on their property be responsible and share the costs and the blame for not managing their property sufficiently? What about the kings and queens and the presidents, the senators, the representatives bear the responsibility and the cost for not governing better? What about the IRS that causes great harm to many families and their children by overtaxing and over charging for late fees and compounding interest upon interest on the taxpayers and their families. Should they bear responsibility for stress related miscarriages and bad behavior of citizens? What about the countries that influence our country to go to war for them under false premises. Should they bear the cost and responsibility for lives lost, miscarriages, abortions, deformities, illiteracy, immigration, sexual misconduct in that they were not successful bear the cost and the blame? What about the state religion? What about the church that molested their parishioners. Should they bear the blame and the cost for having been a bad influence? What about tv and movies and the shows played and inferences to sex and/or violence? Should they bear the cost and the blame to some degree for the violence, rape, alcoholism, drug abuse, and sex? What about the religion of those in those movies and those shows or the producers of them? How about the beer company that sold me a beer? And their labels and the producers of all the ingredients that go into a beer? How much responsibility and cost should they bear in the case of an unwanted pregnancy or a miscarriage or a baby out of wedlock or a baby. What about ICE? Should they have to pay for the crimes committed (rape, incest, murder because they didn’t do their job sufficiently.) What about sanctuary cities? Should they have to share the blame along with their religious affiliations that influenced them to give sanctuary to illegal immigrants and their religious influence or affiliation should they have to pay for the unemployment of legal immigrants and citizens who can’t get a decent job or pay for all the costs of living because of the migration because of a bad government or the religion that has the greatest influence in those countries that are poverty stricken who misuse their jobs or their position causing poverty, abuse, ignorance, unwanted children, abortions, drunkensess. Should they bear the cost of the their failures. What about false teachings, false profits and false prophets, ignorant popes, false cardinals, false bishops, and the priests and the parishioners of a false religion shouldn’t these bear the cost of the results of their lies and bear the responsibility for the result what ever the results are? Shouldn’t they have to bear the cost and the blame? What about the constitution? Should it and the lawyers defending the constitution bear the responsibility for the degradation of females by not representing them fairly as far as their access to work, in divorce settlements, access to money, the amount of pay they receive for a job done, and the overtaxation of the money they earn, the compounded interest, penalties, and the fees involved in defense of a citizen and lawyers and/or CPAs of the people overtaxed who can’t pay those taxes because of inflation because of government mishandling of taxes, overspending, funneling to their personal pork causes, and because of national debt and the devaluation of the dollar because of insurance agencies who over-charge and any of the companies that over charge their citizens causing the stress of their citizens that accumulate and because of the above causing mental illness, Dementia, drunkenness, drug abuse, Altzeimers, Depression, suicidal thoughts, bi-polarism, schizophrenia, sexual abuse, sexual dysfunction, and many disorders, ignorance, crimes, related illnesses such as ptsd. Shouldn’t they bear responsibility for the cost of miscarriages, unwanted pregnancy, abortions, all the ills of society, addictions, deaths and pay for crimes committed including fraud that they overlooked or indulged or crimes they indulged vs crimes they didn’t indulge and the unfairness involved. What about changing the rules in mid game. Should the people in charge of the government, the representatives, and senators and presidents and kings and queens, duchesses and dukes, and their religions and religious clergy, the federal government, the state government the city governments who did a lousy job or had lousy foresight or purposefully mislead who changed the rules, shouldn’t they share in the punishment for the results: the cost and the blame?

What about those that perpetuate a lie such as the mustard seed?

Should they bear responsibility for the deception knowing full and well that the mustard seed isn’t the smallest of seeds and bear the responsibility for hospice murder/suicide by a seed that is smaller than the mustard seed and by remaining silent. Shouldn’t they bear the cost and the blame and the penalties for their silence?

Hannity, I too was a fundamentalist for a part of my life till I learned the truth.

It was a trap.

I do know that when I told my parents after calling my sister a priest knew and was on the plane with my sister. HOW DID HE KNOW? Either he might have been involved in getting me pregnant, or coincidence, or he overheard the phone conversation to my sister and found out her plans to fly to another state to help me tell my parents and got the details so he could sit next to her on the plane. She never sat with another priest since on a plane and has flown on many flights. At the time she was a student at SMU which is a Methodist college and conversed as well and he never talked to me. Why didn’t he talk to me? Did Jesus not have eyes to see, nor ears to hear and neither a heart to know about abortion and birth control? Why didn’t he mention either in the gospels? Not in one gospel does Jesus mention either of those actions and reactions. He never mentions it in the gospels. However, he does mention starvation and says: Feed my lambs and feed my sheep is what he instructed to Peter at the Sea of Galilee. So Laura you might have some shit coming your way for your harassment of many good mothers and daughters and females AND FOR THE HOSPICE you ignore killing the infirmed, the sick, and the elderly in response to abortion by the RCC. That is a lot of murders you will be responsible for and the reduction of the life span of many people in your silence. So the piece of shit you may have to eat might be even bigger than the one pictured in a toilet. I hope you choke on it because I’m sick of your sanctimonious BULLSHIT. To me you are nothing but a pimple on Pope Francis’s ass and a dimple on Mother Teresa’s face. IN other words you are nothing but a bitch pictured in the picture of the Romulus dogs. FOr every time you bring up abortion and remain silent about hospice will count against you so you better start talking because


Just had a supernatural reaction while sitting in my garage which started to open and close halfway by itself a bunch so I ran out and closed it. There are only two garage door openers …one in my car which is locked and another in the ex’s car and he’s in bed. Pretty weird.

I believe Jesus …the one who said “Feed my sheep.”

So whom do you believe? Billy Graham, Mother Teresa? Pope Francis or Jesus?

How about you Hannity?

He also said after he said feed my sheep,

“follow me”

Funny skit following:

Theres a Turd in my Car

I wrote a letter to my employer which was kind of scathing partially in reaction to some stuff having to do with work and titled it:  “A letter to my employer I think I shouldn’t send.” I may publish it and take out a few names for the sake of keeping my job because I need to make money and deserve to be able to make money because I work very hard on my job and on my blogs and my hobbies and my art and my kids when I get to see them. I don’t make much money and have been prevented from profiting in many ways and I believe the troubles I have endured were intentional because of my beliefs. I believe what happened to my family that I grew up with and the ones I raised and what they had to endure were intentional and because of my beliefs and because of what my mom said to me that my little sister taped and said she would send and never did. Instead she called me the devil and satan in an e-mail when I tried to protect my mom from afar with the truth and I am neither satan nor the devil. I am a person who loved her family very much. I can’t even begin to say how much. Immeasurable. Uncountable. GOD KNOWS! My eldest sister got rid of pictures of me and my youngest sister threw away pictures of my parent’s friends and correspondence she found in my parents things that were stored in some warehouses when they moved to the ARC (Army Retirement center in San Antonio) but I I kept what I had. My little sister received $35,000 which she kept in a savings account until my mom died. I don’t know where she got the money from. Kind of reminded me of the 30 pieces of silver in the bible. And Mother Teresa mentions some things having to do with my family in the expose by Christopher Hitchens which I told about in another blog post. Both my sisters were romanced by the BGEA and it’s followers. My little sister when she was young and my eldest when she was older. It was some kind of cleanup obviously to get rid of all those pictures. She just threw them away. I know she was very mixed up and didn’t have an independent bone in her body. She told me she wouldn’t send me pictures of my mom if I wasn’t nice to her meaning I had to take her guff but she couldn’t handle mine and my mom was her hostage? I took her in during her divorce for about a year or more and she refused to help me during my divorce because she had a new husband. My daughter gave up her room for my little sister and she did cause quite a stir in our household but we did it anyway because she needed our help at the time. I have never met my boss and I know very little about him. I take a lot of guff as well because the ex is catholic with way too much pride and can’t perceive what he did was wrong. HIs mom raised him but I guess when he asked why do I care was kind of strange thing to say. It was wrong and it was evil, whether he likes to admit it or not and the repercussions of what he did are gonna be HUGE. Of course someone who says he wanted to bury me and I him isn’t quite on the right train of thinking marriage wise but these are things I didn’t know when I married him. These are things you find out later. Unlike why he thinks that I will never leave him, he is mistaken again.  It is all I can do to warn and to write about what I witnessed and let God do the rest and I believe God is moving me in that direction with the help of my parents on the other side:)

Deuteronomy 32:35New King James Version (NKJV)

35 Vengeance is Mine, and recompense;
Their foot shall slip in due time;
For the day of their calamity is at hand,
And the things to come hasten upon them.’

Anyway Hannity is defending his right to free speech and his job. but isn’t this more about McCain. Doesn’t McCain’s daughter work for Fox? I think so. McCain works for our government as a Senator and was involved I believe in Benghazi, hung out with Ambassador Chris Stevens, funded the Muslim Brotherhood which caused some coups in Egypt. I believe he is a a traitor and and deserves to lose his position in government. The pope’s sidekick and a Jesuit made the excuse for Benghazi and Susan Rice repeated it, Hannity brought up about the decapitated head of Trump debacle with the comedian…..and how it affected Trump’s son but Trumps son gets to see his dad when his dad is at home to alleviate his fears. To see my dad’s picture at Benghazi isn’t funny. My dad is deceased and everyone lying about Benghazi isn’t funny. And everyone ignoring the Hospice practice isn’t funny because my mom was hospiced without my permission or knowledge and she is deceased. Is it comforting? I was not comforted by anyone about her when I mourned and am still in mourning when I see everyone ignoring hospice and the ramifications of hospice and the reason given by RC MOTHER TERESA HERSELF in the expose about RC Mother Teresa by Christopher Hitchens: abortion. Is it comforting to see or hear or perceive Mother Teresa being sainted by the biggest occult in the world? No, it is mocking the death of my mom.

Should I mock catholics when their mom dies via murder suicide? And you can’t compare the shenanigans of the people skirting the practice of the RCC and Benghazi so hold on to your hats because I’m not gonna fall for the BULLSHIT. Read the above verse and get prepared.

If I had the power to bless the world it would be that the people would have a mom and dad like I had. I don’t know what happened to my sisters except it has to do with the BGEA. (Billy Graham Evangelical Association who shilled for the RCC) and my brother the nonsense by Al Gore who got his information from the RCC because AL Gore’s crusade was invented first by the RCC to cover their impending activities using weather weapons and like the video tape excuse at Benghazi which came from the Vatican Jesuit priest Federiko Lombardi and side kick of the Jesuit Pope Francis. Notice the first syllable of his name FED and given to Susan Rice using her substance and told umpteen times by her as a cover until it became well known and the riots in other places nearby were a cover also for their evil deeds at Benghazi. The RCC are pros at deception. They have been doing it for many many years to have honed their evil practice and trade and by now it should be self evident they are a cult and need to be destroyed. I don’t care about freedom of religion when the biggest religion in the world doesn’t care about freedom of religion and is killing other people and their own just to glorify their religion.

Like my sister and her husband  who I was supposed to keep quiet about their junk via an agreement made and I would have kept quiet if they had stuck to their part of the bargain for my parents sake and for the kids. THEY DIDN”T and continued to make digs and hurt my life and I could not accept a one-way deal that hurt me and glorified them and protected their reputation and hurt mine and eventually hurt my parents and my kids and everyone around them because he molested me and both he and my sister retaliated in ways that were unfathomable to understand or accept and unexpected by me to me. Some of it was ridiculous, maniacal, and uncalled for and eventually I had to respond once I was well enough.Their shenanigans caused my heath problems as far as I’m concerned and may have shortened my life, ruined my reputation, ruined my family life, ruined a lot of things and it was their pride and the BGEA that helped them to attack me and my parents in a very sick and evil way and possibly others. I was accused of setting up my kids on a phone call to my sister and I didn’t. They ddid it on their own an my mom said it sounded like me in the background egging them on and if it was me in the background then it was a voice-over. My ex does voice-overs which is layering of music or voices or sounds into a taped or filmed product. So he may be in on their abuse which would not surprise me whatsoever and why we are not married nor ever will be again. Could have been another sound producer. I was in a mesas feeling paranoid, lol because I thought they were taping me and I know they were which is how they were able to get a voice to voice over that soured like me. They were relentless and cruel devious and insane, it was unbelievable the things they did and so small. taking apiculture of my other brother in law hugging me by the pool and made it look like the was trying to feel me and he wasn’t at all nor did it offend me and then she presented the picture to me in front of my husband at the time and if you could have seen the look on her face it was unbelievable. It was like she thought she had me or something.Then many other instances that added up to she was fucked up and eaten up with her imaginations and it really could have been a simple matter of telling him to keep his dick in his pants at family reunions and do not molest females of the family when they re asleep and do not play footsie with my sister under the table or in the jacuzzi and grow up. Oh yeah when you have millions of dollars of someone else’s money on the stock market don’t lose it which he did on the infamous tuesday in october one year and then blamed my mom and me because my uncle whose money it was asked me via a phone call after them not telling him for a long time which is illegal hoping to recoup it asked  if Gary had lost his money and I had to answer truthfully “yes he did.” Instead my parents are attacked and many other bad things. It was his duty to tell his client about the money he had lost and it wasn’t fair to put me in that position or take it out on my mom years later and to punish me by hospicing her FOR TWO WEEKS without telling me and she died. You would not believe the crap thrown at me with the other sister as well before that saying “you better be nice to me or I won’t send you a picture of mom” etc.  acting a bit strange a lot strange and different while she was saying weird shit in her emails making me very nervous for my mom and I tried to get help from attorneys and i did not get help and did not get representation and nor did my mom, ONe guy said It’s not my wheel. What my older sister did is so mean and evil as can be. I can’t even understand how one measures the crime to the punishment. It’s not comparable. I think because me sister was a goody two shoes is part of the problem. A prude, yet proud of a picture of her husband aced dancing on a table at a frat party for my cousin (I never saw it and I was closer to my sister than my cousin) so my older sister was displaying contradicting personalities between different people early on. I don’t know what that is called.

Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven

 My opinion about the speech was it was average and did not sound like Trump. Then found out his daughter wrote the speech. No matter what he said it was like all the others with some new ideas. The State of the Union timing and the timing of the Navy Seal mission seemd farfetched but anything is possible. Sure seemed like a replay of Kyle’s wife or someone in the the Navy seal six team (who I believe were eradicated in one missile strike or something in their plane or helicopter) during Obama’s State of the Unions. Seemed kind of mocking at the same time but I can’t say for sure. She is a good actress if that’s the case because she had to do it for so long. I kept thinking while watching the spectacle would they stop and let her catch her breath but the clapping continued and continued and continued and it went on and on and on. The other woman reminded me of a comedian but I cannot say for sure. In any case I think the USA should dispense with the State of the Union speeches especially after only a month in office and the spectacles of grieving wives and the other main ingredients to these kind of things because it seems like one is out mocking the other. I guess a bunch of the House of Representatives and Senators and their guests clapping is meaningful to some who grieve but meaningless to others who grieve because it ‘s like a show and we have seen it done before. I can’t see how it would make her feel better having lost her husband but I guess it made her feel honored.

I can’t imagine why.

Politics isn’t honorable, it’s complicit:)

Very funny commercial!

15 minutes of fame is worth it to some. If it’s for real I think she should have declined the invitation to be a mock or a spectacle for any President but Trump did not send her husband to Yemen, did he. The Navy did, if it’s even true.

Seemed like a lot of deception to me.

Obama Killed a 16-Year-Old American in Yemen. Trump Just Killed His 8-Year-Old Sister.

Screen Shot 2017-04-15 at 8.32.16 PM.png

But I found this story on Glen Greenwald’s site The Intercept about the Yemen attack that Trump’s daughter sat next to the grieving wife of the hero who died and was honored at the State of the Union (his first which seemed odd to have an attack to show or mock the military, the grieving wife just in time for the first State of the Union) and others died as well and for what reason I would like to know. Here is a picture of girl who was killed in the attack in Yemen. I have no idea if it’s true or not but it is something to ponder since Trump is so concerned about children being killed in a war occurring in Syria. Politicizing war is so much like an abomination spoken of in the bible and I thought it was a spectacle and cheap.



but the bible online no longer has the phrase and I remember the phrase but I bet you don’t! They have kept a few similar PHRSES but that one is missing now.

She was used and may have been in on it.




I bet you don’t remember this:

The majority of the House of Reps and the Senate clapped when a woman was killed outside the gates of the White House with a baby in her car by the Secret Service and the DC Park Police so I can’t imagine the honor in getting applause from many of the same people or did you forget about it? I didn’t forget.

By the way, the footage we saw of Michael Brown a few years back he was rocking back and forth in his feet and the one showed recently on Fox, he wasn’t. Nevertheless Michael Brown was set up by the young man with him and he made a point to push the clerk around to get attention because I think he knew he was gonna be assassinated and knowing cameras were at the store. 

President Trump is now speculating that the media is covering up terrorist attacks

It was an Obama led terrorist attack at the White House Gates and so is Hospice a Roman Catholic state sponsored terrorist attack against individual citizens and against our veterans and as confusing as the false reports vs real reports in the media. Both these two religions named are the ones in an uneasy alliance as they were in WORLD WAR ll. Three fronts to WWll as far as an alliance (Patton, MacArthur, Eisenhower and Truman with the help of Winston Churchhill politically against the RCC, Islam, Nazi Fascism and Russian Communism also fought fascism

The Most Horrific War of All Time: Russia vs. Germany

and so did democracy/republic but both have and are guilty of the same abuse of females to some degree masonically.  I don’t know if Jesuitism is involved in Islam but more than likely it is. Kind of like the difference between satan and the devil. Not much difference. Both are evil. LOVE-HATE RELATIONSHIP between the RCC and Islam, both want to rule the world and when both are in charge one is gonna kill the other because of their lust for power.

All of the above don’t respect women and women’s rights to control and defend their own bodies against foreign and friendly fire (the smallest of seed-semen) and use women and girls and abuse women and girls. Even some of their women do the same (self-righteous yet if in someone else shoes might do the same) At least Trump mentioned terrorism and the coverup by the press and Obama only used race baiting but it’s not about race otherwise he would not have had the privilege of being president for the amount of time he was president, in fact, it helped him sleaze by. Yet look what happened when Herman Cain ran for President (against Obama) he was accused of ALLEGED previous sexual misconduct and Clarence Thomas for the Supreme Court was accused of making n ALLEGED tasteless joke. Some referred to them as slaves or an Uncle Tom. Both Houses were not ready for tax reform of Herman Cain (because the Vatican and others love to siphon tax dollars for their agendas) and I don’t really know what the beef was about Clarence Thomas but it hopefully can’t have been only about a joke. I think his accuser was over-sensitive (Anita Hill) She worked for him over some time.

I think it has to do with being first.

Who was the first African American on the Supreme Court and who was the first African American to be elected as President. Were they Republicans or Democrats? ETC

Who was the first country to land on the moon is another first.

Ron Brown was the First African American to hold the position of US Secretary of Commerce during Bill Clinton’s first term. 

Truthfulness verses honestly, should we just haul off and change the name of Washington D.C. to Lincoln Logs?

He was killed, along with 34 others, in a 1996 plane crash in Croatia. A lot of people think he was assassinated. He had a son named Michael Brown alsoThe Assassination of Ron Brown Only weeks before Ron Brown and 30 something others were killed in a plane crash in Croatia, he ….”threatened to expose the White House yet unrevealed Asian Funding scheme”…. to save his son Michael Brown from going to prison.”  “Three days after the crash a Croatian”…. “responsible for the airports navigation system is found with a bullet hole in his chest.” JFK’s son also died in a plane crash who I think was assassinated after visiting Billy Graham (shill for the RCC) and Jesuit Fidel Castro in regards to his investigation of his dad’s assassination. I bet there is a connection.

It has to do with CONTROL and probably wire-tapping!

Who is gonna control whose mindset which is similar to rape? Which I think is going on now with Trump. Everyone is trying to control him. The Republicans and the Democrats. The Press. It’s insane. I do not think Russia is trying to control him. Russia tried to work with Obama and Obama was interested only in Sarin gas. Obama was evil so any help we got getting him out of the way if help even from Russia or Israel was worth it.  Obama needs to leave Washington DC area and go back to Chicago or Hawaii or how about Malaysia;) He could live near the airport or get a job at the airport as a bathroom monitor for as much good as he did in the Presidency. 

Anyway abortion is a political football. Abortions, hangers, back alley abortions run by either the vatican mob or witch doctors in the woods,  etc. My parents loved me and did not go to a witch doctor or to the mob for me to have an abortion but to the ARMY when I was 15/16 and stupid. It was after all an army personnel that got me pregnant so it was fitting and appropriate and it was my first time to go all the way. By the standards of the BGEA and the standards of the Roman Catholicism Church I was considered a virgin before it occurred. (The Vatican did get involved when I called my sister to help me announce the news to my parents and sent clergy to sit next to her on a plane from Texas to Georgia and she thought he was God and I think the BGEA got involved at my school I had been bused to to influence me. Obviously both were listening to our conversation via the phone and/or via wire tapping!) My sister loved herself when she had a tubular pregnancy after marriage and had it taken care of and an abortion before marriage illegally ( I think or in two of the states it was legal in) which might have caused the tubular pregnancy because of scar tissue, etc. Not sure of the particulars of my brother’s wife or wives. My younger sister had a boob job in a back alley type boob job to please her husband who had been married when they dated but considered herself a virgin for not having had an abortion yet had every other kind of sex before marriage (and possible actually had sex in toto with some cowboy resulting in a blood clot possibly a result of an abortion or the type birth control she used before marriage) and herself and my older sister had it done (because money was no object) not in a back alley and a nose job and a chin job and face lift etc etc etc to please her husband herself and others. (It helps business wise to look good.) One was a BGEA christian at a young age and the other later in life. Expectations for females are not comparable to males. Most males sleaze by with a brick shy like Scott Walker and Jeb Bush who hate women obviously and don’t believe they should have the right to decide their own fate because the Vatican and the BGEA are their underpinning in place of God.

The male is very good at setting women against women. (Not referring to the two AFRICAN AMERICANS Clarence Thomas or Herman Cain.) I saw it in my family and it is really disgusting using jealousy. Remember the Garden of Eden: The male blamed the woman, the woman blamed the serpent who was the most beautiful creature God made and God turned him into a snake (like Scott Walker of Wisconsin and his archaic sadistic ideas of Tubular pregnancy vs abortion. I would love to see him hung upside down above a campfire and see if he would change his mind) and like my brother-in-law the night he crawled on his belly to molest me so his wife (my sister) who was next to me wouldn’t see and hoping I would remain silent. (We had been to a wine and cheese party and had too much to drink so my sister didn’t want anyone to drive home, trying to protect me, but it didn’t work. The enemy was within her household.) Anyway his faith tricked him.

11 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

Pope Benedict XVl admitted  faith was the new enlightenment. Added later (during the Dark Ages more than likely) and probably all those faith verses found in the bible.



I DO REMEMBER, TOO BAD YOU DON’T. I’m so sorry you were offended the other day by what I wrote but the truth matters. I don’t have a tv show and adoring fans and I think you might think about the possibility you are being fooled as well. We all are by the press and our government and other governments and the vatican etc etc etc

Abomination of desolation is what is occurring which is called


bait an switch kind of shit

Report: Pope Francis Refuses To Punish Pedophile Priests

If he did they would tell on him because he probably ASSISIted

I guess my revelation about the mustard seed is considered dangerous

(Especially to males who like to have sex with their kids)

but so was embarking on a ship to the other side of the world a few hundred years ago. It wasn’t the vatican who did it but probably because of the vatican and it’s persecution (the pope feels his priests are being persecuted and probably indulged them and 5 kids later….) that anyone decided to take the chance of falling off into the abyss and a few scientists who inspired COMMON SENSE and not the GLOBAL WARMING scientists NOR THE climate change scientists because both knew the reasons for the climate anomalies is because we have war machines that can cause earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes and droughts and decided to wax rich on the discovery instead of telling the truth about it to gain followers.

The excuse was vatican inspired in order to wax rich. Wax melts.

IF you cook a meal in the oven it takes about 40 minutes to cook to bake but if you cook a meal in the microwave it takes mush less time and that is what we are dealing with presently and recently in our climate and our atmosphere and I believe it is causing problems with peoples minds if they are standing in the wrong place kind of like some of those petty laws!

some of us see one thing and the others see another thing so causing confusion because two things are going on at the same time (different times) to confuse. RIVALRY

I guess one person doesn’t own the air waves.

In game play on the internet each person can play the same game on the same realm but caters to the individual so having different results. What I see you don’t see what you see I don’t see. it doesn’t do any good to interview the public to back your perception. If I had a show I could edit all those naysayers as well. All of us are not dumb as you actin regards to deception.

some people are being persecuted in various ways in the USA

Like separating the egg whites from the egg yolk but depends on what is considered yolked and what isn’t.

I saw what my mom saw after she died but before and way before it happened for me to see.

I bet you can’t do that.

 Don’t doubt Trump has been wire tapped many americans have been wire tapped. DO YOU REMEMBER THE NSA? they do that. It’s a huge complex. KNOW THIS: OBAMA IS EVIL an will do anything to fuck us up and so will the vatican. Look what the vatican did in WWll. obama probably has some kind of control over them as well. Nevertheless if a pope (Pope Francis the Jesuit) steals a dead mans necklace to gain his courage IS IT ANY WONDER and yet you probably respect him, don’t you? WHY? Because he is the pope of the roman catholic church and when he was voted into his position they blew smoke rings out of the vatican to tell everyone they had a pope kind of like the indians communicated in the the olden times. I don’t think they do it anymore though, the indians.

The response by the press about the speech was weird.

All of a sudden he became a President two them.

So for the press maybe it’s a good idea to have State of the Unions

but for the rest of us

it isn’t necessary.

Results will do just fine.

Let them step in their own mine fields!

I think Jeff Sessions recused himself and I think if he did it is wise not to get involved in a bunch of shit. Let Al Franken carry the Bael and the MUTH, what else can he doo-doo? Don;t know why but Then they can entertain their constituents if they are interested and I doubt any of them are except for those who have money riding on it and to give the Press something to do as well. IF they want to look a like a bunch of McCarthyists let them. It suits them. I’m sure in time we will be able to see which Republicans and which Democrats are in the business of black listing and who is on the Vatican/Islamic/Fascist dime.

Why did Senator John Kerry meet with President Assad of Syria

before he was Secretary of State?

Trump himself said he inherited a mess from the last administration

which I think is true.

But got the message from the former DOJ Mr. Aspartame

He’s coming………….

Humor is a good way to hide pain;) Hurts to lose, don’t it?

Unions use Jealousy to create Unions so they can skim off the cream.

So NOW the deal is as I heard on Hannity on Fox if we do not include abortion rights for women we could have full coverage insurance that cost’s $10 per kid and $50 an adult.


If insurance can be as cheap cheap cheap chocolate chalkalittle as the christian commune cited by Hannity then lets go without insurance and I bet prices will be even cheaper. Don’t you bet? I bet Trump could bargain for cheaper medication and services.

WHO ARE THE FLEAS IN HEALTH CARE? It is’t the poor or the middle class because they have been scammed in every way possible by the following proponents:

IT’s the insurance scammers and the tax scammers.

Not only have the people been scammed

but the talented doctors and nurses have been scammed

by the least talented in their field.

Someone needs to come up with a religion where when a female dies she gets 100 studs each with a different talent or two for the shit females have had to endure with the press using politics and religion to attempt to shame females who were given the ability to have kids. I was given the ability even after I had an abortion but you can’t say that for every female. Some aren’t given the opportunity, but I was. I WONDER WHY? Yet Mother Teresa wasn’t given the ability. HMMMMMMMM

I think the press and our congress are vexed and a few others as well.

Joel 2:31

31 The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the Lord come.

A woman was on the fox show selling her book I think it was called The Coming a Apocalypse while they talked about abortion. Isn’t that funny they associate the Apocalypse with abortion when they should associate it with hospice. The Pope sainted Mother Teresa recently. The  Fox station and others talk about abortion all day long and never bring up hospice. I wonder why?


I think those that talk about abortion all day long will regret not talking about hospice and like Mother Teresa an excuse to murder. Might as well be a terrorist that goes to an abortion clinic and blows it up with women and men and children sometimes and the people working doing their job which to some is a good thing and destroying a haven for many females to overcome tubal pregnancies, unwanted pregnancies, rape pregnancies, child pregnancies, incest pregnancies, dumbfounded pregnancies and many more reasons, etc.


Dealing with a total nut:

Went to the hospital because of my legs and feet which were swelling up and my foot was in pain. They took some blood as they usually do for tests and the same lade that say she was the one that helped my during the time I was gone for three days after being injected with dye for a Cat scan and went into repository arrest for some unexplainable reason. While in the waiting room saw a facsimile of my little sister and a woman with sandals on the same as mine that she gave me (she gave me about three pairs) LOL on one woman and the woman with her was the one that looked like her but different and the two women were with a man.

he doctor I saw was the same woman I saw before who reminded me she was the one that was there when I went into respiratory arrest and that is how I recognize her because she said she was there then which I don’t remember. The only thing I remember was seeing a guy in the ambulance who looked like my ex’s friend Mike Castleberry who was allergic to shrimp and strawberries, a good singer and songwriter. I thought how weird I remember him in the ambulance and not having a cat scan. One nurse said (the one that took the blood) I might need a cat scan and I said I could not have a cat scan because of the last reaction to the dye that I had had. And she said “you can have a cat scan without the dye.” On the way to the hospital the ex told me I had had 14 cat scans when I had my huge operation (one each day) and I remember having two in a day a few of those days because the cat scan didn’t work because I did not drink (the potion that they give) because the nurse didn’t give it to me but went ahead and gave me the cat scan which had to be redone because you do need to drink the potion for the cat scan to work properly. Nowadays they inject you with the dye instead. I thought it was a strange thing to say after thinking about what she said “you can have a cat scan without the dye” (which of course defeats the purpose of the dye, lol) Then she mentioned IODINE but I don’t know in what capacity. They did a sonogram of my legs and foot area. Then took about 6 X-rays of my foot and chest because swollen feet and legs can be a sign of congestive heart failure or blood clots and other things. Took my pulse and blood pressure which were fine and then said the blood tests came out fine as well. They want me to get a test (sonogram of my heart) done soon and gave me some kind of medicine prescription. The nurse told me to take it in the morning not at night because I would be up all night peeing, ping, ping. The doctor said I had a big bone spur on my heel and there was nothing I could do about it.

At the hospital the ex told me that he had been in touch with my older sister which I had asked recently about and he said he hadn’t at the time but in any case he said he had a few times the last two times I was admitted to the hospital overnight. Said that she said that my brother had disowned them because they voted for Trump. The ex said that my sister said that my brother said that Trump was gonna kill us all. And my sister told him that even my brother’s wife won’t take her calls. Said my brother had been in and out of the hospital for his health issues. My brother was a follower of Al Gore and his ideas about global warming and had seen the movie etc in the past. My ex also said that my sister wishes to be friends with me and I was her best friend BLAH BLAH BLAH. After in the car he said that about my brother and Trump I said “I did not vote at all because I didn’t trust the news.” Then my ex said he didn’t vote either. And I said “yes you did, you voted for Trump. You told me you voted for Trump in front of the tv in the living room” and I said “you were a staunch supporter of Trump.”  I wrote in my posts that I wasn’t gonna vote because of the false news. He did vote for Trump and I have no idea why he is now saying he didn’t. Then he brought up that he had registration problems which took a while having to do with our old address of the home we owned that he went bankrupt on and would not sell while I divorced. I said “why did you did you register to vote ?”and i guess is his excuse for not voting even though he did vote. He was proud of it. When at the hospital I asked about my sister’s kids and my little sister as well and he said he didn’t know and I said “they are family.” The reason I said that it was his excuse for having talked to my older sister and lying about it to me and then he admitted it in the hospital without prompting All I did was ask if he had talked to my sister. PILLOW TALK WITHOUT A PILLOW. Then he said he sees my little sister tweets who tweets about praying for Zach still. She was doing that a long time ago at least for a few years. Then he told me what city the kids were living and that one of the kids was into jujitsu with her family when I asked.

It was mind boggling to say the least in regards to the voting of Trump or not voting for Trump. The ex called me his wife the other day. Still kind of having trouble with the divorce but I let it slide because it’s a habit for him ad he is a bit dense and I think has to do with the slant of his forehead.

Then I asked about my cat in regards to his care for me because somewhere in one of those conversations he mentioned it and then he lied again about it and said the reason he said “I hate your guts” to me was because I was having trouble making a decision about putting my cat down i.e. putting him to sleep. I can’t even believe this guy he is so full of crap though putting on a good show of caring. I have written a bunch of times about each of his lies in regards to to my cat and his lies. HE IS SO FUCKED!

This is how silly he is. I was asking about a certain type game within a game that he had played before online and he wanted to help me. I was asking about some aspects of it. Then I failed a test within the game -a quest- and he belittled me about it. Little man’s complex. Ridiculous. As if he hasn’t failed within the game A BUNCH. It’s a test you can take over and over again till you get it to go on to the next portion of the game so it was very small of him plus I decided I don’t want to yet. Kind of  want to learn and get this portion of the game. The ex is like a bird in THE hand and it helps to some degree for now because of the craziness going on in the world and our country and I have to tolerate it for now




but trying to make the best of it and I have my reasons which are very reasonable.

By the way a reminder:


Now Bret Baier says you can’t have tax reform unless you take ObamaCare off the table.

I take it that Bret Baier and Fox News think Congress and the President are not capable of multi-tasking when it comes to MAKING AMERICA GREAT?

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 I remember Justice John G. Roberts on the Supreme Court said that Obama Care was a tax so when Paul Ryan offers a tax credit for paying a tax isn’t that kind of redundant.

I think Rand Paul is right. REPEAL OBAMA CARE for the sake of the health care providers:

the Good Doctors.

The promise made by Congress was not to repeal and replace Obama Care

but to repeal Obama Care.

A reporter on Fox news had a freudian slip on the day of the vote for or against the Republican Obama Care which is to reduce the deficit. I thought President Trump was so smart he didn’t need to siphon from the medical field and it’s people and patients of the USA to reduce the deficit!

Anyway now Fox with Bret Baier said that the President said you either vote to change Obama Care Bill/law or you keep it and I don’t believe it. I think what I heard on Fox news is false news. The US citizens were promised by Trump and the Republicans that Obama Care would be repealed. I hope the Republicans keep their promise OTHERWISE …..

Below is an article I found on the internet (of course) about the ten plagues God sent to the egyptian pharaoh to free the Hebrews which I thought was interesting and I have no idea how long it took God to preform these plagues or how long these plagues took but it seems to me we have been experiencing this in a slower kind of way:

What was the meaning and purpose of the ten plagues of Egypt?

Here is a list in short order but you can read about them in the long run and their significance in the article above however I don’t believe every word in this article because an awful lot of the article is up to the reader’s understanding or discretion and OBVIOUSLY the writer of the article as well:

1: Turned the Nile to blood (Baptists? red tide? red sea? communism?), 2: frogs (Congress and it’s lobbyists), 3: gnats (RCC guilt trips against women who have had abortions that were not indulged by the RCC, the press, tse tse, ebola? immigration), 4: flys (Obama and his followers, illegal immigration? the press, tse tse & ebola?), 5:  livestock (Hinduism? Mother Teresa), 6: boils (leprosy?), 7: hail (Hail Caesar? Roman Catholics, mob, LOL), 8: locusts (evangelicals? John the Baptist ate locusts in the desert-if you aren’t with us you are against us, etc, LOL), 9: darkness for three days (dark ages. 3000 years? after 3 days I shall raise a temple, etc meaning his body, flying blind, etc), 10: death of the first born male egyptians (abortions, indulged abortions of the RCC adherents and indulged miscarriages)

The plagues in Revelation are different but possibly the ones used to free the Hebrews may shed light on the 7 trumpets in Revelation. After learning about the mustard seed NOT BEING THE SMALLEST OF SEEDs we have to consider that the bible has been tampered with for many years especially during the dark ages by the keepers of the bible (holy books taken from the temple admitted to)- the RCC to keep people in the dark. And of course John the Revelator might have misinterpreted what he envisioned or hoped for or was high on Devil’s Breath in the Hanging Gardens of Babylon (South America). The devil’s breath flowers actually hang and could have been imported from Iraq? Anything is possible but it’s a tasteless, invisible, odorless dust or something that made the Congress pass Obama Care without reading it and probably are attempting to do the same with Paul Ryan’s version. Anyone who votes to replace or keep Obama Care should be tested vigorously to find out if they know/knew what is contained within the huge volume of information entailed in Obama Care/Ryan Care to see if they were hoodwinked and their vote should not count if it found out they did not have sufficient knowledge of it’s business. The medical field isn’t supposed to pay off the deficit of our country. I think lawyers and lobbyists AND BIG BUSINESS should have to pay off the deficit.

President Trump said he told Paul Ryan to pull the bill and Paul Ryan said he told President Trump to pull the bill. I wonder which is true. I think I know. LOL:


The Freedom Caucus did the right thing, IMO. They had not read PAUL RYAN’S CONCOCTION, so why should they vote on it? Like going to the fair to see the bearded lady or the smallest horse in the world but you have to buy the ticket first to see the attraction. True Health Care freedom is no insurance, prices will go down and there won’t be any middle people. Insurance agents and agencies are like priests coming between man and God. It isn’t necessary to come between a doctor and a patient and far cheaper to eliminate insurance. PRICES WILL BE COMPETITIVE! Doctors can do what they do best and are trained to do.





I guess the former

Speaker of the House of Representatives

John Boehner was right;)

Did insurance help

Laci Peterson, Terry Shiavo,

9-11 victims,

Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman?

I don’t think the HIllary camp ad Obama camp (and both include republicans and independents) would be doing the rhings they’re doing such as Obstructing Trump at every pass if it weren’t for what happened at Benghazi.

Maybe we should revisit it and find out what really occurred.

V. P. Pence made a weird speech at least a snippet I heard on a news station about Middle east Peace talks and sending (I forgot the name) to talk to Israelis-

in the Palestinian territories.

OOOOOPS therein lies the problem!

Is VP Pence representing Trump or the RCC? He says a lot of weird things, I’ve noticed.

Is Egypt Palestinian Territory? Is Iran Palestinian Territory? Was Munich Palestinian territory in 1972?  Is Dearborn, Michigan Palestinian Territory or Dallas, Texas Palestinian territory? Is the White House Palestinian territory? Arafat visited the White House in 1996? Is Switzerland Palestinian territory?

Switzerland ‘made secret deal with PLO’ after bomb attacks

Yasser Arafat was married to a French woman. Is France Palestinian territory?

I think we ought to make cuts to the State Department quickly until The State Department gets on the right track!

Reservations might be a good idea for the Palestinians perhaps in Iran or Iraq or both and they could invest in some gambling casinos?

Weather Report Heavy Weather (Complete Album)

My ex when he was younger loved watching the weather channel and the weather. Whether or not there were tornados etc and we had a storm last night that I slept through even the sirens. I asked the ex this morning ‘did we have a tornado last night?’ and he said no and that the weather sirens go off even when there is merely a storm blowing through and I thought how strange and then he added that a new law has gone into effect to warn people of a storm whether or not there is a tornado. I asked if there was circular motion in the storm and he said no not that he knew of but the storm blew apart a few homes which is pretty disastrous. I said it’s probably a good idea to let people know so they can take cover just in case. He said the law was stupid and I said I don’t think it is stupid if weather is being used as a weapon which I believe it is being used as a weapon by places like H.A.A.R.P. (using microwaves as explained by it’s creator but they call it aurora something or other like the aurora borealis lights because it is located in ALaska where Sarah Palin was governor at the start of it’s misuse as she ran for VP with Senator McCain and then taken under Franklin Graham’s wings.) and other installations of the same type that can cause storms and tornados, droughts, fires, mysterious explosions at chemical plants, hurricanes, earthquakes and tsunamis. I asked ‘how do you know about this new law?’ He exclaimed my name and then said it was all over the news last year after the tornado as if I was totally stupid. I said I never saw the news about the new law and he said it was because I don’t pay attention to those kind of news stories and I asked him could you send me the news reports about that new law and he said he couldn’t and I asked could you research it and send me the news about that news story and he declined. I never saw the news story about the new law. Nevertheless if we are being warned of storms that means there is a new attitude when it comes to storms we have not had in MANY MANY MANY years so there must be a new awareness as if we are being attacked which if the weather is being used as a weapon it would be considered an attack in my estimation. INTERESTING!

Funny and VERY strange he never told me when he read those news reports last year after the tornado but he didn’t tell me and he loves to warn me of bad weather coming to scare me I think but after the tornado I don’t get scared. Why? Because it was a miracle that I survived it and I know a miracle when I see a miracle like when the huge birds (the size of condors and in the hundreds at least) came out of a storm and flew around my neighborhood when my cat disappeared for about 7 weeks and he discounted the event as if it happens all the time and it doesn’t. I have never seen anything like it before or since. He replaced my right hand side door of my car after having an accident in my car the one day I let him use my car and a miracle occurred involving that side of my car with my daughter a few years before and one of my other miracles that involved my cat and somehow my beloved cat was destroyed when he said he hated my guts which I wrote about in a different post on one of my blogs. He and his friends don’t like miracles for me which is interesting as well. The other day when out together my daughter told me she was mad at him for having the accident involving the car door. I thought it strange too as if it was manufactured though I didn’t allude to the deception to her because it’s her dad even if he is a scoundrel at best. Catholics don’t like divorce from their religion yet they treat women who were married to a catholic like shit after their husbands die at least that’s what happened to my mother-in-law (she told me about it) who loved the RCC because of the mystery of the RCC (especially when she didn’t understand the sermon in latin) and still loved it ( I think she thought it had to do with her location which it didn’t have anything to do with location, but breeding. The more the Maryier and something to do with warped speed as if that will help. At some point you have to face the enemy and correct it or keel it!~) and then she was hospiced by my ex (her son) who got his “inheritance” starving her.  That’s the word he used for his reward. Talk about an incentive to hospice. A small pittance but I guess it was worth it to him. I call it a “bribe.” But it NEVER EVER CROSSED HIS MIND before he and his brothers starved her to death and they counted the days.

In the bible when Moses leads the people out of bondage from the Pharaoh they go into the wilderness for 40 years following a pillar of light by night and some kind of cloud by day (possibly a pillar of cloud). I watched a hollywood show about Moses and the Pharaoh starring the great actor Leonardo DiCaprio playing the Pharaoh (though the best movie I saw with him was with the English co-star Kate Winslet playing his wife. Very thoughtful and realistic movie called Revolutionary Road and well acted as well of course) and when Moses leads the Hebrews out of bondage there were storms and tornados everywhere in the movie and I wonder why they embellished that part of the event related in the bible except for perhaps THE VATICAN inspired-AL GORE global warming-globalists (climate-change globalists making a killing on the deception using places like H.A.A.R.P.) and to blame God (and Moses) for the bad weather phenomenon which may be man-made not by regular people using gasoline but those who are abusing weapons of war hence the globalists travel by airliners wasting gasoline/oil because they are aware of the deception. Al Gore made a killing acting like the evangelical preacher about false notions he knew were false and then sells his station for a bunch of money to AL Jazeera being an evangelical nutcase. I watched a snippet of his Sermon on the Mount and most of it turned out to be false predictions he made but it was a great cover for the RCC and it’s tactics. Granted the emissions in California and the legislation to control it helped California. I remember saying to my husband at the time “what is that ahead of us” and it was a mountain in the smog right near us but looked really weird. The reason for the smog is too many cars and too much traffic and the way the land is formed in the area. The reason for too much traffic is immigration (much illegal) and the reason for the immigration is the countries that over-populate and the reason for their over-population is the RCC and it’s archaic ideas-the root of all evil so you end up with illegal immigrants who rape a 14 year old girl in high school in a bathroom because the illegal immigrants parents didn’t have time to teach the overgrown boys not to rape a girl in the bathroom at high school. Probably kids of the mob. I don’t know where it happened but could have been anywhere in the USA where illegal immigration is rewarded. I wish the Gore followers would investigate H.A.A.R.P and places like it and try to get past and through the mass deceptions covering up its activities.  I saw one youtube by the man that created it and it was quite interesting what he had to say but that was  a long time ago and since then there has been a flood of information covering up it’s misuse. But H.A.A. R. P. isn’t the only site that does what H.A.A. R. P. does. I think there is one in Italy and many other places.

Was Lot’s wife who looked back at the destruction of Sodom and Gore-morah turned into a tornado of salt in the O.T.? LOL? She was turned into a pillar of salt. However I maintain still that the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah has not occurred yet because of the lack of evidence. People who are pillars in their society are respected and often followed as in Pillar of the community, etc. I guess Lot and his daughters thought it was the end of the world and did what they did.

Also Moses throws his sword into the water in the movie and that is not in the bible and more like the story about Lancelot or King Arthur (Excaliber kind of nonsense that Mel Gibson would use in his movie Braveheart and many others. His movies tend to use the same ingredients in the same order, it seems. Even the music tends to copy others. I used to like his art but it became kind of predictable! I think it’s those extra martinis with those little onions!) than what is written in the bible about the escape from bondage out of Egypt. And his movie I once saw and bought about Jesus  I learned was a bit Vaticanized since Rome was occupying Jerusalem at the time of the crucifixion. He is Roman Catholic. HIs movies are funded by ROme for propaganda purposes. He makes a lot of money propagating propaganda one in particular “What Women Want.” That is in the bible and woman don’t want Roman Catholic boys. But in order to know they don’t want them they have to have experience about them and they are not worthy. Women don’t want boys controlling their bodies or their reproductive organs and muscles. There is a reason GOd gave the ability to women and girls. Because they are worthy and can make decisions based on their health, their future, their desires and the timing of their children. Obviously if God was AGAINST abortion women who had them would not be able to have babies later. Mel Gibson will regret his propaganda and hopefully it will be someday soon. As far a bravery is concerned he wouldn’t know bravery if he saw it or heard it or felt it or had a heart to know it. If he were a brave soul he would fight tooth and nail against the RCC fascism and attempt to learn the truth but instead he parishes.

Mel Gibson is a prostituting proselyte of an evil corrupt Whore of Babylon and an elf and his children merely a tax write off. I saw how you carried your daughter. It wasn’t nice! Like a bag of potatoes. Drink up! (I once respected his work until I learned the truth.)

He is actually the enemy of the real and true JESUS as if he crucified Him, himself.

By the way in the Old Testament Al Gore is prophesied but you gotta read it to figure it out yourself (I think it’s in the Book of Zechariah) but I will add it has to do with deception:


I heard VP Pence made a promise to his wife that the world knows about (not going to lunch with a woman other than his wife) but would VP Pence refuse to get on an elevator with a woman or would he meet his daughter for lunch without his wife and meet afterwards on a pier near a sanctuary city, some drugs in a trash can, and a gun under a bench? 

I decided to take a break and had some other important things going on and wanted to watch current events unfold as they have with Pres. Trump attacking Syria’s military base reported on Fox and other news stations and the reaction to the attack by the United States in regards to chemical weapons purported to have occurred in Syria to a bunch of children without interfering or commenting till I could get a clearer picture of what was occurring which is nearly impossible. This happened during the Obama Administration as well and turned out it was false information about the chemical attack overheard by Germany and related via a military personel of the Syrian army/military and intel we received via Germany who happened to have overheard and recorded the phone call made by either a traitor to Assad or a patriot of Assad. It’s possible especially since our people in our military have been attacked by a traitor in our ranks on a military base in the USA but luckily Russia did not attack us (the USA) because of a traitor in our ranks (Islamic) killing our own military personal as has happened on a few bases during the Obama Administration not to mention but I will hospicing military dependents (wives of deceased military men who served our country in good faith and were lied to by our government’s politicians under the influence of Rome, the RCC, and Islam for money offered via the safety net set up by our Great Society President and using Medicare via ObamaCare to trick our military officers and their spouses and families and to gain their assets earned by our military because of pridegreedlustenvygluttonywrath, and sloth the seven deadly sins on which the woman (the RCC) seethes and sits.  I do not trust our INTEL and I think it is about time our country admits that some of the INTEL we receive is false and meant to mislead us into World War 3.

Much of what we receive comes via old FASCIST enemies of the USA during World War 2 and World War 1 some of whom promised to avenge a few bombings made by the USA during World War 2 as was written about such as the destruction of Monte Cassina in Italy by our forces who knew Nazis were inhabiting the Abbey and at the time we were in a Legitimate War with the Nazis A DECLARED WAR and it was legal to have attacked the Abbey written about by Ian Paisley of European Institute of Protestant Studies . He also writes about the Errors of Rome and other issues that should be important to the world since it (the RCC’s errors) affects the world in various ways…… usually very bad ways such as ISIS claiming responsibility for the attack on the Coptic Christian churches in Egypt on Palm Sunday which Pope Francis admonished insincerely as usual. He knew about it though before everyone else because that is where we get a lot of


Fox reported ISIS claimed responsibility and how convenient yet we are expected to believe this claim without evidence of their claim all because it was on Fox News. So I  suppose ISIS is in close touch with Fox News? Sure would be nice if Fox were a bit more succinct and/or specific such as WHICH IS-IS?

I guess It depends on what IS IS.

I think ISIS is a product of the ERRORS of ROME and are used by ROME for their pleasure to attack Christians and anyone who competes with the CHURCH OF ROME AND IT’s errors WHICH ARE MANY.

I have no idea if the latest saran chemical attack on civilians in Syria is true or not especially since it is reported on Fox News and if it is true it is whore-rend-ous. However, I do not recall Vladimir Putin ever saying he had destroyed all the chemicals in Syria but was IN THE PROCESS of destroying the chemicals (Saran Gas in particular) which is not an easy task to accomplish in Syria hearing that ISIS is in Syria and there is a civil/revolutionary war occurring at the same time in Syria. However, the illustrious (past or present….who doesn’t matter) SOS JOHN KERRY said Putin said he had destroyed all the Saran Gas in Syria (John Kerry’s assertion was aired on Fox News) which as stated earlier is a HUGE TASK to accomplish and because saran gas is not hard to make (a derivative of the mustard seed) and anyone could have made it (even ISIS or the RCC and even under the direction of the Chancellor of Germany-Merkel) and John Kerry is a RENOWNED LIAR and shill of the Roman Catholic Church and the NEO NAZI ONE WORLD ORDER with ITS big ugly teeth =THE JESUITS who POPE FRANCIS IS ALSO a member of the JESUITs TEAM after making vows to the DEVIL to be a JESUIT which you have to do in order to be  a Jesuit to save the face of the RCC by lying and killing for the sake of the POPERY (and it’s false teachings) being propagated on societies all over the world forewarned to us by the former

Pope Benedict XVl.

By the way the Coptic Christian Churches in Egypt were also attacked during the time when Pope Benedict XVl was the pope of the RCC and during the Obama Administration as if the RCC is in a time loop of some kind and for the reason I think for us to figure it out that this business is caused by ROME for the sake of the MAFIA and the POPE and it’s cardinals and bishops to continue their false notions because of their lust for power and

LUSTS in general.

Piers Morgon complained on Fox News of the silence about the attack on the Christian Coptic Churches in Egypt and then Fox started reporting about it generously.

It was proven that the saran gas attacks during the Obama Administration were false news stories and since painter’s masks can’t protect a person from death via saran gas which was what the civilians were wearing with their habits and burkas leading kids into the saran gas contaminated areas. And of course dead people don’t walk (do they?) and change their clothing as was reported by truth tellers on the Internet and illustrated as well with photos. Turns out it was the rice or possibly the rice that was shipped via China through India to a Syrian neighborhood that may have poisoned the neighborhood.

Funny thing about India because that is where Mother Teresa made her big gains DIGNIFYING the hospicing travesty (MURDER- SUICIDE) on the unsuspecting public of India  – AND THE USA discriminating between it’s TRUE allies (those who detest fascism and defeated fascism in WWll and defended freedom for the USA and others in the past) and our old enemies and the RCC dignifying a chemical accident in India which killed many people in the neighborhood (insincerely demanding the public affected to FORGIVE) which the factory was situated in (another travesty) and Mother Teresa was recently sainted by Pope Francis for her/It’s criminal activity waging UNDECLARED war against non-catholics and ANOTHER of the MANY Errors of Rome.


and perhaps Fox News et al who distort everything for the Vatican


and it will.

Let us hope that the Mediterranean Sea stays blue

and doesn’t turn into a RED SEA

(blood rising up to the horses bridle)

on account of

the Vatican for the Errors of Rome

and because of the Jesuits.

Remember what Jesus said at the Sea of Galilee to Peter as a warning after Peter asked What shall this man do? And Jesus said “What is that to thee? Follow me.”

“When thou gets old ANOTHER will gird thee and carry (Kerry?) thee

where thou would not.

Follow me.”

and before that he said FEED MY SHEEP


don’t starve them using HOSPICE or an-other way if Peter truly loves Jesus.

Merangue’s Blog

 Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven

(takes a while to load but worth the wait’)

Incidentally, David Limbaugh has a new book out about Jesus and the gospels but I haven’t read it and he seems to be in a hurry to sell it on Fox News.

South of Saudi Arabia is the country of Yemen and people are starving in Yemen and Saudi Arabia looks the other way and applauds the bombing of Syria and it was 12 Saudis that attacked NEW YORK, so why does Fox News report as if it’s a plus that Saudi Arabia is for the bombing (possibly under false pretenses and FALSE INTEL) of it’s brother SYRIA?

IF we can’t tell what plane attacked in response to the attack on Syria by the USA how were we able to tell what plane dropped saran gas and from what military base.  DOESN’T MAKE SENSE, DOES IT?

Especially since we were expecting a response


on the lookout!

DRONES NEED TO BE OUTLAWED BY THE WORLD COMMUNITY JUST IN CASE and to avoid future confusion and anonymity of criminal activities against populations especially when dealing with the mustard seed product called Saran Gas!

Trump Confident U.S. Military Strike On Syria Wiped Out Russian Scandal

Also heard on Fox by a woman journalist Maria Bartiromo of Fox News that Trump “passed the test” by responding to the Syrian situation the way he did.  WHAT TEST? WHO knows but I guess Fox News was testing President Trump since they brought it up and/or the RCC was testing Pres. Trump or the United Nations was testing Pres. Trump or Saudi Arabia was testing Pres. Trump. It was only a test.

DONALD Trump is going to be interviewed by her soon. ONE OF THE TRUMPS, ANYWAY.

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The Outer Limits – 1963 Seasons – Intro – HD – YouTube

Same year President Kennedy was assassinated

and the same year

of the Second Vatican Council.

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A trumpet is also the nose/horn of a bird.
I cannot attest to the opinions and or assertions of articles I include in my posts and leave it to interested party or person to discern (let the reader understand) and sort through.
My opinion……. God gets tired of the RCC’s tricks and eventually it ends and I think it takes about an hour literally to accomplish. Forget about a day is a thousand years and a thousand years is a day because I think God means an hour as in an hour is an hour, etc. when it comes to the RCC and the Vatican and it’s last breath having had plenty of opportunities and time to turn around and doesn’t as in thousands of years and we are on the cusp of one of those 2 thousand year cusps.
Now Fox is backing off of their claims via John Kerry of Putin’s surety of cleaning up Syrias chemical arsenal. I never heard Putin say what John Kerry said Putin said that he had accomplished destroying all of the saran gas in Syria. In all honesty how could Putin ever know for sure.
He’s only human
and why would John Kerry expect more of Putin than what he expects of himself?
Maybe it’s time for John Kerry to come clean about those 30 or so witnesses flown to Germany and disappearing from the radar and scrutiny of the USA and it’s True allies
after the Benghazi attack’)


Trump Declines To Publicly Declare His Support For Steve Bannon

I also heard on Fox that Trump might dump Steve Bannon as an advisor because he lacks what other advisors have such as a company of people who depend on him like the Secret Service and State Department or other federal type organizations that make life miserable for citizens of every nook and cranny on earth. That is why he should be an advisor. Independent type of advisor is a good type of advisor for President Trump. I am under the impression Steve Bannon would like to see the USA independent and less obeisant to the wiles, whims and wishes of the UN and the RCC and it’s hopelessness. He reminds me of my brother for some reason. Maybe I’m wrong. He also reminds me of Orson Welles.


But so many false news reports these days it’s hard to tell where people stand and for whom they stand but because he came into the campaign late is a STUPENDOUSLY  STUPID EXCUSE if that is Trump’s reasoning which sounds like Trump lost some marbles or is Big Bird that fell off the wire during his campaign or since his swearing in as President. I didn’t vote for Trump because of the propaganda and lies and couldn’t support him not knowing his purpose and have since been sorely disappointed since he promised to repeal Obamacare and didn’t which obviously was a false promise, so maybe it’s best for Steve Bannon to leave under those circumstances and good timing as well and can wash his hands of the travesties that have occurred because of Obamacare and the discriminating Hospice crisis. It’s hard to trust a liar and so far that promise is and was and remains a lie. Maybe Trump should explain why he made the promise and didn’t accomplish such a small task. He said it was gonna be the first thing he would do on the first day he took office.


NATO stinks to high heaven and Trump…the real one knows it. But hoping he has a strategy and is phishing because it may be the only way to drain and clean the swamp. Not like a criminal Psychopath and Sociopath is going to admit it…Obama didn’t and everyone knew what he was and capable of a lot of evil.

When Obama said at the UN what he said it was self evident. This is what he said:

“The future must not belong to those who insult the profit/prophet of Islam.” referring to the false prophet written about in the bible.

And another indicator “the whole is greater than the sum of it’s parts”

which is psychotic crap and he was speaking in dark sentences

as written about in the Book of Daniel. So hopefully the world leaders understand who and what they are dealing with and squash it like you would a horse fly, a tse-tse fly, an africanized bee or any pest you might encounter who is complicating world events using drones (not just machinery type drones, but human ones as well) and exterminate him FOREVER

because he must not belong in ANY FUTURE.

Abomination of Desolation

 Abomination of Desolation Pt 2

The abomination of desolation is wordplay in the bible and talking about Obama.

I wrote the posts above with lots of help from other writers about the gospels and the discrepancies into bible which I linked and are worth reading. I wrote these two posts during the beginning of my search but I came to some logical conclusions in the posts which are quite alarming. Anyway the last suppers accounts in the three synoptic gospels vs. the Gospel of John should send a chill up your back. ONe of those suppers includes a covenant with many but written about three times the same with a few hits an misses and the fourth quite a bit differently and both accounts can’t be true but it took three times to get a story going but if you compare the three synoptic gospels and scrutinize the three against each other on the same events you can see the lunacy in them. Merangue’s Blog does a bunch of comparing if you are too lazy or don’t have time and some are amusing and some are right on the right on. The Gospel of Matthews Jesus demonstrates his inadequacies as a prophet and displays lack of knowledge of the future. 

I did not vote for Hillary because of her lies and obfuscation especially in regards to Benghazi and the past problems that occurred during her husbands presidency which I think may have been caused by the RCC, the Vatican, and the shill for both Billy Graham.

It could have made Trump a contender of greatness

if he was able to repeal Obamacare

and no one mentioned replacing it during the campaign and why does it need to be replaced? Before Obamacare we had the most SUPERIOR Medical field in the world which was the reason for the treason of Obamacare inspired by RCC proponents such as Nancy Pelosi a shill for the RCC and the Vatican to undermine out freedom to choose and our SUPERIOR Medical field and as the Supreme Court Judge admitted Obamacare was actually “a tax” levied on the people, doctors and their business to pay our national debt accrued by very sleazy politicians padding their own pockets

but Alas

A quack, quack here and a quack. quack there

Here a quack, there a quack, everywhere a quack, quack…..


Thank God for that!

It was those people who arrived late for work either because of traffic or late for their train ride or other good reasons who physically survived the airplane attack on the Twin Towers in New York on 9-11.

I think a mistake was made in Syria but I don’t know about Afghanistan. However, Trump has proved he is willing and capable of towing the line. MISTAKES ARE MADE WHEN AT WAR in every war mankind has embarked upon. I think the North Korean leader and China realize that Trump has a short fuse and possibly righteously short. Definitely unpredictable!

The bombing in Afghanistan may be a deterrent for Korea and others like Iran and may have been also a response to the deception of the sarin gas attack that did or didn’t occur in Syria and a response to the slaughter at the Coptic Christian Churches in Egypt on Palm Sunday whether it happened recently or not so recently.

We shall see. 

I think the leader of North Korea ought to capitulate for his own good and for the people of Korea as a whole and do something good instead of evil and ask for their forgiveness and give up his power for the good of mankind. Wouldn’t that be a coup? If Trump can evolve is it not possible for the leader of North Korea to evolve before it’s too late to evolve. I’m not sure I like the evolution Trump has made but I don’t know the things I don’t know but I liked the idea of independence and not being a puppet to the RCC, the EU, the UN, Islam, NATO, and the New World Order. I hope he devolves more.

Tillerson and the Russian counterpart (don’t know his name are talking which is good)

I believe Russia and I think both Russia and the USA have been tricked by OBAMA somehow in regards to the alleged attack in Syria.

RUSSIA did us a favor and we should be thankful they were willing to handle the Syrian burdens that were shipped to them and because Assad was double-crossed because of the Golan Heights by Saudi Arabia and others. NO DOUBT ABOUT IT and because of RAKKA for Ergodan and instead accused falsely which is so typical of some types of peoples he has had to govern. Putin was not friends with Obama because Obama is evil and he figured it out. McCain a dickhead -a very mean one – who played on his cell phone during the Benghazi hearings (what kind of Senator would play video games during a hearing with Mrs. Clinton about Benghazi unless he knew something … causing havoc for Trump and under the Obama influence and a Warmonger at every chance and opportunity even when it might be disadvantageous to USA military to be so fractured which is the point of all these problems to weaken the USA. has done Obamas work in the Senate. To back the Muslim Brotherhood should be a sign to everyone that McCain is a fucker and made some deals he shouldn’t have and I guarantee some money involved and I think under the direction of another country, possibly CHINA. Arizona was the site of a mass shooting involving a district attorney and others shot including a jewish female Senator who was shot in the head and paraded around by her dickhead husband for Obama to disarm the citizens of the USA as if he didn’t know the assailant and you know he must have known him and Fast and Furious was going on as well. His POW friend also died mysteriously to shut him up, IMO. 

If Pres. Assad was Hitleresque why did Senator Kerry at the time




dine with Pres. Assad and his wife?


By the way many many Republicans and Catholics use birth control along with abortion as a birth control because it is, the difference is the Roman Catholics and associates of Catholicism get indulged and call it a miscarriage and non-catholics don’t. Thats why Roman Catholics and others in Poland had a mass uproar in response because they were being threatened with jail time afterwards or in retrospect of it being legal for having had abortions. OAN the news station love Pence but I don’t not because he won’t have dinner with any other women, but because he is a sanctimonious liar. Like the Governor of Wisconsin Scott Walker who reminds me of a serial killer of young women I have seen in the past in the news-looks just like him and I would not be surprised if he is him. I have no idea how much money is amassed in abortion clinics but much better than the mob getting it butchering young girls in an alley who would never have the blessing from God of having other kids like I did.  They were miracles and even the ROMAN CATHOLIC husband at the time said so. He didn’t mind that i had an abortion until Obama came to office and people like Scott Walker and Pope Francis and Bill O’reilly made it an issue, then he minded that I had had an abortion. Amazing. Peer pressure. But what those three really hate is knowing that I found out and revealed that the mustard seed was not the smallest of seed making the Jesus of the Synoptic Gospels  who said it as the smallest of seeds was a fraud (A FALSE PROPHET) and proved it biblically, and physically others proved the same that I included in my posts and that the three listed above were LIARS. That’s what hurt them and so they try to hurt me for having revealed the TRUTH because it hurts their businesses of being


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In fact abortion was not an issue to the extent it was recently until I exposed

the mustard seed lie.

It hurts doin’t it to be caught in a



I would say I caught a whale of a lie.

Probably the biggest fish a female ever caught;)

Just call me Joan.

‘Why would Pres. Assad take a chance over usage of chemical weapons with Putin or Trump for some neighborhood purportedly attacked with chemicals warfare when he could achieve the same results and death toll via bombs? Someone wants war and I don’t think it’s Pres. Assad, Pres. Putin, or Pres. Trump. War won’t end well between them for anyone.

Who started using chemical weapons in the first place? I think it was the place Kerry took some witnesses and stowed them away. Germany.

Who would gain from a third world war? Who started the first two World wars? Who wants to rule the world and who wants to be the leader of the one world religion?

The Pope,

The Roman Catholic Church,


and it’s counterpart ISLAM has the same intent possibly because of the RCC.

IT’s evident and told in the Book of Revelation of the bible.

Who wears purple and red? bishops and cardinals.

Can it be any more specific and yet Revelation is even more specific.


Very close to the number of countries Mother Teresa spouted she had established her hospices. I think she said 135 countries but you can read and hear her say it herself on Christopher Hitchens exposes of Mother Teresa the SAINT of Pope Francis a Jesuit. COINCIDENCE?

Christopher Hitchens – Mother Teresa: Hell’s Angel

Professor Walter J. Veith – world renowned scientist, author, and lecturer

Once a Catholic and follower of the RCC and learned the truth and he teaches it the best he knows about the relationship between the Roman Catholic Church and Islam and has a lot of historical and indubitable knowledge

and EXPERIENCE to share!

I got hassled last night and stopped by an eager beaver cop named Deputy Stefankiewicz unit #1827. Sounds polish, who said my tail light was out and the ex checked it the next morning and said it was not out, so I was stopped under false pretenses. But later after I wrote I was stopped under false pretense within minutes the ex said just in case there’s a short he’s gonna get new bulbs. So hard to know who’s lying in this case but I know I’m not and I know after I criticized the press I got hassled by the cop within an hour or a little more as if he was “lying in wait” for me because I could tell by how the cop acted and then he said when he handed me the ticket, “Thank you for being nice to me,” after he ticketed me but not for the tail light, of course. I wasn’t wearing my glasses going to the store a block or two away. My hex is on him as well for being ridiculous and small. It’s a shame for a polish deputy to hassle a women for nothing and I hope he doesn’t learn the truth, nor keep his soul. It was obvious he is a puppet mafiosa

mutheer irrumator praetor, in porcus

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I hope his soul ends up in a pig on a cliff as the pigs are about to run off the cliff to the abyss and then I will Thank God!

For my contributions I get messed with. Don’t cops have anything better to do than hassle a woman. I was working at home on my computer and went to the store a couple blocks away to get a pack of cigarettes and not a magazine. Not drinking, speeding, prostituting, or murdering someone, or stealing someones goods and minding my own business. I don’t proselytizing religion but I write as if I have the freedom to write about the bible and current events and write against fascism and the religions that prop fascism such as the RCC and what I think people should note or pay attention to whether I am right in every instance I doubt but I have given a great deal to my fellow man and if they don’t think they are deserving of truth than to hell with them and to hell with the dirty cop. I don’t think he earns his salary fairly. He doesn’t deserve to be paid for what he did. What a waste of human flesh. A lot of males join the police force because God didn’t give them the tools they needed and try to make up for it by being a thug in a uniform so they can drive a car with spinning red and blue lights. That’s not justice that’s abuse of power.

Probably all that he is capable of doing. He couldn’t be an entrepreneur or invent an invention, or create a work of art, and probably knows my ex at least spiritually, mentally, and physically and not sought after for anything because they don’t have anything to offer. The best the RCC can offer.

How nice am I supposed to be?

Is that nice enough??

This is what’s wrong with America!

Abuse of power!~ 

And I saw his spirit when I finally made it to the store after being stopped. He was intensely perverted. An animal. Two very big fat boys and dick head in between.

He was trying to unnerve me. Rattle me. And it did. A Catholic tactic!

By the way the deputy experience happened the night of and after the pep talk to the ex.

It was disgusting how he reacted when I suggested he could be an agent.

This is what is wrong with America

and I believe this is why many people end up taking opioids and engage in substance abuse of opioids because they really do have pain



Just like the Hospice Desolation in over 135 countries because of the


and it’s desire to be the mother of the churches world-wide,

but alas it is merely the Whore of Babylon drunk on the blood of saints.

So no wonder there are revolutions and civil wars occurring world wide.

When the Neodcatechumenal way was forced upon the Japanese a few years back they complained about the rise in suicides and asked the pope at the time if they could have a five-year delay to investigate the rise in suicides they thought was due to the RCC Neo-catechumenal Way. It was a deduction and good one. Then the earthquake occurred and the tsunami then the nuclear accident at Nuclear site called Fukushima and I guess the poisoning of the waters from nuclear run-off and still occurring poisoning the food chain and the population worldwide. !?3 of the worlds oceans are poisoned and the waters beneath.

Obamacare was an attempt to have a coverup for the health issues occurring now due to the poisoning of the oceans. And the naming/labeling of diseases is also a coverup for the nuclear accident that made a lot of people sick and especially those that were more fragile than others. When the nuclear accident at Chernobyl occurred in Russia it also made a lot of people sick for many years. Probably was like the accident in India that Mother Teresa said “to forgive” mocking them. Chernobyl I think was premeditated and possibly caused by terrorism SABOTAGE because they did have some strange type things occurring – terrorism from Chechnya I think. When Islam makes false promises to it’s indoctrinated they are willing to lose their life doing things like sabotaging a nuclear site. We had a few explosions of chemical plants in Texas and elsewhere during the Obama administration and I think they were premeditated as well because they produced stuff for bullets or something to do with guns and Obama did not want guns in his enemies hands – the us citizens are his enemy who still have freedom to write and say what they want to say and write while usually Islamic countries aren’t allowed for fear of being beheaded in Saudi Arabia or put on a hit list for criticism of the 

FAITH of ISLAM or the FAITH of the RCC

It doesn’t help that Islam teaches a false promise that those who terrorize when they die will get 100 virgins ….probably really meaning

100 bottles of virgin olive oil.

mocking of course

(I didn’t make it up. Muhammad made it up)

the olive branch the symbol of peace or victory 


Pope Benedict XVl was the pope mentioned by Malachy as the Glory of the Olive

Saint Malachy Prophecy: Why Pope Benedict is the “Glory of the Olive”

and I think Malachy predicted Pope Francis would be last pope probably stealing some of Nostradamuses information in his quatrains. I think the Bolshivik revolution in Russia and their spiritual advisor may be involved as well in some predictions and the young boy who was a hemophiliac gunned down with his family…Anastasia etc. Signs and wonders, etc. and hence the statement by Jesus in the Synoptic Gospels saying “life is in the blood” as if diseases of the blood in humans is a sin like leprosy, hemo-philism, sickle cell anemia, ebola, leukemia, anemia, cancer of the blood, and others like aids which got full support unlike the rest of the diseases, etc. Excuses…….. Unlike Jesus of the Gospel of John who dined with lepers. And as we learned EBOLA was instigated I think by Franklin Graham/Billy Graham recently for his Samaritan’s Purse to get attention and funds and retaliation for being exposed by Nixon and The Mormon Church and American Catholics, JFK, and me but used his organization for tax write-offs, donations and shoe boxes for his followers to feel better about his abuse of mankind. It was a lucrative business. The Jesuits (bishops and cardinals) felt Aids was deserved as I showed in a few posts as if they created it like they assert that Assad created Saran gas when in actuality it was shipped to him, I think as a trap for him because of his unusual and uniqueness as a leader of an Islamic country. It was not appreciated by the Saudis and so they invaded Syria to cause trouble once he accepted their gift with their al quaeda and others BECAUSE OF THE GOLAN HEIGHTS which is a desired piece of property to the enemies of Israel even though it was achieved by an attack on Israel during the 6-day war that they won FAIR AND SQUARE- the apple of God’s eyes (because of the Ten Commandments given to Moses and the Hebrews and because the Ten Commandments are very important for the world not against the world and for that reason and because of the Golan Heights importance for the protection of Israel. I think Jordan was involved who betrayed Israel who is now or recently applauding the bombing of Syria based on false info I think via the RCC. WHY? Because in the bible it predicts/prophesies that Jordan becomes a part of israel and no longer Jordan during some kind of confrontation in the future and Jordan doesn’t like that.

That squirmish may be soon.

He stole The Samaritans Purse from a gay man after befriending him.  But used it as a weapon against his fellow man and I think he did the same in regards to HAARP causing weather disasters as occurred in Japan, Arizona, and other places and the east coast during the Obama Administration.

Anyway back to the deputy: Thanking me for being nice to him: FUCK OFF. Reminded me of my ex who I live with as well. He was acting worried about the future and his job opportunities etc because he has to care for me…which he doesn’t. It’s an act. Insidious crap. He’s using me. I tried to help him earlier that night and told him what he could do and when I was done he thought he was the King of Siam and funny thing is he won’t do it because he doesn’t have the courage but would prefer to keep me down. It’s a CATHOLIC male thing. Rowlett or Rockwall cops pulled over a girl named Mirella from Bosnia who ran over a couple of curbs for one reason or another and she told them she wasn’t wearing glasses and they didn’t ticket her. She’s the one that’s gonna be rich (she said) when she goes back to Croatia for some reason (not Bosnia where she is from). The one I suspect of killing my cat and who attacked (verbally and bodily without touching) my daughter with her friend in front of our house parking their car on another street  threatening her about some clothing and left her at a mall after hours without hardly any juice in her cell phone over an hour away.because she had something better to do. The one that overdosed on a margarita at a concert and saw dots-  white dots in her eyes. My cat happened to have white dots in his left lung and the vet said should have been able to breathe because of the other lung but was put down by the ex and during that time he told me he hated my guts for me wanting to take him to the vet.= because I loved my cat. Finally I insisted Mirella not be able to come to my home after a few of these instances and when I was at the hospital overnight the ex allowed her anyway because she was still a friend of my daughters at the time but I was suspicious of her when she said I was a MILF and other reasons: which means a mother I’d like to fuck. Getting too cozy in my home, coming over when my daughter wasn’t home (which is rude and I never did that kind of thing to my friends unless invited by the parents) and saying her dad was mechanic yet he couldn’t fix her car and telling us about her mom cutting her own throat and also friends with someone at the police station. Sounds mobbish. At the time the garage door wasn’t working and I had to lift it to open it and when I did once I hurt my heel because it is for a two car garage and was too heavy for me and have not overcome the injury since and gained weight, hard to walk and very painful sometimes. SO when I criticized Maria at Fox news was the same day/night I was stopped by the stupid cop. The cop is probably from Bosnia and not Poland but who knows. I do know that Mirella overdosed recently (heard it through the grapevine) and the parents had to help her a bunch in a tub or something. I’m sorry for her about that but I do not like or am suspicious of people from the Balkans for those reasons. My daughter finally gave up on their friendship because of the things she had done to her and to other kids as well. OUT OF CONTROL or under CONTROL of someone else or something else and causing a lot of trouble. Telling me she’s gonna be rich in Croatia and her dad’s a mechanic from Bosnia?

DOESN’T MAKE SENSE, DOES IT? Unless they are in the mob or being used by the mob and are here in the USA for bad reasons. The mom cutting her own throat isn’t normal. I didn’t believe it but of course if it’s true it’s possible she didn’t do it to herself.

My cat was killed because I had mentioned in my posts that my cat was looking out the window the day of the tornado that attacked my neighborhood and ripped through it and barely touched my home. Oh an 8 foot beam tried to go through my window but only broke the window and I wrote that I saw in the dark Pitch black darkness that I saw my cat walk down the hall in front of me cool and collected as I was hunched over praying in the bathroom. Whoever killed my cat didn’t like that miracle and decided to kill my cat and then the ex replaced the car door because of the miracle when my daughter and I almost were hit by a truck on the passenger side but it didn’t hit us at all. But he had to borrow the car and have someone run into him a few years later to replace the door and then the birds that came to neighborhood I lived in before the one I live in now because the ex went bankrupt and somehow used the house for his benefit. Birds by the hundreds maybe a thousand out of the clouds. Never perched just flew around searching for something I think since they didn’t perch in our neighborhood of a hundred or so homes when my cat was missing and then we found him a few days later. I did anyway. The birds ended up in the creek by the neighborhood a few hours later and disappeared. Their shadows were so big they almost were as big as the roofs of houses and they were flying low.  Medium sized homes in the oldest neighborhood in Rockwall. My ex said it wasn’t that unusual (even though people were stopping their cars because it was unusual) and then there was a story in Plano he compared it too later on of fifteen birds but more like the kind that eats dead bodies Vultures which the birds in our neighborhood were not vultures. I had also seen a huge cat in the neighborhood at 3 in the morning looked like a mountain lion so I was very worried about my cat missing for 7 weeks. It sleeked in a trot but was as fast as if it were running. LIke my mother when she played ping pong. She was so fast you didn’t see her move and even my nephew noticed. That’s fast. AGILE. Found my cat at school in the bus lane under the grove of 12 trees at the time now it’s 11 or ten, maybe nine in the drain almost dead from starvation and liver damage and he lived for many years after he bit my nose he was so happy to see me and after a tip from a friend’s daughter. Beautiful Russian blue cat. The sweetest cat in the world like my mother the sweetest mom in the world and was hospiced without my permission and without my knowledge for 2 weeks before she died when the hospice interfered with the hospital. My cat reminded me of her walking down the hall and at the window on a beautiful day that turned into a a nightmare for some people. My cat wouldn’t have hurt a flea and I wrote about it and I guess it was taking a chance. I know it was a few miracles from God himself and an evil act from the devil in retaliation. Jealousy.  My cat loved everyone he came in contact with but one night I was worried when Mirella was at the house with my daughter in the ex’s bedroom with the door shut and my cat.  I was suspicious but not protective enough and she hadn’t done her worst yet. t think she did something then somehow. Blew something into his lungs through his nose without my daughter realizing somehow. My daughter defended her vehemently while they were still friends and still does in that regard. I know better especially after she left her at the mall by herself after hours one night an hour or so away. I write what happens as clearly as possible what I think is pertinent and relative to the post I write because I believe that I should. I can’t help that there are false stories in the news  and on Fox news and others as well but I respond to what I think I should and try to ignore what I think I should. The last time I saw my mom she knew about my art. She said so but she was not talking about my physical art because she trained me so for her to say she knew about my art later when I saw her she meant something else. I think she meant my writings. My little sister said she would send the tape of my mom saying it but never did because she got mad at me and threatened me not to send pictures of my mom if I wasn’t nice to her even though she was acting like a loony-toon at the time and not herself at The ARC in San Antonio I think under the influence of the 2nd husband a very austere man. So I responded in kind after being called the devil and satan in a letter and wrote to some lawyers for help and didn’t get any help. One even responded and said it wasn’t his wheel – elderly abuse. I wasn’t sure if he was talking about a wheel of Brie or Camembert, a wheel of Swiss Ementaller, Swiss Gruyere, Swedish Ambrosia, or a wheel of Cheshire cheeses or Ezekial’s wheel? One thing I knew he didn’t care one iota and that the US Constitution and Bill of Rights was void of any meaning. GOd did not

So if you find yourself on a cliff hanging there, DON’T CALL ME!

So much for the Constitution of the USA and the Bill of RIghts – a bunch of BULLSHIT. As former Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia said The Constitution is a dead document and I agree and does not include women and at the time of the writing was enslaving africans and did not include them. Obviously a meaningless bunch of shit Ted Cruz loves but has no mind for truth. THOU SHALT HAVE NO OTHER GODS BEFORE ME is one commandment he ought to investigate a little deeper.

Anyway I feel my writing these posts and sharing them is enough. Yea it’s private stuff but how else can I explain without including personal stuff I feel is pertinent. Both my sisters got involved at some time in their lives with the BGEA and both FUCKED UP ROYALLY. That is their excuse and a very good one though neither realize it because it is a cult that shilled for the biggest cult in the world besides Islam


responsible for so much grief and will be destroyed soon I truly believe because it is an abomination and an adulterous church full of blasphemous ideas like hospice murder suicide and full of lies and sanctimonious at the same time.

If Pence were an honest man he would bring it up. If OAN was honest they would bring it up. If Fox News was honest they would bring it up but they don’t, hence they are liars. I know they know. They know I know they know.


I think the chick on OAN actually is Mother Teresa in a disguise. She (the blond female) went into a tirade about abortion which was when I realized she was a nut. IT was very offensive and today I thought I wonder what she’s like when she’s in her period. LOL The other day the guy on OAN said he was almost always right and I responded and right is wrong. I thought her speech was hateful and I think anyone who talks about abortion clinics and planned parenthood in a vile way should be cited for hate speech because it is and they use false statistics and make up lies about those who have had abortions because I think they are crazy and probably should be investigated for their lies about abortion and the clinics who serve women, girls and their families. It’s getting kind of nasty. Do they talk nasty about those women who have had their tubes tied? Do they get nasty about those who wear rubbers? DO they get nasty about those men who spray their semen in taxi cabs? Do they get nasty about those men who pull out and spray their semen on a young girls thigh?

Do they get nasty about females and males who eat semen?


I consider it to be hate speech (a surprise attack) when I have to hear crazy ass holes on a news program ON THE TV IN MY LIVING ROOM talk about abortion in a hateful way. I think OAN and Fox News or anyone else who goes off on a tangent about abortion on the air should be cited for hate speech and have to go off the air (when they do get nasty about women, girls and their families and their abortions) for at least 48 hours. If they would speak honestly about abortions I would feel differently but instead anti abortionists exaggerate to the nth degree and should have to pay fines for every exaggeration. BIG FINES! The kind Bill O’reilly has to pay when he sexually abuses women on the job site. He is parrishing at the Vatican, I heard, probably because of his decrepit mind towards women on Fox News and probably telling Pope Francis his sins so Pope Francis can enjoy himself and plan his revenge against those women. IF anything untoward happens to them after their settlements I would if I were them fix their attention to the Vatican and pursue a lawsuit against the Vatican for interfering because they are hell bent and do retaliate. I should not have to hear about something that was and still is legal. And as long as it was or is legal in any state it is legal in America. As long as abortion is necessary because of the male with the outtie (A dick) abortion is going to be legal no matter what any degenerate thinks or does or says, unless dicks want to give up alcohol, including wine because believe me it will be on the chopping block if abortion is outlawed and in fact should be connected to abortion statistics as the cause of abortions. As far as funding Planned Parenthood I think it should be funded but with the stipulation that includes a sonogram for abortions (if the female desires it) over a few months of pregnancy to give the female as much information to make a good decision if she desires more information. I know the woman my little sister had her first wedding reception in her home had many abortions and I doubt she would desire a sonogram because she knew what was good for her and her husband whatever it was ( I have no idea, I didn’t ask nor know till later). Obviously she either did not trust herself as a mother or may have had some kind of physical impairment or mental impairment in carrying a fetus to full term or raising a child and had the good senses to know it. If women over the age of 30 or 40 are allowed to risk their fetuses on a test called Amniocentesis which is risky to the mother and fetus then there should be no stigma placed on women who have had abortions and it may be time for lawsuits against those that terrorize women and girls with hate speech on the air about abortions and for having had abortions. IF anti abortionists want to write about it that is alright with me because I don’t have to read it like the bible they don’t read especially the OT, nor understand, nor perceive when they do try to stimulate their ever decrepit minds.

One America News (OAN) is on channel 616

the number of the beast

and also his name.

Not 666


Don’t it always seem to go you don’t know what you got till it’s gone;)

Joni Mitchell-Big Yellow Taxi

Judge Jeanine is standing up and protecting hate speech for someone but if she heard what I heard she would stand up for what I heard from OAN, Unless she is the anti christ as well. LOL Hey how would she like to hear

mutheer irrumator praetor, in porcus

by a bunch of women wearing burkas or ‘hear 1000 arabian or muslim men with guns yelling

Allahu Akbar

at her on her sidewalk (which is public property) every night when she comes home some with rocks in their hands with some children wearing jackets in the summertime. Would Judge Jeanine be for free hate speech, then?

I guess

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which reminds me of a judge in our family kind of a distant relative – a cousin of my mom who had a son. Everything went well as far as I know until delivery time and the doctor was drunk and things didn’t go well. Their son died quite young and most of the life he had wasn’t with them. Pretty sad. They didn’t have any more kids after that. I think shed would have been a good mom if she were able.

Instead of a Federal black hole opioid study why not invent an anti-drunk pill!

While some people wouldn’t have written, I did, for the sake of my family and those I love and those they love and I hope someday they will be rewarded and so will I because there was no other way to reveal the truth without revealing the truth!

(Pope Francis being the most sanctimonious bullshitter in the world. The epitome of Roman Catholicism. Bless his heart!)

The time my ex has stolen from me and my family I will recoup and he will lose his and possibly his soul and when he dies as I have stated before,

I will say in my mind: Fuck you.

I remember early on hearing with my ears him say inside himself that I would never leave and he’s wrong. My mom told me a voice inside her head told me THAT I should.

I will when I can!

Anyway he is going to pay for the ticket if I get one. He offered. I wonder why! And to get me a renewed eye exam and some new glasses. Sure is awfully nice of him when he usually isn’t.

Could it Be…..

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It would be nice if my fans called the police complaining about this deputy until he is fired. Squeaky wheel gets the grease and he deserves to be fired for messing with me on behalf of my ex who is not worthy and please call the Rockwall County Sheriff’s Office 972-204-6740 until it submits by demanding the ticket issued (under a false pretense) against me be dropped immediately by the Deputy Stephankiewicz 527 in Rowlette, Texas on April 13th, 2017 and that he be fired. 

A dove lit upon my fence.

I don’t like the times we are in. The times have been hard on me and my loved ones and so I put a hex on you for your contributions to making my life harder than it had to be and for my family which includes my loved ones.

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I Put A Spell On You – Bette Midler – Hocus Pocus 1993 – HD edited

I hope and pray you pay out the ASS in a multitude of ways for interfering and causing harm to them and to me.

Found this article by

Ann Coulter and thought it would be a good ending for this post.


War is like crack for presidents. It confers instant gravitas, catapulting them to respectability, bypassing all station stops. They get to make macho pronouncements on a topic where every utterance is seen as august.

On the other hand, Trump’s Syrian misadventure is immoral, violates every promise he ran on and could sink his presidency.

Left to his own devices, uncontaminated by Washington group-think, Trump gets it right.

Back in 2013, when President Obama was being egged on to attack Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in response to an alleged chemical weapons attack far more sweeping than this latest one, Trump tweeted:

— Aug. 29, 2013:

“What will we get for bombing Syria besides more debt and a possible long term conflict? Obama needs Congressional approval.”

— Aug. 31, 2013:

“Be prepared, there is a small chance that our horrendous leadership could unknowingly lead us into World War III.”

— Sept. 1, 2013:

“If the U.S. attacks Syria and hits the wrong targets, killing civilians, there will be worldwide hell to pay. Stay away and fix broken U.S.”

On the campaign trail, Trump repeatedly stated that he had no interest in starting “World War III over Syria,” saying, “We have bigger problems than Assad.” His policy position was: “Let Syria and ISIS fight. I look at Assad — and Assad looks better than the other side.”

Trump was right on every point.

Assad is one of the least bad leaders in the entire Middle East. He’s not a murderous thug like Saddam, has no rape rooms, isn’t into jihad, protects Christians and is fighting ISIS. He provided us with intelligence on al-Qaida after 9/11. He does not have crazy Islamic police slapping women around or throwing gays off buildings. (That would be our beloved ally, Saudi Arabia.) 

Trump was also correct about Assad’s opponents being far worse, containing large helpings of both ISIS and al-Qaida.

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My perception is: The problem with Trump and his advisors is the guy called Matt (the one with the bags under his eyes, probably color blind) whom I think misled Tillerson (a Jew hater and a Saudi/oil/lover regardless of the consequences to others) and also the guy in charge of the NSA called Mike of Michigan (has a slippery tongue). These are impressions of mine but I think it would be wise to not listen to them.

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These two are spiritually decrepit and need to resign from their posts for their perversion and their


Bad for business and bad for the USA

Both need to depart and sent into space to gnash their teeth for quite a while,

otherwise Trump will go down in INFAMY as an IDIOT!

The CIA is attacking Assange and are trying to assert themselves as ethical which is WRONG. Lost the argument a long time ago. Who hired Osama Bin Laden to cause problems in Chechnya and other places and parts of the Soviet Union at the cause trouble in the outskirts of the Soviet Union. I think it was the CIA and now Fox is saying that someone in our government is saying there is increasing evidence that Russia is  involved with the Taliban in Afghanistan. I doubt it. Not like the USA is situated there but I do recall Black Ops (Black something or other but an organization that the CIA knows about and is supporting) being in Pakistan. Why?


Then we assassinate Osama Bin Laden in or near Pakistan whom we corrupted and  because of the corruption he turned against us. That is evil how we used him, isn’t it?

The informant who tipped us off to where Osama Bin Laden was residing at the bequest of the CIA and the Navy Seals and because of the presence of al qaeda causing trouble in Pakistan is left to die in prison in Pakistan I think it was. Promised protection and didn’t get protection, but was let down by our government. Is that ethical?

Now the US Navy was corrupted during the JFK years or before when the cardinal Cushing/Cush who married him to his wife (set his marriage up and their meeting) and was also in charge of his funeral was at the most famous Navy base on the east coast called Annapolis when JFK was assassinated and died and got confirmation of his assassination as if he was in charge of the assassination probably because JFK said he would not let his Catholicism or that he was raised as a Catholic influence his presidency but the world council of churches didn’t believe him, but obviously the RCC believed him.

And can Fox be more specific as to what evidence there is that Russia is involved with the Taliban if the evidence is increasing then prove it. Fox is obviously in the know when it comes to ISIS who are in touch with them so maybe the Taliban are also in touch with Fox as well?

Assange did us a favor and out-witted the CIA as Snowden outwitted the NSA.

Anyway I’m sure we had good intentions for some of the things we did as a country but things don’t always work out as planned and one thing leads to another and start to spiral out of control. Protecting Europe was a good idea but everyone’s interests in no way can be accommodated and perhaps its a good idea to become independent and work on our own country inside our own country and let other countries work out their defenses and perhaps we can unspiral the mess we are in over a period of time however our allies deserve our help and we deserve theirs but some have gotten confused and involved in some bad deals. When LBJ was president some strange things occurred such as phantom ships and everybody went hush hush because of the strangeness of the things occurring and we ended up in Vietnam and the vicinity. Maybe we should have tried to figure out what was occurring before stepping into the jungles fighting a war the politicians didn’t want to win. Similar to how we ended up in Iraq and Afghanistan after being attacks by 12 Saudis in planes trained to fly in Florida while George Bushes’ RC brother was Governor. Perhaps if he had done a better job governing the state of Florida 12 saudis would have been noticed learning to fly planes as missiles not being interested in learning to land them unless it was the Roman Catholic plan and the Bushes in their  crosshairs. And don’t forget about Elian Gonzales whose mom died trying to get her son to freedom and he was sent back during the Clinton-George Bush years and don’t forget about Waco when it could have been handled a whole lot differently but that was in Texas. It’s okay for the Roman Catholic clergy to engage in unwanted sex and abuse of kids? Why? Kissinger? The Jesuits? The Club of Rome? They were american citizens that died in Waco and I think were afraid and burned alive because of lack of patience and because of the name The Branch Davidians. It was one HUGE BLUNDER on the part of the government which overplayed their hand and a GREAT SIN.

I’m sure getting tired of the platitudes by some people about the USA establishing themselves as the Super power etc which should not be the point. We already were a superpower in that we have nukes (but so does IRAN) and have had ONE success and that is winning WWll. Ever since then we have been misled by the likes of Billy Graham and the RCC and the peace treaties were obviously not respected by those who resented the win we had in EUrope against fascism and the influence of the Vatican. Russia was also at war with Germany at the same time and if they hadn’t been at war with Germany we might not have won WWll.

The wall in Berlin should have remained because of NAZISM and FASCISM. IT would have been a good thing if Germany could have been trusted but for some reason the leaders of Germany keep reasserting themselves as superior when they are anything but ….

more like a reoccurring nightmare.

Good Fences Make Good Neighbors

Anyway what Reagan accomplished being applauded today because of ( I think) an anniversary of the time when he said “Tear down this wall” to Gorbechov and yet the same people want a wall between Mexico and the USA. Kind of interesting. Good fences make good neighbors however that fence was very harsh but was that because of the Soviets or the Germans, or both? Many Russians died fighting against Germany. Lots more Russians died than Americans, Europeans and jews combined and I don’t think the Russians used ovens and gas chambers unlike the NAZIs of Germany (to the dismay of Spicer who recently said some lies about gas being used whether he just misspoke I cannot say but then so have a bunch of people about Syria and more than likely Germany played a role in the set up of Bashar Assad.), Poland and other places in Eastern Europe and Western Asia at least at that time nordid they experiment on jews. Think about the wall between the Koreans. Very harsh. If there wasn’t a wall what would become of South Korea?

World War II casualties of the Soviet Union

I think our president either misspoke when running for President in regards to Russia, Putin, Obamacare, America first, the wall, China, Fair trade, taxes, and many other things which makes me think he is only a puppet of someone else. I think our military is a puppet of the UN now. We’ll see, but I don’t think it bodes well for America first. I’m hoping we are tricking the trickers. We will see.

Germany should have never been rebuilt because of the never learning attitude of their mistakes of the past. It should never be trusted again. Look how Merkel behaves because of Greeces unsustainabliity and others and for pursuit of austerity (I have a post about the Gospel of Luke misrepresenting Jesus and his self description of being an austere man -austerity and talking about talents and it sure doesn’t sound like the Jesus I know…more like Obama) for Obama. Very similar to my sister who loved to spend other peoples money and when she owed money because of mistake by her husband on the stock market used hospice to kill a family member (her mom) in retaliation but when you owed her money she calculated it to the penny. When the opposite happened when she owed money she rounded it off. When Germany owed money it got help, probably stole money, etc but never forgot and planned revenge. Peace treaties were just a tool like contracts which are meant to be broken. I think it would have been better to allow Germany to rebuild Germany and maybe it would have learned not to be so aggressive and warlike however I think history proves them to be eternally warlike.

Revolution occurred in our country and a civil war and other countries should be able to have the same without our interference.

Which begs the question What is a good fence and what makes a good neighbor?

Myself I don’t think Mexico has been a good neighbor not because of the people but their government. IF we didn’t have guards on our borders some good Mexicans would have died and yet some of the guards have been killed as well. Mexico incarcerated americans without due process sometimes for years with torture. That is not a good neighbor. Students beheaded as well south of the border. That is not a good neighbor. I don’t think a wall is gonna suffice. I think a regime change will also have to occur in Mexico. Obviously many mexicans and central americans are fleeing a bad situation and corruption, but the enemy uses those fleeing and hides between them to screw us up and them. We are america and are supposed to be inviting to the poor etc Give us your poor etc but extreme taxation make it impossible for the poor to pull themselves up or want to come out of the shadows and for the middle class to maintain itself and so the corruption in our federal government needs to be addressed and I was hoping Trump would confront it. Insurance also is corrupted and if we went without it I think it would help increase the value of our dollar and trade would increase, production would increase and good doctors would increase and things would be better for all of us even the rich. Without the middle class the rich will die and diminish either because of a revolution or civil war or because no one will buy their products and will steal them instead and because they can’t buy their products.

Federal income tax was instituted as voluntary and strictly for the defense of our country not for every pet project that comes down the pike or to be the police of the world and now federal income tax has become INSANE and so has the IRS.

I think the mafia needs to be confronted and that is how we will win and so will good Mexicans. The RCC is part of the problem because they protect the Mafia and the mafia protects the RCC except in rare cases when a priest goes against their grain and is used as an example of martyrdom for the RCC to gain favor. IT’s sickening.

I think the answer lies with the Panama Canal!

We built it and we should retake it.

I think it would change the dynamics in Mexico, Central America, and South America and the RCC’s interference in our private lives.

Good fences protect private lives and somehow we need that kind of fence.

By the way, who built the Suez Canal?

I kind of think if Trump doesn’t take back his former beliefs he won’t be in office very long. I don’t think he is in charge. I think Melania is in charge.

And they had hair as the hair of women, and their teeth were as the teeth of lions.


How dare me

to say this:


Now people in South America are trying to show the Passion of Jesus via depictions because of you.

 LIke Nixon exposed Billy Graham drunkenness exposed you

and the real Jesus was Jewish


and I hold you personally responsible for the support your receive ad give to the RCC for propaganda purposes for the death of my mom by hospice and the RCC’s propping of murder suicide by hospice (Mother Teresa’s EVIL legacy) because she told me she wanted to live to 105 and I hold you responsible in part for the lower standards in the medical field and the lowering of the life span of mankind and womankind in the world and for the seed of ignorance you sowed.

Anyway the site that Trump had bombed looked like a dirt farm and I’m not impressed. Fox (Watter’s World) says about 38 of the ISIS were killed. How could they know if it was similar to a nuke? DID they have id’s on them saying ISIS?

I’ll be impressed when MECCA and MEDINA get the same treatment two places that inspire ISIS and propagate false beliefs such as 100 virgins when you die in the act of killing for ISLAM.

Syrian Chemical Attack: The Sequel

How did ISIS get into Syria? Lets look at a map. Where did we hear ISIS start out in>? I think it was near Raka a disputed piece of territory between Turkey and Syria. Turkey the prize of the EU. (Let the children play with the Turkey” said JFK before it became dinner FOR THE TIGER.) Now after the bombing by Trump of a military base in Syria then  “who does he think he is” Erdogan of Turkey (probably part of the royal family of Jordan and family heritage) comes out of the woodwork and I think he did it too soon not to be noticed BY THE TIGER. Hair of women and the lip of MECCA.

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I guess he got kind of excited. The kind of excitement some men have before the woman gets excited because he didn’t really care about the woman kind of excitement.

He’s just f..k..g her.



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A bunch of people killed on their way into Alleppo and guess what: Alleppo is near Turkey and I bet but I can’t say for sure Turkey doesn’t want the refugees like Mexico doesn’t want their refugees or the Central American refugees.

Rakka or Raqqa is close by. Like going to Waco from Dallas or less.

Raqqa (Arabicالرقة‎‎ ar-Raqqah), also called Rakkaal-Raqqah, and ar-Raqqah, is a city in Syria located on the northeast bank of the Euphrates River, about 160 kilometres (99 miles) east of Aleppo.

Lusty Month of May – YouTube

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Feet Like A Bear

I get mixed up sometimes with all the knowledge I have had to grasp which is probably more than most people biblically speaking and having to match it to maps as they change often purposefully and history and it changes often depending on perspectives and propaganda like the Sea of Peter (SOP: He dipped his bread in SOP) vs the Mediterranean, etc but when I say Baltic I really meant Yugoslavia and the break up of Yugoslavia: the Balkans (sounds similar anyway and a lot of bible is based on sounds like bread vs breadth vs breath etc): Macedonia, Bosnia, Croatia and another one Hertz HerzOGOVENa as in death etc

Pictograph of Yugoslavia’s members

One obviously is a hertz for funerals and the sign above the School Book Depository where JFK was murdered ( a sign).  The car called “the beast” built for the President of the USA stabbed him in the back which you can read about on Merangue’s Blog. It was the first shot. Someone provided a bullet that didn’t go through a tie. It was a contraption in the car that was set off by a person sitting by another sign of the highway he was nearing when his elbows went up-  remote controlled and the controller sauntered away the opposite direction of the grassy knoll and I think it was OBAMA. It was a skinny tall kind of a black man with funny looking pants and shoes sitting down at the highway sign (with another guy) for Stemmons Freeway. Some of the movies don’t show it because they were edited and some do I found it. He pushed the button and walked across the road and across the field. Then what was in the roses that Jackie had at the airport was something else and you can read about it linked on my site. Sounds rather impossible, doesn’t it. This is who we are having to deal with worldwide causing trouble with a few others. I have done a lot of research and worked very hard and no one gave me a law to help boost my sales or the price of a ticket, but the opposite.

The next is Shultz a kraut from Hogans Heroes.

The next is a mace for macedonia.

Last and least is “the boss” who has a song he likes to sing and spiritually deaf “I’m the muffin man” which is actually “I’m the nothing man” which is often misheard. Spiritually not nice, but you would have to understand where some ideas come from and why people say the things they say sometimes and what or who is influencing you good and bad. He got Obama to consider creating a law about concert tickets because of the scalpers and blaming scalpers for higher prices of concert tickets which is BS. The tickets were too expensive because they were too expensive. I suppose if a man sells a cigarette for a dollar on the street he deserved to be beaten to death in New York? There are other ways to overcome scalpers. Find people you can trust to sell the tickets, but alas he didn’t have the faith of a mustard seed and instead of moving a mountain got special OBAMA treatment as if he didn’t make enough. Like we need more laws. Thanks heaps. The problem was as with most businesses technology screwed you. You aren’t the only one and what do you have to complain about. Filthy rich spoiled brat but I like your music except the sax player sucks but he’s black therefore like Obama that makes him good. Everyone knows he is the worst sax player on earth but everyone loves a person who uses black as an uncle tom or a TOKEN BLACK (like Colin Powell a Saudi puppet) to avoid looking prejudice when in actuality that is prejudice and rather ridiculous. There are tons of black sax players that can play better but he must have been real cheap cheap cheap. What a schmaltz! Lots of white guys can play better, too. Obviously it was a ploy of some kind. YUK You are a nothing man in reality because only a nothing man would do it.) A mere panderer. There are lots of panderers and you would fit right in in Washington Dc. Maybe you should run for some office so you can encumber american citizens with nonsense. My brother said the Bruce Springsteen concert was one of the best concerts he had ever seen or heard but he went to very few. LOL He was also for the protection of copyrights for musicians because people were copying music without paying but I think as long as you don’t sell it it should be allowed because if we hold back people from information even music we might not have heroes like Assange and Snowden who let the people know our government wasn’t necessarily on our side. GIving up freedom for security isn’t always a good thing. Besides changing from records to 8 track tapes to 4 track to cds to dvds is kind of a technology boost for the musicians which most people don’t get and recording off the internet etc isn’t usually the best recording sound wise when played in a car or anywhere etc much like listening to the radio and the main buyers aren’t the ones doing it but they are supported by the ones buying music dvds and concert tickets for them and deserve respect. I guess Bruce didn’t get enough love nor money in his career. It becomes like a drug, doesn’t it.

I painted a barn a big one and renovated it via painting into a spa with shops and health areas, an exercise area, a lobby, bathroom, etc and had only 24 hours to get it done with two other people, my ex and his friend. We did it too. Stayed up all night to achieve the results and yes the paint was still wet when the 24 hours was up and I didn’t get paid while the friend did get paid. Ended up with a thorn the size of a stick under my fingernail I had to pull out. Could you do that? I doubt it.  Can you imagine what my mom and dad were like? LOL

I hope you step on a crack!

I invested a bunch of money in some programs such as Painter 3-d Bryce and others I loved and computers updated and I can’t play them anymore.  IBM took over and screwed up the computer arts. I had an Amiga computer and it went defunct even though it was the first of it’s kind. I had a spa membership and it died. I had a place to work out and it decided not to care about the neighborhood. I had a house and it was used by the ex for bankruptcy and who knows what else possibly a pay off. My neighbor shot my dog and a bosnian girl killed my cat and harassed my daughter for no good reason. I had lots of things taken from me and then I was isolated because of my brother-in-law suggested it because he had abused me in the past and I tried to handle it and dealt with it a number of times and lost my family. I ended up in hospital nearly dead cut in half. Lost one family member my mom to Hospice that I loved for punishment or as my sister would use a move for ATONEMENT and my daughter was bullied in school called a whore because she was my daughter and because I divorced her catholic dad. My dads picture was used as a picture at Benghazi of the man with one eye missing etc. And others of my family being used as props for some fucking freaking fucked up church. My daughter has overcome because of miracles. My other daughter was abused as well and has overcome because of miracle. I was poisoned and bullied and put in jail overnight under a false arrest because the daddy didn’t want to deal with his daughter who at the time was out of control because of the lies he told her about me and tried using her against me like a very shitty daddy would but since he was Roman Catholic got away with it and said for me to be grateful he paid the bail even though he called the police on me.  And it goes on. You think you have it hard? the concert tickets are too expensive because you think too much of yourself. Brace yourself because it may get worse not because of Trump but in spite of him. And I believe because my parents were special people and deserved better treatment and I think God loved them dearly and they loved me.

Brace yourself because it may get LOTS worse not BECAUSE Of President Trump,

but in spite of him.

It got worse during the Obama Administration and don’t think it could have gotten any worse then it did thanks in part to his fans, but I don’t know, I’m only human.

Part of the reason it got worse is

The Sound of Silence

(I don’t think even as powerful as the USA is or any other country on this earth and their leaders and their underlings like Mattis (hazmat really got proof of Bashar Assad’s involvement in a saran gas attack on a few when a bomb would have had the same affect such as the one used in Alleppo without much ado?) and all those alliances I don’t think it is in their hands or anyone else’s however they have a part to play hopefully they will do it honorably and truthfully.)

especially in regards to the abuse of the elderly and vets being hospiced because they represent the enemy to the RCC, Islam and the BGEA having to do with WWl and WWll and the perceived enemies of the ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT/RELIGION WITH TEETH and NATO is involved.

I liked it better when Trump wanted some new agreements, that proved to be good for the USA not bad. Something has happened because he doesn’t seem to be the same person that ran for President and not just because he learned some things. In any case, I think there are more than one and one of them will hopefully accomplish what is needed to be accomplished written about in the bible in one hour literally. I’m sure some stuff is missing as well edited like so much of the bible has been even punctuation can make a huge difference in our understanding because back when it was written there wasn’t any commas. LOL so it’s a conundrum to say the least.

as being the claws of the bear described in the bible. Feet like a bear. The only thing interesting about a bear’s feet are it’s claws which are kind of big especially on big bears and of course those claws are deadly, aren’t they?

However there are five claws, not four:

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And of course

The Book of Acts is the fifth gospel

and whoever screwed up Peter. ANANIAS, the Tanner?  The one that carried out Sapphira for lying to the holy spirit about money as if the holy spirit is concerned about taxes and the price one sells their home and how much a person donates of their proceeds to a cult.

Only Matthew the tax collector would have been concerned

and the IRS and the Vatican

who leeches off the IRS proceeds in various ways through various channels and leeches off other places which collect taxes.

Here is a poser for ya in regards to Abortion vs Hospice:

When you have an abortion and God blesses you with a baby later when prepared to have one they are miracles like the two of mine and beautiful.

When you hospice your parent for their assets or because of a deal given via Obamacare/Medicare because it’s free by starvation or other ways do you get a new parent and who is the parent: MOTHER TERESA?

Wasn’t Rosebud the meaning of Mother Teresa’s name? I recall reading her real name meant Rosebud. Rose Kennedy was President Kennedy’s mom. The movie was about WIlliam Randolph Hearst as in Hertz Herzogovena as in the Secretary of State for the Vatican the darling of Rome and Germany who is I think a relative of the Hertz though in Germany his name is spelled Hurtz with two dots on the “u” and his name is Gansweine as in Pig wine or pig swine without weeny, etc not sure of the spelling but was the braid adjuster for Pope Benedict XVl – His job other than tennis with his mailish friends. Rosebud is the meaning of the name of Mother Teresa either from her original name where she was raised – Vulgaria or something similar. I read it a while back. I think the famous movie about William Randolph Hearst is a forward pass if anyone wants to catch it from someone who knew something. I think it was acted out and produced during a blacklisting time in Hollywood. People were blacklisted for being sympathetic of communism or communists and it was the nazi way. Nazis don’t like Russia and Russia doesn’t like nazis. There are good reasons for their distaste. One isolates the other with powerful propaganda using the vatican and roman catholicism which is all over the place and has been around quite a while and utilizes Islam. It isn’t nice to assassinatee leaders and religious leaders which is the fascist roman catholic way. Islam came from Roman Catholicism when a nun married Muhammad and they introduced a new religion is what I have understood and I guess a meteorite caught their eye and used it somehow with LOTS AND LOTS OF LIES but in reality both use each other. However some of the people indoctrinated into Islam are catching on (and that’s why there are so many factions and so forth having revolutions, civil wars, etc in these countries because of their dissatisfaction and disillusionment and I hear Saudi Arabia is building a wall like the Vatican in fear of the revolutionists and their retribution for those lies like 100 virgins and other things.) – People like Salmon Rushdie and others but many are afraid especially the liberal ones that come on Fox news and so they soften their criticism quite often. Ignorance is not bliss though the pope clings to it as his excuse even though he’s not and is a pimp.

If people stopped using Hertz for funerals there might be less funerals.

Makes sense, doesn’t it at least in the long run. I remember what Gov. John Connally (Sorry about spelling) said in the hospital which was a clue as well. What was the saying about taxes and death:

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Quotes Uncovered: Death and Taxes


I’m back to inviting readers to submit quotations whose origins they want me to try to trace, using my book, The Yale Book of Quotations, and my more recent research.

Ewout asked:

Who was the first to say these famous words: “Nothing is certain except for death and taxes.” Some sources mention Ben Franklin, others say Mark Twain or Daniel Defoe. Thanks!

This is usually attributed to Benjamin Franklin, who wrote in a 1789 letter that “Our new Constitution is now established, and has an appearance that promises permanency; but in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” However, The Yale Book of Quotations quotes “‘Tis impossible to be sure of any thing but Death and Taxes,” from Christopher BullockThe Cobler of Preston (1716). The YBQ also quotes “Death and Taxes, they are certain,” from Edward WardThe Dancing Devils (1724).

Allahu Akbar

media and have ex with IN the last post or the one before that probably on different blog because I have about 6 or 7 of them I wrote about what Islamic nuts (the ones that kill people for nothing say as they kill indiscriminately for attention) like the one on the news lately who killed some older man in his 70’s (shot a stranger) because of some problem with his girlfriend and posted the murder on Facebook and if you unscramble the last word these nuts say it spells Barak without a “c” as if these guys think Allah is Barack or Great when the meaning to them is Allah is Great. Their god being Allah. I linked an article about it in the title. I have heard the saying which is in the bible about the “son of man cometh as lightning comes from east and shineth even unto the west” and I have read that Barack means lightning from bible scholars on line. But as far as I know Benjamin Franklin was not called Barak or Barack but he was a GREAT invented and made it so we could see at night by his devotion to science. Perhaps some of those scholars want to give the credit of electricity to their Muslim/Islamic god. But there definitely is some kind of connection. I don’t think Muslims/Islamians have ever invented anything but lies except for a few like Salmon Rushdie and look how he was treated He was put on hit lists with a bounty on his head for telling the truth about the religion of Islam, etc. Generally they just behead people in Saudi Arabia and call it honor killing because they kill honor. Not sure what it is but definitely there is a connection. There are lots of people named Barack but not ex presidents or similar names like Ehud Barak of Israel.  The bible quote may be a bit off and I don’t want to look it up right now but it’s kind of interesting. Maybe a connection to the random killings, but definitely madmen. If they had been taught correctly maybe this kind of stuff wouldn’t be happening. Saw an interesting article about Clitoris cutting and comparing it to male circumcision which a lie. First of all, do males get their flap back when they marry? NO not until late in a bad marriage or during divorce do they get their flap back Just kidding. I think physical circumcision was not what God meant because there are people like hemophiliacs that would bleed to death possibly. SO it must not have been God IMO who stopped Abraham. Circumcising probably meant using a rubber or stopping oneself from entering the female early on. Think before you do it because circumcising sure didn’t accomplish male sexual sobriety towards each other or towards females. So what was the purpose? To make the male penis prettier?

Circumvent means to find a way around, to deceive or outwit, to overcome (a problem or difficulty), typically in a clever and surreptitious way, and I think circumcise must be kind of a relative to the word circumvent. Anyway  I think circumcision might have been an invention of Abraham and not God. I might be wrong about that but it seems rather odd God would make a covenant about a flap on a penis which led to clit cutting and I would think if it were God who thought of the idea of circumcision knowing the future would have been against it for the sake of females. The devil hates females so me thinks it was the devil possibly unless some of the event is not included for some reason and /or was edited …….because back then people didn’t talk about sexual type stuff honestly. I do think God loves the female as much as the male and wouldn’t want to see females being cut for honor’s sake and because it is extremely BARBARIC. Did God approach Peter and say I want you to have my baby? “The Father of lies” must have some kind of meaning which is in the gospels and may be referring to Abraham because he was considered to be the father back then since people called him Father Abraham, right? And to top it off Jesus in the Gospel of John said

“Before Abraham was I AM.”

which upset a lot of people and quite a few set out to kill him after that. God when he spoke to Moses to tell the hebrew people who he was said “I AM THAT I AM.” And then after freeing the hebrews slaves from the Pharaoh and his army which were drowned in the Red Sea, Moses brought down from the mountain to the Hebrews

The Ten Commandments.

And also people say Jesus was killed at the age of 33 and yet when talking to Jesus in the Gospel of John in regards to Abraham some people say “you are not yet 50 and you knew Abraham” to Jesus as if it is possible to have known Abraham if older than 50 years of age ?????????????

And if that is true then when Jesus in the Gospel of John says “Before Abraham was I am” is true because it happened 2000 years before.

In my opinion these things mean something and should not be dismissed as insignificant.

People also set out to kill Jesus after he raised Lazarus (IN THE GOSPEL OF JOHN) from the dead. Why would they do that? I don’t think the raising of Lazarus is in the Synoptic Gospels except mentioned in the Gospel of Luke kind of surreptitiously (to avoid notice) about a great divide of some kind.

They cut females clits to keep females honor for the family of the female and this article is pretty explicit about the problems that occur because of clit-cutting which is very horrific and which does not occur to the penis unless you have a blood disorder.  Honor is not something you should force on a person. Honor is something you learn by example and experience. Anyway the article about clit cutting is on WND and was barely touched upon on Fox News by what’s his face: the great debater: Tucker Carlson.

I definitely think something huge is missing about the covenant about a flap on a penis.

Circumspect is also a relative of the other two words which means: wary and unwilling to take risks; cautious like wearing a seat belt

Since woman’s body and future are at risk when reproducing they get to decide when and if they want to take a risk.

When military men were chosen in the OT the way I explained the men that lapped up the water on their tummies were not executed for their stupidity or their laxness in regards to their safety, they just weren’t chosen to fight for a military success and probably given jobs in the press. LOL

I don’t know what the relationship to Abraham taking his kid up some mountain for a sacrifice has to do with circumcision. Circumcision is done to babies these days and not to boys and men and heals quickly and does not affect their pleasure when having sex later in life. Not sure about the Jewish religion when they cut the flap or if they cut their flap. Clit cutting does affect the girl/woman so she does not have pleasure during sex which is SADISTIC to the nth degree and I don’t believe God would want that for the female in any way.

And if cutting the flap on a penis is done to babies why not cut the flap on the penis while it’s in the womb if life begins at conception. And why not cut the clitoris of a female fetus while it’s in the womb if life begins at conception. If life begins at conception how come insurance doesn’t cover life in the womb from the moment of conception? If life begins at conception why aren’t we employing them and taxing them in the womb: a huge labor force not being utilized? We do amniocentesis in the womb which can cause problems to the fetus by quite a percentage which I didn’t do for my kids that I decided I wanted even though I was in the age group that is often prompted to have the test because of the risks involved. Is that counted as righteousness?

It was counted/accounted as righteousness to him (whoever him is: God or Abraham) that Abraham took his kid up the mountain for a sacrifice and bound his son for the sacrifice and an angel of God stopped him from sacrificing his own son (and Abraham said God would provide a sacrifice to his son when his son asked why they were on the mountain and where is the sacrifice and he then ties up his son, called binding, to be sacrificed with a knife near his throat and then the angel stops him and then finally they see a ram that was caught in the brambles to be sacrificed). The bible says God said it never crossed God’s mind to sacrifice the kid yet it’s an angel saying it ….NOT GOD. and then afterwards he starts circumcision on his tribe and the bible does not say anything about God suggesting it to the males of all ages or to anyone as far as the bible says. I really feel we are missing some link; like the missing link between ape and man in evolution. I’m not trying to be difficult but something is AMISS obviously. Then there is the covenant at the last supper in the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke) and not in the Gospel of John. What’s odd is Jesus says in the Synoptic Gospels to drink his blood to the apostles at the last supper yet he had not been sacrificed yet because he is sitting with them having supper and acts like it really is his blood and in the Gospel of john he says to drink the wine in remembrance of him. We do know there is a false covenant spoken of by Daniel and in the bible and yet no one I know nor any bible scholar in any fashion or form have figured out what the false covenant is and if it’s in the bible that there is a false covenant seems to me the false covenant would also be in the bible otherwise it is a moot point. IMO Makes no sense to be wary of a covenant that is false if we aren’t ever gonna know about it.

Remember Pope Benedict XVl said faith was a new enlightenment obviously to inspire people and then come to find out (and it was not myself who first found out) that the mustard seed is not the smallest of seeds (I just took the ball and ran with it for a while) which is the basis of faith and moving a mountain is based on the smallest of seeds type faith and yet it has not been done by anyone and not even by Jesus himself because he did not move a mountain from here to there, did he? There was a russian guy who was able to move a spoon which is on a you tube somewhere but a spoon is not a mountain. If I was there at the time I would hopefully have asked Jesus “Could you show us?” and any normal person would have asked for a demonstration and yet didn’t so therefore I think this was added to the gospels later for the sake of the new enlightenment that Pope Benedict XVl admitted or found out and offered to the public. Yet the raising of Lazarus was demonstrated. Everything having to do with faith was not demonstrated (such as the man who came to Jesus and his apostles and said his daughter was dying and Jesus talks about how great a faith he had because of what he said) and everything having to do with believing was demonstrated  however we never find out about the daughter and no one checks out the results but it kind of made sense as far as how orders in the military are passed down etc (except these days with Islamic nuts serving and killing our service men in the military who recently have been assaulting them during mess hall or something) and possibly that event made everyone go nuts about faith and to add to the Synoptic Gospels to gain importance or preeminence which the Gospel of Matthew already had being the first of the gospels in the order provided in our bibles so why did it need more? There is a competition as far as the preeminence of specific gospels for some reason and you have to wonder why? I think the reason is because of the revelation that the mustard seed is not the smallest of seeds….but semen is… which lays the blame on the male species about unwanted pregnancies and males do not like to take the blame as in the Garden of Eden demonstrated. The woman made me do it hence we have abortions. It’s not the only reason but abortion is a form of birth control up to a point. We have not figured out yet the point at which it is not a form of birth control and until we do and until boys and men don’t insert themselves by being circumspect about sex abortion needs to be available to girls and women because obviously reproduction is a woman’s job and decision since she is the one that carries the burden if she so desires to carry it to full term. God made it that way for good reasons and since I was able to reproduce after having an abortion and had two beautiful daughters because the abortion was done safely thanks to my parents (AND THE ARMY) who loved me it must be that it’s forgivable and logical. Having only the option of an illegal abortion is illogical, crude, cruel, barbaric, sadistic and evil causing often the death of the female and/or the destruction of the reproductive organs in the female….NOT THE MALE involved who asserted himself by inserting himself. And as far as I’m concerned Governor Walker of Wisconsin can go to hell and should at least for a while till he changes his mind about abortion and tubal pregnancies. God did not nor ever would want a woman to die because of a tubular pregnancy. HOW INSANE. Anyone who would believe God would want a woman or girl to die because of tubular pregnancy does not believe in God but should have their dick cut off and stuffed in their mouth and buried alive to set as an example and his body parts hung on the four corners of the vatican. And the same for anyone who would cut a girls clitoris should be treated the same as I propose should be done to Governor Walker of Wisconsin but instead their body parts should be rained on Mecca and Medina via a destructive non nuclear bomb.

I have heard on Fox News the reason we support Israel

is because Israel is a democracy.

Sorry, I don’t believe it’s the reason; nor should be.

If Israel had a king would we support Israel?

You might ask why I am so concerned about abortion rights…because I have been assaulted about it since Obama took office via the Pope, Fox News and OAN every time I write a post about religion or the subjects I delve into. Why is abortion thrown in my face as if that makes me not capable of thought or writing something that makes sense and I have a right to ask these questions or try to make sense of what is written in the bible and current events. Another reason because I am being attacked with photos of my family in pictures at Benghazi (my dad and Michelle Obama in rolled up jeans eyes swollen from surgery holding an AK47 and a syringe in the other hand, a picture of something that looks like my older sister holding my daughter in a strange threatening way as a tot, one picture of a person holding my niece as a tot in a plastic bag with a hole in it being carried like Santa carrying toys, one picture of my niece in California as the wife of an Islamic man wearing a burka who kills a bunch of people, one of my sister saying she was shot five times in the leg at a mass shooting at an airport in California and stepping off the curb with a tongue twisting on the side of her mouth like a baby and co starring Errol Flynn/Billy Graham sweating his ass off and others as if trying to make me stop writing and to antagonize me in a very terroristic CULTISH kind of way. Neighbor shot my dog and killed him, someone killed my cat, hospiced my mom without my consent and using abortion as the reason which is obviously Muther Teresa reasoning as she stated in her outbursts as exposed by Christopher Hitchens in his exposes and the pope sainting her. That’s why!~IN part. there are other assaults I have endured to such as being falsely arrested and in jail overnight (luckily and thank God some medical people came to my aid and the ex telling me I should be grateful for him for causing it and paying for it at the bail bonds) and other things I have written about in many posts. I ain’t buying a one world religion and I ain’t buying a one world government because it’s plain and simply Roman Catholic/Islamic


As far as tax returns riots going on at Berkeley in California

President Trump ought to publish

his Birth Certificate


I sure hope he comes out of his trance and gets back to his real personality the one he was voted in on otherwise I suspect he isn’t himself and might be voted out of office next time around or sooner if he doesn’t watch out one way or another because trust is important and he is losing it.

There is no way anything can be done with North Korea or anywhere else in this world in a positive way for any good length of time if trust is not involved and if a President lies his ass off no leader anywhere will trust our leader and war is inevitable. Watching VP Pence in Korea was ridiculous with his flap jacket. Totally unconvincing. A joke and the world thinks so too, I imagine. To me he reminded me of a little boob. Pence is no Patton and I think the military needs to reassure him more than he could ever reciprocate in kind to even one member of the military and make much of a difference. LOL I would not want to be in a fox hole with him under any circumstances. Is he being used as bait? I heard today that there is more chatter from terrorists than since  9-11 and imagine he is the reason why. Maybe it would be a good idea to test him on a college campus first like Berkley in California before sending him on a carrier out in the ocean to see his affect/effect.

When I was a young girl in England my sister had a friend named Penny. We were all sitting on the couch and Penny sat next to me. She was just beginning to develop and I touched her boob to see what it felt like. It was embarrassing to everyone, even me. Penny blushed and I guess I surprised everyone but I was only about 7 or 8 years old and had never been breast fed because of Dr. Spock etc and I was curious. In any case that is what Pence reminded me of in flap jacket just so out of place and I can’t imagine it made anyone in the world think very highly of the USA or reassured as the news is trying to say about Japan and Pence: C’mon.. It was embarrassing to say the least and then what he had to say was even worse. If I were Japan I would be more reassured by Russia and it’s planes flying nearby than by Pence, any old day, but he seems like the kind of guy to take someone else’s credit when its not due.

I loved my moms bosoms because she nourished me in many other ways without breast feeding and I wouldn’t trade her for the world and/or for Mother Teresa and her poison.’I heard about Hernandez who committed suicide with a cut on his forehead John 3:16 and I don’t think he did us a favor by killing himself and may have been to or for his family which is really sad. I suspect he was murdered. It would have been better if he had been reformed (a success) and it can happen because of his family but it hopefully will happen after death which I believe is possible with God. I don’t remember the crime but I remember it was bad but I do know some times it isn’t what we think. Courts aren’t fair and like to silence people in various ways. It is obvious we have a justice system that needs a lot of work especially the Grand Jury if we want to truly be a good nation and we should want to be good. If we don’t how can we expect people to want to be good. Maybe if we had laws about assets he wouldn’t have had to either commit suicide or get murdered. Maybe if there wasn’t the incentive for either it might be more true justice. Where is the righteous anger about Mother Teresa? Why the silence about the incentive for murder suicide of family: assets of the elderly or sick and allegiance to the RCC which is evil which thrives on the assets of others. Seems to me people are looking the other way because of their religious bent and that includes everyone on Fox and OAN and in our government. There are plenty of ways to corner someone into doing something they would not do otherwise. I know, I have been a witness to it and it is what needs to be remedied and there should be no rest until we figure out how to stop it. Where is the righteous anger against the RCC to saint her.

If one wants to win the war against Terrorism you have to get rid of the spiritual dogs such as Mecca and Medina that produce and inspire millions of human drones like bees that mix with african bees and are VERY dangerous because they are deceived…….and then the Vatican which is at the heighth and breadth of it’s spiritual HYPOCRISY. IT’s not like it hasn’t been done before to the temples in Jerusalem by the Romans and it’s allies Islam so why is it so scary to reciprocate in kind. What are the leaders of the USA and Israel afraid of? A false god? The Taliban blasted the Buddas in the mountains of Afghanistan and weren’t afraid why are we? I would rather have to contend with a Buddhist than Sharia law and it’s followers. Wouldn’t it be responsible to do the same to the shrines and atrocities in Saudi Arabia since the Taliban and Osama Bin Laden and the 12 box cutter terrorists who flew their planes into New York killing thousands and making people sick and was an act of war were from Saudi Arabia? Wouldn’t that send a CLEAR MESSAGE to both evil entities of Islam and Roman Catholicism? I know Truman certainly sent a CLEAR MESSAGE to the Japanese in WWll who were fighting on the wrong side with Fascism and causing problems during our defense and offense in WWll. But it made the difference even though it was horrific and the USA won the war because of it though it took a little while longer but had it not been done at the time many more would have died and the reason it was moral to do at the time was because they were using kids in war and weren’t willing to surrender when they should have surrendered and because of those gas ovens and gas chambers and they surprise attacked us, didn’t they? or was there a miscommunication/intel going on via the Vatican?. IN a different way Japan helped to wake us up to get us involved. It was also horrific to be on ship and have suicide bombers attacking you. It’s similar to fighting a war with robots and/or drones. Islam uses kids in war and used them in Syria, Afghanistan, and every other middle eastern country and they use them as bait and propaganda without giving a shit if they are shot or blown up just to make the world notice and create lies about their demise such as in Syria IMO. It’s been proven time and time again. Like the women in Syria that Bret Baier interviewed who said women were smothering themselves under blankets to avoid getting raped by ISIS and he believed them which is scary and thank God he is not in the military. In the bible the OT infantry MEN were chosen to fight in the military by how they drank the water when very  thirsty from a river or a lake. I imagine Bret would have failed and been on his stomach lapping it up. Or the interview with two guys about Benghazi and another with 4 guys and about Osama Bin Laden. Those football style maps really impressed him. He fell for their lies but probably because of that JESUIT collusion he was given an opportunity to write and sell his book which I will not waste my money on, but what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his own soul especially if there is no world because of those lies? Anyway It’s not like you have to nuke them (Mecca and Medina) as Trump demonstrated recently you can use a big bomb and even give warning to vacate the premises if need be and if they don’t vacate or put prisoners in the area to protect the area then you bomb the shit out of their airports, bridges, and roadways so they can’t be mobile and then you hit the canals to top it off. The Suez and the other one.

That’s the way you do it!

Money for Nothing-dire straits

If you want to play war keep doing what you’re doing

but you will be responsible for many many peoples lives and deaths and end up lower on the totem pole of hell when you might win them over if you prove their god is a false god. Might make a HUGE difference.

To me the press showed their hand during the JFK assassination and when Princess Diana was killed on account of the press.

I know that my government lied to it’s military men and their wives. I’m disgusted and it occurred during the Obama administration mostly however the Bushes did their fair share of lying. If Trump doesn’t make amends with those that were lied to there will be a reckoning and it will GET EVEN eventually. We are in some strange times and biblical and it would be wise to take heed and not get swept away in the confusion.

Timeframe: 2012

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Isn’t it?

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Birthrate Statistics

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I guess they do a lot of fishing in wisconsin….LOL

I know a lot of women and girls take trips to have abortions

because of REPUTATIONS and to recuperate so that their friends and family think they were vacationing doing their male counterpart/s a favor when in actuality they were aborting. I imagine that’s the case in Wisconsin.

I guess I could look up how many trips from Wisconsin to other states but there is such  thing as a car. Notice the ending of the name of Wisconsin. I don’t think any other state has that ending. But what’s in a name, right?


I bet Governor Scott Walker’s wife took a few trips without him……wouldn’t you?

Hopefully, I will get the chance to write a post after this one having to do with the thorn, the crown of thorns, and entrapment. Things we all have to contend with whether we like it or not either because of our station in life, our job, and a million or more other reasons like race, creed, color, sex, pride and prejudice, etc. and because the devil plays with the flesh: Ours.

I guess you might call it “Dancing with God” because of a false covenant spoken of by Daniel (Let the reader understand) and in other places of the bible such as the GOSPELS (especially the SYNOPTIC GOSPELS) and/or a few false covenants causing GREAT distress among the nations, states, families (using hospice as a tool for sexual harassment and for UNWANTED AND UNWARRANTED incest as well. Of course my immediate family I grew up with and raised were innocent, but the problem was married into TO A VERY VERY reputable OIL family who were friends with the Saudis and doing business with the Saudis et al and without warning us AND I KNOW THEY KNOW AND KNEW. As Trump inherited a mess, so did we. I guess it became our problem to solve AND SOW WE WILL) and the crucifixion of Jesus. Ignorance only exacerbates the problems and the RCC and others profit by the ignorance at the expense of the people and is A GREAT SIN and deserving of what comes pretty soon.

Figuring it out is a MUST otherwise there will be no world and because misery loves company the RCC does not want us figure it out but God is giving us the opportunity to figure it out via our deceased loved ones caught in the front lines who communicate with us the way they do to help us and we should listen and other ways as well however there are those that try to cover it up (like my ex) and try to confuse us in favor of a


as if it will solve the world’s problems and OBVIOUSLY it hasn’t and nor will it and

(because of cowardice, purposeful ignorance because it profits him and because it’s easy like his slut in a tub experience.


it is failing miserably and JUSTLY SO. LOL

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Look Ma, No Mess

I’m very hard on the ex but he has been hard on me but not so people would notice although I have had signs they do notice. Not sure he realizes his problems and I think it has to do with pride. I think it is spiritual and he forgets conveniently but sometimes he really does. But if you try to tell him his problems which affect you mortally as in mortal danger he mocks ya back, so it is a difficult situation to be in.
The last time we had sex right before I started divorce proceedings for a no fault divorce we had sex and I guess I had some kind of telepathy and not the only time when I overheard his thoughts when at the hardware store I heard his thoughts raging in a way with these words “She’ll never leave” very vindictively spurred on by some couple we saw at the store. I forgot exactly why but something to do with them even though we didn’t know them. (it was a few years after my dear death experience while I was in a deep PTSD time and after the funeral of my dad and trying to sort things out in my head what was going on in my life their lives and our world.) A few years later my mom said “I don’t mean to be mean but a voice inside my head said you should leave”- right after my sister and I sang to her: “Happy happy happy happy thoughts. Think about the things you like to do. You have to have dream -if you don’t have a dream -how you gonna have a dream come true” from the musical South Pacific. And we (my little sister when we were still sisterly) laughed at the time because we were also mimicking the song. It was a sweet insult. Sweetly done, anyway.  I had a thought or over heard his thought which was “There’s no shame in that.” after having had sex and I felt an enormous amount of shame having had sex with him because it was just sex nothing more and we haven’t had sex since then and it’s been for many years. OF course I find pleasure in myself when I need to and don’t have to worry about a dick. Will he last? I can go at the pace I want and without using props and I don’t have to smell him and there’s no mess and I prefer and enjoy my sexual smell compared to his. Obviously, there was no love there or between us anymore if it ever was which I have often wondered how I got schnookered. However we have two beautiful girls but I’m not totally sure he had anything to do with it. LOL When I started the divorce he said OUT LOUD I thought we would bury each other. You would bury me and I would bury you. LOL and I knew I was doing the right thing getting a divorce but I prayed to God to not to let me hear the thoughts of others. That was around the time that an actress Mary-Lou Henner who used to play in the comedy Taxi had some gifts she publicized – something to do with dates and knowing what happened on a any given date and I guess she and other got together to talk about their gifts on a regular basis. and saw her on the news in some piece saying “they know everything.”

The point is a 5 year penalty for those who cut

a girl’s clitoris

isn’t nearly enough.


called MY PILLOW! ORDER NOW: 1-800-544-8939

I like his ad and his soft sell and plan to invest eventually.

Here’s a funny video about a beaver and some cows. Really cute:

Sask. ranchers stunned as beaver herds 150 cattle

After finishing my post which I think it is finished because last time I wrote that it was finished it wasn’t which was after Ann Coulters very insightful article full of logical assertions and intelligence because she is quite the independent person, independent journalist,  and very intelligent as well I forgot what I was gonna say but just remembered which was I had a sign in my ear: a ringing in my left ear, then the right ear then the left ear and tried to figure out what it meant . Do I have tinitus….NO I don’t.  I think it meant laurel as in MORAL LAURELS that we are dealing with and using personal decisions as political bait and political folly especially since abortion is legal and should be if men really care about women or the FAIRER sex and if they care about their daughters and their daughters and their daughters and should, if they do care, should quit molesting and abusing their sensibilities because that is what it is and is Supremely evil to interfere in the decisions regarding pregnancy vs abortion because it is personal since my body is not your body and your body is not my body and unless they want to insure at conception and all the other things I threw back at OAN and others they ought to zip their lips and find something else to upbraid that affects them such as why would two illegal immigrants rape a a freshman girl in a high school in the bathroom not just in her vagina but also in her anus and wonder should those two boys been allowed to be born or enter our country who think it is okay under any circumstances to do that to a young girl and wonder if the schools shouldn’t have had the right to have expelled these boys way sooner than they did but waited till it was too late and they should not have been allowed to be educated in the same place as other kids much younger. Its a no brainer but when my daughter was abused at school and ended up in ethe Emergency room it was gonna take the principal 6 weeks to investigate and 6 weeks was too long for my daughter. Meaning he could have cared less and the laws STINK in regards to public education: WHY? BECAUSE OF THE UNIONS. Same goes for the POLICE Unions and for public servants in our Federal government and in the medical field via insurance as well which protect the bad and definitely do not protect the good.

The good are not being represented fairly.

Simply Red – Come To My Aid

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Tonight the great debater Tucker Carlson had a guest on who has been very much like Angelina Jolie a spokeswoman for the rights of woman and girls in other countries and both have worked hard at it IMO and both are very poised at their and in their agendas which are above reproach as far as I’m concerned however did it help a bunch or a little. I don’t think poise is necessarily enough. 5 years isn’t enough. I think the way to stem and change the course of history is to destroy the inspiration because it is growing by leaps and bounds. I already gave my advice and it is IMO sound advice. She was invited to the Vatican and used by the Vatican and believe me it’s holding you back and holding back for it’s own sake. Basically a pawns, very beautiful both of them but it is not enough. The woman on Fox had been imprisoned I think because of her husband who was a christian and the Vatican made her their token. What she doesn’t realize or may be she does they were probably responsible for her incarceration to begin with being against Christians. When my mom held my sisters chin and said “can you beat that?” and Beat That” was the subtitle of Fox News with Tucker Carlson at least on my TV BAITING me to I guess respond and I know they must have read my posts to know that I wrote about that instance a few times. I can beat that we can beat that by doing what I advised simply and quickly change some minds and hearts about the practice of clitoris cutting.

Simple as ONE TWO THREE LET HER RIP and Kaboom and Ba-Da-Boom.

BECAUSE that is the only way to convince ISLAM is with HUMONGOUS POWER.

Soft sell is for pillows and hard sell is for Pharaohs and the kind that won’t be convinced without a great deal of power sucked out of their asses.


20 And the winepress was trodden without the city, and blood came out of the winepress, even unto the horse bridles, by the space of a thousand and six hundred furlongs.

The White House on Pennsylvania Ave. is 1600 but there is another measure and it refers to the Vatican. FURLONGS has something to do with the fuhrer. SO if I were the press I wouldn’t get too comfortable.
I do know this: Israel would not have won the Six Day War with either of those two women leading the way even as pretty and as talented as they are and they could not have helped nor stopped Israel from winning. I do know that the USA would not have won WWll with those two women consulting the military or the countries involved. OKAY! Got it?

Can you beat that? 

Look up and read !!!

It’s probably a good Idea for Rep. Chaffetz to leave
and get the hell out of Dodge city
if not sooner.
I’m not a war monger, truly I’m not, but I know character and foolishness and some strange shit is going on in Washington DC.]
O’reilly I guess was hoisted by his own petard. The ex and I discussed it a bit and he said it was because the advertisers pulled their ads for his show and something about the sons of the boss at the news studio. Then he told me a rumor about O’reilly calling women while having sex which I had never heard. I had seen what I had seen and heard what I had heard such as how he treated the painting of Beatrice Arthur and his reactions and a women on stage at the Oscars and how he reacted. His jokes etc. Then the next day I said something about the women on Fox who pulled him down deservedly (i.e. reeled him in not because they wanted to lose their job or on purpose but to protect their rights and who had the courage!) not in those words but something like that and he
“If it’s true?”
I said “Of course, it’s true.”
Maybe he’ll write a biography called Killing O’reilly. I’m not God, but me, myself, and I are suggesting it.
He has since come out claiming his innocence etc and that it was because of the loss of money through advertising but I think it’s much more like “how many is too many?”
i don’t think the loss of Greta actually had anything to do with it. I think she may be schmoozing these women. All roads lead to Rome kind of schmoozing.

Samaria and the woman at the well

Jesus met a woman at the well around noon and asked for water I think he said “give me water” or “give me drink” and she said why should I. “You are a jew and I am a woman……” or vice versa lol  there was some reasons, etc and then he said “if you knew who I was you would give me a drink” …….getting uppity, .and they conversed when his apostles or disciples had gone to find meat (. When the apostles/disciples returned they were amazed he was talking to a woman (which is amazing since some of his best friends were women such Mary and Martha whom he raised their brother Lazarus from the dead which is quite close if you ask me so his disciples would not have been amazed he was talking to a woman, IMO) and said something about meat and not needing to eat and he said “I have meat you know not of.”  While they were still out looking for meat she admitted she had been married five times and he said she was not lying. She talked about the messiah and his coming. He had purposefully gone to the well in Samaria at noon to meet her by God’s instructions or his father’s instructions because she went there to avoid the crowds at noon because it was hot then and less people came to fetch water at the well at noon. This area was a place that was kind of taboo for some Jews at the time possibly because of feuds or terrorism etc. but  truthfully I do not know why. I have read about why but not sure it’s true. I think it was a famous well historically in Jewish history but not for sure on that…. it’s possible it was a well that had been bought and paid for or built by some one biblically famous in the OT either Joseph or Jacob and I don’t know if it is important or not to this story but in any case she dropped her bucket of water that she drew from the well and ran to tell the towns people she lived with that she had met a man who knew everything about her. (Probably was an agent of the NSA) So he didn’t get a drink because she was in such a hurry and very excited and I guess she didn’t even get water for herself she was so excited. Then the townspeople met him because of her excitement and he impressed them and they said something like

“we believe him not because you said it,

but because he said it.”

They didn’t believe her obviously and didn’t give her credit for her story (even though she told the truth) or that she kind of paved the way for him to meet them and them to meet him.
Then during that time he said “See how the lilies grow. “ Which is kind of a weird thing to boast about and not very spiritual but prideful. Churches use lilies (usually white) often at Easter as well as palms on Palm sunday the week before but lilies come in a whole host of colors. Kind of a bit dramatic and not spiritual nor meaningful.
I believe it was placed there as an easter story after the crucifixion or during kind of like the mustard seed stuff for the sake of enlightenment.
I believe Jesus was actually on the cross at the time of the meeting of the woman at the well or the crucifixion had already occurred. Perhaps he was a a decoy. Why do I think it was something afterwards or during because Jesus says something about “NOW is the time” or something similar when he met the woman at the well which was at noon. NOW is also the acronym for National Organization for Women. When on the cross Jesus said “I thirst” and the soldier gave him a mixture of something (vinegar and some kind of herb, or possibly poison) using a sponge on the end of a pole to extend it to his mouth or something like that and soon after he died. Pontius Pilate was very surprised he had died so quickly. and they tested whether or not he had died with a spear in his liver and water came out mixed with blood.

Coincidence about “I thirst”

and “Give me drink.”

Isn’t it?

I’m suspicious as usual

but I’m not vicious

I don’t think anyway and if I tend to be or edge towards it

I have reason to be because of how I was treated. 

Look and reflect on how these apostles treat this woman at the well like a person from mars

(which is a sign they we’re priests possibly because I believe the real Jesus had friends that were female and was against the priesthood because he tells us not to call them fathers because they aren’t’ fathers. They haven’t experienced children as personal i.e. their own children which is a whole lot different than OPK’s and all of the things that go along with parenthood Our father our dads are our fathers and OUR FATHER in HEAVEN who is GOD) and how the towns people discounted her testimony and how my ex does me often and even the women on Fox who were maligned probably because they were smart (a no-no to dick-heads) as well as pretty and how the press does diminish women for the most part uses them and their beauty. Remember Princess Diana. 

Let me remind you: She married the Prince of England in an arranged marriage because she was young, beautiful, statuesque, from a reputable family and a virgin. He was in love with  someone else throughout their marriage and before. She started having an eating disorder because of probably the demands upon her, unhappiness, lack of love, etc. She had two sons for him. They divorced and she fell in love with an Egyptian man. She ends up in car wreck with her boyfriend in a tunnel in Paris being driven by a driver who was drunk or had too much to drink trying to outrun the press and the press were all around and I guess the lights and the chase by the press caused the accident because they were speeding to avoid the press and she died in the tunnel with her boyfriend and I think the driver died as we’ll because there was no room in the tunnel to avoid a wreck which may have been caused by the press, Like in that movie with the actor who sang

Dancing in the Rain-SInging in the Rain Gene Kelly 

who marries a few times and in one segment of the movie and one marriage of the movie he so famous he gets stampeded to death by a bunch of people. Prince Charles of England went to Rome to see Pope Benedict XVl during the time of the G8 meeting in or at a new site (Aquilla, Italy) because an earthquake had occurred to either have his marriage annulled or his divorce forgiven so he could be King. Like Barbara Bush who didn’t want her Roman Catholic son to run for the office of the President for good reasons (1) he allowed a woman to be put down (starved to death) for the husband who may have caused her demise even though the family wanted her to stay alive as if she was a criminal which is called hospice and was an idea put forth by the Vatican and Mother Teresa. (2): the 12 Saudis trained in his state when he governed Florida were trained to fly planes without landing them and ended up crashing into the Pentagon and the two Twin towers in New York killing thousands of americans and others and another plane in Pennsylvania that was shot down by the same people who planned the attack if you believe George Bushes appointee who spilled the beans on purpose Donald Rumsfeld (Defense Secretary) and I do and did believe him in a moment of truth now being judged wrongly for his admission when he could because he had the courage and opportunity to tell the truth because he was trying to tell his fellow americans about a coup in the USA. Like Barbara Bush of the first Bush Presidency who knew what was best Queen Elizabeth I think knew what was best in regards to her son becoming King. The guy had his own sons chipped with a computer chip (2) He’s a nut, a dweeb, and a total loser 3) he had a conversion on the way to Damascus becoming Islamic so I read. Has no taste in women at least the one he preferred (Camilla, but to each his own) in any case went to see the pope as if the pope is in control of the Prince of England. THAT’s INSANE and RIDICULOUS. Which means Roman Catholicism is way too powerful and AB-WHORENTLY EVIL. Princess Diana became a victim early in life and her sons were robbed of their mother perhaps on purpose and her family was robbed of her. I know nothing about the Egyptian boyfriend but only that his dad was pissed because his son didn’t deserve to be killed for dating a princess and was silenced about the murder of both with ridicule. The real question is: was she pregnant? I think she was  pregnant and so she was murdered. She might have been alive in the tunnel but I don’t think she was gonna make it out of the tunnel no matter what. It was murder by the press for sure in some capacity and possibly on purpose so that the Prince could marry Camilla which is evil but like King Henry the 8th of England this is what men do when they don’t get their way because of the Roman Catholic Church which causes men to behave like assholes and because of the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH and it’s ridiculous DEADLY notions about many things and it has to be curtailed. KIng Henry the 8th had his 2nd wife beheaded using the excuse he could that she was having an affair with her brother or something like that and because he was a Rambler and a Gambler and a Two Timing Man she did not produce a son which is determined by the DNA of the male sperm but as usual she was blamed (kind of like the mustard seed debacle) however she produced a daughter who became Queen Elizabeth the most daunting queen of England who succeeded the Roman Catholic Queen – Mary Queen of Scots (who murdered or had murdered many Protestants by set ablaze and other tortures terrorizing to keep power and she ended up sick as a dog) for the Roman Catholic Church and their routine of slaughter and persecution of others and even their own when it suits them such as JFK and he was worth 100 million dollars. King Henry the 8th had 6 wives and no telling how many mistresses and they probably stayed mistresses in order to avoid what happened to the wives. When Queen Elizabeth 1st became the queen and after learning some important lessons about the RCC and after attempted assassinations of herself by the church (Jesuits) was the 1st to explore the Atlantic Ocean with the help of some real men and overcame the Roman Catholic Churches belief that the world was flat and kind of how we became the United States of America in part trying to escape the terror of Roman Catholicism and now because the RCC never learns nor ever intends to learn the truth we are enduring their latest religious persecution for a One World Government and One World Religion (hoping to be the top dog) with Teeth (the BGEA ass swipes) and their STUPIDITY and SNEAKY evil ways which are occurring now as well, but even SNEAKIER and even STUPIDER. The present Queen of England also married the dad of Prince Charles called Prince Phillip a very dull and doltish fellow who considered people (the world’s population as a whole) for the most part as Hitler thought about jews and look what he did. This is what we are contending with these days and a lot of Islamic terror as a result of a lot of deception and manipulation tend to do their dirty work murder and mayhem because of dissatisfaction, stupidity, ignorance, deception, and location. It’s mind boggling to be sure and quite a hornet’s nest but initially caused by deception way before and because it’s not easy to unscramble the past because of an amazing amount of propaganda (thanks to the Jesuits whose sole purpose is to uphold the Vatican and the popery and the religion of the Roman Catholic Church making an oath with the devil) some of which is in our bibles. The press glorified Princess Diana in her death as if that excuses their complicity in her death. And I guess lilies at Easter excuses the Roman Catholic Church and it’s allies (Islam because the church married a false prophet-Muhammad) of the death of Jesus on the cross?

The Bloody History of Papal Rome—A Timeline

Enlighten yourselves!

IF you read the timeline you would have to agree there is something wrong with the RCC.

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Pope John Paul kissing the Koran

In reaction and retaliation because there usually is a reaction to my posts OAN is showcasing some asshole saying 40 percent of abortions are done on Christian WOMEN/FEMALES and talking about getting the log out of the Christian Church before getting it out of everyone else’s….eye spy with my little eye an opportunity to blame Christian WOMEN/GIRlLs and not the priests of the catholic church fucking but not marrying whatever suits them and screwing with everyone in a myriad of ways.

I truly think we should start getting the log out of the Roman Catholic Church 


as an example and to set an example.

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And worry about the rest after the RCC’s log is removed.

There are some people who are very pro Roman Catholic because it’s their bread and butter but it shouldn’t be and regretful for them if they stick with it when all is said and done. And then many are raised as catholic just like JFK and many other religions of all kinds but and probably take offense sometimes at my posts but the clues are there in so many ways that it’s not a good church but a poser and uses people mercilessly.

Which begs me to link a post called

  The Fig Tree – Blessed are the Barren *

Just because someone knows a lot about you doesn’t mean they are the son of God which I think was the point of the meeting of Nathaniel and Jesus.I can’t say it was or was not Jesus and both are in the Gospel of John but very intriguing and interesting to compare.Franklin Graham made quite a living and impression besides his dad’s reputation using the Samaritans Purse after befriending a gay man who died. HOW CONVENIENT! Probably had a lock on the name legally. I don’t know if it is an important connection but I still have to include it because I read about it. i included it here because I think it is important to note. The college campus riots reminds me of the NIxon years riots protesting about the Vietnam war he got us out of. NIxon also exposed Billy Graham on tape saying; “They don’t know what I really think about them” talking about jews. Granted it seems kind of entrapment-ish but Billy Graham was the master manipulator and entrapper and I think what Nixon did needed to be done. Someone had to reciprocate. If you saw the letter from Billy Graham to JFK you would understand why NIxon did what he did. Billy Graham was a black mailer and trying to control JFK and other Presidents which is not good AT ALL. Truman I think it was saw Billy Graham for what he was: A charlatan and he was right on the right on. That was why the press attacked Nixon using deep throat etc and the break in etc an even his close friend Henry Kissinger betrayed him like he did us when the Vatican hired Kissinger to help with their bad reputation for molestations and child abuse and then helped to get Obama the Presidency using his reputation and other ways and means such as using Sarah Palin without her knowledge and Obama definitely insulting her something about a fish with lipstick on something similar because she was a woman and the governor of Alaska where H.A.A.R.P. is located. Got her out of the way and other ways as well. And then came the tsunami and the nuclear accident at Fukushima. So much for Global warming and climate change. I guess it needed help?

DID NIKKI HALEY the 29th US ambassador to the United Nations object even once

when President Obama said at the UN

“The future must not belong to those that insult the prophet of Islam”?

What is the sign of thy coming, lord?”Two women will be grinding at the millOne will be taken and one will be left.”Women in the bible are often referring to religionsand sometimes bothand I believe he meant Roman Catholicism and Islam.And then the other signal is within this prophecy is millenials. We had a friend whose last name was SAVAGE and had a name similar to milly. She wasn’t a a close friend but only an acquaintance, but the mill could be referring to a time frame and/or a generation. “N” often is an undetermined amount of power in mathematics and science of a problem to be solved. Something to consider!A GREAT WAR BETWEEN THE TWO AND ONE AIN’T GONNA WIN.After writing this I had to go to the hospital because I felt like I was having a or close to having a seizure which as I write I’m laughing but when close to one it’s scary and hard to go through, The ex came him e early he wasn’t feeling well and wanted a nap and didn’t have anymore work he could do sao why not head to his abode which h e did . I told I needed to go to the hospital but he needed his nap so I said go ahead and then we’ll go to the hospital. I wanted to avoid an ambulance because we are so close to the hospital but half way through his ap I called to him in his room I need to go to the hospital and he aid he had to change which took an inordinable amount of time but finally he changed his clothes and I tried to walk to the garage to the car and almost had a seizure walking a few steps. I had taken a xanax earlier to try to relax myself and hoping it would help which it did but only very little but it still helped. WHile there the ex met a a man in the waiting room while I was getting some help in the ER area. The man had had a TIA and gotten service already in the ER but talked about obama Care and how it really screwed his medical experience not having insurance. He told the ex he used to have a doctor that visited him and his family a very large gamily of 8 kids. THat’s a big family and how the doctor would treat the whole family etc when visiting as a one  visit expense and the then what ever else he said. When I went to the doctor (he didn’t visit me) I tended to include my kids (1 or 2 at the time ) I only have two kids I squeezed in help for them for the office visit because they were with me and why not (FAMILY doctor in Family medicine) and he helped us. He charged us for all the other stuff but the visit charge they were included. He wasn’t trying to make a killing as a doctor and lived pretty well. I think he considered himself to be a christian man from what I knew about him but he wasn’t afraid of medical advances even if not necessarily christian. Open minded. I didn’t try to take advantage of him nor he me and his charge for walking in the door was reasonable but in the last few years has gone up quite a bit I think because of insurance and politics in order to keep his business going. He was a genius as a doctor in my estimation. I remember when my daughter was at school and a friend of hers removed the chair behind her at school and she fell on the floor on her butt. For a few weeks we let it go until she couldn’t walk upright and then took her to the doctor and he asked her to take pose like in ballet when on point and in her point shoes and she did and he got in there and unbent her coccyx bone and VOILA she was cured. The fall had bent it. I DIDN’T SUE THE GIRL WHO CAUSED IT FOR DAMAGES because it is what kids sometimes do to each other as a joke not realizing it can hurt falling on your butt without warning and because it was her friend who meant no harm. Nor did I try to sue the school.  It was an accident plain and simple. Getting back to my experience and the ex’s new found friend. He conversed with his new found friend and the guy asked my ex if his wife was a christian and the ex said something about she has her own ideas but I think he said I was a christian. While I was in the ER with the nurse in the ER room getting treated he mentioned my husband and I said “he’s my ex. ” And then he said “oh he’s your ex.” I thought it was kind of funny everyone trying to figure what or what I wasn’t and I think it has to do with getting the log out of christianity in regards to abortion because it happened the same day as OAN’s blurb about Christanity’s log of abortion by 40% of abortions. I have no idea what percentage but i guarantee there is percentage of catholics that have had abortions but more than likely if they were asked what religion they were when having an abortion they probably didn’t admit they were catholic for the obvious reasons. (I have no idea if abortion clinics ask about religion.) An educated guess is 60%- 80 % of the women or girls who had abortions that said they were christian were actually Roman Catholic christians. Actually my guess the numbers of abortions is comparable to the population of each country ‘s religions. However I think the percentage of boys and men who asserted themselves by inserting themselves in the girls who had abortions is exorbitantly catholic. Catholics breed like rabbits. Take Mel Gibson for example. Need I say more? But I will, look at the countries with the highest population or look at South America and Latin America and then what do they do when they can’t squeeze another catholic in and they send them north or south or wherever there may be room for them using illegal means to immigrate.Anyway while getting treated by this very adept male nurse he gave me a shot of magnesium to help open me up under doctors orders of course. I was expecting the feeling I got the last time I was injected with magnesium which was similar to how it feels to be injected with dye for the CAT Scan which is you feel warm in your bloodstream so much so you feel like you could pee or like you are peeing. This time no heat whatsoever however it opened up my lungs. So I think the last time I was injected with Magnesium it wasn’t Magnesium but a test was being used on me to see if I was allergic to the dye in a CAT SCAN. The reason is because a while back I had respiratory failure and was in nowhere land for three days after I had had a Cat Scan so either it was a mistake or something else. I don’t know but I was expecting heat and I didn’t get that feeling not even a little bit. I guess I was being experimented on for some reason a while back and probably someone was trying to kill me. Don’t know who of course but eventually I will know. By the way to not mix up anyone about what magnesium is that is injected into people for opening up their lungs it is not like the vitamin mineral we take in our vitamins. I asked and he said no.Obviously God knows and for some reason I lived. Well I have to blame GOd for that.Screen Shot 2017-04-22 at 6.47.39 AM.pngWhen I was a kid on a camping trip in Europe and I think we were camping at the time in England at Shakespeare’s birth place called Stratford upon Avon when I woke up from a dream in the tent and said out loud “I don’t know where I am, I don’t know what I am, I don’t even know who I am.” and it became a family story. We had crossed the ocean to get to England on an 8 day trip on a ship and it made a big impression upon me. The reason we went by ship was because I had problems with my ears and was almost deaf and we couldn’t go by plane for that reason, I think, probably about the same time Cardinal Cush made his way to America and to Annapolis via a ship. There was a possibility I might have to have an operation to fix my ears but my parents were advised by a doctor friend of my uncle not to have the operation and that the climate in England might solve my ear problem and it did. I still had some problems with my ears and horrible earaches for a while but either I outgrew the problem or the climate made the difference. While my older siblings were pitching the tent at the camping grounds at Stratford with the help of my parents I went on a tour of the area myself and did a little bit of exploring nearby the camping area. That was where I met the swan either the female swan called the pen or the male swan called the cob ( I did not ask what sex it was) while I was exploring the area near the water’s edge. It stretched out it’s wings towards me on it’s legs standing and flapping it’s wings-I guess I was too close to it’s babies (cygnets) and I ran away from the huge swan because it was threatening me and scared me so much I ran like the dickens back to the tent and I swore to my family the swan had teeth – a bunch of sharp little teeth in it’s beak like a saw) because it opened it’s mouth as well. I don’t know if the swan made a sound but if it did it was like a dragon although there was no smoke or fire coming out of it’s mouth it was trying to say something to me.  I started drawing pictures after that experience of a swan in the water under a weeping willow. My first real artistic attempt. I think I still have the picture somewhere that my mom saved for me. While we toured Stratford my mom did a brass rubbing of a person (a little guy) buried at Stratford in a mausoleum ( I guess you call it) and I have the brass rubbing she did with charcoal on my wall next to an oil painting she painted of a body of water and tudor homes. After she did the brass rubbing I tried to do some brass rubbings with crayons on paper of a brass table we had usually when I was home sick with an earache and then I usually got to have my favorite soup – PEA SOUP.

not because of my crayon brass rubbings,

but because it was my favorite soup

at the time which she would make for me when I was sick.I have a feeling we are getting into semantics quite a bit here but the Roman Catholic church uses Semantics quite a bit in regards to the holocaust. I remember one pope (I can’t remember specifically which one but probably Francis) used semantics in regards to christianity vs roman catholics responsibility for the holocaust. And this pope said something about christianity bearing the blame as if Roman Catholics weren’t christians: Anyway it’s their dance. Here’s another: Franklin Graham has a stupid habit of saying more Christians are gonna die when certain things happen politically. Hard to know what the hell he means but he is kind of a literal person. He believes every word in the bible but often times things have multiple meanings so its hard to know how he stands but I guarantee it isn’t with or for women which doesn’t say a whole lot about his mom or female siblings. If you think a female in their family and extended family would ever admit to petting, sex, out of wedlock pregnancy or an abortion you would have to be crazy as John Kerry i.e. a loon.I was not christened as a baby that I know of, but it’s possible. I did not christen my kids nor baptize them as babies with sprinkling of holy water. It wasn’t important to me. TO me, my kids when they were born were a miracle and God knows I feel that way about my children.

O, what a tangled web we weave.

When first we practise to deceive!

Another interesting story I touched on in another post a while back having to do with a female nurse my daughter encountered who I think tried to overdose her with pain medication. She looked like a close friend of my other daughter who is catholic (not by choice necessarily just born catholic as far as I know but I think represented a sign to me) but her neck was like the neck of Sen. Mitch McConnell which was in bad shape before he had surgery to fix his physical unattractiveness but that’s not the only problem he has in my opinion but to each his own) I don’t know how he got so lucky to marry the woman he married because she is quite attractive and he isn’t but some women like power and he has it in the Senate. Sometimes I like his train of thought because he is a smart cookie but anyway I think it was a sign. I know he blocked or intended to block some of Trump’s attempt to make our federal government more responsible i.e. smaller such as The State Department (which in my opinion needs to be reined in since they can’t attest truthfully to what occurred at Benghazi and definitely insecure having the State Department passwords for the cell phones involved in the abomination and don’t deserve a great deal of respect and neither does Mitch McConnell for blocking his attempt and upholding the treason and maybe he needs to be questioned about what occurred at Benghazi because in my estimation he may have been bought. I think he knows something and is hiding it!) and make the federal government less dependent on the citizens (which is the supposed tenet of the Republicans) who are struggling which can cause a great deal of stress and eventually dependence on drugs to overcome their angsts especially after the Obama Administration which did the opposite with swindling the Obama care upon Americans which is a coverup disease-wise because of FUKUSHIMA and it’s affects/effects and many of their causes and having to do with murder-suicide Hospicing travesty upon those disliked by the RCC and caused a huge amount of stress among the nations and races however he was able to accomplish it which I think was a certain chemical that JFK’s assassination alluded to: a certain chemical from a flower grown in South America (columbia) and I think it represents the hanging garden flower (dragons- breath/devils breath and is used in the drug for sea sickness and a mock of Jesus the breath/bread/breadth of life but what’s in a name, right?) used to drug people to do the will of the person drugging them and can last a week which I alluded to this fact in another post as i stated it might be given to parishioners to control the masses at mass when taking bread catholic style. Mitch McConnell wants to raise the debt ceiling for Congress and I think intends to use the money in other ways than what is intend which is like a BIG black hole (because it would take a million years to get the right answers so what is the point) and will never be accomplished and should be tossed out as a piece of shit nonsense having to do with opioids affect on babies of mothers who used opioids  which is another way to demean women which might be attractive to someone who isn’t in charge of his own will. Getting his pound of flesh back. LOL Know what I mean?

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Why should the medical field have to be the excuse for every swindle. IT’s disgusting and especially since the lifespan in the USA has been shortened because of Obama Care in his attempt to make us a banana republic for his religious bent. THE SAUDIS.

It wood be mitch more effective to werk on the cause of opioid usage

than on the affectation which is obvious. DUH


so we might make a difference to our LAND OF PROMISE.

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12 Saudi’s did this and Obama bow-wowed to them

Don’t forget!

Alex Jones had a segment about the lies (actresses who lied their asses off) in order for the Saudis to get away with mass murder of US citizens and mocked us as well. Many people think he’s a nut but he is a nut with a lot of information. Good information worth watching and keeping abreast of his site. It isn’t easy keeping up with lies but he does a good job trying to keep our focus to some degree on the truth. I don’t think he makes a great deal of money doing it either. I don’t know his salary but he isn’t mainstream which is helpful who are bought and paid for. The ladies were testifying about an evil leader of Iraq but not telling the whole truth which was the evil leaders of most of the middle east. I liked Ann Coulters take on Syria and I think we are making a big mistake considering how deceptive the rest of the middle east is and used him because of the


a piece of property the enemies of Israel would like to own for the purpose of destroying Israel.

Everything going on these days has to do with that goal in mind

and the destruction of america the nations of the middle east’s (not all of the middle east) great satan.

I know what it’s like to be called satan and the devil when I was truthful hoping to help my mom. Truth can be hard to take but if we don’t take i-tit will break us and ground us into powder. I think the two women are Islam and Catholicism that are grinding at the mill acting like enemies but perhaps not real enemies but allies. Isis did this Isis claimed responsibility for this and Isis claimed responsibility for that, etc.

Before Benghazi occurred, the nation of Egypt was stable and our State department was involved in the destabilization of Egypt for the Vatican and Egypt also is a neighbor of Israel. The muslim brotherhood sure turned out to be unbrotherly, didn’t it?


Egypt’s leader at the time of the coup was Pres. Hosni Mubarak. So we have Barack Obama (Mr. Hud) , Pres. Hosni Mubarak of Egypt, and Ehud Barak of Israel ….


On WOW, the game, it says “hos not your friend” lots of times, I wonder why! 

Clarification Hosen. I recognized that the ending is german because I took german for a semester in college. It wasn’t my bag, LOL. But how might be referring to Hosni. I don’t know. Hosen could be referring to Germany or german. Let’s just say propaganda is everywhere and it might be true but we should be aware of it just the same.

Language is a funny thing sometimes. Like the guy at the funeral of the African hero to many (I forgot his name) doing sign language for the deaf. I’ll remember eventually and spend half a day trying to find this spot to add it. LOL Discernment is important and takes practice and thought and can be confusing. I have interpreted some areas of the bible which may be true and false or true under some circumstances and not others. Depends on the subject matter. Nelson Mandela’s funeral. Anyway the man doing the sign language was caught but he was seeing angels. I guess he suffered from some kind mental problem and gift which sometimes goes hand in hand.

Hosni Mubarak was a friend to the USA and there was a lot of peacefulness during his presidency until people in our government started supporting the Muslim Brotherhood like McCain and Lindsay Graham and whoever else was involved on the Ways and Means Committee involved. I remember hearing Mr IF I WERE THE PRESIDENT Senator Lindsay Graham saying they were gonna cut funding if the Muslim Brotherhood didn’t behave. I THINK WE ERRED. THEN CAME THE TUNNELS TO ISRAEL FROM EGYPT ‘S  BORDERS TO GAZA AND A WHOLE BUNCH OF SHIT STARTED TO HAPPEN. I like LIndsay Graham but I have noticed his ego and some faults which are pretty big like many lawyers have.

Egypt has had it’s ups and downs. Sadat being assassinated etc. but under PRes. Mubarak Palestinians living in Egypt were kind of content which says a lot. I guess there was aw dispute as to how ow what Mubarak was allowed to spend the money america gave and i think he was trying to make Egypt more successful. I don’t know how he spent it but might have had to do with a palace or a casino or something that was against the religious bias of some of our senators. Egypt does have it’s own biases as well but was a friend to Israel while he was president unless there is something I don’t know which is always possible. I would love to hear why we funded the Muslim Brotherhood and I think it might help the US citizens to understand who, what, where, when, why and how things went awry after the coup of the Muslim Brotherhood. Might help to unravel some




I perused this article and I don’t think it was God because he doesn’t give up for one thing and from my experience though humans tend to often give up hopefully they regain their strength:
When you are weak I am strong.”  
and I know God doesn’t punish other generations either for the sins of a generation before or after, it’s the church that does this, because they are human and not God and can’t see the forest for the tree blaming the wrong things in a knee jerk reaction.
However, there are limits and my ex hit mine. I tried to be friends and hearts like one but didn’t try hard enough and I lost quite a bit because of his actions and I think those actions may affect many people down the road which is too bad. While God may not give up on him, I did and righteously within my rights to do so. I loved what I lost and he didn’t and the difference it made to me was the difference between good and evil and no in-between. He went too far and so did others for him. RESPECT is important and I lost it for him and while I’m in a terrible situation at this time and have been for quite a while  some day I won’t be and I will be able to leave: I think I have done some good in-between then and up ahead and I believe God and my parents are helping to get me to that place is how I’m gonna get there where I want to be. It’s what keeps me going like a rock.

Bob Seger & The Silver Bullet Band – Like A Rock

Kids say the darndest of things, you know?

While I was in the garage with the door open doing some stuff I heard the kids nearby in another yard playing with their dad doing some work in the yard or on the house or fence. The dad when he moved in had to build a fence for the kids even though he rents because the landlord wasn’t willing to build it or work it out even for his renters, so the dad built a fence for his kids.

Anyway the two loudest of his kids was a boy and a girl and the girl was yelling “Dad look at me” a few times like girls do to get attention. He was working hard. Before that both kids were yelling “Are you crazy, Are you crazy? Are you crazy” . “A tornado is coming”. “Are you crazy?” and being free, wild, and having crazy fun with each other. They live kitty corner to me. Haven’t seen them yet, just heard them loud and clear.

Oh yea, and she yelled

“Nanny, nanny, boo-boo, you can’t catch me!”

Disney’s “Pinocchio” – When You Wish Upon a Star

Judge Jeanine is right about free speech even sometimes when it’s demonic like what I witnessed on OAN.  I think I’m gonna invest in the book by Ann Coulter called Demonic and maybe the others eventually. I’m a tight wad in some ways, because I have to be.

UC Berkeley students threaten to sue over Ann Coulter visit

I don’t always agree with her but she is very reasonable and a courageous voice in America in spite of some that like to hold her back or prevent her from speaking and I respect her not just because my dad and mom did but I third it however I respected them most of my life and still do because they were fantastic parents and our love is not for sale. Ann Coulter has proved her self in spite of others. The older I get the more I understand I guess because of maturity and witnessing what I have witnessed

some good and lots of bad.

Ann Coulter has written a few books one is called Demonic and I’m kind of interested in what she has to say.

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And the same goes for Judge Jeanine. We don’t always agree on every thing but she is doing a great job!

I hope La Pen wins France’s election. I like her style as well.

Anyway I think I figured out who TYRE is. It’s the guy on OAN who said he is almost always right/ryte/rite. I think he’s wrong about being right if her tirade was any indication which I think it was. she seemed possessed at the time of her tirade and it came out of nowhere. ONe minute she was giving the news and the next she attacked like an apache with some kind of a trancelike, like a devil. First of all One America News is a misnomer. We aren’t. We have the dems, the republicans, independents, libertarians, et al.. Then we have South America and North America, Latin America, Canada and Alaska. Not very united with the United States which are not all the same state wise. Often we differ about a lot of things. That’s my opinion.

I wonder if O’reilly is gonna join them or if they are going to join O’reilly.

The beginning of the end

She seemed like a severely religiously abused female in her delivery of the tirade. She got you thinking with her about some news and then she swapped heads or something and became the girl in the Exorcist. It was sad though she is beautiful but really wrong.

I hope she Gets loose and puts on her dancing shoes. There are lots of examples of dancing songs and I remember the one called “maniac” quite differently than it is being shown on internet – The tone of it and the artistry of it into something sick. Even the guy sitting at the bar in the video looks like my RC brother-in-law which is weird. Don’t want him in there. He had a bad habit of demeaning me often when I spoke about the things I spoke about. He was going through some spiritual things during his last marriage and reading books about God etc trying to get his shit together I guess and having trouble with booze. He had had three divorces. I remember being on the phone with him in one of his drunken states during the end of my marriage but we didn’t talk about it. I overheard his thoughts. It was around the time I got those reading minds messages. And what I heard him think was that I was using my spouse which was not true. He was using me and if anything my spouse used him on their mom later on. Pretty slick. Hospiced her and starved her to death. Brian was the person who turned me on to the album “Ain’t that a Bitch” years ago which imo is a very good album/cd. Maybe it is where he is at Roman Catholic ly now. I don’t know. I haven’t seen him in years and don’t plan to because of the Catholic attitude these days which is as if they have been carried to some strange place in their own minds. Power affliction of some kind and power corrupts and in the case of Roman Catholicism it is as corrupt as corrupt can be but people have funny ideas about meanings. Corruption to one person may mean something to another person. His mom blamed all the females in his life for his flailed marriages and really I thunk it was him either not having choices or something deviant. I think he loved his first wife but their families caused trouble between them and he had a good side as well. I remember him also said out loud something about romance. He would never have a relationship without it which is important so he wasn’t totally devoid of senses. Yet he did have relationships without romance and one girl I know used him but probably had no choice being a mom of kids without a husband. He loved blonds because his first wife was blond and quite beautiful and unique. My ex and I lacked dancing because he was gigging and I did it with whomever attended friends and fans but I got tired of the bar scene and started learning guitar (classical guitar) at home sometimes practiced up to 6-8 hours because I was at home. Didn’t make a whole lot of difference, but I enjoyed it. LOL Would have loved to have had someone to play duets and maybe that will be ahead otto get a 4 track recorder to play duets with myself. We lacked romance in our marriage. Romance just wasn’t there. Something happened along the way early on but we had a couple of beautiful girls later on anyway. May be when he wouldn’t come home from a gig that paid shit for the gig when I had a ten day old baby in my arms (my first) for our cat….actually his cat that was dying. Refused and I had to watch. It’s not that I watched every minute of the cat dying because I was frantic and suffering from postbirth-depression. Can you imagine why? I will never forget his lack of love and respect and regard for what I had accomplished. When I first found out I was pregnant he was invited to gig at a Mexican resort and he went had a good time and I continued painting on the job, climbing ladders, because it was our job, etc. He brought home a necklace a maroon beaded necklace he found in the sand. That was the beginning of the decline of our marriage. I should have divorced him when he pulled his shit on me after having had a caesarian birth, but I wouldn’t have had the second daughter, my first daughter’s sister if I had. She wanted a twin because of the show with the twins, but that was impossible. But after my second child I should have divorced him and taken him to the cleaners. LOL. We had a miracle and all of a sudden I was nothing. My feelings were shattered by his lack of feelings for me, his daughter, and his cat. Pretty disgusting and his worship of his music which wasn’t as important at that moment in time. Gradually I stopped feeling good feelings for him as time went on and I saw who he really was: a prop and a RCC mama’s boy. A wimp and a cad. A liar and thief, and now a murderer of his mom for the RCC and her assets which were not that much but he wanted to make inroads on our daughter against me because I dared to divorce him – a real wing dinger. My brother was right about him but sometimes you are too close to see or too far etc but it is an experience I had and learned a great deal from it about liars and thieves and the RCC bullshit.

He does the grocery shopping and has most of the marriage we had while I was not paid for the work I did so he can control everything. Didn’t trust me…the cook to shop for food. He would rather wait till he gets home at what overtime and get energy again and most of the time eat out a burger or whatever is takeout so his health problems are because he called the shots.

Anyway there is a Saudi Arabian who was elected at the UN for the equal rights of women but you have to understand what this might mean. It was on Tucker Carlson recently.

Equal to what? Women in Saudi Arabia?

Not a good sign for the females. We’ll see.

Perhaps there are Saudis with a conscience but only time will tell, eh? One thing you can be sure of the RCC won’t help. They will mock of course like the woman imprisoned and had a baby in prison because her husband was a Christian and the RCC was able to get her released. UH HUH. What about the husband. LOL. Anyway she is being used for their propaganda to prop themselves. It’s ridiculous. She works on the clitoris issues of women but barely though she is beautiful and poised. Big deal. She made a funny comment about life when she first was noticed. “Look we are all for life…..” There is such a thing as truth.

I am the way the truth and the life

and some places don’t allow the truth.

She may not have a choice since she didn’t when it came to being imprisoned in the first place and at least trying. Perhaps it wasn’t because she married a Christian man it was  probably because she was impregnated by a Christian man and not by a Muslim/islamic man or a Catholic man, but it wasn’t said. Just seems kind of funny that her husband got away with being a Christian without jail time. Makes sense she is working on the clitoris malfeasance and which begs me to offer the possibility that the woman at the well in the bible wasn’t actually married five times but had relations/sex/lived with 5 different men not all at once. What was she supposed to do become a dental hygienist, or a dermatologist, perhaps a politician?

See how the lil lies grow?

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Clarification of my perspective in other words my apology: I think a great deal of women who stand up for other women in a barbaric atmosphere- Angelina Jolie for one example in her way and also Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Malala Yousafzai and last and not least my mom for their bravery and on the front lines and they do a great service for female. I have to work within my framework of what I believe to be occurring overall biblically, historically, religiously, socially, and what I see, etc., and I don’t think any of us would ever suspect this kind of thing happens to girls without her testimony and bringing it to the forefront. She helped to contribute to this post with others in their way and I thank God for you for your courage and obviously God placed you on this earth for these times for good reason. Really amazing. God has a plan and he’s working on it as we speak about females. I think females matter a lot to God. However this can’t have been a new concept cutting clitorises. How long has it been occurring and ignored until something came up to bring it to the forefront. It’s like a stall tactic of the RCC pointing everywhere else to coverup what occurred using women and abusing women for it’s own longevity and purpose, however the RCC isn’t God! It like when I had to tell my parents and my sister flew in to help me tell them about my pregnancy and low and behold there was a priest sitting next to her on the plane. Never happened before or since (and she flew quite a bit) that we know of…. but maybe in plain clothing and under-cover. It’s like a poker game with aces wild but two can play such as a deuce in the hole. Anything is possible with God when not against Him. I do know the RCC is not woman-ftriendly or marriage friendly

That was UR first mistake!

Paul McCartney – Too Many People

,  and God did not put females on the earth to be used and abused.

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Malala Yousafzai shot in the head on her way to school by the Taliban.

We should in this world be able to take for granted the rights of self-determination and power over our own bodies but these these three women prove we have to remain vigilant because of the dangers of the global climate these days and if we aren’t we need to be.Today my ex had a run-in with a mexican at the paint store who cut in line ahead of him and the ex stood his ground. LOL Finally the manager waited on him which is good business practice because he does buy paint at the paint store and the guy shouldn’t have cut in line and I guess it got heated and the mexican talked in spanish probably cussing him out – IT seemed kind of funny, if you axe me.

Here is a bit of bible prophecy snuck into Revelations or left in by mistake:

I am the first and the last.

Observe and reflect.Anyway Mark My Words the world won’t last long at this rate and the first to go won’t be me it will be you. Not because I consider me, myself, and I are God but I’m trying to impart some intelligence and some things I have learned to whoever will read and consider what I write even if you can’t agree with everything, which is cool. Consider it and watch, if you can. I think the country of Jordan doesn’t last from what I have observed partially because they were betrayers (six day war) and carried Obamas pail and I know that the borders of Israel widen in that direction. I wonder why? There are the other signs such as Beyond Jordan. I remember his response to Obama about Syria and he hopped to his wishes pushing people out of planes to parachute into Syria as if he was a full fledged paratrooper. He isn’t. He bombed the base with a woman (rape victim) of Isis who was killed because of the King of Jordan for Obama, do you remember? Then now, why would the UN elect a Saudi for the equality of woman’s rights unless to test his mettle. Maybe a test from God, who knows. I surely don’t know but the UN has not exactly been a great example by giving false intel about Syria and the saran gas attack in a neighborhood with nuns running around with kids in the hands with painter’s masks going through the areas where people were suffering from some kind of attack of poison in convulsions etc and if it were saran gas that kind of protection would not protect them or the kids who had nothing over their mouths and noses. When the UN went in to investigate they were wearing Hazmat suits which would protect them. This was during the Obama administration. I don’t know about during the Trump administration but seems to me he wasn’t in control of the situation, IMO. Why would we trust the UN? Give me a good reason. Remember what Obama said at the UN?The world must not belong to those who insult the profit of Islam and no one blinked.I DID.Why would we trust the Saudis after 9-11?A woman rides the beast and I think it’s the RCC cause it’s easy for now but not later when the clergy fall off the beast into the abyss, perhaps. Probably not all of them but the vatican for sure.What shall this man do? asked Peter. It might make a BIG difference to Mecca and Medina what this Saudi does for women via the power he got being elected by the UN.My parents had romance and loved to dance together throughout their marriage. Had their good times and their bad as well. It was sometimes volatile because of the things they had to go through having a family in this world and our input which was sometimes weird. As kids and adults my family loved to see my parents dance to their kind of music etc cheeks together, dipping etc. We enjoyed watching them dance because they had romance and loved each other and most of allthey respected each other.We were a good family but ran into some troubles that were not easily solved and could have been if only some tried harder and others hadn’t interfered for the wrong reasons and things sometimes take longer than others to work out correctly.Braveheart:Hamish: “Some men are longer than others.”Campbell: “Your mother’s been telling stories about me again, ah?”Silly joke amid serious business, but emblematic of the morass.As if moms tell their sons about their daddy’s dick. None that I know of, anyway. However, they might tell their sons what a dick their daddy is.Not mine, however. Although it was said “HE’S A REEL SON OF A BITCH” by one of his inferiors when the young man was getting his uniform pressed at the dry cleaners on base and my dad heard about it and we h’ear’d about it and Thank God he had a sense of humor. He didn’t retaliate. He just laughed.I think it was Mother Teresa and her fallacies. Sound funny but not if you listen to Christopher Hitchens expose and notice the thing she says which have to do with my things about my sister and my mom which I have attested to in other posts. Some numbers she mentions number of countries and convents hospicing such as: my mom wanted to live to 105 years of age and my sister was in the 500 club. Those are the TWO numbers she mentions and Mother Teresa laughs about her trick of her tirade. Instead my mom was hospiced by my sister if she really was my sister. She had been losing her memory quite often about some important things like when her son who almost drowned and how he was said which most mothers wouldn’t forget yet she did and her letters changed and some other things I noticed changed in her especially after taking retreats in North Carolina with women and I think the BGEA forces changed her.Avenging angels.There was a war in heaven and a third of the angels fell. It’s confusing – (which third am I kind of thoughts, lol) but do your best is all I can say and try to remember. It is all God can expect of us under the circumstances we face and we will sing together again!Try to RememberMy favorite version below:Try to Remember- Giovanni MarradiI remember dancing with Brian once (my RCC brother-in-law) before I had children and I had had trouble with a brother-in-law in the past and at the present at the time then as well and later and Brian wanted me to dance closer to him at his brother’s gig. Pelvic to pelvic because we were slow dancing to a slow song and I was only reacting to my experience and trying to keep a certain distance and I was kind of taken aback by his reaction besides the other things I was going through. It was strange. I don’t know if he knew my problems then, but I suspect he did because guys talk, especially brothers. You would have thought he would have respected my distance, but instead he acted kind of strange.

As far as who is using who it is him but there may be a good reason for it in the long run. I trust God and my parents and to know why and when is best because I have had some signs and I noticed. Might be a good time for others to try to notice and reflect on their lives a bit. Take advantage of the time for those reasons and you might be surprised. One thing I know is he is not in control as much as he thinks he is, nor is any man.

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I am stuck in a place at this time in my life I can’t get out of because of the things that have happened to me and I plan to when I can but while the Roman Catholic Inquisition is in play it’s kind of hard. It’s only a matter of a

bit of time.

So I will work on some things in the interim.

Sure is something slick gong on.

Johnny “Guitar” Watson – Ain’t That A Bitch

I think the RCC is in for a big let down as well as it’s parishioners.

Bye Bye Miss American Pie

I herd Geraldo say on Fox recently :it’s beyond silly.”  Not sure what he was talking about because I don’t enjoy his commentary because he is such an ass kisser and it’s bout time he shaved the mustache. Beginning to look like the UN ambassador Bolton always on the side of the UN., but since I had written recently about Beyond Jordan I thought it timely and that’s what I’m TALKIN ’bout – TIMing. I have no idea of what…. but probably something big. It’s in the bible, you know…. so it must be something big.

Loggins & Messina – WATCHING THE RIVER RUN (Live)

I said earlier that “N” was an undetermined amount of power or number in mathematics and science, but by whom? What I meant to say is it hasn’t been figured out yet how much “N” is. Remember the story about Elijah in the OT of the bible? I’m not talking about Elijah Cummings by any means. Anyway he goes through some test and demonstration to show the power and the difference of the power vs another power.

Gipper the dog

When I saw my mom in the picture that was sent to me by my little sister she was wearing plastic jewelry and I thought it was kind of odd. I used to make paper jewelry and now i make other type of jewelry but i felt like it was a mock of my mom. A put down because she had hinted she knew about my art-writing even though she didn’t use a computer and was living in The ARC in San Antonio. CAN YOU BEAT THAT? My leetle sister promised to send the tape of my mom saying the stuff she did but never did for some reason probably has something to do with the BGEA. My mom didn’t come by her things (possessions) easily she worked her ass ofF for them with the help of my dad. They worked hard together to raise their kids SEND THEM TO COLLEGE AND WE HAD HORSES THOUGH WE SHARED THEM WITH A CATHOLIC FAMILY AND I GAVE MINE TO THEM SO THAT MY HORSE (LITTLE JOE) COULD LIVE ON A RANCH INSTEAD OF BEING SQUEEZED INTO A TINY STALL IN A TINY STABLE IN VIRGINIA and they were moving to Texas and had some younguns (twin girls) still and we could not cut him in half so they asked if they could take him and I said yes. It gets really cold in Virginia sometimes. Not sure about the family who asked for him because they had a ranch were really friends after all. The last time I heard from the daughter that was my age (we used to be best of friends) told me he had died. We didn’t have much to say to each other and had gone our own separate ways. Weird b/c  a few years later way before I ever met my ex on a gig he struck and killed a horse as he was driving over a hill up north. Some kids (boys) were driving in their cars on a farm chasing a horse around and the horse went to the middle of the road for safety and it was hit by the car. Which is kind of funny because the miracle with my daughter and the car door not having a scratch and then the ex drives my car for a day and the car door has to be replaced a few years later. He said it had been replaced in the first place which I had never heard before. It was a used car when I purchased it. My daughter didn’t appreciate it either. Denying the huge birds, I hate your guts in regards to my cat, etc. Really consoling. Canceling out kind of stuff.  And another coincidence was when she called me and told me about my horse that had died was around the same time I met my ex before we were married. Same house on McCommas, I know for sure. Both of them were catholic. Weird. Anyway their son was a priest. My first experience with him was as a child when she and I found some baby birds and he took them and ran over them with his bike. He was a shit. Of course the birds would have died anyway. Saw his picture with a girl and another guy  (I think it was him) in Syria. The other guy looked like the guy who was jailed (James Foley) who converted to Islam in jail (obviously brainwashed) and was beheaded and was also on the Bill O’reilly show before he died talking about his travels. Before he died he must have gone to Cuba (Jesuit Fidel Castros HUB and before he died) and beheaded a bunch of guys on the beach at the same time with a bunch of other really tall guys like a dominos effect of slaughter of the goats for their bloodletting festival. They were wearing orange suits with pockets. You don’t make orange suits with pockets in the front unless you intend to live a while like in a prison LOL and  it was discovered to have been filmed before a green screen and for the purpose of making everyone think ISIS was in LIBYA (a Jesuit propaganda tool) about to attack the Vatican and saying something like “were coming to get ya”  with his bloody knife in the air when it was a ploy of the Vatican used to get everyone to protect them.  The heads that rolled looked like fakes. However in Mexico a bunch of kids were slaughtered I guess they were students by the mob around the same time or near anyway. The reason I say maybe we weren’t really friends is because I have yet to hear a Catholick person call down their pope for sainting Mother Teresa and her hospice DISSERVICE to our parent’s service after all the information we have learned about her. MUMS THE WORD in regards to murder-suicide i.e. Hospice Roman Catholic style??

We were very blessed by MY PARENTS. Anyway when her sister died at age 26 falling off the roof hanging laundry to dry her neck was broken and the autopsy found bleach in her body. Her husband at one one time or another tried to get her to have miscarriage by driving her down bumpy dirt roads. Not sure if this was before they married or after. I was too young to ask. Anyway her husband HURDed the kids away to the same state “the lights went out” so we saw them very infrequently. I heard that the daughter, my cousin, had died in a car wreck in her 50’s or so in the Soviet Union somewhere or thereabouts in the lower region I think before it became Russia but I wasn’t aware at the time of much of anything except my girls and my family. I don’t have any idea what happened to her brother, probably living there still. She was on a religious mission of some kind. She was named after my mom so it’s obvious my mom and her sister were very close relationship-wise. But it had a deep meaning.

I remember we met her once at TEE TWaNTY TONE (the Grand Tetons) the mountain area and she played soft ball while camping in the area. We nicknamed it in parentheses because it stunk. LOL. It was on our home movies as well. We held our noses when we said it.

I think North Korea had a hiccup! Ever since that earthquake and tsunami in the Indian Ocean that altered the earth’s axis at the beginning of our travails strange shit has been occurring.]

Wouldn’t you say?

Maybe it’s because of the satellite that failed a few years back? Remember?

Back to the Rockwall County cop who stopped me because I was about a foot away from where I needed to be and happened to be in Rockwall county he stopped me under false pretenses and the judge my ex knows say he can’t help and either we appear in court or pay the fine and the ex promised he would pay for it so there you go. The justice system isn’t really good for citizens. THe ex says county cops around here don’t have anything else to do but hassle people (not in those words but similar and he is right. He was only hassling me for some easy county money.All a cop has to do is go around the neighborhoods and tweak some lights on cars and VOILA lie in wait for them to drive to the neighborhood store. How hard can it be to create a short in electrical engineering of cars when some people can crack the NSA, the Secret Service, etc to generate money for an area in need of good entertainment and better restaurants. IT wasn’t the tail light either it was one of the lights that shines on the back license plate. It can’t be that hard to shine a red dot or something on the cars licence plates parked outside their garages as you drive around the neighborhoods. Congress ought to do something about ripping off the citizens who help protect you from incoming North Korean missiles.

How many Correspondent’s Dinners does a president have to skip? I thought Trump already skipped the Correspondent’s dinner and he’s doing it again? I think I noticed a family member in the background who works on an oil rig in the gulf. I wonder why he was in Pennsylvania?

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Then on Tucker Carlson show he had a guest who I think works for the Democratic party who looks an awful lot like the guy who was involved in the mass murder in Arizona of many people including a 14 year old girl, a district attorney working on an important case at the time which might have had to do with Fast and Furious, and injuring Gabriele Giffords a Jewish Senator, but sort of a mix of Festus, her husband the astronaut and his twin brother the astronaut, and Father Jonathan of Fox News before he had graced his watchers with a couple of pubescent pubic hairs exclaiming abortion was murder and all of them looked possessed by a demonic influence and Tucker Carlson must not be overlooked for the same type of mental illness or delusion since he had them on his show. Grace, grace and there is no grace for the RCC and it’s nubian and obviously don’t believe in God knowing the future of a fetus and not giving it a soul knowing it would be aborted like the many fetuses and fertilized eggs that don’t make it.

When does God give a human being a soul?

That is the question.

Another question you have to ask is:

If a woman or a girl dies during an illegal abortion who is responsible for the death of the girl or the woman i.e. the female who has a soul? There are a lot of answers to that question imo.

The Ten Commandments are the soul.

God of the Ten Commandments is the soul giver.

If you try to get rid of the Ten Commandments won’t God turn around and rend you?

If you try to change the Ten Commandments won’t God change you?

The Ten Commandments are the conscience and the soul.

What is the difference between the words kill and murder?

Is Fox News God and are Fox agents also God’s representatives and if so

Please announce it!

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From the movie It’s A Mad Mad Mad World

Oh yea, when did the marriage of the RCC and Islam occur, and why? Or did the RCC and Islam not really mary but allied together.

Mad World-Gary Jules

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My next post should be very very very interesting I hope, but want this post to disseminate a while first.

My former mother-in-law’s nickname was Nubby. I don’t know why. I wouldn’t like it, I’ll tell you that much. When my first child was born the former husband said her fingers looked like grub worms, which I found to be a disgusting thing to say. She used to suck them, but still it was disgusting thing to say and showed me a little bit about him: his train of thought lacking a frontal lobe. I don’t think he had the proper respect for babies. His mom collected Hummel figurines so what can you expect. My daughters have beautiful hands and fingers. I don’t think she got them from me but somehow both have pretty hands probably because of my mom. My ex-husband’s mom had a club thumb and so did he so my girls lucked out of that DNA gene trait and hopefully their children will be as lucky. My ex-husband’s mom lived in a trailer for many years (a nice one) that she bought after renting a home for while. His client’s wife who caused some trouble between his client-her husband and my ex calls her trailer trash and he had his mom hospiced by starvation. I don’t know his ex-client’s wife: never met her, but she is his second wife and she liked to hold checks a long time probably using him stealing from one to pay another. What is the saying?: Robbing Paul to pay Peter or the other way around depending on which one you are talking about.

I think Ivanka Trump is an asset to our country and to her dad and to the interests of many because she has a few talents and perspectives. She obviously loves her dad and will probably help to balance his workload because he doesn’t rest enough. She probably will be good for her dad and our country being a young female to help him have a better perspective on some issues. I think the the press have been hard on her because she converted to Judaism from whatever religion she was before that but it was her choice to make. Doesn’t mean she is an enemy to her past religious beliefs. In essence she widened her horizons and her viewpoint and his as well. She obviously cares about the country of the USA or she would continue doing what she has been doing and not contribute her time to a man who has contributed his time. Her dad.

When JFK was assassinated it was found out that many in the Secret Service were also in the Press. Both had a bent towards a particular religion-Roman Catholicism- and neither protected the President sufficiently. Did they?


He should!

Since finding out the mustard seed isn’t  the SMALLEST of seed and that semen is seed and much smaller and other plants as well then

the concept of the New Enlightenment


Faith is only an excuse for Fate

depending on the

religious-political-climate based on

moral conclusions based on superstition.


meaning you guys are high on LSD or something!~

There needs to be an Executive Order and a Supreme Court Ruling that if you can prove that the mustard seed is the smallest of seed you may defund Planned Parenthood and if you can prove that there is a smaller seed than what is within the male sperm seed and if  you can prove that the mustard seed is smaller than the male sperm seed you may defund Planned Parenthood otherwise never ever use it as leverage or political folly in the United States of America and if a religious or political group does try to defund Planned Parenthood until they can prove the three fallacies that religious or political group shall be subject to fines the size of the Vatican Bank Account and be expelled from the United States of America.

Just repeal Obamacare!

If there were no such thing as health insurance prices would go down. Think of all those insurance agents and companies who would be creating a ton of small businesses and getting loans to start their businesses from banks and the middle class would grow exponentially plus prices would go down in the health industry and in every other facet of life and everyone in US of America would prosper. I believe.

I heard the other day that heroin and fentanyl were a big problem lately and the answer according to a few representatives in government (I forgot their names) had something to do with the post office and I thought to myself, “How stupid can a representative in government be?” What can the post office do to prevent mail with fentynly in it? COuldn’t protect our government officials fro ricin as I recall. Experience tells me it is not hard to get drugs through the all the different kinds of mail services. They mentioned that marijuana usually isn’t sent this way but usually comes across the border and I beg to differ. It is mailed in various ways. They mentioned Prince the entertainer who they say died this way. I have no idea how he died or if he died but what does one have to do with the other? Name droppers. I highly doubt they even have listened to any of his songs or could identify him as the artist of a song of his if they heard it. However I did warn my daughter to not do heroin because of fentenyl and not to do it anyway. She doesn’t do heroin and said she wouldn’t. It would help if our representatives had some kind of knowledge/experience about certain things to not waste money on dumb ideas like the post office idea as if that will stop fentanyl from being added to heroin and sold to the drug users and drug traffickers. The way to help widen the distance between marijuana users (which are quite few people and especially kids) and heroine traffickers, human sex traffickers, meth traffickers, the mob, and all the others is to legalize marijuana and regulate it state by state like is done with liquor, beer, and wine. Then chip away at the hard drug users and hard drug traffickers and underaged sex and porno traffickers. I heard some cops were killed in Chicago and that Rahm Emauel was kind of made fun of about gangs and how to deal with them (by what’s his face of Watter’s world and a few others) using mentorship. Mentorship is a great idea and so is what Rudy Guiliani did as far as joblessness in New York City. ONE by ONE. I think what the trouble we are having is mob related just like in the old days during the Prohibition time when liquor, wine, and beer were outlawed. People that were employed as cops were bought by the mob usually because of things they were caught doing and ended up being responsible for the deaths of other cops the good ones that were kind of hard to catch because they had morals, etc. It was a big problem. Blackmailing cops to make them bad or worse to hurt other cops and possibly using threats against their families in order for them to oblige the mob. This is what occurred during Prohibition. Part of the problem also is crime does affect cops as war affects men and women who fight them. They end up suffering from PTSD or other disorders depending on what they saw or were involved in and are more likely to make mistakes because of it. Seeing a bunch of bad things happen as between families and crime stuff does affect their minds as well. Like a doctor who sees a lot of death becomes insensitive over a period of time and should at that point get help or get out of the business but usually it takes someone else who recognizes their problems before they do such as their family who take the brunt of their troubles and I guess their partners. If all you watch are shows on tv about murder you might get desensitized to murder so having some barriers especially for developing minds is a good idea but even so for adults to a certain point. If all you watch is pornography more than likely you will become a rapist, thinking this is what girls want etc. when they don’t. As far as the mail is concerned I’m sure a good inventor could figure out a machine of some kind to have at post offices and other mail companies such as Fed Ex etc to make fentynal, ricin, meth, heroin, cocaine, dragon’s breath/devils breath and other type killer drugs radiated Or something similar to make them not able to kill the mail recipients or the user and make the drug inactive without opening the mail and use them at the post offices and would be better spent money than trying to identify what is in each letter or box. I don’t now if radiation is the key but some type of process to prevent illegal drug trafficking via the mail and could be done on the border as well which would alleviate a lot of problems. If we can fly to the moon and send robots/vehicles to mars I’m sure we can find someone smart enough to figure this process out that won’t hurt other products or food items being sent through the mail.

Word of mouth doesn’t hurt either as did the two representatives who I berated a bit (sorry) but word of mouth helps from our representatives but it’s not enough however it is not silence which is good. I think bill boards in every city and on our highways devoted to warnings such as for terrorism and killer drugs (which is a form of terrorism) with hopefully true facts that can change as changes occur because they do in the drug arena and terrorism and because kids often aren’t like the rest of us sitting at home watching tv or watching the news or our representatives, etc. It would be a great investment to add to Trump’s idea of building up our infrastructure our bridges and our roads and the wall, etc. if that helps it might be easier to concentrate on home grown terrorism.

The reason so many people are on pain medications or opioids is because we have some some really stupid people representing us in our government causing confusion and breaking the backs of the american citizens with too high taxes and insanely complex tax system, ridiculous programs, pork in the bills which should be eliminated and a law should be enacted to eliminate pork in each bill. Our government is causing the destruction of our country and lying out their kazoos, but those lies will grow and eat them up. The best way to handle opioids is to have clinics to help people to get off opioids or talk to their doctor who can help as well because if the dentists are dispensing the drugs that are addicting people they should offer help for the person to get off the drug they dispensed for free to avoid a lawsuit or death which makes them look bad. Some people like Rush Limbaugh a very well respected person in our country even had a problem with pain medication. A lot of good people have problems at one time or another depending on what they are going through, etc. I don’t know how he got off pain medication (and for some reason his site is down) but when I was having problems with a pain medication I cold-turkeyed it and it was hard for a couple days. It wasn’t the right way but I didn’t know it until I went through it. The drug was necessary for a while during my big operation and after but because it became a uncomfortable feeling when taken regularly and made my toes tingle and other irritating symptoms and eventually a pain giver instead of a pain reliever probably because I cold-turkeyed I found out every once in a while when I tried it for pain that reoccurred intermittently ) but it wasn’t that hard to get off it for me but I can’t say that it’s that way for everyone. My problem is cigarettes which is hard for me unusually hard because of depression about the things I have had to endure and for the messages tv give sometimes about things I can’t change nor would I as far as abortion is concerned. I think I did the right thing at the time and some people are under the mistaken idea it’s murder. If it’s murder so is a rubber, and all the other birth controls that are on the market. I think more murders happen to those who have kids out of wedlock and don’t have a father figure (priests don’t count since they don’t have children of their own they care about to have any inky how to raise them or mentor them) or those who have a ton of kids (some for tax purposes) they can’t teach or give the proper attention to because sometimes it’s the fifth kid or the tenth one that causes trouble and the reason is because there were too many to concentrate on and parents get too old, or sick, or one dies because they have to work their asses off to pay those outrageous taxes and to hire a CPA they should not have to hire, or they become complacent feeling like what ‘s the use in trying. Usually the first kid gets the most attention and the last the least or vice-versa etc and they go out and kill, rape, rob, get in gangs or worse get involved in the mob, etc. When our men and women in the military go off to war often the kids are a bit more at a disadvantage and are more vulnerable so the less we go off to war the better for their families. and then there is competition in the military and other government entities who also try to get ahead in underhanded ways to get a promotion screwing their friends or coworkers and even go after their families. POLITICS AND RELIGION have a way of getting us into things we shouldn’t get into (to benefit the companies they have invested in or for reelection purposes or to rub shoulders with people they shouldn’t rub shoulders with such as in Saudi Arabia who behead people, drop people off rooftops, cause trouble in the countries around them, terrorize their own people and are in cahoots with Roman Catholic Vatican-Jesuits) without regard to the end game of a war never intending to win a war which is devastating to the countries involved and to our military and their families. If you can’t win it don’t do it. We do not want to be pawns for the Vatican or Saudi Arabia or the UN which in my opinion are one and the same.

As far as opioids I have never had a dentist give me 30 or 40 pain medications for a root canal so I have no idea what these two representatives were talking about but it is not a big problem, IMO, it is overblown but Congress wants to be needed and look like they are accomplishing things we don’t need. However I know a guy who became a heroin addict and his mom (a nurse) kept drugs similar drugs at home in their medicine cabinet.  I guess she should have locked them up like some people do alcohol or guns. Another idea for an inventor to come up with a good lock up for guns, alcohol and drugs/medication) that is easily opened when needed but not by kids or teens. My brother-in-law (the one that molested me in my sleep while next to his wife sleeping and I wasn’t the onely one who had to handle him) kept his revolver under his pillow for and while married to my sister. Eventually he kept his revolver under his bed. So he wasn’t exactly the bravest of people in regards to his own safety and it was very very dumb in other words he has a screw loose in his brain, fer sure, and his dad rubbed shoulders with the Saudis. When building things for his kids such as things they got for christmas -swing sets etc and a car he built he did not tighten the screws. A weirdo. Half there. FUnny thing is my husband as the first to notice so he ended up putting together their christmas gifts ad my brother-in-law went to bed instead of helping his wife with christmas gifts for his kids. (This was when I did not have kids for 14 years.) One part of his brain wasn’t developed in the right way and the church did NOT help him in fact the other way around. Made him worse, IMO. He became more and more BELL-igerant and kind of more mocking. As Jesus in one of the gospels said which made him more of a child of hell than he was to begin with. Made a mockery of things which recent leader of our country often did in his way. (He had good qualities as well and talents or my sister would not have loved him and instead we would have found someone in the mob to take care of him. Just kidding.) Perhaps when he was a child he ate a chip of paint high in lead content. There could be lots of reasons beyond our imagination such as nuclear testing or accidents affecting his brain and everyone else’s in different ways. His dad was off working in other countries and probably over did it leaving it to his wife. His dad drank a lot and often. I think cell phones are causing trouble these days. When I heard about a friend who kind of went nutty and his parents both died of brain cancer which is really weird and this guy worked beneath a microwave tower the kind used for cell phones or transmitting information and also the sightings of ghosts in the building he worked in, which I did not witness but heard about.

Image result for microwave tower

Microwave transmission is the transmission of information or energy by electromagnetic waves whose wavelengths are measured in small numbers of centimetre; these are called microwaves. This part of the radio spectrum ranges across frequencies of roughly 1.0 gigahertz (GHz) to 300 GHz.

Those electromagnetic waves might not be so user friendly to the human brain and depending on where they are located or whence it comes could make a big difference to humans. I recall electric towers caused leukemia in kids that were living nearby them. Same goes for microwaving frozen foods with saran wrap on them. they may be causing some problems for people’s health such as a myriad of health diseases in older people. You can’t aluminum foil things in a microwave otherwise you end yup with a bunch of electrical problems so microwaving saran may poison the food and it might not be not on purpose. I’m pretty positive people who produce food items know this but they sure don’t want to be sued.

I remember when layaway was a great way to buy clothing for families and for people that could not afford to buy clothing any other way. Then all of a sudden it stopped in all of the clothing stores. NOT JUST ONE OR TWO. Everyone used layaway and then no one was using layaway. How did that happen? IT was a great business opportunity for the small shops to get sales or more sales. The big department stores also used layaway and then one day no one did. Sounds like the mob to me. It also hurt the small business owners and their chance to succeed. Sounds like the mob to me!

We should change that coercion so that small business have a fighting chance. 

Often when someone gets a new job they need new clothing and it hurts their chances as well to either look for a job and keep a job.

We should change that in our country so our employment rate will increase.

Females need it more than males because they are female. Is that why? To help lift male higher because females were competing with them. DO males really need to be helped? Ever since the NEw world order…RELIGION became well established in 2012 ATRA having to do with federal income tax exemptions and especially in regards to when one spouse dies especially in regards to if one spouse remarries after the death of last spouse but here is a clincher and if it isn’t stinky I don’t know what is:

  • “For widowed spouses who are considering getting married again, consider the ramifications of the portability provision. For example, say a woman remarries. If her new husband passes away before her, she may claim only the unused exemption of her most recent spouse. Her previous spouse’s unused amount is no longer available to her. In the reverse scenario, let’s say the woman passes away first. Her new husband may claim not only her unused portion, but also any unused portion from her first spouse that transferred to her upon his death – up to the exemption limit for that year.”
  • Who was President in 2012? and who got this through the House of Representatives and through the Senate. That is a very important question that ought to be explained to the people of the United States. In other words who snuck it in?
  • Maybe Rachel Maddow could find out for us or perhaps Fox News.
  • Let’s see who does it first.

Maybe Cal Thomas could do us the honors.


I hope Trump will respond and LOUDLY.

It needs to be addressed and it needs to be investigated, IMO.

It is so ROMAN Catholic imo and is incentivizing the murder of a husband (a well off husband) and moving in on the widow before or after the murder of a successful man for his company or assets and then murder of the wife in a way as not to be noticed. I think an investigation into who wrote this into law and who put their stamp on it would be a PRUDENT thing to do.

Benghazi the main picture with the man having cellphone in his mouth carrying a person seems to me to be a GREAT BIG SIGN. The people involved…the terrorist…. had the security passwords from the State Department cell phones. As far as having or moving our embassy to Israel is debatable whether it’s  good idea or not since we can’t even trust our own State Department and since the excuse for Benghazi came from a Jesuit at the Vatican (the Popes sidekick) but blaming Susan Rice because she repeated it a bunch seems to be some kind of covenant to use women without conscience to cover their butts “using their substance” and because her husband is in the oil business as the saying goes of Jesus in the Synoptic Gospels. Symbolically moving our embassy to Israel would be nice in theory but realistically I don’t know and for the reasons stated and because we can’t even get the truth in regards to Benghazi, Fast and Furious, or anything else that comes down the pike that is highly illegal and


  1. not right or reasonable.
    unreasonably excessive.

in our own government
and because Mitch McConnell doesn’t want to lessen funds to the State Department makes me think we shouldn’t move our embassy but instead be a friend to Israel for the right reasons and not just because they are a democracy which is only a form of governance that isn’t working well in our own country.

A Prophecy in the bible

(The Paris Accord and the US Embassy)

The Jesuits are considered to be an army of some kind. Even the priests are considered to be an army with their bishops and cardinals. There is prophecy about an army surrounding Judah “when you see an army surrounding Jerusalem or Judah” to head for the mountains of God. Something like that. We saw Pope Benedict XVl in Jerusalem a while back with his thongs of nuns and priests and it was the first visit ever of a RC pope to the Dome of the Rock. I don’t know if it is mocking or who should run for the mountains of God and what and where are the mountains of God? I think the mock part has to do with the 7 hills of Rome which are actually mountains on which the WOMAN OF REVELATION sits so hence they call their mountains hills instead of mountains. There is only the measurement of an inch or less between a mountain and a hill. IF you have ever seen the movie An Englishman Who Went Up a Hill but Came Down a Mountain you will understand to some degree “the play.”  The 7 deadly sins etc. Woman is a church in the bible and it is referring to the RC Church. That’s the mock back to the the Vatican written about in the last book of the bible. I believe the mountains of God are the 10 Commandments partially because they were received by Moses on a mountain and they make sense. I think the State Department and our embassies seem to be related aren’t they? and I believe they are ensconced with Roman Catholic Jesuits and the like. And the reason Hillary did not win “the hill” is because of Benghazi yet Sen. John Kerry seemed to be in charge of those witnesses at Benghazi and where they were taken to in Germany and he was the next head of the State Department after Hillary I guess counting on his faith and hers and Obama’s faith she might be the next President even though Obama feigned he was against her but I think Kerry was too and at the same time he was afraid of her. YUK YUK IN any case I think it would be wise to not move our embassy to Jerusalem for their sake and ours. It would only be a gesture and gestures aren’t necessarily reassuring nor comforting since our embassies seem to get attacked quite often and seem to be controlled by the State Department which is as corrupt as the Paris Accord and John Kerry. It just might be trouble with a capital T.

Now John Kerry is bitching mad about Trump’s decision about the Paris Accord (Paris Climate Control)….Tough shit John Kerry. Does Paris control the worlds climate. Should they control the world’s climates. What makes anyone think the Paris Accord agreement could work if some are indulged and some are not? It’s like dealing with the Vatican. Paris can’t even control terrorism. Can Paris tell the sun don’t emit extraordinary amounts of radiation during the sun storms/solar flares/Coronal mass ejections/Geomagnetic storms? Where are the witnesses of Benghazi? Can Paris tell us? I think John Kerry should shut up or confess. Did the Paris Accord have anything to do with California getting it’s shit together about their own pollution problems caused by the (formation of the land in their state, emissions, and overpopulation because of immigration and false enticements to seek opportunity in California which caused part of the pollution) way before the Paris Accord. Did Paris pay for the improvements? I think the USA paid for it. Will or Would Paris take credit for it, probably, LOL. Will Paris pay for the wall? We are talking about national security when talking about the climate deal in essence (because the world will end without it) so is Paris willing to pay for the wall between Mexico and the USA? Is Paris willing to pay for the cost of illegal immigration and employment benefits for those americans who are unemployed or under-employed because of illegal immigration and government waste? Will Paris pay for medical treatment, costs for everyone named? Paris isn’t good for much but ultra thin models on a runway and killing an English Princess and her boyfriend in one of their tunnels. ANd the people that are mad probably invested their money into some of the fraudulent cures for pollution but they can still invest their money in ways to help curb pollution without the Paris Accords just not american tax dollars they didn’t earn which is I think the part that upsets them.

The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry

and now blaming Putin from the election to whatever Rachel Maddow blames on Putin. EVERYTHING, as she patronizes (falls on her face for) Obama as if he were her god.  Maybe Putin is responsible for the riots at Berkley? I think she has too many cell phones in her head. Crazy lady. Why she is able to go on the air with her nonsense is beyond me. Does she get paid to get a thrill up Obama’s leg?

A more important symbolic gesture and wiser way would be to get ourselves out of the UN, NATO and not listen to nor trust intel via the Vatican, the UN, or NATO. 

And not only that but pull out our embassies out of many countries to help in order not to be blamed for the messes made by others such as the RCC who are screwing things up IMO. Let them fix themselves and we work on our own messes. That is not being an isolationist, it’s being smart. Some would all it being a nationalist but there are many ways to interpret that title and some nationalists failed but some don’t.  The USA has very few friends in the world and in a way we are nationalists because of those that don’t like us and use us and try to thin our flanks and it is best to come to terms with the concept because it’s true and figure out who those friends are by backing off because in time it will be apparent who our friends are. I don’t mean to be a “sleeping giant” but an aware giant. We are like Matt Dillon of the tv show Gunsmoke and everyone wants to shoot us or like Wyatt Earp, his brothers, and Doc Holliday before the gunfight at the O.K. Corral. Best we back off and see what happens otherwise we will be similar to

Quick Draw McGraw.

Now Republicans are standing with Trump patting themselves on the back about passing their version of Obamacare and telling about all the things they did in the past in regards to Medicare/medicaid etc so this is basically a political showcase for the next elections and chances are it’s not gonna work. LOL.

When they were elected and the reason the republicans are in the majority is they promised to repeal Obamacare and instead they rewrote parts and renamed it. It’s like they aren’t listening to the people they are supposed to represent and it’s gonna backfire.

How come our representatives won’t talk about the problem of murder/suicide – Hospice occurring because of the insurance business malfunctions and malfeasance, doctor malfeasances which insurance covers-ups rewarding bad doctors and gives lots of room for scams and Medicare and Medicaid which offered free hospice care a ROMAN CATHOLIC DEVICE/INVENTION TO KILL AND MURDER which killed my mom and others purposefully interfering with the hospital in her care at the hospital, at least that is what I was told. But the two m’s (medicare and medicaid) give incentives to kill the elderly for various reasons for free by using hospice and religion is beneath it and behind it. FALSE RELIGIONS. Those two m’s used to help those-in-need of care but added the hospice disservice via Obamacare and those two m’s have become the two M’s, a tool of Mecca and Medina via Obamacare and now the Republicans want to own it?

My mom was special and I don’t think the world knows how special she was as well as my dad; my children, family, and even my pets as well but the world will find out though, IMO.

How come our representaives don’t talk about it? They talk about everything else but ignore Mother Teresa’s invention- hospice- and cradled by the Roman Catholic Church which means it can’t be good. Watch, because I believe sudden destruction will come upon them unless our government and it’s representatives start talking about it to the public who they are supposed to represent and give the public what the public deserves: the truth

Probably start with the city of SEOUL.

I don’t know how but I think it is significant

like the Ten Commandments are significant in a different kind of way but


I think there is a correlation however I don’t want to expound on it or investigate because I have already expounded about other correlations that I think are important and I think I will let God expound on this correlation if he wanters to. I can’t do a thing about it.

Fox News said the House passed the Republican Healthcare bill and Drudge Report says the House repeals Obamacare and the White House celebrates and links to the Republican backed healthcare bill passing and at the same time reporting the vote hasn’t even occurred. hmmmmmmmm

Anyway who the hell knows but it seems like no one knows what is REELY going on as if they are “out to lunch” as the saying goes.

John 1King James Version (KJV)

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

The same was in the beginning with God.

All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

In him was life; and the life was the light of men.

And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.

(When something is made it is accomplished, is it not….. as in finished?

and comprehended not that the mustard seed is not the smallest of seed the smallest of seed is in man and Jesus did not commit to man because he knew what was in man->>>>>semen the smallest of seed, smaller than the mustard seed anyway. Don’t we want mankind to comprehend the fact of the matter?) I think he saw the substance of things not seen in semen. SO while Pope BenedictXVl said that faith was the new enlightenment he was right in the sense that semen under a microscope contains seed not seen which are smaller than the mustard seed if you believe that man’s seed is in man and not in a different species. spermatozoa (a smaller seed than the mustard seed of semen) contain DNA a blueprint for a human being and man’s semen was able to discount the false teaching of the mustard seed being the smallest of seed, because it isn’t but for some reason people are angry about the new enlighten and it’s double entendre but that isn’t or wasn’t his fault. I thin the reason they are mad about it is because it puts the onus on men/boys/males instead of woman who have had abortions because every time they spill their sperm (ejaculate either by masturbation, having sex using birth control or in someones mouth) they are killing an individual’s blueprint – a PLAN – and there will never be another one exactly like it again. Hard to swallow for males and some females alike. But sperm nor a fetus still doesn’t have a soul till God gives it a soul so the male can relax  a little in the new enlightenment called faith but he sure better give the female her rights that God gave to the female via science and the privilege he gave to man/male also to a woman/female to have control of her body and her reproductive power to have an abortion or have a kid if she chooses to PLAN her family and God knows when a female will decide to have a kid or not have a kid and when she will have a kid and why she will have a kid and how she will have a kid and who she will have her kid with and who she won’t. The question of when does life begin at conception or at birth should be changed to when does a human being receive a soul which you cannot see but you have faith humans who are born receive a soul. I believe even some animals have souls. If you want you can call it faith, you can. I believe God decides when and who receives a soul and why and God is how. I don’t think cockroaches necessarily have a soul but they are living beings and we kill them. They are part of the ecosystem and I’m sure there is a purpose for the cockroach however a cockroach doesn’t have a purpose in my home or apartment as far as i’m concerned. Someone who enlists a cockroach as a racing pet may also be lifting the cockroach to a new level a cockroach with a soul if God desires. Some of those cockroaches that are raced have a personality, I’m sure, otherwise there would be no winner in those races and all of the cockroaches would get to the finish line at the same time or not at all at the same time and I think Training is a key. I know my cat that was murdered had a soul because of the things he did. I know my dog that was shot in my backyard had a soul because I saw it after he died and I have proof in that I have a witness to that fact, my daughter who saw his soul as well and it was in front of a hospital with another dog we were able to catch and return to it’s owner a few days later. I know my cat that I still have has a soul because he gives me signs that are put into his brain to show me things I believe that God wants to show me. The cat has done some remarkable communication. I believe a dolphin that saves someone’s life from drowning has a soul because obviously God uses a particular dolphin to save a live. It happens. Do they have a spirit?  SOME DO. I ‘m not sure every person has a soul by the way they act and definitely not a spirit because of some of the things they do or they are contending with and containing the wrong spirit demons and giving it power over themselves to commit heinous crimes such as are committed by mass murder/suicidal maniacs. It would help if those people were given some truth to fight their demons such as you do not get 73/78/ nor 100 virgins after you die by committing mass murder and/or mass murder suicide or by killing a jew or a european or a US citizen or the elderly, the sick, and the infirmed via hospice. The other bible verse “many will come in my name thinking they do God a service when they kill you.” which I believe is a reference to Hospice murder /suicide using abortion as an excuse and since Jesus said Feed my sheep and often hospice is utilized using starvation. MY MOM AND DAD HAD SOULS and SPIRITS and have communicated to me even after death not by seance (letting me know they are still alive in spirit and soul) but when God chooses for them to communicate for my good.  My mother-in-law and my mom and dad may have had more purposes to fulfill in the flesh for their grand kids and great grand kids and kids if they had been allowed to live but I’m sure God has given them the power to fulfill in Him. By hospicing them an evil purpose was forwarded which we need to contain and nip in the rose-bud before it proliferates into a world wide epidemic but it seems to have proliferated also in those attacks via terrorists. IF those who treasure life can see a connection between the two which is obvious it might help if they spoke up about it and did something about it so that their children can live past the age of 50 or their grandchildren because this is where the world is headed if we don’t nip it in the rosebud. In Genesis God instructs mankind to gain control of the world/earth by subduing it and we need to do it. Have you noticed cats who are pets their tails hook as they run to get fed. Whales in captivity their tails hook because of


Not whales but, such as teaching humans about the Ten Commandments as THE root of life….. to believe. No root is a plan for disaster when combined with politics (which can be wild) religion (which also can be wild) as demonstrated by the biggest cult/religion in the world and it’s daughters and by Islam and its daughters as well whether in collusion or not and demonstrated in each countries politics. Obviously war happens and people get killed, or by accidents, and on purpose by criminals and other ways such as is a result of political folly oftentimes via deception and bad INTEL and bad communication skills and via purposefully with intent to deceive and murder for profit which is also LUST so I think the commandment about killing is not correct. I think murder is the right transliteration of the intent and meaning of the commandment hence we had developed the Geneva Convention I think it was not to torture a POW or prisoner when at war….. I wonder does that include psychologically. I have never read it so I don’t know. There are exceptions to every rule when in a state of emergency or during an attack or the threat of an attack or during an abduction of a child when time is a factor, etc. which when the subject comes up (Geneva Convention) everyone belabors it with having to elaborate about the obvious exceptions to the point of ridiculousness because we are dealing with DODO heads (who went extinct) who either don’t care, are possessed or crazy, those that were not taught or trained, and those who don’t live by any rules such a psychopaths and sociopaths and others with mental disorders and spiritual disorders. (still in progress). Terrorism is also a product of dissatisfaction by the people of their own leaders and the leaders who unite in a world government and their own people cease to exist because of bad policies, or are mistreated and abused physically, financially via many avenues, and spiritually abused such as the pope and his followers in  regards to abortion and birth control which includes Laura InGraham who can’t resist interfering in the family planning of others. These same people who love to antagonize women and girls and their families and to evangelize them by bullying them psychologically and spiritually who have used their GOD GIVEN RIGHT to determine their competence to raise a child or incompetence to abort a developing fetus begotten pregnant by MISTAKE and don’t want to beget a child can’t even take care of those that were and are begotten in many countries and until they do I would suggest they shut up and feed them and teach them to use the right as well. People are not property. Just like via science and some scientists who figured out the world was not flat were able to move across an ocean with the help of Queen Elizabeth 1 to find barren land to settle and subdue and after a Roman Catholic INQUISITION and after the Dark ages to the Golden Age.  Her country was in ruins and broke after the Catholic queen Mary Queen of Scots reign of terror and after even almost being a victim of the Church of Rome nearly assassinated by the Vatican via the Jesuits. Now we need to defend and stand tall against Roman Catholic degradation and skullduggery tricks and persecution using Hospice and other tactics to remain the most influential Church merely because of ignorance using the mob and Islamic fundamentalist terrorism of the disenchanted misinformed and deceived by the RCC and their own leaders to enforce their tyranny while they look like innocent choir boys in their frocks of insanity, guilt ridden, and ridiculous notions about families, marriage, women’s rights, and science, the medical field, and attacked the elderly rights mostly of the vets and wives and their families who strengthened the USA because of their independent spirits and who stood with their daughters against a war tactic to get them pregnant out of wedlock and in MANY other ways ruin them and indulging their own daughters who also made mistakes but used the word miscarriage to slip out of the trap and probably had to pay in various ways for the privilege such as giving up their independent spirits, remaining silent about the abuse of and murder of the elderly in exchange and abuse of the Vatican and it’s clergy of the children they so madly want to raise without marrying themselves with legal implications and having immaculate sex with their abuse victims, nor investing in a family with it’s good and bad, it’s ups and downs which is important for families to experience to understand the wiley ways of the RCC and other religions and political factions in our poetical world and business world. Experiencing the traps and devilish satanic seductions of the world usually underscored by false religions and the mother of them all the RCC and it’s ways and corrupting everyone around them and in every other ways to make others fail and fall with their stones and one in particular for when it falls upon you or you trip upon it causes great harm evangelicalism and fundamentalists which is a part of the RCC using places like HAARP and others around the world to act like an elemental terror using WIND to cause fear and Using electromagnetic – type weapons to make catastrophic storms that cause tsunamis poisoning the waters and food chain to enforce their religion upon other religions and peoples and like Malachi Martin wrote books called WINDSWEPT HOUSE and others from a catholic viewpoint but it was helpful to me the corrupt politics involved. Assassinating presidents who promised not to let catholicism sway them and others around the word using HERTZ cars designed to control presidents kings and queens and their families like the one designed for Kennedy’s trip to Dallas with a remote-controlled dagger to stab him in the back so his mind controlled wife could shoot him in the head and with the mob around to cover it up with ridiculous lies about a one bullet theory and thus receiving his 100 million dollar assets and then blame others for the crime mob style. Eventually assassinating his curious son named after him (and his wife, her fetus and her sister and the pilot) as well who wrote a magazine called George and he was vying for the Senate the same seat which was being sought by Hillary Clinton and recently had visited Fidel Castro and Billy Graham to get some answers in regards to his dad’s assassination. Then after the JFK assassination eventually assassinated his brother. Then tied the hands of Ted Kennedy via a murder of a woman who drowned during a drunken party and he bow-wowwed to the RCC with his politics and his drinking problem and before he died was given the cold shoulder by the RCC because they only use their fellowship for their own good and possibly he deserved the cold shoulder it is all connected to the attempt to rule the world with some nasty tricks and trades. One of which is the Hospice tricking people into thinking it was merciful and the right thing to do when it was not nor the right thing to do and IS EVIL and using economic stimuluses and bribes as well using blackmail and many other tricks and putting people in some onerous positions to gain support for their solutions which are EVIL and misusing federal government subsidies to get the job done and the damage done on the island of Japan to force Neocatechumenal Way even upon it’s catholics to control them even though it caused many suicides and other places covering up their weapons of war damages done such as poisoned tuna and the water and other things with Obamacare and trying to ruin the US independent medical field making it harder for good doctors to prosper or start their business and even keep them running replacing the good doctors with bad and unionizing them to protect bad science and to undermine our country as a whole “the envy of the world” into a slave of the Vatican and Islam corrupting the medical field to hide the diseases the Vatican and Islam created with their weapons of war and misuse of some good inventions to create a need for some ridiculous avenues to cut emissions and clean the pollution of the world and trying to make wind a major contender in the energy field which kill some pretty big birds The american eagle for one even when there are plenty of other better resources and avenues to pursue and for it’s purposes to rule the world and demoralize and kill our leaders and kill the people and kill their religions and take away any chance of freedom we once enjoyed. To steal their companies or destroy them through unfair trade practices or by infiltrating them as they did the churches and our government. To punish us and generations to come because of the success we had in WWll is another reason.  To make us HEEL like dogs to their fascist ways. The enemy to the RCC is me, the mustard seed lie being exposed, the hospice practice being exposed, the INTEL practices being exposed by people like Snowden and Assange, the FBI being exposed by others outside of the USA, the State Department being exposed at Benghazi though Kerry is still trying to hide the truth with many others such as Leon (NOEL) Panetta who are in collusion and scaring those who are afraid to speak up, and others that have been exposed as well doing some extremely corrupt things to the citizens they are supposed to serve not as their food but work for their interests and not the EU’s interests or the United Nations interests, or the Saudis interests or the Vatican’s interests to make them the leaders instead of many organizations and successful companies, punishing those who confront the Vatican and our federal government with legitimate concerns and trying to corrupt them using lies and other lousy stinking tricks. Faking a saran gas attack in Syria during their civil war/ revolutionary war is only one of many examples to oust him and to support Turkey both of which have disputed land/property rights which is why Turkey is involved and it’s nefarious ways to gain the Golan Heights to eventually use against the Israelis and making them defenseless for the Vatican’s purposes and to eventually threaten water rights as well to blackmail Israel and other countries into a false peace deal and so they can have access to cheaper gas and to prop a false prophet called mohamad of Islam an invention of a CATHOLIC nun and a muslim man using a meteor that fell from the sky as their proof of their superstitions such as gaining a bunch of virgins after they die blowing innocents up who are experiencing life  to screw different ones nightly. LOL They like girls not women and they like boys. I think pubic hair offends them and will even cut their clitorises to control them and to degrade the female for Roman Catholicism HYPOCRITICAL ideals and for its virgins and their abusive priests and other abusive virginal clergy like Father Jonathon of Fox news and an insult to humanity. The RCC is not fit to rule nor is Islam. HAS-BEENS. They want America to go to war with the Russians and is madness. Russia helped to secure Berlin a hub of Nazi fascism in WWll. Believe it or not they lost lives fighting Hitler a suicidal maniac and to protect their country which Russia has a right to do and to protect it’s interests. Terrorists have also attacked Russia in the past. Reagan got famous with his wall speech: Tear down this wall etc and put the USSR in turmoil and Putin saved the core of his country and so did JFK with his speech at the area but it wasn’t just Russia that the wall was built but Germany who had been very aggressive and merciless to many people. killing 6 million jews in prisoner camps (Geneva Accord wasn’t practiced at the time by the Germans who abused their power with the hep of the RCC) and ovens and gas chambers and there are no words to describe it except exceedingly evil. Russia also has had it’s revolutions and bad leaders and so did we when slavery persisted and we ended up in a civil war and slavery was but one issue at stake but I don’t think Putin is one of those bad leaders. He is definitely not Stalin, nor Hitler, but he makes a good scapegoat for Germany, the Vatican, and for Obama, and Islam, and for Clinton and the evangelicals run by people like Franklin and Billy Graham who are frauds and shills, misleading US Presidents with fabrications and fallacies of his faith and a spy for the RCC, thieves and murderers for The Roman Catholic Church and think they are holier than thou and to even think they have a right to rule the world is a misnomer on their part. Putin was tricked by Obama about the Saran gas and attempted to control the situation for his alliances and neighbor and for his country and has a right to try to destroy a stockpile during a war. He didn’t complete it because of people like Kerry and Obama and others interfering and causing more problems in Syria and who could not have accomplished the task with ten times the amount of assets or in a much longer period of time and is an unfair accusation since there is so much going on in Syria. I think Saudi Arabia is involved because of their oil. They did attack us in New York and haven’t come to terms with it sufficiently. It was their citizens that were the pilots of the planes that flew into the Pentagon and into the two twin towers of New York and into a field or was shot down as explained by Donald Rumsfeld and boy did he pay for the crime of truthfulness about who shot down the planes and some kind of ties to Spain.  The Secret Service in the background were stunned by his courage. And yet Obama bow-wowwed to the Saudis. What occurred was an act of war by their citizens. Obama’s head of the Department Of Defense bow-wowwed to the Saudis. Then President Trump visited the Saudis. I do not know if he bow-wowwed to the Saudis. I do not know what occurred during his trip except what Melania wore when visiting the Pope at the Vatican which was a black dress because they like women to wear black and a golden belt around her waist and a black veil upon her head. Their dress code is ridiculous. The pope of course wearing white. Talk about prejudice. Whose fault is it that Saudi Arabian Citizens did this and camped out in a few defenseless countries near Saudi Arabia training their nuts and causing problems in those countries. What country put the idea into their heads to get immunity in our country to train to fly planes in Florida while the Catholic Jeb bush was Governor and should have been made aware of the training of Saudi citizens and probably was aware and while his older brother was President of the USA, without landing them to be used as bombs to kill bunch of business people and their businesses. I guess we could blame Putin for the pilot training of some pretty big airplanes in Florida of terrorists? Who gave them immunity and who taught them they would receive a bunch of virgins for their terrorism? HOW STUPID. Jesse Watters ought to go to Saudi Arabia and question the Saudi females on the beach or on the street and ask them some questions such as do believe Mohammad and why or do you like hijabs and do you think cutting clitorises is excessive and insane but I think he is a coward as well and an agent of the RCC. Kerry is a liar and we need to come to terms with the fact that he is a liar, a thief, and a coward for the RCC and partially responsible for the coup in Egypt and for many deaths involved during the coups and for the deaths of the people involved at Benghazi and will do anything to skirt the issues involved and hiding witnesses is a HUGE crime and he should be tried for the crime because it is tampering with evidence and the deed is done: he is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. He should be sought for being a traitor of the interests of America being in the position he was in at the time Senator and Secretary Of State and instead an agent for Paris. The RCC aren’t gonna get to rule the world and instead they will be destroyed by their own lusts and pursuit for the glory of others for their inheritances and for their companies and for their families. These are the major lusters of power and abuse and God is gonna win regardless so they are whistling in the dark ages and up the wrong tree and for the wrong reasons.

It is written about in the last book of the bible called Revelations.

Gayle McCormick It’s a Crying Shame

Help the RCC the world is melting scare tactics trying to take and funnel in various ways the american tax dollars given to the federal government to embellish themselves in their quest to rule the world. It would be madness to let them. 

Currently, I am kind of watching a scenario unfold that I just heard about recently of a young woman I think who is about to be hurt by their tactics using her monthly disability checks to gain I think her disability funds when she dies if she dies. We were not able to get a good birth certificate for Obama that proved anything and people died because of it who was allowed against the Constitution to become the President of the USA so why is it not plausible people of bad repute would cause the death of a young vibrant woman to gain her disability checks via the federal government especially if they are catholic or islamic or an illegal alien. It is too convenient and after what I have witnessed during the last 15 years, a good probability.

Silence by everyone, even the press, in regards to the

Hospice BUSINESS of Mother Teresa is the proof!  I know the press knows. I know our government knows. Why the silence? It happened in WWll the silence and seems to be happening again and it will cause the destruction of innocents maybe even you if you remain silent.

In the wild animals don’t hook their tails probably because of lack of training however some very amazing things happen even in the wild – merciful things such as dolphins saving people from drowning or being trained by the navy to place a bomb on an enemy ship/sub which is a threat to mankind. I believe those dolphins have souls.

My dad loved dolphins.

John 9:5

As long as I am ithe world

I am the light of the world.

By the way I found this picture on the Huffington Post of Trump which I found kind of interesting because he says he doesn’t drink. LOL I know an alcoholic nose when I see one. LOL

I don’t think this is Trump, but a look alike, so why is it on Huffington Post?

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The cop ‘s been driving down the alley twice since I wrote about him and once went and backed up behind the house and I closed the garage door. Probably trying to harass cop style. Maybe using a tool to crew with my car lights, who knows. I wonder what he’s affeared of.

Anyway I don’t think the Trump organization is gonna be able to overcome our problems. I wish he stuck to his promises but hasn’t and may not be able to. And I know it’s confusing but I think it’s called the Abomination of Desolation. If you aren’t willing to fight fascism then kiss your ass goodbye.

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Son of God – My Interpretation

This post is supposed to be a continuation of Abraham but I could not resist responding to Son of God which is a new mini series coming to Fox I suppose. Hannity who I kind of reamed in my last post aired some of the people involved in the new movie about Jesus. In fact Mary was sitting with Hannity and Father Jonathan who responded to the movie as well. Now that is a character all it’s own. He looks like a little kid and he was awe struck by the movie like a little kid or the clips of the movie…not sure which. I did not watch the whole show but what I saw was quite interesting. Of course Jesus looks like the most handsome man in hollywood and the crowds with the exception of a few looked like they came out of caves or graves with their death wrappings dangling off them. Reminded me of the movie The Mummy except there were many mummies. Jesus wasn’t supposed to be that physically desirable from what I have read. Since when did he say, “We’re going to change the world.”??????? The movie mixed the accounts of the miracle of the 5000 not including women and children from the Synoptic Gospels and the Gospel of John which are very different from each other. When he sees the mass of people in their gauze rags in this clip he says to an apostle that looks similar to the mass of people wrapped in gauze to feed them. In fact those are the words he says: “Feed them.” as if he just woke up from a nap. I wonder is that where we get the name of the area in Israel called Gaza? Of course there was the most beautiful woman in the world who was amongst the people wrapped in gauze. I think she must be one of the Marys. The mother Mary looked like she was probably one of the people Hannity met and received applause at the Golf Club he attended with Bob Beckel of The Five a few weeks ago. Very serious woman. Seriously. Reminded me of one of The Five namely Dana Perina except long brunette hair with a few more years added and subtracted. Just in her manners mostly when complimented. I like Dana Perino because of her manners. Very lady like and pretty smart as the others on their show. One of my posts is about the miracle of the 5000 being fed:

A Desert Place (a Different View)

which compares the accounts of the four gospels quite severely which I hope you will read.

As I said Father Jonathan was awe struck and I think when Jesus said that who ever seeks righteousness shall be filled…..Jonathan was filled. There is a difference I think between awe struck and righteousness but often one is confused for the other. It is a movie. However I used to feel awe struck when I watched an older movie about Jesus starring Max Von Sydow called The Greatest Story Ever Told. In fact it used to give me chills especially when the camera showed his feet in sandals walking by a bunch of rock crushers (slavish people with chains on their feet working in a quarry) and the reaction of the prisoners but that could be from the movie The Robe. I get them confused as well.

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What is righteousness?

A few weeks ago Father Jonathan was actively pressuring for the woman whose child was brain dead to pull the plug. To accept death because science says when you are brain dead you are dead. Course he didn’t raise the girl and has no experience in that department so no wonder he is so naive about parental love and devotion. The mother felt her daughters spirit when holding her hand and felt movement and I think a mother knows best when it comes to her daughters welfare much more than an awestruck priest. When I had my first baby I knew her cry over the other babies being brought to their moms in the hospital. It is an innate predisposition that I believe God gives moms for their babies because I didn’t have that quality the same way for other babies. Besides the mother wasn’t ready to give up on her little girl and that is as important as any scientific faith or religious faith urging her to give up on her little girl. It isn’t their little girl. But Jonathan was equating his faith with science or tying them together which is really odd for a catholic since they have been at odds with science throughout history, but he is young and has a lot of growing up to do and a lot to experience and really should not be a priest for that reason but not for only that reason, but mainly at this point it suffices. He seemed to be under someone else’s power in a way which was very unattractive and cold pressuring the mother and dad by his appearances on a few talk shows at that particular time. It was a mistake on his part.

Young people tend to be know-it-alls. I’m sure some would feel that way about my handling of the woman who lost a baby in utero (in the womb) to a drunk driving accident but there were so many things about that story that made me suspicious like the Sandy Hook Elementary Massacre such as suicide and other things which you can read about in the post the same post that I ream Hannity. I still have respect for Hannity but I think he has been mislead and fallen for his own popularity.

I think catholics have gone the other extreme with science and their religious faith because of the mistakes of their past over compensating so as not to look foolish. But for some reason Roman Catholics tend to like priests that are young and pretty like people tend to like Jesuses that are young and pretty/handsome. They go gaga over the Priest Georg Ganswein. He was the personal secretary that was in charge of pampering Pope Benedict or his handler. Pope Benedict resigned his title and position a while back who was originally called Joseph Ratzinger though he said he would still be around in another kind of way. Often you would see Georg readjusting his robe or braid behind his back so it was JUST SO to the point of ad nauseam to be seen. I even felt like the pope himself was a bit bugged by it at times but probably needed his aid even so. A ridiculous job but more importantly he influenced him and in a way was calling the shots. IMO. I think he is related to the Hearsts who had a great deal to do with President Kennedy around the time of his assassination although not openly. The Hearsts were quite rich, influential, and secretive. In the Gospel of John he tells Peter that when he gets old another shall gird him when he asked him three times about whether he loved him more than something that was there (either the 153 fish or the other apostles) and to follow him because Peter had denied him three times when Jesus had been arrested because Peter was afraid and Jesus predicted that the cock would crow three times each time Peter denied him and what state bird does the cock belong to?


The Gallic rooster is reported by 123 Independence Day to be the national bird of France. It has appeared on a number of national emblems since the Revolution.”

This may be a dual prophecy that is being fulfilled in our time. A shadow of things to come. The Courtyard of the Gentiles is in France at Notre Dame of Paris. Sure been a lot of invasion of privacy and I’m sure the NSA is assisting the Courtyards judgements to divert attention from the Roman Catholic abuse charges in the past few years in retaliation  for daring to question the Roman Catholic dogma and their laundering of money ie illegal activities, and who knows what else but probably just as bad such as blackmail.

Who is always worrying about our budget more than anyone in the world because they can’t survive without our dough? Christine LaGarde who is the IMF chief

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And what does she resemble? She’s a pretty hen always worrying about OPM.

How else she gonna make crepes and live the good life if she doesn’t get a budget worthy of the French taste buds and then launder some to the Pope.

Remember that Peter fished for a fish when Jesus of the Synoptic Gospels told him to go fishing so that they could pay their taxes for both of them..That Jesus was an agent of France and Rome trying to get OPM. They are incessant leeches. With Gores help (though the Vatican did think of Global warming first) they want us to pay for the worlds weather as if it will go away, change, or somethin’. They can’t figure it out but to them the sky is falling. Now Obama is on their train. It worked for Gore why not for Obama? Probably because he is partially an African American that’s why. LOL He doesn’t need a tan so what is he worried about. Isn’t being the first partially African American President enough? His legacy. Isn’t that why he got elected? So seems fit it is his legacy. Like OJ Simpson got off murdering his ex-wife because he was African American leaving candles lit all over the house where his children were sleeping because he really cared for them not to mention their mother almost decapitated in the front yard. Very Islamic style anhilation. And even though the evidence was overwhelming African Americans all over the country applauded much like the Palestinians did on 9-11. Sympathetic people full of grace. Must be they are missing a chromosome! I think we ought to have a study on African Americans and their chromosomes. What’s the matter with them?

Ridiculous argument about his legacy, but so is Global warming and Climate change.

Tit for t’at.

Anyway I heard dealing with the emissions from cars had immensely altered the California smog. I hope so because once I was riding around outside LA and said what is that? I saw this thing just barely there like a smudge in the sky and turned out to be a huge hill/small mountain. The landscape of California with the mountains and the ocean has a lot to do with that the very thing that attracts people to California but it did help to regulate automobiles. The problem with California is they think the rest of the states owe them more especially Hollywood. It is because they have grown accustomed to more than most and can’t quite make it without government help even though they overcharge for everything there especially rent or home prices. Their governor Jerry Brown is also a vindictive fella and doesn’t have respect for people’s privacy even those he champions. Reminds me of Biden looks wise. Gore was able to make his wealth off the Global Warming issues via California ignoramuses and their voices because of that smog and now it is fixed. I wonder if that smog wasn’t protecting the avocados? Now they have a drought. I guess there is always something (as if the other states don’t have their own issues.)

France and Rome are in cahoots when it comes to OPM and their religious affiliations!

And who helped to get America into the Vietnam War? France

France is also on board with America to confront Putin now in the affairs of the Ukraine. Is that a surprise? Now within a day changed their minds which they have a right to do. Also from the pictures I have seen of what is occurring it looks like inner turmoil in the Ukraine rather than outer turmoil like they are having a revolt inside their own country. Ukrainians against Ukrainians. So if the intelligence we are getting comes from the Vatican and France wants to help confront Putin using America seems like a pattern has solidified over experience to me. Remember Vietnam? Pretty soon we will here them using terms like “solidarity.” Probably the leadership in the Ukraine wasn’t treating the people in it’s country fairly ie chumping some and their neighbors. Maybe agents from France and the Vatican are assisting and tempting to cause mayhem. It seems to be their way to bring about war and cause a diversion tactic no matter what happens to the population. I think they can work out their problems without our interference. Settle down and be reasonable. If the population of their country were reasonably happy and being treated fairly I doubt any of this would be occurring and probably caused by bad leadership. Think of the Revolutionary war in America. They profit off of war in other peoples countries otherwise why were they involved? OPM.

It’s like a good divorce and a bad divorce. Amicable or nasty. The population are the kids involved with a bunch of blood sucking lawyers who want a piece of the action like Secretary of State John Kerry to divide what they can not for the kids but for themselves and the Vatican obviously. He is Catholic after all. He and Hillary get/got their orders from the Jesuits. And Kerry doesn’t want space between themselves. It is not in America’s interest to get involved…..It is the Vatican’s interest because that is where they get their intelligence from. Soon after Franklin Graham will show up to go through the carnage to scarf up what he can for his missionaries. Golden teeth, information, identity theft, whatever resources are left behind.

I think the Ukraine is a European Union/Russian/Islamic/Vatican issue. I don’t think it will be beneficial for the Ukraine to be in the European Union or Russia so why not be independent of both and a buffer zone for both or between both. I think it would be more profitable for the Ukraine and it’s peoples if that is possible. I don’t think the EU is superior to Russia. I think the EU stinks.

America needs to free America from the EU influence, the Vatican trickery and their intelligence, the Islam oil and it’s influence, and become independent again. We would be much more influential by being independent and a good example and we are not either so we have some work to do.

Notice LaGard’s skin color is kind of tan. It is not a natural tan either so what must this woman do a lot of? They have beaches in France and she more than likely sits by a pool with her martini thinking of ways to pressure Congress in the USA. When the President plus the Dem’s and Congress were at odds over the budget she was fighting for more so she could keep her tan.

I think Christine LaGarde ought to run for President of the USA because she has a tan (at least she is trying to fit in to git in) and we know where she is coming from that she is  concerned about the USA and the worlds fiscal responsibilities. To line the pockets of the rich and quell the middle income and lower income over-taxed who don’t have enough class.

Anything is better than Hillary.

The 153 fish may have to do with Mary. the Hail Marys…the pyramid…. I linked a wikipedia references to it but there are many other references about the number 153 and it’s meanings. I wrote a bit about it in regards to the Asteroid 153 Hilda which also includes some interesting shots about Jackie Kennedy and What Jackie Knew a french synopsis about her and her husband which is linked on this same post. It was an early post and quite mysterious to me and I felt a need to write about it not knowing the consequences. I did it anyway:

153 Hail Mary’s and 153 Hilda

Obama in his first term referred to something in space and to open the box and give it more leg space something that would not be forgotten for a long time around the time of the attempted assassination of Gabrielle Giffords and the successful assassination of a District Attorney who was involved in the case concerning Fast and Furious in the Safeway parking lot. I’m pretty positive he was the real target. Giffords husband is an astronaut as well as his brother which probably has something to do with that thing in a box. (Remember the boxcutters on the 9-11 pilots?) Obama also referred to needing more space when caught whispering to Vladimir Putin of Russia. Vladimir Putin made goosy statements about Benghazi which also was on 9-11 that it was a set up of course but using his geese stunt to camouflage those statements yet be newsworthy to influence someone and then of course Jesuit Father Fredriko Lombardi who came up with the Benghazi video excuse first before Susan Rice disgraced her position with those lies and then Hillary and Biden’s statements and Obamas lackluster sschleppy speech at the UN talking about offending his profit Mohammad like a mad man himself. And Paul Ryan’s abyss references when talking about the Fiscal legislation after Benghazi as if he knew something more about Benghazi then he let’s on. I guarantee Rep. Mike Rogers of Michigan knows quite a bit. His wife has work in close proximity to Benghazi.

 New questions about ex-CIA director’s

Benghazi claims ahead of testimony

By Catherine Herridge Published March 28,


I don’t know the company that she (Mike Rogers wife) works for but I think they may have a hand in what happened at Benghazi…..cuz it is kind of unusual to have a wife working overseas so close to where the action took place and someone did stop assistance to Benghazi for some reason. It looks as if a lot scape-goading, but we shall see.

Witnesses sure might have some insight.

Mike Rogers, bane of privacy advocates, to retire from Congress

Looks like he is bowing out. I wonder why?

Why doesn’t Congress get Rep. Mike Rogers and his wife to testify?

If it was a set up does not mean it is not relevant and fulfillment of prophecy. Maybe it was a joke as one Democrat said doesn’t mean it does not fulfill prophecy. Newtown ought to be proof of that. Ought to be careful in that regard because one thing often leads to another.

Susan Rice The Sociopath

Obama adviser Rice has no regrets on 2012 Benghazi comments

I can’t imagine that Susan doesn’t have regrets about passing around lies in regards to the death of some men but maybe she doesn’t really care one way or the other. To not have regrets is pretty vacant, isn’t it? In the very least she ought to have regrets. To have regrets is a sign you have a conscience and to have no regrets is a sign you lack a conscience which probably means she is a sociopath.

Sociopaths have no regrets!

Just call her Susan that ought to suffice. That is really substantial. From what I can tell she only related to the news programs what she was told which lacked substance. She did her job and covered the Obamas for a period of time. That was her job! Obviously the intelligence is controlled by the Vatican. Biden knew what was happening in Benghazi because he watched it. Was he ever called to Congress to testify?

She blames the Intelligence Community for her lies. Did they happen to live in Newtown?

Pride goeth before a fall.

Either no conscience or way too much pride, or both!

England knew ahead of time because they evacuated as they did the same at Camp Bastion in order that some people were ambushed by Islamic forces and killed. Russia knew because of the statements made by Putin demonstrate he was aware of Benghazi that it was a set up. Set up who? Certainly not Ambassador Chris Stevens who was in on it with Hillary Clinton and Senator John McCain. From what I can tell they were pretty close and more than likely Georg Ganswein is good buds with the Ambassador as well. Probably playing tennis together in the last week or so. Why not ask his mom who was devastated at that time and said some very funny statements. Has Ambassador Chris Stevens mom been a witness for Congress in regards to Benghazi? Why not?

Was she providing her substance too.

What was written on the walls at Benghazi. I can’t read that language but someone in our government does and I think it is important to know what was being expressed. Since most of the men were killed on top of the building why are there bloody hand prints on the inside walls? Was this a place of torture? I did notice the word WII which could mean World War ll, wii computers, wii games, or a way of saying WHY, or all of the above.

Instead of trying to figure out how the intelligence was wrong in regards to Benghazi because it is apparent it was purposeful folly why doesn’t Congress find out what was witnessed by the people that witnessed it in real time and/or not real time. Find out what Hillary witnessed and Biden witnessed that day and night. How about those other witnesses? Why not call them in to ask them questions as well about what they witnessed like they do in a courtroom after a murder occurs? Forget the Congressional rules this time…..It is too important to be strangled by politics and showmanship. IN fact why not hire really good murder investigators for that aspect of the investigation and I don’t mean Fuhrman. He isn’t that good. This may be the most important event in your life and may effect each of you in ways never dreamed of. It may have to do with your very souls and how you spend the rest of eternity.

Book unveils shocking details about Clinton’s Benghazi role

This interview reveals that 15 people on the ground investigating what occurred at Benghazi have been murdered. How does he know? Why not have an open/public Congressional investigation into their deaths ASAP? We might learn something new if we  do it in the public arena instead of behind closed doors or leaving it to the press to quell the truth about it, otherwise it looks as if Congress and the Press are involved in the coverup on both sides of the aisle.

Benghazi was a warning to me in other words he was A WITNESS not to trust Obama when I saw that Ambassador Chris Stevens was not the man dragged around by the men yet ignored by the press even when I wrote them about it and when I recognized Michelle Obama swollen face as if having had facial surgery without her wig standing in front of the blazing compound at Benghazi and the statements made about her arms by Obama at a press dinner that she was the only person who has the right to bear arms and his UN speech about Islam. You see Islam is a bad religion and I learned that a long time ago. When the abomination of desolation happened in Jerusalem it was caused by Islam and Roman Catholicism. That is what the Synoptic Gospels are about partially. The house where they governed Jerusalem had been destroyed as well as their temple, their city, and their country.

Matthew 23:38

Behold, your house is left unto you desolate.
Here are two posts that I think are important and I hope you take the time to read:.

I think the destruction occurred twice when they tried to rebuild. That is what is occurring in the USA by these factions/religions that think it is okay to be Islamic and dick around with their fundamentalism which is trickery, snake oil, thievery, rape, destruction which the Obamas are very capable of achieving because that is all they know how to do and be cute doing it as if they know what’s best for everyone else. Why hasn’t anyone in the press reported about Sandy Hook Elementary and their knuckleheads and invited the woman who researched the hoax to their news programs? Not one news agency or talk show has tried that I know of not even Oprah Winfrey. If O’reilly is looking out for you why hasn’t he attempted to interview this woman and get to the truth? How about Greta Van Susterne? Because they don’t care one iota about the truth. She wants you to hash tag her with responses to her shows. I would not trust her motive for wanting you to get in touch with her. Her friendship with the Grahams ought to be warning enough. A wolf in sheeps clothing and so concerned for others. Talk about a gold digger. I wrote about the abomination of desolation in a few posts which are linked on Merangue’s Blog and about the mustard seed debacle because it was not the smallest of seeds and the Son of God would naturally know that since his Father created the smallest of seeds. The mustard seed is small and has caused quite a bit of strife and death on earth as an ingredient in mustard gas and other poisonous substances but is also a condiment. So either the writers lied who wrote the Synoptic Gospels or Jesus lied in the Synoptic gospels or he was ignorant or he was mocking the people who were not aware of the future.

The Gospel of John does not mention the mustard seed.

That is a sign ….A REAL BIG ONE!

Folly of the Synoptic Gospels

Is a post which is about the women that ministered their substance unto their prophet Jesus of the Synoptic Gospels for profit/prophet and other things as well.

Back to 1963

A lot of clergy were involved with the assassination of President Kennedy naturally and unnaturally. It was also the same year of the Second Vatican. A very important time for change in the Roman Catholic power grab/expansion. There have only been two of them so that is pretty momentous. It was in the year 1963. I devoted some time to transcribing and commenting on the assassination as portrayed in the CBS News reports and tried to illustrate as best I could my points about the players involved and possibly the meanings. Seems the clergy played an important role in the assassination and not just the burial. You can find the posts on the site called Merangue’s Blog. The theme of the Second Vatican was the eminence of the Gospel of Matthew because they like Christmas trees, etc. That was a little over 50 years ago about the time of Benghazi would make it close to 50 years difference. I’m not sure what fifty years means biblically but I think there is mention of it’s significance.

I know movies do help to excite people about the bible because they excited me as a kid so there is a place for this kind of movie in Hollywood. Although I never really read the bible till I was older and married. I wish they would take it more seriously and relax on the physical aspects of women and the Jesuses to give it a more reasonable less Hollywood feel. I haven’t seen the whole movie yet and plan to watch to discern for myself and maybe I will change my mind about the movie. Like reading the liner notes of a book so possibly premature of me to comment yet a few things struck me kind of hard and I felt a need to comment. As if because people are starting to see the differences in the gospels and attempt is being made to smudge them like pastels into one. I think young girls will certainly enjoy it and maybe that is who this movie is catering to to entice them and thereby entice the boys. I wish movies would get into the Old Testament to help those that are unaware of the references in the Old Testament that are in the Gospel of John. Just saying it in a movie without reference to the Old Testament defeats the purpose and thank goodness this woman knew:

The woman who spoke in the audience of Hannity’s show before Ralph Reed was very impressive to me because she brought up the fact that this movie had quite a bit about the name I AM and how this movie portrays the Gospel of John’s and the statements made by Jesus about the name relating to the Old Testament and that is mainly why I want to see this movie but still I did notice they combined the Feeding of 5000 account in the small clip at the beginning of the clip so I hope you take the time to read the post about the four accounts and their differences and see how different they are. Three of them make him sound like he is lost and doesn’t realize the plight of the people standing in front of him and his apostles were teaching him instead of him teaching them they were telling him what to do as if they were producing an image like they do in Hollywood and the Gospel of John shows he wasn’t lost and was very aware and didn’t need a director.

One of the ladies in the audience named Kristen said that Jesus kissed Judas and the bible I read says that Judas kissed Jesus in the garden when he was arrested but not in the Gospel of John only in the Synoptic gospels. That was the sign given by Judas supposedly to the arrestors. But since it isn’t in the Gospel of John I don’t believe it occurred. I think it is a Shakespearean type addition to the bible to dramatize the event more than it already was. Probably the Gospel of Luke is the most liberal of all of the garden representations about the arrest and even says that Jesus fell on his face which nowadays when someone falls on their face usually means he failed. Don’t discount the possibility of the intent by the addition of those words. Down below I linked a post about the comparisons of the gospels in the garden.

I know I’m very hard on Roman Catholicism and it’s hierarchy but they deserve it. Misusing power is unconscionable and it is not righteous. Especially religious power which should be above laundering which usually means money gained illegally which usually means via drugs, prostitution, and taxes stolen from other countries such as the USA and all those leaking government programs. Laundering money, selling indulgences, priests abusing kids and then covering it up when kids file suits or complain, and the many many other things they have done in the past such as burning protestants at the stake or the Inquisition, now it is the Courtyard of the Gentiles judging everyone because they got in trouble with the people about their abuses while they spy on regular people just to intimidate them. It’s their way. That is not righteous.


So he had a problem with forgiveness before? Telling his priests to have mercy on their flocks? Why? What were they doing before his speech? I get the feeling the Roman priests are judging their flocks and the confession booth is the place they get their scoop. I would think that would be a good warning to all catholics….Forget confessing to a priest. What is scary is that the guy he stole from was dead. Did he confess to the pope?

That is one weird story about the pope and definitely shows that there is something deeply wrong with Catholicism and the potpourri. I think it shows a mental disposition and presumption that should not be tolerated by their flocks. To be merciful to their flocks is what pope revealed because to them the flocks that they oversee are inferior to them.

r.v. flockedflock·ingflocks

1. To stuff with waste wool or cotton.
2. To texture or pattern with pulverized wool or felt.

[Middle English flok, from Old French floc, from Latin floccustuft of wool.]

The clergy of Roman Catholicism don’t have the mental capabilities to discern the bible much less judge their own flocks when they steal mercy from a corpse in order to be merciful. What in the world do they need to be merciful to their flocks in other words what are they doing to them that they need to find mercy in an object worn by another person. Power has gone to his head and turned the pope into a fool along with his idiotic priests. You can’t attain mercy by stealing from another person and you can’t wear mercy on a chain, maybe that is why he hides it under his shirt. It is a ridiculous story in an effort to appear cute and probably many in his church will think it is cute, but it is sad.

Can you drain someone’s virtue by touching their skirts? That’s what happened in the Synoptic Gospels and sure sounds like that concept originated from Rome, doesn’t it?

Maybe in a virtual world you can steal virtue from someone.

Bible controversy hits Air Force base

Probably because they didn’t understand it themselves

so they ban it one way or another.

This is a way that can cause havoc in the population to degrade, rob, and confuse:

Snowden Says ‘Many Other’ Spy Programs Remain Secret, For Now

Jesus in the Synoptic Gospels perceived that someone stole his virtue which happened to be this woman who thought she was a dog who touched his garment as he was walking through the crowd of people. Anyway he says something like he wanted to know who it was because he couldn’t tell who stole his virtue because it didn’t seem to make much of a difference. He didn’t recognize her by his virtue that was stolen and only until she confessed that she was found out because she was quaking in her boots and said something strange about dogs which is why I perceived she thought she was a dog……I can’t remember what it was exactly. If there was a guy like Benny (Benedictus) Hinn acting like Jesus walking amongst a crowd I can see that this would certainly make sense.

Good Republicans and good Democrats think the election makes a difference down the road but they are fixed. If they can peer into our lives on our tv’s they can control the vote and voters. That is brain dead isn’t it. If they would take seriously what Snowden has divulged they would know that they are being chumped. Maybe they know and are afraid. or they are chumping the public but acting as if the election makes a difference to get donations. The press are being chumped as they chump the Republicans. Almost everyone is chumping everyone. It is the sign of the times and the times are not good. I would think that the truth mattered to God and I would think chumping each other is not respected by God. The Jesus in the Gospel of John had respect for the truth and for his Father and most of the parts in the Synoptic Gospels doesn’t seem to have respect for God but for himself. Doesn’t care much about people. Let the dead bury the dead is what the Synoptic Jesus said. Is that The Passion of Christ? Is that compassion? In the Gospel of John when Jesus raised Lazarus who was dead he didn’t say Mary and Martha you are dead and you bury your brother who is dead to fulfill the synoptic version of Jesus. He cried because he felt compassion for their pain and suffering and showed them his power by raising their brother who I think was a leper so he healed him as well. Why wasn’t that response to a man following him that is related in the Synoptic Gospel saying Let the dead bury the dead included in these movies. I guarantee they were not included. Why not? What are they afraid of? The truth? They included the Synoptic version of Jesus saying Feed them because they are ignorant of the differences in the gospels. They use the Gospel of John to prop the Synoptic versions but you really will gain a better understanding of who the real Jesus is if you compare them and a good understanding of who the enemy of Jesus is by comparing. I think the real Jesus was cared about people. I think the other versions are mocking people and Jesus. That ought to matter to you as well if you ever get around to noticing. There are however some things that seem to be mixed into both the synoptics and Gospel of John that contradict itself which I bet were added in the Dark Ages or maybe in Dallas by the Dallas Theological Society when they were redoing biblical things or at the Second Vatican. I know that the Pope Benedict said that faith was a new device used to bring followers and the chapter with Nicodemus in the Gospel of John seems to be that tool. Nicodemus appears in the book of Acts and Romans and the books after the Gospel of John with Paul and Mary. Remember what was said about the abomination and the house and windswept house etc it is a pattern that has clues in it. Your house is left unto you desolate is what the Gospel of Matthew says that his rendition of Jesus said. Obviously the abomination was by destruction of some kind and lies. The chapter with Nicodemus talks about the wind and the weather. If evil wanted to affect the truth it would add lies and confusion to them and the bible would be a good place to start. Don’t ya think?

Maybe Nicodemus was the real betrayer and the secret follower as well. If he was a secret follower how come everyone knew about Nicodemus? Not much of a secret is it? Kind of makes sense. Like the lady said on the Hannity’s show Judas did what he had to do and Jesus knew it. Jesus said “do what you must” or something to that affect. I think that part was because there was a traitor among them and Jesus was being cryptic for the sake of his friends and his mission. The conversation with Judas was about the Eye of Horus. That is why Judas said “is it I?” when talking about the betrayer. And Jesus said “thou hast said”….meaning yes. I think the temple stuff about Judas was a lie and the thirty pieces of silver as if the temple people were protecting Jesus by repeating their side of the story about those thirty pieces of silver but fulfilling prophecy yet maybe the prophecy was added later after the fact. I wrote about that in a few posts:

Joseph of Arimathea (A JUST MAN)

 Prophecies of the Betrayal of the Son of Man

 They condemned him. Remember Jesus turned over the tables of the money changers (launderers? sellers of indulgenes?) at the temple and they were not on good terms. Obviously Peter found out somehow about Judas and what happened to him and the secret follower and someone must have known about the 30 pieces of silver or made it up. And Judas was hung supposedly at least that is what Peter said. Peter must have been a witness to that. He is pretty explicit about what happened to Judas and his bowels in the Book of Acts. If you accept things at face value you miss the fact that these small things are big things and knowledge of them such as writing about it in books of the bible shows that the bible has been finagled quite a bit. Josephus was hired by Rome and was the adopted son of the Flaviuses at the time for propaganda purposes and he admits taking the books of the temple when the abomination occurred. It is called rewriting history. Remember all of the finagling that occurred when President Kennedy was assassinated. Pretty similar. Or how about Benghazi….it is called a cover up.

Just call them Susan.

The Mount of the Congregation

Faith is the substance of things not seen, etc………But Jesus in the Gospel of John had witnesses and they saw and many pursued Jesus and Lazarus to arrest and to kill them which is an odd response to this miracle.

Even the garden accounts of the Gospels I have compared and they are quite different which I hope you will read:

In The Garden of Gethsemane

I think it would be very fruitful to make a literal movie about everything said in each Gospel and see what the public would think of each of the renditions of Jesus instead of smearing one into the three other sociopaths. The three Synoptics in a way punish the Gospel of John especially in the garden.

Who shut down Yellowstone?

Good article about the shenanigans, scare tactics, and the lies in politics. Politics has always been contentious and dirty but nothing like it since the Obamas came to town nor ever will be. THEY SUCK!

There is a saying when life deals you lemons make lemonade. The Obamas are like lemonade that was stored in the sun at 100 degrees outside for days and serving it to their guests gleefully. And what is worse is their supporters who don’t mind them serving crap to them. I guess it is stupidity that makes them accept it without demanding better or just plain ignorance. The gettin’ in to fit in is like putting on a dress that is too small and makes you look like a geek. They serve you lies and brain dead people like to be lied to….that is extreme ignorance and SLAVES ARE MADE THAT WAY!

As far as chumping goes the Republicans (and Democrats) should have stood behind Ted Cruz but they chumped him instead in favor of their cushy life styles disregarding the Constitution and our type of government in favor of Putin, Rome, the EU, Hollywood and ISLAM because they are slimeballs. They don’t mind americans being spied upon and joblessness and they still want to tax them at the same time to pay for those ridiculous ends. In fact it is predicted in the bible a certain type of joblessness but being cagey they use other excuses for that joblessness. They don’t mind until it affects them personally and then they get up in arms about it losing momentum and power as they unravel one by one with distractions and political games holding the coming election as a fail safe when it isn’t.

Karl Rove was on Hannity Wed Feb 26th and Hannity asked a legitimate question about Republicans standing for principle at least and their word and Rove just beat him to death with a little white board full of crap. The Republicans should stand for principle even if they lose because otherwise no one will trust them when they back off their promises and the next time something comes up why should we listen to them complain about anything. What’s in a name? I think Karl Rove is undermining America with that crap purposefully and Republicans should disregard anything and everything he says. As far as I could tell it was all meaningless crap to confuse.

Pretty dumb and shell fish!

I perceive a lot of people who are brain dead and they lead very active lives and some brain dead people are residing in Washington DC sitting on legislation about the safety of our country as Judge Jeanine has been trying to make Americans aware of especially after the winter they have had to endure up north this year because Global warming is changing the climate to one of the coldest (does that make sense?) but they would rather try to scare people about temperatures of the earth that tend to fluctuate then handle the US Power Grid threat or the Panamanian threat that Jimmy Carter helped to insure the future of or the border between Mexico and the USA I guess it is easier to come up with ridiculous theories about the temperatures rising to cheat americans out of real jobs and make businesses go under because they can’t change it. The earth has had some pretty tumultuous times and suddenly one continent or island disappears and another arises etc. Earthquakes, floods, droughts, tsunamis…..etc…some natural and some man made disasters. And then of course there is HAARP which is also hinted maybe predicted as a warning on a slab carved by an awl dug up in Israel from ancient times which I wrote about in the post called

Josephus and His Footprints

as a sign or something much more cynical.

Gore warns Kansas: ‘Dust Bowl coming back, quickly, unless we act’…

Cruz: ‘Global warming’ not supported by data…

If you make it happen by shooting microwaves into the atmosphere and into the earth it could happen in order to freak people out and hurt the crops by using the weapons of war that are now being used by our government and other governments so Gore can alarm everyone and Obama can tax the crap out of everyone to pay for the damages they cause purposefully. Does Gore know something we don’t about Kansas? Has he been warned what might happen if some economic legislation doesn’t go through?

Son of God vs Son of Man

I don’t think the Son of God and the Son of man are the same person.

 I think they are two different people. Like the Synoptic Gospels and the Gospel of John are different.

Angels will rise and fall on the Son of man is what Jesus of the Gospel of John said when he met a few disciples for the first time that I do know which makes me think the Son of man has to do with Jacob’s ladder because he had to rest his head on a rock or a stone though I think a stone might be a bit small so it must have been a rock and the angels were going up and down the ladder. He wrestled with an angel and after that had a problem with his hip. A thorn in his side. The Synoptic Jesus said that the Son of man had nowhere to lay his head in his fox and bird statements out of the blue when a follower said he or she would follow him anywhere. Jackie Kennedy said that President Kennedy laid his head on her lap but she was on the backend of a car trying to find her caps and she pushed him over on to the floor of the limo before that, but that is another story, I think. The timing of his death noon or one o’clock seems to have been a point of contention also. Which I think has to do with the 6th chapter of the Gospel of John when Jesus meets the woman at Jacobs well in Samaria and tells the timing of the Son of mans death which is noon and what his meat was. I do know there is a lot of conspiracy around the timing of Kennedy’s actual death and the fact that it was in the same year as the Second Vatican and their intent to make the preeminence of the Gospel of Matthew over the others even though two of them are almost identical to the Gospel of Matthew in a chaotic way. But as my posts showed it appeared they were drugged on Devils Breath so no telling what was going on in any of their heads at the time but it appeared to be a sacrifice of some kind with many people involved much like Benghazi appears to have been a sacrifice and very likely Pres. Kennedy was killed in Fort Worth and replaced with a double the next day to be killed. Though he did hand over something to someone and I think it was his speech he knew he could not give and that was the same day I think as the assassination but the press joked about his tan in Hawaii beforehand. There was an asian woman who tried but failed to get the package he handed over to a man which makes me think that part was in Hawaii but dubbed into the Dallas airport scene. Cardinal Cushing had a lot to do with the Kennedys even their marriage like the marriage was a set up. Jacqueline Kennedy’s middle name was Bouvier and she was French and desired America to be French like her in culture but she spoke in false tongues because in actuality she had a bronx accent. Anyway she does some kind of licking thing a few times and makes some signs like they do on Star Trek when they want to be beamed up or to communicate with a pyramid object. You have to read it to believe it and see the pictures of it. Pretty weird stuff. Jackie also licks at the flowers at the breakfast table and there happen to be flowers that look like Dragons Breath in the midst of the flowers and he makes a speech about arms which seems to entangle us with Rome and she stands up to clap at the weirdest of times awkwardly as if she is not his wife. More like a russian spy. I hope you take a look because he seems to be under duress and very nervous after the breakfast speech as if he knows he is in trouble and even looks as if he is crying and she acts possessed. It is not noticeable unless you really look hard and it is quite scary. He tried to hide it from her. I stopped the film a lot to get still shots to help show these moments. The signs given by the press at the time were also interesting as well.

That is found on  Merangue’s Blog as well as

some pretty interesting comparisons of the gospels that I think are important and hopefully helpful.

Rome does not want to lose it’s power obviously and go to extremes to keep it even if it hurts people because they are a false religion a cult. It is their income and power over people to degrade and keep down. That is their business because they are evil. They are pros at it and have been at it for many years but they are not righteous.

They are SICKOS, and are demented scum bags as well as their partners in their crimes against humanity the religions that go along for the profit they make. Obama spoke about his in the UN speech. They love to keep people ignorant of the truth because that is their cash cow, that is why they try to direct you how to read the bible because if you actually read it you would figure it out.

In the 1970’s and 1980’s they did some changing to the bible but I don’t know what those changes were. I wasn’t reading the bible at the time. The Dallas Theological Society was the location of their alterations. Dallas known and blamed for the death of Kennedy it seems quite coincidental, doesn’t it? In the 60’s and 70’s the Ten Commandments were exiled in many places.

By the way Jacob the name is similar to Jack which is what Jackie called John Kennedy.

However she did not call her son Jack, he was John yet he was named after his dad. Interesting!

Hollywood is an extension of Rome’s power and Washington DC because they fund them often and use them for propaganda purposes to mold society with their art. Without them they would be paupers like the rest of us. I hope they know that because often they think they are extremely superior to the rest of mankind. Money has a way of changing peoples view of themselves besides the facelifts, liposuctions, breast enlargements, lip injections, cheek implants and botox and who know what else. It is addictive to some actresses and actors. They wouldn’t make money if they didn’t keep up appearances with a few exceptions and they have to keep up with the lifestyle they initially invested in which kind of binds them to the wishes of others who are usually left left of center. IT is a trap and many find out too late. Only a few have had the good sense to shirk off the peer pressure to be rich communists. In name only kind of people. If they cared about this country they would not support Obama or Obama Care or the people that voted them in that want eventually to make us live by Sharia Law. But they are blind. Jesus said in the Gospel of John that the poor you will have with you always because of that kind of intellectual thinking. Charity doesn’t seem to be working and it has been a long time in the twerking because most of charity is wasted on lining peoples pockets and paying for lousy movies, tv shows, and news programs that further the lies. Just send out a beautiful woman to the UN and waste everyones time talking about rape. Though it is comical (maybe it was intended to be comical) and hopefully well intended which I think it was by the actress who adopts children and it sells movies but eventually no one will be able to buy it because Hollywood/Washington/Rome raped them and the buying public will shrink and then you won’t be able to keep up appearances etc. It is happening. There will always be someone prettier or handsomer, younger or more talented to compete with. Our country is slipping away because rarely anyone demands better from our government of the people but the White House stands for little knuckleheads and movie stars. That was cute on the Jimmy Fallen Show and she was pretty. I would like Michelle Obama lots more and appreciate her beauty enhancements to herself as First Lady if she hadn’t been posing in front of the burning building in Benghazi holding arms while at the same time trying to disarm the public so that Obama may annihilate them down the road at his own choosing using drones and the NSA, FBI, CIA, SS, etc and if she hadn’t sent her heart to those that were suffering from the Hurricane Sandy on the East Coast on her way for a Hawaiian vacation on America’s looming debt crises spending millions of dollars using Senator Inouye’s convenient death as an excuse and putting those knuckleheads on a diet at their schools. Now Michelle thinks she is the new Jane Fonda. First it was gardening, then chickpea sandwiches, and the latest is exercise with Let’s Move as her newest slogan while focusing on her shoes. She spoke about knuckleheads standing on bar stools. Note that you don’t put kids on a bar stool. She ought to know that. She acts as if she never raised kids and yet spoke last year of being a single mom and is posed with two daughters when with her husband. She has made some bizarre statements and that was one of them. The man I thought I recognized who was dragged around in Benghazi was from New Jersey. Somehow those two events seem to be linked Benghazi and the Sandy Hurricane as well as the statements afterward about bumps in the road and Rocky roads ahead and people in Gaza dragging a man around with their motorcycles and some crucifixions as well in some Islamic countries. But I can’t like Michelle because of that and other things she represents and I can’t like Obama her husband because he lies about everything and because he uses women as his veil for evil. He enjoys his remarks that have double meaning or duplicitous meant to mock the death of people and the slavery of people at his press dinner.

Hollywood should oppose them and they don’t. I hope Hollywood goes under and I don’t mean ‘down under’ I mean broke because they are part of the problem and they should stand with the people and for the American dream for those people they have raped and not just themselves. I believe Obama Care will hurt more than help because of it’s religious and political overtones since Obama did say at the UN the future must not belong to those that offend his profit/prophet right after some men were killed in Benghazi and others were silenced and given lie detectors weekly by the FBI, the State Department (Hillary was in charge) the CIA, Department of Defense etc. He will use Obama Care to hurt those that oppose him just like the IRS hurt some that oppose them.

That alone should make Hollywood ashamed of their support for the Obamas.

All for one and one for all is BULLS crap.

Now Barack Obama is touting some big brother type legislation or programs to help African American boys but I thought that was already in progress, one called Big Brothers, Big Sisters which is a mentoring program and there are others.

We don’t want to forget about Zimmerman and his overzealous mentoring or was that a way established to make him look good before his trial?

Is this an old idea with a new leader? Has everybody lost their marbles?

Just in case you aren’t aware of what is going on in the public schools a lot of nice kids are being bullied more than ever.  Many are committing suicide, more than ever before. Many kids are leaving the public school system and it seems to be calculated who is chosen to be bullied. And they are complaining about kids tweeting in school? Has anyone heard of making a rule not to allow cell phones in the classrooms? That might cure a bunch of problems. Don’t they have lockers anymore? One thing for sure they ought to extend the 5 minutes between classes to ten minutes so they can go pee pee and poop if necessary and wash their hands, make a phone call on their cells in between classes etc. Have you ever tried to take a poop in so short a time? Think about first thing in the morning when most people poop. Does it always take 3 minutes. They are not eggs, you know. What happened to being reasonable with kids. No wonder they usually hate school. How about girls that are menstruating. They deserve extra time on breaks. I often felt iron deficient when in school and faintish and had a few messes because of menstruating. That is embarrassing to say the least and can be disheartening to girls besides their mood swings at the time. I’m a night person usually and think better at night. How about night school for some in public education or private education. Why is everything catering to the 9 to 5 workers. I know lots of people that work night time jobs. Why not cater to them as well. Why do we have to be so stoic in educating kids? If they are cramping let them go home without having to return to school with a doctors note which is ridiculous. I don’t want doctors to run education anymore than I want IRS to run the medical field or Rome to be in charge of the medicinal field either but here we are and possibly that will be the case. Hence Father Jonathan’s advice to a mother in crisis about her daughter which was a bunch of nonsense on his part.

Attendance should not be the measure for public education funds.

Achievement should be the measure.

I hate that when I have an ear ache or need an inhaler I have to go to the doctor and pay 125 to 150 dollar fee just to get a prescription when I know darn well I have an ear ache or need an inhaler. That is a rip off and possibly doctors are paying a price now for that abuse via Obama Care because that was and is financial abuse. If I need more underwear, bras, more clothes I shouldn’t have to pay a store a fee just to get them. Where did common sense go in America? I really believe that doctors went a bit too far in their ridiculous rules just to get hard earned money. I guess they were raping their customers in a way. And then when you do make an appointment they have so many customers you have to wait usually an hour or two to get your doctor with a bunch of sick people in a waiting room which means you will probably be back in a week or two and have spread the sickness in the meanwhile.

There should be choice in schools and it should not matter where you live. If someone wants to drive an hour to school they have that right. Because of divorce and other private matters to the individual it should not be regulated where a kid goes to school. If we are a free market then schools need to be freed of these dumb rules about what county they are from and financial aid by the federal government based on attendance. Public education should not be controlling families. And teachers should be able to be fired if they misbehave or aren’t up to snuff in their abilities and let them rebuild their reputation elsewhere or face whatever consequences are thrown at them.

So in my opinion doctors and schools are spreading sickness and stress to parents and kids by that power that they wield and should not do that to their fellow man, woman, and child. Seems conspiratorial but hey if the shoe fits. Not every sickness needs doctors care. Chicken noodle soup, throat lozenges, fever reducers, and rest etc. even if they take a week or so. We don’t always need doctors and the public school representatives up our arses nor do we want them there until we need them to be there when we wish it so or when we feel it is helpful. I think they need us more then we need them;) Sorry to be so blunt but come on you know it is a come on ie a fleecing the public with their clever tricks like the Synoptic Jesus fleeced his public. Also doctors should not have to pay the high price in education costs if they achieve the status of being a physician especially a good physician. If they are willing to go 7 extra years of education they should be rewarded for that achievement when they get a job by their employer who pays off their debt or something similar but not by fleecing the public and their customers.

When my brother was a kid the teacher smeared his face with ink on his book because he made a ink blot on his writing book from is ink pen. That is abusive. I know teachers are only human but so are kids. I used to fall asleep in biology class because it was after lunch (I tend to do that after lunch. I have my own physical clock and need naps even short ones) and the teacher got so mad he slammed his long ruler on my desk next to my head to wake me up. I didn’t report him because he was overreacting but it was embarrassing and it wasn’t really my fault. I think he broke the ruler) He needed a nap more than likely. The small things we do in anger tend to be remembered and of course the big things. Mothers are also sometimes impatient and overreact as I did as a mother a few times especially with my first child. I was a bit of a turd because I felt a lot of pressure and anxiety about it. Probably because I wasn’t sure of myself and felt inadequate and wasn’t getting time for myself. Usually mothers never get a break and men go off to work. Raising kids is way tougher than working on a job. I know because I have done both. Teaching kids is tough too. And for some kids, learning is tough. A mentoring program for mothers especially first time mothers would be a good idea. Husbands usually are too dumb (ain’t that the truth?) to know that mothers need vacations from their kids since it is often a 24 hour job whereas going to work is usually just a 8 to 10 hour job. They come home and kick up their feet expecting attention or a big break. Definitely a double standard. So women once in a while do go off the deep end never mind that they have hormones peaking once a month or pre-menstrual syndrome and are to fraught with anxiety to realize it or after birth depressions often times but I did.  Then when women try to break back into the work force they usually are out of luck. Things have to change in America if we want kids to grow up right and women to be treated as human beings and men need to act better in all respects. They are so damned afraid to lose power or control every part of everything they screw things up in the world and tend to enjoy keeping women down. Doesn’t mean I want Hillary Clinton for President what so ever but there are women that are capable of doing a great job as President or Vice President if given the chance. If they can raise kids they are quite capable. Take Sarah Palin for instance. She is honest and that is what I think should be the number one quality for a President or Vice President or the other offices in the presidential line of succession. Then they have the right to veto or sign bills and would be the type of people to look at all aspects of a bill or law and give good reason to it in their decisions not just political ones to further their party affiliations. If they aren’t honest everyone loses. I don’t like her respect for Billy Graham which is naive at best just because he preached. Being a preacher does not make you righteous and in this case he took advantage of his position many times interfering in politics and the succession of presidents as in the case of President Kennedy. He may have had a lot to do with the death of President Kennedy’s son so that Hillary Clinton could be a Senator. He didn’t warn President Kennedy as stated in his book about a premonition which more than likely was a plot that he was aware of and was mocking his demise. He is a shill for Rome and has no depth. Neither does his son. They are the pot and the kettle, IMO! I hope you read this next article and has some things about Billy Graham and Franklin Graham. You can also read about them in the CBS News Transcriptions found on Merangue’s Blog. It is pretty astounding! Has some interesting pictures of them as well. Kind of incriminating.

Sarah Palin was a big hit recently especially her Dr Seuss references and have even heard she was on the spot. Rand Paul was pretty forceful. Didn’t get a chance to see Ted Cruz. I hear he is at 11 percent behind Rand Paul which is astounding but until people understand what I found out mentioned above and written about the Grahams I think the Republican comeback is wishful thinking. If you take the bible seriously then take it seriously. Until you change the federal base/workers which are unfireable and change the intelligence community and where it gets its information which is obviously the Vatican I would say America is not going to make a healthy comeback any time soon.

Benghazi is evidence of that and the wimpy investigation of Benghazi. I guess witnesses aren’t important that is why the make them take lie detector tests, hide them etc. Obviously is a bi-partison coverup and lots of p-l-a-c-a-t-i-o-n! 

The Synoptic “Q Source”

By the way heard that the movie Son of God was very good by someone close to me and references were made to the Old Testament quite bit in the movie so am looking forward to seeing it as well as the movie Noah and another one that is coming out Resurrection I think it is called and of course I love the Hobbit movies so looking forward to seeing the latest out on DVD soon. I saw the first or second episode of Resurrection and thought only one really good actor the dad of the boy who comes back after 30 something years. The rest just really don’t cut the mustard. Supposedly after Jesus was crucified there were many visitations by dead relatives to the people in town ie Jerusalem and about the countryside but his apostles were elsewhere at the Sea of Galilee. While the visitations occurred the temple was destroyed and the place that they legislated the city from etc (I have forgotten the name of the joint but when I remember I will include it) as well as the city itself was destroyed.  I think I read about it in Josephus’s writings. Got to see a bit of House of Cards and at first intrigued but soon it grew really old. One of the first scenes Kevin Spacey played the good samaritan and put a whimpering dog out of it’s misery by breaking the dog’s neck before the dog’s owner his neighbor found his dead dog. I guess he did it in secret because he didn’t want to take credit for his good deed otherwise he would have asked the owner if he should break it’s neck. I found a cat one night that had been hit by a car that was stunned in the middle of the road and it lived to be a really great cat and I named him Rocky. He walked in circles for a while but eventually I straightened him out. Eventually my cat was run over but I was able to whisper in his ear that I loved him before he died. It sure meant a lot to me. I’ll never watch it again if I can help it.

John 16:2

They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh,

that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service.

My brother likes the show, but don’t tell Gaby.

The leading character Francis/Kevin Spacey who is very good actor in the past started to remind me of Howard Dean and became a total turnoff soon after. The show is not very deep in content just innuendo shakespearean style somewhat (because of the asides) which is too bad. Sort of a shakespearean joke without humor.

Went to the horse races a few times the last time when two or three horses were shot dead because one horse tripped into another horse making them lame. If they can’t figure out another way to handle lameness in a horse they shouldn’t race them and they should figure out a way that one horse can’t kill two others. It’s not as if lots of money isn’t involved in the business of horse racing so you would think mankind could figure out a better way to protect them or fix them. Mankind sure is dumb. Oh that’s right they do have a way, don’t they but they just don’t bother. I would think animal lovers would not participate in the activity till they do bother.  Same goes for students riding school buses without seat belts. Shouldn’t they bother putting seat belts on school buses for their kids that they edgicate?

Is Proof a Four Letter Word?

I met some family last week and was warned when talking about it as if it would cause trouble somehow. I did however show a video on you tube of one of the dad’s who lost a daughter at Newtown that shows him laughing and then getting into character like an actor does when getting into character to talk about his loss a day or two later to a few of those members. I was told not to go there, but I did go there obviously. That is hiding one’s head in the sand, isn’t it?

For Sandy Hook Killer’s Father,

Tragedy Outweighs Love For His Son

Now Adam Lanza’s dad is getting into the picture and putting in his perception of his son. One thing that interests me is that the mother and son were gun enthusiasts and went to the range quite often yet we have never seen pictures of their hobby. Most mothers who are proud mothers these days with cell phones usually have tons of pictures of their hobby especially one that is quite expensive that they share with their kid especially a kid who has a mental disorder. Haven’t seen one picture of both at the gun range. How about the gun license? I’m surprised the gun range doesn’t have some pictures as well. You would think the dad could have gotten involved if he was worried about his son and his strange mom. But since this whole affair seems to be a hoax and in my opinion is a hoax to take our eyes off of Benghazi and since there is pretty good evidence of it being a hoax by quite a few truthers then why aren’t there some pictures to prove it wasn’t a hoax. How about pictures of the dead bodies at the school to prove their case? The death certificates seem to be off limits as well kind of like the birth certificate of Obama. I guess proof is meaningless to those that don’t care in other words they have faith.

What happened to the Reaganites?

Trust but verify?

Trust but verify is not faith based! Is it?

Rep. Jackson Lee thinks she is living in the year 2164. How do we know she is fit for office if she doesn’t know approximately the year she is officiating in?

Math Problem: Rep. Jackson Lee claims Constitution is 400 years old

I think there ought to be a litmus test for those that vote but definitely there needs to be a litmus test for those that run for office and at the least a teaching course for those that are in office already so as not to be an embarrassment down the road. How old the Constitution is may not be as important as what is in it and those that run should be familiar with the Constitution in order to protect it’s premises. Same goes for the clergy and the bible. They ought to be required to learn yearly just like doctors are required to do in their field. Maybe licensure is the key for better politics. It is required for many other fields and since politics and our government affects everyone in this country it seems fitting that they should be required to get a license to practice not quite like a lawyer who parses words but like a teacher. They should be teaching their constituents as well.


Evangelicals and the Press

Did they know they were being photographed? 


Clinton seems to be aware he is being photographed!

Is this righteousness? No this is acting.

Suicide rate is higher in the military than ever before which makes me think they aren’t suicides more like ambushes. Maybe related to their beliefs or their heritage, their capabilities, their wives, their insurance etc. It ought to be investigated better.

I think the NSA is a way for certain people to get a good look at certain peoples assets and way to interfere in their lives to gain those assets or fortunes. It is definitely a possibility.

I may have gone off the deep end just now but after what I have been through recently you would too.


Obama or the USA is warning Putin about the Ukraine. I heard yesterday and had forgotten that the Ukraine is where there is a sizable cache of nuclear weapons from someone I thought was totally dense. I kind of recall that about the Ukraine at least in the past that the weapons of mass destruction are located in that country so it doesn’t surprise me that Obama might want them, too or control of them, too. However they might be in bad shape and lost their punch over time. I would guess Iran might be having some high hopes and Iran seems to be Obama’s soft spot being their baby. (regardless and because of their threats in the past, their denial of history and their hatred for Israel.) Maybe it’s the distance they can travel or some aspect of them (their delivery systems) that might help Iran or President Obama or who they are directed at that is the key to this upheaval. Obama says there will be a cost if Russia invades Ukraine. I ask for who. Us? Are we going to have to pay for the invasion with American tax dollars? I heard Congress on both sides of the aisle is behind Obama in his policy against Russia in regards to the Ukraine. As I recall Congress applauded the shooting death of a frightened unarmed woman acting a bit nutty in a car with a baby at the White House in the Fiscal Standoff Government Shutdown. They Secret Service or Park Police could have shot out the tires but instead shot her and took her baby. Remember that? I guess Congress felt frightened. Maybe they would feel differently if it was them being shot for being unarmed and frightened. In my opinion Congress wasn’t in their right mind then and probably isn’t in their right mind now. I think it might be wise to rethink our stance on the Ukraine. It is in Russia’s neighborhood, not ours. The takeover by Islamic fundamentalists in the Ukraine might very well be a threat to Russia. However I don’t know the details of the Ukraine but it would not surprise me since what was/is going on in Syria. Russia has suffered some Islamic terrorism in their own country way before we experienced 9-11 in New York. I recall a school massacre and a theater massacre. Wasn’t the Ukraine the territory of the Soviet Union once. I don’t know if it is an Islamic inspired confrontation or not but if Obama is wanting to get involved……it probably is. I’m not a fan of Putin but I sure don’t trust Obama because he is a habitual liar not worthy of trust of any kind and Jay Carney is just as bad. Remember the video tape ….Benghazi. Until he comes clean on that Obama in my opinion is a threat and if there is a cost in the Ukraine I suggest Obama   may have something up his sleeve.

Islam in Ukraine

“At the time of the Russian Revolution in 1917, Muslims constituted one-third of Crimea’s population. Nearly all major cities in Crimea had a significant Muslim population.”

Don’t be fooled by his assertions with Putin. I’m sure there is something cynical going on with both Putin and Obama and it is not a good sign.

The President is going to makes some address about the Ukraine. If you believe the Presidents lies in the past you might take stock of what he says this time I’m sure it will have a lot of holes! Remember he was for the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.

Coverin both sides of this so just in case one thing happens kind of policy. Since when has Obama been savvy in foreign affairs? Remember those other foreign affair blunders he has made? All of them. I bet this is another one.

Nothing scares Sheppard Smith of Fox News. He is reporting an invasion in Crimean that Putin is denying are his troops that are involved in the invasion and Sheppard Smith and Fox News is able to get pictures and films of troops that look like ninja combat troops and be in the midst of it all without reprisal. I guess they don’t mind being called liars in that part of the world. When the Iraq war happened they took the press with them so they could control what was reported.  HMMMMM Fox News has been so truthful in the past how could anyone distrust what they report now? Remember how they reported Newtown? Nothing stops them from turning over every rock and stone for the truth, especially Sheppard Smith. He so brave. I think the troops actually like him over here and over there like he is part of the crew. I bet when they try his quiche he will be welcome anytime.

Now on Fox News they call the troops pro-Russian troops,

not Russian troops….pro-Russian troops so it appears no one really knows who they are.

Either they are troops that are in favor of Russian troops

or they are professional Russian troops.

Yalta of the Crimea is mostly Europeanized and Americanized so who is invading Crimea? Turkey?

Obama said he was worried about the instability of the area of Europe etc but as you recall he sure didn’t mind the instability created by Iran in the Middle east and even wanted to give them more assets to create more trouble.

Iran advancing its nuclear program despite pact with West

“Analysts watching the movements say the U.S. easing of economic sanctions against Iran to induce it to make compromises on a long-term nuclear agreement may not be having the desired effect.”

Oh I think they are having the desired affect for Obama!

Remember that Islam wants to dominate the world.  I hope the Ukrainians get to be free but it would be nice if Americans were free too and the longer that Obama is in charge acting as President the less freedoms we seem to have. I hope Congress gets it’s act together and impeaches him. I’m not counting on it though because they seem to be under the influence of something that makes them negligent, incompetent, and spineless. Maybe it’s their religions. I think Obama is impersonating Putin and Harry Reid. Maybe Putin offended Obamas prophet/profit and that is why he stated that it is gonna cost. Interesting choice of words. Probably a diversion of some kind as well. 

Seems from what I have read and noticed that hardly anyone is speaking out against what Obama said at the UN after Benghazi…why not? Is it politically correct to accept his motive for the deaths of some Americans and the silencing of others? Is that stupid?

Just because you consider yourself to be a Christian doesn’t mean you have to be dumb.

China ‘tiptoes’ around Ukraine crisis

Malaysia Airlines says lost contact with plane carrying 239 people

Timing is suspicious!

My intuition and anyone with an intuition should not want to disregard the timing of this because that would be dumb. I hope the US and other countries will be helpful to get to the bottom of what may have occurred because often times timing and the location is detrimental to determine if it is an accident or foul play. 

stolen passports? 153 possible chinese on board? No debris?
153 is that number of fish caught in the Gospel of John.
definitely something amiss!
Why on earth didn’t anyone stop this plane before it left if stolen passports are involved? Is that dumb?
Talk about a red line. Was this some kind of co-ersion or punishment? Was a drone involved? Drones can either be unmanned vehicles with arms or people type drones mind altered to do dirty business.
The Ukrainians who stole all the money probably were aboard this plane. Or perhaps it too is a hoax.
The area they are searching for possible remains of the missing plane is in the same area as the earthquake/tsunami in 2004 that hit the Indian Ocean and the countries surrounding it also known as the Sumatra earthquake that actually shifted the earths axis and it appears the tsunami that hit Japan also shifted the earths axis in 2011. There was also a big quake in Sumatra in 1833 that was also pretty significant.

Quake moved Japan coast 8 feet, shifted Earth’s axis

“Reports from the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology in Italy estimated the 8.9-magnitude quake shifted the planet on its axis by nearly 4 inches (10 centimeters).”

I wonder if the plane landed in the Seyshelle Islands?
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As far as racial profiling I sure wouldn’t ride in a plane with Muslims because they have set a precedence
when it comes to airplanes and there is just ain’t no getting around that fact.
If I were in charge of the aeronautics business/industry I would not hire a Muslim pilot or train a Muslim to fly. I even think it is reasonable not to allow them to ride in a plane as well until they change their ways. They seem to be a flight risk in every capacity as if they are easily provoked and easily manipulated and their belief system seems to include being used by spiritual madness and possessed by the likes of Mohammad as if they have no defenses against insanity. I think they need to be exorcised. They are easily corrupted!
However I think since they bow to the pope more than likely they are collaborators subjugated to each other.
What do they have in common? LOTS OF THINGS! You might take a good listen to Walter Veith on that subject.
Above is a link to a Walter Veith you tube. I hope you listen and find more via the you tubes offered by him on the bar to the right when you get to the link. It will help you get an understanding of the relationship of certain religions etc.
IF mankind can use their noggins they might consider it unless they have too much pride to investigate the possibility and will just concentrate on climatology. Might as well blame hijacking of planes on the weather.
How many planes have been hijacked and how many of those hijackings were because of Muslims. I think it is pretty good odds there is a relationship between the two components. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see the relationship.

Perhaps they shouldn’t be allowed in any vehicle!

Obama and Biden aren’t too worried about nuttin’

Obama, Biden stick to vacation schedules despite Ukraine crisis

Just heard that the jet landed in Nanning China via a tweet on an article written a few days or so back and also no new news since about Nanning except that the trip lasted 4 to 5 hours longer than supposed earlier. Strange.

For some reason Obama and Biden don’t want to be on the mainland of the USA.

Out of RSPECT you would think the Obamas would stay in Washington DC and act like a President who gave a crap even if only for appearance sake. Maybe it is ignrance?

It is time to oust President Obama from power because the Obamas have abused their position. The elections are fixed more than likely. So elections are not the answer. Like I said if they can abuse us in our own living rooms they have gone too far and are capable of unfair elections. They should be held accountable for Benghazi, IRS abuse, Fast and Furious and everything in between, before and after……..but all you care about is their personality and their looks. That is really shallow.

On Hannity on Wednesday March 5th they had one of Obamas purest fans who agrees with whatever Obama does. If he does this he will agree and if he does that he will agree. I think his nname is Lannie Davis the Democrat panderer of all time. He never disagrees so his opinion in my opinion is null and void of any reason.. Hannity tried to pin him down as to whether Putin is a thug and of course he’s a thug and so is Obama. Putin proved that by insisting that the leader of the Ukraine who lined his own pockets while the people suffered should still be the leader of the Ukraine. Although I have also heard that Putin said the opposite so not sure which is true in that regard. They had an expert on the show about the Ukraine and an expert of WWll and he said that Putin is going against the New World Order. 

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Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (1988)
Photos with Glenne Headly

Is that wrong?

I think the expert guest blamed the US for the deaths in WWll because we didn’t get openly involved at first, but at the time I was walking out of the room so may have that wrong. May I ask how in the world has the New World Order helped mankind? Is the world better off because of it? It is our biggest enemy because it is a flawed concept by a bunch of thugs. Pope Benedict called it the New World Order with teeth. It bites hard like an unripe fig that Jesus cursed in the Synoptic Gospels. Again, Jesus of the Gospel of John had the good sense to pass by that fig tree without comment though in the Gospel of John he commented about Nathaniel and that he saw him beneath it when Nathaniel realized who he was. The Gospel of John doesn’t explain this very clearly so it is a private matter between Jesus and Nathaniel that just happens to be written about.   The Fig Tree – Blessed are the Barren 

The people sure haven’t prospered by the New World Order and the leaders are not far behind. Without the people on your side and doing well eventually it is like that pyramid effect and the top falls right down the middle underneath the mass at the bottom in other words they cave in like a volcano.

The Fruits of the Vatican

Dalai Lama to lead US Senate prayers

Next thing you know Tibet will rise up against China and Sheppard Smith will be yodeling then. I wonder if the Dalai Lama could get Lois Lerner to spill her guts for the Senate? She reminds me of the Fox contraband that Hannity likes to kid with from time to time. Cummings spilled his though. Sometimes senility is a problem when it resides in a Representative who has bent over too many times. Love to know what was revealed by Issa instead of hearing that somethings were revealed by Issa. Might help if Greta had a show about it. She did! Cummings later sort of apologized calmly for his outburst which was out of order and made absolutely no sense but what is important were the people nodding behind him. RIDICULOUS!

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‘The Hills are Alive’ – The Sound of Music


I think Brad Pitt ought to be the next guest prayer leader at the Senate, see if that helps!


O’reilly thinks that NOEL Panetta ought to be questioned more and I agree. In one of my posts on one of my blogs is a picture of Leon Panetta in front of a picture with a white horse and he is grinning reminded me of the white horse that goes out to conquer in the book of Revelation. He is involved in Benghazi. He is very slick.

What happened at Benghazi is really important in biblical terms!!!!!! It is not wise to ignore and assume we have figured out it’s rational or it’s meaning and the depth of it’s affect on mankind.

“What does it matter,” won’t cut it.

Hiding your head in the sand doesn’t either. Things have a way of catching up sometimes  with bad results kind of like a tooth ache. The New World Order with teeth seems to be in a lot of pain.

How is it That Ye Do Not Understand?

It is not going away and can’t be treated like a miscommunication problem. Susan Rice, Hillary Clinton and the Obamas know it. Just because Susan comes out looking like a little queen and speaks soft words because she is politically diplomatic and trained in order to gloss over their guilt denying responsibility and blaming bad intelligence does not suffice.

Obama’s speech at the UN and his blurb about Mohammad

is key to this murderous event


which means the Obama’s are guilty of premeditated murder

and TREASON at the very least.

I get the feeling that the Press and Washington and it’s politicians don’t get how important it is what was said at the UN by Obama after Benghazi. Ever read about the witnesses in the bible? I think they think the New World Order is a good thing….it isn’t. They are in denial and that is a fact!

I know it is confusing but what was said at the UN is not confusing…….just foolish.

Matthew 23:37

O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!
O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, which killest the prophets, and stonest them that are sent unto thee; how often would I have gathered thy children together, as a hen doth gather her brood under her wings, and ye would not!
What would they not? Pay taxes?
The Synoptic Jesus was pro taxation and pandering to Peter. I think the Synoptic Jesus was a banker.

Michelle Obama: America’s Moms Are ‘Confused and Bewildered,’ ‘Defeated’ by Grocery Shopping 

So was George Bush Senior!

Maybe Michelle is confused but most American moms aren’t confused by shopping. I know I don’t like chickpea puree on crackers. Can you imagine being defeated by grocery shopping? Her opinion of American moms is scary.

I usually get defeated before shopping because of the lack of money.

I’m not confused when I shop for food I just wish there were more choices. Since so many smaller grocery stores lost their businesses I have noticed less choices in the products. Once the big ones win and put smaller ones out of business they shorten the choices except for HEB.

Jon Stewart Mocks Ted Cruz with a

Deceptively Edited Clip

“The Amazing Base”

I liked the joke by Ted Cruz whether it was edited or not. I would add to that

“If it doesn’t get wet!” A take off of famous quote:

 Kind of tired of a two party system in America and wish we could open it up.

I think Ted Cruz would make a good President with the help of Sarah Palin! I think a female is necessary to his campaign against the other side’s banal top choice!

Fox just reported that 19,000 kids died in drinking game activities in colleges across the country last year. That is insane. Who is held responsible for these games if they are on campus or in fraternity houses of those colleges? Perhaps if they (the colleges and the fraternities) were held responsible they might not have so many deaths caused by drinking? The drinking age is 21, is it not? 

How many rapes and unwanted pregnancies are the result of those parties and those games?

California sisters fighting back after professor steals graphic pro-life sign

Free speech may be controversial but it is supposed to be protected and these girls should have the right to express their beliefs and fight for their cause. I’m sensitive to abortion having had one and who knows maybe they will prevent an abortion or prevent an act that causes an abortion. There is nothing wrong with education. I just don’t like the act of berating those that have had one, but

an ounce of protection is worth a pound of cure.

College and High school and even Junior High school is a great place to open up about abortion, the act of sex before marriage etc. That is after all where kids are educated and might as well start educating kids about the ramifications of intercourse and might make the kids think twice before engaging in unprotected sex and premarital sex. It is helpful for those parents of teens who don’t want to admit their past to their children! I would think they would be thankful. Doesn’t mean it will be a cure all but it ought to help to some degree which is worthwhile.

Sometimes students make great teachers.

It would be also good to show pictures of girls and women who have had illegal abortions  in back alleys, but I doubt anyone took pictures and if there are any pictures probably most are crime scenes.

Whoops! That mic is still on, Senator

I remember when Pope Benedict went to Israel the first time and Perez said “Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.” Any way I thought I heard him say that to the Pope but it was covered up. But that particular quote came from the Gospel of Luke:

Luke 13:35

Behold, your house is left unto you desolate: and verily I say unto you, Ye shall not see me, until the time come when ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.

That is when I perked up and started this blogging on my various blogs because of those particular words however maybe that is what they say every time they greet a pope. I have no idea. Whether I thought I heard it or heard it is debatable because as I say it was replaced with other words. At that time I wasn’t smart enough to keep that particular you tube and by the time I was smart enough it had been changed.


I Am That I Am (The Sign) -Revised *

I AM THAT I AM (Part two)



What is the smallest seed in the world?

The Parable of Faith – Part two

Pope Benedict XVI and the Mustard Tree

Parable of the Mustard Seed Part 4

The mustard in the Bible versus the Quran (1)

Bibi, Merkel Photo Makes Waves


This May Be Bill Maher’s Most Intense Rant Against Religions – All Of Them – Yet

In answer to Bill Maher and his Noah rant (I didn’t hear it but only a snippet but have heard it before by people mad at God usually agnostics and atheists) my best guess would be to clean up the earth and make it livable again. A new start, etc. Probably suffered radiation and other contaminants leaked by man made catastrophes like what happened in Japan a few years back to force the Japanese Catholics to accept the Neo-CATechumenal Way and like all the other things going on today that represent evil.

That is probably why, IMO.

OR you could blame it on the big bang……global warming, climate change,

a video

Astronomers discover Big Bang echoes

Scientists make ‘Big Bang’ breakthrough with find

but they don’t know what made the doughnut rock on Mars move.

Trust me they don’t know.

Mystery of Mars ‘doughnut rock’ solved

Though they think they know it’s still just a theory.

They still can’t figure out what happened to an airplane full of passengers on earth.

Pope Cancels Tentative ‘Noah’ Meeting With Russell Crowe (EXCLUSIVE)

I wonder why?

There were two birds sent out from Noah’s Ark. One came back and one didn’t.

Guess which one didn’t come back. Now that is weird.

Is his mom Rosalind Russell?

Strange timing for a Chinese visit by First Lady Michelle Obama.

I wonder what she hyssop her sleeves?

Michelle Obama arrives in China for official visit

She and her girls are wearing a lot of red. Doesn’t that seem a bit weird? Is Michelle Obama trying to make some sort of fashion statement?

Israel says the flight has Iran’s written all over it according to the news on tv.

Newest news is that the flight from Malaysia crashed in the ocean according to the Malaysians without any proof so far and just a few days after Michelle swarmed into their territory to play ping-pong and endeavor to learn calligraphy while the tragedy was unfolding. Now the news stations have totally altered their coverage as if all are dead because of that one statement by the Malaysians. What in the world are they hiding?

The timing of Michelle’s detached visit to China is telling also, IMO.

(Reminds me of the Hurricane Sandy/Daniel Inouye/Hawaiian trip.)

Malaysian Airlines missing plane gave off unexplained final ‘ping’

YOU  CAN ONLY ASSUME THAT THEY ARE DEAD without proof. How about giving the families some proof! As far as critiquing the press by Bill O’reilly and his yep man Vernon MaGee is just UNBELIEVABLE and kind of gross and a bit early especially since the evidence so far has been disconcerting to say the least and the one they critiqued the most I think it was Gen. Tom IcInerney had the most reasonable of theories offered given the times we live in. O’reilly is always tooting his own horn one way or another. It is better to be open to some theories offered then to assume the usual and settle for excuses because of the timing of the disappearance of this aircraft. The general also appeared on The Kelly File and still seems to make quite a bit of sense and has the right attitude in regards to the evidence at hand. I wish more people on panels of news programs talking about National Security issues of the US and Israel and the world had his common sense without acquiescing to the whims of the press and the pressure of the world in their politically correct maniacal rationality. However I don’t agree about the suicide possibility but as the general said why go so far out. That does not make any sense and planting the remains of a similar is also possible too in order to deceive.

Full interview: Sarah Bajc, partner of Flight 370 passenger Philip Wood

  I don’t like that the plane went to the altitude that it did and that part makes me thinks this is deliberate and from the sounds of the last voice remarks by the pilot they were probably not involved.

Families turn MH370 grief into action

Can planes in flight be controlled at ground level? That is my suspicion. If we have drone capability we obviously can. The timing is also significant and possibly some kind of world political pressure. The visit by Michelle to China and the timing of that is significant. The timing of the visit of Obama to Europe is significant.

I think it reeks of evil intent

no matter the pretense of the visit suggests.

To play ping pong etc when this is going on is very pretentious and suggests to me something else is going on and reminds me of other trips when Hurricane Sandy and  ineptitude of FEMAs response whether accidental or purposeful and the Hawaiian excursion with Senator Inouye’s death as an excuse to forge on and have a ball.

I think they get off on their macabre grisly act while others are hurting.

Remember Benghazi? This could be another diversion away from the event that seemed to generate a lot of other deceptive activities, actions, looting and lies. This could be another one of those. I have never seen so many deceptions in my whole life as I have seen since Benghazi.

 I guess the President and Michelle don’t travel together anymore?

 Is it the mother-in-law?

Doesn’t Egypt have prisons? Maybe it is a good time to start building them for the Muslim Brotherhood otherwise you will just create more societal problems such as a great deal of resentment and hence more coups down the road I would think. For every person you put to death you make at least 30 new enemies depending on the size of their circle of family and friends. I think it would be smarter to build prisons instead and would provide jobs at the same time.

I hope you read the article linked below;)

Screen shot 2014-02-26 at 1.13.40 AMNoah, Soloman and Proliferation

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Between Iraq and a Hard Place

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Ted Cruz: Democrats will rue letting

President Obama’s lawlessness slide

My last blog post:

Minimum Wage, Obama Care, and Insurance Fraud

The reason for the extension of the post is because so much happens in a short time and seems to be purposeful folly, deception, and convulsion, but I can’t ignore it because it pertains to the times we are in and the challenges we face in America and the world IMO.

Political correctness is a big hurdle to overcome deception, slavery, and a false sense of security and stifles knowledge for those interested in learning. It only helps those few that don’t need to face the truth who benefit by it in the short run because they are short sighted but for the many who suffer and don’t benefit it is necessary.

If we don’t talk about something does it make the problem go away?  If a tree falls in the forest does it make a sound? How many trees have to fall before we notice?

Christians killed for faith nearly doubled in 2013, group finds

Chris Christie

Christie’s bogus ‘stages of grief’

Bridgegate: The whole thing is crap and so is this above article about grief. Catholics think that by confessing it makes it okay. They were brought up on confessions to some priest they call a father and those beads they count. To be sorry takes time and I think Roman Catholics fear they are losing it. I know the woman who supposedly died due to the closing of a few lanes of a bridge is good case in point. Usually ambulances have sirens and cars move out of the way to accommodate them and there are such things as helicopters that are used by hospitals. Has Obama Care done away with them, too? This whole thing seems contrived and for this last link to prop the Catholic way. CONFESSION and their stages of grief. They have mastered grief and sin for us all probably because they are the root cause of it. I have never been to a confession just watched it on TV and in the movies mostly mobster movies. Silly stuff.

Here is a good representation of the Sin of Roman Catholicism:

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It is called GLOATING:

verbgerund or present participle: gloating

  1. 1.

    contemplate or dwell on one’s own success or another’s misfortune with smugness or malignant pleasure.
    Even though Catholics really like this guy he looks like like an asshole to me and I think I read people pretty darn well. This guy drives around in a Pope mobile with his Secret Service mobsters kissing babies and peoples heads while nuns who look like maids and by maid I mean maids not maidens do their work. The Vatican is a an effeminate man’s club to keep women slaves. They are sickos. They are the most convoluted organization ever to be organized and an atrocity to mankind. Trash.
     It would be nice to avert teen pregnancy out of wedlock as much as we can via good education, teaching boys as well, protecting girls, while trying not to degrade them. Miscarriage is also a throw away and to determine the difference between the two is a bit hard to do since as I have stated earlier many women died and young girls died because of both dilemmas when miscarriages were forced upon many females in many ways in the past even by the clergy probably because they wanted to protect the priest’s reputation and the churches assets since they were supposed to be celibate or protect a person of great wealth and stature devoted to the church of Rome who donated OPM at the expense of a girl or a woman’s reputation and health.
    I think the question is:
    Does God have pre-knowledge?
    Not partial pre-knowledge but total pre-knowledge.
    Does God give a soul to miscarried babies that He knows will never live?
    How about David baby of the bible?
    How about a woman who has trouble giving birth and keeping her pregnancy alive. Should we not let her keep trying if she keeps failing because she keeps aborting/miscarrying because the baby didn’t make it to fruition?
    That is the experience of some women.
    Should we call her a pro-abortionist because she keeps trying?
    I think we should leave it to the women and little girls who get pregnant
    and between her and her family, and who she believes in either then or later on.
    I think everyone should get out of everyone else’s personal life, personal mistakes, personal sins, etc.
    Laura InGraham (Fox News Contributor) believes when two DNAs combine it is the conception of life and should not be allowed to be aborted. What does she think about the case in Texas? Did God plan for this at conception that the mother would have an embolism? Should the doctors. lawyers, judges have more control of what happens than her loved ones? How about her dentist or Greg Gutfield who judges a person by the amount of teeth in their mouth? How about Brett Baier with his laughing hyenas who love dogs? Should they get to decide? How about Brit Hume?Why doesn’t Laura InGraham weigh in on this case or is it a tough call and she would rather not because it doesn’t fit her agenda?
    Look in the mirror at your own past at your own sins at your own risk.
    Until men and boys can learn to keep their penis where it belongs women and girls should have the right to care for themselves and protect themselves. I do believe God has full pre-knowledge when it comes to whether a girl or women will keep her baby or not and teaches her in a multitude of ways down the road she has chosen. I think he forgives them too unlike those who make a political game of women’s rights.
    Both my children were Caesarian births one insisted on coming out butt first and the other was being strangled by the cord. In the old days both would have died as well as the mother. The success rate of Caesarian births in the past was about 15% at best, that is, if you lived near a doctor. Conception was not necessarily a good thing and sometimes it was a death sentence.
    If we would stop treating it like the national debt it might help.
    Humanize it instead of politicizing it!
    Also in the old days the kids born out of wedlock were bastardized. Treated badly for the rest of their lives. Kept out of certain social arenas. Mothers were shunned sometimes even kicked out of whatever place they lived probably by the pro lifers who sanctimoniously parade about in their glory. Not too long ago back alley abortions often killed both mother and baby. Now we have abortions that are legal and believe it or not they save the lives of the mother who often times is a girl and save the dad who is usually totally unaware of her pregnancy or if aware he’s off the hook.
    I think we need to figure out a way to make men and boys unable to impregnate girls and women to save lives if  men and boys can’t control their libido cause if you don’t stick it in her she can’t get pregnant! There were many reasons girls and women became pregnant not always on the up an up but for social reasons. As the many set ups we see today a way to ruin families and their social standing, etc. Tricking girls and women. Sort of like the obsessive cheer moms. It seems that a certain religious group is adept at that kind of duplicity in fact they are famous for their forked tongue. They have a history of cruelty and established a pattern for their behavior and this is just one other facet of their highway very similar to the knock-out game with a gotcha: knock them out, screw them, then rack em.
    Perhaps a good conception to begin with would be to train boys and men for starters. They ought to march for that in Washington DC.

    Meatloaf – I’d Do Anything For Love

    (But I Won’t Do That)

    Otherwise I suggest we sew the boys and the mens penises to their legs

    till they are ready to marry.

    100% success rate wouldn’t be so bad, would it?

    Dr. Benjamin Carson’s Skin and Games

    Yes, women and girls who have babies and give life deserve a pat on the back, special treatment, etc., and should have the safety nets we have employed in our country for them and their child such as welfare and food stamps for those that leave them in a lurch but use them for their folly. I think men and boys should get off of that safety net and grow up. They have an advantage work wise over females and they can’t get pregnant.  I am so tired of this coming up as an election ploy.
    But if abortion is outlawed I think we should kill the man or boy who gets a girl pregnant and make his family pay for all the expenses for the rest of their lives with the hep of their church.
    How about that? And, if they are wealthy they have to give their wealth to her and her baby and retroactively as well, no questions asked.

    Morality and Abortion

    If abortion is kept every other option should be offered the mother for her and her future child. The church the boy or man belongs to, attends or akin to (family of boy or man is involved) should have to pay for whatever his family is unable to pay for in the way of the child’s upbringing, hospitalization, insurance, education including college, clothing, dental and anything else that comes up and pay for the rent of the mother and her physical needs (her bills) to live in a decent neighborhood for the safety of the mother and child near her family for support such as baby sitting and safety from retaliation type actions of the daddy’s family or church, etc. whether or not she marries the boy or man, divorces him, whether or not she is part of their church or wants to share the future baby with the boy or man and his family and church until that child is 21 years of age. After all that is where the teaching of morality is taught: the church. They need to stand by their morality: They don’t usually want to pay or sanction the tools of sex to prevent pregnancy or prevent aids such as the pill, condoms, or abortions which is understandable because of their morality but should stand by their moral uprightness and pay for their failure to teach their male constituents and church followers not to stick it in her. We have DNA testing so proving daddy hood shouldn’t be a problem and if the daddy runs from his responsibilities his church and his family can still participate monetarily with or without visitation rights depending on the girl or the mother’s wishes. If he runs he goes to jail when he is caught until he is willing to work to support mother and child and help the church fulfill it’s responsibility to the mother and child. If twins or triplets it doubles or triples the cost so that each child is fairly treated.
    If retaliation does occur against mother and child the boy or man, his family, and the church they belong to or attended in the past should be held responsible for both mother and child and quadruple the award estimated amount for 21 years to the parents of the impregnated woman or girl or whoever had custody of her depending on their situation whether or not they are found guilty of retaliation. And if retaliation occurs to them for the quadruple amount then it goes to the relatives and doubles the quadruple amount to each relative etc and of course they the man or boy and the church have to pay for the court and lawyer costs as well.
    I think alcohol is the gateway drug to unwanted pregnancy, abusive behavior, brawls and fights, drunk driving (because you have to leave the public place to get home) and should be treated as a vice and not allowed in private or public businesses or public places and only in the home of the user. Same goes for marijuana if it is legalized should be only allowed in the privacy of your own home. Public places and businesses should be free of inebriation of any kind for the sake of others. If marijuana is legalized it should be regulated like alcohol so that the THC levels are limited. I think cigarettes should be regulated so that the addictive nicotene is limited to help those that are addicted to become less addicted and go to e-cigarettes instead. E cigarettes are okay as long as they don’t contain all the other stuff cigarettes have and should be allowed in public because it does not affect others even if they are obnoxious.
    Chewing gum should also be allowed in public as long a you don’t stick it under the table or on a sidewalk. Picking noses should not be allowed in public places.
    (Except for little kids who can’t seem to help it.)
    Breast feeding should be allowed anywhere and everywhere.

    Gloating should be frowned upon.


    A person’s home should be their castle and the NSA should stay out of a person’s home. However, businesses, shopping centers, football arenas and anywhere the public is allowed to congregate including temples (especially islamic ones), and the RC churches they should be allowed to spy in order to keep the public safe because by their own history have proved to be untrustworthy with the public as illustrated below and that way they have something to do besides meddle into the personal lives of people in their homes rented or purchased. So far I’m not impressed by their work and think they are a total waste of tax payers donations to the Federal government. The NSA ought to have information about Benghazi though….. since Mitt and Donald seem to know so much….. but now Mitt is dancing gangnum style. Impressive.

    DrugFacts: Drugged Driving

    Why Medical Marijuana Laws Reduce Traffic Deaths

    Cheap Alcohol Causing STDs And Unwanted Pregnancies, UK

    I have seen bonafide drunks who drove drunk frequently get off alcohol because of marijuana. I have never seen a high person on marijuana get rowdy and start fights or get lusty however they do get hungry.

    Marijuana is a gateway to other drugs because of illegality of it and those that sell illegal drugs are the gateway so if legalized and regulated that ought to fix that problem. It would help to keep the younger generation from the mob and those that sell illegal drugs which also leads to prostitution. It would help to draw a thicker taller line between the two.

    This is your body on weed

    Marijuana is not addictive. I know the difference and those that say it is addictive are lying. Pain pills are addictive, cigarettes are addictive. I don’t know if alcohol is addictive but I assume it is because some people get addicted and go through withdrawals when then get off booze. When I got off pain pills because of my operation it was extremely painful….it felt horrible, course I did it wrong but I hated how they affected me and were not working. I cold-turkeyed. When I got off marijuana I felt no pain or bad effects what so ever. What is bad about marijuana is overuse of it makes some people paranoid and that is why I got off marijuana…..panic attacks (though could have occurred because of certain events in my life) but I do know marijuana helps alleviate depression if used wisely and helps to get some people off of alcohol. To be clear I wasn’t a huge user but everyone around me had it. I would take a few puffs usually. It helps some people do repetitive type work such as labor type work….painting houses, fulfillment type work, etc. It also helps creative type work such as art. Some people aren’t affected the same way and don’t ever get panic attacks. It makes some people uninterested in sex. As with any kind of recreational type behavior moderation is the key.

    Screen shot 2014-01-23 at 9.47.37 PM

    Hannity is way off on the subject of marijuana yet admits he doesn’t get high off two beers. I get high off a 1/2 beer. He has built a resistance to booze by drinking it more often than me. I know people who can do the same with marijuana. You build a resistance by the frequency that you use your preferred high. You don’t drink beer just for the taste because I guarantee the first time you drank it it did not taste good. Same with marijuana. You drank it to get high, to achieve a buzz. Now I recall when you dilly dallyied with Tamara Holder you kidded her about her being high which was really noticeable when she and former Ohio assistant attorney general Bill Cunnningham were guests and a few other times. I assume by the way she acted those few times she was high on marijuana because she was giggling. I could be wrong but it sure looked that way. You didn’t seem to mind that she was high and were amused so this political stance on marijuana does seem to be manufactured for your audience. Isn’t that pretty hypocritical? Would you like her to be safe knowing what it is she smokes?

    I get a sharp pain in my eustachian tube down my neck when I drink beer or white wine so I rarely drink them. Some people are allergic to beer, wine and/or booze. No one so far that I know dies by over use of normal marijuana probably because they go to sleep instead but they do by overdosing on beer and booze. Controlling the substance like alcohol would be really wise and make it less available to kids that are underaged, IMO. Kids won’t end up in prison for something all their rich and poor friends do and shouldn’t.

    I think Sean Hannity has had too much beer over the years and it is affecting his judgement even though he doesn’t notice that it has. That is usually how it works, but believe me everyone else notices. You can actually smoke marijuana off the plant itself but you have to distill alcohol (I think) which proves it is a chemical abuse. Both have their ups and downs, pros and cons. I think marijuana is here to stay so why not be reasonable about it and make it safer. Think about your grandkids one day????? Regulations that actually work would be good in regards to marijuana instead of regulations that don’t. Instead of buyer beware why not allow them to know what they are smoking and how much THC is in it. They do it for alcohol. Educate at the same time about the real effects of it’s use…not the made up ones. But don’t dare say it is addictive if it isn’t addictive. It wasn’t when I got off of it so something may have been added to it to make it addictive and hence that is another reason it needs to be regulated like alcohol because of the additives.

    I like Hannity quite a bit though but I still can’t understand why Fox News and all the other networks don’t report that Ambassador Chris Stevens is not the man dragged around at Benghazi and they don’t report that there is a person that looks an awful lot like Michelle Obama in front of the burning buildings at Benghazi.

    That is troubling to me.

    Isn’t that important? Or like Hannity high on beer but don’t realize it.

    Ted Cruz Thinks Obama Should Address Benghazi,

    IRS Scandal During State Of The Union

    I have a few in my family who are wine drinkers and like to sip and taste wines quite a bit. I went out with them once and was totally drunk half way through the night and they drank much more because they were used to it and they did it to get high. I don’t like to throw up or toss my cookies so I know my limits and I could not keep up with them. I know it affects them long term. IN fact I think it has affected the sensibilities of the population and our government to be very careless in regards to others. If red wine is so great how come the French are always starting conflicts? Probably because they drink too much.

    I was just reminded of an incident about a pregnant woman cutting in line. I don’t know if she cut in line because I wasn’t there but when I heard the story by ther person who related the event, I thought, hmmmm is that so bad? The person that told me was pissed off that the pregnant woman had cut in line and made a stink about it to that person and that person who was so indignant was also from time to time a hefty drinker whom I love. I think that is bad judgement, but like I said I did not witness it so who knows?

    Marijuana for kids when I was growing up even though it was illegal was available in the public schools via other kids. It was very easy to get. I don’t think I ever had to pay for it either. I could have bought it at the age of 14 years old. They didn’t grow it so they were approached somehow to sell it by the pounds. There must have been a great incentive to make it so easily available to kids or it would not have been made available. I think it is a false controversy in politics and policy makers except for the illegality issue because it is a gateway. Also the fast food market and convenience stores which had it’s beginnings around the same time certainly profited from those that abused marijuana so I would think they are related somehow as well as the music entertainment business. Leisure type businesses. Also the Vietnam War coincided with the use of marijuana. Looking back on it now I think it was like mothers milk and was being fed to us by someone if it was so easily available. Every friend I had was using it in their teens. This stuff was pre-calculated type behavior of businesses such as fast food joints and all night grocery stores by our government and other governments.

    If they could find a drug that made people want to shop for clothing and jewelry I’m sure it would be introduced to kids in high school. Christmas is one of those drugs.

    Maybe that is why they call it high school.

    They don’t call other schools low schools, do they? They do now but they didn’t used to.

    Drunken Bieber Cursed Out Miami Police Officers

    Making fun of Bieber isn’t helpful as they do on Fox News. He seems like a spoiled brat gone off the deep end but he is a young man barely grown and obviously needs some intervention and help. A person who has become a product to sell bad behavior. I bet he is confused. What would you expect?

    One way to control drunkenness without destroying everyone’s pass time is to install alcohol breathalyzers to ignitions so that the car can only accelerate to 15 mph. Instead of a fast lane we make slow lanes on highways with cement separating them from the other traffic and their license plates light up to a certain color to let others know they have been drinking when they are off the highways. Might be a great invention (although Lot’s kids probably won’t even try because they aren’t smart enough) and not curtail a vice everyone on the right and left and even Christians love as well as visiting Muslims. I know cause I met some and they were real doozies. Fox news just the other day said that the vice of booze is here to stay so do they really care about life as they claim they do? Or do they care about business more? Is abortion a political card they use to whip women and girls caught in the crosshairs of their vices?

    If drinking alcohol is here to stay as I heard on Fox News the invention might help other people and could be a life saver and lower drinking alcohol consumption in public places.

    What’s In a Name?

    Murder or Miscarriage?

    Grieving Mom Crusades for Unborn Son

    A woman in Colorado who is trying to enact new legislation for the life of her 8 month old fetus who was killed in car wreck when a drunk driver collided with her car. I don’t know the details because so many incidents these days are contrived it seems so it is hard to trust the news anymore, but if it is true, she is doing what she feels is right with some other women who have also been attacked by drunk drivers. The man that ran into her fled the scene or tried to flee and then committed suicide later.

    That is why it seems contrived. Dead men don’t talk.

    Nevertheless controlling drunk drivers on the road seems to be a good goal if you ask me. The story was on Fox News with Huckabee who said it had nothing to do with the abortion controversy but I think it does because she wants to have her fetus who she had already named regarded as a person which Colorado in their legal morass doesn’t regard an 8 month old fetus as a person but considers that a person is a person when they take their first breath which doesn’t happen until a fetus is born obviously. The baby was named Brady which is an awful coincidence to have been named after what MADD and the Brady Bill had already been coined. Was their a price or a reward for this incident?

    Another reason this seems contrived

    is the name Brady!

    With what I know about some men who try to abort a fetus of a woman even of a wife or a girl friend in order not to be responsible for the coming baby do some very bad things to cause it’s demise or their demise and the fact that the drunk driver committed suicide in this case makes me QUESTION in a big way the intent of this woman and/or her husband and/or Huckabee and/or the suicidal drunk driver. Maybe he was like a suicide bomber of a different sort but we will never know cause he is dead now which seems rather convenient. It is not like she will get any satisfaction from him anymore in regards to justice. He paid the price for the death of her kid or so they reported. She wants to change the law to call it murder of a person when a drunk driver kills a fetus by their recklessness via the Brady Amendment. But in reality unless it is premeditated it then becomes manslaughter. Was it premeditated? It seems to be the crux of this event. With all of the coincidences it ought to be scrutinized, after all Huckabee was considering running for President and Bush was the President at the time who is responsible for the Brady Amendment. The husband is missing at the picture at the gravesite and on the Huckabee show which is odd. If she had had the baby at 8 months her baby would probably have been delivered and lived. That ought to be investigated as well: why the baby wasn’t delivered and by whose decision.? Some things about this particular case though are fishy and I’m sure there are better examples that don’t have a suicide/possibly silenced and Huckabee involved. I’m sure there are better examples without the oddities that don’t add up. Was she an Obama Care recipient? Regardless whether this incident was an accident or premeditated 

    here is an idea

    that ought to make everyone happy:

    Why not change the laws in traffic and design and install regulators in vehicles to slow down a drunk or a drugged person so that it doesn’t happen again at least in that way, (It might be too difficult for humans and angels to invent such a device because they seem to have lost their brains lately and would rather use anything and everything as a tool to get elected.) then a drunk driver could never be accused of murder or manslaughter and she would have her baby in a month or so and everyone would be happy.

    Another idea would be to have regulators on the key itself that won’t allow the key to go into the key hole of the car all the way until the alcohol level of the person is low enough for them to drive and bars should stay open to serve coffee to their constituents after hours.

    If not,

    then this must be a political tool

    for Huckabee and those involved without really caring about the fetuses/persons, mothers, and the drunk drivers and their families in reality and quite possible and more than likely probable! More than likely this is about abortion because that is Fox News achilles heel as they defend nuns who are against birth control and Huckabee said that it wasn’t about abortion. 

    Mourning with cameras is a bit contrived. I remember the woman who stabbed her kids to death in Texas had film taken of her grief at the gravesite.

    If I’m wrong about my suspicions I apologize to all concerned.

    Instead of Global Warming/Climate Change/Climate Alteration we could start with Driving while Intoxicated/DWI and invent a device on keys to prevent accidental death and miscarriage and accidents caused by DWI which usually are unintentional. Breathalyzers aren’t very expensive and keying them into an automobile can’t be that difficult. Cars have sensors to know how much gas, water and oil are in a car why not have sensors to measure how much alcohol in the driver of the vehicle.

    I know I must sound overly suspicious but these days I believe I have a right to be suspicious of motives especially when it has to do with a woman’s body, fetuses/babies and the rules of law.

    Naming a baby after a bill is a bit much!

    Colorado ‘Brady Amendment’ Is Really a ‘Personhood’ Initiative

    Brady Amendment Makes It Onto Colorado Ballot,

    Will Redefine Fetuses As People In Criminal Code

    IF you believe in God then when it comes to abortion of a fetus because of unintentional pregnancy I believe it is forgiven if you seek forgiveness but a priest isn’t God, nor is the Pope. I believe in Creationism unlike O’reilly and I don’t think we came from apes even when I joke about it. I think God knows ahead of time if the baby will make it to living a life in this world and gives the baby a soul then. Otherwise when a child dies at birth did God say to the babies soul “Oh, tough luck.” “You should have picked better parents.” Too bad, if only you were born in the future you might have lived.” If you lived in America you would have had a chance but you were born in Haiti and there was a storm and blah blah blah.” Pretty shortsighted type perception of who God is but not too short sighted if you believe the Pope has any perception of God otherwise he would not advocate for idolatry (of himself), the worship of Mary etc., sell indulgences, take bribes, launder money, pander his people by kissing their babies with mobsters guarding him, etc.

    I know I was forgiven by God.

    I’m not advocating for abortion but for the right to choose between it and many other options depending on the situation and many other factors. Just like who your choice of doctor should be a right…… who you want to marry should be a right and the right to divorce…… so should the right to choose what is best for you and your personal dilemma when it comes to unwanted pregnancy. Too many of the people that have had abortions lie about it. Too many people that have had sex of any kind before marriage lie about it. Remember you are guilty in the eyes of God if you look on a person with lust. Catholics get annulments from marriage as if they haven’t been married. I’m not sure why but seems like indulging in equivocation in regards to past marriage. Perhaps those that get abortions ought to be afforded the same luxury such as miscarriage. Many that have had miscarriages are afforded the luxury by the people they know and yet may be at fault for their miscarriage/s. The pill is miscarriage, isn’t it? Because someone does not perceive their dilemma and takes a while to figure it out should be given as much respect as one who takes the pill. Do you ask God to forgive you when you take the pill married or not married??? Just because you tricked the forces of nature doesn’t make you innocent. Just because you were lucky doesn’t make you a saint.

    I definitely was not forgiven by the Roman God and it’s supporters. I don’t think a drunk driver intends to harm others because they are not in their right minds (just like Mel Gibson was not in his right mind when he said Jews were the source of the problems of the world or what ever it was that he said while drunk that upset many people. When someone is drunk they say stupid things and they do stupid things) and I think we can avoid that by using our God given intellect to prevent them and other types of inebriated behaviors from driving while intoxicated.  If a car can be invented so can breathalyzer device keying system also can be invented.  As far as intentional miscarriage and harm of someone else’s baby/fetus needs a hard look because of their rights but to connect them to the right of a woman or child’s rights in regards to an unintentional pregnancy is wrong and infringing on their rights and their beliefs.

    They should be separate issues and not combined for trickery for whatever reason. When you have to trick to get your way…….IT STINKS TO HIGH HEAVEN.

    What works for one doesn’t for another and you cannot lump all things together.

    As far as Heather Surovik I hope she can have another baby and trusts God.


    When Putin contested America’s greatness (exceptionalism)

    I think he might be on to something.

    If we can’t invent regulators for cars to protect everyone

    we are not a great country….no doubt about it.

    Instead the press, politicians and businesses and those that play their game would rather be drunk and yak about it like they yak about Obama Care ad nausea on Fox News and wait for it to fail instead of killing Obama Care and using the constitution that they are supposed to uphold when they take office in our government because they are cowards. Only a few dared to try such as Senator Ted Cruz but not counting John Boehner who thinks upholding the constitution means holding it in his hand. The rest are there for the salary and the perks that’s why the government shutdown was so unsuccessful. It should have lasted till Obama Care was annihilated and till Obama was eating out of your hands. The rest want to talk about the IRS scandal but do nothing about it. I guess so Fox News and other news agencies can have something to write about and talk about thus avoiding Benghazi for their master Obama. That is a good sign they are Lot’s kids.

    I don’t believe there is a Republican war on women any more than there is a Democratic war on women. Contempt for women is rampant even by women to women.

     Pro-lifers aren’t willing to give up anything or be inconvenienced in their pursuit of happiness to save lives so why should we believe anything they march about. That’s the easiest most ineffective thing that can be done. How about some new ideas that work instead of the obsessive cheer moms act to be seen marching for what any person would want for others……life. Why not parade the Pope around kissing babies it will have about the same effect……nothing. A feel good moment worth zero.

    An example my ex went to the convenience store and saw a man in his sports car and talked a minute or so about his car. The same man went into the neighborhood bar near the convenience store and an hour later he managed to crash his sports car into a telephone pole killing himself and possibly killing the passenger with him within a mile of his departure. Inconvenienced internet for many in the area. If his car was limited to 15 mph more than likely both would be alive today. The invention would be a cost cutter to insurance businesses and create jobs. Might even get public transportation a lift in business. (cabs, buses, cable cars, subways, and trains) Highway cement partition makers and the Federal Highway Administration and the US Department of Transportation a new direction and more jobs too. It would help the Police to know who is inebriated with wine, liquor, or beer for a number of reasons. It would save lives and be a worthy cause and might even prevent some other type accidents such as unwanted pregnancies that happen in the backseat of cars.

    Might have prevented Chappaquiddick! Hmmm

    Cheaters of life

    Sean Hannity who has been married over 20 years has only 2 children. Obviously they planned their family which is manipulation using birth control otherwise more of those eggs his wife expelled every month would greeted his sperm and become little seans or patricks. Is that wrong? And they were married so appearances should not have been a problem. Is that pro life? When you use birth control is that considered pro life? I don’t think so. It’s actually hypocritical and I think that is pro choice or is it  being pious ie doing his duty for his religion which is Roman Catholic, but half-heartedly. It is in the gray department for sure so he should not be so proud “acting” which is piety in reference to supporting life when in actuality he must not have been supportive at the time of his insertion using some form of birth control or did he pull out early. Obviously the church has a pretty historic record yet they are pius/pious.


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    Pope Pius with Hitler mano y mano while at the same time he was a friend to the Jews. I don’t think the 6 million Jews were so sure of that friendship.

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    “The Reichskonkordat is the most controversial of several concordats between Germany and other nations that the Vatican negotiated during the pontificate of Pius XI. It is frequently discussed in works that deal with the rise of Hitler in the early 1930s and the Holocaust. The concordat has been described by some as giving moral legitimacy to the Nazi regime soon after Hitler had acquired quasi-dictatorial powers through the Enabling Act of 1933, though Reichskanzler Hitler himself is not a signatory to the treaty and the treaty does not make mention of Hitler, or the Nazi Party. The source document is addressed to President Paul von Hindenburg.”
    “Hindenburg, as German President, appointed Nazi Party leader Adolf Hitler as Chancellor of Germany. “

    Probably just trying to protect Catholics and their Vatican from evil, eh?

    If you read the history of Roman Catholicism down below it is apparent they are not really pro life at all it just depends on who they think should live (maybe that is why they won’t divulge who gave the video excuse for Benghazi that Susan Rice repeated on all their news talk shows: Here is a hint….. Jesuit Fredriko Lombardi) because they like to make those decisions for everyone else.

    Truth is hard to bare and only Michelle Obama who was recently on Jimmy Fallon show has the right to bear arms at Benghazi but here is some more:

    Did Hannity actually abstain from sex every other time? (Or did his wife have some mysterious miscarriages? The kind that happens from stress, falling, drinking etc By now he should have had at least 5 or 6 or more kids. Isn’t that using the ole pa trick? Ever wonder why they call it “ejaculate?” It’s a mystery and Roman Catholics love mystery. So those who use birth control should be labeled cheaters of life. Isn’t that “cheating life a chance?” Maybe Sean ought to start a dry cleaning business so you can hand out hangers for the less fortunate women and girls some who are farmed. If you use birth control at all you are pro choice. Think about those dna’s down the toilet. Some who consider themselves to be holier than thou pro lifers might consider those rubbers holding half a soul. When the bible talks about a man’s seed I wonder what it meant. It isn’t sperm I’ll tell you that much. If you are really interested you might consider trying to figure it out. But it is just a hammer used for political posturing because if you were pro life you would not use any kind of birth control ever and you would be anti war which Hannity is definitely pro war. When we show our strength and power using our military guess what kids get killed as well as babies and pregnant women. Our bombs don’t differentiate between male and female, adult and child.

    University removes Bibles from hotel after Freedom from Religion Foundation steps in

    Whether a hotel or motel decides to do away with the bible in it’s drawer is their business. Most people don’t read it even when it sits on their own bookshelf anyway. Catholics were taught not to read it or discern it for themselves because they were not trusted to understand it. While it is difficult, do you think Jesuit Father Frederico Lombardi understands it either? Obviously not. Most of the clergy do not have  a good grasp of it either. It’s a business to them. An easy mark.

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    This is ridiculous!

    So they can have the good life living like fleas off others until one day they too have to answer to God.

    Georg Ganswein won’t be snickering then!

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    I don’t hate Hannity, in fact I have been a fan for many years but I hate his new personality and posturing lately as if he has been taken over by a demon. I think his popularity with the face lifters has had a bad a bad affect on him. Being too popular is a good sign something isn’t right. Perhaps he should go back to radio and fight for personal freedom from government intrusion including the Roman government that calls itself Roman Catholic that intrudes on everyones right to privacy, freedom of religion, freedom to procreate when the time is right, freedom to pursue happiness and all those things our Constitution is supposed to afford it’s citizens but instead is getting tangled in legal women’s rights to protect themselves from that entity that encroaches on them and their bodies, their personal decisions which should be between them and their maker. Maybe he ought to work on circumcising men’s hearts in his own party and his own religion. When it won’t stand up and say “It was our Jesuit father that made up the excuse for Benghazi” then it is not on the up an up as usual. It is a false religion that won’t fess up about this controversy that has plagued this country for more than a year. And you have to wonder why it won’t fess up about it. What right did it have making up lies about 4 men that were killed at Benghazi and plenty more were silenced. There must have been an evil intent in their silence and the press as well. Was it a sacrifice of some kind? Sure sounded like it from what Biden said about it and the UN speech about Mohammad soon after by Obama as if some people were tested on their allegiance to Islam and it’s profit/prophet at Benghazi and was used to silence and control those that watched and witnessed this event in our government to scare them as Lindsay Graham testified about some of the witnesses. And then came Obama Care and they capitulated! IN other words they bent over for Obama. An at the same time Michelle got a face lift which was also ironic. I guess that was her reward for her part at Benghazi. Roman Catholicism and it’s partner Islam are/is a blight on society. If only Catholics would read and learn for themselves instead of listening to to the tripe of priests and nuns ie the clergy. What are they afraid of? The truth?

    Very similar to the Congress not reading Obama Care before making it legal.

    I hope you read this article. Please click on the title and it will take you there:

    Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven

    I wasn’t always a believer but I worked at it and read, lived and experienced life on this earth which is difficult to say the least. I made mistakes which made me want to learn the truth. Must be Catholics are perfect that they don’t want to learn the truth and would rather someone tell them on Sunday a few blurbs so they can think they are perfected. If you would read the bible you will change your mind but priests are more interested in hearing your confessions and serving you wine and toast and selling you an indulgence and putting an ash mark on your forehead like a Hindu cause guess what you is as well as a Muslim and other worldly religions.

    Gregorian Chant

    I don’t recall Jesus chanting, do you? OHMMMMMMMMMM

    Maybe Hannity ought to look into what goes into cosmetic surgery…the ingredients, that is. I remember a certain face product that used certain things and I stopped using it because it had to do with embryonic type ingredients. The crowd that applaud him the face lifters might also be using that kind of treatment for their fine skin lifts.  How ironic. I remember hearing about this a few years back and then silence and with a surge global warming became the topic of the day as if a diversion from beauty tricks using embryos. It was being written about before Gore wrote his book alarming society about global warming like a diversion type ploy that Obama would employ whole profiting by their lies. Obviously we have had some of the coldest weather in years just lately. Global Warming also was procreated by the Vatican so obviously they have a stake in the business of beauty and embryonic misuse but like to disassociate themselves so that “the goya” don’t catch on to their duplicitousness. They have perfected their deceptive ways from their inception. Beauty is so important these days. It might be that unwanted pregnancy and cosmetics are connected somehow. I think they are. Farming young girls and women for the product for the wealthy because it is addictive to the wealthy to be beautiful, men love it, and it is big business and where would tv be without beautiful women and men, but it probably is a beauty secret. Why not investigate Pepsi and their flavor enhancement? Or do they pay for air time or make donations to the church. Who in their right mind would use it for flavor enhancement?

    Back to drunks and the inebriated

    For those who cheat (because there is always a way to cheat) and get caught a huge fine, loss of car insurance and driver’s license for a year and impound their car till they pay the fine.

    Today Fox News had a scientific study by some group reporting and saying they gave marijuana to mice or rats and the effects it had on them and that the next generation of mice and rats desired heroin because they had smoked marijuana….

     who offered them the heroin?

    (Did they put it in swiss cheese?)

    This is fear mongering in order to control the drug market by Rome and it’s abettors.

    O’reilly says the answer is not to introduce a new stimulant or drug to society….marijuana has already been introduced, as if he didn’t know but O’reilly probably rarely drinks. O’reilly is gonna interview the President on Superbowl Sunday which he did another Superbowl Sunday even though O’reilly has invited the President to his show and the President has repeatedly declined his invitation,

    because we are to conclude that O’reilly is so tough on the President.

    Does that make ANY SENSE?

    Will O’reilly ask about Benghazi and the man that is dragged around who is not Ambassador Chris Stevens and the person that looks an awful lot like Michelle bearing arms in front of the burning consulate with something odd in her other hand and the lies about a video tape that Father Fredrico Lomabardi of the Jesuits (whom O’reilly is associated) cued the White House and the State Department to blame  on the news programs for weeks and will he inquire about the UN speech a week or so after Benghazi when Obama tried to justiy the deaths of “4 dead americans” because they had the audacity to insult or be an insult to the prophet of Islam. Will he ask Obama about what he might know about the money laundering by the Roman Catholic Vatican and the missing money of Obama Care ‘s website and his future trip to confer with Pope Francis?

    Will he ask Obama about those important facts? Wee shall see how tough O’reilly’s interview is (although he added he will be respectful to the President probably because he doesn’t want to insult the prophet of Islam)

    Well I watched about a minute of the interview and they are still quibbling over

    the word: TERROR.

    Is that what Nancy Pelosi meant when she said,

    “My favorite word is the word.”

    Nancy Pelosi’s Favorite Word

    Screen shot 2014-02-03 at 10.00.19 AM

    Pretenders – Show me 

    I don’t call that a tough interview by O’reilly……… I call it INSANE. Of course he didn’t ask what needs to be asked! Both O’reilly and Obama were just beating around the bush as usual. That is their game. Did anyone learn a damned thing from the interview they didn’t know already? Might as well be living in the world of Alice in Wonderland. One thing I would like to know is what the graffiti on the outside walls at Benghazi means or a translation of the graffiti and no one in the press yet has attempted which is really strange to say the least? It might be a clue as to why Michelle is there.

    Luke 24:41

    And while they yet believed not for joy, and wondered, he said unto them,
    Have ye here any meat?
    No meat in that interview just BS.

    Eventually I might watch the whole stupid intercourse between the two.

    Strange phone text to my ex at 6:16 on Feb 2 Sunday from an old acquaintance (D.E.) who he has not been in touch with for years that said “You happy?” I wonder what time the interview occurred? Funnyish coincidence.

    Another thing what is the deal with the afghan girl who was shot by the Taliban on a bus who wanted to go to school looks as if she is now in Syria as a witness to chemical warfare, even has a little scar on her head?

    Greta Van Susterne is or was visiting with Franklin Graham in the country of Syria to assist him in helping those in Syria SIFT THROUGH THEIR TRASH. He sure gets around, doesn’t he? Japan, Haiti, Syria. (Was he in Egypt too? How about Benghazi?)  An ambulance chaser in a way.  Ought to make you wonder which came first?

    Josh Brent sentenced to 180 days in jail, 10 years of probation

    I had smoked pot as a teen and hash and drank beer and had my first bourbon at age 14. I gave up bourbon after that because I got sick and as far as I can remember never drank it again. Too sweet. I only had it one day with a friend at her home. When I either was 15 or 16 years of age I was bussed to a black neighborhood for public school and I was offered heroin and I said, “No, thank you.” because I knew it was addictive and very dangerous. I was also offered marijuana by a teacher who was having a long term affair with my best friend. The education about heroin helped me to be wary of heroin. Before that however I had snorted something powdery on a trip. I have no idea what it was. I was with a group of people I didn’t know except one friend. It was stupid but peer pressure, being cool, and being young I did some pretty dumb things.

    The effects of any drug overused probably does have an effect on our bodies but usually within a month the effects or traces of marijuana disappear as far as I have heard. Alcohol also has it’s effects on the body regardless if you are resistant to the appearance of it’s effect. I would imagine if rats were given alcohol over a period of time they might desire rape, gambling, collecting guns, collecting nazi artifacts, and pillaging. I was able to give up marijuana without any effects so I know it is not addictive. Cigarettes are addictive though I don’t think it was realized till I had already started.

    I have never heard of “Hawaiians brawling on the beach.” Sean Hannity read the quote from Obama’s book. He didn’t even question that part of the quote which shows me something is wrong with Hannity. What the heck was he thinking? Who? Either of them.

    Too much sun such as tanning by a pool can also cause accidents in vehicles,

    believe it or not.

    We have cars that we use like a drug. They can kill if driven too fast. They can kill if driven by idiots. (It’s healthier if we didn’t have them and walked everywhere. We would all have more strength.) We have kids that we require to sit in car seats and have made laws requiring occupants in the front seats to wear seat belts to help save lives in these dangerous machines. Why not do the same for drugs. Make them safer for our kids and their friends and help to keep those kids away from the mobs of the world that want to do them in. Why not do the same by making laws that make sense about drugs and drug users and alcohol users to keep them and drunks that drive under some kind of control such as suggested above to help save lives. Why not control the content of the drugs to make them less potent and safer.

    On the other hand we could allow everyone to drive dangerous cars at 200 mph or more with out traffic signals, signs and laws without seat belts and car seats just for the heck of it like we do with drugs. Are you a car user?

    There is nothing in an auto that can help cancer patients with their pain or cure cancer for that matter though it is a machine to get you there.


    He gave up heroin for 25 or more years. I find it hard to believe that he went back to heroin under his own power especially after having kids and he seemed pretty happy with his life. He was a great actor in my estimation and something about this seems underhanded. They have pictures aired on Fox News of him at a bar looking smashed on something alcohol or heroine or both and I assume it was the night before but I don’t know. If they have those pictures why didn’t someone help him out? They describe what a heroine addict who is high acts like in correlation with the picture aired on Fox  because one of the Fox contributors says he is around heroine addicts the time. Seems like a planned attack on Philip Seymour Hoffman and they even are investigating four heroine dealers and yet they waited for this guy to die to investigate the dealers. Doesn’t make sense. Like he was set up, IMO, probably to implicate whoever it is they want to implicate and to make noise about their righteousness as if alcohol drinkers are better people and they aren’t. Alcohol drinkers also sit in a stupor when drunk. Was he at a friends house that night smoking marijuana or was he at a bar drinking? So what lead him to heroin? Marijuana or a booze? His friends house or the bar? If Philip Seymour had been off the drug for 20 to 25 years he was an addict at a young age being only 44 to 46 years of age minus 25 years which would be 18 to 21 years of age? Did Philip Seymour get in contact with his dealer through the bar he was sitting at. I would venture to say that is where many get their drugs connections through the bars that serve alcohol. Why if they have a picture of him at the bar in a stupor that was aired on Fox News why wasn’t he rushed to the hospital then? Isn’t that suspicious? Isn’t that premeditation possibly as if they knew he was gonna die? (Like they have evidence of him being super high yet did nothing.) The four men that were arrested as heroin dealers…did they leave their business cards on Mr. Hoffman’s coffee table?  If he was prescribed the drug by a professional and someone is able to watch over him they might have been able to correct his fall from grace if they really cared ….that is. Isn’t that what grace is these days? a precarious state of being, one wrong step away or mistake from failure ie a false sense of security. Luckily Sean Hannity can handle his beer but there are those that can’t. Same goes for drugs. I’ve seen people act pretty bad on two beers whereas Sean Hannity is able to soak it into his body without it affecting him too much and I assume he is Irish because of his name though Hannity is lucky so maybe he isn’t really Irish. I think it is more important to those to make an example of Mr. Hoffman instead of treating him as a human in trouble with kids that love him. I think the mob and it’s supporters used his death as a threat to others to keep them in their camp like the president did to the federal workers during the government shutdown. Like he did to the witnesses at Benghazi. Stick with him…..or else. And they did and got paid more. Now he wants to get a minimum wage pay raise which of course would be a good idea but wouldn’t it be nice to support american business and promote jobs in america so that others can work even ones that don’t support the President or fall on their face for Michelle and her flagrant heart and let her image in front of Benghazi’s flames be dismissed as a fluke, a lark, or coincidence. Seems more like a bribe to follow the Obamas to hell. Some day people have to stand up together and say uh-huh as in NO. It might be your dad next!

    Philip Seymour Hoffman mourned at private funeral

    Matthew 8:22

    22 But Jesus said unto him, Follow me; and let the dead bury their dead.

    Luke 9:60

    60 Jesus said unto him, Let the dead bury their dead: but go thou and preach the kingdom of God.

    That is what the Synoptic Jesus (Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke are known as the synoptic gospels) said to a young man whose dad had died and wanted to take some time away to bury his dad. Nice, huh. Kind of like Sean Hannity’s tough love to crack addicts in comparison to his last guest.

    Supporter of Canada’s crack pipe vending machines speaks out

    Sean calls it tough love I think it sounds like rough love. I don’t think it is love at all. Might as well kick em as you go by and help them along. His guest had an approach to the problem that seemed logical and better results then Sean’s way but Sean loves the crack addict on the street instead of off the street. That is not right. In the Gospel of John Jesus raised Lazarus from being dead for 4 days which is a far cry from what the Synoptic Jesus was proposing: Let the dead bury the dead.

    Remember Rush Limbaugh your hero had an addiction problem once. Would you treat him that way?

    It is a perception that the crack addict is worthless. To his family and friends he is not worthless nor are their possible future victims via death on the highway or in the alley or in their apartment. Taking a pragmatic approach that has had good results is wise ie thoughtful. Why not try it New York City and see what happens? Reminds me of the approach that Mayor Guiliani took to unemployment.

    And if the dead don’t want to bury the dead? Then what?

    The next post is about what Jesus says about himself in the Synoptic Gospels:

    Why Callest Thou Me Good?

     Here is a post comparing the Synoptic gospels to the Gospel of John:

    Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven

    CBS News and JFK Parts (Second to Nun) Parts 33-35

    IMO …..JFK was affected at breakfast in Fort Worth the day he was assassinated which you can read about in the above article. Not only that day but in an interview with the press about access to the White House for the public visits and the press in the background whispering “Does he know?” as if they know and in the conversation President Kennedy talks about “little girls,” which is also in the transcriptions series which I write a bit about and try to illustrate. Kind of a weird interview as if he is high on something and Jackie acts kind of weird also.

    How much does heroin cost? Philip Seymour 4 or 5 times withdrew quite a bit of money out of his account in the same few minutes. I heard that heroin is cheap cheap cheap. Like ten dollars so why all the withdrawals from his account? When on the drug Devil’s Breath you are a slave of whoever was working him that day and makes sense they wanted his money and used heroin as an excuse for their crime for some reason and to make some kind of point to someone other than Mr. Hoffman.

    There is more chance if drugs were controlled like we do cars that intelligent intervention might have helped Philip Seymour. The mobs sure won’t help. Roman Catholicism won’t help either.

    Fox News and O’reilly Losing Credibility when they talk about marijuana and get people on that are willing to lie about the drug. Very rarely mentioning the good it does and the curative affects of marijuana in cancer diseases. Can you say that about beer? Lately noticed a difference in Sean Hannity too….in his eyes. Not sparkling anymore but he sure can throw a nerf football across the room to portray some kind of image.

    The latest news on Fox is of a boy and his mother being hit and run over by a car running into another car and the mother and the boy lived by a miracle without injury. It’s possible, however the fact that it is on camera makes it a bit unbelievable

    …a stunt.

    The miracles that happened to me weren’t filmed, pre-planned, manipulated or expected or aired on Fox News.

    The dishonesty at Fox about Benghazi, about the hoaxes, and marijuana…….. all I can conclude is that they are habitual liars. If you can’t do better than that, what good are you. It really helps to be honest about a subject that you report on otherwise people will see right through you. I hope you put your best foot forward and start being honest before you lose your ratings.

    What good is faith

    if you are unbelievable!

    My heart is troubled, Sean. Try to do better.

    Screen shot 2014-01-12 at 10.34.42 AM

    Israel city unveils gay Holocaust victims memorial

    The Bloody History of Papal Rome – A Timeline
    “In 1940, French statesman Baron DePonnat stated “Roman Catholicism was born in blood, has wallowed in blood, and has quenched its thirst in blood, and it is in letters of blood that its true history is written.” Indeed, the history of papal Rome has been one of brutal torture, slaughter, and mass murder. The below list provides a sampling of papal Rome’s bloody history.
    1096 Roman Catholic crusaders slaughter half the Jews in Worms, Germany.
    1098 Roman Catholic crusaders slaughter almost all of the inhabitants of the city of Antioch.
    1099 Roman Catholic crusaders massacre 70,000 Muslims and Jews when they capture Jerusalem.
     Roman Catholic crusaders slaughter   approximately 20,000 citizens of Beziers, France on July 22, 1209. Both Albigensian Christians and Catholics were slain. By the time the Roman Catholic armies finished their “crusade,” almost the entire population of southern France (mostly Albigensian Christians) has been exterminated.
    During the six centuries of papal Inquisition that began in the 13th century,
    up to 50 million people were killed.
    1236 Roman Catholic crusaders slaughter Jews in the Anjou and Poitou regions of western France. The Catholic crusaders trample to death under their horses 3000 Jews who refuse baptism.
    1243 Roman Catholic mobs burn alive all the Jews in Berlitz, Germany (near Berlin).
    1298 Roman Catholic mobs burn alive all Jews in Rottingen, Germany.
    April 26, 1349 Roman Catholic mobs burn to death all Jews in Germersheim, Germany.
    1348 – 1349 The Jews are blamed for the bubonic plague. Author Dave Hunt tells us, “Accused of causing the ‘Black Death’ Jews were rounded up [by Roman Catholic mobs] and hanged, burned, and drowned by the thousands in revenge.”
    1389 Roman Catholic mobs murder 3000 Jews in Prague when they refuse to be baptized.
    1481 – 1483 At the direction of the Roman Catholic inquisitors, authorities  burn at the stake at least 2000 people during the first two years of the Spanish Inquisition.
    1540 – 1570 Roman Catholic armies butcher at least 900,000 Waldensian Christians of all ages during this 30-year period.
    1550 – 1560 Roman Catholic troops slaughter at least 250,000 Dutch Protestants via torture, hanging, and burning during this ten-year period.
    1553 – 1558 Roman Catholic Queen Mary I of England (aka “bloody Mary”) attempts to bring England back  under the yoke of papal tyranny. During her reign, approximately 200 men and woman are burned to death at the sake. Her victims include bishops, scholars, and other Protestant leaders.
    1572 St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre. French Roman Catholic soldiers begin killing Protestants in Paris on the night of August 24, 1572. The soldiers kill at least 10,000 Protestants during the first three days. At least 8000 more Protestants are killed as the slaughter spreads to the countryside.
    1618 – 1648 The Thirty Years’ War. This bloody, religious war is planned, instigated, and orchestrated by the Roman Catholic Jesuit order and its agents in an attempt to exterminate all the Protestants in Europe. Many countries in central Europe lose up to half their population.
    1641 –  1649 Eight years of Jesuit-instigated Roman Catholic butchery of Irish Protestants claims the lives of at least 100,000 Protestants.
    1685 French Roman Catholic soldiers slaughter approximately 500,000 French Protestant Huguenots on the orders of Roman Catholic King Louis 14 of France.
    Circa 1938 –  1945 Catholic dictators such as Adolf Hitler and Monsignor Tiso slaughter approximately six million Jews in Europe prior to and during World War 2.
    1941 – 1945 The Roman Catholic Ustashi in the fascist state of Croatia butcher up to one million Serbian Orthodox Christians. Roman Catholic killer squads are often led by Franciscan priests, monks, and friars. This genocide is choreographed by two Jesuit prelates: Aloysius Stepinac and Ivan Saric.
    Compiled by Darryl Eberhart.”

    Los Angeles bishop kept altar boy list from police

    Definitely a pattern here!

    Andrea Tantaros and Hannity are horrified by a woman who filmed herself having a procedure done to her own body for others to see. I’m horrified that Andrea is horrified by what this woman did and isn’t horrified by what her own religion does to other people’s bodies and their history of abuse but neither of them seem to care. They never bring it up as if it didn’t happen. How convenient! Andrea Tantaros feels superior to other women because she wouldn’t do what this other woman did, or maybe she just doesn’t have a memory of it which seems to be the Catholic way. Isn’t it a good thing that other woman might watch this and either avoid it or not fear it so much that they might end up having a later term abortion? It seems to be the case that Catholics forget so easily or do not perceive what was done or occurred and that seems to be the source of their grace and forgiveness for their own selves and not for others. I didn’t watch her video but Andrea was horrified yet I bet one week from now she won’t remember or will be on to other news as usually is the case. It did not horrify either Hannity or Andrea when girls go to campuses and show pictures of abortions why does this exceed that? In fact I think both were glad when this type activity occurs on campuses for prevention of abortions. Pretty selective aren’t they? I think both Hannity and Andrea Tantaros might be more believable in their mutual horrifying moments if they would investigate and report about their religion and it’s abuses now and in the past but I fear that they won’t. Why not? Why do they ignore it? Fear? I like Hannity and Tantaros but I think they are very unfair in their reporting when they ignore their own faiths/religions. They fall all over themselves when there is news about one pope or another. I guess the word for their behavior is sanctimonious.

    Sanctimonious: making a show of being morally superior to other people.

    UN panel on torture to put unlikely guest on hot seat: the Vatican

    “But Gaer said the Vatican was a decade late in handing in the report that prompted Monday’s procedure, and said the committee has been given no explanation for the delay.”

    That’s a long delay and typical of the Vatican and Obama. That means “the means to get the evidence” is leaning in favor of the one accused of the crime and that is not right. No wonder they are emboldened to commit more crimes and punish others who have the guts to confront them or who have had the courage to file a complaint. That is wrong and shows just how corrupt the Vatican and it’s allies and it’s pawns are and no wonder they have a past like no other and you wonder how they can gloat but that is because they lack mercy and find it in another person’s possessions.

    To be clear it is called theft and it is not cute.


    Arrested Vatican prelate in new money laundering charge

    Wonder where that money came from in the first place. Drugs? Arms? Prostitution? Gambling? Obama Care website? American tax dollars?

    IF the Vatican is on the up and up and honest and true why are they money laundering? A church should be above such things! Obviously they are not honest and true or on the up and up but the opposite. The NSA and any other investigative organizations should look into the origins of this money that needed to be laundered.

    I think they are a front for bad and evil businesses and an affront to the world.

    San Francisco Chronicle

    Obama to visit pope during European visit in March

    He is looking forward to meeting with Pope Francis to discuss their shared vision or values in regards to growing inequality and growing poverty (their expertise) and other things like that.

    (I bet they will be hysterically sad too.)

    I think the NSA should investigate the Vatican but then that might be like looking in the mirror. I’m sure we don’t know the half of it but a good starting point in regards to the Popery of Rome and it’s strategy and purpose. Screen shot 2014-01-11 at 5.49.05 PM They were only tryin’ to help! Well here is more including Hope Arkansases Bill Cinton:


    (To be fair some don’t look happy in their predicaments.)

    Pope Francis names 19 new cardinals

    “Some appointments were expected, including that of his new secretary of state, the Italian archbishop Pietro Parolin, and the German head of the Vatican’s watchdog office for doctrinal orthodoxy, Gerhard Ludwig Mueller.” Kind of looks like Robert Mueller! So STFU Pope Francis! in other words “stuff it” Pope Francis is just AMOK/AMUCK in his frock. (And that is why the woman at Fox News did not understand why Senator Ayotte would question the reasoning behind not curbing fraud and abuse in our federal government and it’s responsibility because the woman at Fox News that interviewed Senator Ayotte is one of those funny looking colored cubes you find in an old fruit cake.  INBREEDING. INSANITY. DRONE OF THE RC. MINDLESS AND STUPID. FULL OF HOLES AND A MEMORY LIKE A SIEVE WITH BLINDERS ON and WHAT’S WORSE SHE MAY NOT CARE. IT’S THE ECONOMY, STUPID KIND OF NEO NONSENSE. She was like the women that are transformed into a Steppford wife totally unreal. The conversation and the look on her face was vacant as if she isn’t human.) The foxes have holes, the birds of the air their nests, but the son of man hath nowhere to lay his head. The economy could be fantastic for everyone if she and others cared. Obviously Senator Ayotte (a catholic) cared enough to try to come up with a good idea (although I have not read her contribution) to pay for the extension of the unemployment benefits for the unemployed by fixing the leaks caused by waste, fraud, and abuse etc. That is a reasonable intelligent solution, but the press to act like zombies shows me and should to others that they benefit by those leaks of waste, fraud, and abuse given to people that don’t exist, dead people, etc., somewhere down the pike, or she is brain dead, but it sure seemed like she (the Fox Press interviewer) was mocking. 


The best part of the article “Chris Christie, a bogus ‘stages of grief” is resolving to not commit a mistake or sin again. However take new years resolutions and I don’t think I have ever succeeded and usually fail within a day.

Is that a Catholic sin?

Now the Pope thinks Al Gore is God!

Pope Francis, in Social-Media Message,

Calls Internet a ‘Gift From God’

“The pope takes a stand for Internet optimism, in a time when it is fraught.”

I don’t think Chris Christie is a bully, more like a butterball and/or a stooge. How is he supposed to react to this contrived distraction?….tough call. He is, after all, a politician. Screen shot 2014-01-11 at 1.17.07 PM Screen shot 2014-01-11 at 1.17.21 PM

Reminds me of when Obama met Merkel of Germany talking about the need for “more austerity”

Merkel in skiing accident as new German coalition bickers

and in Arizona after the Safeway mass murder when Gabrielle Giffords

was injured

Former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords skydives on shooting anniversary

(one death included a district attorney who had something to do with investigating Fast and Furious, as I recall)

“Six people were killed and 13 wounded when a gunman opened fire Jan. 8, 2011, at a
meet-and-greet event held by Giffords.
Residents in Tucson marked the day with a bell-ringing ceremony and a moment of silence.”

Since then she and her husband have been stars and gun activists for the Obama’s.

Seems a bit pre-meditated, doesn’t it?

Was the prosecutor/district attorney that was killed invited to this event or just coincidentally shopping at the time or did he come to show support for Giffords?

Who is the Senator from Arizona? Who was supportive of the first coup in Egypt?

Who supported the Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt? A POW buddy died recently before something very important was to occur, at the moment my memory isn’t serving me, but I will add when I do recall. They recently had some pretty severe fires and some fire fighters were trapped, somehow. It was caught on camera, somehow. Seems pre-meditated, somehow, their escape route was cut off, somehow.

Robert Gates came out with a controversial book about the Obama Administration both favorable and unfavorable about Obama.

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Now Robert Gates is wearing a cast around his neck from an accident tripping of over a mat.

 When Obama first took office the first term Hillary broke an arm or leg, Jane Napolitan Head of the Department of Homeland Security the one that ordered a bunch of bullets who is now working at a college in California had a broken leg. The President of France a broken arm, and Pope Benedict broke his wrist in the bathtub all about the same period of time. Argentinian President Christina Fernandez Kirchner head injury who didn’t want to attend a dinner with the Obama’s, Time’s front cover about Obama’s messianic-ness. Harry Reid’s shiner last year, and Hillary’s head injury when she was supposed to testify before Congress creating needed delay for their line of defense: What does it matter.

Sen. Harry Reid suffers minor injuries in Las Vegas car crash

Michelle was in Las Vegas on the same day? Terribly coincidental. What are the odds? I imagine they are tied at the hips anyway.

Isaiah 42:3

A bruised reed shall he not break, and the smoking flax shall he not quench: he shall bring forth judgment unto truth.

Michelle and Barack Obama needed a good excuse to go to Hawaii because of Fema difficulties after Sandy Hurricane so why not an official reason. They had planned it after all. Wasn’t it 25million dollars worth of one? I remember the press reporting around that much but now it was only 4 million that they spent…Doesn’t sound accurate to me but they needed a good excuse to spend that money instead of for the people in New Jersey.  A funeral. That was handy and just in time.

Nevada ranch standoff could leave dirt on Harry Reid’s reputation

It ought to.

Savage asks: Should we default?

I agree with Michael Savage on this subject because it worked for other countries it ought to work for the US as well. If we don’t try it we will never know.

Watched Robert Gates on Hannity on Fox and noted that Bill Gates said the President did not want to be boxed in by the different arms of the military who were advising him and his distrust of them which is a sign of paranoia much like North Korea’s leader and people in the history like Caligula because they are keenly aware of their own evil intentions and because they have another agenda unknown to those that are advising him) Found that to be kind of interesting language because I recall him telling Putin he wanted or needed more space. His reference to something in orbit to be let out of the box to give it leg room in order to teach some kind of lesson never to be forgotten around the time of the Gifford’s mishap who is married to a family that are in the Space business as astronauts. The Courtyard of the Gentiles with it’s transcending space described by Pope Benedict. Pope Benedict’s reference to his popery being only a short space (bible prophecy) 9-11 the Saudis used box cutters to hi jack the planes. The big box on a big mac truck that came with the visit from Pope Benedict to Jerusalem the first pope to ever visit the Dome on the Rock. It was probably that altar and more than likely will be used for some kind of misery. The hoax of Sandy Hook elementary the girl acting as heroine because it is after all just a hoax started a web page about when kids are upset to gaze upon a box to help them. The box at Mecca that holds the black stone (some kind of meteorite) that Islamic/Mohammad followers circulate around in some kind of meditation which is their duty to do at least once and I guess kiss the idols gigantic female genitals like a kissing booth at the fair only not kissing facial lips of a human but in servitude to a piece of metal and idol worship representing who? black, female, etc I guess it’s Mary or Miriam (arabic) Maybe that is what Mizraim is also. I think it’s M mizari. Maybe Michelle’s mizari.

1 Chronicles 1:8

The sons of Ham; Cush, and Mizraim, Put, and Canaan.

Michelle Obama’s reference to her heart being passed around not for joy ….obligatory pity to those affected by Sandy Hurricane right before she basked in her glory in Hawaii.

As you will see below there are some opposing prophecies which seem to be near fulfillment. Interesting times we live in.

Gates: White House ‘should go look in the mirror’

He can’t see anything when he does! He has no reflection.

“Some members of Congress, including Republican Sen. John McCain of Arizona, have said that Gates should have waited until Obama left office before leveling such potentially damaging charges. But Gates rejected that criticism.”

Does Obama believe in his Iran policy or is he hoping on his faith, which is?

Doesn’t he have a conflict of interest because of his faith? What he said at the UN after Benghazi proves he has a conflict of interest in regards to Iran and Israel’s safety.

Whose side is he on?

Did the men at Benghazi slander the prophet of Islam? Is that why no help was sent?

15 people in Libya that were held accountable are now dead that is clearly a coverup!

To protect who?

The Benghazi Transcripts:

Top Defense officials briefed Obama on ‘attack,’ not video or protest

Now Panetta and others have come out with declassified documents showing that it was terrorism……..not a video tape or a protest. Another diversion of course. Obviously it was terror. What religion is Panetta? Ah though I checked to be sure guessed he was Roman Catholic. Probably one of Lot’s descendants.

And how does Israel fare in the eyes of the prophet?

How about John McCain? Does he believe what Obama said at the UN after Benghazi

that the future must not belong to those that slander the prophet of Islam?

What constitutes slander? Gosh that could change over time depending on the whim of Obama couldn’t it, just like Obama Care. You want to place your head on a chopping block for those kind of whimsical fetishes?

UN cancels Jewish exhibit at last minute on Arab complaints

Ridiculous. Gee aren’t the overdoing it a bit?

Here is what I think should be done: Take out Mecca and Medina for starters;) anywhere there is an Arab or Islamic Temple or Idol. Obliterate it. Then see if they don’t mind an exhibit. I bet they won’t mind then.

Simon, Simon – Who is Simon’s Son? Part Two

Both kind of interesting comparison of the gospels. )

Luke 24:41

And while they yet believed not for joy, and wondered, he said unto them, Have ye here any meat?
(This is when Cleophas/Cleopas (Cleo’s dad?) Others consider that Clophas, Cleophas and Alphaeus are all the same name.[2 of the Synoptic Gospels was hoofing it over the countryside (must have been jogging) after Jesus was crucified (with his Nike shoes) to find meat but on the way met the risen Christ to be on equal footing or better (because he said Jesus visited him and his companions first and was fearless treking the countryside because he fit right in) with those that were mentioned in the Gospel of John behind closed doors (because of fear) after Jesus had risen. Anyway they didn’t have Burger Kings back then (not in the real sense) and elephants and horses were hard to come by in Israel as well, I think. It is a mock of what is said in the Gospel of John when Jesus was on the shores of Galilee and his disciples were fishing and had not caught any fish all night long and Jesus directed them where they could find the fish from the shoreline and they caught a bunch of fish— 153 fish. 

John 21 

Phosphates and Fascism

By the way, since it seems Obama has been up to no good in any policy and there have been so many sicknesses and outbreaks since he has arrived on the scene perhaps the absence of phosphates in our cleaners is detrimental to the health of humans and fish in the ocean. Perhaps like global warming being a hoax maybe phosphates being taken out of dishwasher soap is also a hoax to hurt and cause germs and outbreaks of sickness. I don’t trust him at all. Whose idea was it anyway? Maybe it was a mistake. Kind of like swimming was witchcraft or moles meant you were possessed by the devil, etc. Maybe it was a premeditated policy to hurt humans and fish alike. Oh but he is black so I guess it’s okay except for the fact he isn’t 100% black. Maybe it was the white portion in him that makes bad policy or a bad combination of the two or who he kowtows to: his prophet and the pope. Maybe Obama is Iranian.

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Isn’t that how they march in their military parades?

Now some Iranian ships or sea vessels are coming to be near America and Obama says he will come down on those against his policy with Iran like a ton of bricks. Pretty suspicious attitude and behavior. Whose side is he on? Threatening Americans for Iranians. I don’t think he is on our side! Certainly not Israel’s friend either. Hopefully the Iranians will realize they too are being tricked by Obama like a sucker punch because I’m pretty sure they will not do well if they succeed in his plan because from what I can tell no one ever does. Destruction you see is his business because he doesn’t know how to build hence his “You didn’t build that.” statements.

Iranian Incitement: Soldiers March to Form Swastika with USA

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Not sure if they mean we are fascists or they are fascists?

Probably both since Obama is the President. Kissinger propped him up with advice from the Vatican or vice-versa. And who know’s probably the Bushes and the Clintons also.

Ask Healthy Living: How Germy Are Restaurant Lemon Wedges?

Ice cube machines are also suspect to food poisoning.


Somebody Tell Democrat Ann Kuster That Her Response About Benghazi Is the Worst We’ve Ever Seen

Kind of like the mock of the woman running for office in New Hampshire who did not know anything about Benghazi and the reporters who recorded this event relentlessly asking her: “Can you address Benghazi? What are you going to do about Benghazi? Why isn’t Benghazi at the top of your issue?” And she made a stupid response about the middle east. But whether Libya is in the middle east or not which is debatable it is North Africa and it is important. Daniel 11:43

But he shall have power over the treasures of gold and of silver, and over all the precious things of Egypt: and the Libyans and the Ethiopians shall be at his steps.
(under or beneath him? The boot of Italy and Rome being directly above
Precious things were taken from Egypt but I don’t know what they were but they were considered to be precious artifacts of some kind around the time period of the first coup when the Muslim Brotherhood took power though no one dared call it a coup, but they sure didn’t mind calling it a coup the second time, which it was.

I guess the press feel nagged quite a bit by the Benghazi controversy because they really don’t want to know or would like to know as little as possible about it for some reason, hence ignoring many things like they do the hoaxes since. It is very confusing because I think the hoaxes since are to make us think Benghazi is a hoax too because Obama doesn’t want to face the fact that Michelle was there without her wig on and that Howard Dean said it’s a joke, Hillary said what does it matter, and all the other things said such as Ambassador Chris Stevens mom’s ridiculous interview. To me though it was a marker, a sign, and a pivotal point about the intention of Obama, Rome, the UN and our federal government to unite religions into one big BAUL and forcing the US citizens to respect ISLAM and Mohammad even while they crucify, maim, drag people behind motorbikes, behead, stab, slit throats on camera, bomb, attack athletes at the Olympics, hijack planes, send missiles into the twin towers, destroying everything in their path, force a bad healthcare system down our throats, throw wheel chaired bound off cruise ships, destroy free market business, shrink the middle class while stealing money by waste, fraud, and deception in our government, manipulate and frame people for crimes, cheat people, overtax people, blackmail people, set up people, inconvenience people,  etc (and all the other shit they do) all in the name of DEMO-CRACY, a One World Religion, and a very uneasy PEACE OF SHIT they want us to eat which myself I challenge because I DON’T WANT TO ACCEPT THEIR NONSENSE ie BABYLON because it appears that they are mentally deranged. I don’t want to join their lop-sided dream utopia because I still have my wits about me through great struggle because I recognize their deception and their depravity using lack of knowledge, misunderstanding, and confusion to screw with us KIND OF LIKE THE DARK AGES. To those that are not mentally deranged yet just know that a great deception is occurring using propaganda, false events, brain washing, peer pressure, false reports, the NSA, the Internet, Iphones, anything imaginable that can be used against you so try to keep your heads on straight so they can’t affect you too much, because they are really trying to hurt as many as possible because misery loves company. They are the ones that are nuts, not you. IF they talk to you through the TV just remember they did it, not you. I have had it happen to me and I would never do that to them, hopefully. It was through the Fox News channel that it happened a few times. It is like they are possessed for brief moments and aren’t in control of themselves and trying to make you crazy. They probably are in some kind of black out. Don’t let them get you down. Let’s just say there is good and evil and if it feels wrong probably is wrong. If it feels right it probably is right. Or why would they have been heckling this woman who looks totally unaware. I don’t know for sure that these people questioning this woman were not sincere or just a bit clueless themselves because it doesn’t seem like this woman would have had the answers about Benghazi. It is hard to tell but it would be nice if they attempted to ask OBAMA or MICHELLE since she was caught on camera, or their Senators and representatives who are investigating, the State Department, Hillary Clinton and her hubby, VP Joseph Biden, Howard Dean, Leon Panetta, Putin, OR THEIR POPES. The woman seemed rather clueless about it and maybe they were trying to show that she was clueless. Not sure. Nevertheless it was strange. At least they asked someone. Just trying to figure out why she was the one they asked……it’s mind boggling and seemed like mocking the importance of Benghazi in a sick kind of way. I could be wrong about their intent because I don’t know them.

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 White collar crime? Anyway they were enjoyin’ themselves

but in sadness. They are hysterically sad.

Add Up as Bully Image Trails Christie

It does add up to a bully but who is controlling him? Obama I think. I know Fox News loves the guy. From his public appearances he seems friendly and nice but nevertheless he has been a stooge for Obama and the Obama’s exact revenge and more than likely he is under their spell which is evil. And more than likely another diversion for the Obamas.

CNN exclusive: Feds investigating Christie’s use of Sandy relief funds

Remember Mr. Schmuck of Fema? I bet he was hepful for the hurricane victims. I know Roman Catholics got help, but how about the Jews? How about the Christians? I know some people weren’t too happy WITH THE FEMA RESPONSE EVEN A YEAR LATER but Michelle’s heart was sent to the people of New Jersey and up the coast that were affected by the hurricane on her way to hit the “beaches” in Hawaii the military and attend the funeral of the Hawaiian Sen. Inouye, a war hero.

Christie administration held Sandy relief ‘hostage’ over project -mayor

Pretty schtupid and dishhonescht.

 Thishhh is schick!
(She sells sea shells down by the sea shore. Tongue twister and has many reschultz))

Pope Benedict’s Coat of Arms

And arms shall stand on his part, and they shall pollute the sanctuary of strength, and shall take away the daily sacrifice, and they shall place the abomination that maketh desolate.

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And another interesting aspect of the New Jersey/Chris Chrisite/Obama relationship tying it to Benghazi is that the man identified as Ambassador Chris Stevens who is not Ambassador Chris Stevens that I recognized was not Ambassador Chris Stevens being dragged around by a guy with a cell phone in his mouth was from New Jersey, the Garden State. He said New Jersey stinks. I played the computer game WOW with which became a clue to me that something was brutally wrong plus the references to his name by Obama musing about a Rocky road and bumps in the road as in the Palestinian occupied territory of Israel with men on motorcycles dragging another man by his feet the same time Obama was musing about it (Obama’s occupy movement maybe not his but seems funny term since occupying usually has to do with waste, overreach, in Europe they were occupied by the Nazi’s, to consume, keep people at bay, it’s a tactic to keep others busy here like a diversion while doing something over there which Obama is famous for in regards to Benghazi using his many fine friends, etc) the many lies, the many hoaxes, Obama’s terrible foreign and domestic policies and of course the schlepishly evil UN speech by Obama as justification for Benghazi which I noticed because of the recognition of this person whether real or imposed consolidated my determination to oppose them

not for joy of their sodomy.

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The Islamic Bonnie and Clyde with their entourage ie their lackeys

(I realized that Americans and the world were dealing with a Caligula type mental disorder in both the President and his first lady and I don’t cotton to that kind of shit.)

Git in to fit in her

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 Obligatory sex not for joy.

What does this look like? A period. A menstruation? A curse? So what does it make the kissing it? A reject.

Do you get the feeling Michelle is carrying a vendetta of some kind? Notice Susan in the background with that strange look on her face. LOL They are doing just that exacting revenge through their vessels. Chris Christie is one of those vessels and anyone who goes along with Obama and his extremely made over wife.

There is a connection between Mecca, Medina and the other ones with Michelle. If I were in charge I know what I would do.

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Remember the young girl who was killed in a park in Michelle’s old neighborhood after visiting the White House. I guess Obama noticed and so did she. She is the jealous type obviously by looking at this picture as if she has something to prove like a freakin’ crazy maniac kissing her wrist. Wow that is stunning. I’m impressed.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and that might have been her reward for Benghazi.

Enjoy it while it lasts because sometimes it just goes away in a moment and just like that it turns into dust in a twinkling of an eye. Poof. Better hurry because you don’t have a lot of that left. Not only does Oprah like frog legs but so do these women. Otherwise Michelle was set up as well. One thing for sure Obama knew about it ahead of time because he said “Only Michelle has a right to bear arms” which she did at Benghazi. So he may have used her as well….not sure, but I will not ignore it and hope it goes away. I think it is relevant and should be investigated whether or not she was there or was imposed there which is possible as I won’t ignore Susan Rice and others with their lame excuse about a video tape nor will I excuse the UN speech made by President Obama soon after.

Could the beast be the new and improved Michelle? Demons who love democracy. They love to enslave and make people dependent for handouts and call it freedom which if you have noticed isn’t.


“He recounted how he said he helped Loretta into her life jacket and he held her hand for some time,” the priest told the Associated Press. “They were all floating together, and she let go and there was no response from her.”

A bit fishy isn’t it?

How about the second time the strip mall on the shores of New Jersey that were destroyed? That made Chris Christie sad then too.

Senate report: Benghazi attackers tied to Al Qaeda groups

….”The Senate committee report stressed that the intelligence still suggests the attack was not “highly coordinated,” but rather “opportunistic” – possibly put in place in “short order” after protests over an anti-Islam film elsewhere in the region.”…..

…..“It remains unclear if any group or person exercised overall command and control of the attacks,” the report said. The report, though, reiterated that there was no protest in Benghazi before the attack.”…..

……“The committee worked on a bipartisan basis to investigate the various allegations that have come out since the terrorist attacks in Benghazi in September 2012 and to get to the truth about what happened leading up to, during and after the attacks,” Senate Intelligence Committee Chairwoman Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., said in a statement, adding she hopes the report puts “conspiracy theories” to rest.”……

So what if it’s a bi-partison investigation as you know and everyone else is beginning to understand or should understand that just because someone says they are a republican doesn’t mean they are a republican.

Doesn’t it concern Dianne Feinstein that if this was an opportunist short order attack using Al Qaeda that Michelle Obama was there working along side the Al Qaeda donning arms in one hand and something mysterious in the other in front of burning buildings at Benghazi? This is the same lady married to Obama who wants to disarm Americans and undermine their rights as Americans to protect themselves from a government ‘gone mad as in mohammad’ which is a constitutional right and says that the future MUST not belong to those that insult Islam and their prophet which isn’t hard to do. What is a first lady of the US? She goes to bed with the President and gets to hear all sorts of things, and she gets to look pretty, but being at Benghazi is as involved as it gets, isn’t it? She seems to be rather close to Susan Rice as well who lied over and over and over again on camera about a video tape.

Wishful thinking of Dianne Feinstein about putting the conspiracy theories to rest. Besides I think Dianne Feinstein is a ridiculous Senator if not the most ridiculous Senator (besides Nancy Pelosi, John McCain, Harry Reid and a few others) and her inclusion in this committee proves to me this committee is a Kangaroo Committee and their deficient conclusions are unimpressive. Not only that she is the chairman of that committee and of the Appropriations Committee. No wonder we have problems in the USA! She reminds me of a female George Bush with a barrette. What does she suggest we do, ignore and disregard the evidence or is that her job.

I hear that HIllary Clinton was mentioned only once.

Shouldn’t there be an investigation about that person that looks like Michelle; whether or not she was set up or whether she really is involved? We are talking about treason, isn’t that important? The in-your-face type treason.

Obama to Dems: I’ll act with or without Congress


John Boehner says we have the constitution. Problem is that is a tool ie a written document and has to be wielded by men and women otherwise it is useless. You can stand behind it all you want but it isn’t gonna help you unless you stand up like men and use it. And it won’t protect you later on either when it is too late. Do you think the pen which Obama plans to use will work if he just threatens to use it?

At the very least Senator Cruz knows how to use the Constitution,

his weapon of choice.

But then the Democrats make rules against the rules such as changing the rules in mid game because they are cheaters. Is Democracy really a good form of government? I don’t think it is good. I think it is cheating like changing the bible whenever it suits someone to change the truth into a lie. So why are men dying to give democracy to other countries? Not been very successful either. So far as I have heard the men in the military are committing suicide more than ever before, since Obama came to Washington D.C. I wonder why? I don’t really think that is true about the suicides I think they are mysteriously dying of unknown causes such as ambushes, etc. Like Benghazi.

Check their necks for bite marks…… the ambushers and the ambushed.

We have a military against itself because we have spies in the military and all the other agencies of government.

The NSA are the spies spying for Rome for one, probably to give the Court of the Gentiles some teeth. How did Donald Trump learn of certain details about Benghazi…though he did not elaborate but by his testimony on Greta’s show on Fox demonstrated that he knew more than the average american knows such as what was done to certain men at Benghazi. Sounded like the guy who tried to rape the woman in Braveheart. As much admiration with little remorse. Who told him? How did Mitt Romney know what he knew about Benghazi when he knew it at the debates before the election which was close in time to the actual event? He’s a Mormon right? NSA is in Utah near Salt Lake City. Can’t exactly blackmail government officials and the military men without the scoop on their personal lives. The one that told the truth as much as possible is Snowden to the people in the US and the world. Russia helped him by giving him a place to live, I guess. Don’t quite get why they did unless he is actually somewhere else. I thought Obama said he was just a hacker and now he is his enemy. Hmmmm I wonder what changed? Is the NSA being used differently now? Obama bribes so I’m pretty positive he black mails. They seem to go hand in hand.

Lawmakers: Russia may have aided Snowden

Mike Rogers should be investigated and his ties to Africom etc and all those nefarious organizations that are involved with Benghazi and in Africa. His wife’s organization should also be investigated. I think they are related somehow.

Mark Levin is right the GOP shouldn’t attend the State of the Union address.

It’s BS anyway. If you change the rules in the middle of the game the game is off, in my opinion. Unless it is about kissing ass I don’t see the point. Whoever goes to the State of the Union address is an ass kisser and should be treated as such. Should be interesting to see who attends and who doesn’t.

Radio Host Mark Levin Calls on Republicans to Boycott State of the Union

Obviously the Republicans still think that they can work with Obama but he plans to go it alone. (Of course most of them are stooges for the Democrats.) I guess political politeness to attend and to be seen. I agree with Greg Gutfield on The Five who said in regards to the State of the Union address by Obama that he uses the maimed for a human shield very much like the Palestinians do but in this case it is our military men and they don’t seem to mind Knorr do their commanders. It’s about the money, honey.

Michelle Obama definitely scored!

I’m sure Wounded Warriors will keep making great donation gains.

Isn’t Michelle’s heart enough?

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Wounded Gilbert soldier, a guest at speech, meets Obama a 4th time


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I guess this is proof of rewriting history!

Does Michelle prefer her old hairdo now or does she prefer her new hairdo then?

What say you, O’reilly?

Since then the wounded Gilbert soldier’s nose grew by about 1/2 inch. 

I wonder what that means?

(His dad looks a lot like the guy in the picture with Susan Rice, Michelle Obama and Barack Obama further up in this article just fatter with more hair and glasses. Hmmmm)

I don’t recall their visit to the D-Day memorial being in the news in 2009, but I’m sure it is now.

Ted Cruz, Eric Holder mix it up at hearing

By the way, does Eric Holder know who Eric Holder is?

Does Eric Holder know if Eric Holder knows who Eric Holder is? I think it is time to get personal with these guys and ask them some personal questions to find out if they have the answers because quite possibly he doesn’t know the answers which means he isn’t who he thinks he might be.

I just heard on The Five that Tsarnaev may get the death penalty and Bob Beckel is on the mark about the death penalty. It is fascist. Obviously punishment is a way to teach even hardened criminals and hard labor should be employed as long as it is a fair 8 hour labor without pay like cleaning up places that have been destroyed or cleaning up cities in disrepair. Also they should have to listen to Harry Reid every day they are incarcerated for 2 hours straight without falling asleep as punishment and then an hour of Obama giving a State of the Union address and his wife dancing for a half-hour before naptime. Three equal parts of torture. That ought to do it. They should not have tvs or computers just wholesome books and the tools to learn to read and write. They should not be tortured either except for Harry Reid/Obamas type torture. In war time torture was and is still used to get information but there is such a thing as truth serum, isn’t there? So you use the Harry Reid/Obamas approach and then give them truth serum ad they will start talking.

First of all Tsarnaev and his family were groomed for the Boston Marathon Bombing which was a hoax. I wrote about it in a few posts linked in the several blogs below and others have written about it and some have made you tubes etc showing the deception. Another distraction for Obama. Too many weird coincidences in the story and changes as to where the backpack was set, what color it was, etc. It is not coincidence that the Sandy Hook Elementary parents were in the audience in the same area. It is related somehow.

As for Tsarnaev the American people should get to view the whole trial and every appearance he makes because so far it has been a bunch of BS.

U.S. to seek death penalty for Tsarnaev

Now the Queen of England is handing over the reins of succession to her son the Prince of Wales. The tea leaves are percolating. He had a conversion on the road to Damascus much like Paul of Tarsus and is supposedly a follower of Islam. (It was probably Camilla!) I’m sure money has nothing to do with it after all she is the Queen of Diamonds.


He went to Pope Benedict about his divorce and remarriage as if it mattered.

Who do they cotton to?

Don’t get me wrong I like the queen. I don’t know her. She was an adorable kid and a beautiful woman and probably was good at what she did as a queen

but I don’t like ISLAM!

Didn’t they evacuate before the attacks at Benghazi and at Camp Bastion as if they knew something we didn’t. Yes they did or they got word from someone and forgot to tell the Americans. Somethin’ is amiss here.

I Know Nothing

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Pope sticks to his gospel, visits homeless in Rome

IF he can’t take care of the homeless in Rome how the heck does he think he can handle the poor anywhere else? I think he likes it. Makes him feel like a man of accomplishment.  Obama ought to do the same. He might start seein’ himself in the mirror.


Like the men that get out a whip and whip themselves into a frenzy. INSANITY.

They are farts of flagellants. That is their excellency.

The ‘bribe’ to silence Wright

Hillary Clinton team reportedly created list of traitors after ’08 bid

This is ridiculous stuff. Having a list and rating people. Junior High school

type behavior. Can’t they remember who they don’t like?

Hillary Rodham Clinton also was a first lady and she is thinking about running for President so they do have some power such as influencing their husbands and their constituents while they are in power and after. While Bill Clinton was President a close close close companion of Hillary Clinton namely Vince Foster was killed at a park in Virginia very very very near Washington DC though ruled a suicide didn’t really look like one. Looked like murder.

Looks to me like we have had some dangerous First Ladies in the White House on the Dem’s side including Jackie Bouvier Kennedy!

You know, those over bearing types!

Saddam and GoMorrow and Lot’s Pleasure

(Morrow refers to the press just in case you were wondering in an og’ish kind of way)

Eventually I will try to conquer this subject which was the purpose of this post. I’m gonna attempt to do this by my memory of what I read about Abraham in the Old Testament.

Abraham was a fair man and a bit of a coward. He came out of the Land of UR/RU which is a part of Iraq near the Persian Gulf. (Somehow Winnie the Poo comes to mind and his little friend the kangaroo name Roo. So maybe he was really from Australia) He left with his cousin Sarah who he loved like a wife and his people/tribe/family.

“There are kangaroos in Papua New Guinea and Irian Jaya, a province of Indonesia. There are wallabies in New Zealand where they were introduced and a few populations of wallabies in the United Kingdom with the largest colony being on the Isle of Man. There is a small colony of Brush-tailed rock wallabies in Hawaii, the descendents of escaped zoo specimens. There is a population of wallabies on an island off the coast of Ireland introduced there by Dublin Zoo when they had too many in the zoo. Finally, there is a colony of wallabies in a remote part of France. Locals hit them with their cars occasionally and insurance companies don’t like the claims. “

Kangaroos are considered to be pests and I guess they breed like rabbits and keep their babies in their pockets called pouches. 

“A kangaroo court is “a mock court in which the principles of law and justice are disregarded or perverted”.[1

Which is what I think the Court of the Gentiles is….. a kangaroo court. Court of the Gentiles is prophetic of Revelations and is set up in Paris at Notre Dame a few years back. Whether fulfilling prophecy purposefully or by chance it still is there and I will not ignore that it is and was set up.

The Court of the Gentiles is courting the world with their blackmail, fraud, hoaxes and setups hoping we might be attracted to Roman Catholicism. Is that attractive to you? Pope Francis says “Who am I to judge?” in regards to gay marriage. Francis the name is french, isn’t it? Court usually has judgements so the Court of the Gentiles either are trying to attract more and/or are judging.

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This is a piece of jewelry found in the land of UR

Gold and lapis lazuli beads

From Ur, southern Iraq
About 2600-2400 BC

Discovered in the ‘Great Death-Pit’

“This collection of jewellery was discovered overlying a skull in the ‘Great Death-Pit’ in the cemetery at Ur.”
“This collection of jewellery was discovered overlying a skull in the ‘Great Death-Pit’ in the cemetery at Ur. The skull, crushed flat by the weight of soil which was used to fill up the grave, was that of one of the serving ladies who appear to have been sacrificial victims accompanying the central burial. There was a total of seventy-four bodies – six men and sixty-eight women – laid in rows on the floor of the pit. Leonard Woolley, the excavator, suggested that bowls found beside many of the bodies may have contained poison, which they took as part of the burial ritual. An alternative is that they were killed.”

By the way Jesus was crucified at Golgotha (the place of the skull.)

Maybe Abraham left the land of UR because of injustice and kangaroo courts *if you read the article above about the jewelry it sounds as if it was a brutal place* but I think part of the problem was there wasn’t enough room to build their lives for their families. I think the bible says that God called him out of Babylon the land of UR.

I don’t know if Abraham and Sarah were wed but they were considered to be married however in the US and many countries you cannot marry your cousin because of genetics. Here is some information about cousins marrying and the ramifications of marriage between different kinds of cousins, parallel cousins especially, etc which is quite interesting and I guess marriage between cousins was/is particularly common in the middle east. Like Rome and it’s rules about marriage to protect the church from divorce and penalties some rules were set up to keep the wealth in the family so I think marriage between cousins was quite frequent keeping the elite ELITE or keeping it All in the Family at the top and that may be why we are dealing with some problems in Washington DC. They may have lost some scruples in their synapses connections neurologically speaking, that is.

scruples  An uneasy feeling arising from conscience or principle that tends to hinder action.

Cousin Marriage

Anyway it carried a risk to marry in the family but it kept the wealth or nobility and power in the family. Egypt had some problems as well with their Pharoahs because they married their sisters etc and ended up kind of discombobulated and insanity seemed to creep into their families and characterized their demeanor much like the OBAMA’s. Rome also suffered some homicidal maniacs. And then there are those secret societies within their ranks such as the Jesuits and the Opus Dei etc I’m sure there a plenty of other ones too in opposition to them and in concert with each other.

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I found this. The left corner has some info about Abraham. Some of the facts are eerily similar to the facts of the story of Joseph as if some facts may have intermixed between the two accounts such as the drought. Also interesting on his tour of the middle east Abraham ended up in Egypt and Israel was just a few stops on the way. Did he, Sarah and Lot with their families etc leave Babylon (UR) to replace the Egyptian Pharaoh and his men? (That was pre-speculation on my part because it seems odd) Also when Judas who didn’t seem the suicidal type personality was hanged as stated in the Book of Acts and they drew lots to replace him to fulfill

“the 12 disciples of the synoptic gospels.”

Pope and Michaelangelo


 Which may be why Jesus in the Gospel of John said “Before Abraham was I am.” And it seemed to upset everyone that heard it even to the point of wanting to plot against him not to mention the raising of Lazarus after being dead for 4 days. At the time Jerusalem was under Roman rule since Pontius Pilate was in charge of his life when he washed his hands. There were others such as Herod who was supposedly Jewish and the strangers in their land that dressed differently as accounted by the Gospel of John when Peter was challenged three times after Jesus was arrested. Probably Turkish since that is where Paul came from. So there were a few countries involved and allied with each other when Jerusalem was under the occupation of Rome and it’s allies at the time Jesus lived.

Here are two prophecies worth noting:

Zephaniah 2:5

Woe unto the inhabitants of the sea coast, the nation of the Cherethites! the word of the Lord is against you; O Canaan, the land of the Philistines, I will even destroy thee, that there shall be no inhabitant.

Zechariah 14:21

Yea, every pot in Jerusalem and in Judah shall be holiness unto the Lord of hosts: and all they that sacrifice shall come and take of them, and seethe therein: and in that day there shall be no more the Canaanite in the house of the Lord of hosts.
The sons of Ham; Cush, and Mizraim, Put, and Canaan.

Richard Cushing

Vladimir Putin

Putin had some interesting things to say after Benghazi about geese and said also “Of course, it was a set up.” How would he know? Interesting ain’t it? Something important occurred at Benghazi! Since it occurred a whole lot of people been acting very strange and lots of important people have had some strange things to say about it. Very jittery type behavior and lots of traps and hoaxes. It is ridiculous. If it was a set up, have you ever heard of a double cross. A set up with in a set up? Or a double-double cross? I’m no genius and I’m not a rocket scientist about what things mean just want it to be noticed. I do know that there are some problems comparing the gospels between them and some things in the Old Testament as well. I don’t know what the Lord of hosts means because on the one hand it could mean the wafer ie the Lord of the Eucharist which is often called the host and on the other it could mean the Lord of the Olympics because they host. How about the Lord of the State Department. Then a host is someone that others live off of like a dog with fleas, the dog is the host. Or a shark with those little fishes that eat the dead stuff off the shark to keep it clean. Something like that. Anyway vessels could be who the host inhabits like possession. I just don’t know. So take that into consideration. I have never ever heard of Mizraim. I do know that the bible has been worked over in Dallas by the Dallas Theologians in the 70’s or 80’s and in 1963 at the Second Vatican Council the same year President Kennedy was assassinated and probably in Rome many other times. Probably why there are so many versions. Even Rick Warren (I think a descendent of Warren of the Warren Commission) came out with some kind of version.

Screen shot 2014-01-11 at 8.44.56 PMIt is interesting that Abraham came from UR and so did the Tower of Babel.

Bill Clinton is propping up Terry McAuliffe in Virginia and IMO he looks like a schlepp. I don’t think it bodes well for Virginia. In fact he looks an awful lot like some English politician, a past prime minister Tony Blair or could be his older brother. Gettin’ weird in politics. Tony Blair looked a bit more lively though. He doesn’t look right in the head. His acceptance speech though I only listened to a smidgeon of it was of old Clintonian cliche.

I guess Bill Clinton is hungry.

I just read that sharks regurgitate their stomachs so they can eat again or feed the little fish. I think that is what is occurring in Virginia. When the Clintons leave politics all together it will be a good thing for America. Why don’t we send the Clintons to England to run for the Prime Minister’s job?

Back to Abraham and Sarah

Sarah was pretty for her age and along the way they ran into some powerful people so because Abraham was a bit of a coward thinking they might kill him for her asked Sarah to say she was his sister so that they might think she was available as a potential mate, companion, or something of that nature. They took Sarah to their palace and wooed her for a future wife. I think he had a few wives but just wanted more. Gave her a cleopatra wig much like the one Michelle sometimes wears. (in the movie about it.)

I guess saying she was his cousin wouldn’t work either because they might not think that was a problem. They would probably kill him for that, too. But being a brother was the safest bet. I guess if you were husband or a male cousin you were not safe as a male in the area that they were traveling, they would just kill you. Sounds reasonable, doesn’t it?

Anyway Abraham had to get Sarah back and eventually Sarah was returned to Abraham after Abraham’s God made it difficult for her host. The host finally had had enuf and wondered not for joy why Abraham and Sarah had not been honest about it in the first place and either they said “You didn’t ask.” or who knows, but they feared the obvious because they were heathen-like strangers with slaves looking to take women and had taken Sarah hostage. Women weren’t as plentiful as they are now. With Sarah came a bunch of servants as a gift and the hand maiden that attended her who became sort of friendly (she was a slave and didn’t have a lot of choice in the matter) when she was a prisoner/guest and some gifts in exchange for the captors freedom from retribution by Abraham’s God who caused a great deal of harm to the host although I can’t remember what that was but it made a big impression upon him or he wouldn’t have given Sarah back with his servants and the gifts, etc.

Lot and his tribe/family and their possessions who was Abraham’s cousin traveled with them started having problems with Abraham’s tribe over their possessions and the land that they had achieved together and probably over women as well. They were bickering a bunch about these things. So because Abraham was fair he let Lot choose which direction he wanted to obtain and graze his sheep on. So Lot chose in the direction of some inhabited cities that they had previously had some run ins with and had battled with together. At one time Lot and his tribe were taken captive and Abraham saved them with some interesting tricks which you can read about in the Old Testament. I think one of the tricks involved animals with torches to look like an army was approaching kind of like what Samson did with foxes.

They didn’t have nukes then, or did they?

So they went their separate ways so that they could remain friendly.

Please don’t take this synopsis literally because as I said it is a compilation of memory of reading the Old Testament, other books and articles on the internet about the subject and movies.

Lot got into some troubles in the city he resided in because the people were into debauchery. It was where he made his living and I guess gave up sheeping for a living and did something at the gate of the city instead. So Lot the shepherd became a gate keeper.

Meanwhile, one day Abraham and Sarah and their clan were camping which they did often because they were sheepers they were visited by some angels/vistors. At least that is what Abraham thought they were or special type who were different and so he assumed they were angels and they met for a while and were invited to eat with them. They told Abraham and Sarah that she was going to have a son even though she was barren and older. She laughed about it. That is significant in this event. She didn’t believe she could but the visitor/angel insisted that she would definitely have a son.

Now either at this meeting or another time with the three angels/visitors they informed Abraham that they were going to destroy some cities because of the debauchery. I guess it was more than just debauchery but Abraham tried to make a deal with the angels not to destroy the cities if they could find a number of righteous people in them. He was also worried about Lot who was family to him and probably hoping he and his were righteous enough. Abraham bargained about the number with the angels. Some would say he ‘Jewed them down’ others might say he ‘Ured them down,’ pardon the puns to that small amount of righteous people hoping to save the cities even though they were violent cities full of bad people and back then they hadn’t even discovered gun powder and did not have guns. They were lawless. Drunk. Probably very much like Washington DC (the Obama’s home now), Chicago (the Obama’s home turf), cities in the middle east, North Africa and Benghazi (Michelle Obama’s achilles heel and BO’s as well), Rome, Syria, Iraq, and many more. Gosh, the Obama’s do get around. They were obviously bad places. It was affecting Lot as you will see a bit later. They agreed upon a number, a very small number of righteous people so that the cities might not be destroyed if they could find that small amount of righteous people in those cities.

Some people think the angels were Jesus not yet born. Pre-incarnate Jesus is the language I have heard to refer to the visitors. There are some theories as to who the three were that visited Abraham and these cities but I don’t recall that the bible states who they were exactly just that they were visitors and made a very big impression upon Abraham, Lot and the people of those cities.

Could be they were the three wise men pre-incarnate?

Could be they were angels of death.

Lot was visited by these visitors. I guess they were quite attractive because the people of the cities wanted to interact with them and were forcing themselves into Lots habitat and upon Lot to hand over the three visitors. Lot tried to make a deal with the intruders forcing themselves upon Lot and the angels/visitors and Lot offered his daughters to the intruders in their stead. In my opinion, that is how Lot was affected by where he chose to live that he would offer his daughters is quite revealing. The intruders didn’t want the daughters, the intruders wanted the visitors. The visitors/angels blinded the drunken intruders at the door.

Lot and his family fled the city they resided in with the visitors. His other family members stayed behind. The visitors said don’t look back, but his wife looked back and became a pillar of salt. Not sure exactly why on either point. I guess she was curious and why she turned into salt is probably symbolism. Doesn’t that seem more like a temptation than a warning? Anyway after that the cities were destroyed the daughters had sex with their dad by tricking him because they thought they were the only people on earth…something to that affect. I think they were a quite bereaved by everything that had occurred. Why would the visitors/angels save Lot, his wife, and his daughters so that they could have incest? If the visitors knew that someday Sarah would have a son which was prophetic why did they not warn Lot that the destruction of Sodom was not the end of the world so don’t have sex with your daughters even if they try to trick you. Why didn’t the three visitors warn them that if you do look back you will turn into a a pillar of salt which might have prevented the wife from looking back. It might have made a big difference. I’m sure she would have appreciated the warning. I would think this could be a skit on Monty Python. (I’m not trying to be disrespectful but something doesn’t jibe about this event and just because it is in the bible does not mean I will accept the whole shebang with blinders on and accept what is usually assumed by theologians and priests. Since the holy books were absconded from the temple when the temple was destroyed as related by Josephus the adopted son of the Flavius family in his writings who was hired as a propagandist in Rome by the Flaviuses around the same time Paul had his adventures after Jesus was crucified.)

So incest was acceptable and possibly righteous

and homosexuality was assumed to be the cause.

Violence, debauchery, and forcing themselves upon the angels to interact with them were definitely the particulars in the two cities that were destroyed.

It doesn’t make much sense at this point in the destruction of the two cities but homosexuality isn’t the only reason the cities were destroyed which is assumed by the language of the stories told in the bible, probably because of the word that sodomy has evolved into. Women lived in the cities such as Lot’s wife and their relatives. Basically my impression is that they were lawless type cities and treading on other people’s rights, like rapists and Al Qaeda types and those that assist them, etc.

Homosexuality is a scapegoat. No one knows what sex the visitors were if they were sexual at all. No one knows what sex the intruders were because it doesn’t say as far as I remember. These cities were full of thugs, rapists, mobsters, and terrorists. Because the city was called Sodom then came the word sodomy or sodomites usually associated with homosexual intercourse but could also mean to describe a bunch of crazy ass holes who weren’t necessarily homosexual or exclusively homosexual. They were bullies for sure though. Sounds very base and crude but it is a crude subject about crude people doing crude things to other people such as forcing themselves upon others. IMO

At another time before Abraham existed

When the Ten Commandments were given to Moses the people at the bottom of the mountain melted their gold and made and danced around a golden calf or a bull and acted crazy worshipping a statue of an animal which is idol worship. I think it was Aaron’s tribe that killed them but it may have been one of the other tribes anyway they over reacted IMO. The Levites? Maybe it was a test? The Hebrews had been slaves of the Egyptians and were a bit mixed up and there were some bullies in their ranks as well and probably some spies. They had been wandering around and were in danger a bunch from time to time. Aaron who was the brother of Moses and spoke for Moses because he had a speech impediment was sort of in charge when Moses went up the mountain to get the Ten Commandments. Moses was missing for quite a while. In Moses’ absence Aaron his brother was under pressure by some of the tribesmen to placate the restless people who wanted to dance and act like sodomites around the statue and he went along with them in regards to making the statue (probably because they were threatening him) but I don’t think he went along with the worship of the golden calf. The gold they had melted was from Egypt and was the parting gifts given to them by the frightened Pharaoh and the frightened egyptian hosts. Not like Aaron wanted the job though he did accept the job of speaking for Moses. I just don’t think he knew he would have to deal with mutiny among slaves in the first place. When you have a bunch of people threatening mutiny it gets kind of hairy. You might say he put up with their mutinous behavior in Moses’ absence and sweating whether Moses would return down the mountain and was trying to keep them all together. Anyway when Moses finally did come down the mountain he saw what was occurring and dropped the tablets probably because of anger and they broke so he had to go back up the mountain to get them again. It was not modern times and they were out in the wilderness and sometimes they became dissatisfied with the harsh realities to the point some of them preferred slavery instead and like I said I’m pretty positive the Egyptian Pharaoh made sure to send them with spies or infiltrated their ranks with spies. There were a ton of people in each tribe that left the kingdom in the thousands. In the movie Braveheart some of the tribes double-crossed their comrades (even though it is just a movie)….so when they were slaves some probably in order to get special favor double-crossed their people. Had they not been slaves they would not have acted that way. That is what slavery does to people: it makes them desperate and often turn on their friends.

That is how slave owners handled the enslaved to keep them enslaved etc.

Divide and conquer.

Slavery is nasty business.

In our time

Chris Christie comes to mind using money that was supposed to go the the victims of Hurricane Sandy who lost their businesses and homes that he received for them and instead spent it on his own campaign about himself with the approval of Obama and promoting a few others as if that makes it okay. Obama used him and he obliged and received favor and went against his party double-crossed them for that favor. Not only did he double-cross his party worse than that he double-crossed the people that he represents that did not receive the help they deserved or as much as they deserved. Not a good leader and has no scruples even if he is entertaining on the Jay Leno Show. I do think he was under pressure by the Obama’s manipulation and was mastered by their technique which may be why the fire occurred on the boardwalk of the new businesses to pressure him….possibly. That is Obama’s tactics to enslave our country. The Democrats don’t seem to mind either. So what party represents freedom? Definitely not the Democrats and there are some in the Republican Party who are exposing themselves such as Chris Christie.

Christie pushes back amid probes into bridge scandal

Now he is getting applause from both Dems and Rep’s of his state …course they are state employees and they are deceived as well. Dems are supporting him because they want to keep up the Farce ie Pharisee delusion as cover for the Obama’s while Iran develops nukes and by the way the Al Qaeda are in Iraq which happens to be next to Iran and if you think that is coincidence ….THINK AGAIN. I think the shit is about to hit the fan over there, don’t you? But Obama wants to give peace a chance. Islam is the “religion of peace.” O’reilly? Then why do they cause so much bloodshed? Well, because the Roman hierarchy, Michelle (Michael the archdemon/angel…that’s why she/he was in Benghazi) and Islam are in cahoots….that’s why. The dark ages occurred for a reason….and it wasn’t love.

Walter Veith called the deceived and the ones that don’t understand the relationship between Islam and Roman Catholicism the goya. Not sure of the spelling but that is what most of the world is because they are in the dark even in the middle east and Africa and Europe, the US, South America etc. They keep people in the dark because it benefits them and they can do whatever they want to people and live off of them like fleas and the fallen angels liked the chicks. They like incest also. They love scapegoats because it deflects while acting like they care about them. The never ending source of votes and funds. They can impersonate as well.

What should happen is both parties should unite to defy the Obama’s and their appointees and administration (who are dividing the country and stripping away our form of government and it’s freedom for their countrymen, their friends and families, and for their own freedom) against Islam, it’s prophet, and it’s slavery. Otherwise who knows what might happen down the road to your own dreams and pursuit of happiness.

The Domino Effect.

First they came……………


or kiss your own ass goodbye.

That is the choice.


Psalm 22:12

Many bulls have compassed me: strong bulls of Bashan have beset me round.


“For the village in Iran, see Bashan, Iran.

Bashan (/ˈbʃən/Hebrew: הַבָּשָׁן‎, ha-Bashan, meaning “the light soil” LatinBasan) is a biblical place first mentioned in Genesis 14:5, where it is said that Chedorlaomer and his confederates “smote the Rephaim in Ashteroth“, where Og the king of Bashan had his residence.  At the time of Israel‘s entrance into the Promised Land, Og came out against them, but was utterly routed (Numbers 21:33-35Deuteronomy 3:1-7). This country extended fromGilead in the south to Hermon in the north, and from the Jordan river on the west to Salcah on the east. Along with the half of Gilead it was given to the half-tribe of Manasseh (Joshua 13:29-31). Golan, one of its cities, became a city of refuge (Joshua 21:27).
Ba·shan  (bshn)

An ancient region of Palestine northeast of the Sea of Galilee in present-day southern Syria.
 Bashan (ˈbeɪʃæn)


1. (Bible) Old Testament a region to the east of the Jordan, renowned for its rich pasture (Deuteronomy 32:14)
ASHTAROTH » The capital city of Bashan (Deuteronomy 1:4; Joshua 9:10)
Astaroth (also AshtarothAstarot and Asteroth), in demonology, is a Crowned Prince of Hell. He is a male figure named after the Canaanite goddess Ashtoreth.

The name Astaroth was ultimately derived from that of 2nd millennium BC Phoenician goddess Astarte,[1] an equivalent of the Babylonian Ishtar, and the earlier Sumerian Inanna. She is mentioned in the Hebrew Bible in the forms Ashtoreth (singular) and Ashtaroth (plural, in reference to multiple statues of her). This latter form was directly transliterated in the early Greek and Latin versions of the Bible, where it was less apparent that it had been a plural feminine in Hebrew.

The pseudepigraphal work Testament of Solomon, attributed to King Solomon of Israel, but thought to date to the early centuries AD, mentions “Asteraoth” (in Greek) as an angel, who is opposed to the demon of power. (cf. 1 Kings 11:4-5)”

(Disclaimer: Wikipedia information so have no idea if this is accurate information!)

Hence Ash Wednesday. ——————————————–

Back to Abraham, Sarah, the visitors and Lot





Supposedly they are each and everyone direct descendants of the 12 disciples of the Synoptic Gospels. But priests aren’t allowed to marry so what gives?

Or do they use other means?

Is it because they have faith and hoped not for joy.

It’s a mystery. 

(If you had watched the interview by the Fox interviewer with Senator Ayotte about her contribution to cover the costs of extending unemployment benefits to the unemployed by going after fraud and abuse you would have thought the interviewer was a descendent of Lot’s daughters. It sounds rude/dismissive but so was the interviewer, IMO.)

Lawlessness seems to have been the problem in Sodom. It was the problem with the first group that Abraham and Sarah encountered but they escaped destruction at that time by releasing her and the others that were given in exchange for their lives or their well- being. So that ruler was wise to heed the signs and lived.

Before Abraham was I AM.  

The Pharoah of Egypt didn’t cooperate either and were treading on The Hebrews. His kingdom suffered the loss of their slaves and GIGANTIC HUMILIATION which I’m sure word got around about it to the other kingdoms.  Many of his men were destroyed and he was given plenty of opportunities, he just didn’t listen or heed the signs given because of pride and prejudice and loved the slavery of others and degrading people much like the OBAMAS and coquettishly, tormentingly, mockingly his co-conspirators the Pope, the Vatican and their many secret societies such as the Jesuits and many in the press. (The Pharaohs and the Egyptians were given many opportunities and warnings. However I can’t say that about the cities destroyed by the visitors because it is not written that they were warned. Only Lot’s family were warned as I recall.) Even after the Pharaoh let the people go he pursued them with his armies and they were taken over by the Red Sea  in the nick of time in order to save the Hebrews. The Pharaoh because of pride and prejudice plus seething with revenge just didn’t want to let what he thought were his people to leave because he depended on them for his kingdom to work.

The whole point of the Red Sea parting (opening and separated) by the power of God in itself was a miracle and it was kind of dumb for the Egyptians to have pursued. If you were them, would you? I would have thought they would have been pretty impressed and even turned their worship towards that God instead of the Pharaoh worship because of the many miracles that they endured because of the pride and prejudice of their ruler, the Pharaoh. What does one need for it to click or compute in their heads not to mess with him? Was God and Moses supposed to allow the Egyptian army to catch the Hebrews after they had been allowed to leave with their own belongings and the gifts the Pharaoh gave them because he was afraid? I’m not sure that the Pharaoh himself entered the Red Sea but he did send the majority if not all of his army of men into the parted Red Sea only for them to be drowned by the Red Sea that suddenly de-parted on top of them and he probably watched which seems to be endemic of some leaders like Obama.

It was a Safeway, just in case.

He was leading from behind.

Obama defends himself from Gates’ book criticism

Gates defends memoir’s criticism of Obama

Do you think President Obama and his administration are sure about his Iranian Policy as he was about his Iraqi policy?

How about his Egyptian policy, Syrian policy, Libyan policy, video policy,

or any policy?

How about the Health Care policy….he can’t stop changing his mind.


Time is ticking and I don’t think the Obamas realize they may be corrected soon. It happens.

Destruction happened in

The Civil War, The Revolutionary War,  WWl,  WWll and many after that

and I think we really are on the verge of WWlll or actually involved already

and those mentioned probably will lose again because they just don’t git it.

Israel holds state memorial ceremony for Ariel Sharon

Screen shot 2014-01-13 at 5.22.45 PM

Revelation 17:18

And the woman which thou sawest is that great city,

which reigneth over the kings of the earth.

Revelation 17:5

 and upon her forehead was a name written,


Revelation 17

Who are the ten kings that have power with the beast for that one hour?

Are they Muslim?




Pretty bad state of affairs when one third of the population is out of work.

A third of the US population are out of work,

why this is a success

If we don’t expel the Obamas and those that collude with them things are gonna get much nastier!’ The job market is a failure because those at the top took bribes and didn’t protect the Americans from fraud and abuse. Instead of foreign workers we should be taking care of the ones that live in the USA by replacing machinery.computers with people as much as possible. You relegate them to joblessness and pretty soon you won’t have anyone to sell to.

On Judge Jeanine she asked about the IRS Investigation if it is winding down and is anyone being held accountable. Of course no one will probably really be held accountable for one it was a distraction anyway and because a few days ago their shill on Fox News said that many and most in the IRS are really good people. He and his agencies have been attacked by the IRS so count him in with the Tea Party too …uh huh and guess who that is

Franklin Graham in defense of the IRS.

So count him in with the Tea Party and with the IRS and everything else.

Senators Slam ‘E-Cigs’ at the Golden Globes

“The Golden Globes celebrates entertainers who are an influence on young fans. We ask the Hollywood Foreign Press Association and NBC Universal to take actions to ensure that future broadcasts of the Golden Globes do not intentionally feature images of e-cigarettes. Such action would help to avoid the glamorization of smoking and protect the health of young fans.”

I guess they are counting on those tax dollars they receive from real tobacco smokers because like Obama Care they care about those taxes.

Playboy model Cassandra Lynn Hensley found dead in Los Angeles home

Michelle didn’t happen to stop off on her way home from Hawaii. Michelle left on the 15th from Hawaii and this girl is found on the 15th dead in LA. I hope the coroner checks for fang bites on her body. Might be Michelle’s beauty secret. She does have fangs. Maybe they ought to be pulled and then let’s see how she bares them! She does have a problem with those ssssss sounds which turn into shhhhhhhh.

Pope calls for a new world order

“POPE Benedict XVI has proposed a new world political authority

“with real teeth”,

possibly in place of the United Nations,

to enforce an ethical financial order and end the global financial crisis.”

Maybe he meant Michelle with her fangs.

Many more articles linked at:

Merangue’s Blog

Blue Skies

CBS News and JFK Transcriptions

Eye of a Needle

The Drawbridge

The Keep

Billy Graham and The Synoptic Dilemma: The Beast

I don’t buy this story of the Ohio death penalty case at all aired on Fox News.

 I think it is BS.

Screen shot 2014-01-17 at 11.18.10 PM

After Slow Execution, Renewed Death Penalty Debate and Threat of Lawsuit


Face the Nation Transcripts January 26, 2014: Cruz, Schumer, McCaul

I was under the impression that the Government Shutdown was a Republican tactic that went awry because of federal government abuse by the machinery of Rome and Obama. (Like Congress applauding the Secret Police/Secret Service shootout next to the White House killing a confused woman unarmed in a car with her baby.) The article above seems to tell a different story and maybe they ought to come clean.

Ted Cruz assails fellow Republican senators for ‘trickery’

Which is it?

I think the language in this article in one particular paragraph is hard to understand in regards to Ted Cruz and the Government shut down and possibly the writer ought to rephrase it to make it make sense. I had to reread it over and over to figure out the meaning and I think I got it and I was right even though others would like to make chaos out of the whole event to blame certain people instead of blaming who they ought to blame. The ones that departed and capitulated to the Obama’s whims should be expelled from office on both sides of the aisle. They have no right to make decisions about our counties welfare or it’s future what so ever!

Hillary Clinton and Jesuit Father Frederiko Lombardi

“Press Office of the Holy SeeOn 11 July 2006 Pope Benedict XVI appointed him director of the Vatican Press Office, replacing Joaquín Navarro-Valls who had held the post for 22 years.[3] Lombardi’s appointment to the Press Office of the Holy See merged with it the leadership of Vatican Radio and Vatican Television Center as well, as he continues to hold those directorships.[2]
Upon assuming the directorate, Lombardi said he would not be a papal “spokesman” since he believes Benedict XVI did not need an interpreter, saying, “I don’t think my role is to explain the Pope’s thinking or explain the things that he already states in an extraordinarily clear and rich way.”[4] He is considered to be taking a more low-key approach than his predecessor.[4]
Crises in communication In an editorial for “Octava Dies“, a weekly program of the Vatican Television Center, he criticized statements made by Bishop Richard Williamson denying the extent of the Holocaust.[5] Lombardi was later criticized himself by Cardinal Dario Castrillon Hoyos over the problems in communication revealed during the affair.[6]
Lombardi said that the Pope had never been a member of the Hitler Youth, but journalists quickly pointed out to him that Cardinal Ratzinger, later Pope, had admitted this himself in the 1997 book Salt of the Earth.”

In other words, he lied!

Our State Department under her leadership, the CIA under Peter Petraeuses leadership, the FBI, The White House and probably the Justice Department should cease from their relationship to the Vatican Press and their organizations to influence our government via their propaganda tools to deceive our nation and other nations to manipulate their takeover of the world for a one world government and them at the helm. THEY STINK! Honestly you do not want the Vatican to be making life and death decisions about your personal lives. That is why we have Obama Care now a tool of the Vatican. They are damned and would love nothing more than to damn you.

And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

Hillary Clinton should not even think about running for President after the Vince Foster murder suicide the ladies that were harassed by her allies after their initial meetings with her husband (thanks to The Kelly File of Fox News for reexamining those deliberate abuses by the Clintons and their Jesuit roots) and after her lies about Benghazi. Until she divulges the truth about the excuse at Benghazi by her Jesuit father Lombardi and tells what she KNOWS about Benghazi she should be exiled and treated with repugnancy. If she had any decency she would retire from public life with her aged decrepit husband who raved about “cookies” after Benghazi. Lots of interesting things were said by him after Benghazi which ought to be scrutinized and explained by him and her. Biden should retire until he divulges what he knows and witnessed about Benghazi. The President and his wife should be kicked out of the White House as well until they tell the truth about their PART in Benghazi.

Lots of trickery, lawlessness, lies, and slight of hand

ever since Benghazi.

Seems to be a pattern, doesn’t it.

Here’s another abuse of power using the press to suppress:

‘Face the Nation’ Edits Out Senator Cruz Condemning Obama’s ‘Abuse of Power’

Or is the press abusing our government? Sean Hannity had a Republican (I think since I only watched about a minute of the story) who was threatening to throw a press guy off the balcony but since he is from New York it makes it okay. That’s pretty ridiculous.

I get the feeling everyone has lost their marbles.

In any case since it seems everyone is lying which seems to indicate

a Great Deception which isn’t that great because the federal government and it’s cronies the press are coming apart at the seams which is really stupid.

Might as well shut it down for good! Our government stinks!

Goodbye IRS! Goodbye federal workers! Goodbye Obama! It seems they have fallen and they can’t get up.

Tough shit!

Amanda Knox Trial

 I know little about the Amanda Knox dilemma but what is interesting now is the news says she was convicted of murder yet they are convicting her again. Isn’t that a misnomer? So the Italians let her walk the first time and changed their mind?

She doesn’t act guilty, but they sure do.

Ex-Port Authority Official Says ‘Evidence Exists’ Christie Knew About Lane Closings

Says Chris Christie thought the lane closing on the bridge was a study as it was occurring. Isn’t that what happened at the Boston Marathon Massacre/Bombing? And at one of those school massacres? Pretty SUR REAL.



Here is a great story and hopefully true:

Brain Surgeon Walks 6 Miles Through Storm

To Save Patient

Did it cost 684 million dollars? That is what advertising for Obama Care is gonna cost. If iObama Care was so great it wouldn’t need to advertise it already gets air time on every news station. Give me a break. It’s going elsewhere.

Another anomaly is the report by Shepard Smith on Fox today Feb 11th, 2014 about a contamination of 18 patients at a North Carolina hospital for a rare brain disease. This happened months ago…The instruments were not cleansed properly. It happened at a Catholic hospital the last time. Recent history repeating itself? I wrote about it in another post on either this blog or the others listed below. Strange.

Also today on The Five of Fox News Eric Bolling asked “will we ever find out who pushed the video?” in regards to Benghazi. I will answer that: it was the Jesuit Father Fredriko Lombardi who pushed the video excuse. I have written about it in many posts in the blogs linked below. Benghazi was a Jesuit/Islamic conspiracy/coverup.


O’reilly and his interview with the President

and it has been over a week and he is still yaking about it calling the President honorable because he was “man enough” to be interviewed by O’reilly. Is that ridiculous or what? He interviews all kinds of people and feminine ones too. Too bad O’reilly can’t get over the interview so the rest of us can forget it even as forgettable as it was. Maybe next year.


Some interesting stuff about Benghazi maybe most people aren’t aware of:

The Atiq Mosque in Maydan al-Huriya is the oldest mosque in Benghazi. The majority of people in the city are Sunni Muslims.

The predominant religion in Benghazi is Islam. Practically all of the city’s inhabitants are Sunni Muslims. During Islamic holidays such as Ramadan, most abstain from food; restaurants are usually empty during the day, with the exception of some expatriates and tourists. Alcohol is banned by law in Benghazi and throughout Libya in accordance with Islamic principles. The conservative Islamic nature of Benghazi creates a strong sense of family life in the city – practically all teenagers and young adults live at home until they get married. Many Muslims in Benghazi adhere to the traditional Maliki school of religious law, however much less so than in decades past. In recent years, more people are beginning to practice Salafism with the spread of literalist inclined Islamic television channels. It is not uncommon therefore to see woman wearing black niqabs and men with full beards in Benghazi because of the existence of such schools, although not exclusively for that purpose.[39] The Senussi order from which the royal dynasty sprang has traditionally enjoyed strong support in Benghazi and the Cyrenaica.
For Muslims, there are many mosques throughout Benghazi; the oldest and best known such as the Atiq and Osman mosques are located in and around the medina.
There is also a small Christian community in the city. The Roman Catholic Franciscan Church of the Immaculate Conception serves Benghazi’s Catholic community of roughly 4,000; there is also a disused cathedral church. For Egyptian Copts, there is a Coptic Orthodox church (which was formerly the grand synagogue) with two serving priests.[40]
Jews lived in Benghazi as they did elsewhere in Libya, from Roman times until 1967 when most were airlifted out after a series of riots in the years after the 1948 Arab–Israeli War. There are no Jews remaining in Libya today.[41]

Roman Catholics tend to thrive with Muslims quite easily as if they have a common denominator.

I Am That I Am (The Sign) -Revised *

I AM THAT I AM (Part two)

My other blogs I hope you peruse:

Blue Skies

Eye of a Needle

The Drawbridge

The Keep

CBS News and JFK Transcriptions

Merangue’s Blog

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Michelle Obama, Where’d You Get Those Peepers


Where’d you get those peepers?


Jeeper, creepers


Speaking of Michelle I wonder why she was at Benghazi?


bitch michelle at disney


Michelle_Obama__Commencement.sff_KYJC101_20130511213131 May 12, 2013

First Lady urges graduates to live by their values


 It’s a girl.
Very similar profile and hairline…..hmmmmmmmmmmm, though she has changed her eyebrows. You can see where they used to be. She has raised her eyebrows in fact she paints them on or has had them tattooed and now she has bangs. ……………….
IN the shot at Benghazi the person stands like a woman and is wearing sandals with high heels (definitely not male type sandals) and looks 

Untitled7like the fancy pants are rolled up. Yep they are.

Od terrorist.

Feminine. Nice arms too. Nostrils similar. Similar mouth. Similar shoulder and neck. Her cheeks have improved must have had some work done. Yep. She has, now she has cheek bones. In her earlier pictures she was a bit less defined and more flat. Her nose is thinner now too.
I guess if only we could figure out when Michelle had work done on her eyes because the picture closeup at Benghazi the person’s eyes are swollen as if that person recently had plastic surgery and still recovering. Michelle’s eyes sure have improved and it can’t be by aging so it must be because of surgery. Her forehead also has improved since then. Yea the person at Benghazi looks swollen in the face also. Was she preparing for Inauguration Day?
Benghazi is where one of the temples to Apollo was located. I don’t think that is coincidence by that I mean there is something to it and the antichrist is also known as Apollyon ie the Destroyer name of the angel of the bottomless pit in Revelation. So if this is tribulation time then I guess it makes sense that temples of Apollo might be involved in tribulation events. I think the temples are Jesuit controlled but not positive of that just heard it and there sure are a lot of Jesuits (Clinton for one who worked under Obama) in our government obstructing the Benghazi investigation.

EXCLUSIVE: Key suspects in Benghazi attack include former courier, bodyguard for Al Qaeda, sources say

Obama has been good at destroying just about everything.

Obama said, “I sent them there.” in reference to Benghazi yet no one went to help so who and what is he talking about?

He also said:

“The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.”

Remember this quote?

“No one has the right to bare arms, but Michelle.”  chuckle chuckle


US troops on Syria border as Obama arms rebels

Is Michelle in Syria now?

Is that why Michelle Obama was bearing arms was in Benghazi?

MOHAMMAD is a MAD HAM with the initials MO




Syrian rebels post grisly execution video

Obama likes their music at prayer time …….Talk about obnoxious!

Islam and it’s profit are an abomination.

The Obamas are Hams wursts and definitely not my cup of tea.

I’m not slandering their profit, just making truthful observations snicker snicker

May I say for the umpteenth time Ambassador Chris Stevens is not this man below, yet the press act as if it is the ambassador and by now with my e-mails and posts they ought to know that they are not the same man.

I think he is the object of their desire, though.

I think he is why Obama sent them there.


I think he is a witness of revelations. Could even be John the Baptist, hence the “Take me to the river” reference and other strange references by President Obama at his Correspondent’s dinner. I think it is possible since the administration and all the President’s men, the press won’t even admit that he is not Ambassador Chris Stevens. There is so much secrecy and so many lies involved in this incident at Benghazi and the coverup is immense hence all of the scandals to coverup what was done there.

Here is a comparison of Jesus written about in the Gospel of Matthew

to the Chief Captain written about in the book of Acts:

Tell No Man

Pelosi: GOP needs ‘lesson on the birds and bees’…

Congressman: Benghazi Survivors Forced to Sign Non-Disclosure Agreements


Rep. Darrell Issa issues Benghazi subpoenas to State Department

Writing about Monday’s subpoenas, Mr. Issa said they were not the fault of the witnesses he was trying to interview “By its very nature,” Mr. Issa wrote, “a subpoena can carry the implication that the witness is being uncooperative. In this case, that is an unfortunate and misleading consequence since it is the department, and not the individuals themselves, that appears to be dictating the timetable.”

Not Going to Take It Anymore — Issa Subpoenas Boswell, Bultrowicz, Dibble and Jones


Eric Boswell

Obama Takes Excited Daughters Out For Day Of Drone-Watching

“According to reports,

Obama then told the two girls that if they came back at nightfall,

they might get to see a drone attacking

its prey.”

House committee issues subpoena for Benghazi documents

Yep the person in the picture


at Benghazi with arms looks like Michelle Obama.
I wonder what in the world
she was doing there with those arms?
Obama said : 
“Only Michelle has the right to bear arms.”
She has muscular arms and thin forearms as does the person at Benghazi. Most men have bigger forearms if they are muscular but this person at Benghazi has feminine forearms. For Instance:
Notice the forearms on this muscle man GEORGE HARRISON next to Taylor Swift compared to the forearms of the person (Michelle) at Benghazi.
Notice Michelle’s very slender forearms and long fingers which is a characteristic of the person (Michelle) at Benghazi; So why pretend.. Just admit it Michelle…….you were at Benghazi.ap922219264656
Most men don’t have waistlines this person does. The person at Benghazi is quite feminine and I know this will offend but he/she has nappy hair like an African person. By nappy I mean frizzy and curly such as Barack Obama’s hair. Obviously Libya is an African nation but that does not automatically mean your hair is nappy and also the hairline is the same as Michelles if you take away the length and the bangs. 
HE LIKES MICHELLE”S FACE NOW:) I guess they didn’t suffice before the work.
Isn’t it time to haul the Obamas in for questioning?
What a difference surgery made in her looks but at what price?
Who paid that price?
The men at Benghazi?
Is beauty that attractive when it turns deadly?
That’s their tactic…false promises to hold over support. A Bargaining chip. Don’t ask….don’t tell Let’s pretend. Have faith and hope and maybe…..just maybe if you stick it out with them …just maybe, and maybe not. Probably not because then they lose that bargaining chip and they need it. How that chip reacts is extremely important in their game. Do you stick it out for nothing? Same goes for the other chips they hold. They are in a tight spot and now is the time to flip them. Get support from other groups and get them to flip. It works lots better than waiting for nothing.
But instead they begged her back after she feigned her departure. Can’t get much more fakey than that. LOL. What the heck was she talking about saving the kids. I never have figured out what her message is about kids rarely seeing her with her own kids and seems kids are not faring well in her time.
I wonder why.
Her message about kids is so empty and sounds like a broken record.
Does feeding them hummus for school lunches help them?
Does Michelle or Barack Obama have a stake in the Hummus business?
If so, then who is it really helping?
Was it a choice at school lunches or was it the one choice?

“Yet still, FLOTUS has defended her campaign.”


Funny cuz she is FLOTUS.(First Lady of the US)

She is a slippery slope.

Pretty self-serving, eh?

Matthew 23:37

King James Version (KJV)

37 O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!

I think the hummus fetish has to do with chick peas, LOL. Michelle thinks she is mother hen and she must be under the impression that the kids at school are her chickens and she does not care what you believe.

Like the Clintons helped Haiti and Chechnya etc This degradation and discontent, dysentery, disfunction, destitution, deprivation coincides with the dedication to the Virgin Mary. A pre-rape the land kind of dedication. Steal the worthy few etc. Viet nam also suffered after their dedication. It seems to be a precursor to famine. I think it’s the Synoptic Gospels survival depends on intervention, interference and pillaging of others to subsist like fleas, ticks, and locusts.

There is an madness of huge proportions at the White House.

She can’t remember if she is a single mom or not, whether Obama is there, Obama thinks there is no there there…

scandal after scandal…

Maybe their problem is the hummus

or they are having marital problems

like Jackie and JFK.

Get the unions and their mentality out of government and let them never come back.

Why Michelle Obama got heckled

CNN exclusive video: First lady confronts heckler

“I don’t care what you believe, wait, wait, wait. One of the things, one of things I don’t do well is this,” Michelle Obama responded, prompting cheers from the crowd. The first lady then moved away from the podium into the crowd and said to Sturtz, “Listen to me or you can take the mic. But I’m leaving. You all decide. You have one choice.” Unknown-1 The videos have been altered since I added to this post about the First Lady Michelle Obama and now we don’t get to see her as she handled the situation at the Fund Raiser. (Just added CNN and Alex Jones video since writing this post but they still don’t have the real time video of the confrontation just the voice which can be edited and the videos are edited quite a bit)

FLOTUS Confronts Heckler, But Where’s The Video? (Alex Jones)

Of course it was a Fund Raiser so she was there for the money and doubtful would have left over a heckler. But what was interesting was who she approached in between her threats and was laughing about it and it was an oriental man who obviously was controlling the situation and seemed to give her support. Probably Chinese. Looked like Chinese President Xi Jinping. The Fund Raiser is probably for him in a round about way. I don’t think he likes African-Americans too much.  I have a feeling this was a set up again to get or stir up African Americans to get behind her for her “in your face” to the heckler, kind of like giving OJ Simpson a freebie. They rejoiced then also. Palestinians do it all the time when Americans are murdered. Did African Americans rejoice when the young 14-year old girl in Chicago was shot dead because she “stood out” in Michelle’s neck of the woods, the one that was a guest at the President’s inauguration? Is that how you treat your guests? COINCIDENCE? Did the young girl stand out at the INAUGURATION so much so as to upset the first lady? Is Michelle so insecure that she would murder her or have her murdered because her other half noticed a pretty young girl? Or was there more to that day than meets the eye. I think Barack Obama likes them young. Real young.

Teen girl who performed at Obama inauguration killed in Chicago shooting

She really cares for African-American children. Especially the girls. UH-huh uh huh. (Another coincidence in Santa Monica while the President was at a fund raiser in Santa Monica at a college which happened yesterday. I guess the gunman is dead and killed a few people including family members along his way. Very strange. Something follows the Clintons and the Obamas and it isn’t good. Echoes of Sandy Hook Massacre. Doesn’t mean it is them but something does follow them and I think it is spiritual and not a very nice one either.)

Santa Monica shooter carried out plan in deadly rampage

Telephones are really a commodity in the African American dream even at the expense of their kids and their jobs. Can’t get any better than that. He would love to disarm you so that it could be quicker but luckily there are those that do know history. It helps. If the African Americans want to destroy themselves they are doing an awful good job for the Obamas and whoever they work for.  As I have stated in many of my blog posts your skin color is a bargaining chip. They don’t care. Get a grip. ON Sean Hannity’s show last week around June 21st he had an audience of Conservative African Americans who now want to be called Black Americans because they were born in America. I thought that was kind of funny because they really aren’t black. Different shades of brown with a hint of green and other colors. But they prefer being Black to African because they aren’t African they are Americans. So before this distinction they have been called other things one being “Nigger”. A sort of famous woman on a food network (I don’t watch the show and don’t know her from Adam) Paula Deen has apologized for using racist language and may lose her job on the show which I first heard about on The Five of Fox News. Bob Beckel definitely is against slurs and thinks we should call a spade a spade in regards to terrorism. A terrorist is a terrorist regardless of what he or she wears. 

Estée Lauder Executive Signs On as Michelle Obama Adviser

Actually the ladies and the men on that show on Fox “The Five” are very sanctimonious and very Catholic (all show if you can understand the history of Catholicism and their treatment of humans in the past as they ignore the past and look the other way) about her admission and their stupid chatter about it. Please read the links about their sanctimonious religion:

The Vatican-The Family Business-The Vatican City

Chief Priests and the Legion – Revised

Not a good track record. Yet they forgive themselves so easily. All they have to do is tell a priest called their Father. Problem is he can’t cleanse them like the real Father. SO they tell their sins and say a bunch of Hail Mary’s with little beads on a string or whip themselves with a switch on their back in front of a mob and voila they are okay with whatever they did and it is forgotten. That is why the MOB loves them and thrives off their victims, because they have been nerfed. They don’t realize their nakedness as Peter didn’t realize he was naked either in his fish coat (on or off) on the Sea of Galillee.

Seen any images of Mary on an oil slick lately?

Or how about on the side of tin can in the road. Mary shed any tears of blood for ya? VOO DOO comes to mind. This is how idiotic they can be and then barely forgive a woman for saying the “N” word in private because of their ever lovin’ GRACE.  Makes you wonder who was listenin? Is the NSA and Walmart related? Or the Food Channel? Or Fox News? Have they lost their heads? They are the most un-thankful people in the world. If you are Catholic P_L_E_A_S_E watch these you tubes and soak it in as what others think of you and your rendition of your religious piety because that is all you have is PIETY and it is PITIFUL. Shroud Of Turin Accidentally Washed With Red Shirt A New Pope

Pope and Michaelangelo

Talk about syrup-y crap. Do you know what a buffoon is?  A ludicrous or bumbling person; a fool. Listen I know many catholics that have said much worse and done much worse and this show of false femininity and worldliness and most of all their false character. I’m ashamed they acted that way today on June 26th and they should be embarrassed. If “the Five” were honest they would be honest about the fact that Ambassador Chris Stevens is not in the Benghazi photos or film being dragged around but they must be hiding something and they must have good reason to hide it and it must be their religion telling them to hide it and for that fat check and their FALSE PRIDE: Don’t Ask and DON’T TELL as if that is harmless when it really is harmful to themselves and others and they should be immensely ashamed of themselves for that, but I don’t think they are. No wonder they wore lace on their heads in church because they are so full of holes. They are run by the MOB. They worship Peter and Mary and a baby. They just don’t have the brains to understand scripture so give them some wine and a cookie and take their money and send them on their way. They ain’t got brains what else can you do?They actually worship the eucharist.

The Monstrance

Pope Benedict w/ Monstrance (Matted w/ Black Frame) 8×10 Ridiculous as it is ^ this is being sold online! How about the assassination of JFK? How honest would “the Five” be in regards to this video and this picture?:

She is fiddling with him as he is shot the first time, then Connelly looks back and she looks at Connelly and he is shot, she looks back at her husband and gets closer and under him and he is shot again and the blood spray goes up, then it looks as if she has something in her right hand after the second shot (perhaps a silencer and it looks like Captain Hook’s arm without the hook?). 


And it seems to be emitting gas straight up! And if I am correct it probably came with her red roses!

Who was the florist?

Supposedly, Jackie thought it was odd that she received red roses in Dallas in one of her infamous interviews spinning the Camelot myth.
Possibly, lost that object when she pushed her husband over and fled to the trunk of the car to get whatever was back there, and it looks like a tube of lipstick because of the way it stays on the trunk of the car. She pursues it on the trunk of the car and gets it and gets back and hunches down with everyone else.
*April 2nd 2011 Just watched this video again a few times and it looks like she is the only one that seems to be busy …..very active….and in control…….everyone else seems to be reacting.
Everyone else seems to be in slow motion and she is in very fast motion.
Whoever her focus is on seems to be before that person is shot! IMO

Which is very disturbing!”

But Jackie was so pretty and was so classy and full of grace and of course she was catholic. Whatever got Jackie to kill JFK may be the same thing that occurred at Benghazi in the form of Michelle Obama. It is worth considering.

Assassination of JFK and The Covenant with Many – Part 3

What I’m trying to understand is why Paula Dean admitted it if she said it in private with her husband and how Walmart knew and why Walmart fired her. How would they know she had said the “N” word? Let’s ask Snowden. He said something interesting “They are going to get you in time.” and now Mr. McAfee is saying the same kind of threat tonight. I wonder what they mean? This over reaction about Snowden is humorous. The Chinese spy on us and they didn’t realize our country was spying on them? Must not be very good at spying then. They didn’t know about the CIA? I feel extremely safe. LOL DID WE POISON THIER RICE PATTIES WITH STUPID DUST? “Am I prejudice?” Remember when “only catholics” went to heaven?  Is that prejudice? HMMMMM. Heaven to a catholic is looking down their noses at everyone because of their piety.

John McAfee breaks long silence in interview

I agree with McAfee “Life is not what we think it is,” especially when someone wakes you up as someone did for me. As far as drugs go such as Cocaine or Crystal Meth or a similar type drug, please read:

The Monarch, Devil’s Breath, and the Eucharist

Now Mick Jagger has been busted and I thought he didn’t do drugs.

No Satisfaction: Rolling Stones frontman Mick Jagger

rips President Obama on spy program 

‘I don’t think President Obama is here tonight,’ Jagger said on stage at the Verizon Center in Washington. ‘But I’m sure he’s listening in.’ OBAMA can’t control Egypt so arrest Mick Jagger. That’ll teach em. It is called we have an INSANE GOVERNMENT. He didn’t want to chase after Snowden, but now he does. Ecuador caved in so it makes OBAMA look powerful. Talk about childish. Isn’t it time to oust this administration, this is ridiculous. THEY ARE DOPES. IDIOTS. CLOWNS. THEY TRIP OVER THEMSELVES. Send the WHITE HOUSE more diaper rash medicine. Michelle needs to change those diapers more often. You gotta do a better job, Michelle, taking care of your children. Walmart has certainly changed hands from what I recall that it used to be. Believe me it was full of prejudiced workers and owners. Give me a break, uh, about 15 uh, or so, uh years ago. I guess they have risen to such heights that they are snowing everyone with this ridiculous intervention. Is it better to ruin the economy by changing farming practices of the people in Haiti resulting in the death and severe poverty for many people and shrug about it as if it is no big deal thanks to Bill Clinton? Or give away free phones to get elected (talk about self-demeaning a race as if that is all they care about) and then ruin their economy and watch their unemployment rise and raise their taxes and shrug about it? The “Sensitive Ones” also have been trying to make it impossible for law enforcement and the population to profile criminals such as terrorists only to identify them by their clothing but unless we want to profile their designer it is very dumb. It is the most ridiculous reason to fire someone that I can think of. How about a warning or say “Please don’t say that on the job,”  or you will be fired  but hark she didn’t say it on the job. Just remember that the FIVE and Fox News is free from sin and have reached heaven before everyone else and they never cuss, nor drink, smoke, or even think bad words and they are here to refine us and judge us. The Five had a show last week about it with the ads on the sides of buses with terrorists faces in New York that seems to offend the “Sensitive Ones.”  Further in the article the Muslim places of worship/mosques are off limits as far as surveillance so there seems to be a double standard between places of worship and obviously someone intentionally wants to keep hidden some things going on at these mosques. Is that why they are so sensitive? PAULA DEEN ISSUES VIDEO STATEMENT APOLOGIZING FOR USING RACIAL SLURS (UPDATE: FOOD NETWORK DROPS HER) My uncle used to use the word “nigger” in jokes. He often told jokes and often the same one at different times. It was a bit hard to listen over and over again and to hear that word because I do think it is derogatory when used by many people that use it. In his defense he was a wonderful man in his way but just a bit racist, not only with Black Americans, since being part of my family I overlooked his prejudice because I loved him. I don’t often enjoy jokes however because I prefer a more spontaneous kind of humor. Of course the job isn’t the place for racial slurs because there is a time and a place for those kind of things if one is inclined. My uncle was a Title lawyer and owned his own business and seemed to be successful and believe it or not represented some African Americans although I don’t know the specifics or if they were satisfied with their representation. My little sister stood up for an African American boy at her elementary school who was forced by their teacher to get on all fours and bark like a dog in the civilian public school system and she got in big trouble *for a kid anyway* (as I recall) and this occurred in Alexandria, Virginia which is right outside Washington DC. Did President Obama link Catholic schools to segregation Black Americans use the word about other Black Americans and overlook it so I guess it depends on who uses the word and why and for what purpose. Now African Americans call Black Americans African Americans and they don’t like it. I used “that word” once that I remember in the context of rigging. I really didn’t think about it when I said it and I wasn’t trying to insult Black/African Americans but realized that I had offended them when I noticed the restaurant I was in quieted down and there were many brown faces aghast. I went along merrily with the bussing experiment in my teen years although it was not a choice. There is a book about the Jews in WWll who were fed only bread and I suspect it was a social experiment by some mad hatters to test biblical tenets because Jesus of the Gospel of John said he was the Bread of Life. Stupid experiment by stupid people who misunderstood the meaning trying to prove a point: the preeminence of the Gospel of Matthew and the other two Synoptic Gospels of Mark and Luke that bolster and mimic each other against the Gospel of John. I’ll include the name of the book as soon as I am able but it is required reading for kids in the public school system in the past few years. The name of the book is in the two articles about I Am that I Am below and linked. Spiritually speaking I think a lot of what is happening these days has to do with that same mad hatter mentality and spirituality manEUvering, manIPulating and affecting many in lofty positions of business and government and pushing through their social experiments just to test the folks, kind of like the Haitian experiments that the Clintons supervised/improvised.

Financial Sector Thinks It’s About Ready To Ruin World Again

And now they want to tax essentials like food. They are total asses. Talk about hoarders they are so afraid of change and how it will affect them and an overhaul of the tax system  going to a consumption tax will help them too. Yes their intake will fluctuate but will also equalize with the worth of the dollar. I think the elitists ought to reeducate themselves in the simple rules of Economics. I’m not a graduate of college and even I can figure that out. Makes you wonder if they just aren’t sadists for the sake of sadism they don’t want people to do well they want to punish because they like to screw the people. and because now they have the power they want to decide who succeeds and who doesn’t. They are hoarding their status. How insecure can they be. Yeah, it’s kind of sad and pitiful. Control Freaks are pretty low and have a false sense of morality and thrive on their hate. Like Jackie Kennedy wearing white gloves, assassinating her husband the President of the US in front of the whole world and wondering why she received red roses in Dallas. And the whole world falls all over her for her poise and beauty and mostly influence pandering to her like they do for the Obamas because they are really afraid and are cowards  when they should not have kicked the can down the road with the preposterous “one bullet theory” and investigated so they could get to the bottom of the crime as many are trying to do with the Benghazi crime. ================ My dad never used “the word” that I can remember. He was a colonel in the army and it just wasn’t his style or his way although he did say a few other slurs not having to do with people. Many think the south is more prejudice than the north but I disagree. It’s pretty even having been north and south, east and west. I grew up being cajoled by my older brother that I was adopted and found in the jungle with hair on my back and they shaved it but I’m not sure I actually believed it even though I grew up watching Tarzan, Shirley Temple, Bob Hope, and Lucille Ball. Unknown I think the word “Nigger” came from the name Niger mentioned in the New Testament of the bible. Josephus Flavius also mentions Niger in his writings as the man who suckered many Jews/kikes in biblical times by faking his own death and his own resurrection ( A False Messiah) to trick Jews/kikes into thinking he was with them and for them in order to trap them to kill them so the word does have a significant meaning and place in history! A there is a there there kind of meaning. That is how he rigged the fate of many Jews/kikes. I think that is the dirty secret that many black/African Americans don’t even realize (but some do) as well as many white/honky/caucasians/gringo and cracker Americans and Latin/Mexican/illegal immigrant Americans (who also now don’t want to be called immigrants) who don’t know or were not taught about it either. And quite possibly he was white. When Jeantel says ‘cracker,’ it’s a cultural thing; but when Deen says the ‘n’ word, it’s racism I just added cracker to the mix of slurs about races because I heard that Trayvon Martin the young man killed by Zimmerman said to someone on the phone that a creepy white cracker ass or did he say creepy white ass cracker (which could also be creepy white house cracker which would make much more sense since Obama inserted himself into this case quite early on and Obama basically directing Americans to this case and his earlier comments about slaves c0sting money at his Correspondent’s dinners and his need for a diversion from Benghazi) and was following him or something to that effect on Greta’s show on June 26th. Of course Trayvon Martin might have been talking about Crack Cocaine and this encounter may actually have been a drug deal gone bad. I hadn’t heard of that one slur since he used the white with the cracker. One other slur could mean slave driver because they slave drivers cracked a whip. That is what I heard on The “N” Word discussion with Don Lemon. I still think he meant “nuts” because he was being followed unless they had a relationship before hand having to do with drugs and/or one was in charge of the other somehow via money lent. Then it is possible he was referring to the plumber as in SNL. (could be a gay term) Nerds Broken Fridge I know that sounds disrespectful but we don’t know what he meant and so I added this just in case it might be applicable. Refrigerator man?

I have a hard time with the choir boy act of Zimmerman who was carrying a concealed weapon. I just don’t put the two together very well especially since he was the aggressor and doing the following of this young man and I know if Hannity were armed he would not be following someone and he would have backed off when told to back off. Just because Trayvon Martin was on top in the altercation may be because he was quick having possibly seen Zimmerman’s gun and Trayvon Martin may have had to hit him to defend himself that is if the man testifying today really remembers correctly from a distance at night before he went inside. The candy bag was quite a distance away as if he was surprised. I must add that Hannity did a good job, a very good interview, I just question whether it was right. Sean Hannity asked Zimmerman if he had any regrets and specifically if he regretted getting out of the car that night and Zimmerman matter of factly said No. WHY NOT? THAT IS OUTRAGEOUS.  And it proves Zimmerman is a Psychopath/Sociopath or whatever that is called! He said it was God’s will my response to that is then why participate and just let God do it.

Examiner: No memory of autopsy

He must be possessed if he can’t remember anything about the autopsy. He is a minion. (A minion is a follower devoted to serve his/her master relentlessly.) In other words he is a mindless zombie or a shell. “And you don’t know why it’s a male voice? police or emergency woman is leading the female caller at the outset. Neither mother could tell who was screaming they are both standing up for their sons. Give me a break. But more than likely it would be the son who died but that is obvious, if indeed he did actually die because as I said this is a mindless entertainment to entertain. This is the degenerate perverted opposite version of a story of two women fighting over a baby in the Old Testament of the bible and how Solomon handled the situation. The tape can be cleaned up with a good sound engineer so that the voice could possibly be recognizable, not to the mothers but to the jury. possibly if you play the screaming backwards it might be recognizable. It sounds demonic and I have no idea who the caller was or their reliability and could be they are involved in this entertainment. The tape may have been altered by pitching it up or down to resemble one of the people or both.

Time for a new medical examiner to exhume the body to be reexamined.

We should have a televised autopsy so the world can see. Let’s get some real experts from CSI and see if they remember. Seriously it seems he didn’t do an examination if he can’t remember it. So who did? DID TRAYVON MARTIN REALLY DIE OR IS THIS ANOTHER HOAX? Some people can lie and look into a camera and be an angel and they can pass lie detectors. SO there needs to be another kind of test for sociopaths. He knew if he admitted regret about getting out of the car he could be seen as liable while looking into the camera saying he was sorry to the world that it this event occurred. It is definitely a mock and he is mocking his audience!

In other words he is a prick.

Being accused of molestation of a distant family member is a hard one to prove. His wife was accused of something having to do with mismanagement of donations but I missed the information. Obviously something is wrong with him and his wife.

Must be his beliefs and who controls him and her.

George Zimmerman’s Wife Arrested

Screen shot 2013-07-20 at 3.26.16 AM I wonder what his wife would look like 35 years from the time this photo was taken of Zimmerman’s wife. Screen shot 2013-07-20 at 3.25.48 AM Maybe Angela Corey might have an answer to that poser or maybe President Obama might have a clue since he thinks he could have been Trayvon Martin 35 years ago?

Zimmerman Prosecutors To Face Whistleblower Lawsuit From Fired Florida State Attorney Employee

Angela Corey

Screen shot 2013-07-20 at 3.34.29 AM Alan Dershowitz and Corey have a very tumultuous relationship of late.

“……..Dershowitz has called for Corey to be disbarred.[29] In response to his harsh criticism, Dershowitz claims Corey called Harvard Law School and, “threatened to sue the institution, get me disciplined by the Bar, and made accusations of libel and slander”.[30]
The same day that the George Zimmerman trial was sent to the jury, Corey fired Ben Kruidbos,[31] the information technology director for the State Attorney’s office, because he had disclosed her office’s failure to provide full discovery to Zimmerman’s defense team, as required by law.[32]
Zimmerman was found not guilty of second degree murder and not guilty of the lesser included charge of manslaughter…….” 

Obviously corruption is a big problem in these cases. And how can we predict the effect of evidence or lack of discovery on the result of a trial? One piece of evidence could be a puzzle piece needed to solve a crime. If someone in the system is allowed to get away with this what else has been compromised? That is partly why I think the Double Jeopardy law is meant to protect the guilty and protect those in the system who are corrupt and are manipulating the results of a trial. Instead of Clinton’s Three Strikes Laws lets apply that to the Double Jeopardy Law and give the people 3 chances to put a guilty man behind bars where he belongs. To be tried in 3 different areas of the country each court system testing the preceding court and it’s system to keep them honest reporting on abuse of the preceding and holding those responsible for the abuse accountable by dismissal, being disbarred, or other crimes and misdemeanors.

Weed out the corruption, purposeful mediocrity, retaliation for past court results, and political/religious games in the courts and their systems testing all aspects of the system 3 times and

Let Nothing Go To Waste.

Tavis Smiley: Obama’s race speech ‘weak as Kool-Aid’

Moral leadership would be helpful,

but quite impossible if your beliefs are askew or plain wrong.

For the ACLU, George Zimmerman case is awkward déjà vu
With patience and understanding we could clean up this country from corruption and obvious abuse of the court systems to get their desired outcome:




angela corey dui

Judge Jeanine on her program Sat. July 20th conversed on air about whether

“why”matters. If Why doesn’t matter then Intent in the law doesn’t matter.


Then if why doesn’t matter then


is a useless word and the words that follow,



When a child attempts to put his hand on a hot stovetop or fire from a candle and a mother prevents the child from hurting himself then why does the mother bother saying anything to the child if it doesn’t matter why? Why not just let the child burn himself and he’ll figure it out maybe without burning down the house, maybe not. Maybe without having to go to the hospital, maybe not. Because to Judge Jeanine it doesn’t matter why. Just BLOW HIM AWAY and then he won’t burn himself ever again.



WHY MATTERS because it is INTENT!

IF someone comes to your house and is more armed than you are and puts handcuffs on you and puts you in a car and takes you away will you ask why? I THINK YOU WILL.

They published your address in a paper recently and you objected because why mattered then.

Why have history classes? Why learn anything?

Trayvon Martin asked why and he was killed. I think Zimmerman was in “soldier mode” and went deliberately with the intent to entrap and to shoot Trayvon Martin.

Rise of the Warrior Cop

Is it time to reconsider the militarization of American policing?

Zimmerman lied on the Sean Hannity Show about STAND YOUR GROUND.

OR the witness lied on the stand in a court of law about Zimmerman.

Why has he not been accused of perjury? Does it matter?



How about the friend who wrote a book. Either he lied or Zimmerman lied about Trayvon grabbing or touching or not touching the gun. Maybe he ought to be called in for perjury.

Was this a predetermined court case because it used to be perjurers were charged.

If he isn’t charged with perjury then I question the whole matter as

a diversion from Benghazi. Neither the defense nor the prosecution has contemplated perjury charges then obviously they are in cahoots together along with Sean Hannity either from stupidity or a cover up. Maybe there are quite a few guilty in this event.

How about Judge Jeanine tell the American people why she hasn’t told the American people that the man above isn’t Ambassador Chris Stevens? She knows.

Oh, Really? Really? Oh, Really? Really?

So why should anyone care what you think when you purposefully have lied by omission?

You were warned and it has been quite a long time since Benghazi and still you refuse. WHY?????

You don’t have the right to be a judge of anything!

And I see why

WHY is unimportant to you, because you are not honest.

Judge Jeanine: Why do we look to excuse evil?


I think Trayvon Martin may have known Zimmerman.

They ought to get a sociopath expert to testify against him.Screen shot 2013-07-20 at 3.31.54 AM

Who is this? Trayvon Martin’s dad?

This is of the devil, no doubt about that!

Playing tricks on people because that is his talent. 

Vatican offers ‘time off purgatory’ to followers of Pope Francis tweets

“Papal court handling pardons for sins says contrite Catholics may win ‘indulgences’ by following World Youth Day on Twitter”

Speaking of talents here are some studies from the gospels about talents.Talents were doled out especially in the Gospel of Matthew and Luke and talents also fall on many in the book of Revelation. Hope you will read them:)

Indulgences and the Parable of Usury

The Gospel of Luke – A Parody

Zimmerman should get prison time IMO and never be allowed around children. Although Zimmerman’s brother desires greatly mentoring kids as stated in some articles featuring his now famous brother.

America Live

‘Glad He Spoke Out’

“Robert Zimmerman reacts to president’s remarks on verdict”

What a travesty if that occurs.

Of course so does the new pope using their infamous Youth for Christ and World Youth Days. Hail Hitler.


Priests giving the Hitler salute

Priests giving the Hitler salute at a Catholic youth rally in the Berlin-Neukölln stadium in August 1933.

Nazi photos


You would be an idiot if you go along with their tactics which are incendi-ary and devious and very destructive. Notice how nothing good comes of these escapades but a bunch of BABEL.

They want your guns so they can do another HOLOCAUST.

They want your kids to assist them and to eventually destroy them.

They want you, your kids, your guns in any which way they can, using any and every angle they can to corrupt you and your kids or to disarm you to leave you and your kids unprotected. Kind of like the birth control controversy so young ladies can’t protect from getting pregnant like “the pill” (or the morning after pill) in the Roman Catholic Church while they lust after, molest, rape and kill your children and then whine about why your kids are screwed up or whine about the abortion rate and crusade to bury the bodies of embryos to get attention and to be noticed or not providing rubbers/prophylactics to people in Africa so that they may contract AIDS, ETC. And of course the press aid and abet in their zealous attempt to absolve themselves of their own sins in their most shallow inpithiancy

while ignoring and hiding evidence because of their religion.


and they are pros at it.

It is a vicious circle while posing as on a higher moral ground wearing robes and crosses on their chests chanting and worshipping a statue of Mary weeping and pointing their fingers or like serving cake to someone on a diet.

They love to pose in their costumes and pray in public so that everyone may see their devotion. Or remark AMEN every chance they get (to be heard) or say “God bless you my brother” on camera because they think they are God as they flaunt their aberration of decency as Zimmerman’s brother did on FOX NEWS via GRETA’S SHOW hoping to get another opportunity to mentor unarmed minors or flaunt Zimmerman’s desire to become a lawyer after killing an unarmed minor.


In other words they are nuts. Now watch everyone and their mother will be on the news freaking about about wearing a cross. It doesn’t bother me (I wear one sometimes) until a person wearing one interferes in other peoples decisions and peeking in on their lives to get an edge and all the other things they do to make people miserable.

It is an underhanded ploy seeming to be acting morally superior while lusting and groping at the same time so that they may punish and charge their victims. You cannot charge a person a fee to receive forgiveness. That is ABSURD. THAT IS WHAT POPE FRANCIS AND HIS SLAVES SUGGEST. Jesuits absolve the pope himself.


To set you straight the Devil and his slaves aren’t gonna roar at you

or growl at you for that would give it away who they are

they are going to sweet talk you,

because they are slime balls.

If Zimmerman has his own children he, his wife, and his children should be visited weekly by Child abuse experts. He should have to live a certain distance from where children live, learn and play. He should be isolated from society. He should have to compensate the family of Trayvon Martin. IN the old days children were helpful on the farm or what ever their source of income and no telling what Trayvon would have become. I think Zimmerman should have to pay a certain amount every paycheck or however Zimmerman makes a profit he should have to give a portion to the Martins for the rest of his life if found guilty because he got out of the car and does not regret it and pursued to follow Trayvon in a paranoid state of mind when he could have let the police handle the situation. *Zimmerman was instructed not to pursue. Trayvon didn’t steal the iced tea and the skittles, he bought them at the store and was on his way home. He was not in the middle of a crime either so the crime was against Trayvon and not the other way around. I say “paranoid” because he was suspicious of a boy walking home and that is ridiculous. The bag of snacks was near the sidewalk about 20 feet behind where his body was found, so he wasn’t lurking but walking on the sidewalk obviously and was jumped, I think. Then tonight on Greta Van Susterne Monday July 8th they discussed the bushes that Zimmerman thought Trayvon was hiding or leaped out from but they were next to the buildings and very small sparse bushes. He would have had to have sat in the bushes in order to hide in them. Greta skimmed over that quickly in her show when Bernie her guest commentator didn’t just go along with Greta’s conclusions about the bushes yet it was her show that filmed the location of the murder a few days back that clearly shows there weren’t any bushes he could have hid in although Greta added that it was dark that night. These commentators seem like they are a bit controlled by Greta as if she has power over them and if they go off the track a bit you can see anger in her eyes. It’s weird. I saw it last night. I guess when people “make it” they get pretty high on themselves. She likes it better when her sidekicks stay on course and are following her lead. Gang mentality.

In Reversal, Florida Judge Okays Testimony About Trayvon Martin’s Marijuana Usage

Now they are trying to make Trayvon look like a criminal because he had possible THC traces in him. You can have THC traces by being at a party with people that smoke dope. But he was 17 and if he had smoked it sometime that week or month it would show up in his blood. A lot of kids smoke pot. IN fact they legalized it in Colorado because a lot of kids and adults smoke pot, so maybe he went there recently, but if not, lets get real most people have smoked it in my generation quite a bit. Some of the straightest, most well connected, rich, high class and middle class, christians and non christians and a plethora of Vietnam vets and military people have smoked pot. The Vietnam war was when pot made it’s huge success in America.  POT has nothing to do with Zimmerman pursuing Trayvon on a dark rainy night. I don’t recall Zimmerman saying anything about Trayvon smoking pot but if so maybe this was an undercover narcotic agent bust gone wrong. Even past Presidents, Senators, Rep.s, Lawyers, Judges, State Department etc, Preachers, Policemen, Mayors, Governors, musicians and actors have smoked it and yet are well respected. DO they deserve to die ¿ So I guess if someone has smoked marijuana in the past they are fair game. That would include a lot of people, including President Obama. It is no less damaging to a person than alcohol, wine, barbituates, diet pills, personality disorder pills, pain pills, and the myraid of drugs people are prescribed legally by people in the medical field. It makes people act silly and sometimes dumb, but no dumber than what I see going on in our government spying on everyone. If he had drunk booze it might go along with the story of him being aggressive. Marijuana is not an aggressive drug but the opposite. Did anyone check to see if Zimmerman was on drugs? Like Meth? That is an aggressive drug.

Anyway it was not Trayvon’s gun, was it?

George Zimmerman’s Lawyer Wants Jurors To See Photos Of Handgun, Pot Plants Found On Trayvon Martin’s Cell Phone

With computer technology anyone can be framed. Who confiscated the cell phone? What does Hash Tag mean? Greta’s show uses it. Where did they come up with that term? When I grew up “HASH” was smoked in a pipe. I’m certain that the name came in reference to the drug. I sure wouldn’t tweet on her site. She might make an example of you, spy on you, use her show to entrap so she may entertain. GAME OVER. Who was he texting? Who was T? One of the messages says T as if that might be a name. Does T live in Florida? Does he play WOW? WOW is a online computer game that many adults and kids play. Funny cuz I play it and knew someone casually who named himself T and was from Florida and liked to eat goat. (Of course I still think this all a set up and mocking the US audience to divert attention. I’m basing my views partially on if this event and if it really occurred and the behavior and testimony and interviews I have seen.)

Did prosecution prove Zimmerman lied?

Any normal person with remorse and a conscience would wish he had not gotten out of the car if it would have avoided the killing of a young man or older boy. So the tongues sticking out of the Forensic scientists on the stand is explainable and their lack luster care of their evidence is explainable because they are involved in this obvious set up and or coverup possibly because the boy was African /Black American.  And they should be fired from their jobs because they are mocking our system and laws and justice by their lies and their behavior on the job and in court. If they do a lack luster job they should also be fired. NO memory of an examination of a boys body is good reason for firing. Are they trying to undermine the evidence and the case in this particular case because of politics? Zimmerman has faith in the system (I wonder why)…I DON’T. He said on Hannity that the FBI recused him of any wrongdoing to the cousin who accused him of sexual abuse. Speaking of ironies because Zimmerman spoke of irony here are a few ironies: If everyone had done their jobs the right way he probably wouldn’t have faith in the system is one irony and another irony was one was on his way home after buying his food and another was on the way to the store to get food. A system is only as good as those that are involved in the system. A computer is powerful but neither good nor bad. It depends on who is using the computer and for what purpose etc. A gun is powerful but neither good nor bad. It depends on who is using the gun and for what purpose,etc Zimmerman said he realized (as he was about to shoot Trayvon) “It wasn’t his gun. It wasn’t my gun. It was THE GUN.” That is a very telling statement and has alot to do with his state of mind at the time and afterwards. SO if this isn’t about Gun Control than I don’t know what is. This seems to be premeditated. He realized it was THE GUN. Meaning the only one and those are insane thoughts. Most people would not be agonizing over whose gun it is. Most insane people don’t realize that they are insane. IMO Somehow if this was so reactionary as he seems to put forth that to have that type of thought as he is about to shoot Trayvon seems to be devious. And certainly if he was thinking those thoughts and screaming at the same time it doesn’t quite fit. If I were going through the same thing I wouldn’t be doing much thinking and yet he was. I don’t think I would be thinking: It’s not his gun, it’s not my gun, it is the gun.  CMON! He was well aware of what he was doing and why.  Was the gun registered to Trayvon or to Zimmerman?  Is this a coverup of a gun running outfit? (Like Fast and Furious)

So in my opinion he is a deviant.

Reminds me of Obama when he said at the Correspondent’s Dinner, “Only Michelle has a right to bear arms.” If you take this further it is not a good idea to disarm Americans because there are deviants that might use it as an excuse to kill everyone else because they are the only one with “THE GUN.” Thinking ahead: It is Obama’s hope to disarm Americans. He is a deviant (although he may not perceive that he is a deviant, and others may not perceive that he is a deviant, but I do perceive that he is a deviant and others perceive that he is a deviant) HENCE it is not a good idea in fact, IT STINKS. Also in the interview Zimmerman made a great effort to include his mentoring. He had forgotten it at first and then retraced his normal routine actions to include the mentoring on that particular day. Smooth talker. I would have rather heard it from someone else of course because it really wasn’t relevant as to why he was doing what he was doing but relevant for his character, however it seemed like bragging and dressing himself in his charity. Of course he is fighting for his freedom and if he was set up, antagonized purposefully for a political agenda by possibly insane people then everything good he has done helps his cause which is a possibility knowing what i have discovered about the Obama Administration and it’s followers and the other side who are at war with the Obama Administration and he and Trayvon could be victims of that war. The interview with Hannity and Zimmerman the defendant was all cleaned up his mustache shaved looking like the most harmless soft spoken man but the pictures of him the night of the shooting he does not have that sweet look, in fact he looks totally different like a drug dealer or under cover cop. I wonder if this was an undercover drug deal involving cops that went awry or taking justice in one’s own hands like people on a crusade of some kind a religious cultish crusade. Anyway he confronted Trayvon Martin by not keeping his distance and by getting out of his car. Something very sinister going on with this case besides the killing of Trayvon Martin.

zimmerman_scene_photo-3_4_r537_c0-0-534-712Screen shot 2013-06-28 at 11.38.51 PMBesides the bloody nose he has been drastically altered. Even his eyebrows have been plucked. In the picture he has rings under his eyes and in this picture he looks like he has had collagen injected to fill out those rings. These are not the same person or he is at least 10 years younger with makeup. Definitely softened up and fattened up compared to the hardness and slenderness of the face of the man above. The man on top has wrinkles on his forehead and the one below there is not trace of wrinkles and there would be if had them. The man on the bottom has perfect shaped eyes that curve a slight bit up at the end. The man above has larger rounder upper half of eye and straighter lower half of eye. the man below has smaller eyes (asian like). the man on top has more upper lid than the man on the bottom. The hair line is a light bit different on the sides. The man above has a lower lip that goes up on the sides and larger in the middle than the man on the bottom. The man on top looks arabish/italian and the man on the bottom looks more central american or indonesian with dutch. The man on top has a lower chiseled jaw bone showing the man below does not have one hardly at all. The man on top looks like he has a few more freckles or moles compared to the man on the bottom. The man on the bottom has darker brown eyes. The man on top has a kind of twinkle in his eyes like he was a bit of a tease the man on the bottom does not at all have that twinkle. The man above seems to have longer lashes than the man on the bottom. And stop moving the moles it’s not fair.

Definitely not the same man.

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So I guess Zimmerman decided to get rid of most of his upper lip for the interview with Hannity, but decided for the trial it might be effective to have a bow upper lip.


Would Judge Napolitano think it was a wise choice for Zimmerman? Maybe the Judge would wear fuller lips like Angelina Jolie for the trial. It’s more stylish than the bow look.

JUDGE NAPOLITANO SAYS THE ZIMMERMAN PROSECUTION ‘SHOT THEMSELVES IN BOTH FEET’ WITH THIS SEEMINGLY ODD DECISION Also on Hannity’s interview Zimmerman laughs or smiles he uses both his lower teeth and upper on the side and when the trial’s Zimmerman laughs he uses his upper teeth. He has a laugh of superiority. I wonder why he decided to grease his hair instead of what he looked like on Hannity which was very neat style without grease. I think his teeth have changed too. He seems to have an under bite in the Hannity show and an overbite on trial. I think he is pretty sure he has got this in the bag. Guilty or not.

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They keep morphing, no telling what is in their “real mind” or if they even have one of their own

It’s a trade off; From my series called:

CBS News and JFK Transcriptions

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The new strategy to pass gun control

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the GORB BORG a grab bag of faces with one mind

IN the following video as Zimmerman enters the police station he is in shape and physically fit and now the Zimmerman is out of shape and has gained at least 100 pounds course that can happen if you have ptsd:

Enhanced video of Zimmerman in police station appears to show injuries

 In the last word video of  Zimmerman, he looks thinner, taller, and unharmed. I think measuring his height with the other cop in this video might be wise and compare to Zimmerman’s height on trial.  The Last Word In the Hannity interview Zimmerman reminds me of Jason Chavetz of Utah (soft and pretty, no offense) coincidentally where the NSA resides who works in Washington DC and is a mormon. Is this another cult murder or cult hoax? In court he doesn’t look so pretty, it’s quite weird. The lawyer questioning the man today in court looks eerily similar to Joel Osteen of Houston Texas. Joel Scott Osteen (born March 5, 1963) is an American lay preacher, televangelist, author, and the leader of Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas. Hmmmm The other attorney reminds me of a guy recently questioned about Benghazi by congress who was “ashamed” who worked for the State Department and actually talked to Ambassador Chris Stevens that very night. In fact both I get the feeling are priests. Maybe of the Jesuit kind a secret society with loverly fellas. Trayvon Martin reminds me of  Susan Rice or has quite a bit resemblance and resembles a young lady I know. So that is partially why I think this is an elaborate cover up and distraction from Benghazi and a few other things said such as by the step mother of Trayvon about where she was relegated which is similar to something in my past. Then the “I is what I is” from a lady that looks like she would attend Joel Osteen’s church who might even speak in tongues if given the opportunity on any given day. SO I THINK I AM ON TO THE DECEPTION, SO HAVE FUN> HOPEFULLY NO ONE ELSE DIED FOR THIS ACT3. Oh yea and the male detective: “Every man dies. Not every man really lives.”:) Sorry you don’t have the guts and where with all to understand who you worship and who you give up. Catholicism is a cult on a par or close to Islam. So go eat a chicken head, dance the chicken dance, kiss Peter’s feet, absolve mob murders and religious deception and kiss Obama’s ass. Sorry I can’t help it, I hate deception and what I have had to endure in many ways and I can thank you for that:) so full of farsitic grace. Pastor’s (Joel Osteen’s)wife involved in flight disturbance  Kind of interesting that the FBI was involved with Osteen’s wife and it was the FBI that cleared Zimmerman of years of sexual abuse of his cousin. Coincidence?

NUGENT: Zimmerman verdict vindicates citizen patrols, self-defense

The FBI or the Secret Service visited Nugent a while back too and then he went to Washington and became a slave. I have noticed a change. He isn’t as smart as he used to be. They dumbed him down. Nerfed him. SYNOPTICIZED HIM. Enemies unto themselves and it is not getting better. ==================== The FBI got involved in this particular incident which is very very od. joel-osteen-ministries-260x195 Screen shot 2013-06-28 at 3.02.35 PM As far as the cuts and bruises on Zimmerman it is not unheard of for those cuts and bruises to be manipulated to cover a murder by a partner or someone else involved. The cops told him not to follow Trayvon, then why did he continue to do it? That is the crux of this case as far as I’m concerned. He definitely was the aggressor and should have backed off but being armed tends to empower some people to do things they might not otherwise do if they have a screw loose. The drug crack cocaine also is an aggressive type drug so Zimmerman might have been on the drug. Could be that Trayvon Martin was set up by a whole host of people that are involved including those on Fox News. I think when murder trials become entertainment there is good cause to be suspicious that for entertainment’s sake someone was murdered like Rome was famous for in their colosseums but now we are in the modern times and now they are using a different warped kind of entertainment trial by news entertainment. It is Greta’s delight, her MO, and a really good diversion and her bread and butter. In fact the OJ Simpson case was her first dance, so to speak, her step up into the world of entertainment news. It was also Mark Fuhrman’s step up as an entertainment detective news correspondent. Maybe Fox news needed some help lifting their ratings. Both also entertained us with the Dorner (Christopher Jordan Dorner) case who in my opinion was set up, but resisted. Maybe Trayvon Martin resisted as well. Maybe Dorner knew too much (he was training to be a cop) because they sure didn’t give him a chance to testify like Reno at Waco Texas under the Clinton regime. ITS A FARSE! A few good women helped me to see that for sure today Wed 7/10 in their outrageous ways. THANKS! II THINK THEY KNOW WHO THEY ARE AND IT WORKED:) Are we dealing with drones, human drones controlled by drugs and used by cops for a political cause using the NSA as their infomant using our tv’s, computers, cell phones, radios, car instruments, and dishwashers designed by Petraus. Also I’m suspicious of Obamas insertion into this case saying, “He could have been my son,” and at the time wanting to disarm Americans and because of the other hoaxes. Obama also has a path he follows when he has mentioned he “Leads from behind”. It think he means time. The clean up guy, tidy up someones past and make it look good or the opposite. I wonder what “Whoever owns the past owns the future” or what ever that saying is. What in the world could that saying mean: that time is able to be manipulated?  He will think to change times and laws is written about in Daniel of the bible so it may be related. There are many murders in the US but they focused on this one for some reason. Maybe it was a cult initiation. If I were the prosecution I would be looking into the cops involved and Zimmerman’s friends and acquaintances. This also may have been a cop related drug set up gone bad. Or an NSA or some other entity like the mob may be involved. And then the Sheen patriarch joined in to play Zimmerman’s uncle. And we know what religion he dances with though from statements in the past the Sheens always seemed to be on the speaking tongues end of the spectrum of Roman Catholicism. I did not watch his testimony, don’t need to because this is a sham. Screen shot 2013-07-06 at 10.10.56 AM I think this is a skin head group just by the looks and the attitudes I have seem in this case so far: Osterman wrote a book about his friend, who looked like a skin head too at the time. Add to that the defense attorneys daughter’s tweet makes for a bad combination  IMO and obviously by the seemingly surface injuries involved and the embellishment of 25 bashes to the head (Zimerman) on cement and the proven embellishment in the book  there seems to be some major lying and the indifference by Zimmerman (as displayed on Hannity’s interviews) who hasn’t quite realized or perceived that he pursued and killed his neighbor’s kid. His best friend sold books ie made a profit from his series of bad decisions and possibly his best friend’s influence/peer pressure has more to do with this than meets the eye. I think his friends may have played a role in this tragedy. George Zimmerman trial: Witness Mark Osterman Appearance matters and so does racial profiling and helps to understand motive or state of mind. If you ignore appearance of perhaps a terrorist than how in the world do you find them. Skin heads appear a certain way because they are making a statement by that appearance and if you ignore that than thats dumb. Zimmerman has since softened up by gaining weight and has grown his hair and shaved since that fateful night probably by the advice of his attorneys including the ice cream man. You might compare the picture of that ice cream man with Obama eating shaved ice and makes for an interesting conflict especially since he inserted himself in this case from the beginning. I wonder how much Obama is involved in this case with his pseudo mortification. I was gonna add a picture of Obama to demonstrate but by now if you haven’t figured it out, you aren’t gonna figure it out any time soon.

Describes Witnessing Confrontation in Florida Murder Case

“Mr. Good’s testimony on Friday is different from the recollection of two other witnesses who have already testified. They said that they saw the person on the top stand up and walk away.”

Funny cause on Greta’s show and on Fox News most of the day I have watched on and off and seems they have decided to believe Mr. Goods testimony over the other two witnesses. I have not even seen the testimony of those other two witnesses nor heard any discussion by any of the Fox contributors as if they are ignoring it.

 I did hear great exclaiming about the hand of the defense attorney being huge and describing the distance between the hoodie and the chest wound and if you look at it another way as Trayvon Martin being on the ground and Zimmerman on top could be that Zimmerman had a hold of the hoodie grabbing it and pulled it away from the body as he shot Trayvon Martin.

Zimmerman is caught in a lie about a subject and a course STAND YOUR GROUND which he took if compared to testimony of his professor and his own testimony with Hannity yet he passed 3 lie detector tests.

If caught in a lie a defendant should have to take the witness stand

and take another lie detector test.

Our laws should also take into account the fact that evil exists and there are those that can lie without remorse. They are called Pathological Liars. The laws should not apply to them the same as to the average man but another set of laws for them to discern their disease and to protect the average man.


Seems like a lot of people on the payroll.

I do remember quite a bit of what I learned in college and Zimmerman should have remembered what he learned especially receiving an “A.” The Fox news contributors don’t remember much of what they learned in college, which is hard for me to believe, but they certainly help Zimmerman’s case in their lack of recollections. Is there something wrong with these people? Maybe they should not be doing what they are doing if they have the memory of a sieve which seems to be occurring with those in the press on many other issues too.

Maybe it’s that cracker they share?

That is also why I think it is a set up.

And tonight they are almost like tongue in cheek (Bernie in particular) about the State’s performance but it is because they have chosen sides already IMO. One guy even said the lie that Zimmerman made with Hannity was just a small nugget. I think it’s a pretty big chunk. Why lie about something so innocuous, if it wasn’t important? It was just a class he took. If he had been honest I would believe that it was innocuous and not important, but it isn’t now because he lied about it which makes it important now. And the woman on Fox with the gray outfit that looks and dresses like Chelsea Clinton said she fell asleep during the forensics. What I gleaned from is that there was no forensic evidence on Trayvon. If he pummeled Zimmerman and held his hand over Zimmerman’s mouth there would be forensic evidence saliva and blood from the mouth and nose of Zimmerman on Trayvon’s hands which proves that Zimmerman is lieing again, and/or there is someone else involved. That’s a few big chunks. And then the laughter of Zimmerman with the professor’s testimony. I think it was nervous laughter to overcome his fear.

That is also why I think it is a set up.

Does DNA evidence contradict Zimmerman?

Doesn’t look good but I’m sure the Fox news contributors would disagree and call it


And mockery of the lowest kind. I don’t think the individuals realize it individually but they are part of a scene in a play that I think is going to bite them very hard because they are so unaware of what they are a part of and that includes the press and their contributors.

“She testified that during earlier visits she had noted that Mr. Zimmerman had “started to exercise intensely” with mixed martial arts, three times a week. His body mass rated him obese, she said: 5 foot 7 ½ and 204 pounds.”

People react differently to trauma but when I had trauma I had a hard time and still do have a hard time wanting to work out in fact you tend to do the opposite especially since he Zimmerman is acting like he is a victim. Seems that this event bolstered his confidence into MR MACHO. IMO And I think it is to cover up that it is not the same man and the only way to do that is to gain a ridiculous amount of weight so he can have a reason to look different.

And he has no remorse, not really. Oh he did the right thing and said what he said on air to the family but he sure acts like he is totally fine with it. And even if politically you feel the right to defend yourself I still don’t think you could feel so detached from it and smile and grin about it. And of course lie about a knowledge he had on the subject on the Hannity show, course he wasn’t under oath. He did it with total ease. Maybe he doesn’t have feelings at all.

Even accidental deaths are hard to get past. Some people probably suffer nightmares. Is Zimmerman on drugs to make him stoic and at ease with the whole affair.

30 seconds after the gun went off and not to notice if Trayvon was shot is strange.

Is there money to be made by his death….insurance? The hoaxes lately have been a donation haven and is this just more of the same? Like the Newtown hoax, the Boston Marathon possibly the three missing girls in Ohio, and others.

Tawana Brawley starts paying man she falsely accused of rape in 1987

It was suggested on Greta Wire that the mother of Trayvon Martin trademarked his name 2 weeks or so after his death which sounds premeditated and as if mom is involved in the death of her son. That’s evil and conniving. THAT AIN’T LOVE. But I have no idea if it is true or if she was tricked into that idea not realizing the possible consequences to her own reputation and the consequences to the results of the trial. I wonder how AL Sharpton would respond? Supposedly she is receiving millions on his name. Is it true? I don’t know, but if this is a set up to fool the American people, get donations to profit which is very depraved.

Trayvon’s last words were “why/what are you following me for?”


but typical of Rahm Emanuel, his cohorts and their antics, “Never let a good crisis go to waste.”



In Islam, a mahr (in Arabic: مهر‎; also transliterated mehrmeher, or mahrieh) is a mandatory required amount of money or possessions (usually a combination of the two), paid by the groom to the bride at the time of marriage, for her exclusive use. While the mahr is often money, it can also be anything agreed upon by the bride such as jewelry, home goods, furniture, a dwelling (the husband is already required to provide a home for his wife, but in this case she would retain ownership of it and he would pay for it), or even a viable business that is put in her exclusive ownership and can be run entirely by her if she chooses.

Matthew 10:16

Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves:

be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.

Allegedly  Trayvon’s family said to the step mother at the funeral:

“You have to git in where you fit in.”

“If the glove doesn’t fit you must acquit.” (OJ’s Trial.)





There is definitely some strange stuff goin’ on.

Could this be some sort of possession?

BUT if your kid is killed and there was the remotest possibility that race played into the death of your kid you would not be exclaiming to the world that you don’t want the race card played if it was a 1% possibility. (This could also be about homosexuality.) So I think the parents are being disingenuous and I think this is BS and orchestrated for the politics of Obama. No parent would discount anything if it was their kid that was killed if they cared in the least about the truth or if they cared in the least for their own kid. It sounds noble to say it, but in truth it is ignoble and meaningless. Like OBAMA. Justice without truth isn’t true justice, it’s revenge or avenging. And in essence you are just getting ice for the swelling of your wound.

Remember what Bill Clinton said to the woman in the hotel room?


 The reason Zimmerman was thankful there was a video of the murder or killing is because he knew there wasn’t one because this is a set up and all this testimony is BS. I’m gonna do my best not to listen to this anymore or be baited by it because

IF it looks like BS it probably is BS.

Maybe this is why Obama couldn’t shoot basketball.

It was unnatural.

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One thing to consider anyway:

parents ought to drive their kid to the store at night

instead of letting him or her walk at night alone

or don’t let him go to the store!

I think we are witnessing evil

in a multitude of layers.

Enforced Abortion of a minor barely 17 years of age (but not without a struggle) sanctioned by Fox News and injustice aided and abetted by Fox News because of the

oath less uncontested testimony of Zimmerman.

What say you, Bill O””’reilly?

Attack NBC that will work;)

Rioting is not going to have any good effect. It is dumb. Oreilly and Obama are like Ying and Yang and I think they are evil and work together against each other and we are in the middle. DEVILISH. The RC and ISLAM. You are basically damned if you do or don’t and it is a game with both cults. TOTAL HYPOCRISY in mere flesh kind of way. BOTH ARE DICKS:) And until Americans figure it out they will continue to get away with their trash. I feel sorry for those on the front line some of the good men and women in Congress, the Senate, the Courts, and the press and every other aspect of government who are trying to unbind our system. It needs them but their job is immense. The Zimmerman vs. Trayvon Martin is similar to the RC vs. Islam. Because of the deception involved in all four it is a very rough conundrum and we need to get tough. They are partners in many ways.  Matthew 24:10

And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.
Malice aforethought.
And of course Matthew’s Jesus wanted that because that is what he does because he was not the MESSIAH
although he was a mess and that is his expertise.
To abrogate THE COVENANT WITH MANY is what all this is about.

Obama picked this case to do what it is doing. He is an abomination and his aids and abettors. When he said he was going to lead from behind that is exactly what he does and is able to do. That is why Zimmerman had his past manipulated. Take for instance the rescue by Obama’s orders of the woman in Somalia using special forces. It took her about a year to send her thanks. He is nonsense and making nonsense of everything. The biggest evidence against Zimmerman was

the lack of regret by Zimmerman

and that should have put him away but the jurors, the press, and the public, and everyone else involved

are too dumb to realize it.

Zimmerman’s brother a look a like of the one on Sean Hannity, the good looking one, was on Greta’s show tonight. I wonder if the brothers  trapped Trayvon. What if there were two of them there that night. It’s a possibility. Maybe he was involved and maybe he might actually be another guilty one. No the bigger one was on top, no he was on the bottom, no he was on top, no he was on the bottom, etc. Lots of different accounts in that regard. Remarkably similar in looks. Trayvon Martin may have been trapped by

two brothers

and was trying to get away and

they wouldn’t let him get away.

Something about those 4 minutes. Lack of regret + apology = nothing in other words it was God’s will in a warped mind of Zimmerman He might as well have blown Trayvon Martin away the moment he saw him the first time. Would have saved us a whole lot of time listening to BS testimoney.


Speaking of BS testimoney and natural occurrances please read:

Why Callest Thou Me Good?

The day I see them destroyed by their own evil those that are involved in the deception will be a really really LOVELY DAY and the GAME WILL BE OVER FOR THEM in a twinkling of an eye. I have no compassion for that kind of crap that they dish out, and they won’t get compassion from me on that day or ever. THEY are beyond EVIL and you know who you are. Obviously Obama got what he wanted by the looks of these pictures. Protesters Seek Justice For Trayvon Martin

In Wake of Zimmerman Verdict, Obama Makes Extensive Statement on Race in America

The President takes it personally and invokes his pain to his servants deftly: “……..Another way of saying that is Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago……..” Coincidentally:

Men’s Wearhouse fires founder George Zimmer – USA Today

Jun 19, 2013 – Men’s Wearhouse says it has dismissed its founder and executive chairman George Zimmer. “Only Michelle has a right to bear arms.” and a face lift. Screen shot 2013-07-02 at 4.47.51 PM

Somehow I just could not trust this guy below just by what I see. I feel like he stepped out of the movie Deliverance with his other incestuous family members. No offense:) Hopefully none taken.Mark-Osterman

Zimmerman ought to get on the stand and just admit it and explain it and ask for the mercy of the court and spend some time in prison mentoring.  I think they were set up but it is not provable but by the looks of the characters involved in the case and in the trial it shouldn’t be that hard to do since they are just as involved as well. It is called insanity. (Just in case you are wondering what is going on.) Or to put it another way THE JIG IS UP.

The Mysterious 4 minutes

demonstrated by the Defense of Trayvon Martin Was Trayvon having a cigarette? smokin’ a joint? HMMMMM That’s about how long it takes.Probably wasn’t allowed to smoke either in his Dad’s home, or dad’s girlfriends home. Couldn’t smoke it at the 7-11 because he might get caught.  People generally do it away from the general public . Makes sense to me. But if his last words were “What are you following me for” then it doesn’t make sense. Or if his last words were “GET OFF, GET OFF” it still doesn’t make sense. Usually you do it (smoke cigarettes or joints) outside away from people so you hide or walk around in a “safe area” in a gated community course it wasn’t safe with George Zimmerman hunting him, unbeknownst to him. I think he knew Zimmerman and Zimmerman was on a quest to kill Trayvon Martin because of that knowledge and I think a lot of people are involved in the coverup. Too many coincidences with the actors involved. Or were 4 minutes erased on one or the other’s phones?

George Zimmerman Defense Team Releases New Evidence In Trayvon Martin Case

I can’t emphasize this enough: the media used to assassinate Trayvon’s character can be manipulated and manufactured. I sincerely believe it is possible and probable that certain groups are interfering in tweets and other forms of communication to confuse and cause havoc between parties communicating purposefully for political purposes and controlling outcomes. These are perilous times. They won their case but they aren’t done. Now they are trying to affect other case that may be brought. This is called propaganda and it should be illegal at this point in time, I think. It proves to me Zimmerman and his team are guilty as sin. No one smiles after he wins a case where he knowingly killed a boy and got away with it so far and says he wants to be a lawyer unless he is sadistic and without remorse. They have purposefully made it a point to be a bitter pill to swallow because they want outrage and they want crime to result from his death and Zimmerman’s acquittal because they are dicks, like Fuhrman. They have power to deceive and are willingly deceiving because they are evil and corrupt: like Obama, O’Reilly, and many others on both sides of the political spectrum and the core reasons are money and to corrupt others in a multitude of ways. Possibly even Trayvon’s mother. This is their game and it is against the people that they are supposed to be helping in their capacities and in the jobs that they possess, but they are doing the exact opposite because they are corrupt. THEY ARE ASSHOLES. They are on the same team yinging and yanging everyone. Their purpose is to corrupt you!

George Zimmerman Prosecutor ‘Prayed’ for Him to Testify

He already testified on The Sean Hannity Show of Fox News without swearing in and without cross examination. He should have been sworn in and had to testify and be cross examined if it was fair justice in court. I consider this to be a mistrial and Zimmerman should have to be rearrested and tried in another court, perhaps the Supreme Court or a higher court of the state and have to submit to cross examination and another Lie Detector test by both sides. He should also be investigated for being a sociopath along with his aides the ones that are involved. The police, the autopsy company etc, the forensics teams, the press, and the President because it seems to be a set up for a diversion and injustice. Cruelty. Their day will come with patience and in time. Dr. Baden had some interesting insight into the results of the autopsy and he would be a good candidate to do another autopsy to allay the legitimate fears and prejudices and mistakes in this case IMO.

Defense Attorney Digresses into Obamarama

in his boring lousy lack luster 3 hour defense of Zimmerman: Really? really? Really come on really? Really, really? Yea REALLY. That was very telling;) Bleh. Bleh. BLEH yuck. Was his obvious lack luster performance in the defense of ZIMMERMAN on closing statements done PURPOSEFULLY? The chunk of sidewalk was ridiculous and not effective as the attorney brushed off his trousers. He was going gang busters throughout the trial and then rambles on the last day of the trial. We got your back, but not really kind of politics. Sort of an entrapment kind of policy. Is this trial for the entertainment and for the manipulating the public purposeful? Instead of Gun Control We need to abolish skittles and sidewalks! I DONT THINK THE SYSTEM IS WORKING WELL PURPOSEFULLY. I think it may have to do with OBAMA, RAHM EMANUEL, the FBI, the Press, and whole lot of others involved

who are getting paid royally

to screw it up!

If Trayvon’s name was trademarked

by his mother

it should be investigated.

Not investigated by the FBI, nor the Justice Department,  but by CONGRESS! I went to an insane asylum once that was visitable with a Catholic friend in the DC area and by mistake I gave a quarter to a patient as I recall he swallowed it or I was told that he would swallow it. I was told after the fact on the way home. I didn’t know I wasn’t supposed to give him change but he asked for it. He was a poet. It was that long ago but anyway this is what this reminds me of at this point in time. I think that is pretty profound, in a way. SO maybe while this is what I think it is, perhaps all is not lost. Now just today of course UNICEF has an ad on Fox news about 2 quarters a day to save a child of hunger. Harass harass. It gets old, not the movie which is really really funny but the harassment. It was an actress I have seen before from a movie I love with Bette Midler called That Old Feeling. The actress is Paula Marshall. This is my giving and I hope it helps. When I get in a better financial position I will hopefully be more generous. Here is a post I wrote comparing the gospels and has to do with charity:

I Am the True Vine

—————– The police told Zimmerman; “We don’t need you to do that,” sounds like a conspiracy, possibly gone awry. What they should have said is “do not follow the suspect.” What did they need him for? Were they working together? Also Zimmerman says after Trayvon was shot Trayvon says “Alright, you got me. You got me.” Was Zimmerman hearing another voice or voices in his head? and was really hearing “Alright, You got him, you got him.” Kind of like the killer of John Lennon who had a mirror kind of thinking John Lennon was him and he had to kill him or was there someone else involved? I would love to know if they had had any past offenses. There was someone else lurking about and I hope one didn’t get mixed up with another and a young man gets killed in place of a really guilty suspect like the one with a flashlight possibly. A double tragedy for both Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin engineered by something otherworldly. The ones you hear about in the bible that interfere in the affairs of men and not for their good but for a political and religious cause they deem appropriate for mankind to retain control and to coverup and distance from another crime. Add another one to the mix and really confuse them. “Suspect” is a funny term used by cops and mystery writers etc but his statement written being different than the oral in that regard. Also by using it it switches the psychology of who was in the wrong immediately at the time of the written statement because Zimmerman was also a suspect that is why he was being questioned and someone in law enforcement would know that or use that. When the attorney mentioned that today Monday July 1st I saw a funny reaction in Zimmerman’s eyes at that very moment or soon after like, “oops.” as if that was a problem that it was mentioned by the district attorney and might become a problem. Of course when your life is on the line you would worry because it might be innocently done as well, but he noticed so he is not dumb. If he is not dumb then why did he pursue a dangerous situation? We are talking about a kid and an adult and since Zimmerman was a mentor of other African American kids he should have been sensitive to African American kids and is it possible there was some kind of relationship or impropriety with those kids ever and did Trayvon Martin know about it? And I doubt Trayvon would say homey. Whereas a 40 year old would or might know about that soft slur and use it to embellish his story. And the bushes disappeared, did they shear them down overnight? 120 pounds is a lot to gain in a year which could be  cover for his other self because there are significant differences in appearance. If I had shot someone I would ask for more cop calls and an ambulance regardless if they had already been called. The more the better. Usually there is great panic. It doesn’t sound like he wanted either but help containing Trayvon Martin,  but Trayvon had already been shot in his “Torso” not sure if it was his chest, stomach, or pelvic bone. He was incapacitated already. If the kid lived in the neighborhood he had a right to be there and why wouldn’t Zimmerman know he lived there if it is true that he was protecting the neighborhood as a neighborhood watch dog. You ought to know who lives in the neighborhood before you become a watchdog for the neighborhood. That ought to be a rule. Another change for the better is getting rid of the

Double Jeopardy Law.

Double jeopardy — is this what’s next for George Zimmerman?

In the case of murdering/self defense against unarmed minors how about leniency in favor of the kids instead of catering to political showdowns about gun control, retaliations about past racial injustices such as the OJ Simpson case, and relics of the law abused by the criminally insane.  If Trayvon were out to get Zimmerman he would have been carrying a weapon like a gun, a knife, a stick, a billy club, or a bottle. Zimmerman was quite a sharp shooter hitting Trayvon’s heart. Which of the two would be best to discard: the right to bear arms and/or  Double Jeopardy? I think discarding Double Jeopardy would even the playing field for victims and make the decision to shoot a gun a whole lot more costly for the shooter and the system making crime and corruption less attractive. Might actually prevent crime, punish the criminally insane, and prevent abuse by the system and the people in that system who have been corrupted: Help to pull the weeds out of the system. If more evidence turns up in the cases that follow or a few years down the road by other investigators or other attorneys or by luck or by accident I think it would be wise to retry a person in a murder case. It would have a devastating affect on those that would like to play a “double games” with the law. That law protects murderers in my opinion that were not tried in a fair court of law because of time element, politics, and other restrictions and entanglements, abuse of the law, purposeful manipulation of evidence and witnesses, and corrupt attorneys, judges, pathologists, etc and corrupted parts of the country for one reason or another such as being controlled by their mistakes. ineptitude, or blackmail. How many times does it take for a law student to pass the Bar exam? There are lots of reasons that injustice occurs and that should not inhibit the people from retrying a person for murder when enough evidence is amassed so that those that “ALWAYS GET AWAY”


Especially in the cases of murdering

an unarmed minor!

AN EXTRA PROVISION TO PROTECT THE INNOCENT AND PROTECT THE COURTS OF LAW AND THE DEFENDANTS FROM THE PRESS SO THAT THE PRESS CANNOT CONTROL OR AFFECT THE OUTCOME OF A MURDER TRIAL BY USING ANY AND ALL THEIR MEANS. Minors don’t have the maturation or the common sense of adults and so they don’t always know how to handle a situation forced upon them that is why they are called minors and why they don’t get to vote, run for office, and many other adult activities, etc.

Adults should know that about minors

especially if they mentor minors.

Zimmerman should never be allowed to own a gun again or be within a thousand feet of a gun again ever. He did use the gun on a minor and that’s a fact that he admitted to on the SEAN HANNITY SHOW. HE SHOULD NEVER MENTOR KIDS PERIOD.

On the subject of minors I just wrote an article on another post called:

The Gates of the Boston Marathon and the Bag

Which is about Billy Graham and Benny Hinn and his affect on minors and tongues.

I hope you read.

Zimmerman was stopped for speeding by the police in Forney, Texas with “THE GUN” going “Nowhere in particular,” he said. He was released. Why was he released, because he is famous? What the heck is he doing in Texas? Is he looking for a new victim? Or did he get hired to mentor some minors?

I think George is a paid assassin, what do you think?

George Zimmerman stopped with gun in Texas: report 

I’m sure he doesn’t like what I have written about him:)

Did he forget his place? Straying 1200 or so miles is long way to stray and go nowhere in particular. Is he in control of his mind?

Justice Department places ‘hold’ on Trayvon Martin trial evidence, including George Zimmerman’s gun – which Florida law says must be returned to him

I would love to know what the jurors ate that night before they came in with the verdict. And I would love to know who fed them. I think it is possible there was jury tampering in nefarious ways right after the manslaughter information was requested and through their last meal. “You got me” is a funny thing to say after being shot (in the heart) and more likely to have said, “You shot me.” if he was able to speak at all. You might say,” you got me” if you were playing paint ball or acting in a western and also he might have been in shock. And of course drugs could be involved in either mans behavior even some that are hard to detect. And how about identifying yourself and asking for him to identify himself. Or say “Do you live here?” As far as Trayvon circling the car he may have been trying to figure out who was following him and if he knew him. Were the car lights on? They can be pretty blinding in the rain at night depending on where the moon was and other factors. Anyway a sane person would drive away for their own safety at that point especially if they were alone and suspected that Trayvon was armed possibly. A bit over-confident to get out or to continue to pursue. The business about Trayvon saying, “I’m going to kill you” seems a bit absurd to me, but it’s possible. I just think it’s an odd thing to say, being unarmed unless on a drug or influenced by something very powerful or there was something more devious between the two like a vendetta. As far as worrying about a class the next day seems like a delay but he may have been in shock. He seemed too too too compliant willing to give information without a lawyer and if he grew up in this country he would have asked for a lawyer immediately (we all watch shows about this kind of thing) since it isn’t just about money, it’s the death of someone else. I hope it was an accident and not a hit with a little help from the law. Getting on the Hannity show to plead your case before a trial seems dishonest, disingenuous, and I would think it would and should be illegal using the Hannity show for obvious reasons. Was Hannity set up? Has Greta been set up by her higher ups? Is Fox News part of the set up in the zealous crusade to “clean up the US”? Or is someone else? The Roman Catholic way, the Islamic way, the Synoptic way, Pelosi way. Don’t read it just sign it, and read it later- Obamacare, now the Senate immigration bill follows. He was able to testify 3 or 4 times without taking an oath ….. A case has already been set up for a mistrial in the Zimmerman case. Is Fox News an extension of Our Lady of Notre Dame in Paris and it’s Court of the Gentiles? Also is a great distraction from Benghazi and Pres. Obama did insert himself immediately. I wonder how the Press and Congress were pursuing or where the Press and Congress were in regards to Benghazi at that particular time and if they were at a tipping point against Obama or Hillary at that point and time and if they needed some help, a diversion. The fact that Obama did insert himself in a state issue is kind of unusual and suspect. Did he insert himself in the Dorner case? Could have been his son too. Or how about other murders occurring such as the young girl in Chicago. Michelle got involved with that one, but Obama didn’t right after the inauguration, remember? Course she said something about being a single mom, which was strange. Does it occur to anyone that there sure have been a lot of diversions since then? All different kinds of diversions more than normal. Watched Breitbart this weekend and Judge Jeanine. Both very interesting shows and both worth the effort and time to watch on Fox news. Breitbart’s show was a special about Benghazi and what occurred when the drones or drone circled the complex taking pictures and it occurred to me there are pictures of a man taking pictures on the ground as it was occurring. ODD. Who was it?

Courtyard of the Gentiles

Pope invokes the Image of the Beast

Notre Dame of Paris and the Courtyard of the Gentiles

Did OJ Simpson plead his case on a show before his trial? I thought he was guilty but it was a totally different kind of case. Passion/abuse kind of case. Talk about tainting the jury pool. I think this kind of justice is a bit warped. The first star witness seems to be high IMO. She also can’t read cursive then how did she write it on a note she had supposedly written. Who wrote it for her? Jack Lew? I think when she wasn’t able to read it they realized they had made a rather large boo-boo. If it was from someone at the police station they would have had it typed out so it had to be her notes and yet a young lady who speaks 3 languages can’t read cursive even though she wrote it? I know when I learned to write cursive by the time I had learned to write it I knew how to read it. You don’t learn one without the other being learned. Funny now the police woman reads a cursive note written by someone else the next day or so. Don’t they type? Writing cursive and reading cursive is like the New Testament being learned without learning the Old Testament. Then how do you know what anything in the bible actually means or is referring to. This case is full of holes and I think Fox News is involved as part of a cover up of some other important issues going on in Washington DC and Libya. She seems to be highly coached and definitely got a look of being controlled by a trance like drug. Kind of od since I have been writing about the Eucharist, and drugs, and how there might be a correlation between the actions of people that may be affected by Devil’s Breath via the eucharist and might be what is causing all the havoc, murders, and rapes especially in the last few years on Obama’s watch. Remember he said “sleeves cost money,” meaning slaves, and slaves can be controlled by certain drugs (money). I wonder if Zimmerman was affected by it? With Fast and Furious and Benghazi the hoaxes lately at schools, theaters and marathons it does not surprise me one bit. Maybe both Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin were set up as a form of entertainment for this like so many other things happening in Obama’s quest to disarm the public using a hoaxes. 

Cracker also means CRAZY

and that is what I think is occurring in Washington DC and the world. I wonder how the Food Network, Walmart, the Politically Correct, Evangelicals, and Catholics and Fox News feel about the word “bitch.” They would never think of that word, nor say it under breath?

(Now that we have drugs to make women into Stepford wives it shouldn’t be a problem to nix equal pay)

Or is it politically correct? Alec Baldwin thinks it’s okay! Not anymore he wants to stop acting but he is good at acting. Tweeting would probably be a good idea to give up since that is what gets him into to trouble.

NOT AGAIN! ‘I’m going to find you, you toxic little queen, and f*** you up’…

‘Straighten out this f*****g little b****’

Gender equality is okay as long as we can call each other “bitch” or sing “Bow Down Bitch.”  or “You are such a bitch” or all the many ways it is said and thought? Should Beyonce Knowles be ignored as well? Should Walmart or any other politically correct store sell her DVD’s? Will they pull them off the shelves and denounce her to the public and ask her to apologize to the public. I wonder how fair Walmart is if they don’t show “equal treatment of women” in their zealousness to be politically correct?  How about Rappers music? Will they pull them off the shelves? They are full of gender inequality slurs and racial slurs too. How about the word “Brat?” Will Fox News fire Greta? Will Fox News fire Geraldo Rivera for showing a picture of a defendant in the midst of a trial half naked in bed? Will our Government fire Obama for giving “the finger,” in other words the “FU SIGN.” How about the Cardinal of Boston, Massachussetts giving “the finger” at dinner with OBAMA, Clinton, and Mitt Romney? Will Fox News and “The Five” denounce him in public on their show? He is your Catholic Daddy but do you show fairness in your religious fervor or are you actually using your platform to discriminate against others because of your religion in the workplace? Will Chief Counsel Jay Sekulow of the ACLJ get involved? Or is he prejudiced? Will the Catholic Church Hierarchy have him defrocked? Will the Mormons go along? Or are all of you actually persecuting at will whomever you feel like discriminating against for “no good reason?” PROVE IT! Sometimes it is a good thing to remember these words because we could forget the history about Niger and his trick which might give undue credence to his name and the others he hung out with in the bible in order to entrap the Jews/kikes and Christians. The Flaviuses also tested the salt levels of the Dead Sea with the bodies of Jews to see if they would sink or float dead and alive. In those days salt was an important resource preserving food and many other uses and I imagine the Dead Sea was important to those nations that were involved in the destruction of the the Wall, the Temple, and of Jerusalem a few times (and Jesus), kind of like oil is these days. Oh, that’s right, they came from ROME and Alexandria in Egypt. They used the deprivation of water as a weapon back then to the Jews. They were such a kind and pious group of collaborators. Now water is also being used as a threat or a weapon in Africa of all places. The Sadducees (sounds Italian to me) and the Pharisees (farsi language of Iran and so I think the Pharisees were of Iranian origin) would like us to forget who they are too but history is important and has it’s lessons and the fragments of language even derogatory language have their clues and are important. The left and others on the right would love us to have forgotten in order that we don’t “connect the dots’  of those severe history lessons and disarm ourselves to be their reoccurring victims like a vampire revisiting his blood sources by bemusing them with over sensitive rules about names that were made famous as a result of heinous and unmerciful acts by them.

Inspiration: Profiles of Black Women Changing Our World by Crystal McCrary

I understand Crystal McCrary’s feelings (sensitivity) because she has children who are colorful. No one wants their children victimized verbally or physically. I hope you read what happend to my family in another post I wrote who was victimized.


I think Crystal McCrary is a beautiful woman and I don’t begrudge her opinion but like I said there is history in that “N” word just as there is history in that other “N” word ie Nazi. Do you begrudge someone using that other “N” word when applicable? Do you think Germans begrudge it? You know there were some Nazis that did not take part in war crimes. But to forget the word would be stupid. To learn to use it wisely is definitely a worthwhile effort, especially for kids but I am positive you will teach them about that word and how it was used in the past as I have for my children also and when the opportunity arises will again. It’s a struggle, you know, but that is how we learn. I don’t like either word but they are important words because of the ramifications they had in the past and now as well. Don Lemon has a special discussing The “N” Word tonight Monday July 1st on Fox news actually he works for CNN so not sure which station to watch and he seems like a very cool and collected man and I think it should be an interesting show and what is really cool is he is not shying away from discussing it. I think that is progress, IMO. There is also a country named Nigeria. Are you prejudiced against Nigerians?

‘Horrific Attack’ On School In Nigeria; Dozens Dead

Militant Islam trying to express themselves against educating kids. They are possessed.  Islam in any form is eventually a threat to everything civilized. IMO Maybe Bill Cosby ought to visit and see for himself and report back with his wisecracks. Be sure to take some nuns. And does it work it for you? So go embrace it because it worked for them. I wonder how long Roman Catholics have been working that country and did it help? Have you read the studies by Walter Veith? You ought to so you can see the relationship. Cults always are seductive but eventually they are deadly like a black widow. Just because most of the world is bewitched doesn’t mean it isn’t still a cult. Just a very successful cult infecting different peoples in lots of bad ways. “Mr. Cosby wrote, The Blaze reported: “I’m a Christian, But Muslims are misunderstood. Intentionally misunderstood. We should all be more like them. They make sense, especially with their children. There is no other group like the Black Muslims, who put so much effort into teaching children the right things: They don’t smoke, they don’t drink or overindulge in alcohol, they protect their women, they command respect. And what do these other people do?” He continued: “They complain about them, they criticize them. We’d be a better world if we emulated them. We don’t have to become black Muslims, but we can embrace the things that work.”

Black Muslims

Walter J Veith Islam Catholic Connection 1

Educate yourself. That ought to get you started. Then check out my studies at Merangue’s Blog comparing the gospels and other subjects. By assuming it is said out of hate for African Americans you expose your own bias, hate and shame. When African Americans say the N word to each other they aren’t offended most of the time and sometimes is used in kidding with each other. And as far as brown faces, it is a color. What’s the problem? You don’t like brown? Take pride in your color and it should not be a problem. Some people like brown and some people like black and some like olive color and some like yellow and some like ecru, and some like pearly white, and some don’t. Big deal. As far as plantation weddings, so what. Would you rather Paula Deen would want a Walmart migrant work area wedding or a Penny’s sweatshop wedding? Can you imagine her in a ZULU style wedding? Or how about an IDI Amin massacre style wedding. Is that more kosher to you? I resent the over dramatizing it on TV your platform when I see how hypocritical your punishment is compared to the crime for Paula Deen. Besides her agenda was of another sort whether cognizant of it or not. You do buy and wear designer clothes, don’t you? Where do you think they make them, in a castle? But you still buy them, don’t you? How about the diamond on your finger. You do know that those diamonds you wear might be BLOOD DIAMONDS.

Surviving as a garment worker

Maen Sopeak, a garment worker who shares a single room with six other girls smile during a lunch break in one of Phnom Penh's suburbs Nice photography! Talk about hypocrisy, you ought to apologize to Paula Deen and hope she regains her job back because she was a perfect representative of those companies and in comparison I think you stink as much as she does (Miss “I is what I is”) akin to my brother (a lawyer) who made fun of my posts and insulted me with his rebuttal: “I Yam that I Yam”, maybe even more stinky. (Paula Deen was influenced by evil because of the name of God that she and many like her on both sides of the aisle (like McCrary), religions, and races, power mongers that are influenced by evil resent, the Father that Jesus of the Gospel of John testified of and was crucified for. Just to give a clue for the innocent, the abused, and the confused. The religions of the world can’t seem to admit that they are biblically inept and would rather act like buffoons to protect their ignoraramus power over the innocent, the abused, and the confused because it satiates their own lusts and their love for OPM! My niece would probably add to this monologue, “They are a work in progress.” Trayvon Martin’s stepmother: ‘I exist’

I Am That I Am (The Sign) -Revised *

I AM THAT I AM (Part two)

(And guess what He doesn’t rely on the NSA, the IRS, the CIA, or any other political or religious entity.) Remember the man that made a difference in the status and progress of Black/African Americans and their rights and freedoms in the United States was also silenced in a physical way by extremists who preferred he would never speak again: Martin Luther King. If he had not had the courage to speak his heart and the freedom to do so do you think you would be doing as well as you are now? I suspect you are an extremist against freedom of speech one of the very things Martin Luther King obviously believed in. Freedom of speech is a right of Americans and you better hope to keep it for your own good and for generations to come if you care about your own children and learn to overlook a few things that really are unimportant and did not really affect you in any way. How about some forgiveness, or is that a quality that you dis-the-possessed. My mother used to tell me, “Consider the source,” when someone said something that hurt my feelings or insulted me. Wise words:) Michael Jackson, a mormon, whitened his skin and altered his face but in my opinion he was much cuter before he messed with that nonsense. It was his own insecurity that made him and his family do that to themselves and maybe it was because of Mormonism, I don’t know. The Jews in the past were slaves and they take pride in being Jewish. And sometimes they have been chided for being Jewish and Jew is said sometimes disparagingly as sometimes Mexican is said disparagingly but somehow they seem to handle it. Get over your sensitivity and teach your children well about those words! They can handle it better if they learn about it when they encounter it in the future in it’s context. It is kind of like teaching your children about sex.  That is my advice. Paula Deen also learned a lesson rather hard considering the punishment and I bet you are more guilty than her in some form or fashion of something in the past if we had the chance to investigate it so I would hope you would be reasonable in your assessment of her misfortune (although she seems to be doing okay) as I think that she has been made an example by some big companies using it for political gain and pandering to the Obama-mites not because they haven’t used it themselves in the past. Do you even contend that the possibility that Niger in the New Testament is responsible for that word? Are you holding Obama accountable in regards to Benghazi? How about Michelle? Get a grip I have shopped those places that are hoisting themselves up on her mistake in the past and they were no doubt HUGELY prejudiced. How you treat her for her mistakes is as important as the mistake itself. She is human.

Photo: Amanda Bynes at Court in Blue Wig

I happen to be a fan of Amanda Bynes. Very funny girl and talented. She did get an early start in her career but I don’t think it was just handed to her on a silver platter she really was talented. I see she seems to have been having trouble lately in her life and I hope it goes better for her with some maturing but I think she has been over harassed and I think it may have to do with race, politics, and religion. IF all it takes is an Islamic President to make bullies of those of the same skin color that is pretty shallow. You would think they would have learned being on the other side once. If that doesn’t teach, what does? Gang mentality, mob rule ain’t cool.  So who is the enemy?: The one that says racist words or the ones that want us to forget so they can rake us over their coals again, suck our blood, robbing us of our good senses with their over sensitivities (covering their own crimes), our money, our jobs, our freedoms, and our future well being so they may revictimize us again and again. The enemy is silencing people.  Think about the name Obama kind of reminds me of the word Abomination partially because that seems to be their MO with Americans. They do a good job of abominating just about everything and everyone they touch or see in all kinds of ways using other people in government and outside. In my opinion they top the charts when it comes to evil. THEY AND THEIR FOLLOWERS (the IRS) ARE LIKE  GIANT LOCUSTS EATING FEROCIOUSLY. IT IS DISGUSTING and eventually it will get them by their own petard. I have a feeling it isn’t too far away and they will be eating each other unless they rehabilitate themselves, but they seem to be drunk on their own power so I doubt they have the good sense to do what is honest!

Lois Lerner of the IRS should have to testify if she is innocent.

Rep. Trey Gowdy: Only Jack Bauer could coax truth from the IRS

Lois Lerner should not get immunity, but she should get physical protection. Obviously, she is lying or why would she want immunity. She has received pay while on vacation and on leave, what a mockery. The IRS proving itself to be nothing more than the MOB. She might gain some respect if she testifies.

Noonan: A Bombshell in the IRS Scandal

Just because you are a follower of Obama does not mean you can change the fundamental rules in the middle of the game, because the Americans won’t put up with it! We call that cheating! If you want to play that kind of a game…..move to Russia. You should have begun your fundamental change at the Supreme Court before you plead the Fifth Amendment in front of Congress after your testimony. Yes but there are other avenues to take and that is take away her paid leave, and dismantle the IRS

because they will not testify.

It is a catch -22 but that is the best alternative.  I think the punishment fits the crime. She will no longer have a job with the IRS. On this Fourth of July, Thomas Jefferson is weeping Sarah Palin open to creating new ‘Freedom Party’

if GOP continues to ‘neglect conservatives’ usa-republicans-cpac

The Importance of Being Honest!

Atheists unveil Fla monument near Ten Commandments

This ought to be interesting. My bet is: it won’t stand the test of time! Probably falter like a North Korean Satellite. I don’t think it’s power can withstand being too close to the Ten Commandments.


If you can’t take the heat get out of the kitchen

Obama says climate change is make-or-break issue

Could be light pollution causing climate change. Notice when he sweats there is light on his skin. Also I have noticed that the season of summer gets hot. Let’s get rid of summer and then we can alter the effects of climate change. Another idea would be to move earth further from the sun. Or move the sun away from earth with a few big bombs. It is risky and it might work, but with man’s ingenuity, and with love, faith, hope and a pinch of salt anything is possible and I mean anything which might not be so good either. But there is a silver lining in this enigma in addition to a sin tax we could have a sun tax.

IF you don't have customers, then what?
If the people can't buy you're service or your products you're screwed.
Actually kind of stupid to go along with Obamacare at all.
I wonder who can out last the other. 
It’s called divide and conquer. Trickery. Why anyone would say it is brilliant is like calling a Black hole in space brilliant. More like an aberration.

Black hole

300px-BH_LMC If these employers go along then they don’t care about anyone in the short run and they don’t care about themselves in the long run.  Obama is at war with humanity, plain and simple.

Solyndra Scandal


What is the deal with his chin? Is that his tongue in there causing this distortion?

Coup Underway in Egypt

They don’t much care for Obama, why should they? Still I hope the coup will be merciful to their opponents. They just think differently and are a work in progress.

Turkey calls Mursi’s removal ‘unacceptable coup’

“The United Nations, the United States and other powers have stopped short of denouncing the move as a military coup; to do so might trigger automatic sanctions.” …..”Last month, Ankara moved to amend an article of the armed forces charter cited by generals in the past to justify coups……” Reminds me of Obama! Ying and yang, Black and white, etc. Egypt isn’t their country. ANK That’s very interesting! HMMMMMM.

Maybe the Turkey has come home to roost. 

What was it that JFK said about the turkey?  We hear first from Senator Dirkson: ….”I went early to present him with a turkey from the Turkey Growers Association. He was so amiable so affable so agreeable and he looked in the very pink of condition notwithstanding a rather rugged tour in the state of Florida. The thing that stuck in my mind most when suddenly he shouted to a lot of school children and to those managing this live turkey – Don’t take the turkey away until the children have had a chance to come up and see it. “…. (I think our election was rigged and probably was true of Egypt too.) Because they care.

Latin America outraged over Morales’ European pat down

“But the plane that was flying Morales home from Moscow was forced to land in Austria, as France and Portugal refused permission for the aircraft to cross their airspace or land, Bolivian authorities claimed. Bolivia’s foreign minister railed against both European nations for putting Morales’ life at risk and said Snowden was not on the plane, which Austrian authorities have also said.”

 The chicken is coming home to roost, the French one.
There must be some pretty juicy secrets Obama and Biden and whoever was involved in Benghazi fear because I did notice Biden’s reactions to both Benghazi and to Snowden.
Maybe Snowden travels at the speed of light. Maybe you just can’t catch him. Maybe it is ridiculous to try.
Anyway he is just a hacker, right?

======================== Which reminds me of the light emitted by stars. When you see a star you are actually looking at the past because of the time it takes for light to travel:

Thousand points of light

Maybe if we shut off those lights it might cool off the earth. Barnabas means to forget and son of consolation who sowed (antied, salted the tip jar, seeded donations etc) with some “supposed apostles” after Jesus was crucified. These same apostles also killed Ananias and Sapphira for not being honest about the worth of their donation from the proceeds of the land they sold (a secret that wasn’t a secret because Peter said that the Holy Spirit told him that they lied to the Holy Spirit, but really it was the IRS and some spies involved in the real estate deal because at that time there was a banking system in existence and taxation and so there must have been accountants and some form of an IRS) and greed took over these “supposed apostles.”  Obviously they wanted all of the proceeds and the land and to set an example of Ananias and his wife (like the mob does with the aid of the IRS and their spies) to the other people in town (because humans were not their concern….just their money and their assets) and that is why the people feared them. They also were trying to stifle the growth in the belief of the real Jesus with this chicanery. Pretty sick group of people in the Book of Acts. This is in the Book of Acts of the New Testament right about the time of the first Pentacost which accosted many. Funny cuz of the Pentagon, the NSA, the IRS, the DOJ, the State Department, and Napolitano, etc and all of the other departments of governance and the other scandals going on in the Obama administration and on his watch (his time) passing the buck like a hot potato, amid the fixed election, the Benghazi massacre, and the purposeful coverup of Benghazi with these excessive scandals and hoax massacres all the while ignoring the fact that Ambassador Chris Stevens is not the man dragged by the Libyans at Benghazi for some ungodly reason and even ignored by the supposed “free press.” I guess it is purposeful blindness run aduck. Seems like a repeat of what happened in biblical times, doesn’t it? Barnabas was also mentioned in the New Testament along with Niger and some other famous biblical church people in the Book of Romans and others in between and after. I would rather remember and not be so sensitive to some words because I would rather know than not know. It helps to know and understand that we are getting royally screwed by the same types and groups as occurred in biblical times. ================================ I have used a few words to illicit a reaction intentionally in some of my posts and I don’t care if I offend because I am trying to provoke people as best I can about what is occurring in America and the world so that they might remember or try to learn and gain knowledge that might help them. ===============================

Official says Nelson Mandela on life support; Zuma cancels travel plans

You can’t help but like this gentle man!

7 Things You Can Learn From Nelson Mandela’s Life

Martin Luther King probably is turning over in his grave at the stupidity and shallowness of his race. But then if you look back in history at the African countries and the IDI AMINS and the tribal wars that have occurred in that continent things haven’t changed very much. I guess history isn’t too important to the African-Americans to know that the color of your skin doesn’t stop a person of the same color skin from destroying you and that they can also be your enemy as well. A mutually satisfying relationship that the Obamas have, he screws them and she kills them. That’s my opinion. They remind me of the CLINTONS. A lot of people were killed mysteriously, raped and ruined around that couple and it should not be ignored or considered to be far-fetched. These are powerful people and who they worship ought to be analyzed. Who panders to them also ought to be scrutinized etc because they obviously don’t care about the victims or they would have stood up for the victims at the time and there were many. I think this abuse is far reaching and not what America wants or needs in the White House. State Department accused of covering up sex and prostitution investigation I guess the Clintons have decided it’s safer to pay for sex unlike their former escapades such as Juanita Broaddrick (‘You better get some ice on that (lip).’), Monica Lewinski, Paula Jones etc. Juanita tells of the way he changed and I would suggest he was under the influence of evil.

Cheryl Mills:Her summation became known for its endorsement of Clinton’s record with respect towards women and minorities;[2] she said, “I stand here before you today because President Bill Clinton believed I could stand here for him … I’m not worried about civil rights, because this President’s record on civil rights, on women’s rights, on all of our rights is unimpeachable.”[2][6]

They use women to justify rape and pillaging….Hey it works, obviously.


That twern’t no burp! I can smell it a mile away. I wonder if his spiritual guru Billy Graham had anything to do with that influence. They seem to work hand in hand such as in Haiti or is it that Rhodes scholarship training. He really likes African-Americans such as Ron Brown. I think Ron Brown knew too much and same goes for John Kennedy JR. Both died in mysterious plane crashes. Ron Brown was in Bosnia and JFK, Jr. had just visited Billy Graham investigating JFK’s assassination. Then there were those passengers too. Lately the downed TWA Flight 800 is being reinvestigated and probably there is a  link to terrorism and probably a passenger of the flight was a risk to people in our government, business, banking and clergy. I think there is a definite pattern. Awful stupid to have ignored this and the other deaths as if a dark cloud surrounds them. (Maybe the Secret Service….and whoever is really in charge.)

Jul 6, 2012

Fact sheet: The IDB and Haiti’s Caracol Industrial Park They destroyed their farming industry and laid them waste to be devoured by Billy Graham’s industry so I guess now they want to rehabilitate them? Or do they want to rehabititat them. Can this get any grosser? They found some victims to suck off of. What does it matter, huh? Why not go back to Libya? Bill Clinton shaking JFK’s hand. Looks like Justin Bieber. images-3 If you can overcome the stupidity of the “Juan Williams Psychosis”  preveiling in the political arena you might have a chance at a better future but he is perfect for the job he performs. BS. There are African Americans who have a grasp of the situation and I would think it might be wise to listen to them in some respects, people like Herman Cain who I think is a straight shooter (pardon the pun). He is smart, real smart and doesn’t seem to play race politics but he is African American. Race politics is a dead end alley. Herman-Cain-20679991-1-402

Herman Cain


Marsha Blackburn: Women ‘Don’t Want’ Equal Pay Laws

Here is another example of shooting one’s foot off probably to stop the LGBT from equal pay but that is not fair. Women and men are different to be sure but women have a lot of insight that men just don’t have as a god-given gender type attribute. Of course jobs should not be passed out as a gift but equal access and equal pay should be fundamental rights for everyone regardless of gender, race, creed, color, religion, weight etc if they can perform the job. Obviously many women don’t have upper body strength but they sure have lower body strength that men generally lack, that is why they get to have babies, unlike men. In some ways women are superior to men and in some ways men are superior to women depending on their talents and pursuits. Women take longer to get ready than men do, but men can do heavy lifting better. Women drive better but men are more mechanical than women. Women tend to last longer at many things so their endurance is superior to men. Men tend to peter-out quicker like a short distance runner compared to a long distance runner. Women generally tend to live longer too. They are a good investment even with time off for babies and children. They have intuition that men don’t have but tend to be more emotional sometimes. Men tend to be less naive than women etc. Most women want equal pay and if they don’t want equal pay they are dumb or have another agenda. I have not read the proposals about these issues but to say women don’t want equal anything is a farsi. Even though I’m not a fan of the First Lady because of her part in Benghazi as I believe she played with those arms many first ladies including Michelle work quite hard as a First Lady and should receive a paycheck too (they also give up their jobs, time and endure critics for the position they find themselves in) unless they are still receiving paychecks from their former boss. Then that becomes a question as to who their allegiance is to and I think they should either receive one or the other. These men and women that work in government and use the government to enhance their businesses are in essence doing what many Non-profit organizers and religions do with their donations for their other businesses and it is wrong while receiving tax exemption and excessive use of loop holes and placing a hardship upon the rest of us who can’t do the same for our businesses. It is unethical. More than likely it is illegal if you take the laws into consideration. Getting pensions from CHINA is unethical and their pensions and assets should be seized and however their pension profited them should also be seized and they should be considered to be an enemy of this country for taking bribes. Because that is what that is…. a bribe from a foreign country  putting China’s wants and needs above the citizens of America. Obama should be impeached for that! It’s a contradiction of power and allegiance.

Matthew 6:24

King James Version (KJV)

24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. So how do the Synoptic Gospels compare to the Gospel of John? Which is pre-eminent?


I will take my bow, now. ruuffff ruuuffff.

Michele Bachmann Figures Why Not, Introduces Homosexual-Beheading Bill Alan West was the guest on Sean Hannity 6/11/2013 talking about Bill Cosby’s pandering to Islam, Mohammad, and Obama because of his skin color. LOL He isn’t kidding. He sowed that seed a while back with his Catholic wife to have a building named after him which I wrote about a while back. Remember when he said, “Nuns mean business when they come riding into town.” Allen West on Bill Cosby’s pro-Muslim post: Are you crazy? He was overtaken a while back in other words he sold out to a lies that he spouted in his post and sold out to the least resistance because he likes the CUSHY LIFE. Remember Cardinal Cushing? Bill Cosby sold out his fellow man, because he cares about only himself and it was easy to donate money and I suppose he was given a tax break too for his donation. It reminded me of Barnabus of the Book of Acts. This sowing occurred April 26 2012 which makes me think Benghazi might have occurred earlier and that is why they keep referring to “in real time.” It seems that Bill Cosby has become a disciple of Obama and Black Muslims. Notice it started with the intervention of nuns in the article: JFK Assassination, CBS News and the Second Vatican Council. In my post Pope Benedict XVI and His Power of Suggestion I have included quite a few links to articles by Walter Veith who demonstrates the relationship between Catholic nuns, Roman Catholic dogma to Islam. Most cults take their disciples in through a nice at a comfy pace in an innocuous way but eventually that changes. Take for instance the cult of Jim Jones.  Once you are in it’s hard to get out. The Obama cult is similar. His followers are totally unreasonable as Hannity’s show demonstrated with the young African American woman guest (Thurs June 13th show) but when they start to see the truth or aren’t needed anymore or get older they will be tossed to the wolves or even worse. It’s okay when you are doing well but if that changes or if their cult leader takes a turn for the worse (because of his mental and personality disorder) it changes for the followers very quickly, then they are expected to do things they may not want to do. Louis Farrakhan is a black Muslim yet he and Obama don’t see eye to eye because they are vying for the top position or vice versa. It is just a matter of time before his cult begins fall since their faltering. This is the Islamic way:Report: Syrian rebels executed a 14-year-old boy for insulting Islam When the members witness the murders and the many other crimes it becomes a nightmare which seems to be occurring now for some. Newtown victim’s sister turns gun control ‘accidental activist’ Newtown was a hoax to begin with so this little fiasco is “Par for the Course”, pardon the pun. If it wasn’t a hoax then why would Nancy Pelosi be involved? Did Dr. Zchivago (her pimp) twist her arm? Witch reminds me of what Eddie Barker said to Dan Rather in regards to Jacqueline Kennedy:

“Eddie Barker:   She a walked out of the hospital, Dan, under her own power. Uh, there was no one, uh, from where we were standing, there was no one uh uh holding on to her arms. She walked out. She was hatless when she came out of the, uh, Emergency Exit and ,uh, got into the, uh, Hertz that bore the body to the airport.”

You can read about it in Part 17 of

The Black American Leadership Alliance is scared that allowing immigration legalization will make them lose jobs. Hey hasn’t that already happened. Immigrants are not the problem. Pandering is the problem, IMO. Everyman for himself attitude. Corruption, and ignorance which work well together, etc. The corrupt are very slick. If you don’t care about the truth it will get worse. Muslims are a bit over sensitive, can’t handle criticism without beheading someone or whipping a woman, and can’t handle the truth either. Mohammad was a  mad man and Allah is a figment of their warped imagination. That is why they walk around a box in Mecca because they are outrageously ridiculous and I guess because someone told them to. They do not trust women because they do not trust their own lusts. They dress them in burkas to hide them because they aren’t man enough to keep their own woman happy and fear some other man can which they could. Do you know how miserable those women must be. No wonder they look like this: images-1-1 They don’t allow women to drive because they are afraid to lose them which they would because muslim men are asses. Muslims can’t even get along with each other.

They love war and death, rape and pillaging etc

They are lazy and dishonest as the summer day is long. They are sexually dysfunctional and for the most part stupid. They are like many evangelicals, all show. That is my own opinion from what I have witnessed in this world in my lifetime. They drug women in the US to rape them. I know it to be true. They don’t deserve respect what so ever. They are heartless. If they were worth their beans they would treat women with respect. Allow her to grow up, drive a car, be independent. Instead they breed hate that’s why they throw acid at each other and lack mercy even towards each other. article-2235635-1621f8b1000005dc-779_634x404 They connive constantly to overthrow the other and just are good for nothin’ in my estimation. They mock their own religion of peace. They only time they get a long is when they are picking on someone else like the Jews or Christians.  If they believed their own religion they would be at peace, wouldn’t they? But since their religion is a lie it is no wonder and until they figure it out I will not respect them. Obviously there are a few exceptions that I have seen, but very few and for the most part they are a miserable lot. One thing is we never hear them decry their fellow men of their treatment of their fellow man. We usually see celebration. Death to jews and Americans and christians. We see their children chanting and singing evil songs. When they start to stand up for Americans, Christians and Jews and 14 year old boys and girls of their own race no matter what religion I will begin to respect them. When they show mercy. I will never forget the news anchor woman’s husband being beheaded and jews being tossed out of windows and an old man in a wheel chair thrown into the sea off a cruise ship because of his religion. Did they stand up for them? Will they? When? They would sell their own mothers and daughters just to get ahead. By the way I am happy that Morsi is not in control of Egypt. I hope they the Egyptian people get a better government and economy. I wish it had occurred without strife and death but sometimes some people make that impossible. No matter what kind of government they choose hopefully it will be fair to all sides as much as possible but that does not mean it has to look like it represents all sides but actually be fair to all sides. Looking and being are two different qualities. Sometimes monarchs are fairer than democracies. It depends on those that have the power and how they wield it.

No sanctuary for Syria’s female refugees

In the Bible it talks about the rarity of men as rare as the gold of O-phir because of fear. Here are some articles about that pandering and other things:

FBI: No Surveillance In Mosques – Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!

JFK Assassination, CBS News and the Second Vatican Council

Carville: Obama’s Choice Of Susan Rice For National Security Adviser An “In Your Face Appointment”

JAMES CARVILLE: “My guess is that he wanted her to be Secretary of State and he felt like she kind of got railroaded there and this is kind of in your face appointment, but he obviously thinks a great deal of Ambassador Rice. Like I say, he wanted her to be Secretary of State. She’s not confirmable and it’s like a message that he’s going to stick by. He views her as a competent person and probably as a friend of his. You know, I think it’s an in your face appointment and he feels good about making it.”


THAT IS WHAT MANIACAL MANIPULATORS DO TO PROTECT THEMSELVES. HE WILL CONTINUE HIS MULTI-TASK COVERUPS UNTIL SOMEONE GETS HIM OFF HIS HIGH HORSE. Next come the boobs unless it is beneficial to be flat for the sake of terrorism. Like the bangs they hide a lot and then those eyebrows can be adjusted too.

Michelle Obama refers to herself as ‘single mother’

Jeepers Creepers, I wonder why?

Saudi News Site: Michelle Obama

Visited Saudi National in Hospital on Thursday

Jeepers Creepers, I wonder why?

FOX NEWS said today that Susan Rice came out with the video excuse out of nowhere on the Sunday Shows after September 11th last year but they know it was

Jesuit Father Federico Lombardi the Vatican spokesman

at the time who said the video was the reason, because I wrote them and told them in my post called

Pope Benedict XVI and His Power of Suggestion.

Here is the article from the Vatican News Organization about respect for religions that I think was where Susan Rice, Obama, and Hillary Clinton received their Q’s:

Vatican firmly condemns US deaths, disrespect against religions

“The Vatican said that statement was a response to a growing sense of anger and unrest erupting in parts of the Middle East in reaction to the trailer of a U.S.-made amateur film mocking the prophet Mohammed. Though the trailer had been released online in July, it grabbed Arab media attention only after its recent translation into Arabic.”

Pope prays in Arabic for first time

And still to this day months later they ignore where this excuse originated
like a machine intent on deception.

Despite the WaPost, Benghazi Isa Major Scandal

“In both Fast and Furious and in Benghazi, the result of the administration’s incompetence (or worse) was that people died. (Lots of people.) When an administration tries to cover up the real reasons people died, that alone usually makes it a scandal by the usual Washington Post/establishment media standards. When the administration threatens or punishes those who try to correct the record, it’s more than a scandal; it’s almost always criminal.”

Great article above.

Howard Dean: ‘Benghazi is a Laughable Joke’

 Ok. Dr.. Howard Dean tell us the joke. IF you know something speak up spit it out so the rest of America can know what that is in regards to Benghazi, otherwise shut your mouth.

(In actuality he is a clone of General Petraeus and Joseph Biden all rolled up into one)

Diplomat: U.S. Special Forces told “you can’t go” to Benghazi during attacks

Jeepers, Creepers I wonder why

Official: US Special Forces team wasn’t allowed to fly to Benghazi during attack

Benghazi witness: US military response could have

‘scared’ off attackers, prevented mortar strike

You would think Michelle would have scared them off

bearing those arms and her almost new face.

Clinton sought end-run around counterterrorism bureau on night of Benghazi attack, witness will say

Was Surgery the Reward for her deed?

Benghazi Talking Points Altered By Obama Administration Before Election

Benghazi Emails Directly Contradict White House Claims


Obama slams IRS actions, calls Benghazi probe a ‘sideshow’

“The IRS as an independent agency requires absolute integrity, and people have to have confidence that they’re applying … the laws in a nonpartisan way,” Obama said.”

INTEGRITY…..what does that mean? I guess it depends on who is speaking.



Obama dismisses Benghazi talking points controversy as a ‘sideshow’


Obama tries to say the word adequately but says adequally which is a sign he is losing itHe is a bit nervous but tried to overcome his slur, you could see him react to his own mispronunciation as if inside kicking himself. (Watch his eyes right after he blows it.)

Probably Bill inside his ear using some device to help him get through this humongous problem. His monologue rambles because that is what liars do to confuse, to distract, to shame, to ridicule etc those that question his rule of thumb. He took lessons from Bill Clinton obviously because his mannerisms are the same and his lame excuses.

Um with respect to Benghazi. Uh. We’ve now seen this argument that’s been made (incredulously) by some folks primarily up on Capitol Hill uh for months now and uh uh I’ve just got to say “Here’s what we know: Americans died in Benghazi.” What we also know is clearly they were not in a position where they were adequally protected.

 looks clearly threatening

HOW DARE THEM!@Obama Benghazi NBC monologue

and clearly threatened …..oO

Obama surprised

The day after it happened I acknowledged that this was an act of terrorism. (TO WHO, Michelle?) And what I pledged to the American people was that we would find out what happened. We would make sure that it did not happen again and we would make sure we would hold accountable those that would perpetrate this terrible crime. (By crime he means the crime of insulting his profit of Islam…… not the punishment of terrorism.) and thats exactly what we’ve been trying to do. And over the last several months there was a review board headed by two distinguished americans (pandering cuz there is always someone willing if the price is right) uh Mike Mullin and Tom Pickering who investigated every element of this and what they discovered was some pretty harsh judgements in terms of how (thumbing) we had worked to protect consulates and embassies around the world. They gave us a whole series of recommendations. Those recommendations are being implemented as we speak. (He said sternly!) The whole issue of this uh of talking points frankly throughout this process has been a side show. The wha we have been very clear about throughout (He forgot the “t” sound on the word “what” because he is nervous) was that immediately (sort of slurs the word immediately without the “t”) after this event happened we were not clear who exactly had carried it out…. how it had been, how it occurred, what the motivations were. It happened the same time as we had seen uh attacks on US embassies in Cairo as a consequence of this film and nobody understood exactly what was taking place during the course of those first few days and the emails that you elude to were provided by us to congressional committees. They reviewed them several months ago: concluded that in fact that there was nothing foul in terms of the process that we had used and suddenly three days ago uh this gets spun up as if there’s something new to the story. There’s no there there.

(Bill is in his mind telling him that there is no there there kind of like

depends what is is.

I wonder is there a here here?)

As I recall they watched it in real time so what does that mean? And V.P. Joseph Biden said that one of them had balls the size of Cue Balls so how did he know so quickly if he had not watched or if they were not aware of what had occurred. He seemed pretty clear about it!

Keep in mind by the way that these so called talking points that were prepared for Susan Rice uh five, six days after the event occurred uh pretty much matched the assessments that I was receiving at that time (why didn’t Michelle clue him in?) in my Presidential Daily Briefing (I think that is done by the Secret Service) and keep in mind that two to three days after Susan Rice appeared on the Sunday shows using these talking points which have been the source of all this controversy I sent up the head of our national un counter terrorism center Matt Olsen up to Capitol Hill and specifically said it was an act of terrorism and that extremist elements inside of Libya had been involved in it. (Is he saying that Michelle is an extremist? KEEP IN MIND THAT HE IS TRYING TO GET YOU TO KEEP IN MIND HIS RECONSTRUCTION OF HIS TALKING POINTS WHICH CLEARLY HE SAID NOTHING ABOUT TERRORISM FOR A LONG LONG LONG TIME). So if this was some effort on our part to try to down play what had happened or tamp it down that would be uh uh pretty odd thing that three days later we end up putting out all the information that in fact has now served the basis for uh everybody recognizing that uh that this was a terrorist attack and that it may have included elements that were planned by extremists inside of Libya (like Michelle).

Who executes some sort of coverup or effort to tamp things down for three days?  (Jeepers, I don’t know…the Obamas perhaps?)

So the whole thing defies logic.

(Oh really? Talk about trying to ridicule the observant and those that don’t accept his lies….they defy logic:

who said it was a video tape that caused the incident in Benghazi?

The Obama Administration and the VATICAN and Obama said that the future should not belong to those that insult his profit of Islam at the UN.

Is that logical? Is that why those men died at Benghazi?)

Keeps on getting churned out frankly has a lot to do with political motivations. We’ve had folks who challenged Hillary Clinton’s integrity (unbelievable) Susan Rices integrity, Mike Mullins and Tom Pickering’s integrity. It’s a given that mine is challenged by these same folks. ( O….o  Name droppings. LOL  It’s an overused ploy. Yea. Of course at the outset you had Hillary stand and take the blame at the airport and in front of the White House “The Buck Stops Here,” she said, and you went along with that at the time………REMEMBER?) They’ve used it for fund raising and frankly uh Yo if anybody out there wants to actually focus on how we make sure that something like this does not happen again (that’s what he wants everyone to do so he won’t have to be accountable this time) I am happy to get their advice and information and counsel (but he doesn’t want to be held accountable this time) but the fact of the matter is these four americans as I said right when it happened were people I send into the field (no, I think it is Hillary’s Department that sends them in the field and the government departments that they work for as contractors and as low level employees) and I have been very clear about taking responsibility for the fact that we were not able to prevent their deaths (so he must have been the one to have had them stand down. Hmmmm I wonder why. Was it to protect Michelle?) Uh and we are doing everything we can to make sure we prevent it in part because there are still diplomats around the world who are uh in very dangerous difficult situations and we don’t have time to be playing these political games here in Washington. (LOL. How about the Sequester make-it-hurt type sequesters and the White House Tours? Then there is the low-level IRS intimidations …….give me a break. Jeepers Creepers!) We should be focused on what are we doing to protect them and that’s not easy by the way. It’s going to require resources and tough judgements and tough calls and there are a whole bunch of diplomats who know that they are in harm’s way. ( Sounds like an admission. Then don’t send Michelle!and there are threat streams that come through every so often with respect to our embassies and our consulates. That’s not just us, by the way, the British have to deal with the same thing and we’ve got a whole bunch of people within the State Department who consistently say “You know, what I’m willing to step up. I’m willing to uh uh to put myself in harm’s way uh because I think that this nation is important in terms of serving the United States and advancing our interests around the globe.” Uh UH and so we uh we dishonor (No… and Michelle dishonor them!) them when uh we turn things like this into a political circus. What happened was tragic. It was carried out by extremists inside of Libya. We are out there trying to hunt down the folks who carried this out and we’re trying to make sure we fix the system (When he gets stern his southern Arkansas accent emerges which is odd since it was Bill Clinton’s state and Chicago, Illinois is up north) so that it doesn’t happen again. (You and Michelle did what you set out to do at Benghazi so why bother fixing a system that you took advantage of in the first place. To order someone to “Stand Down” is a sign that the system might have worked but was manipulated so that it wouldn’t work this time.



Michelle lives with you in the White House! You don’t need to hunt for her in Libya but how about checking out Somalia unless you are not there at the White House. Michelle said that you are there when she misspoke about being a single mom.

So there is a there….. there)


————————————–END OF TRANSCRIPTION————————————

Axelrod on Benghazi: ‘This Story Is BS’

Now, here is a there’s no there there >….Axelrod

Obama Tells Wealthy Gathering He Wants To “Institutionalize” Crisis Atmosphere




HE IS TRASH and Axelrod can join him in that alley. Benghazi isn’t about Al Qaeda or terrorism, stupid. That is why the talking point changes are so interesting is because it has nothing to do with the incident at Benghazi but Axelrod is so dumb he hasn’t figured that out YET. it has to do with the coverup but not what happened or why it happened.

Obama: “Full focus” is on recovery from Oklahoma tornado

Will it work for him? No, it won’t.

That was May 21st and today is the 14th of June and now we are on the border of Syria supposedly. Assad supposedly crossed a red line that killed 150 people allegedly with sarin gas which I doubt because I don’t think he is that crazy only to kill so few when he was so successful killing the conventional way. Let’s weigh the consequences 150 vs 93,000. Hmmmm. I guess Obama has short term memory problem and when he means full focus it is only for a short time. But Assad must possess something the US the UN the EU and Egypt clearly want badly and even the Saudi King cut short his vacation…just to watch? Must be evidence of some kind or the lack of IT.

Henry Kissinger: Balkanized Syria Best Possible Outcome

That is so charitable of the wise Henry Kissinger who in the past became the Roman Catholic advisor to the last Pope and the Vatican.

I think Rome, the Vatican, and Kissinger need to be Balkanized!

I think that might solve some problems.

Not to mention Jeb Bush wants in on IT (he smells oil and blood) even though he is Catholic and has strong views probably about abortion he allows a woman to starve to death because her ex husband wished it because he cares.

Ayatollah blast US: ‘We don’t give a damn’… ‘To hell with you’…


and Ayetollah who doesn’t give a damn.

Same thing was said by the State Department when JFK was killed.
The Falling Away

Here is a history lesson on hoaxes and the sick nature of man:

Congress investigates DHS ammo purchase

The Power Of Drudge: A Little Civics Lesson For Janet Napolitano And Barack Obama

“It would appear that, at least in part as a result of Drudge’s attention to entirely credible reporting raising questions about DHS’s apparently extravagant ammunition purchase orders, the House Government Oversight Committee recently conducted a hearing on DHS ammo acquisition. Now the Government Accountability Office reportedly is conducting an investigation of your agency’s practices. Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-OK) and Rep. Frank Lucas (R-OK) haveintroduced legislation, the AMMO Act, restraining DHS.”

Is the government stockpiling ammo to thwart gun owners?

Boston Marathon Bombing Hoax PROOF

I watched Janet Napolitano bemusing in front of Congress and when one acts this way about a legitimate inquiry I am suspicious. It reminds me of Pope Francis smugness. Didn’t he recently go to Saudi Arabia to wash some feet of men that were about to be crucified and beheaded in Saudi Arabia? (I think I read that recently). If so, that is extremely coincidental considering what happened at Benghazi and the unusual coverup. One of the prophetic signs of Jesus was his crucifixion which had only happened at a certain time period and yet it is also occurring lately. Don’t take this wrong but Napolitano reminds me of what Queen Mary would be like if she had to…. to get her way. Partially why she reminds me of Queen Mary is from the movie Elizabeth starring Cate Blanchette. Napolitano actually resembles that depiction in her actions and her buttressing the Obama cabal.  I don’t like bemusing and find it offensive under the unusual actions taken by BIG SIS under the control of OBAMA using her non-elected position and his charisma (false popularity usually indicating a cultic personality). I think she is a traitor to the American people including Roman Catholics because it will hurt them as well if they are dragged down into the faith and subjugation of ISLAM and become their slaves. Your husbands and sons will disappear and your women and daughters will be donning burkas temporarily until a final solution is employed and this should be evoked because it applies to Roman Catholics as well: “There is no honor among thieves.” Queen Mary was a cruel and demented queen who employed cruel punishment against Protestants because of her faith and dedication to the Roman Catholic Dogma. Since Roman Catholicism and Islam have had an unusual relationship in the past and present it would be wise if others took notice and DE-bemused her. This is serious business when the Feds (Obama’s Administration and his appointees) disregard flippantly the rights of Americans to be armed to protect themselves against a warped sect-uality using hoaxes and using kids such as at Newtown and also the Boston Marathon fiasco to embolden their T-REXual attitude while confiscating with tax dollars exorbitant amounts of ammunition, arming Syrian rebels and Al queda followers and arming Egypt, and unusual devastation in ammunition chemical plants and the destruction of many businesses of law abiding citizens. Those are eerily suspicious actions and events and should not be dismissed as merely a coincidence, mistakes, accidents or just bad luck. The fact that they have to go to such lengths is a pretty damned good sign they have bad/evil intentions using an unusual strategy such as those hoaxes lately. If Napolitano finds the fears of others to be bemusing Benghazi must have been quite entertaining in her sadistic personality disordered brain. I would describe Napolitano’s bemusement demented  and ill-advised, (resembling a crazy psychopath bully) not to mention a recipe for disaster……. It will not succeed (if only temporarily)

and you won’t bemusing anymore.

fair_warning1 Ingest that and Rechew it. istock_000003149416medium-2 Is it any wonder that FEMA is challenging the West Texas funds? THAT’S ALL, FOLKS!

FEMA denies more money for plant explosion victims

I wonder if West Texas was sabotaged. I think so. The man on the phone calling for help said it was a bomb. I take that seriously! If it were said in an airport, a mall, or a school everyone would be concerned even if there were no explosion or no weapons involved and only just the threat and when there is an explosion and a witness saying it was a bomb many in our government disregard it as a bemusement and because it was at a chemical plant. The Obama administration wants to disarm Americans so therefore it is largely ignored. THAT IS THE EPITOMY OF STUPIDITY, APATHY, AND NEGLECT! By the way, there are other plants mysteriously being sabotaged IMO in other states also. Not only that there are some plots that are performed by various parts that do not know about the other parts but are part of a whole. This could very well be what is occurring now in Washington. For instance FBI Director Robert Mueller who doesn’t even know what his part is doing.

Is the government stockpiling ammo to thwart gun owners? ===================

Glenn Beck is there with his Operations in Oklahoma (Operation Blessing and another) are there to the rescue and I guess

“THAT BAD MAN” psychosis

subsided for the time being unless Franklin Graham body-snatched him to help out OBAMA and his need to re-focus the news and the country to do a dance around Fast and Furious and the Benghazi murders, the IRS Scandal and the AP Scandal.

Now Glenn Beck says he has something he will reveal 24 hours fro when he said it which is getting to be kind of silly since didn’t we go through this a month or so ago and he never did come out with his last promise. He mentioned something recently about the last days prophecies of the Mormons. Like I said earlier or on another post I went to classes with a friend who was Mormon just because we were friends and I never read the Mormon revelations so he either is Mormon or is heavily influenced by Mormonism which is based in Utah around and in Salt Lake City (speaking of salt, hmmmmmm) and also near where the NSA is located.

COUNT THOSE BLESSINGS MANIPULATED BY DRUNKARDS who destroy neighborhoods and kids and anyone who gets in “their way.”

Rubio: ‘I’m done’ if immigration bill includes gay couple amendment

This is absolutely ridiculous. Leahy playing politics with immigrants and gays. One is held hostage over the other. I guess the Senator Patrick Leahy wants to keep the chips in his charge and he is an ass. THAT IS SICK. Let’s keep it simple stupid. This is not about Gays. Republicans really are about freedom and the Dems are about hostage taking. That is not how parties should deal with each other. Being up front on an issue and truthful is really important instead of tagging on to get your way.

Raise the issue with pride on it’s own merit truthfully.

If you can’t than it does not have merit.

Nice speech by Rubio on June 27th!

But speeches are just shallow words if you allow it to be riddled with pork,

before it goes to the House of Representatives!

You should not have to pay off the mobsters for this bill to go through. Screw them. Have some balls and fix this bill. Otherwise whoever lets it through is as corrupt as the MOB and is in cahoots with the MOB. 


“Cornyn is not alone in decrying the immigration bill’s taxpayer-funded crony giveaways to favored industries. Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) said the bill is so riddled with corporate concessions that it “reads like a Christmas wish list for Haliburton.”

Breitbart News reporter Matthew Boyle also reported on the bill’s inclusion of a crony capitalism casino kickback to Las Vegas casinos. Sens. Harry Reid (D-NV) and Dean Heller (R-NV) successfully inserted the language.”

“The issue of the company Haliburton represents the worst, in terms of conflict of interest and even corruption. It shows how much people in this government can do for their own self-interest and the interest of their friends if not held in check.”

I think the way to keep equal employment for every race including immigrants that are made legal or who stay illegal all companies should have to pay their health care regardless of whether they are part time or full time. All employees should receive at least minimum wage regardless of whether they are full time or part time and that way Obama can’t reward companies and punish the population by his stupid mandates whenever it suits him. I would imagine big companies will down size but gives the public a chance to build their own businesses which in turn would obviously mean more choices and more competition. Oh Yea and anyone who pays self employment taxes in the past and future should get free health care. Then the general population won’t be hindered from starting competing businesses against those that had received a head start a long time ago using illegals to pay next to nothing or used loopholes and pork in bills designed to enrich the rich. Also this would have to apply to overseas employees so that they too can receive what they should get in employment benefits ie  health care and pay using american dollars. That way overseas companies have to pay the same as companies that stay in the US.

Otherwise get rid of IRS and ObamaCare and go to consumption tax and make equal pay laws regardless of full or part time or illegals or legals or overseas employees using american dollars. It will help the american dollar and it’s worth.

The way the Bush administration operates

 If the House will cut the pork slipping in under the table which is why politics stinks (for instance: Pelosi’s advice and leadership about Obamacare) it probably is pretty good bill although I have not seen the bill myself. Hopefully security of the US and giving a hand to illegal immigrants will be the thrust of this legislation. Not their fertility, not their vote, not their slavery (tax liability), but human to human “a leg up.”

I will reiterate Consumption Tax is the best and fairest tax of all and a percentage going from what the state collects to the federal government to keep it (the Feds) “in check” and not lording over the States of the US and the exclusion of MOB tactics is my vision and expectation even though Donald Trump thinks it is dangerous, danger never stopped him before. Course he probably owns some casinos in Las Vegas.

What happens in the House of Representatives is the kicker and if they really represent the people they will do the right thing in regards to this immigration bill and hopefully reporters will report fairly (unless they corrupt themselves by not fairly reporting) what occurs, so we the people can see if the House of Representatives is as corrupt as the Senate, then we can vote whoever doesn’t do their job out of office.

I enjoyed the attitude of Paul Ryan when he conversed on Fox News about this bill in the House of Representatives that I watched a few days back although I don’t agree with him on many issues I hope that the House will have his kind of tenaciousness in regards to this bill and any others bills especially since our country is in DIRE STRAITS. Hopefully that tenaciousness will be used for the right reasons with illegal immigrants (they are human) well being and the safety of US citizens as their main concern. There will always be extreme cases creating stunts on either side that will try to thwart good legislation because it is controversial as occurred in Gay marriage struggle.  We have the right to disagree but reason and practicality are also important as well as beliefs.

I hope that the Senate will rehabilitate themselves and make a simple law:

NO PORK in any bill because I don’t think it is legal according to the US Constitution but in any case should be investigated for that reason to see if pork is legal since it seems to be bribery and pay offs and in my opinion a crime against Americans one that should be paid back financially in full to Americans by the illegal activities of the Federal Government and whoever stole from the Americans such as the casino owners, the mob, and other businesses, other countries and their lobbyists, and the politicians involved etc.

(Or perhaps the supreme Court could get involved in the rehabilitation of the Senate and the House of Representatives and the rest of the Federal Government.)

And remove the pork in past bills! It’s time to stop feeding the leeches in government.


said James Joseph Gandolfini of the Sopranos 


and who I might add mysteriously died in Rome!

(of all places, IMO.)


French hostage found dead in Mali was shot in head: prosecutor

Undated handout picture shows French nationals Philippe Verdon and Serge Lazarevic, who are being held hostage by Al Qaeda, surrounded by masked men holding guns in an undisclosed location in Mali

Looks like James Joseph Gandolfini of the Sopranos had some bad friends, but wasn’t he Italian (Of course, fini is very french!)

Pope Arrives at Castel Gandolfo

I think Ted Cruz and Rand Paul should lead this cause because it is JUST and what this country needs to change the course of this country so it does not destroy itself.

Sen. Ted Cruz Compares Senate Immigration Bill To Obamacare


We are on the verge of Death to America.

Mark Levin page linked on many of the issues involved in the Immigration Bill and shows in my opinion Senators such as Lindsay Grahams capitulation to corruption. I am so disappointed in him. Obviously he has a low estimation of Hispanics, like the Clintons and the Obamas have of African Americans and Gays

although the Obamas are trying fervently to take the credit for rulings

they had nothing to do with

 nor have they ever esteemed or tried to uphold the US Constitution or Bill of Rights but instead has tried to undermine it

 because they are fakes, cowards, and thieves.

Mark Levin

Did Barack Obama write this bill that just passed?

Immigration overhaul: Senate passes historic bill

“In a written statement, Obama coupled praise for the Senate’s action with a plea for resolve by supporters as the House works on the issue. “Now is the time when opponents will try their hardest to pull this bipartisan effort apart so they can stop commonsense reform from becoming a reality. We cannot let that happen,” said the president, who was traveling in Africa.”


“The legislation’s chief provisions includes numerous steps to prevent future illegal immigration – some added in a late compromise that swelled Republican support for the bill – and to check on the legal status of job applicants already living in the United States.”

Uh Oh There goes Taco Bell! LOL

I don’t suppose they will do this by Racial Profiling, will they?

Now will Obama testify about Benghazi?


There are Republicans such as Ted Cruz and Rand Paul who inspire and do take the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and Human Rights seriously and obviously some in the Supreme Court who also take it seriously. It is unfair to pile on with pork which is cheating and underhanded and is what makes this country at a stale mate and in decline economically, morally, and still in the grips of those that want to destroy us. If you work honestly for human rights it tends to work better and gets the support it deserves. Take Hillary’s tactics for women’s rights she covers up prostitution and rapes. If you aren’t willing to help others why should they help you?

(But I take that back …….maybe Rand Paul hasn’t got what it takes….doesn’t have the staying power for he likes voluntary composting along with Laura IN – GRAHAM. So I guess he is as pompous as his HOST. He exposed his agenda and his prejudice about immigrants with Laura because immigration to him is getting immigrants to work their fields PICKIN’ COTTON and shoveling dirt and compost. I guess immigrants aren’t worthy of more than a field job for the Kentucky Senator? The more you listen the more you pick up and today that is what I gleaned on June 27th and I just noticed some of transparent goo he ejaculated in his intercourse with Laura In-Graham. His elitism just dribbled out for the first time. All it took was a pretty face. Good to know. Maybe he should pick a library to volunteer your time and do your business in between the books on the shelf, I’m sure the shelf won’t mind and then you can hire an immigrant to clean it up for you.


Kentucky is in the middle of the eastern half of the US. I proved my case about prejudice and it took a Kentucky cardinal to drop his poop.

Why Is Bird Poop White?

“Birds’ digestive systems and naughty bits don’t work exactly like ours or most other animals’.

Instead of pooping and peeing separately,

they basically do it all in one weird mess.”


What is white and black and read all over. Hopefully this post!

Laura InGrahams opening monologue tonight June 28 Friday on O’reilly was as deceptive as I have ever seen. She knows how to twist a sentence. She seems to have surrendered her soul to something very evil. It was quite revealing. I hope you take the time to disseminate it to see what I mean.

Rand Paul ‘pushing hard’ with House on immigration bill

Snort something on the way to your interview inadvertently or did you lose your composure another way?

Hard labor is good for the soul

maybe you ought to try it sometime

and actually produce something worthwhile.

And while you are at it why don’t you actually do something about OBAMACARE instead of not doing anything about it and merely using it for your political posturing:

Rand Paul’s Hillarious Obamacare Slam

I haven’t figured out why nothing happens in regards to Obamacare seeing that most people don’t want it and yet it still threatens everyone in the future. I find it weird and almost as if the Senate is vacant. The fact they passed it in the first place without reading the thing that they get paid to do because it is their job is surreal. All bills passed without reading beforehand while taking tax dollars from Americans there should be a punishment for those that didn’t do their job. I realize that is a dysfunctional sentence but you get the drift. What the heck happened?

Just to give you a clue Laura InGraham is not on your team she is very slick and pretty consistently undermines the Republican Party. She is playing you. I don’t like trickery and I don’t like her. I think it is dirty and I think she is dirty. I certainly prefer straight forwardness and truth when dealing with issues occurring in the US, the press, and the problem with government is people like her. It is called corruption and the only way to fight corruption is with the opposite of corruption otherwise you will lose and be rolled under. Think about Newtons Law. I may be crass and indelicate, but I am not trying to trick anyone. Laura is a death knell for the Republican Party. A stooge. A shill, similar to Billy Graham. A slippery sleaze ball wearing a cross. Don’t be fooled by her appearance which is like a peacock cocking and very showy. She doesn’t even have a clue how naked she is, that is why O’reilly hires her because he is a FOX.

The good news is tucked in this post and will help anyone, including her. 

They obviously have some powerful equipment able to peer into one’s private life and play their little folly.

I apologize profusely for my anger at what I perceive is occurring to some people from time to time because of the influence of others possibly without their full knowledge. I won’t erase my angry reaction but when you know you are being spied on as I am although I cannot prove it, it is frustrating and hard to take their misuse of this power against me because of my relevant beliefs that I think I back up with pretty good evidence from MY source in my composts: The Bible.

I’m not crazy




George W. Bush Defends PRISM: ‘I Put That Program In Place To Protect The Country’

Instead Prism hurts the people however the country might be fine and because Snowden released a minute general amount of information he hurt the country but helped some people. Hmmmm I think Snowden deserves the benefit of doubt as you expect your program deserves. Just admit you made a mistake George Bush, because you did, a really big one, and you may have to account for it down the road a bit and so might your daughters and their kids. That is not a threat but it is a probability. Have some courage and use your wealth and status and friendships to undo the harm you caused even with good intentions before it is too late! Start by acting reasonable and getting our country to stop their maniacal oversight and give Snowden a break. GEEEEEZ, Mr. Cocaine, Were you born in the Gestapo?

Edward Snowden’s WikiLeaks statement in full

It isn’t as if the ones that were peeked upon weren’t aware the only thing they didn’t know was the name of the program. Now we know. Wish you had had the guts to share before it became apparent. There have been quite a few suicides and destruction of peoples lives that might have been avoided had you bared your soul to the people you represent. Thanks for the WARNING after the fact. Just to clue you in IT’S NOT something ABOUT which YOU should be laughing. Although it could be if you would stand up and do the right thing now.

Frankie Valli And The Four Seasons- Walk Like A Man

Obama ends Africa trip by joining Bush at memorial

Obamas pandering the Bushes after they visit Mandela’s family and things couldn’t get much worse for them because of the affect they have on their brethren. where ever they go they (the Obamas) cause problems on a molecular level and then like dominos it just gets worse.

Screen shot 2013-07-02 at 9.57.42 AM

I’M IN A ‘PRISON’They are in Africa but in a way she is in a prison.

Does it look like possession? (I’m N Ari the 8th iam N Ari the 8th iamiam Ive been married to the woman next door she’s been married 7 times before and everyone was an N Ari….)


Notice the tongues

sign of possession or they suffer the same tongue anomaly

The Senate Slut John McCain the unthinker has exposed himself again:

McCain: After thinking ‘long and hard,’ US should suspend aid to Egypt

 Now he wants to take it back.

Why Does It Matter Hillary?

I wrote about that blunder and McCain and Chris Stevens in article linked above. It is hard to believe that John McCain could think long and hard. I think he is getting unraveled by all the strange things occurring and is afraid to be found out. THE NSA leaks, Benghazi and Amb. Chris Stevens, etc Is it possible that Sen. McCain glows or is he starting to sweat?;) Usually that happens when you exert yourself but I think his nerves are starting to get to him. He must be nervous. Senator John McCain, why does it matter now?

Queen – ‘Another One Bites the Dust’

If he had said it a few weeks or even a week before the change in Egypt he would be believable.

Why the U.S. Must Cut Off Aid to Egypt

I think Obama proved interfering in other countries policies and elections and pushing democracy on Islamic countries just doesn’t work. Since Saudi Arabia offered their billions I don’t think our billion a year is worth much. Besides we have problems in our democracy that need some fixing and would be nice to clean our own house before cleaning everyone else’s house.

Michael Hastings Sent Email About FBI Probe Hours Before Death (UPDATE)

He was a reporter about Gen. McChrystal in Afghanistan and I think this next post might have some clues which includes Gen. McChrystal and Obama’s agenda:

Obama is Slaying the Senate

Also The Wounded Warrior Project advertised incessantly when O’reilly airs on Fox news has some clues in regards to Michael Hastings and his discoveries, generally speaking.

Joseph of Arimathea (A JUST)

My beliefs happen to obviously be a threat to the establishment especially in the religious realm with their maniacal power and their tools that they use to continue to deceive and I’m doing something about it. I’m not a senator or a representative but my power is the work that I have invested in my posts by study and by revelation because I seek the truth and it matters to me and I share freely and I don’t get a tax break or contributions and in fact, I am being persecuted subtly in many ways. I don’t make enough money to be taxed. And how I make that money is not by my writing or whatever you might label it. It has not been an easy ride but I do it to impart knowledge to others. I do think out of the box more than most and I think in this day and time my contribution might be helpful. I still appreciate some things that Rand Paul has done that I respect but I can tell when someone is being manipulated as he was in that interview by something pretty powerful and believe me it affects all of us at different times whether you realize it or not. Best you start realizing it so you can arm yourself.

If you want to understand my foundation in the bible you might check out my best posts which are comparing the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke to the Gospel of John and for another view point you might check out my posts about JFK and how it might be involved since 1963 was quite a Watershed Year for many religious tenets with political and religious ramifications. Listed at the bottom of the page is a site called Merangue’s blog that is linked where you can find most of my articles on both subjects and more.

I tend to be blunt and in the past I have been compared to

Roseanne Roseannadanna

and I do not have Tourette’s syndrome just happens to be a merely a possible

Divine Coincidence.

I hate political correctness. I think it is scourge on society akin to the Thought Police and BIG BROTHER sadistically screwing up life for mankind. Kind of like PORKING in government. I think there is pretty good evidence of that which some people are starting to realize. If our government continues to be blind and manipulated the tables will turn on them if they don’t stop it, back track and fix it starting with Benghazi and ObamaCare.

You might compare my beliefs to Joel Osteen and his kind of religion and many others that have infected the US and I hope and think you might see a great divide. Yes he is so loving acting yet so not. His religion is about money. Yes everyone likes money, no doubt,  including me.

 I think there are some very bright stars in the House and the Senate and Rand Paul is one of them. There are quite a few others and I realize it ain’t easy.


If  you do legislation dishonestly it won’t work. It may have a gestation period before it is aborted in the miscarriage of justice.

Patrick Leahy is being dishonest and being a cad and obviously has a disdain for both immigrants and gays.

Here is an example of trying to get through a doorway at the same time. Someone will get hurt because the door is only so wide.

Let’s see Leahy do it at another time as a human right issue on his own bill. Will he?

Now, I have read there is a loophole in the immigration bill dependent on the will of Janet Napolitano. So is this just another BS Bill or a sideshow to avert attention from Benghazi?


…….”The new version of the bill was introduced via a so-called “border surge” amendment from Sens. Bob Corker (R-TN) and John Hoeven (R-ND), with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid repackaging the whole bill into the amendment.” ……

…….”This could allow illegal aliens to be granted amnesty, or legalized “Registered Provisional Immigration (RPI)” status, once Secretary Napolitano submits a fencing (and border security) plan to Congress. However, this provision allows Napolitano to decide against building the fence after doing so, with no legal ramifications. As Breitbart News has already detailed, a similar provision was inserted with regard to border security technology requirements.”…..

Harry Reid donned a pretty bad bruise on his face lately. I wonder if that was caused by a whip of some kind. forcing it’s way upon the Senator and others, kind of like when Hillary Clinton had a fall and could not testify about Benghazi stalling the investigation until she could be reasoned with to testify appropriately. I can’t help but remember the broken bones of a few people in high positions in our government and other governments a few years back when Barack Obama took office the first time.

She has the best interests of the people in her heart NOT but could be she is being controlled.

Your best bet would be talking to Ted Cruz another Really Really Bright Star.

He actually likes humans. 


Members of the Gang of Eight (intelligence)[edit]

Mike Rodgers caught my eye one day while watching him being interviewed by the press about Benghazi (I believe it was) and I recognized him and was the one that seemed to be

 a real bad guy. IMO

I wrote about him in another post and wanted to alert people there at that time that he was harboring something evil.

He looks exactly like SS Agent Jack Ready

who was directly involved

in the assassination of JFK.

(Please read and check out his involvement in the link between pictures. Coincidence that he would be Chairman of the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. He worked as a Special Agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation in its Chicago office, specializing in organized crime and public corruption, 1989–1994. He is a member of the Society of Former Special Agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and a Methodist which would coincide with the JFK Assassination and the Methodist reactions and involvement by their doctor/preacher Dickinson in Dallas Texas at the time who was also the leading investigator at the Book Depository.

His wife, Kristi Clemens Rogers, was previously President and CEO of Aegis LLC, a contractor to the United States Department of State for intelligence-based security services.[19][20]

 I wonder if AEGIS LLC knows

what occurred at Benghazi?



“Brothers in Arms”

screen-shot-2011-09-29-at-9-41-07-am screen-shot-2011-09-29-at-9-42-44-am

“Wrong is right and right is wrong”

Basically Corruption is the major problem in the last days

5 Senators Who Support Immigration Bill Don’t Know Answer to Key Question About It

The answer is: Get Rid of OBAMACARE.



Get rid of the IRS and

Build more hospitals instead!

We already have the best care in the world we just need more of it

 in the US and abroad

to make it more competitive, more accessible, and more affordable.

Anyone take economics in college?

If so, did you learn anything about supply and demand?

Great Bang for the Buck!

If our medical care is the best in the world

then we shouldn’t punish it

We should reward it

and expand it.

It would kick start the economy here and worldwide, such as in Africa.

Also Mexico and Central America. Some of the illegal immigration occurs because of medical care that is sought in the US because it is superior to save a loved one’s life.

I think there is a need for good hospitals south of the border which could help their economy and ours as well.

Instead of CPA’s working for or against the IRS monster they can work for cost efficiency of businesses like hospitals and the businesses that are saved by not being forced into OBAMACARE etc. They could be hired to make government departments and the military more efficient and all of the above would be more competitive and happier.


HHS in talks with NFL, NBA to promote ObamaCare

Eric Bolling: Believe it or not, President Obama is actually trying to screw up Sunday Football by interrupting the NFL games with Obama Care commercials so I called the NFL and see if the rumor was true and it went something like this:

Me: Say it ain’t so.

NFL: Yes we’ve been contacted by Obama.

Me: Please tell me you told them to go jump in the lake.

NFL: We’re certainly open to listening to this proposal.

Eric Bolling: Folks, Im’ crushed. The one thing I look forward to every single day of my life is how long until football, whether it’s 3 months away or 3 hours away. How long until cook kick kick off?

Now, I’m not so sure.

Jeb Bush Says Immigrants Are ‘More Fertile,’ Twitter Gets Mad

Don’t even think about running for President. What a twit.

Obama said he was FEMA when Hurricane Sandy struck New Jersey and introduced a victim of the storm to Mr. Schmuck who was there with Obama as he met the crowd of desperate people and now Obama intoduces the country to FEMA’s Mr. Fugate.

Now we have Mr. Fink of the IRS scancal.

Interesting names, don’t you think?

I guess in terms of the bible and the Synoptic Gospels “the Gates of Hell/Hail shall not prevail” kind of way for the FUGATE name.

What do you call a nurse who pulls a plug on a patient then revives the patient? A KNUT?

 A deep deep deep desire to be kneaded.

Humiliate, console, and control tactics.

Oh well he’s a black man, a democrat, a good speech giver, makes good jokes at the Correspondent’s Dinners, parties a lot, and is ISLAMIC and no one knows for sure where he was born so he might not be a citizen of the US and his wife has had surgery to be prettier (I guess either he or she wasn’t satisfied) so it must be okay:) We just can’t pin him down or anyone else in his administration and inner circle for that matter to tell us where he was and who was with him the night of Benghazi and the many other questions that will get resolved soon in spite of his blessings -be-upon-thee type disasters. WE CAN’T EVEN HEAR FROM THE CIA WITNESSES THAT SURVIVED BECAUSE THEY ARE AFRAID OR DEAD.

Obama Aide: ‘Irrelevant’ Who Edited Benghazi Talking Points

 This you tube shows that everyone in his administration is covering up the location of Obama during the Benghazi attack. This aide of Obama says he was with his national security advisors which would be Thomas Donilon, Joseph Biden, Hillary Clinton, Dennis McDonough, Tony Blinken and those listed below. No one has thought to ask about Michelle. Maybe both were at Benghazi that night. So why not get these people listed below to testify that are in this council that were in his national security council on that date. The aide says that was who he was with then let’s hear what they have to say.
Structure of the United States National Security Council (Current)[3]
Barack Obama (President of the United States)
Statutory Attendees[4]
Joe Biden (Vice President of the United States)
John Kerry (Secretary of State)
Chuck Hagel (Secretary of Defense)
Military Advisor
Gen. Martin Dempsey (US Army) (Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff)
Intelligence Advisor
Lt. Gen. James R. Clapper (Ret.) (Director of National Intelligence)
John O. Brennan (Director of the Central Intelligence Agency)
Drug Policy Advisor
Gil Kerlikowske (Director of National Drug Control Policy)
Regular Attendees
Tom Donilon (National Security Advisor)
Denis McDonough (White House Chief of Staff)
Tony Blinken (Deputy National Security Advisor)
Additional Participants
Jack Lew (Secretary of the Treasury)
Eric Holder (Attorney General)
Janet Napolitano (Secretary of Homeland Security)
Kathryn Ruemmler (White House Counsel)
Gene Sperling (Assistant to the President for Economic Policy)
Susan Rice (Ambassador to the United Nations)
Jeffrey Zients (Acting Director of Office of Management and Budget)
Lisa Monaco (Homeland Security Advisor)

Axelrod is an idiot as are all of Obama’s followers, the ones that promote the false avenues for political purposes.


Obama Prepares Retirement Takeover,

Financial Journalist Shows Americans How To “Opt-Out


LOOKS LIKE HE IS SENDING A MESSAGE TO SOMEONE. If Looks Could Kill I think he would!

I THINK HIS JOB GETTIN’ TO HIM snicker snicker that or

he GOT Scrooge:)

There…….there there

Edward Snowden identified as source of NSA leaks








Isn’t that TREASON?

On Varney’s show of Fox News say they don’t know where Edward Snowden is right now.  Maybe he has been assassinated and all the traveling he has done is just covering up by our government and the press. Certainly he hasn’t said anything some of us didn’t know already. Much ado about nothing, for the most part, because this is about misdirecting attention from Benghazi as most most of what has occurred since Benghazi has been about. Maybe it is all a ruse by Obama, Michelle, Ambassador Chris Stevens and Rep. Mike Rogers of Michigan.

Obama not willing to make deals to get Snowden

Obama doesn’t make deals with terrorists, spies, and political prisoners especially since Snowden is working for him!

In defense of publishing leaks

” But as long as a program remains secret, there’s a Catch-22 in effect: The Supreme Court can’t review the constitutionality of the program until someone sues to challenge it, but if nobody knows they’ve been targeted by a secret program, nobody has standing to bring a lawsuit. “

Anytime there is a catch-22 between the powers in our government it should err on the side of the people since it is the people who are the in charge of the government and since we pay for it in one form or another.

The Press should not keep secrets for the government. It is not their job.

(Possibly delay news to save lives.)

Knowledge is superior to being kept in the dark!


 Hannnity astutely observed with Cheney’s daughter (6/10/2013):

“but we don’t control our borders?” in regards to the NSA snooping on Americans.

Kind of a contradiction.

Doesn’t make sense!

Neither does selling Egypt arms but if you take into consideration that this may be


it does kind of eerily make sense.

Lots of word play in that word to consider:

Senate Rejects Paul Amendment to Prevent Arms Sales to Egypt

On the Hannity show there was an Egyptian politician whose microphone accidentally was on and was caught saying that Egypt’s enemy isn’t Ethiopia, it’s the US and Israel.  Who is the enemy of the US….The Senate?

Egypt frets, fumes over Ethiopia’s Nile plan

Morsi should resign for the sake of his people his country and for himself.

Enough is enough.

I think the NSA’s reason for treason is to keep the power in the hands of those they want in power by fixing elections via computer technology and snooping that they have built. That is why I am against computer voting. I think the NSA is using their technology to harass and hassle certain people they don’t like in lots of subtle ways, like me. Tribulation kind of ways. It is obviously not for the protection of Americans.

Protection of Americans is what the Pentagon is for, isn’t it? But some in the Pentagon have lost their way as well.

The NSA is a very large complex larger than it needs to be considering you can store quite a bit of information on a small chip the size of a dot. Period.

One building would suffice for that endeavor.

I think the NSA is involved in the business of human drones via robotics or cloning, mapping facial and body characteristics using spying via facebook, voice technology etc

That would take a lot of buildings.

Spying on peoples phone calls or e-mails is a ridiculous deterrence against terrorism while not securing the borders and obviously a trick but also exposes them.

Off-duty cops collect DNA samples at Alabama roadblocks Here’s another ridiculous aspiration.

Report: School district scanned children’s eyes for bus program without permission

Obviously something else is occurring at this humongous installation inspired by fear. 

WELL WELL WELL Finally hear from Joseph Biden on O’reilly of Fox News6/12/2013. Haven’t heard hardly a peep from him since he talked about one of the men at Benghazi having balls the size of CUE balls as he seemed to be all tied and too busy to get involved. I guess the NSA is worrying him a byte,



James Clapper: Obama stands by intelligence chief as criticism mounts

“Admission that James Clapper gave ‘least truthful answer’ on domestic surveillance could become a problem for the president”


Went to check if he was a military man because of his interesting answer and he is a retired Lt. Gen. in the Air Force:)

 How does FBI Director Robert Mueller defend NSA surveillance if he doesn’t know anything. The guy was about as knowledgeable as Tommy Lee Jones of the assassination of Oswald and he was there which is linked. It really is as if they take a drug or are given a drug…probably Devil’s Breath to erase memory and act as a drone.


Did Rubio flip on his stance on border security?

Marco Rubio: In immigration reform, legalization comes first — ‘It is not conditional’

Yep. That is not what he was touting earlier or did he forget? Too bad.

I think border security can occur while legalization occurs. But without secure borders we  are just exacerbating the insecurity of the United States. Protection of the citizens should come first, not snooping on them and harassing them.

Talk about harassment:

Newtown marks six months since shootings with new push on guns

She took bad acting lessons by the other remaining victim in the following video. Who directed them…..Robert Mueller? The only part you need to see is the first few seconds and compare to the man in the film below:

Sandy Hook School Shooting Hoax Fraud Robbie Parker Actor Exposed Smiling Laughing then Fake Crying


And I do believe they stole the election from many people. Can’t be that hard to do nowadays with computer technology that I am positive that the NSA has.

Obama speech suggests possible expansion of drone killings

Remember the threat Obama made to the families of those playing a dangerous game at about the time of the fiscal cliff in America and the EU wanting desperately to scarf up America tax dollars to save their economy….I suspect it has to do with Norway and the mass killing (July 22 2011) there in a time lag kind of way. Leading from behind kind of way. The man that did the killing was on drugs…probably meth crystal type drugs which makes people act like killer drones which I think is Obama’s main weapon. Maybe the people killed were family members of his political enemies abroad. 69 people mostly teens died so they were easy pickens for a berserk President. How in the world did the killer know where to find them….. Obama knew. Anyway what is real/reel time? Adam Lanza seems to have also been manipulated for the gun control agenda of Obama to cover up the Benghazi incident. But was able to connect a few dots to that Norway mass murder. Kind of like dominos. One leads to the other in funny kind of ways. I DO THINK THAT THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS DRIVE, PUSH, SOMETIMES INTIMIDATION FOR DEALING WITH KIDS WITH ATTENTION DEFICIT DISORDER OR ONES THAT HAVE BEEN MISDIAGNOSED AND ARE JUST OVERACTIVE KIDS  IN ORDER TO CONTROL THEM EASIER BECAUSE OF LAZINESS OR LACK OF RULES AT SCHOOL BY USING DRUGS MIGHT BE  CONNECTED TO THE MANY OCCURRENCES OF STRANGE BEHAVIOR AND DEATHS. Maybe when things get rough for Obama he just might be able to get the Seal Team Six to save them. A reward for those that stick it out with him kind of like that other stunt.

Hezbollah suffers big losses in Syria battle

Hezbollah in big Syria battle, Obama ‘concerned’

I bet he’s concerned.


Here is another diversion and the BGEA and Franklin Graham are upset yet this is a way to include oneself on the side of the injured parties, divert attention from Benghazi, gain attention, act like the President is targeting you so as not to blow your cover, etc:

Graham says IRS targeted his non-profits with audits

Franklin Graham: How the IRS targeted my religious charities

Franklin Graham was quick to get on Greta’s popular news show and panders to the IRS, includes his BGEA and himself as an injured party because of his religion, complaining that a 5 month difference in the acceptance for their tax exempt status  (ACTUALLY 7 MONTH DIFFERENCE MORE THAN NORMAL) means he was targeted. It does not necessarily mean he was targeted any more than because they were auditing 2 of his corporations on the same day. Big deal. The IRS is known for delays in everything they do which does not mean he was targeted. If it took a few years I would say there is something wrong. Most the time the IRS because it is so big and convoluted doesn’t know what the left or the right hand is doing. Notice he stroked the IRS as he complained because they give him an advantage usually which gives him power over others. That advantage is his ace in the hole. That is why the IRS needs to be disassembled.

Maybe the IRS should be considered to be a synagogue because they discriminate and Jesus warned about synagogues in the Gospel of John. Perhaps that is what he meant. And perhaps they are using the NSA for that purpose to assist the IRS.


In any case if people stopped paying Federal Income taxes (which are voluntary) it would change the course of history and stop some of their madness. Our votes don’t mean anything anymore because with computer technology they can be fixed. Our contributions to candidates are a waste of money. Let the rich and politically connected handle the taxes, they profited by them, and as far as the national debt is concerned let them work it off. Screw them.

 IN the Gospel of Matthew Jesus talks to either Judas or Peter (not sure at the moment) and asks him (whichever one he asked) who do they charge taxes to and Judas or Peter said “strangers.’ So let’s not be strangers in this country. IF we don’t pay Federal Income taxes maybe we will become their people and they will become “our people.” It’s worth a good faith effort to test this theory.

They don’t work with the people for the people then maybe we aren’t their people and they aren’t our people.

Since writing the above I remember it was Peter who Jesus blocked in the doorway because he told him to go fishing and there he would be able to find and to pay their taxes and Peter did and found a form of currency in the fish he caught. I guess he was sort of bribing and pandering Peter about taxes and the institution of taxation. Sounds like a false messiah to me and I think the real Jesus of the Gospel of John knew what Peter did and tried to reason with him at the Sea of Galilee after his resurrection when he instructed Peter to

Feed My Sheep.


Teacher let go due to ex-husband’s abuse at school

Her name happens to be Faith:)

“A pro-life legal group, Alliance Defending Freedom, released audio today of a 2012 phone call between an IRS agent and the head of a Texas pregnancy counseling group. During the phone call, IRS agent Sherry Wan is heard lecturing Ania Joseph about how she can’t have a tax exemption and also push her religious beliefs— a bit of advice that would be quite interesting to every church in America.”

Sounds like the Clintons trained this IRS woman. (Don’t Ask Don’t tell.)

Now Cincinnati, Ohio makes sense because OHIO was where the ALL OR NOTHING tactics for their Abortion rights occurred on both sides of the issue. And Cincinnati is where this IRS thing began supposedly and by a republican. I have no idea because no one seems to be telling the truth. NSA is in Utah, the Mormon state. Billy Graham accepted Mormonism and changed his stance about it being a cult before the election. Islam is Obama’s religion and he doesn’t want a future that insults Islam as stated at the UN soon after Benghazi (the Jesuits control of the State Department, Islamic massacre, Roman Catholic excuse the video, directing and manipulation, Mormon’s complicity and knowledge and all of them covering it up) and so I think we have a loose confederation/menagerie of cults (because that is what they are) vying for control using their various types of control such as the IRS (Obama), the NSA (mormons), CIA and SS (Roman Catholic) competing and working together for some purpose that they don’t even understand.

I think it should be called

the Synoptic Dilemma.

I guess they are bound

and determined

to have their Arm-ageddon.

I wonder who or what the standard is that is set up?

(I think it might be who is being dragged around by the Libyans that isn’t Ambassador Chris Stevens that no one is willing to admit isn’t Ambassador Chris Stevens)

The Laughable Joke as Howard Dean called it.

Could be why the witnesses yet to be called or identified are afraid or they don’t exist!

Dennis Miller on Fox News last night said about the world:

Miller Time: NSA spying

“At this point, I don’t know why anybody would want to represent a thing called the world, because it’s so, it’s gone so crazy.”

Saudi Arabia: Five beheaded and ‘crucified’

amid ‘disturbing’ rise in executions


I guess the Grahams feel they are special more so than the average Jo

but really he is just jumping on board in my opinion.

He is just throwing his wait around.

Getting noticed. He is bargaining in a way.

He certainly hasn’t thrown his weight into the Benghazi Massacre but then who do the Grahams represent?  The Clintons and basically all of the Presidents or do they represent him?

 (Billy Graham did a similar thing when JFK was assassinated distancing himself from the Dallas area and made sure to tell who he was with at the time etc via the radio station I think the same day that it occurred.) He states that he believes that the bible is God’s word cover to cover and he believes all of it to be true. I wonder does that include the cover? The leather cover is that God’s word too. Did God say that the cover of bibles should be leather? Does Franklin Graham believe that Jesus said that he, himself, was not good as stated in the Gospel of Matthew? Which bible does he believe in from cover to cover? There are many versions which have differing interpretations. The King James Bible is very different than the New International Bible.

My brother-in-law worked in the real estate business and had information he put together on each of their listings for sale in a book he called “the bible,” although he pronounced it differently. (short i) Does Franklin Graham believe that it is God’s word from cover to cover also? If the man in the article below It’s Time for a New New Testament includes all the books found around the area where they were found gets to have them included in the bible will Franklin Graham believe that they are God’s word also? IF someone writes a notation in a bible is that believable if it is found within a bible? Is there no discernment?

Franklin Graham said that one of the agents that came to audit him said that “The Marriage Amendment” that Franklin Graham had taken out ads for earlier was “one of the complaints.” So why not tell us the agent’s name who said that on the air? (Last year Franklin Graham said he did not know that his BGEA had written in it’s website that Mormonism was a cult right before the election. That was when Romney was ahead in the polls, I think, and disclaimed that former statement.) He got advertising for his Samaritan Purse which he took over from another man nefariously (advertising and probably future donations) for the Oklahoma tornado victims and their property. Are we in shortage of wood we can compress and copper wire and all that other metal for building foundations and who knows what else in that dirt that can be sifted through? Not to mention, but I will, free labor. VOLUNTEERS. He talks about helping those homeowners that were without home insurance. Does Franklin Graham have a stake in a home insurance business or two and banking for those new potential home owners and potential members for his church. Plus tax exemption. What businesses prosper from disasters? (lumber, plumbing, electric, paint, flooring, roofing etc)

Does Franklin Graham have a stake in them too?


Greta says that she has seen with her own eyes and is impressed because it is a

“finely oiled machine.”

Isn’t that what JFK warned about?

(Japan, Haiti, Oklahoma where there is destruction the Grahams are there or nearby. you might say a partner to destruction in any case.)

Not to mention assisting Obama in his preferred crisis mentality for the American people to take the eyes off of Obama’s achilles heel, the executions at Benghazi.

Paul wants to lead Supreme Court challenge to fed’s tracking of Americans’ calls, emails I think that is a worthy endeavor and Lindsay Graham is wrong in his assessment of a world of Rand Pauls: there probably would be less terrorism if he had his own world. In a way the US government is perpetuating terrorism by injecting itself into every aspect of human life here and abroad. We cannot solve everybody’s disputes. It is irrational and sometimes meddling to the extreme. If we could pull out the ring in the nose of our government it would be a good thing. Just because we won WWll doesn’t mean we have to police the world or should be expected to and to be frank it has created more problems. I wish the US was more independent. What does independence mean? Why do we celebrate independence when we are so dependent on the rest of the world and their products, business, natural resources, and their wars?

The most humane thing we could do is take refuges in if they want in to the US like the women and children of Syria. They are in a bad spot as the article further up in this article shows. But offering arms to anyone really shouldn’t be our business and only creates more trouble. Arming Egypt was absolutely dumb. They hate us. Why in the world would we arm them? I vaguely remember when Egypt seemed to be kind of normal, now it’s not.

I think July 4th should be called Dependents Day.

That is what we have turned into. We as a country barely think for ourselves and take cues from other countries such as the excuse at Benghazi except no one will admit it. We cannot Democratize the world if they don’t want it. Let their governments and people and customs decide for themselves what they want and let them handle it. I feel like we are now France, butting into everything. We have turned into everyone’s mother-in-law and no wonder no one likes us.

I don’t think Islam is compatible with Democracy.

Democracy is a form of government in which all eligible citizens have an equal say in the decisions that affect their lives.

Obviously we don’t.

The term originates from the Greek δημοκρατία (dēmokratía) “rule of the people”,[1] which was coined from δῆμος (dêmos) “people” and κράτος (kratos) “power” or “rule” in the 5th century BCE to denote the political systems then existing in Greek city-states, notably Athens; the term is an antonym toἀριστοκρατία (aristocratie) “rule of an elite”.

A republic is a form of government in which affairs of state are a “public matter” (Latin: res publica), not the private concern of the rulers. In a republic, public offices are appointed or elected rather than inherited, and are not the private property of the people who hold them.

So I can’t figure out what we are but if the NSA gets to invade our private lives I would dare say we are not a republic, nor a democracy,

 but we are turning into a Fascist country. I wonder what Dick Cheney would think?

Fascism /ˈfæʃɪzəm/ is a form of radical authoritarian nationalism[1][2] that came to prominence in mid-20th century Europe. Fascists seek to unify their nation through a totalitarian state that promotes the mass mobilization of the national community,[3][4] relying on a vanguard party to initiate a revolution to organize the nation on fascist principles.[5] Hostile to liberal democracysocialism, and communism, fascist movements share certain common features, including the veneration of the state, a devotion to a strong leader, and an emphasis on ultranationalismethnocentrism, and militarism. Fascism views political violence, war, and imperialism as a means to achieve national rejuvenation[3][6][7][8] and asserts that nations and races deemed superior should obtain living space by displacing ones deemed weak or inferior.[9]

(Reminds me of what is occuring in Haiti if the Clintons have their way.)



Kheops-Pyramid        <…….Closed society PARANOIA…..INBREEDING…..ASSASSINATIONS……tombs

no access…..resembles a volcano and when it explodes no telling where at the top or the sides it causes destruction


To illustrate if we defederalize our government and go back to the the states governing instead of a pyramid type government where there are few at the top and masses at the bottom we could go to a flat top with more at the top and the same in all the other positions. People would have more access to their leaders and there would be more variety in businesses. Instead of walmarts and targets we would have a wider range of options of grocery stores and clothing stores and drug stores a well as walmarts and targets etc. We would have more competition and more variety. Each state would have their own flavors different than the other states. And while it may seem real cushy if you are at the top in this pyramid in the end it will hurt because of dissatisfaction from the bottom up and the ones that won’t survive very well could be the top considering the numbers involved. It may take a while longer but eventually it will implode so why not do the right thing because your survival depends upon it in the long run if the lessons of history are not forgotten.


open society….>

freedom …… mobility

access…..fresh air ………abundance……equality……growth


Its like the Synoptic Pyramid/volcano vs the Gospel of John:)

images-2 PUBLIC-DOMAIN-MSH82_st_helens_plume_from_harrys_ridge_05-19-82

Think of the top of this volcano Mt. St. Helens as the Obamas and the rest of Washington DC elite

Starting with the Benghazi scandal

with many other scandals piling on building up pressure.

The modern English word Hell is derived from Old English helhelle (about 725 AD to refer to a nether world of the dead) reaching into the Anglo-Saxon pagan period, and ultimately from Proto-Germanic *halja, meaning

“one who covers up or hides something”.[1]

The government would work so much better if each state had the FBI, CIA, NSA, etc (all the other agencies and departments) within each state with teams in each city of an FBI person, a CIA person, NSA person, A Policeman, Detective etc., and then you don’t have to spy on each other and would be competitive by teams but working together and would be much more efficient and less costly and more likely to be law abiding at the same time watching over the other to make sure they are doing the right thing within the laws of that state and city, less abusive, low-key, and less intrusive and more familiar with their constituents and vice versa, less competition between departments and would be much more accountable and friendlier. More community, less immunity and much more economical.

Eric Holder’s abdication

So I guess Eric Holder’s real job is recusing. Gee, how convenient.

Sure a lot of twisting goin’ on.

At least 6 killed, dozens hurt in Granbury tornadoes as storms strike North Texas

June 1st/2nd Greta’s show discussed Eric Holder’s job and I think she is vieing for his position or so it seemed.


Today Thursday May 16th “The Five” of Fox News thinks the two most important questions in the Benghazi incident/scandal are:

Who Pushed the Video?

Who Pushed the Stand down orders?

Father Lombardi, a Jesuit, spokesman for the Vatican and the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church pushed the video excuse first as I have said numerous times in my  posts on most of my blogs. Hillary Clinton is a Jesuit. Many in our government are Jesuits. I think the Jesuits are responsible for what happened in Benghazi. I would bet Ambassador Chris Stevens was a Jesuit since he is not the man pictured as Chris Stevens being dragged around by the Libyans. Many religious clergy in all kinds of christian churches and organziations are Jesuit. I bet Billy Graham is a Jesuit. It is the Secret Society of the organization itself that creates havoc for their agendas, the one spoken of by JFK.

“The Five” of Fox News thought that whoever pushed the video probably pushed the Stand Down orders. Then it is probably the Jesuits and Father Lombardi.

Who is running our government?

The reason for the treason at Benghazi is religious one.

It has to do with

the preeminence of The Gospel of Matthew (a synoptic gospel)


the preeminence of The Gospel of John.

That is what the 2nd Vatican Council was about in 1963.

That was why JFK was murdered. Which is why the clergy were so involved in his death. His speech he wasn’t allowed to give publically was about those Secret Societies….it’s their cash cow.

(Please refer to the transcriptions of CBS News below.)

There were other issues but that was the crux of the matter.

I think the man dragged around in the video who is not Chris Stevens

 is one of the witnesses written about in Revelations.

He certainly was a witness to me whether intentional or not.

Because of the incident itself, the press and our governments non reaction to the misidentification of the man

I realized how corrupt Obama and his legion were. (Why not admit that it is not Ambassador Chris Stevens?)

That is what all the strange comments at the Correspondents dinners by Obama are about that have to do with slaves, sleeves, arms, Al Green, the baby Jeeses etc are about.

Why not produce the other witnesses? But they are in fear as Lindsay Graham has said. Fear of what?

That is why the Benghazi incident/scandal just won’t go away like a huge weight sinking a big ship.’

That is why the AP scandal and the IRS scandal alongside Benghazi are so ironical.

Officials instructed Benghazi hospital to list Stevens as “John Doe”

How ridiculous. US officials that are anonymous. Now we are supposed to believe anonymous US officials. That is absolutely dumb. I think anonymous officials are fishing. The man dragged around is not Ambassador Chris Stevens to begin with. This is what liars do, they throw out crap to see if it will fly. I think this is a  a cover (trying to pre-veil) for some other fact that they know may be found in response to a future subpoena by Congress for emails that they the Obama administration does not want to release. They only released emails weeks after the event but not the emails during the time, before, and immediately after September 11th. THERE ARE SO MANY HOLES IN THIS STUPID SUGGESTION. HOW DO WE DEAL WITH THIS VIDEO AT THE HOSPITAL THAT CAME OUT A DAY LATER ABOUT AMBASSADOR JOHN DO?

GRAPHIC: Body of Ambassador Chris Stevens at Bengazi Hospital


FBI posts new pictures of Benghazi suspects

One of them with the long hair looks like he/she might be a nazarene. Pretty weird. (or is that a back pack)

Possible Poisoning

“An al Qaeda terrorist stated in a recent online posting that U.S. Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens was killed by lethal injection after plans to kidnap him during the Sept. 11, 2012 terror attack in Benghazi went bad.”

That might explain what is in the right hand of Michelle in the picture above at Benghazi between her fingers! Reminds me of Jackie Kennedy at the airport in Dallas when Jackie Kennedy injected the Secret Service agent that guarded her JFK SS Agent Roy Kellerman,  right before JFK was assassinated. Something about women agents….they are so useful. They come in handy, don’t they. Easy to manipulate with lies. I would imagine they or he might start growing hair on their palms. (Black nappy kind of hair, like Michelle’s real hair) Maybe both. I guess it has to do with Ball’s Rule of Law and pro-pinking your co-workers and anyone you want to entrap, corrupt,  blackmail, and kill. I would still like to know who the man was as Kennedy received his first wound in the back, the tall thin black man that was sitting by the sign and after the limo passed by he crossed the road and sauntered a way across the field. HMMMMMM. Reminds me of someone. (Another facet of the assassination is the man at the airport that looks out of place as they drive away. He looks Muslim and he looks as if he knows what is about to occur and is pleased.)

Job 15:31

31 Let not him that is deceived trust in vanity: for vanity shall be his recompence.

You can read about the significance of the assassination in my opinion in the following blog:

CBS News and JFK Transcriptions

It also bodes badly for OBAMA CARE and it’s purpose to inject death into political and religious enemies of Obama including those Michelle faces because the Obamas obviously are supporters of Sharia Law. Who they appoint speaks volumes. Susan Rice doesn’t have a very good record when it comes to Diplomatic Housing and offices, but her business or her husband’s business must be the reason for the treason and possibly the reward. It would help to see the Benghazi witnesses that are afraid and find out why they are afraid. It isn’t hard to imagine why. Leading from behind is a rough road. ruff ruff

White House Benghazi Emails Show Susan Rice Got a Bad Rap

Of course, they have only seen some emails, but not the real ones or the ones during and right after Benghazi, just weeks later. Geez this is ridiculous. Rice Named National ‘Security’ Adviser… Because she is more than willing and has a way with securing important outposts of the US and other countries! Her record speaks for itself, which is not good and shows that Obama wants to risk our National Security and will use her again to cover his crimes.

Does Susan Rice know who James Rosen is?

Will she defend his security?

Is her interest only in the federal security?

Is James Rosen interest only in national security?

DOES IAN CAMERON (SUSAN RICE’S HUSBAND) KNOW WHO JAMES ROSEN IS? DOES BILL O’REILLY KNOW? How about Bob Beckel? WERE THEY INTERESTED IN THE SECURITY OF TRAYVON MARTIN? DID IT HELP? It isn’t about the security of the American people but security for the FEDS. How insecure can ya get? (How afraid are the Feds? Who are they afraid of?) It’s pretty evident. THIS IS DEFINITELY A SYNOPTIC CONUNDRUM! PIZZA, PHILLY SUB SANDWICH ?……..NOT TODAY, THANK YOU.

Ed Henry vs. Carney: How Did Susan Rice Get Benghazi So Wrong If She’s So Qualified?

WATCHING Jay Carney is like watching Bill Clinton and President Obama with their hand gestures which are identical..the thumb and other hand gestures. It is quite interesting to watch. Jay Carney has another little twitch in his mouth when he out and out lies. Puppets. 

The lesson from Michael Douglas

South America and it’s injections of young girls that came to life recently come to mind, not to mention the Red Cross tainted blood with hepatitis scandal and then to go further back the aids epidemic that I wrote a bit about in my article:

Gay Marriage Is a Human Right

With Jackie Kennedy’s other self …..Cardinal John Patrick Foley and his logic in regards to bad behavior. Wasn’t Patrick her son that died in a miscarriage pretty close to the time of JFK’s assassination? “During his tenure, the Archbishop once sparked outrage in the homosexual community by describing the AIDS pandemic as a “natural sanction for certain types of activities.”[12 screen-shot-2012-05-14-at-7-49-35-pm

Tainted blood scandal

“The secretary general of the Red Cross delivered a videotaped apology to the courtroom, accepting the organization’s responsibility for its role in the tainted blood scandal.” Pretty Rotten Way! But Nancy Pelosi loves that way. Vatican issues first text co-written by two popes

Marriage one man and one woman for nurturing children: Pope Francis’ first encyclical

Population of the world

Total population 2011 est. 6 927 296 598 persons
   Male population 2011 est. 3 487 869 561 persons
   Female population 2011 est. 3 439 427 037 persons
So what are the 46,442,524 men supposed to do? Become UNICS or fathers/priests/?
Or do they come by it naturally. UNICS, that is?
Here’s a good response to that dilemma:
Or should priests be UNICIZED! I’ll donate my time for that cause in the name of charity.
In other words if the church wants to define marriage then the church needs to be defined
for nurturing children. To ensure a priests fidelity to the church and the children it nurtures I’m sure if you are true to your promise, you should not mind the rite of eunucision to prove it. Nowadays it can be accomplished rather painlessly by euthanizing the area affected:) Don’t be afraid.
I’m quite positive both Popes would be first in line. And we could enshrine their proof of devotion forever.


The Canonization of Pope John Paul and all their shit. (Course he was slowly offed by them) WHO CARES BUT THEM ON THIS DAY. THEY GLOAT ABOUT IT BECAUSE THEY ARE EVIL. THEY ARE SMUG ABOUT IT AND NOT ONLY THAT there isn’t just one pope now there are two.  THEY HAVE NO LOVE IN THEM JUST SLIME. (I mean OBAMA because he is their slime)
If Egypt wants independence they won’t listen to Obama, the world, the Vatican but do what is good for yourselves.
And sometimes you need good generals that don’t listen to politics because they change with the wind. Otherwise you might as well lick your fingers and figure out which direction the wind is blowing. That is politics.
March 26, 2013

John Brennan’s Spooky Swearing-In

By Ken Blackwell and Bob Morrison

As far as Benghazi and the sacrifice that occurred I think John Brennan knows quite a bit. I bet he was there. IN real time, I don’t know but in the time it occurred……yea my intuition tells me so. He is just older. The new job was his reward.
The Pentagon’s mysterious HAARP project, now under construction at an isolated Air Force facility near Gakona, Alaska, marks the first step toward creating the world’s most powerful “ionospheric heater.”  The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project (HAARP), a joint effort of the Air Force and the Navy, is the latest in a series of little-known Department of Defense (DOD) “active ionospheric experiments.” Internal HAARP documents state:

“From a DOD point of view, the most exciting and challenging” part of the experiment is “its potential to control ionospheric processes” for military objectives. Charles Timothy “Chuck” Hagel (born October 4, 1946)[3] is an American politician who is the 24th and current United States Secretary of Defense, serving since 2013. He served as a United States Senator from Nebraska from 1997 to 2009. He replaced Panetta. Did they EXPERIMENT IN OKLAHOMA?

Oklahoma’s Preemptive Strike Against Sharia Law

If HAARP were harmless then why would the Department of Defense, the Air Force and the Navy be interested in it at all for military objectives? Obviously the CIA would also be interested in HAARP which means Brennan might be interested in it and Brennan obviously believes in Sharia Law. Did the three weather chasers reporting on the Oklahoma tornado disaster especially on the Fox News the day of the tornado see or film something that they shouldn’t or were not supposed to see or film like HAARP utensils? helicopters and whatever is used to manipulate weather Tornado chasers were researchers, not cowboys, colleagues say Were participants of some other investigations…..TWA Flight 800 and of the Oklahoma City bombing I wonder why.

Oklahoma tornado deaths include three veteran storm chasers

Fox News has been doing a great deal of exposure of the Abortion clinic practices of late term abortion clinics and I wonder since Obama has made abortion one of his main agendas if

Abortion and Plastic Surgery are somehow connected.

Are Plastic Surgeons using aborted babies parts for their surgeries

as Pepsi has for taste enhancement?

Edward F. Boyd Dies at 92; Marketed Pepsi to Blacks

“In one ad the small boy shown shopping for Pepsi with his mother was Ron Brown, who would become secretary of commerce.” (for the Clinton administration)

When I make smoothies I add cinnamon for flavor enhancement and it works plus it is good for the blood stream as avocados are good for the blood stream though I would not add avocados to a smoothie.

Why would anyone think to put aborted baby fetal cells in a soft drink? There are plenty of other flavor enhancement spices that work.

Beyonce On Pepsi Criticism: ‘It’s All About Choices’

There has to be another reason.

I think it is to justify baby parts in beauty enhancement.

Are baby parts used in cosmetics?

It sounds crazy but so is President Obama and his whatever she is because Michelle said she was single. You don’t misspeak being a single mom unless you have been one or are one.


I remember Romney mentioned in a Presidential Debate something about the money Obama received came from China. When I have time I’ll include the interaction but it was that uncomfortable moment for Obama and he reacted very quickly by getting off his chair and interrupting Romney. We are in debt with China or at least that is what the government and press claim. When Obama took office the first administration he had a kind of monumental meeting at the White House with the Chinese and there seemed to be some meaning behind it. My memory is vague on that but will add when I can the details. There seems to be a lot of espionage by the Chinese and unfair trade dealing with the Chinese that seems to be hurting America which seems to be tied to that debt and Obama’s paycheck. They have a one child policy in China at least for the poor. The reason I say that is because they prefer boys and there still seems to be women still in their population so there must be a different rules depending on who you are. Another thing that bothers me is that Mitt Romney seemed to be aware of Obama’s pension and the events at Benghazi quite early on. That’s why it probably wouldn’t have made a difference who ended up as the President.  Is Romney also on their payroll?

The Chinese, that is.

When I first watched or became acquainted with Mitt Romney on TV I thought the governor of Oklahoma (Governor Mary Fallin) was his wife. Weird. And I thought at the time I saw her with Romney she reminded me of Laura Bush. Then later in his run for the Presidency it seemed he made a wife switch, to the current one and she seemed quite unreal.

Newborn Chinese baby is rescued ALIVE from toilet pipe

after being flushed away by parents

Not all babies taken from their mothers and dads are unwanted. Some of the babies are taken by others in their labor camps from their mom at birth.

Are they sacrificing their babies to some sewer god? 

130,000 Forced Abortions in China, Chen Guangcheng Tells Congress

Should we allow Obama to TAKE MONEY from the Chinese

and be the President at the same time?

If we are in debt to the Chinese then why isn’t he paying them,

but instead they are paying him at least that is what “pension” alludes to. That’s OD!

Does this have to do with ASEAN?

Where was Obama born….Brunei? What is the relationship of the Vatican to ASEAN?

Here is the quotes from the debate:

 Obama: “When he talks about getting tough on China, keep in mind that Governor Romney invested in companies that were pioneers of outsourcing to China, and is currently investing … in companies that are building surveillance equipment for China to spy on its own folks … Governor, you’re the last person who’s going to get tough on China,” Obama said.

Romney later retorted, “Let me give you some advice. Look at your pension. You also have investments in Chinese companies.”

Pretty vexing relationship, if you ask me. 

Jodi Arias said, “Death is the ultimate freedom” and one of the dads of a Benghazi victim (Charles Wood, Tyrone’s dad) last night on Hannity’s show on Fox said, “Death is a part of life.”

Tyrone Woods worked for the CIA as a contractor.

I see a pattern in these statements and I think there is a madness

running deep in America.

As far as Jodi Arias I think she should get life and not death. I think she has more to contribute in life even in prison. I think she may have a mental illness or dual personalities caused by her religion and her boyfriend in that I think her religion and the religion of the boyfriend drove her mad. Kind of like the movie “Carrie.”  except it was her so called friends in the movie. I saw her pictures with her boyfriend and I would not trust that guy for a moment. I’m not the only person that feels that way about that boyfriend. I heard what his friends had to say about him and they were very partial. I know there is way more to this story than meets the eye. Maybe mind control and spiritual control for an agenda….death. She doesn’t remember the stab wounds and I am suspicious that the stab wounds that killed her boyfriend were acted out by someone else. I could be wrong, but the place called Margaritaville has me bewildered and the roommates hanging out with his body for 4 days and not noticing, and the friends descriptions of both Jodi and her boyfriend. It doesn’t add up very well. I recall that Jodi was a mormon or had recently become mormon and her boyfriend was also of that persuasion. I had a friend early in life who was a mormon and in fact I went to classes with her a few times early in the morning before school. She told me about some bullying that happens occurs within that church. It’s hard to remember the specifics but basically it was gang-ish mentality and anti female-ish mentality like Islam in many respects. They make a mold and you have to copy it. That is cultish and obviously I think this murder is a cult murder. Her sexuality was a problem for her boyfriend and their church but you can overdo intervention as I believe it did. Her sexuality even made prime time with a picture of her naked on Geraldo Rivera’s Fox News show. I guess maybe in comparison to Reese Witherspoon’s recent “bow down b……” to her own petard which also got lots of attention. Was it prudent to air those pictures of Arias who was on trial for murder at the time? Did that affect public opinion? Did Reese’s recent appearance affect public acceptance of ‘police state tactics’?  Does she have a movie coming soon to theaters near you? How about her husband’s ridiculous statement after she gets put into the police car?

Is Reese a mormon? I wonder.

Jason Chaffetz is mormon and is a congressman of Utah where NSA is building a huge complex . When overseas and investigating Benghazi Jason Chaffetz was inhibited and followed by some government agency or two. He is on the committee investigating Benghazi. Seems we have a big mess in Washington. Obviously trust is a big problem. I don’t know Chaffetz but it seems with the Jesuits and the Mormons and the all the other religious factions in our government that they are hurting the other and inhibiting the other to get on top. It is his job and he should have the information at hand as the rest of the committees should as well. Here is an example of Chaffetz being denied interviews as told by Hicks to Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio at the House Oversight Committee hearings:

ATTORNEY: Whistleblower demoted, threatened…

ATTORNEY: Whistleblower Greg Hicks Told To Take Desk Job or Be Terminated

“The attorney for Benghazi whistleblower Greg Hicks, Victoria Toensing tells The Steve Malzberg Show that the State Department is lying when they say her client was not demoted to a desk job for his role in speaking out. She says he was told take the job or leave the department.”

Cheryl Mills who serves as Counselor and Chief of Staff to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton put up a big fuss about a tour he allowed in Libya and demanded information I guess to protect Hillary Clinton from actually being accountable or responsible for what occurred at Benghazi even though Hillary Clinton did say:

“The Buck Stops Here.”

I guess she didn’t REALLY mean it or meant it if she could control the circumstances and it appears she is not able to do that NOW.

220px-Kathleen_Sebelius_official_portrait 220px-Lagarde,_Christine_(official_portrait_2011)

Anyway the bucks seems to be going to Catherine Sebelius

Health secretary’s fundraising draws fire

or is her relative

Christine Lagarde?

Austerity is a moral issue

Both want American bucks in any which way they can! Why not let the Europe Union erode on their own dime? It seems to be upsetting the clergy though:


Kathleen Sebelius won’t waive regulation for girl with five weeks to live: ‘Someone lives and someone dies

Sebelius is just in it for the money. I think she could bend the regulations if she had a mind to. Don’t ya think? Why is she in the business of health if she isn’t interested in saving this child’s life. Perhaps she should work for the IRS. Seems more up her alley.

Even the IRS bends their regulations, don’t they?

IMF’s Lagarde says U.S. budget cuts ‘inappropriate’

Can we ditch this chic? Who the hell does she think she is, Queen of America?

Screw the IMF: What does it matter?

I wonder what would happen to the economies of the world if we just disposed of the IMF? I bet it would really help. People get so locked into ideas that they can’t seem to break open which might be the answer. It’s worth a try.

Parents win court battle over lung transplant for daughter

We need to have a free market health care system like Dallas

and other great cities provide.



Lew asks Congress for debt increase, says it’s ‘not open to debate’

Sounds like he is taking lessons from Obama. Who in hell is Lew? So Lew is in charge, or so he thinks of Congress, who represent the people and who were elected by the people of the US and Lew was merely deposited in his job, but not by the people.



We know Obama is untrustworthy

a6018b66403005dafeb416330ac357a8 Screen shot 2013-01-12 at 4.34.42 AM

What does Jack Lew’s signature have to do with anything?

 Compare the signature with the handwriting in this PICTURE…..>>>>

So is Jack Lew from Sri Lanka or was he born in Hawaii too?

But I guess Obama wants to distribute American money to other countries with Sharia Law.






Allen West: Obama Impeachment Should ‘Absolutely’ Be On The Table

……..”In an interview with Florida-based blog The Shark Tank, West said he agrees withcomments made by Rep. Trey Radel (R-Fla.) in January. Radel, speaking out againstObama’s executive actions on gun violence, said impeachment should be considered.

“It is one of those times in our history, we are at this breaking point,” Radel said. “We have completely lost our checks and balances in this country, the Congress needs to hold the president accountable for the decisions that he’s making right now, and that why again, I would say that all options should be on the table.”

West said Radel was “absolutely right,” and cited the September 2012 

attacks in Benghazi, Libya,

as reason enough for impeachment.”……….

That’s for sure!

Senior Treasury Officials Aware Of IRS Probe Nearly A Year Ago… Jack Lew Learned Of Investigation In March

IRS Scandal: Treasury Consulted On Multiple Occasions, Report Claims

“The suggestion of alerting him is that he would do something,” Carney said. “And if he were to do something, imagine what that story would look like … It is absolutely the cardinal rule, as we see it, that we do not intervene in ongoing investigations.”

Jay Carney and his cardinal rule excuses.

I guess he is in the right job at the right time. Inappropriate intervention by the administration never stopped them before……..
take Benghazi for instance. Whose your daddy?

Church must help the poorest, not dissect theology, pope says

Yes, helping the poorest… is very nice and a very good source of contributions and yet “the poor you have with you al-ways.” I guess those contributions aren’t solving the problem or the ones in charge of those contributions are pocketing the donations. Kind of like the Red Cross who hold on to the contributions (growing it’s economy) while many victims of Hurricane Sandy still are out of luck. Obviously it is the ways that are the problem as Jesus said. Still it is good to help the poor, better yet give them un-federalized jobs ie free market jobs.

Ignoring theology is counterproductive since knowing the truth helps the poorest. The bible says that in latter times the times will be divided because of that dissection that the Pope fears which is threatening to the Roman Catholic Hierarchy and the Vatican and it’s control of OPM a vicious circle enabling that entity to keep the poor al ways because it is their cash cow and so is the deception that is included in the bible by that same entity.

Slaves are made that way.

It’s Time for a New New Testament

Here comes the flood!

Merkel and Pope talk about a ‘strong’ Europe

Seemed like a week ago Merkel was promising austerity cuts in a fiendish kind of way. What in the world can they accomplish in 45 minutes?

Europe forced to rethink austerity measures

I think they think they’ll get American dollars to assist them.

How about a consumption tax PERIOD! It is the fairest of them all.

The Obama Doctrine: “I know nothing”

A testament against “Ignorance is Bliss” because it seems the ignorant are the ones hurt the most so that Big Government in it’s austere character and Big Religion and it’s contributors etc can keep people in their control and display and use them to get those contributions. Neither are helpful in the long run and generally very little help if any in the short run.

Jesus in the Gospel of Luke said “You knew I was an austere man” of course that was a lie  added by rich men: Here is a post about that deception:

Indulgences and the Parable of Usury

Sounds more like a combination of a Roman Catholic/Islamic Obama.

Syria’s Assad: Little chance peace talks would succeed – newspaper



Is the Press a cult? Is the President of the US the leader of this cult?

Who owns Politico?

Benghazi must be a religious conundrum.

I think we need to dig in and investigate what happened and why because regardless of your beliefs now it is going to have an impact I think on each of our beliefs and hopefully if done correctly all of us can learn and figure things out  ……  or we could hide, coverup and sweep it under the Michelle’s rug, ignore the truth and watch each other destroy each other for Michelle’s mat.

Rep. Jason Chaffetz front and center in Benghazi hearings

Republican expects more Benghazi ‘whistle blowers’

“To send some small number of special forces or other troops in without knowing what the environment is, without knowing what the threat is, without having any intelligence in terms of what is actually going on the ground, I think would have been very dangerous,” Gates said.

“It’s sort of a cartoonish impression of military capabilities and military forces” to think the United States could have mounted a rescue, Gates said.

It would have been risky just to send in a military jet to try to scare off the insurgents, “given the number of surface-to-air missiles” on the loose in Libya, he said.

 Then why bother having a military at all!

If the conditions have to be just right such as fair weather and green pastures ie a safe environment in order to respond to rescue our people in danger then who are you trying to save the ones that are already safe? How in the world did we win WWll? The IRS and the voluntary federal income tax system was put in place was for the federal government and the military to protect our people but since they don’t want to bother or need a safe environment to proceed then why pay federal income taxes? Federal Income Taxes were created to protect the people and yet they don’t protect the people on purpose. Abolishing the IRS would be good for Americans and instead have a consumption tax on goods to promote savings for and by the people. Let the States have more control and they would be more obliged to their constituents. I don’t think it is safe to pay federal income taxes anymore, do you?  IF our government is corrupt as it seems to be especially lately aren’t we supporting that corruption? I noticed Bush is supporting ObamaCare. Gee did he have anything to do with ObamaCare? They sure act cozy. George saw God in Pope Benedict’s eyes and Obama and his administration took their Benghazi talking points from the Vatican…a video tape.

IRS IG Report: Targeting Conservatives Began In 2010

Was the D-DAY environment predictable or was it risky? I’ll answer that….it was risky.

These excuses are like Hucklebee’s schmooze, sickening, disgusting and cowardly. Let’ s just hold hands and sing, “We are the world, we are the children.” You think Islam will buy it?

Christian teacher to be tried in Egypt for insulting Islam


Hypersensitivity: Are You a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)?


Back to Jodi Arias. brainwashing, and mental illness


Spiritual deception

Definitely as a society something is very wrong and killing Jodi and others who react to their brainwashing badly won’t cure it, but learning about their mental illness, spiritual illness, and what drove her to the brink to do what she did is relevant and could help us to rethink our values and beliefs and stop the brainwashers. She was used. I do think her boyfriend was complicit in an eerie kind of way to his own death as were his friends and family.

Brother arrested in fatal Calif. stabbing of girl

Also I think it is relevant to figure out the mindset of Tyrone’s dad and his “false spirituality, at least it seems to me. He is sincerely simplistic and also seems like a nice guy, but a bit off the wall, like a door mat. He said he was a retired lawyer. Thank goodness. He also said credibility matters and I agree but how about aggressive pursuit of the truth instead of this WILLIE NILLY SCHMILLY pandering to everyone as Mr. Wood seems to have succumbed. I know he is mourning and this is part of it possibly but it is time to stand up for your son. The pandering could be partially why he died.

I appreciate the whistleblowers especially one of them that took his job seriously and was emotionally affected by Benghazi. One of them (Gregory N. Hicks) seemed more politically motivated but still courageous, but now I am suspicious of his testimony because of the Trayvon Martin case, ice cream cones, and knock knock jokes while the man I’m talking about, Eric Nordstrom, seemed motivated by the truth of the matter and we need more people like that in our government no matter what religion. Some people don’t use their religion to disregard the truth. Religion includes those that don’t believe in God. Truth is really important without it you have chaos as we have noticed lately. I did not get to hear the Marine’s testimony (Mark I. Thompson). I’m sure there is plenty we did not get to hear but hopefully things will open up in this investigation and people on the committees will be given what they need to investigate ASAP. The Benghazi incident has many layers but Obama and his followers did a lot of shuffling from the start for good reason. He knows how important Benghazi is and wants to minimize it, forget it, alter it, distract from it etc at the expense of many people, including their lives.

I think torture was occurring at Benghazi (as the walls on the inside of Benghazi seem to testify) because of ultimatums in regards to accepting Islam and to scare people working at the White House. I think the ones that did accept Islam lived and the ones that didn’t accept Islam died and that is why the people/witnesses are afraid to talk and have been kept from investigators. Thus the statements by Obama at the UN about insulting the profit of Islam and the future not belonging to those types. That is why no one was allowed to help the men there or assist them and to threaten those that were aware of what was occurring or what had occurred to keep them silent which is the opposite of what you should do.

So the narratives being altered by the White House and the State Department and whoever else was involved in the narrative changes had a hard time expressing the term for what actually occurred such as sacrifice/martyrdom/execution.

Where are the witnesses that were supposedly saved? Did they end up in Mali where there was another execution? Lindsay Graham said he met with one witness at a hospital. Why do we not hear about him/her? Howard Dean says that Benghazi was a joke and Lindsay Graham says witness are in fear to speak out, so what is going on then?

Abdul-Baki Todashev, Father Of Ibragim Todashev, Claims His Son Was Executed By FBI

The man Ibragim Todashev in the picture looks as if he has been dissected and has a large Y on his chest and abdomen. I wonder why.

(The Wye Accords – land for peace policy – seems to be cropping up a lot.)

The FBI was at Benghazi early before anyone else, as I recall, to investigate and to leave a few pieces of evidence for others to find. That is called a set up.

Putin of Russia seemed aware of the setup and said so a few days after Benghazi although he did not specifically say Benghazi but he inferred it which is in my article:

Pope Benedict XVI and His Power of Suggestion

Is Tamerlan still alive? The Boston Marathon bomber who supposedly ran over his brother even though a witness said it was the cops who ran over his brother, but Fox News doesn’t report about that witness but does report about Adam Levine saying, “I hate the US,” under his breath at a singing competition which is absolutely silly. Guess what, I say it and out loud when I say it when I witness the corruption in the US government, the press, and the clergy and the people. I’m thinking (as in biblical times) the press aren’t allowed to include certain news. I think their hands are tied sometimes about certain facts such as the identification of the man dragged around at Benghazi that wasn’t Ambassador Chris Stevens. They need to grow some courage. Now take for instance the news where the Justice Department is investigating itself for the intimidation of the press. This is what happens when you don’t take freedom seriously. They are able to pick an choose who to attack such as James Rosen (is he jewish?) or was he doing too good of a job or was he thrown out to the wolves as a diversion like a Catch -22 dilemma and/or a sudden 52 card pickup when you are losing at a game of poker on both sides of the aisle. Often times the people caught in a snare are the ones that can change the course of things. While Nixon will be remembered as being impeached he did expose Billy Graham and I am appreciative of that information as I’m sure others are too. However it was sneaky I don’t think there was any other way at that time to begin to expose Billy Graham because Billy Graham is very slick. Moses also was caught in a snare and later was used by God for the freedom of the Hebrews. Just because you have to go through some junk or be remembered in less than a pristine way doesn’t mean you can’t be useful to your fellow men and women and be used by God and do a lot of good. I think that may be what it takes sometimes for people especially people of stature to do the right thing. These are those kind of days that can make a big difference how we respond to hard times and hard situations. Since the election I kind of reminisce of the good ole days reading the book called A CAT IN THE HAT, when things were simpler which I intend to write about soon hopefully:

Holder off-the-record

I wonder why. Would Nixon have investigated himself? I doubt it except maybe for fleas. That would include Billy Graham. He caught Billy Graham expressing his true feelings about the Jews. Basically he outed him.

I am glad that Eric Holder is taking the stand on Stand Your Ground since the death of Trayvon Martin. I don’t know the specifics of this law but what happened should not have happened. Disarming the public is ridiculous but looking at the laws is important and tweaking them to protect the innocent is important, and I don’t mean Zimmerman because I think he is guilty with a lot of his aiders and abettors. If this was a hoax then I think we should have Trayvon’s body exhumed to find out because I fear this was a setup to aid in the upcoming elections and scarf some money from donations, stir up the races, and political sides. I was disappointed that many Republicans/conservatives would side with Zimmerman. Obviously he had no right to kill Trayvon or pursue him and this could be a political ploy to get votes either way on the Democratic side and the conservatives are acting like asses if they think it is okay to kill an unarmed kid and deserve to lose the election if they can’t stand up for him yet are holier than thou about abortion. Stubborn to stupid is what I see occurring.

Grapevine: Malala Yousafzai smearing the Taliban?

Purported Taliban letter: The ‘sword’ of Malala’s criticism led to her shooting

Making better laws is a good thing. Same goes in the efforts about abortion. Common sense, understanding, and improving as much as possible to help the women involved, the fetuses, and the system. It is a fact and to address it honestly will help in every regard regarding that issue. If we could stop rape, molestation, incest, and premarital sex etc but that doesn’t seem to be occurring and until all forms of that are overcome then abortion has to be available. Men better get wise, you cannot keep women down forever even the ones willingly bowing down to your innane attempts to keep her down discussed in this paragraph and then slapping her down because she had to “deal with it” and the results, unlike men and some women who use it as their weapon and sometimes they both are involved in another’s demise purposefully. If you are guilty of premarital sex of any kind, lust, leering, sexual innuendo, you are as guilty as the woman or child who had an abortion because you contribute to the problem, whether or not you would have handled it one way or another whether or not you wear a cross on your chest.

I think if we try in all avenues possible to deal with the issues involved in sex honestly it will help in all areas of the spectrum and probably prevent many abortions in the future. 

Wearing a burka does not prevent rape so obviously it is a man’s problem. He better learn to deal with a woman’s shape and his own lack of control.

That includes breast loving O’REILLY.

Sex is problematic especially for the young and especially for the over-sexed. Everyone needs to get a handle on it and help each other to get a handle on it with reason and intelligence. Knowledge helps with good teaching. Humans will make mistakes but should not stop us from overcoming mistakes and learning from them. Some people learn from other’s mistakes and some need to learn the hard way and some are unshakeable in their beliefs and never make mistakes like Fox and Friends and The Five. Of course idolatry and truth is a whole set of other problems in their regard.

Rome wasn’t built in a day, was it?

Vatican: Get time off in purgatory by following Pope on Twitter

There is a word for this kind of ridiculousness and I guess I would call it:


 I also think the Boston Bomber deserves counsel because he is a citizen of the US (thanks to Eric Holder.) I think the whole thing was a hoax because of the evidence of the hoax is overwhelming and the fact that Bill O’reilly and his minions don’t even report on the overwhelming evidence on that regard. I think Alex Jones is partially correct about this and other events occurring even as weird as that may be.

O’reilly did have a poll about the American’s interest or lack of in the scandals and Benghazi was at the bottom of the interest list proving it is the Americans fault (the people) but if the press were free and used that freedom to tell the facts what ever they may be Americans might be more interested in Benghazi than the other scandals. Whose fault is it anyway? Americans lose interest because they are told lies for the most part or half-truths because of politics and so go about trying to make a living and enjoy what they have been spared. I enjoy games even on the internet. At least I’m not out killing someone because of their religion or politics. It would behoove other countries with a killing problem such as Saudi Arabia or Egypt and Libya and Afghanistan to get their people computers and games to occupy their time so they aren’t in the street raping and pillaging and throwing acid in peoples faces. The average person isn’t able to fly about selling their un-factual books to the unwary (I presume since you don’t report facts). I had a game once called CIV and in the game the people got antsy and I would lose if I didn’t provide some entertainment. It is the duty of the press to overcome bias and the almighty dollar and tell the truth whenever possible then the people might get interested so in my opinion it is the presses fault but instead they have become more like a game show or a beauty contest.

The Tea Party has been freaking out lately about the IRS. As if they didn’t know that the IRS was corrupt. The IRS has been abusing the people for a long time but it wasn’t a problem or a concern until the Tea Party members and certain conservatives were the victims and that corruption to regular people didn’t seem to make the news. Billy Graham is a Tea Partier or feigns to be one?

Funny thing this IRS debacle started in Cincinnati Ohio and that is where the Right to Life movement failed recently before the election in their all or nothing tactics.

I wonder if it is related.

This IRS scandal seems a bit contrived and a way to cover for the President and others involved in the Benghazi scandal.

O’reilly and his guests say that the IRS scandal is about infringement of the US Constitution. Isn’t what Obama said at the UN about Islam in regards to Benghazi and the future not belonging to those that insult their profit don’t ya think that perhaps Benghazi is also about the infringement of the US CONSTITUTION and Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Religion? Isn’t that against our constitution and considered to be an impeachable offense? Otherwise it seems we are a government of Islam and I don’t think that is a good idea and certainly not what our forefathers intended.

Report: Leon Panetta revealed classified SEAL unit info

Biden now blamed in SEAL Team 6 deaths

………”Klayman said Vice President Joe Biden deserves special blame for these deaths. “Biden did something, which was more than irresponsible. He served on foreign relations committees, intelligence committees. He knew, or should have known, what he was doing. He should be held accountable. Frankly, he should even be held criminally accountable for doing that,” Klayman said. In addition to the identification of the the team, Klayman said the Obama administration is culpable for these deaths due to a policy of coddling Muslims and putting tremendous restrictions on U.S. forces….” “This president has set a tone that Muslim outreach … is more important than protecting the lives of our servicemen, and that’s crept into the military brass to the point where they can’t engage in preemptive fire. They can’t engage in return fire until they’re fired upon once. They’re sent into battle without adequate equipment,” he said.

“Perhaps the greatest insult to the families was at the funeral for their sons in Afghanistan. The military refused to allow a Christian minister or chaplain at the service and instead brought in a Muslim cleric who proceeded to slander the fallen……”

Obama thinks it’s okay to insult Christianity, but not okay to insult Islam.


Obama is impeachable on quite a few fronts.

This scandal is bad but it is not bigger than what happened in Benghazi, but it is instructive and just another reason to impeach. There are many! It probably was tidying up to get rid of evidence/witnesses probably because of another incident written about down yonder having to do with Somalia.

Kind of a domino effect going on in the Obamas administration and it’s tactics.



We need Ted Cruz to be President so he can keep our country on the right road adhering to the US Constitution and Bill of Rights but times have changed/evolved and so there are things that could be improved in both articles.

Ted Cruz: ‘Abolish the IRS’

Donald Trump thinks it would be dangerous to abolish the IRS, he said so on Gretas show Monday night sort of in a veiled threatish kind of way. He must get some benefits the rest of us don’t and he must be one of the insiders in that special club of the government.

I think it is dangerous not to abolish the IRS.

Abolish Federal Income Tax would be the best decision since it is voluntary and since the NSA, the IRS, the State Department, the FBI, etc aren’t really protecting the US citizens but instead are abusing them. They act out hoaxes to make us think we need their fake heroics but when you see people like we see in front of Congress who don’t know anything it is obvious they are not doing their jobs except playing make believe.

DE GRACIA: As G8 begins, Hollywood actors call for disarming America

Hollywood Moonbats Demand 0bama Unilaterally Disarm
by getting rid of America’s ENTIRE Nuclear Weapons Stockpile
“If these people had a brain they’d be dangerous.”

Now Hollywood wants to disarm nukes all over the world but if the White House is their House as Michelle instructed them (remember that?) why don’t they go ahead and do it themselves and handle Iran, Russia and Pakistan instead they put out silly ads. What a waste of good talent. It’s you who should not be allowed to vote.

What about the man in Pakistan left to rot in prison so that Hollywood could make a movie about Osama Bin Laden’s capture? Why don’t you use your talent and your influence to get him out of prison to get him back with his wife and family to live somewhere safe such as in Hollywood. Hollywood profited by the film, didn’t they, and so did the Obamas and that movie got lots of attention certainly they can free one family with those profits? Then maybe you can be trusted to disarm the world.

Will they?

Why not just stick with the Fracking to it’s conclusion so American can forever be dependent on your wise counsel, Islam and the Muslim Brotherhood. Thanks heaps.

The IRS scandal still resonates and so does Benghazi and so does the AP story and so do the hoaxes and so does the NSA scandal. Americans have not forgotten….only wishful thinking and hopeful suggesting by Donald Trump. He must have a hand in the pie and is trying to help out Obama’s administration. He seemed to know about what happened to the Ambassador in Benghazi and exclaimed about how  horrible it was showing great pity… tell us what happened if you know so much. Hey and while you are at it tell us about the other witnesses, certainly you know since you seem to know what happened.  (You dirty rotten scoundrel bully.) Congress ought to call in Donald Trump to question and find out what he knows and how he knows it. I think Donald Trump might be a traitor himself.

Trump: IRS scandal has stopped resonating

Ted Cruz wants a flat tax and a simpler tax but I think the consumption tax inspires growth and savings whereas the flat tax is a punishment for earning. The consumption tax works better in my estimation because each state and their representatives will be working hard to help their constituents and their business needs hence the growth in business and knowledge and it is fairer because it leaves the choice in the buyer’s hands. Also each state can retain it’s characteristic qualities and uniqueness and not become a blob as the EU would like to do to it’s countries soon to look like Saudi Arabia. We don’t want California to mess with Texas any more than Ohio to show me to Missouri….etc. Otherwise what will happen to the tourism businesses? Gives the states more power as they should have over the federal government because they actually represent the people and not foreign governments. Instead of Lew demanding money from Congress he’ll have to ask and ask real nicely and have to have a real good reason to ask and open up his books to the Congress to prove his need. Perhaps a combination of both a flat tax and a consumption tax to test both and as an interim to the straight consumption tax. And of course get rid of ObamaCare cuz he doesn’t nor do their representatives care one twit or the other such as Sebellius demonstrated. Abolishing the IRS would be good for America hence consumption tax would be the best route to go. Covers all the loopholes and is the fairest tax of all the tax systems. No special treatment for any group which at the present time are taking advantage of loopholes and causing a hardship on others whether intentional or not. Non-profit organizations and religious organizations might not like this proposal but then what are they in business for to skirt taxes and gain an advantage? IF their heart is in it they will continue regardless, if they do it to have an advantage they won’t continue in their endeavors. It will separate the counterfeits, swindlers, charlatans and the scoundrels who want to lord over other people from the real givers. Separate the men from the boys. A test of faith.

I watched on Oreilly’s show Water’s World as he interviewed people showing the ignorance of the populace which I believe is partially because of the press and apathy because of the press.

I think there ought to be a litmus test for voters as there are for teachers.  

It might be advantageous to Americans in the long run to instill interest and knowledge of the candidates and the issues they are voting about. If they are too ignorant about either they should not be allowed to vote as immigrants won’t be allowed to vote. If we the americans act as if we are immigrants and don’t know squat about what we are voting for so we should not be given a free pass because we were here longer. Avoiding the sect-type or cult-type votes and the bribe-type votes and go back to written votes since computers can be hacked as I think occurred in this last election. If adults want to act like children and not be knowledgeable about their candidates or their government and the issues they are voting on then they should not be allowed to vote.

Voting is not a right, it’s a privilege. Let’s treat it that way.

The legislation  by Rubio excludes voting rights for quite a while for the new citizens but if that is true then why should ignorant Caucasian and African Americans get to vote either. I watched Cheney in an interview on Fox Sunday June 16th discussing the NSA and the whistleblower/traitor/hero Snowden and he said that Snowden is a traitor and the way Americans can have a say in what our government does in regards to privacy and the NSA is through our vote and yet the NSA could and I mean very likely does change that by altering our votes via computer technology, so really our vote doesn’t mean squat but our federal taxes do. Probably why they had the Florida vote dispute when Bush ran against Gore where Jeb Bush was Governor. I have a feeling that was a hoax. The HANGING CHADS. If you take away FEDERAL TAX DOLLARS they can’t afford to have the NSA then they can’t alter our vote via the computer, or raid our homes at will, or invade our emails, and phone calls, or harass us in the many subtle ways that they do. But in any case all ignorant citizens should all be allowed to vote if one ignorant citizen gets to vote but honestly I don’t think it means much anymore. The NSA was started under the Bush regime and they must have a lot to hide and I highly doubt it has to do with terrorism. Everyone knows China has spies and the US has spies etc. I highly doubt a low level employee who they say only made $120,000.00 a year to his $200,000.00 salary either way could have access to anything high level or super sensitive. More likely it has to do with money. So the low level stuff must have to do with our personal privacy and our money since it isn’t considered very important unless they can extract it and there are lots of ways to do that one way would be by courting it and another by blackmail and probably involves the IRS because they care too. As Michelle said she doesn’t care what you believe, but the administration does care who your donors are for those non-profit organizations. Do the math 161 visits to the White House by the IRS Commissioner Mr. Douglas Shulman and 15 or 20 visits by the Secretary of Defense. Protecting Americans is not a priority. It didn’t take long to access information about Ashley Judd. And the worst tool of all is Billy Graham and Franklin Graham who sets up their potential adversaries by providing whatever they can to tarnish a reputation in all the ways possible. A real PRO, at entrapment, that is. IN fact, it’s his demented pleasure to do so.

If the NSA has nothing to hide… prove it, and let the man that has something to show …show it. If the NSA is above board and truthful then they should not be worried about SNOWDEN. However, it was illuminating when this came out and BIDEN came out of the closet with vigor against SNOWDEN and for the NSA. I guess he has something to hide.

…..Must have something to do with BENGHAZI!

Or it has to do with the club within the club in Washington. The club that excludes certain Senators and certain Congressmen and Congresswomen because of religious/racial/gender reasons? So the ones that are defending the NSA against our personal privacy rights are the ones to distrust and to abandon in the coming elections via donations and votes and the ones that actively are opposed to the NSA and use their position against their antics with vigor are the ones to trust more with donations and votes. The ones that defend our rights via the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are the safer way for the American people, unless you prefer burkas/habits to designer clothes.

If you like unequal pay then stick with the NSA!

Maybe the Right to Life antics is just politics as usual. They don’t really care about the babies or the women they just want to win. The two party system is a charade for the most part since many in one party are actually spying and manipulating their brethren party members. The two party system is just for show and makes lots of dollars for a few at the top kind of like CHRISTMAS. If a third party were allowed to be in the debates I would be inclined to have some faith in the system but they don’t because they know it is a sham. What it is a poll system to test the temperature of what the people think. Putin in Russia did the same in his country around the time a few apartment buildings with people in them were demolished in his country. Testing the limits. If we had Romney I don’t think things would be much different especially after hearing Bushes statements about ObamaCare. IT is obvious it was in the works a long while back for the NEW WORLD ORDER that Bushes dad Georgie Porgie was promoting before anyone had heard that expression.

 I bet Michelle and Obama know who is responsible for the deaths at Benghazi since he said she (Michelle) was the only one who had the right to bear arms and it looks like the Benghazi incident was the reason why. I don’t know what she gained at Benghazi but she looks pretty proud of it.

Perhaps she and Obama think they have gained a future of their design,

but they are deceived.

I think they got the wrong keys. OOOOPS:)

Jim Inhofe mulls ‘I-word’ after Benghazi

“……..This is clearly an orchestrated cover-up.”

YEP, IT IS, by some sick-o’s.

Why the press continue with the lies about Newtown shooting and Boston Marathon shooting is beyond my understanding except that they are Synoptically bound to ALLAH and it’s prophet Mohammad who Obama protects for it’s hope of a future of “smooth saline.” Must have something to do with that covenant with many or they are just oblivious. Not sure where Mike Hucklebee of Fox News stands but by now he must have seen the actors involved via the internet and the work and effort of many other people trying to show mankind the truth and yet Mike Hucklebee continues with the lies on his show so he must be gaining something for his collaboration as must the others that go along to get along. Maybe it is his show. I guess it is hard to give up such a lucrative job for the cause of truth and yet he tries to portray his faith, hope, and love via his show……. but for who? Pretty shallow faith, hope, and love if you ask me.

What a slime ball. Goooooooo. Mush

(Robert Tilton speaking in tongues was more captivating than Mike Hucklebee but he has longevity with his schmaltzy schtik .)

He must be a pro at boiling lobster.

Might as well be Joel Olsteen bootlicking.

The conservative press and the liberal presses response to Newtown was about gun control yet both are ignoring that it (Newtown) was a lie and a hoax to begin with so there must be a deeper reason for their silence, something they are in agreement with such as their faith hope and love and the gun conflict is just distraction.

FEMA to stage massive drill at Pennsylvania amusement park today

“It’s no secret that whenever tragedy has struck in America recently, the federal government was conducting large-scale disaster preparedness drills nearby. From the Newtown shooting to the Boston bombing to the chemical plant explosion in West, Texas, the folks at FEMA have an uncanny track record of popping up a few miles away from disasters, mere hours before the tragedy develops.”

Let’s have faith, hope, and love that it doesn’t,

but definitely there is a pattern ESTABLISHED already.

Obama said he was FEMA

after Hurricane Sandy. So was he there?

Benghazi whistle-blowers testify at House hearing

Benghazi victim’s father: ‘The difference is credibility’

“Joining me now, somebody who will be in attendance for tomorrow’s hearing, Charles Woods. His son, Tyrone, was killed during the terror attack along with three other Americans. Mr. Woods, by the way, and his daughters, Faith and Hope, are here.”


Get it? This is obviously a twisted set up twisting people’s minds such as the dad of Tyrone Woods an ex-Navy seal.

This is about the Synoptic Jesus vs. Jesus written about in the Gospel of John.

Death vs. Life

Bill Clinton was raised in Hope Arkansas and faith is Obama’s diatribe AND his protection of the future blah blah blah.

Now Obama wants to be a cowboy.


Maybe he will be a better at football than he was a basketball. LOL

Eventually he’ll find his expertise or talent

besides oppression, silencing, ruination

and lies.

Maybe someone should be give him a POM POM, or two. A LAND MINE OR TWO MIGHT SUFFICE.

Cheerleaders can quote scripture on banners, judge rules

Cruz on Obama’s Texas visit: ‘Perhaps he will learn how to create’ jobs ‘from the folks who know how’

There were a lot of strange deaths involving the Clintons and the same goes for the Obamas.

Obama tried Love and he failed miserably.

Explosive Testimony from Benghazi Whistleblowers


U.S. officials: CIA ran Benghazi consulate

The consulates protect MECCA and the DOME OF THE ROCK and who and what it represents.

DEATH, ISLAM, MOHAMMAD, and their god the Synoptic JESUS/ALLAH!

That is why when we were attacked in NY on Sept. 11 instead of attacking the attacker’s country we skirted Saudi Arabia and attacked Iraq. Benghazi involved illegal arms trading that are used to probe Israels Iron Dome whenever possible and arm Syrian rebels/terrorists to attack Assad IMO to secure another attack zone against Israel and Lebanon.

Rand Paul: My colleagues just voted to arm the allies of al Qaeda… 

Parlent ils francais? 

I guess the Oklahoma disaster was a winning ploy! Of course the government only watches from a distance and reacts like chickens instead of arresting and impeaching the enemy in the White House.


Matthew 26:34

Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, That this night, before the cock crow, thou shalt deny me thrice.



My interpretation is Jesus the real one was not written about or included in the first 3 gospels, the Synoptic Gospels, which is why Jesus said in the Gospel of John:

John 10:7-9

Then said Jesus unto them again, Verily, verily, I say unto you,

I am the door of the sheep.

All that ever came before me are thieves and robbers: but the sheep did not hear them.

I am the door:

by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.


Hillary Accepts Public Service Award On Day of Benghazi Hearings…

Susan Rice Honored As ‘Great American’…

White House struggles to respond to new revelations…

A testament to

if the world loves you

you know something is wrong with your beliefs.

Leviticus 19:15

Ye shall do no unrighteousness in judgment:
thou shalt not respect the person of the poor, nor honor the person of the mighty:
but in righteousness shalt thou judge thy neighbour.

Obama agency rules Pepsi’s use of aborted fetal cells in soft drinks constitutes ‘ordinary business operations’

I guess this is Obama’s Pepsi challenge.

PepsiCo Still Using Murdered Baby Parts For Their Products

Is monosodium glutamate (MSG) used in flavoring of chinese food connected to the flavoring of Pepsi?

A bit worrisome when Jeb Bushes immigration concerns are about their rate of fertility.

Yes, MSG, the Secret Behind the Savor

“My father called Maggi sauce la segunda venida, the second coming, because he was not a very good cook and it saved him,” said Irma Cecilia Sanchez, a home health aide from Puebla, Mexico, who was waiting in line at a taco truck on the Upper West Side. Maggi sauce is a 19th-century Swiss creation, a general flavor enhancer now made with MSG, sweeteners and extracts.

MSG also ACTS as a short term preservative and food freshener (keeps produce its brightness such as so apples don’t turn) as salt used to keep meats and food for periods of time. So are baby parts keeping people younger looking?

Isn’t the abortion industry being used as the tool/bargaining chip for certain ministries and political parties to draw/keep parishioners and members to enhance one’s beauty? Hence is manipulated.

I am definitely for the new legislation about birth control for women and girls. I don’t like Obama but I think it is a good decision. Even Jerk-offs can sometimes do something worthwhile. It is up to the parents to help their girls and boys to avoid having to use it and some luck avoiding the all-show religious hypocrits/rapists/bullies but at least it will lessen the perpetual abortion and baby parts politics. It will help the population avoid the aftermath one goes through after having an abortion such as the moral whipping for the rest of their life kind of like wearing a burka and being whipped by their male counterparts for being attractive because they can’t control themselves. I guess you might call it circumcising in the modern era. The world has gotten smaller and the workforce more equal. Until men and boys and women and girls can learn to control themselves. Until rape is non-existent. Until ignorance is replaced with a good education and good intentions replacing the evil intent of the uncon-trolled spiritually-influenced for political and religious gain and keeping women in their place (and just plain old hatred for women) using it as their bully pulpit (which is prevalent in many religions and politics as Marsha Blackburn, O’reilly, and the very religious and political contributor Laura InGraham display and profess with their whips) using abortion as a stepping stone and a weapon, hence the temptation to perpetuate the problem for certain religious and political advantage because obviously abortion is not good as over-imbibing in alcohol is not good which often is the other factor of pregnancy and alcohol isn’t likely to be outlawed. Until sex is abandoned (which is highly unlikely and for the younger ones a very confusing desire and even for older ones). Until we learn to respect our bodies and other peoples bodies. And while abortion is still practiced legally or illegally it is the best alternative for now similar to pulling out for the man. It helps to alleviate some trauma for the underaged girls since the boys don’t usually suffer physically, mentally, emotionally. It can preserve the girls reputation in this world because for boys it doesn’t seem to hurt their reputation and usually is a feather in their cap while diminishing a girls reputation in the Christian and Muslim world (in secret), sometimes prompted on by other girls and other mothers to ruin another mother’s kids and their reputations for a variety of reasons and then becomes a mountain to climb to overcome. Until we are allowed to teach own kids without interference from the village and their idiots about sex, morals, God etc., it is definitely superior to what happens in Saudi Arabia and China to females in dire circumstances affecting what is or what was inside them as well.

Just because I’m for this legislation does not mean I am for Obama partially because I don’t trust how this nation got to the point it got and by whose direction causing many dilemmas. But because of those dilemmas I think this legislation is rational however I worry also that this could also be a DNC ploy to gain a foothold for the wrong reasons. Then Obama or Michelle or the BGEA using ObamaCare to punish those for or against this legislation being a highly hot button issue as sort of a backhanded catch 22 which seems to be the Obama/Michelle/Graham way. That would be the madness of a sado masochistic psychopath.

Let’s have faith it ain’t so.

Jurors Question Murder in Gosnell Abortion Clinic Trial


May 10th Oreilly’s Madonna (Megyn Kelly) on Fox News had a story with a guest about a woman convicted of murder of 3 policemen who served 22 years and is now a professor (I think) at NYU and the basic subject was her lack of remorse because she has not apologized to the victim’s families.

First off, I did not hire her. Second, I do not condone murder. Third, this case (Jodi Arias) and that case are not comparable. Apples to Oranges. Fourth, Fox News is under the control of a certain kind of spiritual guru and they do get tanned and I am not going to ignore their bias and their disregard for the truth. I don’t know why they protect certain information, suppress obvious truth in their reports,

but they do

and it is their fault,

not mine.





They have however kept the Benghazi event in the news more than any other news agency and I appreciate that because it is important. Obviously Fox is politically biased and politically motivated and have politicized the story as our government has done but underneath it all it is about


Greta is the main contributor of the Jodi Arias murder trial and I think she has been callous to the extreme in this case. She is a lawyer, so it makes sense that she is that way, like a doctor that becomes callous to his patients that suffer. Another example would be the Late Term Abortionist in the news lately. I know she is influenced by Franklin Graham and so I don’t have much respect for her opinions. Billy Graham was a shill for Roman Catholicism and for/to the Presidents of our country in a big way, except President Kennedy a catholic to a small degree. I think he blackmailed Kennedy and I think the Grahams are involved in some bad activities religiously and politically as I have written about in many posts. His statements about the religion of Mormonism before the election because he thought he was on the winning side but wasn’t and his previous written statements about that religion have evolved seems fitting that marriage too has evolved/devolved, depending on how you look at marriage, which it has. At one time marriage was not between just one man and just one woman.

One cult is as bad as another, IMO.

PS: This opinion does not include SEAN HANNITY

(and he is of the roman catholic cult)

because thus far he seems to be sincerely trying to get the truth and expose the lies!



Christian aid worker tells of rescue from Somali pirates in book


White House Aide Calls Criticism of Obama ‘Offensive’

Another Susan Rice with the name of Dan Pfeiffer defending Obama blitzkrieging the Sunday Talk shows trying to get the press to concentrate on the IRS scandal so that it can be fixed by Obama. I think he is trying to manipulate again.

Nobody knows where Obama was on Sept 11th or who he talked to,

isn’t it time to find out?

Schieffer to Obama Advisor: ‘Why Are You Here? Why Isn’t the White House Chief of Staff Here?’


The psycho-babalists he had on the other nighty discussing evil and the kidnapper in Cincinnati of the three or four girls were idiotic. Talk about a bunch of nonsense. IT is gettin’ scary when a news program has dingbats telling us what they don’t know, nor understand, neither perceive. It was a total waste of air time.

 I wonder if FOX NEWS have been held back from divulging the obvious misidentification of Ambassador Chris Stevens. It seems very important but for some reason goes unnoticed and unreported.



Bill O’reilly is upset with young girls who like the alleged Boston Marathon Bomber (I assume because he is cute and they don’t think he is guilty yet.) Of course our law says until found guilty in a court of law you are presumed innocent but that doesn’t apply to this young man even though the Boston Marathon bombing was a hoax as proven in my estimation by the many internet investigators of the hoax. But Bill O’reilly doesn’t get on the internet to know what the rest of the natural world is thinking or is ignoring the possibility of it being a hoax which it was and assumes that his words are being believed which they aren’t kind of like Obama not being aware of what the IRS was up to and assumes his word is being believed which it isn’t.

wink wink

Bill O’reilly of Fox News also said that the alleged 19 year old bomber allegedly said that an attack on a Muslim is an attack on all Muslims. I thought this young man was in the hospital under arrest and being grilled by the CIA, the FBI, Homeland Security and wasn’t able to talk BECAUSE OF AN INJURY and he is now tweeting on the internet? Sounds more like the man who made the infamous video tape that was blamed for the Benghazi incident/scandal which was the excuse given by Jesuit Father Lombardi for Benghazi the day after and repeated by Susan Rice, Hillary Clinton and Obama but the press ignores that fact and Bill O’reilly ignores that fact even though I wrote him about it via email and even though he says he is watching out for you which he isn’t or he would alert the world via his show about who came up with the excuse for Benghazi.

Is Bill O’reilly a Jesuit?

The Jesuit Oath Exposed 

Bill O’reilly defends Jesuits because they are disciplined. Check out the Oath above to find out what that discipline is for these dead men walking and to who.

THEIR ACTIVITIES SUCH AS MURDER, INCLUDING BABIES and CHILDREN, O’reilly. IS THAT OK WITH YOU? YET O’reilly LAMBASTS WOMEN WHO HAVE HAD AN ABORTION. (Women/kids who have had an abortion usually are not proud of it and are desperate and don’t need your judgement, but since you have come full force upon them in defense of babies how do you justify the oath by the Jesuits against babies, children and mankind? Still thoughtful reporting and discussion is helpful for those that might need it which seems to dis-clude boys and men who can’t control themselves or under the influence of alcohol. To me that is the crux of the dilemma and where improvement could be productive and help to eradicate the need for abortion. What can be done to help kids to avoid this dilemma? Jokes about womens breasts on your news program such as a painting of a naked Bea Arthur in twilight of her life? Yeah, Bill O’reilly really respects women. Would he laugh about his  own mother’s breasts on a show airing around the world? Is that PREJUDICED? How about the Virgin Mary’s breasts? How do you suppose they look now? It is one thing to talk about Putin’s breasts since he likes to get on horses shirtless to show off his body for some strange reason, but Bea Arthur was not ever known, that I know of, to bare her breasts.).  JESUITS ARE NOTHING MORE THAN ISLAMIC JIHADISTS for the CHURCH IN ROME. I FEAR THAT BECAUSE OF THAT OATH THEY PERHAPS DON’T REALIZE THAT THEY ARE SLAVES AND WHEN THEY PERFORM THEIR TASKS FOR THE CHURCH IT COULD BE WITHOUT THEIR OWN KNOWLEDGE THAT THEY DO PARTICIPATE VIA ALL THE WAYS POSSIBLE.



But I heard that Bill O’reilly pays the checks at Fox (Fox & Friends Brian Kilmeade regurgitated that information on his appearance on The Five recently) and I guess that includes the many shows that blow hard that air. No wonder they don’t air on any of their shows that the man being dragged around at Benghazi is not Ambassador Chris Stevens. I don’t consider Fox to be a free press by any means but at least they pander to the military men that paid the price but Fox News isn’t willing to reciprocate by telling the truth in their news reports to those men that lose their life for the Jesuits master plan, The NEW WORLD ORDER. They do not lose their life for freedom or anyone else’s freedom as they are led to believe. JUST THE OPPOSITE. That stinks. Everything they do is politics and nothing more. So Bill O’reilly defending a free press is redundant since it isn’t a free press anyway, thanks to Bill O’reilly and the Jesuits. (The Catch-22) and Bill O’reilly prefers traditions over the truth….OBVIOUSLY which clouds his judgement.

Luke 13:31-33

31 The same day there came certain of the Pharisees, saying unto him, Get thee out, and depart hence: for Herod will kill thee.

32 And he said unto them, Go ye, and tell that fox, Behold, I cast out devils, and I do cures to day and to morrow, and the third day I shall be perfected.

33 Nevertheless I must walk to day, and to morrow, and the day following: for it cannot be that a prophet perish out of Jerusalem.


Wow: CBS News President and WH Official Tied to Benghazi Scandal Are Brothers

“That reporting revealed that President Obama’s deputy national security advisor, Ben Rhodes — brother of CBS News president David Rhodes — was instrumental in changing the talking points in September 2012.”

So was Father Frederiko Lombardi a Jesuit priest spokesman for the Vatican. He started it and I guess the The Rhodes take their cues from them (the Vatican) and continued to the State Department and the CIA.

American Rhodes Scholarships Didn’t Bill Clinton receive a scholarship from this society?

“…..Rhodes Scholars are chosen not only for their outstanding scholarly achievements, but for their character, commitment to others and to the common good, and for their potential for leadership in whatever domains their careers may lead. The Rhodes Trust, a British charity established to honor the will and bequest of Cecil J. Rhodes,….”

Cecil J. Rhodes had outstanding character, didn’t he? Reminds me of a pope using the backs of others on which to build their character.

These people that are associated with these societies do not seem to have free will and are under the rule of their master…who is their master? Whoever the Vatican decides …..that changes depending on which way the wind is blowing because they are a cult.

“Don’t ask, don’t tell.”

That kind of education is redundant and seems to be the problem we have in the US.

It’s cowardice and self-serving.

Tell No Man


Bill Drafted In Secret Would Block Release Of Some Newtown Massacre Records

Hiding somethings?

“Little Jack Horner sat in the corner Eating his Christmas pie, He put in his thumb and pulled out a plum And said “What a good boy am I!








16 These things have I spoken unto you, that ye should not be offended.

They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service.

And these things will they do unto you, because they have not known the Father, nor me.

synagogue means house of assembly

Paul Ryan On Benghazi: ‘I Don’t Know’ If There Was A Cover-up

But you were aware of the looming financial ABYSS late last year after Benghazi, right?


‘F***’ America,’ Boston Marathon Bomb Suspect Wrote in Boat: Officials

The Police, the FBI, the CIA, the Homeland Security etc don’t plant evidence do they? 

Railroading is their MO so that they can take away our rights city by city, town by town, blame everyone else so that the population is confused ying and yanging about everything.

But now that the IRS is involved they get a bit frightened for their own nest eggs they have accrued by pandering and lying to everyone. Since the AP story and the IRS story came out freedom of the press wasn’t an issue but now it is an issue with Oreilly.  You had a duty and were paid extremely well and you squandered it so you deserve to lose your advantage and I hope it comes down to that financially for the press and for the people that were supposed to represent the people. But your input has turned your field into a 2nd Hollywood. Your dander is up only because your money is on the line and your dander should have been up a long time ago and you should have told where the excuse came from. It was extremely important and it was your duty to tell so why do you complain about what the government does to you now? Do you think that you deserve freedom of the press? Do you think you deserve your nest egg?

I don’t think you deserve it, IN My OPINION.

Mr. History can’t even get the present right.

I’m glad I didn’t waste my money or time getting and reading your books about JFK or Lincoln. I’m pretty positive they are filled with humongous errors and lies judging by your character. Can’t imagine what in the world you could add to Jesus in your attempt to write about him if you can’t even tell the truth. I’m pretty positive you’ll fall on your face trying to write about him. Sometimes it is worth it to leave a position for the truth and can make a huge difference but you are missing some of those key characteristics needed in a man to do the right thing.

My advice to anyone in your vicinity


Megan Kelly of Fox News asked Jay Sekulow today Friday May 17th about the IRS hearings held today (interviewing Steve Miller) if it is not for political reasons they went after the Tea Party and other groups what reason could it be?

I’ll tell you what reason: Religious reasons.

One question asked on these IRS probes the Congressman from Pennsylvania said was:

What’s the content of your prayers?

They are also getting religious information if you apply for Medicare.

Even Wolf Blitzer is in on the act:

Wolf Blitzer Asks Atheist Tornado Survivor If She ‘Thanks The Lord’ 

For the tornado? or for her survival?

Too bad the Wolf didn’t get a chance to ask the third graders?

This probing isn’t just by the IRS.

The Press have a stake in this tragedy as Wolf illustrated. Wonder what’s at stake for him? His job?’Coincidentally the new Pope Francis now says that atheists are redeemed if they do good. Gosh is he covering Wolf Blitzer’s faux-pas looks that ways since it was a day later. I thought she was a thoughtful atheist but I do take umbrage when a huge cult caught in a setup which it obviously was or Pope Francis wouldn’t be so keen to react so quickly. He is in Rome isn’t he? News travels fast.

WHAT IS GOOD? Is it good to deceive? Besides a surprise party is it good to deceive to buildup your church?


IF one person takes/steals/embezzles/overtaxes from another person to do good,

is that good?

Pope Francis Says Atheists Who Do Good Are Redeemed, Not Just Catholics

Or is it being smug? I was trying to figure you out what I see when I see Pope Francis although I did not waste much time over the matter (about a minute) but I think I hit the nail on the head.


When the pope says redeemed he could mean exchanged, sold, improved and may have nothing to do with redemption:)

The Roman Catholic Church stands on new feet and now everyone is redeemable.

Has the pope been taking lessons from Obama or vice versa or John Brennan?

I would not let him touch my kid. He is in the news with a boy who convulses after he puts his hands on the boys head as if exorcising but I would imagine he might have done the very opposite. I wouldn’t let my kid near Brennan or Obama either.

The wolf blitzkrieg mocks and puts his foot in his mouthpiece (his position in the press) I think or why did he ask an atheist? As if he didn’t know, lol. He knew quite a bit about her escape from the tornado. Talk about contrived. I don’t think you sow believers this way, Nancy Pelosi’s way, and Obamas way etc. I think they sow hatred, division, resentment, fear, and cowards to slaves and everything bad that can be imagined. I think he was sowing atheism. They take believers and try to ruin them instead. It’s their way!

“In writing for several Israeli newspapers in Washington, Blitzer has used the names Zev Blitzer and Zev Barak.[11] Zev (זאב) is the Hebrew word for “wolf” and Barak (ברק) is the Hebrew word for “lightning” (which in German/Yiddish is Blitz). Another use of “blitz” in the German language is Blitzkrieg, lightning war.”


Jonathan Pollard 

In 1986, he became known for his coverage of the arrest and trial of Jonathan Pollard, an American Jew who was charged with spying for Israel.[12] Blitzer was the first journalist to interview Pollard, and he would later write a book about the Pollard Affair titled Territory of Lies.[15] In the book, Blitzer writes that Pollard contacted him because he had been reading Blitzer’s byline for years, and because Blitzer “had apparently impressed him as someone who was sympathetic”.[16]Pollard also hoped that Blitzer would help him “reach the people of Israel, as well as the American Jewish community.”[17]

The Facts of the Pollard Case

At Benghazi written on the walls I believe was the words WYE in different places so the Wye Accords the Clintons and the Obamas seem to be involved and seem to be paying a price for their actions and inactions and seems to be coming down to to the WYER.

Biden Scores 800 Feet Of Copper Wire

700He oughta have to testify about Benghazi.


Kind of strange how the press descended upon Oklahoma but remained in their studios for the Texas blast in West Texas, the Boston Marathon, even Hurricane Sandy and all the other massacres but for some reason many came to Oklahoma. OD. They must have a lot at stake on this one. There was a meeting recently at the White House in secret with the Press. I wonder if their interaction this time has something to do with the growing fear of the President over all of the scandals recently that have expanded and with Wolf Blitzer’s interest in the Lord. I don’t recall him ever talking about the Lord before.

REPORT: Michelle O mulls ‘extended vacation’…

Matthew 24:27

For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west;

so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

I guess they erred, lol. To err is human.


Obama (first term) on the phone with Netanyahu 


(White House Photo/Pete Sousa)

Israeli TV newscasters Tuesday night interpreted a photo taken Monday in the Oval Office of President Obama talking on the phone with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as an “insult” to Israel. 

King James 2000 Bible (©2003) And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, who is in heaven.

Why are priests called fathers? Why do people especially in religions that have priests call there priests Father? Why do those that give preference to the Gospel of Matthew call their priests Father? Is there something wrong in the Gospel of Matthew, the religion, or the priests? So one is your Father?Or does it mean “1” is your father?

Does the Old Testament say that “one” or “1” is your Father? No it doesn’t say that!

Does the Old Testament say anything about who might be “two”? or “three”?

When you pray do you pray “Our one, who art in heaven?”

One, Two buckle my shoe.

Three, Four shut the door

Five, Six pick up sticks

Seven, Eight my you’ve gained some weight

Nine, Ten you can say that again

Do you know anyone by the name of Two, Three, or One?

So what about negative one? Is that the not father? Or is he just in a bad mood?

God in Islam – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Islam emphasizes that God is strictly singular (tawḥīd ) unique (wāḥid ) and inherently One (aḥad ), all-merciful and omnipotent. According to Islamic teachings, Just that One sentence alone is inherent nonsense:) akin to “There is no there there.”

Is Islam merciful?

Islam Question and Answer – Is al-Ahad one of the names of Allaah? › … › Names and Attributes of Allaah

Praise be to Allaah. Yes, al-Ahad is one of the names of Allaah which are mentioned in the Qur’aan. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning)

Take heed that no man deceive you.

power = n/ Oman

Arrival of Islam[edit]

Omanis were among the first people to come in contact with and accept Islam.[16] The conversion of the Omanis is usually ascribed to Amr ibn al-As, who was sent by Muhammad around 630 AD to invite Jayfar and ‘Abd, the joint rulers of Oman at that time, to accept the faith. In submitting to Islam, Oman became an Ibadhi state, ruled by an elected leader, the Imam.

During the early years of the Islamic mission, Oman played a major role in the Wars of Apostasy that occurred after the death of Muhammad, and also took part in the great Islamic conquests by land and sea in Iraq,Persia and beyond. Oman’s most prominent role in this respect was through its extensive trading and seafaring activities in East Africa and the Far East, particularly during the 19th century, when it propagated Islam to many of East Africa’s coastal regions, certain areas of Central Africa, India, Southeast Asia and China. After its submission to Islam, Oman was ruled by Umayyads between 661–750, Abbasids between 750–931, 932–933 and 934–967, Qarmatians between 931–932 and 933–934, Buyids between 967–1053, and the Seljuks of Kirman between 1053–1154.

Prophecy of Esaias

John 13:18

I speak not of you all: I know whom I have chosen:

but that the scripture may be fulfilled,

He that eateth bread with me hath lifted up

his heel against me.

U.S. publishes details of missile base Israel wanted kept secret

Why are they surprised?

Official confirms, defends White House meeting with controversial Muslim scholar

“Bin Bayyah is vice president of the International Union of Muslim Scholars, a group founded by Egyptian cleric Yusuf Qaradawi — a Muslim Brotherhood leader who has called for the death of Jews and Americans and himself is banned from visiting the U.S.”

Yet he was in the White House?


What the Gospel of John offers is freedom to believe in the true GOD and a way to deal with the the world in it’s deception and it’s deceptive ways and policies.


America Land of the Nuns and Dishtowels

Eric Bolling Explodes At Geraldo Over Obama’s Response To Benghazi, Hangs Up Mid-Interview

“Democrats say that hasn’t stopped Issa from leaking a constant drip-drip of damaging allegations about Benghazi over the past few weeks. These include the revelation that the Obama administration ordered a special forces team in Tripoli to stand down before the attack was over.”

So I guess Geraldo is lying?

Philadelphia Couple Joins Class-Action Lawsuit Against NSA’s Verizon Spying

Someone called my ex to tell him that his daughter was at a party last night and came in as an unknown block call and he asked who it is and the person said,

“It doesn’t matter.”

What does it matter? It matters.

(My daughter is mine, she is not the village child, thanks.)

She went to a movie.

Caused some problems between dad and daughter and it was obviously meant to cause problems. Supposedly there were drugs and booze at the party, but I have no idea if that is true but whoever called was hoping she was there and she and her friend turned down the invitation. Must have been a set up. So I think we are being monitored/surveilled via cell phones because she had texted her dad right before that. This is the same girl that ended up in a hospital because of bullying at her high school which I wrote about in another post. I do believe it is because of what I believe and have written about that obviously offends others.

Something fishy goin’ on.

I don’t necessarily think it is the NSA but I think we are being harassed by someone. There is a concerted effort by some to bully families raising kids,

as if they know what’s best.

Sean Hannity Displays Hypocrisy On NSA Surveillance (VIDEO)

 I like Sean Hannity because I think he is earnest and he has a right to change his mind regardless of his political bent which everyone has. I don’t think he is always right and sometimes naive but I think mostly honest and reassuring. I think he is a good guy and doing a pretty good job and I wish more in the press were like him.

And I think ED HENRY IS PRETTY IMPRESSIVE and wish more of the press that cover the White House were as candid as he is. He’s got a lot of spunk! Too bad about the others who fawn over anything said as if kissing their feet when visiting the White House.

Pretty good post about kissing feet:

Mary’s Spikenard and Luke’s Parable – Revised

What I did notice a few nights back when he was interviewing an audience of people that have been targeted by the IRS and what was interesting to me was most of the women looked as if they had had facial surgery or a form of a face lift. So these people are obviously well off. Just an observation.

He had a woman with glasses on last night or today (Tues 11th or Wed the 12th 2013) as a guest who wanted the name of the IRS agent that was on a recording and it was right after I had written about getting the name of the IRS agent that Franklin Graham had quoted. I found that interesting and realized she must be a Franklin Graham ant which you can read about in the next article about Billy Graham. And also realized that I am being watched in my writings and they are reacting. THE ANTS.

Hannity said he had the name but did not air it at the time on his show 6/13 and today I found out the name is in this article and recording posted 6/10:

Audio: IRS agent tells pro-life group, “Keep your faith to yourself.”

Girl, 5, Collects Hundreds Of Dollars For Peace Selling Lemonade Outside Westboro Baptist Church

o-WESTBORO-BAPTIST-CHURCH-LEMONADE-570That’s pretty cute and the kind of America that needs to come back, besides it is nice to get a cool drink on a hot day from a freedom loving and happy kid.

Westboro Baptist Church Plans to Picket Boston Funerals

This is legal, but back handed.

“The tiny Topeka, Kan., fundamentalist group urged the U.S. government to “reinstate” the death penalty for homosexuality and warned “violence will fully consume u [sic]” if that doesn’t happen. Most of the church’s tweets said same-sex marriage caused the bombing, but others mentioned abortion and supposed mistreatment of the church.”

Of course, neither caused the bombing,

because it was a hoax and a set up.

That is why the truth matters

because of the harm it causes and the aftermath of that harm

that reverberates hate and paranoia in a multitude of ways.

Palin embraces SNL sketch, dishes out her own humor

There is a you tube with Sarah Palin and it seems to be staged not necessarily by her but she is the center of the video. The video you tube taker obviously was pandering to Sarah and at the same time a picture was taken of them with Sarah.

I guess political interviews are considered to be prayers also?

It’s a hard habit to break. HABITs

Habits what nuns wear which are similar to burkas. HMMMMMM

I guess it’s their vice, their corruption, their moral failing.

Here is my response:

The Stones of Amen 

This is the problem in Christianity and is affecting it’s members who ignore it.

Zimmerman is acquitted.

So much for justice in America. It is better than many systems, but it is only a system and not worth putting faith into because it is fraught with inconsistencies and the human factor and political conditions that sometimes make it not work so well. I think the state proved that Zimmerman was a shameless pithological liar (got lots of company)

Rivera’s Shocking Trayvon Martin Comment

and that he had intent to harm not necessarily to kill, but a boy was killed. Sometimes proving is not enough. Who knows who else lied. Lots of memory loss and shoddy performances on the job. Just because something looks a certain way doesn’t mean in the long haul it is that way. I think there is more to this than meets the eye but I would not have wanted to be on the jury because it is hard to sentence someone regardless of the facts and suppositions. Better to err on the side of innocence than the opposite and let God do the rest. It may take a bit longer though. That is how our system is superior to other systems even if it isn’t always correct or fair. Justice is only as good as the people that wield it and those that obviously abuse it. Even though OJ Simpson was acquitted his life afterwards went slowly down hill and now he is a slave to surreal pithocracy. The high profile cases probably have a higher preponderance standard to prove guilt than the lower profile cases in all probability and that is another reason I suspect fowl play by the President of the US and his insertion into this case early on. Since there a quite a few deaths of black/African Americans that go unnoticed by the President did he actually cause the system to not work and was his hand in it because perhaps he is involved in the death of Trayvon Martin?

Justice Department To Review George Zimmerman, Trayvon Martin Case

Now the Scientology cult is freaked out because someone quit. It is called bullying:

Kirstie Alley ‘Livid’ With Leah Remini For Leaving Church Of Scientology

If you have to bully people to stay in a cult, you know it’s a cult.

Rev. David Wilkerson and Evangelicalism


Rep. Mike Rogers


Amb. Chris Stevens


Why they could be brothers

Billy Graham and The Synoptic Dilemma: The Beast

The Gates of the Boston Marathon and the Bag

Why Callest Thou Me Good?

Sure has been lovely weather lately. Unusually so.

In The Garden of Gethsemane

 The Temptation of Jesus Christ – revised

My sites with many other interesting posts:

Merangue’s Blog

Posted in Al Qaeda, Benghazi, BGEA, Billy Graham, CLINTON, Evangelicalism, Fox News Sunday, Franklin Graham, Gosnell Abortion Clinic Trial, HOLDER, Jackie Kennedy, JFK, Key Suspect, MIchelle Obama, Mitt Romney, Pepsi, PepsiCo, President John F. Kennedy, Rand Paul, Rev. Billy Graham, Sean Hannity, Senomyx, Soft Drinks, the White House, Trayvon Martin, Zimmerman | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Weatherman and ‘Benghazi: The Definitive Report’



Do they look alike?

Not to me.

I believe he was the


I’ll bet Ambassador Chris Stevens is alive somewhere and this was and is his enemy.

 I think they were enemies because of who they serve. Ambassador Stevens served the Vatican. Obama, Susan Rice, and Hillary also served the Vatican which serves or is served by the UN.

The Weather report:

Matthew 16:1-3

16 The Pharisees also with the Sadducees came, and tempting desired him that he would shew them a sign from heaven.

He answered and said unto them, When it is evening, ye say, It will be fair weather: for the sky is red.

And in the morning, It will be foul weather to day: for the sky is red and lowering. O ye

hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times?

Greta’ Van Susteren’s show On The Record of Fox News sometimes has weather reports, could she have, may she have been, I think she might be aware of the times?

Sean Hannity of Fox News had two guests on Feb. 18th, 2013 who have written an e-book since the Benghazi execution which was September 11th and already have promoted that book about the actions of the men at the scene of the crime. That is miraculous to have the information provided and even the dialogue between the people involved and yet the American people don’t even know where Barack and Michelle Obama were for those 11 hours, nor the Senate and Congress. I say 11 hours because it started out to be an 11 hour event that shrunk to 8 hours over time one of the reasons was not enough time to save some people and this interview brings it back to 11 or more hours.

I watched this video and noticed the man being interviewed got caught by the camera in what appears to be a BIG LIE.



‘Benghazi: The Definitive Report’

“Book pieces together night of terror strike”

Sean Hannity: Now a new E-book claims that the attacks may have been retaliation for some off the books counter terror operations that were run by John Brennan and that’s the Presidents nominee for CIA Director.

And joining me now are the authors of that new book Benghazi: The Definitive Report former US Army Ranger Jack Murphy and former Navy Seal Brandon Webb. And by the way on the floor of our studio we projected a map of Benghazi.

Now, before we get to the book we’re gonna go through the timeline of events from that night. Guys welcome uh to the program. Good to see you both.  (they mumble ) Look this is important because you’re saying that events that we don’t know about could have precipitated these attacks. Good Summary?

They are the experts so why say it’s absolutely accurate to say


This is lawyer jargon and is absolutely “meaningless.” 

Jack Murphy: Yeah. Yeah. That’s absolutely accurate.

Screen shot 2013-02-28 at 12.56.01 AM

Sean Hannity: Okay. And… Alright. So let’s start with the timeline of events.

Jack Murphy: Its began at approximately 9:40 at night when the attacks were initiated with RPG’s hitting the consulate, actually the temporary mission facility that we know now that we call it the consulate. Uh, at that point the local militia guards were unarmed they fleed (FLEAD?). They were only armed with bats (BATS?) essentially, so when they see this mob coming they take off. They cut and run. The attackers breached the main gate and they overrun the compound? Uh, uh, at this point Ambassador Stephens er is going into the safe room inside the consulate and the DSS agents were retrieving their tactical gear and making a call up the higher to say they’re getting hit. So by 10:05 ? What you have is…

So what about the bloody hand prints on the walls inside Benghazi.

Is that the cutting and running? This is BS.

If all the deaths happened on the rooftop,

then what happened inside?

Looked like torture and execution to me on those walls.

Bloody prints of fingers dragging down on the walls inside…..Remember?

What was that, for effect?

Sean Hannity: Can I just stop you right there?

Jack Murphy: Yeah.

Sean Hannity: F for those that said this was uh in retaliation for a you-tube video and this was a spontaneous demonstration: they had mortars, rocket propelled grenades. This was not, this was not spontaneous.

Jack Murphy: No, it’s not spontaneous. And in the State Department they talk about arresting or detaining a Libyan policeman who’s taking pictures of the consulate with his cell phone that morning.

Sean Hannity: Right.

Jack Murphy: So there were people planning this attack ahead of time.

What does a cell phone have to do planning ahead of time?

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Sean Hannity: Okay, back to the timeline.

Jack Murphy: So by 10:55, 10:05 PM. Excuse me. Ty Woods and other Global Response staff members from the nearby annex about half a mile away were preparing to go to the consulate and rescue the State Department’s personel who were tied up there and Ty Woods was really instrumental in uh setting, putting together that rescue effort and insisting that it go forward and go in there.

Sean Hannity: Now, he was told to stand down and I interviewed his father and his family

Jack Murphy: By the…..

Sean Hannity: We, we still don’t have answers to that question.

Jack Murphy: It, it, it was actually the person who was in charge of the annex that initially said, “No. it’s not our job to go in there.” Um, but Ty actually convinced them otherwise, and to his credit that person actually reversed course and agreed with Ty.

So who was in charge of the annex?

How does an ex-Navy-seal or an Army Ranger know? 

Obviously, he has been given the details by the way of ” the higher.”

And who might that be?

Sean Hannity: Did he convince them or did he disobey orders?

Jack Murphy: I,  I think he convinced them.

(turns back to the right at Brandon Webb laughing)

Does he look like a trustworthy source?Screen shot 2013-02-28 at 1.52.46 AM

I was under the impression he disobeyed orders

so what is that whole story about?

Stand down, etc? 

What about the footage that we have seen numerous times with armed men threatening each other on a rooftop……..

was that “the convincing”?

How do these guys know all this and where were they 3 months ago?

These two men are on Fox News with Hannity to put a stop to the investigation

with false information, IMO.

 Fox News made a diagram of buildings with stick figures moving here and there in

 to look official

and ta da FINI. 

How would he know if Ty convinced them?

Screen shot 2013-02-28 at 1.24.16 AM

Webb: I think, you know, Ty just showed a lot of initiative. He was a senior guy, years of special operations, and he just said, “look eh”,  knowing and being overseas and being in these conflicts before, he said, “We need to act now to save these americans. If we don’t move now, and go, more people are going to die.”

(So was Ty not american?Maybe Tiger Woods knows?)

Hannity: Okay, back to the timeline.

Screen shot 2013-02-28 at 2.33.30 AM

(Obviously has notes, I guess 3 months isn’t enough time to get it memorized)

Murphy: By 11 PM, the eh attackers completely overran the compound and the uh team uh from the uh annex is making their way to the consulate to conduct this rescue operation.

Webb: Um, once they’re at the annex the…. basically, the attack slowly followed them back and so the one. The one difference between the uh the State Department uh Compound and the CIA Annex is that the CIA had a very heavily fortified position. I mean, they had their act together when it comes to security so they, you know, throughout the night they were fending off uh small attacks. And then 5 AM the team from Tripoli (Libya or Lebanon?) comes up and it, it’s important, the the the the team from Tripoli is important, because here you have a group of CIA JSOC (Joint Special Operations Command) Operators and which included Glen Doherty (licks) 

“The Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) is a subunified command of the US Special Operations Command (USSOCOM).  It is charged to study special operations requirements and techniques, ensure interoperability and equipment standardization, plan and conduct special operations exercises and training, and develop joint special operations tactics.”

who were trying desperately to get up to Benghazi. (gulps) Um, you look at why it’s important is because ultimately the 2 JSOC, uh Joint Special Operations guys; they had uh a device called a Rover, which is essentially – you, it beams down the the  predator drone for ..(probably lazer but not sure of the word he said)… device. So that now they have an increased situational on the ground (licks) at the CIA Annex and they ultimately made the call when they saw that more and more attackers were amassing outside of the gate: Glen went up to the roof, saw Ty, they embraced and they were still engaged in the fight. Then they got bracketed by three mortar rounds. The first one hit Ty, uh killing him. The second one hit Glen. The third one uh injured one of the other security guys on the rooftop.

At just before 7:30 they made the decision Hey, we gotta get out of here.  

(Who made the decision? JSOK Operators?)

So without that, without those guys coming up from Tripoli and having that Rover Device to to get the Predator footage, the the decision to evacuate everyone may not have been made and they may have been overrun themselves.

What is the Predator footage? I guess it’s the drone footage, but of what?

So the Americans were there for 11 hours before they the (predator guys) made the decision to get out of there after Ty and Glen were killed and the two other security agents were shot.

How about the DSS agents who were getting their tactical gear?

Defense Security Service (DSS) 

“The Defense Security Service supports national security and the warfighter, secures the nation’s technological base, and oversees the protection of US and…….”

Were they saving the equipment first?

And where are those americans? Didn’t Senator Kerry debrief them somewhere in Europe? Sen. Lindsay Graham mentioned that Senator Kerry now Sec. of State interviewed the rescued people involved, yet they have disappeared. How come our government isn’t allowed to speak to them? Is that why Sen. Kerry is now Sec. of State because he was willing to be involved in the coverup?

(Close to 11 hours has passed, not 8)

Here is a site I found that kind of demonstrates drone kills. In it they blow up a white pickup truck driving down the road and there is a voice that gives them the target and the other two people follow along as if it is not real. Interesting to watch however I would not want to be on the other end of this strike or behind it.


WATCH: The Safeway to kill:

Inside a Predator Strike

“It’s a video made by Raytheon Corporation, a major US military contractor, to promote its Common Ground Control System (CGCS). The CGCS is hardware/software package that enables drone operators to conduct surveillance and execute strikes anywhere in the world, from the security of a military base in the US. “

Behind the Predator Drone


“Raytheon Company is a major Americandefense contractor and industrial corporation with core manufacturing concentrations inweapons and military and commercial electronics. It was previously involved in corporate and special-mission aircraft until early 2007. Raytheon is the world’s largest producer of guided missiles.[2]

Hannity: And then we learned through Leon Panetta’s testimony that he briefed the President only when it began and the President never re asked for an update throughout the rest of the night.

Webb or Murphy: Yea.

Hannity: These guys were under fire and we didn’t send anybody to help them. Now let me get this last question in. The premise of your book The Definitive Report beyond the timeline that we’re going through here you claim that there were incidents that the American public had never heard about where we attacked them. (incredulously)

Attacked who? What are they talking about and who is telling these guys we attacked them “whoever” they are. Sounds like an excuse to me.

It’ not my fault….

sounds like OBAMA

because someone is trying to warn the American people about OBAMA

which is an attack on OBAMA in his mind

even though he does the killing or has his mob do it.

(His shell was pierced and he had to react ….kind of excuse. What else could he have done kind of pyschology! Sort of like you only have yourself to blame kind of mentality.)

 Brandon or Murphy: Yes. Yea.

Hannity: In that we might have precipitated this and that then puts I think a lot more clarity on maybe why it happened and also then it it does there’s no explanation at that point why we didn’t at least eh eh ac abide by the requests by Ambassador Stevens to give him more security.

Murphy: I I think one of the big take aways from all this is that the State Department didn’t have any visibility on these operations. They didn’t have the where with all to even know that this counter attack, that this blow back from other operations is coming. THEY COULN’T HAVE KNOWN.


However, there was an escalation of terrorists attacks against american assets inside Benghazi over the summer. Uh and that alone should have been enough to elevate their security ……….

Brandon: I think we saw the State Department really not prepared in Benghazi. The requests were were going up the chain of command. They, they weren’t being responded to so the State Department was in a very poor situation when it comes to security to begin with.

Hannity: So before the security was denied, during no help came except for Ty and and the other guys and after they lied. True?

Brandon: Yea yea. There’s no accountability. People are they’re in this political game of musical chairs, but you know it it’s important to us ta to really to get the truth. I mean our bias in this whole thing is to to make sure these heros are represented. Their story is told and if there’s any bias it’s to get the truth.

Hannity: All right, guys. Thank you very much. Appreciate your good work here.

Murphy: Thank you.

Yea, right. 

John 16:2-4

They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service.

And these things will they do unto you, because they have not known the Father, nor me.

But these things have I told you, that when the time shall come, ye may remember that I told you of them. And these things I said not unto you at the beginning, because I was with you.

Excellent article about Benghazi (one of the first) Good questions.

Please Read:

LYONS: Benghazi cover-up continues, nearly six months later

and another good one with good questions:

GAFFNEY: Unanswered questions about Benghazi

Mystery persists six months after killings

……..”Specifically, what was the urgency of Stevens‘ last official act — an evening meeting with the Turkish consul general?”………

HMMMMM Syria comes to mind

……..”Why did the president insist for as long as two weeks after the episode that the video was involved, prompting him to declare — among other troubling statements — at the United Nations on Sept. 25, “The future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam”?…….

Here is another very good article:

Comprehensive investigative report

Body of lies from Benghazi to Barack

by Doug Hagmann

“…..Because easily obtainable evidence exists that the video was not the cause of the violence but a made-to-order excuse for it,…..”

(First mentioned by the Vatican spokesman for Pope Benedict who is Father Lombardi and repeated by our President to the UN, Susan Rice and the State Department! )

“…..To bring more specificity to the above, it would appear that there is a possible connection between the dissemination of the controversial video with the 2008passport office break-in scandal that involved improper computer access to the passport records of Barack Hussein Obama, Hillary Rodham Clinton, and John McCain. The latter is an enigma in its own right, having its own level of complicity and complexity. Additionally, that particular event appears to involve other events at its periphery, including but not limited to the murder of the key witness in that case, Lieutenant Quarles Harris Jr……”

On April 8, 2008, Obama continued to comment on the fact that the confidentiality of his passport records were apparently compromised. It was on this occasion when Obama admitted, for the first time in any public venue as a presidential candidate, that he traveled to Pakistan in 1981. One wonders whether Obama would have disclosed his Pakistan trip at this time had it not been for the uncertainty that the information was already “in play.”

(Is the theater the same theater in the JFK you tubes? Probably is linking (as does the neo-nazi religion of Od) I am to the Vine theater. Trying to anyway, but seemed to have petered out in that regard. )

This is definitely a religious conspiracy!

Lots more in that article worth reading!

Isn’t that where Osama Bin Laden was living?

Death of Osama bin Laden

2001 was the year of the first September 11th attack on the World Trade Centers and it seems to me President Obama has come to finish off America’s economy.

Could be he was the person behind the eight ball of that first attack.

His first Correspondent’s dinner in his first term as the President he mentioned a few things about touring Manhattan and about resting on the 73rd day of his term. It would be great if someone asked him to explain what he meant.

The second term Correspondent dinner he said :

“In my first term, I sang Al Green; in my second term, I’m going with Young Jeezy. In my first term, we ended the war in Iraq; in my second term, I will win the war on Christmas.

Wonder what he meant?

Clinton said he wanted more cookies.

Please read:

Tell No Man

GOP congressional leaders meet on Libya, vow coordinated inquiry into terror attack


“Graham told Fox News, in an interview with Bret Baier, that he’d spoken to survivors who claimed they had been told not to talk.

“I’ve had contact with some of the survivors. Their story is chilling. They feel afraid to tell it. It’s important they come forward to tell their story,” Graham said. “Some are back working for the government. Some are still injured. The bottom line is they feel that they can’t come forth. They’ve been told to be quiet.”

THAT IS UNAMERICAN, but very much like the MOB



IF we can get an answer to that question it would open many avenues to research.



Benghazi’s Silenced Witnesses Hidden In Plain Sight?

Posted 03/26/2013 06:31 PM ET

“Benghazi Scandal: A Virginia congressman says the witnesses to an act of war on sovereign U.S. territory are being held incommunicado in a Washington, D.C., hospital by their own government. Free the American 30″……”

…….”It matters to GOP representatives Frank Wolf of Virginia and Jim Gerlach of Pennsylvania, who have written to new Secretary of State John Kerry asking him for the names and contact information for each of the individuals who survived Benghazi.”…….

Obama Inc. Intimidating Benghazi Survivors into Keeping Quiet?

While Pope Benedict has resigned the article below has some good links about the connection of Roman Catholicism and Islam by Walter Veith. Might educate the average person about some big similarities, coincidences, and possibly a covenant between the two religions. I would think that would be worth investigating if you care about the truth. The inclusion of many religions is Rome’s conquest because they are behind the conglomeration of all religions with themselves being the mother hen of them all. I hope you take time to listen to Walter Veith’s you tubes. Quite revealing.

Pope Benedict XVI and His Power of Suggestion


Scientists trace origin of destructive giant meteor in Russia as coming from ‘Apollo’ asteroids (Video)

Funny, because Benghazi is one of the sites of the Apollo Temples. The place of the skull kind of temples.
Wonder if it is connected in a “signs and wonders” kind of way?


The Hebrew term Abaddon (Hebrew: אֲבַדּוֹן‎, ‘Ǎḇaddōn), an intensive form of the word “destruction”, appears as a place of destruction in the Hebrew Bible.

In a vision in the New Testament Book of Revelation, an angel called Abaddon is shown as the king of an army of locusts; his name is first transcribed in Greek as “whose name in Hebrew Abaddon” (Ἀβαδδὼν), and then translated as, “which in Greek means the Destroyer” (Apollyon, Ἀπολλύων). The Latin Vulgate, as well as the Douay Rheims Bible, has an additional note (not present in the Greek text), “in Latin Exterminans”, exterminans being the Latin word for “destroyer”.


According to the Brown Driver Briggs lexicon, the Hebrew abaddon (Hebrew: אבדון; avadon) is an intensive form of the Semitic root and verb stem abad (אָבַד) “perish” (transitive “destroy”), which occurs 184 times in the Hebrew Bible.

Hebrew Bible

The term abaddon appears six times in the Masoretic text of the Hebrew Bible; abaddon means destruction or “place of destruction”, or the realm of the dead, and is associated with Sheol.

I think Congress and the Senate ought to get some answers

from Barack and Michelle Obama.

ABC cuts first lady’s claim teen killed by automatic weapon

“Questions today in America’s 2nd amendment debate after First Lady Michelle Obama chose to discuss the need for a new gun control in her opinion during an interview with Good Morning America. During that interview the First Lady said that 15 year old Hadia Hendleton who was shot and killed in Chicago just after she had preformed in the President’s Inauguration. The First Lady saying that she was shot because quote “some kids had automatic weapons they didn’t need.” a detail not supported by police or apparently the facts. Chicago authorities have said they believe the fact that this child was killed by a handgun. However, in the video clip the mention of automatic weapons was edited out.


Michelle Obama: She was standing out in a park with her friends in a neighborhood blocks away from where my kids grow grew up, where our house is and she was caught in the line of fire. I just don’t want to keep disappointing our kids in this country. I want them to know that we put them first.

So that in the piece that aired on TV they edited out the bit about the automatic weapons. ABC claims they did that for the sake of time.”

She knew what she was saying and added irrelevance about a chemistry test!

I think the problem Michelle Obama

had with this young lady

who was killed was that

she stood out.

She is just a lying maniac with bangs. That is what liars do….. they add irrelevant facts or non-facts to cover themselves for their whatever agenda.

WHY IN THE WORLD DID SHE SAY this stuff? Pretty weird.

I think Michelle Obama is a very jealous person. 

My dog died yesterday the same day Michelle Obama gave advice about dog exercise and dog food. Interesting. My dog was about 18 years old and her name was Lady. My other dog Buck was shot about a year ago by a neighbor’s visitor who was drunk. They were young and feuding over the mistreatment of a girl. The abuser pulled the gun. We did not realize our dog had been shot because dogs hide pain.

Both dogs had legs.

Soon after he had died we saw 2 dogs on the run both black labs and were able to catch one, the other disappeared (looked like Buck) and returned the dog it to it’s owner.


I don’t think Michelle likes criticism either…..


Now, the Pope has left his post and retired for the sake of the church. Says he’ll be hidden.

In Catholic prophecy he is the 2nd to the last pope for their church system,

but who knows whether or not in reality weather he isn’t really the last pope to reign.

Lots of eerie coincidences!

I know it sounds weird, but it was because of this incident that made me realize

Obama was very bad news and because

I think the man on the right at the top

is one of the two witnesses in  revelations of the bible.

One thing for sure he warned me that our government is not ours anymore. The Vatican gave the excuse for Benghazi – the Video Tape – on the 12th of September before anyone else did, after a few mob riots at other places in Egypt then Susan Rice did her appearances and then Obama did his appearance at the UN blaming the video tape for the execution of a few americans at Benghazi (could be more since we don’t know what happened to the others…they sort of disappeared into thin air). Somewhere in between these appearances Hillary Clinton distanced herself from this evil video tape, also. A video tape is no excuse (and ridiculous) for what happened, but now we have the Definitive Report which is ridiculous too. The man who made the videotape is in jail, supposedly. And since then Obama has managed to create crisis after crisis about anything he can mostly “the economy stupid” to distract from what occurred and a few massacres, martyrdoms, and murders and some merciless bumps in the road soon after Benghazi when Israel was attacked:


….because he was exposed for what he is…

a drool for the Vatican and Islam and they are drools also which basically are

the stinkin’ mob.

Obviously a false religion promoting a false religion

the religion of the mob.

They will use anything or anyone to keep power because they are evil cowards.

(legion of ants, locusts, fleas and worms)

America’s unique relationship with the Vatican

“Q: How important and you were an important part of this, of course during your years, how important is the relationship between the United States and the Vatican?

Secretary Jim Nicholson: It’s extremely important to, to the world. The Vatican has diplomatic relations with 194 countries. And the Vatican, the Catholic Church is one of the largest purveyors of the human assistance in the world. And a great deal of the resources that they get to hand out to people comes from the United States because the United States government, the United States people, and Catholics in the pews are very generous and they send a lot of money to Rome and the church does a very able job through it’s missionaries and it’s volunteers non-governmental agencies in administering that. Perfect example was the great amount of assistance that we gave to Africa. President Bush led us on that uh in in fighting off malaria and and aids. I was very involved as our ambassador in that. Uh, . So, so that coupling of our our natural resource base and their their missionary zeal, their commitment to human dignity, and helping people have a better life is a, is a very important partnership to people in the world today, but especially those people more underprivileged and underdeveloped…….”


Is this ridiculous?

CONCLAVE CONVENESThe costumes are stunning.
These guys are all over the world messing it up. Can’t wait to see their offspring start to dress like the swiss guard. The Afghan President Karzai is attempting to follow, but prefers a green and blue motif, though lately he looks more like a nun.
It’s hard to imagine why any world would want guys in red with white lace and red hats with a gold braid down their back to rundown the world, but soon they will make a vote for a pope and give a sign with indian smoke signals. Scary, but just as scary is Obama and Jay Carney and their circus of actors.

Bob Woodward: White House is using my spat as ‘sideshow’

Reps escalate demands for information on Benghazi survivors, suggest ‘cover-up’

Published March 12, 2013


Here is another sign of sorts:

Eric Bolling and Ed Beckel of Fox News exclaimed today that they could not understand why the American public were so mesmerized by the Arias murder trial. I had never even heard of her till I watched it on Greta’s show on Fox News and not just once, but many times on Fox News.

What a twist!

Talk about turning cause and effect into effect and cause!

That’s why.

Here is another case of turning cause and effect into effect and cause:


It isn’t because he cares. It’s because he doesn’t.

It’s a political ploy so he can rape the country and destroy.

He just needs women in a bad spot to hide behind for his cover/veil and to bow down kind of like some Palestinians do with their children and use them as human shields.

If he cared about anyone he would tell the truth about Benghazi.

He would want his administration to testify about it and not keep the other witnesses from the Senate and House of Reps.

He creates chaos by getting his drones to create mass shootings that are fake to disarm America and at the same time arm his friends in other places and the mob.  He would try to have a plan to balance the budget and not vacation all over the place. He would set an example and of course he has done the opposite.

He is a in your face blatant liar!

He would not have said the things he said at his Correspondent’s Dinners.

Western-Backed FSA Use Child Soldiers in Syria

Not only that Geraldo Rivera aired/erred on his show the other night some naked pictures of Arias and I guess that is considered to be okay because it’s a news talk show? I don’t think it is okay. Was it necessary? So now Fox News is into the pornography of a defendant in a murder trial? Something wrong with this picture, except not surprising since the Grahams seem to have some control of that station either spiritually or financially, or maybe both. Talk about twisted. Maybe their ratings have been down and thought a few naked pictures of Arias would pick up more viewers? In answer to Eric Bolling and Ed Beckel it seems to be premeditated mesmerization of the trial of Arias by Fox News, but for what purpose?

I could not convict her of murder because she doesn’t even remember murdering her boyfriend. Where’s the knife? It wasn’t her and the gun that killed him, it was someone with a knife as far as I have ascertained. Those 4 roommates need to be questioned more since they were with the body for 4 days in an apartment. I could convict her of attempted manslaughter of her boyfriend. I could not convict her of premeditation to kill because I don’t know that she intended to kill him or whether in fact she did kill him. Just because she lied a bunch after shooting him is telling of her shock at what she did with the gun, her fear, and her self preservation.

I think this is a group murder because of the odd circumstances with the friends and roommates, their religion, a place called Margaritaville that did not exist and his body hanging out for four days in a bath tub with his so called friends/roomates in an apartment stinking up the place.

I think she was used as a fall guy for a mob/church type killing. At face value it doesn’t add up. I think she is the coverup for his death. Basically I think this is a cult murder.

Bob Woodward is  another good case in point. He broke the story about Watergate and he was a hero. Now he broke the ranks and stood up and admitted being threatened by Obama’s legion (reminds me of Billy Graham kind of tactics) and everyone else attacks him. Talk about a bunch of cowards. How about standing by his side and act like a real man or woman instead of like french chickens.

It’s like when a woman gets raped and reports it and gets attacked for standing up for herself. (the Islamic way.)

If you don’t stand up now, it might be you next.  

You would think the press would care about freedom of the press

and the responsibility of the press.

No wonder America has problems.

Things sure have changed. The hippie generation turned into

the NIXON.

Like the planet of the apes with stupid social scientists

making up excuses for the signs in the earth and the heavens.

The religion of GLOBAL WARMING

wow that’s pretty stupid

only apes could have managed to come up with that idea

and only stupid apes could have believed it.

Social Cohesion

Shared social responsibility: securing trust and sustainable social cohesion in a context of transition, Brussels, 28th February – 1st March 2011


Is it because we have no bread?

Matthew 16:7

And they reasoned among themselves, saying, It is because we have taken no bread.

Mark 8:16

16 And they reasoned among themselves, saying, It is because we have no bread.

How is it That Ye Do Not Understand?

Folly of the Synoptic Gospels

Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven

I Am That I Am (The Sign) -Revised*

I AM THAT I AM (Part two)

Merangue’s Blog

McCain, Graham ‘hell-bent’ on getting Benghazi answers before Brennan vote

Andrew McCarthy on Benghazi: ‘Decisive action could have saved American lives’ [VIDEO]

……”In the interview, McCarthy also claims that the Obama administration continues to work with the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to find agreement on U.N. Human Rights Council Resolution 16/18, which would deem it unlawful to incite hostility toward religion.

“What we are effectively doing is codifying the Shariah blasphemy standard under which any criticism of Islam … is deemed to be a capital offense,” McCarthy said.”……

Juan Williams on Benghazi: ‘It deserved news attention’ [VIDEO]

Boy are you deceived Juan.  You defend the administration because he is the same race (I suppose) as you. Do you defend Michelle for her lies above about the girl that was shot? How she was shot? Why she was shot? All of which Michelle Obama in her short interview explained. Do you defend that? Isn’t that political?

Fox News paid the most attention to the execution at Benghazi but as I have said over and over again why didn’t they report about the man that does not physically match Ambassador Chris Stevens? No one has reported about it. Why not?

Are ya blind?

You can read my other posts about what Benghazi is about on my other sites listed and linked below and the various posts about it. This is not political.

It’s because you do not believe that you have made it political.

He is a witness in the biblical sense of the word.

Believing is tough but helpful these days and it

requires work because of the deception of the world.


Will Benghazi survivors ever come forward?

Sec. of State Kerry talks about justice and a witness at Bethesda

now, all of a sudden, 6 months after Benghazi.

Jason Chaffetz Rep. Congressman from Utah interviewed by Greta Van Susterne why not subpoena the witnesses and he seemed to have many innocuous reasons for the lack of progress. He is an A-men kind of fellow as he espoused in the interview and I suspect that is the reason for inaction. Here is a link about A-men and please check out the links provided:

The Stones of Amen

Jason Chaffetz was educated at Brigham Young which is owned by an LDS Church (the Mormon Church) because they too are deceived.

He represents the wrong interests.

Billy Graham and The Synoptic Dilemma: The Beast

Shape-shifting Jesus described in ancient Egyptian text


Luckily I was blessed with some really cool miracles that help me to remember which seems to be a problem with many people in the world they just keep forgetting and I think that is a result of not believing. The forgetfulness of the world keeps them blind.

I would suggest reading the Gospel of John to help in that regard.

Maybe the problem with the Barack Obama is belief. He forgets from one day to the next what he has said especially when it comes to the economy or is that to keep people off balance so he won’t have to deal with Benghazi? Probably. Forgetfulness is contagious in Washington DC. as we go from one crisis to the next over the same contrived things.

Now there is news of a witness or survivor of Benghazi at Walter Reed Hospital that no one knew about for 6 months, but obviously they knew they just forgot to tell us. I bet Mr. money bags Secretary of State John Kerry knows, he seems to be the heir apparent

to the buck stops here as he bribes Egypt.

I get the feeling America is well off when he can dole it out to the Muslim Brotherhood. The Hood. What did Kerry get in return?

Kerry, in Egypt, Ties $250M in US Aid to Little-Noticed Reform; ‘Outrageous,’ Says Congressman

How about the other witnesses that survived? Where are they?

Kerry in Egypt ‘with a poor hand of cards’ as IMF money mean cuts and tax increases

The aim of Kerry’s visit is to persuade Egypt to pass a set of unpopular reforms in order to qualify for a $4.8 billion International Monetary Fund loan package, with the US also promising to provide $450 million of financial help of their own to Mohamed Morsi’s government because of its promises of economic and political reforms.

RT: Why is America appearing to side with what the opposition are calling a hardline authoritarian Muslim Government, after its vocal support for democratic change in the region?

FWE: Well, It’s very good question. I think there’s a double-faced policy in Washington. The backing of the Muslim brotherhood goes back to the CIA’s role in Egypt back in the 1950s when they saw the Muslim Brotherhood as a potentially useful tool to put in their bag of organizations that they manipulate around the world. Then they brought the Brotherhood into Saudi Arabia in the 50s when it was banned in Egypt. And from there the Brotherhood has expanded out. Now they’re playing a key role in all the countries with the Arab Spring. I think some people around president Obama have the delusion that they could control what’s basically a political Islamo-fascist movement. It’s not a movement for democracy by any stretch of the imagination. And that’s what this Brotherhood is – it’s a secret society. 

White House cancels tours due to sequester

Burning Questions About Benghazi Still Abound

Biden should be arrested and put in prison for his expenditures in London and Paris.

That is evil to spend that kind of money for a night or two and then talk about nuns.

He is  insane and so is our government for allowing it.

Hotel Contracts for Biden Trip to London, Paris Totaled $1 Million

“These costs are nothing out of the ordinary. They are in line with high-level travel across multiple administrations,” the State Department official said. “


There is nothing that Biden or Obama can do for anyone that is worth over one cent. In fact they should pay the Americans back with 1,000, 000, 000 times what they have spent. Worthless pieces of crap.


Better yet don’t come back. Cut off their funds. Let Biden and Kerry stay with the nuns. Let Obama stray where he is with the Palestinians in the West bank and send him some  checkered dish towels to wrap his head in and ditch these good for nothing rats. And send plenty more of those checkered dish rags for their Secret Service rats too. They need to cover their heads also. Let them be at home with their buds.


Saudi Arabia to investigate Egyptian brawl in Mecca

Just threaten their families, that auto work then behead all the dish toweled men and castrate all the men that are named

Biden Schmoozes With Nuns in Latest ‘Being Biden’ Audio

“Time has come” for a carbon tax

Al Gore should be charged with fraud. What a liar. Send him to Saudi Arabia to live and buy him one too.


Don’t ask me why this blog post goes lefty but it is out of my control.

Interference of some kind.



A collection of news and information related to Benghazi published by this site and its partners.



Today (Wed. March 6th) Rand Paul is filibustering the Senate on the Brennan nomination over drone attacks of americans on american soil:

Rand Paul slams Attorney General Holder for ‘refusal’ to rule out drone strikes in US

Senator Graham and Senator McCain I guess didn’t appreciate the filibuster. I thought it was fantastic and very American especially when dealing with an issue as important as clone attacks on Americans.

Drones Are More Important Than Benghazi to Lindsey Graham

I hear that a few in the Senate have tried to stop drone attacks of Americans on foreign soil.
I agree because the constitution applies to an American overseas, doesn’t it? We don’t become foreigners just because we leave the country. Wouldn’t the American military agree? I don’t like the drone attacks on foreigners either. I know we are at war but we are not the mob. I don’t like innocent casualties and anytime we can avoid it I think we should. Being a powerful military doesn’t mean we should abuse that power. I think Obama has abused it for his own agenda not in defense of our country, but getting rid of his and Michelle’s
 personal enemies.
McCain is out of his mind if he calls them wacko. Talk about going over the deep end. However, the tweets were funny and harmless unless you have a big ego problem. The tweets about monkeys etc. I’ve made a few myself that might be considered racist but I don’t consider myself to be racist. However these days with all the sensitive people and their sensitivities I don’t think anyone on earth could pass the mustard except Chris Matthews, Collin Powell, and Bill Cosby.

Sen. Rand Paul on top issues facing Congress

I like his views for the most part.

I think marijuana should be decriminalized. Get the criminals out of the business and treat it like cigarettes and alcohol and be given absolution to the indicted or incarcerated for possession or small sales of marijuana. I have used marijuana, effexor, cigarettes and alcohol and tried a few other things in the past.  Alcohol is fine if used in moderation and I think the same for marijuana. I don’t think anyone should drive under the influence of any drug or alcohol (or fly planes!) or operate any kind of machinery or be in charge of kids or in authority of others where others can be affected but I believe privacy in a home is imperative unless kids are hurt sexually or physically. I think emotional and mental abuse is prevalent in most homes to some degree just because that is how people treat each other most of the time even in those fine dignified classy ones. People live in an imperfect world and tend to shed the effects of that world on those around them especially between the sexes or under the influence
 of the various cults that people tend to flock. (and that includes peer pressure and mob rule, but that seems to be unavoidable within those groups.) 
I have seen so many ads for drugs on tv that cause so much harm and yet under some circumstances are good.
I know the harmful effects of any drug can be bad, but sometimes their use is good and vice versa.
When people are broke and without jobs I would imagine a little flexibility in these areas is a good gesture,
especially in regards to marijuana. I know when I was deeply depressed marijuana helped me for at least a little while a few hours anyway to let off or vent some anger because it made me laugh if off for that short time but that was enough to alter my devastation. It helped. I know it is not the best answer, but at the time it was available.
Once my dad who is the straightest man I ever knew became severely depressed and went to get an anti-depressant from his doctor which is highly unusual for him and within a few months was out of his depression, but anti-depressants can also be harmful because it makes many complacent with their status or condition or underlying problem, like a mask. 
But as a kid marijuana and alcohol are not helpful. Got me into a lots of troubles. I’m sure there are extenuating circumstances though even for kids. Also when I was young and high strung and out of control/frantic my mother gave me a fraction of a pill (can’t remember the name of it) and it helped.  It didn’t happen a lot but there were a few times I needed it. My dad said his girls were neurotic and most girls are neurotic especially around their periods.
I think prescription drugs often are worse than marijuana.
People definitely should not be killed or imprisoned over marijuana, that is for sure. Most people that use marijuana are law abiding citizens in every other aspect of their life regarding the laws of the land even more so than alcohol users. Alcohol use can cause aggression in some people and I have never witnessed marijuana to do what alcohol does in that regard.
I think the effects of marijuana hurt the user more than anyone else
 such as being silly stupid (but sometimes that is helpful), paranoid, uninvolved, lazy and unmotivated while the use of alcohol usually hurts others more than the user because alcohol can cause severe aggression of all kinds. Most rapes, fights, physical abuse, sexual abuse, incest, and murders, I believe, occur under the influence of alcohol. I guess it is relative to each person, but marijuana is far less dangerous than alcohol except for it’s criminal ties to the underworld, gangs, the mob and drug pushers but such was the history of alcohol. If we can alleviate that aspect of the drug it would make a huge difference, in my opinion.
I would rather be around a person who is stoned than a person who is drunk in a physical way because I would feel safer. I think marijuana and the content and strength of the drug that is in it could be better controlled than it is now and in the past. The “coolness” of it would be lessened which would make it less desirable.
My cousin spent time in Huntsville Prison for marijuana. I don’t know the details but he is one of  the sweetest young men you could meet, but he had had about 6-8 step dads in his life. Is it any wonder he was a bit mixed up at an early age.
I don’t have that excuse because my parents were for the most part pretty devoted to each other most of their marriage. My excuse was drugs were everywhere when I lived in Virginia and the Viet Nam war was occurring and  I was very peer impressionable and my dad was away at war. I think the  propaganda about “Just say no,” is a good deterrent and other modes of teaching in regards to drugs, alcohol, DUI, and sex. (Helps with the social taboos.) And let Law Enforcement concentrate on the DUI’s and hard core drug dealers, illegal gun dealers who are more likely to commit real crimes such as rapes, murder, kidnapping and child pornography and sex trafficking especially of youths, cult crimes and money laundering.
Now I rarely have a drink and when I do I only have one or two. I haven’t had pot in years. So I grew up quite a bit. 
I find it interesting that the President, the Senate and the House of Reps and all the people that work in those areas of our government and the other areas of government and the Press (with a few exceptions! ) seem more apathetic to what happened in Benghazi than does the public at large and I wonder what it is they are taking as their drug.
Must be OPM that makes them apathetic which hurts everyone.
I agree with Eric Bolling of “The Five” on Fox News about the legalization of gambling. It is allowed here and there, but not everywhere. It’s a risk but no one should lose a job over it, or their reputation, or their life. There would be more competition and laws to govern when disputes arise such as when someone gets in over their head and can’t pay and instead of some mob or mob boss handling it, the courts could handle it.
Get the criminal ingredient out of the business.
Basically take the legs out of the mob and deal with them on more serious issues such as child pornography and the sex trade, murder, hard drugs and arms trading and take their legitimacy from beneath them and concentrate on arming the enemy, such as:
Eric Holder and the Obama Administrations involvement with Fast and Furious and Benghazi and the arms traded there and put into the enemy’s hands. If we are at war with terrorism then why send money and weapons to Egypt if they are intent on the death of Christians, Americans, and Jews via terrorism. How about the Syrian rebels. No one knows where they stand and yet Europeans and some Americans want to arm them. 
Isn’t that a crime?
 It should be!

Libya Imprisons American for Allegedly Proselytizing Christianity in Benghazi

This is very disturbing. Why has it been kept out of the news? 
I guess the RC is probably responsible because they are in control of Islam and want to be on top.
Please read about their relationship to Islam and their manipulation of the Islamic people and vice versa:

Pope Benedict XVI and His Power of Suggestion

IT’s sickening

but the first person to come up with the Benghazi excuse

was Father Lombardi

the Pope’s spokesman at the time.

Roman Catholicism, the Vatican, the Jesuits

and Islam

have a nefarious relationship

that needs to be choked off/defunded


witch use OPM!

The pretty lady on The Five mentioned that maybe the new pope might be able to get these Christian prisoners/proselytizers freed. Yea probably since he has that kind of control of the Islamic peoples. It would make him a hero in the RC parishioners eyes too I would imagine.

More than likely Senator Kerry wouldn’t even try, nor his predecessor.

I wonder if Billy or Franklin Graham have any pull in the area…..

I would imagine they do being shills for RC.

It’s amazing we are having this problem giving millions of tax dollars and weapons to our enemy when they just want to kill Christians, Americans, and Jews. Why don’t the want to kill the RC?

Is it because they aren’t Christian,

but CRYSTALIANS or to put it another way

Crystal Meth-ians

ie slaves

If you read

Obama is Slaying the Senate

you will understand why I say that about RC’s.

Is that why they don’t mind the Pope and his input?

They bow down and kiss his ring and have given each of them the royal treatment.

If Catholics care about other Christians they will stop the vicious circle by not attending their RC churches and giving their hard earned dollars to a system that supports ISLAM. And the same goes for Islamic nations to not support a system by giving their hard earned dollars or whatever is their currency to their churches/synagogues/temples to a system that supports the Roman Catholic hierarchy or the Islamic hierarchy. Same with the Jesuits and any other cult. That would help to stop the madness. Gain control of your governments and stop the misuse of OPM.
(Other peoples money)
IF you care about your own freedom and your children’s futures you will not attend or donate
to their cause:

your slavery. 

The Church Does Not Speak for Me: 6 Quotes by JFK on Being Catholic and a Politician

Bill Cosby says those who oppose Obama are racist

So Bill Cosby if you opposed George Bush, were you a racist?

Bill Cosby and Catholic nuns have a special agreement which you can read about in the post. He seeded for his wife and who knows what else he received. Obviously, he is in the depths of deception and paying the piper, and a backscratcher as well. The actors need american tax dollars for their lifestyles of the rich and famous selling out the americans for those needs:)


such as:

Harrison Ford on sequester: ‘Accidents are going to happen’ when FAA closes air traffic control towers [VIDEO]

Obviously, this is black mail because of Feinstein’s loss today against

the 2nd amendment rights of the average person in America.

But instead they would rather have pretty haircuts for free and fair weather friends in Hollywood.
You would think Harrison Ford could object a wee bit but he’s acting as if he’s all for it when in reality sequestration is being used as an excuse to hurt and punish Americans. All it would take is thoughtful and diligent work in all areas of government to size it down to cut the fat, fraud and abuse, find and cut the funding to the enemy with arms, tanks, money and who knows what else. I guess this actor is just a wimp. I won’t be wasting my money on his movies. How about Harrison Ford and Janet Nepolitano tying a good taut knot in marriage or did he already drink her blood.

Marine Corps Veteran Questions DHS on Huge Ammo Buys

Big Sis Refuses To Answer Congress On Bullet Purchases

DHS questioned over decision to let Saudi passengers skip normal passport controls

The Sequester is affecting the amount of border patrol agents at our borders by about 5000. I think Nepolitano (with Obamas direction) is very integral to Pope Benedict’s desire to have a “world without borders” an essential ingredient to a one world government and an illustration that this Sequester is Vatican inspired.

Of course, who will lead this one world with out borders??????……..

the Roman  Catholic Pope and the Vatican as it seems to be doing incognito.

Pope Benedict said he would be “hidden” after he retired.

I guess he really didn’t retire.

(Hard to know whether the RC Vatican is run by Islam or Islam is run by the RC Vatican:

one is an apologist for the other using each other

to get their way in any witch way they can. )


He is insane and so is his boss.

Jim Carrey mocks gun enthusiasts in ‘Funny or Die’ ‘Hee-Haw’ spoof

Jim Carrey needs to read about the hoaxes involved in all the mass shootings in my blogs so he won’t be so foolish.
Does Jim Carrey make money on his mock of gun enthusiasts? Probably. Jim should move back to Canada if he doesn’t think the 2nd amendment of the Constitution is worth standing up for. Americans do think it is worthy of protection because it protects our rights. I love his humor but he is wrong. I bet he thinks giving 300 million to the Palestinians is good and of course he is wrong again. Does Jim Carrey want to defend himself against terrorists, murderers, rapists, thugs and thieves with his humor? Would his humor have prevented the animals dragging a man around with motorcycles? Maybe he should move to the West Bank and see if there isn’t a need to arm oneself against that kind of mercilessness with more than comedy. Perhaps it is okay with Jim if our government rapes him and his bank accounts and everything he has earned such as his homes such as occurred recently to the people in Cyprus?
Would that send a message to Jim? Does Jim Carey have children? Does he want his kids to wear burkas and have their hands chopped off for stealing food? That is what will occur if we give up our right to bear arms to defend ourselves against tyranny and real insanity.

“He was allegedly forced to confess after the authorities threatened to torture his mother.”

The leaders of Saudi Arabia rob the people and then rob them of any rights such as a fair trial and get confessions by threatening torture of their family members and publicly execute them to scare everyone else. This is the worst kind of government and the worst kind of leaders, but AL GORE is their ally. We definitely do not need to do business with this government, because they are insane. Not only that their religious leaders walk around a meteor in Mecca and consider that spiritual and expect others to do it once in their lifetime.

Mercury Meteorite? Green Space Rock Found In Morocco May Be First From Innermost Planetr-MERCURY-METEORITE-large570

Next thing you know the Moroccans will set up a shrine around this meteor call it the holy spot and expect people to walk in mass around it.

King Abdullah is slimy, gross, and a coward of the wurst kind.

Wouldn’t it be just plain wonderful if that place disappeared to show how insane their religion is?
 Obama is slimy, gross, and a coward also.

King Abdullah, President Obama hold talks

June 3, 2009

The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz and U.S. President Barack Obama held bilateral talks at the King’s ranch in Al-Janadriyah today.

During remarks to the media, President Obama stressed the value of his relationship with the Saudi monarch. “I’ve been struck by his wisdom and his graciousness,” he said.  The U.S. and Saudi Arabia “have a long history of friendship, we have a strategic relationship.”

President Obama said he purposely chose Saudi Arabia as the first stop on his Middle East tour because the Kingdom is a key ally and the cradle of Islam.

Here is another strange twist:


I get the feeling there is more cheatin’ goin’ on. 

U.S. victims of mass shootings seek control over donations

It seems that donations are highly sought after by victims. I have watched a multitude of you tubes of these so-called victims of mass shootings within a few days after their so-called victimization seeking money. It ought to raise ones suspicions of the intent of these   volunteers.

Kind of like Paul Ryan more worried about the contrived “abyss”/fiscal cliff than the truth of what happened in Benghazi. He certainly tried to scare his side of the aisle which gave Obama and his cronies more space to distance themselves from the executions.

Here is another licking video of the supposed victim being remembered by her dad who is acting obviously coerced by the likes of the press CNN to be exact and Piers Morgan:

Here is a snap shot from the video you tube and the you tube. The snap shot is taken at 1:01.

Screen shot 2013-03-26 at 12.56.31 AM

This is a sign given over and over again by CBS news and many others when JFK was assassinated and with Newtown which I believe is a big hoax to get us to disarm the public to render us helpless.

Video memorializes slain Newtown student

CNN also was involved in another Newtown fraud and I think they are deeply involved in the Newtown cult. Please scroll down to the part about the massacre called


in the article below:

Boehner, Chris Christie, and Obama’s Image

It ought to give you goose bumps. Very much like the Jim Jones cult, even the woman who interviews the kids looks like his relative. Very cold and calculating b…..!

Here is a good example of the licking phenomenon:

CBS News and JFK (A Lot of Lickin’ Goin’ On) Parts 59-60

Here is another example of the Newtown hoax

(Before It’s News)

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Screen shot 2013-02-02 at 5.38.23 AM



Newtown – A Hoax?


Obama is Slaying the Senate

JFK Assassination, CBS News and the Second Vatican Council


Was Benghazi an attack on Americans

by drones on foreign soil?

Is Obama (and the State Department and CIA and others) trying to free themselves of responsibility for the attack of a few Americans at Benghazi with the drone issue by legalizing it after the fact?

Leading from behind policies.

Drone StrikesTed Cruz Repeatedly Questions Holder On Hypothetical Use Of Drones In US

By the way there are lots of kinds of drones. Not just flying ones.

There are human drones.

Charles Krauthammer on Fox news used Civil War as an excuse for using drones to kill americans today Wed March 6th. So Charles where did you grow up? Germany? Your name certainly is telling. You got something up your sleeve? When the press turns on the people with lies, half truths, twists and turns, etc. No wonder we can’t get to the truth about Benghazi because the press is hiding the truth.

What a jerk.

Now, President Obama wants to meet with the Republicans. I hope some of you won’t….the ones with brains, hearts, and courage. He is your enemy and there is no point in meeting with him because he will just lie to you because he is evil.

The financial crises we have experienced over and over again this year and last year are to cover the Presidents hyde in destroying Americans and America. He will never do what is right for America because that is not his purpose. There is no point in dealing with him on these issues whatsoever, because he flips on a dime

because his intentions are to destroy Americans and America.

The same goes for Michelle. They will use any person willing and any government entity willing to do the job and their will if you let them. He is playing games with the government, our country and its people. Until you figure that out you are being used by him one way or another and in essence a pawn in his stupid game.

Obama lunches with Ryan after dining with GOP senators

Obama Invites Ryan, Van Hollen to Lunch

I guess they’re hungry.

He’s a little man handed power by unbelievers.

Here is an article about Bill Clinton flipping:

Bill Clinton flips on gay marriage — is Hillary far behind?


This article talks about arming the Syrian rebels via Benghazi with aid of Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, through Croatia etc all of these muslim countries.


I guess they don’t like Assad of Syria (for crimes against his people?) as much as Abdullah of Saudi Arabia who chops peoples heads off for small unproven crimes.

A bit lop sided. Obviously cruelty isn’t the real reason. However when President Clinton was in office we had the wars in Serbia, Croatia the Yugoslavian wars etc (prophetic) so there is a connection. The Clintons were and are just puppets, I think. Gore was VP and never received his kingdom (prophetic) in the Book of Daniel.

Obviously, the RC and it’s daughters and the Islamic connection with fanatics and zealots suffering from Synoptic fever syn-drone, their preoccupation with the preeminence of the Gospel of Matthew duplicitousness,

yingin’ and yangin’ everyone, even themselves for

the proppers of the worship of Mary and baby Jeezes 

(as Obama said at his Press dinner)

probably Nero using H.A.A.R.P.

against the Gospel of John (freedom from the above mad alliance).

There is probably some truth in this article,

but definitely lots more going on here than that. Lets see the survivors now:)

It ain’t the economy as demonstrated by Obama, our government and others.

It ain’t just about OIL either.

It’s about religion, their demonic cults, slavery of women

for sex,

money,  power

and the Great Deception.


Both feeling “the pain.”
Not their pain but the pain of others because they like it.
I think it’s called demon possession.


Why Does It Matter Hillary?

Hugo Chavez, Venezuelan leader and U.S. foil, dies

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez dead after battle with cancer

Stands like a woman in rolled up jeans and sandals!
Where was Michelle Obama the night of Benghazi?
Screen shot 2013-03-02 at 3.50.11 PM

 Lawmakers demand access to survivors injured in Benghazi attack

Pakistani girl shot by Taliban appears on video saying she’s getting better

Another case of human drones trying to silence

a very beautiful smart young lady!



Unknown-3 Unknown-1 images-3 images images-2 2009_01_16johnson

Disturbing situation involving John Kerry and Michelle Obama

The Execution of Benghazi

Benghazi: 6 Months Later


Posted in Benghazi, Bible Prophecy, Bob Woodward, chavez, Egypt, Hugo Chavez, Kerry, MIchelle Obama, Muslim Brotherhood, Pope Benedict, Pope Benedict XVI, Ratzinger, Roman Catholic Church, Roman Catholicism, Russian meteor, Sean Hannity, Secretary of State Kerry, The Pope, the White House, Uncategorized, Venezuela, Watergate, White House | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Dr. Benjamin Carson’s Skin and Games

Everyone’s skin needs to be in the game.


It will not help the Republicans any more than the tax system in place.


(Which is where Dr Ben Carson’s skin is in this game)

It will not help the deficit.

The people are depleted already and they have been skinned


and it is time for BIG GOVERNMENT to add their skins.

In biblical times they gave a tithe

of what they produced,

not their profit.

IF they produced corn they gave corn. If they produced skins/furs by hunting they gave skins/furs. If they produced cookies they gave cookies.

So if I make jewelry I would give 10 percent

of what I produce for the government to sell.

Remember God favored Abel’s tithe over Cain’s tithe because he preferred the sacrifice to the veggies.

I think it sounds like a decent system if we go the way of tithing

but let’s be truthful about what tithing was in biblical times

that is considered to be fair

by Doctor Benjamin Carson.


Then the government could live off the 10 per cent tithes and allocate who in government gets the veggies, who gets the meat, and who gets the cookies

or sell the products that are tithed.

Let the government businesses that government abusers have produced

with tax payers hard earned money

sell the peoples tithes of what they produce.

If they don’t produce anything, they don’t tithe.

If government doesn’t sell the products produced and given in tithes,

they will have a surplus of products but will have to go lean on spending.

Hire the ones that don’t produce to sell the products of the producers which would help with unemployment and get many off welfare.

Down the road we could have a consumption tax

after the people regain their financial standing,

but first give the people a rest for 7 years.

 The government will want to sell to us so that they make money.

If we don’t buy, then we can save. If they don’t sell our products, they have a surplus.

The Federal Government then could learn about business by selling our products instead of other countries products and be more inclined to invest in our businesses so that they might receive a bigger 10 percent tithe.

We do not need to be in every part of the world. Let’s get out of everyone else’s countries and let them be masters of their own fate, government, religions, cultures etc.

Let’s start by cutting 10 percent across the board on every department and facility of Government. Cut 10 percent of pay paid to Federal workers, also.

And Pay the Sucker (Deficit) down with that money that is saved by cutting.

And the Feds need not spend money until they know how much they have once they receive it through their sales of our tithes and then allocate it to their departments.

Then no longer will you spend what is not there or been produced.

That is why salt became so important to preserve the beef because otherwise the meat was wasted unless the excess was fed to the people. They didn’t want to feed the people but they didn’t want to waste the meat either. So they learned to like meat jerky.

Rome didn’t want to feed excess meat to the people so they invaded Israel because of the Dead Sea (a salty sea one of the lowest places on earth now) They would rather have jerky, too.

Now, we have refrigerators and freezers, but they pollute the air which affect the atmosphere which causes the ice caps to melt, not to mention microwaving the earth with  weapons such as HAARP in Alaska so they can create havoc and blame Global warming and have us pay for the damages and force some to their ways. NONE of them are good.

The earthquake in the Indian Ocean that caused the tsunami was a so strong it


Actually caused earth to alter its axis, I think, and of course, that can’t be good.

 There is a place in Israel I chanced upon that has a harp in its hierglyphs etched on stone with a sharp tool (awl) and I think in regards to Josephus Flavius which I harped about in my articles:

Josephus and His Footprints

Joseph of Arimathea (A JUST)

As I stated in many articles about the assassination of JFK that 1963 was quite a monumental year because of Vatican ll which hoped, had faith in, and loved the imperialism of the Gospel of Matthew over the other gospels even though the other 2 synoptic gospels pretty much are the same and over that odd one: the Gospel of John which is totally different.

Of course Joseph of Arimathea might be the reason why

because he was a just,

whatever that means?????

(More like he ad-justed.


like the tax men do.

Back to Global warming:

I think the Dead Sea is connected way down deep to the Mediterranean Sea and the Mediterranean Sea is connected to the oceans which are rising and affecting major storms into mega storms on the oceans.

I know there is a relationship of the seas mentioned and the oceans to each other, but I’m not a scientist. The rise of one affects the other or vice versa

and in relation to salt and phd levels and all that kind of science.

The dams built on the Nile also are affecting the Mediterranean Sea and so on and so forth.

I know that water was use as a weapon against Israel as related by Josephus writings and having to do with Alexandria, Egypt as I recall. So I think the Suez canal may be involved somehow. LBJ was involved with dam building in Egypt and Jackie Kennedy became involved with saving some temples in the area and was gifted with the Temple in Manhatten by the Egyptians. They passed on a few temples, one to Spain and another  in to the Netherlands. All of this is related to the events and calamities that have been occurring spiritually and physically today.

That’s where you get the adage:

Robbing Peter to Paypal and robbing Paypal to pay Peter.

IF you have read the bible the synoptic Jesus after he died did some house hoping looking for meat.

Here is a post about that meat hopping:

Simon, Simon – Who is Simon’s Son? Part Two

It is a post about the Synoptic Jesus going from Jerusalem to Emmaus (7 miles away)  and back again in one hour to Jerusalem and it seems he was searching for meat.

There is meat and then there is meat.

The inside of a date is called meat. (That could have another meaning.)

“Daughters of Jerusalem, weep not for me, but for you AND YOUR CHILDREN.”

Dates & Palm Trees

I recall there was a particular date grown in Israel which was superior to other dates in size and it became extinct in the those days. I guess there was a trade war because of those dates and they burned their palm trees out of existence although just recently within about ten years or 20 they found the seed of that palm tree that had expired and  are growing it now. In Islam the Prophet Mohammed encouraged breaking their Ramadan fast with dates and a little water. Dates were used by travelers because they were easy to carry and and no cooking was required. Obviously dates were the religious fruit of Islam.

Was the Synoptic Jesus Islamic? or was he actually Mohammad?

(the one that house hopped from city to city seeking meat

in the gospel of Luke.) Also the one that built his church upon the rock.

The Dome of the Rock and upon the words of Peter who within that same conversation was called Satan by that Synoptic Jesus.

There is definitely a difference between the Synoptic Jesus

and Jesus of the Gospel of John

the one that glorified the Father

and was the bread of life.

Jesus in the Gospel of John served fish to his apostles and helped them find the fish when they were fishing after he had risen at the Sea of Galillee. He didn’t need to search for meat as the Synoptic Jesus did after he had risen. Jesus of the Gospel of John knew where the meat was and the Synoptic Jesus didn’t. Even when at Jacob’s well his apostles/disciples/companions went searching for meat and he waited for the woman at the well who came at a certain hour to draw water from the well (around noon) who he seemed to be intent on meeting in the Gospel of John he told his companions that he had meat that they didn’t know about when the came back after searching for food and somewhere in the Gospel of John he said that his meat was to do the will of his Father.

Speaking of finding fish what is this about Afridi and why was he betrayed?

Could Oscar’s attention free the man who helped find Usama Bin Laden?

Egypt satirist questioned for insulting Mursi

I guess Mursi has no sense of humor. He has the sensitivity of a cold sore. Hey if a leader of a country can’t take it, then why is he their leader?

Lindsay Lohan’s Bracelets Were Hers To Keep, Or Did She ‘Forget’ To Return Them? (UPDATE)

I happen to really appreciate Lindsay Lohan and her talents and wish people would let her alone. She has been abused by some (the press and her so called friends). If Charlie Sheen had any grace he would ask her to return the stupid stuff but I don’t think he really likes women. I think he has a deep seated problem and it’s his beliefs. (They are twisted.) He doesn’t possess any talent except for a big mouth and a huge ego, neither does any of his family have talent. Spiritually inept. I remember Lindsay Lohan as a very cute adorable kid and hoping she regains her character because it is regainable regardless of what other people think. Because she is pretty and talented she has been attacked in many ways physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Here is a good and courageous set of women if true posing for the sake of other women.

Beth Whaanga’s Powerful Breast Cancer Portraits Lost Her 100 Friends, But Could Save Many More Lives

If anyone in that arena of LA had any guts or heart they would help her. It is probably those talents that makes her a target of those that would like to destroy her. Because so many women in Hollywood only have a pretty face or body she has all that and much more talent then them. I hope she gets off the booze and drugs and jerky men to start with and gets back to her art.

Amazing Disgrace


In my post called

The Execution of Benghazi

I parried in my post with Bill O’reilly and the others (Michelle and Barack the stones and many more) in regards to their “spin” and the vicious circle americans are dealing with in politics and religion. Last night O’reilly brought up his word for the evening and it was Lungis, I looked it up and found an interesting site on the word which is linked. Is O’reilly an apostle, let me guess: James the lesser or …….James the greater? I think I upset him with my findings on his purpose/end. He mentioned going into a room and shouting in rage I guess for a minute or so, whatever it was had him O’reilly riled up, I’m sure he wouldn’t admit it was my article about him if indeed it was. Today LA is dealing with TB outbreak which has to do with the Lungs. I would call that od, the timing, that is if it is even true:

Thousands May Have Been Exposed To Deadly TB Epidemic Downtown

Lots of back and forth, ying and yanging, tit for tat,

Amen ra and amen re,

and all that these days,

I think we need to get more than a shotgun!

I Am That I Am (The Sign)

I AM THAT I AM (Part two)

O’reilly has been defending catholicism and what they have created with their religion as far as public works and they do have a monopoly in that respect, but on whose dime and human cost to achieve their fruit, not to mention the spiritual deception, bully tactics and theft which these posts touch upon.

The Vatican-The Family Business-The Vatican City

The Fruits of the Vatican

Pope Benedict XVI and His Power of Suggestion


What is the smallest seed in the world?

The Parable of Faith – Part two

Pope Benedict XVI and the Mustard Tree

Parable of the Mustard Seed Part 4

Dr. Ben Carson also said in an interview on Fox News today Sunday Feb 24th:

If God be for you, who can be against you.

Qui est votre papa?

Very clever. Who being Q, I suppose?

“Q” is referred to as Quelle

Quelle: In German means Source

Quell:In English means To kill (as rebellion)

Bible Scholars blame the Q Source for the Synoptic Gospels

Jackie Kennedy Double liked her name to be pronounced  JacQUELine



The Synoptic “Q Source”

The Jackel

Perish: parishes- Paris- Your Lady of Notre Dame of Paris –

To be worshipped in place of

and that is partially why she married John Kennedy

et re his watchdog and assassinated him later

when she was done with him. She had other fish to fry. Onassis

Perish the thought

then came the thought police

which was Paul ‘The Great Apostles’ idea after all:

God shall judge men by their thoughts, he wrote

no mention of course of the propaganda, ads, and the many other inventions created to make men and women think those thoughts which the prince of this world intentionally made so that they may judge you because they are very, very

judge-mental-ly- insane.

JFK  left a message in his infamous speech about secret societies

and their disdain for freedom for the common man and warned about the loss of freedom.

Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to catch your disingenuous proclamations

and the timing of them. I guess it’s who who who you know.

I have many posts on Merangue’s Blog about JFK and JacQueline.

By the way Doc, is sabotaging the Apollo Mission considered beastiality?

I’m only suspicious for I have no proof either way, but with all the things that are occurring and the deception involved it makes me suspicious of these so-called accidents, so-called massacres, assassinations, etc.

If Lust be the reason then isn’t that an ingredient for guilt

in all of the commandments by your standards?

I think Dr. Ben Carson should be allowed to speak his thoughts and beliefs. We can learn from his experience and knowledge. He says he believes the bible and that is his source for his belief that homosexuality is on a level with beastiality, at least that is what I think he means. Their were evil kings in the bible that the bible tells about and believing that there were evil kings as stated in the bible makes sense but does he believe in those kings? How to make sense of the bible is important. Some of the conclusions written about in the bible that were written by men and their conclusions and the meanings of those events may have been wrong. Back in the days of Paul he was pretty weird about men and women and did not seem to have a good grip in his mind about women. In fact back then many men thought women were dirty but were attracted to them and he gives his directions of marrying them in his writings contained within the bible. Obviously some of us have evolved past that kind of thinking. Some have not. I think his ideas about women were pretty beastly. In fact Jesus written about in the Synoptic Gospels thought in that way about women. Mary was not allowed to touch him after his death and resurrection and purification and before he went to the Father, yet his apostles were able to touch him. The gospel of John doesn’t include that part about meeting Mary and telling her not to touch him as far as I remember anyway. When he met the others he told doubting Thomas to thrust his hand in his wound from the spear that was thrust in him at the crucifixion. Thomas was doubting whether he had risen and doubting Mary and the women who had seen him. Is that clean?  Doubting? Clean enough maybe because he had seen his father in between both interactions. Mary wasn’t allowed to hug him but doubting Thomas could stick his hand in the wound. That part of the gospels ought to be researched and explained partially because the synoptic gospels have him meeting a few people on the road while “searching for meat” before going to his apostles. I guess the meat was clean too. The night of the arrest when washing the feet of the disciples he keeps hinting that while they were all clean because they had bathed that morning not all of them were clean. He says something like: ‘but not all’ when referring to cleanliness.

So ‘Mary’ and the ‘but not all’  somehow are related and I think in the

“not clean department.”

Was Mary at the Last Supper incognito?

Immaculate means super duper clean. I think Jesus was trying to convey that Mary was and is not immaculate. He may also have been conveying a prophetic message about money laundering and his conception.

There are many places run by Roman Catholic nuns for the poor and lately have been in the news because they for religious reasons don’t want to support birth control for other women which I have no problem with whatsoever. I’m being facetious of course just to be clear. It is their belief that women who have sex should get caught and get pregnant so they can either have an abortion or the many other options that nuns depend on for their income. First of all by now birth control ought to be cheap enough if not then the drug companies are cheating their customers. I am against Obama Care anyway. I’m sure there are some fine nuns in the world but what makes anyone think there aren’t some corrupt nuns as well. Just like corrupt drug companies who jack up the prices to make Obama Care seem attractive. Because someone wears a roman burka does not make them holy, clean, or good. Judge Jeanine of Fox News thinks they are above reproach because they help the poor. If I were dishonest and wanted to funnel and launder illegal money that certainly would be a perfect option and a perfect cover: a place where the average roman catholic (the goya) would think is clean and would defend. I have heard some horrid stories about some nuns and not all of them are immaculate. Some stink to high heaven! They run a business and some business owners are corrupt and so are some nuns. It isn’t as if the nuns wouldn’t win their case about birth control because of their beliefs and it isn’t like Obama was against them whatsoever or they him. It was to gain favor and rally a following for Rome which is in Obama’s camp and visa versa. They wear burkas that ought to be a big clue. The nunnery garnishes the religion of Islam as well the religion of Rome. The burkas in Islam adorn the religion of Rome as well as the religion of Islam. They go hand in hand. Sisters.

 It’s a business to keep people in need in order to be Kneaded

I am the bread of life.

Nuns also ran some of the businesses of making the eucharist, their version of bread.

John 12:8

For the poor always ye have with you; but me ye have not always.

The virtuous circle!

Language has a way of being misused because of the many different meanings of words to different peoples. In an earlier post I was upset about the crucifixions of men in Saudi Arabia and the beheadings that have occurred recently and that kind of mercilessness and their public display by the leader in Saudi Arabia who is out of control and is trying to scare his people and maybe has lost his sanity (it does seem that way) and said something facetious in response to them in regards to beheading men with towels on their heads and castrating men with the name Abdullah, etc. Of course I wrote it, but I don’t mean it. The bible has that kind of facetiousness included in it also, I think.

Isn’t it better for a homosexual to have one partner than a multitude of partners for the rest of their lives or until they divorce.

Is it better for a homosexual to have a heterosexual partner and cheat with a homosexual but not tell the heterosexual partner endangering them as well or just ruining their life.

Who cuts your hair? Is it okay for a homosexual to cut hair, eat food, read a book, go to the movies, breathe air, serve you dinner at a restaurant, design your designer clothes, entertain you, go to Disney Land, perform ballet for you, excel in the many ways that they do and deny them protection, stability and whatever else is offered in that marriage between two consenting adults?

Allowing marriage of homosexuals isn’t gonna affect my relationship with anyone anymore than the marriages of other heterosexual persons unless I allow it to affect me.

The marriage of homosexuals should not infringe on my rights

but not allowing them to marry is infringing on their rights.

What they do in their bedrooms is their business not mine. I don’t want to know. What I do in my bedroom is my business not theirs. I hope they don’t want to know.

I believe marriage is different for different people even within the heterosexual world. Some men beat their wives. Should they be allowed to be married? Would that be considered beastiality? Some women antagonize their husbands …… egg them on, is that beastiality?

Some men force things on their wives that they shouldn’t, is that beastiality?

Is getting a women pregnant and leaving the kids born from that sex without a dad considered beastiality?

Stabbing a man in the back with an awl installed in a Presidential limo as he drives through Dallas Texas so that his partner Jackie Kennedy (either drugged or a replicate) can shoot him in the head in front of people on the street, wouldn’t that be considered beastiality? (not to mention having the clergy blame the people of Dallas at the TradeMart)


The Execution of Benghazi


I Am That I Am (The Sign) -Revised *

I AM THAT I AM (Part two)



What is the smallest seed in the world?

The Parable of Faith – Part two

Pope Benedict XVI and the Mustard Tree

Parable of the Mustard Seed Part 4

The mustard in the Bible versus the Quran (1)

So you see Oreilly’s “wounded warriors” and “nuns and the poor” kind of are related in their way. They thrive on them.

I bet the nuns were against rubbers too and look what happened in Africa and all over the world not to mention the blood supply became contaminated so even babies got aids. They don’t care.


Here are my other sites with lots of posts on the bible comparing the Synoptic Jesus to the Gospel of John,

articles on The assassination of JFK  if you are interested:
Posted in Ambassador Chris Adams, Assassination of JFK, beastiality, Ben Carson, Benghazi, Benjamin Carson, Carson, Dr. Ben Carson, Dr. Benjamin Carson, Dr. Shakil Afridi, Immaculate, Uncategorized, Zero Dark Thirty | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Walls of Benghazi

I just watched some news on Fox news and saw some pictures of Benghazi flash by quickly of the walls inside where obvious conflict occurred. One of the pictures looked like a shadow of what is painted on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel painted by Michaelangelo called The Creation of Adam:

If I find that picture I’ll add it to compare the shadow on the walls at Benghazi to the art painted on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.

The Creation of Adam

Screen shot 2012-12-29 at 12.37.30 PM
God is depicted as an elderly bearded man wrapped in a swirling cloak while Adam, on the lower left, is completely naked. God’s right arm is outstretched to impart the spark of life from his own finger into that of Adam, whose left arm is extended in a pose mirroring God’s, a reminder that man is created in the image and likeness of God (Gen 1:26). Another point is that Adam’s finger and God’s finger are not touching. It gives the appearance that God, the giver of life, is reaching out to Adam and Adam is receiving.


Articles about Benghazi

‘Resignations’ brought about by Benghazi report were short-lived

Written by Doug Powers

Beyond Benghazi: questions for Clinton


State Department official suggests Libya warnings went to the top

Published December 20, 2012



And the biggest lie of 2012 is …



First Plane Out Of Benghazi

Daniel Greenfield is a New York City based writer and blogger and a Shillman Journalism Fellow of the David Horowitz Freedom Center.


Obama is Slaying the Senate

(He sleighed them with a raise and now he wants something in return)


Why Does It Matter Hillary?

Pastor uses tithe excuse to dispute tip

About offending a server of food who got fired because of lack of privacy issue by Applebee’s (or so they say, could be just a welcome excuse). By the way, that restaurant is my least favorite of all those type of restaurants.

 I have always been told by retail businesses that the customer is always right…..hmmmm.
I’ve read in the bible that many shall be offended!

Who is the Son of John Kerry?

Ambassador Chris Stevens?


Posted in Ambassador Chris Adams, Benghazi, Miuchaelangelo, Sistine Chapel | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Newtown, Aurora, Benghazi, Michelle’s Arms, and the President’s Game

Full article: Newtown – A Hoax?

(it grew)


Because a rebel group is inclusive……Barack Obama has chosen to back a certain rebel group in Syria.

What in the world did they say?

Yea, we like blacks. Yea, we like Europeans. Yea, we like Americans. Money sure does help sway a group of terrorists at least for the short term. They have been rebelling with the enemy Al Qaeda in Syria. Of course, the rebel group is inclusive and that’s what matters even if it is with Al Qaeda (or al Nusrah.)

A Means To AN END!


Obama Recognizes Syrian Opposition Group

 With Barbara Walters
“….”We’ve made a decision that the Syrian Opposition Coalition is now inclusive enough, is reflective and representative enough of the Syrian population that we consider them the legitimate representative of the Syrian people in opposition to the Assad regime,” Obama said.”…”

they are “inclusive enough.”

Screen shot 2012-12-12 at 3.49.08 PM

Because Europeans said so? Oh, am I impressed?

Tell me, how much is “enough”?

Do they include women? Are there any gays ? Any coptic Christians? Any Jews?

Ah, but are they union laborers or right-to-work supporters?

The gaul of an American or any other country to tell what is inclusive enuf for the country of Syria. I don’t think someone who doesn’t represent his people equally really should be makin’ those kind of decisions for another country. Why don’t you tackle RCC and tell them to include women in their priesthood?

Enuf is Enuf.

Has anything good happened recently? Barack Obama is a wolf. He is evil.

You know, I watched Barbara Walters interview or at least some of it with Bashar Assad and thought Assad was convincing at least to me that he is sincerely dealing with terrorists in his country who are intent on the destruction of his rule and his people and his type of government, but what in the world will replace him or his government? If it is anything like what has occurred in Egypt  then this rebellion in Syria financed by Obama and his friends is treachery to the country and the civilians of Syria. If it is anything like what has occurred in Libya another failure to the world, a success to Obama.

He has stepped way over the line with his “good intentions.”

Not every country in the world is a democracy, or will be.

How come we don’t cause havoc in England. It is Constitutional Monarchy.

How about North Korea? Because their leader is a nut and Barack likes nuts?

How about Iran? Because their leader is a nut and Barack likes nuts?

How about Saudi Arabia?

Barack Obama is a nut.

How about China?

Because we owe them and Barack Obama gets paid by them and he is using them as well?

Assad is said by Barbara Walters to be disconnected to his people. He said his country’s problems are complex.

I tend to agree with both,

but Barbara Walters is only a journalish

and she is not a Syrian.

 She goes where the “livin’ is easy.” The lady has no original thought or delineation.

Barack Obama hasn’t even answered truthfully about the Benghazi murders in Libya. He sends out women to take the heat and lauds them for their devotion to his lies.

He interferes in the states affairs such as in Michigan.

He is not supposed to be interfering in Michigan affairs, but then he does lead from behind and he is an asshole himself.

He is supposed to be the President

and should not take sides with labor unions

or non union supporters.

So I guess now he is the President of Labor Unions (very RCCish) and not the President of the people who


such as the Right to Work supporters.

It is no coincidence that Fema who Barack Obama considers to be “himself” was told to sightsee in New York and New Jersey after the Hurricane Sandy because Manhattan and that part of the country has the third largest Jewish population in the world.

Beirut, Lebanon is the second largest population.

I’m sure that is his intent on the road to Syria to take over and next stop on the road will be Beirut, Lebanon.

Then Israel.

Obama said that Israel was “just noise”, yet he caters to Iran. Bends over backwards.

Everything he does is a coverup to his real intent.

YEA, I COMPARED HIM TO HITLER. His actions speak louder than his lying words.


That is why he dares to go to Hawaii and entertain his family on your dime to the tune of millions of dollars while people in New York and New Jersey are still homeless because

he doesn’t even care how it appears.

That is the epitome of skullduggery.

It is malicious mockery of his own citizens and his mocking of his “blackness!”

How about his trip to Las Vegas on the heels of Benghazi?

(Showin’ respect for the families that lost a loved one at Benghazi.)

Obviously, he doesn’t care about anyone.

Elementary school massacre:

27 killed, including 20 kids, at Connecticut school

A-dam Lanza,

in A-mad aLLiance,

(in other words Billy Graham’s ANTS)

Please read:

Beware Oh brother, beware don’t you listen to the words.

The tender lies….


Newtown Killer’s Obsessions, in Chilling Detail

with members of this town and at Sandy Hook Elementary School were hooked on meth crystal provided to them by the nearby clergy and their cardinal to aid and abet others of the alliance such as the Gabrielle Gifford’s hubby (an Apollo astronaut) in their march for President Obama and Michelle Obama’s agenda for gun control and an ammunition grab for the Feds because they need your donations to pay for their meth-odology!

Gabrielle Giffords’ Husband Pulls Daughter’s Dog Off Sea Lion In Laguna Beach


Maybe Ben Carson’s brother knows about this alliance. He is in the Space business.

Mother may I?

Screen shot 2012-12-14 at 5.08.23 PMScreen shot 2012-12-14 at 5.04.58 PM

This is tonight when Obama cried!

Screen shot 2012-12-14 at 5.06.15 PMScreen shot 2012-12-14 at 5.07.09 PMScreen shot 2012-12-14 at 5.06.33 PM

I hope the wiping of the eyes was not an act and I hope I’m wrong about Obama. I cannot read his mind or his heart. He is in a tough position judged by his actions and inactions. I just wished I could have seen a tear drop for real. Down below on election night when he cried his nose was like someone who had been crying and in comparing to these pictures his nose is not showing any emotion. His nose got a bit shiny and he wiped less often on election night. So maybe his wipes tonight for the massacre victims were more like composure-like-word-gestures more than true emotion. (blink blink blink blink)

A day for tears, not politics

Obama tried……

I would not and do not expect tears from him anyway because it is hard to feel for others in their tragedy from a distance. But to fake it….well just too damn political and disingenuous. I would rather see him act real….but I imagine that’s hard to do.

I think the election meant more to him than anything or anyone.

(And obviously his plans and agendas) so much so I saw real emotional tears!

But it would not surprise me if the press edits this tape to add some raw emotion down “the road.” like with little white reflection dots:)


“The shootings have restarted a debate in Washington about what politicians can to do help – gun control or otherwise. Obama on Friday called for leaders to agree on “meaningful action” to prevent killings.”

That seems appropriate, prudent, and seems to be an honest attempt for a beginning conversation.

Disarming isn’t feasible and rather dumb, but prevention is feasible and desirable.

But we shall see what happens. Until you tell the truth about Benghazi and the meaning of it,

you just aren’t believable to me, at least. I think I know and I don’t accept the flippant disregard by our government and the religions involved for their martyrdom of a few good men and their lousy lies about it. There won’t be anything that can change it except the truth. As hard as that may be it really is all that matters right now and could really make a difference to many peoples but it does require courage. If you got it then tell it and prove that you really care!

Stand up and be counted for every girl and for every boy.

(to let people know your opinions, although it might cause trouble for you)


Dennis Miller on Fox News in the Miller Time segment of Bill O’Reilly hoped the President would just at least once show propriety or words to that effect while instead Obama and Michelle and their kids gave a no talent PSY merit by attending a benefit starring Psy who years ago did say things via his talent about killing the families of American soldiers slowly. But he is only a dancer/singer….not to be taken seriously but is entertainment, if you can call it that. I have little interest in watching or seeing Madonna just because I don’t think masturbating on stage is appropriate and her singing and style are below my standards. I think she rests her talent on her inappropriateness which I don’t appreciate. Sorry Madonna. I know people that do think you are talented, but I think they have bad taste. That’s life. Is it in bad taste to use a massacre to try to take away a constitutional right from another person. Obviously, guns don’t kill any more than a car kills or a piece of wood or a fireplace tool etc.

It is who wields the weapon with an intent to harm and why.

Why is what needs to be discovered.

Branislav Milinkovic Dead: Serbia’s Ambassador To NATO

Takes His Own Life

Branislav Milinkovic

“Serbia’s ambassador to NATO was chatting and joking with colleagues in a multistory parking garage at Brussels Airport when he suddenly strolled to a barrier, climbed over and flung himself to the ground below, a diplomat said.”…..

……”A former author and activist opposed to the authoritarian regime of Serbia’s former strongman Slobodan Milosevic, Milinkovic was outgoing, had a warm sense of humor and worked to keep good ties with ambassadors from other ex-Yugoslav countries, according to diplomats and acquaintances.”…..

Milimkovic’s death obviously was a hit. You ought to read about it in the link above and I’m sure you will agree to this. This murder/suicide was shortly after a list that disappeared at Benghazi with other items (Which I believe was one of the missions of Benghazi) and mysteriously a list appears in Europe called the Lagarde List of names of rich people (Obama’s  nemeses I’m sure cause he has such disdain for them) who had some sort of bank accounts obviously implicating them in some sort of investment. I wonder if Milinkovic was on that list as well? There were a few other mysterious deaths that were on that same list recently.

This particular hit reminds me of Jackie Kennedy going to the trunk of the car although she did not remember doing so but she remembered why she did. I guess she was “channeling” and so were these harmless guys walking

Milimkovic to his death. 

Or did his lunch buddies give him Scopolamine? or vice-versa?

Was Scopolamine served to this man at lunch or to all of them.

It would explain their testimony and his death

and apathy would explain the rest.

Maybe Lagarde knows? The lady who cares so much about the US Fiscal Cliff.

Yugoslavia was also where an apparition appeared to the three children at Fatima claiming some false claims. Prophetically speaking true prophets don’t harm kids, but this one did. War broke out and many people died.

Not much good happened in those countries dedicated to Mary similar to what happened when the Diem brothers dedicated their country to Mary in Vietnam before war broke out and there were many deaths.

(The french government was involved in Vietnam at the time and the Vatican wanted to expand their “religion” in that part of the world. So their desires seem to have pushed us into a war for their benefit. Kind of like Lagarde pushing our fiscal duties/taxes for her own benefit. I say stuff it EU and worry about your own damned economy.) I have no desire to impress the EU or the Vatican or Mary, Mary Quite Contrary How does your garden grow?. Seems to me they have some issues they should resolve themselves about themselves and their ideology/religion/snailology because they seem to breed trouble with a capitol T and have done so for eons but especially since they opened

the Courtyard of the Gentiles at Notre Dame.

Myself…..I’d rather have a picnic than go to the Ball. It’s not like I do a lot of picnicking either.

I do lots more nitpicking.

Mary seems to be a link to much of the mess in the world of men and it’s religions. The one drunk with her cup overflowing with the blood of saints. I guess she is pretty irresistable to men and knows how to manipulate them like “Balls Rule of Law.” And she hates other women. Sound familiar? In fact she is able to impersonate them with great de-tail. after all they are only cock-leshells. She does not respect men either, she devours them/eats them like a Vamp.

“Nothing propinks like propinquity,”

Which you can read about in:

The JFK Challenger to the Power of Lies

I guess the third secret of Fatima is still a secret but I think Pope Benedict was privy to that secret.

I really don’t know much about it because it is so despicable and evil, and I don’t like the way it occurred but probably is related somehow.

I wonder if Marijuana is actually Mary’s drug:)

I’m not known for my historical or political prowess but…….

The Yugoslavia wars a few years back when Bill Clinton was President were I think biblically prophetic. Serbia was instrumental and very important in controlling Eastern Europe from a RCC Vatican point of view. And a muslim one, too since they work hand in hand ying and yanging each other . Reclaiming Catholicism’s power grab and that I believe was the beginning. Serbia had to be conquered.

These were also the years when some military men were left to die in Yemen – very similar to Benghazi except that there was no claim that an Ambassador was killed as in Benghazi. but they were ignored as well,


In a few of my earlier posts I compare some pictures of the Ambassador Chris Stevens to the man dragged out near death or dead already by the Libyan mob. They are not the same man by about at least 20 years age difference. Different hairlines and foreheads. Different eyebrows etc. Makes me wonder still why would they claim his identity falsely. What would be the point?

(The man dragged around looks very familiar to me like someone I knew)

It is the mystery of Benghazi and I think

it is the crux of the murders and the lies

witnessed by President Obama and his broken staff,

and the Libyan mafia.

(probably orchestrated by the Pope and the Vatican since they created the excuse.)

(Brothers in Arms)

Zechariah 11:8
Three shepherds also I cut off in one month; and my soul lothed them, and their soul also abhorred me.

Was that what happened?

That does not represent Jesus IMO but does represent someone, maybe the another received because of disbelief. I think it represents Saul/Paul and/or the power that he met when hunting down Christians.

Please read:

Why Callest Thou Me Good?


I still can’t figure out what is in the right hand of the man posing proudly as the main killer of Benghazi standing in front of a burning mission . I think whatever it is that is in his hand is important but hard to distinguish in the picture. He obviously was proud of this possession and I think our government knows what it is but won’t tell us because it implicates President  Obama, the Pope, the Vatican, the Clintons and even General Collin Powell, Panetta and the brethren Just a conjecture, at this point.

I guess the Pentacoste costed or accosted, maybe both, too much and we are still in debt to our ears.

Which reminded me from behind:

My sister has friends who recently lost their son this year because he fell to his death off of a building. There were warnings even to the point where the parents flew into Chicago (Rahm Emanuel’s turf / turkey) and they prayed over him that same night before he ended up on that street dead. I guess the prayers were not successful kind of like the Synoptic Jesus and his disciples not being able to exorcise the demonized victim without fasting. even though they could move mountains with prayer, even though they really didn’t…they just cut the true shepherds off.

This young man in Chicago thought people were messing with his head. But no one took him seriously until that day. He was a very smart young man and on his way to success. I think he was in engineering and doing quite well for his age and in this economy.

I tried to talk to my sister before she went to show support for her friends (his parents) at his funeral because I wanted her to ask some questions because I do think people were messing with him and I do take him seriously and I didn’t even know him. I found it odd that he died with one shoe and sock on and the other foot bare. (Most people dress by putting their socks on first and then each shoe. So I believe he was a victim of foul play.) My sister said she did not want to “go there.” meaning ask any questions or leave an impression to helping them with possible questions they might have but rather show loving support for their loss. Their son who died was also my sister’s son’s best friend. I talked to him at a family reunion and he did mention that his friend was getting paranoid about some strange things but never had the chance to delve into it. Pretty sad. He is young and doesn’t understand what is happening these days and the importance therein.

My sister also doesn’t question the bible because she is afraid to question kind of like

Peter of the bible.

it’s easier and neater to just not “go there.”

To  just “Let it be.”

To just ‘go a fishin’.

You ought to read about the third visit after Jesus died in the Gospel of John.


It’s Nirvana-ish, and transcendentalish, Hinduish, and I might add, very Synoptic to not care why or to question why because you might have to get involved and act responsible and not get high. You might have to take some mocking or lose some friends, endure some hardships such as not be as successful or be as popular, etc. No one will buy your books you publish Ying and Yanging about hope, faith and love and austerity because isn’t that what Jesus warned about in the Synoptic Gospel of Luke. He said he was an austere man and required the slaying of those before him that opposed his rule and those that did not steal and rob and take that which is not theirs and triple, multiplying their prophet. Very Obama like austerity of  A False Messiah.

But if you don’t know the why you never will cure the problem.

Sometimes “the Why” has some answers to “the How.”

Has life in America gone insane?


I do think it is easier not to know why, just very cowardly and lazy

and I’m not sure it really

is “caring.”

Screen shot 2012-11-09 at 8.10.16 AM <……This is election night when Obama cried.

Mother of Victim Speaks out as Obama Says Benghazi Deaths Not OPTIMAL

First, here’s a clip of Barack Obama’s comments on CBS’s “60 Minutes” program where he said there would be “bumps in the road.” Keep in mind that this interview came after four Americans were killed in Libya.”

Massacre reaction: Tearful Obama says nation’s “hearts are broken”;

some Democrats push for gun control

You get the pictures. This is his kind of politics!

And their’s too…..Democrats, in anyway they can.

Jamie-lee Foxx satirized on Saturday Night Live (SNL) his blackness. I don’t take much what Jamie Lee Foxx says or does seriously. I love his humor and consider him to be one of the best comedians in America. I have followed him since his start in fame.


Jamie lee Foxx did not have anything to do with the Benghazi martyrdom characterized with lies and still ongoing massive coverup by everyone especially Obama, or Hurricane Sandy and the ineffective slow assistance by Fema (sightseeing), or Syria (picking and elevating certain terrorists), or the Vatican (kissing their RING AND THEIR ASSES and vica-versa and assisting them with their evil plans), or the Pope, or Michigan, or the Aurora, Colorado theater murders, or the attack on Japan and forcing The Way upon them, or “The Way” loved by Nancy Pelosi , or “The Fiscal Cliff” , etc. These are the Obama’s issues.

Obama is a tricky one. Don’t let him fool ya. He is an agent of death and a tool of death.

He could care less about people anywhere. He manipulates them because he is a psychopathic freak.

And to “the blacks of America”  did ya ever hear of Idi Amin?

 He once was supported by even Israel and Britain, but ended up killing lots of people (black people). I guess he was an agent also.

“Being black” does not circumcise evil,

nor does being Islamic, or being Christian, or being a female.

And just because you were a slave in the history in America and slaves still in Africa doesn’t mean you are impregnable.

Jews were slaves once. Indians, and even “white people” have been slaves!

 Evil is Evil no matter what color.

There are many examples of blacks killing other blacks in Africa to the tune of millions. Get over your “blackness” and GET REAL!


The talking points of Benghazi came from the Vatican

and the Pope’s spokesman Father Lombardi (a Jesuit) and Obama repeated their rhetoric which were lies in regards to Benghazi and he repeated the same to the UN. So did Susan Rice and others. Who set this up and why?

Obama is a tool of the Vatican and the Pope.( Or quite possibly they are really his tools.) In any case they work together quite a bit with the help of the United Nations who are as deceived as the rest.

Benghazi could quite possibly have been a set up orchestrated by Barack Obama or the Vatican for Obama to implicate all the people that watched and did nothing and the people that work for him to scare them so that he can manipulate them (tie their hands) and do as he pleases. What hurts him also hurts them politically. It is the same as getting someone to aid and abet in a crime unknowingly and pretty soon you have a slave. He is holding our State Department and most of our government hostage.


HE IS EVIL and so is Michelle!

Syrian Rebels: “When We Finish With Assad, We Will Fight the U.S.”

Alber Saber Convicted Of Blasphemy By Egyptian Court; Sentenced To 3 Years In Prison

“CAIRO — A Cairo court on Wednesday convicted a Coptic Christian blogger who shared an anti-Islam film on social networking sites and sentenced him to three years in prison for blasphemy and contempt of religion.”….

“….Last month, another Egyptian court convicted in absentia seven other Coptic Christians and a Florida-based American pastor, sentencing them to death on charges linked to the “Innocence of Muslims.”….”

Because they are inclusive:)

Harry Belafonte: Obama should ‘work like a third world dictator’

“The only thing left for Barack Obama to do is to work like a third world dictator and put all these guys in jail,” Belafonte said. “You’re violating the American desire.”

Mexico making example out of Marine with trumped up charge, says lawyer

Like this Harry? ^

When it comes to an entertainer like Harry or anyone else that says something rather stupid my mom used to say,  ”consider the source!”

As far as this Marine and his fate I think we ought to cut Mexico off ie their access to travel in USA via our highways and seize their trucks that are here, no more vacations in Mexico…cut off tourism to Mexico and any money donated by the American people via our government, no more Mexican visitors, mexican education: anyone gettin’ one here in USA should be sent home to Mexico and no more access to any benefits what so ever including citizenship and hospitalization and no more trade with Mexico until this man comes home to his family alive and well.

Mexico insulting every single American citizen


Clinton to testify Dec. 20







State Department preparing for Libya



Obama Plans 20-day, $4 million Vacation

(Thursday, November 29th, 2012)

Has the Hawaii trip been cancelled? 

Is this massacre “optimal” enuf or just more “bumps in the road?”

Hard to know when all you do is “politic.”

Until the marine gets to come home unharmed you should not get to go to Hawaii.

Myself I just got in and out of the hospital today and have the determination not to let him and these guys get by with this:

twist and turn a tragedy into dis-arming Americans.

Until Obama disarms the Secret Service, his private police, Mexican drug Cartels, don’t forget Fast and Furious I suggest he knows where to START. Until they can disarm Union bosses who also use Drug LORDS, the mafias, criminals in the USA, in Mexico, in Russia, in Arab States, in Europe forget dis-armimg the general public….it ain’t gonna happen. These massacres are obviously increasing in these days because they are manipulated as Obama’s tears are manipulated. As the immediate onslaught of the press to aid and abet for their cause that I believe they don’t mind the martyrdom of others to achieve their purpose.



Rifle in Conn. massacre similar to DC sniper

By By MATT APUZZO and PETE YOSTAssociated Press NEWTOWN, Conn. (AP)

 ”….Sig Sauer 9 mm: considered an upper-tier, quality product, it’s comparatively expensive,

and its range of uses include elite military and police units….”

Michelle is not the only one that should have the right to bear arms! I think we should look into what made this young man kill his mom, the principal, and these children at this school. What is going on there in that family and in that school and in that township? Maybe the killer was manipulated and if so that is even scarier than just a lone nut. If these massacres keep increasing as they have then something is amiss and should raise the hair on the back of your neck. It does mine.

How did he have access to those arms?  A school teacher? How did he enter

into that school bearing his arms? Another school teacher? Does this have to do with unions?

A female school teacher owned illegal arms? Why?

Most schools have precautions these days. You cannot enter many schools without being viewed first and then allowed in. Did someone allow him in with those arms as did happen at the theater in Aurora, Colorado and cell phone messaging did also occur. 

Maybe this massacre was really a set up just as Aurora, Colorado was an obvious set up.

The timing of this school massacre is suspicious!

(Many might scoff at that idea but if you aren’t open to the possibility then perhaps you are part of the problem of solving these atrocities, since they do seem to be multiplying at a faster rate and in essence giving ground to the enemy.)

Possibly a cover for the coverup of a coverup to get us past their Achille’s heel

‘Benghazi’ and their mistakes?

Now, that is scary!!!

I would hate to find out that kids were killed for a cover up

or for politics,

but I sure don’t want to discount that possibility.

It is too important.

Maybe the fact that no one likes to ‘go there’ and pay attention to what is occurring in other places and give those events and details the proper attention they deserved is part of the problem because it is uncomfortable and accepting shallow sensational reporting and/or fake tears that seem to be attempting to blame the tool which can neither see, nor think, or premeditate these horrendous crimes is part of the problem; unless you want to hide your head in the sand and/or you are just not interested and/or are just to busy and/or you just don’t care:


It is time to


(I sure don’t see guns killing guns.)

Blaming the gun (a tool) is like blaming the messenger (Susan Rice) when obviously neither are to blame since a gun has no mind and Susan Rice was only giving the “Party Line” provided to her and in both of these events Benghazi and New Town as well as Aurora, Colorado there were many others involved, many failures, many sources many avenues to go down to solving and possibly preventing other similar events. Susan Rice did not kill those 4 Americans at least not without a lot of aiding and abetting by other people. I think it’s time for Congress and the Senate to investigate all three events mentioned and try to find their links. They all happened on Barack Obama’s watch. His first press conference he did mention that only Michelle had the right to bear arms. Sounds like he overtly  laid down his agenda in a double entendre. The press loved it because it is their agenda also and they helped him get elected and cover him as he said at that press dinner, save Fox News. Here are some quotes said by Barack Obama setting his game:

“Most of you covered me, all of you voted for me. Apologies to the Fox table.”

He goes on to praise Michelle: “No matter which party you belong to, you have to agree, Michelle has the right to bear arms.”

“Sasha and Malia aren’t here tonight because they’re grounded. You can’t just take Air Force One on a joyride to Manhattan.” Nailed it.

“The country is broke. Sleeves cost money.”

I really prefer straight talk with honest intent kind of like what JFK did in that speech we never saw.

Now that’s leading from the front and that’s courage.


Obama’s Choice to Bare Arms Causes Uproar

And Donahue believes this won’t be the last time Obama shows off her armed assets.

“I think it’s clear she’s going to make bare arms her signature statement,” Donahue said. “And in many ways it’s the perfect accessory for the times. They cost nothing except maybe a gym membership or a couple of 15-pound [weights] that you can use in your home.”

By uproar they mean they laughed quite hysterically.

Is it funny now?

And I might add to that cost just a few bumps in the road,

including the children at NewTown!

Were they black?

I think these events are linked for

Barack and Michelle Obama’s ends

and to cover up the cover up of the cover up!

In the case of Michelle Obama’s predisposition and priorities.

Don’t forget about the congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords who was shot in the head was pretty, smart, and Jewish.

President Assad’s wife is also very pretty. Some women just can’t stand other beautiful women especially that are princesses. IK don’t think Michellet likes competition. The king of Jordan better watch out and get prepared….It’s just a matter of time.

Mirror, mirror on the wall who’s the fairest of them all…….

We are talking of mentally deranged people mishandling their power for their own purpose.

Beauty is only skin deep and eventually time takes it’s toll and it will toll for thee


Now they say the shooter entered through a window. I guess they were not prepared correctly. No one would suspect a murderer to enter via windows? They say he was pushed hard in school because he had autism. Often autistic people are bullied by regular people and regular teachers and excluded from regular activities. The parents also are excluded often and have to move their child from one school to the next until they find a situation financially feasible and healthy for their sick child. Autism is thought to be caused by mercury such as occurs in many vaccines. Didn’t the Democrats just recently have a problem with the issue of instruments in the new Health Care laws Bill that they signed on to before they read and force fed the American Public. Does their issue have to do with the instrument of using mercury for vaccines? Usually people with autism are drugged. The man who killed in Aurora was also obviously drugged.

The press is saying that Obama wants to deal with this event via solidarity ..Solidarity is a RCC and Popish catchword usually accompanied with a fist (union-like). Alarm bells should ring when you hear the word “solidarity” used in reference to victims and a cause such as disarming America.

I get the feeling there is some pre-meditated dodging going on with the left and the Obama Health Care Laws.

Pre-meditated covering their own ass!

Will It Fly?

As of later today the  murderer wasn’t autistic ….he now has a mental disorder, and least but not last a Goth.

I guess autism didn’t fly  (I’m not a doctor.)

perhaps because of the Democratic response to instruments in the Health Care Bill that they freaked out about a few days ago which they forced upon America a few years ago without reading because Nancy Pelosi’s love of the way.

Geez this is gettin’ to be an exercise in futility.

Geraldo Rivera is bubbling over in his sympathy, I wonder how long it will last. A week, 2, 3 weeks maybe a month however long it takes to make it fly. He is a press tool and is paid rather well for that sympathy. This is terrorism, not a lone autistic (or autism) man anymore, now a lone mentally disordered man and gothic. This was premeditated terrorism manipulated by others that can’t figure out how to make it fly. Like Benghazi. Facts will change over a period of time till they can get some action their way. The game is a very sick and demented one we will have to endure for a short space.

How low can they go?

Connecticut Church near shooting site evacuated after bomb threat

Dec. 16 – A Roman Catholic Church in Newtown, Connecticut was evacuated after a bomb threat was reported roughly a mile from the site of Friday’s school shooting.

(Is it the Union disgruntled? The mob? This is gettin’ stranger by the hour.)

Update: Monday 12/17/2012

I heard on Fox news today, actually just now, in an interview with a guest who I guess was a “supposed friend of the mother” that the mother took her troubled son to learn to shoot guns to bond with him. It sounds extremely contrived and a way to blame the mother. I cannot imagine a mother being that dumb teaching a “troubled son” to shoot guns being that he is obviously troubled.

How low will some people go?

Of course, she can’t defend her self from “supposed friends”  now because she is dead. Like I said earlier I think this is a manipulated event using a kid to kill his mother, other kids and probably some real targets

and probably many more people are responsible to benefit them

and their over zealous cause.

This is smelling big time.

Please read:

In ’95, Holder called for anti-gun info campaign:

‘Brainwash people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way

and compares the tactics that were used to make smokers cower outside of buildings or smoke in private and don’t want to admit it.

These guys are NUTS and that includes HOLDER AND DR. ZHIVAGO


Why not make the most of this tragedy as the Liberals have admitted about their tactics on another occasion in particular Hillary said about Rahm Emanual WHICH I WROTE ABOUT IN ANOTHER POST and he said  himself






Like I said this is a coverup to cover up their own



Who you coat yourself with OBAMA speaks VOLUMES





John 13:18
I speak not of you all: I know whom I have chosen: but that the scripture may be fulfilled,

He that eateth bread with me hath lifted up his heel against me.


Talking on the phone to Benjamin Netanyahu

in the first term

 I think

Mr. Hopeless

meant it.


Alex Jones Rant: Obama Caught Fake Crying


Will It Fly?


 Does the truth matter GERALDO?





Now instead of OPM they will use OPK’s and of course the press. This is terrorism. Ever probing like Palestinians backed by whoever will back them and arm them to pierce through the Israeli missile defense dome.

They also use their own children, does it surprise you they might use other peoples kids OPS to force their way upon you?



I think the answer to that question depends on you. How long will it take you to wake up?

To call a spade … a spade. To call terrorism….terrorism.

Will Obama make this terrorism his signature?

 By the way I do not belong in any shape or form to the NRA. But I do believe the RCC and many in our government are involved in a nasty relationship (since the assassination of JFK and the coup that occurred) to bring down America because we won the first 2 world wars. The treaties were just a delay. We let our guard down. I have learned disarmament is the intentional precursor to mass annihilation of certain population groups as did occur in WWll. As did occur because of Stalin etc.  As occurs with psychopath dictators. As occurred in Turkey and many other places.  As is occurring now by using kids at elementary schools to gain solidarity for their cause and their way, and it stinks.

Adam Lanza Was A ‘Loner’ Who Felt Little Pain: Teacher

sounds like Obama’s disposition and the opposite of Clinton who coined the phrase “I feel your pain.”

But will it fly?picture-33

Here is a bit of that article:

“If that boy would’ve burned himself, he would not have known it or felt it physically,” Novia told The Associated Press in a phone interview. “It was my job to pay close attention to that.”

Novia was responsible for monitoring students as they used soldering tools and other potentially dangerous electrical equipment.”

If you don’t think I see these mind games, think again because I do. Others will eventually see and just to help a wee bit— I am obviously under surveillance because of my outspokenness about what these maniacs are up to.

I am investing in soldering tools and have been learning about jewelry soldering online to assist me in my honest endeavors. I don’t believe in coincidences as Judge Jeanine of Fox News said and eventually others won’t either but how long will it take and how many children will be killed before others notice the game being played with their kids by evil maniacs that use the internet to spy on their own citizens and to send evil messages in their own evil maniacal press. Disgusting comes to mind. This is perhaps what my sister’s friend’s son had to endure, but he did not have a chance because of whom he believed. I do. Back off. It won’t work.) I have learned to COPE!

(The soldering article was issued by the Associated press and they played a big press role in 1963 as well.)

Associated Press Board of Directors <—— the shit list:)

Are they Jesuits?  I really think they fit that description.

Dem. lawmaker: To get gun control, Obama must ‘exploit’ shooting

Mr. Nadler was asked whether the Newtown tragedy could be the turning point in many Democrats’ longstanding struggle to enact stronger gun laws.

“I think we will be there if the president exploits it, and otherwise we’ll go on to the next” incident,Mr. Nadler said.”

I’m sure you and your friends will make sure of that, Mr. Nadler.

The Politics of Religious Snails without a conscience.

By the way Hillary is sick now, stomach flu and won’t testify about Benghazi. How convenient! Even if she did testify would she or could she even tell the truth? Obviously not. She lives a lie, she breathes a lie, and disperses it where ever she can. She was taught well by the Jesuits.  IT COULD BE SHE HAS NO CHOICE!



Can it pass the mustard test?

Please read these articles so that you can cope before it is too late:


What is the smallest seed in the world?

The Parable of Faith – Part two

Pope Benedict XVI and the Mustard Tree

Parable of the Mustard Seed Part 4


 (How does she know she has a concussion? )

Hillary Clinton Recovering at Home from Concussion


She looks as if she has recovered:)

Aurora Shooting Victim: I Thought We Were Going To Get Somewhere, All We Got Was Silence

This man blames the tool ie the weapon. How about mind-control science used and the drugs used to manipulate a person or persons to massacre/martyr  others to gain control of a population ie take over America by stealing their constitutional rights with an evil low down plan.

Then there’s Egypt, Libya, and Syria:

U.S. troops will man Patriot batteries

along Turkey’s border with Syria

Please read these two articles:

The Synoptic Gospels and The Dome of the Rock

Pope Benedict XVI and His Power of Suggestion

I think a very good post if you bother to listen to Walter Veith’s you tubes about the alliance of Roman Catholicism/Pope and the Vatican to Islam. Makes alot of sense to me. Walter Veith was Roman Catholic and asked the Why about inconsistencies in his own life and the religion he was involved in for a time. He is not a hater, just was very concerned. Also touches on Benghazi and Aurora, Colorado massacre and Opus Dei.

To search truthfully one’s own ideology and/or religion is brave. To kill for one’s religion or ideology is not.

Prophecies of the Betrayal of the Son of Man

Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven

For me to be honest it was more of a matter of stumbling, awareness, and interest.

Interest=caring or at least a beginning to caring.



Why Guns Are Not to Blame for the Newtown School Massacre

JFK Assassination, CBS News and the Second Vatican Council

Most of my articles are linked on:

Merangue’s Blog

Christian Truth, Deception & Prophecy

On the lighter side and really sweet:

Cat helps school crossing guards























CBS News and JFK (Shock and Awe) Parts 11-13 AND IS FINISHED UP TO THE PART 65 CBS News and JFK (The Day America Was Restored) Parts 61-65. EASIER IF YOU GO TO THE FIRST LINK AND FOLLOW THE LINKS OF EACH PART TO THE NEXT. YOU WILL SEE THAT VATICAN 11 and their devotion to the Gospel of Matthew and it’s preeminence over the other gospels, the start of the Neocatechumenal Way, Opus Dei, and many other factions of the RCC and other evangelical clergy and doctors that are involved in President Kennedy’s assassination THE APPARENT  takeover of the Secret Service and other government entities. BASICALLY A COUP AND NOT A LONE ASSASSIN.



 Not only that after I confronted them recently I was diagnosed with COPD. The first time around I did not go to the doctor so was not given the name of my condition nor was my daughter when she did seek a doctor. They did not call it COPD, but said she had a bit of pneumonia and bronchitis type illness and gave her a zpac which  I also recently received.etc. I kind of was suspicious that we may have acquired  the Sars virus which seems to have disappeared in the news. You never hear about it anymore. I thought it was raging etc. This bacteria I believe that I caught at the hospital since I got sick the day after receiving the coffee packet. and the next weekend my eldest also caught it and she either caught it from me or the hospital when she came home to visit the second visit to the hospital of my youngest daughter or from me. I’m not a doctor ,what do I know, but I am somewhat paranoid because of the many things I have had to endure because of my beliefs and yet survived and received some awesome miracles along side the obvious hassles/harassment, coincidences, and  health issues and things I have not included yet in my posts. I kind of get the feeling I have been tracked and tested. By the way the doctor that first treated my youngest daughter looked an awful lot like Three’s Company star, the one who did not know what “Community Whore” meant. John Ritter. He went by another name though but what was odd about it and coincidental was a mother of one of the cheerleaders mentioned on the phone to my Ex that Doctor Ritter was a great doctor when it comes to appendix at that same hospital and of course raising my suspicion and the hair on the back of my neck so much so that I inquired about who her doctor would be and who was there at the time hoping it would not be Ritter. Ritter also is a name of a priest that distanced himself by name from the assassination of JFK by being in Rome eating dinner with another priest in that same hour that the Vatican received the news of JFK’s death and he looked an awful lot like the man who passed the Lamb Chops puppet to Jackie Kennedy that she tucked into her red roses at the fence line at the airport a half hour before she shot JFK in the head and Ritter also looked like Billy Graham’s buddy pictured in a photo of the young Billy Graham at Wheaton College. Some strange coincidences. This doctor cautioned me that ectopic pregnancy created the  amounts of blood my daughter was expelling from her body. I asked him to check into it regardless that my daughter did not perceive that she may have had sex because there are drugs that can render a person helpless and without recall and because of the VP’s comments in the news at the same time about cheerleaders, and the Community Whore abuse dished out at school and I did not want her to die because of the possible lack of perception. Ectopic pregnancies kill if not treated, however she was diagnosed with colitis after certain tests were performed and they told me she was a good girl and after that she was overdosed by a certain nurse or had a bad reaction to the medication injected into her. Again I believe my daughter was protected from intentional  harm but I cannot prove it. Pretty weird, huh. This was when I was writing about abortion rights in my various posts near election time. I know she was protected another time in an escape from death by a truck that should have killed us because it was on top of us yet we were untouched. She knew then as well as I did that we should have been hit. It was a miracle for sure. It has been nerve wrecking to go through some of these things on top of what I have not mentioned and I see a lot of reasons why many people may be going through horrible stuff right now and recently in the news and also of friends of family and their tragedies and not knowing what to think or knowing where to get help. That is partially why I continue posting because I believe I found some answers and want to share them if possible.

And just because I received great intervention don’t think for a moment that I am myself holy or somehow perfect but quite the opposite. My family still has problems too like most everyone. It is just, “I think I’ve got it. ” from the Rain in Spain song of the musical My Fair Lady.

And yes I know my views are very controversial because of the resistance I have met with friends, family etc and I seem to have stirred things up. I know I have been very harsh in my views about people in the news that are in high positions because of the death that seems to shroud them whether or not they are to blame. It could be they are experiencing some very hard stuff as well and may be trying to cope too. That’s why I do what I do. I’m trying to reach out with what I have learned and just trying to help.

It helps if you believe.

Believe in the Father spoken about in the Gospel of John

and believe Jesus who testified about him in the Gospel of John.

Pretty simple and straight forward. He knows we are imperfect and he still cares.


By the way a young woman was shot tonight in our neighborhood and I hear she died. Thieves shot her in the arm.



Posted in Assassination of JFK, Benedictus, BGEA, Bible Prophecy, Eucharist, Evangelical, Evangelicalism, Fatemeh, FATIMA, George Gänswein, Geraldo Rivera, Hillary Clinton, HINDUISM, HUFFINGTON, Huffington Post, Ishmael, Jackie Kennedy, Jerusalem, JFK, Joseph Ratzinger, NRA, Pentacost, Peter, Pope Benedict, Pope Benedict XVI, President John F. Kennedy, Ratzinger, RCC, Roman Catholic Church, Roman Catholicism, Rome, SUSAN RICE, Synoptic Gospels, The Beast, The Pope, The Roman Catholic Church, The Temple Mount, Wheaton College, Youcef Nadarkhani | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Evangelicals, Taxes, Jobs, and the Consumer

Computers, appliances, and innovations

were supposed to make life easier for the individual and everyone these days seems to be suffering, confused, scratching their heads confounded as to why things aren’t right. The world has gone bezerk if you read the news. The leaders are perplexed. And it seems from what I can tell no one is willing to compromise probably because it is not about what is good for the whole country but what is good for them because they don’t really care but in case I’m wrong:

seems to me each person should have to pay their fair share of taxes to the government no matter how rich or poor for the defense of our country.


Problem with this is if you don’t have a job, how can you pay?

We have high unemployment and this I believe could be solved by cutting jobs in half.

Make two jobs out of one

 starting at the upper level jobs

 down the line.

Give a tax break to the companies that comply so that they can afford to pay the double benefits, and benefit themselves. There has to be a good incentive for that compliance such as lowering the taxes and keeping more of the money that they earn.

If that is not enough starting at the top make three jobs on down the line.

Or make three jobs out of two jobs. Work less hours and give others a chance to work.

Sacrifice a little to gain a lot for your fellow American.

 Get the economy rolling again with twice as many consumers or three times as many consumers with more time to relax. When they work they have double the stamina or triple the stamina because of the rest.

The wealthier can learn to live on less money the poorer can learn to live on more money.

Everyone will be rested and happier and have more time to spend with their families and more time to help in the communities that they live in

and have more time to spend their money.

I believe consumerism will flourish!

This way everyone wins.

Obama clarifies: ‘The economy’s not doing fine’

The President gives his version of the economy

Laura Ingraham of Fox News on Talking Points Commentary has this to say about the basics of the economy:

“Government won’t have tax revenues

if the private sector doesn’t add jobs.”

Instead of the great divide in class which will eventually lead to class warfare and everyone loses


squeezing or pressing the classes more into the middle class on both ends and in the middle each with more rest hence a saner population with more bodies able to buy more products

and of course if the private sector tried to manufacture more in this country

the better this country would be IMO!

Giants Coach Coughlin knocks Congress as team visits White House

“Coughlin paid homage to his players, saying they set aside “pettiness” and came together as a team when it counted.

“Offense, defense, and special teams doing their job, each group having different objectives and motives but playing in harmony for each other for the good of everyone — wouldn’t it be nice if Congress operated the same way?” the coach said on the South Lawn of the White House, to laughter and cheers from the crowd.”

“There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare [children] to them, the same [became] mighty men which [were] of old, men of renown.” Gen 6:4


Tax on consumption

not excluding anyone….. including the churches.

Please read the following link because it makes a lot of sense

especially if you read my articles/posts about the clergy and their collusion with government agencies, the press, other governments (and obviously the mob)  and profiting with big businesses leading our country

for their purpose.

If they are on the level and being honest

they should not mind being open and forthright about where, what and why their donations matter and be for the public record,

in fact they should welcome it.

This way mobsters and leeches have to pay

and cannot use churches and their banks to hide their stash

corrupting the churches and their banks themselves

and corrupting the people.

“I’ve never really given their tax-exempt status much thought except in the context of Scientology, which won a court case allowing them to be untaxed.  Talk about a business!  But you’re right…it certainly would make religions practice what they preached if they had to pay taxes and get a break only to the extent they actually walked charity rather than just talking it.  I think you’re on to something here.”

Knights of Columbus set charitable giving, volunteer records in 2011

And how about a Huge Corruption tax:

if found guilty of money laundering for the mob, drug dealers, and criminals and/or found guilty of abuse of workers in a court of law and after paying fines and penalties you are from then on as you continue to do business required to pay an extra corruption tax made known to the public in public records quarterly until the abuse is proven to have stopped!

June 7, 2012. Bavarian inhabitants pray on boats as they take part in a Corpus Christi (Fronleichnam) procession on Lake Staffelsee in the southern German village of Seehausen.

Read more:

Pope salutes Queen Elizabeth on Diamond Jubilee

“The Pope’s message said that Queen Elizabeth has provided “an inspiring example of dedication to duty and a commitment to maintaining the principles of freedom, justice and democracy, in keeping with a noble vision of the role of a Christian monarch.”

As William asked Robert the Bruce in Braveheart:

Now tell me, what does that mean to be noble?

What is the noble vision of the role of the Christian monarch? Love to know!


IF we don’t do something drastic everyone will suffer

so why not be sensible so that no one has to suffer.

People need jobs, need food, and are frustrated, etc.

There will be less need for helping the poor if they had a job.

The way the system works now is that

it doesn’t work

and the churches seem to have helped a great deal

with that institution of keeping people down and under

and at the same time

seem charitable

when the reality is the opposite.


Bigger middle classes make better societies.

Less Pomp for the rich will make them better people

and make a better society.

More food and more everyday needs

will make the poor people better people

and make a better society.

If you treat people like animals they will act like animals and that is what the current system/government and our churches seem to be in collusion

are doing to the people

and it is wrong.

They say they don’t want to be like a third world country, but that is where we are headed and no wonder since we go into third world countries and treat them as slaves all for a bigger profit.

If  you turn people into animals eventually they will bite you

and it is not wise.

Instead of being humbled by excessive pride we might all have a reason to smile!

Then the charitable can give to those that need charity

with a clear conscience.

You can’t pay someone a dollar a day, cut off their hands, kill them, rape them, deny them their needs and their rest, deny them homes with their families and deny them love, and everyday necessities, and preventative health measures

denying them what you yourself would not deny yourself

and have a parade to celebrate

with a good conscience!

Believe me eventually it will not be unnoticed and now is a good time to change.

We don’t have to be communists, socialists, or a monarchy

We don’t have to give up democracy

and the republic.

Let’s just be reasonable and fair-minded.

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you is a good motto to try to live by.

People stopped buying fur coats because of the horrible way that coats were being made.

People were horrified by baby seals being clubbed to death.

How about the diamond trade business practices affecting human beings?

I have no idea if  ‘the Royalty’ or ‘the churches’ are involved in that business

and I doubt they would tell their people if they were,

but one sure way to help stop the abuse is not to buy into diamonds

until they treat their workers with fairness and respect.

Pay people for their work as you would pay yourself for that same work!

That is humility.

Treat people as you would like to be treated if you were in their shoes and under the same circumstances.

That is humility.

Otherwise, you are just being


(Making a hypocritical display of virtue)

Queen: Diamond Jubilee a ‘humbling experience’

The people in the world that are consumers can make a difference by not consuming certain products that are made through the practice of abusing people, money laundering, drug trade, etc.

The job market would not have gone overseas to cheaper labor if we the consumer would pay attention to what we buy and how they treat their workers. We became a service country with less and less people to serve to, because those jobs went overseas. Cheaper labor, slave labor sometimes. I guess we were bombarded with products without seeing the process. Paying a higher price might be better if the company is reputable and their business practices are principled.  I think when we find out what we learn we should pass it on to whomever will hear as best we can and make a difference that way which obviously some people are doing on the internet. I have found quite a few articles (usually stumble on to them) and they help me to have a better understanding of what is happening in the world. There is a lot of junk too. The better educated we are the better we will be if we do it keeping human rights and our consciences in check.

If the people in Africa and China were paid better and treated better they would be better consumers eventually. That is why I think this diamond business and other businesses are up to no good. These men that are in these businesses have

another motive

besides just profit.

Maybe we will see their agenda eventually,

but I have a feeling it is to degrade mankind on many levels,

kind of like Evangelicals do to mankind.


This appears to be another company with an agenda:

Report: Dozens Arrested After Riot at Foxconn Factory

Report: Apple Still Ignoring Labor Abuses in Favor of Profits

Foxconn Factories: How Bad Is It?

Steve Jobs, Apple founder, dies

Foxconn worker falls to death in China

“A Foxconn worker fell to his death in China, the company which assembles products for Apple said Thursday, following a series of fatalities that sparked concern about conditions at its plants….”


Many more of my posts comparing the Synoptic Gospels and the Gospel of John, the JFK assassination relative to the Diamond Jubilee held in England and the Covenant with Many, Roman Catholicism and many more interesting alliances at:

Merangue’s Articles


The Monarch, Devil’s Breath, and the Eucharist

Rev. David Wilkerson and Evangelicalism

Billy Graham and The Synoptic Dilemma: The Beast

Why Callest Thou Me Good?

CBS News and JFK (The first few hours)

Pope Benedict XVI and His Power of Suggestion

No memories?

The Monarch, Devil’s Breath, and the Eucharist

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